tup: enterprise 8 M1KT rtfaa I.adjre, I. 0. 0. F. 5o. t. Meets evar Tliuradav evening at 7:S0 'Hock r. m. in tha Odd Fellows' Hall. Hain ati-eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend. Bv order of N. U. Miltaamaa l.odjc, S. 1, A. F. A A. M. Holds its regular communications on fir' and third faturdaY of each tnontli, at 7 '30 r. m Hretlireti in good standing are invited to attend. By ordarof the V. M. 1'. 1'amokt, Secretary. MtaJt I'st So. 2. J. A. R., lo(.urt eat of Oregon. Meets first Wednesday of ever month, at 7:30 P. m. at Odd fellows' Hall, Ore gon City, Commander. Falls ( lly LoJjre 5. 59 A. 0. I . '. Meets every second and fourth Mon day evening in Odd Fellows' buihliiitf All sojourning tirethren cordially invited to attend. CO. T. Williams, 'M. V. PKOrKW.oilO.AL. CAR1K T. A. McBRlDE, Attorney at Law. Office in Bank Building, Oregon City, Or. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, Attorneys and Counselor? at Ijtw, MAIN STREET, OKliUON CITY, OSKOoN. Furnish Adslracts of Title. Loan Money. Foreclose Mortir.tiies. and transact General f.aw Business. L T IAKIM O I II AY KS BARIN & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. Will prartii-e in all the coil t of the Hate. Otl'ue opiosi'.e Court House, Or egon City, O.econ. W. L. NUTTINC, Attorney-at-Law. Practice U Stite i:l U:Lei Sl:!s: t :Rc-Ronm 6. C'mbrMec Hl,k, Cur. Sri unit Portland. Orezna. Tt C. Joiiaaos, f. O. Mct'oa. C. M. Ii.Lrx JOHNSON, McCOWN 4 1DLEMAN. Attorneys ami Couns-lors at Ijtw. I'ractic in all the courts of the Statu. I.ouas Hadeaad .4 liklrurla Fur Particular attention uiven to basines in the I'. S. Land Ollice. Oregon City. -orFICKlt- Monaides' P.riik, It'll First street, Port land, Oregon. Main street, Oregon City. SUNDAY SERVICES. BA PTIST CHI' KCH. Rev. J. C. Hkai, l'astor. Morning service 11 : ); Sun day school 1 2 : 1.') ; everiiugservice 7 :!J0. Regular praver meeting Wednesday evening. MonthU covenant meeting Saturday Isdorii first Sunday in each month, at 1 o'clock p. m. A cordiul in vitation extended to all. ST. JOHN'S CIII'IU'II, CATHOLIC Kev. I'. J. Fit.simmonh, I'axtor. On Sunday hijrfi inaxs nl I0:;W A. M. First Supday ol each month low mass at H a.m. Second Sunday of each month, a liiTiimn sermon. Sumlay si:hool at 2:Mv.n. Vespers and Benediction at 7 r. m. FIRST CO N'f I It K' i A T I O N A L Ciitmn.- Kev. (i. A. Kockwooi), 1'astor. Serv ices at 1 1 a. m. and 7 :.'! P. m. Sun lay school after morning service. I'rayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 M) o'cls k. Prayer meeting of Youiik People's Society of Christian F.ndeavor every Sumlay evening at (1:50 prompt. Kev. KiDoi.i'H Stai.h will preach in (icrir.an at ID a. m. All are cordially invited to these meetings. Heats free. MKTHODIST KPISCOPAL CHURCH. Kev.W. A. Wiu.tsroN, M. A., Pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday wlnnil at 12 -.13; evening service at 7:lid. Young penpln'a ineetingTuesday even ing at 7:lt0; prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 :'.V) Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. f?T. PAI.'L'H P. K. CHURCH. Kev. Jkssk CTayi-ok, Rector. Service ev ery Sunday morning at 10::!0; each ab . ternate Sunday evening at 7:110. Hun day achool at 1 :'M every Sunday morn ing. Service every Wednesday at 7 :.'!' p. m., with lecture. Seats free. All . , welcome, T Lorrswera. One hundred u.oiiMand dollars to lend in sums to suit, on good farm mortgages. Jen tsir cent Biid no taxes, long loans preferred June Z, 1HH7. tf JOHNHO!. McCoW" V (nl.KMAN. V RINGERS AT THE DOOR BCLL rirltrmruK I in-1. 1 ml la l.lfn lu Nir XnrU trial A IjmIjt's Fvprrloneea. Tliey "come aa the winds come when forests are rended, como as the, waves come when navies are trandid," and each individual in the multitude seems to have hwne distinguishing peculiarity In his purpite or his method of attaining It, liroadly, however, they may justly he c'vsilled in five grand di hions ped dlers, U'g)T.irs, thieves, swindlers and so licitors of favors. The margin of these i divisions are uecor-arily ill delincd. for the reason that individual represenuuivea of either are so apt t'iiiiornrily, under the temptation of opportunity, to uciro theinselveit into tlie other classes. The ostensible pcdtders are, of coiir... hy lar the most numerous. There wcie regis tered at the nianJial's oil ice during llio past year l.Sti new licences isrued to this cliua of hawkers and 4i'M r iieN;Ut, the former at ft ench and th tatier twenty -tlve tvnt. Pvt the marshals my that there is a ureut ueal of m ;lu't to FiT.ew the lioenx of iueivh:m.!is pvl dl.rs. ei'.h-r Uvause they 'i:ft ;.wav from the city or chm to run tlie n-.l; of heing timnl f to fir ie.l!lii i, wi;hcut a lieent rather tlian y tt nty-tive cuts f r its renewal. It is est. mated that there are not less than 2.000 of tlufo luiketa carrying hawkers, liii hom there are many who oonci-al tlie.r wan in lh' ir ptvkela. A bright hule lady wli' nv.-nlly loovel into an up town t at on the west side was rcpi--ffd to "keep tai" on her invaders for tiw davn, uud lit tle end of that time re riiil; "If tnere are. as you viy, oidv aNuit i.l 00 pnldlem illfeti.i New Yelk, then t. ey miiNt I Uully dit .luifi-l, an 1 1 fu l i....t I have had mor- tliuutny share, for r.o less tluiu thirty-M'ven have run;; 1 :y i 11 this we k. And siidi a variety of tiiini? they had! It would ast.n.idi yon, I ha I no idea of half the Cii"!, U'ing peiilil thai I know now an- sold in tli.s way in New York. Why. thev uicliu'.iil env US, su-H'llders, sl:v- L.ceit, clieuji j -welry, p, m ,. iiL.tchn., t lacking', cuv.i, cuidim. brushes. iiifi!K, ta;, thread, buttons, garti rs, furniture liU, g is bii.'i,er. piaster of pan lldp;:miui-111:1-. a sure cure tor f rns and butiinns, atai'onery, a caiarrli rente ly. felt si -p?ii,, Kimlu wristleu. n lot more things t!iat I ne;,ltil to put down, and, oal 1 (Ml tieli. ve it. lupen and lottery tick-tsf Nearly aU the a:lers ks'ki-l us if tl-y weie Jewa. hut tiie vending the l..-t to ti i.'i-t I nann' ere not. '1 he l,ii.s were soid by a stout, eld. rly, k"I ha l.ioicd li-.li w man, ho carried quite a lot of little ll.iM.t of ;iii, uIikI.v, and, I v.ipt'. oil.i r liquors, tho,i-li she Klid llxw t'. o ur'.e 1110 t ill d-iiniud among the kidit-s wlm )m hi.; lit from her. She had tlu iu in a I il rl. and iaid r-iie had built 1111 quite a family liude, Uam which sl.o m; ,ir.e I l-r ImsUiiid, who was dia' Td ov 1 in'uiii.iliiin, uud her two y..uii;;er children. The lottery tick et were wild hy a laine man, vtlio seeni'ii to lie L'l'-ili-h He a-j-uri-l inn that he Mil I a rut tunny luc'jy tickets, and I Win. 1 1 have a 1'," chiince to diaw $ ;o..(; kj if I lion;. I t a ticket for the next drawing, but he couldn't persuade me. Then lie kiU that if I would like to try a little - ol rv,' ns a gri-:il many lielies did, ' 0 the dead ijuii t.' lit) would como h Mu in I whem ver I w inlted, get my nuin-1-i, make my playa and fetch my money to me. Of course I didn't. I am not such a f ol. "The next nifnerous class were the Ug';ars. In some way, heaven and they only knew bow the janitor says he doen't nineteen of them, men and wo men, old any young, rot up to my disir in tin me live days. 1 ls'g:in by giving a lew Ktiti'i-s to marly every one that came; they lookel so mirable that I couldn't help il; but one thing haps'ncd that rather hardened my heart on the wcoud day. An aw fully rawd young felluw said li'i wiih starving, and really looked aa if he wan. I thought tie quicki-st way to help him would ht to give hita a good big bam sandwich, so I told liiin to wait at the os-n door while I Bteiied into the kitchen and got it for htm, and be wemcd very grateful. I was buck w ith it in a few moment 1, ami he. thanking mo effusively, turned away toward the stairs, Jilht as he did sol raught a bright metallic gleam at the back of his it"ck, and it tlanhisl on nte at once that that was the silver the silver In ail i,l Jack's Sumlay cane that had Is-cn in the stand iiihidn the private ball near the door. On the impulse of tin) moment I sprang forward and clutched it. Sure enough it was. I hauled it out from under tlie tramp's coat, where he had poked it up, and tk it into the kitcln n to wash it, w lulu he plunged down stairs without either of us saying a word. "Another tramp, a great big fellow, with a timet villainous countenance, when I told him I bad nothing for him, said be would come in and w-e, and Is-gan to force his way in. 1 was frightened, for flrato( to , l,;n country twenty or I was all alone, but did not let him oejlh, .yy,.Iir, B;ro. Amon;; native i''n'l V 1 utuf.,,.,.,i,,n? Americans of tit. butter classes con I could. 'Jack, come hern, quick I ami , , ,, ,1 1 that big train,, made such a acran.blo and I ' " "X ' '' ""'"H;". tumble in getting down stairs that I J," KreHi Auierican foe to heal ill could not help laughing. There was a "1 tinifrt now Is dvspisla. Wor woman, rather decently dressisl, who ri of all kinds, domestic- and wanted ten cents to help Iter gut liouio to business troubles, Irregular hours, br sick husband in Oihoes, and she was ' Jlsslpai ion of nn y kind anil so arthauad of having to ask charity, but ' f,lMt or ovni-hiiarly eating are her pocket bad been picked of all the lit m,,ont causes of dynecpsla, and tleiiioneysliehad. I giive it to h..r, ami hl,tt.lll(.in ,lnll.algla, rlieun.atls.n, .lack wi, when I told I til that I was 4 , , , dim(.u,t,,, d1)ilily gravo lu 1 lu Tii. J fni- Hit 11111111 iliilul um fur liu- - . iw the (iiixi win n tln-re wum a honM furry to Ui'tfyUvii at Ihmu.. -.vismt this eulry on my list 'man villi pup'-l was doubtful whether he 'tight to go down among the peddlers or .lie Is-ggars, ao I've left huu standing lone. lie cam up with a fat, i.aUuig, funny looking little pup . 1 lus hands, and a.-kcd me If 1 didn't want to laiy a Newfoundland vl.,;. I Niid' that I didn't; that 1 nevei i.n-i'd nn.ch for Ncttfoumilal'dN, and t.ioitght l's'inaiils weto ever w nnicli nicer. 'V by,' aaid he, 'that's what this pup is. My poor head is s-t I nd ever since ( had "the fever that 1 can't reuiein-l-r iiamts; lail im- you mentions it, it comes back to mo that that's Inn name; he's a St. lkiiiiiid.' I iaw the fellow ;i.s a fniud, and just to draw him out 1 said: -Oh, how nice. Th..t is the sort of dog that raki-fsuch pml care of sins p in iSioi'und. i-:i't itr' And lie said it was, th very kind. I teld libit 1 was orrv. but I ii.ul 10 h1iis-;, ami t'iou;;ht 1 would wait until I had them Is loro laiy tn a dv. Nev York Sun." PltEPAFiE IN TIME. k Dnty WOrh ( Owr in H'a V ! mi.l i'lill.lr. i.. D a li is uiwiivs ski'i'imv, hut when to that !'l-i added ceinpllcations ui. tnuityauc s that a lit hi fore li oejlit, a little pi tipar itioii, nil.'lit lmv. tpared thus" wh i nrn buttling w. Ii ni ter ;i'ief ulld loueliiiiis it Is iu.a ei'..el. There is nianv a fa her of a family who, while doing his utiiios' for hi' I'hildte.i while be i ill heal h. and miikl ;hii loi provisioii he cm foe them in ruiiicli a i hi of hi- own den'h, wlio'.ly ueul. cu to p: t i.eh pr. V 0:1 in a taii' U'e -It ape, where it rill rea lllv liuileislood uud 111 it 11 i ) IsN'd bv t!i itti.tiiel' or o In r "inil'd no I cne of his d ai Ii co, nine uddenlv. A ca.-ti recently cairn1 to ur not 0 In to pr iperiV of con-i Inrith e v due w 11s so lied up with ip 'ai r ric ion. ov 11 ptitrdv to l -.ck of n fenr fnllll .tiilies w hich coiiM have h en allende I to In a day work, hi the wll. w and children were kept for iin.te tluiu a J ear depeli It'll Upon I he g o will of fi n nils bef im inone.' could he in mle nvmlaM'. Doilli is not o d liarilv hnsteiieil hv III k n niio rtiii. I ii hi - f r it, a d ill" iib it shou d b' aNoiee l 011 rcc unit of it. 11 .ple ix am chiirntf'er. Many a 111 mIcI hush ml mid fatl tf. r'ao'e bus uess nie'li" lire of lie 1111m iiii llioille d mid 1 l ie It' liom ruble kind, wmsld Ii id an pi' oe. ia-ion lo blame lilt '' li' for neh cl if lie would consider fur a nioiuu it In what coiifii-inii his family w mil I be placed If this day sin 11 d prove hia lasi. A enml pimi is u iinike, at lensi lice a year, a written atatoiiieiu all One's 111X11111 at tli.it time, and .. it, in 1111 i nvalne wlih the wife's iiamo 1 pun It, in a particular place which die and hi1wiis mie oilier drill know . f. If not In ' t'listndy. Such a luentoiMiidiiiii ...m.d Con t in de cilpliou of life insuraiicn jioliiies r similar doc meats and late where a will. if any, is tn be found; incumbrance id any kind should la imfc"'; iililiiilshnd traiisaedons should hi brill, ileacrihed, that I lin.r a1 at 11 may he fully 1 nderstoo i; a id even .f them x sis no pi-opci'tv wlm ever, awrltien Slaleuietit to that effect would relieve doubt and avoid m e lies inquiry and suspense. In case mill's hi.siu'S 1 f fa rs were of a ftueluntin na'nro w hich could not aluays h-' clostdy f ! luwed by thu wife or fnl y explained to her. In ciises of irotracied anil dai gerolis sick lie, qui sliollS relating to the c.rennis ances i f members of a f Hi' ill' w bo may soon be left alone can iki 1 be rea lily asked or answered, and much of distress and dread f ilia fut ure would bi relieved at such a lime if I he wife could feel that whalever earthly possessions ex sled worn to he iiiiinediiilely available, or at least that a full ac nit of them was at hand 'under a in mratlvety recent date, so ' 1h.1t she need not bring the shl j :et Into ti1(, ;ek room. JnfiA wf. ABOUT DYSPEPSIA. How to C'unqiier Hit Oriit American Fna to llttallli ami Coitilurt, Some time i-gu consumption was called the curse of America. Wu have inadn a good flhl against 1 1, and stalisilcs shoiv that ihn largo avnrngn nl ilea lis from tiului 'imry d sense is j tilled out by the m n lidily from that : cause among I ho native. horn foreign pi f Ii 11 1. iii Ihn nhlhlrtoi of 1I111S11 who llltllltltl tlUIIUMII, BUI PI'IIIB V (.U WW- tndaut evils that wait upon tlio nial- Tlie cure for aggravated forms of the disease has not yet been dlscovniod, and, knowing this, one should begin in time and heed the warning given hy the that symptom of indigestion; itelf-dntiinl in dint is not ton high a pro" to pav for exemption from a life id line "u( r I'.iiin good living, with nn als slowly on eu at regular hour and plenty of npm-alr exercise should no the rule unit those who have a aholesome die ad of dyspepsia. Intel iigciu pi !. I are leurnliig that sloiu tvh li'oiihhi l olten beii 1 In Infancy and the die1 for young" children Is now wisely or lei-eil In well-regulated iiur rie Cakes, plea, puddings and iiir feeiioiiery are very roperly eon s Iciioiis hy th"ir alisviiea, and, not seeing the pet'llli lolls. (UlUtln the chil'lren sail ft' their hnal hy youii'; tppetiles mi shuplo, iiuti'iliotis fai'.v lv 'eplng leniputioll Ollt of their S.ght s ail iiiguuiciil In fin, r of child ten miii ; npai't froni the fun by, but i la lily in lai-ee 1 t ih'l-hinents :luit lint ' jiti Ihi tleiitt. Wit" 1 at the family tab e it Is fund to refits to give them ll ' liiiu";s 1 he; see their elders eat it ', hut h, tur suffer the ps.11 of d nying I'n m Ihiin h ive them gi'oiv 1111 11 lu vb liius i.f dysnepsl u (t'ood 1 k tr. 3AN.CUF OREGON CITY. Paid up Capital S50.OOO. I'k k kii .! r ni).MA I'll KM S Anuh ( HAS li.r.U UKU- Manauh .. i:. I,. K siUAM. txtta rprfltil tt.tcr .1 rhrrk fiiri.e t til! lli't ii' tf Hr..nttr. x'otinl? an.) c iy w ir .n! .' ,t l..t-n m t-lr 11 vtl' tli'r . f irUjf lir tft wclit 011 1'orttiii I hci (MfUf I'Stct f.i, w ,tk. ui U rtiriii. iilr (.( t I 1 f r.Mc flll(iirt .!i( mi f. rlhil. n rt'tuMPC-K tliii'fig .1 mtil Nrw V"tk !a'er!;l Wl cs tw;:t f:m: For thr mottli i .-f rem. per . nm m :'.r t tnhtfi. 5 i rr i-.-n! urt Rtmiim ''or li tft'u!lit, u ir it fit r tuiiiiim j Tim rftrtlflr' ( ilrii.Mtitr n 1 r 1 t.itiHl, but lutrrrii furtrltfU if ilrnwn trf rv ti of trrtu ol iluHil'.. ORIFNTAL - - HOTEL. New Management and Ilelurnishines. A. T. Sclifis, I'nip. 'rrgmi City Oregon. Central Location, First Ous Acciinitiiotlalinna ami Samjilv Itcotii fur Ciiiiiinercial Travcli rs. flni Wlnsa' l,liiinr anil l'lara at lh Hir. I . V, '4 '.( vl,'V .'' m noi i,,!,,.,.,,...,!..! 1 wmmm 'fECTRTICULAa i v -J Vm lil. ien IHUfM' 0UT0F0R0ER, ItTW liOME SEWING MOTE G.OUWiCE.MASS. CMtcsao . jo UNION 6QlMHt,rW- OSLIAS, rr. lomt.MO. ; ji'amiiSMr.iccoenJ I i 0. P. WINESET, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Ilau in Stock a full .lino of Ruhw H & Co.'h cclclirakul FARM and ROAD VEHICLES. (.Jail and h-o iiic hoforo (urcluiHin";. 1'arainH clicnp! O. P. WI1TE3ET. Undertaker, WagonandCarrlage Maker. MAIN HTItKl'T, ORKJON CITY, ORKOON. Hill uvk unc'iiio savin atsvi'n " -Pultlslld, Isylul lr.ulurl . IVICA M A(rp M OGN. RY. & NAVIGTIi. -co - "4 luitiblu lilver l(nit" Tiaina for tin Fsstlve po iland, 1 4 ft P M rir.i(FT,. ,n " '"'i i'Hiiiii! i..iu Alltl tittup hRanl h.'lmjti falact Cars. KMUiiaVI' M I'.Ki lMi 1 U(s lit s Tl.iwtigh on Kip.ssa liams -lo- OMAIIA, council. m.n-Ks. ix si. pAi;i. rasa tip 1 11 a mis A smiot r t iusux. Clew ri niirrilunt at purtl.tiil lur s.u Itia, fl,eti sail 1'ujii ,11 ml , aim I'nr Imlli.r psrilrulaii Imjuii ,i( tnr (.ni t lh 'nuiMiii r A 1. Maisrll, I 11 M I'. A Puritan!, orr(.,u A. I,. l t I I. . I. I. A. u. 11. iioi.cinrii. s'l. Maaairr. OREGON CITY KOUTK. Stoani;r BONANZA LeaveiH 111 W 1 A . I ,i i..rk, (ir(, n ( In T 10 a .IIIU J V J , U-.ii . Ann Mirrl Ihs k. PnrlUliJ. 4 a t,4 lur Arrives ut-- ' Peril ill, I u) a m aii,Ii r t i in, u .1, i ii) I i r a iult,ir m ! Ktn- -rii may 'jri r 1 ili'unl : all I l lt.1 -rr leu mum m sr .a liX,w'-U.v - Dvrrhnui !o Ciililurniji IA th i''uii .V 4 ul iforti la IE. I. Alel (, ilitrtUunt Tltnt bt.'t.o rti n t'lir ami Ssu Kt.nri,, j s hi. Mia j cai.m.tHNiA tiratu isaissiitii. I "" '111 If' lu May I. " SMttii-" Imr It llxii p. rllaml Arrli lu to a MMr a t.r, lniiil uy If4,r t.. a 7,si a lAiritrS l., m i I.,, t, ,m r- m h.ral I'staellinr Iralha. Pally, I. arr l Hiu,,l , ""'t I Ion I'erllainl Arrlf Hu 'J 1" n ravtt 4 trrif.lt t Hf r.io ; 40 f m I 4i r a I Arritu t"iirii lt,iuii. Pullman Buff t Sleeper. EX C lTrS 1 6 N SLEE HERS fo r Socond Clat?s l'(iHsoiiors on (ill thiouuh trains FREE OF Cr-IARCE. Tlt(i Ac H k Prrry hiMarasinstriltn Willi all lilt ri'ljll.r Irsllia mi Iha fc nnlt lllal (ruin I' A ut V airrri Wrat Mill Hivialnn IlKTwKrN fl(T.ANI ANi OltVAt.l.ls Hull t rain, (Kirrpt SuiuUr 1 7 SU a l.ftv Pi.r'liiiul Arrltt ll r ai ii.Jli r a Arrli Curiallia Utliuir M Kiprraa Tritlii ilalljr (rr.,l Sumlajl 4 'si r. M ii. ive I'lirtlanrl ArrliKii t, s nn- a I Irrn. Mt N4 1 mi villa Ira, I 41 M AI Aili i ii v sun l ur. tlila cnniitiei with Iralm ill iiri'i(ui I'si'ISr rullrusit. ItV. fur li.t.iruiHll.iii rr(arillii( rama, flf . i',ijr in I'. unii my sitwit ..KliKIII.KIt. B. I' ItitliRliH, Maiiar. (I. K. and I'wa A'ai I Blaotria Tru. I'rfri li.i,i,., 1 r .i ,r i aiAnti, r .tM.i.ft rMt. iiiuitiiirMi imiu.an'ta r.atah rt ye,. ""'ii t"f rriuii.ir -nit,Ua t,. 'OS N0HTH HIX H BTSKKT at l.otfa i Jm. .S M-WTO ST SO l fWA WQISIK). fL. f .. V ! V3 ""lFad I'.in.. ,.,,, . '';rt..V if jif'3 "lO'in ol i .i.i. ..I. i il MlWjJj fVCMTlC ElASTlBTIll!--. 1 1 1 A - J MaUltmi 1 -,,.,s,f '-w'.w 4fce ,