Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, July 28, 1887, Image 4

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    1'OltTI.lSn !KOtC MARKET.
Fancy roll, f lb. ,
Oregon ...
Inferior grade .
California roll
do pickled.....
Extern, full cream
Oregon, do
Kotiit Freeh
Dm kd Fruits ,
Apple, ox, aka and Mt. . ,
do California
Apricot, new crop
Fenehen, unpeeled. new . , .
1'. arn, machine dried
Fitted cherries
Fitted plums Oregon
KiK, Cal., In bps and bxs. .
CaT. rrunca, French
Oregon prunes
Fort land Fat Roller, 1bU $
Salem do do
White Lily hbl
Country brand
Wheat, Valley, 100 IN...
do Walla Walla
12 5H1
15 SO
U ft 10
7 8
lij-u 14
7 8
8 10
10 (a) 1J
S (10
4 75
4 75
25 4 85
3 U)
I 25 1 1
1 15 (9 1 17k
I 10
20 M 25 TO
4.1 (4 50
Barley, whole, (fell
do (rroui.d, t ton
OaU, choice milling t Imah
ilo rced.gnoa tociioicts.cta
Rye, If 100 ll 1 00
g 1 10
Bran.Moti 23 0J 21 00
Short, ton il 10
Hav, f ton, baled IS (XI J0 00
Chop, ton 18 10 ;) 00
Oil cake meal V ton 0 10 &&! 6C
Frkmi Fri'its-
Cherrica, Oregon, drm... 1 TO
Irfinona, California, fbx.. 4 00 5 -TO
I.imea, 100 1 SO
Riverside oraneea, box. . . 7 50
ai Angeles, do do ... S 00 0 3 SO
Feachea, V box I 00 (gjl SO
Pry, over 10 lt, lb 1.1
n et salted, overlo n t ij
Murrain hides onc-Uml off,
Felt 10 g 1 00
CablwRe, t !h 2
Carrot, V nark
Cauliflower, do 1 23 3
1 50
1 25
Futatoee, old, C lb U
do new, do 1J i
Kant. Oregon, Spring clip.. 14 (8
Valley Oregon, do .. 20 (
The Perullar Industry Carried (la by
Kuaibrr of Kreneh rvaaanta.
One of tlie strangest of sports, or
ratlier of fmlustrics since to a few
men eniployeU in tho forests of France
it supplies a part of their means of
livelihood is the gathering of ants'
ep:?s. Tho larraa of those insecU.
which are often as large as tho auts
themselves, are usetl in loological gar
duns and elsewhere as food for tropical
birds reared in captivity. Lt iloniUur
de la Cham, a hunting journal, (fives a
picturesque account of a hunt for ants'
crg, from which we make a transla
tion of gome extracts.
"At sunrise we set out into the woods
accompanied by the old forest guard,
Denis, and his son, Jean. The latter
carried a big bag and a shovel, we had
tied strings around the bottoms of our
trousers and around our coat sleeves
at the wrists, as a precaution against
the sort of game we were after. Be
fore long we came upon one of tho lit
tle hillocks of twigs which form the
ants' houses. Jean held his bag open
by the ant-hill, and Denis simply gave
two or three strokes with his shovel,
thrusting ants, twig and eggs all pell
mell into the bag. The aaek was quick
ly tieil up, and another ant-hill sought
and dfxiiled, and this was repeated
utiui me bag was full.
"Anduow comes what is more in
teresting,' said old Denis 'the sortinjr
of tho egg. I hare an extensive es
tablishment where this is carried on
iwrmanently.' The old man smiled as
he 8Mike. We proceeded to a level
clearing in tho wood, ojiert to the sua,
n me inuiuio oi w iik' u mere was a
ring made of empty flower-pots laid on
iiieir snies, tuo mouths of the pots
uirnoii toward the center. Jean laid
down his bag, with its thousands of
squirming prisoners, while he covered
the ring of flower-pots over with the
green branche s of trees in such a way
as to shade them completely, but not
tho miiliilo of tho circle. Then, Jiiro
this sunny space in tho center, he
ojiened his bag nnd emptied its con
tents. Lwtantly, as if by inspiration,
the writhing mass of ants began carry
ing their eggs into the shaded no.
They knew that, if li ft many minutes
erimsrtl to the sun. their delicate young
ones wotiiu certainty die, and they de
posited the lav;e in tho pots as fast as
tney coniii carry them, lieforo long
some of the pot wero half filled with
nothing but eggs, and these, pots Denis
emptied, one nt a time, into a smaller
bag. While the ants continued to
work at the rescue of their eggs from
the broiling sun, Joan returned to the
woods, nnd caino back at length with
still another bag full of his strangely
mixed material, which ho poured into
tho writhing arena. Denis, in the
meantime, continued steadily at work
emptying tho flower-pots white with
larva)." Youth' i Companion.
Hie inspection of meat in Merlin it
a very important matter. Twelve vet
erinary surgeons are employed to stamp
it before slaughter, and forty micro
scopic samplers nro continually en
gaged In examining the meat exposed
for salo. Jlesiiles these 100 exjierts are
employed in various duties, twenty-six
of whom aro women.
A witness who was called to prove
the correctness of a doctor's bill, was
asked if tho doctor did not mako sever
al unnecessary visits did not coiitliiuo
his professional calls after tho patient
was ent'rely out of danger. To which
ho replied, nfter a little reflection:
"Well, no. The fact is, you seo, the
patient wouldn't bo tntire.bj out of
danger as long ns tho doctorkept visit
ing h!m."-Ar. Y.LeJgcr.
11 m m
It lias been proven that Arab horses
ore not nioro fleet of foot than those of
any other.couiitiy. A belief that they
were the fastest nags has always beoo
entertained till lately. The Arab ltoiuo,
however, can no doubt stand more
hardship than any oilier similar ani
mal in other countries, and can keep up
longer on short rations than any other
horse anywhere else.
m m
A war of extermination Is being
waged upon tho Knglish sparrow in
Albany, N. Y. They nro shot by the
boys and sold to provision-dealers at
ono and one-qiiartor cents apiece. The
dealers get thirty-seven nnd a half
cslU a Uoxon for Uiem (or pot-pie. i
Irreaponalhle lining Who An aa Generotta
ami Slomilj aa Children.
Turkish women are utterly Irre
sponsible Wings in their husbands'
eyes, and they are treated in most
wayslik little children provided for
comfortably, fed, clothed and amused,
but nt educated. While naturally
docile and intelligent, they become
shrewish through tho ignorance In
which they are kept. They are gener
ous with that unthinking generosity
that cause a child to give away tho
most expensive toj., not knowing the
cost. A Turkish woman will at any
time, if tho caprice seizes her, give
away her fine jewels. Their hospital
ity is too well known to require men
lion. They always have colleo and
sweetmeats served for any and all
guests, and when they feel that the
visit has lasted long enough they clap
hands and the caffeejee brings a second
enp of coffee, and that is tho signal.
No guest can stay longer than to drink
this. Sometimes tho timo between
drinks is decidedly short
Tho women and the children do not
undress at night, but add a wadded
night robe to the clothes they already
have on and sleep thus, summer and
winter. They closo all the d jors and
windows, aim sieen several in -one
room and doubtless would suffer dread
fully from the confined air were it not
that Turkish carpenters never have
heard of tho plumb-line, and so
windows and doors all have crevices.
which supply ventilation. Tho. tales
of oriental magnificence fail to Impress
ono who has visited tho best harems.
for they nro ono and all pictures of
dirt and wanton extravagance. The
only great display is in the amount of
rugs and jewelry. On the floors of the
general room for the women, or the
private suites, it is all the same cig
aretto ends, candies nutshells, neck
laces, gold-embroidered slippers and
sashes, and, in short, all sorts ,of dis
order and dirt. Ami tho women arc
alwavs eating, smoking, or lolliii
aboat on the divans. Droollin Maga-
Long centuries ago tV old Creeks,
when anj' thing went wrong, blamed
the gods for it. Since tlt'ii the gods
have growu a-wvary of the business
and closed the shop. S nowadays,
when thing go wrong, men blame iiieir
wives. Always? O no, not always.
Just invariably. Rurtl.-iU.
A lVtroit paper savs: "The steal-
ing of two clocks from one of the Pres
byterian churches in 'his city l ist Sun
day morning w as a piece of cold-blood
ed cruelly. Hie amount of comfort and
encouragement some people derive
from an occasional glance at the clock
during a service is not to ! put in fig
ures, uiilesj one usos the U imari fig
ures usually seen on the dial. Chris
tian I'liiou.
A new use for the tobacco plant
has been discovered. Its stems and
w aste, it is claimed, are equal to linen
rags in the nianufactiire of pacr. To
bacco waste cost less than $10 a ton
linen rags f.o id f-so. im-re h no ex
pense in assorting tho former and very
little shrinkage, as against a loss of
or.c-tliint of rags. The yearly tobacco
u 4 is e-liMiutdl by the census rvrl
at from 3,."t.MJ to 4,U0),UW pounds.
Ihrislian l num.
A shrewd piece of swindling is re
ported by the French paM-r as having
occurred at the race t. Two men, ap
parently of the book-maker profession,
had managed to p'K-ket several hun
dred francs on betting, when an otliei.d
looking jM-rson caused them to be taken
and led off the ground, to the evident
regret of the bystanders. It was not
long, however, before it w.is found out
that the pseinlo toliccmcii wero in
league with their supposed victims and
had only disappeared to divide the easy
haul with them.
Dr. Chudiiowski recently experi
mented on twelve Kussi in soldiers with
aiew to discovering the effect of cold
applications to the epigastrium on tho
rapidity of digestion. Each soldier
regaled heartily; his epigastrium was
pnqH'ily refrigerated, and the exciting
contest began. Unfortunately for
lovers of the weed, the competitors
were divided into smokers and iioii
srnokers. The rival teams i!i"ested
tin ir very hardest, but the non-smokers
out-distanced the others by the apace of
one hour.
He Wins tlS.OOO la The Louisiana
Mtate Lottery.
"I want lo we a rejwter ," said an
unusually happy-lu.king individual as
be entered the Chronicle liuilding. On
lx;ing introduced to one of the stiill'lie
commenced by saying that bis name
was A. J. Trefls, and that ho lived in
Huteherlown. As there was a very
large fire recently in that part of the
city there was apparently no great
reason for such unusual joy as that
manifetUdby Mr. Trefts. He, how
ever, was very anxious to coitiniuni
cute the news of a g'xhend which had
I jIU n to bun soon after he bad bevn
burnt out.
" I am the fellow. I won it. Just
bought one ticket and got fl'ifKH).
That's luck, h-n't it?" said tho jovial
Then it began to dawn upon tho ro-
poiter that be was really in the pres
ence of another one of the luck y hold
ers of a winning number of a Louisi
ana lottery prize. Mr. Jrcfls bud
come down if bis own free, will to tell
of his lucky venture.
"I could lisrdly lxilieve my eyes
when I reud that number," said lie,
"52,74!). I looked at my ticket, turned
it over and laid it down beside the pa
)er and compared it and then 1 began
to think I was tho luckiest man I ever
met. Just think, ono ticket, and all
that money for $11 "
"What are you going to do now. Mr.
TrefUT " ai-ked tho interviewer.
" I am going to extend my business
right away, for that fire nearly did for
mo. I didn't believe much in Tho
Louisiana lottery before, and I iust
thought to myself when I bought the
ticket, 'well, I've last enough already,
this dollar will never be mUesd and
now you may tie tnre I never stop
thinking bow glad I was I bought it.
and so 1 thought I would drop in and
tell you ultout it." .Van Francnco
(Cal ) Chronicle, July 2.
How li Hi-r,riullvr, of tli Clihieao
Ktitlra at VVlliigtn Kiijoj-1 lf,s
You can pass fi-om tho parlors into
the library by going through a narrow
little hall. I have been in main libra
ries In my life, but I can say that never
have I entered ono exactly like this,
Tho room might almost bo described as
an octagon, it has so many little nooks
and crannies. There are odd-looking
book -eases tilled with rare and valuable
manuscripts and a number of cabinets
of beautiful workmanship in which are
richly bxind editions of tint Chinese
classics. This room is tho Minister's
private ofllee and a: rangers rarely have
a cl.'lco to enter it. Passing still
lui'tner tmvani me naexoi the mansion,
wo come to tho b;i!l-rooiu, perhaps the
largest ami most elegant iu tho city,
and tho scene of some of tlio most bril
nam enteitammciius ever given in
Washington. Though tho Minister is
uot a frequent entertainer himself, hi
Is always ready to put his house at the
disposal of the society ladies of Wash
ington. Every season, however, he
gives a grand ball, for which over a
thousand invitations aro issued. The
last occasion of this kind is still fresh
in tho public mind, on account of III
behavior of the guests. There is still
another apartment well worth lirger
ing in. This is tho smoking-room
that heaven of tho Celestial ol
every degree. It is luxuriously fur
nislicl with divans mid mats niul
sofas and riigs of every conceivable
design and color. There is not much
regard for taste; comfort sii-ms to 1m
tho object sought after and certainly
gained. In a large and curious cabinet
you will he shown a strange and varicJ
eolleetion of pipe. It is a little museum
in itself m thematterof smokers' com).
I thought I saw a substance that looked
like opium, but I wont be certain of it.
tlio smoking-room is the general
lounging place of the house. Mere you
en find a majority of tho fifteen men
who make up tin legation at all hours
of the day. smoking, do.ing. drinking
ilelsciotis tea every half hour, and lead
ing, on the whobv a delightfully lazy
life. Ia the evening they generally go
to tho theater, of which they are "pas
sionately on. I. m can see them al
most any night in a box, dressed in
their cool, loose-litting cotiuiKM and
locking the picture of happiness and
outcntaicnt. Perhaps no one but the
Interpreter and translator ea'i under
stand what is going on, but they do
not allow this small matter to interfere
with their enjoyment of the play. They
applaud vociferously, but not always
In a timely manner.. I remember om
evening s him urn.) ag i. sitting near
them at tho thi-ater. During mm of
the parts an aetivvs o:i tho stage lit a
uigarette. She was evidently not an
expert, tiff- smoke went tho wrong way
and she choked. Tho oiviipa'its of the
Chinese box wont off like a pack of lim-
ir.iekers, the epidemic spread, and
soon me wnoie auilieiicu was in a roar
of laughter. Tlio two hundred pound
Secretary of thj legation, laughed so
hard at one timo that I thought he was
jaiing to have a lit
The present ui Miibers of th,j C!iin'sn
Legation aro a very handsome, iutelli
gent body of men. Including the serv
ants, there are about thirty of I hem.
and they seem to enjoy life, like so
many children, lho incident of their
life iu this country seem to have a per
fect fascination for them. They jr.i to
tho circus, to balls, receptions and din
ners, and follow, in fact, every form of
IUo with the most supremo delight.
During the social se tsou thev are faith
ful devotees of society, and pi'omp;ly
return every call and rapturously ac
cept every invitation sent them. Taken
r.ll in all, tli ; sum ami sulntane,! of
Chinese diplomacy in this country ai-
pcars to be in the direction of bavin"
a good time.
Chang Veil U.rii, the Minister, how
ever, is crctlite.l with being a man of
unusual ability. Ibj is a soldier by pro
fession, and for repeated gallantry in
subduing a number of rebellions in the
provinces lie w:n promoted lirit to the
rank of Tas-tai Expctant, and then
made Envoy Extraordinary to the
United Slates, Spain and Peru, which
positions ho no.v holds. II.) is iiiii. Ii
morn dignified and reserved than his
associates, and is rarely seen in public,
lb) does not speak a word of English,
however, and whenever ho goes out is
accompanied by his translator and in
terpreter, beside a retinue of servants
in glittering livery. Wtuhiniton Cor.
Chicago Herald.
The assertion that thu:iling of the
scorpion is not fatal to the animal ilef
is confirmed by Prof. C. Lloyd Mor'an.
of University College. IlrUtol, w ho on
one oeeasiotl pierced a large Cape si or-
pioii with its own sting in three places.
The only apparent edi ct was to i ler
the scorpion torpid and slugjish for a
w hile. According to the same observer,
there is a well-known venomous snake
of the cobra family found in South Af
rica who-ic poison is harmless to itself
or Us brethren. .V. Y. Laljcr.
"Augustus," said Maud, who, as he
had been calling on her for some time.
thought she would give him a hint
should like lo b:i an actress." "An
actress?" repeated AugtHtuv in as
tonishment "What on earth do yon
want to bn an actress for?'' "lt i-uhhii
then I might be engaged?'' Shu now
wears a solitaire. .V. J'. Hun.
She Knew Him.
Blio Kit l"hli mo lit llii" play
In alt bTKlrllh l'ivellie-,1,
While In the -ox oitiiss tin w:ij
A lowui(i!r In K'Ttfooiw lirewi
Hut, wlillo tho illumonils irtitterivl tirlirht,
On wrlnklwl nwli unl uliuiililnri foam;
"Ah, wi'rt! thonB ueinn my 'iwn," I erii-iL,
"I'd tlnd for tliein u plium nutru fuir."
"HwwUieurt," I whlsperral, "ncil 1 t"lt
Where I would havw thorn K"ni4 rcpusar
Bbo fulteri-d not (Htm knew urn well I,
"Why, with your undo, t aupnuMil"
CliiaiijQ Tribune.
"Ah, Mrs. Fogg," siid the profes
lo r, placing tlio biscuits in front of him,
"I nover ignore your rolls, whatever else
I may do." "Indeed, professor, your
won charm my soul. As the poet
nays, 'Every ear Is tickled with the
weet music of applause;' but I havo
noticed that there is ono of my rolls for
which you seem lo havo a chronic
aversion." "And that Is, my dear
liittdinn?" "Tho pay roll," responded
the landlady with a smile that ruached
over and tickled tho solemn boarder so
that he laughed. Life.
An Ohio man HoUl his don to parlies In
Indiana, S-i miles away. An accident,
hlliiiled the canine, hut. he startcil for his
a lit homo ami reached It In t 'il days' trav
clitiif, and without being able to sco a
The beKlimlntt ot iliscM liihM debility
or dlmmler of suinv of the vtlnt oiysiis, tho
timiach, th livr or tlio bowels usually. There
aredyspcr-tlu sjiui'loius, the llvw U trouble
(ome, the nktn trows tawny and unliellhy
looklnir, there are tahii In the iIkIU lil or
thniiiKh the ritfht nhutilder blade, 'I'lte ell mm
l oftou an utter rnwtrnllim ot the diyli iU en
eittlt. HrhNsi a fulid Issue. Ilul if theitlltl
cully U met in lone with ItiuUellei's Mumaeli
II Hell, m liieh Ik alwsyt euYciive ri'imsly,
and II ulu ml, I bo l wiled In al an earlif ntniie.
Ihero will be m mwm to aiMt'lii'Hd llw in
itii'foiiiK miWiiin.nl eltW-ta lusm I lie i)lein
efli n ennolnl by entirely eured dle,. Kr
iH'lter I ii, alBO, lo enipUiy this naie itiiikIIhI
HK-enl In (ever mid aiiiie, and oll.er uialurlitl
iiuiiilmnlH, iliau Miiuiine and other slint
driiyx hu h, even w hen lliey do pmva eilVs't
iml tut a lime, rum the ttuiuaeh and Impair Hie
Keuural health.
S x million dollars' worth of Anierlcrn
agricultural machinery have been sold Iu
ticnimnv in the pnht ten years.
Was not more fearful than are the marks
ot skin il isistsiw, ami yet lr. Pierce
"tiolilen .Medical lliKi-overy Is a rertaln
cure for allot them, llloleluw, pimples,
eruption, (tistules. Mealy Incriintatloiia,
lumps, inllaiiied patches, aalt rhc mn, tet
ter. Uiils, carlumcles, tih-ers, eld sores, are
by Its iim' heitli d'HiLkly ami iHrmniicuily,
To rxniove tnrnnd paint from cloth, rub
well w ith spirits of iir;etiliiie or U'lulne,
7., T. Wrlwhl, Portland, has the West,
In ;house Tlireher and Enitines,
lt 1 an error to suppose that severe
wintcin aro destruetivu to insect life.
According to Mr, Mcl.achl.in, an En
glish entomologist, larva' may 1k fiMon
until as brittle as a rot ton stivk, in
which condition they ran scarcely bo
said to live, but on the return of warm
weather they revive, quito uninjured
by their freezing. It is a noteworthy
fact that biittcrllics and bumblebees
have been found almost as close to the
North Pole as man has ever approached.
llualon llinl'ii.
ACicrman doctor is having good
success with consumptive patient by
imlucMig them to sleep in the open air
of thoTluiiingian forests, well w rapped
up and sleeping in light hammock
simply the fresh nif cure.
liat lie faw.- llou-ekts-per You
e. m to In' regarding that pie very in
tently. Io you see any thing in it?
'ramp - Yes, madam. 1 do. House
keeper For heaven's sako, what?
I'ramp -1 see horrible, sleepless nights;
I see terrible dreams visions of re
morsetcss dragons. M.i.l.iiu. I am piuir
and hungry, but I can not cat mince
pie. lli iiig on tho wine ami charlotte
lll-.se! -Vci.
Henieinher that when we assert the
value of ItiiAMiiu til's Pu t s we at the
same time refer you to tlioiiHauils of testi
monials we have published supporting all
ami even more than we claim. The bent
evidence oi their value Ilea in these teali
iiioiiinls. 'i'he I'll. us have U-en In ue in
lliis country forovi r r fly years niul in that
lime have surely lieen well tested. We
never heard complaint of them. They are
harmless, brlni; vegetable, and always do
their work well.
For tho two; ami rhea(K-Mt luhrlcatinu
oils, tend to Z. T. Wright, Portland.
Mark Twain an I liev. Thomas K.
Ileecher uninireil a game of Iswlmll al
Klinira, N. Y.
If yon are billions, take Dr. Plerce'a
"PleaMant PurtMive Pelk t"," lluMiriniiil
"Little ljver Pills." Of all druk'Klsts.
The .lananeae inako cheeae fnnii Im'auh
and peaji.
Plao'a Bemedy for Catarrh la airrecahlu
lo tue. Il is uot a liquid or a anulf. 4K-.
Ik you want an enxino, end to 7.. T.
WtiKht, Portland.
Tht Gekmca for hreaktanU
a PnciTivr Hnrar
mr for?V?ryforfr,of
v I Vlll .
5 rifiPLES to Scrofula.
Unity relieved by a Kami ltli nrllli i'cti
i i m t ,-mut, a real Mkln Hi nuliM. r. and a ninvle
aipllatlon of ( i tii i ha. Ilia Kirat fckln l ii'-n.
'I' Ida rt-p.-nU-il daily, with two ortliri1 iIihm-h nt
frTH t'K ltKII.VKNT.the New lllnwl I'liriffiT,
Ut kii-p tim bltiml riMil, the iHTHpiralion pare
arid niiirrllMliiiK. tlie lHiwi.aoHn, the liver and
klilni ya ai tive, will apeedlly curt-.
(vivliia. letter, iIiikwoiiii. piioriaala. Ihhen,
priiritun.ai-all head.dundruir, and evnry iMriia
of Uirtiiritiic, diillKiiriiiaT. Iti-liini.ncaly ami pirn
nl) dnwaa of Ui akin and main, Willi lima of
hair, when iilivaiciana aud all known reiiiclu
Hold everywhere. Prlee.f'fTirfHA.,ine.: Soap,
2.V.; Hkhoi.vknt, ft. Pn-preal by the I'orrkiH
ItHi'n anii I iikmii At. Co., IKlMTO.y Mahh
fCHend fur "ilow lot'ure Hkin Iiiw-aaiHi.
pill I'l.M, blai klii iota, i hapiK'd unit inly akm
101 prevented by Ct'Tit iitA -Mulli ati-il Hoai.
VecTFIble jcirg
Haa afaiod tha vwt or twenty yaara
aaa Urnmtdr tow Vemftia jnaaaawia,
rellYina- prlorll(l paina, pro.
'motlnf boalUiful rtig-nUrltjr of
I pni. aw annul waajuuaa,
bank eh and oonaeqvmt nrrroua dlatraaa.
inTarearoaiiaHni.n.T roarnitui'ima.TimnijKoor
luuu Aai, fhk ati.iar orr.iM. Ii la raoaii i aitiud,
1'lttal.urif, Pa.. Nov. Mil JHH3. Mra. I.ydla K.
rinkliain: "Aalafreipienllythoraae wltkmiithcra
r.m ..m , Ku , nil iii i.-,, j imvi) iMTi-n (ri'ai
aulrrrer for ynnrnfrom cmipUinla InclilfnlUiuiar.
ii.,i nr.. i i. u. ,i... i.m . . . .
...u. fin.n hi.-., ,nu rkiii ui a nuinniT or
tlliv.li'lana n.l I liA vl.l.m I -I ...i.i.
....... .. , , ,,,. mvun ,,. wmH
out relief, and aa an exirlineiil I conclmted U) try
youra, 1 can aaaura you that the In-imllia I lime
dirivcd fnii , ,t. enme not lranaa of any faith I
hud In It. foi I had but alight butie of any prriiia.
lent good. I am not a wnknr afliT iiolnrloly but
wnnt to tftl vM that I havi bun wondrrully
bmrfittnt your metUHn. J am now naliiic my
fourth bottle and It would lake hut little arKumrnt
toperaiunle mo Hint my health lau( rnlornt.
1 .Iw.llM lllr. In u,l.l..lM 'I.. ..... ... ...
- " , vii, ui.,n inn iim:i III Iia
wotult-rfiil enrntlvn powera." l'lll'.IIA !. HOOP.
th mawrjrxruMiaT win, Mm. t ton. nura n.oa.
'It? 7rt" '( Vit W W W -Jiv5 -Jii- lifltf
Cares all Diseasei orieinatinir from a
iliorderei itate of the BLOOD or
LIVER. Hheumatim, Neuralgia,
Boili, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Bheum and Mercurial
Fains readily yield to its purifying-
properties. It leaves the Blood pore,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R.CATE8& CO., Proprietors
417 Banrtome St., Ban Pranclaco,
QTETMWaY kh am nil ha ii,
u I E.II1 IIM I f (j,r, KiMinlah I'lanoa: Hur
det Orirana. band limtruiiieiita. Ijimmt alx;k
of Hheet M luio and Hooka. Banda aiipullnd al
Kaatorn price. M. OHA Y,
wo ron ureet, nan raucuoo.
Silk dresses should never he brushed
with a whisk broom, but should bo care
fully rubUd with velvet.
Yonnjt and middle sued men, sutlVrbiH
from iiervoiiN debility ami klndivd atlee
lion, as loss of .memory and liyHK'hoti
ibis, tdmnlil enclose Ulnuils In stamp for
law illuHlraled treatise auuireatlnm aure
menu of cure. Addivss, World' IHa
jMUisaty Medic.) Aahociatlon, llutl'alo,
Poll hay In new Ironware kettle and
pans to make them lit for line,
Thru tit IMouc eoimnenee with a
Cold, t'onnh, or over fulKUinn the voice.
These nymptum twhlih, if nenleeled,
often nult In a chronic trouble of the
throatl are allayed by the use f "Itrvwn't
i'iioi Ami 'cocAm,
WllV not" (ret a church or chool bell,
vvheuZ, T, Wriuht, Portland, aril them
so cheap.
Wl en Itnhy wa alek w gave her Cantor uv
Wl an nh i a ChlUl, ah erlott w t'aMorla,
When tha bwio Mlaa, hi luiu to CaaUirla,
W lien h had Children, ah r lhatu Caalorla.
Kvry iiia ftml i4tin fiw4 tr tM, im IliUCNtMt,
Ull t KH(U-tH Mtth Kttjf lltaMMMa, lltt Htllt ftlltl, tllMt
Uilt ruinilir (tTilKit km no umirUuttt tr mntn4
tuttvK nii.uil-1 rilt hill r(ttk mi tl Uivlt nitM hi
lr tutt.nt t Mvt u tlttf iiMit i vut bitii, ilv U tut
vltUtl wiUi cvwy (tmiruutMil 4 Htrytnir, it Ui twwl
mxlutin kt U lit (ir uhmii'Jf IVmaulUUiiui fum
II... t ....t..u.. 1 , , ..t l... A 1 1
IM'tttU'lu-V lrilt vA'tifhlfliU) Km'ltaw liillti Atttll'
V H M-MhrS. M l ; l,VlHk Ii, 'UM t
Ruptur Prmiinently Curd.
AttUnoM lr VS'HIiKN II TIIKIt. iflU- ft, v mmi 1
NatMMl lUuik, t'mtituitl, invu.
Tli 4l iiik-o Thivhor I tit twl.
Absolutely Pure.1
HF"r. u,', ,m"mt lit fv ixitioui. j
titi wuU ilia muitituil of I w tw, it
tiuf Z9m v oa! V kL. mv H T.
tiHl ftriLit. All 1 1 A I kill.
In lltti H.,w hv- U,it,yUla
xitiii r rni. mit im ft , yj
..riaiaaaTItt a-A.
4ilil an.t Blm4uUlf
uul,irAal,U. MhMMlard
iiiimlll II A.nlA h
aril: tluia nivwt. i) aanU; H.lo, ..?rr.l1 T5 i.l,
V , aala r.frv.hrr. Try II M M HI I t I H
I MUQM IVMrlM. Ibtw o, Mn.
Mra. Mart A. Vi'Ti.raa, r.Jiimiu, Kitn
writm: " I aildniaial ymi In Novt-iiiia-r, wi.
In nyanl Ui my limllh, la-liiir alllnuol Willi
liver dnaauMs hi'rt Innililn, and fi-inale wiatk.
iu. 1 wna ailvuad to uan lir. I'lerima
liiilik-n Miilleal Inaiiivery. ravorltii I'nw
ai'rlitlnn and I'ellrla. I u-d oim laittlo
uf tlni ' rnTtttiint.' Rvo of tho 'Immhv
Lives Disease
Heirt Trouble.
ery.'ainl fmirof lho ' I'luownt l'urK.ilun I'rlli ta." My bi'altli law
linn tn iiiiiruvo tiri'li-r llm uaeof ymir iiiiillrine, and my alnMig-lh
eaini' tuti k. My dillli'iiltli liavnallMiminioil. I ran work bnrd
all ilny.nr wulk four nr II vn mili'aaibty.aii'l aland II arull; and when
1 la-trttti iialntf too loiilii-me I inuld aenrii'ly walk aiTmia the riMitn,
hi. nt nf Hie tun", and 1 did nut think I ouuld vv fii'l wi ll aynin.
I huvn a bull' laiiiy Krt I'lulil iiuniilia old. Alluoimh abe la a litilo
ib-liiiito in aie on 1 aiiiHiirnniis aim ta tn-althy, I irlvo ymir n-intw
li,n all tin' en-ilit fur ciirinv ino, aa I haik nn ulln r treat no'iil alOT
la iriiimiiir Hi ir nan. 1 am vi ry a-niti tul fur ymir klniliiiwa, and
Ihiiiik ii, id Hint tlutik yuu thai I aiu aa well aa 1 am alter yraii
of aiilferliiir."
Mra. I. V. V innin. or rnrfcuMr. roffurriuuna fin..
I mm I " wr"''": will to
LIiLH I "' ""r 'i"l',l'n MiHlnnl
tiikinif thi'in 1 wai a unat
i iirKniivii i i-iii ui. riir
're iwn III my rnitil
iimililii to do my own work.
1 am now wi II nnd itroiia, tlutnka to your iniilii in. '
f'lironle IMnrrhem C'nrrd.- f. I,azhii. t7t nnt t77
Ja-iilliir Hlrrrl, .Vrie llrirmu, Iji.. writ.: "I uaid tlino bulllea of
tin. 'iliildi ii Mi , Iniil liiaiiivi ry,' wnl It tiaa cured tuo ut cbruulo
diitrrhea. My bowel are now nttuUir."
Tlinrotiirhly elmnae tho Moml. whleh la tho fountain of health, by lialnir Hr. l'leree'i (inldi n Meilleu! IHarovcry, and irrxut
dltrinlem, a fair akin, bitnyaiil aplrlla, and bodily Inallli and viator will la alalillahiil.
Ilolili n Midlinl DlaiKivery eurea all hiimora, Irom the eoiuiunii ilmili', blott h, or eruption, to lho worwt Kirofula. or IiIoihI
poiaoii. l'-iMi i,illy hua It proven na ethiwy Iu nurlinf tinil-rbeuin or 1'etlnr, iover-aona, Mip-Jolnt liai-ae, htimtulou tMan
and Hwi'llioua. Kiilumi'd (iluuda, and hjiliiiif L'loen.
I. I
Iti'T. F. AHiifitr Howii.i. Panlnriif tht Jlf. K.
niiirrft.il Kidwfou, N.
III. J. ..I u.111, ,u....l. I
II in, . .1 w ii ii , ,.,,, , t Hi,,, iii,ii.,.i i.ii. ii. ma niul
RHII . I bloti lii' ln'Kiin to nrlwi on thn aurfaee of tint
UUIt.0f B aUIn iiii.l I i.viu.rl..i,.,.l m llr.wl r.H,ll.,u u,..t
dullmn. I Ikkiiii thn uao of I r. i'lirwa
lloldin Mi'dleul UlaeoviTy a diriiUil by
1 Ii 1 in for aurli lyimnliilntA. and In oim week a
tlinn T tmirnn to f.nl like n m w man, and am now aoiind and well,
The ' I'loiutitnt I'lii'trutlve I'elli'la' are the la'at remedy for bllloua or
h k heailili lni, or tltrhtiinaa alxiut thn ehi at, nud latd tualn In lho
mouth, tliut I liuvnever inail. My wifneoiild not wulk aiToaa thn
H,mr when alio li' ifim to biko your '(loldon Miilleal Inm-overy.'
Now alio o:iu wulk ipilto a II 1 1 lo wuya, and do aoiuo llirlit work.
Mm. Tn M. STiiown.of 4nieorfh, 7ml., wrltiit
"My llltl" boy bad turn troiildiil Willi lilp-lolut
dlai'Han for two yonra. Whoii ho eommenrnil llm
iiwi of your 'Uolilrii Mnliriil lilnroiery' and
' I'i'lli'ta.' Im waa eonllni'd to hi la d. nnd ouuld
not be timvi-d without aiifTnrlhp urent luiln. Hut
now, tliuiik to your 1 Jdwovury,' ho I ublo
Got.liKff MrmcAI, llwovrnr eun rnnan nipt Inn (whleh la Hernriiln nf tlm l.tnnra), by It wnndiTfiil liliiiMl-purlfvlnir, Jnvlirnr.
tiny and nutrillvn proiwrlli. For IVeiik I.iiiikk, HplMliik nf lllniiil, Hhiirtnina nf lllvnlli, llrnni lillla, Hovero I oiikIin, Aalln
and kliidr.-il iitroetlona, It 1 a ovcn'lKn remedy. Wlulu II pioiiiplly tiuv tho (overeat CouvlM It tlrentftlii'ii tho lyati in
Rlld purilli' tint IiIihhI.
m It rapidly Imlldf up tho lyaUim, and IntTeoseS tho fliall anil welyht of tltow reilueiil below tho Uauul itunduril of limit Ii by
muiiiiiaj tiin-iwa.
'oiiaiiinptloii.-Mm. KiiwAim Nrwton, nf farrmrnrnfh,
Onf., wrlu-Hi " you will over Im pralwil by mn for tlm roniurkiv
bln euro in my eiom. I wna ao reduiMil Unit my frlenda hud nil
Itlvnti mn iifi. mid I hail nlao la-en Klven up by two diM'lor. I then
wont Ui tlio ln-.it doetnr In tlieao pnrla. Hn told me Unit meilleliio
wit only a puulaluniMit in my eiw, nnd would not iiinli itiike to
i i rent mn, no aunt i miiriit try t nd liver ull ir I
liked, aa Unit wna tlio only tlilnir Unit eould powil.
i uiilh ur i
my iiitve any ouniiivn iiownr over oonauniptlon ao
fur U'lvniHied. I tried tho ('(! liver nil na a hint
treatment, hut I win ao
on myauimiien. my tiiiahiiint, not ria iinif aullNlleil
to IrlVO mil Ull VOL thouvll hn hull lioinlit fur mil
eriirythlinr heaiiw ailverllaiil fiir my eompluliit, prtKMinnl a ipmn
ttlyor your 'llnldi-n Mndlrnl IllmMivnry.' 1 tH,k only four bntllea,
nnd, to tlm aiirprlan of ovnrylKidy, am Uwlny dolnif my nwn wurk,
and mn eiitlmly fnai from Unit torialil" eouiflt whleh hiirnoiaed mo
lillfhtiuid ibiy. I hiive lw,n i. Ill l.-tj 1 with rlielllniillain for a liillnlier
of yenra, and now find o miieh belli,, tlitit I In llevn, wllh neon
tliiuHtlim nf your'dolden Mmlleul liliw,vnry,' I will ho nwlonil
Ut M-rf"et lii'iillh. I would any to tlinan who nm fitlllnif prey to
that tnrrlblo dlamuw noiiaumpflun. do not do na I did, tukn evnry.
tlilnir elmi Unit; but tnkn tho'dolden Medlon! lilaeovery' In tlio
eurly atriifn nf thn diamine, and thendiy anvu a irnint deal of auf
ferliifr ami Im reabired to lienUli at omvi. Any thoii who I
Ull In doubt, need hut writ" me, Ineloaliia a Iiiiiim1, av lf
aililreaaml envelope for reply, whun tho firefo!lif Itntoiuent will
bo fully ulmUiitluu.'d by mo."
I'leee rnreil. Iln V flnwai
Ilucklanil Co., A. r. ( I. U. Ilox wrlbui
llolden Medical DUcorery Is
vTxxxi xuaesT
Kidney Liver Medicine
I t llKS all UlaMMea of tha Kidney,
l.lver, lllaildor, ami I'rluary )rgni
lry,(iraet, lilabelea, liriiht's
DUvaae, l'aliia In Ui llaek,
l.ulna, ur H lite It vteul tun or
Man Itelvullon of t rlee,
Kervmia lleane, I'euinln
Vnkneava, Keer, Jaioiillre,
lllltouaueaa, Headaehe, Hour Nlninaeh
lyainMla, t!oiialliallun, anil I'lte.
K.tlt,, II acta directly ami al one on lh
Ktdueya, l.Uer and llowrla, nuturluif
them to a Imdtliy MUm. lll'NTM ItKMKbV II
a ft, mre, and sv.)r etim, and luiiulnxU liav
tiwit eunsl by it hn i)i.ValUii and IiIvihU
ImuI stvan Iheiu up te die. ! lu-t il Isy, by
HoihI K ISuiipliU'l lo
rmvldeuea, It. I.
A ysir druwM k IM NT'S II KM K H V.
fWk no Mtlwt.
Uoallty Nrr Vnrlea,
SpUnillit for riannaU,
Kota Color of all Prluta, t
rinoon tkaSkln. V
Abaolatoly Robbing. S-V
all pfloontsaive ohoc
.lolm A. CMilhl .V Co.,
1U1 ttteui It,
lt)lt riJVNl). Or,
tknj bill It... ii(
Toilet Articles
Thrj Htk 1 1 aft lJl
f atkultit tu
If f 4 hiU.ll
In Utitir Una mim U
iuUw llh laxAfaUF.
U tll l iv I w( ly
Han Kraw'lM-o,
7 HlarU Ml. rorllaod. Or.
TIT? I Mk Joiir lie and Ii I'rram al
A-JaA ahnine. I im.1 nntbiiiir luitiaku 1'rb e i
,j iii,,i.ii , T II ho l.ilJal,i,,i,a a r i
any a ti ar wnnla In eruian
liinnvery ' and ' I'li iwniit
nvw yriini iirevuiiia in
aijuVrer; I bad a
auln eimllmially I wna
I am lumiiy to any
J., anya: "1 wna af-
I...O I. ... II. ...A
to Co up ull lho time,
HTi"eiiy, air. iiowua
tliuiik you tor tho
' w' - '
the System.
A Terrible
Wasted to
h Skeleton.
wink I cmjiiIiI not keep It
from Lungs.
Far., of fllirfnff VhIIku,
Tho '0 olden Mudi.
dlienntlniled t."
Hold by lirnitglvtM.
rrlc $1.00 per
Mo. 6.t Mlu Direct, IUJI FAL,0, ft, V,
Hi nd fur lleaeilplhni mid Miiunf H.llltlUA
Hill ThKltN il, It, I.AMlM. h'ltur l.illllnll
aerea, anllabln for (lmnni, liKinnua, tllve,
I'Iiihiiiiiiii, lliliaiiaii, HUiuvImmtIck and early
VeKi'lnlileii, Km' mile (Ml Iiiiik irnllt, fltfitil
; ,ll T m re, Aildiemi,
, M. SOLOMON, Hen, N. W. Atf!,
HHNo. I Inrk HI., ( Ii enKii. HI.
In iii-ir.lul eni.iil,in iim ill, v,lrn","'l limit
II .ihiIiiim uf ilia Niiiiliwuit, tnilniMd by
liu.inr.i iikii and landing iilumim.,
nl Iu 1 1 on nn Ilia ('nail, Il Mlira prlviii er tl.
In. ion Him, il,iy and vnMiM tliiniialmnl ilia yvar, In
ailiilinrllt', Wllllntf, t nH.tittUln , llitnli p.lll.
IliiiMiiit.HlimtlMitd.Tyiia'Wiititia, lluinfi. and A al I
I'.iiiii and all t'uininuti hi liu.il IliitniliM, himU'itii
nl alt auii and built ikia Milinitifd at any lima.
t dUlntine l, Auniliuiig and Wiho, 1'iuiii Irlmn,
PHlPil For Children,
For Both Sexes.
When oil a ailllry miiiiiiii'i dnv
I'lie aun ai'i'ina ai'm-ee a lulle an ay:
V in-it eeiiiea Hick IIkmhi iik i i iiiprra
And eti'i v tiiuinriil lirinita illalima,
llini TAHHAM'B HM.1ZHH provea a fih ml
That luiifui.ln nil inn nniniiii nil,
Nn Imt trr I'll1; no ttmtln vt nmuii K U
lll,t.( tUll,M,
2. T. WRI0HT, Fool Morriion it. rpriUsd. Or.
AUi timlrr 1h TlinhlitM nt Unitfwl llM-t.ttioiy, M
rUtm tt .Mfc. umiliy Iiti'tv, Iu fm l ftitTih.it .m
I Ml ttl
1 h Origin! nnd Only imalnw 1
M ttwar HwltaM twfvl wwrthtrw IwriwUusii,
,-.V-r ca, MUplII, Ai im rs4 M
! Iiirhf-W r.,Tu 4 U.a m . IH.hm
(lan.ft'M IW i-wUUk ht pari far tU4
Hill MsMlUaMitM rkila 1
kWM t 1Miaaia4a vfTkim ft "
Ump l.kmUail'' mij mi i rUUk tsJhl IM um.
tH t T l.rMfla.l
fa-. The atiaaMS m
ftl irtNli It 1 ..atiK.
fcrf fc) Ik (avttaj SMka4 Ma
fM J hMh M a-4
-J i,itBHi fctotri (wit
Jtiiwi4 m tf l ni ft.
k4 U ! f4 IIM UM H
taoltW 'M,
tlt14Vr ftt( I a
tHOaaiilx, avak I . K4
M Hall I , Ui WafcMtaB
II tu Ula it t4 la
aat.ta t, Kt la4 af
!" t l IVa g'S
"") IMUItlMl t-aUO
i.i 'irrtiv
r..... Irf
Q tt il - -4
A. L- hui i (L
ft tot
l.l,ll -"( aa4
aU.aliiUa mwtiM mm
all h.i aufl lia
Umr UiNiiiHioi
HT.aM iKUllly. HiMaw
I.tImw, I , .al I.. -4
a.,iul l ..,I ..U, Hmm
.f, aa Vf l .4
liMar, .u lilt t4
N.la llbMaaa. Hti4lllM.
1 Va a.,u4i,,na. lull V
!. t p.a I'Maa.
i N.a Tl.raa, 1 Una,
'r-l (.! ul alvury. at.:
.a, M
ai M Wta Tf aa h Im
Wral Ka, rl'imtu I' riaa 11 Uuart, autaV
an tnii4 MW .'"I aur f lifa.
Math Nrira 4 all afldrallally
oa-a-ltlK IHtl At IH4 1 HIHII NT,
N. I. N. U. Niv hl . r. N. V. No. W7.
Jr r ia
f 1 1 to a n.la J
y li.aaaia.a a.
fV aaaaaaanaM.
CM fa-i, a,,
lltnat OaaUal 5i
The Van
Mm. Parmki.i llHt atuoa, of let lsk Slwt,
friijavi, A. I . writi: " I waa trunl.l.l with
, ....... ... . ....... ..... n ..,'),, J , w I, h .,,j,M-iia
llFRIIITV I ""' X'riatl. and my inuntli in laully ennkinl,
ULUILIII. I liy i. ,.r wna Inactlt n. and I auttVnil iiiu.'h fr.,n
lliaiH'tiaia. I am liliaUMal til aav tlial limr 'Itnblmi
MiillinU DlaiMivery ' and '1'i lli la' bavo eimil nm nf all IImwo
ailinriil and I inn in. I aay in,, null In t In Ir ,rnl.. I unw4 ala
any a word In n linniai to your 'ravmllo l'r.. rt,l h.ii. ' aa II
li,i ruvi'ii It If a iiniat eiia liiint nie.liriiie nr wink ftuuib.
It baa li u uaed Iu my family wilh mvlh nl nanlia."
Ilyapepala. -Jamim L.Tni nr, Kanj.. .f l lir.ilnn. ff.iuat.in Oi,
,finu, wriiiii "I wiui Inmliliil Willi linliii. ali.ui, and would i-nt
In n nil v and vriiw inair al tbeaHiiH- lime, 1 1 i i-tii ui.il bi-arilnirii,
our aloluuili, and ninny ulln r dlaiujiimlili' ) iiiinina imimiiioii
to unit inaoniiT. I t-iirumi'tiiii tnhiiipt nur
lli.lil. il Mi-liinl liimioi iy ' ami l'i Ik ia,'ainl
I am now entin-ly Inai fmiu tlie i!ya-aiiit, and
am, Iu fait. In nit lilt r thnil I hate l n lur
llvn yi-ara. I Wrlifh nun biuidnit and at-venly.
imii ami one-bulf Hiiunla, and bate itomi aa
iiiiii-Ii work thn tMtai aumiiH'r aa 1 hat ,.?
dime In thn Minn IntiKlli nt limn In my liln. I imvi r liaik a
imilli'ltie that iaaiuil lo timo tip lien muai'hw and luvlvoiwla
llm whulo ayateiu iiinil to your ' Ulainvi ry ' and '1'ilUta. "
Dyapepala.-TiikHicMA A. ('. of KrtnoiM, ,1fn., wrllmt
"I wna Iroiilili'd ono yi-nr with liver enmiilaiut, daa iaia, ami
alixipli-aainna, but your 'liuldi u Medleal HiatoU'ry ' ciovd inn. "t
C hill lid leyer.-lti v. II, K. Moai.kr, Wmilmnernrf, .1. I'.,
wrllmi " tvi.t Auiruat I tliiiiinlit I wmild din with rlulla ami li ver.
1 took your ' Dlaeovery and llaUiiHtl tbi in liinvvryihnii timo."
end ran walk with thn help of enitehe. Hn doe not auffi-r any
I ml m, and ran out and alii p na will na any one. Il luia only I h i,
litHiut thmo inoiitlia alneo be iummi-niif ualiipf your !uidli-lmi,
I ciiiniot llnd wnnla with whlrli lo i iptra uiy grulltudo lor tbo
beni'lll ho hud received Ihruunli you."
fckln niaenae.-Tlie"Tiniwnit ami New,"
of ( dmHill, Abiiiluiid, an) at "Mi. Ki.ika
Ann 1'iHii.y, wile nf Unwind 1'iHile, of M if.
Iiiiniafiiov, Imrrhmlrr Co., ,1,!., hua Im. n eiin-il
uf n I 'lid einwnf l.cwliin by ualnk Ir. I'liree'a
tiol'li n MnlKol lilwiivery. 'llm dwiwaii ap-In-uhhI
flrat In her fil-l, exti-lldrd til llm kluv.
roverin tho wholn of llm lower IlinU from fill to kneea, thi n
iilliii ki'il thn ellaiwa and Ixmhiiio an aivern aa to pnailriito lu r.
A Hit lii'ln treated by aevernl iihyali liiiia for a ymr or two alio
eommema'il thn nan of lho lui'illi iiio liiiinrd nbove, Hh" aiani
la villi to niend and la now, wi ll ami hi nrly. Mr, I'ihiIii think
thn Inedli'liin luui aiived I n r-H l f e and roloiiH"id In r duya."
Mr. T. A. A flint, nf f.'iat AiW.JIilidcf, lioliifattr Couilfy, Jid.,
vouche for lliv nbovo facia.
enl Tllwiivery hua rnreil my dninrhler nf a very bad uleer Ineiileil
on Hi" t h luh. Alter tryliur iilmonl i verylliluy wllhotil aueeiw, wo
iroeiirei lliren laittle of your 'lilaeovery, whleh heuleil 11 up
and Heart Ilarnao.-"I alao wlnh to
rnniurkiiblii euro you liuviielfei ted In my cane.
i' or i nrrii yenra i nun ainieri u iioin thin tinl
bio iluu'iiae, eiinaumpilou, and heurt illaeiiMi,
llefiirn cuiiaiillliiK" you 1 hud wnaliil nwity lo
nakeletnni eould not aliup nor nut, niul inuiiy
time wlahed to din to Im nut of my iiilaery, 1
then eoiiaiilliil you, anil you told mo you' hud
hoiHii uf eiiiimr me. but II wmild tnkn (tine. I
took flvn niontlia' trentinent In ull. l lm II rut. two imuilli I wna
nlimiat dlaeoiiriiiri'd I eould not iktii'Ivii any fuviiriililii avuiptouia,
but the third month 1 heitiui to pi' k nil In II' all lui'l atii'iurlh. I
ciinnnt now reeiln how, alep by alep, tho alitn and reiillllea of
reliirnlnif lii'iillh irriidunlly but an rely developed theuiai'lvea,
Tu-iliiy 1 tin lliu dole at ono hiinilivd and tlxty, and am weli
aud alroiur."
Our prinelpal rellnnen In eitrlnir Mr, Down' terrlhlo illmaao
W!i tho "Oolden Mialkitl Jllwaivory."
Jiani'it V. McFaiilanii, Kaip. (firtw, Ta.,
wrlleai "My wlfo Imd freipient lilii'dlna; fl'oin
the lung befom ah" ooiiiiueiioed tialiiif ymir
'(lolili'ii Meillenl lllaeoveiy,' Hlui hua not
had liny allien lla nan. for aoinn all iminlli
ho hu boon foellnif to well tliut iluj hu
Dottle, or Six Rottlc for $5.00. .