THE ENTERPRISE. THUKSDAY. SKl'Ll. l.W. THE OLD TOLL UOAl). t , In company with Commissioners Pal- ma'eer and Mack and Senator Barin , Tuesday afternoon we had ft pleasant driw over the Clackamas toll road, or so much of it m m patl,le for vehicles from this end. The rest of the. war w walked. ' The raid 1 ... f preservation, conmdomiint not been traveled for seven, years, trow ithep - rniunor....,,,, ,.. " " the soil is su :h that the road would be s better for the application of gravel w hich 1 is easily obtained. When this slwt ' piece ts passed there is hanUy a rod in ? all the distance to Baker's Terry .bridge ' whore a team can not tret when once the road is traveled. At present a bridgtt is ' broken making the ne of the road im .' possible! Leaving the team nt this bridge .' we walked to ''the bluff," thence on to "the bridge across the Clackamas. From ' .conversati ins with different parties we ' Jiad been led to suppose that this bluff .was a terrible bug-beat to the utility of ' 4he road, in the shape of a perpendicular .clay mhankment which was ready to 1 crumble' and slide down upon the nnwary traveler in fnry from a cou ple fViuidred feet above. Instead we t mnd he road bed at this point upon a : sort of rock concrete rising perhaps 125 , feet above the clear waters of the Claek- amas. The liability of this material to ' wash is shown by the presence of fir Iwf : ' r6 inches in diameter growing from tht ''bank. Above the' road tW clttfs, if in- '. te,t oc a alone of perhaps 4 Ho (" ) dcittec juay be called Mich have aJivady washed ab;U all that tlTey w ill if pioporly pro- Uaied. For several years this mid has I . not been used, yet it was remarked that one man in one dav could make this part of the road passable for teams, and be- yond the bluff there is now but one o!r nUclo to free travel, and that is a enull log. The advantaes of this road arc at once apparent. They are, FiasT. A shortening of the distance to Baker's Ferry bridge by about tour miles. Sbcosd. The avoidance of all hill, for with the exception of the b'.uff and paper mills there is not a single bill, and neith er of those named exceed 10 feet to the 100. Third. A road bed of the very best possible mateiial one that is as good in wet weather as in dry and the location of a rond that will not need constant re pairs all along the line to make it passa ble during the wet months. Fourth. It has the jossibiiities of be coming, not only the best piece of road in Clackamas county, but one of the most pleasant and picturesque. Fimi. It mould become the main thoroughfare to Oregon City for ail the upper Clackamas country, thereby lend. ing to build op our bo-.mi town rather loan an vuimuc jMarc. ro r r LATibTw anted. Under ti e bra 1 of a "crjinj neel," the Oie-onian comparing 1'ortlun l w ith , Omaha says ; ' We have a s.-cre of resources wliicb . t I. ,. . . 1 - .1 ouraunji uas nutj w-j uavj ju-citw iu ii.e ocean and tlie world of commerce ; we have an iucompararably belter climate ; 1 b it all of these advantages are of small account to create new welth anions us, because we lack population. It matters little just now that we have the finest Wdlur hiva, in tlia m-nrl.l rwi- in. u make little use of it: it matters little that ' we have mountains of silver, and iron and coal, since theyyield us next to noth ing; it matter little that we have the bt trait country in tlu world since wa plant next to nothing. Our water power will run to w.iste, our mountains will continue to huard their ' 'wealth, our vacant lands will produce nothing,, in short, our matchless re ' sources will gain (or us no gn Jt advan 1 ' tage till we get people to develop thcin on a large scale. The crying need of the country is population. ' It then bemoans the fact that the . '"only organized agency" should have been closed and further savs I'ortlanl would le glad to do more than her share to keep up this useful of fice and to redeem the promises of the state, but sho will not carry the burden alone. It was believed last winter that the interior, which is even more directly interested than Portland, would help in the work, but it was deuf to all appeals. Our people having kept the office on its . feet for' eight months, now decline to , potitribute futhcr unless the country will co-operate. The Orogonian allows the conclusion to lie formed from the wording of its ar ticle that the interior i not alive to the '.needs of the state, and the value of a ,board of immigration. The iieoplo of the interior may be drowsy, but their op position to the board in the legislature was based upon the well founded belief that the secretary of the board, if not the 'board itself was wronging the eiitirecom mon wealth by pandering to the w ishes ;ofa caporation. Having nsd every effort to abolish the secretary, which it seemed could only be done by cutting off i the head of the board, the country would Tbe most foolish indeed to thrust its hand 'into it pocket and volunteer the money totupiort a policy which they unani mously and in the strongest terms con demned. Portland may find cause of grievance in the failure of the country to co-operate in certain things, but a clear case cannot be made out because of the death of the utate board of iinmigiation, trv however bard the Oregonian may. Another roasou for the building of the west side road Is at hand in the Blartitiirj Vn of the iron works. Not only should a wagon road be made, bufa rail road to bring material to the falls to la; worked Into all kinds of implement in die cheapest ossible manner. TO FIRE tT. Tho Iron ntvt Steel works of Oswego have contracted Ith the city of Portland to furnish 1W7 tons of water pipe of assorted sines to ho delivered for 42 ,W per ton. The first delivery of pip?" is to be made In April and 200 tons per month thereafter till the contract is comileted. It. will require owe nix month work to Gil this oidor, and the early wtartinx of v.l- oot rttaulr Tim haivu I rf ()p j jw o( h minM cft hardly be tner-etiiiad, speiallyin Lt,w ,,,Un,out kat lw ompi.v j w. g( w vorks 1(,. j tht , ti , trsH'tod littinns tlicw vn. uJ add a complete. pla'.U for the u,islivi.n't uro vf nails. There is not another waUr-pi found ry oa the oast and at reasonable price the company can have a practical con trol of the trade on the Pacific. Willi the addition of a nail plant, which alone will employ lo.Vtnen, the company will place itself in the way of doing a large and profitable business, as there is no ' factory this side of the Judson works, and in addition to the fine quality of iron mineral at Oswego the company will hate the advantage of distance and freight andean compete successfully in this and adjoining territories. Thai the long standing dillerences have been set tled'i a tiVtter to be rejoiced in. Not only w ill tlte town of Oswego recievo new life ; and activity once more be witnessed on every hand, but the surrounding country and communities Iw in a measure benifit ted therhv. It is too in a measure a promise of o'her improvements, and the building up of other enterprises. Such plants once firmly established seldom remain the sole occupier of" a place. Industry lie-g.-ts industry, and others follow in ohe- lience to the laws of trade, and we look for other eetaUishnnnta to spring up within e.isv access of the Oswego works. The Wheat Siip!y. The following summary of the amount of whoat required for consumption and probable amount expected to be called from the United States will give as fair a statement of the question as is possible, anil enable farmers to hold or sell as they conclude projier after reading the fact. The Oregonian says : The wheat market, which so many of the readers of The Oregonian are now watching with interest, is in a demoral ized cojiitdion, consequent to a great ex tent uon the recent speculative deal at San Francisco. Although we were not involve 1 diicctly in this deal, its effects reach m in many ways. It can scarcely be sai I at this time tiiat wo have a mar ket. Importers offer only what the Eng lish market warrants, and holders, with eyes on the big fgures recently quoted at San Francisco, will not accept. It will probably be some time before there is ptessure etiou.'h on either side or both sides to set the wheels of business going. Crop results this year, looking the whole wheat producing world over, are neither exceptionally good nor exception ally bad. Kii'.'Iand reports from ten to eleven million quarters harvested in flue condition and selling at 3) shillings per quartet, the lowest price ever remember ed. The English product is aliout ten per cent, in excels of last year's crop. France this year produces a crop from 10 to 1 per cent, in excess of that last year, like the English crop harvested in good condition. Kussia has pro-bleed a much better corp than usual and h now ex lorting freely to Enjj'and. In India the crop is 10 jiercent short. The govern ment n-orU declare, however, that the surplus fur export will he the guineas last ye .r. Germany und other European couutri.s report good cDps.' It will be seen that th-re is (counting 10 per cent, off in india) only an average Supply in Euroi, and it may be assum ed that the demand for American grain will not full short of that of last year, when we sent to England K.",530,0(i0 biinhelsof wheat: to France 10,000,000 bushels, and oilier European markets 22, (A),0t0. The total was 127,500,000 bush els. It is not likely that the European market will want less from us this year. In the Western states the crop is a lit tle th'jrt of average, while on the Pacific coast it is large. In Oregon and Wash ington the surplus for export will proba bly aggregate from 400,000 to 475,000 tons: fnm the Columbia basin from 300, OHO C50,;i00 tons, and from the Willamette valley from 100,000 to 125,000. Tonnage is by no means pletiful at rates now offered. Iron ships are now asking forty Hhillings per ton and up wards for fall and winter loading. With fort) shillings as a basis for freiglit and with prices for wheat in Eng- at I)')! Ill shillings er quarter for Walla Walla and valley rospectivly, wheat is worth at l'otland about $1 04f 1 05 er cen'rul for Walla Walla and $1 ODQl 10 for valley. Willi tin so figures as a basis, reckoning local freight at (5 per ton from points cart of tin ro itin'ainsto Portland, and de ducting cost of sacking and ship ping, the tanner in the eastern auction will have about forty or forty-one cents per bushel clear for bis wheat. The Willamette valley farmer will have from forty. hovii to fifty-five cent per bushels clear, uccording to locality and local freight. The market will start at about these figures. A sfightly better price Is predict d later in the season but there is no reason te expect a very groat ad vance. In tin; death of Ilishop Harris the Meth odist church loses one of its pillars, lie was horn in Keptcmher 1817 and was therefore nearly seventy years of aifo. Tho tfoneral conference of .872 elected hlm jjiHi10J), P,ior to that time J' lieon intimately connected witlc i u-a-tional work, and did especially nt' able service In the great anti-slavery iti ugglo in which the Methodist church took audi a prominent pait. The governor baa issued a proclama tion for a special election for November 8th, to vote upon the three amendments and ordered it printed In the Oregonum and all the democratic papers of the stale. What has the Oregonian done that it should get mixed up in such company ? The "earliest pioneer'' has leon lo cated back to 1812. Who next? The Rural Spirit and Willamette Farm er combined conies to our table in the form ol the Kuril Spirit, but much inv proved in appearance. U is the host ag- ru-nlttiral paper on the coast. Whisper it loa. It is Wlieved tha there wili lie a metdianics fair in l'oit land this fall, but they don't want any binly to know it. Sh don't tell any IhhIv that we tell von. Camp Meetluir. The spiritualists vt Oregon and Wash ington Territory will hold camp meet ing on their ground at Sew Kia, Oregon, under the management the On-gon state as ion of spiritualists com mencing Sept. 1Mb, 1W7, and continu ing for two weeks. Friday, Sept. 2I'd is to lie devoted entirely to the considera tion of the temperance, question.' The railroad companv has beeu applied for the usual reduction of fare. There will 1h an eating house upon the ground whore meals can bo obtained at reasona ble rates, and thosj bringing bed clothes can le supplied with bunks either ill; buildings or tents, tiood speaker and mediums are anticipated. TlIOMS Il'i'KM.N Are vott troublo l with corns? Harding has the cure for them." O. A 'nnfie1tl the watrhmakrr will not ouly rank yonr w alch i-nn but keep time: wiitcha flint I her have tailed to make go particularly i!i-ttet. We know of no mile of tie it men t which offers, to suffjr from chronic dis eases, a more certain hope of cure than th.d which is comprehended in the use of AyerN Sa'rsaparilla. For purifying and invigorating the blood, this prepara tion is unequaled. A FATAL DELUSION. The Panrlml Sreurl'r and Appalling l'ril of Voopte Ucvealrtl. The eminent scientist ami author, 1, Joeph K. Ki! wards of l'hiladelpliia, re-' lates ilia toi.owui woiiueiitii ex(an e'lces : "ihirin'imy term a resilient phyi din in the medical wards of tho Phila delphia Hospital, it w: a coin moil oc cnrreiice lor an ainbuhince call to be n-ceivttl from one of the down town ta:ion honsas. Vfm michinir the place designated, we would l i-howii li .. a man or woman who ,C-i has been found mi-1 a" JTX-'-C conscious on the street ! masissriiriSi yrTTTyy FiJjtie removed to the hi- 'J'irft ,,',K'' w',rr would Vw?" "linger nnconscbau fn A,7. C:"iVv tweiily fonr or twenty six lioiirsand then ilio. a.n amiii'i.axcr III a majority of these cam.. case a post-mortem examination would reveal a iina-t horri ble state of all'uirs which I will explain hereafter." 'A laily In apirenily pMl health, who rarely complained and then only Oivasionally, ol soino a ! i -rt 1 1 and tran sient ill feeling, as nearly every one does at some tune or other, touk a lon walk with her hasliand, and upon n turniii home, feeling particularly well, went to h'T room to n-move her boiumt, ami, while standing in front of the mirror, fell to the H -or in a convulsion, followed by twenty-four hour of nn ci.nsciu"iics ami dvath without re turn to cuiiMdoiirtnesH. A post-mortem cxaiiiinatioii revealed the true cause in a mnt horrible form." "A voup; married man for years suf fercii from tlyseia, for which he con sn'te.1 many pliysicians. After suffT iin( in this way, and having no other ym loins ol disease, lie awoke one morning to Und a very slight selli:i', si arci ly more than a pufliness under one ey. In loss than a month he was ilea I. ow the real and tcrriiile cause ol all th-so deaths w,is I'.rilit's di.-ease of the kidneys, anil they ini'ht all havu been avoided hail the unfortunute victims knoun aliat a horrible malady a as fastened iitmn them. lint I'.rili't's dis ease Ins no rympUinis of its own. It steals into the cyst-iii like a thief, and deceives its victim by showing the symp toms of nearly every other disease. I '.tit what call la) done? Take it in lime. If you feel unaccountably ti'ed; il you have peculiar pressing pains; if your appetite is uncertain; if your head aches occasionally ; if oi:r sleep is ir regular; if liie Utiids passed are profuse or sciitity, do not delay, ,but use tho la st known iin-ans for eciipin agony mid deal li I (ore it is Id , too late, lor this pur- L io-e there iia reiiii ily, rlo'le, iini the only ono tba,J vV.ff?" Ii.v ever proven a'i' i t v iU'tj'i Intel certain. II infL i&dS'iCdhr" Uoineilv has never bci nz jy9fd eipinleii, and it is Ihejrf'jJ ijnly ahsiiluiu miu -Or known to the medical i.ikh a thick. proiraaioii. There are tin usaiuls in men an I noiiieu lo-'lav wlm enjoy r .'ect h -alili who would be in tin ir ravi' lind it no1 U-eii ;o t'lis nmi Icrful reie 'I;', flnl liii'iti are lliou ;i ni n( othi iliu ifijiiue it uit!ii,iil tin b .er a ilcl.i liia i- no ilio ia' m "if, lint tint! r in n 'nun n w:d ii are laoii t.cii. 1 ''Jo-Jo" will be seen in tho main bdit of Manager Barrett's show, No additional charge will he made to see him. A fire in a theater at Kxcter, Kngland resulted in the death of one hundred ami thirty persons, besides the injured. Useful and Hurt, id Jleilclnes. There Ii a certain data of remedial for con ttlpatlon abaoluiely uteleta. Theteara iMilutee and iiollona made In (mat part of podophyllln, aloea, rhubarb, j nnlHt-a, and uther worthleta Intrredleiitt. The dainava they rlo to the atom achea of Unite who line them la incalculable, they evacuate the bnwela. It la true, but alwaya do an violently and pmttiacly, and betldea arlia the bowelt Their erTeei fa lo weaken both them ami tha atomach. Iletter fur lo nae the agreeable and aalutary aierlent, lloaietter'a ..-mach lllttera, the laxative ell'ect of which la rieyc praceded by pain or aeoomptiiled by a conviil lve, violent action of the bowelt, (mi invlvoratea thote or(sna, Ihe atomnch and the entire lyitem. At a meant of ciiriur aud preveutltiK malarial fevert. no modi cine en oompare with It, and It reiutdlca nerv oua debility, rlieiimailtm. kidney and bladder iiriciiviiv, ami omar luorganio i:muuu. The Appetite May bo increased, the Digestive organ strengthened, and the bowel regulated, by taking Ayer't Pills. These Pills are purely vegotabl In thetr composition. They contain neither calomel nor any other dangerous drug, and may be takeu with perfect safety by persons of all age. I was a pront sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation. I had no appetite, and was constantly nttltcUxl with lUaU aohe. ami DUuim'is. I ronstilteU our family doctor, who tvreaerlhed for me, at various times, without affording more than temporary Tellf. I ilimlly com menced taking Aycr's Pills. In a short time my UigesUou aud appetitl) IMPROVED my bowel were etailated, and, by tha time I finished two boxes of thtvse Tills my t.'ndoiu y to lioatlaohva bad OUniw ptiartnl, ami I bccanin strong ami well. barm M. Logau, VUiuingtou, Deb I was troubled, tt over a year, with liossot Appetite, and tieneral lMilllly. 1 etamneiHHHl taking Ayer's Pills, and, Wore tlnisblnu halt a box of this nimii ' i'iue,uy apiwtlte and strength wer t , slorcd. 0. 0. Chut, laulHiry, Conn. Ayer's Tills are the best medicine known tome for regulating the bowel. , and for all disease i-tui-d by a dlsorvlered Slemacb aud Liver. I sintered lor over three years illi lb-ids lo, Iniligiwtion, and Constipation. I had no appetite, and was weak aud nervous unwtof the time. . BY USING . three boxes ot Aye Fills, and at the 1 same time dluting uysell, 1, was com plotely curwl. My digestive organs are now lu good ordcrvisdl am iO porfuul health. - A L0A'kt ualtojiek, Kans. Arw's Pills have htneflted me wonder- billy. For uionths I suttorvd from liull gojiiion and llcadavlto, was rcsthwa at uight, and lukl a lutJ taste in my iiiouth every morning. Alter taking one box of Ayer'a lill, all these trouble dis appeared, my food digested well, and my sleep was retwsliiiig. lleury C lioniuiouway, liockpott, Mas. I was cured ef tht Tile by the use of Ayer's Pills. Thev iot only relieved me of'that painful dwiinlor, but give mo lu creasnt vigor, and rmtortsl my health. Johu Laxaxua, tit. John, N. li. tf Ayer'si Pills, Pnrwwl by Dr. J. a Ajrsr ft Co., Lowtll, Uw. BoU by sit Draicgitu u twbn la UedtcltM. JOHN MYERS, (lenenil )Ieirhan(lise, Alo let H iVoi of Agricultural Jlat'hiapry. Th NKWTuN WADilN, h-.1 ami ehfip-"! The NoliW KtitAN I'l.ull'. h ir.lmie.1 !! face Biwl Wmn: w irrint t ! vi'our in hiiv mnl i ii li U K SI l.KEV IIAKUoW. Ct'l.llVAloU and HoaeVt ttthtlil. LOW PRICES FOR CASH. KKANK PKKL'M President W. K. SMITH .. u-e President JOHN A. I'll I Id Secretary and Manager - COLUMBIA - nre ana marine iinsurance Co ,CfportlandOi ... Office, - 163 Second St. t Hincrors. P. P. TUnnitrta. J ieib Wrtm4ii. W. K. S'linli. J'thn lhainrrlMTtf. John rl. It. il .!-. A. H. Ilrpynmli. J. A. Itoni'inKn, W. B. Ili.iiryni.n, lico It William, Sllll'irl P. Sturm, II, . I'liliaiU-, alirr r. Inirrull, Ji r. ml-nii. r. onus. J..lin A. 1'hliil, II. Ihlrlwn, Anahel Milan, IV. . Wajlivr. 1. U l.harmmi, W, T. W rlhl, k. 1.. llnrhum, , H. Martin Cliai. A. rram Peouin. This is a homo company. Transacts a general fno A marine ins. business. IV KLUNtl uorsKs A SPKCIALITY T. L. t 'barman A gonl Oregon t'itvtr. Female (Jeod I'armt t)ne hundred acres, ninety-two acres fencee, thirty-live acres in cultivation, live acres orchard, vouna jut commeiic- inir to U-ar Kood. T(ie fruit consist of apples, c:irs, plums, la-aches, prunes, cherries and tpiinccs also Kripes and straw lairries. Watered by two good springs and a well of eiaal water at the house. House lHxilll W illi three rooms below and three above; also clothes press and pantry; fwo barns, wairon- shed, rattle shed, cranerv, and yard, root house; milk hoiim! in a jtrove near the house. Thrcu miles from tlro- coii v ny ana a issi road, two miles from New Kra. Two'milc from custoin Krist mill. Terms chi-V. ' W.,11. Faxciikr. Xortliwest l ire ntiil Jf urine Insm-awe ( iuniuiiy. This company is managed by skillful underwriters, all business Is transacted on prim iplcs of commercial honor, and claimants may count with certainty that neither narrow pretext nor tech nical advantages will be urged against honest claims.. Jf tha agent does not call on "yon, reml him word ou wan to see hi in and ho will lute no time in findiiiK you, A. H. P.atv, Aent, t'rcion City, Dregon. Three l have the following to say of " Wisdom's Hoherlitio" the great Ircautifier and pro server of the complexion: PuiiTi.A.ti), Or June 4, HS7. To Mr. W. M. Wmdoin-Dear (Sir: I have tried your Kobertino. It is excel lent, and I shall le plcasiid to n-commentl it to all my lady friends. Uelievo me, yours truly, Uiika. I'oiiti.ani), Vr., Dec. 12, 1K87. To Mr. W. M. Wisdom: The "Uober- tine" you so kindly aunt me is excellent. It Is the finest preparation I ever used, and Is a decided inquisition to a lady's toilet. Jkannir Winston, 1'ohti.ani), Or;, April 7, IHS7. Tl,.e Me Vm.l..,n . I I....... t.l... ...... .... . i , ho.m ) win "Itoliortine." ami it trivoa inn irundi pleasure to sav thutfit is excellent ,r the coiiii!exi')ii, la-iuotiu of tho beHt ar tielos of the kind I have ever used, Yonra sincerely. Z, Tukiiki.i.k, For salo hy Ciiaiimau Ilitos, City Druu store, Orejjon C'itv, As a family iniMlicino, tho Oregon Wood Puriller has nu C(ual. It has proved itself a certain, and efficacious remedy lor all diseastea ciiused by an iui puroHtato of tho blood. Xolicc of Final Settlement, tn IheVmltpr of ths Kulite of) Henry sloilto. hullo l herehy lvn lliil I hive filed mv tlnil ro.iwt l !l Ki.u in iliofomilv Onni't nt I'lm'ksiimn County, Slum of nrrmm: Ami the I'ourt ln K.xivl lueadNV, IM-totwr i, t, a il ivnint time tor the ol Hie nme sinl lor the Mllteimn ol Hie Klnto. Anv psr on hvln olnwtl,iii In Mill Aim) reimii cull prewnl thenist that tlmi CM MUTS WII.SllT kx.HMitor ot the eit of IWnry SeHiitui, do IHMM'd, It. R. ro., ti'tt Alloriiey for th I'XntP. Suiuiniilis. In tho Cirenll Ooiirt for the Slate id Orison for 111" I'oiillly of Claelkiitiiii MelMiolltiiii S.ivtngii Hank, I'liiininr , vs. Ireuee Pnhamt-I, Kmella litilmmcl and Kranvls i Jvnkiua, Pfttmlmla To trenee Put amid, Kmidla linlinmrl and rraiifla J Jvnklua, me alajve namist italcml- aula. In Die iinm of the Slum nl Orrtion ynu in- ni-ri-ny rtMiitireo 10 appear ami amoior luoeoiii' nlaflit Hlt-d atfittnsl volt In Ilia ali.ivi iuittlln.1 silll till l'n llil Uay o( lilt) lil lorin ot tin alMvn aiiililtsl e.iurl; am) If voti fall n o ana ct, lor umiii llivreol, iln idaltillil' lll Iskp Jiiiliit-uiPiil aaalnl ymi lor I he mini of l.nM, wllh iiiu-n'Kt tnorisni ai ine rlt ol s nr eoiu. jo-r piiiiiiiu inmi ,u ii os ot iUiiy, .nnt; ami lor a Ui'i'-ee f.irH'lolun l lio iiioi K ina upon luu (o). u'woik ut'M-rintM prtpio'iy, lo-ttii; lh ifiiiii hall of tlte norihtnil tiirlr and tola iiuinlH-rcd one ami two ol him-iIoii four Iwn, Townahlpalx, aouilt of Huiiiii- one at oltlie ill iiiiK, Jimrnllaii, nlliini. In i:iai k4ma I'ouuly lu llio Slate ol Unuoii. n ml ilulni 111 i; acres, li-mu W I at foiloiva: Ui itinnfna ai ih inirltimal i-uriuir of mid H'vllou H, llnoioi) onil I li. iiiartr p t vu lh it btiiimUry ,ine id mild niH-ilon; tlivui-e ! lo ili i-Vnlar of anl e-u..i : Itnfiio" norllt In the aouili tunimlnry Una of Dm doiullou 1'UUil ol Sii'plniu K, I'.trrovr; llo-m: eal alona ii.ttil llutf to llio itith'nM rotmrrol ald d.-uatlou cUlin la Ilia aouitt wi'.. ,tiarlvr of llio no.llirai.1 iiarir of .t i-rcllou; llit-nra uoiiti atoua llio psl rsitnol nry lliiaof said donation rlinn Initio .-l h ill of Ilia uorilo-ii-i ii s rtor of aalit mm-Uioi U, to llio apiioii lino U-tttoon ni-i-tlouii It an. I H: ihom-o eo-l alm mid line l.i liio placit ot brlnulni:. Ami fnrttto aiiiii of IMS, altornoy'a too ht-rt-lu ami for eoaia and UiKlioraoinouia. Ihla iitinnoua la pithiutii-.t ny order of ttie )mio oi tito aiMiiv ouiiiivu coaru li.ilcd S,-pl. J, InS, H. A K . WI1.I.IVM. 't7 All y" lor I'lalnlllT, Sherirr Xale. St Hoof tlrocoti I . . County of ( la-kitiital ' My vlrliio of a drerr and ordor of foierloaur IRam-a out ol aua umlor llio ao-tl oi Iliu t-irt-till oiniii of (tto title ot tirv(iiu ti-r llio ouiui o Ciat kamn. dslotl lite flali dsy id Austnl. A I' Iv.;, wiit-rolu . Y HUlirloUl It pntlntiil and Joint-t H. tiarrott Uai-ltot mid t.owttl. IHyiua r ilofvn I una, in m a tliorirt dirwlrd In fav.-r of dofotid mi, l.owm i' 1' in llio tuiiiof tl.ti; .xi ariin Itilorv-I al liipvrooni avoir ami as-aiiililoiomtniilt Jaiiii ii II loin II anrl lis t-liol liarrctl, aUo Ilia fulttor tuiit ol III ti l Willi tntorohi at in por t-onl. por annum ami Un fit Mhor til in nl IliOsaan atl-irut-y't l-o titfsvur il W . llitiriola.paititltr.Hliil na.ttn.l ilffomjanta, Jxtuon II i.alrvii ami liaclir! totrrt'll. ami coin mamliuir mu lu I In- iiama of l to- ut ol lo iii tko iliIo ot Iini rost t-suio lit a ii-1 ilt-rroe mi. I onlor nf tala tpvoirted aud il-oilSitd at fiillout, lo-w it : llo.'inulnit at a rfiinl il t dnlut So tih and 1 olttlu o-l of llio iwrt!tl r.iruor nl i-t-llotl H III I'iS, IU W.of Iho IMIltMii-Ue Mt rollan, running; (lu-no Soitili .M otialu. I hence H-mh 7H tloiiroav SO mluuio Kat, Ixl rttiilnt; litaut-o Hnutli a tli-nroot , ! Iluiif srook. Iliouoo Uun n a-iiit t-rook with Ilia inn ittilrrt and nil iiomilot llioroof o tho a i .t liiiti.,r ,if llio d'Uisiioii t-litltn ofTiiouiatJ l liti.i llioine imrili ou irte aott b.iiiiuUry ( i.tld t'taliii loa isitui .11 t-haliia tiiinli of llio nnrtlino.t t-i.rurr of til.l rlaitu : Ihenra e-mili 7s it,-nroo m iiiiiiutri Ks Ji cltiilitt tlit-m a Norllt II ilo-ur.s-t Kal. VI oh tint P lln- ui-ilti liiint,iry id t il-l rcttiii, lltritt-o r. it! to Ilia p,tt ; nl IiokIiiiiIuk r.inlaUilua LSI urn-., tiu-ato lu lh o iiiiily ol l Pic kaitiaa and ! ttr of llraeott. I And h-rst It It loderrd. adjudged and do freed hy taid eittirt Itial aald bImivo ilt-at-rilied Und tliall Im- auld ad ii;e(lier '-r In i wo Mpr.ito l.ireel of ti and taiacii-t at tin pialiilln ttwy ititecl: Ihit Ilia prot-t-eda of lite anla of ttjdvti aero irat-i, "itt ti rilied In tat. I decree ait furdt r ol hirer liitiira ai foltoaa, to-wlt. Ilrtllnnlin at a point JM rltatnt muih anj two t-lialnt weal td ttte itortltwent curlier of aaetlnn :i. T S, H I W of tlte u iilametle Ma eedtan. ruDtittia Ihenea tottiti SJ eltalut, theiict tiiiitli Jsl, (turret Kail?.) rltalua. ' Iheure S-ntlh iS dryrava Wc.l til al elialna. Ihanee W. 7 Virliaint; Iheneo imrlh de areetWeal .' rlialni. Iltem-a North i do ifoet Kill -."J e taint; thence Nnrtti "s .,-wn-et Weil IAi rliaini. Ilience Niirllt II degree Katl .1? eltalnt; lliettea Katl a iUehalnt pillie pl.icv betrlntiiur. eiiiitalultiK vo arret noire or leta, hlu( part ol (lie l. U C uf I boa. J. aud Nau ry Cln.a. Sh-tll h fl rat applied to pr.yronnt of the turn d it reed tild liayion, ami the ri-in ilu-lrr. if aay, lo piynieul o iilalnlltr a iletuamt An t Die pru reedt ol tala uf t.n.l raj acre trsei de-crined In tald det-rea and order of lorectottire at foiloaa, lo-wli: Hetrinntnt al a point .11 rhtlui totuh nl the Northwest eoruer of thv i. I. li. of thoinat J ('hsa and wlfa In T it H. II I W of Ilia W. M , Mlllllllf; theure Soiilh 7s', deareet K -t SO ertsint; ilienee Mniiih J.) ili-aret Wett tn hulle- Creek. Iliem-a doaa Hnile I reek. Willi the matiidera and tlntiotftiea of the tlreatn to llt w rtl Isttindary nl ea!4 O. L C , Ilienee North nit aatd western IhiuicI ary In 1 lie pi see of Ijeiiiulng, enalalulu ie aerea rnorv or leta Shall ba apnlleil lo payment of plalnllfTa do mainland the remainder. II any, lo t turned nrer lo deleii.lalil. Jamen II. Oarrell. ur II a tld land it t. ad in one body aal-1 I'ayton Hall b flrai pal'l, the plulnllrr aeenud and the reninltt ler, il any. to lue delatidaut, Jaiuea II Otrretl. Therefore, hy virtue of til l ileeree and order if t ile, win on Momlnv the halt dsy nl Oi tobrr A. li. law. at tha hour often oilisk. A M at the court lioitaa disir In the elly of i u City lu tald roomy ami tialo, proeee.l to tell the above deu-rlhe-t real est He at public aitctliin to the hluhi-.t lii.lder forrtth tn tsiit:jr taul decree and order of tule.cotlt and accrulhti Cotlt. 1'ateJ Hi It lili Jty of t-epti-lnt.'-r. All. S7 MM. K Ml. II I' Hlieriffof rlackttii it l o., nreunii Overlaiiil California. MA Oregon & Culiloniln K. It. And Connectlona Para front Poriland to San Kranrltro, I.liulled t-;U, l ullnilled, .Hi L'loaa i-oniieellona nrnle at Aahland HU liict of lite California, Oregoa and Utke Company. Only MUlleetd Htit(lii( Time lietwecn Orcicn Cliy and San Frsnoliino, 41 hour. Exranaa Tit list iiaii.t. South I "Trolu May I, ss;. Norli;:' 4 uu r. a. I Luava I'ortland Arrive & i r. a. Oriii.uiLliy l.etvt M. Arrive A.lilsml lj-ve HI 10a. m . t USA. M fi irj p a U.rnl raatetnrar Tralne. Ilally, Kictipt Hiinday k"niu. ti.l f.eava PoriTaiiT ArrlieT.1 c. r. a H us t. a. I Is-.ive (irt K'Jtit Uy Iavu a,4ur. M r. H. I Arrive Kueeua U-ate j y oi a. a Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars d uly tjntweun I'orMn'id ami Attilaml. The U A ti. K. K Kerry iiuktian'inuectlon with all Ilia ri-Kulsf Irthit ou the bast Side IMtltlou, from footul Vilrvvl. Weat Side Division. HETWKKN PollTbANI) AND (.'OltVAIJ.I. Mull Train. (Kxcapt Hiimlny.) 7 :nu. at. ILL, r. a. l.iuive Arrive Portland Corv.illla Arrive Leave l.'i r. it. I an r. a Kiiirmi Train dally (uc.cpt Humlay) :fi(i r. a. s.uue. m. Iliiv Portland Arrive I I Arrive McMiuuvllle Leave II 00 A . M If, A. H At Alhniiy aud fiorvnllla connect with train) of Mreifon Panlrlo riillroml for Yaiiulna Hay. U.cil llckota forenlu mid htimaKe cheeked al cotnpaiiye uptown olhce, cruer I'lne aud "T", ii:a.:. oir proi-i put pollitatu niiioriiie cnu onty ue procurrii u oouiiiiny 0,"e, -r Y uui I'ronl Sis., I'rollani!, Or, KOEIII.Ktt, , P. HOUKKH. Miiniigur. ti. K. ami rii4. Agent Mercli.'ints Exchange. Mulu Htreat, Oregon (,'lly Oregon, T'KKFH CONHTANTI.Y OH HANtl TIf K IV lM-al In UieClt: hratld of Lliiuora. Wluea and InllieClty. Mtep In it nil try tho new liillLrii Tnhle. Alto Imported Wllwiiukee, rhh-iuro and lfuca Ueer. J. TIIICMHA'I II I'fonrlvior, TlIEHLAZlXdSUNOFTlIEEXHIBlT'NSKY Outsqlcndoringar.dcblitcrating all past records Most Poyltvely the only Tented Show - that will visit Oregon City this Season. TWO I NI'ltKfl lMiM'till, t'OMPl.tiTa KXIIIIUTIoNS, MAIN OR HMINT, AT OREGON CITY Wednsday September 21st Tlio WorlilVdroaU'st utulMtmt s. New United Monster Shows! f t ' ''iJ , fill-' rV-'y A aWtk l -x--e-5 T oa'VS'tT-'riVlia (ireat - ,i-lihn - Cirrus! Jht lie - Tli cater -N7fi Classic- - Jtuciw - Carnival - and 'Jo-Jo! y i mm it ki.i.i.i.i.ii cr.TU n.ix.iTion or tiii: World's Illustrations Arenic .Meteors! 200 Phenoiieal Champions! 80 Matchless and Dazzling Acts! UUiKlnl S A.M aTl'I'K.NIHil'S r'OKI.luN At'lJt'lHI TluN I t 1MINAI.I) McKKN.l I'.'S FAXIK-tltiAVSKl) SCtmit ATlU.KrK! Mli.VK HVStAN'S NOTKD Alt VHIAN llUfUS! Till: UOYAL YKldK) JAI'ASKSK t'IK('l'8! TMi-: ji'sr Ai'i'i:i khuh-kan vaudkvii.i.k (H)Mihnati(ixi 3 Kit lilott, a U.tfullti-letil 1 heater Sla, and a luaml Raelnf Ctreglt, lhal Itlaaa telth all l uluterriiptisl Sm-eettlon nf Uarveloua anil Perlloue Paolat N'wt.ibly atld Triumphantly ituiiiforced this Scaanii ith tha old world's Most Sinrt lin Ihitiiau riu-noiiieiioii, Ihe (.'aar'a own I'etUi I and i'amaired l'rodii;y JO-JO 6 o a s 1 1 t- -s . . , ..',, 'j r i A I '.. ; '.n .."'7.'.o .i.'t.n ss ' : 'O .-'v.-'.'-llea l,fcVesl . WM-v, ,'.j- f.s s fi,. ymm I y Wmi&miW TPE HUMAN SKYE TERRIER! An Unsolved MY3tory and Sensation of Two Continents! ."Iteyond all iiieatlon, J i Jo It the m itt exraordiniry anil aheorblimtf laiereatitif ciirlotliy that htl ever rear-lied tlif-'C aeorct " Near Yvrk Herald, A Playful llrown Kyed, h.t Ksied Ho) -tiuvered wllh Silken Hair from head IndaK-A rnallg lout Iiit.-lli-cl Vt tied behind the Vltag of of a Dog-Pimr lanjuaiet Itiulnf l-om Canine l.lptl No I'lclure ran Porlr.iy-Ku paa daaerlla hlrat Your Only Chance to Seo Jo-Jo He Comes no Hy (Jotuiusuil of Ilia ( tr he lleiurnt In I'elertbtirg at aa Kar'.y Pay. SUMPTUOUS Revival K 40 Rniillth and Kentucky TlioroiiKhliredat-Profuiilorial J(S-keyt ami Prleent-lllitorlcilly C ir reel Aipolutmeiit!-lxiUeat and (Irandutt Halting Circuit under Ciniatt REPRODUCTION OFTHE OLYMPIAN GAMES Tluilliii,' J'iniail.sworJ Combat no HorHcliackl vim a.m itiMi.iMTio ui:imii:ni:ta'hom or LIFE IN THE 44 WILD WEST" Monster (lathering of Ktinout Ri-oiitt, Covrbnya, In. liana aud Mucking llroticliuat EVERY MORNING AT 10 o'clock oiih ruKant Unit cvnr Duliglitod Humnn Vision! An llllmititlm! Lino of (Jtigui'DUs Poinji ami Holid Sjilondor Unapiirourlialilo and IiidoHcriMu'.-Woth Coming 100 Milon to WitncHs! A(lmission:(. To tho Kntiro oinhined Khow, 1TO EXTRA OHAUOE3 TO SEE JO-0 TO EXIIIHITIOXS DAILY. DOOHS OPEN AT 1 & 71' ruKi on.MANt. j:s iikuin an hour latick. I. heap ICciimloliton all Itnllfoadi. HeekXatlna Agent for I'artlciilnrt, Famous 'IVntt'il Art'gntionl BARRET'S r m . t J a ci-'-t)- a - '''ii' fmtr -- - Enormous !,' - World's Menngerit! Museum! W 1, TvV nRMiTr'',", Sk. , i r THE DOG-FACED RUSSIAT BOY!!! - J f ' V ' I t- I ( I A CM c c: More! AND SOUL-STIRRING - . Imperial Roman Hippodrome ) rHsincr through the strcrtu of tlio Citieii wlicro ) wo lire to Kxliibit, will bo noon tho Mont Glori Children under Niiw Years of Age, M