THE ENTERPRISE. TliCR8DAY,NOVEMBEU4,188(l. .. ' t z utnerlbar fulling to racaly any Humbar of kwaaraiia, will plMM report Ilia mui at On Year't Work. The Work on the 0. A C. railroad be tween Oregon City mid Catiemah lit pro grewlng tlowly The change (hut will bt tutdt in tlie lino of the road require the removal of large quantities of tho reck bluii Hut Um kIoiik aide of it. Nuxt cuk work l liogun on a iUn wall (0 take tht place, of the treat lo work lust south of town. . Thin wull will b four hundred fuet long tnd twenty font high. Altar this work m donn the b'wntlnu of rock off ol the blull' will ha carried on mure actively, t there will be les danger of ocidnt to the roadbed Hint will delay tralna. The noarneaa of thin bliifflo tow iv and the roud whore pmiohi ra iiaasimr. necollatos the revovalof rock In auiali quantillr-e nd therefore It will proliaiuy un one year to tuna on enouuli of the bluff to allow the totting of the track back, four foci tnd otherwise straightening the many curvoa It now oulalna. Thit work a It proitresaoa will call for the emulovmmit of many men mid w III add conalilcrblo to the IntercM of the working men in our midst, Air. Jamv Uvan. whahaschariieof the rock- work, la vtry careful and paya grnat at tention to thfl people who paaa below, In order to avoid avcldunU. Tim indiuatiian are that the roud will be through Mwih-ii I'ortlund ami San Kiancluco wllhln a year, and we Imliovo that these change are Mug made In order (hat fust time can bo obtained on the through tun. I'loairr Uan. Mra. Mary K. l'oultir died in Kalem October 2Wli, and her Imdy wa brought down on the morning train Saturday. After eervlcee, held at tlm Episcopal .diu.i-h. v. J. V. Sell wood nlliciutllur. ahe waa buried by the aido of Mr. liood, in our cemetery. Mm. Coulter waa bom in Korincth-ld. Illinoia, and came to Oro noil with her father, Nice Hunbur, In ltUd. the family aettlinit about ten milt rant from Ka'tm. In 1H47 ahe waa uuitd in inarrlau to 1. II. Uood, w ho died in 1871. She In tlua nty lor uiiiiiy veare and waa Well and favorably known among the plow-era, Her all bearers wore mon who had known lu-r lor tunny vrara. lit UTtl die was murried to Mr. Coulter, but their married lilo wua not a happy one. and lla-y have lived separate for everel year. Hhn Icavea six chil dren tioo E. Oood, of halcm; Mra. Hhaw ,and MIMa Minnio and tluud. at Wall Walla; Mra. Hprlnir and Miaa Eltla tiood, at Portland, hhe also leaves throe brother. W. It., K. O., and V. Iloditkin, U Halem, Mra. Kirk Ward, vt taaltle. and Mra. ItcynoKU, of Han ranciru'o, nearly all of whom wore ure t the funeral. Front y nlfldn. K. L. Eaatham It In Chicago. I'lonty of mow In tho foothill. The dunce at I'mm't hull lat riiaht waa woll uttiindvd. Mr. Nowlon Miller hua movod Into the town for thu winUir. Circuit court will coiiiinmtce Ha full tfaaion noxt Monday. Mr. Max Kuinaby haa roturnod from eaat of the niountuliia. Mr. l'rinr knona a nice anaortindnt of gitme at liln IImIi markut. Mra. i'lidclmr, not) Emma Ilroiinliton. t vlaltlng ndatlvca In town. Mr. McNiiniura.orie of the mnn Inlurod by the rock blunt, died Tueaduy. The Ihinniua left the dry dork Hunduy and ttMjk it loud of flour to i'ortlund. M i. ItiirmoitiT la now aollinit lownlry. clm:ka, wutchea, tc,, ut gruully roduend ilcoa. It la ronorlod that Ihero will Iks four wftddinua among tliocmiiloyea of the fac tory next month. Ho v.J. R. W. 8i.Iw.xhI fllla the pulpit ut St. I'uul'a rhuri'h mild a new rot'lor la iKiuitid hy the blhni, Mr. Jumia Tracy came to town luat Hunduy and took Mi" I'orturout tolcach the achixil hi hla diatrict. Tlm ruilMud brldiru on the ('lnikiimua, nut Indow town, ia to be fiiclimc. Work will prububly b'o la-gun next week. Edward Korlx-a, of tlumamMia, wua in own Monday, looking allor the lirhlgo nti-n-Ntu in iiia ncction oi tho country. , John kcllv, our city limrxlmll, la auf- fi-rtnir from ihnuifialiHin. J. II. 8hi purd la night watch during hla illucaa W. W. If. SiiiiiKon. (I. W. I'roaaora' .4 I), t;. I.atourctto have luh-ly Ix-en,,,,. uiiNHioia-d notary pubhea, by tho governor. Miaa Audio Cochran haa fco fur re- covered from hir rncorit illmiHa aa lo lie able to ri-Hiimo her achool, In the Htrkk- in uiHlrlit. O. W. Dunbar, of Euat Porlland, and Ion. Frank llodxkln, of Halotn, were in own In Huturduy to attond the funeral ol Mra. Coulter. Mr. Hyan, landlord of the Cliff houao, Had ArUcU U.t week Mr. II. I. U-atow and b too Herbert went to epend a wet-k will tlielr frienda, by the name of llawkina, ho live near bt. Helena. I lie two liini' iliea bad a irood time hunting, flahiiiir etc.. until luat Friday, tin that day young llawklni and young llentow went tat liuiiUnf ducka, iixy now a ikm rianinii and anrfd to fire tovcthi- "f rourhint " in the f iwm lor Of tMMt. Itoth flred but lleatow't gun hung tire, and younc llawklna arrtae In time lo mI the rhanre in hla head. He dice ioalantly. Herbert immediately run for awi'taivre and the Inwly waa oHivr-reit to the brmt ol hit parenta and hunt-J Niu day. tb friendship exlatlng between tho hoya beaan when both familiea lived In t'anamah in 18K2. No blame ran I at tached lor the accident to anyone. Her bert Beatow in a vonng man of ad-aJ habita and careful in hla movcmonla He haa many frienda who, whilo they re gret Ui aorident, deeply aymathle with bim. Tklgk Iloae llrekra Uat Katunlay Mr. Joaeph IHIl.-r. of Corvallia, took the atrpa out of hie cellar to the workahop to mend them. Whil repairini them he found that he needct a tool that waa in the caller. He went to the cellar and ateiied riuht In, for rttinc that the ttapa were cone. He fell a dialance of aix or eeven feet and broke Ida thigh bone. Mr. lMller ia father Mra. Tbomaa Chaiman and Mra. M. . ( barman, of thia city, and U eiiihty-four yeara old. The accident ia very aerioiia to man ot hia aire. Mra. M. M, Char- man left yealerday to attend to her tut he LOCAL NEWS. Aa Enjoyable Affair. The eeeond of the eerlea of Dime clablea, under the auapicea of 8t. Paul (lulld, waa given at tho reaidence of Jayor Cochran laat Haturdny evening. The room a were crowded with people, IhiIIi old and young, who apent a very ileaaant evening. Alter tho old folka left tho young folka tried Homo of the Hollow een charm. Whether tho pre-dii-ted fortunea w ill come Iruo or not tuna will tell. ThcNe aociublea are very en joyuhlo alTuira and wo hoo they ini.y be oken repeated. lllftllLASI) FROST. Cm ion millt ia veiling good lUiuW cheap. Mr, Qulnn haa returned from enatof the mountain. Mr. Clarke ia aclling good at prlcea thai ault tho peoplo. The Dort noiKhliorhood la rejoicing over a new achoolhomte. Mr. Jacob Uurlcaa mined N) luixhela of corn to the acre ; haa 40 bond of fat hoga. Joa. Walton la hard at work improving hla furin, ami hua SO acrcaa of full sruin in. Mr. Mayor, of Molullu, la aclling out hla atock of gixxla with flm intention of moving eaat of tho mountain. Your correapondont took a journey to the aouthwurd laat week and found that tho farmer in the aoulliern part of thu county are fueling Well and putting in a lurue crop of full uruln, He found con- rldnrabla (all wheat that hud begun to grow and look thrifty, A.J. FAIIIVIEW ATIIEItIN(iS. !Jr, Eliaha Edwarda ia qulto alck. A protracted meeting hna been In prog' reaa for tho laat two woeka ut the Grit hum church. The mooting ia under tho auapiceaof the M. K. church, Kcv. Math ewa and Dr. Froolnnd ofllciuting. Kervi-i-ea atlll continue with unuhutod lnteroat. Frank Jaggur, early luat Hunduy morn Inc. killeil a coyote that hud bcon tirey init on hit flock of aheep. Hia woKnIiIp had iuat breukfiiMted henrtlly of fri'Mli ' liiinb and wna aittlng (pilotly on the aunny aide of a alraw atnek picking hia tootn when Frank, at a dlatniu-o of UDOyurda, aent a Wlncheatcr rille hull cruahing through hia vital. a ever alive to the liiterenta ol hla a-ueata. ami haa employed Mr. Fgglcaton aa rook for hia iHipulnr hotel. FuU'rt Flatter, P. I.urke, W. F. Kirk and John T. Aperaon are mom-U-ra of the V. N. court tiiul jury, for the prem-nt term. Mr. J. II. Walker left Tuesday for Se attle with thu intention of going into ue inea and M-rninnenlly locating there. Mra, Walker will remain her for the prem-nt. A Chinaman ha opened a waidi lion no in the oil Mod huildlng, much to the diaguat of the Chinaman who haa had the only wah houae here, for acvoral month. W. II. Partlow ahowed u an apple, of the (ilori Millidi variety, a low day ago, that wna five im-hca'in diameter, and weigheil one and one-quarter ouiida. Ilriug on your hlg applua. Mr. Maurice lloota, tin engineer of the f.utona, haa n-igiiod and gone onto hia furin in Iteaver (reek. Die eumpnny regret hia removal very modi, A Mr. Itvynolda I cugine-r in In place. Mr. and Mra. John Wilkinson have inoveil to Fart Poitland. Mr. Wilkin aon haa lived In thia city and Canemah (or Mvcral yeara.HMd laavanani (rlanita who wind him Wi-IUn hie new It". Thoa. Randall. Eaq., haa been buv for aereral daya, aa referee, taking the testi mony In the caa of MeLareu Ilroa. vt. I. J. orniea, ami will pn-nent the aame to the circuit court W hen it acta hero, next week. Mr. Geo. Rroughton la Increasing the facilitiea of hi aawmill by adding ma chinery that w ill make nice applo and fruit boxea. Ilia twyt aay that every thing will bt running nicely next week, and Mr. Jtinet lloaey makea' a gooil fore man. Tho hour of opening the Hunduy even ing meetinga held at the Congregational church under the auspice of the Young People'a Hoeiety of CI rlatian Endeavor haa Is-en changed from 6 to 0 :30 o'clock prompt. All are invited to there meetinga. rrank I-ord, Jr.. met with quite an accident laat Hutimlay evening. He waa out driving the i-owa home when the home he waa riding flipped and full, throwing Ford upon the ground and nreaking one of the lionea of hia right leg. He ia doing well. The election return from the Eaat in dicate thnt there will be a amull republi can gain in the house of congress and tho aoniito. Mr. Hewitt wua elected mayor of Now York. Vorheea ia proba idy'electod to congreae from Washington territory. In another column will bo aoen the chamra in the time table of the O. A (!. U. it. The morning trniua pasa each other here at 0 o'clock. The ufternoon train (or I'ortlund leave here at a quaiter to three. The evening train from rort land arrlvea nt about tho aume time aa formerly, 5:07 o'clock Dr. John Welch of this city, waa in Washington on (Moher '.'tlth and inter viewed the poHtinaster gcncrul. lie ilia c'aima unvthing politieul In hia move' menta, but docs not state whether ho ia seeking government aid for hla newspa N-r he ha located over hla dental olllce neur tho depot, or wanta Ida friend I-Mahleii to have the MHtolllce. One thing ia i-ertain he did not go to Wash ington for the fun it. Thcro w ill be preaching at tho Pnptist church next Sunday morning and even ing. Morning aubject, "Three Kinda of Sin" (Psalm lt):12. 1:1. and Ileb. 12:1); evening aubject, "Spiritual Adornment" (1st Peter 3:11, 4). The public ia cordially invited to these services. At A o'clock every Hunduy evening ia the meeting of tho Vonng Peoplo't Society of Christian Endeuvor in the basement of the church, which all young people, whether ChrlB tiuna or not, nro invited to attend. COUSCIL PROCEEDIXOM. OaaooN Crrv Coimnt, Chamber. I Ncvember 1, 180. f Council called to order by II . Straight, racordwr, JM'aquot nifolnted recorder pro tem. A'isotit muyor Cochran, marshal Kelly, council man Madt-r, J. H Khoppard preat-nt aa deputy murahal. Miuutua o( luat meeting teud tnd a proved . Petition of I) E, Shepard for reduction on licence on shooting gullory, grunted Petition of Paciflis Poatul Tolograph company rend and placed on file. Report of city truaaurer read and placed on lilo. Report on atreeta and public )irorty, on bill of county, (or half of repair of A her nut hy bridge, rend and laid on table. The commlltoe reported that they con aidered tli- bill an unjust and exhorbi tuiit ono but recommended ita payment toavecota. Verbal reort rmnniittee on lock crusher thut the rock crueller hod arrived and lieen acrentod by them, adopted. Ordinanco No An ordinance granting the use of the atreeta and ulliea of Ore gun City to tho Pacllld PoaUil Telegraph coinpuiiy, adopted. Oidinunce No. Amending ordinance No 7n, reilui log the license on (hooting gullery from f 15 to 3 per quarter; passed . Ordinance No An ordinance to regu late the city mulctary and to provide lor a.texton lor tho aame. Thia ordinance prohibit the burial of any person not a resident of Oregon City within the city cemetery, except they first jet tho con sent of tho sexton, mid nay bun five dol lars (or each burial The sexton must account to tho city treasurer for all feoa collected. No wooden fence or other Icn structure will be allowed to be led within tho cemetery. The aex- toniifto lie elected at the regular meeting of the council in August of ouch year. The sexton ia subjected to the rules and regulations ot the city council . A nneoi K will be imposed on all i-ersoim violat ing any of the provision of thia ordinance or rulc'a . ( Inlinniice passed Messra. Paqunt, Chase and Rroughton were apsiinted a committee to confer with tho county court, and attempt to settle the hills of the county against the city for repair on Abernathy bridgo,anit the rent of county Jail. The street commissioner waa instructed to pay to Puquet, Chase and Rroughton, sHviul committee, $.'115, monev collected to purchase rock crusher, and to lie paid by them to R . Collier ilt Co on account of said crusher. The special committee waa instructed to removo the riH'k crusher from the (I. R A N . Co. 'a wharf and locuto the nine, and alurt it to work. BKACTIFfL CARDS. SUPREMELY HAPPY. r-i....l.. r-la.L WI.HU.L I... .1..... tl.. For limited timo E.G. Caofield 4 Ua month of m laaned tlie following Co.. at tho City Pbarmwy.'"! givt with arriV : at a every ptirchtto boautlful card aouvcnlr, Theao card art really tome-1 thing nice; are not covered with adver tlaomenta, and will prove, an ornament to any parlor. . Freahett good and lowttt prlcei at tht City riiarmacy. Prescription carefully compounded at I all houi of the day or nlghfat E.G. Can field St Co'. A complete atock of palnta, oil, color, and bruahet kept constantly on hand, at price that defy competition, tt E.G. Caufield & Co', If yon havo never used pcarline tak E. G. Caufield fur t aumple package, and you will "be aurpriaed at ifl wonderful ua-fulneM, 1 ,' lcfer Remslnliif In the ptnffire it Oreiron City. t iciiioi oouutr. U'saou, govern iir , Mri. J oho K.KKl.r, C. n. lieonirsll, Thoi O. S Iluckl-w, Perry J noyisnn, iv m. ik-r, M III I. La. J .M Racon t 1 W H. It Calitf. 3 (XI F tilennon 18 00 J W Chase 25 CO I'ope St Co . . water fund 2 " (ieo. Rroughton 44 7 R. Collier & Co ,for rock crusher 615 00 Hak-r. M. K. lisTli.Mn. Hurj Krccunn J. HH ki.T. H. Junes, T. H. May, ucoraa If called lor. r when advert I .f1. 1. M. Haco-t, P. M. Hhulla. L. Hfrliurii, ri'm. ThAmt'ion. Vt. A. V,xJrulT, Ur. I.I II la V. Albright 25 00 II Straight HI 00 John Kelly 41 00 C. E Hume 13 00 Poe A Co 3 25 O R . A N . Co , water fund 0 25 The recorder wa Ins1ructel to draw warrant on water fund for 100 00 in fuvor i( R. Collier 4 Co. Council ad journed H . Stbaioiit, Recorder. SANDY. Mra. Jonat Ctine baa re-overod from her protracted Ulm-si and la out again. Charlet Shank and 'Miaa Lime Italy were thia week united in wedlock. Next T The aawmill of E. S. Rramhall, at Aimea, on Cougar mcunUin, iaacain in full blast and turning out good lumber. Mr. Weatley Raty, of Cherryville, on Friday, October T.'d, waa driving toward Suiidy aeaUsd on the nnning geara of hia wagon. In tho neighborhood of Mr. Shank'a he encountered a eturop which lammed Ida leg againit tho rub-lock, Waking the tibia tsmt. The assault which occurred on luca day up Hull Run at the otlice of tlie water company waa owing to (ieo. Thomaa, an employe, disputing the record of the woik performed hy himself and aona. Mr. Hate struck him on account of harah language and rmigh epitheta. (In Friday October 22d, Cliaa. Ware, whose ranch la some miles up the Sandy, liMtt hia dwollling by lire, together with tho entire contents', furniture, clothing and money. Himself and whole family with two visitor had gone to the river to hunt and fish and knew nothing of the calamity until all wus consumed. Cause of the firo unknown. It ia (opposed to huve originated in tho chimney built of board and clav. Diki. Oct.-24, of mountain fever, at hia homo on Sandy Ridge, John Poe, Aged 40 yeara and 2 months. Woodrat Irtnrt tnd Readings. At the Congregational church thia evening, November 4lh, nt7:30 o'clock Mr. Charlea Dudley, of New York City. will give hia amusing and entertaining li)ctur,"Contentment on Crutchea" ; ami on Friday evening, November 5th, at the aamo boor and place, hnmorou, pathetic and dramatic readings, Uood inuaie will be provided. Singlo ticket 35cU. ; ticket for both eveninira &0cts. To be hint ut Chnrman llnw.' drug atoro and at the church. Do not full lo go. Card of Thanks. Editor Entkrcrisk, lVar Sir: Per mit us. through your paper, to re turn our thunka ti the iieople of Oregon City, tho manager and work-lieoplo of the factory, to Mr. and Mra. Selling, Mra. Ackermun. Mr. and Mra. ltean, Mra Telford, Mr. and Mra. Uisenstein. Mra. Potter, and other, lor their grout kind nen evinced by them towards the wife and children of A T. Lowery ono ot the aufl'eror from the aud occurrence of Sunday week. Their conerou and prompt aid in lie half of In family merits and receives our sincere and lasting gratitude aa well a hi. JAMKB 1.0WKRY, TllOMASON l.OWKKV. CITY LOCALS. Shaving 15 centa at Vegcliua'. The steamer Litona attll muk.-a two trip to Portland dlaly eacept Sunday. ,'atkv 1000 hoga for which we will i pay cash. 1-tt Loo is & Amuiom. W e will pay ten centa a copy for a limited number of the .LsTtafuiSK of Ang. 12th. IHH0. i For food fire cent moke,ry en I of Our Hlefiuln." 0a aaleat Veo. Ftcli Son'a. , Mover to Ixiam. In sums .f (too to $.VKK). Knquire of CD. A U. (j. Latour- ette, Oregou tity, Oregon. Go to the City Drog Store to, get your paint, oil, glaaa, tirushea, ctc. It la the cl5H'9t house in town . j Look at the fine display of t loaka and winter gooda at the tireat Easturn atoro. These good were liought in the Kant and will be told cheap. I Try one of the Adoliru Parfti iinKrtel rigara. On aule at ueo ruha A Son a Two for twenty-five cen. - The Conqueror and Ia klor ie Oregon art tho beat Key West -rvani In die city. On aule at Fucha A Son', Step in and try one ; you are aure U .ike (hem. Wt have flno atao?tnaent of inatru mental and vncal sheet tnnetc for aalt. and will hereafter ket-L tht latest n that lute. . . vtfu. I t-ojia A sox, Tke WkltliHi Wr,e Ima thanred hand aa tat ttoeif will cIomm! ! Imaaedtatelr. Rrlai la wheat, tr ether maractaiie praxarti gad grt bargtiaja. All pertohe owln-4 Mr. II. M. Whit- kvk will aetUo ith V. I. Calitf. Thoae partica against wdom kite lire held will find them at the Rank V Oregon City. Mi. II. M. W iiiTuoca 6 E. Rlchfirdaon 21, L. Dreaber 18. 12- L. M. Adkin 21. M. J. Wllion 18. 20 J. Staunton 21. Mary Graham 19. 21 G. V. Adam 21, K. Robbint 18. rKBRl'ARr. 3 L. ttivc 21, Ienora Markwooil 19. 3 Jo. Mathers 2), Annie Harvey IS. f-Fritx Salia 21, Maria Weiaer 18. 8 Ja. D. Lee 20. Nort North 17. 12 J no. Stormer 21. M. Shibiey 21. 12 John R. Cole 19, Ida Smith 17. MARCH. 20SiIa. Revln 23, F. Walklnt 18. 10 J. Jefferson 24, E. J. Loveridge23. apii.. 6 f. H. Deardorff27, 8. Warnor27. 7 Win. Davidaon 23, K. E. Smith 24. 8 G. R. Miller 21, Einora Gard 18. 23 M.Schwizenijerg21,M.SchwerU18. 28 John Greeu 23, G. Grirlitha 18 30 A. E. King 22. Annie Wurner21. HAT. 15 J. II. Ronaer 52, Roaetta Percy 50. 19-A. W. Milln 32. A . McDonald 20 . 24 R. A. Looney21, Jennie Bowen 18. 28 John Mcintvre22, Annie KlaU 21. 29 R. Parrot 30, Mury Vinaen 19. JIKK. 2 A. Walling 33, L. Cheathcum 27. 3 T II. Sconce 28, Kate Wyland 19. 5 W. Durunt 21, Lottie Killin 17. 5 A. B. Elliott 21, K. Strowbridge 10. 7 O. M. Haley 21. M. Braumhull 18. 1111. R. Mack 20. M. Whitmore 15. 15 M. C. Shipley 21, M. Griffith 21. 17 Amlrew Cno21, Bettie Uraon 28. 19 K. S. Roy lea 20. M. Wingfield 18 19 Win. Welch 21, L Strauaer 16. !'. J. 11. DeardorfT27, C. Deardorfr21 . 27 A. E. Iavia21. Mary J. Clark 18. 30 Owen Hughos 21, Jane Wilson 18. JCLV. 8 C. W. Covcv 21, P. A. Thomas 17. 8-J. S. Ward 21, M. E. Baty 16. 11 C. E. Batv 21, Mary A. Ward 17. 12 E. L. Trn'llinger 21. Ella May 28. 31 U. S. Gibson 24, B. Martyn 21. ACCl'VT. 2 C. E. Asbam 21, J. L. Iark. 'VJ. W. lleleu 21, Annie Connor 18. "U II. H. Johnson 31. A. J. Day 23. , lMVm. Blount 67, E. Walker 39. 14 iiengal kellv 21, t. f.onng 17. 17 T. Fisher 3d, Mary Seelig 03. 27 F. A . Klingcr 30. M. Fryrear 21. 31 J no. Davidson 20, L. Hagerdon 10. ' aEPTEMDER. 7- Frank Daberco 25, Lottie Kent 20. 21-Horace J. Mann 21. E. M. Cole 21 . 17 Joa. Willlg 40, Cornelia Sei vera 20. 10 G. (. Brown 33, Victoria Koes 3'J 11 J as. Brady 24, Mary O'Connor 23. OCTOBER. 1 Jno. Wilken 22, M. Shrader 21. Albert Wade 24, M. Hagerdorn 17 7 T. 11. Nicholson 21, Ellen May 28. 11 E. Blakealee 21, M. Wilkinson 18. 11 Wm. Shin ller 21, A Gruttner 21 . 148. B. Hagey 21, E. Moehhergor 18. 18 Frank II an ford 33t A. K. Wait 22. 21 C Shank 28, Elizabeth Baty 21. 22 S. Imel 21, Annie L. Bailey 13. 25 Wm. Eaton 20, Julia Morna 18. 27 Cha. Stone 21, Annie Miller 19. C LOD CRuatllSJi and LEVELER. It Is the BEST selling tool on earth. Tlie profit derived from ita use u not alone in the aavimr of labor and time, bat in the th'jroughness of tho work accomplished by it. It is well known that "thor ough pulverizing pay," by increasing the yield, and without doubt the "Acme" harrow will pay for itself on any ten-acre field in laying of labor tnd in the in crease of the crop. While the "Perfect" i unexcelled for preparing any kind of ground, yet tut atrongest claim for it it on land that no other harrow will effect. It will pay for itaeif in a tingle season where any auch land at the following ia to be prepared ; On "blue grass sod" that hat not been broken for ar-veral veara. On "aliff r inverted tod" of any kind. On land that hat been "plowed wet." On working own "tough, new prairie sod" to a perfect ttubble. On "hard lima ttone land. On "atiff, stony clay land." On "hard baked or crusted land." On "black bot tom land" woe re tho plow will not scour; and, luatly, for tht preparation of any kind of land where all other harrowt have failed. Subetanliul warranty given with every harrow, Try one and be convinced. Write for special pamphlet of the "Acme." containing full description and testimonial. WM. BAELOW & SON, Agents, Oregon City and Canby P. O. Largest Assortment of General Merchandise And have enjoyed for vears a reputation for reliability second to none. At this store can bo found Dry Goods, Groceries, Wool Bats, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Farm Machinery and Farm Implements. A choice selection of Canned Ooods, Crocliery, And in fact everything that ought to be found in a general merchandise atort. If in need of anything in the merchandise line give u a cull. Sole agents for KEEK'S SUPERIOR, SI'OOL COTTON. Special Sotlce. We have secured the services of Mr. L. C. Driga, who will take charge of onr collection, and w ill be found at our of fice. All who are indebted to at will please call and nettle up with him. J HOt. VHABMAM X BOX A Mullclous Me. EhiTOH ENTKiirHist : A report ha been craftily circulated thut after Mr. Lowery waa injured by tho premature discharge of a rock blast we attached hla wage. So skillfully wus this lio circulated thut it wua common report beforo Mr. and Mra. Lowery or any member of our firm knew unvthing iiho'ut auch report or waa given n chance to refuto It. Our rolutionu with Mr. and Mra. Lowery aro, and alwuy hnvo been, of a pleasant nature, and wa denounce tho originators of this report aa malicious liars, unworthy of notice or respect. We have never nttemptei to attach any money or property belonging to Mr.Lowerv. Tiiou.O'ahman A Son. M A U HI Ell. WILLS ROWAN. At tho Congrega tional parsonage, Oregon City, Oregon November 3. ISSrt. by Rev. O. A. Rock wood. Mr. Seth Will and Misa Nellie Rowan. Roth of Multnomah county l'.:l IW.-i .IVIVIW."V n -M-uw a, in, i-i J. Knott. J. 1'., Wm. Kuton and Julia Morriu. " For Sale. Oiin MMn. of good horse thut weigh about 1200 pounds euch. Ono team of mures of uliout the aame weight; also a new wugoil and harness. Address, 2U W. C, Waiid. Viola, Or (J rent Tumble In 1'rlces. R. W. I'orter A Hon want it distinctly limlerMtnod thut thcv arc ugt'iita for Eruiik llnm., dealers In farm implements, and mm Bbf wis akk. v(sv W Caaartaj-' WUm aha waa a CUM. ah ehc4 far ( aaiaria. Waaa ah liraiai Miaa. aha rlaag ta Caalada. WM aba W CUUraa, alia gara Uaaa Caataria, Ktft. John R. Pnvall A Co. will nay cash for all kinda of rag .k. Ragi- Bur-1 lape, old rubber, anrinilt. rope, print paper, fruit paper, old ira and all kind of metal, at Hampton's cooper ahop, every Saturday. ' 01t I . Trtnrtrt Soviet. I have now in my handa funda appli- cabia to the payment cl ali order m- doraed nrior to bopteaiier 8, lr.. intor- esi win cease irom me oa'w uii nonce. Dated thit 6th day of August, 18S. E. D. KtuT, Treasurer of Clackamas county, Oregon. Selling tat Below Cost, We havo a lot of conta, made from tlie beat of Oregon Cily Vfoolun Milla casai mere, which we formerly told $10 and $12 eucn, which we will now soil for $7.50 apiece ; and all other gooda cheaper than thev run be bought in thit city. vte have also a good line ot mena white ahirt. over shirts, and underwear of irood oualitr: also dry goods, clothing. boot and ahoc, crockery and glaaiware, and a full lino of groceries. rrodneo taken in exchange for gooda at the WniTLOcs Stork. MAKKirr nr. pout. Oreffoia Vitj. Tha trl-a ouoMd blov. aiorct lor train flour, Kvala. ha sod hides, ara laraalT paid in Irsua. WHEAT W butheL I OA1S-V lu.. withuvt lacks . . . riAJkKT-nrai fraoa. vnoieaua. mail U irada, vhulcaale... Retail too f dotn POUi.TRY-Chickaua.llve t 09 do d reaa ad . t at SEAT8-r..m, ra SlOoa. r II 7 8Uoulders.V Ik lU'TTIR-fl t) U Oroaa Sia) lrd 6 fa VEAL-Hraawd. par Ik t HOOtf -ura Hrel 4 (a) 8REFP-fl h-a! 100 19 MHlMULhS-p IDOUianil LAK1 Counlrr. Duik. ft r 7 Burkrta SV" APPLKS- box X 19 PtiTAToKs New, Ik ONIONS ' IV WOOL- Ik liKIKD FRl'ITH Ka demand. I t KI) Bran, f ton IS 00 HDorta ana miannnaa . ia w Chlrken leed.M buaocl 7S TIMOTHY-t Ion, loose 10 00 nauea u w I ti to 4 is) 4 t 00 s vt t s uo too I.' s T 7 t 4 1 Ml A Very Flnt Rurgain. Tho owner Isaac, Erush, has iduced 1 17i acres of land, lying on the ilium- ette river, in my handa for immediate sale. He offeree an extra Inducement in the wnv of a price. Tho land is all bottom land, very rich, not a foot of waste land nor a stone, on the whole of it; a splendid never failing spring branch runs through it; 40 acres in lovjl good cultivation: ten acres readv to b;euk aud 25 acres easily cleared : no build lugs. Trice only $20 iwr acre. II. K. Caoaa, Attorney and Real Entuto Agent, Oregon City. 'ACME" Pulverizing Harrow, r CHARMAN & SON, PIONEER STORE, KEEP THE POPE & CO., DEALERS lit Stoves, Tin Plate, Lead and Iron Pipe, Braziers' Copper, Brass and Iron Wire, Gauze Fittings, Bubber Hose, Pumps, Zinc, &c. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL MAMllACTiaEaS or '' , . TIN, COrPER AjD SHEET IRON WARE, Roofing and Jobbing ol every dicription done to order, and at Low Prk-tf. jJT Too will find Hardware, Woodvuwart tnd TinwaT t LanWrns, Laapt, OIT,, mane and racmc Kuttrsjr t aim, ai PRICES TO Oregon City, Oregon. SUIT THE TIMES. I'OPE h CO. AITTIOX! AlCTI0!U I will soil on Jannnry 1, 1887, mv entire stock of personal properly on my farm, two milca south of Oswego. Thia property consists of horses, wagons, farm machinery, farm implements of va rious kinds, and tho many kinda ot loose oronertv found around a farm. Term'; Cash for umounta ot$5and under i one year'a time will be given on larger tmountt when notet with ap proved security are given. U. W. Walling, Don't forget "Our nilcrtnli." l;ur. Ou anil1 ul Fiit'liri & Mini's, 6 c Fruit Tree for Sule. I wish to annnun-.'o thut I am agent, for Wiilllng A .lurrlsch' nursery, Ordara ..m n... L'l.i.l ..f mifuiipu ul i,lr nilhdr fruit, oriuunentul or nut.'loft at Harlow 'a, thut they will sell all kind of machinery agricultural store, Oregon City, will r- and farm utensils low oi lower innii uu ceivo prompt i.ttontion and the trees Aill body i-Iho. Ho not purchase before con bo del lvorcd In Oror-on City In good order, uniting u. Call anil U coiiviiKod. Clans luifto. I n. w. roitrw&boN'. Fine I'trm for Sale. One hundred acres, ninety-two acres fenced, thlrtv-five acret in cultivation, five ocroi orchard, young, lust oommenc lug to bear good. The fruit consist ol apples, jHMira, plums, lynches, iirunea, cherries, quinces, also gruiea ami straw berries. Wutored by two good apringa, and a well of gooid water ut the house. Hox house 18x110, Throe rooms below and three rooma above ; also elothospress and pantry; two burns, wngon shed, cuttle shcil, granery, henhoiiHeand yard, root house ; milk house in a grove near tho house.- IVeo miles from Oreaon City and n sood road. Two miles from New Ki a. Two mile fn)in custom grist mill, l'l icu Si.iOO. Torma easy. W. 11. l''.VNCHKK. Portland. WREAT II 201 22.1,'. valley ccntsil. FEOUR-Standardbrands,a7-')(a3 85 Cout.try branda, bbla., 3 2"Ki3 60. OATS In gooU tunply ; hrm ; W&Ki tor sood feed , HOI'S Not active; wo quote at Tic, DRIED FRUIT New apples, 3(i4c plums, 6(8e; imines lOfSU'Sc scarce tl.W New cnciae, i.' ; iioor tocnoicc 110(312. l"OLl.TUY i'hickens. out, soiling at 13 tcr doa. : sprinir, ti 5o 3 50 ; duck 50(?4 50 per doa. ; turkeys, 11c. nom inal. OI-Valley, 18(?20c. COAL Oll-Onlinary brands selling COFFEE Rio.l2(9 13c ; Costa Rica, 13 ("Ho; Salvudor ami Ountamala, 10(12; Java, 21 ; Mo-ha 2320. FRl IT Apples, gool aro quotoU nt 5tV. V EC1 ETA BLES Ca btm te ami tieiw 2V;c; potutooa, per suck.SOyJ'.Klc; aweets lo- . .. BREAD. ETC. Ship 2S,c. pilot 3c, soda crackers 3SJe, othors tl( Ho. BUTT Kit Oregon, good, 30c ; uoninria good ; country 15c 25c. SALT Liverpool, lfl, 17, 21, as to site of bugs ; const, $0 6tKc8 50. siJUARh C'ulifornia 0. 5c: extra C. 5tjc ; dry uranulated.dc ; crushed, cube ami powdorea. 0'ttc an in ooia.nev caan , hall-bbls, add 'ic: boxes, add Wo to , u. Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! LowPrices! LowPriooat AT THE CITY DRUG STORE. Our Patrons will find that we still continue to owe as good goods at as low prices as Any Store in tho City, And we especially invite the Public to call and examine our LARGE and WELL ASSORTED stock of Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC., The prices of which we Compete with Portland. Physicians' prescriptions and family recipes accurately compounded of the purest drugs. at I ' lintlTTifiTi bUdiiudUDiu.biii nnuijoiunn. above price for bbls. American 1, lc more. EGOS 30c. pdoten. HONEY Extra d4rk comb, 12S,'c f pound : extracted, 6. CHEESE 12(jrl3c. V W""I- HIUKS Hide miirkct dull, junto aa followa: lrv, 14li(nS.c; light suited, llM(!f7c; heavy do, 7CSc; dry kip and calf, 12!ic; suit kip rf8ci tall calf, 8($ 10c ; salt veal 8c. jtAUS tjuoto wool bugs, Sl(?33o ; bur laps, 40 in., 0c; 45 In., UV ; (H) ln.,0Mc ; gunnies, 280? 40 in., 14c; sewing I wine, ; Oruin bugs tls4c J potato tucks, 40"t'.'ic. REEK S'iSMc gross; Co dressed. VEAL 7l'i". " UOUS Live, 4o; drctscd, 8(j?fic. ataw a --S. Ji rnwt" j i diakaaartA-'ZLlli I ' ' ' J '4 "i V1 A p ir- - n-- jtii:.: j-- - - - - Undertaker, Wagon and Carriage Maker. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. I kwp In my tmploy ektlle.l lilekralthi to do work for the trade. 1 havt raduoat mf I win KM'S, I I fol-'KISa th'in over in-lnrn hiuiu In liiilne lit-ie, and iher'INKNT trl ol TltlMMINot rlona ironlly, an von will hy tlir follow liiR : lloraa ahoalna, all round, aa ahnaa, par ! I IK); reaellliic old h(M-n, all round pi-r span, ami an oilier riB- in worn proportion ately. I am now carrying a morn exn-nalva mock In th linn of WALNUT CAHKKIU. I'AHr I and MOl'NTlMia lor imin. My hemM. la alwnyt ready for any call la the country at U ti tht. City, t lieu r? jultti'l. 1 ant UDdtr ninay oblig'itions lor a.t patrouage.