I I'll I. Ijl ' 1 1 ljl I I I I I I I LI lil i nc. rjnumi Jimr... Tllt;itSlAY. Hl-.l'T. 1, 1HH7. Hiutruiorit In Inn In Nit ii tin lit nsrssraisa, wlU nlnitai! ri'irt th kiiin At ho eltliw. INFORMATION FOlt KVKKYIUDY , TUAINS, loins norllt, .on A, M., 3,40 I'M. (Ji.lng smith, :0 A. M.iS W l. M. IHiATrl-uiiiNXwilAltr, Mv,1:IM A, M l rrlv'e,O Ilt', H, totti. north, DO A M i 11 CM) Hint auulli, ,W A, M, Tuk'iUvi, Tliuri)ny suit Hatiirlny In Mo )lu, Milium, Mme l!t.k, Wink, UUvl Tilling, ainlHlvt!llull,7i A. M, I'lly t'oiitintl in ! nml Mmulny In Mm iituuili. l'iilll)l',Mltt UU'i'l. (Wl Mollll iy III lllV lllolltll, (Umuty t!ititiint..ltitir iuu't dml Wsihii'iwUy Stlor ltrl MoioUy In III iiiunlli, LOCAL. JoJn. -ClrcllS. Hititnuilir 21. tiulng to the circus? School opens licxl Mmiiluv. WuMun Khaiik of Canhy enter the high school tit l'url'.iiiiil this week. MUs I lor Smith slit tlit? past wuok Willi friend In Ciitiby, (limit Hacon hiii) I1' milk lllaiildnshlp Intend starting to Munini.tli tomorrow to attend llie normal school there. -Miss Myrlht Mfthinuuiol Hut to Creek mill Mix l.i'tio HiiiiiMiii iuviil'Mi our asm-turn with their bright (mo luxt Thursday. V hall ll pleased to have them repeat their visit. J. W. Thomas ! tUixlh will Ink. Miharrlptions to lli" Err KMi'MiaK. A, U. Marks of Aurora goes to M Minnvillo llii week to attend m hool. lltt in a bright voiwg man and will make it glKtd Hlll.lolll. Ed. Huriiwltof Eagle Creek, got bad ly cut in a logging ramp at Ailuris, and hi uncle Edward Forlies went din on II, b bout I riiljy to bring him li i( hu was able to Ihj moved, Home fine (irant's I'iis water niel mm have been making Iht-iuselte fi-ll nbjiit town Ibis week, Thu rains of loxt week wore rough on oats already tut, causing tho Ixirry to awoll, A tow more day rain would huvu prmilvd inurli grain. thick shooting h;is lieguri. There Mng ho ducks hero the iiurUimiiu must KU chivwhere fur game. A lttr organised and equipped so rMy tlmu tho 1. .. F. o( this place woillJ be hard to fllid, Tho inoiiilairs ik inu. h prlil.i In their wx-ittty Jiir it un a Kotxl fiumicUl foutin. Agiuiitlif iiimtl luy i Imppy. Tito lttiriixoii Htnit wdiuul tmihliiiii hi I'urtUud n burud Tufly. Mr. Y. W. t'fttiipUII i 'eturiH'd f runt llm xurvovitig tup with lur hiu liid. Frank U'ki'tvl Uik in it i u plo of ri k. Mr. UuMiiiif throw n (roiu Ilia H. rtiur Mr. l(Uhy', taxi TiK-Uyud Urrdy liuiirtf'l. Fur your cbuk vhm lni go tu M. II. HnaKn'. Mr hkeitou' h-t turo u hut ulliii ly ttiulwl. TIiwhi prowut xpuku wwll tit it. Fthvr O'Sl.oH.ln htildiii iliton-ntiim ruimiuli inut'tiiit" ' th i'utholiti vhurvll cvory cvuniiiK tliin wwk , Hov. T. I., rstibt will preach at Mu Mionvilh) tho culiiiug ytutr. ' Suto fir next wwk. Mimi IUimv lhllxr rt-luriiod (rum 8f tilt week. Hho in pu-i ii'.tf to t tillld lillillM Vulli'Xoitl l'orllulld. V, W. II. Hitiiiixiii to Hiiluill Hundity eviiinit to ail n$ unto ktwiwr xt the (tuto htir. Mr. Marion iixirto who livrx on farm m-ar Middlutim loxt liia houi nJ or )ni noiHlH n-paira. Hni'ii t'A. By th courUmy of Mr. Frutl 1m vIm, advcirtlNlnii tiRwit for Bin iDit'H nhow, wo wro tsnuhlo'l to wU through thu coiiipitr.y'ii advertliiu car. A ilitaiu hnatiir octiij Imh no end of tin onr, and miiki! up harrnln of lino paxtu dully, llnrtlm are iirnuiKod for 18 linoi, and In tsvory concolvahltt cornur r alow nd away tli hitla and linuioiM lilho Kntpha uxml fur pottcrx. It la a iinxlol of imiitnHn and utility. Onk flrrruM, (I. W. Klmiik, woll known ax a proxpnroux funimr of t'auhy, had In 2ij,i iiDn-x of rulu thla hhoii ami roiiorta an iixriilUuit yiuld. A fluid ol 1!( arnx of (nil xliidlcd out Oft htiMliida to Hit? acre, mid a lluM of W acrca of whaut turnod out ,10 hiiHlmla in thu aero. Not much of a falluro of cropa thla. Htii.i. Iluxv. N. W. Hamhill la xtill huay i-ollitctlnu amcluilna of fruit for the utttto fair, CliickauwH county promlara not to ho bidilnd hi tho iiiuttor of cotinfy oxhiliila, ii!i,ii iou Fiii iT. Mtxa Nora Ilcatiu placd upon our tnhlo a lino irnxkot of priiiio uioxl l(HUiliii)ly RirauKcd. Thcv wr from thu farm of II, L. C. I'liclpH ol Now Kra, hoititf tho lurncxt and flncxt flitvorod thut wo hava amui thla year. Many thaiika. OlIKUON t'lTV ll.l.l'HTBATKO. TllO xl Hhuro for Ki)ptuihcr conma lo hand w ith illiiHtratlmia of Onou City, and a do acriutloii of thu low i), Ax la uxual in aitih iiiittUirH.yarlou opiniona are hoard to tho merit of tho woik, Tho litlii'jtriiplix am kkmI and will(lvo any una a Tory fair idea of tho appearance of tho phico, thn only exception bwliix t oihupa that tho (alia arc tukcu itm a dillcruat point t Itiiii itNitally x -i'ii In tlin picturaa. fii inxii, lUKKiia i.TV. Laxt apring, tho m hixil di-itrict coiiiprixiilit Hollwoixl and Willxhurg wax ilividcl (uruiiUK two ilixtricta, one for oach town. Much heat wax muiiiioxtad at tho tiino lu regard to thu ilivixiiui of tho money, In which thu tiiachcr at WiIUIjiuu J, F. UlmU txk a priiiuiuont par!, inaklitK hinnudf particu- llllly ollUUXioUa to tllM Sidlwood H;Oplu. Thla ainnuicr Hidlwixl liuilt a :!ii il huiixu amd UIkhIii applied fur tho puxitlou of U'iU'hnr, which Htiutiuto xay ho n civod. llix ulcction Ix HX'uliarllay oh- iiox'ioiih to tho pcuplu, and they last week called a mat in ictiiij; which wax lurxii ly altcndul. Hcxolutiona wcro pimxcd axkliu tho director lorcxi;n. Ax ho ro- i luxe to do mi, it yet romaina to Ix) cii how llm matter will tormituto. If you aro indchted to the uuderxiifiiml tdeafp call promptly anil tctllo your ac count, tl' ' J. W. NoRHIX, M. 1). Uuimi Id I'MKr il Tlio railroad living tt'"d , huuu by tho depot, which lux for a long ! timo hecu occupied by I ho ("hinciie xw 'lion lunula hax li.nl a double hoard rx( ! put on and other needed repair undo. J the old ru ruxeiubled a x?ar Imjx. ao ! ntimermia were the hole made by rwkx ' throw n from tlui bluff by the "hood i," Cah ko ! bm, John Kruno wifjiainoi.g our callcrx thia c k. llo thinks thut Itolx'it Lincoln would make an accepU- bio candid.ito for tho hfnd of the repub lican ticket. Wr- 'r l!na. Tbi o-bool board Opoued tho bhlx for building a iwlioul lioiixu Iat Hatorday and found tint lowext to )w from a l'orlUiid man. It wax for without h-ating and plumhiii";. tbcxo luxt two ilcniB would, aniading to thu lowext hi lx, cont Ki2., it would bring the coxt of the k IuhiI Iioiiho Up to I'MTo, or alxmt I KXIO uioro than the dixtrii t voted. Movkik H. F. raufleld hax moved into tho aliop xo long occupied by W. F. lliijhllold, whero he may bo found ready to do good work repairing watchex. FN Ktx k. Mra, ('. II. I., lturmeix ter carriex a lino lino of chx-kx, watchex and jewelry, anil inny alnayx bo found at her place of buxinexx ready to allow JO-JO, WITH TUB DOH-FACK. A llriuarkalile Human Curie riomliicnt among tho xpeclal fonturoa ol H. II, li-trrott'e Now UnltoJ MoiioUt Khowa which app(ur huru on Wodwuxday Hcpt. 21, la thu fainoux probfgo ol tlio (,'aar, "Jo-Jo," the tlog-facod Ituxxiun hoy, Title human miracle hue attracted wldoxpread utlontlon throughout Kuropo, And ho will no doubt duplicate in tmx country tho Intoroxl ho arouxod in the Old World. The Now York Journal xmakaof the prodigy ax followai "A Wondorful etirloaoity, the dog- faced boy, 'Jo-Jo' from HuxHia arrivou on the City ol Chicago yuntorday. 'Jo-Jo hax the face of a full-bhxided xkyo torrlor, thu rcxnmhlanco oxtondlng to the dark, oundod ya that gloam through the long xilkon hair which covor. hie face. From tho root of hm none the Pair ol lua furuhead ix comhod up hill, and blond with tho dtukor hair of tho head proper, w hich la coinlxjil atralght back ovor the head. From the ton and aldcx of hia noxe, and from tho chocka right up to tho orhilM of Urn uyoH, the hair (alia down, unite covering the mouth wnd chin. "Jo-Jo" ix very amiable generally, but hu allowed a littlo of tho canine nature for an Inxtant, yexlorday, when a report or gave him what uppeard to be a fine large lmn:tna hut which In reality wax only a banana xkiu covering a lot of flnO' cut tobacco. 'Jo-Jo' la morally opoxoJ to the weed. lie tiara chewing iinm, however, and fairly doto on gum dropa, "It wax Mr. S. II. ilanett'a money mid diploinitcy whicli xecunil rmixa Ion from tho Uuxxian Uovornment to bring 'Jo-Jo' lo thia country, and even now an agent for the Cxar, Mr. Nicholaa Forxtur, accoiiipaniextlm Uy, and will Ix) with him wherever ho goet, to a that he ia properly cared for ami return ed to Kt. Fetorxburg at tho Htipulated time." Fngiigcincnt Kxtraordlnary. Wo ro vleaxed to announce that ar rangement have been made whereby Wad-ol-Ward, the great oriental traveler and dixtinguixhed xcholar hax Ixx n Be en rod togivd two of bix oriental enter Uinmenlx in Oregon City. Th enter tainment, w hich have drawn iimnenxo audience in nil the largo c-axtern ntiex and In Portland, will be held noxt Tue- lay and Wcdnexday evening, Sept. 13 and 14, in l'oV hall under the auxpia-a of the Y. V. . C. E. of tho Congrega tional church. Wad-el-Ward Ix a native o Jeruxalem, rulextine, he fak 13 different lun gnagea, ix a graduate of King' College guidon and Isipxio Univcraity tier- ninny, lie comlucteil iien. urani anu party through the Holy LanJ wben niakiug their tour of tho world. He I well known to all the principal men in the L'nilcd Slatoit and i one of the moat plcaxing and inlereHling cakeni Uxm the platform. Hi audience are alwayi kept in lh 1hhI bnmor aud ihoutaol a phiuxe gn-et Ida wittv Myinga. yet be often move them to teara. lr. Ward apx.ar in hi elaWate (trie 11 "ul coa- tumo. Hiilexct1pnon Orraatern man nor and ruxtom i unexitflltHl and ev ery Ixxly ia pleaxetl. Tucxday evening he will apeak on "The Manner, Cuxtmn and Comicali- liea of F.uxtern Life," Wednexday eve nig, "A rilgrimago to Mecca In dixguiae, with the Mohammedan." Term: lxth cntv'rtaibinenta, 75centa, singlo ticket 50 cen!a. Childien tinder 15: txith entertainment, 50 rent, ain glo ticket, 25 rent. Heaerved aeats 25 cent extra, to bo had at the post office or tho h ill. FOB SALE. Lot 2, 3 and 0 In block 29, Oregon City, Till I one of the beat wareliouxe and biixlnex projiertlo In the city. If not old within 00 day will be withdrawn from alo and prh advanced, JYice (3200. H. B. Co, tf Att'y at IW, Oregon City. Nwtlee, Having IwMsn ernployel b the leading cltlxen ol Haudy, Kaglo Creek, and Hprlng-watcr. 1 will beat Eaglo Creek for the practixe of my profion until furthor notlcn. C. fl f mith, M. I. 45 4t riiyxioian k Kntgeon. YOU COl'SCll-FlltKKEftlStlH. Khotild cull at E. O. CanfieldA Co'a. City Pharmacy If you would xee the most complete abxik of fresh and fine Drug and choiccHt, fl no Toilet art idea, aoape, Proprietary medi cine etc. and you WILL NEVER find morn reaxonahle nrice the qual ity of good conxldored in the city we are aure that you will Full content by II ru lat week. A goodly iiumber went from hero Monday to hoar Hixhop Foxier. County court i In xexxioii tblx week. The rain of luxl week will give graxx it tine atart and a Mtcr yield ol milk will rexult. The brutal whipping of a hoy lu the lower part of tow n Monday night cauxed much indinnatiun among the neighbor. If repeated they will take tho matter in hand. ' Picliminary atcp for the exlahllxh mvlit of a canery will I hi tukun at the Ixiard of trade meeting Monday night. A full attendance ix ilcxired. boioui. Mkktinu. A will bo ms-n by the notice pouted by xcIuhiI clerk lliird- inii. a iHM'iul moetiug of tho rlocior I called to bear the report of the director in relation to the achixjl houxo, and if deemed proper, to vote uvh additional Ux ai la neuJod. Fan Ktoa. rbbo) yelled luxtlly a the rear tm h of Tuewtay'a train paxaeil revealing a tramp, hot a "trampin," but taking a I it ride on the break beam, klovao, J. B. .Shade found hlmxcll rramixid for room at hi old at.tnd and be may now be found buay at iii last in tho old tlx. l market. Coaraaaana A njoi anxn, The genera conference of 1887 adjourned Monday morning. Uev. Cao la aent to llaUoy and Kev. Willixon to thl place 0 Pmoiiuutios Poif. Uork will ieak on prohibition at thl place, Baturdayl and Sundity.tho 17tn and lstholreptom bcr. Tiihown Out. Laxt week a .Win llurlng wa driving down an ludino the Iron that hold tho nek-yoku from Blip ping back broke, allowing tho wagon to run onto tho horau heforo the brake could lie nut. The horei Immediately "tai led to run but the wagon struck a log throw lug Mr. Poring about ten foot out, drop ping him uninjured. Ill wife and child were thrown out with the aent and ro " celvcd omo levero bruUos. Notice. There will be preaching er vice at the Daptlt church next Hahbuth nt 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Morning aubject, "The Truth that inako froos" evening topic, "The right ear, tho right thumb and the right great toe," Sun lay achool iuur.udinto.lv uftur tho morning orvlco. f 0. Head, supply. Two TllOINANI) I ol.l. A R I'OOBKK. Tbi county Monday came to a rcalita ttou of tho fact Hint it wa about (-1HH) worse off than it had In'en the previoua nioruiiig. Thexuitof Kuxtnian nguinxt the county wax Monday decided in favor of Eiixtniftn and ngxinxt the county tl.'iiHI, and coxtx the tuno played to. In Juno lHSii Eaxtman wax driving a nairof horxe hitched to a buggy along tho road w lien be came to a bridge. There wa a hole in the Iridge and tho plank were liMixe. The folia co of tree hid the hole from the driver and w hen they came to it they allied to 01111 idu aud ax there wa 1.0 railing on tho bridge the w hole out lit w ent down Into the bed of tho xtreatn. r.axtuiun'a forearm wa fractured, hi ido hint and tho borxox and buggy more or hwxdainage d. Tho' Leglvlalura after the accident paraed a law ngainat allow ing damage in audi case and thia wa the principal ground of the dufdiue, j T Muli Hi'kkk. Moxxra Ware and Jaggars were in town Tuusday getting xoiiio reimlra for their threxhing ma chine. While 1 uuiiing with good motion the line pinion broke leaving the power alone a a check to the horxe, which aiiiiultunooualy with the breaking of tho pinion vtarted round the track lu a vig orous attempt to boat Maud 8. For a few moment thing were lively nlout there, but the excitement wa oon check ed with onlv a few broken bolt to axxcx up to lo along with tho blnion, Jim aaya he likea to give good motion, but don't like lobe in tho center at a triui of Rpoed. Not Am. Lovkly A newspaper ollluo Is not all suiihIiIiio. It aoniHtiuius hap pen that tho type i not In tho form, when the timo draws nigh for tho mail to close, and to have thu papar In thoxe mulls 1 of the utinoxt Importance. Our uiakouplaHt week was mi'llcUmt Illus tration to our reader ot the roxuit 01 such a state of affairs Mxxa Ida Latouretto will remain In town this winter and give painting lus son. Her very artistic work may be soon at Mrs. Drlgg'. Ayor'e Ague euro act directly on tho livor and biliary apparatus, and drives out the malarial poison whldl induces livor complaint and bilioiu disorder Warranted to euro, or the moiuy rotund od. Try it. Bob ll:ii (Iclt? on "Jo-Jo." "Jo-Jo might lie Miuted outa an evi dence that the day of miracles have not yet paxed away. Ho is the maxicrpice ofNutuio' wildest whims I never saw a human curio that interested ine so much a did Jo-lo. Apart from hi singular canine pearance, bo is very quick-w iltod and 'gets back at sarcastic vioitor in 1111 amusing way. Ho delight in guying IminiKilivo dudes. There, is nothing repulsive about Jo-Jo, but, on the conliary, ho i quito attractive." I'rerredluir of Hmlur Traas acted at Kcgniar ne ouon. Memlxsrsall preaenti Manthall Hughe absent and O, I'. Maltoon acted a dep uty. Petition of E. E. tbarman et al for or dinance prevention cow and chickens to run at large on Main street j referred to sitocial committee consisting of Pi! bury, Pratt and Uroughtou, Petition of T. 11. ltosley and Geo. Lar kinsto have W. H. Connor, night watch removed ; laid on table. Communication of Charman Bros. In reyurd to Insurance on' city buildings also ne Irom J. W, Draper on same subject; referred to committee on traet and pub lic uronertf. Report of dty cdleotor allowing (419i rel ieved during pat Quarter, read and placed on fl lo. Communication of E, E. Charman In relation to water pipe taken from the table and referred to committee on fire and water with instructions to sell at belt advantage. Heport of finance committee In regard to purchasing a afe taken from the ta ble and referred back to committee with instruction to offer the county $250 for the old safe now at F. T. Barlow's. CLAIMS ALLOWED. H. Straight (IC 00 Cha. Bold 8 00 II. Blanitimthlp..., 24 00 Pope Co. 85 C.W. Porter :. 12 00 W. II. Howell 25 00 W. U. Connor 40 00 C. P. Winosett 18 00 P. Neb run ... 60 C. E. Burn 102 05 Poymeiu 011 water work 400 00 Ordered that bridge be built just above the old reservoir. Ordered that bridge lie built across Singor creek near O. P. Mattoon's. Ordinance paaxod authorising city treasurer to borrow (10,000 at 7 x;r cent per annum for the purxje of funding the city debt, interest to be paid semi- annually on the first day of January and July of each year. City treasurer is to prepare obliiratUmsSO in liumlx-r (01 (500 each, payable 5 year fiom September 1, 1487. but payable also at the option of the city ou the first day of January and July of any year previous to the expira tion of said five years. Each obligation lutU hav Attached U interest coupons for half yearly interest a It mature thereon aa aforesaid. The vote stood, yea, Pratt, PiUlury, Bronghton, Whit- link and Howard; nays, Johnson and Mader. Price of water to the court liouae re duced to (7 per month. Price of water to the Chinese wash house raised to (3 per month. City collector granted one more month in which to collect hues. Mayor ordered to appoint a poundma ter. ' Committee on street and public prop erty ordered to have leak in city hall re paired. BE better pleased with yourself after make- Itig a purchase at tbi place, and we guarantee that you will not tje DISAPPOINTED but find everything a represented. Dispensing - Department. Putting nn prescription we consider by fur the inoxt important branch of our bus iness and we have accordingly spared 110 expense or painstaking eflort to perfect our entire stock in dotuil and quality Remember the place CITY PHARMACY XKAB TDK COUHT HOUSE E. U. CAIFIELD, tc CO. D Dr. C. A. CLINE, E X T I S T. Having located In Oregon City for tho practice of dentistry I am prepar ed to attend to all work premptly. r r 1 L m 1 an SJ2SEirtTJi ir-jjr.-aSi in-ij ft-irW , mm UXTX C.M.HENnEHSON&CO.S CiiliiRAHO BOOTS I SN013 CHICABO. 1 - n - - ,vt.r:-v , Am vv. - CHARMAN & SON, Sole Agents For CLACKAMAS COUNTY. POPE & CO., "' ' , DEALEU3 IN Stoves, Tin Plate, Lead and Iron Kpe, Braziers' Copper, Brass and Iron Wire, Gauze Fittings, Kubber Hose, Pumps, Zinc, &e. I HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS JN GENERAL -MAStracTfara or TIN, COPPER ASD SHEET IKON WARE, Reofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, and at Low Price. fjtr" You will find Hardware, Woodenware and Thiwa e IaiutcrnB, Lamps, Oil, Lucine and Pacifte Kublwr Paint, at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Oregon City, Oregon. POrE A CO. rutcea moderate, all wokk ol aram TEEI) TO HIT. OFFICE IN 1-OST OFFICE BLOCK, OREGON CITY, OREGON. If you want your watch repaired go to Mr. C. H. L. Burroeister'. . Use Senonr's floor pain t. It will dry over night. Exfxwially adapted for wood floors. Charman Bros. City Drug r-tore. 1 Take jr watrke ( Can fl rid for Aral rlxaa work, wnr-realr-d, at prices im esilt th I Intra. E. B. Clement ha a fine lot of pipe which Ire will sell at less th in wholesale rate. he Ureat iiastern utore. THE LEADER of LOW PRICES. Our Spring and Summer good have arrived and for styles quali dny a prices have never tx?en equaled in this market before. We have one of the largest stocks that ha ever cme to the city and have taken great pains in Reletting our stock in every department. WOOl Wanted. THE . GREAT - - EASTERN - - STORE. Iltsrs Raraxtnlnc la the pmanmcc at Oren C!:. CUekxau County, Oregon. Aug. s 1"7. .Uau. adxUa, a Itiu Albrtirht. Oen. llaMl, Cxp. Train, w av rvilinri, lira. Hjllunr. M. HtiOkULtr, KtU MiM Miher. Hlchurd Miller, C. 4 Suns Mlur. . -. Krank W 'aUier, Om. Strayed. A white cow apout 8 year old having on a bell with chuin collar, unmarkod Information relating to tho same may be left at this office. 42 14. 1 ho New American Parly. The Philadelphia Pres says : Tlio old warcry of tho kuuwmthing party "An.r tea for Americans," will lie raised in the prexiduntal eainwign of 1HH8 by tlio new American p'irty. Iniring tlie celebration of the conxtl'.utional celebration In this city a preparatory convention will le held at wliiah delegates from thirty-eiglat, stales will bo present. Oonoral Maxtur Workman Powdorly is piomlnentineii- bur of ti lt new party and has given ut teranee morv than once to the u-inclplo which the party propone to stand upon. The principle tart out from one central Idea, reHtrlction of immigration. In September the convention will devote it- clf to loriuulating a achemo t J eiuu-t a thorough org inisalion of statu county and towusliip committees and will eall a convention lo lie held next July, prob ably In tbi city, when candidates for president and vice president and tat ticket will be put In tho Held. Tuxes lu the Millennium. Col. Boh IngerxoU propoxe that all homo ahull 13 (reo from taxation. Honry looige, Col. Bob' present teacher in politics, wants to have noth ing taxed except tho bare land. . The progressive democrat, Ingoraoll'a and Goorgo' party want all the land di vided tin. so that each man may nave a home. SupiKming that all these statesmen Have' their way and shall attain their purpose, and that no taxosare put on anything but the land, and all tho land Is put into home, and the home aro all free from taxes, then theru will be only one Uilng to do. This will bo to fall back on Horace (Ircelev' I'hin and pay all the the taxe out of tho publiu treasury. New York Sun. Tooth preservor ut Harding'. Butte Creek Fair. The third annual fair of the Butte Creek agricultural society will be held at their ground near Marquarasville, Clackamas county, Oregon, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September Wth, 30th and October 1st, 1887. Thia asso ciation is incorporated, and has tree com- ixititlon for all. Bring your product and help to build up a society that will be worthy of your patronage. Allart'tclea to compete for premiums should enter by Friday noon; 20 per cent, of premium will be charged for en trance fee. Cah premiums will tie paid Tickets to the pavlllion during the wbole fair, 25 cenU each, tor all persons over 12 year of age. For further particular address the secretary J. E. Jack. Ileal Estate Transfer. O. A C. R. R. Co. to James Carlson -E of NE H 1 S E ft of NV i , see 29, T 5 B, R g K, 130 acres :!(U) F, Welsh and wife to John Davis pt of sec aa, t a s,rs f.,w acre ..,-. 200 Wm. Borsch et al to A. Bechtem et al und Interest by public sur vey In see 34, T I 8, U E, and sec 3, T t 8, R 1 E, 50 acres 1400 P. Harris and wile to John Dolan NWofNEW.aMl7.T28, R8E 10 0. C. R. K. to P. Harris N of NE K.seun.TtS, It 5 E, 80 acre T... 80 M. II. RiobborTand wife to U. Fretl erick pt of D L C of Sol Wheeler inT28,U3E,49 acre 175 0. T. Tooie and wife to W. L. Tooso and wife lot 1, blk 1, New Era., R. Koehler to C. M: Knight 24.32 ttcresatCanby... 8 O. A C. K. K. Co. to D, lliderinan -SEWofSEtt'.eeo 1, T S 8, R 3 E, 43 acre V) Ole Severeon to O. Trego and wife NEH'of NE M, sec 31, T 1 , R 3E,40acie , F. M. Baker to L. Baker pt of I) L , C of E. Fisher end wife, claim 44, T 2 S. R 2 K - 50 For first cl wUh and iowclry work ma . . ., go to Air, v. ri. 1., liurmoixier. TIIK RRV. OKO. H TH4YRR, ot Bniirbon siiil,, s.iys: "Hi'lh tnywll ami wlls ows our liven lu SlIIMur rruwHruun v.u rut tal bf K. (1. yufl.t4 4 Co. Huruxk, Jan. (..Jlk) Onrl.x.- Uafrf H.-n lrK.. A. Ilohn, Joakua , kxrnt. Jam MixJxy. Jokuxaa Mxynxnl, S. IL NortiHi, . BrhuUr. i. H. (rf .) W rnr. J. K. Wallarxj, tUlli. II exiled lot pttxac M whan idTarllwd. J. Ji. Uxeua. V. M. . Fur Rent. Farm of 225 acres, fl mile from rail road. 100 acre In cultivation, rich land and in good neighlxwhood. Inquire of 11. r.. v , Oregon City Tt Borrewrrs. Ono hundred thousand dollar to lend in sum to suit, on rxxl farm mortgages. Ten r cent and no taxes, long hunt orefurred June 51, isa. u JOHNSON, Mil UWS dt IDLKMAa A new strain. For Sale. milch cow of good milking Wanted. 500 white hop picker wanted on or before Sept. 3. Forty cent jnsr box paid and !icker board themselves. Cell on or address Rxkb A IUsson, Buttoville, Or. M tlKKT RETORT. Wheat, V bu file, Oat. V Flour, It grade, 3.W). Flour, 2nd grade, 2 75 FEED: Hhorts $20 50 Bran. 120 50. Hay, timothy baled. $1g. 50. Hay timothy loose, $12. Clover, baled MEATS : Bei'f.Hve, 2S,r. Beef dressed, 6 and c. Veal, dressed, 0 and 7c. . Hogs, live, So. Hogs, dressed, 5 und Go. Sheep, V head, $1.50 and $2.00. Wool, V Iard, country bulk, S and 8,S. Ixird, buckets, to. Hams, V., 10 and 12c. Sides, VII,, Hand 0c. Shoulder, y tt, 0 and 7o, PRODUCE: Butter, best, 12 25. Einrs, V fresh, 18o. Chicken, dreai-e.l, doxen, $:i$4.00, Chicken, live, $;t.fK).(rt4.(i0 Chicken, spring $2.00 4 $2.50 Turkevs, 10(4P2,eVlb. Potatoes, V bu $.fl;). Onions, V hu $1.00. Apple $ box, $ .50. DRIED FRUITS :- Apples, sun dried, tl ami 7c, Plums, sun dried, 7 and 0, lN-nns, sun dried, 6 and 8e. Pear, tun dried. 0 and 8c. Apple, machine dried ,bleaehedS)(ai0o I'lum. machine itneu. ana inc. Prune, machine dried. 10 and 12c. Pear, machino dried 8 and 10c. C- IP- WINESET. Undertaker, WagonandCarriage Maker. MAIS STREFT, OREGON CITY, OREUOS.. . IMPORTANT j BOXES! - BOXES!! f true, and" it is true THAT CHARMAN - BROS, City Drug Store Have the U'gcst STOCK OF D R U G S Ever Irought to Clackamas County, and offer them at price that defy COMPETITION. It well pay you to call aud get PRICES Before buying elxewhere Gharman Bros, City Drrg Store. I am prcparcp to furnish Seasoned Fruit Boxes OF ALL KIXDS AtBed Ri:c Prlsa. IN Quantities lo Suit Factory at Oregon City aaw mill. Geo. Broughton. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. We lta i t low M uc h But we Will Save U Money On anythlnf In our Hue, which ouuxUls ul First -Class Groceries, Uread, Cnke and Pastry, WOODEN WARE, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Next d(Mr to (irwuuinu 1 Fniiil Store, OEKUONCtTY, - - OBKGON. Lovejoy & Kleffman. LEAVE-Orognn City ... 8 00 A. M 1 JO t- U. " eoruxau.liylur trot dock 0 X. M. 4) P. H 81XDAT TRIPS. LEAVE Orfnn City., VortUutl S A. M.lr.H IO.i.H. k:t IVi. H. Flanagan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -LIQUOlt STORE- KEKP4 OS HANI1 THE HKST 8EI.ECTIOH ( Wine. Lliiunra, Al4, llerr, Ao., lu b touixt In thu Stats. Glv m a eal. In Logiti-Kmhsia llluck. M. II. FLAKAQAN. Always Victorious. . l vJ ISfPFUNDE THE FLOUR MILL KNOWN n the "Sinccr Mill" in OHKGON CITY, for sale or rent, on eitriy terms. Inquire of II. E. Will iam at the Dalles, or JOHNSON & McCOWN, Oregon City, - - - Oregon. 'V o tloiiiiith mul Ilia m,l,i., , tarue ral uriiiii, I'' hnMiniB Ikk1 r lutphl, mul lu tlmi epl alt Im (Xirltiua ul Hi blo,l Tin OrKm lllund Purifier, n purely eatlls euiupoiiiiit, li The '-ioily to cure all ilUvans 01 llm kliluuyt iui '"-.lOily re'ia" o Hum c iiii-i ly Imiuiri! blnuil HU- l'yiiifp- Hiiumv i,,i,ne, Cnnatlpiittou Hick M'li-h, kin. Si-rululi' Eriimliiii. ul tlm Skin. Usui. eir. Try It mul yu will flul it alwtyi victiirlou In ll hntllo Willi niaeiae. Hoi, I very where: 1 1U0 per txatls t tmlwi lur li.uu Police is licreby given to all whom It may eon corn, not to trust my wife, Anna C, Math, cis'in on my account.. EmVAKU MAHIMMOg, 1 Al