Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, February 17, 1887, Image 1

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t . 1 y i G
VOL. 21.
NO. 17.
(y if , . '
j; : 1 '1" Tl flTVl riTT
r i i ii rv .
tmru iiUTrpMii)irun
XII ii I ill I li III ill 13 ft.
E. M. RANDS, Editor.
Rlnd. fnpy, mi. y.ir hi advine
alliigl. Copy, alt umutha. lu advinc ,,.
I'i SO
. 1 W
Tr.nale.nt adverilanmenta, lunlmihi nil
l.al nolle., .r lunar, ul lwlv llu.a,
mi. week , , . . , , , a mj
For sen ili.r.ui'iii lut.rtiun .,, , , I no
Oh. !iiimu, i.n. y.ir , lw iw
'islf enlumn, uu. y.tr ihi imi
ttiart.r e.ilumii. nn. y.ar . 4 M
II i.lu.ea card, mi. y.ir . yum
BAITmT Clll'm'll -ll.y. K P. Hivla
, llMf.
Mnrtllll aervlco III ill; S.l.tMt'l II
"1 U
tr.iiin. rvleT io el.iek. l;i.r pr.yer
itlii NV,in.. .y ..nliiK Monthly on,
naut n, tllu itil.ir.t iv l" l- ro Drt S i ml f lu
.run mmilli '! I ul'"' I', M. A cordl it liivl
l.liou sl.wt.il In )
HT JOHN Cill'iu'H. : ATHol IC -Iter, Jia.
IU"w, "Ki.r. On Siiud iy imriilni Itttr m
.1 1 ,ihi. Firl Huml iy i.l . .fi inniiih l..w in .
.1 1 ti.lnck A. M. Secnd it in. I. y nl eo'h
luttlh, a Oerm ill aerun.n. Honl iv Mii..o nt
j sunolnrk I' U. Ve.peri .ml lieu..lcllnu i
7 o'clock J', M.
riHHTr0NUUK(HTl0N.VI.CIII'l:'H -He l.
A lli.ekw.md pi.lnr Service.' l 10 Ml A. M.
hii.I 7 Ul P.M. Homliy t'hmil .li.r timriiln
..rvlee I'rny.r tiMMjilim Welu.a.l .y .v.iiIiik
.1 7 on u'r.-k. Prsver ineeiln.it Ymui I'.n-
Xl.'i Society nl Oirl.tl.u hiuleifv .ver Nun
ay evening m t an prompt, All are enrdl illy
luvtttd tuili.i. ui.vllii(. Hoil Ire..
pmlnr. H'irnliii ..rl. i I" : H-li-lulh
.rh.Mil t IS lni: .tr.nlni irlr 'I 7 IW
o'olurk. If inr mo'tln. ry 1 lima ny
lnl Hirjimon oi.KlUlly luvlml. tl.ua Irr.
mo ii:tv ori r.)i.
Orficnn I.oiiicc, I. 0. 0. . No. S.
Mmla vr Thiira.l iy .v.nlny l 7 Sn o rlork
In III. U.t'l C.llnwa- Mill. Milii irot. Mem
taollli. OrJ.r.r. Invli.'l InillfiiJ. ,
Uy order ul N U.
Moltuoiiiull LmU'C, No. 1, A. V. X A. M.
11,1.1a Ha wilar e im.iunletll.'iia on ih. flrl
.ml IHIr.l Dun I iva In io mm hi 7 nrl. rk
trnm Uin --nil "I i' hLinlwr I" ii .'Hi nl M iri'li ,
anj .1 7 Wincl.ipk It nn Id. nl M irrh I.. Hi.
tmh nl Miiuir. Iimtiircu In ..l ai m.lun
r luvltcl lu aitou.l. Uy ur.l.r ul M M
Mfmln Pott Xo. 2, Ut A. It., Imparl
inrnt of OrrKViit
Mtta Ural V.in.lav nl .very man'h, .1 7 30 f.
M , .1 0.11 r'.ltuwa II ill. (.)f n i iiv
KolN ( Uy I.oiIkp No. 5U A. 0. I . .
V..ta.v.rf nrl ami Ililr4 FrlJiy .i.iilii. In
lljl r.'ll'i.ta I..1IM...1 All .jMuruln,' Ul fin
f on (.ur llally luvimU 10 alioml
J. IV. MbMUU H. M.W.
I" . " - .. - -
uoi'i:ioti. titu.
0!c.lnuk Hiill.llm. o-cfnn Clif. Ot'fu
C. D. & D. C. Latourctte.
ATTO It X F. Y S A N I 'O C N .- IC LO K S
nam m-.Kir, om.ion ritr, Mium,
mmlah .Lainoia nl lli.ra. lun in .n.r.
In.. mrta.a, anJ Iriuairl (vn.ral law bnal
t. T BAklM. IIAVIt
' Barln & Haye3,
Xim.M. i'Hcrn'r. in ai.i. tiik eor:i
n m. dial. inl.i'.n.p..all. Cnurt ll.iua.
Orannii Lily, Uri nU.
. C. JoilNaoN, t- O. MfCon. C. M loLiUAN
rriu t'u e in ll tho Coilrt of tin) St.ito.
Loam Mrtilo uiiJ A list raits liinilslii'l.
P.rllfiuHr .tl.iillnn riv.n to lluno... In Ih.
1. it. Laud UHU', uri'iiju City.
iiKKirK -Wuliu.al.a'
Ilrl.ik Im Kir. I Krr.l l'..rllm.l, Oro
.in, .ml M..I11 Htr.al, uri'unu I uy.
Orcifon City. Crfiron.
Ileal II nt f I In Ih. I'lly, ami nnly 011. mluut.'a
W.lk (rum III. aluninlinnl lumllliga.
THOS. F. RYAN. Proprietor.
Falls City Hotel,
roil oil 'y Orcfton,
W. N. EGGLETON, Manager.
Meals at all Reasonable Hours.
Wanted in Oregon City,
. An .nerii'Ho Imalnnta woman In
Janlli'tt mitl t'ikn nnlora li.r III.
MAimi: 4JIMNUOI.lt
ulrnt Hltirt Nuiirl
Inir Corai'la. Tim. imranta
li.v. t.ci'il .il.nalvnly H.l vort I n.
I .ml a. .1.1 hyln.lv nlivnN(.r h.
i.nai ton y.ara, wliU'li, Willi llinir
aiii.rlnrlly hua oral.il Inr..
il'iiiinml lor Ihrm llirnii. limit III.
I'lilu-.l Hinl.a, ami nny Imly who
.-j if.
( Iv.a lior llmo 11 11. 1 fiierny l danvaaaiiig fnr
IIimiii Mil a. inn Imllrl up a .i'rinilifit hii.I l.ri.lU
.III. Iiualu.aa. Tli.y .1. Ilnlanlil by meri'liiinta,
ml w. kIv. onclui.lv. I.rrllnry, tlmrnl.y rIviiik
III. Kkiuil out Ira. oniilrnl n( lima, aupiirlnr enr
aiMilntli. lorrltory lniil li.r, linv. a
litrtin nuinl.nr of nuruta wlio.ro mnhliiK auriiml
auncoaa i.IIIiij thwiu H"il, tud w. Uualr a null
n .very town. Ailili.aa,
flUIV. V CO..
J. D. Slover,
?ain! er I'liiwr Haiigor,
Ori'in City, OrugoD.
V 1'iHUitrv inil will 'In wnrk In aitlalurlnry
m iniinr. I'fliwa Imr In ault Hi. Ilm.a. Kilau
lull. Inn. Mil iiiwtltig, otc Ouiie uu ahnrt ontio.
Small Pox Marks
Ijcon i5i do.,
I.n.li.n, prrlitHi.ra to fI, M , Ih. Q.imii. h.v
liivfiii.l au.l iui.iil.J Hi. wori.j ioii.,ni.a
Wttlrh tmnntui Rinill Pr.x Mirka, n( hnw.v.r
I..I.H aliii.llii., III. iillriil..u la almi'lv ul
h triuli.aa. ctiiana nn li.r..tivnlii(,M. 'irnl auu
liltil uullilnc liijiirlnni. I'tlv., I: Ui.
Superfluous Hnir.
Ll'.ON A CO 'S
ll.mnv.a Hupirlliinna lUIr In a (. mlmitra,
Willi. ml mIh nr iui.l. .mil ill. in n.v.r In
.row np-iiu Hiini'i. aii.i ii irunvaa. riillwtr.C'
tluiia. Hunt by lu ill I'rlc. tl.
(il l). W. SII)V, (ioucrul Ak-rnt.
;i'J Trrm.'Ut Hlract. Ildaloo. Vim.
S.ivU Mrnllnn IliU P'ir.
H. lr rrtumiito In tlio wurUI I. Hall'
HaIK Kk.nk.w hi. Ii nnr- .11 illx-it. of
1 1 in ..ili, 11 ml uliiiul.iU-a III. luir irluiula
I. i liriilililul ..Hun. Il Miim I In' lullin nf
l!' li ilr; I'lrii iiu ll (in nln r I'rni ; iiirr.
In'. In.'", n. I r."t.)lv Ji.iilhfnl color an. I
fiiliui-- i.( .piiriiinn..' In In.iU ilrvwly
hlie wlili .-v. 1 ln (nllon lng .ro It-w
lilu.lrulloua of wlnil ia limit tiy
Vcgctablo Sicilian
kla llrna.miiT, 314 Fro HI At.,
7fiM4yMtA. .,an.r autre ftiiNik of fc-ry.
a.K U in llw lira.l, (.11... I Iv r h..ir .Irmly
.i..y r.illli.f ufl a.j r t' ul) IhM ah" Imm.
lul.l. On. b. nl.' lUil. a II air I. B
ktarin inmiyl.l II b . k a avll, t.rua uJ
lliitk m wit., ai.. a . ylil.
if Va. Krai i.o. an tIJ fimrr, war 'r
fur, ., h.ut aril .! I..ir bn.ai.J a. luit
lllllli.r .i bf U I.Jt-l W.nin.l) wl.llf,
1' ir l..':iW .( I it l . Iia.i. Km.cw.rn ai'
lit fnllin. nut, fti.'l w I . II. I. !, li.lull..ril
t.1 Lair, a. biv . auU fit.b u b. v. r IwL
- U.a. A.T. Wall I7riilrf, OriAIra,
will.-.: "I bau f.'Uh.l vit-t. .1 1m-..
.Hi Irom lb iw of II ai L'a lUin bimaii, II
hrtvli.g re.i..inl n.y bmr, who Ii w.a ripll) Ull
turf iitf. ainl ft luriK J Ita urlgui.-.l n.lui.N
I'. Fill. Hair, Viroll, JI.A., wrllflr.
that "tlAII'a llAllt ICCSfOIH la . If Ik nl fur
hilr .imkii.ii, .t.J .u.a b-iklLo Daturul colur
bl (rtil.it ui .lay bail."
f Ulna. 8. E. E1110TT, CUnrlllt. W. Il.,
aa.' "IIik' b"lll 1I II Al l.'. IU111 IlK.KWg
riatuid n.y Uilr to lia batural, )uuiLful color.
No Inliirluu. .ulilnnrr. entrr Into Ih
romimaliUiii of HaI.l'n IIaIK l;rsfwH,
ml It la not the. II. M".Ytnllt InyiT
illi nla reml'T U In I lie lil'luM ileirrif liciie
fliiul It) III. arnlp Ma irt'irntiv of lll
fiic. Ita fflV.ta .re lintnrnl .ml lnllinr,
ml It il'H'. Uut iiuike ih. Iialr ilry .mi
brayliv, like the .nt .lli'J nuloiatlira com
K)iiiiJiil will) alcohol.
Buckingham's Dye
run the
la. In four rrMTt. .tiiM-rior tn !l ollii ra.
lat Il will pm.hi.'i' n rich, uuturttl
Colr. tuiiwii or lilin k. .a il. -ln .1.
Sil'l lie tulnr a.i i rmliiivil I-.rrniiinrnt,
rnniinl In- WH-linl nil'.. ml III m.t Mill nuj
thlilK I'll W lilill II cnlnc. In colli ml.
VI It a . atiit'le tirvimmtloii, .11. 1 Innr
ronveiilent of Nillc.liou I hull miy oibi-r
Lulror nhUker die.
4th It iiitiliiliia 110 ili-lrterloiii Imrro
illeiila, aa ilu ui.ny iri''.i'.lliUii oUcrril
(or Ilk Uac.
IC r. HALL & CO., Naihua, N. If.
SoM by nil dcalern lu uiftlklur.
There are imitations of
the celebrated and old re
liable J. B. Pacetobaccos.
The genuine has th ful
name, J. D. PACE, on tho
tin tag.
Don't be deceived. You
a e Imposed - pon If the
Initials J. n. are not on the
tin tag.
Rooks and Stationery.
Poatonie DulltlliiK. OHKUO.N CITY, OKKOON.
Muci'i'lior to (.'. W. Curu.llui.
L'urnor Mtit unl rsi . rk airieta,
I'reiac'i-Ipllona 'artfully 4'ohi
Dig, Boro
or Clean
1 II11. will ..1 II U. ii. mi nood l.rina Ii)
r illliut ou hHu, at Ilia toi.tKiiC. Cooper aliop
U at.r lrt!iL apr 80.
E. A. MOSES & O.,
Commission .Merchants,
Aud dcalera in
Feed, Flour. Produce;
No lb4 front Strwl, bet. Taylor aud Yamhill.
POlllLAND, - OKIliiiS.
l onnctly of the firm of WILLIAMS A
Co.,m Oregon City. Lately l'lti-rip-lion
t lurk at Cuiiieliu'a I 'rug Mure
I'm tin ml,
Hn8 Opened tho
Casino Theatre,
Portland. Oregon.
The Barnum.
;M. J. Bmleriek, Prop.
Pull at.irk of Imp Tied and d 'ineatle F.relfn
l.l..mr. Wlnea nd I'lyra alwa). kept cu
hand. Imported
Milwaukee, St. I - lis, 1 (he Ci leliratid
iTVKIiieat miliar.! Table Id the Cltv.
M. H. Flanagan,
frEHps on hand niK i ixr sKi.Fcrms
IV nl Winea. I.l)ii..ri, Ale, lu'vr, Ac.,t..be
Inlliid lu th. SI UJ.
tlir. m. rail.
la Lo.ul-hail'mu block.
Merchants Exchange.
Miln street, Oregon City Orefou.
W Inea ami Clu tra
IV beat brilld nf
In Hi. I'll v. Sien In ami
try tho new llillitr.1
Tnhle. Alao Imported MllwiuU
-oiaev, t too iirn auu
J. ilil MliAI'll,
Hue. livur.
!'a. only the C Ollnrnla Hind Forged
.ud II '.ml Hill-lied
With Cutter In th ey.
I Kieh needl. guaranteed. Price. Ml eenla. Alk
ynur dealer lor lueiu, or order troin tue niauii
laeturura, Vlll&Flnli,8lSMuikctSt.,S.r.
to 6,000.000 PEWn
v. al.,utl.'.l tolxilM
an fA. trurt.l.
For 1007
will N rraniM
jtr' P R E K to nil
"VX eitrit.tn.itrt
during it.
ail. 'i r if wr
- v
nil tijr b'air
ttVn, hthl or
if for it AitUmti
' A ft(Hi
J .n.
o. a.
Detroit, Mioh.
B.iya Hr. trcwl,
Of 81'in.lortiwn:
"ft may or may pot 6i
I nuljr i.ll-
You knntr ma well
Whit folka bv. told to tin.
"They ay lht vt!t
Aud hla i)iiii wit.
Urt on '1'iiioatvlal, 4r;
TUy aoold a lnl fllfht
liotti J iy 'in J illicit
Or Hi it ! trit I ltr.
'Aod who wi.ul.l think
Ttiat rimlth ah.rjld drluk
The w iy he do.1, good Lord!
Or aoihey aiy:
Uy dair, I pr. jf I
You will uot 1 .'j.! i;.-rd.
"Aud tlir."atUa Uurt,
lh annoy ii.ri,
Ho. a t.lkaj aoi.ut; 1 v hlttd
K.ici trljliilul l.ili-il",
It bliiahva brlLga
To tell th.m, 'poll toy word.
"Oh, ilr, ll.y ajr
Th. other diy , ,
That Itev. Ur. r.lrd
And Mi. a Mont ilia
Wnt arm la-arm
Dow.i Brolw-io I boar J."
HKii Mra. J..n.-a
In Ciillllug to.it-1:
"You h.v. qiilck in, mjr d.ir;
Juat Oil tb.in I'lll
Wrth cotton wool;
You hear to ro ic.i I Ir."
UY lit Alii' U lillNl'..
O weet! silt thou
Kor.vur b. my .li':itluef
8wel.i irl, uiy cUaat. and ardent vow
la tnlu. .Ion.; yin, d.ir oue, only talne.
'l ulu. o,vl ar. lik. .i. n.ira at utght,
Ihyaktu ia aoll and p irn and wait.
Aa Winter, iheeu of ilrllud anow,
A ud nil Hi it ..ri 01 uiiii you know,
Whii. 'round yo iriesLirry lipi,
Wnvr. lilt play merry iUlpa,
I w.ii, to. aiiililiot aign
i n it, lu llir :ee,
Hi j j It v.r b.
my valeu-
line. .it..n Fo'.lo.
A c..t:ia.wLaC).
1 tier. .d. ouce a girl in ifuiult)
W Uo had au nveraio.i to truth;
6.) wiiro lier beiu k.atvd bar
Ami nude urr ll b.liit'r,
Kh to.. I Ituka atie uad . ton tuth.
C tiilciiuin
Irom Anlilaud reports
Iruii will run into .dotiuue, on
California an 1 Uitvoii tailioad, on
and alter to-. lay. i'n.i stage fioiu Anil
Inti. I will I'outii'ct Willi lli liain at .vloti-
tague, and the ditatii:t belt-v'n Ashland
and Moulague is only li.i.'j uiil a. An
immense fon-e is at it- . k, and in a e?k
. - i" . . ..;
j or mm I UdV ir.ii & v...r jc i i" i.a. a ,
ten tiii.cs lui II. ti on, n.i I In. , w.ll .o lu. e
the eluging t i .ihnul forty r?;ile. from
Montague to the riiskivou mountains
there is about twenty-lha mdes of com
paratively level cotititryiu which the
road can be bu'il very rapidly. The load
is to be pushed to uii early completion,
audit is prediile 1 that it will be coiu
pletcd to a jtitn lion with the Oregon and
t'ulifornia by July 1st, lss7.
The latest concerning the sale of tlm
Oiegon and California railroad to tlie
Southern I'lieilic company is taken from
the Hailw.iy Age of January l;Sth. It
reads as follows:
The Oregon and California first mort
gage Ixm.lhiiMer are to receive at the
rate of 111) in exchange for their ptesent I
bonds new forty yea. -old gold 5 per cent,
bonds, liuaiatiti'ed both principal and
inteiest, by the Southern l'acillo com
pany, together With l in iai.h for each
Iioiid. These new bonds, to be issued at
tlie r.ile ol ajO.POO per mile, are to be
secii.ed by anew mortgage, equivalent
in point oi hen and prior, ty to the exist
ing II, tt moilg.igH of the Oregon and
Caliiornia, and will luar interest from
July I, ISAii. The Oregon and California
preferred eiiiikliol.ler. will receive one
shaie tifCential Pacific stock for every
two hhates of their own stock, together
with 4 shllings sterling for each preferred
share, and the coiiiinon stKkholders w.ll
got one Cenli.il l'acillc ahare for every
four of their own shares, together with
three shillings sterling for each common
There are many good reasons why
tho state of Oregon should call a consti
tutional convention to revue, and amend
some wesk point, i'l our present funda
mental law. It ha worked admit ably
during the youth of our state.wiien econ
omy was Imperative, but now that Ore
gon take higher rank and acquires more
population, Rome changes would be ad
visable t. correspond with present and
fiii.ir,. ,vm.i:t,..ns. Th.i n,..,,,!.. icnil.l
have the nlli.ii.ito voice iu accepting or
rejecting the work of such a convention,
and it seems as iithey could be depended
on to do r'k'ht in their decission, and
there is a strong feeling of security in the
present c.i institution, aud a fear that some
political Jugglery might work evil in
framing new provision and inducing
tho tiecepUiico "f tho new work by tho
poop.,. The points to be amended are
not m.inv, and it would seem that differ
ent sections coul.i be framed IrV legisla
tion, as already rovi led, nnd Kiibmilted
to the popular vot.i. That would place
every proposed uttictidmetit on Its own
merit, and riot Uupenl the whole work of
a whole convention. With harmony of
action and s'utesmanship exercised, it
Hhould be possiblo to effect all that is
necessary. L'x.
Senator Tlmrtnan has reconuroniled
his son as one of the couiinisHiouers
created bv the Interstate commerce act.
It i rejxirtqd that it cot Mrs. Logan
ovor $30 to pny the expiiH of the tele-
ltrm of cowiulBnutM sent her. Her 1
home in oiiuhle the city boundary, and
the len-tfi .i'h otnpni(!) thaw ton cont
ea;h, whether they vers prepaid or not, I'UiIdiDj; more, in fact, lor a larger and ', direction. The proof of this U in this
for delivering them. She received ev- more varied rtxpetience id required, aud fact; tiiit any dairy unction we may, we
eral hundred, ;uid strante to ay, many there are a greater nauibw of tech nicat ! find that a larife number of tha dairy
were ent "collect." It ein wranKB poinU to be mantered. Three requisites . tn0n kWp scrub bulla. It in nrt becausa
that nieuaes of condolence or congratu- 'f"" "lc-'es in manufacture are capital, j tiiey do not know the value of good
lation Hhotild be sent "collect," but it K"oil bumnesn management (attention to breeding, bat as they sell their calve
often happen ' little things), and ability to dispose of an, buy fresh cows, they do not consider
Out of ilie thouaanda of telegram of the products of 111 tnufacture at remuner- j it an advantage to iifie any but the scrubs.
congratulation received ly Mr. Garfield
upon Ins nomination at Chicago, in 130, :
many were marked 'collect,'. It is ;ny j
recul lection, however, lh.it the telcirrapb 1
company in Hut cane canceled the
cliargea. Mont of theo were sent by i
people who either did not know the
amenities or did not care for them, but
many were sent unthinkingly or through
.otiie inadvertence It woult' make fome '
people une.my even yet to know that their ;
fervent and effusive communications
reached Mr. ijarfl.d 1 marked "collect." j
Ona noted gentleman in particular :
sent a very long and enthusiastic meg-1
aifethat bote the word "collect" cans-!
nig Mr. (iatfleld to smile as he i:!anccd '
at il. 8oon after the :nder was a can
didate for a high position un.lar the prov
ident. and, as I knew him well and lik;J i
biin, I took o.'.i:aio,i to toll him about
tlie telegram, feeling Bare there was a
niilakc somewhere. Ila was as demor -
ulue l and disgusted a man us one could
lie explained at once to Mr. Garfield
that he had sent the dispatch from a hotel
in New Yoik, and mippoMeil it had been
I'harg.'d to him in his bill, as he directed,
lie was riot apiioiiited, though whether
tlie "co'.l.-tt" dispatch had anything to
do with his failure he never knew. An-
other "collect" dispatch to Mr. G.irtbld !
was f.om one of the most noted American
actors, who was an intimate friend and
great admirer of Garfield, and he would
have been mollified beyond expression
had he know n about the matter. Another
of the "collect" telegram was Irom a
millionaire senator, and another was
fn'iii agrc.it railroad and telegraph mag
unto and millionaire frotr New York.
That was the tno.'t singular one of all,
and it was Ku.tpected that some of the
high officials of the telegraph company!
did it as a joke upon the sender.
eiie-vi njniaa- - m X
:i l u . . a-
Cnillren cannot begin toj
jo.jn0 i j i
ea-ii inua.'y. If itis.inlva lit'.Ic o.u
V2S for e.rt.y doi m they Gad. pay for
carrying the m'U, a few cents er week
for washing nTshcs, or bringing in the
wood or coal or kiuJiiogs: so mrch for
every towel they hem ; or they may keep
hens of their own, or a pig, or care for
their own c.ilf along with the other cattl
how much more interest they will take.
There are ati inlinito number of ways in
which a chit I can cam money, and that
too, without paving him for his little
kindness to the ho na pjoplo either, and
then he has an inexpressible filling of
pride and independence when ho buys
something with bis own earnings. There
is no bjtter servant in the world than
this same money but to be of the most
use.it must be rightly managed, and only
experience can teach that lesson prnper-Iv.-Ex.
Dr. A. Brown. United Slates navv.states
in the Medical Hecord that he has found a
ejieitifiefor the troublesome eruption pro
duced by the poison oak or poison ivy so
common in our woo ls and old fences. This
spocificho finds in bromine, which ho
has used with unvarvifig success in at
leas', fortv c.ise. lie uses the drug dis
solved in olive oil,co4moliiie,or glycerine
in the st-otigt!i of ten to twvntv drops of
bromine to the ounce of oil, and rubs the
mixture on the affected parts two or three
times a day. The bromine is so volatile
that the solution should bo renewed eve
ry twenty-four hours. The eruption never
extends after the first thorough appli
cation, and it pro aptly disappears within
twenty-four if the application is persisted
At a meeting of the directors of the
Nolhern l'acillc railroad cunipany, lie d
at New Yorl. on the '.Mill ult., vice-president
Oakos stated that many farmers In
Dakota living west of the Missouri river,
had lost ll their crops last season by
drouth and hail, an 1 recommended that
ho i omintny appropriate $lJ.),n03 to pur-
chase 10.),(K)d bushels of wheat and (J.),-
000 bushels to ia loaned to these ople.
It was so ordered, an, 1 these unfortunates
will got a chance to retrieve their looses.
Every farm should plant not less than
u l ';'"' "m,",
most excellent food for all kinds of stock.
Wlu,re they do not bring a paying price
they can bo fed to stock to good advan
Will a.mie practical farmer figure out
the protlt there is in wheat raising,taking
into account the capital invested, and al
other items of expense?
The Now Hampshire papers ci'l for a but tl.u most profitable products are, as
rule requiring a two-lhlrds vote to electa a rul0 mu, rvMt 0 Rkiind care and in
Cniled Slales senator. j telligent haiuliing. He, then, who would
Chris, r.ncklev, the democrat io boss nf :
ing dangmously ill iu
Nin r rancisco, is Iy
that city.
A larao caunory is be'.inr built above
Jtaiini'i4a Kar.nlnir.
How many a;jrii;ul!urint run their
trtn on trict buninefls pr'iiriple? And ,
Lirrninft is as much a busimwii a waon
ative prices. Ana tlie lack ol any one of
three may alone Iks responsible for
failure to make cither manufactnrm or!
armnt pay. Tiw lack oi a Lttie capital 1
fnuy Itecp frmer'o no5 to the griaj-
"tono the year round, and prevent him
froiri taking advantage of opportunities!
which frequently occnr to enlarge his j
income the lack of bawnes. manage
ment makes his work a continual grind.
and eata up tho profits that should be
derived from his own labor and the
hors uf thoie ha employes; and by
failure to keep posted regarding the
markets, or from necessity to rcalire at
once, he is always compelled to sell
A farmer goes to a carpsnter to have a ; the practice, just so long will tho miser
hen house built. Tha worker-lb-wood i able scrub bull li allows 1 a nl.ica in all
imniisdiatoly figures on the amount of
jlumoer re pairel for the job, and tbe.ca'.rei that are really valueless but he
s quantity of nails and other hardware 1 sires the majority of tha future cows, as
; needed; hs estimates carefully the time mjy be noticol by an inspection ofmany
it will takj to buil.l it, and considers j dairy cow, the owners of which shake
what outside help ha must have; and, j tur heals dubiously over the recorded
lastly, heciurgi-s a per centage onibejfeats of thirty quarts of milk, or three
co.,t of the lumber and tlie wages of the j poanjj 0f butter, per day ftotn notod
men he employs. Tha lumber, wages j cowa; J et( if thsy would discard tlu
for himself and men,aud margin of profit gcrah bull, they wo ild witness an annua!
(or wear and tear of toolt, etc,, having j improvement, ou the average with all
I. .an u ., .t, . n .1 I n 1, ,j .,1. . I.t I .1 .1 ,
once what tli strujture will cost; and
wiien he receives his order to go ahead
with the wor, ha knows pretty nearly
how much he is going to make out of it J
before a blow has been struck.
No-, in Lke luarrier, tue farmer gives
t.w.,btr ,..t,.l,.,.tr ... ,,-r.! n..t .. n.i.l .in !
amount of grain. But do-s he ever sit
down to estimate tho cot of seed and
fertilizer, or e idjavor to ascertain what
liie labor of cultivation and harvesting j
will amjuut to? And does he ever think :
0. the margin of proSt to cover interest
on investment, wear and tear of tools,
ew? Per.iaps the two cases are wid-ly
d.tLtvnt. from the nature of things, but,
o: !, ,-,, iiH a ;acj ,(at few AiUiricarf
. .
f .rraen, kii, iw.wlun their produce is sold.
wh.tner tii.y have ma le ii.one-r or pjft
money by having produced it.
Turn s.iarp corners. rjta.Iy to nuke
the most of everything; systematise all
farm work that the.e Wiii bj no lost
hours, and uo wasted moments through
mistakes that a little foresight would
have avoided, or through the imperfec
tions of old tools and worn out machine
ry. Attend toeverything promptly ; buy
for cash and sue unne, though always
buy thw best, (or a poor thing is dear at
any price. Djn't hire a dollar-aiid a
halt i.i.in for two dollars and let him have
one of the boys half of tlu timj to wait
on him. That is the way plumbers get
get rich, for their patrons pay the wages
and they make a prodi ou both man and
"helper" the, shoe is ou the other foot
in farming, however.
In these days of close competition, cv
erv far n transaction or operation should
be brought under systematic alalysis that
every dollar spjut may be made to vield
a fair proiit, and if the dollar ia turned
over two or three times, two or three
profits should ensue. Reduce everything
to a money value, and it will be an easy
matter on the lirst oi Jauuary to deduct
the year's expenses from the year's in
comrt, and th- balance, if any, will show
ho.v much has been made. And, should
this balance barely cover personal ex
penses (or the year, tho farmer is only
making a living, and had better look into
things aud see where he can increase his
"business." Our Country Home.
Onions do not impart an agreeable odor
tothe breath of those who consume them,
but they area very wholesome vegetable
and a great many are used. Just now large
quantities are being received here from
tho beaver-dam lands of Washington
county. Triey are netting to the producer
a trifle over a cent per pound. A f irmer,
who is eng.itted iu the business, slates
that about .tw cut v-flvo acres are devoted
i to onion raising iu his vicinity
and that
the average crop this vear has been about
50J bushels to iheacre. Notwithstanding
theextra labor involved in theirctiltiva-
' tiou, onions prove a much more profitable
j crop than w he-.t or potatoes. In very lav
oruUo lm ,)U,iloU are iomcUlll,9
raUJohuu acre. Prom the twenty-live
I ,.,, ..., , , . ra
thu 8eU!tl)n , ,, M blwlwU uluuiull,i 1)Ut
it ti'ii;:l not oe supposed that tney are all
consumed ;iurev A great many are sent to
S ill Francisco, GJJ sacks going dowtt on
the last steamer. Oiegonian.
Tho hog. if properly handled, Is ono of
tl.u most piotitable proiluctsof the farm:
secure the most end
the best, must do-
i vote his time and a.tenti his care and
I protection, faithfully to his avvitie hard
jut, uu inucii as iu any oitier uu.-iness 01
lust as much as to anv othe
. which ho would make a success
The (,'urB of Dairy my.
The drtirymen who are tho moat hiic
eessful are tlio?a who neek to iinprovn
their Btockj Cut, yet, there are but
few who attoropt to do this, dusplto all
the efforts that have been made in that
the calves possassinj bat very Iiltlo
But the mischiftf doas not end here.
Tiiese dairymen cxpoatto buy cows, and
as they keep only scrub bulls and others
do likewise from what source can they
expect to procure meritorious aniinalu,
especially as manyof thera purchaso
from droverB,orwhf;revcrthii fwsh cows
can be proenrred ? We can demonstrate
that it pays belter to breed good calves
and raise the females for t'.ii! dairy, than
to sell off tho cows when they ara dry
and substitute others in tiieir place
though custom has made the selling of
tbecalvas, at an early age, a method not.
easily discarded ; but as loni as such U
gUch dairy herds. He not only nirea
i the herds thiy would a ll many thous-
anJa 0f dollars to tha value of tha dairy
products. It is well to nrge good breed-
iDgi pur9 W4ter jrr quarters, arft clean
mauagjuie.it of the milk and butter, but
tha ra wt Important matter of all, is for
dairymen to keep pure-brei b'llls.
American Agricultunst.
The Potato? Kot.
My experience in growing potatoes
leads to the conclusion that land, cither
loam or clay, made rich with green stable
manure and a decaying sod (which,
usually makes a heavy growth of vines),
will cause them to rot in a wet season. I
am inclined to b.-lieve that the sam
elements' that induce ft heavy growth of
vines will cause the tubers to rot in wet
weathir, especially if any decomposition
is going on lu the soil. Good crops oi
potatoes may be grown upon light grav
elly, soil, with phosphates in a wet sea
son with very little danger of rot. Sucli
soils seldom bold moisture enough to
make an average crop. There are some
times warm, wet spalls of weather or
heavy dews, where a heavy growth of
vines together with the gras3 and weedi
among them do not get dry for a long
j time, and rot is usually the result. Wet
ting and drying induce rot in !nmb?r.
A board in the chamber or a log in the
water do not rot very fast, while a down
tree iu the forest rots in a short time. I
cannot avoid the conclusion that tin
elements that will grow a potatoe may be
' so acted upon as to rot it Home Farm.
Peculiarity of a Horse's Eye
Oue often hears the expression that a
horse dont know its strength. That is a
mistake. A horse is fully aware of ita
strength, but, ovring to a peculiarity of
its optic lens, it is kept iu a constant
state of ituiiuid.ition. A horse's eye
mafiniiles nearly six diameters, and a
man looks like a giant to it. Queer,isu't
it? but true. A'serie3 of curious experi
ments recently made by Parisian savant,
have establislud it b?)-ond any question,
fnat accounts formally of tho oil fits
oi (right the best horses are subject to.
Those who are attempting the cultnro
of grapes should not forget to trim them
at once, if they have uot already done o.
The vine should be trimmed back before
the sap starts up in tho spring never
after. The best and s.ifejt tinu to trim
is in tin fall but if that has not been d :i ,
the sooner the knife is used the better.
i The rule in pruning grapes is to cut all
new growth back, leaving but one bud of
tiie last year's grow th to send out ahools
for the coming year. As grapes ap;o ir
only on the now wood, the ono bud re
ceives the full Btrength of tho branch o i
which ilis left, and it sends out a vigorous
growth of wood which iu turn bears l.irg i
clusters of good sized fruit, juicv an I
well fluvored. If the vine ho allowed , i
I Kfow at will, tlio fruit djterorates in s a
q,lulitv j qiuutity. 1)aIl., bo .(4 ,,,
use tho kml'e on your vines, only be sure
to use it at the right season of the vj.. .
This section has the requisites for tho
best quality of butter viz. good grasscl
and pure water. Vet we are Importing
butter from California. This condition
of affairs should be reversed. This is an
agricultural country if it is anything.
Stock can bo raised profitably hero if any
whero.and we make no question but Unit
there is in store an abundance of this
world's goods for the farmer who casta
a.tide the old methods nn.l hi , 1. 1- ... .
"f'.01' 10 r,J,isi"ii a!"1' "lock, and butt r
Za ,0"e,4pTli;tlo.,a,,!i,,Hl
thinga which will yield him a constant
income Wll in tlino be belle
j Income will in time be better fixed that)
uepomu upon & waem crop for
uh cash.