The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, November 22, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Tho news about Stanley contained
in the despatch from Zanzibar, is
not very definite, but it will afford
a gleam of hope to the world whore
tho belief had boon prevailing more
and more that the brave explorer
nd n. a -It. mm tilth ll V1IMT
H,. ... , , . . i teacher is ouoted as saving that in
Tho tidings locate Stanley onlv . . , . , ,
... 4i" "is own school "forty tier cent, of
alxmt three months later than the!.. , . 4 , , . , , ,
, , , . . i i .1 i i the state text books dissolved and
last authentic report, but this ad- . , . , . ,
, , . . , i melted away within one week of
vaneed date is now nearly a year , ..
, . , , . . "., ' , their introduction. Other promt
ago. The note added to the do- . . , , . ,
A. A . , , . , , , , ! nont I ahtornia journals furnish evi
snatch states that Stanley had not : , ... 4 ...
. , , donee to the same ettect. It is also
arrived at adelai in April, when I . . , 4l . .
A , . . ' . , 1 claimed that the state cannot enter
it was espected that ho would reach i . . .. . . , ,. . . , .
, . . ' . ., , jinto tho book publishing business
that point in January, hut, as we . ' . ,,
itn i u4v t., .,..,A.i.jto1 . .,..,,,....1..
K. . . - ., i
4 C.11,1 I M.l tl.XlVd In,,,,, ! II Tl I,, I I :
is "a eruinh of comfort." and we
, , 4 , . ... 4, J
until something mure subatantial is
It is a matter of surprise to manv
mat me jury in me trial ot i.ewis
Hamilton united unon a verdict. If he
i... I i 4...1 e.. I .. I
l.riofi- .ml.i;.. B..nt;,en w.mhl h- v.. i
1 .
been largely in his favor. The truth
of the matter is Mh Murray and
Hamilton were to blame. Neither
had any excuse for lieingout of IkmI
at that hour of the night, nor fur'.
their public disturbance of tin
peace. Hamilton's offense con
in drawing and using a dangcrou
weapon. I'iscretiun would have in
dicated an avuidanco of a contact
wherein deadly weapons need to le
, ,. ' . , , ,
drawn. 1 he testimony showed that
Murray followed Hamilton from the
Bon Ton to in front of Prior's shop,
and those who remember the epi
sode of last spring wherein Murray
figured as flourishing a larue buteh-
, . ,
l Ik ill n; tiii'l iiml ttiiLii mint u Iti ,1 ' . e .1 .1
n ;this section, f..r tho reason that it
voiver, win coi''eive mat
ilver, will con'eive that a .vian;.. , e ... !
. , , , , . , I 1 tijl principles ! tirotectlon tliml'
tltcht firlv Vh' justified 111 f.ltin?- V I - ;
x wKicii it conies ll.i.)'er, is right,
ke usage, hut! tho fact remains i. , ...' i '
. , , dein.H racy is wrung, and we are not !
:iat a cntne was committed, and! , , , ., . ,, i
the law must deal with the facts
Among those s-nt to n-;
centlvin New York was a man cm-
victed of registering at three polling
i.laces. His term of imi,risn.,.e.,t
was fixed at two years and six
months. In passing sentence in
this case Judge Cowing used the
fulluwimr strung and minted l.u.-
gunge: "Our institutions dcit-nd
utMin the Miritv of the ballot, but
.eh ill- n- e,.,. defilo It v.
cheat an honest man out of bis Vote !
by neutralizing tho effect of his bal
lot. If I had the making of the
laws you would be punished more
severely than you are now. It
would lie a (!odV blessing if every
man who sells his vote, or registers
or Votes illegally, could not alone be,
disfranchised, but sent out of the :
co.mtrv entirelv. I will severelv
nuiiisli everv loan 1 .r .n "1 it before
r.,1 ,". i, . .. i .
llie i. ii lliex.j i- iuep, lloiliail'T ttliai ,
his Kilitics may le." It is refresh-j
ing to hear such language as this in I
regard to attempts at corruption of
the ballot. The iienaltv suggested
bv tl.e judge fur eri s of that char-
:-t,r lid I, nonet .ver,
The Salem Statesman is )ermit -
ting itself to be wonderfully worked , I'nion, were di p"iulent tism debar
up over the text book 'piestion, and ring the rule of the republican par
is calling f.r state publication of,ty. This is called 'sectionalism'.
Issiks, Its editorials sound strange-1 We believe it to be patriotism."
ly like the rival text-book fiend's j Watson James, associate editor of
stories to which we listened when ajthe Dispatch, says: "The Southern
school ma'am years agone. The democrats will accord the new nd
scheme may Is- a plausible one on ministration tie) welcome it may
its face, but in practical workings it merit at the hands of u patriotic m-o-
is jK'tiurious and expensive, and
aubjeet to jobbery and corruption.
The plan of state publication of
school Ixsiks has never yet been sue-
cessful, and has never failed to give' weak. Sectionalism will remain
dissatisfaction, and invariably piles, alive just so far as tho maligniutts
up tho costs in the form of high ' and fleetionalists of tho Noith vital
taxes. It is interesting in this eon-; uo it by their liUls upon tho niis
licet ion to note that the experiment j representations of the South."
is not only unsatisfactory but ex- Mobile, Ala. Tho editor of the
pensive down in California. Tho j Register says: "While the js'oplo
Pacific Educational Journal cava,
the text books are wretchedly
bound and printed, poorly written
and illustrated, and unnecessarily
largo, hoavy, and cumbersome. One
" , v c vi, v . I Ml i , i uiuin iv
with private enterprises except at
an immense expense to tax payers.
an immense expense to tax -pay
i making tho costs of the luniks in the
end practically much creator than !
under tho old system. These
joctions, it must be admitted, are
.1 i. i i
nun nines sue-1
cesstully rotated, must throw the !
li.ihiTw... i.f iu...r..;M.l; 1 ..;;..,.!..
stroncl v acaiust the state i.ublish-!
. i
inS phin.
That the South has no gnat
frielldsliip fur rreident Harrison '
is shown by the following interviews!
. l"' with editors in the South piililishcd;'",,, IT" I,.
ISted . , v , ... ., !'"' lil-oflK.ii.lfor'.i.U.
w,n.. :rk u,,.r. . M-'-k- th,
Knoxvillc. Tcnn.-Al. x. Summers '
editor of the Dailv Tribune, savs: I
"I, iiit h.-rii tit.iiiiuipii.j It.iu.i ...!
' , . ,, , . . .
;ot welcome to Harrisons admims-
. .
; iriiiioii. tttr '..pie icar llial ll
j threatens harm to our section.
Nashville, Tenn. Col. L I). It.
Coojier, editor of the American, says:
"The new administration will n-
eell'e no ilfriituirtititt u.,.!,.,,,,,,, Fr..,.,
.... .... ,..i,.F,ii,. nti ii
prepared to admit that yet. Tin
southern deinueracy, in common
with th-ir democratic !.r. ihren of
th" X"r,h- :,,,,",r 1- ttms..-
ca,,,!'1 'l1'1' "f l'r-tectioii. and'
' 1 I 1 1 .1
1:1 ""' l" 'Vfnir.,w ev. ry party
""" " " Ti,iei,.us a
Char. 'stun. W. V. )einuratie
ulit'.rs lure sav: "Th" r.e.iit
.lec tion has taught detuiH-rats to re-
" "' i.i..giu .i-miH-rais i. n -
' 1 l"""I"',1,n
it i... i ...... ... ii : i '
aim to ie un- negro ami non-iieiii.i-
1 . I,.. i i
crati-clement go
The color line
wi" lv ,,rawn 1,, r'! f"tl,ri'' T'Wl
I less ol results. 1 hose 111 the South j
1 which are iiHlieted us is this, with!
treacherou- Nii;tieia!is ami tiegr.H's,
will solidity and march to th.: polls!
in il solid phalanx in future."
Jackson, Miss. H. Henry, edi -
tor of the Claiiun Ledger, savs that
"n"" " "m-v " l u ml",',1
fm, , 1 1 1 I
I... W I.'.. . I.. 1 - " " 1 i .
'"'" "ai ni-
fairs, which he thinks of more im-
liurtatice than
a democratic nri'si.
lent. He believes that the South
will remain solid.
, '"""""' a -tt.niam i. . r -
. U"'r of,h,! S,at" Ha-VH: "Sl 1 fT'r"1 ' -
i' 1. I - . ' I I 1
i:..i i t . ii" . . . ,
1 ""."'"" " ' pnne.p,,, ,,as kept
M, 'rnl t.lueation
oi un: masses;, aim me anility ol these
1 states to be healthy members of tin
ple, but they will not be inllueiii.i.'d
to take the republican party to their
bosom on account of any bribes that
may be thrown out to neduc the
of Alabama have no wetaoiue fur
the republican administration, they
regard the republican party us in
tent upon securing federal Hver by
dividing the white vote of the South
and delivering the states, necessarily
to negro domination. Hence they
are resolutely opposed to all pro
mised laws and devices looking Up
ward the division of the Sotilhern
whites. They have no resentment
against the Northern Hople, but un
coinu'red and tiiicon.pierable hos
tility to tho purpose of the republi
can party,
They entertain no feeling of sec
tionalism, but condemn the republi
can party as a sectional party, which
seeks to rule the country by a tnin
ob-loritvof the white votes north of the
Ohm and I'otomac, umtMi with the
1 1 i i .i .,i
mars vote tu ine .ouui. .ianama
is ready to ussist Harrison in the
,ti.,., ,.f .,ll f...1...,.t I ...
extend to citizen, without reeard
. . ...
'to color eitial and exact justice."
Count' Court l'rerrJla?.
K-toit of vii'wr of M r.niire mat
filed. KeuiiUixlraih elile l iin.l xiiil.iii.eil
vi,l'l"..ti...i ..f .1 11 l'..ier for ,i.r.v,t.
nixing ..f M .laiU
I aim up-
Apphcatit..! of K Xic.itt I'm .li.tlarxhip ; fiml the curt ix.. to l.e in i,
t Mule Aw'iiiUlliintl I' k-iNiitetl j.i M,lU. ,,..,., v,,,
l oininuni.'ali.m I'roiti II U-e relative tu We tixilcl li e citv jail an I won'. I ie
amount due li-nry Kii.tflu. , I ..,.ii l (l rt ,,, ,, , my , ,.,(.,,
only fl. in tine ll.i,rv Ki...'i.t mii llanoit
iliiptcst. 1
I li'lcrel that tlw in-ui atu e iipnii tin ;
court lion. l nia.le in the I'Iiovihk -1
lira in e I u of Ia.iiiIoii for anoo ami I an- ,
fotina. !
ItoSt rt Mi.v, Sim i:iiL'le Hii lHiliti
u . . . i , . J i
Saw ted uppe; f ."I v.. .. nl i.e hlu
Item' w .eon r,,ll
1 rf-
Tu.-x i i, nx Viantci ihmi .', i .,( him.
. . , ,
l"r " h:iil.:e mi W .ekcr i i. .k
Kxtia ail.iHan.e inane i.i 1 luu
fur care of r S .jniiiixuii
l iilv muni Is spikeN oi l' it
.I for ma I
.lixii i. t No ir
IV i:io.i mi li A' .1 1 ii ox t f ii i iv te
ro.l I rallied. Veerx, lie ix Wlllix,
Marion Huh, .ir.l. . 1 1 t h.xie ix.
A pin ail.. ii ..I Mu v I 'in, ai I ..r reh ue
l " ' " 1 I" - ...I. ..I the Uo r,,ei,,lx ll.e clem,
w.i! draw w.ur.uit-,
W.u rant ..i 1 m lei I'd .1 :aw ii for I s
; SoiIl il( ,..,,, ,r ;, k , , K
.;l,.,.e. Inn.,.-, ,i,re.i up.... re
i. nl
il I 'Hi : ; --i' hit li.ur
1 I. ax u i'ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -1 - 1 ,
unit" "Ira w w .ii .hi x.
VtMUil'tlx illtt..
1. l.n'ire ui.i'l .
44 '.Ml
i!i, I .11 . I,, iil.i,.
lo'l .!
M j 1 .j , ., , .
'ill w!
7.1 Oi". I
'-'" I'1 i
K i.oii. h. r,
' Stale oi Or vx IVikuiH, ihn.hh
1 " ''lk,"H' oi.-i.,..e . .
:', 4n
l i hi
:u h.i
1 ;,;i
o no
,',;; mi
7 .M
7 no
;;u mi
Hi on
:i mi
10 IMI
11 4o
I I s 00
2 Ml
1J0 (ril
(-lute ..I Ir vn I' Joliii, inx.tiie
lie.. I.r.iil.'lil.iii, liiinlter
! State ts ll,.,,.,.
t. 11 liii-raln,.,,
u ('i'y. wa'.-r rent
! r'M" ,lil,,,'",'k. Ahernethy li. .
I ole I', liutihcr.
.1 II Wewer "
Cole I'.roH
i . . .
, .1, u,m and clerk. f el,, t,m,
! ' ,,aH KuiU; ",r '
Iti.t llll.tllMil
, - -
; s J",r? ".a!Li elect i',
Slate of I ir vn .Inn mid it loli
" " .Inn lilllllelH .
" " I."m lliiiiilton
W W II SauiN..n,Nherill'
.Ino Keuve.H, election cxp
A 11 .Mai. plain, uNNCNHor. , .
I'oh A. t 'o, NiindrieH. . .. II fid
John .Meldriiin, NelliliK cdi iiitn 10 IM)
Klnicr liixon, pauper ex peiiHii
1 Ml
14 W
.IK 75
7 7i"i
J fill
I Slalu of Or vs II
" Jim lliinelh
Kutci pi ise, prinliiiK . . . .
(i K Hayes, ull.iiiiey'H fees
I have a choice Front Htreet pn.peitv
puy'uiK more tlmn.n .r cent iiilerent
formlo. Kmpilrn nf
II. K. fro
Gram) Jury Kepnil.
lathe circuit court ( Ort-umi (or the
county of (Tiickmiuis, Novo utier lorin of
mid court, to Hon I'" .1 T.iylor, Ju.lne o(
court naiiied, fie iiii.Ici signed,
your (jrioul jury fm the -r, i-iit term of
court, tvnl. reiMTimliy ret in
We have examined into till cliaices of
crime hmuuhl l.cloic un, h I lnm re
turnisl iiiiii.'lnx iiln follow
Antitull with ilemllv vtii(i-ui, one; Kir
etny,to; selling I i 1 1 1. lo miiioiH, oiu ;
selling liiior u illioiil lui'iire, olio; imt
true liillx, four
i liuve the county J ul iiml
liihl it I'xcei'iliulv iii'.iI Hint i Ii .uilv iiml
well kept We con-itit the t'luten i.l
the outKiile w iiiilow h In he iiivi tire nii.l
woultt cull llie iitletilinn et the uoKtr ml
lliiiruicn to the x.init'
Wii imliti the sheiilVii nllie mi l fniinil
it nierl coiuliict xl The In-ik of Ihr
ollite wine Uiul uml uiti-lli ihly ki'l,
mni the uiiinaiteliii'lit of tlni nlll.ii in
i t'liiiiii''lii mill ih'xirvni oi I'Iiiim'
We viniletl llie county treiinirer'n of -
th e uil.l cx.liliilli'il hlN U-.k mii.I - I -
ctiillllN un. I lliitl llietii iheiii itliiiiilv Hti'l
iuli'll.;iiilv ki'.tl iiinl the ttll.timof the
! ' l'r'""r w" '"
. ..
your uritnil iie v tlul not have limn
to nuke thinoujli ruum utmn of thu
' llnmii inl eoii.lilitin of tl,,. niuiilv. we;
"''",rt ll, a on. runt
i ohUiiii'il l iv tu, W" th, ilk lluil ttie i nun.
tv't llliicl'ltt'lllexx itt tin1 n, .,..,( time
IS ut Uul nixly-tlvf lh iii-ainl iIm'.Iuiii
tl ixle. llie ct miii It i leik ' itllii e ami
tlinl Die rct'Mi'l nl the tilli. e
V. vix,te, tl,.- NH,
! " ,v l",'l,"'l' -
,M1Mr ,., ,. ,, i
,,,,.., , A .,,,. ,,,.,k ..,,,.,
H:t, m k,v,, ke
(..I l!l.t ret-el.L..!l
ll. I Mil t.iiicri ix'i t.oiiuii: In Iin ulli e
I and not tit lor lie
ho w tin Ii it
IN Hie. I
.xt now having,-li'i Hie hiixi
t'le i'ii.en.'-l, We
ll.'kN lot Willi h we w
woiiltl re-N'ctiully ,ixk
he ill". l,tr ,' I
A li-n.
I n. email ' ftamk Jnrv
V ".'ll. I-Ax
l ir.V'.'.i t 'iv , Nt
Kin; n k mi hi
i w I' !;. pi.ii,
.l.,i u.rv st
Ix-'i, Ni t f..r date el
xel llellielll,
I I .,
t la. k app "ilitc I H'l o hail of
dale ,. A I
ie t to prel iile
I i'lli.-V aplx.ilili
ti inn h nl -- Will . i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
A 1 1 I i. ii l.-y and I. A
i exei lltolN ; Hu ll In. mix
Iin .1 and al.l'loVfd
ppr..xe,N. II A
:, .1 1 I , -l itll.l .loin, Ko hl
,., 1 1 a A I ... h 1 Aii.ui Kl-
...or, I...U.I ..p.... u',1.
I p.. lilted
A ppl .Unci n I III M r li.llthllix
i .'li- and li IMtldf
1'ln I. p N. ioen ap'ilil. .1 .liiidi.ili ol
I 1. ink .Nelilel. tl.e 1 1. ll. ) I lell.lll, de-
.1 a-e.l il.tlltl il.
I .ii. .1 NcltlciicTit nl li A I't.ixhi.r I'Ktiit.i
iitiuueil till l.iiiuai v 7, sx:i
!;.:. ll ol x.ile of r "ll exlate hel.. lining;
lint' W I'MI.e minor Iiciin . i l li 1 1 i i i I .
Will ol li.xilH admitted to ; .1 M I.u.iIn anl .lame- I!.h.n
app'iiiiifl cmTiiI n AppiaiN.'ix ,1 II
ill. km. in, A 1 lioiiou and .Ino lall.ert.
Licciinc Wax iN-ii td In t ha. I K liislev
itn.i Alice ,I..iiixuii YexleulaV Wan
n.'I ax the dav ol . niixiiiiuii ilioii
l.i'tti r l.lxl.
The fullowin is a lixt of letteiM re
lii.oi.iiin' in (he pontolli. c ut I heoii ( il ,
Not" J.'i, IMHS:
llievis, I"'
r.aMUN, tlohll
I lark, ('
I" on luh , Henry
I'i.iII. nillcr
I'.uxhcv, Lew is
I uilieil, I.
Iiuiuitii, J A
-nil. Ill, Jl'NNI.
HarieuvcH, Kicliuid II. .mi.,, I C 'i
SiHliriK, Mis ll'l'oniior, W I'
Kweiimiii, K ,M Sipp, .Mau'itie Mm
Sluiie, Mr Him.lnr.iNs, l.i..ii
iruhel, I Iricli IIukIicn, t: II
O'Cuiuiell,!' W Kev I'.tixter, W M
When called for, pleanu say when ml-
K. 1 Kki.i.y, IV M.
Nolli'i' tk li.T.'l.y Klv.tii tliHt t..r tin. .iirp..xi. i.f
.IM k I nit nii i iih iii i nut lull ..I .ill iierNitiiN w un muy
..Iter iiieiiiNi'i vin hh I'lintllili.lcN tt.r ie irueri. ..f
tl. x.'liiHilN i.l tlilx .'...inly, tin1 .'.. limy N .I.U..I .
perlnl. 1..I.11I will l.'il'l . III. III. lHllllllNll..ll III
li.. c.ort iio.inp In im.'U.iii City, c. . 1. 1 in.'. mil. R Hi
IJ M MhiIhnmIh), N.iv. .Mil, Inxn
( i.iinly S. I11..1I M .1 1 . r 1 11 1 1 1 I ti t nl I Urk iniNa
County, o"'.ii
WIiuI'n the mailer with Koiiif( to tho
ClilciKO Store for the Is st pickle.
llr ml lntrrllii( lltll.
Tl i n' I- it ihrit iuu imliitiry ul ii lie.
W illi! in 1'eleixliiiiu, where otimmnilul
:rl ii lft mo iikiii li'oiii i:oi' unmix i;"1 ii
in llii'i eotiiut v mill iihroii l. The pio-
il li'lol' Ims III Muck ll uhivl U IiiIUJIU ; lo
achiiiol in liii'U nhowk 1 1 in rune
ork 1 1 1; i it t 1 1 1 mI I li xi' I inn" A I' i 1 1 nl
ililiM.-xlili'; relio lill li.liiml.l tu llie hlioi
.liieeol lei ulil . In.i:i'; o-l w hii h
:m .1 in I .' ii ' 1 1 1 ,i 'I ! I V .i . Ill .1 ,111 I t ,iiir..
Si 'till' I'll III lUlH'lsi Will- l.'.lllil Mill
liMiiiiiiii uit,'i..i i ; iihv "I wmi.l,
lx..ii Trail it 1 1 1 1
New lint, niiil I ti i l ll t 41 1-.
There 1 llii i;ti' ll I Si'iv mi 1, In Ihii
ft-nxo in i u ii i 'n iv i ii r,u i., ii win '.i.
,i Mii.ui Ymii n i. ih Ii it ut no iiil
I , I . not e en if'il I llH'rnU 1 1 t i . I . k
I'llih iOi'iiui'. ii I'.i.i.i.luny. ii I cull tl
I I. r!,. i I liaih.iiii .'iii.ire, Mow U- litv I'lill'tl, In liiew'iiy, lii -lllle
Mil .III la' It 1 1 V Mllf if (I llll'll I .Mil, It'll
xilit In I I lilt' III .1 inililt-xtlMII ll lll.lkix. nil
llie ii lni.i uml Ii Un on the uii. The
(mtxiltt M.le of MutlixMii Ntiime u hill it
xl i i aw. iv Tint NKicioiiN hall m( I In
I iilh Ateime I t.h I rhrnnk to flillnij;
jiri',itii'ii Thirty luirili lux ! .i
Line, the citv lull a lulliill tlx ' Ii
; lial ui it ii.iitmw mi i of flmaul Lout
i "' 'I"'. wIim.' liiiiilalloni. me t on
; llillv fttridl lllxni li e m lixe In llie
1'iiMt lilnarv mii line xl, le nil. I li e iiimii
1iT iiixiiinieiit liiHIxe Mil tin' olhei.
I tTunvtim !!
. , " ,
hit we oimhl not to lo, uh.iiil.l
i not eer lliink of iloinir.
KHl lelll.
Six limi.lri'd lhoi,uut I'rcm'liiiirii .. ii
.h.'iirx iii tint 'nm rtuvtl
rim m
criS 1H nuil :l stuck l'f
A- .ui can Iii mI in tin- 'itv,
Coffoos, Tsas, Spices. Su
Ka , Syrups, Best Soi
K'hum, Flour of .ill
kinds, Lard,
H inis, Bacon. Salt, Soap,
PeaHlinc, WashinKSo
ii i. AxleGrease, the
very best Stove
Polish, etc.
I n I'.iiiiici't imi with inv l.u.-i
iH-ss I ii i t tu kri p a full of I'liKh foi city tnulr.
i. mils lli'llM'Hll ii.ll.
to all parts i.f tlx' itv ami
Call air!
M'l' lilt. Illll- llllllf
-l"W "'-
L. W. h.wis.
M KI HI' UKI'tiKl.
Wheat, V Se,
I I.iIn, I ' l.ll ".'.'ie,
I' I..UI , A L'l.l Ie, 'l "JO
I' I'i.II , '.'lid t!! .ltlf , .i 7 i
SIimiIn. 17 .VI
I'.r in, tl7 '.il
I lav, I Ihy haled. $1.' 'ill.
II, IV llllli.lliv looxe, (0,
Clover, haled I0
I'teef, live, '.' uml
It. .el .IreNNC.I, ,ic.
Ve il, .Iicnnc.!, 11 uml 7,.,
IIon, live, lit:
lloKM, ilreNxed, ut 7e.
Sliei ii, f'hea.l, II .'Kl and ).' J r.
Woof, 17m Is 'tt.
I.ur.l, country hulk, llie.
laird, huckelH, ii4c.
U iuin, 't1i,Hl an, I Is,-.
Sides. ),' ll,,1 and I'.'c.
Shoulileis, t'll., um hie,
Hutter, '.'0 A :io.
F.i.'ifH, f fresh, lllle,
ChicketiH, dreHxed, dor., f tu $
Chickens, live, f ".' fid ot (4 imi
Chickens, sprinif " , f.l,rlo
Tin keys, lili.f iL'cVlli.
I'lilalocN, Im (10. Jj
(Miioiis, y Im 7,'n,
Apples I' hnx, lO 'JO. A. .40.
All kinds vary dull,
Aiiplns, sun dried, 4 Htnl fie.
rluiiis, niiii dried, II uml He.
rrunes, sun dried, tl uml He,
I'eurs, mill dried, 0 and He,
Ajiplcs, machine dried, hlcitchsd (1(4 m,
riiluiN, uiHchinn dried, fl uml 7c.
I'esrs, imichlim dried, and 7V,
i'lumismuchint) dried 7 anil Uc,