THE ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, JULY HH, IKh7. nit in i lb Mtaarain. will iIhm mimrl llm mini! ul vlkira. He tit FORMATION FOB KVKUVUJDY. THAINH, Sol ll I "fill, M A M , 1,40 f .M, (lulu iwnlh, i .V, 6.01 r,. BOATS-LA niNAWIIAhr". Ut, 7 0 A. M rrlv, It Wl I', M. MAILS CLoM.':. Ooltif m Ml K " 4 M " r " k. N. Tvw)4, "1liir1y jimI M unr.1 1 v l UlU, Mulliii, Hull i rxnk, Mink, Ulml I I.Hiiu-. i4 4lU.rlu,7 41. 4. M Oily Cminelt mt flrl Muiutity In Hi miiiill. CounlyC-.iirt luiwla (ll MhihI ly In Ihu It. Cuuiily 'iinilMlimrii mwl 0 r l W.ttii-ndiy Slur rt Ma4if In llm un.iilli. LOCAL. -Cntpnit-tlr'K liegln today n( tin Chaa. Albright' yoiinirt child ha been quit alct. M. H. Flanagan ha been enjoying :i trip to the eot. Mr, O'Connell In treated hi limine tO liOat of paillt. Dr. Atklintoit filled thM'tiiHcreei.tli'ti- ad pulpit rlunday. ' That Iwy t Tho. M.n' I father's brt proud. Ml Florenr Pii-l h w hi-.-n vity, eick with tli mump. Mm. J, U'.CIum- mi.i lumily l. ft for Taqnlna yi-terdy. Mr, ml Mm. A W, Warner it-turn 4 lrn llwaco Im wk That ldoir K. K. Clement ' in .( 84 quality and T)mvt. Trv it. liVji J, I Api,"iii ha "Mr l KstiUh for oopy of A "i ll" fir pfftiiiniM lii Oped H1tlloli w il.- that hi niny kipped "Ul lll I-ft llilll In JfO il llfoot. Mi. W.T. Whitlork returned (tout hrt trip to Mm wn county la Friday. MilM IVtlTM.II III Potth.wd, i Vlitlllg In rtiU plkce, tlitt gut of Mi Alhe Mr. Cant. T.i, Whniv innt tlm Set UthwIlhW iNr..m,t .t.C4,fT nml -IiwA Allirlnlit tlm I tUHtWOf 1U. -.! of iattit, , ! Dil, 00 WeJrifily, July ITT I tlm Ufnt aUdKhtr of Mr. A Mm. ('. ) Al-; brtflit. j Frhk Wlr will ml ymi off Him wt-t raittly mil Imt tnffy to inl. T1 fln. . , Mr. AlUn Kll.rlli of I'.ntlnn.l. ! dy Imr llil w.-i-k viilm Jj, K. Italur. i laHhM df)t!'lif tnMi iiolii-r ran , tttMm at th EtMtr-mi: u!lir lolnt- t 4thr on cloth or pp r. A M 1 U walk In tlm ally hy Mrs. WhiUoi-k'l Wik n it .leaiit for pe l.". triitM In that twit of tow n. MiM Iliaan of Snuhnuiiih, Imt for a flir I lrrtr In l-urel (jrove, i a ' StkMl of MM Knt'i ICn kw.Hl. ; J. 0. Vff tck t hrp klilf Into tM 1K attl twril cann jnt likr anv dMrftanr mr. f"ra few day. Mra, V. IWick and J.oihtrr j lr. Hi buhl are viniting for a couple i t Wtekft t Mn. A- V. Warner'. Father liaow wu iuemliiig'to take Vacation alwul tho Hound rovtitry Vu! lilftdtttiM hr preiented hi ietvinit. Mrt. FUhrr ram downnnla-n Sal--urUy't trin to ieiid few week -log br daughter, Mm. L. t. C. l.aluur- tu. Thfl Halem hai been maki.u lrit" i-r i the latUilia, wbiU Ike Jailer lia bien liaving her builer lined up and lli--i . ine ' epaUd for fail ork. j Jack HlriciUf caiue ilow n Suturday i to pnii tlm fcalAath wilh hi wife who liM bocll nM-ini herm-lf wilh nlJ tiuse1 friend hM Jr a ptinplft of wrcl. Owing ta tlm fv.rnmr being bnsy ' tiorvtating Col. Wood (or 4 ha withdraw u I a. (117(1; (ir.inl, (l''.'l ; llilliam, fl I ; liift (piiointniailta fvr Heaver Creek and .lackwni, :!7 n I Ji-phiiie,vl27S; hlain IiiiMcua on Frida-v ami Salmday. ulh, fiUO; Lake, t7s7; Lane, tl-'I'M Lat Momlar tlm editor ol thi pa- j Linn, f'i7iHi; Mallu-ur, fiwii; Marion, Kr nd family, Mr. and Mr. F.. P. Hand j (c,7Ki ; Miilt.iomah, til, 71; Mm row. Mr; ml Mm F. F. White left for the ; coaat Jut vacation of aliut two week. llaa kJjUill, ft young m an from Oregon CHtjr i flopping at the Peliedicline tonatry haa la-en ipiite ill w ith a I hi oat wotnplatat Bay the HI. Aiik-el corpon bnil of th Appeal. tt yon want your watcn repaiied go In Mra. C. H. L. IP. Ami AT Onc. Couple wihiiu: lo ttftvf the matrimonial knot lied will do well to (tepto the front Ihi week or early In unst Kmpilro hlruighl I in tending lo tart for the const about the cnldJIe of net week. , Tuft Cak. The u firam court yesterday denied the motion for rehearing in tho breach of promise rate of Mr. Henrietta Kelly again! Win. !Iighhld, Thi forever Millie the cue, M It wa divided before Judxn Sliutluck irt favor of the plaintiff. Oh l FtVK. winter Mr. A. Wal hr auliM-rilwd for Kane' Illustraled Wrt. II h received but nun number up to date, o ineloaed 20 cent l'y money order t4 th puhliaher to pay for paper received and ordered It atoppcu. lie y be don't want a paper that only r-ome one In five month, But All Anoi kh Judging from the following taken from the Portland New ti Thnri'Uy lat, tho editor had jul completed vUl'itoU.e hole lot before using III pencil : "Col. tieorgo Wiwd ford will eomiaence hi rniimenf temper ance ledum at Oregon City thi eve ning. Tho old town ha eight saloons and need a talking to," TmraixATio ororriritn. Last week MondUy, the A. 0. U. W. iiitalhnl new officer a follow, by inatnllliig olllieer, W, T. VbUlock : 0. 0. T. Williams, mauler ,iin, W. W. Myera, fnro man, A. ft. AluUmin, ovor eer, John Kelly, ifcWta 8. itoitlneteln. recorder, W. T. Vlitlock, rocoivor, J. A. Hliiart, ' floaader, Ja Wllkl-ison inside walcli rrfa1Tlobt. Wilklnaon, milHido watch- 9j .n - I'.lrWfl' HrirtrM! IWknt. A liny inw i-t ' WW MAI.K. Vi-i.r of ago wn promised dy hi grand- i aUl (; In block L'fl, Oregon f.itlMT Wm. Whltlo. k cheat if tool m ('Hy, Tliln I mill of llm best warchow-e Iiih tenth birthday, llm grand, notlmr inni hii'iitie properties in tin- city. If hit kept her IiihIuii'I'i tii'iiiilnu iiti'l )(t nnt vv i f liln 00 iliiyn will Ini w ithili tu n Itiillii'ifurt Wlillloi k now owim a li.tiiil-, (,, ,, m iri,. ii.l vit i -(! . 1'rii'ii NIIIIIO liMll CIlMHl lllli'il Willi ') I HCtvift- ' 1 1, F,. ('IMIKH, lily tulU. ' j il Alt')' ul Lnv. Orcein Cl'y. (tint I i.i.i mtuAtiiini. Wm Iiuvh wtiiij ,.l.irH(llK'lllllJIf UllH-lllflllvillKM MOW llO-j F.I.KIIASr ANH NoVKI,." TIlH llllllHHIII- lii( frt'iniri'il dy llm Wunt filiori! for llm imir mnrilinr of Tim Wfinl Slmm i ft ii'iihi! of IllllNtiullltX Oi'i'pm t 'it V liml Mii'MUtifnl Mill) iltlrni'liVn liln-. ThlTl) in a ilo linl lii'Hitiilii t'l i-niiiiiii'ii'l IIm'iii. Ho. clmiiii of frexiiiipKM hihI iiovi Uv almill fur ii wn I'onlil jmW') from tlii'ir Mlnln (' IIhm mil'.' ixIiiii tint '.n hu ltini! in nil ullicr il.'vilfli lTIH'Ilt, VIO V, ill llimi IIO OlM'ilHIOII Willi tiin pi Inn" ul oh, .i.ii.m. i,r.,-l nil tlm yM I ran- ri,.o l,4,i..rH tlm (,r,.nl,ln iinioyH I li.. Insist .rClllllli..llM.lM.lMlHH..ilwllllHWt. I..IIIIII.IVIIOO IIUMVOI., HHtllim- It U ulwuyit ivnl lal. l.inx llm Montana, !nl.l. 'oliiiiil. n.wri mo,,, il I .l-.i.i, .'....-! Aliikn inxtr I.v v.iliuU.i. ilm fnl ftn.l C.ITK..I J. I. Tallow U H!i"iit M.i.l uiiiim. r'r r.mtMiim luri;i- en (orlliUlioiMll.iriui.ur, Ctll for n n unplo 1 nviiH of tlm rily of Astoria ami llm o,y If yon .Iom'I know tlm tyl of . ; in nitli of llm ( olmnliia livr. tt..wKmil ' TllK Ikihii I'amty.-TIiU .ni.Hoi.ul.lii -U- in llm Aiil'ii.1'1 liuliKf rr'. Tin- 'iti'i'. ivlwiinl Itrottii, out limn tlm conrHii o Ii ihIi inlln-iii' - In li.inii'iil, hihI k'ivi-m u luii'l l.i.uripliy of! tin- llnl iloiiillii'l.l Ii-.mI 'K ill tlin Iloini" Itillii liio.i im-iil fioin tin- liiimof Iii:ii' r.nit to raui' ll iiml P.iviil, roitr.rt" of ' I I I. 'OIHill'tlilllH . hllOlllllMX of III.- i I- i I'd ty ui roinp.niy tlirir li.i'iiH". J in. Joi us il., Tin' Arii'l.iry hi (ali' lii't'un iliKtiiimliiitf I'"' lio'i' uinl h.-imI.i j.tiirimlrt, ttliii li Ii.ivi- jnt ronii- from tin luiiii)i of tint Ijimli-r Kv-ty iii.-iiili.-r of tln li'uinUlun' uii-l tlm i li- ki i I iii-Kint' Mill uri. il ! ! lo mm of i-;irli of lln- i V..I.I....-H Tin-lion,- J,iri,a ni.lki HUHi iI.h .Hio.1.1 iii:.Ui-4 7fi - ' .ii)-i-H. lUtlt 1-inil.iiii morn piii tlmii ny I'll1 i-'iH join mil Tun.:.: Siti:ii. n aii-oiinl of low' wali-i, ill" ct -niiii-r Ti.n-i .''i(iM li n lii-i-n hiokIiI uli-1 for II"? ft -ann-r N. , l'.. iil. ai.J will in.ik" ti; Im-iwi-i'ii 1 r t !' I iiii-I All-uny o-ilv, Mpon 'II toll-lW IB Ki ln- lull' : l.rlVi- Al-j hanv M, mi. I. iv 1 I'. M h-avi- I' Wi-iJni'nlay A. M niriv in Mlunv Thurlav ii.h.h. h-nv,- All. my Tl.n; ill. M. I.M-.i- S itur.J iv 7 A ay ' Al,,",''Suu'"-,v ""' ov.-.n-hl in -..! h-H. av Kink 'i uriios. Wi- l ink tin-al iWiiie in nna vit X. W. Hun-UU' o!h-. tion of gi ' J ' nim-i-. Hi' In." t"'!l ul ui:n t- Wi-l tli ' If -n-nctil ution iru- of (hi mil v unl ti ir.-'iin- llu-in fur llm coiiniy cnhihit. Anv i-i.i-who lini not l.nliril Into tin- il.j.-.-l ( iria-v oul-l Ik- very nun h nr.ii-il ul llm k'n-ut vam-ty nml ln-uniy of llm ii"oitnn-iitit.ilri-a-ly wi-im-'l nm kiu.wii.n of VMr'.lii- ln-1 of tlm or.i-r will c nili-r u favor on Jn lw Anv nnuul lian- dall and "In- county a wi ll hy N'rfrvin .1 f.unpl1' to U ad'h'it lo tht- cxhhit. 1 in t.M v or .mimi I in- I oineroy in-1 ( depi'tnl 'lil relati' a cae -( reinaikahle iri'etii r o,f mind of a chilli n( that i it y .t M-k he IrtlJe :irl 'l 1'. 1. ".ver fell in a w.'l ;.l f.-el ih rp, Mm claK-d ,ui kl im which mvoiufiun!. "! her tl, i........ ri .,.uui..i tlm clol.l went lo I lie cl4 tiutl im-umo .... . ., , . i turn tl e iitdlii u It' I o fiiiltid her child waoii the io- bcL.iv. About the time the inother (lav.' out. llm Inlckel fliml ),r lop ntt the one half way down cvniiug lip, wilh the child 'Which had preietiee ui luilill i-lioilgh lo cilti'li the ih-Ni-etidiug r-'l' ami n-t her inother, w ho won tallied fiiUicioiit utienth to pull her jewel t'l the lop. The child mMiiin ed only tt few briliw. Tun Si'iiooi. Fi'Mi. Appoitionuieti ha been couutieii ',,1'ou. As the rale i juit one doll ir to! the pupil il follow that the choul pupil in each county e.pi il the iiiiiuImt ( dollar drawn hy each : Itaker, ('.'IS'.l; IWutoii. :t:i!)7 : t'lai kiinm, t CiS'.l; ( hit ..i, 41HSI1; Cohunhia, III"'.'; JIM; Crook, fldi ; Ctiirv. ti'-;!2 ( 'in, I .on-.- Api'i? ; polk, f'.s:l-t; Tillain i-.U, S7o Cinalilhi, TI278; 1'nioii, tlTM; Wallo wa, tbll l; Waco, (:!41S; Wuhhingloii, !77l; Yamhill, t.SViL'; total. ts7,217. Last year1 apportionment wn S2,!l"i7 children, uiiil the iiniount of money ilis Irihiiled wa $7I."71 M'l. lioiii l.iNu Pi. x. The plain for the bii Ige ii drawn by Hie l!o!cting com pany were received last l-'ridav, an I have been exaiiiincd hy a great many all of whom cxpres thenielve h veiv inil.-h pleased with their appearand!. The lenu'th of Hpan mid ntproiicl.e is ahmit the Mime a the plan exhibited hy Huff man mid Pale of San J-'nincisco, hut tlmlr i for it cantilever, mid this a sn pension bridge, the lower of w hicli me Intended to be N"i feet high nml const -m l ed either of wood or iron. The company paid for these plan und specification with the intention of adopting I hem il they proved anything like what wa ex pected mid it i likely that they will lint only Is- adopted bul that the Went sho e will lit once make 1hei- draw In fn he lilhi'k'i.U'h from them, and that all vuil re eiven an opportunity to see how tlm hridgA will look when ihine. , I'lVK O'cl.iN K TkA. On Monday ililer nootct ilelinhtful live o'clock tea was niv n by Mia. F. O. McCowii in lion ir of the Heventietli birthday uf her inother Mm. John Mehlinni. The table wis beauti fully decoiali-d hy it large mirror, repre-m-nling a lake, from the center of whiuli rose an Island of (lowers ro?iuid carnations, the whole Nurounded by lunik of llower. Judging hy tho gen eral conversation, peaceful happy faces, tho eldet of which had seen M year and the yoimget had passed the half cen tury, yoiilh ha not, all thojov of life. Tliomi present were, Mr. John Meldruin, Mr. Fiwlier, Mr. Pope. Mr Mary. I n Foret, Mr. Caldwell, Mra. llou, Lark, Mi. Juiiie Athey, Mr. T. J. McCurver Mr. Hobeil ('aullelil, sen. Mr Latour ette Hen, Mr. Barclay, Mr. Williani'i, Mr. Menj. Jaggarutin.l Mr. Stevoun. lllllllMlll'MIH, llM I'llVlKlt i!iiru'.iiix oi ',Vni'ti'i"i uri'iir hD'I Mi-liiri'iii( liiinl-j ""'I"' - '" ""l -'I""1'"' l'' '', UUh.! l , wliilu tin- hum ! info, Miniion j ri'Honn, hid Hitiiiion riiiiiii-i r, uno uiiikii., ih.-iiiHof llmm ,ir.oii.iHi.ii'.l l.y iiili.r..tin 'l'tivurlirl.M. Tlm otlmr conti-l.ln urn mitirt lining ii-t I vamu'iIh. I'ulilili- -I l.y I. Hainni'l, I'ollhii.J Orrgnn, ul '-,r,l ('"'r V"". A iM-iiAiikK Mosi m,;t Wliiln hronw, or ii-lini'il r.lur, !h r .i j i 1 1 y coiniiii? into f:iv.r. lliioii,;lionl llm I'liiti-il KtattH, for iiionnnii-i In, foiitil.iiiiit, n'.itiiary nml oilini- n'it-.o ir work of art, Ii'-i-i'ini of ila ilnial-ilily uii-l hwit t i ichIhI the iliinl'-tiraliim ii'llon of tlm tl-riuciits. Thin i imr.- xim-, rrlhicl until it i fn-ii from miy rontauiiiiiitiiii; nl-Nt.iiic-i-wh.ili-vi-r. Ti e S.-icnlidif Anicri- ' "" H IVH l"l'i in nil tin- uri'.il B-lvuin c - "'innaii,.M'.n - nmry, i.,.-r.. im n.-.-n t'f-il-r .IVM!i.-i;iii.-iit tli.m fl.o Hiil-ti- lull. hi of w hiii' lironr." for Ktoim, for inon iimi'iitit nil'1 l itnry. Th roi-l of thin nuti-rUI in lihoiil tli" nan." aA jjool mar hh', Imt il vain.-, w In-i. I'onii l rwl o'lln-r in tlm li'ht of hiMiity or ilur.ihility is nunv timi-H n-at'-r. S.-vcral union ni'MiU ul tliiii mati-ri il Imvo hi-i-n i-ri'i ti-d in lliki-r Vii-w .fii'i ti'rv, ni-ar rmtlainl. w ln-ii- t hi v uri- iittra.-tin innrli uttontion "" 1 r.'i'i'ivnirf many mvor.inm roiiinn-iiiH j lVt Kh. -. ! I ol MlKV Itl'KNi:!..- I.ltt j Taiirsilay ! mo ruin k ul 3 ::i l tin- fo.niilry o ll. I, Ki-in inlon, ut Wo-i'lhiirii rm tlwovt-n-.l to U- mi (ir, uiiil In-fore unv rffi-cliial i-ffo: ti tow urili .n inn it ronhl hi" inii'li', ittnirn-i-il to the tiro'iini Tin- hiiiMuiu- ma wih.iIimi iriii'tiiif, l.ui't within tl.t ,at yrar, ami uIiimi Jinrovcre.l lo lm on tin- tin- roof ha I falli-n in.' wh n Krrat d-al ui Urxwn' insu hinery, which had been liroiiulit lliee. lo lt repuireil pi. paratory to harvint. Little or notli-; in.-ol llm loumlry iiiai iimery aii.l ui ar- ticlea iiiNido wn aed. The lo in aid to he, upon which lln-ra wax an 1 1 1 1 1 1 r a . 1 1 -1' o( only f .VHI. The miin of the tiie i iK't kn i ii. M .ul lini ha 1 hei-n don on UVIiicJ.iy, but at nitn. o'clock n liiea tteru all out. The light d tlm Hie. Htraiig tuav, waie,-iiat (ierv.ii, i'v u luiUnaway, anJ a paily Mtarted on a hmidi'ar for ttm m-eiie uf cniifl.iralion, Iwfore any one in Wtmdhtirii diMovered it. 'Mui fouinh did a ci'irid iliihlo liuni- The ui ichiiierv w t iM-cla and all tho apiiaralii.riiiii leni Aiiu cialily w a inadi! of the commI ruction uf (radii n engine. Whether. Mr. L'Muingtoi will rehmht In not know n. Ni:v Imiimuv. M.-r UnU.m ami Ciiliff have aM.Hiated theinelvc in a' born, July 17 to tho wife ol our olilij. coinpaiiy known as the Uretfoti City Mop j cl"rk reptiblican; (iivt ua your and Wiin-jer Co. wiih hi-.i.l i'i irt m at 1 ,1;in,, T'.ni. ' Ihi place. Their nl.op i at III.- O.e joii City aw mill and the office okthe coin panv oppo.iite Pop:- Si Co'. Their IniM in- ii, to ui.ikj and aell mops not the old fahio:iei b ick br.-akiiii! lii- the-rag- on hail l-scalil -r, hut a hiiui-le device that hike iiw.iv the drtlilgery from (hnir cleaning, and link. tht- t.o-k n light us pnsHnil,'. i heir mop lias iinicii the np- H-ar.iiice of an ordiuaty mop, except that along either s;deof the bundle and about two inches frxiu it extend a large wire, iikiii which slide the cross section, the lock an I ran hol ler. Tlm wire are no arranged tl. g they ennstitute n sim ple Li t, and when locked i ready to seiiil. with. To replenish, it I ipiickly unlocked, dipped in tho water and w rung without the hands once heco-.uing Wet. It thus enable scalding water, lye or any other cleanser lo be used without harm to the band. A a window nml ceiling cleanser it is unsurpasy l, 4MiUim hour we have not heard of their company are already emploving good i,"'o,is. t'l mti x. many hand mum iiih roaii, nna ostftn-1 Uniting a good business The operation of getting out the wood work is an inter estitiH; one. A hollow cylinder with whai p cutting iii.le revolves around a stick, which is flrutly clamped to prevent it from turning. This slick i run through the turning machine und come out a round handle, needing hut to he jio!ihel (o be iisidy for use. Tlm polishing i done in a lai'ito cylinder of Mr. Unison' ow n ontiivance. We may just mention in this connection that the linn take great pain to select nood utollt Wood for hand les, so that they may insure it lo stand a vi -oi'iiih blow in the hand of an irate Kii.iiise Tin ol in. .in thee ehiiin. in talk in "sale" to a, that th, mop itself j ,rv in ,l,u "' Pren.iu.n list and en i ., sure w,ath p.cveiilalive. ,n" ,", n,M,,w ''V Mw M'r",'n ni1 iitll-e. Kan away from the subscriber July 17, is-wi, without any provocation, Franklin Avers, ued 1:1 year. The public are hereby notilled not to harbor or trust him to my account. (i. E. Kam-ii-iiku, I'mou Milb. Nut a particle of calomel, imr any other ileleleriotik suhHance, enter into the composition of Ayer's i'ills. On the con trary, the medicine i carefully coin- i pounded from the dilutive properties ol purely vegetable substance. Try it. If von wish lo jeiihire the bloom to your wasted cheek, and Hoimprovo your health that plumpness and strength w ill succeed elimination and debility, purify your blood witli Ayor'a Saisaparilla, Thi remedy w ill benellt you inovo Hiirt-ly mid Hpee, lily than any oth.-r, QUALITY OIMiOOlJiS SOLI) AND Li Prices TEL1 n t -n n T 'Tl The Uuiform Fine Quality . of DfugrJ Disponsad and Goods Sold is What Accounts for tho In- i creasing Popu- larity of E. G. CAUFIELD & CO. Cily Pliaiiacy NVar Hit Court Hoithe. III Mocllii:. Fni run F.xTi Ki'iclxK. Thin town is IniviiiK ll InU;!; x IiihI Iii-.iI, ami n whole wi-rk of it at that. ji'ori;o Wixrlfuril, wrll named "Trinceof Oratorit", from ('liicnuo, nnil wi'll know n all uvi-r llm I'iuIi-iI Htato ami Canada, in linlilini; fm tli at I'oiv'i Hall every niht and will continue till Kiimlay in-..litnivi-. (in Timiilay nielli, two other liot'l ipiiki'r, I'rof. M. V. Hork, Into of tin! iul.lii: 8i:Iiihi!', Laiinini;, Michigan, mnl who went through the exritiiiK i,,Mii'nt eamiiui-'n of tkat state, and liev. J. W . Wehh, of Hah'in, rauio down to lend a Imlpinjj hand. They became mi Inleriwled an lo remain. Mrs. Dr. Aug. f. Kinney, who pailii ipted in the inarvelon ain-ceie of Wod ford at Ato ria i hs-re ulno, eo operating ith tho la ilie who are wi'iiridin the effortu ol the men. Axide from tho great Ikmuc a. j H,iik(li t10 oratory, art, Mtho. and loifie I ,, a r.., )r,.jt. An inter.-st nnuHuul to 0,,.,,, ("jty H Uw aronikxl, and I look fr rr.i,.,! ,mlsM from thin tima to ; xw ,.,m.t n jrreiit kfoml will 1)0 Uone, - i f i . i . i i .uinei and pmnaioml men ihouldi 1 ! bo; llm liiyaii'l uiri. diioiim i taken. Men who drink little or much nhould go. He will nolliu abuaej Imt treated hand. oniely. Voter cM-L'ially khould lie pre e nt. P.lcctor, we hare tliia ixue to mrs t. Don't let ut lie dam. Let na hear bi'.h aide and Vote intelligently a will lie bi"t for imwelve, the town, tho Rial and the ri.-ing generation. A nuni IxT have eined the pledge and donned the blue rihlmn. Hiakeb. FtDI. y.irvest ban begun in thin aoctein . 'i i ........ut in : ' Mr. S. V. II.irJe!y has l.i-ii very low with measle. Ir. F.verest of Hubbard will locate here anon w here he can he found to an swer all call in Lis line. 'Succesi to vou doctor. S. W. H.irdeMy & Sun are doing a od busines in geueiul ineicliandie. Yon yhoiild call and examine their stock l"'f',ro l"irehas:ng elaewhere, Miss. Minnie Noblitt is visiting friend at Scanty ircece. Mr. J. K. Miller ha bought a new separator and will b.i ready to m-em-module you in hi line. Mr. C. l'air our acomuiodating butcher give us a call once ft week with iresh steak. Messrs. Win. Thompson, M. F. Parish and (ieo. lloiton have just returned from the mountain where they have boon on hunting and berrying tour, but up to tniii'y F.xlitMt. The article relating to county exhibit i based upon the follow ing offer of prom icnis a iiiudtt to the state agricultural society. Pest exhibit of cereals, sheaf and shell grains first premium fUMi, M-cond prem ium .'!.r-, third piciiituui tlTi; best exhibit ol grasses (native nml cnltivuted) first premium $100, kecoiid preiiiinni t-'S. third premium la;' best county exhibit of vegetable (farm nml garden) first premium f.Y), MH-oiid premium 23; best county exhibit of fruit (green) first premium $100, second preirium $,"i0. None of the foregoing ai-o eligiblo toen- die proiiuci Blown una couecteu wiuiin the limit of the county by the citix-ns theiof The committee will take into consideration ipuility, manner of pre paring mid vat it-tie. This rule i appli cable to county exhibits of fruit and vegetable, a well as to grain nnd grass es, and only one entry in the name of any one county shall bo allowed and tho exhibits shall be the product of 1SS7. l.eler- Iteniiiliilinr hi I'll-i'tiHli-o nt On-ion Clly Clnckiniiiiii i iiimly, Ori'Ktiii. Inly 'JS, Is7, llnllell. M. H, I'rosKSn. ll. K II tlt'lllllMlltl, J, ('. JllllKllll, C. W. Ki'Hv.J. A. I.nmiiur, Ait on Simih, MIh4 It. K Si'hi.U. I.mlwli'k I'r.iey, lirui-llli Mm. VUImia, W. 1'. Yoiniii, J. J. M., f. M. Harding ki ops just the mineral water that the system ineds in Ihesa malarial dav. Pdackhurn w ho wa arrested a loader of thy Kelly mo'j h i bjenrcleas.-d, MARKET REI'OKT. Wheat, V tu ! c. 'lain, V hii 60ri. Flour, lt raili', $'.',',". Flour, 2nd gradu, f 2.75. FEKI): rihorlii 24 60 Kran. tl 5(1. Hay, llinothy haled. Vt. Hay timothy loofte, tt. Clover, hald MKAT8: ,Pjf, live, 2'i. :. !ii'l (r 4 .. .! ' v.-i, i' ...' !. .,..s '. H'UM, I.v.', . I fox, iln-KKi'd, 5 and He. Klieep, fi head, fl.M and t2.(X. W(KI, ti V' Lard, country hulk, o and 8'i'c I.ard, hiickeU, We, Hams, V"'. 10 and 12c. Hide. V B, Hand lie. HIiouliiHr, fyt,, 7 and 8c, i'UOUUCE: Ililtter, limit, 12 (it 20. Ftf. V Zm:. I'hii'kerm, ilriiHnnd, (hwen, :(? 01. thicken-, live, f:i m.(l.m Chiekerm, Hprinif A f.'.50 Tnrkev", 10il'.":.cVIh. ' I'otatoe, V hn .tM. tJntonn, y Mi i. (X). Applm Ux, tl 50. DfelED FKI.'ITS. A pileu, aim dried, 5 ami 6V. I'lun.H, Him dried, 0 and Fruim, Hiin dried, ii and Re. Fi-ani, huh dried, 8 and He. Apple, machine dried, hleai hi'ili)' 10.;. I'lnniM, inachine dried, 8 and I Mr. Prune, machine dried, 10 Hint I Jc. 1'eara, inachiiie dried 8 and 1:. R. F. CAUFIELD -PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler; llariaff Iwculed In Orrgon il, ! I prenrel to do nay work. In! IbUllnc. All work vi firrnnlel ' and MuiUlucilon trivrn, or mon ey relnndrri. Miop ia I,sm llriik, Jo liorronrr. , One hundred thousand dollars to lend t in Mini to Hiiit, on goixl farm morta.".'. Ten ht cent and no taxes, loii loan ; preferre.1 June Z, 17. tf Joiinon, .MiCotv.N & lui.mi.s. i If you want to get real cool these hot Jay just vto into Iivejoy and Kicllmaiis and ak for heaKv up runin over dinti of dclicioua ice cream. Juki received, by Chariuan A Son a fine lot of the Ludlow celebrated rhoes. Ev ery pair warranted. , Two months ago white cow with riht ear i;jwitii, noma a nine oui oi eiraiunv, . : . ! t , ... ...... I CI. A ..I.....I.I ...I I.. .:.. nirnvci iiu.ii iirsi auivia. cm riiui.iu have bad a calf beforethia. Information leading to hor recovery will be rewarded. Send word to thia office. Thoac iron atone china with the beautiful gold band around in Charumn k twin' window, are tho best of w are im ported from England and aro ld nt a small advanee over tho prio of com mon ware. Walt, paper and carpxls at cimt to clone out Block at Charman and Son's A mmrly new for sale cheap. aecunil hand road cart C. W. Poster. Ii Cka! Ick! Ice Ckeam! We aro prepared to furnish Ice Cream in any iUired quanity for picnic, ex cumion and private parties, on short no lice nnd reasouahle rate. LoVKJOY A Kl tl'tk lN Three Fatorltr. have the following to ay of "Wisdom's RoWrtine" the great iK-aiitifler and pre-M-rver of the complexion : PobTLAMi, tlr Juno 4, 1SS7. To Mr. W. M. Wisdom Dear Sir: 1 have tried your KoUitine. It is excel lent, and I shall be plcav-d to recommend it to all my lady friend. Believe me, your truly, Riika. 1'ORTI AMI, Hr., I'ec. VJ, I-4S7. To Mr. W. M. Viduu: The '-Knlier- tine'' you no kindly eent me is excellent. It i the tinost pnpiration I ever us-d, j and i a decided aetiuisition to a lady'! toilet. Jeanmk Winston. Poktlano, Or., April 7, 17. Dear Mr Widom : I have tried your "Roliertino," and it give mo much pleasure to ay that it i excellent for the complexion, being one of the bet ar ticle of the kind 1 have ever used, Your ineerely. '.. Tkkho.i.k, For sale by Ciiahmvn Bito, City Hrug loro, Oregon City. As a family medicine, tho Oregon Blood Purifier has no equal. It has proved itself a certain and ellle.u-ion remedy lor all diseases caused hy an im put-estate of tho blood. Another lot of Bee llivo baking pow with elegant glow pioiH- to go with ev ery cau at Charmiin tt Son'. - Dr. MeUlyun ha lieen formally ex conim inioak'd friMU the Catholic church. l.EAVK-Ori-eim City.. " I'nnl m l.Tsyt treat tlm'k Hill A. M A l : l". M. ,0 A. M, A I.W I', M. SUNDAY Tltll'i. LEAVE Oron City A. M. 4.. IV M H.irtUnil 10 A.M. 4i6:401' M H. Flanagan, WlIOLESAl-ii AND UKTAIL LIQUOR STORE- T-KFPs (IS IIANP TllK HKXT KEI.r.lTION IV ill WIiipi.. Unnnrs, Ale, Heor, tip., to hr fniind In tht Klut. Ill iiOitiiK-Kiinlltim Mock. (jlv 1)10 Clli. M. II. PL AS. U. IN. CHARMAN 8c SON, PIONEER STORE KV.V.V Largest Assortment of And Imvo enjoyed for Heard a r.-imhition for rt-liuhility xeeoitil to noun. At thirt K.tore can h fonrid . ." V" Dry Goods, Groceries, Wool Bats, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Farm Machinery and Farm Implements. A rhoire, xeleclioii of Canned GrOOdss Grockerv A nil in fact every tiling that f.uzlit tn'l.e found in a general merihandiHe ntori. If in need A anyili'iii! in the irn-re!indie line (jive un a . ail. M agent for KKKK'H KL'I'KUIOI'. SpuoL ( (UTON. .'. POPE UKAf.KUS I.N Stoves, Till Plate. Lead and Iron Pipe, Praziers' Copper, Rinss and Iron Wire, Gauze Fittings, Rubber Hose, Pumps, Zinc, k. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL ' , :, tin, coppku am sm.irr ii-on WAiti:, '.; Rwjfmg and Jobbing of every defi ription done to ordi.-r, and at Low Price n. ' & Vou will find Hardware. Woodeiiwaie and Tinwa e Lantern, Lmnp,'0il, I.ucitie and l'in iti: ltuhher Paint, at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Irejion City, Oregon. 1 llreat he Ureat THE LEADER of I Our Sirii!j atiil Puiinm r poods luive i.rr'ivr-il and for sfyka .qualii' I Jny a jirices lrivo ni'V;'r b"i.ii e tulc t in tlii-i mnrki l lii t'ore." We ii;iye join-of the lnrjcst KtiMjkrt t!i;it Iiuh ever c line to the city nnd Ii.ivp t..k u ; rtnt jciiiis in tn ki ting our stock in e very li-p:irtiiii-iit. WOUl Wanted. THE . GREAT - - EASTERN - - STORE. TWINE! TWINE! TWINE! Get our PRICE on xwine before buying. It will PAY YOU WELL ; STUDEBAKER BECAUSE TIIE BEST. YE SELL LOTS OF THEM, Wm BAK WARE-ROOiViS AT Oregon City, Morvnio'Aib") xoo:i!fo 'jhjii nivk jaHiVd. 9Sb:jj!opuuuo33a jojyviopun Wo.h 1 1 Ulo Mm h Kut we Will Save U Money On auythltiif in our Uno, whiih First -Class Grccories. KrcatlVikc and I'lislry, AVO'ODKN AVARR Tobacco. Cigars, Etc. Ni-xl door In Ori'i'tim in' J'ei'il sicro, oni.aoN city, - oiirt.os. Lcvejoy & Kloffman." Till". " '"': (.Jencral 3iereIiamliso & CO., POPK & CO.' isastern Utore. LOW PRICES. uum IS 1 I. Co. COXES! BOXES!! I ant tircjuiii'ii to furnish Seasoned Fruit Boxes OF ALL KINIU At Bed Rock Prices. IN' Quantities .0 Suit r.iJlory at Oregon I 'I.v saw mill, ih'3. IJio'ih'trj, - Oregon.