Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, February 17, 1887, Image 2

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The only active opposition to the
purchase of the locks by the state
came from the so-called Oregon Fa-
cific railroad. Aud lbcy had their,
- l? . J 1.1 1. . 1 I
motives no uouui. ii no ever iiciiru
of a railroad conjpany that was anx
ious to compete with free water
ways? The only strange feature about
it is that tlo railroad should have
far its tools the representatives from
the very fectioo of the state that has
heretofore urged most earnestly the
purchase of the locks. Yet perhaps
this is not strange when we consider
the means which railroads do not
scruple to uso when they can find
fertile soil to work. It is done. Re
cord another corporation victory.
The Oregon Pacific was the chief
factor in the defeat of the bill. It
was to its interest to defeat the
bill and vigorously did it apply the
lienns at Jiand. The representatives
of the upper valley who danced to
the fiddler's tune, will have the fid
dler to pay witk interest Then will
they return to the old tune and sigh
for free waterways. The Oregon Pa
cific is a corporation. It, like all
other railroads, will not hesitate to
turn tht screw when it can to the
lightest notch, and the day will
surely corno when the upper yallty
will n?ost earnestly desire that which
a part of its represntativfs worked
to defeat.
Having refused to buy the locks
tu mis time uie owners may eatery
take it for granted that the stat will
never buy. The new apportionment
WiU rive "the confrul of the lsrisla-l
...... ..I
turc to southern and eastern Oregon,
cj o
,ndSh. will .ot vote to tax hecll1
Colely for the benefit of the valley.
The provision that the sttte mav
1 t ... . . rt..".
nuy,oniy fXienastO January l.ls'.'o.
The state can buy them only for
cash or at th owners' own ttnns,
heuee if the stat intends buying
them fhc must begin now to provide
the wherewith nil. This the present
bgislature will not do. There will
oily remain two mare legislatures
lhea to tale any action upon the
r&aUtr,a3 the on? convening in 1S03
will meet toe, ate to take advantage
of the option. This being the con-
i.dition of affairs it is safe to conclude,
1st That thestate will never have is
od an offer as she has rejected;
2d That she will have to raise the
money by a heavy tax.if at a 11, as" she
will have only three years at most
.to raise it in ; 3d That she c in only
"tuy at the owners' ttrnis ; 4th That
,ehe will nver buy. Tho last conclu
sion wo believe to be the only tena
ble one. We believe too that it will
be the best by all odJs, not only for
'ai. - ' r... r . i. i. i
lue i'iju;ptt.ir uui yj; i.iv cuiuiij ami j
city. The state s option will expire
in six years; they can then convert
the - canal into n race and uso it
solely for manufacturing purposes,
which will much more materially
benefit this county than free looks.
The men who now control the wa
ter power here, not only havo too
much invested in the enterprise to
halt now, but they have the deter
mination to develop the latent power
as ripidly as possible. The failure
io sell to the state or secure a re-
ivaso oi in rigni io uuy, annoy, ana
most likely will deter as rapid de
velopment as would otherwise have
taken placej but stop it, no.
The submission of tho constitutional
amendments at a speual election is the
only way to secure even an approximate
' ly lair ballot. It is almost impossible to
' separate th ballot from politics at any
time, Bnd at General elections never. We
very much doubt if the care that has
liecn taken to provide for a free expres
sion will free the ballot from other, and
corrupting influences. Whatever the
. result of the vote, whether at special or
general elections, that is mere fraction
of the temperance workthe easiest part.
Laws" are not self-enforcing.- Ollicers
seldom enforce a law which public senti
ment does not back up strongly. Those
who spout loudest on the stump do but
little of the real work. It is not time
enough t) determino this question after
the amendment is carried, but to consider
beforehand what means will result in the
most good. As the people asked to vote
upon this question the legislature did
' right in passing the bill, and we welcome
a special election as more likely to result
' in a fairer expression of public opinions.
!1 I
There was much rejoicing in the hall
and lobbies when the house passed the
Portland bridge bill over tho governor's
veto. Hand shaking was all in order for
a few moments. Thus the governor
learned that the question of bridging the
Willamette at Portland did not rsside in
him. One active third-house man rushed
to the governor's ofQee and congrutu
latod the honorable, executive. It must
have afforded his excellency but poor
TI10 Iowa railroad commissioners have
rendered a decision In accordance with
he provision of the Intcr-stato commerce
jiid. This Is the fi-st ruling under the
Senate hill No. 33 provides now scna
toriul and representative districts. Py
its provisions Clackamas county is enti
tled to three representatives and one sen
ator, also o:io senator jointly with Marion
comity. This county constitutes the
eleventh senatorial district, and part of
the thirteenth. It forms the thirteenth '
rcpresentativo distryt.
There seems to havo been a genaral
ieeliugon the part of nearly all thecoun
ties that they have not received their
duo proportion in tho nv division.
Clackamas oonntv, with her 1:1,033 pop
ulation, should have had two senators
without any joint business, yet wo are
assured that the members from this
county did all they could to secure to this
county her rights.
The old adage, "Do it yourself, if
you would have it doue,'Yomes right
home to us. We can if we will.
Felnuaty loth, UST.f
Editor KxTKEPrisR :
Such of your readers as take an inter
est in the aiTairs of state will be pie ised
no doubt to know that before this reaches
soma of them the foaitoenth sc-siou of
the Oregon legislature will be numbered
with the thin;.rs of the past. YesC'rdav
was a busy dav. Poth houses held I
evening sessions. A nnmrter of bills were
passed and several more introduced.
There was a grand rush for the introduc
tion of bills last night, caused no doubt
bv the fact that to-day is the last d.iv that
a bill can be introduced. There are
plentv of bills already on their wav
i a i....;.ii.,., .,,,,4 ;i n ;,. .,..
I rescues me muernor ana ne puis ins sig -
nature to them we will have plenty of
law to last yu two years. The prohibi
tion amendment to the constitution will
bo submitted to a vote of the people, also
Ana ..lii.ivl,, fl.a tln.n iO' lw.1.1;,,. Mn.i.J
j elei,Uon8 in ;'he stilte t0 tUo fin,t fav
! af!or the first Monday in November. The
present officers wiil hold over from July
! o November if the bill carries.
There will probably be a bill passed
t k
i WJl;n ra l',m,"'f ,0.n : . ' ,e
, I!!li!s'!f ?
point them. Tho commissioners will
j have authority to examine the books of
!., 1 . . 11
'ne various rauroau companies, ami ne
able to report tj the leilative as mblv
, 7," . i i
what legation it is advisable to make.
A bill has passed the senate which pro -
vides for election of a county recorder in
Rvrul nf till i-nnntiw Pl:i. -b aniiQ i.mnnn
. , b
them) of this state; the first county re
ccrder to be elected at the nest geueial
eleel ion.
The new atmortionment bill will be-
intj mw appouionmtiii niu wiuui.
come a law. It gives Clackamas county
three representatives and one and one -
half senators. Clackamas count v willl.,, ,n i.ii! .,, i.,(.. i .,i,...i, r...
elect three vpars from net N'oveniliorf 'i
eiiii.uiif jrare iiuui mil ameiiimri .
a joint senator w:ta Jlarmn county. In
the meantime Clackamas will be repre
sented by one of tha senators already
elected ia Marion county, and Hon. L. T.
Barm already elected.
A bill has passu J the houo enabling
women 10 no.a uie onice 01 scuoo. super-
la.emiem-.aisooneproMiiingiaaiaiicx- witl tlle rr.nt.,iions ma le to the
ami nations of teachers slull be public ; I court as to tin pattern, quality s.rd ecu
also one obliging parents and guardians j dition coni-mplated by said partu s, and
lo sead children of school age to school . pi ovided further, that such parties or
each yar for twelvs weeks, eight of . company shall enter into a ritien con-
which shall be consecutive, under a pen
alty of (j0; also a bill making kin lerg.ir-
ten part of public school system ; alsj a
bill re miring school districts lo hold five
months' school before deriving benefit
from state school fund.
Your readers can not help seeing that
our legislators are alive to the interests
of the public schools. B. C.
l'jrlilative yesiorn.
Of all the states which have substituted
the biennial for the annual legislative
session, Minnesota is the only ona which
exhibits the least desire to return to the
nl.t svslprn . S
ucti a measure has been
in that state, and public
opinion seems to be divided on the su!
ject, the Pioneer Press tavoring un I the
Minneapolis Tribune opposing theannual
system." Perhaps, afier sli, as one of
these papers suggests, tho evil lies not
so much in the inficquency of the ses
sions as in the hastiness of the legisla
tion. It seems to bo impossibla tocrowd into
forty days tho care r ml attention upon
measures winch can not be considered I petition of remonslrators granted ami
again for two years. Nearly five hundred j boundaries resloied lo original liens,
bills, besides resolutions and memorials j lt.aH..u Ue.Sbields appointed supervis
have been introduced st tho present I or of road district No. 3.
session of tho legislature, which adjourns
one wcck nom 10-uay. Mjme 01 those road district No. .'i.i, for re-survey of
are of vast importance, involving great Hoone's ferry road from county line to
interests, and far reaching in their sm-xts. 1 150one's ferry, petition granted. Ho
lt v. i!l be imiossib!o fo do justice to all viewers, It. V.Short, Max Hchulpies and
the subjscts in the rush and haste of the J. S. Vairghn, II. II. Johnson, surveyor,
closing days. The plan adopted in Mich-. to meet ut Ii-aae Miller's February 2oth
igan and ot!:er states, has been found to mid "ilth
work satisfactorily, which fixes the sala
ries for each regular session, and limits
tho timo for tho introduction of bills, but
not fur the duration of tho session. This
has tho advantage of discouraging undue
haste in legislation and at tho same time
precludes the possibility of prolonging
the session to any unreasonable extent.
Yakima Republican : Orders have
been received from headquarter to pro
ceed atones with tho new Northern I tci-
fie railroad bridge at Kennewick, When
this important bridge is built and the Cas
cade division is completed the Northern
Pacific Koad will be the t!n,t and most
thoroughly equipped trans-continental
line on the continent. Itisannouned that
the purpose is to have tho entire lino from
Duluth, on Lake Superior, to Tacoina on
Pugot Sound including all bridgss, com
pleted and its running affairs fully adjus
ted, the present year, The Cascade divi
sion will bo adopted as its main line, early
in tho spring, when trade, travel, com
merce and development will tsko a vig
orous start.
CitOfP, WIIOOI'INIl COi;(iH tul Iirnnchltli
i.iilii-'luti'ly ri'llevvd liy Shllii Cure, kulil l.y
L. li. iJialivM & l)j.
rR0CEF.ni sos ok rorxrv court,
Y. I.. White, judge.
F. C. Mack, John W. Pa!miite.r, com
missioners Zimmerman road report read and claim
ofC. NoWett filed. Samuel Marks,
bamuel Hubble, Henry isampson, ap -
pson, Hp-
pointed assessors of damages, to meet
February 24th at the school honso near!40 Francis Welch, laid over
C. W. ISobletfs.
Gsrbar road report approved and road
oidered opened..
In matterof petition for Riverside road,
potitjongi anted. Reviewers, W.S. Young,
I), 0. Her and Joseph Graham to meet at
0. H. Cones February 2;!d at 0 o'clock,
H. H. Johnson county surveyor.
Li matter of petition for chants in the
ml and Spnngwater road, petition
ranted. Viewers. S. Johnson. Robert!
Conner. W. 11. Mattoon.H II. Johnson.
surveyor, to meet February 10th at Viola.
In the mutter of Geo. C, Armstrong,
supervisor district No. 19. for eview and
re-survey of Viola and Oregon v ' i t v road
to its ietersectiou with
., ,,,, ,.
Abornethy road,
acimoa lai'.ilM. fiifrn, .
Mattoon, Wm. Stone, and M. Richardson,
11, U.Johnson, survcvor.to meet at John
uliams February l.th.
In matter of petition of Wm. Long et
al, for new election precinct, petition not
..... i i v ,
rav.,1 m r;-iu api vuuco snperusor o.
roa.l district o, 44.
Owen Hughes appointed supei visor of
road district No. 23, Henry llerinsey re
signed. Harvey T;iy appointed supervisor of
road dist. iet Nj. 22.
W. 11. Seltxer appointed supervisor of
wad dirtrict No. 39.
1 i ,u , , ..,,.0;,,
llin dr an
appropriation of 44000 to aid in building
a bridge across the Willamette river at
Oregon City.
Petition from tho citizens of Orvon I
City and the west side of the river having
been presented to the court us well as a
proposition from the parties preparing to
bud I said brid 'e with recommendations
, .... , , . .
the court having listene I to exhaustive
i a'm.ents the.eut.on, and now,deemin3
proposes as follows, to-wit;
That upon the c.mpKti.ia of c vt,
substantial iron i-.n.l u ir. l,ri.l.- :st,
L -
flt,t w-lt ,1,
ablv adaoted to the uso!
i .
l""'1 I'nW of teams and loot passcn-
! aml Clim,,i;0a tf ap-
; prj.lojltf!l i.;,,, e., amt lmi!t from
I tl,e W(,ft title MtlHn,ltf,, across to the
! . , ... . . .. . .
, ,rei,on ;(v j-Hj,, w nilin nn. Hunts ot t lie
corpoiation of Oregon City, Oregon, the ' State of ( )reia vs T. Kilm.inson
clerk shall and is hereby ordered to draw j (io- lbou'bton,( lumber roa I dih
uroii the treasurer of this county ths' '.V.'.' V
. i " , ,'' vvii.'clcr, lumlier rgad d.s-
n.jry warrant for the sum ot four1,,.; j,;
: t.11u,,ir,;, d.)!lllr,. jj. M." Itovse, iumberVoad di's'triVt
j iwui,,i i,owever. ,h:ll brid-o! No
shall be fu'.W completed an. I rea ly for
. i i .i c . i . . ". .,-
travel by the first day of August, ls37,
I V ' I
provided further that, before said
order shall be issued to the said parties
..reD iri.w to build said bridge. lh court
, ,, .
11.411 i';Mjtm Biiiiic ii.aimeie-.c i I'e.s'ja
who shall inspect the sai l bridge and
report to this court that the sai l biidco
j (:j!Iy 1 u j a..! .;u.
. . .. '
T3 1
tract with this county t.i the elfect tbaf
if within unv timo wiihiu the next six
! years a.'tor this date the county court
! shall elect to purchase said bridge for
J tho then actual valu. to be assessed bv
thre?comii)issioners,onii to ba appointed
by the court, one by the company, and
the o'.her to be selected by the two so
!.... I O .1... ..1. .11 , ...
j aj'isiiiueii, 1111.11 uii- coanij- h;iuu nave
j the power so to purchase by paving such
I value less th-j sum of four tlioasin I dol
In the irattcr of petition of surveyor
for blanks und record books, pct.iion
granted and clerk au'hori.ed to pna-ure
aoo l.ink formt.-l.'.n.s rati. r,.iM,.
! i.-,,rt!.nr ,i,l..nvt H,..i il.o , :..rV 1,,.
book fur record of surveys.
In the nutter of petition of W. S.
Young et al for rebate of taxes against
John K. Vinson, petition not grantud.
In the matter of tho care an J keening
of Mr. 1 lemming,.). K.Hiurmau appoint-
ed in liou of V." J. Mils, who has iull the
In the matter ot change in road dis
tricts No. 3 and 6 inadeat January term,
1 I'utitioti of Isaac, Miller, supervisor of I
Eeport of supervisors for jear ending
February 11, 1SS7;
so. ai'PERVisou
1 llichard Heott V)
2 C. W. Hisiev P)
3 F . W. Poster 1
4 Wm. Pvan 12
f W. H. Mavbee Zi
(i V. W. Cooke S
7 Kdgar Uichey u
8 11. Wilburn 10
il J. H. lti'venue, laid over.
ID Max Schtilpies 4
11 L. Varctti 21.
12 11. F.Currin 0
1:5 lUnuiin I, Inn 11
14 John W.Palmatter 7
lo J. C. Hfiraguo fi1
1(1 X. N. Pobins V)
17 W. V. Hricklin 8
ltj Henry Nachaml, rejiort
approved. '
1!) O. (,'. Armstrong 7
20 Martin Freeman V&
21 J. J. .McCord 10.4'
2'.' No report.
23 Extra claitns not allow
ed ; bondsmen dischnig
24 Oeo, Brown 4
2(1-1.. H. Calkins 20
27 John 11. Kiuse, includes
lumber 5
28 Geo. H. Hchuiwic.laid over
2!1 L.Tociiebunier 8
30 S. Phillipps j
120 00
20 00
1 00
24 00
24 00
10 00
i n 00
32 00
8 00
5 5 00
18 00
22 tHI
14 00
10 00
U 00
8 00
14 00
20 00
20 00
8 00
52 00
13 .')0
10 00
H 00
18 00 '
20 00
12 (X)
20 00
Stl 00
14 00
40 00
23 00
30 00
1 : iVT 1
, .18 John Ha
j Hnirer i.
.iruM, includes
j tnmr lh,i n
i Kdward Mav 13
41 R. 8. Stricklin 8
n 00
42 t'harles Moran 12
4:! No report
44 Havid Kobeson 7
43 11. K. t'fca? tl
4ii J. C. F4f lt
47 F. MatheTsV hkludos
filler board , .13
4o A. Maiits,inchtdj spikes t
40 Jacob Oswalt 3.1"
50 K. J. Moore, includes
24 tH)
0 IX)
12 00
S2 00
. ;
-11 00
20 23
7 00
39 23
22 24
u 00
12 00
32 00
2 ) 00
1 t IK)
20 00
23 00
10 00
22 00
24 00
IS 00
30 00
7 20
13 00
20 00
Hi 00
spikes . , , , U
j fci E. K. lUrt.iiwiitdes luuv
her fit,
. . o-j,
. . (i
, . 2
! Jl4
. . 10
S2 Ira 1.. James
I M F, M. Samson
ii4 1 W. Prake
53 Jolm .Myers... ., ..
,'l! Jamss J. Gihsmi.
371. I'. Watkins
I 1 l.' ,.. : . .
'.T .1. 1 , Oil OWO MS". . . .
.. .. . -
(ill K.J. YOlTlclB, IllClUilea
! spikes 10
j (i JJ'"- '-
j (i;!No n
! (14 U. W. N. Taylor. .. ,20Sj
j lv John Ktuse, includes
! .. , 'V'" ,,r . . .
; t!7l vn).in .
a w. 11.
lii-ors .
liata jkllowKD,'
Zimmerman road .. ... I 3) 80
(ierbor nad 32 20
State o' Oregon vs Ro'n'rt tiaM-
ner, justice court 1J 43
State of Oregon vs Herman An
thony justice court 40 !il
Jurv list. Oicifon City 8 73
State of Orcion vs William Porter 10 S)
Jury list, Cinekauias precinct 7 00
J, M. R.tcon lti 23
Win. Hreuck, bridge iions
o' 00
G. J. TriiUiiiL'er.laiJ over for new
John Taylor, ringer boards Mad
district 0.)
; Geo.$iimnn luiu'ecr road district
N. 2$
j a,lJ1r. I10."' , , ,
Jury list, Molalla precinct.
14 SI
10 M i
7 (Kl!
8 .30
R. U. Schwab ec Rro
J. W. Nr,s
! K
II. Scott, luuilcr lead district
No. .34
II 4)
7 00
ll-V hut M iri lMm hM.on.d
II.S. Miller, lumber load district
1 No. 4.:
I H. H. JohllKOII, surveyor
."7. us I. .lAr.liM,; p,e.lllct ....
l.. Mayor 1 o., not allowed
j. K tlrt t s lllml ,
district So. 37
' !' Strow bridge
I )J.'lm 'H'f"re grand jury ...
! Ul. t IIIIT . . ........
' j.,.
urv list. Ore;n iinvinet
7 .V) 1
Z 41
4 !H) !
1:1 ICi '
7 Ik)
ot 71) :
17 t..V
4 W
I G. A. Harding
... ... - . -
1 ' ,a 0 OI 'refill vs l.en. l.s( mv.
, jrr i;.. pi 1,01
' Jrry list, county court, I ebril.trv
! ?.'!? ?!' " vs John Hurlmnk
1 r.. r.. May, piS rrmil iltrict ;.)
on 11.. weaver. lUinoer
-O i O j
1 2J i
42 DO I
i Hi
. ."L.I
0 tr' 1
" distr-H: N . 9
I Win. Mill ki, itiiide books road
lottnM So. 0
! J. H. Revi.itf "M'jii. l'ahner,
suit Vt po'l Tax.
Wm Knig M. thenli' fts J
IVter Ne;!f
C. P. Winvset. retisir iail win-
'if'Wi SO 00
! Pope A o .... s) 111
m. v hit!')., rlcrk. 1(53 00
n i, C'tljr.
The pricn qu.iloil b!or. rrel f. r rrln
ftdiir. tutMli, b4 aad tiiilcA. urv Uig,.'!)' i,.iii ui
W UK (T-V ha.'ifl I 1
OAls-f1 . iOi iirki ....
KI.U1. It If irt irrj.ic, ii'ile-.e.
' I t-TiiiK', wtitjlenjia .
I.'! Ill ..
4 U
4 i.)
2 l
J 7i
KO.is-t' j.,,.n . . ..
PoU.lliV-tl.i. ken,, liv.
il" tirov.vil
MEATS -Hhiii., f ft . .
p . .
Sil"'iiliT., U 14
niTTi:it-r 1
l;K mi.i
VEAI. liri-M.c., ir r. ...
Il.ui lav . .
Sill-: bs.l
Sill.Nul.KS-f lli'.ii.iini . ..
LA 1(0 xuiiiry, ln.k, ft
Al'l'LKS-r (
s n.j i,'v
a 1 ii
s iy
7 Hv
e 14
i j '),
l, I,
2 lly
' 1
?, 1.1
i O.I
6 (4
W ,4
W (i
1 101 a iui;s p 1 1
i M"NS r"'
I V. 1)11- is IS
1 (HI
10.ll.l1 1 ill 11n-.tpls
1 Li.D l.r 111. V tui.
I I .'.I
'.! ) oe
7 a
II l)
U 00
stiortu mul rn 1 I 1 1 1 :i k
l lol'kfll .'Ml.fl husuft
TIMOlllV p 1 II, .
E'orilMuil .
tl 3.v8wi :w,
Fl.OCK Standard brands, $4 S5.
Country bruinls, bbls., d ?.i(n4.
1 )ATS In g.f,l Muujily ; firm ; ft ."0c
for good feed.
H'jPri Not active; we quote at l.Sr
DIHF.D PHUIT-New aj.ples, (irnHc;
plums, 8'i'!V; prunes 10 (i 12c, scarce.
J I A V New c hi. i) i,(X,r to choice,
POL f.TKY Chi' kens, old, selling ut
f I per dos. ; sprMia, $4 O0(a4 oO: din ks.
jii (I'lri7 60 per dor ; turkeys, l."'i l ie.
WOOL Valley, l.jc.
COAI.OI I. Ordinary brands selling at
22c. ' "
COFFF.F. l!io,ir,rrrlHi; Costa Kiea, 17
fT(18c; Salvador and (Jnatamala, Kif17;
Java, 23 j Mocha .
Kill 'XT Apples, gwl are quoted at
$1 (0.
VFfjiF.TABI.KS-Cabbaie and usas
2,'e ; polatoes.pi r sack, ! 7o (, 2 (K).
111. "f f F.K Oregon, goisl, 30c ; demand
good ; country l.aiu L'Oc.
SALT Liverpool, $14, 1(l, as to
also of bags; coast, (li O'tfoH 60,
SL'OAKh-7 California 0,4 'jV ; extra C,
6'e ; dry granulalml.O'c ; cniHhed, cube
and powdoied 0 lie-all in bbls.net cash ;
Imlf-bbU, add ,'4'e; boxes, add )i to
above prices for bbk Aninrican I. U.
KOiiS 2.V, V d iscn.
HON FY Kxtra white comb, 15c
pound : extracted, fie,
CIIFFSK 1261:;,.. p pound.
lllllKS Uidn iniirket (lull, (iuoto s
follows: Dry, 14 ft 10 c; light sailed,
l)ji.7i:; heavy do, 708c; dry kip and
calf, 12,'c; salt kip (JirtHc ; salt calf, Bf
Kir; salt veal Kc.
BA'iS (iiotu wisil bags. 31ffln:)c ; bur
laps, 40 in., He; 46 in., oaO ; (ID iu.e;
gunnies, 28040 in.,14e; sewing twine,
30 V3")0. Orain bugs (J?o ; potato sacks,
4 (a w.
ItKKF 3 H SM c gross ; Ot dressed.
VftAL 7(!ic
HOUrf I.ivw, S'a'e; dressed,
St Sam Ranev.
52- W. 11. Mutoon 8
53 .!. M. Ware (I
34 Victor F.riekson ID
35 J. S, Thntpp, Include
(tngsr hoards 10
"fi Joe (itaham 7
;17 tieo. Harlow 20
(JIX). A. HAltlHiXG,
Postoillop lllocli,
Drug's and .Modicinos,
Toilot Soaps, Porfumory,
Fancy Goods, Brushes, Sponges,
Usually kept In a Firsbclasi lirug Store.
J'C"VMiyletioii' ProirllliiiiieiritiiHv pom
poumtoil, snl Hir miwrej wllh iviro unit
ll,i ili'li. Tli imhlto 111 rl tul my M.'i'k of mi'ii
li'lii oioni'lolo, wnrriililca (umiliui 11 ml ul h
t'.t nunllly.
The Oswego Nursorios
lli-t! l:v tti olt'er tor iu'.o tat atiH-k "t
Fruit and Shade Trees,
Grass Vldrs.KarjsrrLes. Blackberries, Currant.
Cooseborry Bushes.
Kkisi:v Japan I'ii m. Kurri ii IIvhkio
ANIl l', RaKKV l'l .VK, lios:;S, k.Ti'. I
All I'Mi'M left wild i N Or.'.Miiiirn.i'l Or;ca
CU.v. will W Vfiiiplly atli'ii.lr I lv
WiT T TWfljt. T A TTOrTT
. wwwi;jjcr You will find U.i iUuik, Woodonwaiu and Tin e l.miterns, I.smps, Oil,
Oinmio, oiiKOON.
ST"Cataloue sent free on application, j
Remedy for tho Blood!
VSI-IIF CfKE Knit Al t
.In,; lra iti'r.uu-.'iiiMi
'l UMt'Iit K
uiiiil .'I rif si 'in-icH,
laxr, Kullli- hii.I tuai-L, wlul :,U tloiittti.
tullluii 1 1 . 1 . 1 an Inipuie o.litUai ul Uiv I1
Mr.. Ci'flw. .-.-I.i. dr.
Hiv. Mr Wsli. ImVi-r Cllv or
A K. l eej , r. kriu vu k W T.
Mr. i.ihti W i'Ii.ut sti;, W, T
I.fi S M l . nvr. I'liyiillup. IV T.
TcNtimony or l!cv. T. J. IlulT:
liRvrs s r Mil in, . A'iriM -T. Ivs
To "TllK SHI IH. n lIKMKhir. I a : "- I lll".l
hcurtly eml.ir.e St.'1;. Ci'iii"!!'.!'., nlel niu
il.'.ir.Mi. Hell mt cti'l.ir.i'iiK'lil h li ,11 !. .Ui i'U
m Iiit tl w ill ilu'lhi- til' .1 it 4 l "irtiTtuc lot
mmiily Hive li.nl lit ti'i.rlri:rr III r.at
IliTtl. m Willi llii--i rrinr.lii-. Iumi I w ftr.l
llnlrrrl l-i try t'lem my (rl'-liil. Itli.ti'Iit 1 M.iuiJ
nut live tar,- month.. Now I nut writ mul
li.iriy; t w.fgii t- pfnin'U: niu .tr..iuT mi't in
I'flli r tirillll IIUTl t lini linl i,r Unix" yoir
1 hup irn'tl m 01 .1. ..-i.irs itil m uiv i tltir ri-ut
i In, .mi I ill It a,- (al f I to I think o
fur III. klli'l .rnvi'lfiii' I'll! hn li"l mr la jmi
mnl yc.ur Hriiii.liTlal r.iiir.tli. 1 wnuM r".nn
intai.l rill 11 )m Hr .uftiTliiii (rnln li!i'.t Tnt-on
line ul miy ilr.uli.ili'ti io n v rl!i, l lU'im-Uy
'"r t1'" );l,,-,, n,il' 'O 'r " 'll.!'
tn my fnn.litioii 1 h. Aitii.. l iLm rS.'ct ul
Hie nii't.lli'. UH n ether., mul II lit. gi.pti ti.
lr.t o( atiu.fii'Ooa.
W l.hilic til' S.r.flfl'l Krtnr.llp. I'n icrd..
eiiiiiiiitn-arili with ihi i:irrlii't tlii-ir r.-in.- l ih.
1 mil yrtM truly, liKVJ I. IK I K.
lUftr tu Lev. i!r. Kti.l. Suermapulu.
Manufactured and Scld lijr
Sarsfeld Remedies Co.,
113 ClIIlV ST., SAN KlIAXl'Isl'O, ( Al..
For Sale by all Drupsrists.
: Overland to California!
Oregon k CuHrorula If. If.
Au I (.' hi 11 ei 1 1. n .
Kirs (ram PotHiii.I la S01 Kriiiilir a. M; to
S irr'imtnt'j. V a.
Cln ronili-ollnin mi.ln nl A.alilut wll'i
"Iikm of Ilia c.ilil'.riiln, oon'iu iiinj lltiin
si ari-' Coiiip my.
K i-t Siilu IHvl.loii.
M ill Traill.
I'.rllnnl SOOAM.
01 o n City .a oil A l
A-hliml s I' V
Orvm City 2.1.1 K M.
Orcj'itl I lly II ,M A M.
A - la I in il ( Kl A M
Ori'ifoll City 'l y M.
I'l.rtUinl . a.i'il'.M.
Allmiy Kiire Truln.
ir.xvr.. I ARHIVR
I'ortlnet 4 ot P M (iri ri n 1 Uy b in", P M
iireirmi (;tjr .1 07 I'M 1 I i'Imih h "j -.1) K M
l.iOiilior 4 4a A M droit ai t'lly s Vl A M
OriKori (Jly. w A M I'.irllmi'l. i(J Hi A M
i ' ; Sarsfield Chronic U.cor Salvo, jfj- Hmk
I A!isr.-i. IVvi-rS rrv l:i!UmmVor suriloii.'.. ' V.lf- ".'('..' . I-. ' JL.'-iAfcill.'h jxft'h - V
1 73 Jo k ,r ..I l.ttehSH.t A krt.Url K.e.or ?: f I; . 1-.. . ,'i ":':;:. rL ..A .' ' rOJ
1 III , t i . i ,. ii ! . "tl- I r . . k V . - . , " T -A
1-. I.ev.SM l!in-. Puvmlim W T. i - .. VtU T ;fcJtlL8j.4ALiMaMi- "
Pullman Palace Slespini Cars!iA::'rco'':;r;',;;t::x:,''l'
I Lo 'h. iu kIh on tviill ililr .'4-iirily.
(Inily Lrtwrcii 1'orilninl mi 'I Anhliii'l. I ('.illeetl m in i.I.' ,roi,i.ily
Thf O A C It. It. Kerry miikini"'niiii.loii with j '"" ill" " 'I'l " t'"l I H ' I'r ou lii. Clil
nil lie riiriil.r trsliinuii tltu Kit 8IJ ihl-luti,l " Ymk. mul nil irl n-1 f.t 1 ellli'i l
from (not ul K uni t.
cl Side Plvlil. n.
Hull Trnln.
l.r.xvr.. i Aiiiurt
I'oritni'l IMIM.I ('( rvii!ll ., js r M i
UoriKlll. 1 :,n K M. I I'nrtl in l li.l.i I M
At ('iirviillln 0'-iit,i-i't Willi truln. nl Ore:
I ti'llle (or V ii iiin i li'iy.
K x fre.M Tr iln.
P'ir;liic . 4:.vi p.M. Mi'Mlnnnllu . (in M.
Mi'MlnnvllIc ,,'i.(.'i A.M. l'i ill iinl . II Ul A.M.
L"i"il Uriels fur ilu mul li.tnuirn i lii-clic I nl
',iiinliy liptoutl l,tl,l'., coruiT I'lni" mi
Hwoii.l iri.i-l. I ii lo t. lor irltii'!"il n,iiii In
C illlornl i em i nly In. ri.cnrel ul vomp iiiy'n
t onier Fund Front Sis,, Pniil.ind, Or.
Kri'luht will not l,f. riv,.Vi., f.,r'iliniiiit it'ier
five ii rlock I'. M , on liiinr ti, K inter Went
SIiIh IiivI.ioiiii.
It. KOKHI.KK, K. p. nomas,
Mtniicr. U, I', uii'a Pins AKut
Garden Seeds
Isircot I'rom I lie l iiriu.
Frctli, Vmq and Sure to Grow.
Choice Tlcvor Soods,
Imputed fresh fiom Iviirnjip a fpecialty
Catitaign with directions for cultiva
tion sent FltFH. PleiiHO send for it. Ad
dress, joskpji MAitiiis s :: co.,
Moreton Farm, Pnchester, X V,
Largest Assortment of (ieneral Merelianiliso
And haw enjoyed for veins a reputation for reliability second In lions.
At this store cun bu found
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wool Bats,
Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hardware,
Farm iMachinory and .Farm Implements.
A choice selection of
CZixinrr.odl Oooiln, Croolsory,
And in f ,M t cveithiiij that oulit to be found in a 1 enciul ineichatidUe slots,
li In need of aiivlb tut ill the lne:chainh' line (live lis ti cull,
fulo aueiits for lv KICK'S M I'KKK.'K Sl'OMl. I OlTo.N.
POPE &' CO.,
IStoves, Tin Plate. Lead and Iron ripe, ,
llraziers' (1opper, Urass and Iron Wire,
(Jauze Fitiint!;'s, Ilnbher Hose, FiunpSjinejilc,'
; Roorine uiul Jobbinij d cveiv deci
l.iicine und l iii
Oregon CitV, Oivtfon,
I j - . - V . I
riidcrlakrr, Wng-on and rarriap Maker.
Main Sirrct. Oregon t'lty, Oregon.
City Drug Sioiv,
This ttiin'' Is rcM-rml for
( liartiiati ItniK.'
Spring Advertisement.
Ladies, iisses and Children,
lank of Oregon Ciiy!
Paid up Cnpltal .",0,000 0(1.
I ..1,1. T
Man i;i.r
( MAS II ( At KIW.Ii.
Iii'lio.lt. rnrrlvrit .nlili-rt tn.ii.,'k.
Tili"r 'I'lur i'irli-iiiui.u oi nn I'ortliiinl, Sun
Kr ini'l .en, ( Itlr mo unit New York,
Interest paid en (line ilcpn.lt us bilious!
Kor 9 motitliN. 4 pi.r cpiiI. .i r ntniiiin, t
for ( itiont'i. ft ji,r i-ittit. 1'i-r iiiiiuiii.
Kor U ut 1 1 1 1 1 , ii ,i t i i'iil it un mi iu.
Tims i-irllfli Hi. nl ili'
iiiiiii.I, Imt Inli-n-st lord
1'iel n( term ul ilriimlt
I'"U JI'IVIIiIh . ill'-
Hit II ilnmii lii'dirti
Uclgcs k liiii;iii;i!).
iitiil C okilu sIwivn on Intnl. Kliui IiihIiIm
iiml iiiiikIU triiiiiiilni,'H' (nut iiniciillli'i'iit
Ciri'iinliT work nf nil ilmcrlptlmis psitiiIimI
with in ittir. ini'l iIIhiHi'Ii. hli..i i,.'iilis
C h i r i ti i. li t Snll' ii r y gnoilii nloru.
Photographic Gallery.
(J. M. K I S T i; u
Jt rr'iihin inn) Htrri'imenplr wnrk en tin ultutl
e it notii'ii,
Hit li'iH nlmi n MiiMltilyli'K t; iiiit:
el llid 1 iti'nt mill III"! mm m
I bltt'l
iptinn done to order, and at Low 1'ilcss,
itle Kubber I unit, at
l'OI F. St CO.
tVc Don't UlowM iit h litit tvf Will
Save U Money
On nylltliiK in nor lino, which
I'olj.lvlll l(
First - Class Groceries,
llrcnil, Cuko mul I'liNlry, .
wooi)i:n watjk,
Tobacco. Cigars, Etc,
Next ilnur lo (Iroeiimmri Foul itnrs,
oitr.UoN (TI'Y, - r OBKOON.
Lcvejoy & Kleffman.
City Livery,
Horses Bought and Sold.
W. F. lIIOJiriKLl),
I'slnbllslieil (ilnco 1SII). Fine. Jewelry
--Made to Order.
Kth ThomM S rtiiyn smt thirty hours wplsht
ol' ir mul W iltliiin Wtitpliiti,. kny slid lm
ifimli ru with tlm lull t tm pr vv mv u In, i lisir
lli'in uuy iilltiti liniitv In limn. NiiU um r tn
l'i ie t' ii t' ni. i "