THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL. Wool wanted, The highest tirlet paid fur It at lite lireat Kaalurn Morn. A flVO UOtllld lll Wa tallglll III tilt river her lat Monday. lh.ui, Wojfur of Needy waa In town Tutly. , II, Scribnerol Highland ltt4M gone to KMehurg. The Harlow road I now upon for all Wagon. I'orUir HriM. will lie glad to meet the farmei itl lliB new groenry Hlore. I tin going to lke my be I girl ami accompany her on (lie Willamette lira lu.' Kita'tdmi, May 3')' Straw herrle and cream oiw week (root to-night at the Ikptiai church. .Ire. (1. ('.. Watwm he the thank of thi utile (or basket ul rl chorne, thuflrxt of Ilia in. ti t ... ... a ti - . v tnir, ..... , ..unci, pro- ee.l,.,g. wer unavtuJably crt.wtl -I out Mli, U niilimln iiiu.m. lh.! i llh.wo.V.i.uo.bul will .ppear next ,lUln u,, ,,, ,nllr ! p trtai of tin. afu were batten! and f..tgotaotllt the N.5 Jt- ; - .,.1iu,at wjra 11-.1 ur If mil huv.i iroiihle with your even, go lo Mm. lluiiiH'inti'r and have them teated by the beuuliiul eye meter Jut rutvived. I'rof. John KiNtih will mwt llne who ml. lo utility (iertimn fur tlnur (lmt I.m mm next haturday at 3 I'. M. at tliuOon grt gnlionul iariiiaiie, Kev. ti. A. Itm k wood will prea.'h in the IkmiIUiiimi at Mount I'leaMnt next Huiiday at 3 I. M. -Mm J. I. llowall and Mr. iii4iu of 1'orllurid are vmiting Mr, t'ot h- Mr. I). I'. Thoniion and daughter aie exiivted loairive lioiii from Kuroim m il Sunday. 4 in a..iiinl of change over which th iii viNgnr have no roulrol, the canlaUoi lioldeii ll4ir bm.I the Three Ilea. luu hii ii Hitxiiied. j If my S.imUy girl i not Inclined to go with me, I will Uk aome other fel-1 ..w ' gul, aiid what a liinu will be had W.lluin'olerciU forcible alyle and pro- didati- are able and eQi. ieiit men, w ho on the Kxcurwioii of May 3n. jduce.l a mot f4V.r4M impreeHuin an j if elected (a tney mirely will Iw) randi- Any one finding in the upN.r part of j well a amving a a tim lo reptile jfharae llm dmie of their live of own, or on the ruad Iteyond, a lu.irket lican voler lie arraigned llu aduinii. Hce without having lo emphy ouie one Mkel With double cover, end cinUin- tratlon lor it hvp.H il p cnim m d to aland al the helm. I!eiublicanl)ould In; a Mnall blown net k ahawl, will con- vot-aling civil m-rvi.'tt rv!,i iu belore elut- j teineinlier that great ie-nt-a rw l uke (r a lator bv Waving the aaiiiie at tl.i lion and p tai'iri d.n k'rati reform if- It i Hwil. Hut thejemilt of the eloc oillro. tor. Tu i.U4iidt ( vote wjiu t'4tt fur don in thi nUtv umV cl.ange ttTe puliti- Torter Brai. are inaklug re.nly for i (i rover Cleveland beca l in" hi I t'l ctiuiplexion if the nexl congreaa. In the boom by putting In a full line of tiro-' ( rem ivy fro u jlll 'e o.ily oiIi.t ' tht'd it i prob.thle I tut the i-U-ctioii v( a renea. ( nil ii'l Hie iMiy. . The teamer Multnomah la a fine boat to enjoy yourull on at an Kxcur- j hi. Mm 1.4 in'.'ii en. inert) 1 11 v im. Will.iiin'tle ltr.i I'and, and the 1 1 Will apt ar for the llil tune in full uui Im m. I be Molalla (irange will give a grmid picnic ut Wright' Iimi":, on the Si 1I.1II4 prairie, on the !)th cl June itic4k en will In prem'uf, and no pain will be pared to make it a au. ee. Mr. A. J. Hell, of Wihionvillc, re ceived thi week a check for t'iNKl liinu the A. O. V. W., r'll I'iiy latlge No. ill. Mi. ltd I die) ? than Iwo month, uo, and the tinier dcaerve cieihl foi iIiih pioiiipl 1'uyiin'iil. Hy invi:a(!ni of tuu reiuhlicn clu'i of N ly, II in. W. C. .IoIiimo.i atddie. el llimii liit Salurdiv afttn uoiin. IK) h i I th ple.iU n of pi4king to a Urge and itppiecidtivtt audience. Libit li. I'll! -ut, imw with John A. Child of I'lntltuid up calling on friend S,ituri.iy. U iai' iun well plea ed with hi prewnt pmtitioa and will he liUd to have any of hi Oreirou City hi in I call wii.ui tlmv a e iu t i.t city. I',; !!: KtAtllUrl Th next p ihliii exanlnitioii of will Im h .Id at tli 1 coir 101m in Orjg niOity, bigiuuiiigai 12 tf. Wii limdiy May 31, an I .'out lining till Friday noon lumi tit. I). K. May Supt. of School. Hm'niuri m Dw l i.i lii I'oat. N i. 2, II A. It. are in.lkiujtli 'ir iitu .1 nrran;if m ini to oliturv idjiMiMlioii day Willi 4i propriiilo c irein miih, a 1 1 0U"n I an In- Vit.lti.l.l 10 tll.t fitlXlllH 1)1 I'll ili'ttOII to join with them iu pitying a jut trihut.i to the loyal do I who offemd their live for tint pritwvatinn of thi union. Full ar ringtnieiilH canuot yet be unnouiicud, Kiv. J. C. Itinid .v ill d.' the innino. rial Hitrmo i Sn.nUv Miy 47ili atthu Nup tial church at 11 A. M. Hoi.i. or llosoii (or lltrlct No. ftH. Tliu following are Ihtt name of pupil nei ' thur anient dining thu two iii.)nilieiidiiigMiv4, HSH. Flmt monili : Klin Htevoiie, lUitiu fruit, Clurl.iH Froat, Uoacoii Front, (Jorg.i lohnaon, I' rank Joiimiii, Kddiu Bull, iilu.Utono Sievtina H.icon I moiilh ! HoHooe Froat, Kll.a StovciiH. Delta Hhnnk, Hurtie ALiiih, Kdjiir Hteven, CiludHtnne Ble von. M Kdilh (ilaiiKil, Teacher. lion. J. I). I.a i expected to iouk hum on the 21th A 4 .4.1.1 HlUOl.AtU. J,4t Mlllll.iy no 1 1 ti tw i uv ml win pan oiii. thi t( In tin O A 0. It. H t 1 1 in at thi i,iri W lit W.'.iekH I !y KXpI'Mi'llH of ) )W- l i' i WD il l Im burglar had gained M'l!44 l.Mllrt '.iiing liy mean (if it crow hir wuii w ilrli tliey rainl tint windnw. V li iId w tit tlii'ii through tliu out tr l.nillj above- the center of tint top of tlii.itif.t, luliitlin a couaid.irahln quan titv of powe Wat uiiihh Hint at f.iiHt In n.ute.1 Kil l fired, at ter which wuultl lie flu worker inutl hive loft Hit tioililing. Th loud npl.Mion that reMiliol wa hear I for a.iveral block about. Tin lu pot') hi i'Mt tun Hlroi't WM yitt npin ini aeveral pimmi tlntre. Thi't itt iin ruthcd acr.n Ilia nlrtti't and found out h i I bnnn dim. Several of llm window In llm b ill ling were broken, and tint af iUi.lf 1)4 1 1 y wrick I. Tint liing. of tilt door wre lrutrt an I tlio doir Itanll tlirown about four fB()l o ,( )U A r o( in i:ii..mly on the ll.tor whi. li cover- ' ml wall iloiM p4pnnt, iikt, n, j a mill ftvo J ill tri III uluiwu. A llm ex. , , plod in ar.imnl th j li idiiIii lniit town, it W4 Imp iniililit for Ilia to h.'ii.'h any Imty Tuev left! behind only a I.Mneli wool r.wp n I the i cro bar uttt I at the window. No t lmt ' ha liwn olitaiu I In the woiiM hit roll- ' her .in J iipiciu.i point to no one. ' ! Judge William' Hueerh. I II mi. lieorge II. William' ad l-ew-d ! : larire entlmi.iliu audi-nce t tl.i i.U-a i ' ThurdUy evening, all p.irt of lln co in ty being repiewnUi I. Ill li 1 1 nun p eetled in Hie afliiin.Hin hy Uuvdrn ir IVuoyer an I l'r f. w'ui Uroil ! Han J in han I lo draw tiff republican up- 't. but j l l'"U from thmr ! lotion to the Ju Ue' Sleni eech they are ktplbuty in.m ling lliitir u. tiiiirui p ience. The p3cli W41 dlivnv in Julje lliii ikiIiIi 4I Uilli. To tlins,. vot.-rn htf prove I iliif.iilhfiil. One term wa advo- cale I b.if.ire .hn-tiou, i.ic li.t and hi li ir.1.1 of o.Ii 'ttr hve moved heaven and earth to .tc. ire In M-election. fo (ar ai u-i rotil I hu ha plac I Hi t co n u Ir.oli of Jeff I) ivi in of liouor and triMt. Hi con diet of Hie pmlal aervice na bi..i the worn! any al- iiiuitiaiioii In ever given the people. oi:t. . Our iuspiiing nieiropoli i a tmy .t , t. , t,uit would Int filled w ith ex bnga it can be. The iion work iu pi. of j ,j,.r pmerul from theConfe.leiute aimy. coiii.tiii. lion utr iid einployn.eiil to over j Ue uiH nm n ,y biactt!iat beprefti .'i l ban li nd the i-nmpany'a work pre- reM w ho Htill adhere lo the doe'rilie of a b.iay . cue during the day while j Calhoun a doctrine. Inwtile to the ier V night the,e of M.-. IWior and ! pctuity ..( the l ni.ui. I it wim-topul in U it me the ceiiler where the Workmen J pw,.r' ily tht ha khown it utter ui iel lo while uway the lime. ' iai,ii,i .L.l ib ..ii..Ntuinof ilm The new (in n. ue i il.nlv aanuming hh.iitt and proi.ortioiiH, and we hope iMin to nee the lil.i. k amoke beh liiirj from the tall chimney top. The tub., mid nip., work are being roof -d In, imn being lined (or that pur- IM HU. Two or three new hiiiix.' rtt being built on tin? tiew town ite laid oil' by the company. Jaa. Dickey ol Molalla was here la: week apparently on no partictilur bind- ne intent but tlio who know hi i - hticul iirH'hvit:evan goes thtnniiion. Our to bit manufacturing town evince no dmiMwitlon to adopt the Molalla free j tradit Nilltic. J. H. Hi!ny ha received another Unl it ion wlii eli a l l another animal In -tid. "Agin ('obwuh" wa pur- hi fine her ch;id from I). C, Ht -wai t an I Son of KoithI (ImvH and i a lmaiily. lion. W. L. White, County Judge, Cleik W. T. Whl'.ltHk, and our next clink, II. II, JoluiHon were In town lnt week mtrveying road. Mayor Whit lock w.i trying to inakoOHwegooutaNU hiirb of Oregon City lo extend hi juiie diction bift we want to ue the road and bridge completed flrat. A. It. Shipley, the prohibition candi dal for county coiniuintiouei', will prob ably build a double tracked upeuilnn brldgo acroat the Willamette here if elec ed. Several mile of extra track are lining laid to connect the work with the nar row gauge railroad. Klllott HwalTord waa In town over Sunday . .i.t.. MtiHMiH. Howard ami Walgmiotl Intuitu to raitti great many nilH thi mtanon. Mi Ha MitK'ina Willimni Mnuwttwfull) Uiin liiiiK llm ChiiIiV H'lio4. Mo Clura l..'i in IntrMng MM-ond Utiii in the Mutk'a ilihlrliit. A W, C, T. U. tKH-ifiy wua ,rjtnir.l at lliin, Tim aocittty inifiidH to giv pi.iiii- on 1 1 in H ml Haturdity in June. I'rof. term of Hinging im Iiik.. will t liH) in throe weeks. Hoiiieoflii pnpila liavu irigrtHil rapi.lly. Our w.irthy I', M. knowa bow tocxpe dile a game of rrmiift. A Urge amount of lumber it luting rle-llvi-rfil at tliia pl.u-e. C'hIm flrim. are erecting a aaw mill on I'litl.liug river ncur Aurora Tliey iU, have one on ll.n MoUlla. It ia evident (hut they inleiid t puali buitiiieca. few KtrawtHirrUni tl.em are on thin prairie am Hmi. Wo if ininilier with pleuiture the liiiiny eii-urtionn inadr) in iKiytiood ( r the purjuwe of oliUininf tliemi excelle'nt henie. I'ttople fiom all rU ) the valley imed to eome and ramp here for reto-ealitui und herrm. ow the prairie I dotted over with horn. The llel l. tnat were troilden by merry leet ae now t iiitiv'ea. The frtiil irop pminiae to he prolific piain.t pioduitnt excellent liuit, l'0t, melon, t orn, potaloe etc. It i alito ileliglilinl pla e lor n aldcneea. The ground ia level hut mnd i unknown. The chaMt ter of the aoil i au. li that it Jl' ,","-,h ''' '' never lliidi- .! Dot fail lo produce : excellent criM- owing to it lnom'lichH. The repuhlican ticket, btitll elate and co.uiy, uivea excellent nutinfat lion. The lenoiuiiuilion of llcrinanii imtpire the rank and file oi the party i lo tirlory. Mr.' Rtraightlor I ward and cotmiilent course ha endeared I him to Hie Htiple of Oiegon. We predict 'hi election liv an overwhelming major lily. The cou'ity ticket ia good. Huron- 1 ''iiuh-ihIi.' I'. . muiator lo nuc.fMl Mr. ltph would give control of Ilia aenate to the iIioihh rt.c p.ity. ltt-.uliUcan i fhoulil cointiilrr llu matter before they U't Ibeii bllol l-l u conaidei what a .I. huh i iifc victoiy would mean. I null probability it will bv within the power of the next .ciilciit loclunigc the iertionel of the I'niied State Mipicuie court. Mr. Cleveland ha given u Home ttrikingex ample a to ti.eapHiintui.'iil hedeiiv toiimke. In cuwe bo hoiild he ie-elcitod day. After year of outcry atiainxt the tariff, the democratic pnrty now bring forwaid the bcxt bill it tan oiiuiiuile And au.'h a bill! A bill that propone to auciilice Northern phhIucI for fie IihIi guveriinieiit, whilu Southern prod uct are to ho protected. If live ttude ia g..od for the Northein ntale, why iu it not good lor tint Southern Ntate? They tell im il the tariff i letuoved (mm wool that the Wool grower will rcivive a higher pi ico lor In wool; but we have not 1 om a democrat who ha been wine im. nigh to uy that the removal of the duly on Louiiana Niigar would enhance thu price of Hiigar. Lcluawoik in har mony o t li n t on the evening of June -till '.he glad tiding will go forth proclaiming , tlrtl t,l0 M ,)Hilv ll( ,u,,.,1)m,m ,,llltv , W,1()H ,Uwn ,lavu J.1htH, the ,low mrtKl". den to lung ep and tke courage; apaity that liaNel.ind fur human right, and uui veraal fieedum hu again triumphed. The party that ha dune ni.wt lor thi government the party o( Llnt:oln,lir,int and tiurllcld i lawt lilted to lie ut the helm ol the ehip of atate. 300 REWARD, Will bo paid (or the appreheimlon and conviction of the parly or partie who did, on the night n( April lHth, 1K88, aUmt 11 o'clock, aet Are to (he atore and dwelling of Mr. C. A. Il.wford, of Can by, Clackamu county, Oregon. By order of W. L. WHITE, County Judge of Clackama county. l'atod at Uregon City, May 15, 1888. HANDY. IVpHrtment Commander, A. E. Bortb- wick of Geo, Wright 1'oat No. 1, (i. A. K , l'ortland, on HitunUy 1'. M. lay nth iiiuatered in the (Jen. I.Joii l'oat, No. 26 of Huinly with eixteeii member. The iollowing ofllcer were e lee ted and InkUll ml for the remainder of the year: Her man iiurn, poet commander; K. I). iUtch, Hr. vice poitt oominander; Ueo. Iiulfman, fcr. vice t csommandori II, B. Chfce, quartormaaUir j J. W. Baty, 4urgnon; Aaron Fennimore, chapUin: Lyman Horrick, officer of the day; Jaa. ftratihain, otlh-er of the guard. WIAT. A CommnletloM, Nkw En. May 6th, 1888. Enrro EitTKMPiiiaK : New hu come lo me that I wait going lo vote for aome of the democratic candidate, in fact that I had aaid an. Now I ih to aay to my friend and the (riend of the republican ticket and evory one in thi county that I intend to vole the republican ticket from top to bottom jutt a it will be printed. lo not think. Brother Dem ocrat Utcainte 1 wa defeated in convention that I am going to buck the ticket. I am a repnhliean from conviction and never voted anything but the republican ticket in my life. a am your very renpectfully, K C. MtODOCK. It may be of interval to the public to know Kev. lh Atkinaon, almut a year ago ilcvili-d to trUHtee. two lot on the south aide of the ('Iw. kama near Mr Hilaer'a. Theee lot are to he utted for Sunday achool and church purpoae of theCoiigregational denoinlnalion and al vi the value of two adjoining lot to aid in building whenever neceary. The republican county committee filled the vacancy on the ticket canted by Mr Winxton' declination bv Delecting the pentou who received the next higheet vote in convention, Ihu aiming to take the next choice, of the convention. In 10 doing they plitred in nomination a man amply qualified for the olTicr one who w ill attend to hi dulie well and fxithlully. Such in (.'harle Mueiinke, the icpiihlicao nominee for county com- m'maioiier. j MeTrAiiH.fiiu"'nd rafpiet UlioVed the people oi Needy and Butte Oeek tlmt Bill Myer, the deuiocratU' right ; bower, i making campaign of lie. They literally wienl the ground w'th Jii dirty xilitiral carra. They evidently forgot that when John prepared (he ieech be wa unable lo Mipply Bill , with brain to know how lo ue it. j Where Sainton ie Ut-t known and the ! .npl are Ut qualified lo judge of hi ' tltne, they tvuiHitU-r the tlemocratic re port a mere truth, and will not change their vote, knowing that democratic ai lidavil come cheap I Mr. WiuNtou'a letter ia a plain Mate ' nient of hi rea mt fo withd.awintr. We ; believe that Mr. Winvnm would have ' made a good .oniMiittioiier, hut hu Iho't it licit to withdraw, and we accept hi judgment. j Toe campaign i' pe lied at Needy Mon day with democrat. irohibitionit and imVH.iti ll.lit.nlle liiluiriniv ML'diiiMt ro. ........ -- B -p. - publican. We expect in our next to give full par ticular in relation to the paper mill that ia uxie-'ted to locate here. 1'koi.mier-ItuoNNKWKK. The Tuedy' at earner brough from btdow, Mr. George 1'roener und hi bride, Mia IVna ltnui newee. They were met by two or throe friend who accompanied them to the reHiduneeof J. C. Read w here a quiet but ltnpreHive ceremony wa performed, which made their, one twain. The bride and groom were eacorte.t to the Cliff ll.iuatt where dinner wa nerved in an impromptu manner to a few of Mr. Proa er' friend, after which the happv couple took the afternoon train for Port land. The groom i well and favorably Known bore, and ha bout of friend who join the Knterpriae in congratula tion and lcat wihe. Mr. I'roaaor ha lived in Oregon City before and ha many friend who know Iter a a ladv of gentle manner and refined tattle. She i recent 17 from the Kant, having bvea pilrmiudod tor .turn toO-ejim bv Mr. I'ro-wor' elo quent apHI for a companion. They will continue to live in Oswego where Mr. 1'roitner i a ucceful merchant. Every republican should attend the club meeting Friday evening. Kx-Uovernor Ueo. L. Wood will peak In Oregon City the 23d of thi month. Every body will want to hear him. BIG BARGAINS For You AT FINE GROCERIES AT LOWEST PROS IN TOWN I ! Goods Promptly Deliv ered to any part of the City or Canemah. COURT HOUSE CORNER. LAND! LAND! LAND! REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE! Suburban Lots. Suburban Lots. KKAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOCATIONS, IN 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS, On the Clackamas River, in tiik Donation Land Claim ok p. m. rlnkarson, neak ore oon City. Si'lenmd Icali ty. Only good koad out ok TOWN. LaNDRICII AND LEVEL, suitable for Fruit or Vegeta bles. Charming Country Homes can Ihj purchased for reasonable figures, and on tonus to suit purchasers. Fa ces on main county road. 15 minutes easy drive to Oregon ilyrt- Nxty aer oniy will lie sold, ror maps and fur ther information call on II. E. CROSS & Co. or JOHNSON & McCOWN. Oregon City. Sheriff Sale. a. ... n1 rl.A..n I t'niiuly ul t'liLlun Hr virtu ol deere ol fnrecloaur rBdrHl iiiilir I'lri-.ill I'iMirt ul the ette il Urt-f on lir the I'oniily of CUrkimna. In milt whrrtjiu jiiliu w pliiincifl u.l Jh mm Maim, Knim M tnu. II A. I'itu 8na M tnuf .rtt.rli.K I'lirapanv and Piiu Mnulteturtn 0mpnv wri ui-ii'iiiiHiiia. ana ny virtuti ni hu txrc.i. linn, ami tlr.lrrol Htle. taa.ird urn ol ann anner llie 8v-il ol aild Ci.iirl, In pur-mlir ol IU dr eree and lo n.e dlrve.eil u.l d.-llvrn-d ou th ol May. A H, IS-. eoiumamlliiff mo l. m ikr ol the rrl imiperty in aald ilme jh-cIMM and dtarrihrd a .illi tta. lo wli: 'I'hr Kant htlfoflh N.ulh weat quarter and the Houth-weal quarter of IheNnrth enal qtcrtvr of 8i-.-tl.ui & ill liwnahlt Iwobntith of K.niti two KM ul thf WilUini.ll Merid ian ailnalrd In th ('limy of I'laektmai ml HI .If of Orifon coin.uiin l'JU arrra. To aitiafv Bni.l diH-ire and order ol aatr In th um of In. Sli and tli f urtlier aunt off.neiH.ta and diiburaemrnt with tnteraai at p.-r ttu: wr nmitim frnni April l.ili. lvvv I duly lrvivd .iMin aald real property on the l.sth dav of May. A. I' . IN. Ni'W llitrefore. in puraiianr ol an Id decree and order ol aal. 1 will on dav, the IMh day ol Jim Ihkh. at th hour of II ocl.K-k. A M , at ihrCotirt holla dia.r In aald County and Htite. aoil, auhject lo redemp tion th bovedeaerilied rrl properly alpulilu uctlou lo III hlgheal bldderfnr raah WIU.I A.M KM.illT. Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Urefou. May l is, Political Speaking. The Republican County committee haa arranged for their legislative nominee to Kpeak at the following time and place. The democratic committee have accept ed an invitation to join in the canva, o that both partie will be heard on the Imupt of the day : Highland, Milk Creek and Canyon Cieek, Walton School llouee, Mr.y 18. Heaver Cieea, Mink School lioiie,May tl). Viola, Harding and Springwator, at Viola May 21. liarfield, at Zion May 22. . Kagle Creek and tieorge, Wilbein'a hall. Mav 2:1. Caw-a.fe, Sieversand Cherry ville.Ca cadeiPO, Mav 24. lamaacu at Union School !Iue,May 2S. Clackama School Honae, May 26. Milwaukie, May 28. 0wego evening of Mav 29. Tualatin, Pleaaant.liiil and Seeley KcIhkiI i Inline May 3D. t'anbv ScIumjI llimne Mav 31. New fcra, Brown' ScIi-joI lIoue,June 1. Oregon City and Canemah at Pope' hall June 2. The hour of meeting will be 1 P M, ex cept at Onwego. Republican club meet Friday night. Special bulnea ol liriio, tanco. I G. a ft