rORTI-ASD FKOIUCl! MARK KT. Bhttkr Fancy roll, f lb 81 Oretron Inferior grade 12 J I'l. k led.. S7 California roll ..r .M) do pickled ! HI CnKKSH Eastern, full cream 15 ft 80 Oregon, do 11$ 10 California 1 Kuns-Frash fc!t & Dried Knurrs Apples, qra, sks and bis... 7 8 do California 8 Apricots, new crop ISC' Itachos, unpeelcd, new . . . I2ft U T. am. machine dried Hi Pilled cherries lilted plum, Oregon...... 11 Figs, Cal., In bgs and bis. . 7 8 Cl. Prunes, French 8 (4 W Orpon prunes , 10 1JJ Fu)v- rortland Tat. Roller, f bbl $ Ml Salem do do 4 f0 White Lily bbl 4 iS Country brand 4 25 4 S5 Snnerflne 73 Grain Wneat, Valley, 100 lbs... 1 12l 1 IS do Walla Walla U'til 05 Barley, whole, ctl t W do grou d, ton 20 01 &25 00 Oats, choice milling bush 40 (4 45 do feed.Rood Wchoice,old 43 ue Rye,100tt8 100(8 110 Fbki- Bian, ton 18 50 (e20 00 Short. ton 20 50 gi 50 Hay, V ion, baled 18 00 Chop. ton 25 fO 27 SO Oil cake meal t ton 32 00 fc83 OC Frkmi Krcits Apples, Oregon, V box 1 25 Cherries, Oregon, fdrm... Lemons California, V bx.. 4 00 5 00 Limes, 100 1 50 Riverside oranges, V box. . . Los Angeles, do do . . . Peaches, box 1 00 Ig 1 f 5 Hides Pry, orer 16 It, f lb 13 14 Wet salted, over f5 tka 6sa "i Murrain hides one-third oft. Felt 10 1 00 VRiKTABI K3 Cabbage, rib 1 J Carrots r sack 1 00 Cauliflower, f doi Onions 1 5 Potatoes, new, ? bush .... 1 03 1 1 Wool East Oregon. Spring clip. . !4 Id Valley Oregon, do .. 18 ($ 20 First tramp Sow we've got to divide fair. He. Second trump -Cert, pard. I ain't had nothin' to eat sence Friday, an' you ain't had no sleep for four night. I'll tike th' pullet, an' you take the feathers 'n go over in that air barn 'n enjoy rourself. Tid-BiU. A missionary in Africa found a heathen tribe worshiping an Episcopal prayer-book, and was encouraged to think that his lines had fallen in pleas ant places. He wanted to go home when he learned that the heathen had adopted the book as an idol on account of iu gilded edges after catinj the niissionarjr who owned it A little girl, whose papa was re cently under the influence of Moody and Sankey, wanted a second tart at upper ami was refused it "Papa," she said abruptly, "why do you sing Feed me till 1 want no more?' " She got the tort. "Xice evening." said a jolly militia man to the policeman at the comer of Eleventh and D streets last night Yes," was the reply; "I ara just ad miring the stars?'1 "What particular planet are you stuck on?" "Uranus." "I am not It puts me in mind of the night before last inauguration day when D-ran-us all in." Wa-ftutigtun Critic Comparisons. She glanced at tbe nr. on her Ungvr A diamond which be had placed Uiere ' The stone .bone at true As her fair eyes of blue. And lit cold iraa a match to her hair, fche milled at the thought Iu radiance brought. And whispered In swwt accent! low, "Oh, thank you. dear Fred; Tu lorely:" the said; "M uch cicer than Tom save, yon know r Harper'! Bazar. Maeready was once playing "The Gamester" with the stock company of a provincial theater. One of the charac ters, after giving a description of his ruin by gambling, is asked by Beverley how his ruin had been accomplished. He replies, "They misled me." to which the gamester answers, "They misled me, too," and thereby makes one of his most telling points. The country actor, an illiterate fellow, gave the word phonetically, saying, "they mizzled me." Mat-ready stared at him for an instant, and then fell into his chair, gravely repeating, in tragic femes, "They mizzled rue. loo." LUCKY PEOPLE. Wiaaera ef The Louisiana Mtate Lottery Big Prise. Two of the coupons of the ticket which drtw the capital prize in the last drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery are held by persons in this state. George Smith, a grocer, resid ing at the corner of Fifteenth and Kirkham street, in Oakland, was lucky lo purchase one of the coupous, and now rejoices iu the receipt of nearly fl.1,000 as the result of his in vestment. Mr. Smith has loug been known as a reputable merchant and as a prominent member of several Ger man organizations of that city. The possession of mch unexpected wealth in no degree alTecto his usual equa nimity, and his demeanor under such circumstances proves him to be emi nently fitted to bear such a stroke of gowi fortune. Some years ago, when beginning his present business in a small way, he contracted certain debts, which, on account of misfortune, he was never able to pay. The very first thing that he now proposes to do is to liquidate every dollar of his past in dtbtediiess and again stind before the world, owing no man rnything. In the spring he proposes to pay a luat visit to the fatherlund, and (o return to this country and continue his present business in Oakland. Tlit r.hor coupon of No. 50,2" was old to Mrs. Kam Fountain in company with another ludy residing near Teh chapi, in this stale. In both instances within five days after the announcement of I lid draw ing the money was in this city to the Ci-i (lit of the parties holding the tickets. It is a singular fact tluu neither of the coupons were held by the original purchasers. Tho one held by Mr. Smith was first bought by Police Officer Andmton of Oakland, and the other one was bought by Elinor Stearns, a a telegraph operator at Tehachapi, and by him resold to the fortunat ownor. -8an Pranchco (Cal ) ChrmkU, Sep. 9. WOOD PRESERVATION. TO Method ai(Hrillf Vlnpted at ! Charlratowii Vr4. For many years there wer many complain) and lis.tiisf.,c:i n with modern skips in the navy, Ikvuiko of their early decay, ivsnlling from a law of nature which has never been entire ly overcome. Many unsuccessful effort have been made to do this but thus far practical tesis have not demon strated the thorough ellicicncy of any of them. Tho process of preservation, as applied at the Cliarlestown Navy Yard, adopted iu 1877, gives the most satisfactory results, groally ineivaing the durability of the wood. The creo sote process was applied to several ships and, although meeting all i"i quirement.s as a pivorv alive, it emit ted a strong odor which tainted all the fisxl on board ship, rendering it so dis tasteful that it could not be eaten. For this reason it was found necessary to abamlon this process. The chemicals used in the present methml of preserving do not smell ba I, and after exposure t air or water for a few weeks there is none whatever. It It admitted that this process is superior to all other, and as it may be of inter est to many of the rea lers hero append ed is given the method of timber pres ervation by impregnation al tho Chariest own Navy Yard. "Timber of all dimensions is loaded on cars, w Inch are run into a copper cylinder six feet in diameter and eighty feet in length. A pipe- leads from the bottom of tho coppe; lxiiler to a steam boiler; this pipe is pierced with numer ous small holes to permit tho free es cape of tho steam. Steam is then ad mitted, which will thoroughly saturate the timber, pressing nut tho a. with the exception of soni" of its albumen parts, which, together with the con densed water, w ill runoff at the bot tom of the copix-r cylinder. The steam answers the double purpose of driving out the sap, and at the same time rendering the tim ber, which as found in the mar ket, ran not lo expected always to be evenly seasoned, uniformly pi-opared to receive the impregnation. The gate at the end i f the boiler being hermetic ally sealed makes the huge e Under perfectly air tight. Now a powerful air pump, connected with the eylit dor, is set in operation, fir the double pur pose of extracting the condensed steam contained in the timber and of extract ing the air to form a vacuum. When the vacuum is est abr shod, the copper cylinder is tilled with a solut'on of sul phate of copper, and by means of a force pump a presnirw i f from one hundred to one hundred and twenty pounds to the square inch is applied. After the timler is saturated w ith sul phate of copper the rcNiduum is let off :uul a aeuum is fumed again, and a solution i f chlorid of barium is ad mitted. This forms, in a short time a chenfeal combination with the sulphat of copper, forming insoluble salt of sulphate of bantes, and the timber is ready fr use. The destruction of all wKlen struct ures in salt-water by the ship worm is inly a question of lime wh.-n the wood has not Ix-eu impregnatisl. When the temperature of tho ocean is high this ship worm w ill destroy wooden struct ures so thoroughly in two years that they become thereby unfit and unsafe for ne, and have to be renewed. All efforts to stop the action of these m; cruln'S failed until this priM-ess was in trod net d. M my failed partly bjeaue the nature of some application was either such that they would not enter into the green, sappy wood, or that they w ashed out eaily by the action of the water, and partly b-causo such a plications were cortiiuu to an outside coating, which, when removed fcom any one given oin afforded no pro tection, for worm after worm then en tered ami the whole s'ick was quickly d-stroyed. Even to case a whole pile with sheet copjier is only a temp irary, though costly rvm'dy, for only so long as the w hole armor remains intact and inclose tho stick in a water-tight man lier is il proteete 1. The nature of the process here de scribed Is such that sticks of any length, even when cut the same day. can easily lie im.iivg.iate 1 thoroughly from one end to the other, an I the ery"t ds precipitate 1 along tho inside, of the pores of the w m I, as the r -suit of the combination of the two ch -tnio-als, form a coating iu-ido these pores, w h'ch neither can be remove I by mechanical action nor the aetio:i of ivator, as sulp'iato of barytes U insolu ble in water or aeHs. Soft wool, such as pine, Miteo id, beech, etc.. which, when unprepared, only last fromtwi to three years, has been found when prepare 1 by this proce-s lo bo in good and sound condition aft er sixteen years' service. Itiilroad lies which have been impregnated have been found free from decay after exposure for fifteen years, which testi fies to tho efficiency of Impregnation. Boston Manufarttireri' Gazette. I lie leading hrg Sti.tes in their order are Iowa. Missouri. Illinois, Texas, Indiana. Xobraka, Ohio and Kansas. Two years sgo Illinois had 4W,1.'7 more, hogs than she had last January ami Missouri i'A,KH less, the two Slates losing upward 'of 1,000,000 in number, although fast increasing in population. Missouri was then the third State. She has now increased !n rank to the second, while Iowa lias lost nearly 2.000.000 in number iu the last '.wo years. Si. J.ouii Itrublkan. The phylloxera Insect, which has done so much of late years to destroy the French vineyards, first made its appearance among them more Mian twenty years ag.; and although im mense sums have been expended Upon all sorts of measures for checking its ravages, no considerable degree, of tucccss has vet been achieved- Tho coal beds of China nre five times as hirgn ns those of all Europe, while gold, ilar, lend, tin, copper, iron, marble and petroleum urn al found in the greatest abundance. Ow ing to the prejudice of the people tht mines liavo never been worked to anv extend, it being the popular belief iii China that if these mines aro opened .housunds of demons and spirits Im prisoned in the earth would come forth und fill (ha country with war and uffvrluft Philafalfhia Prti. TOOTHSOME CHEESE. Niilrlllmi t,-llrr Wl.l.h fail II Mail bv Kmy lnllllt?nt tnrmr. There are several kinds of cheese that can ho, made where but two or three cow are kept, and several of them aw delicacies as well as nu tritious food. Fat may bo mentioned the cream cheese, as rich as butter but with a pronounced cheese flavor that makes it quite acceptable as a dish for dessert. This is made as follows: The milk Is put in shallow pans In tho usual way, and at the end of twelve hours lli pans are sot on a stove onl mod raioly hot so that tho milk will warm through gradually until the film of oroa ii shrinks and lie-comes wrin kled. Tho milk must not boil, and when warmed sufficiently it Is re moved from the stove and set back on the shelves After twelve hours it Is ready to bo skimmed, and the cream is taken off in a thick, semi-solid mass. This is called clouted cream, and is often oaten by itself as a delicacy, which it really Is If it is churned it makes a rather flat-flavored butter, but it will keep sweet a very hvig time for mouths, or a year, or more. This thick cream is dipped off from fie in' Ik and put in small wimmI.-ii molds about live inches long, three wide and two deep. Those are laid up m a fold 'd linen or cotton cloth which absorbs the whey which d ains from tho cream. The cream soon becomes solid and of tho coiis'i-tency of now-nude bitter; then tho molds are lifted off from tho cheeses and thes are left to drain for a day longer. A little salt is sprinkled upon the chocs s when ,u" molds are removi-d, and they ai-ii lit for use at any time after draining for tw enty-four hours These cheeses sell iu tho Euro pean an. I English markets for fifty cents each and weigh one pound. Another small cheese is made from tho curd of sour skimmed milk or but termilk, and is a very pleasant relish for a supper or a lunch. The sour milk is set upon tho stove iu the pans an! warmed until tho curd sets This is dippml out into a thin muslin cloth and hung up to drain. When the whey is drained off tho curd, slightly sdtod. is molded w I h the hands into small, rotrad eakos, flattened somewhat, and t'e-sj are packed into a stoneware jar and set in a warm elo-ct for a few days to "ripen," when th -y acquire a pro nounced cheese flavor. By longer ripening tho curd ch.i ige-i to a rather pasty consistency, and the cheeses mav become sticky and coveri-d with blue mold. When this hapH-ns. the ripe ness is complete; the cheeses are scrapel free from mold and set awav in a cool, airy place fir consumption. In the opening process the cheo-e ae quires a buttery texture and becomes t4:. By longer keeping an I exoure to a warm t-mpera m-o, a very good 'Umbiirger' may be made iu this way. An exquisite small cheese may lie made in imit.-it'ou of the N'eufi-hatcl. which i exceedingly Nip:ilar iu the largo ciilVsli-i h in America and Europe. This is made of sweet fresh milk, to which is mlde-l the sweet cream ot the pieioit n. liking. fresh nilk of a goo.1 butier-vieldiiig Jersey cow w ould make thee cln-es.-s without the ailiCtioti of cream. The mixture of milk ai d cream is warmc.t lo eighty degrees and sr.ffii ii-nt rennet is added and stirred into it to make the curd in an hour and a half or two hoi;r. The curd is dipped out very carefully with a strainer, as soon as it i, firm enough not 1 1 br.-ak. and is mi into cylindrical molds about six inche in height and two or three inches in diameter. These m-dds me made of tin; a small finit or oyster can. having the top ami Ixittom melted off on a hot -tove, would make an exce.lent tool. I fir this kind of ch-e-e. Tiie mold., should lie pierced with hoVs to let the whey drain off, ami are placed on a clean fit led cloth to be filled. As soon as the curd becomes firm enough it is turned out of the molds and set on a table covered wi h a straw mat to per mit the still exu ling nmis'ure to drain off. These ch eses are eaten fresh when ten or twelve hours old, oi they are lightly salted. wrapied in parafline pajn-r and kept in a cool place, licit her dry nor damp, where they w ill keep a long time in good con dition. This same process is used fi r mak ing small, flat, round chce-e and oth i rs square or formed in molds of vari ous shapes as tarts nro made, ( h -ese, of this kind are often flavored in v.-iri-ous ways by the ad.p'ion of powdered sage, Seed, dried sweet herb-, powdered, etc., and for tho production of a very rich cheese like the English Stilton, or the Frenc'i Iloquefort, some blue mold is sown mnong the cur l by adding small fragments of an old chocs-. It is a curious fact in cheese, making, that the growth of these pecu liar fungi in tho curd d.-nilops a re markable change of character, pro ducing a soft, rich, buttery texture, and a very pleasing, sharp flavor, without any of tho s'rong ammoiiiacnl odor acquired by some of tho-.n ripened in a warm temperature nnd with out the mold. These blue veined t-hees are highly teemed and exceedingly popular in E iropean countries and especially in K i gland, where tho very fine Stilton cheese sells for fifty cents a Jiouiid, and requires one or two years to ripen before it Is thought III, to be eaten. The fungi doubtless grow In the cheese at tlio expense of the uitro -enous por tion, and thus prevent the formation of ammonia which accompanies a certain -tage of putridity, while they keep tin cheese Hound and develop a more high ly carbonaceous chm-actcr a buttery character by the exhaustion of some of the nil logo. ions elements. Such cheese is highly digestible and nutri tious, nnd while it is a matter of taste, it Is certain that the mold Is not at all in jurious, and to some extent inay be considered useful. Hural Kr.ia Yorker. "Why nre yon so cold and distant to night, dear," he asked. "Have I of fended you In any way?" "All is over between us, George," replied the girl, firmly. "1 can not trust my future to a man who possesses inch wretched judgment. I saw you umpire game of buie-bnll to-day. h.X.Bun. .... A German paper males " astonndlnu ta emcnt that mors than r.tsHMOO k1' eves a' made evert year tu t! r itany and S'wtttfl'land while'ono French house nisli ufarture !M00 ( them auuusliy. VT RETCHED, INDEED, Atw iIiom whoni a omftruu'd tendency to hlt luuMiDaa. auhteot to the various an t cbsnai'ful syuitottislniHcaUreuf Hverwuuitatnl, Nausea, lok headache, constipation, toned tontruo, n unpleasant bnth, a dull or tl arn until in the ncltjlibortuvKl of th anWUd orifiiti. Impurity of thi hl.ntd ami laas of aiinoltte, auiiiallse It as one of the most dlsti-ol"K. s It la one. of the must common of malailles 1 h v is however, a helitin speclile f Hie d'sea "! H un pleasant niitiiifiMallous It Is tlm conciireciil I....... ..f ,k I,H.- Mtt.t Ihrt moill.-tkl united slow, llml lliwiolier a Stomach Ittttem l a imsl li'ln which ne'ilevew nwiuia sHHsmy reu. tlionnuh anvl h.-nltfii. rr lifj iui( liver (Kaonler, It (iiMirrale Hie fe-lii nn ier ni"i mm pmu ii-i -,'inei"""- citiivatem-,ii of those rcowverlna frm entis'ti HiiKiUseaae. Moreover, ll wine (rami iic. uic tor fever ami a ue. The hluhest silver deposit in the world Is on King Salomon's moun aln Oolcradu, M.fiW fool abovs the racltle Ocean. "I WOULD THiT I WiRK DEAD!" Cries nisiiTS wrtched housewife to da,'! as weary and disheartened, she forces lui self to iHrf MNtt he daily task. "It don't siem aa If I could not through the day. This dreadful back-aclie. thwe fvl hlful draiottmi dew n ensaitons w ill kill in I Is there no relict I" Yes madam, there is lr. nercc's "Favorite IVscr'ptlou" Is an unfailinK reu edy for the eomplaluts to which your sex is liable. H will re tore you to hea'th mgfiXn. Try It. All dnu jrists The County Treanirv if Grcenrvllle, (., was roobed of f iJM a A IWallTT TEARS' IXrERIESCE. 770 ItHOAliW AT. X. Y March 17, I'S. I have taeu "usiiix Ai.i ihh k's Tokoi-s rtAsrKHs for ft) years an I found thctu one of the liest of fa ulty medicines. Briefly summing up my experience, 1 ay that when placed on the small of the ba-k i.i.cik u s I'oiioi s I'LAsmt ll I the ody with n rvous energy, and thus cure fatlue. brain exhaustion, richiltty a d kidney d lllcultles. For women and cbll dren 1 hare found them Invaluable. They never irritate trie st Inorcaue th 'slightest fiain, but curs sore threat, cwuy coughs colds piins In si-'e, ba -k or die t, indiges tion and towel complaints. I'. l. Fhkiiku ks "C08Dm0! CAS BE CORED." I'm. J. f. ('onus Oweniritle. 0n. navs: "I haireylren ISratt'a Kanulatan of t'o.1 l.lvr till with tiTKipiHphiiea to fiuir imtionti with belter reauVa 1'iau aeeiiieil poMitilo with any rrmeity. All were hrrtHluary eam- o( l.img (Unease, and attanct-it to inst sise wle-ii ( ouglia, )iain in the clitsi), friviuent hn-a'.l.intr. fmiuelil ptilao. fever ami KitiAeiatliin. All theae ease li e tncrea-iotl in weilil from Iii lo IS tak. and ara uol now uniting an lueilieiue. Pike's Teak Signal Station Is to be abandoned. DAtlUER AHEAD! vThere Is dan er ahead for you If yon ne glect the warnings which n si lire la giving you of the approach of the fe I d sir ycr -mnautnp Ion. Mjht swts's 'pitting of blood, loss o' ap'ti(e -iliee iyiupioun lisveatertili'e meaning. Yc u ran lie cured if you do not wait until It Is toil Isle Dr. I'ier-e'a ' Uoblen Medical Discovery," the greatest bio d pu'ltlrr know n, wi I e store your hxt heslth. As a nutritive, it Is far superior lo cud liver oil. All drug Sists. The Montana Legislature h. rejecUd a bl I for the a ipprriMlon of d vea. Hhlle vlatllnit the M.s-hsnlcs' Fair at I'ortlaud get 'our holographs where they ar uiad ilia beat. AliKI I. & Son, it Waahmgtou hi reel. Ilnir.l l'rl'hralieri 1 have a few of the eeleb-ateil tttf iughouaf Threshers jet, and fur ll- pilCjHeoli-O.'lm ont will sel' the in ou lirxi yev'a terina at Kiiioiii flgur s. A 'so, a few secMid-hsnd ma- hires of other make. Write for Istr rains Z. T. WatiiUT. foot U Morrison Slrret t'orlland O rgon. When y-u go lilV t'and If you reed anything in the drug line ca I on Joliu A Ch Id & Co.. corm r Morrison and Se ond streets as they keep the test of every thin rand tlicir trice are reaairahle. tir sei d in your or 'era by mil , as they make a specialty of udiug goods ty mail and express. joiix A. futi.o At Co.. Drmrgl-ts, Cor. Morrison & "d Sta I' d, Vr. I'be kooI rrpulolton of "lln,tcn'$ llrvnchuil Trorhtu" for the rel'ef of Coughs, Colds and Throat lllennes, bas giveu tlieiu a favorab e notoriety. ra riles visiting Portland should not fail to visit the Iturand Organ Co. a w are house. Largest display of pianos and or gans In Urevon. In Pennsy'Taiila ofi.toicoal miners are out on a alri i e. Delicate disrates of either sex, however Induced, speedily and r diraliy cured. Address, In confidence. World's Mtnary Medical As laliun, Hull' Jo. N. Y. - - Dr. Simmons wants $14 1.UOU for his at tendance on S. J. Tihlt-n. Piso's Ilemedy for Catarrh Is agreeable to use. It la not a liquid or a ami If. SOc. Trt Gkrmca for break last. Cuticura a Positive Cure for V?ry form, of SKin and blood from PirlPLts to Scrofula SKIN TOItTtrilKH OK A I.IKKTIMK IV lantly raiieeed 4r a warm hath with I'l'TI C'l'MA miaf, a real Hltln llraiitillnr, and a alngle amilinauon of ('CTiei'HA. tiie great hkln Cie-e, This repealed dally, with two or three iloM-aof C't'TlcCHa llKMoi.VKNT.the New lllood I'uriller, to keep th blitod cool, the ierspiraliim pare and unlrriUUiiig, the Imwilsois-n, tlis liver and klilneya active, will peedlly cure. Ketema, teller, rtngwoim, pnorluls. Hi-hen, priirittiM srall head.diifiilritir, and ever; HH-fies of tnti'irfiig, Uli-ngiirlng. itehliig,h,:aly arid plm filydlwaaea of Uia skin and w ain, with Ions of isir, when physicians and all known remeiliua fall. Hold everywhere. Prlce.CUTlcims.JOr.: Boap, ISe.i Kwoi.vknt. II. Trepared hj the 1'irnaH IiMt'0 AND I'HKMICAL Co., ItosTllf. MASS Hend for "How to Cure Hkln fiisi-sw-s. ml'I.KH, blackheads. ctiaM l and oil) nkiri prefenU-d by Cutici ha Medleatisl Himfi. HALL'S SARSAPARILLA Cures all Diseases crig-inatini? from a disordered state of the BLOOD or LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial Faini readily yield to iti purifying properties. It leaves the Blood pure, the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the Complexion bright and clear. J, R. CATE3 A CO., Proprietor 417 Banaoma St.. Ban Francisco, WILEY B. ALL! N.( lill rir t St. fort and ,s 3TFINWAY ! Ji ll A HA It. s) I till llS. I ( (iahier, lUuuluh Itanoa: Kur dst Organs, band tnstninimta. largest stock of eheot Muslo ana Books. Hands supplied al Kastsra prices. M. OKAY CO Kt Pest Stmt, las fraoclsta A env V Absolutely Pure. This peasler never vnrlea, A aiarvet ef purity, trvtiirth And li l-"erfiei"t Mwoeiiminuit-! thait Uiw.inary km,l. sn,r eaiiitot he sold In eumfeil. li.n sitlitlio iimliltu,l el low t. -t, alirt weliihl, slum, er ph.whsta polor S.'', only In nua, IWvai. Um.j I'ovii'ra lo., IvkI Wall KUvvl, M. IltMliKctl I'ritr on Hi He. WINCHESTER RIFLES Model ?t 3i W and U cal., round l. 30 S in octairon . lit tW Model 70 U Aland IV. IW. round . 16 ll) bailie, octstfon . IT Mlel Ml Jit, W ill. ID St. A TO and U IM. round barrel . , IS HI Same, oclanun . IT to Win, ho-iler Smule shot Kill s J2. 3S, 40 and iA cal., wUnn tuirrul . It Mcntl fur CataIo(ue, H. T. HUDSON, ft rtland, Oitgon, The Van Honciscar DYSPCNSARY, rOHTUAND, OH Time. ail,Ullc4 aaS eat.ftltUuf aiartUNl aM at.a u b Miirnt with lA)T MiMIHOD Mmkkk iHulllr. Hinrau hmW, SmuIiI Umm t triul lkaiua,Ui4 atoar Cjr -- . laS r- ""or. l" aii aiW INomm, HitJiilUa V i..NrH3,'1 M" Pal tUU Valllu H. Tl.el, t'lear. Kl Iwla ! Mfiir)i. a kilt lul HlA.1,1 tr.KblM Wak KA.-I. Ituibinf I'rtM lii.illua, UU auaw an, 1 iviM ki.J run, fi itm Matk Nrin 4 aiaaalt afldeallallf lIKeiCK-IHH to IR4 TlilHU rIT. YOUR CATARRH Otau. 1o On roc I. Is IXKAI.Lini.EI Ask Your Druggist For It! .VTH n htUnt4 la ro. aliaulaa. tl ALU v, )-un)Uurilif T.i l t: . . , rr - - V TS' Cm viulrO. s'Il - - - nr. i'f-M Cured lu ItmluHu M .till Diphtheria 4 ra, Xenral. sIn, Mradarke, ar I kraal Brrii.n r (Tain. Invaluable- Remedy I Patented Al!l. 1m& !rlc t.f Tr-stniinl. f'Ofl; (Smoke II II. iOO Ii iKlIutnr. fur Internal l ie, !.Oul GAhSOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. CZ2 Market SL, San Franciico, CaL tAyisTiro ef Hurtful laltatioa. On Agnt Mirrriri! ntil' a m esrv town U4 I have ri-ladi'd i Ik-am fur slteen y ara. and 1 eotmidrr jri iir ' T.iii.ill s I'mih Ii" the ln-t ,'c r-iir r I ev ef nw, John W. Aukki, Hriu-Klut, Carlnmilale. I'n. Address. II W.T IVatl I.I, A I 44 k seas A THIEVINa MONKEY. II I nliirkl a flrswer. Taliea 4lul Money and a, auipera HIT, Iii it Iiihim- mi ilie Itoiih'viu il N'.ipoloim, of 1 oll'oll-ii', a w -mi in loi'kml lll linf IIiom-)' ill :t ill -k -mil Mint out lin). iin'; fin lii-r r. turn ahw iiimhimI there liiij iili-oiis. h Johl fii fi ilii) tiirrc ninl a fl am-in ih rr. Them u-aa no te tni :f a li'trjjlw-)'. Vi-IT lll'li-h hru ilillieril hV IIii kc lo him III.' ploil Win ill was ilrr in ictli-rtinii mi l- tlio Miiittrr when him a r.cie of lau , 'liter fro.n h, i liri'llhol's 'll-'li'll. (), tho thief!" ceieil vvi-ral i -i-ions at onre. "Whore has lie stole i IliU?'' The ilainil lie. sceiidi il hula- ilv, ran nut ami saM: "t)ii! in v in i i i-t , Iiii-"iiriii 4; whore N the thief?'' "Hu U lli a tree, init l.' ," p iintiii up In n inotikcy on a hi'h lu aii' h it'iov.i ihrni, "lint here is the iiioiry!'' The hi in If v. who cel lainly 'Voiil.l hr an im alualile niit n lit In a hill'lai', Inul heeti sriMi to clinih lot i the h iinhnv nf oiih nf the gooil hull's i-ooiih, hul lllilnckeil a ilniw re, fninul 1 1 1 - tnoiiey and coiieenl in' ll in his j ml h pi hiimlit it to hi niiKli-e. I liml th a no hi-H an iinlhiirii v than Ii ill'ii .i-rl iies ih it ii fcnmfe cliiiiiian. 'i- hn went out to sei vii o al I.oiiii'o inale the hi'i-i, "wept Ilie house inul so far aniite,! hi the iv.oklii a to tiien the sjiil. M msieiir ile fiean liec, ail ollleer of llui l'l-riich till V -. tells of illiothi-l' chiiiiji iu,.e, on hnai'il a Fl'elirh man of war, winch assists tlm co ik ami ttiemf the ,-inl an it is I finis sail as well us any of the sailor. In China monkeys help In the lea ph kin;, ami Iinl Mon hoildo iisi-il to gravely cunleml that apes ciuilil talk rendily enough, hut that Iheii-superior running lolil them to holil their tongues le-it they shoilhl hn put to liui'il work. ihrcury. Sick with Anxiety. "fioinl-hy, my ilear," litf mill to Ills wife, a tlm hell rantf for all ashore. ''I hope you will havn a pleasant voy agH Willi your fi lemls, hut 1 shall be sick with anxiety to licar of your safe neriviil." "Shall 1 khIjIm fiom Qursnslwwu, John?" "H'liivoni, nut SunJ a postal ard." A' r. Sun. TIIK Oarbi Smoke BAIiL v- In lut-rtMftil 0)MrHfnn RM( Mtrn!Httl mw U vtlt'M of tit Nttiltwt, mlnrttd by THK MOST rKHFMtlif KOI'irrKD KCltOOt. ofM cU on Oaat. ll Pll'm ulviti r cU tiuttmiloit, dty nni twit lug llirtMiglmttt ih yvtn1, Iu Artthmttti, Wrlithd, l'ortimitiliti tliHtk kvrpkitii, ftrmi niui nit i'ummuik SIuh1 ltrnmltm, ttliulttit f all aitvl btith itntt ilmiitiKl ftttv tim. CuKgu ftr, Atmtttig iHtWKO, it4trtt(utt, DAVID COLE ii CO,, Imp rlei ami IVslem In K4M'4, ltailVM V II4HIX4' I'liriilahlnii 4Jwo1a. P-AIHY H'ri'liIKH A NPKI'IAI.TY IU1 llrat Mtreet. furllaml, llr, hi:i:i)h. rjltASH, t'LOVKIt, VKtikTAUI.K AMI VI t'loMer boeda, Klo. Kuv Ijlarilrn Tool and Yrt lllacrs, l- rult Trees, Klc. ISTSkmu tm I'iTAiooi H. Mil. I.Kit tlltOH., ttt) Mct'ond Mlreet, rontsnd. The Oregon National Dank, ' l4HTI.Al. tSitceM,)i bi Mntminilllan Hlii lUnl I l Afll vl, I-AIO IN. - am,iu TntiiMi, ta ilrnvnu li'las IIukIiim. AlVot N I'M k, 'l miIw4 luihtvli HK.I1M KM II.VMIh , I, Ii.iu-Imi aiut N. Y.'tk M aki.h col.ia-rnoNs .m i.,,i.i,i" i..m. van ii u.i ahiimi i r, iiiio ii NAiiKt r. j, l'll'l,ll Vli-e Ptwl'U'lil, ll K HIIKItMAN IMW ri n IRI?.' Baa I II" Mend fur I Ie-tliiil"n and ti. ,d H.olUliA NiitTtt, sa kh ll. n. i.aniih. r.iur uiiiu.ia.'rr. ittttalite fur lirttiui., I.emon, Itivna, l'tneai,lea, tUiiaiiiui, Htraw U'rrleS and early V'gvtal'lK, IV1 sale en I'Miir t-ie.HI. fl Whi pi. l wr aeta, .lams M. SOLOMON, i- N. w. AA i.U ao. 4 lurk ., I kleagu, llla. SSUkf TIIK FLOR de MADRID! Chola, fareat sad Ktxt Dellctoui IEY WI5T HAVANA CIGAR IN THE WORLD. II r.v l at all le.lli (I'aora a L. k.g.smith, ij:r;'.vv? w ' Wu i 4 n i l W T soioAgont. r::xkx PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Oregon, Oif tsrw lHtl ftHU Ks-i'i I. ut . itt-n vlorllriil lithtsf tNilltliLkal taMittfn (ii lit fouttt t4 Kth ti t i UiM4ilf -u tin I'tttno NmUurt tnlui'tif mi.U tr U.M4i llmsii;. fiat l ffliiimm li cmII'Ui, oiIIi'm Km"!", Ugi'i tnHiiriKV, t "t. ri llsUI IllMttH'llttli, IrV'ixttgh tifc.ilwll HlttlstUl JP liitlrl tvi .if IVtlUittl. uit illft., m'Ab lt' tr.i i.h l lUil; tfm mulugit m iif"iuan it, lits J r H UH, I nsl.trtti SELBY SMELTIN0 AND LEAD CO.. Man Francisco, aM A i;f . LJ I I i A s)-i--J SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES BUELL LAMBCRSON, Con'l AKint. T Mlark I'rllas4. Ilr. Day SELF-HEATING Bath Tub. Nu au4 Uf tfva', e- naiin, ym tutaua Tot A -flll.. aiMl.aK Z T WRJOHT. To Msrrltoa it. Porilaad, Or A! 'lralr In Thrc-Ui,, ftiel lleMfrai U.llevff. Ml riWuii. 1aiiu.Ii, kif. Ui.ii, Ik f.t ai,r(l''S r-'i uil o-a. Afi.i t i ih. r. .1 ou tuaiu id AllKSlS ANII.Il CTosOLDlST MtDICim la ths WOKLDT Is Probable Dr. Iisas Taooipioa'l U ELEBRATED EYE WATEll Ttite artl'to'U auffully rs pt.jr-ictwit pf rrll'tstt. aVikti Um III rx-IIBUUtl UaM f 4f Maaftjr OMDlury wmI n-'Ui.Utitltna tii n.aiif uI)m ifHr Urtw lu Imwu tMtn-1'Mwtl litis Ih ussWfcM, Um Mk of Uilfl vUfk M lliiUy lnrr-Mlia If Ut U r rtt-'at rm f.41"rsi l vlil ta tli htk Wlf UttlU tit Natit)i.t f liairlfttis to IU H4ltU John L r , TH Y, N. V, PLEASED. 'Wt rt wil with vry:hUirx i ' rtt ft cuMtmnmt fruia WI Nrt ( nuniT Mi Mi-err? Hiir it mil yu rwviniMinl IL Tl. Uhii frji lw4U U tt efM In -h tlrt)i, Th cliil lrvii mit iltl of tltt H- k mly Tli r4et'4ttt ft r99t nUI il hup. Tll KIll'I'T Krten T ft ft'l hht) trry rnu- h. W mih otrt 4i)n ( bit) if imf Ml lr g ttl'v rnu-h iMiur fitJitf nf fMlt ttiaii htlk. hntl .fnr. It to ir tft bill, hut will tii baour Uit. Manr nf our Hirfiir will ftrnil lo )u tint hkmiOi, ftml ftll r fttltiiMII for ft Ut ifii nnln-- IsMUrnJ pft. h Hnilltll ftiitlftotil ftr l.r Ntiilth't ( ftAth Nlorv. lift ftiiU 11.' Oft) InHiV, rtsui I'rmmtw-o. I'iaii'a ILmnlr for Catarrh is Ihs M Ilaal, taelnl lo Li, aud I luatlival. I 1 Hold hr ilnisirlnta or sent hr msIL msIL I 1 Vo. K 1. II ilaiiiluua, Warren, S5 To as a lar. Samclra worth II. Vi. I III l l.lnra mil uniler tlm hMrM"irtt H rile Ma a. it u Mtrar, lli. I,,i,r,l n .llollr.M leh. OLD SORES AND ULCERS " V atanl', oiri 1.; 41.1 l ii I U fcSlkk ML! .. Iln.'r laiU. 11, jh. M.J. kj i. t AlUa, ai l'l. Mlaa. FREE n, return mall. Pall Deaerlptlaa MMar'a w 'talUr ayM mt Urrm tatuaa. MU0DI CO., Uiatiaaau. (1. nPlllli Habit Cured wuivwibuiuiiif, Ul lUltfl rti. a. Siaio. iM...u,a. THE DURAND LA?jnr. iii i 9. FIVE YEARS OF SUCCESS IN PORTLAND, OR. Over 1,000 Of their Organs and Pianos now in uso on this Coast. Sold on Easy Payments, and REMEMBER No forfeiture if your Pay. ments stop. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT of this Company are paying Depositors Eight Per Cent, per annum on Time De posits of one dollar to one thousand dollars. Send for Circular. General Office and Warcrooms, 320 322 First St., Portland, Or. (MENTION T1U PA fit It,) WILLIAM DECK & SON, Whulwals ami Iti-lall in Cunt antl Sporting Coodi. FIM FISHING TACKLI. I aiifae'tiirs' AfiiUil'ir ,tl fk r, Hmlih's, foil's, Iteinlnulnn, 0i,n n,,nn lllilca, I'srkerssud MmilislUn 1)11111 UllllSi Wlm linsler, Msrlln Ihilhint, (.'oil's Q j ft nn Maaaslim Itlllidt full's and Hmllli ft Wesson RC VOl YCTSa Neuil fur l'ltiieie Nik S. la at KIT ccni.d Ml., I'ui llaud. 4r, SHAieil MetHffNt ItltanMeA .HiioliahvKalU.W I' IMSUIHI NaJen.llr t i iii h ai.i. ii r mi h, fnmi n iHitniiioii rihili Ii, or I riiinlon, I i tlm ivoret Nrrotiihl. Null i Iteiim, " lever aorca," kcnljr ur llouali Nklii, In alioil, nil i!wn i'i'l y Imd io,n nin eoii'iiii'ii d Ii) this ihiwh lul, pioi rvlnir, and ln iKuriilliiir ini itii Ine, lireul I tit I ti at I liera riilllr Inul ini'V r lia l nlsn liitliK niv. CaiH'i'iullr luis It niniilliaii -4 lis imteiii'V In I'liilnii Teller, It nan llualt, llnlla, I'lirliiuii-lea, More I yea. He col li I on a hurra mill illtiia. Ill- 1 ul III lllaenan, Ulillo N M e 1 1 II a. .ollre, ur T kick Neck, nnd l.iilnraeil l.hlilda, K. u l tut c'tit III uliniifa lur a linilii lli'lltlw. Willi cololid l-lnlia, till hkll IniK-iei,-, or th" sitiite tiiiionnt lor a lieutuu on Hi rofilloim Afti lions. ' I III; 111.04111 1-4 Till, ni l ." TluH'iiislilv liiHiiua- il hy imiiiH Ilr. I'l ree'a l.oldi n Sleillrnl lUecr,nnd liiuil dlaeallou, Iwlr akin, hu o) ii ul air lis, and ltl aire ll ill, mil Un(nhltlnd. CNlHl71111TION, wtili't. la Koroliila f tho l ium, niss ri'Htnl it in I inri l flii rvitutly, it taktt Im full I lie Itt. fttitui ft n( hl illrriUM' i.iv m u Im ft, Kmuii iu iimrilnitft mhi t,wr 1 Uia l-iii (y fitful tliw wlivii Him It riiitr tl N luiw i-li hmtiil nnit-l In iho piililti , lM . I'M ii n limitfhl rloiiMlv (T itiMihu It I tin 4u 1, ftii in pilot! urc. liul t ilmt ltiuiii lift I'M! limit! if foi it tuii'ltltir .itl, fmui l! wtth'tt i ftll Hitnlliiithiit if tnniiir In'iiK'lt'iilnK. rttt-titiUi, m MimM it'UiithK, mitt litlltitift, mh'iiuI, uitil hiililtiw lutttM'io Ik', la iiihmiiiiIiI, tul mih ii n ri im'.lv fi.r (imriiinii'liuu, but fir all i hroulo 1I vmri nf tltt Liver, Blood, and Lungs. ?f yi ii f l lintl, itti.wir, il tuiittitMl, tmytf nili i w tt'ltii nf Kln, ir ) tli lilt n it mi nil Irtt- nf Ut), lu-iiitrtit t 'tu Im h tr illtul iii-iin, ihi.1' in u i.tiiti, MiU-iintl lirttf tr rtull, nltf nuiiitii u It ti l.'it Ihikhi-ft, tow ili tit mi1 iiltMiiuy ..m IhhIuimo, hniitltir itlit , nn.l tt mlii 1 folium-, .mi Hn fti.lli iiiim lini'i ilillHrlloil, Ii tH .ftlit( mmI l orli I.U IT, tir ' tllllilllniM tliuiif t-Mns-ft iillljr tll(if IlitM' M ttl'liitft HIV tkH rlt in A Aft n n im-U U itl) ntn h if-nsi Ilr. rirrr 4.uliltu .YioUtttil !! rutrrjr uti-Mi f mimsim'sI lur Uth I ii m, .tKiijf nf IIIiiimI, Mum liimsj of fin will, ifiuii rlt I lift, A il 1 1 um, hrioro 4otilt klM'll'tl tttl.H UfltH, It l Ult t ltli U HI li'liinlV nil I im u4ii-rt, m fti.oo, ur liol Il.i: lur t? iS. ii. I l. ii i ul In aiuii lft f'T r. I'li nt'l lMlK H'l I '' :f'l'll4lM A'''fM, ttorM'ft lilorniiurr Ililtriit Aftftt rluilun. Out Niiil, lu Mti.ii, iS, , $500 REWARD rifl I'V Um trlrl forf Htiuc at tttariU II mm si y for ii him nf tndtttU wr lit h tiftji HhV inmi-'t tt-rtt If ymi Jr iui ft tliM'Imiirtt fn in nw. iifT'Mihf r i'IIm rtiw, attial Imi nf mi'll. I um , i.r li'trinir, i vi, luil rn or 'tntwtin' hi n I, t'uhtrih. i turn f1 U ( t u-1 I Ithiunl.' til itMiftiimvl ilr. iiT' il utiiuil Itl Mr m (tin Hu' wnrll pnMif alari ' M In lh llfUv' u4 uivrrvini "U'miuriu'i UJ mill, PEOPLES' DISPENSARY Acme Electric Belt Agency 171 f"uurlh Hf.. ..t. Mrrirvm ftiul Yftinult, I'uftl Hill, Uli'tf ill, ADVICE AND MEDICINE 1 .00. All lltswatatx Hi4-fuM llrlis i.Ht.t t.t Utt 'MI I'l-iM'. rs .li r hliOII'H.IU.11, Hi.Ntlkla.lsV fil ai.l X-Houi hli ll.i A.M...a mil lm It! ). a u m t limtr I ftiih Kit -l t. t m ).. Man A- Hk M t. mil I'n i an 1 ..iii. fWtnc -'il,n.- H m I 'iswtMi I rii hf Ui at in .t rjn.l. ri 4 nit-1, nt I, ai.iii it M-" In. Ian lit m lM-U Mr .1 ill I'.niiilt itl.iila tsjlli iUs ll fill). t' tiia m stitta aa irst.hiis 1 ul lev, ui ilrti ' Ullal r.lMU ttll. t f tm ll PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTt nS CNGLISH." th nntl Only irnnlftiis 3aa4atr ft-'tal ta l'Wr rtlll-M la-lialUet. Mi.r.M- LAnitfl. A., i Irsjala M hr-ftraVri latfiluh ai4 tu a asat i,. ks (xait-i-t la i 'tiilu. I llsf hr prlssr a rlMIVtSi rr T... ' .-as-as-r arisiieai a ft I ft I WM ftf r-arVMa 9rrwt1K. Aak ft t htrhasai tart aklkjjUa l'ftaMkjrjaTsl 1 Usaa TaV IM IHMli TM UltlT r rMsraif tt a.ta i, Jt lh. t-(t aiat.aji.atfj mf th alls ""'"HsWtt lKtSft r Hi kr f m. ii i rk ih rart imsi bn luk auiiT a.., (u rai.4u.ltiik tvlrl ftaiaj 'lftfllas'4 I r aiHn frs. ta , i Uf lb UM4 rftraM, rC lair fftlf full hi htWJtl'ia, t-tslnsl lMnt Rl. I' I r t ( , Iwl 1 ftuvfti, I , 14. It tiM ia4aifs ltl iii I 'I 1.1,1 tl tl,., ,1.,, ) t oa.iMf, ftn.l ha "" ! UMltaiMl aiiaijB I tRPHY Mtns rM.. r.t Vl" ! . f tl I'-.l ln aMo fW'SJ tsMa ih-.t, il. 4aa.ti(irj avi4jsis A 1- HM1 I I'l ti'itT IttT .ta Ti.. A I Ula. QHA r"" lt rUl lUt m.r. I'llra. OXJxJ Hwtirri, k UImIhii ., iid Itrrlnl I lrrr trmlrd MtirrrftNiMll, mllhowt lint mf knlfr. m Hltln mftC Ma jram, iMllai nrvern! Inf rrlor low n, torn 4 for rlrrnlnrft). J. II. llklgl)tt. M. I nt llrHUNi Itnlldlng. I'orl lni4. 4r, N. I. N. U. Ka. m H. r. N. II. Ka M, a4'wrf''-':f-J"-"'x"'' mm g ir I TO I lift VH 111 it ftaMftWItMa " C3 nrs7i7ift XORGAW ORGAN CO.