Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, July 28, 1887, Image 2

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comprehend the imp.,..,,,, of this mat-, TU l.l.iirlntdcr ArmM. A Look nt the l.d'dh'i.l Ml.mtlmi. , s hcu. d have In the nominal mi o , . .
t Li to le, v know it I to ' Yes,er.lav Sheriff 1 1 rove of ! The ,u,wnM, waa repnhlicrin who Sheriil m in, ti e h,I am (.h, r I . -!
baonr int uvsl to make a fin, dirsplav we Vl)!k mmtv. ,ir.;;Vd in ... Yamhill, suppled l leveland in l.vU. It he iiaa '' "' ' j ,
Abe l.l.iekh.i'ii.oha!:e.. witb complicity .s-iuitiued a miuwuiiip lie Has ever aniea " i'" ...
' ' ........ .1 .. t two n.iiti.is : it 11,1 them WiiiiKI ho some
...i,i,... .,f , i,. ,,- ! K.. iv. unt ie lioou a 8 iir.lv itaitisui o. tn" , leteiami
st I'."
f.vn I''
int; ma-
. this
.!! I'll-
.,t W
I w
iitliact settle-
If we take a
We had recently the pleasure of hi
,. hown throuch tiie litlinr apha: esi
;Ushraent of the West Shorn i
-uhlieinir nrotirietor. I,. S inimd. Ih
a --
, the only establishm -m o, i..i- a-., i on .-
the Northwest Pacitio Cant, and a. '' ;N,; ";
, the reputation of (loin ft excellent ;k. ine tan-w.
To describe ail th.u wo .iv oi itilcse-t '' ah ovei
would be impossible, and for -one not a
lithographer to cotiectlv write up the
' various proees.-e9 would be an equally
, not to be attempted task, but a many : pe.iii '
, of our readers take a personal interest in ; h pa'
, the West Shore, the only i'.lusl ;iVl f .;v i-'
maatine published on the coast we will , v int i:
ntieuiut toitlaee it before them if. ir..:vt vcrte-i:
!f linht. I
The West Shore is published on See- j
, Add atieet, and squires two- floor of a j a most eettaiti to k
.Urge brick huiUlir.s for ils va-ious de- ; l-vt wh.it ' have r
irtuwMts. Litho-raphini dif-.s mae.i ; much of he fact i a
ffrora printing, Wins as its n un,' iti.ii-I b.iil-l t! the conn:
.eatea, stoue writing. A hthnst.aphio : ot the wmU v.,r.iv: h
atone ultbe d.nire.1 ie i Ih-st procured ; and it should ..: y a
'ml prepaied by llm wash f. r the r.evp-! " l'-1"1- -:" ""',,r
titmof the design, which may I taken lack of effort on our pa
- .,l..,,,ral. (mm a drawine. If XV e may ivst as-..o-J
a photograph is used it must first 1 pre- eouniy v, n
,fared in the photographer loom lor u-e be exned f.'.nt
by being enlarged or redacod toti.e prop- th e-.:.e
.ersize. It is then taken and prei aretl . sour,-. ..t -tir ,.
' . .1 s.-l. f.. lr-tntVr In tiic C.ri ' able a- t s
1 atone. After this has 1 eon done ehemi- v - ;t.
' calaare aptdietl to eat away pa ts t,. the . The com ni t-.
atone not needed. This stoae is then j tyeou.t tor ta
sent to another room, the third, where, ip'es co-isist
I... nf tra.i-fer miht uinl other X . V, .in'.er b
. II, H.MH V" ...... --I",- t
' i - ;..,.,r.,-s;.,,, is ..k.n. ' aitiveinteiVNt ta u.. matte- t
'ICIUIWtIt 11," ,..i..v- - ....
ravins is still not oe leit to iiico- eitoiis aion-'
will st'.nw just what it is for.
The s-uie. roaid of Apiculture off'f
ca -ls for count v exhibits of trains, moinin,." of .l.ilv 7tb. ut lVi'!.i- ".A-
st.tik an-.l -iii'ilod. passes fntitsan-l vet;- , ..,.!.. , tn,v. s wo.-t -pii
et ili'cs, re-vctively. The mere matter lv .thutji with 'be si.. -ff. who t'-"- l!;'i
of the moaey consideration is almost as bitmediale'-y -o i1 -, w .oti he w. at'
H s r' t , a-e 1 with tie ! ' "t ..t d e .".ci ee th i S i.nl I"'!
,.. to 'v de.tve.l t-o u a jtrea.in.K t-th- w:tt.,.;t Kt v ' tt !' n- t i.-
.lay. It.' was!!, -ti ;v!.;i-t-a-em .: I
iy thousands t, !;.,,.! in t lie ecti '.tv jiii. in tb. e-.tsf-lv
d.-"l iv will ,f v ,;(
n:.o'i nd "nv vi-i'i re- I'j.tk'n.H a t:-e (-..! ;v-t - tlei't.
v,: a ft t'.-.e Mt,. -, t, , I a- i tepew. Keiiv s a.ud, as
coijnty. M;a!ty:ers j the .nan w Intent "red the j.oi in company
Fast- t'he retnutswill "h haif a de?en ethe s, aa , for, e l hi'n
a : s i ?ntt-r and ia the .i n-ilcek th, .-',! d-nr a'-l rl '''ver ive'.ty
a-bn'aust ati.Mi it in nw apparent i ' v......-..-.-.
ihat met. ol tinsso,. have ee, e aelaai over :i at iutfotplatitudeHnhi.nl civil s.M-
denrvrats .fid td reat .. i , mne-itly v'' ,vl"' ' present admin-
rie.e.a'id i-i'a'ioti uas mane so puuni laice, m
. , . .. i . ..... i .f .. .. .. ..
li s,l-;l I 11 a Jill!,; t'e o: wo'tis NO HI! I III n-nii ll
i-e iti v sujipiirtad w'oica "leioiiu when it conies win
,i-,'a t ; to a linitustra. i nterly he a paltry compromise between
vv tl
A a U toe
i ..i, a ;.i..i. j is; l-i
him oeio.i ; i,t, i.i
tim is entirely patti-aii and has utter' v
t'a-lo-l i-it'i-VM p.oiuiws of civil service
ua.ti.ii ivhic.h Ihe univwamp made in
its behall, and ou which they have pro
tessed to support its head, lieveitheless
they i'.l ttdlieio to. the udminislralion
and wi I s'tjipurt I'leveiand iiain in '--i
: io ti.t
protected Interests uud partisan consldel-
at ions Oregonirt'i.'
J. li. Ilesiiliiiiotts.
The following resolutions were adopted j
by Meade IV 't, No li, U. A. 15. of Ore-j
Hon t'ily, July t, lv7:
Vit;:i(K.s, the pre-hlent of the l'nite.1
Stales having npiiroved the n coaimeti
; t;ty o, ' , -.1 ! : i : i. -
i the lytic!-. to;-- i...: ' w , .
istnova1 v vite. .oaroth" so-it'iee.(
of l-vv' .' v- ' !
, i. . -
il, :-.iil.,ii-n ut iles oi renelhoii tbiiine
,..v. - n
a I
I 1,
e -!..; :l..v
co'iiraa-i-l wld
are tiie ".vtiji
th.' '-
ia'l i'ii-
- let r..-
o I w i :
rv ,! ..- I
1-l.t. kea.
heat IUv
id be tit ae
i ili'slake in
, a . i ( eonrse.
,s i c- himself a
o ( - eiun. tin- would
e lie illil't Mli'iOit
, t.i j it i hi aciion in
1 -st
::l 'Mllillp. Who
. c it, ! the .'-.
..ir.l ', t'Y
'parpisc ofc -lie,
oi J i U.in l.i
itii of wh-vu a e
I is :,'i or
'e.l - :' .!
h', -a"t i
,- ill', :n
i d, with ;
a .'
id A.
' ta.-ihii; an
it it shea: i
If it is not perfect the eivavin- is Mill "t oe leu toioc. c.-ns . . ...
.foitlier developed after which the im-.cii-s -n has o.- s'iori. t have a-p ' '
tiwewionie taken and trans;Vned M the tcrv-t in the m.Jter and tl.e-c sh.c I he
.Uoa which is to be U-cd in the lit ho- n-. waitie? to;- the commi.tce to a-k y.u
raph press. Theetravin w.:ke 1 out ' to eor.i; i-.r.te a Mna'.l sati pi ' ot yoa pro
tor lithograph ia printed not I y the t dm -tion. XVatch your fieM. orcha.d and
Daub part of the atone, but I -y the de-1 cardea cueiulb'. and w hen your pro
nr.n . Maets look their best, select Mich aswid
. . : I , ,
-o ot s "e mo", ,' '-o. .
eli e. ii:-.
so 1 r.tii-'iiv . v, itii a -' j ha' I oi th ' .
pat ye.u-o- more i e ha - t u i'..j:-.U'!
the tvciru;ioa of k.rm -. I'-ir North
Yamhill, lie was M in -, . a meiu'sn ol
tiie lii-n of UlaeK-a.!'. a: l liekhaai a'.
North Y mhih. .ru.c - ' -"-'ta! hut
eh it.die ae-l w.. .,...- hrai
f.tile I a'-nni a ear a.- a... I i i;iier -as-pieious
ci. i 'nr. ;,! s. I'eilihaai so-m
a!t r leit the e.n.ut y, i it'.i T because he
I'eaiod prosecution, or was sensitive t i
tie- itdveis critiei-m he.tpi'd upon therr
t'.ietn to action, i.ttuation is now pen Isn.
, i
.. -roi t , oi lb
-It yea.s utfo.
, lue ma
i e" oil i
I "I'
he I- eiu iieuls "i onsei vat.t e
)ectai !'k ;" he cares as little
a ' 1. 1 1 ei i-irai jti an I ou'raz s niwi
lit-in a the
ah int iie rijhl
was into! 'i a'.'le ,', like the pro-slavery
iii:, lie has thrown himself into li e
The Appetite
May bo Increased, the Dltatlvn orHiitm
atreiiKthened, and the bowel regulated,
by takllitf Ayer'a Tills. Tlmse Tills urn
iiurely ventHiihln lit their euiupnsitliin.
They eonialii neither culomel imr any
other dangerous diaiiJ, and may he taken
w ith perfect safety by person of all aes.
I was a (Trent sufferer from !yspepla
iiml t'uiisH pal Ion. I had no apiieille,
mid was i-iinstanllv ttltlleied with Mcml
nilie mid lllni'sa. 1 consnlicd our
family ihs-tor, who prescribed tor me, at
various times, without iilfordliitf morn
tlmii tiuuporurv relict. 1 llnally emu
meiicedtakliiK Ayer'a Tills. In a short
time my ihm'Hiiun and appetlt
my lutwels were regulated, and, by tlm
tuna I lllllshed two tsues of lliesii Pills
uiy teiuhincy to headaches hml illui
lu'Areil, and 1 Is-i aine slroiiH ami well,
liwtu M. Loijiiii, ilinlnsioii, I VI.
datam that all the battle tlas in the ctis j j w troubled, for over a year, with
uppo , I b,dy of the war depaument M.Wn to A,.,-; . . no. ;
l.,roi'.i I uls i nil hall u lioK l "in niein-
eltie. my itppeliln and slrmiKlh went re
stored. 0. 0. Clark, laiiluiiy, Voitu.
Ayer'a Tills are the l't inedlelnn
know n to me (or reculallnt; tlm Ism-els.
ami for all diseases caused hy a ilisnnlemil
rlloiiiach ami l.lver. I siilfered tor over
three years with llcailm-lie, liidiuestlon,
iindCoiisllpiillon. I hadlioitpliellle.uud
was weak and nervous liiimtol the time.
three boxes of Ayer'a Tills, and at tla
Minnt lime ,lletln myself. I was com.
iiletelv cured. Mv ilnjeslite urKans ant
now In ttood ortler. and I am In perfect
health. T. Us kwuod.Topi ka, Ivans.
AVer's Tills have beliellted me w onder
fully. For uioiillis I sullered from ludl
ciisl'loli nnd Headache, was reslless ill
iilKlit, and hml a ld laMe tu my nsm!h
everv mornlmr. Atler lakiiuj one lsi
nt Aver' Tills, all these troubles ills-apis-ared.
my fissl illeted well, uml
my sleep was rcfreshmtf. Henry C.
Heiiiuitiiway, Kockiairt, Mas.
I was cured of tho Tiles by the use of
Ayr's Tills. They not only relieved urn
nf that painful disorder, but K'v" ""
rn-ased vlor, and restored my health.
John Lazarus, bt. John, N. H. It
Ayer's Pills,
1'rniMRsl b Dr. J- 0. Ajror t V. lAiwrll, M
HuM by sit irurl ik1 IHsiW-m lit MislL lim.
Nellee of Tlmil Sellli lueiit.
t i-
i .&
Ill ow niiiii-r in on' i'"i io' ot f , ,
Alone, ailtiylMy, .hiee meil, ) .
Nulles l li.aehv itlveii lilt I liivo lllsllilf' ' t ;
Ibi d h-i,iii in mlil vhisiii, in lite i uiiiiiti uiairi,,
.a i'l n-k on i iiiiiiiiW nl.ile nl llli'liell. unit tUM'.. . .'.''lr
C mil ll i il o''l I ue I it' il"ii'M r i'1'l l, III
I'm n.iiir ,h la nelo'K it h "I ml, il ty, in a . '
diy nii'l lliiii' !!' Imt liiuriiw iilijei'lleiii I" '
miea Hml ivi"il ll any lln'in iiri) mi I tor tli- - -
netlll-liiolll el llil einle.
Jil'.IN A Mi f'I'l.l.Y,
Ailiiuiilmnili-r nt lit psiu'.ip ut Mims atnnl)f
ili i' mi'd . .
ll ! i li,i,,,
A'l 'i'i" tor Ailinlnl'ini ir , ,. tlVI k
! ?i oil' t of itesh.'ililtliill. ,
l i Hie in iiti r id His s-lnli' nl (
I'. l' l l'lllll' ill l'i' l.l'il t
Nolle.. Is liert'liv lilt tai Hell I ll'lts flli'illliy
r.-.lwii Hloii III On' i'oioiI) i , . ml ul l lm kiui
' (i.Miniv un'"ii, "1 ti en I'KiM'iitur of mat s,uis,
' uml ii III mi Hie i-l I 'I o nl Mi'i'ieiiiuor iii, ii
; .nil On' vii. I- H i- i ' "il i. i li "hi n tt. - .. ''
I li; i.. l. liMieie,l,' I si.' le O'l'V leillll. I "1 m ' . ,
i o,i,.ihi.ii I .. hi i.-i'i I Uieir i lijielleli si
Hi a lam- o ..in Hii' ii oi'
s 1 1
H. I', hlUTlU
','ie cepriblicun canibditte
i ;s Mil1 -i tail) i leniiiy them
d-;u v ri'-.c i'l ty t ial the-v
". 'i,l i:r! le-ti mil!
i".d .:sci". i'.l.te-.
i- t,,ut,in thai will cause j the late war be returned to them ft r
l.y. .!' ''il l va Ist ol j stleli ttn.it itlsposilton as inev may ueicr-
mine, ami
Wll. ill 'At, it is the Ill's! alletupt since
the rebellion by the n prcsenbiliMs ol
any nation to retinue the iiml d'eta o
states as such, and their ii,;ht to hold or
claim plttpeity lost in the win'. Theieioie
he il
Kksoi.vU), that the rcslomlion of con-
has'l federate battle lias nr uny other treph
lei- ies oi the war is an insult Io the delead-
j N ith'c ol' A lei! lIsliMllmi.
N iil.i ! hi'in'ii' no "a I i a Tu iiii'tnrslitnml
1 li i 1.,'in 'lull iiiiii.Ii.. I')' Hie Hi il w-,1..
Willie jii'ise nf His t Hi i h.r rlni'ksinsa
CihiiiIv. Innuoll .i.lmlliloll ilo I el H'l' slle lit
I J.ilin M M. .,. dees m.-.l , ,
1 l et on. li it In,- el line. I'l! llnl " O'l Slnl
1 air ii. iili-il I" I"" ia l'" ia a "III I " I" ' If
, , i ., i.i me i! Hie I nt nines nt I' H A l I' I- .
' lolnelle nil nllolll.'l In I ii e-ll I'll ) . HtUKlltl .
' ti n lit ii "it i.oii tin i ti -lu nil, a is .
; IHtel .I'll, s W S W. MilSt .,
;; 1 1 A liiilMtV'W
tiliil'lllsllMbli ' 'nitil l".
S.. .ee Is hen-lo' ultnA I ill wri.l-' !itVtntr' "
i am. nk iin-i Hi i ne "i Hen iionaai,trt,j-.
f '..
! llin
.1. Hi tl l ie
tut a tlm i.
,,n:il i. If nil no- 'I
t,i in -i t it- r i Oi il.
mail el!.,., i li n.
I' ll, HO' Mill
i,l ,1 I ii ,'l I -
..iins I in eri'Y'd "" S ,
per to.H-llet,; Wll Itfn ttntflj j
..I no. ii. all a-, i.i. Hi aj i
tin Oi mi. i i li f li I HiirJ
11 ,t -oil al.'W I'OOM Soll,-;
l'lll Ji(a,ii
d.lmllllstl(or .
pro- j eia of the lepilblie and we ,cs meinU'rs oi
lake) Meade Test No. '.', ti. A. 15., depa'luietil
a iimp is ! of Ori'ifnn, are picp.i.ed Io s.it that w I en
,-. "blue ; the states l.ilelv in rebellion can i;ive u-
baek o.tr dead coufudos fmni a thoii.aiel
ba'lle lields of the war, when tlios- c ui
federate prisons wh -s -s IioiIm-. oi 1'eat t
. i . .
p-o sl.iteiy wh'jj cared, shall stvilij! bac then o.ii,.- ,ti h--n,
oi bee loin and hiini.fi ''forth in jourbiiil ,oor tl e hot - M.irte a
it and the violation the. lore, on w l.ich j to dealh, thiol mid l ot tdl then .lie We
sl.u -iy -,v.,i liei i I 'd ; b has opinions prepared to lilakn Mir't lnlei o! aiiMl'il'i;
w ia a th- p.irtv th.it he (urmerlv ass.s-l- ! that cost us so iiinch.
a'o'd wan iroatel bhllv, and this sliuhl
ltt.fiol.vi ii. that Tiesi.l 'iit t I v.-lan I
by his action in vetoing numerous piivate
is; sion bills on shallow uud lliinsy pie-
aims of the ihin'oi raev. 1 lav in"; done I tels has clcariy sbowii that his real i .
this, and puir.iii himself up with the ie-; inspired not by h s desire for economy,
, T -'
i.'ial T.-tib Tri isr is.
.. , .- i- t. I ., i . it iioii n .; ,
m i. . .1, a ,,...,i : ' ime :i :-:ir ar ial.' ami i.iue i.tem i" "". .. .. , - , .,,i,,ii; nuns. .. .M. ,. ,, .. .... .- - , , , . ,,. ,,. , ..
inepresaiiaa ui.ku -nt - ' ; .'. ' , I ....,-, .1.., V..,,.biil intv and Portland n . i I.. i I .,.;. I...I l.t- bis ilishke of the bovs w Im wore , .. v . . , v , .- , . ,l(
..- ...ar.i... ..,;ii.,.. ..r.. ov. the comniiiiee. as urn a com . u nn-i, .. - - ....... , .- . i.i .... ....... , ...
.n urwaarj r.. ...... , , .. ..: a. 1 ... ,.i;,. ( ,1. i',, , erniiu the Inon a .... i... 1. ., ... I I i. .i ,.- ill. I l..v... lilt. I.bie r thil his vein of the ilel'tinlenl , c ,, , ,. . ,
i.irt nine remains mi me iuh . n . - ,.,i. v-..... .- . . .-,
I .... .. ....It. . . . .. ... . li i ... .... . . . . .1 I..
I 'll. ilhserval el s hows Hitv ot Itie orm w:ue;i was a-a"oo i" ..'..,r jliroiiah ; lor it never would ilu s'lisiun mil is mi iiisuu ,.. i-,,-i, e... . I rulH an. I Wile lo X..-" e r
islent exhibitors at county j the hitler 1 for a oentU inan who has so siisrior an I who fou"lit t i save the I'lii showing xy i ,, SV I , ,.f -.-c 1 and
all come out in thou- projsr relation. A
U ,t- is it .hit-,."..,.., , m fie 11 1111-
slreiirionsly .ieiiied j-lt. nmvininp then i eerbiinly no""', lent charncteristn s taat it was it ullcii to
ret mat Uie ineen.inisni is luncn unci, i
In UYuj pn8H the stone is put and the ini- j opens Sept.
. .i ..l ... .. 'il I tl. t ill I luitt
pression resnlalen so mat me pans wi.i ; j ....... ,,,,,. Plo-kbiit n t.sik that- M,i,,,..u( . .!, .h.t he had U-.m. hisivelv in laneua-e w here,.. I... Hal.!
till! f"l'l v 111 f H.k" llIT HI - ll nil-' ' "l,M I ' I ' " ,
t . i i a. . 1 . ... i I ... 1 1.. 1 . . . . I .. I.., ,.,..t i.i. .mi ii.
. : . , j wi,.. :0 ;t' . lorv fooiiY, inn a;u'iw.ini.-, Txinrm.i ", m.ili :i mistake nv auu iintr.tnt-si' ttn- i ,
reservoir lur kt -....-o . ., - . l,-oru- alarmed, he strenuously i.euied
ver the tame ol tne tu-es ami iron, tins, T, ; , O;,oi,;, f.tv seem to : , , .;,.,..... , ,.. i , . . ... . , ; i .a.... ,i ,. ,t .ls .,( the de-
.1 .ilil-'nivtiin' -nit ... " - - - i I :l ' Ullll 1 1.1 ' " L' il in HUT ltt'ltl'1 I.IUI I'.aii. i'nia-s. " I' '"'
twaketiol tot:,e imiai-iance inai, ,..,.... I . . . .. ..:... ...tar. c r.,.1 , - il,,lf,.,
ader ot tin
,.,.1 I., ui .v ..ihin., llm rennbli. limi t Southern confederacy
can party could (stssihly do would brill ! these acts he deserve- the con Icinn.ttn n
I.:.,. 1, .. L- T'i...i.ipa ih.. reiiiibne.ii. '. of everv I litoit soldier. Ill View ol me
tliere is no ji.nal . .,, ,ni,.,l for the nuriiose of I , .... .. .;,i,.., I,;,., ,1 l i.tih.it bis l'xcelencv t inner l levelalnl
reason why On-yrun ( it sliou." not , , ,i ,.,,t.Mlv of the author-' ....Ii.i i u-iilw.-.i r,.i,..enee I has been invited bv Hi"' lo' i'l coinmittee
..-ii.iutli i I oU OII ill I ll'llir t H.IS , -t r iiiiiiti o.i,i i j .... i
i The rreiit'.cmen who new have control ol iiics anv one of the lynches who invhl ( ,ir .oard for, him. .
The O.eoonimi was strongly of opaiion
,to be nm throiifili tho itresa two even ...m fity to take a Ivantaii' of he.- natural ; " . ' ,,.,,.,...,.,,, tnat it vi.is not oo l policy to nominate
n-sonrces. l ori.t. "" ' i r.Uine in i-isi, i,i.uiie nan many power
afemp; n! re-cu;:. l-ra. Kr.inu in',,, in.'! ... ,.,,. ..,,,..,,., ,. t., wer.i
t'otiklin and lhs ehcr. and many widely
' aletieuda a wet cloth winch rubs the form ,:lVl.
time an impression is nude This pla.- snslaitis as amanufa-t.irintftvnter. '.... wmc, ii.u m-i v. . y. I
etfytiBieant.i.pri.loni. mane , H.,t water power on tm-cmle It will b" ren.e.nber.-d that there was:
getting U to prevent i-er tain -arts of .he I ealthU'M and ..,-. ,.',,,,.,,,., talk a!...-,, a "l'mllie, Into I"
r atone irora lamng ma. uci. ct.-.t u.u.u . ....mt r.,.sto bv
,had been fully adjusten me press is is'i
in' motion and the. sheet, are turned out
' .. . . ,t,w i.... lbe ireiitlcmen win. new na.c coiiu.u oi
, at me raw Ol aisnu ..,t-oi ...... .... f h (,(( n..1.(,;i.;.v U.A .,, , yri.r ,;.. Whether
I. .., ..... A. .... !,.,, n r t h,..,r. 111. lo.S I ... . ill .... l. . ' '
. 11 la WiCH MIC lasc ,..,. . .nn-y.iij ! llls'l 111 llieut JIU.l W" Sll.1,1 I X. W '. I , , , ,, ,,,. ,,,m 1
i N K
i, of m c II and NV ol l -
1' s. u I W, :: m res, : ... sV
I ( V I.- I ..... ..I.' I . ,.f IV I .
1 "I I. I -t 1 I
ht It. T il S, I! I W. st a ics
,( T. , ol sec .and li
1 1--.
'.Ml. I I
I tlliil e.iii'U ,
A Nil ' ' '
LOW KST - PWr-Ksiv
l mi: t siil . ..
riiAiniAX iuios-.--
( ii v dim ; sro u :...' .
1 I. 1 IL.
a ,TJ ra tV3 PA Vtft
ill lee.
uri hand '.' " I"il" f P'l'f n.itu-
! hav
ml ice. which I cut from
. d.iBtn times onee for each color, ex-
. ti ...a.u..:il i:..kl !. nl Im vii tie our eves fu'.lv oiien- ;
,pt Wlien me wen-ling ui ., - - - - - . f , ....,.-.,1wn ,,
ml' lsn..t a Co il writer nam nev en "" -
irjduceattinl. One woul ljhardly credit
ihe great clme made bv tho addition of ..pen our eyes wide, ami mak-.W'." cle,r termination Sherr it , . .. '"' " ! etrt-ulated ne. st,upers . It
newcoIw.Whiletlmpro.-e.s.st.jo.Mitha- and brvti! t a-e and take adva.ita.v of to W s'eeri. The pro.,,!.,. is h-.t n- (l .Vll f (l, ,
' gr.pbi.ig have been tioiugon. the typo for eveiy tliinj; that will build us int.. a bit---, sm h body of or-an.zed l-ly . .'- I H, , Sl.w Y,,fk, a,
licit of the Kvcuiiv IVmo.-rat has
lide witn a wo-
01 the en l "nt -after h;m. No harm '.erwav convention will It: held at Astoria
I lia.l a:i a i'.eni'.iT.' .
els, cxis s.
The Nalerw.iy t' n vut o i.
The thiid s. ssiiin ill the t nh.iuoi.i w at-
the reading matter -jf the in.i7an.ie lias j tun:,' ciiv
been act. Tina w eorrectetl, pla.'e t in mc i
.fornit ana run on i.y immaT prer-s. me ,
ahMta are then folded and aientt with the !
. , i .. . ...I man
llll.ograpll aneeis nrraneu m "
them in the West Shore each inorit'u.
They are afterwards perforated and sew I Khuut N'e'.isn.ipi i s.
'Tl ver U now I,a 'te1 " ",a ,1."'-V Newspapers are lik- Topsv ; tbey arc
.are carried to the paper ruber and Inn. n s tllPV vr. Thev are the
,med, after which they n.u-t end. 'M , ,r,)W tll ,.f ti,;. ,,limi,1Uli!V in which
wrappl separately, tl.e name pia.-eu . .i j y a p j,,,, ,,;,,! T,,v i,r.rceptibly i expres 4..n mav be as emphatic as po-si
ach and carried t-J the st oll.t- for j , 0 ,(, tll!.(.mHimfolt ottbe d..in. 1 1,!.. it is important that th-re shoal 1 he n
diatribution. not over tlu I'l.ilcd States 1 1)); u wjjlIll,s ft,ar,i (,.,.. , ir.(, .m, ,..,,,,,1 r...,resentati.i:i. T-..tr.s
buttheworld. I p around tlu-m. Thev ,,f trade, chamla-rs of commerce, cily uttd
siir.'oiiii II ri
was apparent
l.-ci h-d in the
,ti ne s it in nee-1
a clear lake, ,
of arriiieeineiits lout end the L'lsl mi- (,'d by ualiiial hpiines, and I ilbr the ( ) ('; 0 I i 1 1 1 1 11 1.1 i L
na.il eiii-ampmeut of the t.. A. H. at St. B.,m,. m whoh-sale or retail, tins ie is
Louis, Mo., in Scpleiioier next, thendore (.,r latter and more healthful than tlm
he it further j a.tihVuil ice and will keep loneer. ;
Hioi.vn. that sin h nindil. t isunotli-1 J t( on Mtnsa O' ". ( iiy T.ieci.!
er insult t,.onriiraii.lA'iiiyeiiauu.liou, , .. ,
1,ndlallitsmem:a.rs,a..dasaban.lofi ,,.,, ,1;,.,.t ,,,'.,
soldiers we deem it oar sacred diltl '" r,..,,, ,. tlnrtv live acres in . ultiViilioii,
.. take Ibis stand; thai wo condemn any , live efcres on hard, unmti jn-t comine
... ..... .. l.. i. 1 I,, l,..-.r no.sl. Ilu, ft till co.vlsl
i i, ,ii tvit i 1 lac ion. i nuarrcis in ins , i .
Ml " t .11" f.j
Urtxuu ('iilirui iild It.'-R?"'
- ? .
I'.if 'tiiu l Im mni Kr the
41, I lllllitilt-.. St: p ,j.O
.! yV
. I-.s i n.iiirill iin ms.lA a AhlM"l;jlli''
(It- .1,,,, .. I Ills I ,Uli nil., l"l,.l (" I "'fia
, S.I i.e. ...,.-i.,, - I 'IM
t oe io-lil
iii, nle a. l-i nrs. I linns, la ai l.ca, . unes,
. ll. ..i... ...- tti. li iiiit i ri'ii ? i ' ' i
putv in that Mate would surelv cost a.ie.np.. ... ... -tu -- ,.,,,,,,1,., ,, ,,.,. ,,,.. n,.,,.,, ,
himmanv v,-.a. Sueh joiirnals as the ! "'" M ve the Hlec t rf nu ..f)-; H, ,u.r,,,.,. Vle,e.l I-, two
v . ,. -r .- It W.-Llv insartvof iie aelnev cuts of the I moll ; apiiiijs and a well ol i I . .l.-r at Ibc
Ion MC'lliesilav, .Mlasi ,,r., ari.i is ex
I in i ted to I ea very important and inler
jestiiiil lireelin.'. One of ils ""iier.il ol..
jects will be to voice the sentiment of the
i counti'v upon the pol.cv of river and bar
: Imr iniprovi-nienl, and in order that the
the T.ro ikhn I'niori mi i tin-New Vork army.
I In.
j tnko "1 the c
to send
lor of tb r siii .-oriii I.ii.-s j toan council, boards of county coniiim-
in ! roil -et their outlines and their hues. m short, nil constituted liod.os,
That the (i. A. It. has no oi-citsi in to Thus ,.,,,-h leading newspaper is in a !,-.tl or oll'u ial, in the Columbia liver
-love President Cleveland ps'S without sense a mea.ur of tae comiiimiil v in i ba-in, or anyw heie in tiie eomitry inter-
' aavinit That they have as individuals j which it is publish 'd. It is n -ith -r wiser ruted in the improvement of Ih.
' or aa an onranitation the rii;ht to con- nor more f.a.'.i -h than the roa 1 rrs. Sum?- ,ia river are invited an
demn any wroni act of his as a public
' officer ia not for .1 moment gainsaid. Yet
wliile admittinir that there is cause for
complaint, and the rijiht of the .t'riev
ed to express their views, m; can tmi
ay in connection with the lesoluliorn
which we print today, that for what w
Kv-iintf Toil had declared against
I'.Iaine in terms that made it impossible
lor then to sn'Ktrt bin.. Ihaine's opa
n. 'tits in Now York held theinselves to
be persons oi .i much conseipiem e to
stibiui' to rejection of their advice
against imuiiiia'ioii of I'daine ; a'ld hence
it was apparent that if he w ere nouiina
ted they wo ail oppos.i him with unspar
ing bitli-rne's ant inaliemty. Apainst
I'.Iaine tin y ailew"'1' moral unfitness us
the r. asoii i f their action ; the real re tson
I.. C
tv or l.-r of
S. 11. 1'.uiry, adjt.
T. f.
house. bai-e s.,u wil
I below and lh.ee a'"Oe; also i I. .Ilu a
1 pre-s nnd nliv, It"" hall.-, i.'"H'
! abed, cattle -tn-,1 , tlialn It , h. tih.ai-e and
I val'l. K'"t l.ou-e ; liolk hoii-e in n trnoe
I ilear the l.olis,.. 'I hu e nuh s horn . He-
t il v n. id a 1'issl road. I mil a
, ,ur,. (S
l.l,! .'I Mtlra of HUl.W
I inn-laii i-n nn u nl i ltr sft.t il.,) Isurpr i,
il li.e.r., v
i ti K, .mm rtrat iinfAiil.
I .
I ran M ) I, I- V
,n. i'..iiian.l arn,.
I ,- , ie in, i, -ii I ll I MMl .H.""
r e: r
,, It I a II I
from New ra I'moinih s (roin iislom
yrisl null. lelliiaeast
W . II I' tsi in ir.
. in t
: in c
i i t-,iti.
1 riit
delegates. The povriKir.s of ( hcrori and
i Washin-toli, the Ore-oil aetialors, Ore
1 ifosi's represirntative in eoaaress, the b-r-
llll loll il,
l v would dj the same, and
lirn it l a-Is t'.i.vn; s imeliines they
lead it, but the truly. '." -ssfnl j iilrtia!
i ...!:...' ...I, 1.,..
IS .ever inncii in ant am - ' n. . jjou h n,pies;iii.tu m --, . ,. , ,, , ;,. . ,i
. .. ... ..i i-..r, . . I since New York wis tho pivotal state,
bind lis "Ulirel ihers. ll keeps lis in ai r.j.inal ,.-le lie io coinjii-ss, uie t iiu - i , . ,
.. j li ...... in lo, ttitii thein. I -t ,f,.u en .im.r.rsi land other iuilniltallt
li is this which mak 's it Hidiliieult (or 1 i.roiiai'es have been especially inked j P"'"l':'' 1
i nii .moor to make an impression on I to att. nl. and it is expected thai the
"atherin will be lar.e and notable and
in the hiehest ,l,.or..,. rep; e-.-nlative The
.. : . . ... . .. n. .,), -, i.i il i.r i
t on e oi ru. ii .i i oi. . I-,.. -., -o. . . - .
IHiiioiaii; inn I.I...H-J ,-
jdiawim; uti-xpe. Ie by Inun the demos
of the erats, and still wo.il 1 have been elected
resolution relating either to the private i they net in the habit of takin- it and it is waterway convention could la-t be pro- I '"' ' .;' ' '..,.,.' '
uiinn is not by any
means s j cle ir mat .no iiouini.tuoii .,.
What Hie llh nf l-y llrml Ma I
Ma.i.a lr W Asa Nallua In i u 1W 1st l ire a I.I Marine lrH.ifitlee
'J"':- !' (iimpa.il.
"Ainericri is losing its prominent men! -ptl;H ,.,,mpai,v it niaua.-e I hy
very last,' was l'ie remar oi a wcu
l h. .. l.....l,l......n ului ia now viaiti.u
aim,, ii . ..' ' i . - - - ...
this conn rv. end he was riht Summ r. oil principles ol .
i w is tint their pride was wounded to the j Wilson, Phillips, Was'ilnn i, I arsnt. r, , biimauts may omit wiln
1.,-ii k bv rci-clio. of their dicta'ioti. ..ndah'St ofotheishave .epa.tcd,anditllt , l!l(.r ,, pn b vl.
Ismceit wail, eat that they would J i -' '
i everything ill their power to defeat j n,,. ,-au-e of the ilealbsot these pub- , honest . loan, ll the a."nt
1 I'.Iaine and that tlm Coiikliii faction ,e men was in ev. iv . aac the same? And j ,. ,, ju, ac.nl bun won!
r irsle". I'aljy, l'.vi'i''.,.-il.ir-
i- r,.n:.o.. 'l.ntVrn t'V "
. iir.f...ii Itf t.VJrt'J r, a
i Kuai-i.f J,-ve jV i"i a
Pullman Palaco Sleeping GaVs
Tl', .- 1. .., ... , ...d be akillflll
underwriters, all biiainei-s is liaii-nl'l
, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , -1 ... 1 1 honor, an !
nor Ie, i.
I .e'aili I
t 'i..
an l,i
Ir. li I
I oly 1.,-dro-ll I'.iltlalnl IHK.tsklPbil.
nail: it K.-irt Mia-i-r .nil'-Jl'ii lih
i. ...ilsr li Oh- "li tea
I r iifi i
itr-r ..in; M I--ll l
K oi W1 STri.t,,,,,
'. t ne,,'
has il urred Io yon
consider various good reasons, it would the hj-inea ofu najier which is uhea ly
Lavo been better that a pait of them at j esuiiiish-.l uri 1 . mono., a priunc i o.ni
least bad never been asw.-d or, liiijr dence. When people nri satisfied that a
ptsaed should simply have been spiced , pup r is comlucte 1 in their intere-1, and
Ojion the minute of th? t-ociety. j i i run neither for the promotion of polit-
ln Ihafirat i.Iace it is a late date to .,as i -al iiiu'.itions nor fr corrupt proposes,
The Oreooni.,11 tho.irfht it would lie K'nM
i iiomiiiati! senn-.i other man It
. , proved that thes" virions factions ba.k
lawny from lllaine in New Yoik some
' Ihinnlike 1' I.D.I ) Voles that undoubtedly
.... I would have be n e'von to any other re-
of puhlii: policy o'i:ht to have weight '
with cuiijre.ss.
It ii; believed the chief purpo.
tii ,t M-iniiim, I'.nlli-r.
Hliii.n. nnd a bust of , in I'l' oli
SjpT-J'a.sc': j others are treiidintt the .
caatne io l l : 1 ne irreai ;
,ui 'reMii wonr.
to see him and
r- '
. i . a "
J. Hirv. A :
i in-ooii t r.
ihl's I1-, I
toll Well
lei I
- ' 'I i. tij .
Wi-I si-li. inii...i ,, .
I 1. 1 it i i N f.iKll.lSI. ANN I'fw'M.IJS.
Mol I ... I a ll n'i.. S'uiit !, t
v.", s ll.-'iia I', .run. I Ai"'rfl'f Vlr M.
I! s I in. in l irnllh, l-i'-ttt.a,fr
I. in-, t r tilt ihill) lrii-lil'Mtetay)
" til...f'
i- M ...iv.i I' ell in I VrVa tw a
'. I '."';
Are von troubled Willi corns '.' i .
liar. till"- has the cure for Ihein.
(7,(1',:!! W 3 day, i kidney discuso,
A-tf J id""'' 'l ''' " '"cans
A.-k'V W --coiilliie. to imi'lic men. i ,.N)(rsS(... K u ,,,, ,u,,. . tsicin
...-' ssH A Thousands ol men r NV i,aiM .ii;kin Ob hum - "' s -m
. ' "-r.''z tvl.oin ae see everv dav iiru. , ,.
Snave inherited it -from Jj IXJ", XC
.n. 1
lUI'lili'i'H laftkM. I lll'lr hiln'IIM nil' I H'l 1 I..,. ......K an,,! I..-rill 1 1 ill I' If-V nlblinT !
... it I ..iiiiiiti .lit. uiuinn u Im ' ....1 u..t. 1 Iii m imxlt r ili- ilniikiT tr mi il 11
IUH .11 ... . , I . i , , , ..I, t.
wv-Mirat.' on alMn t'l Willi it l Hun i r.-rn
-iOrdejiendmit rt'iiHionbillH. It Ih ulvuH 1 1!,-moMt aiUicult thin- in tl.e woiM t nrrtl I.y tl! orLMnizntiun of a ;tHri;i.i-1 ,,, ,lr o i -
W ltjr that resolutioiu applicable to any Uhake tlt-ir u'lr-iaixv. rhfv if ft uscl ; nt-nt rivr irfiirviriM-u iHt ami th.f J Hut T!:- On
,'qucation la before tl.e )s.'o,h.. There . they want in it. Imi.erct-ptibly a ay.ii- i meeting at Vancouver, wil! be taken up i Ida.ne in 1K.SH would be ho l.a.ardoii- as
iwould tie nothing wror. in the posts I tiatlmtie air.uily KroW3 up beta.-en the 'as the lirst business of ll .eeth.K at it r.-ard.-1 his nomination i in I IS I. I'or
. l ;,, l-' ,1 1 ! ,, r oi l i!... r.i li.r. and a in'jliial mi-1 laiorh. It on-lit to be i ns-ibl.. to form I tin; niUKMiimps who would have remain-
'for her enforcement of the Stamp Act in ' detstandinr; results which cannot easily j a society of ten thousru. l members who-.) ed th-n with the rupiibhcan party, lia'J
'l7tt5 but the object to W Ka:ned by Mich ' be overthrown. I'eopie jjrow tinaecos- j H)(. object wmld I e to ur. the liver j their pride of opinion hn hum..red by
' resolution would most likelv la; found ' t-mied to it as they do t certain dishes, ; wo,:. s-u. l. a s-s iely could Iiml many the reje.tioi, of I'.Iaine, are gone now, no
wanting It would lie had to determine ' certain wines, certain eir-rars, certain j Wi(Vs of useful i fb.it. It could k-c our ! matter who may he the republican can
rom Ihe readingofthe Inst resolution ! habits, ccit.tii. acts of daily life. To ask ; r,.eseulaiives at Wanhintrlon supplied j did .te. Oilier asperities iainon( the ro
j.l8t who ia condemned. I. would hardlv ' them to stop taking it in order to lead with information, and by ils .,ul and public ins of New York, by which Illume
be fair to condemn the president for re- j anol!,r i-heet is askiiia; then, to abandon .-ontinued interest, Minmlab them to en-! wai looser in lSSt, have been softei...d
Wiving an inviUtion suit bvnnve.ilu- alial.it which has become, rooted and ! ,.r(fl.ic work. It could iuipress every in- j hy time and by parly defeat, an I it is
'inittee. imleed ho could tiotweil help which Ihey cherish. Such a ropiest must Huential vision- to the country with our J not iiiilik-ry Unit Itlaum would draw
listcningto it if by meascng-r, or riradin- he backed up by very powo, lul r-asoiib j ,,,.,.,1,,, ,1 upon oei aio:i send c.iuiiiis. , more heavily from the dem.s'ratu: party
'it if written. How then dies the insult indeed to no sriccessful. Illustrations ; aioners to aslungtoii to urae our claims, n.un any ou.er i,,.,,.,
Vome, and by whom? It seems to us that j abound. No praise is too fulsome for j It would at least be a Handing i'.hiHtra- Sherman, iiid.wd, would get the solid re
a organitation formed from men w ho in the ci.er.v with which Jcseph I'ulitwr ! ti of publie feeling here. Iiy all means ( publican stret.tli of the coimlry, hut ha
the hour of the country's need threw has pushed the World newspaper in New j ,.t the proposed organization be formed, I would not draw voles from the ileum-
themselves In the breach and prevented York, and we presiim." there is no doubt ; ulll let it he made as i;i nil and popu- cratie party as lilame did in IHHI, ami
disunion, can ill afford to make a record that he has succeeded in netting a law ; iir llM possible. prib,ibly would again,
'that Bhall In any way detract from the ! circulation for liis paS"r. Hut he. has h has come at last to Is- generally nil-1 There is a man, indeed, whom the rn
flory and honor gained on the country's ' not succeeded in making the sligh-st im- ,vH,.od that the benelits of the govern-. publicans could undoubtedly elect, a
baltlo fields. It cannot affonl to weaken j pressiou in the advettisiug patromige of lm..,t work ate for the future, and that if J man whoso name would stir the patriotic
the respect as loyal citizens its members the Herald. VlAv? Simply because New J the country is to have iuiuiedial." relief it j ardor of the country and bear down till
;owe to the chief magistrate. It would be : Yorkers have got into the habit of adver- j ,,,,,,-t come through private or public en-1 oppusilion.wo mean lien. I'luhp II.
interesting to know just how Meade l'ost, ' Vising in the Herald and they see in rea- torpris.-, independent of the government, .Sln r.ti.in The nomination of linn. Slier
'composed as it ia of a miiiiUr of thought-1 Mln why tbey hhould change It would : "Wo cannot afford to w lit on tl.e slow , idan would be a logical reply to the ('ours.)
7ul citiiena, came to passtho resolutions, j be even' worse with tiie new paper which method of the government," said 1'reni- of tin present iidiiiiiiihtialion !o5 its
:Komeimes in tsimilar organizations no , the Soiilherneis project. It would re- dent Smith of the Waterway convention, I praise of Culhounism, its exaltation of
" little children whose kidliei s i . in .1 iv liell.-n- He' 'i m .Iruiklnn . I
.' .ir.-i t-y ,-''' re ,;:,',:":,: ,r.i::.V.Mr?.,....,.,.,r,,.,v,'.,..:'1v'.,r :;:r:..!.'r. :
ring frm it, nana ly unknown - I s.-ri'l ..r elr.-'ilsr mol foil t. .no ..i-.r- ta in s
Qi, ii
' ! U J
r t n,
,'1 .
I f I ." .
notice ls-ing gWen, a bate nuijority .(
(hose present ruidi through matters that
'1o not repreacnt the sentiment of even
'a tithe of ita uimnbers. Was it so in this
We refarreaJ In our local columns last
week to the tiniHirtanco of every man's
'taking an Interest, in preserving grains
nd fruits to be shown as a part of Ihe
county exhibit at the state fair. Wo up
(irehend that our people do not fully
mire eoiisumuiabi ahilitv to get for it, a "but must provide Home kind of a port-
respect able circulation ; and as to ad ver- auu system for use between this time and
lising, il would ha biekey if it got enough . the completion of llm permanent works."
of that to pay expense:! by the end of ' This matter will coinu before tho Astoria
the century. fall. I convention us one of tho important sub-
... ! j'ii Is of consideration, and it U hoped
l'dhaps the fair lamglry desired to hi-m.,i(.a, ,,,, for n portage
cure citizenship, "without publicity. - , i HyMtofl) wi ,o developed. This is th
A',il' ! true solution of the transportation proh-
.lust ko. That is w hy she ''''""1 1 (!m which now vexes the country.-dre-Sau
la.icioKo. fc Lmian.
For first class wabrh and jewe'ry "
woik go to Mr:i. H. Io I'lirinuihtiv. i (hi Io 0. A. Hardiu.' for dru
I h hi-mils nt ilmiik inl" leu i. Ih'i'ii
7 . , . , ... . i.. I I in ie I- n in ! . si n " ..-.
liioliieiit. i.ni Ililoa ll is sun or ""'I't- . ..,. s,.,., i,-in ilmlr .-ml, ei m iii.-o hih.u i
.....' ,,. ,..,1ri n whose kidliei s i a,,,.,, uml i ,1 iv l.i ll. te Hio 'i m
anil.. rill 1
ihcir parents, l's symptoms are a tired ; ,ri.i ...il...ii s(.i -,-itir ' is. li n
f)'t'lii g and ad 'sire to s.eep; a pale com- rlni inieitl. "iii"
pb-xion; uncertain appetite ; taiiilnessat j
ihe pit of Hie stomach ; shilling pains, j
moiii.'I ines in Ihe bark, sometimes it. the i
i.nib-, and again in tlm head; plentiful i
or si-iintv hi in ', i'h the avion on top or
a s' diiuciit and bri. kdiist hi the h'lltoiu ; I
a Imriiiiig sensation in passing ami skin
hot at times and clammy at others. Any I
one of these things imiicule disordered
Lnlii.va. which nr." tl.u lirst stave of
Plight's disease. They must be checked. , tv, f, ,,., ,
t aptaiu l ireenwisal, of the steamer i ml. mi i oi . '
Kanawha, had them troubles in an ug- : I. .'
I... iiun.l I I n ., I 'a 1 1 nit a .
;rnt ilu-'. I'll 'll , i'- n"- "
and ia in pa. feet health lo-dav.
liey. ( lisr'.es I'ike,
of Watorbmy, t'oiin.,
was gr.-ally induced
in the same manner
nnd was " sulfering
severely." He Used
Hunt's' Keiiieiiy and
was cured. ,
.Mra. Alexander l
Nichols, if l'henix,
K. I,, nil r passing
through nil the sull'er-
mg which any woman cut. iihkkkwooii.
is ever culled upon to einlure, was cured
by Hunt's Itemedy.
The son of Cornelius 11. Smith of the
Mate Iti parlm.mt at Albany, N. Y., was
given up to die by no less than four phy
rieiaiiH, hut was cured by Hunt's ltein
edy. Th. se instances could be prolonged
'1 w.i things are certain. First Kidney
troubles, which always end In lirighl's
(liKeasc, unless chickiid, are fearlully
prevalent. Second They can be cured
Iiy using the remedy above named. Willi
thuso trill ha in view, why mnii and
women will be so heedless mid allow
symptoms to run along uulil they end in
s .ti i -. n .Villi.' , i- . i il lit I Hw .ntv.4 ajjsj .
.VI I'h on .ill I l' in ill is 'ViMtia 'Vmla Irsllia
,.1 no .: in I'i. HI'' rilim,. tnr Vi.tn lis).
I ... il ll. "! fnr nile iiml Im i ti " i li.'i kr.l at
i-.i,i,oiv n,i,mi i.liii-e. I'liitit- TWia Ninl
s.-.- ,n. I .K... I- I l.-ki-la l..r lirlS.'! il fcal.lU 111
I' illl.n il l e ill mil) I"' 1-r.a iirr.l ul i'l!iMtli)f a
",l,-i', ' of" i-i-.
I oru. r V nnd l rmit Sis., f i;in l, lr.
K...I III I II. K I'- MiSiJIW.'j..
Minuter. O K nl A"nl
Always Vi'ctor"ifJTfe.
'ii im i 'tr 1 1 .'j'mvTrri
Kti 'V 'en' 'I it V ! a 'I I'i "ll'' i'i'.HIv 'r i'ia
"linli n ll ilil'l III" ai.llvs,'. a u'fXj r III", I I
I ,,. rim, r,-,l ,. tm .. n. i I hi ftl.lTsr. ,.. nil
,,i,,i,iii,. ,, il, I I-. "I iuillrinit.pl ll'""l
ciinili r.il i-no-lv ii-fiii'iljli-1' ju. n "in I. I" Hi"
inti'T.ii i-iiii-lv t I't'nl i '!)' l' ,.'i. Ii '.i ,i 1. la lint
Iv (,, i nn- nil .lis,, on .e ITi.l' Vl.IAi.ya slut
ilnml aa no
il- ii
i. -a. I I
. an. i w'a,r,l
al Inveatlte
EVF.nr i
i i , inal j i ia, vr ls)"o.
Illl..ll.'li Sn k llr nl Otaii-i-
. Kf.inll.ilis. Iii -la.'iSkn.. Hllill.lt-
n.iii ,-i,i. 'I v 1 1 ninl vim . ill. Ilnl ll iiltvay"
viemrinu. iii n.liiiili.'n lili''.lt'.'.ss 'a.,i, ini-ry
ttliete: n n r li , Hie il lnStlW Oia,,tS)
(m'IummI aMoiThnudisL',
I Al". liSst lllllM III ..'
A;iii-.illiirii! M:i!ilii(vj.
llm NKVtlllM V AilllN. Iicat anil' eheit
Tlis NUIIWI'.UIAN I'l.nw, li,ir,i''hiiif aisi.l Im'S
ri ii-l lif.-in. tt irrafili'il in ai' nir Ut any anil 'I lia
tiAI.K si l.kK.V lli ItluiW, i:rl,ll'Al.illtuil
MKI-.l'ltll. 1
aiiMoal ,tluln.
jonfedeialca and coufelerato doctrines.
and its ouarrels with tlm veterans of the
republic. Moreover, we should like to
hear what the county had lo say, on the
Miiestion of patriotic services and pnison-
al merit, between the man who horn the
partfieii. Kheridaii bore in th-) great war
r,,. . .il I ...l..,.l.,.ila titiil niitioniil life.
nil iiituoilitl 'ioe."... ' ' , . .,, ,,.., r,,.ul,...,l
and the man who was a alay-at-home ,7ur,,;j ;,i,v,, to ;,,;k (,ir(.fuv
llre-in-tlie rear coiperneau it.iu i..-... , 0 Hiihject,auilnct without ilulHy
sneiik, and sent a silbstilnle to mo tieiu,
which suliHlitiite now complains that his
principal never paid us agreed. We
T1m'h i".
niii.., iiia.i . '
liiiiiifimi ii
coii.irni linn,
mi-nliil ninl
lllliri'lin, liall.
I . NT .1 r '
i I'lir; i.s I r.in m my plnee t ni.i sale.
-b;.,:i': 1. 1.
c')-!Hf;rn, . . : 'run
Instruction Cac!. i.::il Tia:io Stouls.
Ctalui;ue and Price I.iatf.ou ajei:ic.itlon,aaa.
C'.ilC AGO, It I..
nV.t f'T t"l
ty nt vim'
li. imlirl
i.i-, iii .iit.
i.t i.., utriinun, kxuWN ih (lie "Singer Mill in
OliKdON CITV, fur salft'dr rent, on
; I'liny Icnus. IiKiiin! il'"U. K. Wili-
V, iillllS lit the )lllk'S, U,'"
., ....iiaiir.. joiinson & j:j;wn, '
I '. T. ".'
Main Hli'i'ut, Ori'Kiiu (,'lly
ity tin
ir l
In liriiml ol l,I.ii'ili Wifn-a ninl Cluiirs
In III.. City. Sleiiln Hml try Hid liatv lulllar't
'I'lililn, Alan liiif'i.rli'il MUiyniiki r. I'lilenirn nmi
p,,e i I i vr ' I. I h KM II, I I lb
lr t t'e'i r., .