The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 03, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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D. F. May, candidate for County
clerk, fails to smile upon us as
broadly as of yore, since our gentle
mention of his doings in lust week's
issue. Just hold yourself easy, broth
er; before election day you will be
pleased to feel such gentle taps.
Governor Pennover is having a
parrot and monkey time with his ap-
Try automatons, Governor; they
can't think and you can run them
to vour entire satisfaction.
tha tax that a man worth I'-HXW wild Wks company directors held a
be called upon to pay toward the
bridge. Most laboring men have
had many times that amount of
work already, and will have more,
yet certain demagogues -expect -the
laboring hien to support 'an nnti
bridge ticket next Monday.
The Courier in a seeming spirit of
deliberate malice prints a gross lie
week after week like an advertise
ment, accusing Capt. J.T. A person
of being the author of a certain res
olution relative to the expulsion of
cfi., !ut;ni., I the Chinese from Oregon City. Mr.
Last fall Mr. D. FMay,now dem
ocratic nominee for clerk, wa a rank
prohibitionist. He worked that rack
et for all there was in it. Now he
largely, puts in his time orn?ment
the fronts of giu mills. After elec
tion he will probably cuss both.
The legislature to be chosen next
month will have to elect a I'nitcd
States senator to succeed Hon. J. N.
Dolphu The senate is now republi
can by a bare majority, and it is of
the utmost importance that this state
clecfa republican. This is sufficient
reason to cause republicans to be
staunch to their, ticket, thereby in
suring a solid republican delegation
from this county. ' , .,
The republican nominees for the
legislature are men of Ability, ac
customed to deal with en and af
fairs. They are qualified to repre
sent this county well. .Their influ
ence in the legislature orrtjlls of iiil
jiortance would count more than the
aggregate vottfof the delegation, am
they being men whose Vote and work
can be relied upon for the right a
meeting in Portland Monday and
executed a lease ofpowcrtotheEast
Pot Hand Lighting company , for light
and power purjHse. The lease runs
fifty years, conveys one thousand
horse power and means business.
We are fast Incoming a part of Port
landthe quicker the better for Port
land and for Oregon City.
If Mr. May wants a continuation
of his Chinese record wo are pre1
pared to give it, and will need to tell-
no lies to make it savory, seasoning
thrown "in.
Hranr Cochran met last night
and nominated himself for Mayor
on the Anti Chinese Labor Ucfornt
Democratic -Cochran ticket, with
20 vot'S. The insincerity of this
great anti Chinese apostle is mani
fest when we assert without fear of
successful contradiction that he ) a
rouuca Chinese wash houses. Tukc
the hyjHH-rite, if you want him.
Cochran, Miller and Chase, job
hers, are opposed to the city having
a bridge across the river.
lliiaiu Cochran assert liiitt the City
Council unlawfully pa,d out the city's
fund. If this tu tru It was hi duty a
M or lo prevent it, mid v this
mmiey, Instead lie played tt baby
art mid rvsigned, leaving Hut treury
wide open, and at the mercy of the iun
mIioiii he accuse of violating tho law
.ind plundering the treasury. W it to
itct thu that- he elected! In a limn
foolishly desert hi post tin tlivsil
liest jihi ptelext to Ik again entrust-
! t'd with ti iYsponihUi nflice?
Kor sit Week Cochran' cnlifldt'ntiiil
!" ' I cluck ha tecii busy hi i'uson and out
The chairman chosen by the deni-! thing the ro for hi renoniinniinti to
ocratic club in organizing drew him-1 .... otli whic h lie disgracefully decried.
cable inconsistency of the Courier's . self up in nil I his majestic. dignity, M M UniiUM
Iet 's have a chapter on the admi
ruble benefits of democratic losses,
Apperson was not the author and the
Courier knows it. Capt. Apperson
attended the meeting and so, we are just for a change, good brut her.
informed, did Mr. LeMahieu. More-: , , . , .,
., . . ,.. . , . i hat do our third party prohtbi-
over the I ourier in an editorial wr.t- .. t- i i .. : .
' tion friends mean hv appointing
ten by Mr. LeMahieu, at the time, tm.;r IHmv,.tin the same day that
said that the expulsion of tl e China-, the democracy have chosen to air
men was a crime. The Courier seems j their congressional racer in Oregon
now to le advocating that occurence. ' ri,.v.? Th,'v h""l not V?'1?,
.. j-1 . , ., . , ! forget poor Irnv who was punished
At that time it did not hesitate to:. , , , , 1
. . ; tor iieing in bad couinuiy.
sav umiii was tin moot i mum- iiu.tir
and ,ought to be forgotten. All of
which only goes to show the despi-
Whltlock 8tor Pointers.
The flm-st line of elmles Flower Heed
are on wiln tit the Whillock Store.
The Aurora Mills Hour, White ami
tiruliHiu, Is the ImhI III Ihn inatket, slid
In fiiuml lit th W hillock Store.
The lioul ItrtKiiim fur the money lit the
Wl.ltlisk Suite.
Canned food i lieu per limn any when
else in liiwii Ml the WliillK More.
A fine lino of I'erlliiiiil I'rsi ker I n '
I'clehriili'd Cookie Slid Cnken Hi the
Whitlm k Store
I'urtif deniiliiK line lall ami wed
rotiitnek I'tlll Ntid rlmlre vnrictien. all
Hound, lit the Whillm k ure,
1'ii l' - hv rlii 1'inl, iiiiitt, or ial!oi.
a; th WhiiliH k Store.1
and thanked the " august asseinhl v" j
1 1. ... ... ...... f ....... I ........ 1 le terler Miiiiikl rweelve.
,The democracy of this place seem ; him in selecting him for the chair-1 The ritm ua Ihhi ihkM made th follow
to have decided that a "sack" was 1 man of a meeting the object ofL,,. nruninatiuiia: M.ivor. II. CihIimii:
needed, as me toiiowing win snow: which ne was tioi imonncn, una ns- t ltv ,.,or,,,r
IT., .'ini nnii..lil...l ...... ..,,.1.. ! I I, Id il .Ml dllM II, tli.. 4llllMirtll-l. . I.. . ....
nent iii their circle to raise cam-' nity for addressing so fine n audi-1 ui,.r , j jt u i i i,.r. II 'i ke, II
paign soap, he set forth with a lsld 'ence. Said audience, consisting of j k,.v aturiu' t HvCelle. tor
nenri ami sirucK me nrsi ucmiKTai 10 uciikntuis, . ikivs. - cunord miu ij i;,..,, . Tr,.UMiirrr 1 v, w .,,
-I ringlets, lcgan to look j.!ie-pish, ; rilv Atlorl.v, p. . ite.
that is, ttie lt did, while the jinlg1
enioved his drv ioke iininenmlv,
The empty U-nehes encored the sen
of 11111110111 that he met for a con
tribution to the sinking fund, say
ing, "we want five -dollars fn in
you for campaign expenses." " Not
nun h vou won't get it," was the
reply. " Put we've gut to have it, i to eulogize the benefits of a tariff for 'i' them in nricewitli Hie r.t- tixo.l by
ller iii Ihn pro'ilem: I it lielter (ul
the flintier ( ti.ninl Ilia inx!lre i i'i
timcnt, and the Speaker prtx-eeded itie eont im-nl. xtiip it t't Ktlmi. utnl t nn
so just .hand it over," said the fiiuin-1 revenue. He vasin favor of reventio, India? Or hhould he aid in the muiiiieii-
cial agent of the party. "Not a j then waxing eloquent and desiring 4ine of a hmm niarki'i tlui wmild e.m-
1'iillllral Sui-iiIiIiik.
' lis Hi'iillli 4n ('011111,1 committee lia lor then leuil iti ve tiniTuee.- li
SM.ik at the folh winii liitiea and 1 1 '-.
Tint ili'iuiH'riilii' einiiniiltee hav e 'pi'
ed an invitation lo Join in the t-anvyx.
ao thitt IhiIIi (latlien will lie heard 01 l, e
. ui of i he d.ty :
N.wdw a nl l.iiwim M.'alU, Nivdv
(jchiml IIoiim., Mil) M
M iiii.iini. Ilii'm Creek, M.iv
SM'ht Slu ing, Sil4 HiruiS, M.V 111.
I piMT Miilulln, MoliilU t om r. M iv
Itiuliliind, Milk Cn"k and Caiyiet
Cn-rk, Wlon ScIhmi! Ifiitte, .v H
ItrvcrCietn, Mink K .-hoo! Iloimt, I, y
Viol, lUrdnn; and Spriiiitw tor nl
Unrllcl I, at .in Vluv '."J.
I-Nnle Crw k and liiire, Wll'-e n'
in'i. M iv -:x
C.i ca (". s.fvi-piaiidt'herrrvl Ip,',h-'
IM.lea Mav il
haiiuH'ii al I'niiinS Ii.hiI II n,Mjv
I liii kiimn Hi1 o i llntiw, .May .
Milwankiit, .May ;'H.
li-Wi'Ku ie'iitiK of M.IV 111.
'l'i In I it t : It . I'lrinMlit Mill and
St elcv S-biad ll"ii0 May .
I iitiliv S.-le -il IIiiiim. M.iv :n.
Ni-w Kra, llrow u'a Scli xil lbu.Jiiie
.Ulil Vl-ild If the I.
cent will I give to aid the demo- to have the In st of another j ke he ' mine all hm Unds
cratu iiarty. If the republicans
tell dollars for cam-; he was In favor of fret whisker, if lhr latter, stand up llrinly lor (irotm
l want tivf or
If the republicans! wound lip With the Statelntnt that ' mier ia correct, then lvor lire trade : 1 , "V "" 1 anelnali al ope
This time his supporters, now in- tion to all American in luntrici.
creased to the vat nuinla r of IV,
naign funds I will gladly give it. hut
not a cent will I givfttothe denio-
canbe relied ujwn for the rght a(-(.ralg ami tlutt settles it," and heioncored the st ytiij cut. thua getting
conling to llwir ' best juJgiiient, they rtii rued it j ton his' heI. leaving thejthe stnrt of tlie lmu Ins.
are the best men to seiid to Salem
to represent us.
The last council was almost ex
clusivcly run by Cochran, mayor,
F. A. to ponder innn the roughness
of the allotted road. P.raeing up for
another attacVhe 'assailed another
le ding light for funds. " No, sir;
I won't give afiit," gid the L. L.
" Uut we've got to haw funds to run
and Chase and Miller councilmen. ti1iH(.aml(aigl,,n,l I don't see when
Nobody else had a word to say
These three worthies voted them
selves little jobs on every paltry ex
cuse, and voted to pay their own lit
tle bills. TPe, present council fulled
we'll get tliemjf you don't contri
buie." urjieiJ- Uie F. A. " It makes
no diff renee, I'll not give one cent,
Years ano thcuood reputation of a
man by tin' name of John M. Gcariu
h ft him. As voiera do not eomu a
man of mui'h account with good
inline and character lucking, that
L't'iitlrnwiii will witth tlmt he had 1 ft
his c'lin'n as'oiml sspirntiois along
with' nforeaaid mi-siiiL' ssentiais,
tt who he hears of llcriii inn's maj ni-!iv
and he too went on his way, while the . ', , ,i
F. A. retired tocopitutv upon the mi-
lli!iiird to Third I'ttrlr I'rulilbltlmi.
Trnltrnr hj ht J f. Prtvrr rH-
ml In !.! I'lirilnnd. ;
N'iw atanit the third party. I have op- ' ancexl to tint reader at flml linn (lie nm
Tlie h"in of nifi'lnia' will be 1 I' M, eK-
repl al llwrno.
Tl. 4
iii Now
K-tvlpla of forelirn potnlta-n
York in the lust few il.iin will
kmim it on the ,(tiiiuiil that tnorul re
form and moral ii fm iint'ion can n 'verbr
iici-umilili-i through pilitical uctioti.
Purity la-jieta purily. Il l liiiaibli
lluit politii a ahoiil I produce iinytliinn
mlillllyof aeurcity froin the anow him k
ado uiiiii l ly rettioved !m il tniukvsU
V n ino than that lo Ihn fanner-, l i
w hom il la palpable thai If pnlatoea are
put on the free lit the 'Inik I .Mil -
f g WI'nilMlll, I'l . Ulllllll I. Mi. nun ii p
etl to vote any of their , ..p,,,,; wjth no funds in thetrens-l
members oi tlie mayor a joo, ami j rv to rvu
the rnavor in a is-t over it, resigned, i and bt:er.
And this is the crowd which the
Courier recommends for re-election!
Has our neighbor a little joblet to
match with these?
. i i i i . i ' . r I
,r. i . . I 4.1 i-'h morui morn. uihmki n iHiimrn ami
I I'HL -11" '' .if fi.-' 1
i 1
urv to remove the whik v it n ariiiul lummh to At A r iu tivr , "' mUi tlw' ""hhI of u it ii...y
. i I !ll . . . ! I . .1 '....11
moral, rol.tic. is corrupt and produce! '"' l"vi.ifa, mete i. no. u.e tea.,
corruption. I would keep I f'" them to row polat.e-
.ml of H'lic. because politic ,1,,, ; f r the market, li. S. Palmer, one. s lh
t..,.i.,..,u.,. .. int.. II... ihn.) I havo .Hid- t l'r'", leal- ra in viK. lable-. v : "The
led thi'no tpiestion in alt, ll.eir form.
possibility of running a deintK Mtic oiieuetl.' and it should be done at
receipt of foreign pulalisn foiitiniii' lo he
imply euorinoil, one Nleatiier hrinuin.'
what would the result 1st? Why. ,. ! '.M,:M) har.el. a.,(t ..oiwithstainhng it i-
' I . 1. .1 u 1 .11: . ..
Instead of gaining bv delay : '" "'r- vote l lah and .lyg.
There is no reason why a prohibi
tion ticket should be noiuinatcd in
this county and many all sufficient
reasons why such a course should
not be taken. The vote last fall
upon the amendment was a fair and
incontrovertible expression indicat
ing, even to those. ho favor prohibi
tion, that no matter how desirable it
may be of itself, it has not such a,
bold upjn public opinion as will
make it advantageous to the com
monwealth at large. The issues be
tween the republican V,nd dem
ocratic parties are such that no
man should ignore them. We
1-lievA that every voter should'
record Viis vote with either one or the
other of these, as his principles shall
dictate. For any man who believes
. in the republican principles to. vote
any ticket other than the republican
' is to violate those p'rincJplca., ' .
One, two, three and four yean
ago at this season the mechanic and
day laWern of this place were prao
tically idle. This year for months
ttast. every man who cared to work
has found plenty to do. The bridge
and its ,attcnding improvement
have been the direct cause of this.
0 te or two days work will pay all
work. The liibor will count more; '"" ow , u a .n.m woum not v.,m ior
.. 1 '. by h,ilf nt this season than later on, I moral reform in either t.l.llie old parties,
The desperate strait's tft which the I .Hides if men are to be employed j '" come lo voto ins third party
Courier and D. F. Mav are put for j to do? the ,w(.ik why. lot. them' be will hit do any lo-tier? Not much.
campaign argument, is shownby SX, That feelin of n,, so often .
continued publication of tin' alleged j i.m Uj,UM lhi lui rK. fu, thnt tstrlenccd it tho prin. results Irom a
remark -of H. H. Johnsou aspuh-'a suspension hr'nlge is in course ' sluiHli comlillon of tlit.bsl which, 1st.
lished roni week to week in the! construction litre will attract tl.oiis-! i"K impure, th not imlcken with the
Courier. la,thknowitto lK.aml- ?I" "V '"'' August j et.angl.iB, soason Ayer's' Sarsa(arill.
'lf they can C(invi1il( nte :.iiiie. Less I by vitahing and cleansing Hit) bhssl,
lcious lie, yei ior xnt sasc oi a "'" thai. three-Months' remain in whit h 1 troiigti.ens and InviKorata the syatom
ptssible votes they prostitute honor j to do this work.' Delay of a day
doubly that nt the hi
and truth. Mr. Johneon never nutdt
the remark ascribed, toi. him, and it
can lie proven that, he.dil not. 'Now,
Mr. May, you wish to carry tht.1 cam
paign on your anti-Chinese record?
Very well. .11. II.JohnAon is a let
ter friend to the' laborer than you.
He hasiiewr employed a Chinaman
and ynu'liiivtf. He has given his
work to men ;-ou Wo employed1
ChinVfce. , He has paid fair wages.
You cleared your land with Chinese
now means tloiiiilo tiiai nt the tin
jshing end of the job. 'Too niiicli
time has Is cn lost already,, and jut
now is the time to iiinke a business
like start that (hull not rest a mir.ulc
till the work is thure '
We ure.nuniiroiisly nskd, "What
is the status of the bridge W'frcri
will work ooiinneiice'.'" The latter
q ttstiofi we cantiot answer except to
fatiVAlltttt, th;wjrk will iiiostlylit)
lone 4eUirc' the luaferial is sent out
As there has la-en no news reported
from here for soinii lime, I will let tint
lultt ill the Keustiu, whitn a falliutf oil'
ahoiild 1st eiM'( tnd. I luring a recctil
week this n-yelpt ol fi rein isitati- in
the New-Ymk niarkct were 72,.'lsA bar
rels anuinst !M,(rK.1 barrel for lint corres
ponding week 111 Hsr. Taking Inlocon
aider.ition that lust year wm ttad a full
rrop in thin country, the present influx of
tint toreigh nrticln Is too lurge ; and n'muM
the tiiriirof "ieent ( burrid bn removed
inuking it Mtsihle to sell the loreign proil.
ne t at no much Ins than the price w lilch
it bus coiuiuanileil ranging from fl
I'.' '.'0 a barrel the vltnct upon our faun
and dealer would he disastroua."
Klin llev. Mr. Inuiill, a Presbyterian
rnudeispf the Knterprise know what we minister from Portluml, Upholding a
. . (... i . . . . . ..! . : .1 .
an; doihg..
from tlie fiwmlry. Tho iron work is
! no doubt bring made now In rMin
help, then when you could use them Francisco. Mr. Campbell, tho agent
no longer yourself with profit. andW the company,' stated when last
pou concluded! to pose ad a tstlitical
reformer,you warned yr neighlKtrs
that they must quit doing the very
thing yon. had been doing. You
were, if we- are correctly informed,
the first man in HeaVer Creek prer
cinct to tnploy a -gang of Chinese
grubberWhileyou are lying alwut
Mr. Johnson, .te.'l. thu.frtith about
yourself 'and see how ninny vcU t
you can make out of your little rack
et. The Willamette Transjstrtation A:.
here that they would most-likely be
prepared'to lay the comer stone by
J ul v 1st. ' U Htaiula just this wav :
the contni't t " is let and signed, and
the Pacific ltrfdgo Company has
tiled its,( bond for ihe faithful dis
charge of t',e contiact, and said
bonds have been approved hy the
court. ' '
The democracy do not seem fonts-
predate the efforts of ilnportl'd olli-
, , . . i '. . t f i.
els is in uie une oi assuming auitioi
ity and marking out the line of hat
tie. Let the "Kol do ml" continue
to play while tho jiroc'ssion moves
on. !
the nevktie supper cumu off last night
and owing tothe bad weuther there wit
uolaslargita crowda was ex peeled ; but
evcrylsMty stiemed lo enjoy tlifinwl vi-a,
usstciullv tint young inrn whoweru fottn-'
nuln enough to lraw the. old Indies.
Work ha cMnmenceit'on the new
church and will Isj pushed forward rap
idly. . , , ;
School uouiuienceil lust Monday witli
Miss llunkili us teacher. About 'l'i
scholars were present.
Most of otr young men have gone to
sunk their fortune In lumber camps at I
various occupations. '
We noticed quite a number of Spring
water folk at the supper last night.
Everything is growing amfprospucts are
fluttering for a full crop.
Say I Sprlngwuter. couldn't you hccoiii
module mi by having a spelling school
some night and let it know. about It?
We would htt glad to attend.
It this don't li titl the. waste basket will
write aguin. Viol.
The labor vote in politics lsdissu pcur
itlg. bast year tho labor ticket hud 15,
000 votes only, hi Cincinnati.
ne of very inte, citing meeting in the
Heaver Creek school liousn, Klevcn
I'ttrtvnrts united with the church Tutisditv
night. It is the Intention if the I'u sbv
tery to erect a church here Noinetimtt in
the near future. 'This is n step In tin.
rlgliLtlirecfion, ond e are glml to note
Mr. Kb as Kilwardu Is the happy father
of another girl. i
The proaitei't for gtsst hrop of ginlii
art) fair, and the promise, of plenty of
fruit was never betier,
Letter LUt. ''
TIir following is a list of the letters re
timing In the postolllcu at Jregon City,
Miiyii, 1MSH:
When called for, please say when ad
vertised and puy one cent foradvertiing.
Ileen. Nb (trlswnlhl'N
Campbell, Clark Clavanger, .1 M
Kornliuti' Win
Ibinney, S Miss
Ingram, Jacob '
Jones, M K
Kiiugford, .fumes
biingl'ord, Jno (I
Miller, J K
Peterson, I'J
Woodiiitl, Alien
lladun, A T
lleugy. M Kvu
lngriun, ,l K
Kaluui, Mr K,fttii( W 1
btingforil, I Miu N
O'Connnr, Win
Sulhetlnnil, (leo l
Williinns. Muiruie
Whltmore, Howry 2
J. M. ISacon, P. M.