The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 03, 1888, Image 1

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    " r
! 4
NO. 27.
Kntsrsd lh Post OStrs stOrtn 'ty Orm
u4 iIh bmiu, Msirh Ik I.
Kli() copy, on year, In advance, $. 00
riiagla copy, aii months In advance, 1 00
'Ingle copv, not In advance, 2 M
Oregon City, Oregon.
ubrtbar fatting U fi tor uwtxr of
km MrasraitS.
.111 tlHHIt(WtUWMIU
Advertisements, Ui inatir insertion,
muat re, h thi of9f out later than Mun
iU availing, feint local or communica
tion not later thsn Tued D'.
Parties desiring to null city rsuSarben
property or county farms wou'd do well
to hv th Mini with mo m aooa
convenient. All properties will be t
vertiwd .tnively and prlal effort
mail lo attract pflN-Tiamre tu Oregon
Sty and t'larkamaa county.
II. K. Caoes,
Ally ! taw and !Ual Estate agent, Ore
gon City.
T IWrwe r.
One hundred UHiiieend dollar to lend
in sums In (1111. un good (arm mortgagee,
Tender cent and no taea, lnc
loeh-ired Jiiii?I.1HH7.I(
JoHKaott, Md'oWlA lilt KM AM
Far Hair!
Busineaa and elegant Fliluro of a ft
loon ; the bed and the finest filled up in
tua n. Price reaeonable. ('-all on or ad'
drew R. POTTER.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Far Kale.
Three nort-hnnd yearling bull
Thv mm bred from good stock and will
make romI breeding animal. Addr
Cm. Moknkb, Mink.Ogn
Kkart Ham Italia.
Four thoroughbred hort limn Bull
(or aula Color red; ranging (roui Id
luoutha lo two year old . Bred In Iowa
All first clasaaniiunla I'rlif VJno ll
Adlieea I' t llowiao,
i'.TiM Mullno, Oregon
Take Mat Ire.
Not ire i hereby given that I will In-
reeMusille lor lio debts contracted by my
w ife, Ink a Simmon (tm tlia data
V,t4 J. II. Simon
Dated Una tli 10th day ot April, 1R8H
Formlna; a Frlandahip.
It la a very simple roa lor chlU
I iv ii to beoonie at-qitalnted with eab
ullicr, If Uiey are left lo their own d
iiMa. J'hia la th way It coinea to paaai
"Why, 1 did not know that you and
that little ylrl had got acquainted vet,"
aid a Hoxbury lather to hla alx-'yaar-aild
aon. who came In from a walk un
the adjoining lawn with th tiny
daughter of th new neit-door neigh
bor. t
Yea, Clara and I bare been 'quaint
ed lot of day," laid th tery email
'What did yon lay to her Bratf"
a-ked the father.
"i Clara apoka to ma flrat flu
ramti down by the vhlrktn-hottM, and
fe'tkud me how many prayer . I ay
uighta, and 1 told her; and then I naked
ler bow many prayeri ah aaya, and
ah told me, and then we were qtinlnt
l " UctUtH lltcerd.
A Werll ef MlMry, .
Tramp (tn fumy old Rfntltnian Will
you give me tvn centa, airj I'm etarvln.n
l'iuy Old Centleiimn (pnalucinK a bid
- Dear m. atitrtUig. .Can you ibange Al :
, Tramp Yua, air.
Fuwy Old (iintleman (pocketing tlii
rliini(;i')- Dear, dour, atarving I . IUt,
me, but till world ,1a full of. uilaery !
Tlie Ej h.
The Old lMr' Oplntua,
(fcxid old Dr. C , on leaving a pa
tient one evruiiiK, gave hit oi)inion if
Iwrrax in the following wonla, aiNikcn
In Ilia alow, lliitrly mautier for whivh hi
wa noted: "Muduin, lu lha morning
j ou will lie letter, or you will I wotm.
or yon will rrinnin u you are." Uar-
Der MajMam.
IWkVawAHmt .aaaMMaM la ttM kand
rlAn la PuLSat um ..i..n3 Fii-
. M4 lMf ! fwt M, an4 iMJutitg
wcm rrirroriiKmir Vi
.m&i ri4 fit m mil vmiji f
kwlmwr, K J.
Jidte aad Clerk ef FlerUea.
A a matter of public 'nteieal we re
print Mm llat of judge and clerki of alec
Ilaaaant 111)1 W 8 Voting, Alliaon
llaker, k V Hliort, Judgea; Fred Hlablen-
uker, C'alklna, cleika.
Caiieroah J K Iliiiiiian, II B May.W
Klliott, Judge j Win Hedge, A 8 Law
ton, clerka.
Oregon Ctty-W W Mera, U A Hard
ing, II 1'lketow, judge ; T 1 Kandail, J
K Kboadea, clerka.
Mar)uama J K MarUau, J F I'er-
dew, W A Jack, judge; A B Maiquam,
C F.ngl, clerka,
hum.gaater J dwelling, A Lacey.8
II Kainey.judgea; Wm lewelliiig.lleury
DuBoia. cleika.
hola Kpringa A V Davi, Wale ltu
ale, F. Carter judgee ; 1) C tliermn, J 11
Uroalioug clerk.
Milwaukle T U A Sellwood.M Oatfteld
II Heiwley, Judge ; T Ilagcnbuigar, C
ltiley, clerk.
fleady C Balr; U I rtmmt.TWyi
I It. jixlgea; CO lloynUin, S M Kinnry
Milk Cre, k-J Knott, K C Jone. II J
Trullinger, judge; D L Trullinger, J K
Coatea, clerka. ,
Cam-adea II Mftiugin, II II Chaan, II
Fiahiir.jinlge; John Keveiiue.TU Jona
rud, clerka.
Viola Joa I'ollixk, 8 Jobnaon. Wm
Mattoon, judgea; 11 C Uwla, II White
head, cleika. 'v
l'pr Molalla I. Mayer, K Baty
Wiigbl, Judgea; J WTlionua.R Wright
Clm kamaa Wm Hvan.J A Talbert, J
!otfnr, judgea; F Fouler, C F Clarke
DainaaiMia Albert Ctk, J F Lovelace
Joe Boring, judgea; J Wiuaton, W II
Joliiiwm, clerka.
Hanlinga-.M II HinbhoflT, B C Hawlev
J II Boa en. judge; O D Kobldn, 8 W
Mmtur.i, dork.
Highland-Jo Fellow, I L Clark, J J
Uard, judge; Fram ia Welch, U W le
Tualtio-II K Have, P Baker, John
Kruae, judgea; II Idurhoff, A C Slnirii
KagleCreek-WTMnn, II MoKUnder
II M LiMHiey, Judgea; (1 J Currin, J (tor
Oawago H II Calkin, J A Cdnfer, M
II Hhipley, Judge; A K HlouJ, L M Da
vidaon, clerk.
Unlon-J 8 Vaughn, A Yemen. Jacob
Miley, judge; J Stelnba. h, J Grahain
New F.ra J II Blanohard, M IVwney
h C Matldock, Judgea; Chaa Fiwter, W
W Jeaae, clerk.
Canyon CrwekJa Baty, Joa Ree. D
HMclJune, Judge ;, David Wright, J K
bmllh, clerka.
Beaver Creek Frwd Vonderah. J K
(irahaui, John Shannon, judgea; Frank
Jiggar, J W May, tlerk.
Canhy-W Vorpahl, C Bachelor, II 8
O Fhlpa, judge; (leo Barlow, W W Ir
vin, dork.
Hlevera V SieveraSr, h Herrlck, J T
McInUre, Judge; A Aachoft, F 8 I'eake
(taorge A C aV hniiat, II Mnn, Hani
raulaen, judge; 1 N Hard, F Rath
(Jarfleld W F Palmateer, J P Irvln
W P Boyer, judge; D Caufleld, W II II
ade, clerk.
l.owerMoutJu-W Binilh, J K tiribhle,
A L Mark, Jiulea; John Cule.AlMiribble
Cherry vllWi-nl It, Lor, Chaa Shank, J
W Italy, Judith ; E H Inuraliam, C W
Ilarria, clerk.
I. 0. 0. F. AanirerMry.
Th odd fellow celebrated their aixty-
ninth annlveraarf day, in Portland Ut
Tliunalay, with pMropriU eeremouie.
A great many viaitor (rom diffurenl part
of Hi ataU prti. !p. in lb exerciae.
From tlie inUrenilng aMrema of Win. II.
Bar nea we clip Ui following Intereeting
Scare had th pick of the miner be
gun to tie heard in the bill, when ii k-
neaa and death revealed that beneath the
flannel ahirt of th miner tlier had heat
many a heart tliat bad done grand work
n th rank of tlie odd fallow in other
climr. Lodife aoon epranp up till now
lh Mute of California haa 310 lodre and
M.OOO memtier, and aaneU of 12,100,000
and expend C-tlO.O'lO annually for relief
OregMi la no Uggvd lh matter of
o ld fl!rwlilp, and Inift' obtained the
firol charier, and in 1."7 Uu trft ancamr
ment wa onranil. Lat year, accord'
i.g lo lh report rt Grand 8:reUry Ba
cn, you hail Hllolgeiid memberahip
f 0, and th aggregate i at ill grow
Th peakr tWeoted a great deal of
time in directing oo the benetitaof tlie or
ler, and advlaed all young men to join
the order, aavlng It Would make them
letter father and neighbor, bolter
Chriatian. and help them along the
ggml pathway of lit. H UioukIiI
it looliali to lielong to loo many order, o
that it look all one'a Income aid time
Thla wa aloolihneawhich nowia pr-
mi ahould Indulge In.
f. Mliafa NU-IWIm Vmmm rrrlag
"It fe pennn twattowa ttolaoti br ac
ini or purpiMMdy, In -toad of brenk
ig nut into ioc.ih.iiwnl and niultltn
loon exclamutioiia, diapatch aome
n for th doctor. anuud cnnihlr," laid Bixhv.
a he n-ad th abore adrk- to hi wife
lie evening. Then he r.idi
"Meantime run to th kitchen, get
tlf a glaM f water, put into it a tn-
h miii (ui of unit ami inucfk giimnd
MiiKtanl, catch firm hold of tli wr-
n noae, then down wit the miX'
in and un will mini the pnlmin."
"There, my dear," mid Bixbv to hla
vlfe. "You'd better kien that In mind
n case one of the chlldiau hhould acci
Icntally gt hold of poiaon and I
Wouldn't behoinn- Bui yon women
tv r glit off the handle nt the very time
ou ouht to'- tw i'if-poi,.4ud mid
liave all your wit ale)! you."
Tli very next day tlie aervant ram
ruahlng up atair and gaiel out:
"Oh. niit'nm! Oh. Mr. Bixhy! The
bnbv! Ho' l wallowe4 half a bottle of
loddvnum, and "
"it nmt Scott!" a'louteil Bixbv, jump
Ing alx ti't lr.lglit lain the air and
yelling like a Com-tucne. " child
'lib dead III ten nillilito. What w
going to do? Kun for' the doctor! Get
ma of the neighbor In! Cull om
btaly In from the atreeil My good
LordP Are we all going to alt her
and ee the rhlld d e? We inuat have
help! Help! Murder! Cau't you think
of aonietlilng lo do? jlcre.' wliat'd I
read the other day t I loll you tore
tnembor. it auld half a gln4 of tnlt to
a teiiap n i of w iter and a ciiu of mua
lard. didn't Itf My oiI! ImMlia child
got to ilir while wn all ait here doing
nothing! I live him warm wiiter anil
inlat Riiu your tinker down hi
throat! Do ioi.lkimj! Put your
licud mil of the window and yell for
help!" ,
And white he wa do tig in himself
and a crowd wn td!ecling In front of
lh liouao, Mr. Bixhy, who had not
Hiiid a word, diaeo.ei'ud that the child
hiid twulloned nothing hut n tenaporm
of vanilla extinct. ikloit Frt trtt.
lie i ui.-Kt like th god who want
nothing. Sorrotc. ,
You can lontrol the,"truav" In Dili
country by lcgialation, but your marked
In th hands of mercllt foreign clique
and they are wholly out. of your power.
For Toilet Use.
Ayer Hair Vigor keep the hair aoft
and pliant, Unpen to It tb liutra and
lrhof! of yontb, cauaea it to grow
luxuriantly, eradicate Dandruff, core
all aralp disease, and I th moat clean
ly f all hair preparations.
AYFR'Q IIlJr Vigor haa gtven me
rt I Lit O prrfeet aaUafartioo. 1 was
Bearlv bald for ix yean, during wTilrh
time I used many hair nrrparationa, but
without aueceaa. 1diIm(, what little
hair I had was growing thinner, an til
I tried Ayer' U air Vigor. 1 dsmI two
bottle of the Vim, and my head I now
well ooverod with a new growth o hair.
Judsoa b. Chapel, Pealwdy, Maaa.
L) AID that haa become weak, gray,
linlll tul laded, may have new life
and color mutorad to It by th aa of
Ayer1 Hair Vigor. My hair wa thla,
faded, and dry, and fell out In large
auantltlea. Ayer' Hair Vigor stopped
) falling, and restored my hair to its
original color. A a drawing for tu
hair, Mil preparation haa ne eoual.
Mary X. Uanimond, BUUwaiar, Minn.
VICflR yoath, nd bautT, In th
f IQwlly appearano of lha hair, may
be praaerved for an prriod by
tli use of Ayer Hair Vor. A dls-
of the acalp cauaed my hair to he.
eume barsh and dry, aod to fall but
freely. Nothing I tried aeemed to do
roe any good until I commenced aaing
Ayer flair Vigor. Tbre bottlna Ot
tilia preparation restored my hair lo a
healthy condition, and It is new soft
aod pliant. My acalp I eared, and It
la also free from dsndruif. Ma. JL K.
Foe, Milwaukee, Wa,
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
eU Drai aa Nffaam.
Pxaracr Urarr, prompt action, and
wonderful carativ propertiea, easily
plaoa Ayer's HI Is at th head of th list
of popnlar remedle fur Sick and ferr
ous Headacnea, Coast! patio a. and all alW
meau originating In a disordered liver.
V ttaMA m .ml mffm, fnwt
Hsadaeha, and Ayer'e Caihartio Pills
ar th only medidna that has wt
glvoa me mlUf. Oo dose of tneaa PilU
will quickly mors my bowels, and fir
my hsad from pain. William L Pan,
Kkhmond, Va. A tt
Ayer'i Pills,
n in 1 1 ky Dr. J. 0. Ayst k (V.tMeX.ltaw
Hat hf lini a
gofl eight with the to ich f a ka
k rakuig th unlranr
tb forcrs of aauar la chorus
A Ihouaand rsspoasie rshsaiss.
The pals moos shlaaig la aeaTsa
PrmwrU as rapture lb aiaia;
Ta sum to siuflBf tugxhsr,
jotolaf at k's rsf rala.
Th warm eiirhl braetss walsner;
Orally amraturs the ra ; s
Th sarth fasls Iot' kmit beatiag
And trstnblss sa KSlaoy.
Thsy U to my snul ars speaking;
luiet and dumb I Ira:
And yet, Ihourh my lips ar stlsat,
I UudMti my brurt rrfb . ,
-AdsliM t kaapp in Coder's Lady's Book.
Vain af a tl4 Cat.
'Are nny of the rent valuablet" Mr.
Rh-bnrd tbgnn won aidted. "Tlie dnti
that la usiuilly cxviaidered most valua
ble," lie replied, "In the 1TH9; but tin
highest price I ever knew to be paid for
one wa for an ls(U. It was a flue kitprl
men a bright tvd. Tliut, unlee a coin
haa been iroured treated with vinegar,
show that it is uncirculated, just a i.
came from the mint An old dealer car
till in a luontrnt when a coin hna Iwi
Mottorfd.' l'eoilo aomctimc sinaU 1 1
anrthing Hint is u4 worth much a 'no
worth a red cout, but if that rent lmi-
pen to I of a rare unt It ndneos I
."u in its owner' pocket. Tlii coil
brought f'-OJ. I think it wm th high-
cet price ever kl for a United Klalm
cent, ftew or world.
i Ranalng Itaa'ds la Caaa4
The running f ntjiids la the climax of
the voyai ui adveiiturou life. Even
the nua t rxcri'icd voyageur chntip
color with miteim-nt when he Xels tlie
ennue cnaH.'!i and s; ring, sway and dart
over the first swell of a rapid. The
vovageur that I hav known all pos
fiwsd keen olwervatlon, a cool iudianent.
and a decisive turn of mind. In a small
cano of, any twelve feet, without much
load, a mnn alone will kneel on the bot
tom about one-third of her length from
the stern. uid puddle down a rapid pretty
well. Dut the typical crew In an
eighteen fot canoe consist of a captain
in the bow and a helmsman in th Mem,
C. II. Puriihmu in Harjier' Magarln.
" ' '" . ' ttawaas aad Use. '' -
It aomrtlme happen tliat peraon
and this la repet ially trne of young chil
dren are unulile to diwuwx'iiite 'tlieir
dream from realities. I have known
children to b puiihhed for telling lie
when full inquiry showed that they were
relating olrcuiiuitniKM of which they had
dreamed. Dr. iluuiu A. Hammond,
Corner Grocery Sfora.
W't can Mil you good G0CDS
and a full Aaaoriment of til Goods
that are kept in th Grocer line.
Wo keep the bent'
81 KITS and K0LASSE3
In the M trket AW, an Afeortment
of : .-. f.
Wood & Willow Ware;
And will jvy the highest price for
Call and oe ua.
I U Vo4 two mm mm mmm
I um. hm rS'" a i-m
Wl W AaurtMr. unmm SWllI
I In, itK Mk trmtm mint mmrr-
ImhJ rUlku hi Um ru4 Sum, mmt
o vmimim pmimmim IB liwH, rm
lnm, mm mil mthmj .r,. tWTK,
mm m mmm mm thaw niail SM mm
la ! riHMUSnM mkmr I
lubM. So
fcrg I
hminuim sssawe
Milan Aw b suil fm
linu .hu.a t knifl MtS(VihiII
Ink. M U: I IKK t al.HK il.'M M
mmrr mi iw torn m ! th
TM kd-uiaaM mt ma nn ne aasws -
i m u- mm inoti
ThK inn mi rJ.iHUSlr DlknuSi mil 11
. ki MfcixiMa U Xiau u ttaaror. ui "
IfMlMH . . C VOTS, 4
SiliTlinTf ff laulttMnftl ! w m 9mm
Ium ia mmf roaatrr. It aaaulaa laa hm af
I; mwim mm till miwrnn iaaua nuoKI
ark vaa. TIT II I
II m kaia aa iaia k eMa wmm mm
! ar all aa
a l"a ooara ml l n 1 1 k
au hnm.m, , TalS
Wheat. V
87 c.
hiU. V I
ba 4&v
r lour, 1st gratle, 4..'S.
Flour, Sud grade, S 00
FEED:- .
Short 117 00
Bran. $15 00.
Hay, timothy baled. $20. hO.
Hay timothy loose,
Clover, baled $16
Peef, live, SandSSe.
lteef dreaeed. and 7c.
Veal, dreaaed, 6 and 7c.
Hogs, live, 4c.
Hog, dreaeed, (tfric.
Htieep, V head, $3.00 and $3.S0.
Wool, V -l4ird,
country bulk, 9c.
Lard, bucket, 9e.
Ham, Vfc.lOund 12o.
Side. VB'.Hnl K'
8lioulduri, V, 7 and So,
Butter, 15 A S5.
Kmra. V fresh, ldc.
Chioken, dnweed, V dox. 14 O0(i $4.50
Chicken, live, $.3M.i$4.00
Chickens, rini $. k I
Turkey, 10(12cVlb. '
rotatoea, ? bit $.40.
Onion, V bu $1 00.
Apple V bo, $ .75. 4 100,
DRIED FRUITS: , !. ' '
Apple, nn dritsl, S and 6c.
l'lums, un dried, 7 and He.
IVuns, lun dried, tt and 8c.
Pear, sun dried. 6 and 10c.
Applea.machlne drid,bleachd9(g 10c.
l'lums, machin dried. 8 and 10c.
Pear, machine driel, 10 and 12c.
' IVanesmarhine dried 8 and 0c.
To CapitaJlKtu, a tifaftarfr
IJJi I erwiw
" mm (la HmmOni
nmrnamm S UBHMSMI 9m 9mlmt
All th t eligible site situate at th cor
ner of Second , and Main street, th
proper tv ol the M. K. rhnrch. Thi i a
moat deairable site for maeofactnring
purpose having 66 feet fronUge on Main
street ami 175 feet on Second street' For
full particulars apply to
I will be In Oregon City thi week and
each alternate week prepared to take
Brat class picture of all kinds.