THE EUTEKPUISE. Home Happenings. Jil Roako liM purchased the house ml two loin where he lives, for 1000. Rev. I. it. Wlllatna will preach In llio I'rrnly Uirian church nit Sunday evening . Our New Fracorrospondiint received notice of rlianguuf dale u( lint (armor's institute a'ter li hud ""lit hi letter. Tl.eduto I Oct. 10 and II. Charm tn and Son have a new linr of (.ill iiml winter huts, Ulonl style. Mr 1'irtridgii In It ti i t 1 1 11 4 an add.' lion lo her limine. Mr. and Mm. J .in. Swallord went I' Salem Thursday to take In the (air and vIhiI hi (no lnr (or a lew i iv . Thon, (i.trrctt umi .1 . Jones, n( Unit Crook, hint almut ,"i(MK) rail ly tiro hint week. Fioryono should hoii Mr. Win, Wel sou, tlm t;r.iitt u( nil musical sketch at lint" Hud eccentric cniliodiain, wild tlm Oaken C Im'dy S'lch Club ami Hwin Roll Ringers lln In nil arlint in bin lino At I'n h.'h II ill. Sop, '.'nth. -October 12th. Uth mi l Hill are tin dates u( tin. mcling ' lb" Uri',' 111 'tuto Secular I'm. .n t i'urll.iii'l . Fverybodt inv li il I !. lit tli renidoneo n( latnen V. Chime, mi Tu I . y . Sept. 21, tit II A M., Mi. -1" v !! i , ago I "t vi'iir. fl lllolllllH, mill 1.' davn. -Dr. i:. l'..H!..r, of Walla Walla, has I it 11 looking ill out town wiili a view ill IK'ltttlg. 1 1 'I httiieVC I'l 1 lt t l' I'll v wi'l make tint ynvi'i-"' maniifaoiiii in. Inn II nil llio r.U'lll.' PHlt . Till' lloclot evidently li i good i 1 1 1 1 1 1 t . t . ..IH Mvi'lK ,lli "-III 111, I T'HIIllli'll1 l'lll'llll'l IlllnllH". l."l, Mi'll' looklll. uhoul I'M 11 Tni x.l.iv lur "iniH'riv in buy, M ij'ir ( ll II III. Ill Mllll IllK IllU lll.IIMll tin I'u-I OHic block l iM Saturday I.. II. It. 1. it. 111 rll,. II n plot lur llii Iirw li ink t i In- t ! I llii'ic hi are III', u ly completed, 1'u'l'l fa I l' li.'.ir A merio i'n ii'li-' I. n.. it 1 1 , 1 1 hunter Vocati"t, I rant. II. ill.t,.r, i l' II. Ven-hf, wilhlheO.ikc !.!.. I v k.'ii li t lull. At r..H.'ii II ill, S.iM .1 iv, Sep. 2Mb. t alifurma lini mini with lien . purloin .it Slli'iii Kiln that 111.111V ill the ! H ii m'1-..n were 'i' ko I lie.irH ii'' f i'v (ulh matured. ii liuil'T mi. I Mm. Mi.i, ( W11II11 W ill.i. woio r. til lllllg (.1.11, 4 i .lll .11 i. lulll.nt Tilen t .1 V . w In 11 Mm. Shaw !iit li shopping Ii.ik' fuiitatug lii-ciili'n other articles 11 .iiii in which Will about lillv doll. its A rew.inl in i.irereil lur it n iiivei v, Ir. Keiler, nf I'nriliin I w.m it iiiohI I'lltllll.lte lllilll lll-t Til'"" I. IV 111! Illhl din iurket I'mik ni iir thin niy, iiuil.iin. intt nliout 11 Mil'l in eH".t rlii'ikit. Mr. Ki'Ky M'. tmii liiim on lim U, r luiiii'l it anil ii'tiirneil it. Mrmr I.ikkumi lis II. "lie simw will Like a liiniti'.l iiiiirlier 11I iiinli tn ItiNtriii t in iiiiinir. I v or Amni m :sr. Sutiiiil.iy, r t ''! r Mil, in iilun "ii ml ,iv Tlii IiuvIhIi in rrlnt'il't in lliit i ity will i'lne tli'ir HtoiiM (nun 1'iilivtill evening Kuttir l iv i'v 'inn j on that ( il , inn I'n tsiiKii I' 1 Sun I iv tripn ol l ie l.'llolui wii In-i I'ltftiT l.e in I'll' 11 H (i- ' ': l.eavo Oiegon I i'y M :'M) A. M. a "CI: I'. M Li.iv.iI'.irtl.iulllA M i.nU:;id I'. M. Fritnaimi ItimMs -Two neully (ur liinbed room li t gentl.'ineii only . 1 it pl to of C'r 'sn iV Shaw . i aiimkiis issiirt in lanner'H in stiltitii will be held in Oiegmi C.ty un - iler the uupii im ol Ihe prolensura of the Male Agilcilltuiiil I "liege October 101 1 1 mil Hill. Fvcrvbydy is invited p ogianiiiiit bun hei'ii piep'ned. I.isik mil lor it next week. AssAi'i.r ami Rmtiiiiy. Sept, l!Hh Anton Tscbitriiig, aged li, wan arrested und tried bediie .Instice Fouln (or nn sanlt. und hulUov on thu peinotiid Fied MeCarver. The .'efeudaiil wan lined t'JO, but appeal.'. I Iho cane to lint circuit c 'lilt. No Ji'ulsiurTi' X. S, lluelet, utlorney ( .r T Hiinler, in jail lor bam burning, h id Issued a writ o( hubeas corpus re liinial.lo before Judge Shattuck Ian!. Sat uiday. Mr, llimler was taken down by S'imiirS.iinein, but the court decided it bad no jurisdiction, o Mr, llimler was ri turned to jail. Three bourn of uproar and laughter. Oaken Comedy Sketch Club and Swiss Roll Rinuiirs. Don't fad to hear thorn , At Fonu's Hall, Saturday, Sen 2Htli. Tiiic OrKicKiiN Ki.Krmi. The olllcera of the State Agricultural society for the coming year are un follows: T. L Dav idson, of Salem, president ; ('. 1' Hnrk hart, of Albany, first vlcu president; Lewis Savage, of Salem, second vice-president. Killkh ir a Fokt Kikk. LNt week I the neltflihorhooil of (irniilintn w en I Kttl In fl(liting (oront flren, n uml mn by the ntme of Riikk Uiinu one o( 1 the rty. The Minolta n very ilctmo ; ami prevented him from miiIiik 'lliiK iron which etniitk and crunhed him. Hthaviw, I.argH rd 111 namud 1 D.tlny with whiUi Npol on (oritht ad Hint j pol on lop of hip l.nre white leuw. j iiint' fince Hepli-iniM'r'.'nil. Kiiitiifilu ru-. ward will l paid. W . M . F.rmi. Low Watkh T'm witter in the 'iver ill lower than over known Infoni, tin unnimieiiiiiiit hliowin.' Ili'iirly a foit heloiv low w iter nuik, Kveii in tlu loeki, whie!i wero hililt torontiiin thren (eel 01 water at extrinim low w.itnr, thorn In now but i-'l inrhiK, lint that il'iii not ureatly mailer, iii tlm walet at the rapid' ami Mi'Mmm' lur in oven morn li.illun Tne iiU'iiBiiren 1:1 in. lim un.l a b that draw til it iti'l.'li water nd.M Ir il ium The I.atiina drawn ahoiit ;'J in'-hen in. I nit" wan obliged In lake a roil wlnl i the Tole lo, a ol lenn draught , iiiken her j.l.u'H and ni.iken regular rnn on llie I. at .11 i'n tun". I'uxriiiiT I'lni ihild en'n B 1:1 f, uinti'l livafew nthern, W ill givu a riHio'it ill 1 1 11' l,iptit ihilrrli o Ftldiy eveiiiiij,', o.-iniier '1111 After III ' pi'i-ain. r.-ir!".!! on itn an I many arm in hi in,' ami, wilt do Ifeicd In- a ile, ill the hao:ii -lit. V 111 -.. n t t 'i 1 eutn . 1 '1. N Sh ki - Kei i iilv a i oii !e n( n l own wele ..lii'ni. il in Salem lor full itiu a trv .kn Hime. 'I he rlue lo (tie ntiiin.iU w in u'it.iill."l from one of the ilii'M-.i huri.'iin a . I '.in p.iir ol no. k It wo lid " -hi I o 11 Him the S.iletn itena'e nut iannliar Willi !. 11 oi kn. V.W I'l I'.irtien hte.1 to I'ookp tm., reeeiilly ili-olvi"l, innt nettle men a. iiiiliitn In'l O.Iuher I. lHs'l. or lie ".1 in' will l.e pl.u e.l in the Ii.iihN ol in attorney Kir rolleelioii. Settleini'liln nay ma le with either id the under .lubed. V. II. Cooke, I. J. l ooke. 'I in 111 Own I.vm iiasi i; It in the run loin lor 1,1'jx" nteamnlilp rotiipauien lo i in' then on 11 iii-uiam eiiii their Menu! .n It in diiiie in thin way : Tnerotol in-ii' uiuo ii liiued rp and 111-le.1l ol paving II I 1 Wie tm.ilr.iui e I'.iinp.iiiii H il In pil into i 1 ailed the ii.Mir.iiire (mid. Tee expeiienee of many i iniipan. 10 in that thin m Hi t rhe 1 1 mil way of in niiraiiii'. The ini'ilexl in piimiied ill pail hy tlm I'ai ill.. t'-unl St ,i hi li 1 ( i'utiijii own.. I tlm lo-.i "Anom." A'lorian. 1 nituiMi FiMin Mr Itoirinrf ol n mam un Wan in low u FlidaV mid repoil ed h ivy Inrent liien n!l minimi that nee t"ii. the i-.iiiie im vint 1 1 rn M-t I'V noiiie iiii". Tin' lieil.liurn were ol hjjeil to .atln-r an I lihln I'm' nil one ni-ht, and luring Dei p i-t 1 I , n it h ,4 li.'.'ii "I ii pti'iil ii. i-iii eni en (or nil In to turn o it and ll.'ht lire I'ol.iili'AI. SiliAwn S.nn tlie Slaten 111.111, il neemn eai U et (or nerioun npin u!at '"I on the roMiltnof next'n f litii al rauipai lull il neeno' the know ing olien of Portland have already eien. menred to i-Nerein iheir unenNing powein and bark them up with coin State I'li'ller I'uker relilr-ied (nun llie big eilv fi'ien'lv the II ildi-r o'twnbetn in.d" In'tweeu I wo p o'limenl and ad - IV" republican" A lnt It f.'O that an H. would be thu next re- publican nominee (or goveiuor and R county. The editor of the examiner covered it that he wouldn't ; then A bet ( uses this salt on his potatoes every day. 100 that if iii'initiated Van would l.e! Not Fx riM-r tinriley bears are gen elected, which I! also dii-puted to the! orally Hupnjscil to lie extinct in this ami nut. K A should w in the ' llrst but Ibere me a great many rcpubli - cans in the stale who would like to take the second of inn hands, . with twocubs. They llted llfleen or nix- Hi'iii'him:ii. A man who recently teen limes an I then worn driven into u ci mi to Oregon (nun Michigan, brought! tree and the gnrxley bniins escaped tents, IbearliiH mid ptnvinions to rough j IVnun'rut, itintho wildeiness, which hn expected Nkw Rank Articles of i.icotpora o lind. Also two sucks of (lour in order i tion were filed last Satuiday by the Coin to have something loeat, besides the merciul Rank of Oregon City. Capital llnh he expected toniMire and the wild stock 100,000. 11. It., D. 0. und meal capeluied in the wildeiness. llelC. D. Latourntto incornorutors. The was surprised lo dud plug bain ami civil iution probably supeiior to the one he left. He at least came to a stutu where me pi'opiu know Homihing ul.oiit the country they live In. Finihiikii. The painting linn of Cnnko & Co. finished painting and decorating Capt. J.T. Appernon'a fine renl.lence oil ,1, i i . . , - ... niesua.v. am, ine noune mnow ready for , on, Michigan. The stock is nil sub- doeu pieces being obtained from a sin occupancy 1 house occupies oneVif Hc,-ib..d d the charade, of the Incor- L ,,. The boys believe that tl.ev '""".' '""'"" " c-umy, roomy, iui arruui-e.1 ami luosl. tastily decorated. A large furnace h is; neon piaeeo in mo nasHuient and all the j ,l0 eslahllsbmeni of another hank as it rooms in the house are heutcd by regis- j wji tti ,0 lnereaso ihu bulk of money tern. Running water and nil other city 1 1 emulation and ibeiebv htimiil.ite bus conveniences uie her., .ombiiied with I nusv W congratulate the Incotpora (he luxuries of country h(e, making It , . ... , . , , one ol the pleunai.tent homes In lim ,,ml ""'""'I' "'' ""! ish them county. Cauoiit Hti.ihu Milk .The Kalern Kutemuitn In riKniiililo (or (he lollow Iiik: Fur Mveral tnunlliH wt J, C. 1'til.IipH, of Buliliniitv, hi ten wre tlmt hi rowe wore boing rulilntd of their milk while out in the panture Ai Mr. 1'. lin-n on Fern Kidit where the inhab' lUnta arc fur above iiiNpiiion, he foiiu'' it no ciimv titHk to hituiiii! (or IiIh limn, and ho n-Holvnd to phiy ilulertivo fur a time und learn what lie roiild eoneeni ing tint i',i. Following thin plan of ontintion, when lie next turned bin inwn in tlm panluru ho com t-nled hlinnelf in tlm luifh tern lo Wdti h. II11I lm had not 1 oiTiu.ied thin piwitlou long befom lie h.iw j yu'itig Img one of the mwi, riw on iln liauuchen. place itn front feet ! oii.brr bag, m-ian a teal ill itn mouth ami 1 hold o( the lowent round of a nmall lad comiiieni epiimpinnawuy. Aftei wali b-1 ,,.r (u(,i,.ieil to the Uti-ple, and c-luiiwt ing thin ntruiuiii perioruiutiif for aoiiie : t jr until be wan renrued He fell tune he wan fully convinced bu bad dn- ! WPnty feet befo-e be caught on the lad cuveieil the llih'l Thm ni-tlili w ine ' ,,,r in a iiiulure o( black and wluto Cliina, Kxciihkion To I'oitTi.uMi Faih. H a (avorite Inccd with thu hug men of the Heunior Toledo, illIekve Oregon Cily, Si.tiirdiiv tfveiiiiifc at (i hba-p, retnrn Ksow ALL Mkn BV THKkk I'KKHUNTa j nr fn ni I'oitlilid lit U"g. llere'a That w, "The Vill..ii'lto Land 1'oni- j ymir l imin e IohMcihI the Uni'st indiia pany," parly u( the (iml part, in coiim'1- , triul exposition ever given on the coant. eintion u( thu wellfare und lient ineerentn j uii-inhcr )u way lumling. Uoiind o( boiim wekeia und invenlorn, do liereliy 1 irio fill cent. iiili.n lo grant, tiaig.iin, k,-I1 mnl convey Town l.otn, Subllibatl I.otn, Fi Hit litllim, Sim k Kanchen. and oilier propeily. at lh" lowent iionnihle (iguiv.and on the ean- U'ni leriun. 111 wilnenn whereof, we cordially in vit'i all Hilt li to call and nee tin and exam inu pi ii en. tiiio wif.i.A.Micrri; land co. j ltV J. A. I'llAni;. Se. 'y (Seal.) I'.e h iiint every memhero( iho troupe brim lull of fun lh..t will ht iloown out pioiuini iiounly in a reliued and pleaniiiit luaimer Oaken' I' sketch t'luli. At I'upe'H Hall. Satuiday. Sep. ItSlh. Fiinkht Filu:. The Fentncurn-npond-enl for thu Oiegon Vindicator notea that furei-t tin' have devastated mt'linna of thai I'oiintry lie ayn: A terrilie for enl (Ire in racing in thin vicinitv at pres ent. Fvi-ryone in fiieuged ill having proiH-ily (mm dehtruclion. The lirM tire hturted bom Mr. O'Neal'a clear. nj jtiht Mjuth (nun the pontollice. There heing a Mrong noillieimt wind it noon got lievniid control. iU timt victim wnn Mr. Uauvpr who hint about ballot hin fencing. Another lln' ntaried Til".n day adernoou almve t'amura piairie, mid driven by the eat wind came sweep ing down toward No 12. Win. s;ien' barn wan dentioyed, beiden almut $l."i(l worth ol hay and I'K) bunbela of o.itn. Mr. Iirowii nlno lent near ;00 cordn of wood. At pr. netit writinir llio more, ncbiHilhoune un.l Mr. ' la'iit'n limine ami harn an) in great ilunger. An army of men ia guarding thorn, "und the en ' in not vet." Mr. P. S. I.ivcnay, t'l.i, k iniun. wax up bint Friday mid rep uted it Roc lion eant i if rlaiken, live milen in extent iiiitne.l over und much damage done to fiirmn, harnn and hoilKen. Okkiion Salt. It in nut generally known away from bom thai Lake coun ty now nnpplien her lunuu market with ntia k and dairy nail of a no id ijoulitr, B.iya the l.akeview Kxaminer: I- li J inea in the proprietor of Hie Halt mandi w liore Warner l.iko once Hcread her wa tern Mr. Jn- gather and a.iekn the , dairy salt on the ground where il in j scisipod up by llio wagon load und do- liven d to the ditCorpiit nieiclnin's of ih j country, but a cample Cottage drove men 1 while up in the llohemia mines in Lane I county, claim to have seen a big one, pui'ties have bought the Cbiimiaii lot op- positu the post olhYe and uepono to erect thereon u substuntial brick build- ! ing ut nun), The institution I running as soon an possible, ' Lutonrutte. i n hroihor ofC will be II. R. P. La- ( tomette, F,s) of th ' fllged in the bunkii this city and ia en- uged In the hunkmg business at hen- poni!ors is a Milhciont gtiaianteo of the , ,0onHb v o the Itintilution . The K,owlh of lim place will lie assisted by unbounded success: Fhec Lictv!. After M iee HennetU Mre had eiioken to an appreciative audience in the city, four veari ago, many exproaaed regret that ahe could not give one more addrena, Buying ahe would have a packed kouae. Though ahe iaa-xuHtjined to reunite lurge vompenaa tion, her lecture here will befroe and all ate invited lo leant Don't fail to be tbre and bring your frivnda October lOlh. L. T. Iluke, of Cortland, while painting ; llio rronn that niirmounU the hpire ol Trinity rburch. 180 feet from tbeground UI ilit-row en.'.iH) from inntant death ui week. While Healed, at work, the Htra.i ti n i-ceiired the block napicd in twi)i u, m, IJHk9 fell, but be cauifb. Skw I'livnicus J. W, I'owcIl.M. I)., late of Farailine, Nrvada, Iiiim locatgd in lliin eilv to practice bin profennion. The ,m t,,r im a graduate of tl.e Louinville Medical College, und linn had fifteen y -iirVexperieiice III lom'.ius lo Oregon ( it y he in hut leturiiing Id bin old borne. an he wan horn in Marion county, and ! went to hi ! mil with V.. L. Kanthum and W. W. II Saumon Dr. l'oweli in a brother o( Mm. ti. K. II. Miller and Mm. Wutkiiin. IUi iiilv (iitowiso. The Oregon City Furniture Compuny have got the wheel in million in their new mill where they have abundance of power, but their fa cilitien. (hoiiL'h laritely increiined. are not eipial to the dciuan ! for their uimmU The first n( lit week they were obliged to refue an order (or ,'M0 U-iUteadn froni T.icoma. Their cw tbounard dollar nand pavring machine ""ill he here in a d.iy or two and will greatly expidate hus nen. Paiii.inii Aiiiiition to I.itkoii.n City. In now on the market. Thin lracl-on-1 sits of Hi acres lying In'l w ecu the Terri torial ri.i' I and the Apnernon r.m.1 und in a most desirable ligation lot sightly hiiiues. Film kn (or hale on the install ment pla i. Serine your homo before prices advance. McCow & Co. No 1vkao.:iis. l'ho agent for Cam's new readers which are being introduced in the slate, writen.1. M, I'.acon Unit it will ln iuiMin4ibli to furnish any none readers before t K IoIht 5th us the stock is exhausted. He slates that the esti mate made ut the time, of the exchange wan 50.1VI0, but that be has already placed 00,000 and has o:ders in (or 17(H) more. Tins shows llie statu bus ma le most lupi 1 strids in iticreanin its population. Your Htttention is called to our full opening, Fiiday and Saturday, Sep 27 and 28 A full line ol the very Latent Myles it ml Mlllnerjr Novelties. Anticipating the pleasme of a cull from ull our ciiHtouii'rs, I remain Nklmc Watts. Nultce. Notice is heieby given that I will not be responsible lor any debts contracted jonniy account without a written order signed by me, David Will, Sept. 24, ISS'.I. Auroia, Oregon. ;it (old Iliscuveifd. A few davs since John aud Sain tor sythe and A. Halt Imught a lot in Clackamas Heights. The fact that they clione a lot down in a canyon surprised K. F, Cliurinun. A few days later be drove down to Clackamas Heights and hearing a noine down in the canyon, he went down, and was much astonished to 11 ml the boys mining there with picks and puna. He learned that they found color in every pan, the gold being in the shape of small shot as many us a ' have struck it rich. Rheumatism Is caused by a poisonous acid in the blood und yields to Aver's Rills. Many cases, which seemed chron ic and hopeless, havo been completely cured by tbia medicine. It will cost but little to try what effect the Fills may have !n your cum). Wo predict success. There'i Nothing Finer, We offer you the best , v A Pure fresh Stock of Drugs and Medicine. An Elegant Collection of Fancy and Toilet Goods. E, G. CAUFIELD & CO. A full line of PAINTS. Agents for the unequalled SimtUIN, WILLIAMS & CO 8 MIXKI) PAINTS. Near the COURT HOUSE. The Verdict Fniinimnun. ' W. I). Suit, l)riiL'i.'il, Bipimn. Ind. testifies: "I can recommend Kh'etric Bittern an the verv lient remedy. F'.very tKittle told ban given reli;-f in every eane. One man took hix hottlcn, and whs cured of l'.beumatinm of It) yearn' standing." Ahrabam H ire, druggist, Hellvilln, Ohio allirmn; "The liest aellintf medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' ex sTience, is Flectric Hiitera." Thoua andn of othern have added their testimo ny, so that the verdict is nnati'mous thai Flectric Hitters do cure all diseanes o( the Liver, Kidneys or Wood. Only a half dollar a txittle at U A. Harding 8 Drug i ture A M'uman'a DNcoTery. Another wonderdil discovery baa been muue and that too by a lady in thin coun try Ilineane fastened its clutches Uon her und for seven years she withstood it" severt-nt tents, but her vital organs wera undermined and death seemed imminent. i For three months siie coughed incessant ly and could not slm-p. she bought of us u Isittle of Dr, King' New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking find dose that t-he slept all night and wilh one Ix.ttlo lias tieen :nir ae iloimly cun'd. I Ier name is Mrs. Lu ther Lull." Thus writes W. C. Hainrick A. Co., of .shelby, N. C. (let a free trial bottle at U. A. Hanlings Drug Store. RucLlen'i Arnica Sulre. The Rest Salve in the world for Cnta, Rruises, s.res, I'lcers, Salt Rheum, Fe vei Sores, Teller, Chapped hanus, l liil bl.iiiis. Corns, ami all Skin Krnptions, and posiiively cures Files, or no pay re iimred. It is guaranteed to give perfect i satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'rice ! :'i cents per box. j I or sal" I iv li. A. Harding J. W. POWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office at Charuian & Co's Drug Slore ORKUON CITY, ORFCiON. Prof. Edwin A. Smith, 189 SIXTH ST., PORT LAN P. . OKr iiOS. Iitttrurtiir ! Ptnno, nr.n. Violin, Mntidnllnr, uiiitr, lmiiju, CUrlin't nn.l Zither, t'lTLrt, liniuit lid Or-hrklrm. For l'urticul.irs, inquire at the Oregon Ciiv SHOE STORK. MMtKET RE TOUT. Wheat, otic, Oals, V hu 3Sc. Flour, lsl grade, M.oO. FRODUCK : Rutter, 22toa0nts, Fggx, V lrt'!i1'. 22 to 25 c. Chickens, dressed, doa, (3 $3 to 14 Chickens, spring i'2.00 & I3J0 Chickens, live, J.OO toM.60 Turkeys, Potatoes, V bu fil.50 to 0.00 Onions, V bu UX). Apples V box, 50 to 76. FKF.D:- Sho..s, 17 00 Rran, il 5. Hay, timothy baled, 10 to 10. Hay timothy loose, 7 to 8. Clover, baled lOtoll MEATS: Reef, live, 2 c. Reef dressed, 5e. Veal, dressed, 7o. Hogs, live, 3c. Hogs, dressed, ( 6c. Sheep head, 12.00 nnd W.hQ. Wool,. 20(rt21 V Lard, country bulk, 11c. Lard, buckets, lOlj'c. llama, Vth, 12 to 14c. Sides, ytb, lie. Shoulders, Vlti, 10c, . DRIED FRUITS:- ; ! All kinds very dull. , - Apples, sun dried, 2 and 8c. l'lums, sun dried, 2 and 3e. l'runes, sun dried, 4 and itc. Fears, sun dried, r) and He. Apples, machino dried, bleached 5 & Co l'lums, machine dried, 6 to 7c. Fears, machine dried, tt and7e. l'ruues, machin odried, 5 und So.