Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, May 26, 1887, Image 3

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    .... . . . MMMtMBWMMWMMIMtllWMWiifcWWMWWMWW mmai,iiF-iniiiiwiirtift..
"'""" THURSDAY, MAY i. 1HH7.
fl'i For l,V"n'J VM
auli.erlliiirn liMna lt rm'tttvu riny ii'IiiiIkm cir
llW KNIKHI'MlhK Will 1KiI ' Mliirl IC Mill ill
h iillic-u
MiiImii unrlll 1' m A. M., J tO I' M,
Tub Fall. G. E. Htuurt, tho phot
'iiiiraiili.tr has tuken a view of tlm lull
Wo stop tlm f "" M Jlutt tt' from tho top of tiiu 0. It. & N. ware
I lin t ' .inl T of l In w iter power, lock house, which show eve'J' log, lock ttM('
mul oilier p operty here tlm now wave. Even th mint is .seen flouting
cotiipimy, lw fliiiilly h"im nude; tho uwav. Look lit it.
iim'i'mm'v miivevu.ico, mmlgigo, ntt. , I Stat CIhahok. Tho 14lli annual ses
huvltg Imhmi llled in ilm comity c-litrk'M slonof thu stuto grange eoiivonod In
mil . this (Thuiniluy) Homing. Want : Malum Tuesday. This' county was rep
i ol 1 1 tt 10 movent fill thcr iniitiHoti. Tho resented by Autlnir Warnor, Mr. E.
UA. MN:lr. M,
tlIAr.l.l'llA WIIAIlP.
Ui, t-.w M nrrlv, uu f. M.
Onltii ntiV W A M i 3.10 i M t M'-lnrt nth,
Tuoxli v. Tliurliyn mid Hituriliyi to Mn
hill-i, Malum. Hull.. ( ri-nk, Mink, i.lnl i Itl I nu.
mill SI I vtrtmi, 7 A. M
liliy reined nisei. Ami M"ii.t iv In lln in'Uiili.
INiiiiilfl.' mrl itmtitn nl M 'in! iv In Ihr iimnlli.
rimiiiv ii'iiiiniUMi'iiiTi" mi lli.t Wpiini''l iy
11 In-r AM MmnUy In tin iimnlli.
mil, iMiiiin( Thomas in.iy now clomi out hi
i wil blanket shop.
j A. I'.. King shot in Astoria flnhingdif
llleiilty. Had hut. not. nueossarlly dan
gerous f
FKciusion KiilimliiVi
HollOfd I'loSO Flldliy IH'Xt,
"WTll Jnlalllt IN till! plllCO !'! 1I Spoil.
loo cri'iiiit ul I.ovi-jov .V Melliiiun s.
Money to loan ttt Burin A Iluye' law
oflloti. tf
Itnrluw A (Vs. supplement Is well
worth readlni und pn-wrvlnu
J.N. Iturrliiulon. H iiniMiiMiouH ftitm-
crof llliililuml nit I'lill'T thin Wfnk
Mr. HiiowiIkii vUilii'l lilt frli'tnU on
I'Mv II III Ihm Hiiniliiy.
1'orllinnl litis ilm lilinl to ci li'liiiilt'
J. Tri'inliath Im inovtol lnl H
Kouiiipr' Iioiiimi.
lt,.v. H. I'. lhivln will move lo Ml.
Tiil.or ni'xt wi'i-k.
Anilri'W ttlli'r In Ilm protnl fulliiT of
twi'lvn pomtil Imiv.
C. t. T. Williuiii" 1 li:iviii tho I'h II
Jiimn rt-.lilnuli'il.
-The llHhinK at tin' IhIhu'I Ii Im-Kit
tlmn it lttt.it 1ioi for flv yarn.
JohliHlhitn llilliiphn'V loin pliii'Vil
iimltir oliliitutioiiK for 11 lint' milinon.
ifO. J. Cnnin of CurrliiKvilln wu
appolnlfil N rtoUry pilhlif thin week.
Only M fiiH'.vniiiir minion Bvcrtiiiiu
411m. oro ttiunlit lit the !!nml vi Mit
tiny. 1
Hon't (nil to hmii tho M.iplu I.iiikI
tiuml Sitturtlity Ihi'V ilny for tlm ri-'ir.
Ir. IUi.U lufliifH WiH lip.ti'iii'1 In I'V
turtfrt mtiliont-t. 11k in not hii or itm
but iri-m'iitt'l iniiny v thinu
.Mm. l'lio. Cliiitimiii liititKomi'li.tiiil
0ll rnwH In lilooin.
Th! l'i'V i'ii' out with tin' hocc furl
nml ho k hiiiI In I li'i l-i iil-hl.
Mtntotiitl l.iy the l.atoim will inn
m Ikt Hiimhiy tiinn.
... . . ." . . ,1 1 i. t . . .
J. il,.... Him 11. r. pn.-ntHthiH wt-tk. l.ul tl-v will
r In 1'ortl.iml on l. S. minl jury lnn-l- j jn (, i(,x, i(,MUi
Thai linn MhiwIiik of, mum In K.
11. Cli'iiii'iit'n winilowr in Hiiro to ilru
your iliintiH,
NliW Hl llonl, lftU HK. A IH'W Kt'liool
iiiildiiiK U hi'lii (ri'ftuil on Ihi) foriior wf j
Mi lliMiiii'y'x l.nnl four hiiIon out on 1
ho Ui'uvtirOrtM'k io.nl. ('hit-. ViiikIoiuIk)
ntvlllK thtifotltrilrt. It llHilllglllflijtt.i.
Ivvt'i iicioXH Comi.mj I'iiIIh City I'uik
I.un ht en Irl for llm following iliyx : Muy
I I'rDhhyUirluiiH. W. will
hn on Ihti urounilH ; Muy S'.llli. Ilm Sfitiv
liimviitn 8, S. of rurlluni liiivu tnttiift!
tho 1'itik; .Imitt 4th. 1 1 1 0 K.of L. of IliU
pl.ti't) will tiliMnrvo luhoriliiy.
1'oiH t.ANli IIoyk. Sirtiljiry CmliHluof
tlm Hindi lioitnl of iiniiiiiiltiil HilVf rtim'il
for mi (illicit Imy, nml of twi'iity-mx up
plli uiiln, nil wiu finitii'lln cni'.'ki'r'!. Ail
viotiNiiiji ii.iln fort wo (l.iynliini'r lux "no
rlt'iiii'lti' Hiuokorit iiiumI u ii !,' ' hut nix
npplli'iiliU pi'iixnitttnl tliiMimt'lVf it.
HiN.'tAV Thain. ArruniiiMiioiitit liavu
hifii ni.nlii for it Hpi'ilul Siiinl.iy train to
run fiom 1'uMl.iinl lu 1'nlU City I'ark,
mI, 11 li, ik next Suml.iy. Thin train will
h'.tvii I'orll.iiiil ill 10 l'i Mini ti'turniiiK
li'itvis thu I'ark ut ') 1' M. Tin' train will
Hlop at hII w iy Ht.itioiiH. 1'iiitt for tho
loiiml trlp j') ftniiH.
Kl'iKfoi Al, I'Axroii Ut'V. Tuylor from
Ihilliinorit will hfuiu hii pithloratt' with!
ilm H,u-ii.tl nf llilll tilill'f lu.Vt '
Sahlidth. Hit a (,'niil.il iii'iill.'inun ninlj
mm'Iiih (o h.ivn iiiinlo g jjimkI inipri'Khion. j
Hit family t-oiiHiniiii of liiw w ifu hih! u!i
Wuriwr, M. K. hlply, Mm. Hhlply, na
Minn i;ila WilliiiiiiM.
Knlahuinu C. I'. Wiui'HMtinonlnrto
imiko room for hU Incrct-ln uinluilak
Intf bunini'tiii, lian romovnil hi wukoii
iiikI hlarkHinith nhop to tin eoi nor huihl
iiiK, ami will 01 'iM.py holli fliMim with lilit
uiuiitrtiiklttK tiHltthliHhinttiit. H hi.
now it laru Htock uml hut coiiiiiik hum I
tlm tttMt a hi hill of fine aoodii. Hoe hl
row H'l In thin Inhiiii.
1''akt Htwamiioatinu. 1'riiluy'n Ore
ISonlaii Hityn: I.iihI nluht tho KtBamer
Multiiomali iiiuilu a trip from WumIiou
Kul to 1'orllainl In one hour uml fifty
oluht mlnulOH. Hho loft WuhIioiijjuI at
oVlin k, inaJu Mtoptt at La ('aiiiiw, FUli-
urn, V uncoil vor una m. Joiwih, which
oo'Uiphtil thirtuitn ininiitoH, and arrived
here ut 7 :'. The run front Vancouver
whh muilu in (Ut y-m i lie itiluutoH, which in
tho fuHli'ttt on record between the two
point. KI10 carrluil U'5 pound of itte.iin,
and run w ith tho cut-off uu fur u Van-
coiivor. From tlmro to Ht'.JohiiH who
miiih oiH'ti, and from Ht. J.ihmt to l'ort
land with the cut-off currying ellity
pouudn til Htaiiin. The run from Van
couver to the mouth of the Willumotle,
nix iniloH, witH (undo in nixtu n miiiuteti.
Thi'te wan about a three-mile current
with the bout in tho Columbia und a two
mile current agaiuM her in the Willum-
Tim Naiihow (iai ok. Suvn tho Nown ;
liovoud a doubt the 1'uriluiid A Willuni
otto Vitlh-y liuilwuy will be cxtondod
from F.Ik Hoi k, itn pront-nt terminun, to
I ho Ii'ovdo ut the foot of Jeirornon Htrcct
thin year. Uccfnlly the company failed
for hidn for tho KradinK of the line front
i;ik K'M'k to the lcvoit, dintanceof about
uiilon; ulno for certain rock work.
baa a
. vinok
Tho last . is my
price. Why?
Be cause it is the
X. B. The
two jtricCn.
fellow at tfic top lias
I'orlliind SU'um I))t Works,
n Third, letwen g.ilmun ud Tlor ttrntn.
All klodi of ;
Dying and." Cleaning
Vim in rirt cUti
Cloaning, Dyeing- nul 'Iliirln
onu'ClithiHt )Mitr.
A Brit slmt ttllur kt tut fuHlnf ntl
mnn U irmnt , 'lf
t .inlttt-r uhout M.-vonti'.'ii yearn of ut" ; Tint idea of a tunnel throiitdi l-.lk Hock
will hit In-ie in iiboiit tw.i wot'kii. j hai Ih-oii uhuudonHd. und innteail Fn-
Maiiiiiiii In H, l'uul'n chitn'l, Cu-: iuotr ilaw'xood roponen to t-ut off a
iH'iu.ih, M.iv 1SS7, by the UfV. Jolinj nlitvof the rock e'n.'hty-flve foot deep and
W. St'llwood, anfihtid by the Itcv, JttHHi- build a tronlle around it. The niirplun
C. Taylor, William A . Iledcoa nml Mi(luiie will be duniMd Into O10 Willam
Alire F. Ilra"buw', After the ceremony otto, which, ut thin minl in ninety-five
which wan ulti'inlcd bj u Lirit iiii:ubor foot drop, ierminnion liuviiig tieon (jrunt
of friendn, a Htipiior uinlH.iin e w an given j ed ft r that purpono by (lie t'nited Stalen
otijiiiH-ern. ()n Monday work will cm
nionce in eiirni'St. From Klk Hock to
I'ortlund thcroinl w ill boa narrow KiuKe,
with every provinion for an euny rondor-
iiiof it into a Hluiitl.ird tfuao, by laying
at the homo of Jifoph MiiL'cn, uml a
iiiukI fliinvablo tiuio wan panod. The
bride and k""iii arc well and nmHt f.iv
jorahly know n, and Inmlmif fi ii-ndn unite
I in winhinu tht'iii tl hitpliy jotirticy. Space
jforl.idnthe puldicatioti of the lino lint of an additional rail, if tho Southern l"a-
an':ir, ciHc, which cuntroU tho road, neon fit to
i do ho. Soon b'.iln will bo culled (or the
HI"". ! V H I ;,. it The urn iv v (or V. S. roid I count ruction of the bridei and treat let.
-Hon. I. 1" Thouipmm and w.fe Ml i,llK,llt,.(11,II,k.,0(i,,nBur,).vrnlindini; of which there will be eiht (ram Klk
for F.uropt. yenterday. They will in.'i l )( rmtU i B.H.rini ,-.t favorable Hmk to I'oitland. At Klk Hock there
Hiolr d.iuuht.-r, Mi.n 11,-n-ie in '""'"'ji;rul.,inifri,1,.Ht,1.Mi thu Hido of j w ill bo u Ioiir 01m, HKK) foot in lenKth
Jom h Kcni'i dy of Wan. o t outity. 11 , (,lk lt (.k w,tr ((J, ,, .li.tj,,,.,, t,e When thene mattera are diptd of the
brother of our S W., Im been viniiin 1 )n f,,l)r all( (,tl.t ie ' coiiHtruction of tho round bouno, ntation
lilm the punt week, hundred Thu tmrvev fnllown the pre- houmt, machine and repair aiiopn at
-IVr-onn poinKim tin- cxr-nr-nm .-.it- ( a ri,1,ly trUm iiitme tbi.iide
urdav will pa-H UiMitH the draw brid.',' : o( ,J(lV ,wU.,r0 it alo.t the river,
atl'tntland. j The touto ban been tine In an direct u
-Who would liw hcheved th .t ; .! m MH-ur ll.eitr.K.; Kit-
lawyer rheek w,t nu-..plihht of ' ,v11111M. ,.. t,:.i no troohle
We Hon't Mow Much But we Will
Save U Money
Ou nuytlilut ia nur l!n, which
Culinlllt III
First -Class precedes,
UicaJ'aae and raslfy,
Tobacco, Cigars, Etc.
Neil door lu Grwumtn't FA fllr.
L vejoy & Kleffman.
-Wliat,.,.l,m8U c.
Mata, 'if Im 6!c ' ' - . . . r.
Flour, Int Krade, 14.75. ' '
Flour, 2ml grade, 2.60.
HUwlti 124 50 " "
: liran, 50.
Hay, timothy baled.
Hay timothy loone, f21.
Cl'tver, balwd
'Usef, live, 8 Yt, e.
f tlremted, 7 and r.
. unl, drenned, rj und 7.
I'K, live, 4c.
iloH, drpHHvd. 5 and Oc.
Slieep, V head, 1 .5(1 and 2.00.
Wool, 18 A 20
Lard, country bulk, S and 8$c
I.ard, bucket-, iyvK.
Hunm, VtlOand 11c.
Hide, tylb, HandOe.
Shoulder, Vu, 7 and 80,
KutUjr.tjent, 10r312e,
- y dwen,15c.
t hukeii. dreed, V down, .1(gt4.00
t;inckeii, live,
Turkey, 10rtl2'jictVlb,
l'otatje,"V bu ll .OU.
Onion, V bu
Apple Vbox. 150.
. Applen, nun dried, 5 and fie.
I'fuytw, win liit;d, 6ind (.
1'ruii, nun tirietl, tf and He.
Fear, tun dried. 0 utld 8c.
AiiieM,iiiachine diied,bleat:hed9(310c.
rluuiH, muclinie ilnei, 8 anil 10c.
l'runeH, niatdtine dried, ID and 12c,
Fear, machine dried, 8 and bjc.
As a family medicine, the Oregon
ISlood Purifier bu no equal. It baa
proved itnelf a certain and etTicaciou
remedy lor all dineunt: cammd by an im
pile) state of the bloial.
Try one of tbone Cuban cigars at the
City 1'h.trinacy.
Have vou seen Ihiwa liandnome
chromo lithographic card that U. A.
Harding gives with ever)' twenty five
cent purchase?
For Sale, bv the undersigned, living
on the east aide of the witliamette river
ami four mile north of Oregon City, two
brood mate either with or without coltn
by their U-, well bred and kind and true
wherever tried. Alno one frenh milch
cow. 2914 u. A. St a hk weather.
Latest ABsortment ol General Merchandise
And have enjoyed for veai a reputation for reliabitli Cecond to nous.
" At tlila store can bo found
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wool Bats,
Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hardware,
Parm Machinery and Farm Implements.
A choice selection of
Canned. Ooods, C53rooli:o2rv'f
And in fact everything that ought to be fonnd In a general mervhsndUa stor.
If in need of anvtlem? in the merchandinn line give n a call.
Hole agents for KEKll'ii SL'l'FHlOK .Sl'OOL C0ITON. ,
Stoves, Tin Plate. Lead and Iron Pipe,
-' - BmzIeiV Copr, Brass and Iroa Wi
Gauze Fittings, Kubberllose, Pumps, Zinc, &c
manufacturer or
Hoofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, and at Low Tricta.
gjGF Vou will find Hardware. Woodenware and Tinwa.e Lanterns, Lamp, OU,
Lucine and l'acific Hublier Faint, at
Oregon City, Oregon. POPE k CO.
You can find a full line of diied fruits,
applen, pears, iwaches, plums, prunes
and cheirie at the Whitlock Stork.
Choice creamery butter 50 cent er
roll at the Wiirrun a store.
mentation ! What next T
The Salvation annymt wem to be
tin their List loj bore, an I if ropirt in
irw, they are Imwlfna onea.
The Mulliiomnh in the finol oxenr
on Uwtt 011 tho river. See her when
be come up Friday and take a rido on
lie Saturday.
Tho ' Mikado" to.t wun a tnoxt do
dded HiiccPK. All the part worn ad
mirably iit:iinod, and commendt'd by
the audicm-o.
(too. W.' Cult of the San Francinco
will in eitcouiiifroii in iniii iing me roan,
an no lil.t:tliiii will bn neennaiy, alno that
it will inakeit u nn! In-aniiful tlrivo.
tl.oIsi Kakhi'ink. With thin week,
which in given to examination in the
aiioii ib'liartmontn, the public acbootn
clone. Owing to tho nhortoned Hchiml
year the utmost la lieeli made of the
lime for regular work In Ihoclannt-n to the
nitcerm.try loyloct of rhetoricil and
graduating exiTi-inon. Fielding Kelly,
Allerl L. ltoatio Xello IWoro
i coiniileleil lint pri'M'MiN'il ctiurno 01
llriiiire Co., wa here 1 uemlay limiting iM ! j.,,w,n and Laura K. I tea tie, nave
the ground and getting mcimurt'ini'iitn ; B,v und will leceive their iliploma
for the plan.
With brldirw and tf "nl road from
Portland, such a il.iy an lant Sunday
would have seen 4X1 ri up from bo
low. Excursion rate for Saturday will lie
The popiln of the third and fourth grade
lisve prepared concert piece, aongn, rec
itations, etc., to !k given in tho piinci
p.d" room, Thurndity, In-giiining at 1.3(1
P.M. The llrnl ami second grades will
Soul hern Vol thud will bo wumwiwii!.
That P.ki.l. Tho ringing of the fire
bell Sunday evening at th burning of a
iniill pilo of rubbifh on the river bank
utteina not to have lieon a necwwly. It
looks very much a though the huIooii
kceHtrsr their friend bad arranged for
tho Ilru for the exprcs purMjm of hrcuk
ing up the lemeruiice lecture or the Sal
vation army mooting. A it was the ring
ing of the bell vory nearly resulted in a
panic ut the Fuplint church, w hich was
packed. At tho ringing of the bell the
audience urono and started for the door.
A moment more und a grand rush would
have resulted. Fortunately Mr. W. C.
Johnnoti had the presence of mind to
sugj:oit a cause and so avert the threat
ened danger. If the fire fire lie II was
rung, as many Hiippone it was, to inter
fere with either meeting the action was a
most unwarrantable proceeding, entirely
uncalled for, and worthy only of the
strongont condemnation.
Lahuk ItAKN. Lant week E. f. Ed
ward of Heaver Creek raised the frame
AS!) ,
Piahts I have plants of all descri
lions thoroughly hardened, which I will
supply to parties at a reasonable rate.
H. Ulassihkl.
The " Great " Eastern Store.
Our Spring and Summer goods have arrived and for style quali
y and prices have never been equaled in this market before. We hT
one of the largest stocks that ban ever CMiie to the city and have taken
great pains in selecting our stock in every department W001 Wtd.
A rare opp-a-tuuity to get a home.
LoU sold on the installment plan, in
Oregon City and Sellwood.
tf 1 Johsbosi & McCows.
Treasurer's Xotlcf.
Mereliauts Exchange.
MslttUinst, Orsgua Cttj Orton.
t-keps constantly ox hasd Tire
1 but brnnit ol Liquor. WluM sad C!ri
lu tue t;il. bi'ftn n,l tr, lli n.w Milliard
Tub!. Alno Imported l!lwu. t Mcmroma
BooBr. . J. IKEMHAIII. .
iirenent some iiatnolio and memorial
a follows: to Portland and return fyVt; ! day oxi.rcii.en, mi Friday attornoou, ut for tho Urgent barn in tho county, it bo-
o all other kiIiiIs 7')ctn; t hildron over which lime diploma will Ut pivnenlod i iug liUxSO with I'll foot posts up to the
six and under 12, oOcls. Lunch served, j t() the graduating class by tho 1 haiiuun drive way, and about 30 foot posts to the
John (ilesnon la Imildinu a conven lol the boartl of Uiret tois. plates. Tho building la sot itcios a
lent barn on his place. Ho put In every !
apart) minute fixing up about tho place,
and Im now ha It a neat a need bo.
Thus. Hrown' father from Silver
Lake i visiting him. Mo bus been pur-,
chasing a supply of machinery of Chat
man & Son to hike back with him.
Next week, Friday. Juno 3, tho Co
lumbia Hiver Association ol the Haptinl
church will convene at Highland. IXil
egatea will 1 met at tho train in Oregon
Lamok Day June 4t! w ill lie observed
Ly the K. of L. ut Fulls City Park as la
bor day. Arrangement havo been made
for a good time.
Hhmtinu Wiikat. Fiank Juggur nml
Mr. Vandoraho aro hauling wheat to
town to ship to Portland.
Thank. The ladies of St. Puul'
(iuild tender their sincere thanks to the
ladle and gentlemen who so kindly us
sltod In making tho Mikado a success
LtAtii'K to I1k. The wink of organis
ing precinct aii.endinont leagues will he
begun the Hist week ol Juni .
Fn.i. Stock. Point A Co. aio always
supplied with everything In their lino.
Do you want a stove or a cako cutter, it
whitul barrow or a housekeeping outfit,
they can suit you bolh In xhlound piece
Ick Chkam P.Mii.oun. 11. ,1. Ilmding
la fitting tip cony ice cfeani parlors which
hp will throw open to tho public 011 Sat
urday, when bu will servo out Alley's
cream In A 1. shapn, Fray lor a hot
CoMKouTiiiiH, Hi t Not Comfoiitaih.k.
Verily a .lob is in our midst, umr hn is
nulling upon hln friend, for sympathy.
V, I Latouietlo ha un elegant, five
header ciirbunelo gracing his cheek.
Theso urittuM uro no dincriminaiors of
Don't forgot that (1. A. Harding glvoi
no elegant curd with every twcnty-llvo
Cent purclmno.
Nor a Mii rn;:ii.-Tuesday morning gulch, the main sills lteing about 18 foot
a very small number followed Joseph do from tho bottom. A drive way Is pro
lUon.ty to bin lant rent, lie hud not been! vided across one end of tho ham on the
feeling well for a liiunln'r of days prevl
on to hi death which occurred some
time Sunday night, hut no notice was
taken of bis condition, 11 n ho was addict
ed to the excessive mo of liipmr. Ho was
full nil tho time after Friday noon. Sun-,
day afloi noon, on his wy home bo laid
down in front of II. Straight', remaining
thorn iiroliuhlv till some time in the
night. There be '.i lant seen alive. He
had with lilm a Imltle containing laud
nauin and T. W. ( laiklook it from him,
us ho said lio would take It before going
on to tho county. Ho was found by Syd
ney Hiehardnou the next morning sitting
in a chair dead. The coroner, Dr. J. W.
Norris. w as called and a Jury Impannel
cd. His appearand) und the conditio1!
of certain tstttlcs indicated that ho had
supplemented the llipiur with luiidnuum
and succumbed to their combined elioel,
und tho jury relumed a verdict to that
effect. Ho left no relative in thin coun
try, hut is supposed to havo sumo In tho
old country where he is reported to have
boon u Huron, and often panned by that
title, lie is alno said to have been lich,
having i- out over H'yVH Hie limt in
stallment of which, Ili.OlM, was nipiail-
main rlmir. Twenty-six feet aliove the
main floor is a drive way extending the
entire length of tho building. This drive
w ay is several feet below the brow of the
bill on either sidu of tho gulch. Every
thing that i hendled will be thrown
down instead of up and w ill be most con
venient. Churluy Mink framed the tim
bers, and superintended the raising. Ev
erything eumu togett.er in good shape
which speuk well for bis workmanship,
Sali m Hiuiiiik Tho liuiklers of the
bridgo seem not to have complied with
tho regulation laid down by tho war de
partment, and neglected to have their
plan endorsed, and to comply with the
noc.msary condition applicahlu to such
cases. J. C, Dunne, Brig. Oen. Chief of
Engineers, writes : "The river should be
kept open fur navigation at nil stages of
the water so far at least as the Salem
bridge Is concerned, and tliie i provided
for in tlio plan of tho bridgo by a chan
nel way around Its west approach, but
tho Hoard did not find the existence of
such a channel-way lo bo a fact." Thi
channel way should bo "made und
M aintained with ut least .1 d.ur width of
Ml! feet, and on a lino to bo selected bv
Importer & Manufacturer
Tombs & Monuments,
Cottage Monuments and Tablets
!f il,o I... Tt ili.m nml V prmnnt
I have now in my band fund appli-j , , , ,ivi
vi.. 1 .r it :willtu uma uiuv nun wiv.
cable to Hie payment of all order in- j
Vniillliu lUiu J.,isui" laiuin
All work and nwttrlsl wsrrinted to be the
btnt quilltr.
Branch works at Oregon City.
J. B. Kelly, - - Proprietor.
dorsed prior to Oot. 27, 15-1. Interest
will cease from tbe date if this ' notice.
Dated thi HUh day of May, 17.
E D. Kkllv,
Treasurer of Claekauias County.
We will give with every purchase for
a while a really beautiful carl. No ad
vortiseme;:t on its face to mar It beauty.
E. U.CaufkldA Co.
Cirr Pharmacy.
To Hurroner.
We have money to lend in sums from
$100 nplol-KKKl.
Dec. 30, 18S0.
Mt CowN A I.11.1MA.
deiod in a single , vein, llo was prepared j (Ki V. S. Engineer olllcor In cliargo of
for 1 tti ii iil In a lining manner, some kind I the, river improvement, and an opening
women lending their assistance, while j through tho bridge approach of a clour
soino t hildron testified thoir sympathy width of not less than 7d foot on a due
for a fellow creature who was nothing to Plll(t and west lino should be reipilred to
them, by hying flower upon his colllu. i,0 niado whenever tho river risen to a 25
At one tinio rich ho fills a pauper grave. (,.(.t stage, and to bo maintained until the
Once Mill rounded by friends, none wuro river fulls below that stage." Thlschati
fo'ind to drop a tear or (111 his grave. nol. way and opening In tlm bridge' ap
Though 11 resident for mote than 30 years proach to be maintained by the ownors
ho vet died and was laid lo rest as a 1 ( the bridge nt thoir own expense.
nli anger.
C. A. Dolphuf Portland is In town
l'rico pleads "not guilty." s,
None of w hich have boon done. As tho
plans will not b approved until done
tho predicament la a great one. Tho ox
Ira expiiiiHj will bo great.
For Sale.
I have for sale at my farm, two miles
below Oregon City, on tho east bank of
the Willamette, three span of liornes;
three mule; two pure bred and three
grade adiorthorn bull calves, and one
second hand, four spring, farm hack in
good condition.
Horses and mules wilt oe sold singly
or by the span at bedrock piieet
Persons wanting grade Shorthorn bulls
w ill do well to call at once as I have some
fine stock. Jons W. Mki.bri m,
I)ox33. Orei;u. City
For Sal Wood Farm!
One hundred acres, ninety-two acres
fenceo. thirty-five acres in cultivation,
live acre orchard, voting Inst fominenc-
... 1 ... . .:. : .... ..t
lug to near goim, 1 110 iron isiunism m
apples, pears, plums, peaches, prunes,
cherries und uoinces also grapes and
alrawlierric. Watered by two good
snrinns and a well of trood witter at the
house. 'Ilonso lSxil l With, thlee rooms
below and tlnee above; also clothon
piess und pant'v; two Wn, w a iron
shed, caitle shed, ,'.mim -r. , bealiniiMt and
yard, root house ; ni.llv !io;i v in a jiiii
near the house, i'ii'co ind '.n I' om Ore
gon I ity and a ood iuad. Two miles
from New Era. Two miles from custom
gi-Ut mill. Turin easy:
W. II. Fanciieh.
I have owned up a feed store next the
Post Olllce whoie fanners nan sell their
produco. O. II. Wibhurt.
SIIILOII'8 COt'Oll nml Coitmimptton Citro Ii
eld by en I'ltrsni. It furr a Cuniuinp
tlnn. Bold by K. U Cnuld.A 0, 1
WILL YOU St'FFKK with iyainsla snd
I.Ivor CninpUliitt glilloh'i Vltnllwr l snnrmi.
ttieil to fur. you. toid b E. U.t'suSsId & Cn.
Sllll.Oin VlfAl.lZER tl wht yon nffd
l.ir t iiiiktlniilleii, liu nt Appi'lll. IMiStttws
New Management and Kefurnlshed.
A. T. Schoeps, Trop.
Oregon City Oregon.
Central Location,
First Class Accommodations and
Sample Room for Commercial
Flu Wines' Liquors sod Clgsri tl tht Hr.
General ' Merchandise,
ASio bit mitke ol
Ac;rlrultural Machinery.
The NKWTON WAGON, ticut tnd chfuii.rt.
Th. NtiliW KolAN I'LDVt. hnnlened n-el lues,
dli't'l hf im; wrrHiit"il to scour 111 miy sml. 'I'll
llenemt M'elghl.
I Ml
nm nil sy nMtiut "I iyeit.
e lu mil P
wilts pur bottle. S kl by K. fl C etSal-l k Co. S
T1IK Sitrn of th Arksivmir rouvh
Hjrupislwkins j-ousllmiiu-vreiu da
Do yon want a nrs, snfs and rellsbl
f 'iiult S.vinui' A yen troubled Willi a
('ii.ilh, Ct Id, DrunnhiiU or Liuur ( tun
,!uint r 1 your lUllon kt'p yi" wsk
;l nliihl with. ILiokiuf CoukIis, t'oldn m '
t'ie llil "to. lo you i n.t w r.. Mini
r-llulilu ,u lh heiis vi m,,'u ttuo
en'.erve:ri.? We aieiwer tu slli "Ha
to your iriu9int snu get a IMtio et mi
ArksiiMtw ( nnah Hvn;i, :id bs imnlilud
n;,-rt.Yvn P. mi Ml A..,.t ., Ti..' I n
Prti'0. 50 ni'titi twr Ijo: I ll
im. A. 11 aiding, Druggist.
' J?) fa ft1-V33tr
av4 v '''
-'"'. '' '. ;'.. T
... ti rr "-?
Undertaker, Wagon and Carriage Maker.
hi. H. Flanagan,
s-FKI'S OV 5IASB THE HKBT yfl-FC I 'lu.'i
V of Vin. Ununrt. A!, Hew, A-i., in i,
III Leg i-E ii iU!h I'U . k
51. '.!. M ' '
,,mlli In tlm Sl.lta.
tilvt mr !t..H.
1, vi -
Tits BtlKK' OlID iq
Ummtd ttpi. as4 Mrait
Mck ftmr. BIS pa
il 111 luck, w Itk r
3,000 UlMnUm-t
whoU Ptstara WalUry,
OIVICS WfcolMal PriM
ilntt Ut Ntuuwiri Ou all tat
nruiut or fiuaUjr Mm. T.1U kaw to
rder, and kItm cue mm of iitry.
tkiac yo . rt" kt w,
k.vr fiut with. Thnw HVALl ABU
HOOK raotaln lnrbriaaUoai W,i4
from he ntarkru r tho wwht. Wo
Mia mall m fvf Hfc-B tu mf -dnn
Vmw rolyt t . rl7
t0n9 of msllli'K. It fc larr fruw
jroa, xu.owauiif,