Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, February 17, 1887, Image 3

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    fill I W mTWUIMinitJU
TIIUltKDAY, t't'ItkUfAUY 17, 1W.
itairilif m fiitllnif t. wniv mijr iiiimiIiitoI
III KMrHHi'lilH, will plmmo. rupnrt lh niitutt ill
tin ulllc.
Mu!)crlitloii ItutcM.
We linvo ilctni ntliiUil to make ii e liaiiim
In lh ulieriilioii price of tlie Kntkii
OHM, hnlliivltiii Mint our suliacrilier will
appreciate tlilN ri'liict i hi which will n -directly
to their pockcl. Hereto
turn tli l"iilirrlilliill It KM I 'en I j two Mini II
liull ilulluiH, It will bit Imt two tlolliir
lioroufter il pulil hi advance, anil two mul
liull dollar it not puM hi nil vii in ). To
IiIvh ull mi opportunity totukii advmiliiKo
o( tli In ruin v will unialder till iiityinoitls
Hindu In advance fur tlie ctirrimt veitr
t Imt it'H liaoilmj III prior to Miiri-li 1st, Af
ter that diilv wo hIiuII mlltcre strictly tollui
rule, 1 kt Ut'M cull liowt'iwr j nv up i;r
ream at any time and take lulvniilnifo of
Mitt reduced rules, it writ uoinu to spare
no ptl'ott to iniikti tlm Ksmil'igsu u lift
tcr paperJust lliol,etd possible nnd our
auliscrilior run show tluilr appreciation
)( till reduction liy fill II it tlielr tn S w 1 1 -tiom'
attmiiloii to ilui tiiii'r. Will you
kindly take this mutter in IiiiikI mikI show
a liclpinti spirit? 1',. M. Hands,
Tho society under whose AtiMphrvM J IIomisTai.knt. A profitable and pleu
tint lecture wu given lust Tuesday even-; nut course of oii'.iirlainmuiita, provided
nlioiild Iiuvh lim-tl certain that tliev liy homo talent, would bo a lUiitnlile lliilitf
could fill tlielr bill In advcrtlsltitratereop. lo hit vo ut thin timo, Tlioy should be
tk'ou llliiHinitloiiM, those shown ,wnn but free to tho puMic, mid inlerestinir, and in
little bettor thuti it failure.
Stiiiit bill No, Kit, introduced by
Htmiitor WillliiuiH, Iiiim passed tlm house.
Thin bill wiin printed In our i'oIuiiwin Uhl
week, mid glvi'il th rluht to eertulu jui r
lltl to build u IiiIiIkh iiciohm thu Willrtlll
i'Hd at t UIh plnee.
Yesterday afternoon Iloctor ('aril
Willi tl UHlb boo 111 bund, Wiih busy clean
I UK thu lit' from thu step Bolng the bill
by the depot. Wo heartily commend
this spirit which I ready to labor for thu
public good.
-Tbo place to iiiiy your boot ami
shoe In ill ( 'barman A Hon'. Tlmy buy
ditect from Kaatern fuclorle mid war
ittnt lh"lr slock, Th'y now anil a shoe
for two dollar Unit but aliort tlmu
sittee roKttl;(ii f'.'7 n do.un.
.Subscriber to tlm Kktriii'iiimk l.uvu
but to week mora Jo taJie udvuntMii
of our offer of tlm ntpf r for two dolbim
n jiir,(oimidiriii all pnymnntM nmdii
prior to MiiitIi fliHt, In iiilvnneo. li'wiH
(jjv nil to tiiku iidvunt.iiie of lhin ofT.ir.
Kxlru luiM'tliijiM will hci oiiiiiu'iii'ediii
tbo titit eliureli noon, probably next
Sunday, Biiiioonritnu'iit In not yet iii;ide.
Tlm puitor Hiei'tM the HHNiliitiec of ltev,
T.U.HrowiiHon.of Albany' tho new pieb
di.lit fieri of MoMllilivilliM'ollee,
-Ycilerdav uioruinu ('bintiinan ;w
lined f I'D bediio Jiihilce Klrultlt for driv
ing over the Abeniatby luide loo fuNt.
I'uilH-H have been driving over tbo Aber-
liatl'.v mid ('liicku.i.iin bridgen faster than iui, j(.t ,,m , M1K. ' want inaini
T. If, Mdliide returnml thin morn
ing. 1, V. l.utouruttti went to Haleni to
tin jr.
v Kain U-giin falling about noon yea
I'uptalli Ww r"pe bii been In tow n a
few drtva.
Sheriff Knight advrtilneN a ab in
till wnek'a Uxiie.
ltirU'ii Williuma returned to tlm
lillc yenlurdiiy,
I.. I''., haliiliiny in about to inukn
iiipioveiniiU about bia liimae.
hr. J'lKile wua culled to Yamhill
inutility by tbo illnea of bU wife.
Jobruiy Iiiaper of Ciineinali, gav
Ida ankle a bad upraln tbia week.
Frank Ciitii'bell and wife returned
. !.. .1, ft. .1 Ia
Horn a Man to nii.em .Monuuy alien........ Ti(,tl) wi ,r(..ll,llini!ll, ,0 ;JlliHt
IVli lUrcley, with a crew, la liinily t.ilr,., m.xt Sundiiv morning and eve
f iiguged In put'ing tbo tltieiital hotel to ,,1,, M,ini1(; uni'j'vt, "J'rayi-r" j v
rJgbU. ning aubject, "Tlm Areepled Tinier."
Wo tti'kliowelmlgo wilb tliank" the The public ia cordially invited to then
iwelplof ticket (or tlm K. of I., ball for ; aervlcea. birli will probably Im tb be
alructivo in cbiimcter, There laabun
d'ltiiia of muturlal bero for audi a courw.
Our lawyer, pbyHiclaiia, tultilatora and
teacbf r wu doubt not would gladly lend
their aid to Hie m'vunccMiient of aucli a
Conrad, Who will be tlm oim to cturt tbo
bull a rolling?
I'ink Stock. Tbroiigb tbo courteay of
.amen liiaiiian, of tlm firm of liingman
A lledge-i, wo wuro abown througli tlio
iiinlrluking eaiiiblinbiimnt of tbote gen
thiumn. We wore aurpilend to find o
laigo u alock of coffin nnd aki, mid
imoiu aurprlnfld to llnd that the quality
of (dock on bund in fipml to tbo beat.
Their good urn not In aigbt, but they ttro
preitiad to fit up t ho fluent cuket ut
in licit lea tlmu I'ortlaiid priced for Jim
mu article.
JIam IluHNBii Last Saturduy night tb
bouau of John Couob, onn mile aoulliouHt
of Aurora, took Die pruaiiiuubly from llm
wooden chimney and wu burned to tbo
ground, together wild it conlmiti and
hlmaelf. It ia ailpposed that bo waa
ualeep at tlm tiiuti and, becoming auffo
putwd wilb tint amoko, failed to uwaken.
Only a few charred remain wore lc.lt to
tell tbo alory. The lower limb were
ct mpletely burned away from tlm kueea
down. Helng u bachelor lu waa alono i
In tho boiiHi'.
Stiit HoMXTiiiNd. While tlie citiwna
of thia placu are waiting for tlm water
power to bo uaed and thu bridgo to bo
Yoa ore 1'iifoiluiinlc
If you need drug, Imt if you buy thrm of
K, O Caufield A Co. you will lighten your
mlafortiini! by getting tbo pureatdrtigf at
tbo loweat price.
E (J. t'rtiiflf'.d U Co. Hlill give a beauti
ful card with every purchuite.
Try K. G Caufleld k (Ui'h, flavoring
cxtractii, tboy aro not excelled (or
Htrentli and purity.
IVcKcriptioiiH r ar sfully eiAripotinilyd at nil
hour and the pweet and beat drug uaed.
l'rlcp iiioderut.
Uemomber the place, near the Court
Ibmrd of Tni'le Meeting. REAL KSTATE.
At tlm regular meeting of tlm Hoard of Transfer Miule l"ri:ig'tlie Week Kim
Trado Monday evening Utile but routine ; i.ig Ivliruai'j- lliih.
biiaineM wo tranaacted. F. W. Camp- 15. D. Robbin t.i (J II.Kobbina,t.ho
bell, ltudolidi Kierner, fJeo. lirougbton : 'i of N'VV of Hec 0, T 3 8, It
and E. M. Kami were elided member i . ' '
by acclamation
On motion of II Ti. the editor
of theCo'JMiKft and E.trKiii'BiaK were ei-
' fl T .11..... ...: i
all our undivided intercut in lot
onerated from tbo payment of due.
The following letter from Oregon a.m
utora. were read :
II. K. Ciioh-j,
Secretary Kour'i of Trade.
Dean Mir:
I have tbo honor to acknowledg tlio
receipt of your favor of the 8tb inat.trana-
(01 X' IL l' K KKIMXOS.
Full Proceedlngi of Itii'luea Tran
acted ut ltfgilliu' Seiabm.
Abaent cotincilmen, rui'it:t,Mu lorand
Petition of F. Oidko for rebuilding
aidewalk nearautninary referred toHtrcetr
committee. Wrcet eommiaaioncr or
dered to tear down obi walk.
City treasurer' report read and jihuied
on file.
Tito following bill were allowed: I',
Nebren (SCO, 11. Klruigbt I4, (i.llrouiib-
ton (23 7.1,0. It. II. Miller (water fund)
t'23 II. CoeJirariTater fund) $15, O.
H. II. Miller 4. C. E. Imrua 8 70, Jobn
Kelly Ul '!, Frank Glennot) f;0, J. W
2 in block 7 nnd lot 1 in block 4,
lown oi .ia'iineii
0. AC. It. It. Co. toJ. Callagban,
NJi of N W tf and H W i of N W
M of Hee 27, T 4 H, il 3 E, W)
. acre
0. fchiewe lo Z. F.lligaen, pait o!
T 2 H, K 1 E.Oacro..
G. H. Kobbin to 1'. A. Paker, Cue
X H of N W li of Sec 6 in T 3 S,
It 1 E, 80 acre ......
Il.Schutle by executor to F.Witaon.
mittingcopy of reaolutioiiH poaaed by the 3 ! V 3" acre
Oregon City Board of Trade, at it regit-1 H..Sc!mtte liy'exeimtor to F.F.Heeiv
lur meeting in December hint. J et al, part of S V. corner of sec !l",
1 aball tuka pl!aure in representing to; T ;! M , U 1 E, 100 acre
the committee on commerce the n-.asityi "L !:';fl,ll!,"tll;,r l,fJ- ',1":lf"mn
, . . .11. of V L ( of J. V. I.arrctt and
for the impiovoment mentioned, but uu-1 wifKf not itication ('.), Hee 5-(l,
til the matter 1 omciaiiy recommenueu ;
by tbo government engineer thera is'
i:..i.. i.l..i:,.. ..I
liviiw yrooaoor-jr i wiij' ni'iiwuyui j
being made. j
I have oent a copy of the resolution to,
the i.tilpf of rminenra with reoueat fori
information auto what recommen.lation T. V . 1 . V
, , A1 . . .: M. H arren.lot 5 U,in block O'J,
nave been made for tbo improvement of jn ejtv
the river at the point mentioned and a R. Tompkin et ill to R. I). Tomt-
to tbo neeesaity ol audi improvement. k'"", P't of 1 I, C'of D. D.
T,.,lw vm. 1. U;.,a. 1 'nrw ami wire.
- , - '
JJ. E. Caoa,
Ma:retiiry Boar I of Trad j.
Mv Dl-ak Kik:
Tbrouib d.ilay, probably on tiieover
laud, your letter January 8U1, tranamit-
T 2 H, 2 E, 2o acre ; nUo part
of H. Hathaway' I) L V, Sec 32,
Tl S. 2E, 4) acre
Jieckman to J. M. Hcbieder, bo
gin at NW corner of H Hath
away' I) L C, Sec 32, T 1 S, It
l t., 4 ) acres.
LEAVE Orwrnn (Mty ?
". Purllaixl, 1 iiyler ttraal dunk.
I A. M.
I f. M.
a walk. They will do well to be more
en refill.
Hon. I.. Mayer can give reliable In
formation concerning the approach to tlm
Codding river bridge, h be made a thor
oiigb exaiiilniition of it at tbo time of the
bigbeal water lat week, lltf doea not
cra c the job of examining either bridge
or uppruachu nhen 4 bey aro umler
fuctoriea. Let 11 Jetermino upon aome
one thing that will pay, then find the
II. W. Itoaato C. It. Straight and
wife, bond f'T deed. XE'f of N
W'i' and S' of K W ! f of See
7, in 5 S, It 3 E, vmrj acr-n
Kitfif-r mvaelf or mv book will boat
f t-.s i- (i Alti,.',t sm. r rij.ui.t , i'n-rman vim.- .irug etore, wnere tnoe
v ...."v t-- - -.- - I i mil iw iv 01 reaoiuiuni ui your i.o.iro. .. .II
- 1 v n ' " Ji ...v van LRU tii iji; i .1 .
earnectly requesting congrea to inakeaa; i)B.
appropriation of $15,000, for the nn(rove.
Watclmtakcr, ,
and Opticaii,
Odulu .Slrft, Oregon fKy, Oregon.
I hiv on band and lor i.ilt a (all itock o(
Cloclu, Jewelry anil Silver Wnra, Opera nj
yield (ilMsaa, from tb very beat
Alo kcrp oo hand a oomplt ttock ot "'
Of the late! nd moat improved yle. Repair
log dona on ahort notice end oa the
reaeonobie terioa.
pt u. stock or-"
(water fund) $0.
Committee on lire and rater reported,
recommending that (210 bo paid 1'ot &
f. ni iIup '. tiit (n tin i Vin irrwri 1 1 fun u 1
""1"'"" """""" I..l,.l, .....l luw I!..,.rl l,,lil..,t
J. A. White.
meiit of the Willamette river between ',;, ' .
well ata ted. No waiter if be doe ull
the work bimaelt ut tlr-t if be found a
Oregon City and Poitlandwas not re
ceived nniil to-day. I will give the mat-
DEO. 11. TH AYER, of Bourlwn,
Until mvsfK rtw wife owe our
lliea t miWHi ro.NsSCMPriyS CLKE "
(or le by K. U. Caulfcld & to.
In tlm matter of the petition of H. ur my personal and heist attention. I do
plant that will grow. Having alarUd one j " . . .,,.,,. . ... w..o .., cnunatc im t,,w 8tnj i,hiih'a Vnaliwrtaapoeitlv ear.
ARK YOB MADK minerable by Indiceitlon,
:.'iiitlplioa. liizrliipi. J.osi of Apptue, Ycl-
To Farmers and Others.
The undersigned having leaied tlx
At Oreiron City, heretofore rnn by
buaineaa it will then be time to talk of
another, and wu will feel more like t ik
ing bold for a an;vmd lift. Scattering
almt and random talk don't fill the pot.
Hiar Hot il. Wo fear aouie of our
'. preae
I propriation.
tb ?'.'d.
f)il nikn meal for aalo .it WbitliKk'
alurJ. Kine feed for milch cow and aick
Hon. Henry Will of Aurora, waa In
town yeaterday. Wooi knowletlge a plea
ant rail.
Mr I). ('. Tbnliipai.n and aonapent
a few day till week with tier parent in
tbia pl.u e.
Mia Blanche Morton went to take
rbatgo of lier aclead in the country hint
Tlm Y. I'. S. C E. place u under
lubligutionk fur acaanii ticket to tb;r mi-
fie of lecture.
Who Mil it tbut kicd wbwll the!
llgbta wer turtle I out ut the lecture the J
tber evening?
About three in be of a beautiful
IIUW II UIIV V l o i ' .j.iv...
Saturday Light. '"
Hurty, on of Elliot Stafford, of Sa
lem, made Ilia relative Inve a abort
Viait tbo punt Week,
About fifty convetta ato claimed bv
the Salvation Army a the reatilt of their
irork in Oregon City.
Mia Lottie r.uird tHk the morn
ilia train for Salem to altwnd the atate
r'.niaTaiicjj alliance.
Mia Maude Saliabury returned to
own laal week having emnpleled a auc
rcaaful term nf acbool.
The walk, la'yund the city limit
which lend to the cemetery, ia audly in
need of repair in placea.
Jobn Endey, p-gutur on the Oregi
liian.ia at the home of bia poietil in thin
place, iitiiaiug tho iiiumpe.
Th IniMirial nulla cloaed down the
flil of tbo week for an indefinite time,
uwlng to a ecarcitv of wheat.
Geo, ltroughton' aw mill atarted
npymlerday,! r llmfirat time tbia month.
The loy find aome Ice in tho lot;.
A five year old child of Mr. Table
inan'a I having a run of typhoid fever,
but a improving u little yeaterday.
An cdghtjyonr old child of Mr. Hanky
full at the factory a dial mice of aland eight
font, and received aome aevere limine.
It la not a ipiealion of whether the
K. of I., hall will he a micro or not. It
will lie attended hv all lover of Ibo dance.
Mr. Straton' little boy, two year
pf age, hit been quick ick, Ihiuatened
with lung fever, lie i on the gain now.
Judion Howell rial not left thp
elnrk'l office Km nupjaiaed, ut I
tilt to U found at hi poat faithfully dl
j barging hi dutie.
-Kv. G. A. Mock wood will preach at
tht atdiool hou at Mount l'lonant neit
Babbath, February 20th, at 3 1', M. All
are Invited to attend.
A large piece of the moulding from
the calling of the Odd Fellow' hall lit
fallen down. The roof leaked and wat
th plaatorcanaing it to fall.
JoKepb Walton, of Highland, A real
dent of tbll country ilnce '52, culled tbia
week. He rejoice over the anow, q it
ha completely protected hi wheat
Oregon stats aenntora aeem to ba
forming exceedingly ariatoeratio notion
order special trains ail "lch." It
doe beat all what eom men can afford
on three d jllaia day.
Council of Federated Trado Un1'1.
1 which holds It meeting In this city tho
S2d In honor of the union hero, will hold
its seaalon In the county court room,
the firat Reaalon being in the afternoon.
Tbo paper mill ato now running
eighteen hour a day, and they are pro
pared to nhlp paper again, none having
' Iwen ahlpped aluce the 24th of DecamW.
They nr getting balod atraw from I'ort
Jjin; to nae.
ginning of a act lea of meeting.
M. A. Sunder of Molalla, brought in
Ktl pound" of butier laat Thuraday, the
product of three week' t-hiirning. Iur
lug the pa-t yeai he ba aold here up
ward of 4 rl iMitn.iU of butter, alway aa
recom:nended that tlii walk be built as fur H improvement by the cnineera, ' For 4l by E. a Cannula 4 to.
aoon ua ol bet are bu. t but wUl examine into it and if none baa; wnT WIIX Yf). whpn ghllolj., Cnre
The following reaolution was referred )l:m uU,le.will at least procure a survey ; will liiiinivlUie rf nei Price w cm, o .,
I,. ill.... ilk -In. .( mul nil. i. nrr.ii. .. .. .... . . . ,1. ur el sy t. o. (.UIMIQ m vo.
' - , ,iii7ifii:nciib rena.mi nivu a , 11:11 m mi mi.
erty :
WncucAa. It baa coma to the ears of
farmer friend do not appreciate fully the jmlui, ,.,lllm.ilmeii that the property
now occupied by the mill commonly
known a Singer' null, ia the proerty
of this city, aet upait and dedicated by
the founder and incorporator of this j " Jig) pounds.
city a public promunn'ie; ana, wnere- Money to Loax
relation of cilv to country. Keolutmn
declaring in favor of building ut the
farming community are worlhle a com
pared with work 'hat actually build up
a town. What tho farmer want i a goial
market. A proxpero'ia town make thia.
i ap-
I am, very respectfully,
Jouk II. Mit.-ii::i.l.
! 8HII.OH S VITALIZE". l w.t you neej
I for C'instip tli'in, I." of Aprietiie. Iit7zlnf,
I and all ymi't..cna of liywpepiiia. Price Mend "5
; reuli ,er bultie. Sold bv t. li. Cueld & Co. I
Fob SaleokTbade. One black.acven-
hh. Thia citv i denimus of tnaintoiliini' , 4.7 Mo. Knonireof 1). it 1). C
imtler. eg.-, cnicuen, tiiiaey. aioca, . M u rigUl) i(, ,hg preiui,cii, there-j ette, (J.-cgoa lty, Oregon,
fiuituiid vegetable will be in greater (i)r(J Xm u Ko, Silf..-Two half Jeraev
demand in a town of lO.tXK) (aipuiation Ue)LVEI)( Thllt t, ,ec0rder of this
than in a town one tenth the aize. Kvery i -. . i.iati ucted to notify the citv attor-
1 cure fur t jtirrti. iiihiiiri. and Canker Moulb.
1 i-'cr .iie by t. O. Cufleld A 'o.
year-old liorse; wed broke; weight about , gim.ousCf.RK will Immediately relieve
V. i.. hliiiPAKD. Cr ,up, v. ii mianv ('iiirh aad Jiruiicmiii. ror
, i by e. u.
in Bum oi (DM 10
aincer, reHpeetiiiiiyoiieKaahar of your pat
bv William
of Tour Mt.
ronnje. jrin left wiih u fur grlndlni will be
attended tu promptly. Vt e
Guarantee "bnr Flonr and Feed,
Grlndliif for farmer a ipeclalty.
John Schrani,
C auSc'.d it Co.
j curing the highest price tfciitig. II" m.ikea I
; gmal butler, and it ia ulways in demand. I
j Mr. II. C. Levi ia of Viola, made tbia
lolllce a pleaant cull In at Fri lay. He
I was agent for the F.iiTl'liPlil beloie the
iaauauce of a sinalf cpv, aenling filly
I aubaciibera. Mr. Lewi came :i Oregon
I in ls.i2, and baa maile It bia home ever
I since, though ha ha travidn I consider
I hi--a. No land like (hi fot him.
'r.n theOregoiiian we b-ai'i flat
J Cba. (i.ile, fin me! ly of thia place, ianow
iln !heilutcheof the law. He ia aald lo
I have eotifraaed to belonging to unorgaui
i . . ...
ralLm, wtitcli tiidieve In inceti'l ai lain,
and lo liava bad bard in I lfwing up
certain C'bineao abaiitiee, a well u in
burning W S. Lad I' farm.
J. I. r.onnett ha secured a location
at Milwuukie, where he will at once
erect n cnloin carding "Mill 30x4H two
atorioa high. He haa a location that w ill
give him twenty-tbree-horae )Wer. lie
will alaii Imild a reaidence, and expecta
te havo the mill in oralim by the midt
die of Mv. We aro aorry that otir waler
power ixuupany could not get ia shape
in time lo a cure thia mill.
The Vi'l Shore for January come
to our table in it new form, full of inler
OKtinn matter, ami ooiitaiuin.! it noial
number of line eniraviii'is. Tbo Indian
acbool at Chciuawu, and thu Mortiaon
atreet briiUo nre of particular interet.
Mr. Kaintiel haa undertaken the publi
cation of an illtlatraled inairaziiie in the
Northwest, nnd tlm present number in
dicate already that bo I14 started to
make it a atieeeaa.
tip,rinto!idnt IbF.Mav and 0 emly
Superintendent dove, of Multnomah,
m .'1 t i sctllo a dispute between the city
of Sellwo id and the town of W'ilNlnirg
relative to a division of school district
No. 7). Tlm eiti.i'ti of Willaburg pre
aente I a p 'lition uMng tli it the district
Imi divid.td crowiso a 1 u to take in the
proM'rty of the Crystal Spring Waler
company, a tract owned by W, S. I.u 11,
and another owned by Win. Wadhains,
abpuf 11) aero in all. A petition with a
eoiisiderabhi laVger number of Bianatures
W presented by the citir.i'ii t! Sell
WiHid, asking that tho district be divided
lengthwise. After hearing thj argu
ment of attornov for both Side, Messrs
Qove and May daclded that the district
should not be divided. A it Is, tlm dis
trict is small, but it ha a good (Jiadcd
school. If divided there would be two
second class acboal.
Fiht Si it. In the ease of lha Stute
v. John inmann.for heating his wife, J.
W. Hraper, 4 young law student with
Measr. narin A Have, prosecuted on
the part of tho state and brought hi
ease to a succcaiful termination, causing
hi man to bo bound over in the so in" of
Sw FtHM. The popular agricultural
implement llrm of Barlow A Son ha sold
half interest in tho business tu Tho.
Miller, who is well known here. The
firm natnn will henceforth he IWloW and
Son A Miller. The junior member of the
firm will have charge of the bnlne
here, and will continue to show a fine
lino of good, duccoas to tho new firm.
Shim-kino Axraia A shocking affair
occurred in Alblnalast Thursday after
noon whoreby Mr. Mary Newton wa
killed by on a H, W. James, whoclaimes
to have "not known that the gun was
loaded." Jameyiolnted hi qwn gun at
hi victim when she was only two feet
distant and pulled the trigger. lcutli
ensued In a short time. Mrs. Newton
wa a (inter of Mr. Isaac fare
ney of Oregon City to take such step a
ho may think bet to ptotcct the right
I of the public to the said property.
fresh the middle ol next month. Apply
to W. H. Fasciicr,
Oregon City, Or.
A few more day boarder can be ac
commodated with ilrat-i'las board at Ki
zenstcin's candv and fruit store, next
ttniir-i A nasai. l.NJi c :njK tree w:tn eien mine 01
. c.lll'ill ...Mll'l ri.inijr. , 1 iur l Vlt. X VI MM
! by K. ti ( iinifid A Co.
lions,) erected in a town not only im
prove the town but benefit the sur
round iug country.
OVEiniAi I.EK. The Latona, reported, Michael Flanagan rcittbuned K0 on j door lo Charmaa A Son's dry good store
missing lut week, was run ashore upon i p,iloti liceiiae.
Itoas' island to placea ahoe Us)ti her, I The Mlowing resoiuti m wa parsed :
j TI.e tide went out, while aha waa there, j lUaoi.vtn, That the committee on fire
laud this, with tbo falling river, Jelt her ! an,l W;,ter ate 1'iervby instructed to pro
i unable to get olL ltarge were ptoctlted, jcU;c two new plungers for the old stand
I and abe was raise I end taken to the dry j ,m,9r nidewulk, and am-'., stand und
j dock, where she will lie thoroii ;hly over-1 traces a nre necessary to attach the pit-
hauled and fitted up in good aliaii. Tha 1 mAn to uid plunger by moans of a cro.-
I'nrluerahip !olice.
KoJc It fcerby (tiveu la it e hve thia Jy
formed a c.p irtut'rt,ip under the firm Qdmeof
lluw -irdand Wurren. tor t'i par piw.e of in tnu
faettirins and felliu f'uuiture, trie principal
place id b'l-ine- to l nt ori-unn City. Oresfi-a.
IMted t nrevon Oijy. Oregon, this fl'rat day of
Fabraarv, Im7. A. VV. liitWASti,
E. 8. Warue.n.
Waufcturer and Inporur of
T It hd In the Suie, l Wbulefale or He- -tail.
I warrant my Uoo.li si reurermiL
Biddloand Hnraoef Maker.
m . police ol Appoiulmenl.
Will VoU Make a Gard.'n! 1 Xnt!celfherehvirlventh'itl.lheiinder!zneil.
If you intend to make a garden t ; uaf'da I (pml VpivlnTlflkp
pring, it mav interest you lo know tlmt ; .cut.ir nf tha will and e.tn rf mrle II. L. vILllLI ill Jit I Llltlllllio".
...... ..... 1 . ...... ... knim.iuor ilu.....! All rpiiiia having 7
,iu Cilil ki:t CL aiillll il nui Hiui il miiiii - . .
" . i . ,.( ,..,,. ..!..,;r, fm... I.u e,,K 1 cUiin Hiiiutt iid etteare nuiihed tnprenei.l
ae-ds of o.ir own selwtmn free by sub-, thfm duW verl(,rJi , wa mr Kweiry .tor
scribing lor the IIousvlioM. Minnea'oli, ' in urev..u'('iiy, OrinnD.wiililu til niumln troin
Minn., at the regular price. ( 1 ier vear. ! the date ol tiia in tu.
These seed were gown in Minnesota 1 "J"!'.!1?...,-.. n
aim I'aKoia, nv me wen Know n nouae 01
1 ls.il). I wa put on III ber place, tint l.roWe (lead sinular n milliner tojhe J'lan now , jjni,,,,.,, j as!iq & ( U ( allJ m j,r. ll. K.,ca. Attorney tor Evtale.
idown the tlrnt trip. The owner have ' j pussssion of the cesjcll, draw n by j dtice much earlier aad more vigorous; JU"'T
smci Keen unaiiio M gel a ooai to i.ue , (jun. Mill.-r, and making nctt changes a piama . ae- K'"o m : """ police ! Avuiatirilr'ii atc.
!thotjn. A iarjo forco of men aro now ,10 committee deem reeet Vrv w . "".T'.,:"0', .. Nutre I her.'.y tlven lht, par. .tut to aa
busy puttl
pair, and s
I unalilo to gel a lioal to take , (jun. MiILt, and making mtch changes
A largo forco of men are now ; i,0 t-nmiiiittcv" deem EeeetyrY, .
tig the Latona in thorough re- j K..;nit of judge ami ,fni of spec
ihe ia exis-cted to be ready for jedectitin r.cceptcd. '' y
Ki'corder instructed t'irop;
and resi'lutio.i pertaining o
and st then, on hHUf ti.f'Ki
cil chamber.
Monday' run.
An Insti.cotivk Lixti rs. Hev. T. L.
Flint of Portland, nddreed a full house
at the Congregational church last Tues
day evening, successfully cariying bia
audience to the ruin of Pompeii, which
city originally covered about lMipiure
acres, ulo'ely built tin, about aixty acre I
of which ha been cxosed to view, forty
foot of asbe having lain for H.K) years
over this ill-fated city. Buildings, iiteu
' M.nwit.f.ai rn i ,1, , ri il u. i unit vm, . f . . .
in n tail ...... ...... .-'. ...... rirr ol ttie inuniy t-ouri in tie cuiimv ii
OI special wj ltfver again tue any but nortbetn . Maitimmili. orceun. duly mule aud entered in
ennrn aee'il i tlie matter ol Itie rlle ol Llola Harvey, de-
Tcr. of ( bc!.
iLipjrt.'ut to Ladles.
Head what Jeannie Winston. Port
land' favorite prima donna, say of Wis
dom' li'obertine :
1'OBTI.iSD, Dec. 22, BSC.
eee.. oil the 4thdny of J itiuarr, l.v.7. 1 will, on
8t.'nlv. the l.th il jy of Feb., IviT. at II o'clock
A Mm t ie front d'ir of the court houe In ore-
eou Ciiyellat publle auction. thoe certain par
; ce'.n of re.il et-ite situme in Oregon City and de
! -ribed l lieinir hlock tAIIS.UI.lM IT. 1S. 1
i l 't I "i.'l im liloi'k lot. 1 2, ;l and I, tu block
I Ti .eta i. , aud s, lu bli.ek IS, and lot 1. 1 S, 1
J. and , in tiluck IX of Oregon City. Claek.iim
eon nt y, Oro..j. lermt ol sale, cull In guld
il, w- i .i i. roil.
., , . ..... , . JO .ir. . ei. .1 lauoin 1.13 i.oo..r- oi B. P. CiBDri.L.
ine luouvtuig in, i.ne m en tine" VoU o km II V Bent me 1 excellent, f Admlr. atrat.ir of the eatue ol
it provide for tho teiujs cf curt in this It i ttie finest p-eiarution I have ever
lis.,! n.l l n floi-iiio.1 nc.iilia.lion lo a
Ait, llar.ey,
district we print
hKi-TioN 1. The term of the circuit
court shall be held annually at the county
sils, st.ttuarv, pictures, inscriptions and , w ' respe. i.ve counnesot tne nun
i. f..r,- 1 . 1 1 in, ,,.h.r nf rtm loiv,. ' district as follows:
been found as overtaken by Uie uiigldy
eruption, Thu the life of twenty eontu-
riea a;;o i reveille I in its every detail, un
changed by the mingling of races and the
flow of year and it brings to the present
age lesson full of instruction.
llow it Wi Post:. lie waa coining
down the hill merrily whistling a Salva
tion At my song, w hile his dinner pail
sw nng at hi Hide. Another step and hi
feet would reach aaw-dusl bottom, where
slippery ice would contain no more ter
ror for him. The wbistlo stopiwd short,
while he humped along from step to step
and finally picke I himself up, and as a
matter of course looked to see if unv one
was looking. lint the dinner pail, Oh!
where wa it? Ask of tt.o abmes that
thickly strew the ground about the engine
home, for the owner is ve;se to answer
ing tpieslions, A new pail now contain
the dinner, and no more Salvation Army
song arc heard from tlm once merry
The following programme will be given
at the mnslca'e at Mi. !eo. Harding'
on Saturday evening, February li), 1SS7:
A cordial invitation to everybody. "Sil
ver collection t"
Inatr'imantsl Trio
Mian HodtU'fl, Mesr UJ. and IlKiiry Fnuhi.
VoeilS ilo I'erey WlllUma
Katillii, aeleertl Mra. J. V. Norrla
t'iino (i.ilo It 'vi.i'ind Kill (lillop .... Illiika
kiln Auguat Uikii.
Vocal Hili JohnKlly
Qu'irieiie-dlve Me Mr Own N'Ulve l.mid. W hlte
Mr. and Mra lli'itow Mix Siuitli and II lietow
Vocal Solo ' Klv K( Filrliove".. Kelilli'U'itrtti
Mlaa Mela llutluw.
Readlitf . aeleete I I. I-cM itiieu
luatrumuiiMl luiat "llereiilea" lllake
MIiia Km in i Ht'dtea Mlaa NU'U Harlow.
ladv's toilet. Yours t.ulv, i-.wcaier . naie.
.,..... Notice 1 herehv tlven that br virtue of an
" or..,,r lieeii.e. ixuliitt out of the honorable
The above is published in order to set-i e.wuty c.mri of Click, mia ooui.ty. Oregon, on
ll all il.iiil.ta iml Hi,io aa In tha ex- i 'l'1 dy of leceniber. iNvi, iu the inntier ol
lie all U.Hiliia and an-pu.es as 10 Hie ex thee. o( uirhwl ,r..r.iu. d,-ee.el. and
latence of such an endorsement, und aj t me directed aa adm'.BiatrAt.w ol aaid eataw:
I. I',. .Himitvnf ClHtaon nn the third evidence of the Iilgll estiH'in in which I and y virtue r a further omer of aId court
in l.i count) oi t. tax.p on uie i.nni . . w . M on ., sh d. o(
- .. . wu. a , " " r t.,y. 1.-7. variilng the a.le mid. oa the .'lh
arutiou l:a licea liefore the ptlnlie but a jyof Jauinry. 17. and ordetiiue reiale of
shoit time, vet the sale haa leen extruor- the property, t will on Sitarday. the l.aa day of
dinarv. Wisdom' Kobit.e is for sale j .
by I barman tiros., ( ily Drug More.who ; ,t public auction u the bicheat bid lrr the f.l
preaent a beautiful picture Cjrd with every j loarlna described real e.t ue in cl-kamaa
i ta , I A e'luntv. Oregon, la it : I he S1 of the SK'v
and tiie stc, i f the sw'; of aeotl-ia S3, iu T. 4 ,
" U . E ; and tlie NK' ot tlii SW' of section t
Vavt Veart IN a I IT.miiI m 1.9 KH f... oi me lil imuue ueria.au,
AUo beat makes of
Agrieultaral Machinery.
Th MWTOX WAGOS. beat and eheapeat.
The MlKWKGUN Fl.oW, hanlened ateei far.
ute-a1 be.im: wamntf toconr in auy aial 1 be
ltem'vlnliif In Ilia poaioillca at Orejon Ctty
Clack'im ia c.muty, y-uuon, Fobnury 17, lss7.
Henititim II. A, Miller, Mr. I.lole
l.celje, llirun Mi'llimi, Jno.
I'uita. Auaimi Hi'liulK, Lew ia
Cl'irk, J I.. Ht. riiier, Mra. V. 0.
nvU. Wm. Hiimvatelii. Jan.
Uree, Oeo. Wianey, Mra
ll iH in Purli'k Kultlurha, I).
It cilled lur. y whan advertlaed.
J. M lucoN, P. ft.
Fruit Tats fiiriil..
I wish to iinnotin-o that I am agent for
Walling A Jariiscb's nursery. Order
for nv kind of nursery stick, either
fruit, tirnamental or nut, loft at Uarlow'a
agricultural store.. Oregon City, will re
eoive prompt attention and the trees will
be delivered in Oregon City in good order.
Ci-sii IIaiiui.
For lama b'lek, aid or oheat, lie SMIoh'a Pi
roua eiaatar. Prico U eanu. Hold by a. U. t;au
del I A Do. 1
Monday in February, June and Septem
her. I
In the county of W.liin;;tcm on the
third Monday cf March and the third
Monday of July, and fourth Monday in
In the county of Clackamas on the
third Monday of April and flint Monday
in November.
In the county of Columbia on lha first
Tuesday a(Ur second Monday in May
and first Tuesday after second Monday
in Octolier.
Section 2. That at the lime term of
the court in Clatsop county and the July
term in Washington county, therein be
fore provided for, no jury shall be sum
moned utiles the judge of the said court
shall, at least twenty days before said
term, file with the clerk pf the court an
order that a panel shall be drawn.
Hkction 3. All act in conflict with
this act are hereby repealed.
Suction!, Inasmuch a tho terms in
said district are inccnviently arranged at
present, this act shall tako effect imtne
diutely.'.tp.m iU approval by the govcr-
uor' .. ' . al
The; Have An lied
Hoot. & Sins? bought f r cash will bo
sold at once tha prices.! re surprisingly
low nnd good the best, at John Myers'
To HorroeTfr.
We havo money to lend in sum from
100 up lo 10,10.
v Johnson, McCown it Idi.gma.v.
Pee. 3.1, lHHti. tf
I.o ik Here.
JVties having good sound potatoes,
green apples, that have not been fiw.cn,
or gooil clat) field pea, free from bugs,
can get a good price for eamo In cash or
goods by going to the Whltlock Store.
1 .
A Yiry l ine Hargain.
The owner, Isaac Frtish, h is placed
117 acre of land, Ivingontho ilium-
etle river, in my hand for immediate
sale. Ho ofiVe. an extra Inducement
In tho way of price, lhe landi all
bottom land, very rich, hot a foot of
wasto land noratone(ontbew hole of it j
a splendid never failing spring branch
runs through it ; 40 acre in leval good
cultivation; ten acre ready to b.eak;
and l!o aero easilv cleared ; ; no build
ing. 1'iice only '.'0 per acre.
II. E. I'nosa,
Attorney and Iteul Kt tato Agent,
eontiiiini; lti'l aerea mure or Iraa.
Pliv the Aurora mill flour, roller pro-! i .-ni of s,l,v Half down, balaueo on one
piKr" warr-it.tcil to be Ihe ht-t flour in ' l!m0 "feared by mnrtesi; oo the preml
cessr w an .iiititi io te nn. o..i uoitr in , belrl cuu( jaU.r, ied atexren.e
this market to dav. llread made from j f riiretier. M. W IhshAll
this flour does not drv out und get hard. I U. E. Cms, Aiuiiuistratur.
We have also the best graham flour.made j rebi;t1'rtyu;7 1,''7E"t'
from the whole of the wheat berry, en-i Vl'
tindv free from oats or anything but the)
wheat Also fiesh roiled oats, a fine MicriflT. Kale.
breakfast dish, germea. corn n.eal. made I STATE ofokkuos
irom AuhrasLa corn ; liomtny, ooi meal,
cracked wheal, buckwheat. " No. 1 line
of canned goods, teas and coffee, sugars
t ..
v ..... i wi v - . ,
By virtue of a decree and order ol foreclosure
Issued out of ami under ihe aeil of the Circuit
I'ourt of the St-oe of tireon fur Ihe County of
and svrups; coal oil, every cm warranted Cl .irkstnsa, d ued Jomary nth, a. l.. 17. to me
inui.l ' mi, r iino.1 lumov nnrrt m inle ! a aaeriil directed ill f ivor ol Itenjaiu'u tt oiler,
good , ptlte h.r.llllt'l liotu , pure maple i rUil,.lir ,,, Kir,,t j,lhl, rredenc-kaou. deien-
ayrnp, white comb honey, l.tupiro 1 .a at-. a iul.coiiiiinii,lliicmelniliennueofthetateof
itlg tsiwder, best in the matket; pickle' tirt-ti.n.to nmke tle of Ihe reil property iuaild
in .ri... ill.i'i Uu. lin nf ilrioil f-n:t I decree Kpei'itled and dwerlbed. to a It: Allot
in o-g.illo.i kegs, line oi drml l. Hits. tll .j (,r iir ,i,l (f hvUlg n(rlll (l(
creamery butter, hums, bacon ilnd lurtl, i tlu, nbinrd nnd, being the north lull of ttie
mos mackerel, ileep-sea codfish, fresh 't half of eetl..n eleven, in t rimhlp five
...I.. ....i .....'.. .......I ..!,.. ! aoutli, ol riin one et. of the WilUmette Me-
m ' h , rl'liii.eont'1liilnlMlaeremoreiirIea.,ituato
pure ealerutu. We still sell our crock- ,a the County o(CUekainsaml Sltofureg,i.
cry and ghs.:waie, boots and slus.a, and In order to mike thenuiu ol $i:mi.ui with inter
dry good Mow co,t. We. can give vo ZTUZJ
gHl potatoes ami good choice green ap-' ud dmlcirsementa tixedal in'. si. I have levied
pic, none of which have been frozen ; utui and will on Monday, the ilat day of Kali.
Om.vitV.i i..iwrnn, inn .I'm. iiiii!,...,ii.iihii. i i'i .m urrair,
i ..... i i . .,1 ..i ... .... ' m.. nt
a a . i a a . . a .u , in imr iiiiin iiiiiir uimi ill iinxirii t ay, iiir'
and sundry Oilier goods, ull ol Winch WO ,on, proceed loaell the above deM-rllied roil
will sell ut Hie verv loweM price lor cash, property t panne ouc'i. a to tiie nuneit toii.ter
i in, e.n. in Riiiiy am.) iieerea Run wtucr ui a uv,
! ccKtii itn I aeeruiii e.'i.t.
liuiid ihli ilh diy ol January. A. P.. 1W.
(vs)ds delivered to any part of this city
orCanemah free of charge.
Tun WiiiTtocK Stork.
Wlien Baby waa n. k. e pave lire CaatnrLv
Wlien alia w.-u a ClnU. ahe ci .e.1 for I aaioria,
WUrn aha lhHi.imo atua, alio cl-tn to Caatorta,
Whon abe lud Clll4reo, aue gavo them t'a.i uria.
81III.lllt CUl'lltl and Cotiaunii'tlnn Car.i la
...l by ua on n gmr int'tf It entti Com iiup
llou. bold by K. U.Criulleld A Co. 1
CATAKHlf rt'REn, hesllh and sweet breslh
secured, bv HhllnH I' it in li Kemedy. Price ;)
ceuta. N jil injector Ire.'. anKl by K. O. Cu
field i Co. 1
v a. K.NIIIHT.
SlierilTof Cl uk inna County, Urrgun
Fine Candies, Notions,
Tobacco and Cigars.
At Wlae'i old Hand, 0REGO3 CITT, 0REG0K.
Prof. Langford,
Graduate Irom th Royal Academy
of Muaie, London, and College of
Muaic, Leipalc, Oermany, teacher of
Piano, Organ, Violin, Flute Reed,
and Brass Instruments.
l eave order at tbli office.
kelereove: Hurand Oryaa Co., renland, Or.
Pictures at Reasonable Prices.
Ilavlnt orenet aphntofrihle faUery la tho
building npp( alte Cliarman A ton's ato re, 1 eaa
prepared to do th beat ot pnotoc rapnl work
at reaaoaable prlrei.
okeson crrt,
Weo. K.Niatrt.
Boots and Shoes.
SkI il ar to T. Ttelda. OKtOON CtTV, OR.
Klici-tiT' Wale.
Statk or Orkios, "V
Cocnty or Cuckash I
By virtue of a d.oree and order of forecloure
lai.ue.1 out ol and uiuter Itie ae H ol tlie circuit
court id tile .late ofureiiuii for the county of
Cl ickitm d ue.l Fehriciry sit. IN-.7, to me aa
aiieriii uirecte t in l iver ct orireii .un i'.iii
ilils ui. pi iliitltt', uti l an iliint Kllali K 111 ii . de
fend nit, c-uuin mding uie In tiie D.nneofilie
atilo of tireenn, to nnike atle of th real estate
In a ud lu.linneul and decree aneci fled and de
crlbed In 'i cert iln ntorlgage of record on pnte
.a ol bo..k N ol tlie reecra ol mortitiiKea lor a ild
e.eanty :in I t .te. Io n it: I'liea.mtlie it iit irter
of ttie a.iut'ie.iKt iii irter of Hcctlci) t.Urtv three,
exceptlim five acre., being 10 r.i.la In widlli on
thee i t aide ol add tract of I ami aold by U. A
Don il.ls. ii to Mtrtln llregery, emit lining 4J
norea lucre or lei-a; alao the aoiithweat ouurtcr
et the aiiiuho'iat uu irter ola-ild ec :tt.a'htch lie
j norm oi reur i reeK. eoiu iiiiine .-hi nerea more
a l.f.1. ll.r.s Mli it in. ill mo m lern oie ov i ua i or leu., iu (owii:np a aoiuii oi rnuire i e iai oi
terrible eoucli. Siill. Ii'a Cure ! th remedy for : tho Wtllitiueite inerldUn. alto ,te lu the counlv
you. Hold by K. tl. Cmiftuol Co. I i of Clack en ia nnd St tc of Ureiton. In order lo
I mike the aam ot I'.'l.v.'i? with lnlcr,'.;. nnd an
. , , , I attorney' fee of bl, and tor eot and dlaunrae-
T'.IAT HACMXd COfiltl cm be aomilt-klv i m , t llt na.w,, i i,,v levied upon and
eared by Hliiloh'ai'ure. We gurnutee 11. B.'ld . will on Muud.iv.llie 2M tar ol M irch, A.D..IW,
by K. U. Caurleld i Co. nt tke hour of one o'clock. V. M. at th court
I houne door In Oregon City, orcrnn. proceed to
uu i vr.it B'-i.-vvit vli'i lu-aranali and .sell the iiti've di'scrlliod re.il property lit public
1 1 .il in nr vtni. Uiutt hv lv. U. l;.inoia ikU. 1 1 ; - -.a-.a.. A
Oresron State University,
SESSSIOX 1886-87.
"11 ACK METACK," a Ualitif and frasnnt per
fume, l'rlce i mid JO ceuta. Kor a lie by t. 0.
nn'itv.. Ulr.ilc'.d i Co.
I c.iala.
W.ited till" 17lli diy ot I cbnurv A. f. I.
W'm. Ksinitr,
SiirtliTot Cl icV 'm-e C unity, Oregon.
Flrat terra benlna September 13, ISM.
Beoure free artobiraltlp by applylna to your
nouiily uperlntendnt
Hoard and balylnn per track, IS.30 to IS.OO.
Tuition tier yeir: V'ameiitary KuglUk do
Mrtment, :!; other ijeartmenta, NO,
V, .in. or catalogue with full particular to
I'ltUF. JOU.S SiltACH, aei-y. Kaeulty,
Eugeiia City, Orcfoa.
C. A. MOSES & CO.,
Commission Merchants,
And dtaleri in
Feed, Flour. Produce,
Ko.1 Front Street, bet. Taylor ami Vatnlilll. ,
rORTU.N'D, - ,
f .