The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, September 26, 1889, Image 1

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. . lyR PR. . . S. fto
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Hliljs It'Nl J JD
JfiHr-r1 Mia,
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Hour iiv ti.ii
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Kuieied the PM noire ttoret-.m Clljr Oregon
eeeond elaaa matter, March , l
tingle copy, one your, in udvuiicn, f 'J 00
Single copy, sis iimiitlm In advance, I (X)
tingle copy, iiol In advance, 2 50
Addreee', Ill K KNrr.Ht'ltlSK,
ttirin City Oregon.
rnArTER xix.
"wH to too, KbWaiuv
It waa on th day follow Uif tb on apni
bic Harold iroiu to Id that F..l"aril
liwary rrturnnl Ui Ibilunghauu Hi falser
l.iwl m fur rwmifml froni bu attack a to b
at lut inaill uu to allow bi drtxtrtuna,
twiii rlnvfly niovwl tbrnlo by th UI
t toil lMy & tki"t braurb niatilub
HH'tit wrr tulTi'riiig fivin hi bwar.
"Vil," bfl mi. I, in hii high, inliig votca,
"liUkiurM (liira, and mutt b atlru.ird
kit, mt . Ui- you liml Iwtter r. Yhty talk
au.ul lu fl-wtiug rharat'Uir of thiuga, luit
tiM-ittUon tbmg Hint ai.vrr rluingni, and
tint la inoiiry Money u liiiiuoruli man
may nun and hum may go, but unnry giai
uu loratvi liml ll iiiuii.y la tb bonry
(. a d turn ara tb Hi, and wim get
Uifir till ami Him niii'k tboir wmga, but lb
lioiiry u alwayi lliirtt, an uvwr mind th
Uiaa. No, nvir min i iu cttlitir, you go and
aOr tb hi'iH-.v, hdwar.L Munry
lioiiry; buiuy nMiiwy, tbuy rhyme, dou't
l;n.) I And baik luiTt, by nm way, If you get
a i'Iihih--uihI tint world Utull of rbaurv to
nivit a bo bav i lciny of ntonoy nuud you
lou'l foiv't to ay out bulf pay voloiid
whan luu iin"(l)iiirit,'li. 11 plnyH
t ur family a dirty In.-li, mid Ibrrv'a your
wtr aunt Julnt lu a hi' uiic aoyluiil to Ibu
ii.tiiuriil, and a tiuuiit aouixt of i iino
to u."
Anil an Kilwr.l lflIo lilsrtimnlil (mtrnt
fnivnill, iiddc. irtiL .Nor In truth did ll
tvtin any ndiiioiiiiion Inuii Ur I'owy,
', In niiiko luni u;i tioui to do Col. Cjuar
iUb uu ill I no if In- tMirtiiiuty abonld
rv Mrt, iju.'tt. in Ii.t iiuniKrouiull'iKtiiin
iMU.ra, lad mora onoo, ahililv for
imx.iit n livr own, girrn Inm luli and
ivnl iw.mia of X'.w lonl cmi alwtit tb
tuloiivl and bla.wbo fr, Uu. mid.aivording
l. . ikiinuu iMV-ort, i.,;;iitl Ut l marritL
.Now, abMiHw Im I 11.4 by any ninni iskiIihI
i itttanli'dfVotlo i to Mi nd" l.t X'On, wbkh
ml tinrvrv on imuli in it own way. tin
to ouiitrary, Ibr I iIit bona fctiayfnitu
li. r tlitiiiiuit ,i.j,Mi..n t,r,i, nn.l wlih itn
ngorviu uii,r.iM ,b of Jt'itlouy. H bad,
It at tnia, l.lh'n iiiiiliad lirouiitr. I hut tb
tinuld marry bun, if I rbnam to atk br:
Mil uu Una In- iil no givut rlmii. lU-m
hurry In iv.urn to IbimlnlmiiL
lt ii" I..mi..ii by an afturnooii train, Ii
rtun'bnl lb.iiiii, iii aUmt htlf punt 0, and
i i iuiniaim ot an uiiiiiiuMiiBnit already
Hindu, waul loilinv with lb (Jut'i.ta. YVhru
' nt rrai lud tlw Ihiiim b found Hlalon tu
tua drawing iMom, for bur hulnuul, buying
mm III lata, wai Hill dnwaingi but aomw-
bat to hi ralluf b bad Ho opiHirtuuity of
lii'ivat ivuvaivatioii with liar, for aurvaut
waa lu th room, i.tndiug to th lira, which
would mil bum. Th dinner twoied off
tinily MinuKh, Ibnugh itiur aa' au onilnon
look about th Indy'n fat1 which b, bolug
familiar with tlmu aigna of tlx feminine
weather, did uot nlttiaiiiar Ilka, Aftur din
hut, kowevtr, Mr yutmt txcuaeil hiiiMelf.
tui) ing thai he bad iroiniKd to atunul a local
tnri In ld nf th fundi for th rntora
i Hon of ll da'Hl ilnnacM of the uirlib
church, and b mm Ml clou with til lady,
l lion It iia that kit lief JiMlt up MtIon
t.r,,ki. out' Mh ovwwb.lmwl bim with bin'
- klcyotiou, ah tttld hint that bar life bad liecrf
a blank whll ha waa away, th reproached
b in will ll.y ajullyand ooMd of hi
3 iJ'l IfTi,.
teitete, ii.ioi.nrouy Weill oil id a way wiui
which he but tu well aocualoincd, and
If lb truth limit lie tultl, heartily llrwl. Hit
mix wet au Irritable one, will to-uight tit
whole Hung wean, bim beyond bearing.
"L'uuw, Utillo," h wltl, ill hut, "for g.tod
nrm uU b litlle more rutioiml. Vuu art)
grttnig luu iilil lor Urn of UimfiiultTy,
you kimw."
Khti tiruiis up ftud facKxl lum, litr ryr
Btubm ami lutr braut luiavuig: t Kb J.-al..ii
iilpir. "What da you niranT tb mwi
'Ant you Unxl of nmf'
"I diil not ir tbl," b iiwfirvl, "but M
you bav turteil Ui ul.J-t, I ututl loll ynu
bat I tblnk all Uu baa goiw (ar viiouku.
U ulm It la tUipijai), belirv tliall both
ii runioL I am wir Uiat your bubaud I
oitmnuj tuiU'lou, ami a I hav tulJ you
unuln auJ i;olu, l( oao tin bulua (U to
my (ibr mm, b will diuub.nt uw."
IWIIa itm.l gull illtl tlllhabaJ flnblitd.
b lia.1 attiimiKl ber faroriu atUludV, aod 1
rroad brr anna Ublnd brr back, ami Iter
wtirt, child. ib ti waa calm and Try Uu. f
"H'battatbioodof making i.nur and
Ictliug Ut wbat U Ct Uu, Ed ward r ab '
aatd. "On nvor brar a man wbo lov a i
woman talk bk Uiat; ntdnic coma with
wearluna, and men grow virtuous wbao
thr U nothing more to gala. Toa ere
tired of ma. 1 bay aren It a long tiina, but
lik poor blind foot I bay triad not to be
lief a It. It la not a great reward to a women
who baa given brr whole life to, a man, but
rbaie It I aa much at ale can im-t, for
I do not want to be uiijuat to you. I am lit
imal to bltune, berauat need never take a
fal t p miTit of our own frvo wiiL
'Well, 11, be auid, Impaueiiliv, "wliat
of ur
tjuly Uiia, Cilward. I have ttill a little
pride left, and if you are tired of me, why
tried bard to pmvent It, but do what
be would, a look of rvlief Mrnggled into bit
far ribv hiw it, and it uuwle bar wild wub
(nilouii auur
"You nunl not look happy, Edward, It
I eranvly dwvut, aud, lmnii, you have eot
brd ail liml I have totay I know w tut
all tine ariM from. You are lu lov wub
Ida dv la Holla Now tbere I draw the line.
You may luove me if you like, Uit you eball
uiH marry Ida "bile I am alive to preVMit
II I bal la uuire than I ran bear bwidea,
like km woman, all baa falloa lu lov
wub CL yuinub, wbo u urih two of
you, Udari Cuwcy i
"I do woi lbve It," be amwered, "and
what right have ou loaay that I am In
with Uipedv lu Hod' And if I am In love
with ti.-r. bow onu you preveut nw from
marrying her n I rbuiwr"
"Try. en I you will are," th annwired.wlia
a little luiigli 'And now, the curtain baa
rtropiird. nd it la all oer ltenu ui, why,
Ute iMt thing I nut itm do it to put out
tb libu and go to tad,'' and tb (audited
gain and cnurttwM wttb much aanimed
playfulnen "thud night, Mr. Cueary ; good
Bight, ami fd by.
He held out bli html. '(inx, Delle," a
aid, "don't let ut part Ilk thia."
Hlie thitok brr bead, and onoa mora nut ber
aj-mt tmhlnd brr "No," alw amwere.1, "(
win not take your bauiL Vt my owu rrt
will I will uevrr tourb it again, for to me It
la like the band of I he did Good by, nun
mnre. gowl by to you. K.I ward, and to all tb
hupptncaa ibnl I ever had 1 built up oil mr
life upon my love for you, and you haw
tliatuiml It Ilk glam. I do not rrproucb
you, you have followed after your untuit
ai.d I niul follow miiio, and In Hum all
llilugi will come rizht In the grave. I tliall
not trouble you any ntoru, provided that you
do not try to marry Ida, for that I will no
!Ntr And now gn, for I am very tired.'
ami turning thr rung the tail for th tervunt
In allow bun out.
In unolbor minute be wni gnu. 8h liV
nl till the beard the f mitt door rloacla-liinu
him, and thru tlie gavu way to her cm f, unii
fini;liig iHTM'lf uiion th eofa, isivered bei
(iuv Willi her Imiidt mid toblml and moaned
l.itt. i Iv, weeping for the t, and weeping
tiv), for the long diolau nra t'l welt) t
cotiKi I 'our aoinanl do uot let ut )ud;jo bei
too hardly, for wlmuvrr waa the mratur ol
brr tin, it hnd awirially found ber out, ai
niir linn nlwayt do nnd u out In th end
hbe bad lovnl thia ninn with a poaalon whlul
bat Uu piirallvl in the hrnrt nf well onionxl
and well brought up wonirii. Kite h id nevei
riwilv livtsl till thia filial iauou took p
.-alon of her, und unit that it object had
deeerted hnr, ber heart felt aa though It bad
tlinl within brr. lu thai idiort half hour bt
tulTered more than many women do In tbvii
whol liven, bin th itti-oxyam pawil, nd
aim mio mln nnd trctiibling, with act tevtb
ml Itlatiug ryca,
"llu bud Utter be careful," lb (aid to
bernelf ; "I may go, but If b trlu to marry
Ma 1 will keep my word y, for ber !
aj will u bla"
Hien ICilwnril Cwy ram to oontldrr
the m allien, which b did aarloutly on tht
following morning, h did not find It very
atltfactory. Yo brgln with, b wet not alto
gather a heai tlitu nmn, aud tuoh acne aj
Ibat which he bad-niaeil through Oil the
prevlimaevvnln waa In itvelf quit nnuph
to Unrt Ina nervea. At one time, at any rule,
be bad breu much at inched to Mr. Quant; b
had never borne her any vioWnt alTectioie
that had eti I Imui oh her k); but ttill b bad
bean fond of her, add If he could hr don
o, would pnjUbly bav married ber. i fu
now he wh altacbwl U ber, and would bav
keen glad to remain bar frlrud if ilia wouj)
liavalldwrd It. ' Hut then cam th 11m
when hr huqiir ooinnivucirj to weary him,
and he on hit tide Iwgan to fall in loe with
Ida de la Mo I, and aa b drew back to tit
came forward,. U'lat lemrtli be waa worn tint.
aim tnin ft eaiinmatofl aa baa Mo diaorlbed.
II wri jrry lor brr too, knowing bow
Uwdly iti atUcbel to bim, tb'jugh It I
irobabl Dutt b did not In th Inut rvallw
lb Mtt'tit to wtiHitba urrrtM, for nrltlior
iii.ii nor wouh-ii wbo bav intxnUoiially or
othnrwtw Un ii Ii rnuo of lliUmne mi-utnl
iU'Ulb toon of tb oji)ito M.x vrdo
quil nl!i tbia Thy, not unnamrally,
nii-aMir lbt ikhiI.Io by lb d-jtb of ttwlr
omii, ami ik lU-rvfor n-ry apt to com to
ernnir- m miik Iuihi ii Of rourw, are now
jm-hL Dip of ii- abt'i- all lb rmil wlon
la ou ou idi and UidilTtrviMv or oonipara
tiv liidifft rviitti uu tin otber; for atir It U
mutual (!.o nf will lu natkrw of equal
dr ib l uiiitunl alMt
At any rau., IMwnrd CutMty wa quit
MUHtiv :i'UKh to rd th rtlii(f with
Lira Qunt oi-utoly, und srlui b felt tht
nmiiiirr of It nvtt iiiih than tb fact of tlx
Mrn(iiu, Tben ami anoitwr eonnldiTa-
tloo. II wan, it 1 true, frw from hut ra-
tanjlaint lit, ultirh wiw in ttarlf a,i iiornioui
rvltrf, but lb fiwdoni wai of a ronilltumal
Datura. Iilcbai thrrateiied tniublvlnttM
lmt dii-Ulv tow tbould b allcnilit to
carry out bi tt rvl ourum. fai.-k ! hl
not bern alow to divi e, of nmrrviiiE Ida.
Krvin aome cult rroMin. at Iraat b him it
teemed tumult, the idea of tbit allianre waa
peculiarly diMetU'l ul to brr, though no doubt
the true expUiuatimi waa that the Utiiered.
and not luaoeuratvly, tliat It waa In order to
briug it about tbat ha waa bent upon deaerv
Ing her. Tbe quwtiou with bun waa, would
the or would tbe uot allrnipl to put hrt
threat Into eircutlonf ll certaiuly are me,
to bun dullcult to tinar;ii;w what tt L
could take to tlial Vid, aiving that any i
U' would nrcraarily Involve brr owu e
ptamre, and tbat km when there waa notbiii;
to gain, and when all hopea of thereby tecur
tug bun for bniwif bad itaeaed away
.Nor rtlil be ecrioualy Iwlieve that tb wouli
attempt anything of I lie tort. It la one thin
tor a woinau to make aut-h threat In in
rut agy of ber jealtiuty and quit an
other for ber to carry tha out la colt
blood. Itnokmg at tbe matter flora a man 'i
point of view. It teamed to him ztremelv
Improbable that when tho"oaaioa earn aue
would allemiK tuch move. U forgot bow
much more violeutry, waeo onct) It but taken
powetalon of her being, Ut Morm of paatiou
wfetai ItirWuxh tach a womana heart
through Mum 'a. ad how amarl rwrfcleat V)
all eotiaeqnrnct) the f.-mr wwuetimea b
'or there re-rowno for whoa all
thlagt meit In that white baau mt wngulthed
JeeJouryaonor, duty, oooeclenoe, and tb
raatrauit ot reugion, and of tba Ball gueat
wa cue,
Out of thi he wat not aware, and though
be reroGniaed a ritk, be taw In It notufticiuat
neuon to make him aiay bi band, r'or day
by day tbe atrnn- deaire to ouk Ida hi wit
bad grown Uion bim, till at Met it poaaeawd
bim body end tout For a long wbil the
Intent bad bean tmoldering In hut breast, and
tlw tale tbat be now beard, to tlte effect thai
CuL yuarilch bad liren heforeliaud with
bun, bad blown it to a flame. Ida waa ever
ument IU bit tnnuhtt, evn at uight he
rould not be rid of her, for, when be tlept.
her viaiou, dark ryeil uud IvauufuL came
.tealln: down bit droanu. Kb wai bu
iiraveu, add if by any bidder known to man
he might climb l.ictvio, thither be wou.d
cJinib, And to be ut hit tiih and vowd
lliiil, Mr. Qutnt or no Mix Quest, be vioild
tot bi fortune upoti the bauini of the die ay,
and win It, even if bo londed the dice.
Win e bo wutatill tliiukiiig tliua, ttandlng
at hit window and gazing out ou to tbe
nmrUet ilt-o f tue quiet little town, be nut
deuly tuw Ida hcntcll driving up iu bar pony
carriu:e. It tut a wet and windy day, and
the rum wot ou ber cheek, aud tb wind
towed a little l'k of her brown hair Tb
rob wot piillni;;, and ber proud foot wot tot,
at tli eouiviiU'uled her energies upou bold
Iiir bliiL .Sever lo lid ward Coaery bad tb
looked more beuulifuL Hit heart bent font
at Hie tight of bur, an . whatever doubt
might bav lingered iu bit mind,
Yets he would cUuu ber promiat and marry
I'reaently tb pony carrlag pulled up at
hit door, and tb boy wbo waa aitting be
hind got down aud rang tb bell. II itepped
hock from tb wiudow, wondering what It
could lie.
"Will you pleat glv that not to Mr.
Cowry," aaid Ida, a the door 0eiied, "and
ak bim to eud an aiwaerf" aud alt wa
The not waa from the aquira, trailed with
hit big teal (tbe tquir alwayt tea led hit let
ter in lb old fatliioiied way), and contained
au ii'vitatiou to biniaelf to thoot on tbe mor
row. "George want me to do a littl par
tridge driving," H ended, "and to brutb
through one or two ef th ttnall envari,
There will only b Col. Queritch betid your,
elf and Oeorge, but I lion that you will
bav a fair rough day. If I lout bear from
ynu, I thall (uppoo that yo ar comlug, a
lout trouble to writ."
"Ob.yIwUeV,aid Kdward. "Cott
found that Quaritch. At any rate I can tliow
bim bow to thoot, and what is more, 1 will
bv it out with hlui about inv aunt.1
Boil, nltiinles and Wln iliaease of all
111 ml cpnedly diarf ",, l,,ooJ
in iuiiflnd by the uo of Ayer'd Snnia;
pafulla, It has no eiiuni a loniu al
ternative, tii result being Immediate
amJjjutiHfaotory. AbIi your drtiR.lrt '"r
it, and tako no othor.
' i i i it'-'ir t'- in' rit ;Vr;'v i ' i - - "- :' -i - -- -i - " ' - - -1
for Infants
' Caa4aaHiaa wen adapted taeaiJdlwwtkaa I
lreri,iue0aiiMUnrrtocuaiiTDrrcrii4ci. I
Hi B. OxXat SL, orwaijra, H. T.
Practical Jrchitecti $ Builders.
Will prepare plana, elevatlnna, working de
tail, and tpeeltlratlont lor all klndt of build-
Inut Hpeelal attention given to modern cot
tage. Kallmalre funilabetl on application
Call on or addreat W IIITE K R08 ,
Oregon City. QB
Hedges & Warren,
.1 at a -k..tM. v
V CASK H alwav oa kana. riot inline
tud ouiaida
tnmmiuga. on magnlncent
Carpenter work of ell dearrlptloua executed
with ueaineat and dlapaich
Shop at WrrQ'i Furniture Store, in
Bank Hlovk.
We re coiiHtuntly in receipt of new
ataple end fancy grocrie so that otir
utovk i lay fresh. For thia reason
alone it would pay you to trade with me.
Hut in addition to thia I nell at living
price, no that you are certain of netting
vour ntotiev'n worth when yon buy any
thing1. If you have not traded with me,
Jon'i fail to give me a call and you will
not regret it . O. Lovijoy.
If vou are in need of a llnrnens, SaJdlu,
Bridle, or Kepnirs, you can save money
iy culling on uie.
Fine Buggy Hiirnunsea and Stock Sad
dle tiitde to order. -
Whether yon want to buy or not w hen
in town call on me.
Tbe Glim Ml
Harness Shop.
Next to Henry Cooke's Livery Stable.
For bintloeet nnrtulta at the Tettland Itnainrae,
College, forlbuiil, Oregon, r.r at the Carit:l kia
inrf Collegv, iwicm, Oregon. Both m.-IhuIh are
nnrier the maimgementof A, Amatnmg, have
aamecouraeof elu.ika and tame ratrt ol luitioa.
IIiiMliim, Miort limnl,
Tv)iewrlHnir, fenwiawahlft and F.ngll.h Ieiiart
meula, tie anrt evenlnirvankma. atdci:ted
niillr.l at anv lime. Kortulnt Cntaline, a.t.trent
rVtko.i ImitiM CI Itea, AD Bui la I itMaM talltta,
rottland, Oregon.
ealrni, Oivgoat.
tt V S ""V . -i. it- afl J . T-
and Children.
Oawtawte ami fVJt. Oeewtteetfc,
Hoaatt, Iiarrh. fcructauoa.
I Wnraa, giv (ieew. and prwitoM a-
Wk kmjaatea I
fai Oorraea CowTiev. TT Murray Sunt, V. Y.
D. P. MAT.
Dealf rs In Groceries Si Produce,
Oregon City, - - Oregon.
Books and Stationery
Painter, Kalsarriner,
and Decorator,
la prepared to attend promptljr t
work entrant! to him.
Fatrormge repectfulljr eolicited.
M. H. Flanagan,
n( Wiaei. Liquora, Ale. Beer, Be , to be
fmiudlnthe tate. la Legue-Eatthtm bloat
Give me a call.
Livery, Fed nnd Sale Stable
Double and Single Rips, and wd
die Imrsiii always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the burn or loose stock.
Information regarilinit any kind of
stock promptly attended to by person or
horses Bought and Sold.
180 acres of tine fruit laiid
four miles from town, with
good water power, small or
chard and 15 acres improved.
Will sell or trade for town
property. Inquire at this
Examine these choice bargains ar.d
nirculations in real esUt yet fur sale at
old figures asked years ago:
3rd. A splendid little (arm at Damas
cus, owned by David Cos ; 68 araes ; 30
acres in cultivation; bog houss, fair
burn ; .1 acre a. In hops, hop hotine, iireas
toHtinrf Thi I will sell for IkWO
and it-better, a rlieer and a handMucer
plai t can't be found in the country.
Small farms, large farms, tock'rngo
improved and unimproved property.
Both in city or county, for sale tt reason
able flgnrea. H. E. OKOSS,
A tfy and Real Estste IValer. Oregon
fltcher't Cattorla.
Children Cry for