The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 23, 1889, Image 1

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NO- 51.
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Tin-: KXTKKriiisE.;
r'litnt'l Oil I'.miI (E1iri nl llri'ifolt l it Oo.ill
'.. Ilil I'MIt lll.ltOT. M lll'li i. Ivwi.
it vrv.ft r m iwi liiiTiuN.
Jiii.'Ii- npy, mm vi-ar, In aJvaiirp, INI
hm'li' iupy, nix mouth in .t t v .4 1 i-i , im
MiiiIi' ropt , iiol In uilviilii f , 2 .VI
a.i.Ii-, Tin-. i:n ri is; iti -i:,
Ori' filv, I liivou.
T ir Srlinol l4t
A 1 1 ii- m lni law it U'Uiit iIiiiim'i,
I iiiii' to tiller a Ii uiii'i' ri'iinirkit :
In 1 1 1 V lorniiT I aai l the nlatit liirinlii'. tlm inoimy to el
u. it" ii youth, an. I it iHH'iiui that Mr. Ii
hat kimlly tn einhiiu to urn
tie ituimrr in lu h n.l.ixil f 1 1 1 if I m am
iu.-"l. t Hill aay that I unti.l tlm nr,l
i-l.iL' in I he literal miim, Mr. 'i iaa
the xt.ilr fin iiikIh'ii a Kirtiun, hut the
ti-iiei I'Uit la laoteil l.v a II e Hull tax,
ail. I ttheii tlm ili-tn. yetM itn moiiey ill
the apt liijj lioin the roiintv, it tililv 'i'tii
il i' u aif.nn.
I M,ll If primaii'tiou eiioiijli to any
I i Mr (i lht eat Ii iliKlru t iloea nut get
I he in. uU of tlm live null tax oil the
pl""' l in Ihe ilir.lrl.-t, i earh ilixlrii l
iioea not ir.'t iia own Tlm live mill t.ix
l oiiHlituli a a county " h."'l Iiiii.I. F illy, mi. i" iillolteil to eiirli ilisli iet, anil
the remain ler ol tlm money ia .lintrihut
e l pio r.ii.i. ri'!.iiiliiH of the ainoimt of
Ltxahle pion'rty in the varioua ilmli iita.
My liieiiil will, ia..-ha,ii, admit thai the
pill. hr .it l.ue are interexte'l 111 the ml
.tin 'fint'iil ol our "iIiiiIb. The old luellr
i id of allow ilia' lite ueriulfudent to x
miii t-ertilleatea at pnv iU- t'Xauiiuation
liaa tn'eii tiled and found wanting. In
our aihler alatea that have advanred in
in the t aiiKti of education, mid NiwtiK
exeellelit Mi liiMila the old method h.i"
Kiveu place to puhlit; wrilten exuinili.i
tioiiN, and tun reaulta have heeu and are
now, NatiNfactory.
1 auk, would it I mi wiae lo revert to
thia old fiyv liuilhtid of Knuiliiiii ceilill
talea pioiiiisi iioiily, ri'iiarilleha of tho
ipialllli'ittiona of the applicant ?
Ii it he admitted that thoHti who fail at
public examination could jjet i erlillcali'"
at private exiiniin.ition, the only
ciiiii'luiion thai can Im reached in that
tho impel intfiidfiit hIiowh favoritiNin, or
that tlii'rii in no Htiiinliinl of ipialilli'
liona nect'HHaiy hi order lo obtain corlifl-
The iN'rawi w ho cannot, by fair ineana,
obltiin 70 per cent., the ataiiilanl liiKfie
ary to oblain u third iraile cert ilii ale,
la ecrtainlv not i onin'tnt to leach
Nchool. Such a Miraiin luul hi'ttcr at
tend rft'hool until the ueceHKiiiy ier cent
lai obtailied. Due would infer from Mr
Mr. li'a letter Unit teacheiw recnive
enormmiH Nutitriea In Huh .'"iinty I
km w ttfitchera who are tuacliinK for from
eiifhtv lo nilii'ly (liilliira per teini, Ihrit'
inoiilliH. The uvcnii. inoiitlily aulary
imlil male tearhera In tlua eoimty for the
year 1MHH, waa Jo'.WI; fiimaln teaclierN,
ILWID. To auv tliat any ilinnict in tliia
coiitily cannot ulVoid lo lure a teacher ut
thorn llgiireH foi from lour to nix uiontlia,
when w take In cotiHldymllon tlio fact
thai each iliatrlfH getH llflv dollar, he-
m.lii llu) proritU uinotint wlilrtl ill kIkjvh
oik ilnllur, fmiii (lir ruiuity funilH uml
tliut it alwi iirl'iihtml T in it i (rum
1 1 ii' hIuIk f i i i i ' 1 , ih m1 in ply uliNiinl,
! I liitvn dm inn Ii khiIIiIi'Iuu in (liu in
Iclli'i'iiri' uf tlir hiiiIii of thmMulc lu Ih-
I limn ihi-y (till cli'iiiniiil tht' nH-ttl of 1
tin! nr'iit nchiMil In'. I -it n
tt lnw tlmt Im" tin! i-ll'i'i t of jli'ViitiiiK our
; . ill. He hi'ihhiIh ;tlaw tint i both litir utnl
ju-il to thi tiMi'lum of III Uli'.
i If vti limn Iiciht ti'iuhi'm w nlmll
j Ii:ivi Utti' K'-li-w l. If u livii ImIIit
m IiooIn Hi kIi.iII lliivit lil'lUT 1'itUiMm
' Siiioki it ollM l-iirt nu ll ill l'Viilllill II
ilnlh- morn to iiiuintulil n 'km! ncliool
hihlcni, hIio'h tlii-nt tliutwill nay tlm
ri-milt Monhl not jiintiy tin) outlay of
Thirn U no r.MHon why (tr.'ijon nhoiil.1 f
la.Mii tho i.u.M-of I'.lu.Mtio,, Why ji i
hoiil.t ulopt, I'M, ilmoli'tl Iiii'IIiihIh of
I'lillilllrtilitf I'milllilHlliollH. WliV it
k'ioiiIiI iIcbim' to liavi hiirih'H of incompi"
ti-nt li'tirlicm, im-ri'ly for tlm purpiM of
ivii'K a "illi miiii of in jiii')'; hut thi-n
a i t ihil tut ii'aHotii wliv tin K in nlioulil
ki'i'p pat- ith tlm ntlur ulaU-a of the
I'iiioii in tho tfieut work of e.hii Mtion.
S, A. P. (irm.i v.
Dnil uf il raimiu ( oiitrtt.
Tlm U. K. atipreme couil unarilcd l!i?
t'Xiiciitnraof the wi! of M vra ( lai k iainea
the mini of J.'x.'t.iKMl aainnt the l ily of
New Oilcaiia fur the line ol pioitutv m..
bv tlm city but ret'.iveifd bv Mra
u'lii'H. After loiu lili.tlio'l, the jii'lrf
meiiliif the lonerioiirt awardinthtj ex-
editor" l ,:UMI,INKI for the UM'of IlliiinproV-
eilT.i" Jty Hold, wan not coin mr.'d in.
The caav h.i" proli.tbly la-en llio mot
intcri'Mintf, llm lutnlcat coiitenti'd Hihl
the niimt proloivrd known to the judi
cial hixtory of Ihia country. The Ural
cult in tlm cae wa broui;lit by Mr,
(iiiinea i then t n iff of liciiaral Whit
nevjin iKiai d in. t' that lium decision
haa followiHl dis itl .n ilirt'uuul to it.
Thu Ii "l mnt waa broiiuhl to recover
whtt wai known an Ihe Lvaiihte I'datic
tract in New drle ni" Kl.nic hoiiiihl Ihe
tiie t foi a'tiut (IhIiI from the exei iitoia
of ( ii'iieiul lniii"l Claik, a tirumimnt
citineii of New OHcaiii. lie mild It and
aome other land lo the city of New Or
Iran". The uni'in l nit which Mr", liainpa itee
up her claim were that he Man the i hild
of (o'li.'ial Claik by a Ncciet marriage
between him and nlimu I airiere, and lilaik bad left a later will
than the tun) under which llm pnerty
waa Mild Thin Het'iel murriaip formed
the axiN mi which the litigation resolved
ai.d the case waa fought with bitternerin
by both nidea.
Il w an until a few yearn before the
war that Mm, iainea waa finally declared
lo la' the legitimate child, a" well at the
law lul heir of t' Kven
then the city ol New Orluana d'd not aur
render, and niter the war Mia. li.tinea
wii" coiiiM'lleil to biitii a nail (or 'l.uu
auea. lu I MS I the circuit ol the I'nited Sbttea
for the I.ou'iHiana diati k't ituve jiiilueiiienl
in her favor for ti"'-'.t"'"i uml It ia on
uppcal from thia jinlnienl thai llm cane
vua decided
The prewnt ciin', it ia tcetiorully eon-
fifdett, exhiiUHta all tht) reaoureoa ol the
law, and ia rcxardett a a final aettleme nt
of tht) Initiation. Mr (iainea. ft lit in
to the vtn v luat for lior riitlita, la dead,
and no. it Ik ladievud, hi'o all her home
iliate relativea, except hei danxhter-in-
law lluttie L. Whitney in whiaie name as
admiuiNtratrix ol Mra, Oalnra tho cum.)
Manila on the court docket.
MoIhIIji Narrow (Jiiaicf It. K.
Now we mo 'aoou to have a railroad
thrmiKh thia part of the country, provid
ing a rlyht of way can le ncnred. It
no one atuiid in tlm wav of thia enter
pi me tlmt the peojilu hnvn been hoping
to aeo can led out for all of theae pant
vein, To entertain un idea that any
railroad Co. will buy a ri"ht of way at
hih figure la Jimt tho thing to do when
you do not want a railroad. A railroad
rtiuniiiK through thia locality, to Silver
ton luiiat take a eotith wratorly conrao
and con in it paa through farm dividing
the land Juat ai tho owner would
llkn. (m mun tiay "conn; on with tin)
ruilruud we'll inovu our Iiouhu i( you can
not mm witlmtit it." Wo think llio
iiiont (uvi)iitlile riMiln from tlio i'aliTH
purtol MnlitlLt pruinii wuiilil In- ton'riku
on the Hut k C'rci-k briil.' in kit. T.
5, K. rai.tfu 2 caul, rnniuu Hoi k Crwk
ittiuul tin) wi'MtKin In"! uf T, 5. Ttiin
vouil rfMch tlm Hutte Cri-rk country!
with mi rny itruilct, uml torn Ii within j
t( iiiIIcm of tlm hmlii Hriny; in fm:t thin ,
in iihoiil the only n ji tualilo ruuta from
tint eatcrn jmrt of lltt I'ruirie to jjt :
ilown tlm MolalU 11:11 For miy fur- 1
ihur MinUirn rail u the wrilur.
Tarti, Ciire tlm KuturpriBe. !
Slltiuii on thf Sufvtjr VUf. j
Many urv they ho liavu laughed ut
,,IH 1,,r? ""' Kn xti-amt.ut flri'iiiftti
who iiat on tliu wf. ly vaivo lu prevent
il leakim;. ' id UiouaamlM are ie
NaliiiK i''1 foi I v every tlav. They are
troubled with blotehea, pimplea, eru-
tiona, aalt-rheum, hoiln, carbuncle, ul- j
ccm and old itymptomi w ithout reuioviiif
tho catlxe. They ait on thean a.tfely
valvea bv which Nature ia driviiiK out
til.MMi impuritma, inntcaii ut n.-in Pr. i
i'leiee'atiolden Medical IHm'overy, which I
cure bv reinoviiijt the rauie, which ia in
the blood. It ia a wonderful blood puri
tier and invigorating tonic.
(Hi you think the proprietor of I'r
Sak'e'a Cularrh Uemrdy would oiler, a.
they have done for many yearn, a klanda
inn reward ol 'a for cane of catarrh
which they cannot cure, if they did not
positively know that the Uemedy will ab
solutely and yernianenlly cure catarrh.
Said by druiriiiata, al only 'ai cent".
Adrlcf To Met hern.
Maa. Wiw'i Sikitiiimi Svki p, for
t'lildicn tt'etlulur, i the lut-hcription of
one of the be' leuiale mine" and pliyai
cian in the I'tiiteii Mutea, and haa Immmi
uai-d for forty yeara with tiever failitiK
aucceaa by million of mot hem for their
children luriiij( the procea of U-c'li-nitf
ita value ia inetlcilht'iln II relieve
the child from pail), cure ilymnterr and
duirrliiea, :riiiii ill the Ihiwi'Ih, and
wind-colic, liy Kivinrf health to the
child it recta the mother.
A M teln N uuti. Hviumm
tlm rrflr blt4u.-a ft ft)
IMtntiirtit bit h iU
rf-iiit .titti u
ri tinir trrvti-r ut optl.(r ntn ut nti ltMainit.
Tiilt Arm mkf ha nuifdititi prvitniM-a o( vitif ULtint
lri, but i hin)t mml ritMht applirknu who r
luililali Ml)rrf(tiv iviftlriirr lu lmt worthirwM
ll Ih lllri!jr wM y iMHiltill lo Ihe Ulll? Ihff
rtrininliile inr mtuimiM nu lnt ..f n-Miiy
lulvifrm wllh iMKirtra In which tlical Br tutw
1-t,.. tlh rrl. t-rtt. e-,
. ft. HAkJUkimii iu, m ptatk T.,rMiiAtto, 114
Tho Fourth Annual Convention of the
Oregon State Siitmav Sthool AaaiH'latioH
will 1m held in the PreabytMrian Church,
Coivalli". tsuuiiieticiiiK at '2 o'clm k 1'.
M. on Tiiewlay, June 4th, and cloxiiin at
12 M. on ..liitico, Issil. While
thia i a M taa t'oiiventioii, and all inter
ested in the woik are cordially invited to
be present, yet, to Inaure reH'aenla
lion, all Sunday School in the pbtte are
reipieat.vl to aelui t two or more pernon
pledged to attend. Word come to u!
from Corvallia that the friend of tne
work there will open their home and
heart ami lake care of all who may, at
tend the Convention. That they may
know w ho are tc be entertained' all llioae
exacting to lie preaent willcoufer a fa
vor by aending their name to 1'rof. W,
K. Yatea, cvalli, that place may Ik- a
aigned them . Arrangement have been
nmdt) with the line of the Southern Pa
cific hailruud in Oregon and tho Oregon
l'acitlo Railroad to return at one llfth
fare all tlioae in attendance who have
paid full fare lu going to the Convention
over .heae line. Prof. Henry Sheak,
of Philomath, Oregon, ia the Statintical
Secretary of Mie Aaaoeiution, and he oV
airea to aocure a reiairt from every Sun
dav School in Oregon. Will tho piiiar
olllcer of each uchool that auch h re
port I aetit to h'ni In time for the Con
vention? Pantont, Sunday School 8iir
tntondonla and all Intereated in the work
are rtxpieated to give thia notitte aa wide
publicity aa pon-ihle.
E. W. Ai.lkn.
I have a choice Front Street property
paying more than ten percent intereat
foraale. Time limited. Kno.uirof
for Infants
Ul So. Ozlari Bl, bnukljn, N. T.
r. r. white. w. a. white.
J'firti-al Jrdtitec's $ Builders
W III prfiutr plana, elevation, working d
Wllt, til l ..'lfl''il"n for all kludi nl buiM
lim H"tI1 aitentlno lven w romlfrn eot
Uirt. Kttlintteii luriiitlicl on iliratlun
tall on or ml.lre.t WHITE BttUH .
Orn'io ritjr. Ogn.
Iruit and Ornamental
Oswego Nurseries
Offer for the Senson of 1889
A larp) and most complete stock of
Includinit all Ihe leadin varieties of
KIKJ. ritl NKS, I'KACHF.!, AP-
Also.imall fruitaof everv description.
I'aUilotjue free. Send (or one . AddrvH
Oswego, Orepm
J. M. I5AC0X,
Books and Stationery
Merchants Exchange.
MluStret. Oregon Clijr Oregon.
Ihi tiniii.t ol l.liii"m, Wine, itiul Cl(.'rt
hi i h I lly SI. 'i in ami try the Ufw HiUuril
I utile. Alto tinpurteit S4lluk.', ChipHru mill
n.M'a llrrr. j. ikmiiiaiii
Examine thew choline bargains ai.d
Min-cnlalioii in real eatate yet for sale at
old flgurea asked year ago :
lat. The 11. C. Uollenbeck place 8'j
miles aoutheaat of Oregon City, 2iX
acre; all good land; 25 acres in culti
vation ; 100 aero open, fine timber, now
in market; new tmme, plaaU'red boum.
wiUi good cellar ; new barn ; would
make a splendid stock farm. Thia-it
very cheap at 117,50 per acre. Half
down, balance on time.
3rd. A aplundid little (arm ut Oamas
cua, owned by lUvid Cox j B8 acaee ; 80
acre In cultivation; box limine , fair
barn ; 8 acre in hopa, hop houae, pre
coating $50. This I will acll for 11200,
and a better, a cheaper and a hundaomei
place can't he found in the country.
Small farms, large farm, stock range
improved and unimproved proierty
Roth in city or county, foraale at reaaon
able flgurea. II. K. CROSS,
Att'y and Real Ealate Dealer, Oregon
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Children Cry for
and Children.
WUou Utjuriom diotion.
tuu CiTi.-m Coarurr. T7 lain; ferart, K. Y.
LoAvest Prices.
Don't Forget
The City Drugstore.
We also carry a large line of
Druggists' Sundries, notions,
Prescriptions compounded
of the purest pharmaceutical
Charman & Co.
Main Street
Keep in Stock a full and complete line of
and Chairs.
Curtains and
Picture Frames and
Trices guaranteed.
Dealers in Groceries & 1'roduce,
Oregon City, - - Oregon.
A fine Farm of over 400
acres, two miles from town,
with good timber and water
power, for sale on reasonable
terms, or will trade for Oregon
City or Portland property.
This is a fine chance for a
man desiring a fine fruit,
grain, or stock farm.
Inquire at this oftice.