THE ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, -MAY 20, ISM. TV AS IT WISE. . We vory much doubt the wisdom of , tkV'.'ity council jc ionising to confirm oVxirt Hughes for Kiiht watch. What ever have been their motives, it was pot shown that his rejection was tor scvel till the mail eomcth in. An Oregon City Girl. PAPTKD IV St or TH3 BOVi. She riselh not with th Kun, neither gcth she down "with the s;mc. he isiseth herself u) when the sun U Hear ing his tenith. Sh nrrayeth ItaiseU in her "Mother Hubbard'' and adorneth her head with lust week's newspaper, She goeth forth and eateih her breakfast snJ then she roadeth a paper backed She then Modkl Fakm. The other evening we were passing thrown Mt. Tleassnt nd turned aside to call upon V. B. Partiow. From the school houso to his pla.'e, about half a mile, is as One a piece of Council Moctlnir Sepi'ial Session. Omsook City CoiNcuCiiAkiiiKiLf; .May IV, ltJS".l Members all present, Mayor stated the object of the, meet- Notice To 'xiujt'is. Notice is hereby given that the ssscs tneut roll jf school district No. 02 and w arrant is now in my hand fur col lect ion, ami the same must bo paid to the STATU or (instiiis, Cuturv urCueitAM.s. " I Hy virtue ( a decree nl tiKiM'auri) luitdiinid til tn citi'till umirt til the t tie nl iit'i'mui Inr lllti CitlllltV of 1)1 irk mi i a th Isih tl IV til He Ik Aurll IW. In it .fill witt'ialn i . W. III' roud 11s one could wish to ride over. Its , ing to bo to appoint committers, onlerl uha,.rslgmd at 11, J. Uiit'd'uiiT store In ; ?"Um. sml'V." vir .iii'inltn unit uriler nl to1 l.tttit'd mil lilt ill ptirt,'l"tnt'e I'l S'lltt tllH'ri'll nf ivun n uiiv twmu mo ,v uiiv vv, (-.v iuiMri.iiivii ni ii i.nniMt), f I J nil n IV M contlition was but an introductory to tils t red tss list msdo ami receive rlmn.'itil Oregon t'itv, Oiou'on on or befoi'o June in el uiv . ... ..St. 1- !!.. .....1 ! l .. . I.,... ...... ' .1 Ill 1. I... I i 1 III lilt Cm larm, w men is a niu iri vi iivHtiiwr, Biiu.iviiiutiwnij," , n'tu, insi , oi me same win, ij iicchiivii i f,ir,.,,i, .urn order. Not a stray stick or louse stone lies about. Well latched g'tes and KOisl fences protect farm, garden and oiohard. The bees and chickens are In adjoining .!. .. .1. .1. I 1... .k,. 1 ...... I...I. .... I...M K,..,tl. dtl.t V...lit iiimn tllA I cause, omer man mat iissijjiiiju u iirc nfii'rciiiK uto....., - , , , i. .., .i,,. ublic. nsmetv . politic,! one. While! street. If she receiveth a letter from hnldms and are obedient o he rula- ' the msrsha'.ship, which is an ofuoeof but I little financial worth, is an elective o:ie, ' and the office of niht watch an appoint ' Ive position, precedent has pretty well established in the mind of the public the him wlwn her soul lovoth best" she "3 ul er' " P" troeth to her homo ud read-' ' u l'orn d . PW10 . re eth it; perchance sheddeth a few tears over it and kisseth it. But if she leceiv eth a letter from him whom she caret h IVceltog that they sh ill Iwlong together, not for, but wholoveth her, she carryoth and in voting for marshal they have a it over t her cluim's and there rea.tetii it aloud, much to tiia amusemtnt of the girls whcip she findcth there. le gesth to Sunday school and talk eth to the liys around the stove, and keepeth them from studying their les sons, and tryeth to gel soine.cue to gsk Dm- ni;;ht watch i v.ind niuth if not more than the vosition filled by votes. the resen"t ins'nnce the fiycht was inade at the polls, and Hughes having 'jlwoa elet:te.1 to the non-paying office should have been confirmed for iheother posititin, unless he was rejected for cause to take her to preaching Uul night "oaUide of party politics. The precedent, j ing the sermpn she "maklh eyes" at for such it is, csn not l called a good the uipus young men in the back seats. one. Onlv once 'within the history of the) If a ball is gotten tip. "te goeth forth city have these offices beep separated, j and danceth till tha sun n the " snJ tlK'ii C. X. Grcentnsn vas elected morning. She then goeth to her bed and to the ether. a nl not 1 1 refused to have the i is sick "nigh unto death." Her pastor I heareth of it and iweth to see her. She - -' maketh a promise that sl)3 will i t Under the he linj "A tain pic pioneer j the next tiir.e. mossbsck," and the sub head, 'Tort-j If a young man g vth to see her, she 'land does not contain them all nor does J meetoth him at the door, and turnimr her Oreiron C'itv. the' Sunduv Welcome da- quid of chewing-gum, she sniileth and scribes the pioneer Eldridge of What com, W. T. During the '5S excitement, the Tacific Mail Steamship company wanted to pur chase from the C!.rly settler in Question j " some water fiont property cn which to build a wharf, hut his land j .had become of great value since so wealthy a corpujation wanted it, ho sent the pace up as high as a shot tower, and 'the 1 M. company built its dc-ts at Ks 'nuimalt. A few years after, tldride himself. El bridge's imagining that his property hud undue value because soine ons oTeied to buy it, reminds us not a little of the oi l snails at Oregon t 'it y who own certain unused iiortimis of the water power there. Today the price ssked for this pro;erty is nominal, but totivnrow, if a man were to there in tending to put lie a factory of some kind the owners would value it at a flgure so high as to be almost beyend the- teach of a millionaire. , The part th it applits to this lace to this place has onlv been too true in the past, but is so no longer The men who now have control of the water power, of- inclined to believe they would blush to be crooked Within the houso Mrs. Partiow bss every thing the neatest, ami such plants! Flagrant geraniums grown almost to trees, and every thing betokening the best of care. But we must not fail to mention Mr. Tartlow's espec ial pt, a. tine bull four years old. This animsl Is not registered, yet Ini has all the marks of the tnetough bred short horn, and is a much finer animal than many that are buoVs-l. Without being at all tut he girts seven feet and over. He is of good milking stock, and his value would be incalculable to a stock man. We can wot bettor describe the farm than by saying that it is a typical New England home with the all its surround ings in perfect order. Fire IUo CAVOiit.-Last night about twelve o'clock E. B. Clements discovered a tire in the rear of Jack Treinbath'a sa loon. It pioved to be the barn which contained Jack's fine colt. Buckets were obtained and the blase extinguished just in time. Evidences of incendiarism were plain, coal oil and pitch being placed against the north eud. Goo. PrKM a Mitehel was put otTthe train here yesterday, and the ev idence points very strongly to him as the .ucendary. Hd was arrested by night watch Connor and lodged in jail. -rOsusgo Siit. Justice Straight's court was busy yesterday and the day before trying suits from Oswego. The first suit was against E, K. Wijrthington assault with intent to kill; placed bonds for t-IJ. Swoon. I suit was U.stmt leauers. wun ineir j j. Mwnl ftjr M4jU, 4n,j bdttcr. are making a house to house canvass j j , fioeJ m JhM m)il in the tenenu-nt distriwts, and are said .nsil c,ara U;lnsn. a .quilted and to b. largely recruiting their ranks from I (o coimiljillilu witneiWt lukewarm demtK-rats. It has ten m- T,C8(, miu grew oll, of ,jnlllkl.n timated thit the object of the n,lt Slimiav engaged in bvall three ir- afTair is to swell the labor vote in the j (ies am, Mr8 Myora Th'e thM wotv a epproaching election to sucu an esieni sayeth, "come in." She keepeth htm talking till the "wee snu' hours." Than she lotteth him depart, afiur she mukoth him promise to "come again soon," when she is not in such a hurry. She never goeth above the ag. of sev- enl -V-.. nd seldom g.tteth married. The Ijjbor Party. The Commercial Advertiser publishes the following: It is already stated on very .sold tms iwi piec oi t ater iron j autll(iritv thllt t,0 IJenry George ' .... . . 1 l..l... ....., I. ..a .i1r., l.t.ivtin 1t ttri. pun; gave the towling piece to Ins son, j l '' f j ii nd with it the bov eventnallv killed ; pare for t le fail campaign in New YorK. , t.: if T-t t: l ..... : . M. .... . ... .1 . . .u.ltitl Recorder Instructed to make road taf bottk for street commissioner. The mayor then announced the follow ing standing committees for the ensuing year. The first named on each commit tee is chairman, Streets and put lie property Biougli ton, Mader and Johnson. . Finance Pilsbury, Whltlock and Howard. Fire and watei-Pratt, Whltlock and Johnson Health and Police MaJcr, Johnson and Binughtoiu Application of Hiram Blankinshlp for street cmntnlMatdhnr was read. On mo tion the recordr was Instructed to cast the you of the council for II. Blankin ship for street Commissioner. H. Blank inship ditl'dijclared elected. The mayor appointed Kobt. Hughes night watch. On call f oounriimen, application of R. Hughes, W. R.OmioranJ Jno. Kelly for night watch went read Oa motion to confirm the appointment of Robt. Hughes as night watch, the vote liemg taken by ballot stood two for and five against. Not confirmed, "rtie mayor then appointed W. R. Con nor appointed night watch and upon vote the council stood four for confirmation and three a jainst. Confirmed. Report of finance committee from old council read and ordered on file. Adjourned. dclimiuent and be promptly turned over to the sheriff for collection. Dated this Uth day of Apiil iJMS II. J. Kehoot Clerk, District No, ti:1' K cans deep sea satiuon, 0 " condensed milk. 8 " peas, 8 " beans, 8 " to.liiitoes, 13 large packages peailine, Wo have reduced the price on spices and flavoring extract 15 per cent. We have good hums, shoulders, side bacon and Ian), and a No. 1 line of seed corn ami beans, ami the best line of grass seeds in this market. Also a No, 1 line of teas, coilVcs, syrups, honey, salad oils, sauces, catsups, blueings and soaps, ami a line line of tobacco, glasswaie.ei ockery, 1 1 iv goods and shoes, which we will sell below cost, at the WhitlocK Stohk. A nearly new for sale cheap. second hand road curt C. W. Poltl'KH. Notice. All persons Indebted to mo will save costs by paying their several amojutsto Charman Bros, immediately. Dm. J, A. Whitk. tinl in lite tllrt't'li'.l ma ili'ilvtiri'.l n Hi.' i i'l il n nl Mty. Isi tint erium iiiitiiis lilt? I" "I'll Ultl II H'tU'l III. Ill ll 1I1 ill" In llll lltl cri-o iml t'M't'.ili' it i'nlitn tut .lit.i'iiiiii I ri'iiiiiit'iiiiun ul dm Nttnliwusl enrner nl i linden Alkii iMii itli n l.nnl IVilm tumu's ruiuilim S.Him i n t.itlnimu rn.ul lenlui II-. hi uresKii t.i Sllverull k ti. nv II n lltu tiltl Ifrrll.'rnl rmtl Hnm)ti h.iiuk k ilil r Mil In !t N..M'n.iilt'rl tllmi'lli'it In tiin Kim lln clJ.iluiU Mtirilnek l.nnl: llit ut'f Nulla nlniiK tulil line ,1 rutin In las N ina 'lit nl mill li.'lii'il Allt'U I'nii itlnii l.tml I'l ihtii llieiiee i'l ilniii! kiilil lino I" Hit' iln' nl lnVlllllltltl, Chi IIIIIUH ,.i .It'llK lll"Ht nr l, Iwiim i ni nl itt'filuii. innr til tml itlix't ) hi iiniilii l (nl SiMiiu nl Hsimt' in"' U) lln niti Wlhitiiiiilti MtMliH'iii In Him'. inn tV ttll'l tt'k 1111 I" tml Hi til' nl UlCunll, 1 IllVtt Itlt'lt'tl llfi'll nil' I Will I'll Mnllil ty His Lull tl iv ill Jim l""'. .illlit' ll'iiir nl nut' cluck I'. M , it! l!n emu li.nitt" tlnnr In wltek mi i I'.illlllV, tiriiiill i'i.l'.t'il nt'll HIM Hunt" tlf MTittuil r.'il f-iilii "I pnhiie tuclinii I" itio hlnlifiit liliLlcr lur c in in tit U i.lil OK Hint nriliTnl til'. C 'M lllil ll't'lillllli U.'ll. l'.iU 1 1IU I Jill il ty nl Ml)'. lvl. . H KvuiltT. Slifrlltol I'Ui'k mi i cm in '. uit'j'ii. ' Notice or t ItlMt i HI I' till- il. In ltt III illnrt't lH l it" nl j l. U, l..iii.kli. lUii' iitt'il j NnlU'o H litirttliv glvrn Hi it ('it iiii.t't'liii'il h) lllil III Ihi il ti irl In til (title In lint iimt tin e. mil nl Cltrkiiim ituu,'. flu .n (iri't.iii. mitt llu c.tiirt It i iivk I,' Till. IvI III tlie ll.Hir nl illnl'lncll . M. nl ty liK limn Inr iiifiiiilii iilmi nl i.l ti " rl 'lint fur lliu tie irlii nl nliJi'iHiiim In lltf " mm. II .my llnttj x. N. . WALltHN. A lmlul.u iinr nl Oil Mt ii'l It, K ', Aliutnrv Inr A.liiiliillrilur For sale or exchange (or voung cattle ; one Osborne mower in good coudiiion, on Buckeve mower, in good condition, one conbined Osborne Kcasr and Mow er, nearly new and in good order, one .'e.'ond hand, two sealed buggv and nne riding pony 8 years old. Impure of h. E. Cross, Oregon City. "si4 For rare sport get yaur tiolling ouiiit at the city drug store untl capture some Mid-Ufa Nisi. Htati or oriiion, , LOCNK lirl'MllUIUM N'litlt'i) t livmliy shell Hint by Virtu f a tii'iilltiii iditl tinlvr nl til Utuot uul el sail iiiiilt.r mi1 Sml nl tho Olroitll Ciiurt ul Hi St itc nl tiit).. Inr tu Ciiuiitir nl i;i tOkni, it ilt'il M ly tiin. I ".i'l in nut alivrllT iilf'itl, hi I iv. r nl i Ii. Cnrtiullii, l a. Unruallut nii.l tl, It Sli.iw. tl ilnn IniihiiM UttUr lit ti r tit ii nun nl I 1. l . iiifllii iiiiJ l)u flllTi, uul .ia ilin.1 ,L W. l.iitnur, il,.'iMiilitu, K.r lilt mil ni i ml LHi mnl too t)i.l iua i Jn.lw tticut riMnt,.T. lu n.tlil u.JUrt uti Ui i. 1 in. .1 1 y m April, l7. wlivmlu U . r.l.fcl timlnlliil iiihi ilil tldliiutLiut lnUrl nil Inn I In. il iy nl April, ls In inn! to IU mi, ri if lifii'inl .r.' .itt ii'iiwl In llili uetlim, uul In tulil i Mfi ..I t'lniit niuirlvil and d iTilHt'l, I'f 'l'l ir.lliin In liiw. SUJ Unit IDs .i...'ihm1. ,.,i I J0 lll,liul Hi (111 l4lllslllU , nl i.l.l ) i.lniiirnt mnl ma o.i.k mill totiriitn ( , i mi icti. a, Urn rum tluilor, it ny lutra hti p ilil t . I it' ilriuinl mi iinrt'iii. I iii'ii'i. rtt ly vimiti nl i il'l iilliin mi U or. iltr nl lie i', mini in. Iln ma tit mil nil U the i, ml ili'lniiil ml rtiini iili tint titttri nl, lu m. I m i.,t. l.l mil ruhuu .ibni rtilnrril lu ana In ii'l nrilnr nl cnirl i.i'llloil Hlnl Uniiirtkttl II ..l.., ItlWlti lii.itinntiii( hi a p.. Ini 1 ctli S.nilh sinl IS ninl I l.ini'li Lin ul lliv Nurlliwl viirnaf nl ( in N .rl iui.t .) i trior til .'llnli Iwtiiilf unit' (.'ui hi uoviiiiilp inn' S. mi It nl luint tun l.tttl nl III M III iiili'llo lrlilUu: rnu mini luniifo Sniith H rml. lliMit KatlW r.i.t., ihciii't. N. riii -a rml mnl llitmu Wot .n r. nil, In Ilia pint'!' nl tn-nliiuliin, (iiliUU luii Uirt'ti (.0 u'tti nl Umt imtli CUk' mil m i;.iiiity uul Slulu til Orunu, . lutll nit M.tiiilny. llin '.HNh tUy ol JntlS ISST, Hi Hit) ti i r i.l lu n i'l. .ik A, ml lilt enurl lii.ti.i! tlnnr In t'lui'kititi n Cininiy, orei tu pnuut'il In t'll Hi ii'l sUuvs UvrlLt rml .t itf t pnliili' siii ilnii m Ih tiiUil i.ii'r Inr ft II In lull) tutjullull Dulls Him I't'riiiua t'iii. , Uitt'il lnl IJIti Uty nl M WM KHItlKT. Hliorltl ul Cl ick iinn cui4iily, UruB. Mii'i l.Ps Ki le. i. s. City rinances. To the Hom.rW Mr ' City Coimf 11 ol 1 I those line salmon at the falls. 0 w,m City i Tk tlnmioec.immltt" priil lh( lotlowlnn th cltr lliinucliil LUeitient tor lh jrenr sud Inr My T, JJS7; IiiaUeitni My 4 1SSS, Ins Inter-! 1 i'J W Hirrmui lmui during 111 yr 6.STS SI Total lo-fi'MtKlan .W.l 01 Maps, glolH's and Webster's Una bridged dictionaries will ho sold cheaper than Ihev can be bought auywherti else for cah. Anv communication aildiewd to J. W. Noble, Needy, Clackamas county, Oregon w ill rivieve prmupt at tention. Also agent fur selnm! ile-Us rm it an : that Georga could then he in a position to make aproiitable deal with Plaine in the presidential election of ISsS. George this morning said: "You authoritatively deny that there is any deal or agreement, badly battered crowd. A Fish STORY.-Fish biting? Well we should just sav so. How is ibis forone day at the island? The record was kept bv Charman Eros, w ho are keeping a list either past pending or to bo lit ide in the : fer free land to builders of factories, free future, between Mr. Blaine and myself, power for tec years. There is nothing j a, 0ppos?d to Blaine. Hi represents tnossbackUi about this. Oregon City J itu I have bjei fizhtin j ag.iin-t for years will red.iem her record. , . j xll monopoly an 1 the vv.irst f.i.-m of cap- j italistie ower." IS IT AVAILABLE, SIR? "Will there be a labor pre.-i.lental ! of the catch for the week. C. P.aboK-k ... .sictirt., WAtts rcso. ttAttab na, tu&), M ty 4. tvu Wsier rents Licenses .... Finn tlii.jtX rtxmi r't i n, bnrUI pttriutlS Costs eolUeiitl In Injuncllnn suit Ki iirr,uiKKiL rcsu. Ts eollwlrJ nd ptld m trurr 13 Tl Balinc on bmul Hy . lsss IS Trn(rred lo feu. lurid frmn wnl. lund la 00 The Mftcls nl Mental Cvh in t on. M my ill.e ii, rirtt illy lliiiint nl I'lf nttr vnii imt'iit, mi ri prml'ift nl it tilt' rtnti'tit I tlirtll it tt!l tll-llntl. lillsliit... tv.'t' ilinli nftiyl ( InnilM'.tn nmmiiil nl int-nt .1 we.t unl o ri very prfjinltt' 0 In pliyili' il In' tlui nut lltn pr.t II. II ir.llli. ILlV pilimiml ire Ii'l ltlm ill', j Irnlilvi' In lir tin nti.f nrrtt' tl.mi It i ntu' nl Hie inn. I Imp. nl ml mtnlintt nl II ..It'lifr ; st.iin .cn Lutina Umt ti cinpfni if Pr ml. I ini.l'ir In.. ..I li..if , mnl In till tniinri limit i t'lveivy In lit- I11.1I11 unl lu'n it. I 'm r ippnlll. Willi 11 tilcli II rt-nt'tvi iki'itfil iiittnt 'I I'litTCt' 1 in,l pdv.ii'tl ill tllly In rent rkil.lt1 nnl . , th u lt tn km Him pr. pi'rtir kt,' , I Cietiln'i ii.t'r lwHl'li hii-re .mini vltil niintiit . ni. I i- miiifr ii'iunt ilie etli ft 1. ( ine nl - I Inn Hit. I-. tfUi: tl itn ilii'iiit" r.irt"t it I previni'. Irter int. I 'il lit. rtifini iltmit c ir ntr .l M"'.'t 1 .ili.l C"ll. Hp Hi. .11 kl'llirv -ill. I itiiT'lle kii.' mi. I nllli'r.t'.,ni. 'lilt" I'lnnlrl'li .l-'i' Mtin'tnl II u II nil', III' ll .Mill. ll ml itlnl U' Always Victorious. In a former article which we published 'candidate in BS?" is strongly prob wi'.e anewered tieorge. that there in reeard to the roatl uroblnm Mr. Mersl "It discover a slur "upon tho fanner, and of-1 will, llcially proclaims his plan "available sir." In the article in question the con clusions were based upon the cior.1ir.3nt elements ol human nature, w hich is act- . tiaied by the saint? uiotiviii whether on i sired. .... r.,, tr. ii. ,. 1., ii. m-nrL-. I Farmers -hop; thus, Farmer Mvers is 110 diJfer j through planting. ent in bis feelings or Ins" principles from j tenperancs people are working i:tr , , , lively lurine amemimeni, an. 1 many nu NF.V Elf V Grow ing crops look w dl. The weather is all that could b de- and gardeners are nearly 11, L. T. Bairn 7, Thos. Brown 4, W. T. General land Whitlocs 3, W. T. Burney 3, llendrick son 3, A. W. Howard 2, W. K. Pratt 2, Riz"iistine 1, Uoo. Brown 2, By strangers 4. making catch of. 42 fur the day. They ranged in weight from two to fif teen pounds. The Nation's Lawsj akkss vThe house of reprsentatives will bo described bv fZ. I.. White in tlia American Magazine for June, with portraits and sketches of Toul rscelpu. Ins m't trmlerred s7S ss ; MUSIMS'SBST. I Frnm wsibf bind . M From fui)rl tiiud . . U'.l 10 Total disliiurfuifiits ''! 13 cah as H.kSU SAY 7. I'M. W sler lund Kstrajed. A spoiled cow, seven years old, matk- 4S50 1'! with crop otT r. ght car, under bit in ty 70 1 left. Anv one seeing such a cow ttill be ! rewatded for taking her up or letting me ; knew where she may bo found. Cii.Mii.lK I'iiiii'm:, 1 ii'cgnn City, j wmmM under the j prominent Congressmen, hjadtngot" The at ion s Lawmakers. the merchant, or if he Ihj what particular jsiint U'twcen his store ! and his farm is ha transui igrified (nym jthe merchant into tin shirred farmer? Having pronounced his fclan "available sir," he knocks ns dovu fciili tne state ment that "one farn,rr will haul MO loads of rock." From the top of the lull to Mr. Myer's place is not less than a mile, or 52s:) (net. 'A road to bi substantial should lie built of rock 1 loot in depth and 10 feet wido. This would require, allowing 8 cubic foet to the load, just two loads of rock to the lineal ftstt of road, or 10,50) loads to the mile. One hundred loads woul 1 make would nol voto for the third party will vote for the amendment, as no conscien tious orson who Is in favor of (he sup pression of one of thegrsat evils could do otherwise. The prohibition club organized before i the last election, is still holding its icgu t lar meetings which are well attended. Tutsi . . ;: ?i Tutsi in. jaliletlu, Mty 7. WSI t u7 V urisnsu ma urmitiiiisti Rock sjiulier ts 0 Wstst plpl l W. It. fni. MO Pumps 'S 0 Totsl lidromi'nts hw 0 Tutu (Mid on water wnrVa In ditto $44 0 Krptlully milimiuc) V. PAgi'ET. " Fur 8nQCll Cunimltl iii l!iwt'Kt Fire and Murine Insurance ; ( uinia:ij . This company is managed by skillful underwriters, all business is transact"'! on principles of commercial tumor, .m l claimants may c iuiit ailh certainly that neither narrow pretexts imr lei It nical advantages will be urge. I uaainst honest claims. If 1 1 agent dues nut call in you, send him word you wan In nee bin: and lie will lose no lime i in tin ling you. A. S. Bvrv, Agcnl, Oregon Citv, Oregtm. hi r tint' dill l if 'I I nil ' l'i Hi er Hi tniii ti'lt -iii'l t'n' fcl.Lii . ISrr,' gre ! nr.r mi. t-i Pennine rii'ti "' I "t I .t.l., itll l tu time eipt l .ill tlil..irltli . nt Ilie I tlf nreifll LI.....I p irlller s i-ui.-Iv t.'t'ft'ti.le i'"ii.p"'Hi.l 1 1 " , I' I I ire ill .li.ei.e ,. l i kl lni'tv unl , ; yr .1. 1 tit. i-e e i i. '. I in Unl' ir" 1. 1 ..l t PU t. I , ill. lip lit-. It Si, It lienlifll I't-IMp Sri li, .s.' Irii-tlili., nl (nt siiiu i.hiiuii i It. ttl .'in lr. lt ml i'l Mill llii'l It " lt l,. In lt I ill. 1' ti Itii .h .... H .l l every where I 1 1 p r ' 'tt e ii Ii ni I r n HI III vl ore. ill, I'.uinl u il I'l .ek ml isl ny tlritm ul mi isi iitlnti sud ardsr of il I., lei till nl tiid utllsr lb sl ul Ilie I IriMtll I'uiirl ul llm Slit ul Or, u. ii ,tr In iliiuiiiy ul 1 lt'kiu, dsl4 Ine ;Tin tl ty nl April, A U , s7, lu ni stisrlf itiiHiii. in livnr nl K K l, plslutlfT uul iui.i inn. S I t in, ileieiuUtit lur (lis mi i.n.'iii .ml I ,'Ltti J iini sud otutl iiimw a t.nluut"uL rt'iuleri'd lu .tld euiirt uu lli'Mu.dy ul April, lvV, ttln tflu It mm itrdr.d llisl tlis lulert'.l ul ltd detuud ml, mi Sept Mh. IswL la ninl In tin' re it i.l 'l .r ailseliwl la litis ,. lluii mnl lu Id unler ul I'uiirl tein. sud tleai rllit-.l-lu. a.ilil liiitlltly III pUilitllt s ,tl in uu I ii'uve n uiitiil llirlorety lrtullhs ml, J i.liii'iiu'iit mi. I unler ul ! euiainsad luit iu n nil nil ul (h said dulaudsul rln il Ilile and luleit'tl ul In sud In In said rml al lie itliuie ivlerruil In and III said urdr ( e.i.ui .pi-nttltt and ilitaerllied as part ul lit ll, . 1 N.t .. ul WailtliiKluit Williams la Ttiwn ! .'tip lutee S.iillN ul ll.iuil Iwu ul (Ik W ilt ; M.r.t.i 1 I nk uu 1. cniuiiy. iiru, btnmlii . pi 1 e i tlua L i.l nl lit S uillial ourusr u4 IP N K nl see ll In taPt l.iwmlilp, rulintu tiieiii e lletl : 1'li.ilu., Ilieues Nurllitl rltalua; tliein e L i-t en tin In ilia hit il I'harln Wal ker i'l iltu itienee Willi a tldelalm hit snulb kt iPwret'. Ii inilille K it Hunt eliallis lu IU in t iiiitterly euriier ul aald Walkar elalw, pitnit'e Mlltl ;t . tit oil ttll In 111 ptatf ul beflli' c.'iu 1I11I1K Inn ers, luur r laa. 1 will mi M. unl iv lit SiSliday ul May, A. !., 1H7, m lite Iniiir ul nue uePa k P M al III Cunrt II ,.! il.M.r. In l I ii kaina uutiti, oriiu, pru err I I 1 eil Hie ail, I Ihv tleacrllta.1 ral slatn al p il.lli' luetluu In Ilia Ittflteal lild.Ur lur cash piaillat) ild em'iillJit. vnaia and seerutfii e ..l WM KNUillr, sltarifT. lined 111 JMh d.y ul April, A P., I Ml. NlstrlJ's sals. I. fl tl.N l'i S ll.ll I' . 1 ..' '4 iff t Jog. Ho"-Vcard' .,11.' I)? o ll lit I liar iovernor Larrabee, in a letter re plying to inquiries as to the working of prohibition in Iowa, says that in eighty out of the ninety-nine counties of the State prohibition is enforced, and in the remaining nineteen counties ii is purtly enforced; that no property has been do predated bv abolishing tho saloons. their places being filled by lttcr and J passage of the Uestriction Act up to lie- There is a Mipular impression abroad, savs the Alta, that the oration of the Restriction Act has not very largely re duced the Chinese fiopulatioii of this coast. Without adverting to the iutlu ences that have generated this belief, the lecords kept at the Custom House and Iiltllllti'll Ilie uu,. I V tlnvl.le rullllm an ei. ..t'I Ir itn Ilie I unity em le ,tlil l-jf 11 111 t'ter It iml eiu 1K..I in a ' L il"'r nl l.'.ie Itie'iljla 11. ir ttt. I -.till pnitrttl. .Cn Mill .ill Ini meii..iv MiUluii. tv tut iHta i unl ir I I.l ul tie are ileal I'm ,"trr tn-l Itie ae. 1 gniek I. Hie nr I. rernl'.r. In k'.'H ileum I solid l..r fire il Ha ainl 'ii' I r .until .. A I HAM l.tiKI ,t in. sn Fr iiiDl-e-i. il THE FLOUR MILL 'i lie Face. The care of the complexion has be come an accomplishment that no I t !y nl ri'liiii'd tastes can allord to ignore, ninl in leadini! micictv citclea it claims as much thought n do the fashions. It !j()V, a- lite "Sin ''T Mill'' in an acknowledged fact Hint the variation e . of our climate are very severe on I he Hlr.t il )N t II t , lur sain or rent, mt coiiiplexitin, noticeable by a toughness. (,av (l r,s. luiiuii'v uf II. '.. Will andtlrvnessoltheskin, and liictiiiiilei.itl j . . ' this -ff'Vt it becomes nete-s.iry to call Litns ill Ilie 1 ;ilrs, ur in llm ui, I nl art I n mdect inn nl t his ImIIVCiiV A- t, I t l V the bonks of the steamship companies j lll(.n, ,lM, ,,,,,,.1, nlr(. n,nni,t . cxctciseil. ' '. " ' ' show ht it is very erroneous. Tho Cm- It is well known to chemists that many j ' 'remi ( ,lty, - iCj-'mi l..en II....... r,r.r,UIU,la.t Hill ailii'.. itlH I (( ttl SO-Calll'll " UlnnlllS, "Hillllls.". I I i renins eic , contain ica r omi ts. I t:.i sir or t t.n t.aall An i'l .11 nut urdef nl aal htvlttf ia .11 '1 .'it n( an I 'in ler Hi ! ul til elreult 1' . itt .1 1 19 si it,, u 1 ores' tu lur tit cuanly ul t.i.a.ui . tie irtiif dit lu jilt tlay ul y. I I ..." t' me i. .'lerlit dlreeled. In lafur wf s I 1 run piilulltt. an. I aialn.1 Alaiandar I. 11'ir 1 ,":,'ii'l nil, In Ilie um ul sevaiitv 1 an 1 . in' I ill tt. Willi liilei.. l. an I Hi lurtli ..on ul t.ue loin. ire, I alt I I well I r IS S7 ll) tlnlura. r.'.ta. iiiiuii a Jiuliiiiiaiil rviuler.! la said e uirt i ll Ilie .'l-l ! tv ul April, It7. wheraUl ll Is t.iri.ivr nr lere. I t.i il Ilia iimpariy liral.,lur al I ..ii. .1 In no. art I. ,11 La t.iid Pi satisfy ssld J't'littuei.t ami ei.aia I neri'l.ire. Iiv vtrtn nl ht aeullna ii, or der ,, I tie. I lure levied ittftli all ul tit ssld d len I ml a rlfiu. Illle and tulere.l ul. In and IS) I le r il pmpert v lu o.l ei'iiil,iu ralerred 10 and iieieint'.r alt it-tied lu Ilil setlun, tsslug ,,i. iimuliere,, ilirett. luur, ttvs ami six, In Plunk iituiH-r eig ity Hire In Dragon Cltr, I, l I'oily 1, 1 iii-k lilt ta alt.) ul ul OtastlQ stud ; wilt uu M 'll 1 1) laa all day nl Inn. A Ik, la!, 1 al tan Iniiir ul un u Its-k V. M , al Ih ouurt It. hi. a tpinr In aal.l c-tjuiy aud lit pr.M'd lo .le.ltli altuvt'ileat-rlttetl r tl iiruiany al publio I a n't 1. ni I 1 IU blitua.l lil plar lur vaate. to saltsl la eai-i'iitinii. eta'aan.i at cruilif c-ml. lute I una lt'i di i.l Mty 4 U , IM7 WW gaianr, S 1e1l1T.1l l ink njivs C iiioiy, Urga. mote legitimate business; and that the only elfect uion the population lias been the removal from the State of some in- tl.... . n.l. an.l I1.1H a f, wit f if en 1,1 l ie In ' ' , v ., . . ,, ,n- ing with a itellar fur potatoes etc, ;nake a mile of road would require lOo 1 ' . . iarmcrsto haul 100 loads each, or if Mr. I Myers wishes to buitd the road with bis ..h n tnitan n ' ll . 1 11 fulll til (19 till fl U i...L 1.t -ion ,,....,, hereafter muke his home with Mr. l'in I ragtJ na b nui. lain, .j... . ... . year lie could in eight years and nine! month gvt a good road to his placo. The Spiritualists are erecting a large 1 corrigible dispensers, and, iorhaps, some tabernacle on their beautiful grounds t incurahlo corisumers. The Governor be- lievos that public suntiment is strength ening in favor of prohibition, and tha. it is an established iower in lows. It should be reiiioinbered, in uoiileuiplating Messrs Mad. lock, I'lu lps and Thomas ; this happy result, that Iowa has the itn- niense sdvantagu in dealing with the liq uor cmeatiun of having no large cities, only three cities of over 20,000 popula tion being found in the slate. uu.! oilier' i, l ... i ... i t..i:r,...:.. iiiii'i'iiii. i i i mi ii i.i iioistitmiis siilislaiiies, the long conttn- , r t l liliut iw i iiiiininiu iiilaiu le ices, the lleil use nl Whit I) m tl.mgetiitis. The which will be ready for ue by the time of their first meeting which will begin June 23. Mr. J. II. Ewing is the con-tractor. Ulancbard are putting up a large build Thos. rinnell bus just erected an ad ! ditiori to bis house which will be quite a convenience to Father Noyor, who will i nell. The Bennett saw'tnil! near Imre is a cerntior 31, lrt.SO, the number of Chinese deuartinz. from this imrt to Ciena was . new pre .wrathm. Wisdom's lit 48,078. During the same s.'riod the ar-! ertine, is guar ml eed under a fot fmlar.. , rivals number S-..412. showing an evcess f iM ,, ,rtV(. ,,,' Vrl of d.'p irtures o.'er arrivals of i). j .r;,,, iti , ttt ()in n, and ! one nl the This is far from represe iting the actual who pronotiin'e it the most d decrease of the Chinese on this wast. I li'flitful toilet arlii le cy.-r p.ti lii, . d. tl isilnm a Uoiieritne l sou. ai utiv cimiis N I V , ('."-oa k ( iilironilit It. U. And l.'uiiiii'i'tli'ii I'.iro Ir.iia I'"' nd it Shi Fr nn'l.fiaj I.liulle I I iili nut - I, however, for neither the deaths n ir tho Eastern emigration is taken into consideration. Anew vaiiely of pntssotl biick, made of ashes and cinders, is now being manufacture! in San Francisco. Savs t I . !1 f... ., 1 1 I J lieioioor neview eiuiima nti " ,el i qHljty. head In these remarks: ' Mr. O great convenience to this pl.ute, as lum- j tlie Eiaininer of that city ; "The result her can bo had cheap and of the best ! is a brick of unusual solidity, handsome W. Vetito is the only invalid in It is our Bincere prayer that the good i tlw neighborhood and his numerous . J,ord would deliver us frirnths brainless agitator of the labor question, F.y his inflatnatiiry and bombastical speeches ..liai docs-our uoblu causa more harm tlian g'od. When level-headed men of ; thought and judgment meet to discuss i the adverse condition of the industrial classes, and to devise a reasonable rjmedy for the sama, tho-6 you w.ll find b'nn ii" the midst of them, cockai and prim-jd, and rea Iy to go off at a mo ment's notice, discharging volley ufter volley of flushey, insipid nonsense to the disgusUof his hearers. 1 1 in favorite I .topics are: The bloated bondholders, the grinding monopolist' and the greedy manufacturer. These he de nounces wholesale and retail, without any discrimination, as so many agencies friends are in lioss that as the warm weather comes on his health will be bet ter The friends of temperance will hold a picnic at this place on June 11. There will be good speakers in attendance. All are invited, Business is brisk and all are happy. Ilil KZY. in apiiearance, of a most durable char acter and made, entirely without burning or baking. AH man tier of experiments have been tried with tho bricks In the way of subjecting them alternately ,o In tense cold am boat, but without any in jurious effect The best quality have been boiled for hours, without cracking or showing s.iy signs of dissolving." The World says: It now turns out that the Cnited States is not audi a great na tion ul toers a several of its neighbors who pretend to lie in a high stato ol civ ilijatiiitl and culture. The consumption of till kinds of liquors, distilled, vinous and malt, in the United States is 12 gal lons per head a year, ugainst '.'4 in tier many, 34 in Great Britain and 38 in France'. MA It .WIT This is the third week of school. De portment is quite good, and average dai ly attendaiu o of 11. Thirteen pupils ure enrolled. With the exception of colds health is generally good. The farmers a'e about done sowing I their grain and ore planting potatoes. Meadows are doing well. The cool The name of a village in Wales con taining seventy-two letters and twenty two syUbles is Llanfairpwllgwngvllgert-rohgllgcrchwyrnhyilgogerbwllzuiittsilio- gog'igcti, and its meaning is literally: "M. Mary's whito haH puo, near the turning pool, near tho birlxol, very near the pool of Mantsilio fronting on the rock ulut of Gogo." dxisiing for the special purpose of de-1 lias been favorable to the irauning an . .....n..K .... , u. j growini, o( ,. , ir),Ment crj, working; people. In Boston, on the l'lth, inrl. died th man to whom is duo tho credit of inaug urating the llrst reduction in letter post age in this country, I.ysaiidcr Kjiooiier. IL riisiiner of in lui'iiig the government jlidopt lic.ior rates was by starting 4 opposition route, and was character UU' of the in in. I In had reached the ad vanced age of eighty-one years ut the ttmj ol his dn.ilh. When ho started his -mail route letter pristage from Boston to New York was 1-J,'.j cents, and be Car rie I ths letters for live cents. The da rtirtuictit succeeded in litigating him out of thj busiu jst. b it c ingrjsire itio id 1 1" lutter postage at thes next s?si:o i, sj his wi'ject was attained. promises 10 he abundant. Fall arid spring sown grain scorns lobe The hardest fought campaign in tweti ty-four years was waged against Blaine in 1HH4, when ho was defeated by only 1000 votes, yet the damoorocy say ho is (he easiest man in tho republican party to beat. Just match him for another heat and soj if the "satislled" djmo in excellent condition. A. J. Mtsimi. crats will run with their coats on. The KemiilusorF.x-li iveriinrf.Hihs. The duty of escorting tho remains of the late Ex-fJovernor (iibbs to this stato for interment has been delegated to Ir. Watklns of this city by Oovcrnor Ten noyer. the doctor. is a of the late cx govenor and will take a personal interest in the execution of the commission, which render his appoint ment a most fitting one. He will start East in a few days and proceed as far as New York, arrangements having ul I'.'OO rj."i 300 Tho house of t.'oufucius, built rHX) years twfort Christ, was recently burned, and with it a collection of relic of the philos opher which cannot tu replaced. The house had been occupied by an unbrok en lino of thu family of Confucius for I iii.uelv 'ClKI V'l. uea I'emctry Notice. J. ll. Hlover wishes lo announce lo the citizens of Oregon City that be i pre pared to attend promptly to any work of (.lad Titling. Win-it looks very sickly. War! weutner tins come at last. Win.' Shaver wields the hazel among forty precious thorny vines. The "Hundny school has recently been organitcd for the summer. Elder Wuddln preached a sermon on the amendment last Honday. A well known young man with a name that would remind you of him who ex tracted the first clnptriu fluid from the chuds, was eager to show his girl Imw to milk. -A'ter settling himself by that cow with a switching tail, the "tormenting nuratino" ws scoured to the milker's leg; then the extracting of the lacteal fluid was begun in a business like man ner. Thu old cow gave a wink, three, kicks and a bawl, anil spun the would be milker about the corral, knocking over rot ton ituuipi am! plowing up a rich gar- dun with his elbows. Finally the cow went 0i QUO sido of a sapling ami the young man staid with tho bush and the tail staid with his leg. Thu cow went on with a determination never to he milked again by a beau. After tho milk pail was removed from the young man's head, and a temporary post inoitum examina tion held, it was declared that no bones were broken, except thecow's tail. After regaining his footing, this man of light ning declared that it was the only net of his life he was ashamed of. Nothing bus lss;n seeirof tho young lady since. in ready been made for thu proper trans- Idling up and cleaning up lots m tho fer of the rcimtins from London to tl at' cometry. Ready for lusi'icna ut all city. fch'suui. . times. s-r bottle, by ('barman Bros, City lirug More, I begun City, Ore.'im, aim give a beautiful picture card with every buttle. Ileal Eslitte Transfer. Eliza A. Bollins to W. I Nut'ing NW of HW 1 ami lot 2 in S c 1.1, T 2 S, HUE, 70.40 acres N. W. Wallace and wife lo II. Ilil leary undivided 1-0 part of lot 2 and X .'.j of S W 4 of SE U nf Sec ft, T2K. It 3 E, 40 acres J, W. Luther to J. A. Davis pt of Sec 2!), T I H, H 2 K, 3 acres It n It tl pli Koetnnrati I wife to James Shaw pt of Win. Holme A wife DEC 1100 John H. I.arkins and wiletoC. N. I.Hrkins and wife SW Vi of NK )i and SK )i of NW H of Sec 25, T 4 !. K 2 K. Hi) seres 1 O.AC. H. U. Co. to N. W. ltiindall -NW yx of NW !' of Sec 21, T 4 H, H3K, 40 acres H.C. Stevens ntid wifcloJ. ll. Mor ton t Hi acres morn or loss noar Damascus, in T2 S, U 1 E Martin Bashor ami wife to J. K. Bashor-W of SW i of ec 1 and K )i of SE 'x of Sua 2, T 0 S, U2E, 10') acres E, Mendenlnill A wile to J. Curler of (i. Walling D L C 20 mires A. I.cnhai t to J. (Parlor pt of (j W Wsllin D . C.30 attrcs (!hus A. Chase and wile to H. M. Buck pt of A, 1), Foster D , V pts of Sees 21 , 22, 27 A 28, T 2 S, H 3 E, 212 iicics Love and uircc tion v. (. A C. It. K. Co. to John Wil- hoit-NK )i of NK '4, S i of NE )i sml SE 4 of N W )i ol Sec 21, TOS, It 2 E, 100 acres O A C. It. K. Co. toU. W, Jones NW JtfofNK M of Sec 11, T 3 . 8, H2E, 40 acres A, K. Wise mnl wife to Win. Boyd pt of Sec 34, T 1 H, It 2 E uti.l Sec 3, T 2 H, U 2 K, 50 acres.. . . I'Piae , 1 1 . .ii a tn ule nl AallUnd with ai.iji'a t. Hie t ililnrina, tirvKuii and d.i!iu nl ki l.'utiipaiiy. Only I) Mile, ul Sinking I line Letweeii Ureijiiti I llv ninl Fralii'l"' !, 41 liu'tr. CAiisuiisiA rxrsBaa thaih. hii.v. a.iuiti T ' iyTisvf .Virih. 1 i r a I U ni' l' tii.l Ardie 1 1 a .S nl r U'llB Ort'Knn I Ity l.eilt'l S.u. a Arrive A.ul nnl l.eive l.i,c tl'lier 1 ruins. P.illy, Ksi epl Sunday siaia M. I'ltte I nril ili'l iirrne ,t . r V ns, N. l.i'.iva (irei''ii:iiy i in e a I Arrlie Lueene SlIlillllOHs. In Ilia Circuit rutin ul Hi Slat ul 0utl lut 111 Cnu lily ul 1 Lu-kamaa. J K-.ili Sp iniiler, p.aliillil a. 1 4 lleaMlUne and Lit llaaaeltllt. di'lendalll, l u r' A llua.rlllii ulie nl Hi ab-iv namad di'tftitl ttila In tlie name ul lit Slale ul Ornti, )u are tit'lt'liy Riiitiuiuiieil Ut b and spltaar III Ine tie tie it lined eutirl al a Irrnt nl th aalil court I.. In Ih iiuii nil. I lield lil alter III aaplrallun n I all wei-ka Irmll lite dal ul til Srat pultllen liuii ul I it la ami ana war Ih ,imilalnt Ilk, I afrtiiiat )uti lu tli eiillllrd ouurt la lliv alHiiaitiilltled e i.. And )."i. K. A. Ilialllna will Uk niSle ! tint II )uti till an In iln lur waul llieraul Hist 1 pLifniltl wnl apply In Ilia tuiirt lor Hi rlll j ilem til led III Ilie '" In I'lw 1 III. to wit: fur )ml. ! iiinnt 111,'Hiiiat vmi lur tlie sum nf llir litindr4 , d.iltir. In i s it.. i.l i n In sud lnirai n ru ' siiii v Ilie .III day nl IHs'enilier, Inm, al Hi raia nl ti-u per I'ent. per aiiutnn and slau lur twanty (lie duiliira ailnruey le ami Piro iaia and dls liiii.t in. -ma ..I tin. aril. .it and lur an nr. lar 10 I .i'l! I if pr .pint, wnti ti ii i no atttuu4 tu par aal.l amiiiini pryeu inr. I til. a nnul I p. it. II. had hy lildar al linn, Frank 1 11 !r. Puttie nl Ilie almta entitled ooiirt, tlui) lluule and elllereil ul raenrd lu upQ Otnirt uu Hie f in any ul April, I;. sud Is puiillshvd lur tut' ril.l 1 1 ill'- uu llie.'.lll ilty nl May, laa7. Jiiiismis, it us Int. mas. Atturuera lur flalutllT v ut a. a. , W i' a lene 1 inr I e.n e I ' III a. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars i d uly Letiveeli I'.n I lulnl anil Aalllalnl. Then. A I'. II. II. Kerry ni'iUea e.iiiiit'i'il.ui Willi all Hi rinulnr Ir tin uu me L.i.l Hid ivll u ' Imiil luul nl tf treut. Hrl Sum iiivialuii. UK I'M KKN I'nll I I,ANH ANIl CiiIU'AI.I.IS. M ill Tr.ilu. (Kseept Uititd iy ) 2100 15(H) UK) 2S0 7 SUA. t 12:- e ll. I l,e iv I'nr'l ui'l Arrlfe Curv ilil Arrive ! L.'lVf ti Li P. I M I'. Knpre I r sit dully (except Simdiy) 4 :.'i I', a in i'. I l..i ivtt V .rtt in I Vrl v Arrlvn .11 1 1 ii it villn ! if I I. 'I IV M. I iln. S Al Alliiuy 'iii'l trv illls eniuiiMt ivILi Iriln ul ur,' .ii I'.icini' r nlr-i id lur Y.iiiilna liny. I.oc il tickets lur Of mnl L'tm H,'e e'lei'ked al rutiip.iiiy iipliiwn nil. ei'. f..riii-r I'tiie aiut Meeulul airi't'ta. 'I tl'Ui't Inr prllll'lp'll in il nt In I' illluruia cull ntily lie pri inired nl e uiipniy Ullll'lt, I I ,. I' ,.,,,1 I'enul aala.. I'rtil 111 II ll. (le. I 1 in mi a tin,, ....... i...... ..,,.,.....j .... Knr.IM.KII, K. I' IdKIKItS, M i it it it. (1. I'. and i'" A(iiP Buy your drills of f). A. I I.irtli nj who keeps only pure articles, and net a hut'd sonio lithograph card with each twenty five ceut ptirchaso. 1H0 112 mm. 1 1 111 ! 7 I'M A. M 1 II I ! il ill Hi t P. M I.RAVK-nreu iii I'ltv " -Cull iu.1,1 lylur street d.ji'k 1 A. M, SUNDAY TLIIM. I.KAVI! - (tii'itiiii i:!ty , . . H A M I'. r'.lncl . .. II A M ttt I li't I', it .i. Ill ' .Nnl Ice or Ailtul ilstiatiir's Male. Nullue I linreliy idven that by virtu of an or der ul a ile .Inly m ul and entered nt rwttrd by ttte iluiiur tltl i-a.ia lit y Cuurl ut tlis ruiiiitf of ('luck i tin i a. st.ite nl nreai.ti. lit th niallar uf III a.t uu nl Ji..ii Itulliu'k, iltuemed. I will sell at p. it, Ur aiii iliiii In lit hliilieat lit.l.lar ai th larm, i.l ail. I ill. e. til, mar ()etulll said isiunly and rLiIu, uu H ilurd iy, Hi 4th day ol juns, ISS7, At Ilie Imiir nl uu n'oliH-k, P. M , Ih lullnwlnf ileat rllit d tr.u l ul land lielui near tliwrm sud III aild rlai'kaiua l uuuly and Stat ul Orffull, lu wit. I.i'u lit ul n si still r (intrant enrner (in lh H i. n It li.uindary nl Jea.e llulliM'k' land rliliu Ni. p. hi I VSul It I K tilth Will!) Mi il'll iil, tlii'tiis mi clHlin lino, North SI tla Itreea, it-i itilinilea ta.l .IJ (lhalna to th land nl A (I. Vtalliuil; Ihelie Nnrtll dears ami :i.i mliintea Weal 17 l.'ii'halm to Ilia land ul tt N. I'mxi-ri thane Smith S tlesree Ueat 11 (lli'li'ilna, Ihelie Nnrtll S dKr W eat In Ill lu a at ie nil th Nnrtll pun Il il irv i.l n. I i'l. il in; llii'iioe Smith M dt'ireas Weal un Hi .Nnrili li.'iintiry ul said claim 7 i..i eh ilua tn a alnkii. III N K (titruvr nl a Irai'tmild t.i K K D ivlda ni Ity deed nl rfi. nnl uu p Ul" iM a ml ni ul HiHik "I 'nl ran ir.J ul .li'i 'l. nl 1 I ink. mi ta C.ninty, Slat ul Or linn, tin. lire Siiiilh III su rlialus to a slak Itienee Ka.l .MM cn tin In a alike; thanuti Nnrtll si ili'iiniea, a., inlliiltea Kaal Hi Ml cltiilin lu a t i Itn; tliiinne S mill IH chains In the pi ti''' ul l-Kl ll iiliiaj, ouiiUlliliif SU.U ncri'M inuri' nr lea. I'rinii lh almve tract nllntdwlllhs s.lld ll tun hit e lulu and Ilia ti il iut'o in on traul. Term ul lit' CASH, J. I. k m i r, Adiiilnlatr il'ir nl lli Uls n( Juaa Hulluck, tlt'ueiiat'tl. Kxi'ciilor'i Notice, Niillcc I herehy ul van that th uuderliid h i lii'i'ii tluly apiiiiuld rsecutur u(lhll nl I'lillittnli r Lee, iltit'tnised, lata ul th o. unity nl cl n k tui'ia and at'il nl iireautt, by Ih llnimr iililn Lull my t .nirl nl tlis il.i ouiiniy ; llieralur nil perKiui Ii ivIiik cl ilma a tlnat the said as tiin sin riiiiilred In pru.anl lliein In nil, VUU pr per n'rlilu illmi, at Hie inline nl J J 1 11011, Mo 1: iwu .Ii I hern 01, 111 tlresinii tJ I ly, Claeliamii 1; .nnl t. uii'K .11, w Itiil 11 aU 111 n ilia tlis ililu ul Hit tiulle. Ii.ilt d April . 1SS7, IIEIIMAM A. I.KK. fill Lii'iinli.r nf thn ui uf I'lillsmjar U irrts llemalnhiK In tlia pnarnlllefl at Orison City :lu k .itii ia (tntinty, U'eunii, May 'i,ss7, (irsven, Juhn K. (lerbnr, J null). 2 (jerlclilen, Mr. Ph., 9 lliinsun, .lull 11 A., 2 isiituiy biho.j iiiiihiiiijiuii, .ur. 1;. 1. liiir, Clinrlis HohcrniiiKi'r, John Hh'irp, Mrs. H. J. Tito Kirl,c;,( llllliiiirolis In, iili of the Al Samantha .t Saratoga! l.y .InHIA II A I.LKN M WIKK. Mlsa H-illv spam nil liial ai.HHiu aiulil llm Wlllltl, nl 1'ASIIHiN al H iriitnua, and titkiia ulf It lulllt', Illil itPiiia, Inw neck ilriutHliiK, put dun tie hi her I11I111 lliiltlii mirth tirnviikhir alylti, 'I he bunk 1 pru (imtily lllimlriili'd by upper, Ihfi rtrmwned 11 r- I.IM uf Puck Will llliiiln illy. I'rli'f t l.'.n IIKKIIir AtiKNIS W AM I D. A. I. lies A I,. Hiiicriifl St I'll 1'iilis, Sin FiMtKilum, Crl, Ntilli iMif Aiiptiliitiiifinl, of Administrator. in the 111 itler uf llm K.llla uf Willi iliiH. Itia,dii(tiiiil N'Slce I hereby kIvi'S tlut Ilia un Wnlinad tins bean, by mi nrtler nl llm lluiinrabl Luiiniy Lniirl uf CPit'k una llnutity, ()rinii, duly sp pnlntud ii'liiiliiliir.iliir nl aild calata. All per. .una h ivliig vliihnaaif tlnat aild aalata aralxm. by untitled tn pmaitiit tlimtl In my Ktlnriiay, It, L. Cniaa, nl (lli'itnli Lily, ores'. tu, wtllllu lis liiutitli frmn I e rt Uu ol ihls Duties. in nam u. dcorr, A tmlritulr itir of fit tut t j ul iV.llUm 1 Hi.a, it.(.eaail. . ' A'lril U, IShV.