Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, December 01, 1887, Image 2

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    0 1HBHMI ttiWi
mtrt- n,,im,nmitm1 I
-vrrr --1
'"TiinNmv roc't 7r ,
About right miles above the month of ;
tho Clackamas and ten fro u Oregon City ;
.the hoaulift.1 creek mraeil rW flo?!"
OvcrnpahWy m rr.cky lu.,1 into 1!C j
. t.,.k.,i..nt rt....t.t... lt..m ;
the twk t-onml t'la.ka-;
t of cvintrv, vhi.-h for
y, riehmv an.l variety
, thin crook an.l
inai lies tr.ict
he tutv of seetmry
of noil, cannot h Mirpaw 1
8,Vn?.Ue lHVHv tho upper rt of
thUrhU'. To one rnW.nc Clear envk
cwyotl .!" fn.ni hv Sr.x.ln.il I
tho upland th s.'en ., v. ii olMrve.l
..wtiio first, lime, h nuwt heantilnl aial j
ttnpretwlw.' Ntthn gr.nl an I broken j
Wn.v whlolt im,.ie.lia pre.e 0 give.
;htsi,.litel piietne8sh.ntl,y,!ii.ta!ieo,
yet rtrikin ca,vttfli on a el, ,r ,.IV, to
, hoM thest.u.r b -n I. iihe havj but !
' the least love of nature in b.. b.M.ii.
" acono in w-irthv i the p vfa pen, j
Uv,l.nr,,il,i .l,...ri:,o.!. I., i!,;..W.t
.....11 .;n...i f w t if : t. i
f1""" v. v
mid.aummer.the waving wheat a:;! oat
,,iuM cast their green an I goalen n-fi-v
lions uiK.n thfi eve, while vegetables ami
; fruit of all kimU ami aiv vixii.le in
the.f.o:,n ou-bar,!. l!,.r.s
"-MfT.vl in.-k r.M. thl.,ist.,r-s.r,ml...,!
'with the ten.ler grasses an.l purest j be m.ttk I by an in liva iaat g-a -.a! re
atcr from the mt-ner.ns s-.rhigs, wa.i. hj-"1 ':1 f-vrs 'bvu.ely ! i.
U i.ir. l..t in tl.,w.. n I Ahieh aix. "nav ere y m rm.ig at re-
pthmmmounJ well .i:strl farm h
nl i-peions liains.
; Jn the tlistitneo, proiile.l over by the
m t.l.A w .. 1 1 l?..r..l nM ll.u '..,.-.. 1
, ... , .....
. 1111,3 nmi liiu.fn vMir. ;t uir v
, ,, , . .. , ,
. . ... . . I an .Heas.oit w .-... he r.or.un ; less taan.
.thousnml liroun .ecs in t.ietr iu i t.i . ..
, .. ,, , jeruiK'. lovMse savs, ;
n'Aeb tin. fcea. Itrn are t':ges 1.1 sit.
passing gratnliin. an 1 cli.f, the pep en- j
ilictllar si.les of which measitr.. ii:war,l
of IDW feet. Ami over alt givini il a!
Biitxhusl appe.traiej arc the ir. tssive j
'forests', which m n is ever striving to c ".-1
niicr. This s.ciie is rvor !n.'o-e ihe. -ve. I
' of the resi.lent of 'eprinw .ter. As hi:
eve turn to in:-.-t the rising sun the;.
traverse the hills ami .Piles, resting at j li.-.l ,1 -. a a.- t'r ; t-t -e.i ; '. ha I 1 '
.length npn ll'xvi's nx-k-tiobe 1 s..!.-s, : as with a : an'. .ai it r ve-t, .1:1 1 oae
' from U-hinil whi.-h the sin lrt coyly : m re se.it: en-1 -l-niy ;.a I j e cover a
ert'ls hi messengers, tiicn roils lor:h I smitirg 1 m I. .1 , '-ax an! pvt.-.. wh .-a
1 trcjai(iiing ar.oll er tlay bo-n : ar..l at t v.iil ht-.-,-a;'; r aa-.u a ; ,.-: c" 0 -..' n .: i ii
liighl Ixv fees the hiiu'o my ft.mil v Iht- l.:lo:y. "1 1 -;i u. :;. - Mi.a ii
gering on the Mntc peak .m Ol.l Sol it:g. t no! all i! ;.t ..its." -. 1 1
retina to his rest in the wtttry ,Vep8 of 1 lion w-th l'ei.c.::i g.ive-n.nei-.ts at- oi
tho great racific.
Vpon this ri.lse and almost unco-'.ons- ''f- 1 ";g o-tia-a p.--e. S . the.
ly imbibing of Ihe Mirnoiiiilin tn'aiilies ; t.eaie.v rev... :! 10:1.1 ' 1; -w si a; .-vi--.fi ..s
are mull thrify faime; its l!..nry IM-j !"' 'eN .1 seri-n tr.-n'.h- o-twe-a lite
' Ix4se, L. A. and A. I.tcry, C. Ibiwcil. : t t-'reat I'.-a.-iisli spe .ki-ig ni-1 ie.
Colson, V. 11. t'omett, John and '" P'srt n:e t-.iy. 1 d . I -i -.e
Wm. Lewe'ling, Messrs Shaiim-n mat 'l.at Ame.iea a a 1 K --l.tiid a ill e..r.'.-'.i
, Warnock. and aenvs a brunch i-f fleai i'" : !, w t-h. T;t- i I -a is cat. f-
rreek and nearer the nioimlai.is, J. 1'. ; 'isir-. Ti.e n.a'te. i.i. I h.t.e : 1 1 1'
' Myers is carving a home out of this wtxl. i t'm-1 a satft.t, s -. ut.-m ! 1 it 1. p.t.-i
, To tho right, and r.ot obs.-rv!.lf f.om ; i-s eom-erned. i". tit- cm 11 .1 11 . ia
' the road, M tne fins farm o, A. M. Sbib- i sessi-ci. A:d i ' the-,. m.v:-i1 st-t:i-.-.t -11
' tyt jut' the ipt -'-ion we v.ii! give 1 i 1 1 th k.
The iHtoplo qf tlvs fuvorl liH-a'.ity arc i The o ily s.- i.ct in, -,-ial tr 1 '.e v a .
thrifty, ronseq wnlly proaix-ro;;, intehi-1 ha 1 d-tring t;-' y -ar h is i en w irh aa
' gent wi.1.3 awake i-hizn. Th ty take an arcby an j socialism, int... !a.v I int.. t.ii
' active intere't in the affairs rf tiie world j c Hint y be the i-n-1 if -ha- I, tr i'.i
and keep well posVd i-omvrning the n et some and I mg -. :s el --it s .f E 1- e
' of the world's doings. Tlieir s, -hool lions- J a" " i''!y. v. i.o , ,a.:c ant-.ng us o il ,- f.
' haa j ist lieen lilted up in g.l c!i:t;-.y, '.''-e 'h-ir !ih -i'v .11 '. ,ak in tii.-io 1
' and they se negotiating for wat for th,- ( "-." And we m-i-t tea. h tit: ! t!
' Mine. Just now tney are niivt one em-1 -'e'f.e: t t!.at .Lev catni--t ab-i e the l.h
' ed in the question of transportation ami tv wi.i.ii we e ii -a I ! .la 1 bvf.r. c.v
re tilanniiiiT to taku active steps tn in-li". .!n..ni.te : o:ah an t -ia! .1:1,: .- ci ;
tluce a rail road to build to connect then.
' with tho great throbbing puis of corn
inerre. Should they be f-.tct-esmii!. ami
it in only a ouei-tion of tini'', SaringwaVr
ia destined to take vast str.' lvs f..r 11 '.
td become a rich agricuit'.iral section,
the slxt (o. ;i;i:-.s.
Congress eonvenet Mond tv next. A
thin seion is the last before the jeesi
' dentiul election, and will he p;o!-ng !
' till after the actual campaign has bonr.
much interest cent -rs almt it. It is ex
pected that material for the commit urn
1 paign will he formed, and the dominaat
'party leadjm have lang been l'sikin.'
' about for uieiiMjroi caletiait.-d to find
' favor in Ihe cues ..f voh-rs. IIu.v we ll
n,,.. 1 .... 1.. 1 t..u ... 1. . .....
nd judged by thcii actions.
;' rt. ... .t: ... ... 1 .... 1 :..
Jim nu.,1. ..oi-.. ....... . ...... in;
ahlch the people are m.rst di;eci!y hitcr- j
' ested, is that of a rrdc.ction in the rev
' enue, and vet it is one tliat the paitv a;-
...,....i... .i.i. r 1 ...... ,1.1;.... ti. ..
ll,. m.ior-ilv ..film .r,,t;,.r,,rlv f, v.!
or Hitch a tneaNiire as the .Morrison hnr
' rizonial rrdtlction b.ll, i2xsalmoat with
out Baying. Thin wing, led by Carlisle
' may uttenipt to carry out this me isurc, j
' but the Kandall wing is said to have
'ailheien y. These will not sunnort tl a i '
. . 1 ' . .
- free tia.le faction unless usstit cil (.1 a 1,0, -
'abareinlhevoi.-e that controls legist., -
ffkm and without their assist .inc, the
'other wing can not even organize tic
'House. The fust contest, Ihercfoie, is
Jikely to come, unless their shall ba a
previous understanding, over th rvgani -
cation, and it ii-snlt will be watc-hcl
jiitli intuii'st.
- . .
.Uhe forthcoiiiinir ( hristmas niim'itirof
llarpir.' Slagazinil will ls the wA
Inrincelv descendant of itsroval line, will,
the noble bl-s,d of manv kings,,: thought ' '' '""',:l'" " ih" ' ''
'tl.robbinf.tsa-teiies.a-idMchlv decki-d j 1 ;".'- l'IMt a. ben-g t.ain.-.l
.nnoilo... nltir,. ,.f lllnulr In;"'"1 ""''llo'd an bl-comcs a lial.oa
InointofattittcMvereadiiuatid l.mi i ,nt
drawings it t ikes the palm even from the I
. previous holiday numhurs of "f lie (jiai.t
I'of the Monthlies."
Harner'a liazar mid Weekly came rut
n moKf IihihIhouiu numbers for Tliatiks -
giving. They are rich!)' illiistral."! with
engravings euituhle to the season mid
. filled with even better reitdiiii; tli.m u u -
al, if that he K,ssib!e.
. . . . ' .
It la wise to provide uguinst nmrgei -' hoth civil i,:id K.icre.1, wt.ieh were plant-
el which aro liable to arise in pveivi'1 Kv t':l . aa t na! -r- I by the t-.-tiof
I.tmi'y. In sudden attacks of cold, em p.
('asmath.ett:., a bottl ) of Ayer's Cherry
IT - rio ,U (V fnt.i S,rv!- It iU
" ., ....
. " - .. ..
W.A.Mil.htn ol'tiie M
K. Cnreh.
1 !' - thanksgivin.:.
,,,n - ,m,m' nave .
wn-twi. Ta. Ur.w tnjifsho u
nl numerous i!i.-t.i)t 1a tlio hr -torv ,
vl'! )W hnstwtity. whaa.
i11' wv.aire.l soma u'.:ia ueknowhv!;:- j
;.ram.. a uaorhy an I prov-j
iila;it'.al t::e; posilioa. la thv hi-lo y o!
"'' '-.whea th-.v h.U hee:i
".v "l-'-'1 h:tveMnee t.v.t, t.v. i.um, :
I'Sfen, :... 'V.ien tner. h t.l j
'" 't narvoH. :n e. ,a o, u, ,
;wi''e w-.v 01, 1 -re 1 io "o-o -laie.) a ia-i" j
u' "'-lU : " -'"'''y' ''"!
P-opietata, housa ot t.v U.r.l. ,
ami cry mi.o t:.j tuetr v....t. in.
't i"a.i..s.,M..; m-;m,v . c aio.v ,
"'''Vel tw hmvtivil 1 -x:.v-t,ve ;
o.: .;, by atew br.f.v l'v;.,. ;i
"'-y sUo.-.m o: Ma.M-eu.-. a a . 1:
hvam-? an ia-tai.ti.vt, an.l a-l:;. o.
r:rviU iui;,vt m.-e, in
.rwovet w.t;. fie
r; . . ... .. , ,
'"" ol "t: u l"
S-"" '' tJ'f-mf.:,-, the I ,
I Pi-..-..,h!y a;My i-.a:.o:!.o; p -. .. ,
i 1,10 :". Ur.s .1 iy. to rea l r m.f ;
M'w' "l'-'1 r;" ;' '
"bai.ks-iv,;. n.ia vveiv.lay ..Ito al .1.
i -' l,-,r.v ve:i.:i y- to u;.v we. t;e,
ica.u.l ,;.': :, in.. ... -.eiy a .n i.i.t.. 1
! hut a-' a !)..'!-.!, a:, i tiiaiik il-vta a p.-,.;. '
t'slant n.iliaa. lo rea.l.'i to Uiai a fee ,
1 t.it'l.; -.( a
lit oae U'tite.i;
i . . . ,
' aafon.il .-:! ;t. l.i ' i;:!:-.:'.i:.'ii;i i- i
"It lli.-r,-h a ernae , ; il.-eiv'!' ,ie '.a.-.a ;
alt tii-e train oi hum...! vie
;I 1 ; ultl" h
;llu' :'l-u' "I'-'." ' s.
"l -' furat.la.i-e e.i ; e tn in
;l,,v , "' v:,
; t.l I'
, :. so -t o-i ;
fait I!;..!
a lae...
mi, h a ciiarae
ra 1 ta. a::.'ii a itn tr ,:i!e-
!.le a'hl prop.vtv watao.; ne-. frg a i- -t.tlitih,ll"tit
,!. -. e! :". t'l'e laiiet I ie t :
!i-"i, tnat til'- is 'ova for hat o 1 lia;
ai this -o'. l-ii i::w 1 ' t i 1 . 'i'-i.ra-i- bo t 1
' ' 1 .'or lh lib r'.-y .r .-.j .-. , ! at tl. .!
j ii'-c.!;.- !m ii 1 a'n . s :, -a I in tlie i.:.
'r'e.-t, o. I: a 11 1:1 tv -laro, ,1 . ,1 j , .,r
il.jl'y. I-i'i'M..- li... Ii a ii ; a.-l -.-' 1 :.
man by li: g c it e! -r ia! F itii -, -v. - -
Aluii.'iity fia! h is u f..r:ii t'a it w'a-r-,
v -r mall is f 11:1 I It" sh ill b fee . T ..
lay w I-i-ii in tii saniijii .,f tint li1-'
rty for wiiicii tii e fa'.ii --f tal-r.-.i iVic'
!. u v:.'! -d s, t..i-;n.v!y a 1 1 to . , . T
day w : i-i! in li..-mid -t nl tint f; -r civ
il ization. i.ieii i !ii . n;ti.-.til an 1 n -coming
of ti. int-.-ii t-i.tl 11;".- a t I 111-1 ai
jxoviT of thu . wh ' h 1 1.1 i-1 d 1-: 1. 1 a
lies iion.Mtb t i i rj
I. IV "ten .:
-r' cp.. j l ! 1; ,.t.
! ho-i.'!.t. tiie right ..?
tho I a tv of each in
la ii 111 . 1
, . ,. , . ,
' : - t: '':i' ' '
1n.11 i.s a -. .11 " . . 1. r - 1 . a 1 1 . 'a
i.igin' t d of vtrt'l '
an I .; 1 1 ie' 1 1
ia-t."f am, ..! t..: 0111:1 iy -a ia.
ia-lilif.ion of il.ii 1
l""r'! ''"-His, s!,( ,,.- ,-r ,.-
have c -a'-1 I 1 eaisi. H.Atii s-..ii.i f
irp-"co iiioi'. '.! away .a i 11 in'ia i i n
from th- bo 1 an at ti. la'; j'l-'. b-ri . t
they hick -d that viilue vv i .I' ll is in li-peii-fable
lo fee -!.,hil,1y an 1 in .ti--ia . n:'
! of all bum. m i-tnpii -s. An I iha-i to 1
I. H. .... .'.v.. ..r I' ........ -,
1 ' ' '" 1 " " '
1 r"5 " -v ' 1 l" 11:1 1
, "Vl"''' " ''' t:' ' '-' " '
: '." h,:' ,"'r-'1 "'M d via.-. i-m t:.i
us aosfiii. wneoitix fl... 1 M.i-g-lir la
(of Ibis ci.mti-y i- i:t tho fact tii.tt evi--y
1 '"''''' 11 1 11 ",nl 1 - - " ". 111 ?I fat -s
I- rcei-ivis 11s ,1 , iiin-.v: .1 1,
pled-zo of I I.i public care for in 111 .ails
aia! i's itiiud. And, the ie'-cis of ,
1 1I01, ..ltd r ! on', riii.'i ,i ri. too.-
1 " ' '
i t.tutit lo our child: en, ar i:it"i-h.. I li
" gm.,aon itn 1
! 1 '"''i'"1 '!'-l '. h-lh far lb",
I wa'ld and for ( 'hni I. iler t-cho .U uie.
' (.... 11.,. ...1 :.. 1 .1 1 .... .
1 ....... ...ion in... :-.e.-.iiu.; 11 01 1. re
j iiilclh-et nlid mind; her jiulpils, for tin
vi, oron.s expo ilii)ii ui ehri-tlau truth
Mid virtue : hr .: ess. for the di!l i:.i':i
I eiilihtened 1 rim -iph-s and louver ,1
: I ""lorn ; and Mich a nation, po...ieca:.i.
; 'Ut-ti a language, mi. h a litcra'tiw: an I
1 such a religion, will, within Inusoi:. find
! r 'sources e.pial to any ctiteipris.', and to
1 any res.11,1. 1 liens glorious irntit'itioii.
l',H 1 ''.'"" ': '!!.l
i" this la,. ! -v ,,, th and inatue
, have taken deevr root wtjl. the progiest. t , c w y( M Y((lUll,Mk ,
,,,n;,,u - Thoy tm ,v,nr,,u w7.'!,.y;ui,!iK:itilte. im w tt.av.ro,, i,u ;
a,ui t'!li!" " ?r y ; ra'a ,h, ,H- i,-to ..-u-.t.-m.!, .uH-..vm.tt:.. '
; Our t.ttst is .n..od;
1 1,11 , , . t r,t:u-it m .h-.".s;:ng. I'iiv",-,'ii.n;, ix :
is. any .te.aiunre t.otn i,t.o .
(he genius 01 mo American con.;ttii!.oA
haw llo.l ; ho;- eajV wo! fold i!s pin-
ion a 1 ! I..v.v,i - .1:1 e nhlent a r rirs.1
U.len Mato. m,.,-
,.,..,-. i-'.i.M a;,.l .. N.S'.at!, a! .-ill
hayaois. W .e wo m o.,k o, a'.,-: I v, a' I
um - n we o.: t tun.t o.' wo..-1
aU roadie, it is :,o! ('.at tut. ,:.ouM
f.va ta iol.to o ir m. Sa'.'.ath. '
.)).,,., ,.ur ).,s, a:.i! eojiiuill ;
.l,,..!,.,! iaw losaa s.l-i.t il!rtt tin v nhoa;,i -
f ? ee to riU-u u..n U.h!
tolha!. "t et my pee., ie ; ,"
!u. u, t;,a! t' v may ,-e-.u.,.e.
(,;';,: !v ex:.- thut we may so.vo v. -,
' 'o.k tiht n n. tow.u.l. a'.l matt ' s
l--.ee.Jo::i e.iM.ti-at uem.y
.as u - p. u. .v, :...-t to .1 ,
we 1.
There a t :,; rnl; te! -Vi
. reft si ,fv t', t:u to ,,
u.ul.U .oI.vhm !,; ft- ut,.,-.,!-,,
K-.. a; i ci.'aa a:iaj u-w.h ! t',-
11 ! me ia h
ht 1 y 11 ,.s
a a.'.-ii . 1.' ."i.-Ut oeea 'a'.,-. -e 1 w ,; !,
a ,h 1 a a . e.-a . a I i.a:u the la-1
a ...; .. - i;m .v-e ;!.. tit-
,! v! iae; ,v . , a 1 .:. a,., ai tvhieh,
he'.; o" .s il. .w :-v, t-..;.:
! ,;a. i , :;i i t. .,!. I ia (ae ate,!, w 11 h
i . t ) , a w . a.i 14 il ;i! la . a :, 4 lairv
s K-av.Mi.. i a - I 1 tti! 1-. ' r .i ll u
t!i I i- i a k 1 ..tie 1 : I b.- .1
,!-. -a -.1 t .t:.t ... -it! -m
t.i-t:;;s.;:v,.t,., a te.e va-i.-ts i -a ten 0
i;,.. .-aar. !- me '. : l'n-r hi -.'.
i t'u- . 1; 1 ..: th. ! ia.'., i-i u ;; -a
;-.!.. 1 :. th -. 1 : a;;-.-a. t'i :
n.iv ree-:ve a new :,'.!.:! a a 1 f..r, I
stau 1 s 1 -t. I ; t
w 1. u! r-;- 1:. i"
' ' ,;.
II'. f
t'i.) ; all 1 v 1 f re.
:-a's ioa i.. i ; e n; ai .a .
' --i' '
t ,:-. t a; : -fa ie y 1 ame ! , Mr I t
in:!:. as vl.cn la y we... ! a! a'.'.i."-s-.-nic
i l :h. .1 t.: .' 1! . :i' :! 1 .; '1
l it 0:1. a id I !l "it " 1 i'.e n, c 1:1 .i:; -
, li.e 1. a'i 1 . !.': t i a m- inf. - i
. ki-s '.: 1. ;..e ' w .'i ch I 1 iy , . 1
'. -ei.ti.di fi ' r -s . .re . ! f 1 li t t:t . ..
a 1 i'fe'ie..- ; 1 v. ri i. V a. . . i-'.. ;
-..is ,.1,-e ml i ;! .--.-. a-l .1- f ;
: .ft I t'.. d '.-e. I t -.a ne as th ,t -'-ie
i tiie I.o I. 1:1 1 I 1 t. y i 1 ' -a 1 1 i- . e
' evy s t -; .' 1 ' . . 1 I 1, r.'i 1 In 1
'a'!.- i- 1 1 - th y.-; i.t "
"P . k . 1 ', : "I -l . ' - I
i.i'fl i m t.-iy a s i ! I-. 1 1 ; ;, ...';'.
cr is o-f hi . w ,v I 1 . 1-e. i . t r 1 : i o
; love an ! n, .y t f, -a 1 . ; 1 -a :
1 1 r i - y -: a 1 ' 1" t.. i.'f w :
; slio.iid u it h - o n ! i 1 ri I ! 1' : , a , '
. . i h 1 : don m : i ;...- ;,.- 1 :i
, '1 ha j e 1 it I ii 1 h 1 1 1 1- . .. r. w 'm
t 1 1 .-..!::'. t 1 ilia, tin - .. 11 , 1
i 1 i'v a -.'.-.! 1 1 1; . ' a a .1 ..1
w !... ii 1 .- a . -i w l . 1 ; ; i
a ru -. a 1 i -a i.l' r - a a . 1 : . . :.' -with
. . c a. .in - 1', a . I v - ,- ,
... i!
.'III I.l
I'I t I I I - i '
i i
1. :
1 1
V 1 1 :-i ;h :'. i. th ..-e t-.t 1.
; as I i.n. 1
.1 ll 1 1 -. .-..' !:!
' p ;,
; f trtv ;' ei .1 1 i . i.l f .
ivi 1 1 I iv ., - iii 1'.: . I ie- : .. 1
r. i ig a'i mi h ; 1, -t ih a. in 1 1
111 .in 111 ,on c.t i ' ! ; 1, na
.1 1 '! . ,-a. ;' i n . s ',
w .ia tai! "I . w ,i,e, W,
iiis n Y " '.h. .if
h-l-nh! -I. a- w 1 -11 ;!,'.-
c-'ii,;.! ,, !'. - ag ii'.-: t ' 1 .-..!-. i i
11 cv ': -1 v. ecu .; ;i 1 ih 1' , .,
i - to... dry, . r Ih .l it i '.-. t. J
ti, - cr ps . : i-a.-h 'a-o:i, :'. . .,- 1
t '' ' ' ,"
v. i:n - - - - i 1 in I i . 1
ta :,.ug c 1.- a:. ! t , !,.. .- , n;. ;,,
tii wo 1 1 i.i-f or tin, '...ii.- -. - -,. 1
in an I I e.r., -t. --a i;-a -.- a', 1 w
.-iie.il ;i e i.ii."
A . I n 1 v. in 1 :i i ;-: ci. an 1 ..' 1 .'I
ii'!l.,' la.. tii .a ...-..' 'i :'.. 1 - 1; . 1
:n.-.- i , 1 -t a-, a .: i, t f . 1 - .i.,i
ta il tP .ei.i a,! I,i . ;.. ... pf,;
w iiio- '.'. , i .' t ,1 '. i'. h 'a w 1 ii i ,i .' ! 1 ' I;
It -a. .as, (; I ,' , --, 1 f , . ,- . , ,
Iii.- 1 ich -s if t!i a :, . I a .ill !... .'.: !
'f ' 1," ..it 1 1 1 . t .,. ;-.f,;..i: ., :.
w ri-s fr. t: f 1 ! ti; 1 ..; I.. . i... ,
s el, " i'h i. . r 1 1 i . i io ,,:i : ,.
' - ' " ' '-I i-..:. t 1 l.s in cv. .'
a -. . an I in c .-. y in .rio.i ; ,.ii-il .'!;,
ant f.a grill' fl
a. 'A i' .. t ,
1 '
'! .I'-,
' l-r-,t I .
. r 1.01
Ih t'
, r : .1
r ,.n.
11- f .r a - I 1
A-, 1 I. I, t
lo- 1 1 .
f Ih
ll. t r .
! r.-t .. el '
:r t 1
I r t
' a : e ! I" li .-. .
In !! 'is I '. t .1. I : . t . . I ... .... .. '
I fir I if,' f i- I iy 14 .. ,. ,1 auh r '
x '.k 1, an 1 f 1 bi'ii i. , , --eiv
k a.,v '' -'" " ' 1: 1 ' ' v-
d I I, a Ih rk-.i.ine, or ,,,Y, ...
. ;' '! I- ' v ' doiy I..'.- ,
o.vr a.-tiv. th-tuk-.-ivIhg ..f i t-i.-.t .
inla-cn I ( I ri ', bv on I -avoiiii;; to
bring m n ii: fr ,111 vl- t a I,: m ...
;, tt!.-; .-. , k ta.. w- f ,.- - ,,i b. ti, f,.-i
b , lies an I lii-ir f ,, :.,!:,., ?.,.
k,:i:. in'o! a - g'o.,mv ah . ! of !i n., in
ko, ,-..-.v, and ktiTiin- .,1! i-a,,
I ' I , .. ..
1,1 " ' K'-' 1 ' " ''-a is 1..1!
n '-i an i
a-i I j' l in the !!
.1. - ,. ,.,,v , iv f .r tie r...
- "f h-m,.,i. l.Yd i . I!,.' t--:t, ..s i, i- in .1, -
mi, naif' I wi.l, cl,.-;.:i ,a I.i , lae , j
hv!,,. .'veiiiiig but t!- ot ,.r,a' ..,,! .
or th go ,.-: ,au ,!-!,..y ,-vi'. Noli,:
Ie' li -la e.m lem 0.. .1 ,. :.i,. . . v,.,' : ,,
1 . . .
inn tru n e.io -li : ., aa .v em. .
"To .ir-.- Ih .r nt a "
1 Mv c iti.n.' to f.iijiil,
".!"'-. " ' l"n""''W
'V -in t -l 's ',vi;l.
Tiien it no d , 1 , ,,',t f,,. ;
w-rlli of Ater's Susan niiia i,s ;l ,l ,,d
iiioilier. Thou. and. .'.,, 1. v . 1 ... 1... .
c!il -d by iis i,.,., will idt-d itH v.f i.-s
1 his r -n d . ernes liver stud kidu-v c. 11 .
l.tit.t, an t ei iid.icafiM every tru-n of iii?;
i.-fro:ii Itui svstei,,.
s!n 1 . 1 .... .,,.1
i (; Tr e o.-gli -, i'im, nntd -'ihe ,-ii
Ml) mad I in en...
-HI T Jl - I I); ,1, ;n U. ( , y ,.g
Mo:,., I
(l(.W0;mlM ,. ..,,; ,,,..., ;,,,,(. !
,,,,,,., ..Ahw i,.til I. k,.,.l
' health v su'il ct.,t o: all ..le-.tttcii m ami .
' o.iVi:.-'v 1 . itV'hv t!-.t t-i
( v; ,,, . .k,,,, ,;.M,
t ,jilvlt( t,;Mll.!lU .
. , ,, , .... '
!ii!v; a;i 1 la'
. ,1 ifUti'ttWv aa.l
' '
(;.v"u'in ;vn,,) ',;
' '
i'so oi !'., -'a.v'a ,
. i;,;. nl knovv'lhiHi
a'. I t'li asouN oi
! 1. ... i. .... !.....,, ,
( o,!ivU a , ,(m - U
x r , ,;
iam i
' ',' .. . . I
!y It O'U.l.t
!':; .Ian .
ie ra "
If th Mvrr b.- Oj IO
K w. ls are.via ty.u.al.or if the stoiiuwh
fails top.'-, ferui lis (rau-lieus properly, use
Ayor'a Pills. They w luvluatU.
For some v.virs I wa vii-tini to t.tvur
0.-i.iilaiivt, in iviiM-.ia.-nt'o of wlil.'h I
saT. i.-,l fi-.uu tM'sii-r.sl iH-hility mt'l Imlt
K..iiin. . t.-w le.-- ( Aver's Pilln
ro.-n.-.t'.t t:u- 1 j'. il.'.,t tioalih. W.T.
tii .shiney. ttetut -io:t, W. hu
I'.ir y. iu-t I l e e rvlinl morn tp.n
Aer''i'ilU t'.:.n an; thing cU. to
inv hewetii. Tlie.' Pilln nn mlM In ne.
tten. ami il.i thetr work tt.rmW. I -
have ns.-.l them. wi:l p-.-l i-lt.vl. tn
..ts,. of l;l.c,miatis.u tvn.l t'vsijwut,r
Ii. I''. Milier, AllIelMiou..!!, Mas.
Avi-r's Pi'ls ,"i-.-,l i'.i of Stomach nn.l
t.K ..nr. ...:'... Ii.'ia w V.cli 1 1'ti.t sitltar.al
for vears. i 1 .-ti-;.l.-r then: the t'est ptlli
made, and oa!.l H"! 1-c wi;in'a! tli.-lil.
- Mert-w Oati's. i,wn.s V.
1 was mat k.-1 wiilt Palii'in Fever.
which was 1-:'.,-.,'. I lw .litauilli'... tind
was so .'..in r r.'i-.i'.y 111 that t hiciula
. I ..... e .......... .v ...v. I 10!. Ill.t. tlC-ll
takiiti Avcr'si'n'.s. and n rcRamrd
my cusioiii.ev ireti-;il and 'or.
John 0. l'tt. m. Lowc'd. cbra.sk.
Last rpring I snfercd tr. ally from a
f.-.'ulU-.'i:i.- l ain. a on inv -ule. lnspila 1 1
of .' cia . lai ore ilc.si .".'.I'tio:,. It in-ci.-.i-ii'-t
uia-l ihe l'. sit tm-aiii,' .-i.ur.'ly j
raw. 1 u ... inuiM. l, at llicsaino lime,
V ;!'a lua).e e. ioa,. in .lil:.sui..s.-a'ag p.tiuiu , ,
Tho Bowels.
It,- the n-'vi 0 cf 11 ft i.-si l I I'. -tn taking
Aver's I'-.Us. In a short 11 1 was (no
loan luin.niy f...l.h. in .l proTly, iltj
.u ui h ely oaaiii-iici-.l lic.tlinir,
a. 1, 111 l.-s,Vn- .'it.-month. I was curtd.
--si'iuaicl I. V. hue, A:l..nt... ll.t.
1 hue l..i; 1 1 -. . I Av.-r's Pills, in uiy
( imliv. al,.l l-.-hcie lie nl to tho lx-.il
I ii.- u..i.h.- -s.C. la:deti. P.ir.lcii, Mis.1.
M . if., and litile git I wire taken with
1 1 !ait. rv a :.-w .lav s ue". and l at on.
l .ai iti ci in." tU.'iit stiia.l ilo-.-soi Amt'
I'll,., thnik.i. I won i.l .all a t'tr if Urn
iiM-a i- In . :.!. ioiv wuric. In a hort
Ian.' t.';c i.o- -ly .ii- hai v" - t..p.l, all
. 1111 v, at .0, a , and ii. ..Itii , us r stored,
Plavu-'re Lsiittg, Pa icia aid, Va. tt
Ayer'c Pills,
1'tlMr.d'-, fr-I l'.Aier!ll,I.iJ1lll
.o) I liy i,.i .-..f - lit -t.lt. luv.
- V
Il.'i. ;;'ii.'r..ir
li .
... J . w. 1 '.
. r i h a :
: ; :::m;
'. i . ' . i . V
. 1 '. 1 ! : . . .
v i. h ; i i; ..::
, i".:: '.,
1 ! I i : i i i:
il :ii- ::
i! i:'1;'.:
I- I -
1 1
.1 i r a Iti 1 1 ,
,., - oe 1, , I
' . ',. ',e-
- 1: ti.i ..;: .1
L J h O i fv.3
"? -- -.- a
. I I :
'.y u L L :. v...
cr - " r
V.'. U ' J iM 4 IJ
. - -J
fT-1 fir.'-. I .
wi i, i , : 1 i ,
I. . i . .,
it, na. ...... .... J .
, :ii:-.'3
111 ,
' cr.c:A:;
.7J--.. .
,.- ; r:v:3
e I f,,r vr.l.
1 "l "-in.
'a i i1"!
1 l .f f. ... 1, l.I. iuih,
::-.- .::u::.
niBi, i,e..ie .. . :
biu.i, o ... v 1,
fi.n.ir.n li-a,
rniii.il 111, 1 ,
5bun.hu-., .,t-
i:Tfij.r'-... ; :r:
V'Mii;ihvj.:,:; 1 .
i.a.. , 1' ;....',
eoMTiwra, -.."'! trt. ::i
A 2.,
. v.n .i.i.
CAaloenMaDdrrioeliUtiirn rir.'&'.Uuitmxa.
11. 10 1,11. ,.-
nai 1.LLI11 1tL.1t .vti...
It i, h . Kl,mrl!v rxi-uwl dealro;
...... tv .W..v.i i,i!ti, h,.,,.,,., uwtM.ii
IU :he r.u.'m.t hmo,-thai. lk tor ,-it-!
.f l;,tU iiih..hMnt and over. an..1
"t lovof limn i.H) lot' ollun' ,'itii',M, (i,.l
tU ,t Co eounlv li.oo ho at .U. !
with a lo, at .f..vi..; sht.il ir lo;
the keady law, If il takes one bill or a
lt:t be I t cie-er th grou.i.1, it tdtoidd ,
Ik-...tl..:,.!..,! to hv t!u. l,n! 1, I.lat,i:v. I
T!f. l.ill or l.ii!, I.ouhl ho . ,1,h. tlutl !
,1,,.,. .i , ..1.1 . ..... I
they w.l! l.ol.l v, aloi .oiatevniai,.
TaU. r nt.'t. ('mii
iiUl tor tt.t -1 . m wiirij
"o:$oit, tit ii- hull Itie-,
li-5.w. I
V !'.,)':!i I rat f's 'o.!c
l l ('.,' la (;., r ol t'u' l'vr-ii (
'I J 1 in Kin-.. !. .... : I 1
N 'ti.'. h,.r,..v j h.-ll t v Hi," Ill .1, f.fsiinl
i'mi In- !. Inn -I it,l,, la Ii 11 l- 1
; -I'-U- . -a ; 1 1 ( V;;r; .H , I H h III I. f .-llttl XI (4M
. . I , i-t-u-.-'i 11 har.i.i r a. r 1 I i-i.' I 1 i," hi' .1 I-1 in j
;. r a, . .. v. a i-. j-., i. h i, in1 .-l o 11 1. 1
u i-i,: in . ,111 V 1 'l ai.' 'I.'-.'!'-' !.' nr. I 1.. I
; I l- . V I , hv.- 1,. 'I 111 I , i.il.,... ,- , ..In ,t
ill..-.. Ml IM.-M. '! 1 lV III I ',, Hi j
ia . I'm';'. . ia-",.. ii 1 1 -1 1 u- i-i. (.-r '
(v..;....: n i-'i.ii m v in n-- i r. I'll 'u a a.' il I
t'i a. -i 1 .- V M K KI-.-.K I
; aaiiiiiii.il. a. r
1 , IV; 'a va .-, . ..? a., s .. ,.r i
' . IMS' ; l V, i -
1 All ... 1 (A fain! hi t.
:;T"s rrrm Rr:r.?i
; h:l' ;l ftiii I ill-." t.fs-ll-it-t-;
1 1 v !,. ii-.. li.wi.i-. t 'ill-.. P. MiiH-ci
iM.-t! I'm -i .si i-U kiiflv
: "-i-y,
t a:-
t pit j
(' j oitV i'.l .V! if:! Uf. N f - :
!,.-(.' ( l ', r-; , M.-i 1. t(-,)(e
( 1. .,-.) ,
f 1111 1 p if.-1
i'.-iil!.- I' :' I i.i-V
i l
" ,
.1 . 1 ;i ", .1 iU I
, 1
1 -; oi ,i
!! -1; ,v'ii
. fit
1 1 . . , 1 .
''' ''. 1 111
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1 ' -
I ' '
f 1. ill
tr. ".in:.- '.' - t
' 1 . Vi li.iv.' a : ,
h.'-'t D.t-; i'i I,)' !. !'. 1
1 li ,
i ti . ; . it i .... li o i .
L. .... 1 - .1 e".
1 y
. . .f ,
1 ..
1. 1
.1. , II .'!., I i I .11
, I I. ... I I
I 0.1 1 . . t
1. ; - 1 1.1.
'',v; V,,M
1 : I.-
1 ; t -
1' -r I -. I At
1 ,1, ,1 1. I.--
' I-
I t 11 . 1 ! 1 I l -I
v ,,.. ,
' , i" r
'. I t
1 ( i
11 I li a-
i..l-f.r-r ..-.,.. 1 1.,; Ill
I r ' io a ,11 '-;..; n , .
11 11.
a rv
i; ,:(i.K
I ' ra t ti' ..
It. I' la
r- I n t,r.
CO -
"i'n'n riJjhi I'hrr Slon'c
.i...;"ialc l-i...tlv.'1'o (land hi ,
' '.'' rt? I -I trout i.r!i..--(. i 1 - ' I
I J la f,.- I to'. 1 k a, . ' j-
11 ,. Mi,,; ...
-'.; ;: f'.t'.lmn f'Jiwa C-irr..
i f: I'-;; !.!. fp.'.vi cai: ; v.rs
'1 I.i.-ii 'h on i:.;i,c,i Tiahis
( 'orxcii. i.Lcnv,
S. St. I'.U'L
V HI' 1 111.(1 . ii 1 1 ll.it v cu t. ,,.
" 1 ' P ':
I fr Km F11, 11
-n, p . t H micl
I'' a ! ri',i-i- p alicil ru lii'inli" id na, hk an
. f -,.- r . ... i,v or . I, Mix.ai ii '
""V:.. '
' ".'.-.'..
.:. !. r. a.
, w, li. cioi.ro.M.ii. 1
1 Weri'l. .13.MMir. '
runt. 1
1 m WEAM J Art X,',l
; Hi)WMtiv
of C:.o
i'V t . -f n
I" : i ; ' ! .
- r , :; '
- : : - r.
.1 f t' : i . ' ' . ;
:: o ..', .: : vc
t.i 0 j: v ; ; U-.:n
t . i- ;
i i iiihil, I 'iui, . 1.
s.i ... I
, 1 1
t-fv lia'iit
.'.:-i I-. .11
li-.,. a;,
f !;ti. il
I!'). !i
I. 11 1
ia : . i 1.1
1 ...
1 : i s 1 1 . . a ' , 1 i' in 1 ' f fu i . m y -I 1 li'lti, r l.auult
iii 'ii'i.f ii li 1 1'tati-! uaif. ai!, will arrivi' u
:ii' at . a if. -r I f v.- en
1 ik t
-i i 'i u iii !- j Li. . ,i nil i-'
I'-' I' r 1 1
1 .- P. . ,.ki 1 ! 1
1J I'-, I'..! ..
! s . . ;
I : . lee lie ;
I .' Ill . . i 1 fit- ;
1.' Ill a ' . ..a l.i us.
I. ! .t.,.. .11 I la- a .
I I': i'i r., .. . I I ;
t - - - : - , , . ,-r.
I I . . , P. . , .
II. ..-' : :
J i', . -. .a - 1 .. . ,
i 1.:- . V ; i ' i I : . .: ii;;-
s!Ni liii; -iiWiN ; m.i- iiii'. t
i-'i 1 t ;'i .1 , 1 lint? i u i'1! I'
o.l i'- 1:1 -i-''.s.
t:.;.j r.-; ; c
Ihi.i'.ii l.-.t .f.d .0 .,!!.- .- !, c t ..
t.'-' lllt.-d I "111 lli , i .-. 1 , ; I ... ,, . ,
.-.I.e. I'.'t ;.- 11, 1 I '.ia -i 11 . ...
I' i',1 I in s,.,., , . ,.i,..
I 1,0 .'.a ' all . I I... ,. 1 I 1 it 11
o; l!io 1- il.- I la ,-h-h . d :...., ;
11, ik..
1 .hi 1
- rank a. I.; ' i,.
pi. I t ", hv IJ II I
atidald c 1
? f s ' I ! 1
AroGtill in tho flcll xjiVi tho lar josS -
iJl-CC 0:
Dr ii-' fiir.i:lv:ir, Notions, &c.
, Jn tHVll W'c ll.lVi: ill -1
i fui' ,,'ir
Wliicli will Ik In llit iii!cr..
CI l !!)''
D hi V ii- t', . ,! a i P- 1
Tli'n .".'n-a Inn pirt:!-.j Ameri.
mil 1 1, -.-. : I t nn.l lle fr.:;. i.a.lt., (0
orenn, ii Kih il v.-J:!i p.ii .i ,..!,.t.i,M
lilerilti'rc, I. 1 I Cllll I..! 1 ' y vv-.
C'UH ai I'I 111, f einily ( h; , ,
Mi:t- acc.t.;;jAKAi.;KAii.
Summit Cop-I Cf re o;I ..,, r p , , upun ,
'' of Si . Il.uk I, i" h.r e, J 3 c!$.
t'li 1. .,1.1 la , 1 1 .1:1 ,.t,;j; r
Acttirr ',1
v,.h.iva v. :v.:, r..';-;,,Crj,
ih ) .'I 13.5 ..Y." rl N'.., N. Y.
: ".'.
'.. ii,- ;, Mil ,'f3
.' -'''('-' '3 ifl
:.;rcT.slng to r.n.ount
I: ttvutSci) to a ( uocs. Threo
e:-cni''cr r.f, trc, who:i Jar
ccun'c: Uj (ii i'n'isrcotcd
; uc ss tin of.r.io numbor
to t;rc'.T.o:! Ir y lot.
1 j 1.
'IV t, an ! 1'it a!;i'.t-t S-l, t-xtr;t
lid I'm. I ins M-t j.vsitiN it
'1 iiiii-t li.- . , 1 :i (,i )(. a..rc-
. 1 .- . . 1 1 t
, u iih .ultl.ti- 11 nf (.tlii-r
' i- ii ;f ' littliin;' lf iv wiii.l iw,
I V .:
I.' 1 f 1-1,1
-., i..,v.l.
on I , a ,
'.I li.!io;
I t
I .- 1
1 i. ; i..'- ,
: ci p i -
1 i , l 1 ;
'.' ..e, , ,
: , i ,, I . 1 1 p ,i
I 1 1 1 1. 1 ''',,
.' a a - f ..1 .
I e.i l !. -a.
, or .
;.uMif arc wt ll
'.V aav n-ftliis
I I 1 Uli'- I
' 1 1 ' 1 ' i I : t ' iti . 1 . -.f I 1 li 1 ;ii i'i u- ,tf
. ' ' ' In.-.. .. I t, w.'h in i-Il. 1 Av and
'' 11I i I 1 ' 1 m .,:.. I... iiitifally
: c 1 ! I ' 1 .f f 1. . ; . , n ,.; . ,,1 . 1
1 1 1 ' '' c .-f h - lo. Vno'tii ,'i reprint
' ' I 1 - ' I.' 1 e a- I tin 1 1. llul-t , a' lonn
. ! c I . .., ,,-i I A. I, j !e 1. il in 1 1 . iroat
l.ii'.'.i'. - . S. ; la V1I11 uc, iiiio.'ul
..v... v..-. i :.-..)
c 1. ... ii I m m ' -i ;; .sh) of
uf al
( t:
i '. 'ih' p.ir-
I'lhO-.V, !(!',
M da sir.-!, I..-.,.,,, fy ,11,1,,
' '": ' 1 "' l.l',M '. Wine. 4,1 I f,..p.
in 1 11. en
s'", 111 mi l try lm nm. Ililll.rd
on,' 11 : 1 ,'il 1 1. r on ie.,j., auU
J. IK'.MiU 1 Hi
I'r i-rl.tir. "
I'o.hi A
II, I'I Hi.
1 i" e 11 uolliiiu s 1 Main to nun, if f 1 10
' nl I en ar,. t,oah!'d wilh coiigliHiC.itdH,
r laehilis, I'n oiui iniit orcroiii, as"Tli,i
' nil I.s i'oiili ;;yi',ii, ,it Cliiirman llros.
l-'-f ill If.
I ' I
: , , s 1 1 im ran.
''' 1 I 1 1 aces fi ,-ltiv.,li,,.,.,t., !,,
'" ' ' "'' ''.:''. ho. I. In.piire of
' --' ':'. uu cs limn rail
It. to ClIOM.
Pectoral will prove a nmr U ling "am- "r. . neoiiK. 11.1v- wt u-
jjle, hdisi 1 11, .. y . m.iriy a to,-in, n I
(i ' 'I .' 1
O.0 .0.I ( itV,
j t