The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 03, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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rr Capita t'M.ampllua by I bo
Nattone of the World.
The riiiiiiriiiti uf tlin (4iiiinrnUv
uiimiiiiilliii of hIviiIioIIu lliwr ly the
clvllUfii imlliinit of Ilia worlil U utirl
one attitly. it alio. that no tli (Wo nee
df temperature teem g re ally ti In
flueiire It, for the MMpla uf ooM cli
mate r tiv no mean the greate!
drinker. 'or Intloni'e, Ilia lit
average coiieumpt'n jwir head It lu
Cumin, where th winter are very
colli, and tli greatett connumptlon
of pur lriu per heed I In
Denmark, while Norway, elee
II li in Denmark In nelghlior
hood nil ollmaUi, corns only second
to Canada In moderation. The follow
ing table wm complied by a Kurienu
authority, but It li bollnvad to be quite
or rent:
Kptril. KIM.
lUrn. IMtu.
runda.... i .
Norway ....... I 00
Vallm) NUWi . . 4 t
(irael llntain nt Ireland,. I 7
AaMrte Hungary I t
I an
H 0
ii m
n i
m in
triie ,.. T
tit a
Kill,!. I
flwntoa . 14
(lermaaXullirorerla "
H.lclum ..... I
Nrlh.rlMKtt I m
Deaotark II M
t ID
16 DO
i oo
1 W
17 )
at n
Tha wlna rnniumption of Huela hai
never heen accurately ellmated. but li
la prnhaldy "t rourh Icm than that ol
Clenuany. Thli eatlmat U given in
Itl mav. a 1 1 tin being a llttla owoiw
quart of our measure. The Uhla howt
that lUjrlum It far tha greateet beat
drinker, while Groat Britain romp Id
a good ccnd; anil that Franca It th(
greateat wlna drinker, with SwiUer
land aa a giKMl eemnd. Soma of thf
Teutonic raoea ara among tha mot an
ktrmiuia, and other among the mml
eelf-lndulgent aa regard iplrita. In
both Germany and HwltaerlaniL when
tha populal education I lieit, tha Inrel
of ali'oho.lo conaumptlon la very high.
Our own country make a eredltablf
ahowlng on tha aror of nunleration.
Tke naeratlM lMrliwl II Ka-
Ik lull' AikxiI.
To lerur the head of a Uer befon
dehorning, I ued to tie a Itenchion,
but I now lien a chute, and my new
"iewvl." On one aide of the chute l
ulank run out parallel with the anl
mal' ni k. and the nvk i laahad
the plank by thl "jewel." o thit thf
cMTator ran tand In front of lh
lrit and cut at the riht pot to pre
vent blroiling, and alio prevent a Hut
born from growing agiiiu It would
lake column to explain in detail how,
why and where to cut. l'roerly de
horned, no bandage are to be uaed,
-..m ..l..lm..l . kin. I A frt afLHt
l J,., ,i. i-,v t.d'Ul hhnlrr to pend
j .1 , . .iri..L .,i
provlile giMid warm heil. 1 her art
good reaaon for not itaiug a t i (T-lmck
anw, principally bi-o ume It in tr do tin
work o that it atub horn would grow
gnln, which I Imply tuaUng a fool
Job of the whole hualtien. A law
niut not be lined on a calf head, noi
a jack-knife, mile It I (eoted tc
loae from the operation. My ditcov
ery coniinted In finding out bow U
prevent bleeding by cutting at the
right place, and aUo how to prevent
A atub horn while avoiding a horrid
bole In the head. One of my follower!
in low i write me to-day that ha ha
dehorned 30 000 head of rattle, and 1
have record from wore of other all
over the Went and Northweit who havt
laken off thousand of horna. I can
afely aay that fly time In 1RH. whlet
will be the time to top dehorning foi
a neaaon, will ee more than half a mil
lion of head of rattle dehorned in tin
Went alone. One man write that h
get half a dollar lor taking tha horni
off of any thing , younger than tin
yearling, and a dollar for thoae over
year old. Thl U four time mora than
it ought to omt, and yet at thia prlct
every farmer will v If per head thit
very winter on grown cattle. ii 11
hAitf, in farm and urn.
Many a weary youth, lilting In hi
eotltnry room at midnight and driving
a big needle through a button with Ilia
buck of hi jHi k-knlfe, I wondering
whether he will be doing hi own Dew
ing in IMK9.- HurliHyUin t'rt fVe.
Nothing will yield you richer re
ward of gladneia, and a greater wealth
of Joy, than faithfully to cultivate and
deialop tlio happier, wanner, (uuiiiur
keln of your nature, that you may ba a
hlcMing to youraelf, and a bleating to
all around you. cVAuyar (Voa
The ('Imitation Philosopher of the
Jrkiinmiw Tramlrr nay: "'1 hope I ha
'liglon, but I doau' know,' I hab beam
folk lay, but I neber hearn a man layi
1 hope 1 ha money, but I doau'
know.'" DaC loiter 'liglon dat yer
hop yer' got but doan' know, ain't
gwine to do yer no mo' good den der
money what yor hopv yer'i got but
tloitu' know.'f ...
Sarcaam l tha natal tl language of
th devIL iarlyl.
All I have nn tenclin ma to truat
Ihn Creator for all that 1 bava not lean.
Kuiiday l tha golden olaap that
bind together tha Volume of the
week. LuH()liU0.
One clan of men mut bava their
faith hammered In Ilka a nail by
authority; another olaa muat have It
worked In like a arrow, by argument
fulfil mnd Ptw.
Faith and work ara a noceaiary
to our iptrilual life a C'briatiani, a
oul and Ixwly ara to our life a man;
for faith I tha aoul of religion, and
work, the body. Cotton.
Tluiuaand whom Indolence ha
mnk Into contemptible olwuuiity might
have com forward to the hlgheat dl
linctloii, if Idlenet bail not fruitratod
the elTort of all thrir power. .Mm A
9tU$ Wttkly.
After reading tha doctrine of
riato, HiM-rale or Arlatotla, we feel
that tli apenlflo difference) between
their wonli and Cbrltt' I the differ
ence between an Inquiry and a R rela
tion. r Jotepk rarker.
At achooL Improvement deiend
far 1 upon length of tank and hour
of application than i upod. Chil
dren can tak In but a little each day;
they ara Ilka vaae with a narrow nck;
you my pmr Utile or pour much, but
much will not enter at a time.
lie truly atlv to God, and honor
Him in an earned and ooimtant effort
to ihow how adequate ara the provi-
ioai of Hi grace for all you need, and
boar full are hli promise of comfort
and rt to your ouL Much of your
Krength and lueoeti will depend upon
Every temptation that I reaUted.
very noble anplration that I enoour
iged, every alnful thought that la re-
preoiod, arery bitter word that I with
held, add It little Item to the lnipetu
of that great movement which I bear
ing humanity nnwnrJ toward a rich-
ir Ufa and higher character. ate.
Young people, almoit men and
women, not yet In the church of Cbriit,
r In conitant peril The church I
your beat friend, and the Great Head
of the ehurrh your only afa guide.
Do not be content with only Mousing
to the Kunday-aohooL The Wont of
Uod any: "And the lx)nl added to
the church dally auoh a ihould be
In my opinion there are many
troth it l not worth while to know.
If we had a doaen cnturl of llfo al
lowed u we might perhap he par
donml for iendlng a little time on inch
eui ion trifle; but with the (mail pit
tance of llfo W hava It would be
a conaldera-
' hie part of it in what make
iniit of it in wiial make nciuier
I ijuirk nor aura return. -John HVaky.
Yo' kin hVa'nm' any'cue in de
(aw ef Jo klnpnylo de ear h Jutlg.
(IoikI maunerii I the ai t of malting
Ihow wiple eauy with whom we con
vert". tlM'tfl
Sclf-o nlrol lie at ti foundation
ef diameter. He tl at doe uol con
trol hiiimoit muat be eontruled by
Nothing fl.'itter a man ao much aa
the happluoM of hi wife; he I alway
proud of hiiuaolf a the eoure of it
It la alway good to know, if only
In pawing, a charming human being;
It rvfvenhei pne like flower, and wood,
and clear brook.
There i conldrrabl dormant
genlua that otttrht never to be awak
ened, if the uoiufott of other 1 to be
taken Into consideration.
A ten-cent box of alio blacking
will go farther than a 9100 iarf pin to
ward making a fellow npear a gontla
man. Spring fillil Iniurt.
If you want to bava a man for a
friend, uevef got tha Ill-will of hi wife.
Pulilic opinion I made up of Ihu aver
iga prejudice of womankind.
Nobody talk much that doen't
ay niiwlae thing, n no pcrion piny
much without ' Mriklng a falao note
tonictimc. Oliver Wftukll liolm$i.
There I nothing which t bringing
m opportunity hut i alio bring ui dan
ger. An opportunity improved li a
ianger avoided, An opportunity neg
lected I a danger not met Rev. C L.
A pood habit for aoma people to
cultivate I thn habit of illence. Under
ome condition a man can make mora
tiolne In the world by keeping hi
mouth hut than In any other way.
ilrrhlrn Republican.
plcurii aay. "gratit ude I a vir
tue that hut commonly profit annexed
to It." And where I virtue, aay 1, that
baa not Kt. ttll the virtue i to ba
valued for Itanlf, and not for tha profit
that at incite to it Stnfea.
Children Cry for'
Aa KUiuent of Great l'prtenM U W-
llu Youe Wrltari.
One man write to aea hi name In
print, another for money, another for
fame or to do good. The profeionI
coaie to wrlto that be mar command
a more abundant and more
market through a larger and I tlei
fame. An important element in lhi
dual mcceti 1 tkill in liturary fo u-
lie who eek money flrat, will get
little. Utile he accidentally duvrlo
a unique genlna, while be who u-ck
fame regnrdle of mm etary contldera
tlonn, will win neither funio nr money.
Tlie amateur hoiild patiently eek to
know where hi writing will be in de
mand, what per. mgailn or pul
llnhlng houae ha render' to appreciate
promptly and enlhililHaiioally what he
ha to nv a be bna nld it If there
be no place where hi thought, ax-prniM-d,
I ou'ht. It I well u await
Kme new thought or cultivate oiui
other atyle.
To inch aaplrant I would nr, do
lint write rxiM'ctiiijr early fume, do not
write merely for money, but write be
rente you can ? ometlilng that me
bHlv really want to ruaiL If yon
were trying to be an orator you would
Hin learn that it w.-i nelcti to per
iat In talking utilrw people wanted to
bear you, and yet, if you have an Itch
In x for getting Into print, yon will per
In it for years fo.-cinj ynuiaclf
upon unwilling audience.
When a wr tcr ay that he lark the
lie 'eaiary Influence to get into print
he how an nufoiiunata literary dis
position. A literary audience, secured
through "influunee" it hanlly worth
the havlnj at any price, certainly not
at o great a price a the humility re
quired to obtain it Some clever wo
men and men, devoid of k oh or .in
I hi Ity, iiiccecd in hanging on to the
pre by gottiuir up "literary" clul.
lieing "at hi Hue," vlaiting literary ico
pie necking introilui-tlon and other
mich mean, but the cheap literary no.
lorlcty ao won i no more creditable
than it I meritoriotia. A tenth part
of the wit and a twentieth part of thr
w'lom required for auch nnprofei-
alonal mean, if devoted to the tudy
of the art of focii'lug what talent i
p..eiril, will develop real ability and
w n much greater financial uccc.
lUliUir are iarenonly hungry fot
every word, id, aw jrn of ao Me that
la fiM'uned for the in. With five him.
ilred article all good, ihtt he wihc
to puhlltli, aoine of tlieiu from really
great writer, nianv of them having
lain until he dread t hear from tliu
author, the edilor clap hit hand with
delight and undo- to the compoaing
room raptiirii'y to luiteu into t h
an article from an iiukuown writer
tliat I fncimed Jul riylit for hi col
umn at the lime. There I not a pa
per or a maeamne In the country that
1 not more anxiou for what you write,
mora aiiioiit to pay for it than you
are to have the editor n-celve it and re
ward you for it Tli re are paper and
inauaxinc Innumerab'e, but the world
I hungry for a new one that wdl foe lit
article and contribution for any
pecial audience.
There i no writer who ha any thine
lo any that I wortu nyitig, and who
know bow to ay it who can not find
a profitable market for every valuable
thouirht well put if only he will de
velop the tact Vo focut it WrUcr.
rke Lark ef Hhrlr.a IHilarl Vbm the
rafeaaf OvKaol-HiMik
F.xamlning a moilerii "wller," the
ear I pained by the lack of rhythm dis
played iijkiU it pae. For Imtaiice,
iiiMiti ono page of thl book the word
"rl-ih" it found; then follow varioun
word relating o tishln and Hill cul
ture; no rill thin whatevur to pie ate the
ear or uniformity to attract the eye.
"Flli, flthe. tin, he ld, tall, Male,
line, hook, breeding, water, egg, etc."
The child nmner "llh" and iierlmp
"tin." IU' tlio lime "Hn" I luarned the
piHir "lUli" ha mink beneath the
wave of forirntf iilmi-t. and the head
and tail lira nhout all that are retiiu
ed lu the mind of tiie child by thl
mode of mUpiaclux word, a lllng
lewin. N'iw1iHk nt the old method,
where the word aiTtitiod in 'column!
had. prnh a pm no nllliilty, lave in tha
matter of euihoiiioua claialAcatlon.
finh," "dih." wialu" "take,"
make'" cake." ekt Now thl method
pleated tha child' love of rhythm; It
pleased the car uud eye a well, and to
wa better udiiptcd to hi Miwer of
memory than I the praNont congloin
eiitioii of word, a tangla of ni(notyl
Inlile and pollytyllabli-, In which the
ov'r-tnxrd hrnln i-f the poor Utile iiel
Icr become Inrxtrlothly Involved, to
that hi early experience remain a
lorrow ntid vexation to him hi whole
life Ion '. ' Amr can HiokHiii -.
Pitcher's Castorla.
for Infants and Children
'4MfeM0rta4aB4lefcr4iitkal I tWI ew 0 0J.
kaewato...-, tT P "
W U OxXor SV, SraoUf. B. T. WliLart laje andloanlrei,
Tax Cawraea Comrun, TT Uumj Btnat, R. T.
Th Wert than It tbe oIt Ultitf4
In paklwhe M U Ptrlle cohl nl mkW
frwa u;rinl Uwrani fratnn. Iuelert It
la ram? inrnrmttloa, b boih pra aad dmkII,
l Um (tti rroam o( Uu lagioe, ad lb
yn ie ol tarir loreai.
Htcil UlwtnrtRl anicta VW la e
tan ; ln, trrmX jf ef anm e tk pet-
i vliliutiia. Idha, Montana, Ala, t'uk.
rtlifnrnit, Rrltiik Cohwibi. mI Um Purl
NncthwMi id fnrml, art krle( illaatrakd.
Tkt ttlwrrlpuna pno It omy i SO. It It "
nl th rkrtpm li rsira aa-ule ra lb
Valitd aittet. kat cuntain triH-lM tad t
fnmnf of (rrat lalimt lo ever? rmtlrat of
Uiw rc'ion. wbub caa aot b louatf la ny
6r paii'irauoa.
SulMrrihwa for IN) a birf tnprJe
mbi vir roorth. Tl. Int ont la I brauil
fill ofeofTriph ef the Entrtiim tn tV I'r'tiia.
bit Hiw." ponti' t ta ne t enlen. eht each
ef Um oUmti Ntrftwnlt mim framnt of out
tu hint KtDrrr. Tbt ttiikm-nl tr tick
wnrtb mart tnj nr vtvr or Um awctrnit.
Try It lor tie, tn alwr marline, tra.1 It lo
roiif n-H-mlt tlhm. Yoa lad It botk
alortauuni Dd Inttrurtira.
L, eAMlTU Pablltbcr,
tn-in Steood St, Pertlind, Ort(oa.
Frank Brothers Implement Co.,
Farm, Mill and Dairy Machinery,
Farm and Spring4Wagons,. Carriages, Carta,
Double and Single
Wa havo on hand at all
LaRelle and Rushford Wrtotift.
Cuford'a tiane, Sulky and
Walking l'lowa.
Buford'a Biding and Walk lug
Havana Frrs Drlllrt.
HcSherry Drag or Shoe Drill.
KcSherry Seeders and Drilln.
Tliema Hay Ilakr
loyal Self-Dnma
Hay Rake.
Tlrtor Grladlnf
ElC-Zajr Barrowi
(all iteel).
Hollew Tooth
jULiLnnnnnnrn ..J-
Our Handsomely Illustrated CaUlogue mailed free to any address.
it and 6o Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON.
Tki Xar.aiia pertrajr AaxerU
earn tkoavht and life fro et te
eeaa, U filled with ear ktfk-clan
literatnre, aad caa ba tafelf weU
eotaed la aar faatilr eiroi.
rim 2 bc mjsTteai IT MAfU
UmtH Cft t mtrrmt aeilie Milaf aa r
tt( M t. tut aMabsrt, II tta,
. Pi ikilai Lb with eltkar.
130 J 133 Pearl auN.T.
trl- rkrMatJ
e.irr iOIlHI. "WL
:'ri-raKiiiretoi fck. an tar
7 aacuxyTQ it'iln riAircitj.
of th
Best Class
"Warranted I
timea a Completa Lin f
Walter A. Woods Reapers,
Mowers and Binders.
Hodjos Double Draper Header.
Uaar, Scott & Co. Separators
and Farm Engines.
C. Si 0. Cooper & Co.'s Baw Hills
and Engines, -
Star Wind Mills & Forte Pumps.
Ctder Xllla.
Bay and Beet
rianet, Jr., Gar
Jra Drills aa4
Dlanead Taetk
Caltlvatora, Ac