TUUKHDAT. AVUll. iff, mi. n to th RsTSsrsia, will pleaae report III asm t lie una. Llli. 1....J! J J! IN FORMATION fOtt EVKUYBJDY. TRAIN. (Joint mirth, On A M., Hi P.M. Uulnf louth, I ;M A. H., r. M. BOATI-LAioNA WHAKF. La, .OOA, H i srrlve.e nil P, M. MAIL CLOSE. Ouliii north, I fti A.M.; 3.15 P.M.: .ulnr. auuth, t. A . M. TiwHn 'Ian Thuradaya slid turdayii to Mo- Utlt. Milium, Hun Creek, Mluk, Ulad Tldlinta, ndUirnm,7.4ii A. M Cllr I'muiioII nieelt Out Monday In the month. CiiiliilyvnurlniMla B-t Monday In Hi ni'Hilli. County Comtultaliuierli meet Drat Wedneaday alter Ant Monday In tlx muutli, LOCAL. House) clrmnlnif, Wasn't yralfrday Hue. County court next Mniidsy. Albany claim a population V M. Iiaao Frr hiii put in now icruon fur hii mrntH. ,,, Tli lalvatluti mii haaiivw olllctir. Il I rMirtuJ tliut auvaral flue rttsi dtnc will Ik! nn ti"l Ihth tlii season. A new Jierly tor I llkuly Id bo itarttd In Uie town In tlm rm? .. future J. HIiaw ha (Jiin limMi'l llo Fuller properly on Ilia hill. . . -Clmrmmi Itro. Imve ( nw ixn lionki (or sulinon Undo, 'i'li Kulaion like tlirm. Ice rrwatn lit larvr-juy & KleiTinan'a Matunlay. -J. (1. IliHiiirtt I moving to MiU'nu ki t-Ua. John Myr ha a now rlork, hi dan Ur Ml Carrie In Kmathera . Orosa the iMrndant rclvd a vnrdirt of $43. l'luiniiir asked over $mK). Hucb a dilfuriincei. The manager uf the Ilrusli pln'trlr light system isaxpevttfil here mii to l- lire on the civt of a plant ' J. Ilitmphre) I m a dip net ut work on the Ulaud. Tunxlay ' dip waa aWrt aevetity (Uli. ' The plan adohlol by tho committee for holding the primary, with poll own from twelve to 0 p. m. I a good one, a it give all a chance to give eipremiuii'to I heir wiahe. The Lalona wanta wood at .' per cord and will pay cwtli. Capt. Weal of Vanctmver i in town. The medical laculty of the Willam ette I'nivcrnitv lui renignvd. Uoveinor I'ennoyer rcfue to ap point a hew bourd of iuimigration. We don't rare for a new Utaid, but w ind be j would apint a new aerreturv. Mr. J Waikin of i)w,' lui Ix-cn ill for aeveral week. Iter friend note but uliglit iinpioveuient. Itepiililican primary Saturday alter nocn. fee call. K. Ilntnon itold three I X.L. aiud inllU TueMlay lao at haU'in and one to (t to llalney. Mil A I). Kot kfelluw recieved a frlrfiam yoiU-rday evening vnnnuni'ing the rxie lr-d death of her futlwr iu Jai k aon County. For aale or exclmnge for a tfood young Iniggy lioriMr, a double Mettled hack made of the belt material to order. tf F. O. McCowk. The cleaning up of the lot adjoining the Cliff llou-K) by the proprietor of the Cliff i a coinmetidalile act. It add greatly to the apieaiunre uf adjoining property (ieeae have Ucn flying north tlii week . Mr. Hrown, a large owner of woolen mill alock waa in town the drat of the week. The W. C. T. V. are arranging for "Ked White and Itlue" euciuhlo ta lie given on Friday evening of next week. 1'lace and further particular later; hut a literary and inuical programme, follow ed by ice cream and cuke can be if oyc ml ' '"'; ted. The jury in the J tinning-Meldrain ull returned a vordlet (or the defendant, thin locating the divliion fence about where it now atand. Joe Howell andllurvey May have the job of repairing the Catholic building back of the paiochial achool. City election thefirat Momlry In May. 'Candidate for city plllce a are mak ing a Mill hunt. Fat roin of Dr. Ingraliam will btar in mind thai during the iiiialtlfy emjn, May to July, ho ataya, when poMihlu, at ilia ranch near Charryvitl and at hi olliee in Handy on Kalurtlay and Huuday only. The cheapest . ploi e to buy goodH of any kind I at the old pioneer it ore of CiiAaMA k Hon, A rare opportunity to get a home. lMa sold on tho luetallinent plan, in Oregon City and Hellwood. tf JoaNmi A Mi'Cown. The literary exIiiblliiri'aV Caneinuli Hatuiday evening Nhotihl tuit, l forgot ton, The object 1 a good one, and the entertainment aure to be worth the money. Goon From. Four fine Chinook aul inon werweauight with hook from the la land yeaterday, Tom Urown caught two, L. T. Itarin and F, R. Charman each one. Trout are no where now. 1 . niTTKVii.La Chxam iKV. a' iiicMinB wra held at Buttevllle lat Naiurdiy to coneldor the creamery quoatiou. i)ur informant aim ti they mean biiinnH, 'Tie well. ,, A HtiiiNKii (iANo. Tho 'Warner grange baa taken hold of the creamery question In dead earueit and mean tn puli It to completion There nro good men behind It. To CAi.irottNU. Mis May ICdw.irds loavts to l iy hy sleiimer Culuuihia for Hun Fiaucisco to visit lnr piianls. Miss Kdwiirrts hii nud:i tills county her hmne for the past three year and liming Hint time hat ma Iu many friend who regret liar departure,, MIm may return in the fall. " ' Not Tiik City. Mnmbora o( the I'oun all, slat Hint work upon the rook crush r, which ha hnnn K'iInk on for the past iiionth in (limn at lint i-xiK'tiiie of he Hin du r mill, iroHTty ami not of the city, Nkw Hornkiiv Th ownorl of f'oK)' hull have boon to much pain In rolit tiiiK the ntne to'itlve a lintlnr sc-eiiln off-set. ' A new drop la Well aHtoffuppropi atnly Hcitorateil wlnu. Two now paint ing; one a Hardin the othur a drawing nMim ivana have boon placed at the bad. and will n4J miiuh to tin.' ffliK-t nf a.iy pimp that may lie put on the itugo. Tho Hilntlngwaa donn In Chlcugo, A tiooo Movg, The fxtllin that la to he pruaenUid to tlm county court askltiK tlm Kilning up of the toll roud on this sido of the Clackamas, U a good one, and thii coiuiniHHiunor will do well to take favoiulile action thereon. . Onn Kki,i,ow, T im plcnln at Hutto vllle a'HM a very iH-ceNafiil affair there being fully 100(1 permuiN In utleiidutive. I'. (I. Cone wan prnidnut of the day and V. E. Her. iimmhall. After the ad dre a biiNket dinner wan enjoyed by all. The promoter of the picnic have reuNou to be proud of their celubrution of the (IHth aniiivrriurv of the order. TiKK Caiik In the aelection of city olllrcru next Jdondtiv let care be exer i IkciI to retire only audi ua will din c hii run the ilulie of the auveral olllit'n fulthfiilly,' Men who will not allow jietty litrifcN to interfere with public dulie are needed to conduct the city office In mich a manner a will redound to the city's hexi good. Kxci imiiiN. An excurlon, by the M. K, Church of thia ulaco I hying talked of to a IHiint on the Coluinbhi, probably Multnomah full' the latter part of May or flntt of Juno, by the lino Ntuaincr Multnomah . Hum. It dad Mkktimu. Tho citizen of Hpringwuter held a rail road meeting of which Wm. Cornet wa chairman and A, Leery a-cretarv. They apHiinted a committee to confer with other localitir HO ank-n sn inth't In the sei-iiriii(( uf u road le.uliiu from Oregon City or I'm t land, and akirtiug the foothill. 'A road tfirougti Hint Hcction would oien 'ip a Urge and valuable tract of country to immediate eetllemeut and give many large aettlenient an outlet for their pro-dili-tiom. We are glad to ee the people of Springwater Inking active eteji in tlii matter. " fx lbrrici i.tv. We had just atarted I In on a lender urging our reader to vole the straight ticket, when it occurred to our uiii'd that our neighbor wa a dem ocrat, while we have republican prm livi Hi1, no hero we are in a pretty how to do. To be co.isUtcnt w Hi our republican principle", we n:ut urgi) our reader to voto the "straight" ticket, nnd again if if we urge nur n-ader to voto the "Mtiaight" ticket we shall lie advising th. on lo holt the Mrairflit ticket, andii.,,, '.. , .... . mm lie recreant to our republican prin .. ilican prm- ci le. Take it all in all. we are in a nt.ait. Mi. I.ncv E I'nisHer, wife if (ieo. i lower, m mrgu, .s sinua wild p.i'lial parulynis of the h-ft Innle, I an I ! edelisday morning. She wascoliscious up to Thursday morning at 8 u'chs'k, Jieii she Ist ame entirely mralyied and unconscious. She linxerpd slung until 11 o'elis'k I'. M l'riday, alien she iwuce fully pkssed away. She was a daughter of the Lite Jo-se Uullis k, and died on the siinm place she was bom on 'M years ao. She leaves her husband, two sis litis and live bmlhurs to mourn her loss, She was a woman of rare virtues, and was Is loved and ieMcted by all her uci,;hlKtr The sympathy of the iihu munilyat Oswego is extended lo .Mr. Prosm-r, who h.is buried tbn-e children, all lliev had, and now is left without any family. IHlNaV vs. It akkin This suit was decided in favor of the plaintiff, the jury allowing nlsiut fV This Is the sume verdict a was iciiili'red hv the former jury ami is generally consideruded a just ,iw. la Tiia SamiV. From the Telegram we learn that a man by the name rtf Fred Scott who was K. Idling articles in a one horse express wagon, and was driving along 1 1 io bunks of the Sandy, by some means tho wagon whs upset into the riv er. The coitlculs ire lost, but the horse, after swimming some distance down the stream, succeeiied in nuking the shore with the wagon. The driver stated that the loss uiuounted to about 100 Who Is lie. Thursday morning, any the Telegram, a voting f -How about lit yeara of age ciune to Portland and wanted work. IIu said his father resides about seven miles out from Oregon City. The hov would not give his nano, but seemed very anxious to get woik. He was dress ed In a anil of grey and wore tin almost iin perceptible mustache, hud a good ninny bras fixtures on his eoitt. If anyone in Clackamas county has lost a boy "with bras button." he will know ho bu flrnyed down this way. The buy was ad vlsod to get a tie pass and go back to the paternal roof. . i Wintkh TriKHK." Tho I'artiiinn enva. "Visitors from Oregun report that voirt- liitinn is eniisidiiriihlv fnitl.ns n,lv,ifw.MIl i In tliu Willamolto valley than ulons tho upper Nosnd countie. It must ho win ler there yet. Factouy Ciianoks, May 1, Itudolph Koemur will leave tho factory to take a mure lucrative sisitiou Fust. Putilck Modeo will take the pine vilcnted hy Mr. Koernnr and J. tl. Hunnett will take Mr.Metiua'a iiosllion. I'rn.uN's t'oNVUNTioN. Thorn will Iki 'iI cltl.en'H convention held Sal nrdny eveniim for the mrou of jml. Iiii In niimlnation canilidiile for elty of fices, pirelv from aclti.en's slandpolnt. Nkw niii'AHTCiiK. Our linens )tist re celveil from neiiusi, coiisistiuk oi wweis, Imndkei chiefs, clc, are ever seen in Ihiii niiirket the 'choicest anil wilt ho sold at really reduced prices. t'u nMAN it Hon. Choice centnery duller 50 centa per roll at the Wiiiti.oi'k tork, Qcick Tina, Tho Oregonlan of they 22nd lay: by May 1 the California 4 Oro gon rod will be ojiened fortralllcto Ar- teena, a point two tiillea tbia aiileofthe Klitintilli river. On that day the time be tween thi city and Sun Frumdaeo will be rodijcfcd io,42 hour. Trnlm muking through uennection will leave I ortlaiid at 4 I', hi. every day, Including Hunduy, and will arrive hero 10 A. M. Kiiierin tundent ISrandt ha not ytcoinpleU'dhia time card, but approximately traini will run a follow: The aoutli bouud train will reach AhIiIuiii ut 9 A. M., puengeia taking bieakfiiHt at Medford. Hix hour and a half I allotted to the atiign ride of thirty mile, Including time for dinner; and the train for Kan Fruneinco will have ArteiMiuat 8:30 1', M., arriving In Han Fruucico at 10 A. M. Truin will leaye Hun Franciaco at 4 1'. M., arriving at Ar toena at 0:30 A. M. The norlh-lioiind train will leave AhIiImiiiI at 5 I'. M. i'a engum will take Miipper at Medford and bieakfuat nt Albuny Tlie aoulh-bound through train will ulnonlop foreuppvrat Albany, I'ulmitn Hlecera will lie at tached to tho though train. Tlieulxivo arrangement will probably be in efTcct until the two line are connected. It will give paunger a daylight ride through thd ltogue river valley nnd over the W kiynu. Hahx Ball. There will ;w a big game of bull at Kant l'ortland Kunday, Uitween tho AltamonU and I'ioneur. The I.Mto na will wait to bring return puenger if a large crowd goe down. Tho old miyiug i thutchairity covereth a multitude of aim. The democrat Ic party will endeavor to piirchaxe a lot of It for next year' ue. Wuico County .Sun. In addition to our uhuuI cpring Mock we have jtint received a full line of Kerr'a ool thread the bent thread made. Chakman & Son MMlV. Iuid, at her home near Sandy, Kuan Hiirger, atfed 4J year and 10 month. The lingering of winter ha made the farmer a little, impatient for their apring work ha been retarded a much a the Kcanon. Fruit 1 not injured and general profiled are excellent. Hsiillh good. The foothill agree with invalids Mr. I). Jenten of Albina, after fioco A fever, vixited a week with H'haa. Howard and F. Revenue, cuptur- in Ut,uK booting and went back WiUi huallh rcxtorod. WoOUKAT. Oiicuon firv, April :7. 1SS7. FauroR KsrtiHi'iiixa : I am informed that Mewir. I'u.piet and Miller are c didate for re-election to the council and I rise for ' information on the point. It nuiM lie a mistake. Would any gixKl cit iicn run faxt after the place ? They have been accused of using I heir little places to gain petty fees. It i no) title ih it ni- nti, p.iTnviit iiiur oilia lur lit'.- ... - ... . . ., ..' . tv tiersonul ervic to 1 tie conned at nearly r-very meeting? And do they get the bill paid too? ! either of these lieutlemeii ever charge fl .V) for making !. reiwi' o( a commiti,.,. of which he i inemoer? Or char,.,. 2, ,.;! for writing he rock crusher? I have .1.. I ... teiu'r uiKim me rs K cruiiierT I have htMnl that, lint it siem unreasonable. I have heard that a uiemlk-r of the (). C. tire department once refused to turn over the othYo to his successor, a mere laiy aho ought never to have lsen elected, an I who a a the competitor of the aforesaid councilman, nutil the boy paid him a dollar. I thought that yam was .1 hard one, but the Idler writing yarn lieals it. None of them arc true Varus are they ? If these are simon-pure, good, tine yams, let uselet l this pair of statesmen again and see if they won't in vent some new antics to amuse and make us great Joy. The inventor of new forums of amusement is iu great demand. Yours, Citicn, Itcpiibllcau I'rlimirjr Nnllfi. A primary election will beheld ut the wllico of Calfir and Clements, adjoining the city stables in Oregon City on Satur day April 1SS7. U'giniug at 12 oYlock M., for the election of rcpublcau candi dates for nil city otllce to ! elected ut tho Oregon City election of May "nd. Theeleclion will be by ballot, the bal lots to be canvassed by three, judges of election who w.ll announce tho results, and the candidates rccicYing the highest vet l of the sevornl otllce will be declar ed the republican nominees at the en suing election. V. T. Whitlock and W. J.' Caldwell are hereby appointed to act as judges in conjunction with onn in. 'in ner of tho undersigned city committee. I The kiIIs will lai oien until 0 o'clock P. M. All regular republicans are invited to participate and It is earnestly lnind that all such wil do so. ' " Oregon t ily, April 27lh I;U7. II. II. Johnson. Ciiahi.os Ai.mtioiiT, Jr. I'm I) H. ClIAIiMAN. licpublicnn City Committee. HollncsH t iliii;iiiiee(lil(r. A holiness cHiiipini'ctiiiK to liu held (D ,) hy Kev, T. II. Orjnn and helper of V'n 1 A eoinineiicea Iuy i:ilh, at Heaver Oil the farm of J. W. MilV I'rpok, eight miles south east of (Ire.m t'ilv. A hourdinii tent in which meals only, prepared for the imhlie, will he on tho ground, ('.very l.o.iy cordially invited to come prepared to remain dur ing the niee'int?. Excellent ramping fa cilities. I.. IIOHNSCIII'CII. R cans deep sea salmon, (I " coudiinsed milk. M " is-as, 8 " lieans, 8 " to.natoas, tl largo packages pearline, n oo 1 01 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 We have reduced tho price on spices and flavoring extract 15 per cent. Wo huve good hums, stioilldeis, side li icon nnd lurd, und a No. 1 line of seed corn nnd Iiciiiih, nnd the dent line of grass seeds in tills m irket. Also a No. 1 lino nf tens, eullVen, syrups, honey, naiad mis, sauces, cutMi-i, hlueiiigs and iio.ip'j, and a tine liii" of to1iiicii,j;la",,i!e,ciocki,rv, drv goods und shoes, alnc!i v will sell IikIow co t, nt the Wuiii-'M'K Sroji:, leu Will Alwayi Find Urw:erie the frcilmt and l'rh ci the lowert nt V. (I. Cll F.6I.I)'. Land Hunter on hand at all time in iiinrititio to adit, at the lowet market price. J jilge Taylor Mentenee. Curtis J'.aird, stand up. You have pieaded "guilty" to two in dictment for the crime of forgery, and it is my painful duty to now pass the sentence provided by law In these cases. It is a matter of great stirse ts me, as well a to all others nt j-onr friends and acquaintances in this (immunity that voil aro found thus deliberately and reK)ablly td have caiminally vio lated tho laws, the e-acutlon of which hud been placed in your hands by your conlidii'g fellow citixePi; and it has been a matter of no small d vreo of anxiety and study on my part to determine the measuie of pnnihirVwhh b meet the demaad of justice and Satisfy the spirit us well us the letter of the law, and I have spent no inconmderuMe time in informing myself abtmt your past and present condition, and the situation of your innocent and injured family. The purioe of tho law is. to impoe such a sentence as will lie a punisment for crime commit ted, and at the same time doler other who may be tempted from pursuing a like wicked and ruin out cour.. That which would be a se vere piiiiilini"iit for one man, would I! a trivial infliction for another. In this caw I have been led to consider your age; your kindly and better rela tion with the more intelligent and mor al and useful lasws of tkicicty, in your past years, which would make a mod erate term of imprisonment to you a se verer punishment than a mnch lon-er period would be t4 in habitual and hard ened criminal. I have considered the fact that you iuve plead guilty, and with tnsiilv determination have irade no concealment, and have put the county to no exsnse. And I have learned of the reiu.f?katilo and most hon orable course pursu.-d in the whole al fnir by your immediate family, who are universally respected, esteemeJ and lie joved. So I have conclude ! that the en li of justice will be reached in this case I an nounce as the judgment of the court, (hat you bo imprUoned in the paniten tiary uf (:egun for the term 61 four year and pay the costs of this prosecution. Ancllon Sale, On Saturday, .f"iy 7th, ut 12 o'clock M.t I "! ,U '" ,4 K,,,,,,!l,h K-rner ! M"? T "n M-t giKKiiaiiii uiriif urv, comprising, one ash Ied room set : one ash bedstead : one black walnut cradle, patent rocker; six black 'walnut chairs; one large, round stand, black walnut; one smaller one, marble top; one black walnut hookcue; one elegant lounge, gondola shape; one smaller one, rep covered ; one large nvr rur, black walnut frame; one black wal nut rocking chair; one elegant rattan .orking chair; one ash extension table, four leaves, eight feet long; one ash rhilfbuier; one parlor stove, Russian piie; one kitchen slove, linssisn piw; j onn kitchen table; four kitchen charis; one baby butgy; one sewing machine, Wheeler & WiUon; several ingrain car pets; Hruesel stair carpets, lamps, chi- naware, eiockory and divers household gissls. Terms, cash. Mr. (i.C. ( luppof tlakland, Califor uiii, win we communication to the l'oit land li iard of trade propiwing o start a nail mill, lately create I a giMI deal of controversy, ha ofieued a eorrespon dence with tho owners of the of the water iwcr hero upon the subject. If ho mean husiness and wants iower he go no farther. Py liu wsy could the Tort land Isiard of trade do any liettar than lo investigate this pow er? It is ahou us fine as nature pro duces in that line, nnd is just a good to the city 01 Portland a if it went in side her corporate limits. Has it ever ctimn to the liotica of the aforesaid Isiard of trade that there is a natural fall hero, twelve mile from their city larger than t lie falls of tH. Anthony? For tale4-f- change for voting cattle ; ono Oshoriie mower in good condition, oim Itnckeya mower, in good condition, ono conhiued Oshomo Koupor uul Mow er, nearly new and iu good order, one second hand, two seated hnggy und ono riding .iny .1 year old.' Impure of II. K. Cross, Oregon City. 2814 Map, glolies and Wehster'a Vna hridged dictionaries will he sold cheaper than thev can be Ismght anywhere else forcnth. Any communication addressed to J. W. Nohle, Needy, Clackamas county, Oregon will reciovo prompt at tention. Also ugont for achool dask. The Knights of Lalsir of SI. Iaiiur re fuse to isirmit the use oi the red flag. Tho star und strips are good enough for them. I.rtlrra llemilliliif in th niwtnnire Kl Oreenn Cllf C'lni'k'tui is rounty. U'eitnii, April Its, w7. Ilmwii, J. H. Hrmvu. 1 U Hull, Ues. r. I 'lrler, Mlns Jennie Kliwlcr, Mi M.iry Jells, A, Klili'i, Wm. MvIaiiuIiIIii, Wm. (2) It-ill. V. IV. Wllniii, K. H. Kreilrli k. A. Hurt. ). I'. JnlllH, Inn. J. I.nw,i, Mm. s, J. Ml His, Mm. Sir Ui K. ik, Mm. J.i lulu llc.illf I lur, iiy when silvprtlneil. 1. U lUCON r. m You can tlnd a full line of diieil fruits, iipiil".",' peats, peaches, plums, pnnie-i .ni'l eliriea ut tho Wiiiti.ihk Sivinr. M.RKKT RKPOUTH, OUKOOS CUT. (;RAIN AND FLOUR: Wheat, V bn 78c. OatavV bn 50c. Flour, 1st grade, 14.75. Floor, 2nd grade, 2.4. FEED; Shorts $24 50 liran, $21 60. Hay, timothy baled. Hay timothy loose, f 21. ' Clover, baled MKAT.-J: '-f , ; JWf, live, Z, e. 4 . ' ' )!eef dressed, 7 and 8c. Veal, dressed, 0 und 7c. . ' Hogs, live, 4i:. Hogs, dressed, 5 and 'k;. Siic-rt,. head, $2.&0 and $3.00. Wool, tf Lurd, country bulk, V and 7u Lard, bucket, 7c. Hums, and 10c. Sales. V, 8nd 0c. Shoulders, J'"'. and 7c. best, 2'c. flutter, medium, Ci 20c. ' Kgy. V lon,15e. Chicken, dressed, V dozen, $3($4.fK). Chickens, live, $3.50 $4.00. Turkey, 10i12'scyib. I'otaUjes, bu WW.. Onions, V bu $1.00. Apples bo, $1 50. t DRIED 1 RI.'ITH. Apples, sun dried, h and c. I'luuis, sun driul, C and Ik:, I'runs, sun dried, 6 and 8c. IVurs, sun dried. 0 and Sc. A ppies. machine dried, MeachedD.'i 1;. I'luuis; machine dried, 8 and 10c. Prunes, machine, dried, 10 and 12c' Fears, machine dried, g and 10c. FOR 8AL& Horses, Mules, - l'urc-bred and Rrade xhorthora BULL CALVES, ji ASD A four SPRING mirmcKJ I have for salt, at my farm, two tiOe below Oregon City, on the east batk of the Willamette, three span of horsen; three inn lei: two Dure bred, and three grade Shorthorn bull calves, and one second hand four spring farm luck in gissl condition. - Horses and mules wfti"i'aold Sngly of hv the snan at lieilrtirk tin,- Persons wauling grade WsvtUliC).. win no wen io can ul oiice, to' n m i sold in a few dava tbev will U- -UrfM to steers JOll.V W".MKH,'t f " OreK'i Cttr. March 30, 137. - V.O fajmTt EAST PORTLAND MARHLE W0KKS. L. gTREKr; MCA It THE FEItRY tlHI.G.'. Iinjioilor k Mauufuclnrfr OF ; Tombs & Monuments, Cottage MontuncnU and Tablets of the lxt Italian and Vermont winte ana blue marble. California and EnsUrn granite. All rsrk snd taslsrltl wsrrsDIed to b tb brat quality. Hraneh works at Oregon City. J, B. Kelly, - - Proprietor. Czar. 6,000,000 peprVysj FERRY'S SEEDS O.M. Fcaavaco. r ftdmtu.. a U'brlb UUIUSI SttOSMI M lA rUL D. kUERH ICQ'S S...M?rk llh,. ( VifH'" JSttD Alt.tUiL V "Hi Iw swM 2 a' " WllbtNil or Umt A. NmlM.u sILXvypvtw ntmm ItlMSiaU tr4 tm .1. Addnas I. M. IttM k II Detroit, Miolb -THK 81n f tha Arksassw Cotuth ajrrui.uiloulLiu, you aUeijuare iu tie riwh Syniuf Are o.f tr.mlil.sl with a l m ill ' nt"'uf" " lu t'ora- hi I Biirht .erfih Ilm-km, Cnkh.. 1'i.l.ts in tlm H.n.1, am. bo v,,n -.., l .,., m." Miislile ,u the hmiM t.. m. ...J; . ,, i,.we- . Bi!, to yum- :nii.Ut aa I .( a k.t,;. cr u arM-ww l Mfh t,mp, sud he tr.-ihW I i r-i-ue. " I r.so, 60 ueute iwr lioi til F0RSAI.RET 3 Coo. A. HardiiiR, Drugghit. Aftr Forty ytrV rrffparttten oi Dinr tun lint Hundred Thonmnrl pplt4tlon fr p4tnla t t)i UnMd Klh iid Korifn coun. trim, th puhlihrt 4 ih 8olniH Aiiivricsn aotitinir to tot m olMtttur ir fttiUfitA, off. trfl-miark, oopr I riirlui. for itt Huim, u4 li obi. Mtul in (Vnkilk, Kngljknd Yrmw, uvnuaiij, nut! tH othfr intlriei TUiriprl nc it ttnuld d ihir fMiUUM tv aiMar- .WMsd. Drnwlnir .nd apod flout Iam r9uwd and II. In i- l'lBt itt- vm hnr4 tiutie. Tariji vrj rvamnabt. No char for im)rtUoO uf uvmUU tjr drawiut Advie by mtvil tnm PtfHnhtinr(tlhrou)fh Muni) .Oo-ElWantlOM Inllt ( IKYMPIC AAU.KHW. which bM h lriir. ctrvuUiionatid u th tnilunlil nWKinir of It kind iHiblmhml in th world. Tli BdvftntagM of uah not to frf tU-t ndtiriiiMnd. 'i'hia I urn and rVnilii!W I'luatrtitod nwsnpr U pullilid WKKKIiYll 9J.U0 yr, nd ! dnilttd to bo th bil pir dtivotvd to Rcivnrt. inchtnKi, Invantio, mimwrmi wnrka, and f thor d)trtiuiii of tndtiatn! pmjrr, pub itd tn any cmtnter. it onitn tki namta of Oil uotontMS tnd till ufworr invention pUntd arh woett. Try it fwue muhiLi fur out dollar. IMd by all nwadtaii, If yott haft an mnrntton n pmxti writ to Munn - !o., pii'i-lirm ml bwtoauUo iara, Bt Hrooitfvajr, Now York Uaudbowk aoout ptta nAllod ft W3m. mm HLIIl-lIT 14 - M CHARMAN &1 SON, PIONEER STORE, KEEP THE Latest Assortment of General McrchandisV And Iiave enjoyed for veais a reputation for reliability second to none. . At this stortcan' 1 found Dry Goods, Groceries, Wool Bats; Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Farm Machinery anil Farm Implements. a truoice Bcieviton i . Canned Ooods, CJicocIrory,; i And in fact even thing that ouulit to be found in a general merchandise store. , li in neen of anvihnt! in the merchandise line give us a call. oie agents forKfctH'S SUPK1UOK POPE DEALEItS IN Stoves, Tin Plate. Lead and Iron Pipe, Brazieis', Copier, Brass and iron Wire, Ganze Fittings, Knbberlloscvfe HOUSE FURNISHING GOQD'X V GENERAL TI.V, COPPER AXI mtkt V RE, Roofing and Jobbing of every dearijtion r)ir to order, and al Lw Prima. 7" You will find Harda-are. Woodi n and Tinwa'e Lanterna, Laetpa, Oil, I.ucinc and pacific Rubber faint, at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Oresrrm f itr, Oregon. BRIGHT !P"Pf - - - EF v Hut brighter ones for Ihc u. 'i DRUCS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, f; Uity lirag Store. v.. - P " llreat " lhe Ureat THE LEADER of LOW PRICES. Our Spring and Summer good liave nrrived and' for sty Its quali y and prics have never ken equaled iu this market before We hav , one of the largest stock that has ever come to the city and have Uken great pains in 'unletting our stock in every department. W00I Wanted. , jC3L, xv.h. T JJreLf THE - - QtlEAT - - EASTERN - - STORE. Th BrTEBV GvIDS wu4 Sept. mmd Itttk, i rar. Of al pSM, ti H'i tsvcliM,wlthtr 3,600 lKuLrmtlea, a whole Plrtmi Callarjr. CIVKS WhulautU Prtco lirret t tMisiaiTi a all good fir prnomal r (kmlljr ue. IrlU kow ts nter, ajsd kIth exact coat of ery Utlas aa mp, eat, Slrtuk, wear, at kT. tmm with. Tbeat I.W ALl AIIUO HOOK. eaatala iBforMtAoB clcanad from the snarkrta of the world. will asatl a cop 7 I'KKK to any al dreaa apoa roeelpt of 10 eta. to orfeajr ezpetus of asaUlu;. Let as hear from yon. - Respeetfalljr, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. tl ek tltf Wabash Atease, I Mrao. Portland Sloani Dje AVcrks, SWThlril, between Silmnn nU Ttjliiroi reels. WEIsiliEUPEB & CO., Miotf'-S..' Allklu.li ot -al(;; I)J ing and Cleaning Ion Is Firsl-cliM itjiai, CKaninj;, Dyeing nnd .'liexiirinj Genla' Cliah!ii( a lecl(llle.. , A llnt-elM til.'r kept (or I'reMlnf Gentle miti'i Usrinenti. a Ijr M. H. Flanagan, WIIOI.ESAIE AND RETAIL -LIQUOR. ST0RIH iii( TKKPa ON HANI) THE I1KST SKI.KCTtK IV io niiien, l.l(iinr. Ale, lli-er, AO;, e-.hr luiiiiil In the Si ne, tilve me c ill. In Lfu-K!iHiu 111 or t. H. It. FLANAOAK. W e Doii't Wow Murli But we Will Save U Money OH tuythliiR n o,tr Hue, whic'i cttnsiaU of 'y ' First -Class Groceries, Broad, Take nml Pastrjjr';' ' AVOODEX AVAftte. Tobacco. Cigars, Etc. Noil iliMir lo Ureen!nu'i Feed 8lore, OBKUO.N CITY, - - pRKUON, Lcvejoy & Kleffman. Merchants J'cfiano. M ilnXIreet, OreeoaiCrly .Oreiou. 'IT KRP8 CONSTANTLY OX HAND TIIK IV IhisI bruid of l.lflmrV VVhi and Clsira IntheClly. titrnln ami Ire Hie new Inlllnrd Table. Ainu liiiunrltiU Milwaukee, I iilrnp-iund Hoes Peer. ' 1 J. f HEM MA I'll, l-ronrli-lof. ' Sllll.llll COl'UH and C iiiimi!lou (' iro li Id by hp on s latruiy- li i- irva Conauiiip- i.n. a. ld ky P.. U. OaiiiteOI Ji Co. 1 WILL Vo; S.'M'nit wii 1-vapenii mi.l i.':M-r .'mi, .1 lint ' i'lM. i ' Vii ilik- r i r.u U'.-.i ri(-;iie v'-i. hMi K.ij.i iuihuI J Co. i I h a SPOOL lOITOX. & CO.. TOPE CO. BPECTS FOR A T2dZZ - - - n of tho CITY DI1U0 STORE. . ' PAINTS, OILS & GLASS, Toilet Articles, ; i., Artists Material JJ! j u -I iiastern utore. Overland to California VIA . Oregon k California 15. II. And Connections Fire (nun Portlsm! In Sin rMuclei, $32; t airrsiuenlu, Clone Ciiniieotinns aiije nt Aihliuil with tise of the Cslifornli, Ureuu snU l.lilia 8Kse Cumpsuy. (DAILY EXCKPT 81'fiPA YS.I East ahle Mvl.lnn. EKrWEEK PORTLAND AND ASHLAR ' Msil Trsiu. Hivi rrtlHinl . k 00 A M Oivrfnn Clly. ..s ou A M A-lil n. ... PJl tref-iii Clty..i;13 P.M. AISITK. Oreenn City S :4 A.M. Aalilniiil . i uo A.M. lireemi City, 'i f M. Piirtlsml :. Ml. Alb iu y Exprew Trsin. LIEiVK. ASMIVa Portlmrt ... IMPM Orrenn City, j OS p V liresm Cily. 4 iff P.5I. I UUnon CM Li-huinr ... I4.V M Ori(oii City S.'A.M Oregon Clly...UU A.M 1'urtl iuil ivat A M Pullman Palaco Sleeping Cars dily lietneen PortUn.l snd AihUiul. The (. & C. K. K. Perry iu ikes eunuaptlim will) sll the rniulir ir lina iui Hie Eut alUe Hl.i.iuii, I rum ja ul P iini'l. l Side llivialnn. IiETWEKX POKTLANn AND cohvallm. Mull Traill. , ISAVK. I sair. P.irthint .. 7:M. M. Corvslln ....WJ5PM Cwvallt .... l.SOP.M. I PurtUnil .... t.U r.u" At Onrvillls eiiiHit-ot with trains ol Ores est Pivillc lor Ysiiilns Bsy. Exiren Train. ' . l.AV. I ASStVB. Portl ina .! P.M. Mi-Mlunrllle .S1)0 P M. Mi Mlimvllle .ft.A.M. Portlaiid .. . s ou A.M. ' twil tirkeis tor t ile snd bimmire checked st e mi my iipt.-wn olliee, eornt-r Pine and HV.ul sirvels. TM-keta (,ir rincip.tl nolnta In ('ililoriiiie.in only be procured at company s ettice, fftiufr Faud Front Nt., l'rothiml, Op. ' Krulirlil will m.t I received tor hliineitt after five o i-l.ii-k P.M., on sillier lhe l.ui or YVel Hlilo IllvUiulla. ,K. KOKIII.KK. 1,1 it in mer. K. p. riiokhh, . K. aud Piu Atsal. Victo rious. Every ones d.ity ia ii a li a;l . t-ij iy,f, lhe atom ici sill 1st ll.li',, ir' Krtit oriciiK, 1 1 bj i.n i pi i j I ur-tirull sn I la lime exuW all I n rirllin of t i Dl.nl. T.i , Oraj m IIIoikI PjrinVr, s p irely ve' tlile e.iia. P "m 1 l I'll Ke.iiiil I i e ire i: dlaeia.ia of Lie kldueya md liver, nil i I'l we u me 1 by lm p ire lil.ud. ,i Hlll'.i kiiiik, Ci.ialliMll.in, au-4 ilnid ii-a. Iiyspnpil i el-r iful i, Kiop-.liina oflli Suhi, It li iinalliii eui. Try it ai.d yon will And It ihrava vtct irioua In It nude with illaaeaM. S ild every w aare. .u per b nil, it b.iltlvs lor r..u). mmmi 1; ' Ll! IVri Oreijiiii 'It . ' Pnrtl.iiid, Taylor stre-'f d.s-k 7 W A M .1 1 W P. M' 1 A M. a ! II I' M. Ht'.NIH Y TUPJ. Ll.AVK t ri-K-u I'lly ,. . s . M. A IMP. If. P Ml lid I; A .'.Lot r U ' ' Always I