THE '' 80ME ZULU CUSTOMS. Tlx lUrbar 'an lla.pltalli I'rwlliail tlx N.U ur auuili Alrl.a. Iii coaiii'ii to hifpiuiity 1 "in ' ot that In their linalhan Hiti proU nlilv no African ruiHi nrpa' ih Z.ilti. A irartur always wnl-i-oiuti to what they tmiht iiffi'til. 'lhme Uan liH unions ilio ti to tin rtT.M' : "A ti"ft'i'M', ni'ptilH nver dlnii'i Uiia the rtow." I oun lutard I) a Nnwt.iu A Urn, one of pl"""f luhntbinnraM to Smith Afroi, oh no thai h irvilHl llir"0(li it ureal pari ..f Z.i'uUiul, Mora European tindiu had Km ih r, and w tmatwl to very kraal Hh panulne Mtlti"nH. 1I could it lH'ii"lti Ilia people ' take even ft BlU In r-ttt f I ho..plulliy. Ala, the coitriiH In iwooii tli dv ami I''" in'Miin! I lilt '. Ill II maxim In "L'l much trout whim num ft yu om." I linli' t.Urv., however, mm miioii u'n- aolve tint oh! rule ' I r.Ulty ar in v,...ih. II il in i. M. h in relate, i ...,i-l,.i,. mm. in. I nl ii'ill ir-'llt lli l'iMllhiH I. t.rit.,tl..eii, Th'i IIOwlwilT V ll rntiunr nln ' ! the hand " " "' tin. kraal at lioun F ' Tim rcplv l N.s he ha gone I" look after hi ai t ." or, "h lm go lo lh river U l, he," Tin- liit-rr jfiuoiy then ''" f, within ih.. k nil: What .to yon want of llm bond iiiiiuf ' Should ih reply pr..v niU(ni iry U.y or gir: ill v ry likely em.r r from ! Ilia hot. i-Hyini!! "ll"r 1'' ,"' Int. iit returned." 'I In re i for ilil. dec. pilon very HUoly rle III., (net that lh unlive of lolm .I have ih wl l il" ' liineeurllv I r ...if ir milium n.f when ft K decided lo minln.a Imlivi.lmi h.. uiimlly l paiehn i m "i- ' tlio ituoil. anil lo .l.iy lh ..f ih nun wloo Ufa wm hi l .. n inmwurB of ri-ultoii mi l m i-.hIV. In lln- I'lvlnjt i f iii.flto ono mioihi r (r..r till Zulu r lurliril nnll l k t ) or f fl. n flh or two I K"'1' n.- ... i-i ... t In: ' II.. lo inn to H VI II I . I . - - HIK'h of KllnfT." OH" "' ,lV in i tin- iniir- ox wm tiinUiil loiiy i,t," In iho rly Wut linking "i I'"' .mimiiIi I founil U. Mil ioni.ii llllXIII t OIH'O If B1B'I fit f..u.l. lln- r )y l: "Wm IihV.1 l.o lilor Iii mil oiik. Ik"", fmnlno ha io nri) n..i.l..,.l m." till In li" 'hun Ion ioinio pot "f trwJ fi"' IimIImi turn. I p iif il Morn iho hnii- irry, vlnihr. Nmm think. I hut Ho Zulu itiiiI to tin'.' ili'iiinU lliinklns I brill ifo'-'llfti ilft. f'T If h - ri'MH. l f. r fnu I lioiil'l li oiii-u i.nn ll'"l Willi, niol lli )m.ii ini"nkinrf ' oulil hiMOIiln ill or illi'. Iliifl.l1 woiilit l ... , r.HIMI I IIL'llilMl ill' ilonoi'. Why wiifthn" lo pivn upon 1 1, iicklii)!?" Willi Imi ftihl. it ilii' 1 lli::in: ni' l'o "' v "lm Zulu iim l I i ni. -hi' I' r loKioo. innl w.iiihl i' "ipnr ' ni ii' i -:mi'" f,.r .liM'iKihin. '. ' ii' . r. in .V. 1. Obifrvtr. THE CLINGM AN DUEU. Willi, mr, hi llioninghhri'il klml ol l.r.iiul niul lilvi.l iiml ni.i'O'l llionali i-ln 'll'ln't know wlm'lii'r Mie Hint iniUii'por onW ilriiiniiu hi' ih kWin-h't wii ii-fl lticrlu' in llm wlml h.iliHox hinto m mrili' " , .... i i . .. n pnwui ini.l -ioiiKlil . r in r, i'imi i.ii. . '11.., I ;,iv' imr Vi'lliil' lur inn ; l.,.. I.IH I JV loolll'l II.MIV oil tin burn IHI'I l"t thn I'X lil UKi g . n mini- I i'il IW 'H w k"1' ',,"", ,vn yiirUoff Hinl I htm l p'- out ill" ni i ii I hi' I ii ' i'!'!' ,"'K 1 " I.H t-.i ii.ii in' mil. hill iIi lH'i'l ,vii wlti'hml In null tcii Mi rriB i Iho C it'll lit liiov 'llnoi'' ! " lo'" Ii luff iihonl thn C.loifioiin il "'I. mi' n .. i i. .l...l' I a I rill I ill !. ' II" I ll'H" 'I " .l .I.., i.ii. f hut Ihu tin II" Kt k I ni'iilmi hiiL'iri02'ii III. hu-ll Wft i. .. , .l mi Ii . ru li-oiiil in-iir Vlkir. M .. Iho mh r .1 iv. wnitvud hj poul-- lii uillk nil Uiu llimifi. ... - i."- T. .Ii, .1.1 liirlftlllr In riilric J,. :iiiimiM-Lin-l. thU'f of M. l'liKti'ur'ii :,.M.rtn.y, hi "' writing Mil nii!ir ,.i i .)i.iiMini.:itiiitiL' tin tiii-;'li- f i'' !..: . h HiirliT nl iVUH'Ill- III j r.llirc. lit '.,,.!,. iii:. i ilu. iliiiilui Iriim Ivi h . li'vrr ,.r i, ,ii lino..! ii. H mill inn uri' (III iiil'uriH I.. ... ii.m.o.u .I, i.i i; ii lU'ilin in "I l.'.n- i.... . niiiiiii. mi ti n i f : ,rl . mil li..liiil i,l s l.vuns no iliii'.l j.'iini.,l, point "lit Tint, in iiiliiliioii t" l.i'lliy liyU'ii'', ii'iu- iial tl iim'IIiikIii or iiiMiiiii'iii umiiii io I'l.uii-c liuiv Iiivb fci iii. ihin to .tvr for. Ii'imiI, m woiihl l IiitiTiKtiil i i nil i ; I ' of 'w I'nin of the ty . i. ...nuliit in t'l ira.ii.'Il ill , ., h .4 rhruoi'iirii:iily hri.iihy yiiir lKh. ihrrw Wrl K'irllHl 4ti(l ilriitUn ,. im,I I ft vrr in Ihim ilv. On tin 'niMHof liiid.lll'll w;)ii!:ilion nuiiinl hv ihn hnillli ili piirtiu- nt- lliin kivi n mor lahty of 7S.7 r I ono. or waiiy mi rout lit trniU r than Hi" riili' in rnri. nml nioro t.iiin four linii llitit of V riin imd ,Hl.lim. In Ihi r'.r.H-'Vf llioilnlity rronia tvj l: J l'"'i i.iwiii.'. luo to the "Ulisiti.f.u'toi v rli..ri:r 'rr ol hM'.ii'lif" In CliiruK''!, to "imil'piiit' 'I nn t ho. I of Iniit iiK'iii." or to Hi" iiii-xi ".iKililr iuiiorini'o ,)f ,hM.'iiiii !ni ro;nil nil Ih'-ir lui.n mniif oinliiiiiiHl f.'vi'ruc "Vyphoi.l.'"-t-"hit'Ugo NrW'ik Hurklnif un mniil IU I. A rr,i,l iiiimiUt ,if IC;i!,lllllili flllli- nii)Moi,".;,.)V lhrm'!u i.i MiliiK nml .iit.iuiiii in t.iLlna ii''!' from the pl iio i . L" ;liin!rl liv riininu't. nml on !: ,rs.;uiii will t xrrt li'din U'r timiifully. I unci! uniiu;;ii n " I'wm niriiirm imirv I'ooli. '. hut lif rrwuid inrt with inn. Knithiiiiiiii wlr.i ' vrts h-inly lo Uikr rill t'V Wi'l"llt. "ry inn I iiirni- n lvcs ll Willi thn- of l! ImnlH tlllit ,a.l l rn IiiimIp Upi w lililiK'an ii'iJ four , ,,..,..( I..r iuu LikI in c:im lillothl t I md wi-lfflittl 11.3 'fi(l, ami I liue a urr niithriilHUtwJ cu oi a vouiik mini carrving 280 pounds, Thi wit not for Uhhiiri journoy. hut for niota than lot) inilimof wnovrn Mi'i, wi'.n many mus rlnn niul iwvi-rul ui ', ono of llinn out !) uou fi't. In dniivr u h fniu a thin i.. KwdiiuirM tiiluiln-irown limo; too ... .Invu' tiini-h Ihrv ''nd citrhtM-n or :ilui'Uo day upon; hm tlw y do It all on l ihcl of unl"-.ivriiri Lnuu or ui ruw. 'I'nivi'lnr'i lA-tu r. : .... -n.i,, ii wv;..v.w,A"-Vt ti TOW " " - - - w a for Infants and Children. cri-. AU I n)in::-ti.l II M wjpnrtor to or prcnpuoft I wrmS, jiw. iwep, aua uwot kaows tu m. IL t. ktenn. 11 I miuh 111 Bo. OxJonl 8U, BrookijTl, B. T. WttW iMjnrion medtraUra. Ta CTi! Cohmht. TT Mamj Slnwt, . T. How Minion Ma" lri li'irl Tamil ,,', iurnur Off ilia r U ul Whmi I w on my li-hlii'J H lp down In houiliran MW-oiirl n'n ft lm" "o 1 mm Siiion Mmloh'. Ih- in n lm II in Ih.. hUloi ir dil' l wllh (5 -v 'liim' I'lintf in mi of N nh t''if' I"" ""'r' v" i. much king nl' t in "W" li U luini' In li v lo t-lxn M.i ioIc'h linn old Tnin'iiftiw Uol'ol, bin lumr UH 1 ('All i"l II lm 'toll 'h" "'mM' H""" yon ". 1 wriil doli ihrrn Into that ' Kitoich hio.i'l ki'inrv. nod tkU limn Clluiriniin. (iuvniT Cllnriimii he wn thou, kom a Ion B imd mftdn 'rliilciil pniM'U which w nil full of fnoli'iy nml dml'ii I'd nolinoi". ami Nl'i'iR ..It, till t lift III hi din of II I ul imd piiili'd- Iv ffi V him Ilia Hn. Well, h mill h clmllnngM to inn. and I pio"'d ihn wotil Inmk that I'd lljjltl him wllh wiiiils llioinit"d. Now, 1 liml it ol" x hruin that 1 hm! n lni"l I" llm "ad dli ami hn wii vU'loimor Ihan a ironnr-lcg full "f rinilii-iiinkioi wluiu n thn clnih to hin-i ami hu ml npnriiillV oljo-l to liny hodv lootlii' ft luii u ii"ii i l Un' him. I h'" h.'l lc klvci'W'i -a h. d klvi i' ol. vmi know ...n whluh wn all oo..i' of h rain, hon, iillhough 1'iid and lilun pt'cdnm-i.,i.l ..I .,..1 il,,, k'rcr'nt oil ihu ox hvillil I ,l...,1 In ih, i mldl ,i Ihat, I I" n"'i "" it, i.,, i.,. ,l ,.ni. 1 uol iiim nil "hi nmly ahi'i' tli"nl mi gran'tlmr I t Into the ..IL'I.I ft k I lllll Ih. t ml on II cnw-iuu ii i I f, r thn fluid i f t ilm .. .. . , (i iv'ni'l' ('.in( i an n llmrn in a Hue ilniioiipiihi'i'l iiiiiiv, with 1,',M'" cm noru I French r peer l I'l '''. cvhleiiilv thiimln' for my I'l""1'- A ,' nml ' h "X brill" hove In night nunc wii. wlml I hew! Iter" uttw npit'f r,...w cull a imiHiitlon. (in v' net (!in. nun d.'i'liiied hn wonldii I Utfhi h , i n mil fit. hut 1 t""k onn lonj! li on lb- I'ow.h.irn nml ehnnrod. pitcher' Castorlal ao.ry f "l'n. In IUw.l." Iu h a tiioml nl " v in liiwhi. Neil?, vnon;; th" Anm m l i-t Znn'hnr. In lh.H coiiiilriiii tin' '".H hell" Ih" mn riniil ll in ilivm.f -n-:ii,!ile. lu l'laiice. Itnl", I. io hi mid ci.'vheiv, "I'm in Ikm'," 1.4 mi liiniii'ii ;! -ton; tiir:ii i a in.llir, t!ic M.iniii de C r.ih.ix f hm ..,..,,,,,.1,,.,. U the linn'.. I Iho iii iioi'.ivc part nn I nfw of tar ioiy, nr i the nniml lait In '.rd out M. (' UHi il" V; r. toiiik. ih- Zaur.iUir vrrion s Hie oii, lucre the 1.1:1:1 U un-CMii-ful lo the U...I l ai.!, r.:iil is pun i hitl y uwiiUin-; to hnd hi" prurient? a l,......i Vr Tmill Ihllik. Iliefctorv i. the mi ;inul ihinjr imd I "' mmid an ulU'r- 1'u.iuht. Who I to iLvid f It in o.:d. in miv vhm that when C i!i:,-h:i"1. ilhistr.iti4.ii(! re win! n "I'iim ii .ih" f.-r n -.! pi:r;i ." lie Intro-ni"lih- iifiTl ii"" ol Kratimdo ii Ihe, Nv he 0,h:iMy iinel.t.-d llii.s f, r li w;i no l.r.l"ii :. m-d In ii'ii ii.ii Ilm jinii;x' I ' ith l''e t I" it. tuhl by War mid Svv.iIu'hs i;ne.'nn f.'.nr? lint. (!,(- i i.M'.r.v limiN. w hieh c ni .e lit' '.-ry ..,iifi'lri . Andrew Um In l-uiit-in. ni' Ma ainr. A PHYSIOLOGICAL QUESTION. Will Slom Kt'lilli 'l rhyll Lw Life Mar !! :mrulrd lit 'fliilirlr. ti... r.uwl tl,i mull taUiu into hi .lomarli oiiKlitlo If of url quantity ft I ijii.ilily u woiiiii rjuiciiy n ioi n- " which. tluou;:h tins iu liii of tin- veral otKllilK, lib hod? i lo UI,deiK'. If it i cet7ive ill wlhcrof thci Uireclioii, or if it w deliaeul, Uwiu-'of iliti kind will tl-llilllllV I lh I'fiilt- If "" ciioiicIi to le id le to inlju-t In daily food I., the exia.-ti-d du ly rr-piiremriit of bin ,y.!eiii diMsisto ci 'id 1 never i-nmn' tliroii'.rh lite rxhauituon of any one of hi vital titpiim. SupiKM', for manure, nun a man n- ,,. ... ui.u'iiiiiir niiiitiifi wiy iu niiim-ii . "Tntliv I havn to rea.1 un mik i Ilia. kbi.M' t'oiiii'.iriilaiieis two ty Wi uf . 'Don Vitixote,' to walk ihrii- nio n and l;lf. 1,1 1 . 8 visil "f Iwlf an hour'n dimilioii to my Rninl niother nml to take my nwecthcart to the Iheulre. whrlvUliull rj" lid two hour; to tio Ilu I require (luUing out bin 'iicil uud inriiioran.iiliii In-'k n hn ftpeaM go iiiurli carUm. o much nitrogen ilvm;;. tf coiirm. Un exact w.-l(;iil oi M-i r:.l t lclll. lll.II V HllUiallCl.). ...i il,,.-., lh.-inii nuuimtie fri'in niiiicc of lireatl, four niincen of i". ti.'at oimceof Uff, wx ouiMv of i-ta-!(, fi-iir ounces of lUh. a luilf p'"t of Ut f Mp. eiB-ht iHiih'i of water and elht ounce of rtri'lu' fln to make ! lln in co u little furtl-rr than they other- 1 ww wouiil. i Now urn"!' thai be cxarlk nglil in I is ciilciitaliotiN a id lhat llw (iajJ j laketi i isettbi r li:n at nor l.v lil'.le. bill exact Iv com;'r -He the ftiiltt'lj ateu i il'tkxiili ol i.r h u 11 in Hi bi'.'ii"j il... li.-.irt ur tin- nillscliit. I'tO., wni t" fallowed by Ihe lirin of nw Cell u lurli will l 'ke it.'i o' iii' Mini Winnie lw . mi iT-mrrrm- - "- 1 X, K?&xttON&ca.cycsa2 ilil sol Wm- Ol L 1 si immm ISL i .jIlFy HrrTTTTnT Trrr i .-" r urersa urr i SOLD BY OHARMAiM ND SON. Frank Brothers IiViFleeht uo., -mriT.T''Dq T TT ;2 Farm, Mill ai;d Dairy Machiiiery, THc ! J n TTT "I ' rn-a t arm ana cprin j w agons, vaiT-co, uu , Double and Single '.'J . AND HH'JSE GOODS MS3, GtJE.sir:i. tc. ALL GOODS of th Best CUsa AND "Warranted 1 T., Milia . a",! IH Wlvrn. ) It'iit,;;. .liar. i!at,ioi:-. i oniiii; -h woi!i IneM'.ie r i, '. in C' ' n.l iliiople I hut icv i'.o i i .'n I ii':"ii. mid te." lUNtin hnrrni innv h.ivi' .ciie dull turner here Hie (ii mi.',l l. v.irite limy weep. I,' "..1'io.l, will,,' mi ic.o.ivim linn ,.,t,'l. by iii triuin;;i, The Turk an' I 'iiih r I, i (lie c. li' i H' to iiici.'iils it:,d rilil.irei'. Ii . I we n, I't believe lin y Ull' !i n 'tie tow; rd women. SonielilllCK il.c capi iii' of wick bavi 'Urn un ciUly as Ihn ' l':iu to the cmpiro. NilUm Ibitihiui ii'..owetl hi" t" UiUo hat they ilc;l.-ed fl'oi l hhi'j H Ui:d UlWinr ithoil! tun. nt. Due iill ii eoei iiniueti; nor did urn lil.o Hhoppimj ; bv i'ili;:h!. itml i" .,... i m anvcii'l -n I .MUi I an inner n- ipiiiin ; iiii'H.hiiI i to Uir,i their t-liop- ii I un, U 111,1 lo nave flit hi toix'hi biirmim to I'xhib'.t K'Hxl t" '- viinlajje. Aiiotlnr. "lit"' name menu l in,, .ii ,,f Sin whi.i ri it in inia bi n thill i-he wimteil t" i.' him ith bii hoard friit red wiili f.i The lord ol Inril wiiM iuloriittl iicioiiiinuiy, una mam a Hpivtncle or Iniiiwli. mil" iiicmh om SuKitn li Wiilluce in New Voi U twin, !!!' II ' I'- "" - ,, . , i ,;.,. (!iil rln muatiMil. liver rnd 1 1 TtntlA BTi:l liUSlliOl J kidney i1.mii. heart a.I.viioiis nofun- ! uufor,i'rt (;an2, SlllLy Ulul i,W und of... r d,..,.c,' e;.-. of the , UUl0' p,off bnan. li e : riot; iii..'.iid coiidili..iii to j a.kin? I lOWS. wb..U Uh ih, eti'e I"'- "r.' "ohjvt. Bufonfs Rliliit and wi.i.1.1 I-' i't'.i- -i' v-l thn"';-'!' : rnltlrators. ac... n of 'lie ex - r . .1 imthe ; tUlUTilOrS. w;.!levii,; .J niii; h.iric arid or a blow HaTait PrCSS DrilW. oniheh.iaio! iiriiihwu'.iakni.v. wiiich j. csj,erry Dra or S'loe Dri ,i.i i.l.iiiv wit liili theia.i of ! " " .. ... .... ntt , 1,111-. 1,111 ' l n .llr - ' - - would ltoitl.i.ilc. At :iiii, I t u. imagine that man knew j rhm H,y far j,.,t I,. w l.; t ,.i nummi ,.r t , - . jr.flnnK, ,,,.il,l W cnitnietl, rial no nan w . . lau;.4.Mhii:elv,.M!i,,t extent, if at all, Ico "ml l.;i'l lohiM eon-id other MimuLllit. Uftor l.riBUiDK , .1 t 1 .....I !.., 1 Will., II I.I hl.lllllVCH KlIOUI'l .V " " , Slum ili tliii'K er. Wo tava ca fcar.J t.t all tiiucj a Coaipioto Lino cf N.ivt.l rUtittliHl of I Pl'tllllK. t urnniinMlll lliarli' t Kill ll.'lHT Mill milkman of South Ta'alhy, Mux., f.vd i,:,. Ilm,. Imi'rj'-i bv cliH'k lHiwer. Tho ,,iMi,.Lil ctiril nn,l ont-i me mil intoii boi i.i r over niirlil. uud ll"' iil nin l"i'k lft it innriiiilff fifd. Tlte colli flvililil' ...,,il. j in it chnrni. the honei lln ive by ' li iavin laUn- in the Lu trsl purl of the ,!.y mid the iniichini' e" I iiImhiI . Iloston liild( A I'to'" 'ilea. M ., Kill,, iiiiilievv ,', tt'iil old. wnft '..l.;inn nUmt the (airi'cti r Kileii. uml " mnmnm wn Iclliiu: aU't't ("d'n iiM.hlin Aihim n "I I I" tho , , h . The bule lt i. .id: '-(ol ;t . h'nVe been misillg thu Ul pl' to sell.' Ikteton GlobOb Children Cry for 1 ...... t.h. a in r, i.lil lo rltt l. Hint be hint Mi-iimreu coiupn i- of the manner in which lu. boie-- kIhhiM Ulr.'.it and beateil ana i ci:til.ilfl mid otlicrwisH U iiiiule nam- l uilv iierf.-i I. that i '. ry bad UvoliH' ! .i... i i one of the exact m uii"S iimi l!i!c t.) moid Ihe elbvt. of extivmn beat ami cohl cad moi-lu.v. mat. m a wont. be bad iiolhi iL' lo burn in repinl to tne U, way of hvi.i ; a.. I" pit-servo l.iui- , f ruou il nioit" a- ca iMW-mippoMiiK !l tl:U (r.nd I admit liml it it. not very hi elv t'cil be wiULr iiion .(-.piiif the uliiioft like oiimmciencf ii. cewnry). ti.-ath w-tniiti i ihiimoic ui the eternal 1 which we l.Se lo. I he V K ll would nptlii I"' llln. Ul. V.'ii'.'i'i;! A. rmmiu.'Ml in I'luladi'lphia Times. -ri tlt't (Mtrlttl .iii III awllMTlmiU. Tncrw i much in i-.t' cm erument in Swil."il,md I'i in it i oi. i-mI mneli les-' V Of I'M. I'. ItlllMlty. "I fl'lilll 'VIII- ,,- f.,r i.vHnilt e. KO I ICIICll t c. liu-ie uw fenlui-eH ui' practical Nncial'mui. .Uh have exwcil i piiviuiy iniu ioe caiiicat Iillii. t'l'ilauUliiiirCini-ehcld iti common, a inountai . iitiui;ie,e ami Hie foivat, fitmi which eacli raimiy n:i a provision of fuel. Theo. und other M ihe couiiiuinn am "con uditl lo flic public I... ii." und tren;mi la ptiui-hed with diniud i .'verity. The titi are felled under government ; ...,.:;., ...ui the wihmIh nro never rut wbobalo. When n tnv w chopiHtl dow n a treubi planted, and thn HkkU Unit mviiKu Italy 1'n'tn the niounluimi il 'inubil of t'.ieir fore: in unknown to the wihcr Hwim.. T'. oiijihout j I ind the mute iiiHiiro ...wim tire and In dicia icimltic for iii;..livtitiiii camii'KH yew from which lire nm.V msult. Eilu ,'ati.m i t'oinpuliiory, and there in a rWl ; lilitary service, ami a how ir public loiceeverywhere which i quite unknown to our unneishUimd. easy Koingmpubllo, V. 1). Howell lu liarpor'ft. Elf-Zag HarrowH, (all uteri). Hellow Toolh Harrow. Walter A. YiwvU Reapers, M!ve nul Finders, lid ; h D mbl i Praper Header, llaar, Sf itt & Co. S. p .ratora iind F.irm Fiislnes. C. L fi p;T & tVs Saw Mills Eiiiucs. Star Wiml Mi11h. Force l'nraps. vw. rsnrw. yyvM.iwMW w'" 1 j ( hrrn. (Idcr .Tint. Our nandaomoly Illustrated Catalogue mailed free to any addresa. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., rnMI and 6o Front Slrttt. PORTLAND, OREGON. Hay and Hoat Cutters, rianet, Jr., Gar den Prill aai CulHrator. Plamnnd Ta1a IgltlTatora, Ac Th BVYKBS' Ot lDR U Imat ftrpt, Mrl, Ht'hfw. - 311 !:. 3 BOO lllutrmlloni a Hholi l'lttur UKllrrjr. UIVUI Wkalwn ITtm rffrrrt In imhwn o all aHU ro pcrMiwI or Ikmltr 'J"w l nrdrr, and " eo T" thing r . J1"' w'"r' UtKlua cwuUtln InHiruiaUo- rrnm Ih mark! of world. XVa wOl a o,.r BKKo drU uiM rl4 of 10 r to arfrar rxprttM of malllur. lt yoo, K.nH.'irally. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. o,.i m. via ursbuh Aveaae. l'hiao. 6.000,000 mssm ( PPPPY'S SEEDS ... il D.M.Fiaav..0.?' tf.iuin.n www, a vn-w ajra atimii I ill .ryLVVMfW iiatirtf IlintallM v J ILLUSTRATKD. TUU aingnine portiaya AuierU en thoujl.i uaJ lit'o from ocean t ocean, U tilled w ith pure hi?h.clM lioiralure, euJ cau b alely wet. coated la auy fumilr circle. ri:t aso. $3 a t eab it kiaiu Umplt Copy iwimI number mulhi mm r fipt H ft. I tact Mimtrrl. If $. rramlam IJM lih cither. Mr 1 L T. ETi:S t SOIT, Pabliahen, 130 J 133 Tearl St., If. T. SIIS eaaitMUwr -HtUHll 0T dniMr it. avll arv a- Bth.KIUa lAailU 4 for 11. Addma I. FIRRY 4 04 Duolt. Mioh, tlrto OnrmntJ f wit hor WITH '...rat Allllt4 I F Kr K Willi mwmrr turn. r mm ranpniai if1"""""" tNal, Dt UtkoalliriMM. ib. imt. Htt(ar , P.nii'Klrt N. l ITRKOT Xt T.6CU. MO. t.aNF8AVctioo.bAL : 1