UMIC iM'mninni run lilt CilX lTjlil Jl.D.j. TllliUHI)AY.8l-:i'T.'2llHHN7."' ulirllr. dtllliiK III iiuriiiii, will hsmlii's. In rn'iv miy inimlieriif l)rii riirt Hit iiiiiiv ill INFORMATION Full F.VKUYII JIY. THAlN. Oirttif niwlh. m K. M , a W PH. Until milh, tW A,MriP, M. MOAT Msv,7uu A M UruNA W II A UP. arrive, tut) I', M. MAIIi CUiMK. (Mill mirth, ;IW A M il II I' M ; ,iln anulli, 1 ) A, M. Tut..i, Tlt'irittya Slut H Uiir.l ti) In Mi lull., Mullen, llullx Vt"k, Mink, UM TI.IIiik, uaIIHTluii,7 4-1 A. H. ll y I'niMirli mm.ii Dm! Mnlnlitf In lti inmilh, t'uniilyl-oiirl inti .! M'UnUy In llm 111, ,11th, INmnly I'oinmL.lniierii nipft ltrl Vi!ilii.tliy sftto Hil Miiii'liir III llm iiiimlh. LOCAL. 1 -Ifcm't (iiruut thn inUnimiary enter tainment und sale at '.lie HaptUt ill urc 1 1 Friday nlulit. I'rof. Feater' iennianlilp flan I Mild to Im p'.urllnu mil with good pro iwela lor a large iu'IiihiI. Viol lias dmldi'd to Imlil ttiu (air Ht (lint place Oct. id). It proniUe to l.t 11 good Marl lu I In) tltlit direction. Iluy your klUlien apron and sweep ing ea ready made nt llm HaplUl ini ioimry onto. Hullu Cluck fulr begin t.xlny mnl eon tlinicn through tin' week. Win. JoIiiihiiii intend totit Id meat wagon next Monday. 1 1 in ili wa nut rwady, hence lliu ilnlav lu Marling. Tim court limine hhiI In ing ui ti t -P.I. Hid for the elegant ilk ipilll liich will Ui Hold lit auction Friday liillil 'it llm HapliMcliurtli.' Wuik In Ix-ijiin on Mm. Warren' liotise, Mim Coia Harding returned (ruin Han Fmnt'iM'o limt Suii ljy In company with her grandnareiit. 1. F. May UkIhiuI uKuiii willi tin re nittlna l n iiniiiciiw' uUfKNoii liUiifrlt. Hoy pretty nepher Hack fur the ily ut llir iniiwloiiaty sale Friday eve ning. Mm. roirfn lia heeii nuiUi sick tin' I 'u t wtx'k. lint i rapidly leeoveting. K. F.. I lint until' Iiiiiim' on tlif liltill' IIW ll"tH k"Hl UlU .Ull.1,'1'. W. M. Hampton lelt K"t wvck for Im field ( lalmr in southern Oregon. His family vpcit 10 join liiiu iuu. U. Stott irf MiUiiukit lK)ii!lit two MitAt Horn mlllti l tliu clo oil tlmiliw Inn ily ol 1 1 if fair. Coinf mnl mtitliu inuny im'ity mnl i-liil tliinir Hit) Hu'liM wi uii ii Intvo Ti'irt'l lr tlu'ir at" l-'iilny niijul. - liilv lil ivnt uiliuiHiiiii Li I In' roil- ii-il Fritluy ninlit l tlt liuplixt t liiiH li. Mi. MfV l-ullii"!'. fi'li'i:t ol I lit' Mitliimi W.f. T. I'.. wilU.tlme In ru ii lU r '.".'inl. Alli'r llit Nmr (Iiihu'c linn i roiu- Wl4 Into I'.'tUitli.l tiuiliMWlll ie run I10111 llio Wliilu lluimo cfi Uu ' lioom. - , l. V. I'MMiM'r now ImiU Irom OnU-1 no, OnKii. Mm ll.ltlio Millt'r who I'iihi.mIv i livixl lioic, i 11-iltiirf at ln-r inn l.i', ' '1'lllM. MilUl. ; Mi I' .'.'.ilwuuki.) will lv'" liof tlur l lot m .N'W I'M ' xl M.. inlay. j Ii!il, ut tin rt'i'lfint' o( Max Sclml in, iu'r W'ilwnivillt'. ('luikiitnu toiin y, SI, 1H.17, William S. Iniliin Aiiml 37 yt'r mul ) iinnillm. U. Y. Cuulli'M Im nnivo.l Into Mr. lUltiu I'dlK!' IlllUM) tiiiOllO tilt) Hlhl ofTii-c. The lri'kwl'r ami I-h-V un- uinlfr goinii omt' iittJtl rt'niim. lion. John Krumt w in town Tuo tlay. Mm. K. It. Cliiiriiiitn mnl rhililn'ii are viiliiiJ Iut IiiihImuiI' r,iiiil'iiri'iil i Corvulli. Mr. I'. l.ikewic who Im lHt'iiit k ii numU'r ol yt'Hi lifi liit Momluv. Cily onlt'r cull no I' iIimm ol I'KUU AW AHIIKI). A MIh Mi'.Coiiimll U conducting a i'lu in iciiiimiiHliii (or rliililri'ii ut Atkiiriiiiiir 11I1I nlmi'l. At llm torin rmwntly clow J Lonl Tol mini, llm cIkiiI yi-ur oltl iluuKlttur f Frank Toptmuun wiw uwitnltsil tin' rixu (or iuot riiplil ntlvuiiiimiii'iil. Thn juilut wtirti tniii li pluitiksil with tlio Imiirovic iiiont hIiowii In hur cnpiiix, () kh tiik Mol'WTAiM. Julin Mt'lilriiin Hturtuil TiniHtlKy lorhlriiiit:li nunr I'ririu villu, with ttiiim, sftMiiiipiiuM by W. T. WhitliH'k who no (or lh i)iilln, TI117 will tuiup out hy thu way mnl 'Xwt n pli'itNiint trip. Annual C'unckht. Tim Wminm' MihhIoii I'lrcln lu conii'ctloit with lint llitptiitt chiirth will I10M thnlr miuuul niMtillnn at thfir uliunli on Frhluy ev nliitf, Mi'pt, ;imh, A proi-Hiiiiuu will lw rtiinlortnl In llm uppnr room, ultr which tliti lowur iudiii will Im opmicil ami use ful Hinl fum y artlclna ulfurtttl (r alu. leu i-rcuin, caku mnl colfo will ho wrvctl. A tjcuulidil "Uk ipiilt will Im olil ut unc tion. KxttrriHcH will lii'tfin ut 7:30 1'. M. A iIiiiIkhIoii to tin conctirt, tun emit. ,' l'oNI)VI!UIIAI.I.IC("rljUK. A (till houw Krwloil Uuv. J. Tuylor lut Thiimtlay UVtiniilK to linlort to Hit! liH'lnri) UK.iInut KoiiiiiiiIniii. Tin) locturo wu wull tluliv croil ami liownt inut'li rtutuitrrh atnl a l,ri).it couiiuiiuil o( rnnourcca. Tint ttinli I'uui) Kiiit'rully ttpN'uiuil to In morv thitn it.ililll with the way in which Urn uh ji't t wu hmnlh'tl. W11.1. I.r.t'fUHK Aiuiirictt'a (orcmnt I Ally Int'tiror, Miiry T. I.uthrop ( Mich IX.UI will Itn tiliu in Ihi plat.'it. hho will nH'iiil thu month of IMoliDr in Orcm, ami Hpfiik in thi city thu S'ml HHl HALE. Lot 2, 3 mnl 0 In Mmk 2, Ori'iton City. Thi in out) ul thu hunt wurchoiiim ami himiim proportic In tint cily, K not oltl within (Wiliiya will bo w illnlmw n from tlc mnl prlcn mlvancnil. I'rli ,'DH). II. K.Chk, II Att'y tttUw.rcoii City. Jiiitlff, l(.tvini( l)t'n ninplovotl bv the himlinir dtlKiiiiN of Mumly, Imik'h ! mnl HpriiiK-watur. I will Iw ut Kiijjhi Uuck for thu practlKu of mv profcmiioii until further iiotlcn. C. II. HHitii, M. 1. 45 41 l'livnii lun A Suiniion. Now RfxxiNo. Mr. Trull!iia)i'o( Un ion Mill wu In town Twit'luy. Hu in luriim 11 that thu ciinlinu mill i now riliiuliiK ami tlmt Ihny arc prcpartjil t liamllii all tins wool tlmt coiun. Oil llow Kwkkt! Thi'V wnni ritliin on thti hont oil thu wiiv to l'orlloinl, anil Fortntio'ii awont amilca ftcenu'tl to favor tlii'iu, (or the lalli!.H' cabin won Jtitnle of occiipant ttvu thi IovIiik wuin ami hlmlulciiia. Wo mpm that her o( hi in', lookuil lufu HiohI trilt), wliilu Hp no an(t imphirctl him oft, to well, KcntliJ ri'ttlur, ifyoil wotilil Know what ouciiroil ami how often It ro-ooctirisj, Jut ak Frloml ('miahton or a certain olneer ol the boat what lin y know about Im-tfinx ami What would you havu tlone with pretty liuro nnatling on your brttt7 Tiik y Tt ; The lollowinrf Con- . . 1 VRrwilioil wu ovcrliciiril amonu a crowi of hoy a lew evening h'uhjs, on the trcet cornnr. "Xy buy, what are wo it" liil In tlo now of evening f'r patimo? Since the Sulvulion Army lntHliut down Uki'I'mkku. Aftnr an almniict) of 17 thuru uiri't 110 Li- to have any fun. and Vt'ur, Ch.irln I'.. Munay of Sim kton, it' ,)H4, ( try it on tlui w riting m hool Cal., Im ri'luriitid to ('rcoii t'ity to (,.,.r for ho wni'l have it. Wt) tried iton nuke It hit home. Mr. Murray ami hi y,,, m.e out it laKk-dUio ipiitk." Uu cxtluiahhi wifn ure Wfll mi l f.ivorubly w,,,t to the old (olkH hIhiiiI it and told Known t it ld rmidi'iiti 1111 1 their return ill!m ,e; clunk u in jail. Now I iilfor.! all audi much ple.iHiire. r.M, ,aven't lot iinv J til." One o( them Murray I o( thn m ike icnn l cilui'itt and we 11 m to liuvo him ... 1 i.i.. i. ...... 1 1 ) aelliu Here. ill. or, .tuitriiy ti. a. iiiih j Henry llaitlint; welcomu their mother. I Tlii'V are urioiup:iuicd by lln'ir koii j Shelly A h 1 mm 1 it lli.iitroiin. Ion. Wultoii of Highland h i p:iveil u K""d di'al of atleu- tiuii to lint Hl'H'k Iiiihiii'h in year u'"iiu by, ami inade not a lililc money thereby. He purp.Nc now to extt lnl hi hiitine in that iliit'i -lion, and h i pit cli.i-H'd 4 linit Hereford hull with which to improve hi i.l"t k. (iiuix 1'ii-ci.av. Arthur Warner w: in l'oilhiml Tut'itdiiy o-kin up the op- HM)ke up mid ald lie wa jfoin to lake a tumble to hiuiHulf ami atteml Feater writini: erhool and le.iern to write a de cent baud and adviaeJ the real to tla the Kjine and let pi 1111 no much lueuuncM. .HOI, A 1,1.1. Ilcliuhtfnl iiiitiimn weather. Uoud iIuhIv ut'ain. Front ul ui! Hit) creek. Hoi picker have returne I. Mol.lll l m bool i in einn. Men-haul are laying in fall t ck. l'rof. (. W. ICobliiiiH united with the clnirch Sunday. The new 'circuit ridel" made hi ni- Oar Work. The flrt thing t" "O ' b awake out of lcep. The time lor iiidifTereiice i paed. The fone are rllyin 011 the one ile ami on the other. It I high time that it bould be known whore every one taml. Kach vote count (or nouiethinjf. Kudi voice lor the rili tell Juttt now iiiont mluhtily. To aloep now I to leep when other are mot vi.limitly flKhtin. It h lo 'hi attipi'lly watin hour which are frmwht with moiuenlou Ihuo. It 1 to be loipld when on inldit lie winning honor, it I high time to be waking out of aleep'.fur now ! aalvatlon nearer to u than when we Hrat lielieve'l. A the Kpel rnukea protre, all thinn connected with H make proKreiw. They are carried forward by it. The re demption ol the wurMUi nearer a ttreat deal than It wa when a few flHbermeii were aeiit out to proclaim alvation to a lout race. The nigiM all Indicate that the dawn I at hand, and that the night I far )iit. In that fact thooe who are battling (or temperance can take comfort ami toiirage. TIms wrt of thn fight i over. A aentiment ha k-en created. That W'litlmelit l grow ing one. He form do nut go bttckwaida. Vittorie have lH;en aecnreil. The little ha ln bttiiihetl largely from the home. It i no longer, except In a few iiwlance. kept openly on ilie family eitlo-lxianl. It ha had to lake refuge In the itoloon. To a large eitoril It l not permitted to ehow itself in public biiioiie(. ' Frohloition bo-'i boen ad iptu I in of the utate, and i gelling t le the grt'at (pillion in clhem. From (ioiirgla came the thrilling and triumphant word: "Wo have legi la'.c l aalooim out and Sunday hcIiwiIh iu." The time ia ripe for canting offtho work of darkne', anil for putting on the armor of light. It i the hour to emancipate politic from the ontrol of the naloon. In it the work of darkne are planned. Good men have long enough voted According to it dictate, I und mipported candidate unworthy of ! their aiiir.-ra;.).. The hoiiu ahould be 'eiven a higher place than the naloon. Now it the time to exhalt the one and haainh the other. It need only a little more carntit, all together work in order ( to accomplish the overthrow of the rum tralfit:. The next few year will Hce a wonderful advance all Hlong the line. Now i aalvation nearer to u than w hen we fimt believed. Communicated extuU'l. DEAR READER WILL YOU CONSIDER Tbl A pci-Monal invitation to call when needing anything one would expect to find in a II rut clan Family I'rug Store. You will find inducement to tempt im mediate buying. Patent medicines and Proprietary Hcmedic of all utamlard mid well known brand we keep in complete a Kortinent, Cigar Gentlemen are earnestly re pieted to remember our uplendid Mock o( prime good when demring to indulge In a perfectly satinfactory moke. We car ry at all time a vfcry Delect 'line of ljet briirnlH that money and experience can procure, and our cane contain nothing but bright and freoh good. Try iw jut once for a really good cigar. Dispensing Departm'nt We take eiecial pride in our pre scription bmiineK and think that we can trully luiy that no more complete a W--imary can tie found in thi city. Itciuemlfrr The The City a'liM-c. rimrnarjii KKAK TIIK COUltT HOUSE K. ii. CALHtLI). k CO. li J riii eu.. .vm 11 ik E LEAD Quantity PIUCES jLJM and mid Quality, PLEASING. i ill . I, I IMHSE In A nrJTTlTr MM P U IT STOCK D Dh. c. a. clixe, E X T I S T- Having located in Oregon City for the practice of dentiotry I am prepar ed to attend to all work premptly.- AND OUR PRICES ARE SO LOW THAT YOU WILL CERTAINLY DECIDE;TO BUY YOUR FALL GOODS OF US. CHARMAN & SON. POPE & CO., HISKEH MOUKKATE. ALL WOKK Ul AZAS TKEI TO bflT. OFFICE IN lt)ST OFFICE BUK'K, 011K0X CITY, OREGON. iHirtuiiitie for iliiilaving the w'r.iiu and ! irt-araac.) juml.iy delivering an able er-. 'gratfe which were how:i .it Hid late moil. lair. The fair will mrt.rd npace, hut Ibe l Mi M.i.'ic Cuningham died of cm-; exhibiltir mii-t caie lor the pi id. The ' Hiimptiiiii September '.'1I. Mm came j , display would be a credit to tbii co'iuty here from Indiana lai-t wmle. j 1 and he u line atlraction. 1 The Ml ilia i to liave amither bridge ( will lie the hitfticHl on the , York Oranhic: The forlorn and! dewpundent mugwump may hear the p:ciiinnition runtling of the cold blast of wi .'er in the report that not a single re publican potinaster reniabi in ollloe iu 1 1.1 k. Ma. THE FLOUR MILL Oikktiii: I'm in I.H-t f ill a the nariow eane went over lin iin lin at I'lilipl.irti I tiding inlu t'ii Willaiu- .11.. u it tii.t.l MMt.l l..t jwililei. W li.-ll the II.iihI. . llio U':ll.tlll- , d'. ! U- Tlioma. lite luted il mil i'l tlie Inn I and ' .t i ic 1 1 Mm. Si'.iii tei'r of litv.ifo, but form it -ver Ihc I ' AU nl Uri-g-i.i i'-iy. II .1 j P,;y ,,( this cnirty I Ciieml ill hIi- imiHiai l.tKicth'.l 10 It ami I m I 10 I uu iu. liim ul OriL'iil t 'ny, wbem il w i 1 ipH l it.l U uu 'the nai iow gan' rail ' road liHilav, not Inueli tlie ni(nr il ; hw im ilow 11 lite liver. TIiih i the fir ft int linn we ever knew of a railway car ' 11 1 vigating a liver lo en-ape 11 lock fee. ' -iiveil n Appeal and I Irvuniau. j li 'iuaikatiie that a 'd car should ' ll'iil .' I mile, that it hIioiiI I go over 11 car '! ' hihiii, whii ii Hire I'll. i l;. T. 1'a k-of Albany visiting hi ! thi vi. in 1v. J. V. Iliomaa loa maio l.i"t U'edti-K.l Jy. The nnimal' hind f'rt . ' 1 . . 1 1 -ii 1 . kIiih-, mi a num. 1 poic on a nut ! ciulitiiig her to fall receiving Internal in- inrii'K u tilt h reitu U'd ill death in a lew t hour. KNOWN a the "Sinwr Mill'' in lOUKCOX CITY, for sale or rent, on Srli .lir-, Setlcel '.easy term. Inquire of IU E. Vil- ll pupil purdiitiniSmilh'rhyiol-jiain t the Palks, or v from J. M. 1-acon now will gel them JlHINSON & McCOWN, iirt''un, - - - uregon. 1KALEHS IN Stoves, Tin Plate. Lead and Iron Pipe, Braziers' Copper, Brass and Iron Wire, Ganze Fittings, Rubber Hose, Pumps, Zinc, &c. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL SIAXl'f AtTl'RLR Of TIN, COITF-I! AND S1IEKT IKON WARE, Reefing and Jobbing of every dencription done to order, and at Low Trice. fiT You will find Hardware, Wondenware and Tinwa e Lantern, Lamp, Oil, Lucine and 1'atitic Kublier 1'aint, at ... ' PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Oregon City, Oregon. 1'01'E k CO. a: introductory p ice. It will pay yon lo 1. ike advaiiUgi) of tui o!fer a thev advancti. A Secret Keve ale d. Winter is coming on apace. For your lathe .-loak and j.u k'eU go to Cbiiriiinii j & ni'j viiiere tbey havu itiitt reivivetl A , T p -E S, handi:iit' lot tlirwt tinei at New Yoik. from the imnufae- ( ill iinlnjaied, that it hould be .Ii 1 11 up an im line thai di e not exist, that all thi bmild U' dune at Oregon t'ity and nobody find it out, that IIickb two journal ity mile apart nlinuld "catch unto" the name item and expren it in llm identical language. The World do move. IIki.ii rou L.vaei-NV. Lint Friday Hen Sherman wa urrehted for larceny, the complaint tic ing lluit In) ntole t la from 11 fellow worker. The JuMicu trial lenult ed in placing him mule- ImndH. The boy ha been known here oine lime, ami nothing of the kind ha ap peared before. Hi friend claim that he can KuliHtaiitiute hi innocence. So I'm. 11 ami IbihiM. The winter d.ivof rain and cold evening art) com- A well prenerve.1 a'rfl tit lK at complex- t ion t. in ne iiiTtM ri afj ..ivuinr i thought ami culture, lvgiir.ti 11 uiara ( j(l,fH ,.w-tric Uittvrie are tile luttt. of reline.'Utjt. TC .Imlingn'HbaWe fea- . . . turc of licuuV nato-e ha. denied ninety- "anling kt.p "em. J 1 1 1 1 1... 1 1 nine women 0111 01 nverv iiuiuinxi, u i.,nr unit .di bava ncimlied thi defle-1 Curria Itroi. At par. See the cily lreaurer' 110li.11 1 lag p.i e, hut IhoHe h.ttidHoimt new elM-where. Tin young people of the Uaptil church will give an excuriim lu the Me rhanlc fair oil the evening of OcloUir 10, Full particular next week. hubjti t lor next Sabbath at the M. E. church: Morning, lUlhiier'()niiioii. Evening, The Eleventh Commandment. All are cordially invited. Tut Nkw IUl Have changed their quarter from the hup on the hill to the room over Curler' blaekHiuith ttlmp. They played lor the lliet lime on the ulroot Monday night did pretty well too. HicvoKi) K 1 1 1 aid that the game of chance men Accompanying llairett'a abow took out aliout (ihHI from till place. Thi money wa lout in mini ranging from f'.'D til to over a hundred. Mamiiiku. On Thuradiiy, September 2'.'iitl, t the reitidenco of the hiidu'a pa renl. near Clackama Station, by Hev. W. A. Willimm of thi eitf, Mi. Cha. I'. Merrill of Canby, to Mi Fiiuule John ami of Clat kama. 8rui Minu Aiiaiji. Dr. II. Smith of the Saiitium received from the l'oit land Reduction Work a Hhitemeiit of the Aay made by them of a tpiantllv of juarlntalinid from a new lead near the Hantiamand the Oregon Pacille, above Mehuma. The aay wu urpriingly Ijooil, yielding f3M.34 of guhl and :'M'.I. X tit Kilver to the ton. TI.InV. together with the reduction ol ore, ent recently, ahowt tiumitakably that the Sautiani mine are very vahu'.ilo, and that they r;ehly rejuy winking. When In need of drngglut' giMidi re member the old and reliahlntand ol 0. A. Harding. Anna HiUhilu bull for Mile: weight litlt) nonnd. Amilv to II. E. Ilayc. tf t.'aulleld, the wiilclnimUoi will not only inKe ur watch run, but Weep I line. Yt'iitclit' Hint oilier liuvo lulled lo iiiiilo 0 ptirllcnliirly tuillcllr il. l'le.iie il m't ak "ClacUaiu.i County how ho likl tin) circit -iding a he get very iiervouatthcimverthoatr.iiri allud ed to. Kveryliody i going to the "World' fair" at M.inptanivillo which come off the '.'"-Hi, ftUli and lt. Tr.m. j iem v in llie prtHbiclion ( tint delightful ! ( (',Krvile thi rotintv "I toilet arth le, WMdoni' Uoliertnie, l'.v j jfy 4J irA.m indebted lo Ktove that I 'ope Co. have J ft reeelv e l will mak ) the hinge! day p!e.iant ami the darkest night pleaauter, that in, if you huv one. r E.inrKitx I'liicr.. In ItMiking ove( an eaHlern exchange llm other tlay wo no ticed the llr.1.1 lln'.id wo:tedi advertiited ami found iikiii ei.iminatiou that the price wa cent 11 vaid. Jut what Charniun A Son hkII them fur. Don't it Mak well of a linn' pi ice when they Hell giioil at I be ame price a dealer do who are 2iMY) mile nearer llio in, inn factoi v? M.iliiil ;o. At the reaitlenro of the bride' parent Sept. 2lt. by the Kev. (i. II. AtkluKon, Mi Lillian Jenuiiig and John W. Miller. Kkiu cki) Uatic Tho O. A C. It. U. make the following reduction to croiiH Mltemling the Mechanic '4 Fair. The price iu each case include una ticket of ailm!ion tit the fair: Hubbard, fl.tvi, Aurora, flO'i, Harlow 'a, tl.'i'i, Canby, l.5t), New Kra,tl.. Oregon Cily, fl.l"), Clackama, ft, 111, Milwaukee, H'l el. Tiik CoNci.iMoN Tiikhi:iii The Stale mail ha thi to ay of the ui r.'t of Jon athan Way, w Inch we nntieed lat week, hut who had mil been tried: OnTikmday morning, upon a complaint muiru out by W, II. II. Walm. deputy SlieriirCroiHan arrested at Oregon Cily the Immortal Jonathan, whom everybody know utho modeNt individual who annually 'nrim up at the fair ground, and in a gay linen thiNter and thileet tone of voieu exhort the paer by lo purchae hi "ticket for Uotehurg." Several year ago Jon received a hoiNefrtun Mr. Water, which he asuoud to adt ami return the proceed tohiin. Mr. Water ha mpii neitlior the horii imr thn money allien, and, h-.i-coming impatient camed tho arrest of Jon. The value 01' llm hurau being let than (.'!'), the dislrlut ntlurney diniied (hu cam upon the defendant' I'minlmi i ng Mr. W.iteM for hi horn) ai paying all the cost of the net'oil. e n i:n in villi:. The accoiuplice of our latest Apirant lo tho postinatii'rrthin did not know it wa a crimi.uil net lo carry o many let ter pant the m)-I olllto ami amuggle them into tho mail carrier' pocket. A wie man w ill tirolit by the experience of oiber. Fianci It.ieoiiaml wife and Mr. Clino will return thi week Irom a visit in Um atilla countv. The trip wa for Mr. C' health. Emigrant und immigrant team are the careful use of w Inch everyone may posses thi tho chief attribute of U-au-ly a lovely complexion. Wiad un' ItoWrtine i pronouiu-ed by ladie of re cherche ociety and the atage the most charming and only innocent lieatittiei and preserver of the complexion known. Sold at fifty cent a Iwtlle b rharman I'.ro., City Drug Store. Oregon City. Uat I It ? , wish to not them, either by note or aeonn', to call and settle up by OeUilier 1, Mil. A word to the w ise i aullicient. 47t4 he " ureat " Lastern utore. THE LEADER of LOW PRICES. -Our Frtrinj? antl Summer pooUH liavc arrived and for styles quali dnv a prices have never boon e ju.ilctl in this market before. We have one of tho largest rtocks that ha ever CDnict) the city nnd have takeu. prrat iwiin in ticketing our stock in every department- W 001 WanteiL THE - - GREAT - - EASTERN - - STORE. Not Ice, I have appointed Thomas Charnun my attorney and any bonnes belonging to nn will ho attended to bv him. W. F. tllOIIKIKI.O. Oregon City, Aug. lo. S7. 47t3 That protlut ethat Invntiful noft com plexion ami leave no tratr of it appli ,..,ii,,n ,.r initiiioii all'et t? The answer. Wimloiu' Koberline uccomiilisl' all I liuk. M.irtiu 1 1... i...l;o f 1 ui.. 1 11 irrrtw, W II. Illl, ami I proiitiiiiiictt ..jr - . ,irm,.,. jhll unit rclinenienl 10 oe uie mofi tifiiKntnn toilet article ever iriHliued Charman llro., i:y lrug Store, Oregon City, agent Far Sale fiooil Farm! One hundred At're. ninety-two acre fencee, thirty-live acre in cultivation, Hi- mwa on'liaril. voiinu hist eommeiic- iiiKsiiu ilailv und band of cattle and 1 imr lo In-ar eootl. Trie fruit conil of horse are more lietpient than last year. 1 apple, pear, plum, Kadie, prune. -I'"- - ". 'J -" :!rr q teU' V tw7 gS are iU among u hunting and trouting. , llM,i w,. ( VKttM water at tlie (irousit have been rather plenty of late. house". Ilouso ISxaO with three room Our talented artist, Ja. May!)", U below and three ubove: alo clothe- prvs ami paiury; iu mini, wai"i shed. cattU -shetl, grnnery, henhouse and vard, root house; milk bonne in a grove iiear the house. Three mile Irom Ore gon Citv ami a good mail. Two mile from New F.ra. Two mile from custom grist mill. Term easy. W. II. Fasciik. j over the mountain photog aphing farm I hoimta near W'aruick. Mis Kuiiiia Cliaso U ill close a lour month school here next Friday. She line Immediately to take charge of 11 school at (ieorge. We will have A nelehborhood tluhate on I'rohibition on the evening of Septem ber milll. I.AXTiCllN. lo vo l want, The bent paint, The purest oil, The etrongest drug, or the best select ion of fancy ami toilet article? HememU'r llar.liiig keep them. Wanted, at Charman & Son', dried fruit of till kind. If you want your wateii rcpaiicd go to Mr. C. II. L. rturnieia'.cr'. For your choice claret wine go to M. II. Flanagan'. l'ortlaml record two murder the past week. She will oon rival Jackson county. Tlie Anii'iican yacht, Volunteer, beat the Thistle on tho tlist run. For llrsl das watch and jewelry work go to Mr. C. H. 1,. Hiirmeister. Tho l'or'.Lunl bid. lor on the school hoiiao ha hacked out, Tho general Hoiitimeiit at the cream ery meeting last Saturday seemed to he tlmt a creamery ehoull ho started ut oncii, Tooth preserve- at Hardintj'H. 'I'liUeyoiir muIcIicm luCiiiia Until lor liel cIiimi vvoi-U, 4ii- i-c 11 1 cil, Hi ri'(H lo null I lie limes. (Ily Tnasaier' Nolle.'. Notice i hereby given that there is now money in the city treasury applica ble to the p rvihimt of all outstanding warrant. Interest on name w ill ccuao from the date of thi notice. S. U. (illKKN, Sept. 1SS7. t lty ireasurer. Krmilnlm In lh xt litre At Orcein City, CUrk imti C milt)-, ort-iimi. Si-pl. 20, Flk. V. M. S GUM. Joint Otilhtwrt. A. Jru.oii. Mrs. Line (ilxin. .Sirlmlin frruilce. J. II. llnWtim. Julius 1 luitlrr, l t KwkitrJ, lae silmon. Mr. J. A. II calietl fur pleas my w hen ,lvorlle,t. J. M. Ilxoiii. f . M. G. IP. WI1TESET. Undertaker, WagonandCarriage Maker. MAIN ST K EFT, OUEGOX CITY, OKEtiOX. JiidJ's electric Iwtteriea. J 11 M' electric batterie. Judd' eloctnc batterie. MAKKKT ItKPOUT. I Only Forly ( enti In postage tanip for a new Nickle I'luto Stem Wimler ami Stem Setter Watch, jut patentet'. Ad.lre, Hoy Jackaon, box 15,311 Fast 10-lih street. N. Y. city. Mention tin paper. ' Lout. Strayed from Oregoi. Cily, about four week ago, A dark, hay, mare colt, one year old last apring: hiidlampoM when last seen. A mutable rew ard will lie paid for it return to ma at Oregon City. 4Stf L. T. Hams. Mokby To Loan In unis of UX) to KalvHI. Enquire of 0. 1. A 1. C. Latour ette, Otvgop t il y, tlregtm A new line of gent' hat und neek wure just- received at the liYeul Eastern Ston'. For lit n'. Farm o( '') acre, II mile from rail road, bl.) acre in cultivation, rich land and in goo I neighborhood. Impiiie of 11. E. Cutis, , Oregon City. Wheat. V 04 c, Oat, V u 3 e. Flour, 1st grade, V0o Flour, ind gr.nle, '.' 75 FEED: Shori f 10 50 ltran. $17 M. Hay, timothy haled. V2 50. Hay timothy loise, 15. Clover, baletl MEATS. Iteef, live, 21,,-, e. ltH'( dresed, 5 uml e. Veal, tlresMet!, 0 and 7e. Iloga, live, :le. I log, dressed, 5 and tie. Snti'p, V head, $1.50 ami $2.00. Wool, V"' Lirtl, country bulk, and 8'u Lard, bucket, tk Ham, V"1. b and lie. Side, VB,i saml !c. Shoulder, 'Iti, U and "c, rUODCCF.: Itutler. best, 15 ( 25. Egg. V fresh, ;:Jic. Chicken, dresed, V iloxen, :loTf4.00, Chicken, live, $a50.(i $Ui Chicken, Kprim; $'.'.00 A $2 t'J Tuikev. l')cil:,.eVlh. l'otatoes, hu $.50. Onions, V hu $1.00. Apple V box, $ .50. A 75 DU1ED FUl'ITS:-- Apple, Him tilled, 7 and 8c. rium ., sun il lie, I, 7 ami tie. l'ruua, Kiln dried, (I and Sc. rear, sun dried, 0 and llle. Appie, machine dried, bleaehedOt" 10c. l'luins, machine dried, 8 and 10c. Truiic, machine dried, 10 and 12t'. Fears, machine dried 8 and Mc. To Ilorrower. One hundred thousand dollar to lend in um to uit, on good farm mortgage. 1 Ton -r cent and no taxe. lonif loan preferred June 1. 1H7. tf , JllllXSoS. Ml'CoWN A llU.I JIAN. CH 6 AGO COTTAGE ORGAN ' ttM nttnlTMvl n uMinlard cf cicillcnco Ub ktlmlta of no Miprritir. It (Hiutains tvry linprovemrpt that Invrnuva fuultiA, um una luout-y cau pruuueu. 18 .V;'-iis:-.! i i fi.fVlfl TO BXCSL. V.-i-;-S.W.i. .1 EVXBT OBQAN FOB rrvu Y2ABS 30XES! - BOXES!! I am iirqitirt'ii to furnish Seasoned Fruit Boxes 0FALLK1SPS AtBed Rock Prices. Quantities .o Suit. Factory at Oregon City saw mill. (00. Itroiiliton. pr V Irta Ourrvnt lllhtirwiTl. rfSt.f iJHtKKwlth .wry Hll. IirCara, KllllltMlMMll... F.lnh. lb7.V Hand for Km. fkmxSLl I lr.. MAUNBTIOILAtTIOTRU CO . XTH I IIKKT BT LOCIS.MO. :tO NOHTH b! I TOI e iVNTO T , HAW fRANCIHC w'vi-ijtL-tiJy Tbttt cxrelifiit tJr.;r.i rc rclfbrtM fT vol. nme, qtuilily ul iu:it t,...t tii-iKiust itirtrtj ol cui btiinu.iii, lulwi.e iUi.-ii, l. iuiy 111 Diiu-h, Jswfuel oiwlrutUiiii, uuikhii! iIkmi llm nwt iilUiitlWi), oni- BMiuUl ul tl.-ir:.l'io urtaii lul Louie., WllirCtKM, luutiH, MN;li'Ut-., tftc. kepftatios. vaiKaiALru 1 vr:i.iru. BK.SX JUATERIAIW COMHISTtD, lUUM lUI THE POPULAR ORGAN Imtructlon Cocks ar. j Piano StooJ. CataloRar and Woa Llcta, ou niiiiUcatlon, m CHICAGO COTTAGE OP.SAH .CO. 831 BLUE ISLAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. I.KA VK-Oriin 11 1'lly... ", lnyior street duck HUD A. M A IMP. U. .OA. U. 4 4 0or. M KfNU.VY Tiars. I.EAVK Oreitmt Cily.'.lunj A. 13 A. A II 00 P. M ii ar m AVci rilJloffMucliIJiittvc Will Save U Money Ou m -ir line. hMcU C'lllHlMttt l)( First -Class Groceries, n'ui!,('ke nnd raslry, WOODKN AVAltE Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Ni'Xl iliHir l rirwiiimtu' Kent Htnrs, llHKIION I ITY, - - OIIKOOM, Lcvejoy & Klcffman.