The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, January 09, 1890, Image 3

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    Horn Mnprenlngs.
All klnbt nl vr l
llHKKtt llll.
Menu' heivy fthisminr tl 2ft attlreen
-4'. it. lluviittiM,"' Newly, w In
lust IVI-luy.
Hi Iiih'I opened M'lrty lr th
whiter If hi.
...Mr. I'.. 8. Warren ha IhwIi crlou.
y ill tilt) pt Week.
Ladle Hue pebble goat shoo at tiiiHitl
Urn (or t ,lwl a pair,
The wprenie t'urt I gn 3. January
tt'tlll lt Monday.
Itnyai tlnkliiK l'itder, I'tu can, (KM.,
I ;',' 4 'U at tiictui lints,
titiuniiUr the " licil eiilertitliiiimitl
mkt Wlmduy evening,
-Mi I,..; i l.i llulnl Wsoti tlt tik
lint till' llit ( tin Week,
- II i", Inland, was about tlm trecl
nn Tuesday, busy usual.
M,, W, A, Welle h t-vn nit k,
ihrcattiicdwllb malarial tvr.
l dm- lid lilklt ll yU llV got lo get
It V')'l wn'it at l" ''
tiktXN IUii.
mrd Tli'Htin U Null, tllit
In tlir stale penitentiary ill liltlnun lever.
Jut I'.nilanl roller their al llar
ti.s'sitt 1 1 lt 'f 'k delivered III lb
ci'y fn
, i.lii' I ten. h KM Mine only J.40
j-ei pair lr nut' week mily Hi th lirl
tflttli'lll Hl lfB ,
J, M lltiiniltixi had ulniLv of jstraly
L l.i ..I I II. I iv nn'riilng lie ia gelling
Is f.T
I ur ihesnnl poultry go to th OrifoM
City Market; lo ii"li oyler and
Hull sls.itu nit liainl.
- Tl lln could nut link her usu
nl mil Tuesday morning owing to the
ll.iiiiK i.-u lii llif river.
('anums, il ).hi want rti'inry, bring
)niir iiiiluy and egg tn tlio Oivgnnl'lty
Mmki t and get our t suit.
Vii lies, flock mnl Jewelry re
j.alii I at Mi lUirtn.iUlor' Jelry
Minn Ail uik ntiiii.
Vu ki rpull kill. la o( (ooj mnl liiak
k-.-.liy ul uur n rln'i, gialiam anl
t-firii lin'al (null i'l all kilhla wanlml
liunr A hiutu,
-MaJ-rS T, lami'U, loniii-rly cliiof
rti-ik in .. t. i.iry u Malo M. 'a nl
ll.v. aa in limit Tilny luf torn
I' n-rtii-pa ti in r-Kn'a llila
wi'k. trtt intrl in l y tlm ri.m
rtnit ) In ulm.n am ut tlio wk i4
Y'ii i in if"! (n ( lt.l Itakinit
!'.. I. r .'ik'lniij a (till txninj (ur in
ri-nu It.i a I.' a. t an (r 4 i-nl, at
aKtK tRa.
All"' ,.Mlir,, trarlat lot', of
ni ii.ii..ii a. 1 1 I Strarilla will
I!mii Un.(ili to II. lain, an.l I
II .t-. n limn tli I'!.'!
-1 .iu aaiil In tl.a flnrat at.wk
..( Will l.i'V I '! k, Jfttrlry ami HiUar
in' In t"n tf.i lit Mr. Iluritianlrr,
Jo. Iiy Slum 1'iiiv rinall,
- !. J. I'. Mi i an. I id' atli'n lil
tlip i.( Kltinr at liarlU'M
. I' -'! in r..ill:in.l Tliia la la tlm ra
taiii'a i l l it mi l lit rvixrta a vi-rt
. aiinl tlinr
-I. II Ai!'lna aiioiiiitinl ly
lamih lv tli naiin' "I Katun I rum
roimlv, N.l id-kit lina motel nut In Dili
iHiiiutv Mvinllv an. I la lit in tinl nvr
null a kmuIi "I .. n.
- II C. r ii.lia, luillit oiH-ratiif in 111
K.iiillii'rn ra.iil.iatlroa'liilli.f. 1'urllan.l,
Il ia l i it i.l.Uif.-.l t.i lav I'll, oa inn tit an
atuk m( tt I'ti.iM maUrial li'vvr. Il la
li. iw al lna in itlirr'a n-il.'ii'i- ill Itil
M,ij..r Tlmiiiiia ('liarinan, after ta'iii f..iiilinil ti liia r'iti liy rlii'iiina
tiant. la a Mo ti w al-iiil tlir Inmar k'ain.
Iln tt.nil l L- iiiut ul iliHim lull (ur tli ae-
Vrrily ul tlm weather.
I'm tie il.-airiiti an ritra i lmli ar
II. le In t urn or Km'iain flmir alll
fm l imi t hti'l am Ituller Mill hraml
fni Unt lii l ("im,l ill the tiiaiket. Try
It 1. 1 vita AY A Sill Til
( lai kainaa. ()rKun
- V N'urria, whit lia Nen on
txo week, 1 nuw
Inula BKuin, hut b
lm to In very earefiil in it to tako isilil
an. I hriiiii on a relapae.
- Ijit M. in. In) evenliitf ClilTunt Whit
lmk ilie l lifter a hrief nttai k ul rmur
lleaiia a ery n-tty fhlhl, ami alway
iniitii Ih ahv iiml nut verv utrornt. Hi h ili'iriv the Mirenta u( I heir only
I'utriik ('ulU-rl, lurt'iiian on Hi
Cruttii I'Mju'r Mill tturk hail tli iniafur-
tune In i-riiah mie ul Ih flnifer on hi
left hiiml hint Tlmrailiiy while aaalatili to
lift a litriio atuiie al the work. It ha
ruiiae.l him iiiiii'Ii puin.
J . I,. Ij'H ill Salem, A dinner reaiilelit
of thla l ily, wu vUitiiiK (riemt her
the hint week. He vlaite l F Co. at their
thill M ni l.iv I'venliitt ami apuko in
IiiuhI I'uiiinieiiihitury term ul their vx
exi t ut imi nl the iinitiiliil unit evulutl'Mi
Tha hint anotlyiw ami m'tornl lor
tit i'iir of I'ultl ami ioitli anil all
lineal, limit ami Inoneliial Ironhl, I,', Aver' Cherry l'i-orl
Ak Your ilnifKi"t (or il, ami at th
a.unn tun, lor Avi' Aliimnae. wklrh
i fre to all
The WTiikneiW atnl ilehility whleli r-
Niilt fi'iin illtie" niiiy hti K(nlily or
I'tiiiiii hy Ih iitu of Avor'a H,im.iirill,
TltiHia a n.t if . hut luiwerfill toiiio, aaaiat
ilintitti'iu, ri'ii'in th livr ami klJ
net', ami itl.vuiiiita IUj hlo ul of all
eaiina of,
Miaa Nelllii Illy, who I liiirryhiK
iiruiiml the w i nit I umler lhmlirH'tiiin o(
the Nety Yoik Woiltl, U iiiukinK rimmI
time mnl, hua k i nl Hlxmt two day
on the m'hetltlln lull out (or th trip. If
litilhiiiU pti'yeiil ah will arrlv In New
Yoik alieutl i( tiiiin ahoiit (our iluy,
littiklitK the wuiitlerftil lotirney 111 h'
time ilium the mythical I'ltllea KuhK
- -it- N"r,i''
the1 "'the It 't t
kt'le IiiTi KlHitit the tin
Tim Motiin I.txa. Artit.lfi liicuriur
Unit Hit I'mtlaml ami Oregon City
Hallway C(. wnr flln.l lit Multnomah
I'oiinly Tuaailay, Ineorpnrator, I, I'.
Tlmiiipitiii, Frank l)tekim, J. H. I'aviil,
(Inortt II, Iiurha'n, It. Durham, Cly
land Utx k wi'll ami II, 0. Htralton, with
capital u( '.1KJ,(KK).
Tin I'l'mio Ht'itiMiu. Th piil. lie
iH'hool iNiii lor the winter term on
Monday with omnwhl ilecreaaed at
teuilillliti, owlllK to Hi had Weather,
eolil ami pievalelit lrknu. The niltti
Iwr til now unrtillineiit w 14, whli lt
aiMni to the nitmhcr twtoiiKtiiK Indira
lii holiday make th fiirulliiient V.
AtM'Tio Hat. M, K. WlllouKhhy. ol
liiiaeii, who luleml to tnoy to town
early In February to lJy, ha (Mwtoil
bill printed at Th KNTiaraiaa job u(-
(le, adyrtllit( lor l hlttx k, larm
lmpleililit and llilli ll ol 111 htiliaehultl
luiultiir. Hal to lake plat' Fvbruary
4lti at Id (arm jut till id ol lma-I'll'
,Nw Foot llNitxiK. TIi tTurt ol tli
ritiiiKti ol (irtmn I'olnl have aerurwd a
new lout brldK aeroa th AUrnethy
near It mouth, whit h I a ral eon
i)dlem lor th lioolil ol that ha alllv.
1 1 wa built by prlvat mliafrlptloii, and
I hvated at ln Imil o( Main at reel,
the total length I ni lulling appruat-hni
I ivi feet lung and th width four feel.
Ki iioi. KarTiwar Mia J!
Couthoui ol Chicago, who I to h lb
eentral (l(ui In th rUiil rlilertalif
iiienl at l't''l ball given on Wwlne.
lay evening Jan. 1ft, lH'JO ( on ol th
flnrat rwlLatliinlat in A merit . Her
tylo U a captivating to a popular audi
em e a to trained critic, lly alt mean
hear her and at th ain tlumglv Ilia
library fund a lilt.
A Fix IW Mr. Kinltli, manager In
charge ol th pulp and iilpliit mill n
rlvlreepntlylnmi Han Franciaco a flu
(cltiien ut maattir nainnd Tig. II
wa ouVml tW lor th dug In l'tirlland
wkau be waa brinaittf buw off the
ateauiar. Tig i luitt voth oU, ami
weigh, when he loaU 'I Xii pouti ln,
but th oreQjlriu J. 4 It't W with
him very wU. JI know wU It 1 lo
lea akk. t - fi
Cit'r fit Ti. MrlJ ftarkaun
Indirnn tf t .nry U "fltityiur
Uipytii tucb pleaiure that b 1
laily by r1te uho wind U pny
th. lr tan a, A Ur Hat let ;J baa ju.t
l-eu inatht, lit Ut I not yrl carried
ml and It Will M Impuaaibl lurbllli to
rtdlertor rt-iv lata till alrtut tlio I.Mh
ul V. I.ruarv I ;e b.-tl. wilt b si ten
a lo time, iK.o't nther th alierllT
lor It la a gnat amtoliott.
Iiu't Co a , Ll Friday vnlng at
th (I. A. R. Intr. l" ol ollWr Cav
tain Hlia eitriidod Uvilation to III
nimlr and lhlr (rtnb to attend th
iitapertlon ol F C'HHp;.y 0 thelulbiwlug
evening. Jual tWnt tmiw tiut Halur-
lay aftvrnoon b m m.h diuate.l lo
rwelv a llgrrn ffiuu C4. lU)ltpet.
iKiltiug th ilili teUt,-, Tli" fteiulien tl!
th company werw piaUy diaapp-uiitoil
Ihi being th eind tlm (Tilt Um bad
preri lor Impection.
Aant-T tu Km. Mr. W.C. Jotinwin
continue very low. II I very weak
having len unable to retain any nour-
iahment on hi atuinach vine hia illueaa
till within th laat lew day, when It wa
found thai a vary liltl raw vt pulver
iiunl cimld 1 retain! without nauae
Th trouble all th tlm baa ten with
th toinach, which reftiaed to retain
any f.l. All other organ aprar in a
normal condition, but II 1 duind that
nut organic trouble iit in th toiu.
Fia ritixia. Tit ton lor Ih Cnwn
I'arwr Mill la ting quarrlcl juat oppv
ait Ih mill ait acroaa th canal ttwn
th la k. and U ol moat ncrllenl qual
ity. Titer ltiut on trouble in quarry
Ingna-k thr,and that la, therr I no con
yenient plao loduuip th debri. How
ver that trouble i likely lo l mlved
Ih itoii ar ol too good quality
ami in too cuiyenieiit a locatitin to r
main untiaetl. Thai bluff i deatinod lo
roiiatitiit an Important factor In Ilia
liiiilding ol the mill and (at toriun lit
wed tld.
Ir(ir Tu. Tit following Irom
th Wrlcom indicate that electricity I
not low when atlache.1 to even nieh
Urge laalie a atreet car : A lady car
rying an umbrella entered th Hecond
treet electric car at Morrton treet,
veatenlay. Ilelnr ill could take a eat
linear plunged lorwaM with an awk
wanl jerk. The woman, In attempting
to regain her equilibrium, whacked her
umbrella againat th head ol a man who
waa reading the newapater. "OU, tir, I
lug a thooaand pardon, aid th
woman with flnahed lacw. "Theae cwr
men ar .i recklea. Hop you are nut
erlonaly Injured, ir." "Oh, no.nia'am,
I'm imirrlel.
Tin WTii Ht lliw.-J. M.
Taylor, who make It a point to bay
Hower ami fruit in all kind ol weatltar
Ilmli Jin k Froat juat a little In prevloui
lor him the day. H had a draw
Iwrry In hi g tnln Chriatma day (our
Ini'he In clrcum(reni, and alimwt rl.
On tlm Mint buU wor ber-
rlu altout half a large ami w,r"
feet bloaaom, whll at the lower
end o( hi garden rlt raaplierrie wero
hiinglng on the huahe. Strawlierrie
ami ruaplierrle and cream are not bad
(or a ChrUlina dinner even in Oregon,
hut a loot ol mow put a t"p to that.
Oregon i not bragging much on her
weather now, but w doubt not Unit lx
ncitth tlm miw J. M. Taylor ha bud
Juat ready tobloim and (ruit jimt ready
to riiK'ii, which he will rlng upon ye
editor noon the II rat ihiaitnt day
heave in alght.
Ni'imaN l)ATii. Lant Tliurtly the
aiidtlen death ol Mr. Julia McNary
aturtletl th community. At the time
ol her dimth he wa keeping hue lor
brother, II. II. Johnnon and curing lor
hi little daughter, Violet. Abnut lour
o'clock in the morning Uoiekltih beard
her coughing, and thut la the hint that U
known till ah wa found (lend tit tied
about nine o'clock, Her brother got tip
ut hi UHiml hour, and a be heart noth
ing ol til iittor, be tl oitjht he waa
reatlng after a wakeful night, o did not
dlaturl) tier till after lie bud Baton hi
own hreukfuHt ami prepurtid her. He
went to call tier ami (mind tier ai though
Tli Mulor'Franclil.
Following I the text ti( th ordinance
granting a (raiiehl dir motor line. It
w paaand by uiunlm ju vote of tli :
tii oaniaaai .
Hki'Iion I That there It and 1
IniHtby grant.! F, O. Mut'own, truate,
and audi other (Miraon or proii a be
may aaaoclate with him and (obi or
tlmlr aaalgna, th right, eaaamnnl and
privilege to lay down, maintain and op-
rt, run and prowl by tm, elec
tricity or cither motive power, car there
on, In the city of Oregon City, follow,
lieglniilng at the north corner of the
Congregational church In Main atreet
and running thence northerly along
Main atrjet croaaing 11th, 12th, 13th,
I till and atreet, ami loth north
erly loivUry of the city limit. A lo
beginning at the InUraoctlon ol Main
ami trt aforid (the earn
tmlng the next atreet northerly and par
allel with Itlh at rent and having no
nam on th official plat of Oregon City) :
thence eaaterly along laid - atreet
lo John Ailanii ilrrel; thence northerly
on ld John Adam atreet one block :
thence terly to JenVvon (treat nn
block ; thane northery on John Adam
treat one block ; then.' tr!y to Jf
fron at reel on block then. eaaterly
on lrel lo th eaaterly boundary
ol lb city.
Htt Tio 2-Tli track of ld railway
halt be a airtgW line ol track and ba!l
he laid aa naarly a poaaibl in Ih mid-
II ol the at met or otherwla a may be
liraftr daignte y lit city council
by ordiuame ami (tuati with Ihe iave-
rnnt and to conform U the ealahllahed
gra in o laid at'wl o a to offer a lit
tle uhtruct B potaibt lo Ihe paiatg
tl vehicle.
iarrio S;(.r th purpo of laving
Iowa or reaiMiig tald railway no tret
ball li .' tr M.-t,).! (ur greater diitance
thin on I lo I at one time nor lor a
l.rtigrr :.. kn.g period that ten working
lava, except In c ol ol Icoaaie bad
weather end t i city council maye.
lend the time aforeaald to lie di'rtlon.
rai riti 4 Thla (ranchiae I granted on
Ihe condition that th aald t. O. Mo
('own, troatoo, or hi or ttiair aiaign
hall begin Ih cantlritcUon ol id rail
way within on year from th flrat day
t'f January, H and th tamhall be
laid and completed on or before Ihe Aral
lay of January, H'J'.', Iron th place ol
beginning to Kvrt Cor: land.
KcTio J T!iaid F. 0. McCown.or
It or their aaalgna, Ih owner of a id
railway (hall plank, pave or McAdamite
a th municipal authorise may direct
that portion ol th atreet or atreet along
which aaid railway ahall be laid the
whole width ol aaid railway between the
rail and lor Ih width ol on loot on Ut
outanl of aaid rail; and Ihi (ranch ie
ia granted on condltioo that a (team mo-
torekail p it be run or operated on (aid
rJ aiiihiu th etjf 'imiu of Oregon
City after Ui flrat day of ! jr J nyo,
6aCtl -Tl.e iJj f 0. McCow,1
Irualee, or hl aeaigoa ena'l w ilila uQ
ily from th date of the g U Uii
ordinanc 111 a written declaration dee
iguating on which ul th two rout do
cnbd be or thy wilt build their aaid
railroad, After Ih filing; of the aaid
deaignation of Ihe route deitred by aid
F, O. McCown, trualee, or hi aign,
th other rout (halt l varalad and all
right hereunder become void a to laid
rout not excepted.
l'aaaed th council and pprovd Jan-ua-v
6th, 10.
Ifaoldlty of JfoyenenU. IXI.1).
"Hclence" uy a platilat, In playing a
preto of Mftndelnaohn, plyl ,'.
note In four nilnuUi and thre aecolitla.
Thertriklng ul en h of theae note, It
ha been lliiiated, In vol veil two mve
i.anta iA tl.a fliorer. and iKieaibtv nior.
Ag.ln,ll.movi.M.iiU of the writ., el-1 '"' ''J.'f r .''
. , . f ,1 I Mir 11. It, ,111 .IKIf . If!
mm mtii pinin "".v "
on niovtnent for cat b not-. A twen
ty-four note were playwl each eiml,
and ach Involve tliree nioveinei.t, w
would have acvenlytwo voluitUry
Miovemente per aceonrj. Again, the
plat:, the forte, the time, end the dura
tion of each of the movement w
controlled. All the motor reaction
were conditioned npon knowledge of
the poatillon of each finger of each band
Ulor It wa moved, while moving It,
wll a of the auditory eflcct In lore
and pitch, all of which Involvea at leant
equally rapid enory trnmiai'iii. II
w ald to thl the work of lit memory
(n plating the note In their hi
ition, a well a th fai t that the per
(onner partiripate In the emotinii the
election aWritiea.and (eela the streiigtb
and weknu of the r(orinaine, we
arrive at truly bcwil hiring network of
afTerent and efferent imputae, omraing
along at Inconceivably rapid rate. Km h
eatimite (bow, too, that WC are rmble
of doing many thing! at once. The mind
I not a unit, but II rompum-d of higher
and lower center, th available fund of
attention being dlatrihuled among them.
Mi .VAIlY- In thi city, at the rcafderwfl
of If. II. Johnson, rinirinlay, Jan. S?f
IHiCt, Mr. Julia McNary, age-l 51
Jim. McViiry wa a Mater ot W. C,
tl, II., nd Mo. a Amy Johnnon and Mr.
the w ife
where he -nt the Ijtat nine year ol
nr me. ror me lew month prior to
her death ahe had ta'en caring lor the
orphan daughter of her brother at
whine bourn ) dil. Her death wa
ti'l'li n ami iiiietete., and ia nj,rH!.
to bv tan cauwl by heurl, diwaiw.
Hhe wa a iiiemla-r d the Salein llap
tiat church at lb time ol tier death, lie
sideii her relative here she left ail ateD-
rhildren in rialem.wbo mourn her a a
mother. The obaeijiiiee occurred lriw the
real. le me on the fourth instant,
WIIITUH K. At the home of bi ia
renta, in tiiia city, on Monday, Jan. li,
JM'.Kl, agevl 1 year ami 10 month, ;li(
lord, n of i'.. II. ami M. li. Wbitlock.
iluy Jan. ft, into, Jcssee Crookahank.
tallatloa ef Offlcrn.
Meade I'oat No 2 of Ih (J. A. K.
had public Inatallation eierciae laat
Friday evening at which IW artinent
Commander, K. It. McKlroy waa pree
ent. Th inatallation both In the poel
and the relief corp waa conducted by
Mr. McKlroy. Alter the installation
a number ol toast were happily re
(ondtHl to, after which refreshment
wi aervod and Uriel time enl in a
.ial Intervouiee. Following i the
list ol ollicer :
Commander, G A Harding,
8 V C ttninamler, Wiliiam Kusselt
AdjuUnl, 11 J llardiag
Otltcr ol th ly, C H I'aucliy
Surgeon, W V Wautenpaiigh
Chaplain, C Hoberg
Adjutant 8 B CalilT
Ollicer ol Die (iuard l'riudl
8 M P. Collitrt
QMS J U I'ilshury
Following I the list inatalleil by th
Woman' Corp ol Meade I'oat No. IH:
r esident, Mi. FO McCown
8 V l'rtitlenl, " J (i I'ilahury
J V Coinnimidcr, Mr J A Stuart
NH-retary, " tl A Harding
Treasurer, " II Cochran
Conductor " A K Falte
Aaa't Mr.hal " Tlio Miller
Chaplain, " M Charman
(Juard, " C llolterg
Aa'ttiuard " H M Wicliani
Fpldrmle Iaflueiiui.
The epldemie of influetiM which we
have already relerred to a occurring in
It nasi ha spread into Finland and rnat
ern Prussia, and ia not unlikely lo
spread throughout Kuro, and even
reach th country. The disease travel
rapidly, and ba been known to make
all Europe (nee within six waek, so
that we may expect an arrival here tie-
lore our winter month are over. It
ttd to be thought that thl epidemic
moved In defiant cycle of one hundred
year. Although uch an (ilea ha long
been aliendimrd, it i curious fact the
influenaa prevailed in America one hun
dred year age, and tr. John Warren,
In a letter to lr. lttum, ay that "our
beloved President Washington ia but
now recovering from an attack of it."
In 1830 an epidemic atarted In China,
it reached Ruasia in January, 111, and
by May it bad ipread to western Cum ;
but It only reached thi country In Jan
uary, 1832, and then prevailed tint
Another and ever epidemic Urted
in Kueaia In IWmlwr, 1K06; within a
month it appeared in London, and rap
idly ipread over urti. Thi time,
again, America waa not atTccled. An ep
idemic ol considerable extent prevailed
in the Unit. I elate aWut ten year
go, and there bave been variou mild
manifeatatlon of the diaeaae. On
th whole, however, North America
doe not en to be very favorable
lo the development of epidemic in
fluenaa in it worst form, and it 1 un
likely that we ahall bave a severe visit- j
lion, If w bave any at all.
The disease i not dangerou, except
itnietlme to childivn or lb aged, while
th former often how a decided exo j.p
tion. The disease l undoubtedly dim to
(.mie nticro-trvnimu w hich float in the
air, and which infect the human rystem,
but i generally killed in o doing. For
influent i but (lightly if at all conU-
V observe tltat loiiie feeling of ilann
prevail lest thi epidemic be a precueur
to cholera, a a a the case in and
There bave been, however, plenty of
rboler epidemic without preceding
infturnaa, and a great many influent
epidemic w ithout any aociate cholera.
The micro-organiam of the two disease
are a eeaenaially ditTervnt a are the die
rase themtrlve. The cholera germ
live in water and oil, the intlueni
germ in the air. The relation between
the two disease ha ta-en, w believe,
purely accideulat. Medical Record
CAWAUY I'. A K Kit. iJwemUjr
tt, at Ihe reablenee of the brido' father,
by itev II M. Jones, Mr. Kolwrl Ctaa
day and Miss Mary M. Itjker, daughter
'it' I'.ev. Mr, uud Mi, f'.iker, ( l.i. kmn.ia
Co , Oregon.
P! I
Those who are indebted to me are re
querted to call at once and pay up oi
Ihe bill will be pla-eil in the harnl of
collector a I need money.
J. W. Noam, M. V.
letter Mat.
The billowing i lUt of letter re
maining in the iotoftif at Oregon City,
January 0, 1-wi.
Farley, Ualph K Flliaon, Weeley
tUvia, Klitalicth Mr lirabam, Clara
Holme, (ieorge J. II.
Maynard. 8 J Mr Moulton, Stetihen
Vlacob, J Parridh, Perry
Koger, IVtrca Mr rkhuerti, Mii h'l 2
JtUijer, Henry Sear, N
Smith, Jttw'ph Stepher, II C
Walker, J W
When called (or please ay when ad
vertised. J. M. I'.acon, P. M
Swoot Breath
P.y lining
an id-
Parties desiring Woo.1 Turning,
tcrni, liracketa, or
If yon have never trid it aak lor
free sample bottle.
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will lie Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
aWOpp. the Congregational Church.
1''.m-,y Kitaway from my plwcrl
Ul spring, two tutifer one brittiii
color 9 year old, the ollmf yelKiw vol
or 1 year old l.tsl winter, Any pemen
giving any informatiea of thin will be
rewarded by the owner, Both Htajltd
with a slit In the left ear.
!St J. Uku, Cant-y. ,
Thi i what you ought fo have, in
diet, you mtiitt have it to fully enjoy HI
Thousand are seartdiing lor it dtly,nd
rtioiirning becauee tliey find it not. n
ThotiititmlM niion thousand of dollar ar
spent annually bv our people III the hop
that they may attain this boon. And yet
it may tie bu t by H. W gnitran't
that Klectrie Hitter if used acctirding to
direction d th use peratstetl in, will
bring yon Ootid Digestion ami oust the
demon Dvspeiit, and Install instead Kit
.erav. VVe recomtnen i IClectrle llittei
for liynpepsi and ail iliaeane ol l.i ver,
Htonmch and Kidnev, Holt) atftOct.
aad per bottle at (i. A. Harding'
tulari n Can't be Cored
cannot re h the vmt of the disease.
Catarrh i a blood or constitutional dis
ease, and in order to cure it you have to
lake internal remedies. Hall' Catarrh
Cur i taken internally, and act di
rectly on the blood and rnncu aurface.
Hall' Catarrh Cure i no quack medi
cine. It wa prescribed by one of the
best phvic:an in thi country for year,
and i a regular prercription . It i coin-
posed of the bet tonic known, com
bined with the best blood purifier, act
ing directly on the mucus lurtoce. The
perleel combination of the two ingredi
ent I wh'. produce such wonderful
results in curing catarrh . .Send for tes
timonial free.
F. J. CHENEY A Co., Prop,
Toledo, 0
Hold by Drusgit, Price 75 cent.
Tug P.kctob. "You eem unusually
happy thi uiorniiig, Mis Alice the
joy of Christina, I presume?''
MisAi.ict. "Yes, the jov of Christ
inus. I rtHvivel twenty more present
than I gave. Ifn'l that enough to make
me h-el gay?" IIars:'r' Magazine.
Alt repairing done
m warranteii.
MoMcy to Lend.
Kight ;ier cent and taxes. That it
w hat alt other eight r cent advertiser
mean, aa you find on applying. 1 hare
t IblU.laX) available. Long loan prefered.
I also hate money to tend at ten per
cent straight. Come ami see me.
10-3-tf W. C.Joiino.
Tying l
Now i the time to tie together the
Ilmli of tboe tree, both fruit and orna
mental, that bave made a long rpread
ing growth, aud whose limb fork out.
lly tying alt the limb together attoiit a
foot up from where they leave the trunk,
they are prevented from breaking or
putting down with the now and ice
tonn of winter, well a by (trung
wind. Cue a itout, oft tring, and il
will not cut into or chafe tlte tree.
'i,KAANf I'aiitv. Tlm litui.a ol Mr,
L.I'. I'tlg VtilHlhii r.celi ol it very
pli'Mit'iit giiilieting Tliuistliiy evening
l.ihl In hoiitir of Mr. Kiluioml Priggs, who
Nnuiit 1 1 to ClniMtuiiin vai'iiUoil ul the
Wllhimetlu mil voi hI I v . at liomo. I'luii
iv of iiniuKiiiniinl wu found In imino aateeii. but th angul of death htul visit
...,.l .......I iihmntf and nn eiilov able time ud her and th Rlilrlt tutd flown, ltur
Vii hd. 'I'ltn following ladie nnd gnu
tleiiifi were liiitsenl : Mis Oruc
Willlum, Mis Maud Cptun, Mis Win
nlii (ii'iilutui and tlm MIhsum llulid
Muhw- Jonii, Chime, llodaoti, Dcy, Hal
itbu.Vy ami Hiiioh.
nititcudil attitude Indicated that death
had been eany, d it I thought 'that
heart discus hud tlm auddimly cloned
hr careor. Prior to her death lie bad
in'incd usually well except that (lie bud
tt wivere cold,
Two Mile Minnie an S CollMoiit.
Two Invention, or, rattier, diseovorie
of application of electricity, are an
nounced at the name time from dillerent
mrta of the country which promise
possibility of ft ruiltvay sliced of two
mile a minute, without danger of col
A two-mile rate lint been attained and
iimlnttiiucd on a circular track by the use
of a three-ton electric motor, and a track
i to be built on Img Islam! for further
tent on a larger scute. Edison t quoted
a saying it i the greatest conception
since the telegraph. On a straight track
it 1 thought a rate of tliree mile ran he
At the same time North Carolina In
ventor named llnyhi Cade, baa applied
Ihe established principle of telegraphing
to Inovliig train by stringing the wire
alongside (tie truck and near the ground
ao that the train will touch It by a trailing
cable, which will complete the circuit
and automatically give warning of the
approach of Another train on the same
Hcienco 1 daily making eallie and
ortie Into the adjoining territory of the
unknown, and tlio chunee are that be
fore ltKX) there will be important oeeu
patioiiM and annexation.
Fin Stock. 'All who have tried the
lOt l. Kev West and Set. Now York
clgur. attlil by Kout and Fuch, pro
nounca them to be the bant cigar, for the
money, sold In Oregon t'ity. They also
keen lor lll kind of nut, Including
Hickory and Coco nut. alo fine
to k ul Caudle, l,einoia mid Orange
A New Cut at m. The M. E. chuich
f lU,1
lias for Utiuie ;:.:V'. . been consitlcring
plans lor,: , . -ir corner near
the bridge and f'At jK-rfectcd the
general plan, tfbwlt,s) for building
aUml ti'i70, tls baseiue.t U be oi brick
ami stone, ami lo I fi'.tf ! up (or store
and rented. Th,) veog j tltsjr will la?
titled Lie a ctrgrvh i'.h j the entrance on
Main strtvt evar t!i f uth side of the
building. Wwk w!M ! prolmbty lvin
alsm) Ihe tiri-t-tf April,
.Vol It of ApituinioKnt of A Jm iins
I lialof.
N.lice ia I nrby giy. n that I, the un
dersigned, I re U-en, by the Honorable
County t'oU'fj of d'ltima county, htate
el Oregon, .Ui'y appointed administrator
of the ratal o Colcifi in lUickruan, tie
ceased, t aereior 4'1 person having
I'laiins ag.tillsl a'4 folate are notified to
present the same, propeilt verified, to
me, at the ottire of my attorney, 11. E.
Cros at Oregon City, Oregon within lit
montlia fiout the date of this notice.
Kkiikci A Hi ckmam,
Administrator n( the Etate of Cole
man P.iirkman. detect'. I.
II. K. Cro. I
Attorney (or Ktate f
January tlh. 1SW.
Treanorer' Motlre.
I have now in my iiann fund apt tic
hie to the payment of all warrant en
dorsed prior to June 8th. Wl. Interest
will crate from data of thi notice.
8. B. Cturr,
Treasurer of Clackama co., Or.
Dated thi 23 1 day of Xov. 1M9.
When the blood i impure, thick, and
lughah, or thin and impoverished,
there can be no health. With these
condition! all the function ot the body
are impaired and the result i a variety
of dangtrrou complication. The boot
remedy is A)er' Hartaparilla.
A subscription to Harpm' Yocsio
PkoI'LC ntx-ure juvenile lilirary.
There i useful knowledge, also plenty
4 amusement. Boston Advertiser.
Postage prepaid. 12.00 jer
Our Mr. McKittrick in now in
buying an
which will arrive next week.
Lowest Prices in Oregon.
Dry (iiKxk ami Groceries, Boots and Shoes. I
"Wo Undersell Them
Vol XI began November 5, ISM).
S:imen Copy sgit on receipt of a
two-cent amp. . Kinulk Nimbeh.
Five cent e tch.
Hemittanct ahouM 1 made by Post
otlice Money firiler
cbani-e of 'o1"
Address : 1U&PF.K i BROTH FIH'
I . CT" ' .
t .tes a.
' fe
lts '
' f
" V",
I'raft, to void
o? t si4e jf!it;i5i! -ix8Il--1 ':. 4 .
uuuk out lor th end tit tlie world nj
where along the y ..of thl month. wTnf
Second Adventi.s: ny thete I to b no
postponement thi time. ',
The MiiBtalu Spblnx.
In Surrey County, North Carolina,
ttitre I a remarkable natural curiosity
in tbe iltape of a mountain resembling
tb famou sphinx ot Eio'pt in all Its de
tail. It tic eat of th Illue RidKe
mountain, on the Piedmont plain, like
a gigantic lion; it body at rittbt aimleto
the and with head reared aloft a
II In the act o( rising The bead i of
(otld rock, several hundred feet In
height. Tbe (boulder and brvaat are
finely protinned, and at the distance ul
lew mile it look like a thing ot life
and Intelligence. It rise about l.ftOO
feet atnive the plain, and can lie een (or
a distance of many mile.
Sutler of Final Settlement.
Nutii i hereby given that I have
filed in Hie vVunly Court of CUt kamai
Co., Oregon, my final reKit in tbe mut
trrol the etate of J. I.. Thornton, de
ccHM'tl, and the court ha apitointed
March 3, IS'O, a. a day and time fixd
for the exaiuinulion and lor the hearing
of ohjtvliatii to (lis same an I lor the act
tlttinent of said enisle. K. II. TiioKNro
Administrattir of the cst.tlc of J. L.
Thornton, deceased
II. E. Cio I
Atfv for Estate f
J inuary titli, H'M,
Wbut (ilrt Slnuibl l.raru.
To K'W,
To cook.
To mend.
To be gentle.
To value time.
To dress nt'iilly.
To kwp a iicrtt.
To lieself-reliiint.
To avoid iilli'iiesM.
To mind th baby.
To ibtrii ittH'king.
To rusiect old age.
To make ginxl bread.
To keep a house tidy.
To control her temper.
To be above gossiping.
. To make a homo happy.
To take care nl the irk.
To humor a cross old inan.
To marry a man lor bi worth.
To be a helpmate to a liUHbmul.
To take plenty of active exercise.
To aee a mouse without vcremulng.
To read eome tsxik liesidc novels.
To lie light-lieurted nnd fleet-footed
To wenr ft shoo that won't crump ttie
To be a womanly woman under all
circumstance. .
That ancient tub, th FetisacoU, In
deed of th new p!;imoi, took th
ecliise too.ri.-ts to A fiy-v t Uaxr of them
were w ise enough to bi.a taelr wui D
for starling. '
It wa a "little piece of Iron not mor
than an Inch long" that got Into the cut
o:T valve and prevented ita working.
mining the frightful accident to the in-
lined plane car at Cincinnati
After the death of Fecks, the electrical
workman, titer was a scarcity of line
men lo go up the pole and adjust the
Ire. Very uggetiT It wa to read
n advertisement two day after hi
death calling for experienced linemen to
go to work immediately.
i X
E 3-i.CS.
"X '
- z.
i; Ji; t - 5 Z i j4 - f -z - - r
- a : ;.
-s: lit l
it-i -ni;
S it
r- i
3 FTTaI PWn tr?tTcOi ':'-
Will thl generation witness the peo
Utcle of Gladstone, the "Grand Old
Man," pant 60 year old, again at tlte
head of affair lu England? Late parlia
mentary election look at if the tide was
setting powerfully that way. "Glad
stone and bom rule" make a One sound
ing war cry.
All H'rson knowing themselves in-
tebted to ti e, either by note or account,
must call and settle np before February
1st, IS'.Kl, a there is going to be a chance
in the firm after this date. All account
not settled by that time will tie in th
haiii'is of my attorney for collection.
A. Mavk,
The Great Eastern Store.
Chicago t iliens demand a new sys
tem of ibuiiiiige. Idudbtlder eradicates
all Mood disease, strengthen the sys
tem, promote digestiun nnd renders ex
istence enjoyable. wtld by E. G. Cu
St Geoi'ife, of Meny England, des-
t-oyed ihe lleiy ibiignn, but the Aineri
C in fii.lMiiiioa cirliolisilve eontpi.i St.
Anthony' Ihe, chill Irt'iis front bite,
cuts, wo nt Is anil Itching mitt irrrutmn
disease Sobl I y E. (i. t autiehl.
tl isiimvitain whether Chicago in New
York secures the Great Exptmilion, tint
1 1 a pusilivo filet that Uludhil ler is tlie
infiillahlo remedy for all blood dienie,
and is n safe, eur and reliable tonic
Soldbv E. U. Caulleld.
Th flrwT Gets Tired Yawning-,
BeemlDgly, tor certain wretched tnvallit wba
toMI (wbly along, thoiuth always looking a
It thoy were going to die, but omitting to do It,
Thry dry up, wither, dwludle away Auslly. but
la tli nieauUut never having robtul tutalth,
know nothing ot the physical enjoymeot, Ui
aeit ot tliat xlttenoe to which they ollng with
su h remarkable tenacity. They ar always
to b found trying to mend by tinkering at
tbentMlvM with tome trashy remedy, tonle or
pick m up" to Rive a fillip to digestion, or
lulp llm liver." If suoli tnlsRiililml folks
would rumirt anil atllisre to Hostellers' Stout.
Mi IlltUrs It would l well with them. Till
iiierb IiivIriii wit miiills tlia sUunln thst
tli. Isnble rtitiiiiro, hv inriiianently rslnlorolng
dlKlltni and ass inlUlloii. It ovsmmiM imr-
voin ieiui. Inst ila, niHlarla, kliluey eoin-
pisiuu, bllhiuut!:, oou.upauou, (UuuUia
aud ueuraluia.
Ttilrty thousand dollar' duty must be
paid en the"' Angetua" picture before It
can be free from tlie New York custom
house. If the owners will cart it over
the country and exhibit It, they will
soon make the customs dutict back. W
American dou't know everything about
high art, but we all know enough to
want to gaze on a picture that cost $117,.
Uak th Ut ot many people miserable,
and often lead to self-destruction. Distress
after eating, our stomach, sick headacb.
heartburn, kw of appetite, a faint, " all gun"
feeling, bad tatte, eoaUd tongue, aud Irregn-
, larlty of th bowels, ar
DIStrOSS torn of th mora common
r After symptoms. Dypspl doe
jT not get weU ol Itself. It
baling requires earefut, persistent
attention, and ft remedy like Hood's Barsa
parula, which act gently, yet urely and
anciently. It tone th stomach and other
organs, tegulate th dlgtsUuo, create a
good appetite, and by thu . 1 (
OTercomlng th local symp-u , (.
torn renioTc th ympa- neaaacnw
thetle flocU ot th dlseasa, banishes th
beadach. and retreshe th tired mind.
I have been troubled with dyspepsia. X
bad but litU appttits, and what I did eat
u rf distressed m, or did m
fieatT" Jim, good. In aa hour
' bum after eating I would expo
flene ft fahitncss, or tired, aU-gon feeling,
a though I had not atea anything. Mytroa
b I think, wa ggniTated by my business,
which 1 that of ft painter, and from being
mor or leu shut up In ft Sour i
room with fresh paint. Last e u
spring I took Hood Bars. SXOmacn
rllla took thro bottlos. It did me an
Immense amount ot good. It gar me an
appetite, and my food relished and satisfied
the craving I had previously experienced.
Clonal A. Pia, Wstertown, Uus.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by aU druwtttt. f 1 1 sU for S4. mvued only
by 0. L DOOD ft CO, ApothMttflM, Low.U, Mash
100 Dotes One Dollar
For parlor, dining or sitting room and
otlice ii) we have the finest assortment
ever brought to tlte city which we o3er
at lied rock price. You will lose money
if von don't see u before buying.
We can just suit you in cook stove
and ratine, tiecause" we have ttie eery
best made in style and finish to auit pur
chairs. We carry th ttnatt Un i th
city and can anil our enatomr vrf
time. , '
"1 V
Thiri si;u'o rouervt'tl fur
ling ftortio anflii
fore the house,
he clock."
announced next
1 burned up ft
ng four pound,
fturwftrd ex
"t the ct