Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 28, 1887, Image 2

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tHimSDAY. APRIL 28, 1887.
xpert, examined iulothe various county
offices, jails, etc., as required by law,
respectfully submit the following us the
result of our lalars.
skkiukf's offh-e.
Amount of taxes collected by sheriff,
to and including April l!, 1SS7, ami paid
J'hftt pays?
Judicious advortisiug.
It It tot onr purpose to treat the rced
ers of ike txTfuntsu to a homily on tie
gxij frisined bV local dealers from ttv
uw of our advertising columns. A broad
er field Iti now open to us we have but
..... in' mvssesa the land. The
I'J BICI I" --
one key tothis Rate, and the key w our w ,r t0 (,VASlror js a8 follows:
' uttHDjritv l well, is kxtessivb advkr- (county order rex-eived .
1 Timso.' Oregon City has an immense
water power. Who knows it? Clacka
mas county has undeveloped resources
1 far greater than haw ever been spoken.
' Who outside of the county " he ir of
' them? What stranger visituig the coun
ty hears of them? V want to grow.
To do so we must induce, people to come
- here. For years we have been sitting.
waiting idly waiting for them to come.
, l ; Report of the Grand Jury. ' rants are handsomely printed, and on only one-sixth of the time, Thisiscon
? In the circuit court of the state of Ore-' ll!ir blU'k comi"n "wessarv facts, j sidered by the superintendent to lie rath
suit for Chckaniis ('unity, j as to da of issue, Interest, etc. er a low average, hut is accounted for
To the Honorable F. J.Tavlor, judge The office has two systems of indices by him, from the fact that the apportion.
v .1... I. 1 ......... .v.i.. ...iit-.d fi.rm I itidi( .,,................ ... J .......... ..f mil I
t nt ttfti 1 e.Mtlt 1 lv u-'3 IIO'i lfc.iH SB, 'iw ivnu .-,..,, ...t-.i. IviiiMin-iieve M 1 JH-nii. v. ib,- nini
, 01 mhicouh. I , , ...,.. ... .1... ... . iw ... .... i . i .... ....I
'(-Tim undesigned, vour grand jury hav- i ,,e um l w- VI" 1 cm" years. n.iureii uo um .....
. .... ...... ... ." ' f ... ....,., 1 increase of olfice business, the eld hull-1 muierallv until ? or 8 rears of aire, nor
"ini!, Willi luc iwuiaint w n vum"". .... .. . .. , , .
. r-i i .... ................ i... i. .11:.... .....i 1. .ii.. iiuii.vA .,... ... u ... .... ..I I it...
various county i l,v coueii:i uummug isuv. ii.ub; iiv wnvi ii w in .teaiis otu, u-nsnies mv
tnviso si
Taxes, of lSSA e illoi for by assessment
roll; including at itc, school, .uuty
nml unpaid poll Uxw
Sheriff t atneutueut
DJut t:ixos aliuAdy collectwl
41S;U 37
are becoming somewhat torn and mut
ilated, and should bo copied oft into
newer nnd better indices before they be
come more injured. Said indices aro
for public, use and are rapidly wearing
Some modern improvements, at rea
sonable cost, are recommended by the
county clerato 1h placed in his office for
the letter service of the public, and for
quicker dispatch of business and better
preservation of books and paers. The
most important and necessary impr(ve
ment, and one which is greatly needed,
us a tiling famnet tor arranging ami pre-
and we are privileged to wait.'.
(tut of said balance, it is estimated
that about 20 per i ent is nnrolleetaUe,
I aurviui, important itinera of the nrobate
ltnliuiae SJjtiTT Ssl .. .. . ...I..!...
owing to double assessments, discrepan.
, SoVne cab question but that we have - to impossibility of col!ecion.
taxes ,n
iainly. In rortlanf Xi Wry oppr- . jt (1onpt M ,w
tumty. more man .i m 10rt Mi lnlt larj!0I 01, ,vrS()U.
by our ctaims most ptowwtenUy at tie,, mJ Na, .WK.rtv ,nJ on other items,
as taxes are coming in more slowly than
r -i vv i cics aiui io impossiiuiuv oi ruueen
I plentybfgoodstoaJ.ert.so. hero shall (lnlomlt of Oolinq.HMit ta:
! their fW7 ,B ,n Uty ' j 1S85 was -V.S7 01 in 18t it is est!
v Yes. In Clackamas Wty? Most cer- j (q fWt , Ul0 ,lotW
last year.
The sheriff's books and papers are
kept and file.l mostly m clerk's ami
treasurer's otfu-es; the assessment rolls.
yry ueann siouca ui r-nr. I'tui'n
' To secure a large influx of immigrants
we should show the inhabitants of the
frigid, cycloniac regioaj that Oreon
.'itv is the place above all others where
.... t i i . .11 i.:., .
lie sliouiJ live, no sno uu sc.. ... h" - ; sieiitrg n.i,,t books, and othes books
tfrty to ume toOi-egon C.ty. lie should i , fof TOUtH.lioil 0, taxM
hav Oregon City and Clackamas couu-! r ,Q nea,v an , SV;ttonl:ltk.aUv
ly so Indelibly fixed upon faU mind tkit . (of l,I.oulptiv'ttending to tax pav
jdl the immigration frauds unif!.-, m olh(rs ,..ivina bus;Ress in tIlt(
late agents ia the country.caai Uirn
l.im aside. This eau only be don. bytul- j an(
s-ertising extensively m the ;Ten j ai1paratas for ln,)0scs. via:
thousand dollars should be fpoot h , 1 ' . , , , , ,
.. . , ... i.... i hand cutfs, leg irons and ball and chain,
Oregon Citv at once in laying iPJ a Vi ... . . ,
h . . , , r ,1... -v,J which were, greatly needed for security
tages lietore t!i p.-op'o of the- hast. . ' .
. of prisoners, inee his last report, a par-
That is but a moderate sum to begin ... . .,' .,.'.
. . . .. 1 .1-. ........ 1 . T ... l l (t'LMir .1.13 ITCH IUi.ui: . lliv wnmuni. I
.with. If it were rightly expended we ' .... . . , .
.,u .i. . .i. il,nMt l "e south uil nxin, by fastening ai
would be mare tiaa reaJy to fellow it , . f t
.with three times th amaunt. It would i--- ."'
u .. ,,nt ;,. 'the bars and in which said lurs are in-
iuy better tlian any City per rent in-, .
' ... u 1 1 i.. i . , ; serted, thereby stiffening them. Some
vestment tnd no time should be lost in , .
... ' other minorrepairs have also l-en luaue.
Uk n? the preliminary steps for an ex-1 '
. ' ... . , .,:. f In onlerto a urcater security of the
.-tens ye and wrie spread adverting of -
t - ;n it. tail, the sheriff lecommends that the
4mr rvsources. Prosperity ill as:irvd! .
' north windows should have more bars
: ' ! placed in them and Iji-cr and heavier
and circuit courts, and papers relating
to administrators, executors and other
cases. Said documents are now placed
in pigeon holes in the vault and are in
jured by dust and exposed to loss.
The county clerk's otlioo is in excel
lent shape, all the officer's connected
with it iu ellicient ami accommodating,
and the business of the cilice is de
spatched in a nunncr to be satisfactory
to the people of the entire eounty. With
the improvements added, alluded to
ahove, no similar office in the state will
be superior in all that constitutes effic
iency, convenience and neatness..
trkasi rkr's officv.
Cotu on hmiil April -Jf tn life, lof.'r.
of County fund 10iM 2j
To Cr. school fnn! T7
leaving the real
school period shout 10 yours instead of
HI, for which they are allowed money,
Distance to school and other causes tend
to make the low average.
Kitlmntfd val. otwh.wl hnsiwtt III Co. J!IS7.M
" " " fiirlliiri SS77
" " " mip & ebnrtu uwi
Total 1. of school property
Apsuded is a financial statement of
tho school su;t. from July 5, ISHtl to
date showing amounts received and paid
for school purposes.
School fuiuh in h utl district clrk
Mnrch 1, issa .
District tsx durtng the y.r
Appropriated to lehool district from
county tchool tun.t
County KpporltomtuMtt of stle school
fund for March and June
Raised by r.i;e bllli during yir
School funds Kcit'vot from U other
duties, and by his uniform courtesy b4 The Oregon Wood I'urlller 1 Na- tlliilloii.
wards tho county officers and other Iture's owu remedy nnd should he used in ihf Cwiuy Cotiit ifcUriMi!iiouiity,But
having business with him j the sibiltary! to the exclusion of all other imtdlclnait In : ,,, mn.r oi th. iisiill.intiip of :
condition of the building ia found to be all diseases of the stomach, livef and John Krsnki. a insaue p.'i.ou,
1,1,1,.,,... (c , , ro l.nrinniiier rrnnie, rsiiKm mm an
miuijn. . .., ! iiilivr persnin luli'rosted III Mid esUUi orwl-
One of the finest lines of join's hats lug.
In the city Is to lie seen at th tlrratl Vmi, and etohof ynu nr hiwlitr iioiltladfn
FastKl'll Store ' ' 1 sppanr " U mi,v vn.i.inii imhiti me luoi
Totil ii:j:j s
County orders redeemed hy tressurer
from July S. Isss to April 20 1W . 1JT04 85
Or lers canceled roc d by treasurer trm
slieriiT on iiccouut le, taxes, July .
IN to April 20, 1SST IW3?
TiKsl orders hsndled by treasurer 22.'40 01
Schind orders paid July i, 'SS to April
20. "ST 7M
Cash received on account t.ites, Is- 3m M
Orders received an I canc.'led, tixea IAS? ml
Tot.il .7J 4
I Sheriff SI.'! .T
... . . T 16
tSl 74
70S0 00
2S0 00
43T4 00
415 iV
274 7
4?i 17
! 12
211 S
1412 m
iHkhI. ...s,,.,. , ' j
The tower to thov court house is In
ptKir condition, and is insufficiently
braced; the timbers being originally
green, and poorly put together, have
shrunk, allowing (ho stay rods to become
loose, thereby weakening the tower, and
endangering the building below during
heavy winds. The county 'court Is rec
ommended to tuiiploy some competent
person at once to carefully exitiiine the
toacr and to authorise him in make such
repaiis as will strengthen mid brace up
the weak places ; these repairs should
be made at once, without delay.
Tho exposed wotk on the outside of
the county building, is peeling and break
ing oil', and should be thoroughly painted
as a protection against furtbur damage.
The Oregon t'itvjail has been exam
ined and found ta be in statu quo; no
recotninend.itious nre made in regard to
the same.
And having now completed our labors
we ask to bo discharged for the term.
Hated at Ore.Mii City this 2-nd day of
April, 1SS?. M. II. liimui.ii'F, foreman,
J. II. Kki sk,
(iNOHOtC W. l.KK,
1'AI'l. 1i nn,
Mahk lUrfos,
tik'OllUK I.AM 1.1':,
F. M. tisiifsN.
.I..u nl Mm' 1HK7 yl II, a hour nl III onloeli A. U.
We Will give With every pim'lltiie for , lit Mid d.iy to flmw nua It any valal, why ail
il-Ut71 111 ISMIII (SMOMtM lil It III "l ili'i-fl-
it while a really beautiful car l. No ad
vertiseineiit on Its face to mar its beauty.
K. 0. CaUfll'ld CoT"! Uu purpose on lh7tli,tl iy ol April Hurt; aald
' latin lieilia Mi'ioruHHi as iiitiuwa, 10 wrii;
dim the aalsnl I ho roil ualalu of suld want,
asnrivedlor In the nellilon uf Frank Ford,
aiiurdlnu ol Ud llia ine person and tiled Mr
i bars, 4 to j each, put in each of the south
... ..... .1 windows, in addition to what ure
The indictment oiacmwn no uas ,,
at Ieat three
ing plates placed in them, through
! which the bars should run to prevent
the escape of prisoners.
Two pair of double iron doors are rec
ommended to be j laced in the openings
on the south side of the jail to inclose the
room, for the use of prisoners during the
It is no nec-'ssarv
hitherto had tha respect of the couimun-, -
ity, and the subsequent plea o, gui ty , n (
affords matenal tor c.ireiui mougui io
those who are disposed to consider the
matter in a serious light. It seems in
' expliiable that a man who has for over
f half a century led an upright life, and oc
' .rnpied positions of publie trust ; a man
....1 V r...:l.. r,.l .itrainmUil
..C- U, .ao.u, a.iv. ... ..... ... ercige J,,
brafami y nsvine me conr.a.-uee ami - . , . n
. . , to keep them shut tip in tSe inn cells,
respect of the entire coramniuty, should ! r .....: . ,.,
when nearing the three score post have
itumbled and fallen. The crime of forg
I for security, thus preventing Ihcirexer-
ercie, nnd necessaril affecting their
B.il. in sherlfTs site ready lo turn o- er tlOll SS
ltalamc sheet of K. I). Kelly, county
treasurer from July 5, ls-id to and in-
chilling April, 20, lS-7, viz:
U.tlanctt recieced from Mr. SaraiTortl
July S,J.M t!
Kewlpts from flnes. taxes, trill fee li
censes, and all other sources, from
July, MsS to April 20. IsS? . . W42 7
Tot il reciepts HMW SS
DMmrsed from July S, lSVi to AprU 20,
7 nu warrants and orders, state
taxes and all other outicovs. In cash,
ai; liuerest SUMS 17 tM 12
( jsh In safe llOi-4 21
The county s.ife is in splendid condi
tion and should b) a m.itter of prid to
the county.
. The books used by the trearurer fur
the transaction of his business wre: 1 tiai i'il
WJ 31
Total 222i'7 M
Teseher'i sraire.s tor year eliding .March
t. 1SS7 T IUW7S S3
Paid for seheetsieit rent 5.1 (A
Paid for repairs en school houses aud
I'alJ for Sehnol Inrnliurv
Paid for neceej.ary Incident ila
Paid for apparjtns, globes, inaps.chart,
schiHil tablets
Paid tor school house sites
Paid for biilldin; school houes
Paid for all other school purposes
TjII 120120 42
School funds In h inds of district clerks
March I, ls7 .... PJ47 21
I'napportlonrd si-hool fund In hands of
county treiMiHT at date of this re
pert, about M
drand lots! I.'W ? W
Pooks used by the superinteiiileiit are j satioii ladwcen the piesid
as follows: bak defining school dis
tricts in the county: a register of county
and state school fund accounts : hook of
certificates ef scholarship: lk of war
rants and orders with stubs attached,
said book heretofore contained no stilt,
attached to drafts, which were drawn on
the tieas-nrtT tn;ainst the school funds,
hut wen- ; ! 1 1 -d by the piesent siiH'r
iiitcndcui as a nwessarv improvemen!,
and grea'er precaution against errors.
The county court has furnished the supt.
with a new book for entering the school
district boundaries. When said hound
aries are classified and arranged, the
Supt. will re-record them, which it is
thought will terminate the existing dif
ficulty in retfiird to the lapping of the
Cut 1'w.vun cv.
Two Iteallllful cauls given tu ev'ery:
one that buys one dollar's woitbiitiC(iar
mau Hi'os.Cily Ihug Store. W.'jssaajV,),
largest stock, piliest drliiis, lowest pi ices.
I'urmurs now is the time to sow
plaster on clover, corn and potatoes. A
curd given with every lt tit Clmiinaii
Uros. City Ping Stoie.
At Harding's drug store a beautiful
Fastvr Card Is given wi'h every cash
purchase of "! cents or upwurds,
Have you seen those handsome
chroiuo llthouraiihie cards that ti. A
Harding gives with every twenty live
cent purchase?
'Vi you want to buy anvthlug in the
slock line? liead John Melilruui's no
tice elsewherti,
A Beautiful ear. I given with every S'
cent bottle of flavoring extract ul
Charniail llnis.
We have reduced the p"ieis on roc-
iH'S and preset ipt ions. A ilroino n'l:eii
New gisals for the spiin,! u'nl sum -luor
are are arriving at the li.e.it K.is)
em Store
land In' lin i
Situated In Ctackniiaa County, llrenn, aud
beuliinliui at a point In (lie imiiu lioiuulary
ol llm liuiialloii I.mkI IMalin of Maiuilel
Miller Hint lie, known on lb insps and
i I ii I a of Hie Pulled Slaies surieys as Claim
o. iw, II al chains N ol Hie corner to see. '
tlmis '."J, 2H, i & in r v S, U I v., of the
W lllauielle ini'rldl iir Ihoune e isl Ili Wi'lu.' .
tlieni'p H d 'srees K, II vleiliis; Itioiit.) kt ,
4 deiirnes W.a.ai cnalus: theiimN Ude
Itri'i's W ia:t4 vh tins to Hie place of lielii
nihil, eoul iliiluil 12 aerus,
W illi.'., tlio ll'Ti iniile W. I. Whlia, JudK of
Slid Court, tills 7lli day of Aiirll, pw;.
Aile.t; W. T. Wllll l.dCIC,
( lurk of siid Court.
IH Ji naos Ho vial., petiuty, .
11, I II. k'ckohs,
Ally, loriiuardlaii,
Sheriir's Sale.
. a.
lI.KVi.l.ASlA.MUIA( t-.
The Republican's Washington cones
ponlaMit, nnin referring to the presiden.
lial reiiomiuatioii tuattor, gives the fol
lowing: A story has conic to the cor
respondent of the Republican to night
slgiiillcuntly tonliiruiatorv of theeonver
nt and Ins
seiLitorial visitor. This story is to the
ellcct that the president had quite re
cently prepared a letter, to bo made pub
lic, setting forth his views in regard to
the second term in plain, distinct words,
and unqualifiedly declaring he would ind
be a candidate (or re-election, but yield
ing to earnest personal friends he con
sented, however, to withold the letter
(or the pi 'sent, at least, if not to wholly
abandon his intention of giving it to the
public. This story is told on thsaut'ior-
ity of Col Porsheimer' of New York, who
was in Washington a few day aito. He
told several of his friend while here,
immediately after coming from the While
house, that ho had been shown a draft
uf a loiter, such as has been already chnr
Ststeof Oreitoii,
Homo.' nf Cl ii-Liiiii isl
II jr rtue of an e f n loll and order id
s.le l.s.iel out ol ami under the sale
the I'll oi Iliu Circuit Court of the Hiale ,
ol on suit, (or I us. I iiiiMly of t'lai'katnaa, dated
Hie 'Mill day of April, A l , l'. to uie as sheriff
dlK'i'ii.l In liver of K K Chiruiin, plalulltr
and o oil"! Chris S Finns, di'londanl lor the
.urn olliulaud l.vnsid i iii.su. and eo.l uimii a
lii'biiic iil ran lereil III saldeoiirl on His Mil day
ol Mull, Is, wherein II as orilorial 4hal the
lll,'T... ul . ,1.1 .IimuihI nil, on H. . Jlllh ISSS.IU
art I to the re il el le herotolore allselieil in Oils
n il it and In s Id iinli'rolCiiurl siHrirled and
.L'serllied b.. sol. I lo.ul.ly the plalnlilt s d
II ni l aims ii hi ed Therefore by vr.iaollls
. 1 1 i iiUti'ineut 'not i. riler of sale eoniuiaiul'
lull me ti a II at ol ihi sa'd deli-nd un'a
riulit tllleainl lnli-re.l ol in sud to the said real
i.t.1 tin uli.ivi- relern-il lo and In said order of
-W. A. Il,i.diu gives lovely gen, r'sT:!' V.':';!!' w."...,, V' n':
slilp tiueo Soulli id Katiite Inn Misint ins n ill.
Mcr.lu link Unas l ..mil y l)r..ii. Ii. sliiiiiiiK
l)7 eliallis Y. .St nt I ho S lUlliea.l l-oruer ol Iliu
N K ' ol see III III slid township, riinnius
Iheni e Wet 2s ehaliis. them e Norih 41 nlisln.;
Ilitnire Ksl a eh tins in the Hue of Ch tries Wal
kel s elsltu thetire Willi s ildclalin line soulb t.J
decrees, I ) liiliitlles hs.t VSM. i-Ualns to Hie
hninio with tacli twenty live cent pur
lor I'eiil. V six-room dwelling.
Inquire at the City llrug Store,
f oHSit.K oh Thauh A Uisil family
driving horse. Low
trade lor small learn
for cash or will
C. O. X Williams
r'ar Mule, ,
due three inch waieon, bikwI us new,
pair 5 Hi hiiiiu horses in fins rwulitioii,
and new harness all tor J.'is.,, Apply
at Ihiuk of Oregon City.1 h.
, ..1.1 VI. In, nl. I ii, .
' iIiiuii-i, siiiiili -' ,1 i'Ii nn. to the nlaee of In slu
nihil c uilaliiliis loi Heirs hi. no er le.., t
ulll. mi -Mood n .lhe itoih d iy ot Msy, A H . a7,
ul llie biiiir ul one nelia k I' H at the Court
H.iO.e diiiir. In I 1 ii kaui.s Coiiiuy, lireiinii, pru
eee.1 Io sell Hie said sIhii e ilsrrilejt real e.lale
al piilille aiieilon Io the hlhe. ledder lor rash
to sill. I) sild I'U'i'Hlliiii, eosis and aeeruins
t. MM KMHIir.
Piled this 2-ih day ol April. A. H.'iasJ.
Treiiaiirel'H Notice,
I have now in mv h im 1 f"e
calile lo the pa in nt o; .1
dorsed prior to Oetol.ei :'i,l, l.M-t. lliier
est will cease from the date of this no
tice. Pated this Mth, day of April Ism;.
K. I. Kfi.i.v,
Treasurer of Clm kamas County.
different districts om on the other. This sctcrized, and his advice wrnt asked re
has caused gri'at difficulty in ileterinin- ganling ths policy of such publication
ing the l oundaiies of a diet riel, for school He said the letter referred iitsome length
purposws, and for taxation, and iscaused ; to the opposil'mn o a certain (-lenient of
by the imjierfect system heretofore in j the democratic party to the re-election of
use. The Sup'., hopes soon to have (Ins j Cleveland and the chinx-e t lint this miht
matter in fiuieh better shiiie. I dele.it the ticket. After referring lo this
Since laj cmiina into olfce the supt. well known factor in the existing sitrja-
IV cutnr's Notice.
in- I. hi'M-hy (hen that the uuliir.lsueil
j :, - w nt 1 ,. . i It.li'.l e.eeul'.r ul I lie e-l ue
0 t'e. ,.,11-r l e .1-t-i i.e-l I tie ul Hit, roonly of
j I In k on i nnd at ue "t tirivon by llie ll.nior
ahlrCi I) f.-'iri ot I le s Od eaiuly Ciernlorej
lad per.,. it. h.vlim el urns analust Hie said
j i.i srn reotilri-il lo pri-.eul Itti-ui to tue, wur,
proper serine illioi. al ilieiirtiee ol Jnhnsoti, ale.
Conn A l.lliiiiau in iim'U.iii Clly. Uiksmsa
1 ..mil), i oi's. oi. ell Mil sis mouths trout the
Isle ol litis ii, an r
Paled April Mf. u
I 2714 Fseeulor of Ibe e.lule ul I'hllandrr
Vilirc id. tppolnt'iioiit of Administrator.
' In the miller "f the K.tile I
ol Willi on K II .ejs.deeeise.li
NiSlre Is hereby flven Ik H the tin tar, line I
I hss lr.eu by an order ol the ll uioralile County
j Ciiitrl of Cl irkaioa. Cniiniy. ilresmi. duie ap
I i,.i.li..l dmuiiir.ir ol s ibl e-iaie All per.
I Bull. Ii ii llif ei mil. an ini.i b.ih i-.i.ii- ,i. nn.'
Notice ia hereby given that the nasea-i ,, u,,uried to pre.eul iheiul , my attorney. II.
B, t r,i. lors'iii I or, rri -ii. wiii.ii.
111 .lllll. from I e dale ot till Hee
iiutiFiti ii si'urr.
A.lnilnlstrit.r ol the e.i .to of Willi tut It.
Se.itt dia'e.srd.
1 hereby aii'ioiinee myself a cm. lei, He
for re elect ion to tiie olliee of t'ity Mar
shall, subject to the action of he repub
lican ciit.vention. John Ki l l v.
Niitlre I'e Taii iris.
tsrl J4 cikrtifi-iitea tJ eehulnraliin i lion, t'ol . 1 Wahohiier savs t liss f irt-eiiits-tit
county luna t-ook, snowing an mo mm , ,., aftt.r n ,-urful exan.in.i- went on in his letler to sy thaf he
ry for which Curtis Baird is uow serv-
! hea't'i. The-e iinprjveiiiMits are u ge l
to prevent the escape of p.isoner.s, and
; mcins s.
isrio t:
iM si
Ing a four year's sentence is considered
.. l" ir 1,
inwiemik-nicniie aguoeui,,-With tll , ,nll ;l.nv5 m..
make, it none the lighter that J"""! the b, ; exc,,.
.rounding, were good. Its continued rep. ,.oaJition '
ctition make, it even more aggravated .m.sry
the sentence, U tilings consuierea is
but a just one. It might have been much
longer, yet it aermi long enough to ful
ffll tho intent of the law. N one can
dosibt but that the mental anguish has
passed its zenith. All that there is in
.the disgiac has I teen his. A four year's
sentence will leave him sixty five yearn
.a-jf age, if he lives. A longer period of in
carceration could but continue the bur
Jen of his support upon the,- state with
out in any measure sulwerving the law's
ends in ordaining ptmishinvnt. . So far
Drawn slue l-t repi rt up to and In
Cludinj April 1, 1-S7 -
Total ;7sjC3
t'tdnrtiiioncnt canceled aud redeemed
to April 1, shout f 13,0(0 also deduct
amount now called iu to be redeemed
IPi.OUO 25000 00
Leivlng indebtedness, April 1. about tStXa) C3
Last year, At this time Indebtedness
was . 4M10 22
cancerningi-onnty fund accounts ; a coup
tnon school fund Ismk, showing in de
tail, all Ihoso accounts, their condition,
etc. ; a genera! fund account hook, show
ing the sum total of all the transactions
of the county, as regards money matters ;
an index Irook of county orders, in which
is kept a record of orders brought iu to
the treasurer and indorsed by him, show
ing the number, amount and date of in
dorsement of each warrant.
Every order is entered in detail in the
treasurer's book, and tho nunilsers, in
terest and amounts are given in separ
ate columns. K.ich order is compared
and checked off with the county clerk,
and every precaution taken with a view
to security an 1 lo discover errors, if any.
44-4l Ci i riP1lr. (lrrt ntu irnni. iii'sr svlinn roeievoil
lion, the 'most of whom ureal present deemed it w ise, in view of these circiiin
engaged In teaching. For a first urade l stances, to withdraw bis iiauie from all
certificate, 8.1 per cent, of all questions ' considera:'.o:i in connection with the
are required to be answered and not less : nniiiinatiou. He snno.mcud iu unequvi
than ('0 per cent of questions in any one is al tonnes that Im was not a candi
study; for a second trade, IK) per cent. date, and suggested thalsomeother lead
and not less than 40 per cent., in any 'er who could couimaud the united sup
two studies. s port of the w hole party bo selected as the
The Important papers and files of the j standard liearer in ls,vs. Col. liorsheiin
office have all I sen briefed ah 1 placed iim-r stated that he st nine protested
in nuuiK-red tiles for more convenient i against any public use uf hn letter as
reference, and the olfice is convenient proKiscd. He told tin) preaideut that
tic lit roll if schisil district No, 1.2 slid
warrant is how in my hai'ds for collect
ion, and the same must he paid to lie
undersigned at II. J. Harding's ct.no in
Omrm t'ity, Invoti on or la.f.ifii June
tith, ss7, oi the same will he !' I.i (
deliiiqiiciil nnd be prtuuptly tinned over
lo the sheritr for culli-clion.
).ited I hist lllh day of Apiil 1s7.
..i!H II. .1 . II AHDIM),
Si hiKil Cleik, IhMrict No. Ii.'
Aoilrtswl lissitl MrllleiMrnl.
N.illi'K IS
itii.li-r.litiie I.
J uni-B W ' in
e i.iul In Hie
i.lmllil.lr ilor ol the e.lsle nt"
ilieei.i'd, has Sled Ills Soil ae
C.ionlv Ciiirt lor iliekuuta
llie r'ae1.
The care of the complexion baa
Co.itil.' si ue ol sires. m, ami sun i .inn oa
..pp'OUK-.l I'ih-. Iiv Hie ill) ds ol June al Hi
li . ir ol ten .. l i n k A M . as ilia lime lor hnsr
lnit llie ol.p'i t a los ild aee luut II any IlierJ
listed this .11-1 d iy
Adiiiliit.ini. .r de
Carr, deee i.e I
.1 M neh a7
H, r i m k a nr it v,
bonis id estate of J. W.
Amount reduced during the yeir
Expended lor county expenses irom . . .
July 1, loS6 up to April I, ls7 IV) 00 j ","7' " .
.r.l. Hr.un (r,,m tiiv 1 IW. tn ICOIlHiared lllU'k. Illll if IllistllkuS sllliulll
. . . ... .....i -i- .. . i , .1. i the fiilhm'inir hiHike
. . . .., . i juiy i, iv, onoui iiuu uu occur, mis svsiein enaoies me treasurer - " -
asanossn ,,c . e.. - From j,lly lw t j,,,, ,. m. It I. to discover them at once
4-rime. and as a culprit should sufTur the : tIm.lel iere , drawn about 200 oo ,0 llscovtr u,t"1 at "te
just penalty fo hi. misilemeanom. ! Beduction of e., ,1.1. yesr over T,,e treasurer's .Ks,ks, upon a carelul
H la,ti ,bout p-joow examination , arc lounn io tie neatiy ami
The growth of tli3 business of I accurately kept, according to a system.
w liicli enables lum to arrive at results ai
1 once, and by means of which all the
I ,. ..In ..;.-..n ii. tl.!.f v.,,.f.rS a-uru u...vt -i ! n.
i.L.n.icn in intn i ". i. .vi. m.i.i
ed ami furnished by the treasurer with
out any delay.
The balance on hand shown by the
balance sheet, is Recounted for by cash
witi. all necessary facilities. The Supt.
gives his undivided attention to his du
ties, and his otlioo hears evidence of be
ing ably conducted, and his records man
ifest system and care in their arrange
incut and attention.
The county surveyor has in his olfice
book of field notes
of all the the donation land claims in
the county j a book of field notes of the
sulslivision. contained, in about 20 town-
A new n ater'al cul!cd tao-rock is
taking the place of djnaim.e in pr;e-,iie ,.0,,,ltv nd ths vast amount of
.mting WJik thit repiites b'astin,'. It , i,,,,,!, for tho eople, which is
ia eipcially adapted to usj in tunnels tranHa(.te(i m ,10 olfici f the county
a it generates but a small proportion of clerk( UI1( ,iie nect.Fiiity f )r constant ret
obnoxious gas, which so often injures pn,.e t0 ,ttI)eri, and books of the office,
the workmen. It possesses a peculiar j .ag ma, :t i,ntK)rUnt for tlin clerk to
ftdrantage, consisting as it does of two
materials either of which uncombined is
non-explosive. One of these component i
parts is a solid,1 the sther a liquid. The
solid is put up In a smalt sack similar in
nhape to a stick eif dynamite. At some
time previous to usffng the liquid tan oily
nubstance) is jxjured over the stick and
quickly absorljed. It is then as sjwcr.
ful an explosive a. dynamite. The fuse
i. then inserted and the rackarock used
in the same manner a. other explosives.
Ariendorf, a brewer of Sioux City,
Iowa who lias just been tried for the
murder of Rev. Mr. Haddock, tho tern.
Iterance advocate whom the liquor men
killed last fall, was not convicted, the
jury standing eleven to one against con
riction. The foreman of the obdurate
claimed that one member was bribed by
the state, while the juryman claimed
tint he had been offered bribes by the
defense. The result is virtually a notice
that a conviction can never Ije secured
no matter how many trials may be had.
. We have arranged for tbe piiblicjition
sul a series of articles describing this
county and its resources, Tho articles
will be .o arranged that they will give
anyone who is not acquainted with Or
sgon and its resources, a good under
standing of our climate,- our suil, our
roductions, our resources, and the ad
vantages offered to settlers. To any of
your friends In tbe East it will be better
than a doxen circulars of information.
. Wealth can not make peace. The late
Alexander Mitchel was worth upward of
$15,000,000, and 'he owner of a magnifi
cent house in Milwaukie, yet great as
procure improved forms for keeping such
tecords.for their preservation and se
curity. With this object in view, tho
clerk has purchased additional books of
record of a new and improved fcrin.
While said books ure larger, and of bet
ter quality of paper than those hereto
fore used, thcte ha. been a saving of
from 20 fo 25 per cent, on each book, to
the county over what has been paid for
books ptevioiisly purchased. Some hooks
are mentioned with un idea of their good
An improved form for keeping records
of county court coin missior-ers proceed
ings, w ith direct and reverse index, in
suring quicker work in referring to oases;
a register of actions, with direct and ro
versa indox, newer and better form ; a
record of attachments file ! wiving neces
ary facts in better slinK) than hereto
fore; a county court docket register, in
which casts are arranged ulphabetically
and in more convenient form. The fol
flowing have heretofore been kept in or
iginal papers and filed away in pigeon
holes, in bundles and kept in envelops,
incurring danger of loss, arid injury from
re-punt handling. Tho new forms are
printed in books and aru much more sal
isfacloi v, viz : letters of administration,
letters of executors, declarations of citi-
r.ensbip, circuit court witness claim-),
circuit court jourors claims.
A crcat improvement on the old sys
te n of keeping records of executions is
secured, in a new form which shows nil
the facts in the cuses, condensed . . A
new form for county . warrants has been
procured, numbering from 1 to 10,000.
Raid form prevents any danger of issu
ing duplicates of warrants Issued, or of
counterfeiting. A stub is attached to
in the safe, on hand. A balance is struck
from the books every day when busi
ness is blink, anl the money in safe
counted, and the two are found to agree,
no errors of any kind having vet been
discovered in the accounts. The busi
ness of the,.ofri ;e is rapidly and satisfac
torily transacted, and the 'efficiency bf
tbe treasurer is commended, as he gives
his entire tiino und thought to a consci
entious discharge of his important du
Previous to the superintendent's tak
ing charge ot his olfice, no financial ree-
,ord of the county and stato school funds
were found by him to have been kept in
the hooks furnished by the county for
that purpose, but were kept on separate
sheets, in rolls, and in a form liable to
ships. There are 7 townships more which
there was no need lor him to adopt this
step now, whatever iniuht piove to lie
wise hereafter lie utged the president
to abandon the idea, for the present nt
any rate, and finally induced him to yield
to bis Misnasions'
Tho New' Votk World, fiom the heights
nf democratic journalism, Belinda this
alarm :
A prohibition vote in tho state of New,'
York almost wholly taken from the Ue-
; publican party, large enough if cast for
iiouid nave neia notes, sua the county . t i .i
J i tin. ,f.titililii'aria In Iiil'm i-leitiriul 1 1 is. re.
nill.l-JliH , l-l Ulll ll.l.'li,n inns mi ot? ISI-
lowed his office. Another greatly needed
matter in the surveyor's office is to
have township plats made of each
township of the county, one plat to
a township, of the sixe in use in the 1'.
S. larjd olfice; they should show the sec- i
lions and all the surveys w hicli have j
Is-en made, and nil the transfers i
as shown on the record books of the
clerk's olfice. This system would enable j
assessors to assess all the lands In the
county, and get at all the taxable prop
erty, now out of reaeli and covered up;
saiiTplats would bo of great convenience
and assistance to the surveyor in the
prosecution of his duties, and in enabling
him to Itetter serve the public; it is be
lieved that they would pay their entire
cost in a year or two, by the additional
axes they would secure to the county.
An old h rk is now in us i, but it is with
out lotlings, and has id fractional sec
tions, which tho ne A' system would con
tain. Tho office should have a tut of survey
ing instruments, to ineluda a solar transit
loss and destruction. Said sheets are anrt engineer's level; said instruments
was his wealth and largo us was his
house, tho wealth could not satisfy nor j each warrant, with same number, show
for the years 18H4 and 1X85, and county'
fund of 18H0. The superintendent strong
ly recommends that mid sheets bo cop
ied off into tho proicr books for tho pur
pose, and that some proper person be
employed to compare them, to see that
they are correctly tiuriseiibed.
In regard to school money in the
County, there is found to be between H
and 13 cents more per scholar this year
than last, tho average amount, this year
being f 1.10 per capita, w hile last year it
was 1.018, making a total of about (080
more this year than last, of school mon
ey for the county. Whole number of or
ganized school districts are 85; number
of joint districts, 12 ; number of scholat.
between 4 and 20 years. 4589, of which
2310 ore males and 2273, femnlesj num
ber of pupils enrolled In public schools
suit and given them the stale every year
since lsslland to have elected their pres
ident in 18H4.
A labor v .te for mayor of New York
last year sulfieietit, if cast in the state
and taken in its fair proportions from
each ai ty , to have defeated the dem
ocracy every year since Ism:;, including
the presidential, despite the prohibition
A triangular election in Cincinnati last
week, in which the republican wins hy
5t'rt plurality, the labor candidate cornea
next and the democrat brings up the rear,
as the thiid party, 5410 behind the labor
An election in Chicago in which no
democrat ticket upM-iirs In the field, and
the contest between the republicans and
the labor party, with the democracy split
up between the two.
What does all Ibis mean ? What can
it mean except the democratic parly next
year will bu dependent ujton (he labor
vote for success,
Senator Sutton of Marshiilllown, lowu,
has applied the' Science of malhamatics
to Henry George's theories on the land
question. Like a great many other the
com an accomplishment that no 1 1 Iy of
refined tastes can alhiid to iunoie, uinl
in leading sm iety clit ics it 1 1, tuna n,
Uiilch Ihoiiuht as do the fashiona It i-
an acknowledged fact thai llie variational
of our climate are veiy severe on the
complexion, liotii cable by a rouul.tiosa
and ib vncsaof the skin, and locoimterael
this "ifecl it becomes neceseary lo call
in the aid of art. In t.io selection o this
agent t'Ki milch cine cuniint lie exercised.
It is well known to i hernials thai many
of h" so-called ''lllooma," "Halms,"
"t'reaiiis"' etc. , contain lead and other
IMiisuiin i stilistam e, the long contin
ued Use of which is dangerous. The
new toilet prcperulion, Wisdom's Hob
crime, is guar.inl"cl under a foifeiture
of tlOtk) to lie absolutely fees) from puis
minus substance II tiki have not yet
tried it, do so at oin e, slid he one of the
liHinlreila w ho pronounce il the most de
lightful toilet aillile ever piodilccd.
Wisdom's Kobertiiie jasnh! at lilt y cents
r buttle, by Chariii iii 1'ros, l ily lnu
Store, Oregon t'ity, Oregon, who give u
hsautiful picture card with every bottle.
Vol Ire ir final eitl me.ii.
In Hie itislti-r ol the est He of j
It. It. lompkllis, dt-fet.ed.
K.itlre is berehy (lien Ih si the undersigned
his Sled bis rtiisi report Iu slid K.uie. Iu the
pr.ibiie court of Clo k iniis eoiiuiir. siu ol
on-. Hi, and Ihei-ourl ha. Used. June 7lh. sa7
al Hie hour ol lu.H-liH'k A. M ot said day. as a
liine lor Iheeaainlitailoiiof sild report and lor
Hie hr irlne ol olijeeilniis to the siine, II any.
Cure be N o. WAI.I'KS,
Adinlnlsirsiorol sil l Kstate
II. KCao.s,
Attorney for AdmlulMr.ilor.
are not now in the oflb'n and are greatly
necdod. All other counties of the samn
population and wealth as this, in the i ories he finds that they won't bold wafer.
opinion ol the surveyor, have said in
struments. With the above named improvements
and .addition the office, would have all
the needed facilities for business. It is
now in excellent condition, and conven
ient, and the surveyor discharges his
duties in a manner entirely satisfactory
to tho people and creditably to himself,
being always at bis post and anxious to
do good work .
The county building is kept in excel
lent condition. The hulls corri.'brs, dif
ferent rooms and offices, and other parts
Mr. (leorgo wants thn government to
own all the land and raise all the needed
revenues oy renting llie same. Senator
Sutlon nimbly figures out that this would
bring in only f2!)8,ISU:l,34.t per milium,
wluireus the governments, national and
stale, require fr,721fl77,n'li per year to
pay expenses
Maj. Klnnie brother of J, (1. died in
Arkansas last week
N ort Invest Fire ami .Murine Ins inuiie
Compiiny. I
This company is muiiau'i'd hy skillful!
i.......;i... ..ii i ..;..... iu i m.i.. i!
lllll ,i I w I III I n, hi, mini in-r-n n 1 1 , . - u 1 1- ,
on principles of coiiiiiieici.il honor, uml
claimants may count will rtuiuiy
that neither narrow pretexts iur tech
nical advantage will bo uigeil spiiiiNl
honest claims. If thn agent does led
call 'tn you, send him word yon wnii
to see hiir. and he will hmo no lime
in finding you.
A. 8. Ha iv, Agent,
( Iregon Cilv, Oregon,
Oiiictry Notice.
J. !. Klover wishes fo announce to the
citizens of Oregon City thut lie is pre
pared lo attend promptly lo tiny work of
filling up and cleaning Hp lots in the
eometry, Heady for l.usi'iues ul all
All srsoiis indebted lo mo w II save
costs by pa ing their several nnio.lnts lo
Charimtii l'ros, immediately.
lu. J. A. Win rn.
' i,f -
To limrowt'iH.
We hitvo motiev'jto Imid in sums from
I f 1(H) upfot4H(K). ,,,, ,
Hee. no, 18HU.' tf '
New Management and Itefurnisbnd.
A. T. Sclioi'l-S Vrou
(iig-in City Orrir.m.
Central Location,
First Class AccniminHiutiiiiiH nml
S;miitc Ui tun for Coitiiiicrcinl
Klne Wines' Mipiors and (.'Isara at the Har.
(JoiUTal Mercliandisc,
Also best m ikrauf
Ajri'lcuHurul Machinery.
The NKWl'nN W AHHN, best ami cheapest.
The NiHIW KHUN I'l.KW. hardened steel laie.
steel be un : wsrr oiled lo scour In any anil. I ha
HK hi i Kit.
Unties.! Weighs.
Drunkenness, or Liquor llulill,
Can ha cimd by administering Dr. Haines
Moldnn Hpemfle, It cm ha given In a cup nf
codes or tea without the knowledge of the per
son taking it, elfneting a Bpe.'ily and perms-
of the building .re frequently cleaned orirurT,
nnd .wept, and well attended to j the i ftM "K! iT,S XllT"!'
without Umlr hnnwlntlir. ni'l to-rtny Miv
....ii.. ....: i i i . i . v'i7 nun iiriNKiNff (ii innir nwn irft win. inh
the largo house provide sufficient space in at a glance when a warrant comes In days; the average number of Mto 5Z
,o eep h,m from garru.leney. . whether ,. all right or not. The war-' months Is six, making an attendance of xLSV 'lZZ I AZ
. . , ")' ') nvii tsikCllili
rf fi1M lllll illleinie tt. n... ., ')"t i . 1 . 1 '
"k .sou iuie av- grounds about the building aro conlin-
cii;c iliu, v Hiveiiiiarice ior me year is ol
A Knggnstloii I t Ihs Traveling l'liliHe.
Tourist, emlgranls sud mirlners tlnd tint
lliisletter's Htoucieli lllllers Is a medicinal sile
iriiard agslust iiuticnltltful tHlti'iii.ns, iifion
which Ibey ean Implicitly rely; since It pre
vents tbe lifTecta of vitiated altuospher, iiieic
eiistoiued or univholesnnie diet, tenl water, or
rtt Iter eoudllloiis unlavnralile to health, tip
long voyngoa or lourneys In latitudes adj went
to the eiii ttor, It Is espeelnlly useful its lire
ventlvn of the fubrllu (jouipliiliila and illsordets
of the stoiuaeh, liver find bowels, wtiluli nre apt
io attacN n irivesoi me iiunpiiriie soue sntouru
treme cold, sudden elinnires ol leiuimr Horn, ex
pnsure to damp or extreme f digue. H not oiilv
jirnvi'tils Inlerinltieii mid reinllH'til fever, and
olherdlseases of u inal irl'il type bill er oltoiles
Ihein. a f:iet which Ins b-eii notorious (or yu ire
psst In North and Soul'i Ai'ne"li'i, Mnal(;o, t lio
Vtit lu lles'islrali i, .in I oilier c :intrli.
,)) A'll'.N TJ V AS I KD! I) eibls) Q ilekt til s''1
Joe. Howards
Infinitely the luo.t Valuable bemuse routing so
closely from I tin family circle and by a inaaier
h ind nog iged In a ' Lib ir of I, ive " Itlelily I li
lts tr lied -sleel porlrill, Ac. Will sell Inl
ine nsoly. ' Millions waul this al ind ird I. lie uf
the gre ilest Pre leher 'ind (,r ilor of the age.
ij tick Is the w ird. l errllor., In gre it deiuiod.
Heiid lor circulars and .'ski. loroiiirlt tn A. 1
IIAM KoKl it CO. Sin Krinclscu. Ijal,
The Ulchest lliimoious Ihsik of the Age
Samantha m Saratoga!
hyJOKIAH AI.MI'N S WIKK. Miss Holly spent
nil l. .1 si' is.. o nml. I Hie Wlllltl, of KASIlhlN
at S ir il'iK'l, mid t ikes oil Its follies, fllitallons,
low neck dressing, pug dogs & III her lulin-
Halile nilrlh provoking style. Hie linos is pro
fusely Illustrated by tipper, the renowned ar
tist of Pork Will sell liuineusuly. Price fnl.
lnncr.ill A t'o I'ulis, Hin I'r inelse i, Crl.
KNOWN us tlie "SiiiKiT Mill" in
inirnr travelliig In such niKlons. and It Is an Oltl'KiON ("ITY. for Kllll! or refit. On
excellent proiei'llon ug tliist the lulliienne of ex- , , , , ,
Citsy WTIIIS, ilHJIIIl'O t) It. I'j, Y lli-
iunis nt flio Dulles, or
Or.-'nu rit.v.
- - Ort'niu