5 ' - --- it.' :. . I L i I SHOULD THEY BE PERMANENTLY SHELTERED IN ASYLUMS! lA., Or Should They at Onoa b riacsxl Im Families? One of tho Evil of Charlt bio Katerurlsat Generally Jn mil. Delinquents. TNCUS Sati hn found it M iwtl U A aura ren-.e l-- for lV.nad liver. t;.-i n...,'.i.-l-..-. II ( nntuiion. i 'n . d ar-d Fever, ami ' 1 aiTiwt ions of U Kld.iovsand l,itr. Tt,i U Sew lorn p,K.3,', i t dm Hal :!l convince yon ' that i'.s Clis'"t aad He lieniody Hi i' i tr' -"t f r l)i'M of Knlneya, i.ivorn'!.! I i:ivteri. If you want a pore -'-s.i'-l ei-n-.i-oniul, t'i..t is positively .(r. v.Ti.itP'it- ount-ua no irorenry, go to v.,r., lis-jik-i-t, mid (ret a li-ti'.e of t.ie ,t :l::ui-sw -"J Vuiaey Koamly. H SA! K BY Robust Health Is not always enieycd by those, who seem l poises it. 'flic tmt of corrupted '-blood limy bo secretly undermining Uie .-,nwi!u(ton. In time.'tbe mfn w Ulcer. liuntv show iiseuects. anil w ithall the mom viiulcnec 111'" lomrer it has been allowed to normeaie 1 Ik svVlcin. Each pimple, sty. t..il. fkin disorder cud sense of iinuatur.il lassitude, or lamruo,, is ouc of Nature' warnings of the consequences of neglect. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I tlio onlv remedv tliat can be rolled upon, In all i sm, to eradicate the taiut of hcred tarv disease and tins special comitious f ilie blood. It is the only alterative that is mfticieutiy powerful to thoroughly cleanse tlio svsteiu of Scrofulon and Jlereuriul impurities and the pollution '. tf Contagious liseses. It also neu , t-.Ttlires the poisons left by Diphtheria J ami Scarlet Fever, and enable rapid Trx-mvmtioii from the enfeebleuicut and debility caused by these disuses. Myriads of Cures .Achieved bv Avr.K's SAttSAPAKlUA. in the pa-t fovtv vcars,re attested, audi here is IU bl,od tlisVsM-. at all po-ible of cure, that will not vivid to it. Vuatir t! iltneii!s of llii's el;is.a;id wherever found, from tlio M-urvv t-f the Arctic circle t l'ia veldi-Mre" iir Sou.b Africa, till rem edv has afforlt-i Ura'.l'i to tl:e mOcrei-i bv' hcm it w eiiiiiloycd. Pnuei-n fivn-wberentn ei mimei-ou r:ives. illt i it!it:r ivixmal kimwkd'.-e. of rein?rk-r'-i' it xvroiirlit by it. where u!l e!h r U-. sdiK iu l:;:d bi-m iiiiai ailing. People v. i I tio weU to Truct Nothing E!s3 i Vb:;!i .YKi:"s SabsapariU.a. yumerr.M vnnte niixtun- ure iierel 10 the pubitc t -b:oHl puriiirrt" lii.!i ouly allure l!ie ps!kiit wiili t!.e i rrnne of man rliean 1om n, and wi'h whiib it ui folly lo rxpt-'riiuriir ivbile- !i-fw t "Im-liiv lir roiiiin,' more il.fp-e?lid and d.l'KUi of fiire. Sitr.o of tiie-e niix'tirc do liutid l.i;iii ' ii'im. lleur in min I that the oaly ,i.iii-MH' Hint rra radicaliy puri.'y tie ,'Ailia'wl !i!el i , , Ayer's Ssrsapariila ai. HOMELESS CHILDREN. THE ONLY FOUNDATION. A GLIMPSE OF THE PATHETIC Or. - . ritEPAitrD by J, C Ayer & Co, Lowell, Ma okl by all drifrst! price fl, aix huttha .'or iX Th BCIXR8 Ct'IDK t, Sept. anil MarcU, k each year. Mr Vt pages. t)SZI i Incbn, with ot 3. BOO UlaMratlona a wol Picture Ccallery. GIVES Wholnale Prlra 41m fa KMMU'ri an all good for perMmat or ftually ane. TelU bow to -rocr, aad gi-r exact eoat of trtty talmg yam oae, eat, drink, wear, or Itars fan with. Toeee IKVALtAULE liOOKS eoBtatn tnforveUoa plraned from Use aitrkrtt af the world. We will auatl a copy Hlk-K to aaf ad dreu upon receipt of 10 eta. to drfray expenee af aaaUlTijr. Let aa hear from yea. lUtpectfullr, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. litl 3t ti'i Wabaaa Aeeaae, t'Uicatfo, 111. An address lately delivered lefor the national conference of charitiei and cor rection at, St. Paul, Minu., by Mr. William Lcteuworth of .New lortt, eiuitalus om very tnterestmu statistic. ir. ; Letehworth 1$ the president of the Sew iork state board of cAnrities. ana tne suo- ; i... xhat la riirht. Ject upon whlen h6 poke, the "Childvcn I "n,on v(m Ui,v . . . ' . .hi -. . : .. V. - V .. ! ' oi t ne cm aie, is one wuu w uu u unu made himself thoroughly familiar. The whole number of children under 18 year of as lu the Tutted States is given a$ "0),ot;i.iW.i. VI these, accor-tins to tne cinsus of 1SS0, there were 61,6Sd in tho foundling asylums, orphan asylums, other establishments for homeless and destitute children, and the juvenile re formatories of the dllT.?rent states, nearly Mie-half of whom, or 2433$, were In Now York Institutions. Tho oensns also gave the total number ot idiots iu the United S'ates as T8,SII5; blind. 4H.SSS; deaf muU'S, XvSni, l)f these defectives, 1W,JU in alt. only lO.Otvt were tn ctucattoaal tnitiMi- tions other tuaa day schools. A lie isew K:;g!.ind states had a population of 4,341 ol.ud person, and ouly one public Insti tution for their instruction, containing M in i.ates. There were uo schools for deaf mutei iu New Hampshire aad Vermont, and noii4 for the blind nor the deaf in N'ew Jersev, Delaware, Florida or Ne vada. HOMELESS AND PrsTITCTK. With respect to homeless and destitute children, the question arises whether tliey should be permanently sheltered in asylums or at ouce placed in families by adoption, indenture or verbal agreement. Mr. Letehworth would foaow the sensible plan of sending out .those fit to go Into decent homes and keep the rest In the asi Hira until they are licked into shape. As it is, the tendency is to retain the children too Ion? in tuylutns who.se mau- asers take a pride In more numbers, for .lie more they have the more important th.'ir function appears. This is one of the great evils of charitable enterprises generally. Tho larger the show they can :nr.ke the greater the amouct of atten- .inn they can attract and of money they cm obtain: for even in the conduct of c.iuntie there is sometimes, tf not often i cood deul of humous. Protracted Asylum life. too. is bad for the young, and nay utterly until them for the struggle .uey mu-st eventually go through la the u'.ide world. Of recent years the English and Sccfeh ys;em of boarding out, as it is called, tas been tried to some extent iu Masa j..u etw, Pennsylvania and iu the vicinity f this city: but the trouble with it is that he Ixivs and girls bo.i-.ded out are dutin nis iel as paupera umui thoe with v nom they associate, for taeir mainten- nee is puid for by public or privale chur ty, and ihey are b.idly handicapped in the ao of life, t-m.il.-ej w..; are sent Uilo eiuilie .o be advpied or under indenture lo not antTer froui m.c:i Uis.-dvantag.-s, aid the'.r thanceaof a lv:incniouiure coa- qa.-utly givatiT. iUr-iidea. if the state l--.c;it tlit pli.u of pa) iifc 'btawtl pvoyle refase to laka taMiwr cuillreu. vrllti- Mil re o:u!ni nij. It U uot a tod system Ut tUU eountry. - - the r.utn AKD IME pkav. - Mr. liciwo.h ariw in bohslf of farther pruviaitia for iu liutrurt'oa of ihe l.l'.'i i and the deaf, though he is of theo:in on tuiU our eintir.g institutions for them compare fuvorably with lljoee f Kar.pe. flat ne docs not fa vor the pro- jjet, wtiico has been v vrr.il times beture oi.r nate H-Uturo, of a state asylum ior tlw adu.l b.i..(L Oive t..eai Instruction that will licio tiietu to auU-auport, he An Kartiest Irot.t Aaalut a PemoraU ; itlng Idea The rtnal TasU j Merit, ftr all, Is the only foundation j of real suceoss ou the stage. I want to i enter nn earnest protost right here V.ainst the demoralising idea that mere notoriety will do. You cau't fool the public. There never was such a dispenser i of stem justice as the public. It is al. lutely without heart or sympathy In the award ot honors. True, a scandalised women way succeed on the stage; she otten does; but it is never a scaudalised Avoniau who is destitute of merit of some kind. A scandalised womn may bo very industrious, very brilliaut, very artistic Tne public measures her according to what she does inner professional enpno- a painting yon don't bother yourself much about what the lvibits were of the man who painted it. llou t-.innv people are there who care ! whether llocthoven was a man of a well- ordered lifo or not. They delight in his oventh symphony, without any regard whatever to his porsonsj appearance or : -r,.! -imif.,rtnbl homes and thriving personal characteristics. It is all a que- ui, 0( wheat and oats in the first miles lion of art: that is, it is all a question of lha ,ri., i,ut ia latter portion thrift and enterprise had yielded to weeds art ia the end. Art is the final test. 1 he pubiiB may be hoodwinked for a time; a . crivio may cr.rry an incompetent ou the ' tni! wave tor a time, but the true oasis is " reaeli.tl In flie end. j ou can't substitute scandal for art. j Scandal nuw become an advertisement ! for art, but it can never take its place. ; Scandal can't stand on its own legs. It is ouly tolerated where it is hitched on to i something else that is better. Tinio tells, j The Atnericau women w ho have attained ; the greatest success in opera arc those ; known here nnd abrtad Kellogg, lary, , ibani, llauek, and VanZandt and notio of wtse.T argues, and then let then talc their part in the work of the ooinmunily. In asylums tuey w.H remain throughout the r lives Ucpend-ui mid iucapnbie elf-reliano. The instruct! in of t'ae Idiotic, or feeble minded, has pr-rluccd r ults whx'a have ben urpr:.'iul) sjcce.ifuL ami there fore he won.d fo.ler and extend it, and in needful e.is wuull co:i:inuo the pro tection of t'ie siate nfler lhesch.iol age was pas.e i. As to J ivenile rleliuquents, to caued, he noul l nave More care taken in separating the bai casei froui those wnica are le s depraved, so that gradua tion from n house of refuse should not put a brand upon a boy. To that eml he woul I put burdened criminal youth In J, stin :l niAlitutlons, while ci.Uil run j-im-p!y unfortunate should be pheed un ler d.lfercnt i:ill:ienc?s and amid bstwr av ociat on. The reform school", too, he think ire too lare for the proper care i f lh r inruaies and he calls for more c&re.'u. sup-rviiion to prevent tlio toui-uiilu:-:it of children to houses of reinjje on fnvoious charge. New York Sun. A a Old Man's tlxperlenca la the Wilder ne His Mome-tMrkneu. j 1 had a Kllinpse of the pathetic the other day. lUding out fMin a town, whose chances of Kiiug a city are fully equal lu her dreams, we took dinner at an oasis in a desert of speculative claims. Wo had ! to navigate another tender-foot was with i me to reach our dinner, r'or miles we drove over prairie sod as tough and un subdued as ever rose unmarked by the ; hoofs of buffalo In early spring. In some places spring Area had tuowed off the dry fcrass and left the sod to spring up In , green aftergrowth. Hutlalo wallows and j their counterfeits, "burn out, were nu merous. Houses, strafl'-stacRS ami inn ing claim shanties built of soil dotted the horlson aud furnished headlands by which to steer, llraklug, grown up to weeds or lying In flat ribbons ns far as the eye conld reach, served to Indicate sections and center lines, and so after tacking ami putting abont several times we reached our destination, sixteen miles northwest of town. We had passed sev- and soeculatlon. The land was not so good, but, quite good cuougli for non resident traihekers In the toil and perse verenui of actual settlors. We were cordially received, unhar nessed and fed by a white-haired uian of 00, who, with his son, wore struggling with nature and comparative solitude. He cooked a good dinner, aud over it told us about his exjierieiice in this third wil derness. He had pioneered in Illinois and and Wisconsin for thirly years. "1 can stand this 'hatchln' it, said he. 'I can stand working hard aud living as I did iu of tueii were compelled to report to scan-, tt. . imflVlm nin on Simula fare, lal. tuo dramatic stage tne women w k . ,. . t .me everywhere, and who ran draw the largest audiences aim thero'aaomathinii about this cllmat that wno nave me most pruiuuicui iwwu ( mne iazy mn want to work; out, this country are Mary Anderson, .Maggie , thlj m,,,),, it wo;irlug on mo. I'm Autciioii, loiia, ranuy i)eiipon man . ioo!lli hnbiU Kvery sane lnau C'laia Morns. I would like to tnetuue , f ,a hH ...., i.i. rellow-men. and .uodjesna, but sue is noi an American. j v eftftl,t Small, who lost his wife I do uot remember Uiat anyol tnese- I.-.,.,....,, h.r here half dead from have been helped along by a ie.ino.ui. MirhUraii. - hnwn't a nol-nbor within three miles. I'll toll you what I'll do and he looked out of tho window on to SAltSLMEIJS Remedy for the Blood ! VMiiiic o'.'i-it nut .t i. tuoi 1 1 u ,m lim tr i dor in'emnil nl llo Hl.-m-eh, I.i. er. k hill. i .11.1 li l oid all trouble n- iiIIIhk (Mill nil Impure iiiiiiillllnil ol Ihe blood. SarsfloUl Ctironlo UlcorSslvo For Ihn euro ol t'hronle I'livra, Vnrleime Veins, Al.ci'"i. Kevvr Mores, liiiltiiineOorvSwi'lllmis, 111). ).ini, lllktulM' llf till) H.M l II 111. nnd Hull's ol eiery ilou'llpll "I. ' I I I IlIIKM'Ks i .1. S. M.ivn lid, t.-itiitrv. ' r. .liio.lv irl.id I lii'iiil.-ld A r.nrl.Hriu.t llmidiMir, Mrs. follco. Hi'ln, dr. Uev. Mr ou. l.-ikor ftly Dr A It I ee.or ki-iii:iMli k W T. Mrs. Julia Wotior, M...itilt, W. T. Uev. S. Al. Peuier, i'liyallup. W. T. Ti stni-uii) nt liev. T. J. IIu(T c Ti'Hsrk Statioi us , Auiiusi -JT, InkI, 'I o "Tub Saili iki ii liKVKiuKs Co - I mint ho,.rih i-iidi-ro hrtr.lH'lds i:ein-dn,. and mil t.(riuiN tlo'l uiv i iiilorn'iio'til .h-ill bo iUihmI -brre II will du Ilie i'"l ! to sullerlim m msiitlY. Ibtvo lisd a hiii'jiv epitrleiie.i lu emi lii-i-llon w Itli lif,o r.ouiMbi'S, lion t wiis Hist iiobieed In try lli.on my trii'ml. ilioiiiilit 1 would not live llire'e months. Ni.w I niu well nnd hearty; 1 oi(h '.'IU pounds; sin sirniieor and In belief tioill'i Iiiiii I h ive h"d lor lihe yens, 1 hsve tried iii'iny doi'tors siul m my otlief iimh edtes. ind idl ll'ixe I d,l-i) to e'lti- tttlttiH lied tot bis kind ro Idoliee llisl lie led Ilie lo ) in) 'itid youi- vii'tiderful reitti'dten. I would reenm mend all who 'Hi-"iidei U'i: (vein mtul I'l.isoii iwn id iiny d"M'i hul.'ii to 1 1 y x ii-ileld bemed) f r tlio loi'.il nd 10s I li-er K,il -I. Hhii'e I 10 l.toul. illo.' e,t ou:e It ll's 'if i,'H In in. I'i'tKlmoii I u ,vo wtitu'-.i I t in r tec: ,1 i h. n-ii' i.iii iii. in nihors, i-ud It ,ui.ii Ilie best uf llll ii'tivll Wllllli lllO A-ir,1eltl ll.'llli'.lies I'u ",'1'1S Coltunelinil He w 1th Hi. Itieril el thi'lr renir lien. I mil ye ii i iruly. lil.V J I'. Ill I K. liefer to Uov. Mr l'tot, Kii'r.iim nlm The Manufttotura t llrles. "The tnnnui'.iciitre of dUuies," stvld statlonvr to a repotier, 'thonifh uno of the lariest tudust lies In thu country, la carried on by only three firms, two lu Now York city mid one lu Cambi idgepoit, Mass. "The reason whv thern are so few lu thu . . . ... . ' .. ptlsiuess is tne enormous niiioum w .i-i- tal re mired to carry on the uuilei-tnkiirg. Tim aiuount of capital roqulivd runs up Into the huudreda of llumsands of itollius. It Is a slnnular fact the president of the largest of Ihe three great tllary tuanufiu t ui'lu't companies was lit one time the fore man 1n the estubllsluueut over which he presides. These linns have now taken the llrst step to iiuiuufiu Uii'e lilnrics for l-sT. It is what you luUht call n Imig-wl-ided butdttcsx. You have got to go Into It on an immonso scale In order to mnke any thing out of It, and theno tlueo linns have had sueli long exiviienro, and ciphered the thing down m Hue, Unit 1 don't sup pose any one else would care to start tip lu opposition, t liey are niiyiug imur pa per now for the diaries of 1SS7, "Two ol these nouses iiinuuinitur" ii- (XHi.iVH) iliiifles apiis'K a year, th olhnr maiinfiu-turea 3,tsV,M. Anollier .Mnv York llrui ttn.Hes some diaries -probably 15,000 ur "AVvVkt a year. There are t..ieo sUea of diaries made, 'lluio, ISmo, mid Uino. and then them Is narrow tuno, long Sum, long long Sma, and broa l !mo. Thero Is cup, there U quarto, and long quarto The dUTnrcnt ilfes have one day to, .page, or two, throe or four to a page. Their re tail cost varies from 4 tola cunts, lucre Is ten times as much demand for iliarus now as there was twenty yean ago, Tne tllary trade alone of a well known s a t loner on Nassau street, New York atnounlatofr.OOda year. Notwitlistar VNg the enormous number ef diaries jlt'w( i, there Is it loss number In the nrkot t." day than I have known lu tho "pa. t twenty " yeiirs. There Is a great demand for t' . finer diaries now, an I the belter class of i goods sell much mow readily than they , did a few years ago."-Ttrooklyn I nlott. j j us uiuiv sr., sas ri:N'isfo, rat.. ltaneoek's ThisMi :rmlolilblrn. I Hancak's Idols were his three For Sale by nil DfUfifgiStS. X NEW ERA. TH" v 1 it n Mm hi' Tim it, lacrica t'l'IIIM'illr tfl Ut 'Mil! I tlit. .VIM- lit UlO -.:T.'i i'1 Ipi " l; .1 4 i Sal-Prlyscatelle Tlio elirv.i ili! d s tits ti H'h-il f 'ind b oo ; a in at i.iiii'b mil iu-. ibiet Ireia till., s I lliotilti'l ) ; Hie 1II' ill- t s.-MMI'l prelis- mi I! rutin r iilnii s a -H..!'. I side 'Ver fl.' Hell l f.Tl. till Allii'fle Hi imbilo ...ill I'l.diol; ll lie Mil ,.l Molllld - 1 , I.'.,,. , ,l'l., ,'.! i.,,-"ii,,' 1,1 Mm l- li.i i M ,,i.j '.'. .'ie. i II .! It ' i ' ' i . '(in ; fct-1 .Mutiuraeluti d a nil Sold by irsfield Remedies Co., those scandal. ! li.ey are all hardworking, earnest; women, and Hevotccl to luetr pnuessmu and giving substantial aid to dram,. us gitv acres of as fine wheat as the the 1st art. Mnce wo have known them, how j (J j(JM found anywhere It lean trade many outer women nave como h. io- , ,nls section for some small farm sta.4e. become tne conspicuous nguivs ic , ,oraewhere in tho east where there are sou-.e scuimiu ami passed into uopeiess oblivion? They come every year, aud go as quickly as they come. They are not the real artists of the profession. They j are not the ones whom the public regard I as tho exponents and representatives of j dramatic art. They come up with a nutter aad fall back into the great Indistinct ; throng of the mediocre and unnotlceable, where they spend the balance or ue in a , , emmcj. "Give It upf Trade for struggle for mere existence, or drop out, H,,lB.hm flirm, v.,, lllcu. You've of the profession altogether. They are .v.-.!-! t.-, h.r,i f,- tl.ro mm father .to n-gthe Industrious people, and without , , , nlowlnir kitchen garden furrows nltl ii.nn iusignillcance.-Cor. New York World. , 5. . hu h , 1(.k' a n hlg fork and remarkeil: "It will bo lun, "John, wbk-n we get a reaper into that wheat. Tliis 1 where the humorous crowded the Vatietlo and the compensation of hanl5b!i-"bntchlng If and look. rig for nelglKsa came in "and we left the old man, wr) Is aluio&t tired of pioneering. In a cheerfiil frame of mind. Dakota Cor. Philadelphia 'limes. farm houses, churches, school houses, "wd netli'a and such like, I'll do II and in tho big farm go." Ho spoke with a fervor such as breathes In those lines: ("0, solitude, where are tho charms that a..ges have soeu tn thy face!" jTho silence aud suspension of appetite tnat fallowed gave way to tho pathetic upd then a heated debate between father IInw the Senator Clr ARaatlnn. Although one often sees strange sights In tho giilici-ies of both the house and senute, ihe llrt.f the senate during a set speech a- an interes'.ing debate isequally amusing. Inrin? 11 vans' speech on tho clecton-.l joiint bill 1 noticed the various senators hi Ti-ist ouilaiidish positions. Senator Payne 1;.! t..i.ea a soat In the front row, and lay n u uiieny couajuea contutmn eeeiu His UefH was tbiTiwn back on the First Class Wood Engravers. rt K A'tAsn nr twnntv first clasa wood :hir, with his left cheek agaiuiet Uie back. enrkyIia this conntry It may be said that tnew asn aa mucn ui uo aa uiey cau do, andsive paid for, I. as much as ever. Two hundt1 dollars fur engraving a full page plctute In one of tho leading niagil iiues Is noj sn nucommon price, and some euL-rasors fvill do the work In a fortnight, and often fa less time. Perhaps fifteen engrav n are now earning steadily J5,ooo apiece f fear, and thus are better olf On.mci.ltly than hundreds of American pnlnteJi. Hut scores of good engravers who dif not belong to the first rauk have been driven to the wall, tho work that they opce did being done by process meu at low4r rates. Some of them are earning s mode it living In the service of the pro cess ui' n; many of them aro perplexed In svlrit. Much of the process work Is very beautiful, especially reproductions of painnlngs from copper and gelatine plates, aniL there never was a time when tho painter In oils or water colors saw his best efforts multiplied so faithfully and so extensively. Oeorgo W. Sheldon iu New Yor'k Star. Absolutely Pure. This TMiwdpr nover varies. A marvel of Diirlty 'trouffth and wholosonienoss. Mure economic tl tlian Ibe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold iu -oniilhloD with the niulittiide ol lo- lest abort weiiflu alum or iihosnh'ite powders, ijold nnlr Id cans. Hoyal llAKiNii fowues Co., m Wall street, New York. T JTT'S lanes PI 17? Vii 25 YEABSJW. USE. Tho Greatest Mcdhal 1 n-imglt of tho Aget ' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPSD LIVER. Laasofappetlte liuwelscnailvs-, fain la Ika bead, wills a sluil scDsatloa In lbs back nrt. Pain under Ilie shoulder blade, VallDoaa after ectlnc with adlsw Wllsatlon to exertion of body or ml nit, Jrrltabllltr of temper, Low spirits, with . feeling of bnvlng ncslected sotne duty, Weariarae, lylv.xlnesa, flattering at Ihe Ueart, Date bolore the ores, lieadaeh. rer Ihe right eve, ltcsilesaness, wltb tfal dreams, lilgblr colored t rlue, aad CONSTIPATION. TtTTT' riLI-i are especially adapted to such eases, ona close rlieots such a shsnraof frollnsTnetnasliinlslitliesutlarer. Tasy Inertias the A rtcttt,snd csust the body to Tsks u t'lesli.tiius ll. i v. tern Is tiaarlshH,i'(t by IheJr Tontfi Anilou on tl. ll-sUvOr'ran0,1trjriiJai atoolssr rr.wln.i.,1. prlee SV, t t Hfurrsi y t..M. V, TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Guat It ii a or WuisKsits ehniiKed to a OixisaT llbACK bv a hiikIs application of tins Lira, it imparts a natural ooiur, aots Instantaneously, bold by Drunulsls, or sent by xnre on receipt Of tl. omot),44 Wiutfay St.. "iiw York. lis eyes were closed and his hand were Ja.siel acroja bis stomach. Sennturl Morguiif was sitting next .to him. I Morguingenerully leans btick In his chair, I draw biiusolf uri tn a peculiar way and I shutH hi3 eyes nnd to the majority be ap per.rs afleep. The two senators In such positions at tracted much attention, and some thought tlvnru' long sentences bad had a Uvl e:Tec ui tiioiii. Bi.t :u T i-ia tlii ll'Xir Senator Morrill sat with a thoughtful gaze on his face. A bonk was on his l.ip, and iu his liand a quill p. ii. When he gets inter ested b stops wrltlirr, and puts the poll tiy t i his tlick and Im.:j.1 his luad fxwaia, ;iv:u; tho speaker his cloeust atteiitiou. Srii.nor lig;iti takirs an eajy position a lien he is listening, by leaning oue arm j n his desk an l rt sting his head on his linn 1. IMmitmU sits upright in his chair, wliile Yau Wyck take his ease by leaning uv k. (iormnii ran-ly Is in his seat, while .'r;m aud V'eet l.)ih vary their laisitiont i.-j..." ding to Ihe sp;nl: -r; generally the) .-M;!'y the time wriiiu;;. Washington Lo:-. C'iikutro IlernlT. Wltb a I'b.,splionscnt Muibus, Sff-st latch holes nre olwcunv' little apertures not easily sc-. n in bt.iart day I, .hi by a person v. nh ull bus luculiies at tncir keiiitst. Now bow ui tist It be on a I.. rk. iiig.it for a prison with their hands beuumn-d wall cill and luore tr less Contused witli tbe g.wa clicer ot a sup r patty. It is simply cruel, brutal and pro-p-islcni'iis to plu'.e u ierou lu such a situ ation win u nil trouble lnl;ht b easil) avoide I by placing the hole at tho tnd ol tien. Ceil grandchildren, lieorgw. Myra, and Ada, and when he w as prepared for burlul some of their tops and playthings were found upon his lied of death, w here they bad left them. They were the children of his son, KussoU Hancock, now dead, aud their homo was ostensibly lu Mississippi, but (Jen. nnd Mrs, Hancock would sen l for them early In May mid keep (hem until offer Christmas every year. (Ion, Hun cock's grandson, who was his namesake, diisl the very day he was nominated for president In l"vs, Ada Is a gentle -'mother-chlld." very like Mrs. Hancock In herqulot. sensible nns. Myra, named after M'rs. HuiiciK'k, Is Oen. HanciK-k all over, and was the dear est to her grandmther'a heart. She Is a del lent , splrlluelle child, with iK-aullful features and the softest manner-but a regular Trojan. She Is not of raid uf an y-thi-ig on the face of the earth, and could stand an enfilading fire a well as lien. Haocock himself. The general delighted lu her prowess nnd her reputation as a warrior. She ismhl vanquish a by twice her slc In slule combat, and had terror ized every youngster on tho Wand Into a state of ahjei-t submlsdon. The fart Is, (Jen. lliutoock had e-slablishM a unique state of things among his little friends on the Island. The ! had thelronlers never to dispute wtth the girls aliotil anything, and tho slightest lufi'Uigemuut of this brought out a terrible threat of the guard hottso for the ollender, so tho boys were completely cowed by the fi'.rls. Cor. Chi- IMMUK1T Y tVom A K i:.C V- if h v 7- ' i kmmr si Tin; Tone or iiii: dav. Sick Headache AMI Dyspepsia Vm Hil JUtntinrtUo U I tf I f I rKi f Iy(- ntl rut i' for ni iiiiii'ilnii 1 tl-r iumtMi( t.f lit Hi rr, lll(iMimi.,"i. hie, lit - ' it'tiiiiuf .ir i-m-n?nltn rtrUiHH In hi tliMht'ttc ! tiBf rM.lt llt'UH. ItlJ'fHt.e.tiilt, VHl'lii'MJ, ' IH il,V tI III' ! wr chi'ly l itUdlt t ( S t'l I V. I Imi i U l-MNK l.SU, U't nil niM'til till t Itutiufit'iit 'ifi-ltirf In tu liitniy int'li iur 'Hittifv.. iit ire hi i iii-Mlt ritkli Ut'liu-ii. r ui ctin r ur ,.( -t v l (lit t.lt'.'Vil; tU. akill irii U-h. r iTttMt hi'tMliriit ( hi ii h. I Hi l it If Is V It IV I't.ta. II l til U'lt llt'ltllii'rl t lltp fllicl mete iHti i tilt tit'trliiuliiif t'. -II n.c m., ir!-t.iy lutl, riifiiti .tic m,.i tlm l luiiiir him A, m I h I'm ire. I by iho Loitiluli Sul-M inni' iv -f mj uni. M."ii. Kik: i'svI ' llturtri( ttn tliilli.tif.. I'u '.ui ! "I'Imo WtM'K tttiitly," fHfii.l rr t'lrrnUn l 'i I VAN v wtiurMt Auiorti'iui U tii York City. For n ut t-y V. U I VIMII. GEO. A. oitKiuiv t irv, Moullou Ibis paper HARDING, til.H.i.N. v'.ii . .... . . a a Demand for a huialler Culn. Tbi ro is a growing demand la this city for a smaller ci.in than the cent. Tne liU le red coin ha trave'.e 1 we-t until it has reached the shores of the Pacdic, whore It may be enl.l lo i.i-et the brass cash of Cut .ay. and no snmller coin Is needed In e w-ol. Hut here a half-Cent would lend to j reveut wuste among the poorer leoplei ihus there are plenty of toy ,b cti are retu.led a 1 cent each which oiil I he, and would la', proiltnbly sold at bait a cent. On') must buy an even nuin- ,er o; ponnds of sug ir and an even mini icr i f some kinds of good, or liaise half . cnL It will sound mean to some peo ,i.e to hear one cornpialn of the loss of aif a ceut, but tho old .Scotch proverb loom willful waste and woful want can not be i-rnored. "Tiie standard coin of France Is ilia franc," s ild a Frenchman to me. -and it is as bi-- a coin there as a dol- ar ia hers. Taat I, because we have also the centime a fifth of your cent. It would make America richer to give tho pooplo a half-cent coin." Cor. Brooklyn Kale. A Maimed tllehlgaa Community. The visitor to this city, or In fact to any of trie cities that compose the hub of the Saginaw valley, is forcibly struck with the lurg.) number of nngerluss, bandloss, and armless men and boy that are to be seen during an hour's walk on the busiest thoroughfares. Your correspondent's cu rlosity was toexcltod by this circumstance that be sought an explanation from an acquaintance, who suggested a visit to one of the sawmills ou tho river bunk The sawmill Is the explanation for the absence of arms, hands, and fingers. Bay Citv Cor. InJcrOcean. Dlsoasos of Trottlng-llorse Trainers. It Is a noticeable fact that trotting horse trainers aro as subject to kidney dis eases as are railroad conductors. This Is caused by the constant Jiirrlng of the motion of sulky riding. In the course of a day's training they sometimes ride fifty or sixty miles, and this in time seriously affect the kid nevs and other luternul organ. Nearly every middle-aged horse-trainer sudors from this compliilut, and It carries more of them under their final wire man any thlug eUe.-Chicago News "Rambler." Musical Instrument 1,000 Tears Old. Itocent explorations at Memphis, In Egypt have brought to light a lurge num ber of harp nnd other musical Instru- monts, stippomid to be at least 8,(M) years llangxrs af thu Chloral Ilahlt. Chloral, when It comes In contact with the blood, decomposes, aud one of the re sults of Its docomHHitlon Is the formation of chloroform, which Is frequently fatal In It effect. Hut not considering this, chlo ral Ls especially dangerous lo person BtlUcteil,w Ith itny form of heart dlsea'-e. It produces setnl Intoxication, acting upon the heart, and Its use persisted lu Is often the direct cause of death. This, and uot low-neck and short-sleeve dresses, will ac count for the sudden death of ninny socl- I ety ladles. Iridic aro afflicted with the habit more often than men, la-cuiise they nre more subject to headaches and neuralgic affec tions, aud their family physician nine times out of ten will prescribe chloral, to kill the pain as iiulckly as KMsible. This applies to the well-to-do classes the poor can not afford to buy tho drug. Thus the taste Is acquired from a painful Illness. The patient experiences such a great relief and the sensation prialtu ed is so pleasant that the use of the drug Is continued, fre quently without the knowledge of tho at tending physician, until It became a fixed habit, a mania, w hen It Is more dangerous to attempt to stop than It ls to continue. Dr. Herrmann In Cilolie-Domocrut. Washington's Kunaway t'nlorvd Cook. An autograph letter by (ieorge Wash ington, which reveals some Interesting farts lu lil domestic history, has just been " ',, : V4 v . W', .A: I .'j'-:t;4.!vi:'j . W. HAMPTON Will Dig, T Doro Wolls. SIIOSR WISIIlNll ASV or Clcnn. Hue grill set ll d no esilln on i, Ins. l his rc.id.-iieo. W slur si reel. WnKK IN tllM K--..! terms l,y C.w per .llup si r so. W. A. TIIOsMsSOaW Fotmerlv of ho firm ol Wll.l.IAMS & Co., ol Oregon City, l uti-ly l ies. r,p li'itl Clo.'lr at Cornc'lu's Urv, ' 1'i.itlai.d, Has Opcno:! tho imiJG S'l.OiJK, Hadeonlf ef (' " -i'-st i.l .nt. tty of t.stu. Cr V tti'UTiiitti; heal. Evorv to;.l thiinl 'a Cotintor- folto'l, ur.il ooiifum ri rr C.A.U TIOHEO ivi'tilittj'y lVil'f ATIONH ol 1 k..a r-'i.i..,., ..-.,-t a? VF'.RY HI".'" i.i.Jiu, . c- ..- - . . . V-VSI I POOHGI.AS.. flci thitthafxaot I Jri QlTl f 'I'hPflt.rO lnbol in on enoh t-hltntioy Rabovo. Tho r '-rl Top !j ulwaya clottr ana bright; aiu;i., Mauurisetured ll'.I.T by CEO.fi.ElflCSETH&CO. rillkbitrah lt tJla. Marks. FOH BALI BY DEALEBf. Portland. Oraon. KTHYT!IINii HIOT CI l.lVi: II Ml AC U.J.. a small cup or funnel of metal and suf Qn wUU hu parliament than Prince Bismarck does with the reioiistag. tin cugo Tribune. l iuudiug it with a dic uf (silished silver. r .'von with a pliorimo: exeunt nimbus, a.. could be easily done. C.'ik uLite, if you can, the misery, the biekcr;iii;s, the crimini.sious ami rerrimi- rations, tiu.t have grown out of the ma i.nily lo open front disirs with night keys t!ie p.-i-pie who lmve iiccu rung ni out ol t.loir bid.;, and the others who have been i reod In no in hotels or vu!k the streets. Think of it, and s.iy wlv tlmr we are not jnsiiiiul m i-i'i.lu lot reform lu this Walter. I a ...fi ingi. ru.dilon Oiiol-iis f the Congo. On the bunks of the Congo, fashion queens strut In brass equal In Weight U the p.ihojdy of an Australian grenadier in heavy murchlng order. Society ladles art expected to weur copper bracelets iinii copjar anklo-riugs, hcuvy copper chain girdles, r.nd nroiiud the neck a scml-cireu lar chunk of brass as thick as u horse oll:ir and weighing from t sveuty to thirty el;iil pounds. llr, Felix Is. Oswald. Austria's Ineroase of l'opiilatlon. The Australian papers point with pride to the fact that the population lu thai country doubles Itself every twenty years, while that of the United State only doubles list'll eveiy tweniy-six year. Inter Ocean. What Japan Ia Going to Io. In 1990 the first parliament of Japan Is to be elected, and In order to prepare for representative government It has been necessary to sweep away tho supremo council of state, which has hitherto prac tically ruled the country under the mi kado himself. The heads of departments will now form a cabinet, each member of which is directly and personally responsi ble to the sovereign. Tho Uurman sys tem la Liksn a the model to lie followed as closely as possible, although It may be i published. He pathetically writes or tne hoped that the Japanese premier may get running away oi in ouumi nam mm nm trouoie exporieiieuii iu ki-iuhk nuovo.-i. friend tells him that a good cook can be had by purchase, ami recommends the slave a having no other falling but a fondness for liquor. The document ihs'S not show that he became a slaveholder at that time Nov. Ill, 17U7 but from the eariiestnes of the appeal, In which lie expresses him self as willing to secure such help by hire or purchase, It Is Inferable that he did. At any rat the letter proves that even the father of his country wus not exempt f mm annoyance on tho servant question. Chi cago News. (Julie an Original Old Seminole. Tiger Tall seems to be qiillo an original old Seml.ioli). A sewing iiiachtno agent drifted Info his dominion one day nnd set up a machine in Tiger Tail's tent. The old chief, with great deliberation watched him put It through Its puces, lie then arose, brushed the ngimt to one sldo, and, seating himself, adjusted his feet to the trundle. Hu started the wheel and found that he could tnnko It go. Ho sewed up one piece of cloth and down another, and then gravely and critically examined his work. A,t last ho appeared to lie satllled that It was all right. Hu then turned quietly to his wives, who had watched the proceedings with Interest, and kicked them one after another, out of his tout. Atlanta Constitution. Tb Fond a Man lErqolres. The quantity of fno.1 that a man abso lutely require is neither more nor less than will supply the dully wasteIn other words, enable him to perform his mental and physical work and still koep Intact tho weight of his body. Demorest '. I. st the f.iigiage lio Knrlohad. "Dolicocephulic" is ft new coinage of tin eccentric word -maker that signifies "long head" I." Now lot the lmif;ui;g! bo en rlched with polysylhibh equivalents fur lerel-lientlcd and swell-headed. Chicago 1 in lea. Moiii'sil Curs Are More IJuble. Statistics aro said to show that over 90 percent, of Mini dogs are retrievers, or anliuuls so-cullcd, und that mongrels are much mora liuble lo hydrophobia than dugs of pure breed, Medical JouruuL "Yes," remarked a landlady, "It ctwts money to gut knives sharpoucd. but it's ch'-nper than buying tender meat." Hard work at dc right tlmo will raise ct bctrer crnp den pra'r at do wrong time. A'kansaw Traveler. Her Crown of Glory, Gray and red are tho coarsest hair, black less coarse than theso, brown finer, aud flaxen Sliest. In Spain auburn hair, and even red, is looked upon as a great beauty; so It ha usually been In coun tries where dark complexions predomin ate. Witness the blue eye and gulden tresses of the classical poets of antiquity, and the yellow periwigs which the Roman ladles of Imperial times nseu w im port from the banks of tho Rhone and the Hunube. Exchange. T.nws of freeslng Florid Pish. Fish In Lake Ouorgo, Florida, show the effects of the lata freeze. The scales in large blotches aro stripped from the skin, and on these naked places what seems to be a fungus Is growing. The same strange growth In some Instances covers tho eyes and head, and the fish is null, listless, aim show no disposition to cat. Chicago Herald. Descend ttt af! Miles Hiandltlu It may not be generally known that a son of Cnpt. Miles Standlsh In coureo of time married a daughter of Prlscllla Alden, from whom aro said to be de scended many prominent men, Including two presidents of tho United States. Portland (Mo.) Transcript Th. Other Fellow. "The born poet," truly remarks Miss Cleveland, "has no agony In his song." In deed, no. It is the poor wretch who lis tens to his song who lies awake and moan lor the chloroform. Burdotte. J. D. Stover, Piiinler Paper I lander, Oregon City, On-gon. II riM, TAKR If ('iiuntry und will do CHS I T.AC ISIS 1 iiW.V (ll, Ik 111 sntls.tet,.M manner, rriei-s Inwtiisuit the times. K iis.i lulntDK, bill po.tlug, etc.. doiio on snort nuttee . 4 ( I a-i 'r.3 ) fj A .?vVrV? T4 If l' i IA I :V-Vi 1.-4 j a.Ajj . r n IlnJO. .J.'a' for Will '. IM l iil-'tr 1. tl B I""' M SUS,"s.atJf Lit tlllieid B.-'.ili.g tt fl iWln -..,l 110 (b-l, $j0 ,l tit....il I-rl..., !' ft..- (i 'i sol ittif 1 1. ..ii . uri iiH'ibi fl VKOkTAHLK ftw4 ftl.OHl l( klKIlM, III I. Ma, tu. -.ail.. 1st all, osSlw.t.ilT fa, Mi'l.l it .) d'"4 ft'f ll. 0, M. FIRRY A CO.. UtfOlt,MtohlKrirw riBST GLASS I2T EVEIiY ii:Gri,CT. ESMOND HOTEL Tlioss. GTLiinoo.n, 3Proi?. Corner Front nnd Murrlsmi Strccls. I'HItTl.lM), Olil l OX. A Good Exeas. for Fox Hunting. There is an excellent excuse for fox hunting In Maryland since It has been dis covered that foxes regard terrapin eggs as a great delicacy, and ciiiibo by their efforts a srarr.lty of diamond back terrapin. Exchange. Oldest Dwelling In the Country. The oldest dwelling house In tho United States Is situated near tho San Miguel church. It was built before thn Spanish couqueat. I.ns Vega (N. M.) Optic. When narrowed down to "sink or swim," the hard work that most young men can stand would surprise thorn, J no Isnfagan. Momn Is now wild to bo a clean city and (hi foot-pad is unknown. A ll.or Saloon In Constantinople. Gen. I)w Wallace bull with grent gusto ths story of the German who opened a beer wiloon In Constantinople, Of course Mohammedans do not drink strong liquor. Hut when they saw the foaming bluer they said: "By tho beard of the tirouhut! That does not look like wine But by the way the giaours drink It, It must be good. Let us try III" They did try It. numerously Indeed, nuiltlttidlli- ously. And linn. Wallace say tho cuter prising tnun from Vienna Is making an In dependent fortune from good Mohaui' liiedau pal ronage. Kxcliuiige. A Hint for Nlilpwriieked Hallors. The generation of heat by friction has been applied In lliiglaud lo the production of a Million still, with which survivor tn hlnwiecks may obtain sletim and frost witter from sea-water without thu aid of lire. Hcleiitlllc Journal. The cheer of thu frcahniariV class of Tuft's collugn Isi "Kight-y, olht y-y-y t-y nine, 'rah, 'rah, 'rah, 'rah, Tuft.iir At hint the Berlin city authorities In1'1 had to coiuo to It-ii'iinely, tho ar.'.ilng tho pullto with revolver., ) lliliiiisii . u. 1 - i- (Of THECAL. PRUNE LAXATIVE tX MT -. : y& Thennlv lierfrrt frail rrineilr furl nnslliHitlon anil llllhiusnrss. HIM sailrirrrllve III lis anion. Rnfe fur Indies, i bllilrn, anil nrab rinstllullnns. FnrlfleslUe Uljotl, liiuemlbesliiiarli. A plensuitl siibslllulefot- nauseous pills, old by all Ili UBSlsls anil Cunnlry Itvalers. latrge bullies, 5 cents. smcaL .tb s f J l-". l- mmmmmmmmi 2ririiH Tltr. CltF.sT KKKVKTOH'.-l nsiirpneIasreiiirilyrirenerai itiiimy.sieei IcMuM. ludlgc.llon, neuralgia, Kbramallsni aad llmheii-tlown teuMUilUulls, Hold by all PriimilsU and I onnlry lrlcrs. UEITARE Oi IMITATIOMa. TAKl' ONI, bib lillM.lll'H. M&3BX. , in . i.s y .,..,,.,,, T,-.-.j,JJI ..i igr- ti t-itt-t ---.i m 'V'ai v' t, s,i 't we s S't. I a. 1 1 l '.V. l'.''-''lNVV-'.''''''' ,nivvvJsAi'.'-'' ."v -'-:-.' ve -,.... I .ail IU ami OlV 'Lj-AlJ.sliili'aji ;-siiV-, t -ii; , 1 aatiusas isi, ' I'i's V i. 'w for Infants ond Children. 'Castorla Is so well adspted to children that I Cast otI -trim Polls, Contlpt l, irecommendltassupsrlortoany pr-suirlpuon gr w,U'J;,;.rr1S; aoi p'rimiuis known to nje." ll A. Ascnitt, M.D., I -anion, IU Bo. Oxford St., lirooklya, N. T. I Without injurious medication, Tus CasTAna Coursur, IKt Fulton Rtrcet, H . T.