THE ENTBRPIUSE. 5 HUNTING IN ALASKA. Killing Hear- Indian Xiit.iUIo-A llvvr Hunt-.1 Might tamp. Aficr irtu'Lintc two days my coiiimiilou nml myself wiMintl td iimIhik im guides mill, leaving (Im river, net .1 T lur I he mountains. Al tliti illl of tin' lli-t ihiv'a trttiiip wo sighted it I'l. I' I. U'ur fis-duig Umi Ismcs iilmiit It mile ilHiint. Vi with luilh soeiluiUKted from mir tin-sonic walk mtiM llin Imiilni Hint we concluded In m ini o Hi' or tlm gllidi lifter llin U'lir. The lii'lmii Hint wall-1 liiiiiM-lf mihI rik umiliod hisrilln, seliriing tlucecnrliiilgcs liinl placing tlii'in in tlit gun. Hi' llii'ii Smiled a few hall from hisclniliiiig, wliii Ii in throw In the air tu UM i'iUuii the three lion of I In' wind, niul llii'ii aiiirlnl kiih to ciiiiix iii in it aril of tlin l ur. We ki it nii fiil watch through u glass, nml fciw him 011 lian.l-11ml kiMi win k slowly townid llii' U lieu w ithin ("ill yards Im In 11 1 tun allots. 'I'lni U-iir j 11 1 1 1 m-. I uihI (i ll ahnml ill In trucks. 'Un til inn probably mi iiiiiri' iss-r ntilii'iiK' in Hiii I 1 1 111 1 1 tin' northern Alaska Indian. Kvcry action of tin ir ilmlv 1 1 1 governed iv wniiii Is'llef llillnli'il down fl Mil father to will, or oiigliuilnl by tin' shaman, lit In. h. Ill doctor, W I10 lint. In glial W IV over tlll'lll. Tin1 colcinoiiics llllclidlltg I In' killing of tin' U-ur w ill illustrate. I '.nun w:Ii liinl I'lliriil tl I X lt I. Ii I'll k Willi lia lirifl tuniinl tin' uimni'iiiim. Tin- lli'l una Hu n skinned, M'Vi riil Iron) lit llv nml tllkrll by "In- I'f tin' IllltlVl-s, wh i, 1 -Lit-- I I llllllM'lf 111 1 I'll' llf till' lll'illl llllllllill. 1111ml mnl Inwiiiil tln In ml llirs turns, touching III" U 111 Jii-.l nv.r tlin lii'.iil each Hum mid inlillei nig ixuiin inc. iota (lull. '1 III' third lull" III' tllli'W It f n nil llllll, lllil'l 1 1 1 X II I'lll.l slnHlt in ullll'll 1 1 II' I'll.rl hhIihk J. 'ini il. This was done In ill ni' llin Ik'ui ' pn it to llin mountains n liinl II w.uil.l ciune lln'iii 11. 1 liilnri' nimble. A I'.irl i'l lln' 1I1 ml iiiiiin il liml In i' llfl I'll till- 'wl W.ICIO III' Was killed, hi tin' hunter would gel im .In r (lull llsoll. -V Clllllp w.ik 111,1. Ir ut till' 1. 1', mnl after tin- In, 1. 1 Ui'ii luifliil mnl pi. I. '-.I rn iii II Hiii I'l.ii'il 111 llin top of it high ll' '. Imt for iir lM' iin will. I not ti ll Tli 'kin H .11 I. In . I M il iihi llin tuinliii fill side .l II. 'I III' Hiltl'Hl uf till' I suum! wim placed mains' in hot c m- 1 mid a ni'lr ! H lilH'tiiW 111. I. In to kit l IIWIlV lill'ls. 'llin f"ll"wiii wiiiSit ilu-hlaii an.l 11n.1l well' stidgul for llllil fnlllnl III gi-l coll llltll'll A iIiit limit wlmli wo wuiioml was mi 1I11T1 n ut fnnii mir 1 r- ii nm concep tions I lint I tin nk It w .. tlii 11 il mi ijiiii hi. I 'ii ll.ii i .IM..11, w tin-' slushing with a ..u Iv of lu ll inn, n herd i.i. r wan sighted, 'llin native took tin ir rill.K mnl started, mini gumr: in "i"' dim-lion mnl some 111 another, Imt all k's-ping to i1'Ml'l llf tlll lllir. I I MM" W llll Weill liicily bound tin- lii nl wnlti.l until the i.tliiTi pit I'arilv iiiiiiiii.l U lori'Kl.iit lii. Tin' lirxl nlii't w.ti I In' niiial, Ii.'Iimi.ii all li.ili.ln rll-lli-.l l.'W al'l tin' h uhl. hi-.l iiiiimaU, Im m i'.n .iti il mnl I 1 1 1 1 U 1 i l liinllv III i-vrtv 1I1111 ti.ui. 'lln I Italian h!iuiii"I, in ikmi; nil tlm tinin' ' iilili'. tl:n H11 ilij: 11111111.1U 111 tin 11 Inar ! imMakiiiK linliann lur livr mnl ni-lnnn I on until 11 kIimI hhownl tin 111 llu ir rir.'i, J wlii-ii lin y winil.l turn mnl ll.i' im lilitnlly I ut In li'in. I. .i n nfli 1 tlm lli-l Infill 1 llinv i in li .l iinniiiil tin' ilanp r. In 11.,- to j K t 1 , 1 In r, mnl 111 tin- nv iii.inv iiii'ii' I 11. :.' kllli'il Ai mil. !i 111. :it u i-uiil.l l.n .ii 11 il wan Inailiil imhii tlii' hliil, uhili' tin- irlil.liinl' r "ll-- i.irlnil in tlm kiiou. In' -I fur nl Minm liiltin' linn'. All. r a liar.l il iv'n inan li, a r.iiiiji wax r-l il'li-liril, it Uinu turn Iiki to Hawl. Tin' ilo .i iifr lii t itnliatiii'hMHl, an 1 rliaitiril m'i.nati'lv to IhikIhk in u v 1 nl lililini;. Alti'i 1111 hour 11 rr-l lln) am fnl 11 1 nil ilii'.l I1-I1. ll.i. l.i 11.K' llir null no il tin)' Iiith i' in lui'iity fniii' In. ill-., 'l linv air rjvrn all limy rail fat, tinlinn tlm Mtiilv i-i -holt, ami ill inch r,iM H lluir I'lnlin.llli r in womli iful, a ni 1 111 1 1 iiii i' of lihh imiv u 1l.1v nullii Iiik a ilu mnl i iial.liiiK him to win k for a iiiuplii of wit liN. A rir.a many Inlrtv-tinn fa. In (.nil. I In i;irn ilhinliatiiiK tin' Ml 'ai llv lllul rn.lnlanri' ol llirw miiliinlii. A a rnli' limy havi' 110 alhi'iion. Tln'y lii oni.n tin- (ii'Iniii ho lii'iU tlii'in iin th. 'ir ina-li r, hut llirv nU'v only lliron'li li'iu. 'lin y mi' than half wolf, as nil uiiiiik wolviM caught inniaiM ,! mnl II r. I an ilurn. In rvrry Irani llirir is 1 lirl.llly Olll' ihfi who I'lillnlitllti'H hilll n ir inaMcr. 1 1 in nal ill-ally nun of tlm limit nii'rful of tin' miinlirr, mnl tlu 'ilhi l'n M'i'iii to rii'i'lhi' hin Hllpii uiiii-y, iiiw ()..;;. iihui Hii'ini; any otii of the nlhi'iM 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 HliiikiliK liili' tlm li'it urn pulling, will nlti'inpl In 11 ;u Ii mnl piininh I11111, nml if il in IiiihihmIii' to 1I0 ho w lull' in hiirinwH, will ilrhUrutrly no to him whi'it tlm iI.iv'h nlrilinu in lln i In'il nml nilniiiiiNlrr Inu (IcmtvisI rhns I i - 1 1 n 1 1 1 . In I'ltnhliHliliiK n niht rump when in a wihiiIi'iI country, tlm mnnt wlii'lti'i'i'il hj olH nrlrrhil nml It pit In illIK' ill tlli htiow uUuit llftiH'ii fi-i'l in dianii'li'i' nml a tiHit ilrrp, Tin1 ImiIIhiii in 1 1 11 -ii hlainpcil ilowii to iiiaki a haul II. mi'. Ai'ouinl 1 1ti.H iit Ih luiill a Mall aUnil four fift hi;;h, hy liiyitiK oimn Hpnitn Iiih'H on lojiof inn1 nuothii' nml ouiLiiik nlT limit' iiinI.1i' hiaiii'lii'N, This wall hai two (piiiiiU; or I .ii 'ii lin ili.iini'ii'ii'iilK opHisiil, limiting lln' pits Into halvin with a tluoii!;h piinarway inpniiitinj; tlmni. Alnii llti.i way, whlrli liiunl iilwuyw Itii'u llm n Iinl, ill inl wonil U pili'il anil llivd. On I'ilhiT hiiln 111111 luniim am luiil 011 tlm hiiow, ami on lop of Umin tlm hlrcp IiiK lian, Hucli niht cliuipR mo riinily lainli', nml tin) colili'sl i.iKliln cull U' coiiifolialilv iuuihihI in them, Tin) only ntwottru m irtu uiitn'uity 111 wiuhh 1110 In roiirliinion, tint Im'IIiiiih of Atnnku liavu Utui ri'nirtnl uhhivhh" uml tiittcli rom. In my i'irrriii n I foiiml thu niitivin of interior iiortlu i n Alimkii the tinol kind rid hiMplluhlo ni' In in tin) woilil W. U Howard in I'lipulur Sri I'tiro Monthly. I lutriti li'r nl llirunii Any miiikiil liii rrnw In l!in iiuniln r or j (iiaiirr m ilm rhaiarlnr of il 1 rain-. Ii. nilil Ik Ma louily iinn lil.Vnl. Thry urn miiim- ! Uiiiih tlm prKuiwnn of a p iii'iul hit- voim nud iin nlal piontralion. In rinii i (-awn hiihitu of dn l and miai in wink ; nud nut, hhoulil l' rxaiinni'il. If lllralln : w hirh ili't ii'M llin imi totiH I'tiiiynn nml ri'iidnr Klii'p umh Iii'iIiiiik mi ur fr- I tiimit!v, iiiriln al riiiniM I rli.niM Im laki n. , 'lln' hal'll of ii'iiiiniiariiiu mnl tiaii.ini'K 1 diriinii U i-i 1111 lull . lo ni l upon tin in 1 Ii to Kuiri'tnli'r rational Mlf tonlinl, -J M. lhlrklry in Tin' t i'lilurv hmlliilHiry In th ronftHlrrwjf. I'riiniiiw-i'iii'i) of jokn mid paprm of ' in n'Hih rii alli tln ilni' nn. I nnlillinl ant of I'vriy Hjxfii' of ntatiiiiirry In .1. Ii hoiiM'hiil.l, 1111. 1 tlm rouh ili'Vii-i-M 1 hi.ii win rinorunl to for nnpplyii -mil ilrliri. nrlin. ll una a lllim w hi ll any ludividiial 'a ho wi-ln-l to 11 w mi i n v nN iiilhl Im ( iiii'llinl tint to liiaku it. Iiflrl Uf Ihinrv of "liml i-ulrli your harr," rr. Tin1 iniiiiimr of llirtr inakiiiK urn to rut tlmni out i f 1 'ii j h r hy 11 tin or ..i -Ii Uvii.l Juiltrni, ami funlrn the llaK 1 ulmr ilh kIiim inaiiiil.irtiiriil from tlm i'iiiii of IhiM lmrry tnv, or w ith urdinai'T Hour pi-liv III. I ilmk and MiTi-tainn r.iiiiarki'd, 1111. 1 friipii'iitlv not tin-Mirri-mfully, for lln- nil wafrnt or tlm n ahm; wax of mi i-nrlii-r ilati'. Kvrn tlm tin il t v ll-h mid faihloiiahlo li.'ti) mr for roiniKinilniix' had 1111 is Iniiii'ly 11111I v limit i.-Miiii'. In mv nothing nf id Inir. liml ill - i i) m m t . 1 w ith thi rd! wax Maiuai with a i-iikhI roal of anus. Tlm juiri' of ikt' IsTiiri, roiii poiiiiiliil with vuiivar. or llm iliMillaiioii of n vi-p'lalili pnnlurt known it "ink halln, " 11-111 i thu pi. iri' of ink, liinl (a. I11 1 f 1 inn its ni iinal purplo or rriimoii c-nliir with rriit rapidity lo mm of ugly nml. Slit-I IK-IK wi-rt' M-ani-lv lo he had fur I0V11 or Toiifnli'iatc iinnii'V, mnl llm for- g.iti.-n arriiiuphihiuriit of truurilnit a l'rav l-isiw (mill 1.1 a t'l iul raini' In lw oni r ni'Tn 1111 iiit'iiuiplinhuii'iit with nil umi itainiil tithm Tlm uiiiMi-iK' on the luit-ks of tlm ill i n-inwil lhu in m-nt maui, iiilnrnnl willi llir hi-ad of JrlTrr mni liavin. i fti-n failnl of its puiin-t'; nml llm lin;:nx which wrrv li"l luliv tpuntlv lin l eiMiii;li aftiT cutting out uml making tlii'i nvrl.iii', liiiiiniin thr 11 ilia! writing llm Iritrr. iinmt nml mill go lliixmuli tin' lalsir of M'lar.ilini; trie mumps from rnen tithrrw nh a pair of hci-kuiis or a (n'tiknifi'. nml npplyins; Hour pn-.tM lo lh( lurk of tlm iii-dci-Irani -iinp, to lniin tlm nah ran i.ii' of thu iiii,vi of tilliH'iii'ii In tlin nr KwaV RolihiT w Iiiwi-t'Vinmii;lit la'trm ad it. Tlin !' of that day, U n-fl of i-n-cil, riii.lo tlirin fur llii'iiiM'lvi-i hy tin limp hulli ti and niiu him Hm uiolii'ii li ad into tlii rnvitv of "mall nidi f ruin llm cano hrakiti. Tnuiaiiil to a mil tlin home 111:1. 1.' iin il, thoiili iti lunrk iih faint, Mlllli'i'd tu hrl'Vli tlm putisws of tin youni; m-iiId iiii.I iiiiithi'iuatiriaiiH. A. I', (ion ton in lln1 (Vntiirv. A llurar's MM) if Kmcll, ' Tlir Ini in will li'.ivn iniiMy liar Tin toltrhiil in his hin, how i'ViT htlin;i v. Ho will not ih ink ol watrr ol'jis'tiiinaliic to hii ipii'itioniinr (iiiili'i, or liom a hnr'.i-t w hich miiii" mlnr Inaki h olTriinivo, how rvrr thiilv. lln iii!cllt,:i ut iioitrd will widen, utiiviT mid iiiri'v uvrf tlm .iaiini ril hit, oIl'iTi'd hy lhi faiii'-t of linndi, w ith roaniiiin would iniiki' a mortal ' kI mt Itis ryes nml nw allow it iiailn-oilf im'itthfill at a Kn'l'- A liiaro is nrvrr ati-lii'd hy I'illnr i;lit or whinniv! that tier colt is ii-ally her own until t.hc I Inn arritilliii iiiimiI ci'i tillcuto totlu' fact. . A I. liml Iihim', now Iimiik', will not nl-' low tlni approiirh of liny Htraiigrr with- j nut hiiow injj niKim of nncr not i-.if.iy tu I n iliircj;ardiHl, TI10 iliitinclion ia rt ilcnlly made hy hin Brum.' of Miirll. ami ut n foniidi'iahlii ilisluiiix. lUiud horses, in? it ml.', w ill gallop wiltlly nlmut a pitMiii i without Mrikiim tlm Mirnitindiu fn-ce. Tlm wiimi of "ini'll liifoi-nui tlii'in cf It I roNimity. ( Mhi'in w ill, whrn from llm Ntuhln, k dinvtly to llio nMv 01 l':;ttt Niiiil to their acciisloiiiiil fenlin;; -otititls, and when dinirinn lo ivttirn. : ft. 'f liotim of cart'lcsd w iindcrinu', wil diilitij;uihli tlm olio outlet and patieni!- wait its (iH'iiitiK, TI10 odor of tliat p: r- ;rt;lai' part (f the feliro is their pilot M it. 'I ho Inline In hi-ou hinn or while. (;atln r ;;i' hrrharn with his lips in quilled in i! 'oicoi'f iroHr fixsl entirely hy iu noa :its. I Hi tul hot-sen do not iiiako miHlaUtv :i their diet. III the temple of Dlyntpti a lii'on;'.!! hoiKO wasi'xhihited.nt thei-i;;!.! f w Iticli hix vial horses i'XH'iit'iirpil the '. t intent dilutions. KUaii jinlicious! 'Set veil that tlin nitvst perfect lift could nol Imitate 11111111-0 milliciently well lo I't'otltii'c ho HtroiiR mi illtiMou. l.lko l'liny niul l'aiiMinlus, ho consequently nfllruiii lhat "i i caKliiiK' tltcntattio a iiin'ii'laii had tlii'own IlipnimiineH upon it," which hy tlm odor of t ho plant ihwived tin1 hiifsrs, and tln'1-ein w o have tlio ws-rot of l!a iitiracle. Tlio wi'tit nlotio of 11 hull'.ilu i-tilsi w ill rnusti ninny liorwii to ovitici lively tiM-inr, and thu floating went of t. tn'.li-ond tvnm will rrighten kohio lour 1 llm Its'omotivo in out (if night aim hearing. I'liiino Ku iner. Children Cry for A FEW FOnCEO MARCHES. Iiifantrjr Aramo hllt Ftnn Mllm a iHif. Aootxut flirun. A dlspatx-h from Fort KoIiIiihod, NcIi., mcntioiia nn cirrptlimnl march mialo by tlio Ki(fl"l Tiilt'il Hlntm cavalry, com lunmled hy CVil. J. Miw iii r, from I'urt lnvis, Tex., huvliiK l oit Meiiili', I. T., fur its dintiiiutioii, u 1I1 t un i' uf l.liV) nidi. 'Ihe ri'Kliin-lit learlmd I'ort Itnln mmin on ihe lillth of AuUnt. Iinviug iiiudii lnl.-.O inihn of llm iimri'li, leaving 100 mill htill to K". Tli" regiment li ft l-'iii t thiv ison May IT, nud i. arhi .l Toil Mi'inlif on Sept. H, uiukini; tlm lime u'J days, nml 1111 avrrao of a f ruction over fifteen inilin a day. a rule of Iravrhn Cnlliitlernl cxreedinly giKid. The hatitl Ulnl ri'Kiliieiltal heiiilipiartepi ucciiin paniiil the exniliiiiiii. This move is merely one of llm ordinnry changes of (plai ters. mid is of inleivKi only on nil initial iitep toward 11 chaiii'n i f fysteni In Iniiiiportiiiif troop. Where tinu; is of little nlij.i't thu guierninrnl has con chi'leil lo adopt thu plan of iti'iniii-s in lead of liking Ihu iuilro:i'l, therrliy Ktv ini; ihu cost of triiii-iKiiiatiou a very coiuiMcralilo item. Of course this can only l.r tl.ii'i' in the om:i cniiilry, hut even llmre 111 the pn-at vvct th" land Is Iss-oiniiiK Willi' I wi fa-l that n hath wiro fence la fiepieiitly met with us an ol true. inn. Lieut, L. W. V. Kention, aide-dtM-amii on ii-ii. I'nsik'it stair, whose main hnhhy, hy the wiiv. is tai-lH-s. he having written a iiuinlsT of cxhntii'.ive nrticlin iin that Mlhji-cl. one lately ap-aiiii 111 Tnc Army and Navy Journal, expiiuml the opinion that the 11 ili'iu would Is-couie very sip ular, fur, U-nliti Ihe Mtving in i xpenv, he claims il is tlm Is-st noil of drill, hard ening mid tuiirhniing tin' trimps as wnul.l 110 other itii-i IkhI. r ( in tu 11 to lift'i n linlin a day in roii-ideri nfairiai-e; over lifiii-ii is calliil ipiick n.aniiiiik'. nml over Iv. cnly is kri down in military I mils u a fotvitl march, hut there have lus-n hotnc iiiktaiicin of .itiick luaniung that make llin ordinary furred march nsmii like play. , Moving a whole army, ooii-i-im of itifuutry, cavalry, artillery, whh the iu--couinv injf IwigKagn wnguiis uml iirniy nwwu iif, is va.itly dilhrent from the llaii-purtatiuli of a tangle nitnelit of in fuittry or cavalry. Na'linn is rrevliteJ w Itli having s'rluriinil the mukt inlon i.liing feat of this cliatacti-r on record w hen in lie inarcln d Ins entire army from the (imt'iirl to the Khine, 11 dmtata e of 400 linlcs. Ill Iwenly-tive ilavs, i-iitrrll milii a day. The lu-tonan (iihhon tells of a iiiati'h cf tlir Suit. 111 ('.alal.-il.lin in with Ins troops of l.diiu miles, in.'.k -icg lifty-ei;;ht irin-s a day. The same mithurity mci.tiuns nr. inci.lent a cetiluty later when Mirfct Miiiisliiin Sultan iiiarchl with HO.dnO sol hem 2:10 iniliu in live ilnys, linl ktates that the penally of th'' cutuinaiiil r u i,l,l.,l- wmm ,H Ions, if ati.OuOor Ins men. rnaiun Inn clan ' his diilina - linn v, ilh hut 4.000. Paring the late war On. Clririnoa, now c.ilnin lof the Tenth cavalry, marched dot) iml.-t in nMc. 11 days Ihrcugh the eni'iuy's cuun'.t v ; tlmwnsnt llm into of thirty -seven nml a half iniliu a day. l.iti r than Hon Hutue limp in (leu. Stanley ii-.nichisl rough Montana ntid lkikota with 11 irgiiueiit of infantry IKK) milii iu tweiity-ci;;ht days, iliuty-twu miles a day. Chicago Ilcruhl. lajratlr, Tuwerlnn anil Plurky. The manners of F.nglijdi women are iiKirveloily utiittMv. Tluy are if one 1 tys', except a few gliticiing except ions, , who pursue the frolicsome demon "am malion" in the vain delusion that fury in.' iniitatnig American women. With mil girls- Hikl bless their Isalning 1 van. clever bruins and captivating ways kprightlincsj nml vivttcily kpring from I the heart. ith l.nglnli women, htiov- 1 nt-cy of manner comes from a thought ful nml logical deduction from facts. "We aro heavy," the daughters of rnglaiid muse; " mint li larky and loud. American gills are vivacious and the muli purines them, while we kit k'.uliilly hy in the iiii!iputahlo 1111J ml f-.-io ing s,itiuii of rank (KiU-iders. Vv'e mint la' guy will U gay." Thectfort is iiivuiiahly mnjiilic, low ering nml plucky, but il is futile. An "animated" English girl cf S4 rmnlmls 1110 of tin overgrown coll who has not vet f iitstered his legs, gamls'ling with tier-i-i.'iil plavfulniits over a ntulihy field. r.lake(v Hall in Tlio Aiguiiuut." CnnMlng th Alluntl (Wan. Onn linn. 1ml vettrs ngn our ftithers ..CIO content to liear froiu F.uihh (ncc i'l two or Ihree months that was la tter I'mn the nix inoiitha of lluir fathers. It I'nti nt least a mouth lu cross tlm At lantic. Tlio early Rtenmers reduced this ittie to threo wivks. This ns cousidcreil pred. The (lix-nt Westeni brought tlie n.nsago down to fourteen duys, which -'. ;'..i 11 iniiuclc. In ISaO the Hrilannitt ciloccd liine to twelve lays; then In Hud llm White Star line dossed in nine r.vs. It was but a liinedays' wonder. I'lm Alaska cut the nsyoid to seven days, '.i d then the Oregon to six duys and a I:, ilf. nml the Umtnia is a quarter of 11 .'ay better yet. Tlio ideal time wcnts to j live days, Prohnbly thai will lie aliottt he iititxlniuiii mid soon tiltaine.l. Then 1 he Uillixm, Ololie-DciiiiHTiit. A I.1111B W ire. A filnfjjiiw firm litis just OeMied n brass wire for Ihe (ilaipiw rvhihition M miles lon; and 11 copper wire 111 miles lul' " Pitcher's Caitorla. Ylnrtuon (.'aloaf la t'hlliualiaa. Tim Morinon lutn within the pit-t threi" yenin msMi Hip ailvanliigin of cheap Rraing and farminK luiidt in ihia coun try ami the opportunity to frwni perw--cutiuti in the United Klttte. The rehiiln are ms'ii in tlx- fhairuiliiiig colonies of Juan . nml lit .. tin- former udjuini!: us, Hie latter alkali v nit;. -live luiies to the lii'iln. L.nii colony eouii.r.vH from 20' 11 UOU witilh. Tin": ur,r ni'o,--ii.:i'i fur ilirir fair dealing, hine-lv llil'ifu... .-s , The country owes iheiuiti. it of j.;ra;i tilde fur iiitfiiiai in-; hili grade live stuck of all ileM ripi ions, farming i-iiple-nmnls. wills, triii. aw mnl (lour mills and industries liiMn rt 1 iiiikiiown lo tlm Mexican Imt in n miM primitive form. Thougli "il gamy n agaun.t the law in f this iiiiintiy, tin- M'Hiiihis lire lul ,alsl , mid eiiruiirag d. nml up to the present lime have Iss'ii of l.uliielin' hrtitiil tu the cuiuitiy in educating lln; natives tu a nmre advanced clan of mirt ftoii.c pruiivlii'g has li n diiim hy their mis kiunai 11 s in the Miiitheri: part of th" n . pulilii'. 1110-tiy in ami i.iBiiit the lit y of . M.-. ICO. Tin y nitcmpttsj lu iicluce a nocils r of the cuiveit tu Im :n part of the -Inaii z colony, hut alter Urnring u!cit thirty f.iiniiii-s tiny i eie ol, li;--1 to return tia ai : lu llu ir huiin-s Tile Mexican C'liverts I cunl l not am iL-ainate w ith the Ain-li cans. The Me.icali, lliuugh co-ivet1nl ; ill Is h. f, coiiltl not ! roiivertnl lo the iiiamn-i-H anil rust. inn of Hie American. Ilmiil'-s. liny are a great si!iie f ir fui tiling attacliiiieiil.i to the land of then Inrtli. lin y rarely leave tlm humc tin y were hum in. This is ilis-i.lislly ni among the Inner, half Indian (ia- coiu-pli-sil the iniij. 11 Hy ul the converts. Tu this fact the Litter )ay SauiLi, as they prefer lo Is-calii il. ntirihiile their fail ure. The colony of Ju.irea is laid out iu ns Lingular form, div ided into stris ts liinl lots In the lath r their lit le wiaali'ti l.utism uio eris-tisl, liiu only wiksleii In hiss in this Kirtion of the country, ktirroiiiuliil hy ns and Ipi'i. In c.w of -'plural wives," two or nmre huim-s are ms-n in the kuiiu lot. -Ioui.s Kim iu New York World. Valur nf (tic IIiii-hI; itl ns Tr-. ! The eucalyptus U lou.-s tu tlm 111' rtle 1 iriN'. It in sanl that then- are as many I im Ia0 vnrieiii-t of the tree. They a.e ; native tu Austral. a. Imt have alnady Iss-ii inlioiiinil into most of the nnd ti ln;'rate countnei of tin' world. 1 wu kimis have In 11 chiefly cultival the red gum ireiiufer.,). and Hie I lia gum (gl"hiilu-.i. w tii ii is the Im'trr known. It ii fa-noi-n fur its i-.ifi.d growth, iti It often inai.i-s 11,1 ini a', .in- in h ight of f:u'ii six tu nine fis-l n ye:-,r The live continue grouingat this rate until it has renchisl an ciiurmuus M.-.e. Tim pri!uci of Uiis tnv nn.' utnneivui we, ,n n.,,., , , 1 Im w.ssl Is sal. I lu r' ' ua"ie ior uie cai -in. r s 1111.1 rini.n r 1. ! linn. The gum. or rosin, is employ cd in I llm itiantilarture of "ma., nrf iiim-s. o7.ellgi'i, (S.llrl pl.t-tl-r, ullllllelllS. kvi-iijis, ! siiiiailes. toilet v iiicgaii, 111 well as many I pec) ai'iit inns uml fur artistic purism's, ; such us varnishing oils, veneer a:nl trac ! mg pa'r. " Tin rii 1;,s U111 for some ! yen in ita'ali-hiil III Paris a store for the Kile of cucaly pius s rfuinciy. i lint by far l he inu-t valual'le and im- ptTlaut prosiiy of tins tin- is its (siwcr of coi ni-tiiig nial 111 1. This quality i, ! -i h.ipi. One to tlm nr.. mat. e oil which I tin- Iree iMiitaiitN or more proUihly to the (Iraiiiau'ei'tTei'tisil hy ilsris't.s. It has I. I'll proved iii many cuimtiies in which Ihe ins- h as ts'cti planted. Ill A'geria tiie cullivation of llm tuv has rviidercd many low lying or inat-hy districts in hali.tahle, where, in tlm early yeaiN of French laviiimtiou. furci.nera coutd liol live on iiccoiiut of deadly fovnu. until s I iitatianlon I'utlrnta Attrartrd by yuackery. A r.iris uingistrato had reccutly futu i'u tii',1 before him a man charged wiili ; :"icticing medicine illegally. The tic ctiio.l, to the great surprise of the mag istral", imiueiliutely produced a diplonia, mil went on lo ( xpliini that patients were t',::r;.ctiiJ to him "hy the semblance of illegal practice,1' and expres-sed his up piehension that his Iniiinesa would be ruined if his hgtil (tuili!lcalioti were known. There ai aoine things that can lie explained only on the principle of total depravity, and this seems to lie one of Ilium. Once a Week. Ilartrrla lu RiiufT. A Berlin physician, Dr. Ernest Flothow, was coiiKiilted by a patient w ho was troubled by Revere headaches. The physician's inquiries revealed the fact Hint tlio patient bad lieen given to an iimnodi'iate use of tmtilT. The mm II box was produced, ami a microscopio in vestigation showed that it was swarming with bacteria, which appeared in the form uf a line whitish powder. These parasites, It is slated, bore into tlio walla of the nasal cavity, where they multiply rapidly ami finally find their way to the brain. Chicago Times. Causa of Night lllliidncaa. The night movements of the Russian troops have recently been rendered dif lletilt hy the number of soldiers attacked with liemeralopia (night hlinilnessV It is well known that this tifTcclion is due P'lierally to a lack of proper food. MeLis tier saw in rodoliit nn epidemic of this disease produced (luring a religious ex citement, when f'l-ead was the principal article of diet, which di-uppcnroil when animal food was again taken. - .Science. Day and Night During an acuta att k of Broncliitui, a (anlriw tickling In the throat, and an exhausting, hacking cough, afflict the mifTnri-r. Bleep I banished, and great prostration follows. This dlM-jane U also attendi-d with Hiarmmeiw, and ikiim tiini'H Los of Voice. It l llalile in lie coiiin chronic, Involve the lungs, anil terminate fatally. Aver' Chivrry IVt ral affnrda sndy relief and cure In rases of Uroniiiitis. It i-oiilrolm the disposition tu cough, and lliiliices refreshing sleep. I have been a practising idiysician for twenty-four years, and, for the past twelve, have suffered from annual at tacks of bronchitis. After exhausting all the usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral. It effected a apeedy cure. O. Btoveall, M. 1)., L'ttrrolltoii.'Mnw. Aver'aCherry Pectoral la d-ldedlytlie lst remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Hroiicliitis.anti all lung disease. - M. A. Kust, M. V., South Pariii, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which gmw wonte and aettled on my Lungs. By night aweaU I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Cough was Incessant, and I frequently spit IiIihhI. My physician told me to give up business, or I would Dot live a month. Alter taking various remedies without relief. I was dually Cured By Using two bottles iif Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I am now in perfect health, and able to resume business, alter liavin been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. 8. P. llendersou, Saiihjburgh, Peun. For vi-ara I was in a decline. I had weak lungs, and suffered from ltron cliitu and Catarrh. Aver t Cherry Pec toral restored uie to health, and I have been for a lung time comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and find speedy relief. Edward E. Curtis, Km land, Vt. Two years aco I suffered from a severe Bronchitis. The physician attending me bn-inip fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. Afu-r trying various medicines, without betii-tU, ho prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was curi-4. Ernest Cotton, Ixigausport, Ind. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Pri-pand by lr. J. C. Ayer It Co., lAwtW, Km. bold by all IlrtiirUu. t'rtn tl , ii boulM. Ii. mm J i 1 tfVi r MIS af NEW HOME SEWING MACKIT4E &(MirViASS. ENicaao - J0 UNION 6QUARLN.X- BAUAi III- A 1" 1 t.r. n irx. STLOOH.wo. m ffn'i-a 'ircltcomJ Wlian Haby was lick, w rra lur CanUirta, Wbea aha was a Child, ah e risl f.a-1 asioria, Whn aha Imaiu Mm, alia clung tu (.'asi.iha. Whau aba had Childraa. aua gars Uisui Caaiuria, ctSTAPUbntD-ISJy THE ;TOIlTUIID-OllfGnN'Jjyhuj Th Wfal dhmv Is thu only llluitrauM J tra il n publ111h.1l on the I'snllc roaat sisl unit fnim us eirrllenl llunarr fratnn'a. IU ol'iis-l is to convey information, bV both pen awl pencil, of Ihe great resoim-en of Ihia region, aud lbs prnit'ena ol their d.-vi'lopment. Hio-ial ilhiatraleil anicka appear In each bane ; also, aevrnil pagea of note of Ihe pro rreea being maite lu everv aeclion. lint,-0", Wl.i.lncton, litaho, Muntana, Alaska, l l.n, Cil.f.irsia, Rrllieh (Xiliiml'ia. and Ihe Par. tic N.irt hv fit 111 general, am henif illii'irited. The (iibarrislimi pnr" Is only ('J VI. It U mt only Ihe rhesiest ti. 'rsmt'niai'aaiM In the Vailed Slates, but c. intuitu rnilii and en- Sravinga of gmt Inli n-sl to cvitv nitdrnt of i rci'iim. hIikU inn not be fousd in any other pnlilicatiuik 8ubarnliera lur receive a larc "npple ment every inonih. Tt.e flrsl one In a beauti ful oleis-rapli of the " Kntranre lo Ihe fnliim. bia Klwr,1' itiiii.'.I In lane colore, and each of Ihe others rviirr-etna mme feature of out auiiliiiw ecenerv. The ntpplementa are alons worth more limn Ihe prlin of the macaiiM. Tr II for ls-H, and afU'r rvailing, send It 10 Tour frii'n.le alaenhrre. You wilt Bud both tmertaiunig and humictlve. L. "AMCEL, rnbll.her, in-tTt Second 81, rortland, Oregun, IIS 1