itl.'-.'lil f. ttvtioiu O.C4U8 TT.3 eW. uSuS P ' INT, , t'onloypJ.! i rnl 1 y i-or 1, Erysipi lulls, j rtbOTt lilt mot or oil If this I JOSS lo liful, t toan 1 rupi Vonipt j. Fr HOO mkei ' :.A wuor. "ill :. ,"! .Ill t. ll J s HI. OOI "-..s 1' oi body tdlremi ji'f ruin 1 Syni t -y i ''''' . 'tt i t. THE ENTEilPMSE. THrUSDAT.NOVEMBKR 4, Next Monday tlifiro will Iks intM'tiiig of the board of trade; This mw ly orjj.mi'.ijJ institution of this county lias hardly become tlioamghly organised,, aihI is yet not m a condition to fully meet - flie needs of the county. It is, however, 4Utiiin that tho interest mst.itVsteJ at the host meeting forbodes good results in Ihe future. The next meeting will be -well nttended and undoubtedly miite a number of prominent cilitens of the -county, who reside outside of the city, will tie present. What business may lie '.hrouuht before the board is as yet un known However, the members of the board are w illing to listen to any proe cition that has for its object tho advance ment or improvement of the county and do what they ran to advance it, if found practical and worthy. Tho question is often ar-ked: "What can the board of trade do ; they have no money to build roada or factories?" True, that tho hoard 5 Las very little money, bnt as a ways and means committee it can do much in tin J ' injf people who have means to invest in IL'-A4'terprise8 that w ill increase the pros- porirtr 4 yie town; and in the matter of : roads tho wTawof the board will do much iu concentration of iLins and de vising ways of improvement at lew wist, as well as deciding ways of obtaining the necessary funds for such jmrposes. The united efforts of forty representative cit ' iaatia of this county can do much in many w.ys that will benefit the countv. Lot all good citizens of this county w ho wish to unite with such a body, for tho pur tose of advancing tho interests of the county, present themselves for menilier- ; ship to tl.e board of trade next Monday. 'At the nest session of the legislature ' there will be presented a petition to have tho local option question presented to the jfople, at a Kecial election, for their de cision. We believe that it is right to give ; the people of the state an ojtiwtuiiity to vote the question. When any consider : able nurr.lrer of the citizens of a state fee', that certain laws ought to be enacted it is the duty of the legislature to pay heed to their request. And, as there are : ft goodly number of the citizens of this eUte who believe that local option ought to prevail in this state, we want the leg , islature to give the people of this state a chance to express their sentiments and : how their numerical strength at the : polls. To make the question of prohibition an issue at a special election is just and right. It clears away all rubbish of all other political issues that might have ef fect upon it, and sets it forth in its own clear light, so that the voter can under standingly cast his ballot. There are many persons who are so op jraeed to temperance that they do not wish to give the advocates of prohibition a chance to be properly heard. This is wrong in principle and decidedly un American. Xo man who is imbiied witli ..vLe principle of a free government and a fre people will for a moment deny the flight of others to put any auction, that can properly come in that way, to the test of the ballot box. The majority of the people of this state are in favor of settling ibis question, np its merits, at the polls and that right speedily. is great comfort among all the :olitical trials of the time to know that ;the pernicious system of assessing federal o.'fiiaaU for campaign purposes has Uen destrojtoJ. Insleal of diverting 2 per .cent, of their salaries to the payment of campaign corruptions, the federal offi .cials are now able to spend that amount of their salaries for literature. The dis 4xjsition of federal ofCcials to cultivate rtlicir niind, is one of the extraordinary consequences of a democratic Tictory. Some fault may be found with t'.ioir literary taste, but t!ie fact that they a'e buying literatuie is of itself a great thinjj. , The kind of literature the federal officials are buying is indicated ir the following paragraph from the ostan Journal, ; .which takes an interest in all literary matters j "The democratic congression al committee is doing a great -deal of work which is unquestionably in direct violation of the president's civil service order. It is announced that the first edition of the campaign book, 10,000 .copies, is exhausted, and that a second .is being rapidly printed. The first edi tion has been mainly sold to government officials, many of whom felt that they were compelled to purchase it. The subscription was a cheap device toenable 1 the campaign committee to evade the civil service act, wMcU forbids direct ontriulum from l;dural.oflh.ia.', . - - Thieainpaign book is Senator Kenna's - first literary effort, but it has thus scored a great literary triumph. Its sale has ' brought in more money than the sale of any other work of fiction within recent ' memory. ' It is said that federal officials admire is so much that they do not ask i the market price, but pay 2 per cent of .their annual salary for it. While it is sad to see these federal officials so devoted to a more work of fiction, it is nevorlcss pleasing to know that they are no longer oinH'lled to give 2 per cent, of their salaries for campaign expenses. It is 'indeed a great triumph for reform. Kx. The secretary of the interior bus ren dered a decision that is just and equita blo. It is that the marriage of a woman does not bar her right to make final proof under the homestead law. The United Vttatus recognizes women as citizens as far as the homestead laws are concerned, and the time must come when she will 'lie recognized as a citizen in all respects. In fact this issuo must come upon the people before long for settlement and the prospects aro that the first grand movj will be made in the northwest of the States. The president has issued tho usual JVrroal proclamation designating Novcav 'r JMh as a national holiday. The Spanish government has issued a decree freeing the slaves of Cuba from the rcmaider of their term of servitude. This announcement creates little com ment at this time, in this or any other country, while twenty-five years ago it would have made a commotion on this continent. The world moves in pro gress, Ilerr Most says that he believes that Henry George w ill leeeive SO.000 votes, and if he does it will show the growth of socialism in America. Ilerr Most is right in that the vote for George means socialism. rresident Cleveland is given credit for oOO to help the democratic campaign in Sew York, but not a cent for the Char leston sufferers. PACIFIC "COAST XEAVS. John West, of Salem, has shipped a car load of hogs to Victori, 8. C. A wrecking train on the O. V. railroad ran into a rock slide and killed a man named Aldrich. Sunday a freight train on the O. R. & N. i near' Arlington, ran into a. boulder and killed the' fireman and one brake nian, E. T. Parnvtt w is arrested at Walla Walla Monday for appropriating :'100 litlongiiig a Air. IV olf, which the lat ter lost. Over f4000 was subscribed in one day at Vnkane Falls to Ihe slock of the Fast em Washington and Northern Idaho r'air 'association. Improvements of n substantial charac ter Meadilv uro-jress in t'le-elnm. liusi- nesa lots w hich sold originally at Sjl'Ji now readily bring $olX. Mrs. M. It. Curtis is candidate for school suieriutenient of Yakima counfy and Mrs. A. 1. Brown of Paeilic county. Both are republicans. 1'ayton, W. T., had a $ltt,000 fire Sun day morning. A drug store was com pletely destroyed and adjoining buildings aim stocks of goods injured. A misplaced sw itch telescoped several vnrs and killed manv people on the Mil waukie & St. Paul K. It., last Thursday. Many were burned to death in the burn ing ccrs. G. C. Isreal shot and killed F.. 1. Co hen at Haker City Friday. Cause, law-! suit. The murderer has teen indicted ! by t lie grand jury, which was in session at the time. The Portland IVmocrat thinks that those who elected Cleveland' ought to have office. Certainly ; we said long ago that St John aud Rev. Burcliard should he pensioned bv the democratic national committee. There is a largo list of Indian war claims against the government yet un settled, owned particularly in southern Oregon, and steps are being taken by ritiiens of Jackson county to make a union of effort to seoure a final settle ment. Four boys wore arraigned lieforo a Portland magistrate, last week, for larce uv, and plead guiilv. The boys were aged 14, 13, 12 ami 10 years. Tney entered a house in the day time, w hile the owner was absent, and stole Beveial small articles. The treasury department at Washing ton has a considerable number of clerks at work upou a compilation of the re forms which, it will be claimed, have been accouilished nuder this adminis tration. The fact will not be stated in the report that there was not euough reform in the deoartment to prevent govern ment clerks from working upon a cam naign document. Government clerks have been used in more ways than one for campaign purposes, but great pains have been taken to conceal the facts. Tidings. ACCIDENTS AM CASUALTIES. k Brief RerapTtuUtlea of What Hap pened Last Week. The seven days which ended with Saturday were noted for the large num ber of accidents and fatalities that oc curred. The first thing that happened was the drowning of Jack Barrett, at Rocky point early Sunday morning, then the explosion at Oregon ( iiy a few hours later, by which Thomas McNamara anil Thomas Lowery were seriously injured. That afternoon a 5-year old daughter of Steve Cotlin was burned and Mr. Hare ami William I!rown,w holive near Salem, suttered from the accidental discharge of a pistol. The O.AC, ferry aud the launch Mikado collided "'uesday morn ing, and Phil. J. Holland dangerously hurt. On Wednesday Elijah Hawkins was killed at Scappoose while hunting, by an Oregon City young man, liestow; Otto Haiiss died suddenly; Captain Drammond, of the itriti li ship lon, committed suicide, and George James was drowned off the transfer barge. On Thursday George Schell was killed near East Portland by being thrown from a wagon and run over. On Friday Josiah I .owe was killed in Goldsmith & Iiewen berg's store by falling from an elevator. On Saturday Samuel Hastings, a som nambulist, fell twelve feet and fractured bis right leg. Mesides the above, Helen McGregor joined the Salvation Army on Monday and Wirt W. Saunders was sentenced to death at Albuuy on Thursday- Portland News. Oregon's War Claims. The secretary of state has recently col letrtert arrin;er, copied ami forwarded to the war department at Washington City the vouchers, muster rolls and documents connected with Oregon's part in the late civil war. The object of this Is to at tempt to have the state reimbursed by the general government for extsnses ac tually and necessarily incurred by her in the enlistment, arming, equipment, and maintenance of troops in the war of the rclMillioii. These claims have been pend ing before congress for many months, and it will be remembered that Captain John Mullan, who has boen prosecuting them for this state, informed a reporter ol th's paMr that congress had provt Jed for tho aiuiointment of a military com mission to examine into and investigate these claims. The secretary of war has recently appointed Major Kiddle, Major Far iih worth and Captain Hull of tho C. n. army, as the uicmisjrsol the commis sion, and it is exacted that they will begin their investigations at once. Ore gon comes second on the list (Nevada first) aud Indications are favorable lor Oregon to have her claims audited by the next congress, unless they should prove as troublesome as did the claim of the "man who put up at Gadsby's." Fa vorable action in the matter would bo of great financial benefit to this siste, as tho amount of the claim is About f3j0, 000. It is to lie honed the matter may Ixi settled finally byllie coming congress. Statesman. One million people witnessed the pa rade and the unveiling of the Bartholdi stature, last Thursday. Tho day was stormy, but did not diminish the num ber of persons who wished to see tho great statue and its builder, Kai tlioldi. CIRCUT COURT. P0CKKT...N0VEM HLK TtUM, ISStt, No. 43S0. State v Frank Wilehart kill ing dogs not his own. 44i)l. State va Isaiah Abbott de struction of partition fence; appealed from justice court. 442?. State vs Krwin Hosford to keep the peace. 44i8. State vs James Lowery to keep the peace. 44-.S. State vsEpU.Furgeiwn to keep the peace. , LAW. 4J159. Lucy Toon vs James Fulton, et al action for monev. 4,U;. Fanuio A. Holder vs linj.llollt dav, Jr. Action n note. 4371. Henry Gans, administrator of the estate of John Wandero, vs Lli and K. A. Hesseltine action on note, 4372 . W. 11. Smathers vs U. K.Cross Action to recover money on account. 4;t74. S. H. Califf vs James Lauiis action to recover money. 437o Meiser A Frank vs H.ll.Brack et action to set aside a deed . 4M4 H. K. Neudall et al vs Wm Knight suit tor "damages by icason of attachment. 43S8. Charman & Sou vs W . K . Wil listo recover monev . 4i!So. T. U West vs R. W. and An nie Wade to recovor money on an ac count . ' 4l!t7 . James S , Yinsin vs J . W . Geo et al actios on a note. 1 ' 4d93 . F . M M urry vs Arehio Walling motion for leave to issue execution . Wi. Dayton & Hall vs Wm. Knight action on account. 4400 Thos. Charman vs Josiah Howell action on note. 440'. E. K. Charman vs Chris S. Evans to recover money on note and account. 4405. Geo. ISroiihton vs Chris Moe bnke and J . H . Martin action to re cover monev advanced . 44 )0 A" It. Huber vs Wm Beers to recover personal property or its value . 4411. H. W.lioasvsC. N. David son action on a note . 4412 Hu)h Milton vs Micheal Daver en appeal from justice court, Damascus precinct. 4413. Ellen Chapman vsT. J. Mat lock action on note 4414. Meiser & Frank vs H. H. Kis tenmheher ".oiwover nwney by reason of identification, at bank. 44 1 5 . Isaac 0. Hightohen vs Willam ette Transiwrtation and Loi-ksCo. suit for damages for injuries icceived while in tlie employ ol the company. Jit l Irti-kaniiis iHMintv vs eitv eoun cil of Oregon City. suit for repairs on Abernathy bridge. 4419. Same vs same suit for rent of countv jail. 4421. Thos Charman vs Phillin Nehren suit on note. 4424 H. W. Ross vs K E. and M. A . Maggone suit on a note. 4303. E. S.Craig vs A. Cathro action to recover money; appealed from justice court. 4426 Elleny Rogers vs Peter Wittcn bery actiou on note ami account. EQirrv. 4229. Martha Kruee vs R. M. Bruce divorce, coutinued from last term. 42'j0. Decoras M. Moss vs Julius Logus suit to quit title to laud. 42S0. John 11. Yancuren vs Annie E. Chase et al suit iu partition, to divide real estate. 4313 Benj. Koop vs Gideon Lanti et al confirmation ot sale ol real estate. 4335. in the matter of the assignment of L. P. Hannato J. G. PiUbury rep! of assignee. 4-342. In the matter of (Tie assignment of W. P. Austin to H.E.Cross report of assignee. 4348. Gustavo Strube et al vs N. N Matlork et al to foreclose mortgage. 43V). Robert Casedav vs Minnie Case- dav divorce. 4353. A.W. Ocobock v J. W Thomas et al confirmation of sale of real estate. 4355. Benj. Wolfer vs John Fredreck son suit to lorecloee mortgage. 4356. E. E. Charman v Ira E. Day et al confirmation of sale of real estate. 4357. Lena A. Charman vs Horace C. Brown confirmation of sale of real es tate. 4358. Manrice J. Frederick vs C. Grimes et al confirmation of sale of real estate. 43C2 J. T. Apperson vs Abel Matoon et al suit for possession of real estate. 4:163. Trustees Olive Lodge No. 18, 1. G O. F. vs F. H. Stonier et al suit to foreclose mortgage. 4364. Peter A. Weiss vs Geo. Brough ton suit to quit title to boom right. 43)i9. J. A. McCully, administrator, vs Joseph W. Browne-confirmation of sale of real estate . 4373 Thos. Charman vs Hattie E. Wise et al suit to foreclose mortgage. 4375 Duncan Cameron vs J E Coates suit for one ono-tlfteenth interest in liio aorcs of land, and establishing plain tif and defendants interest. 4381. John Schram vs Multnomah lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M. suit for possession of land. 4382. N. N. Robbins et al vs Jacob Gerber et al injunction restraining di rectors from building a school house. 4387. Mary J. Mooney vs G. W. Hol comb et al suit for possession of real estate. 4.190 R Walling vs O P. Mason et al suit to Campbell, defendant, to make a deed. 4392. Alice B. Blakovs Win . P. Blake divorce. 4404. August Peters vs Louisa Peters divorce. 4410 A. Cathro vsWm. Knight injunction to restrain sheriff from selling real estate' . 4416. Board of school land coinmU sioners vs James W. Foster et al suit to foreclose mortgage 4417. A. Cuthro vs 8. E. Craig and Wm knight injunction. 4420. David h Jones vs Wm. Young et al suit on contract and agreement for mirchtse ot real estate 4422. J. O. Dickey vs Raymond Dickey et al suit in partition, to divide real estate. 4423. Martha Jennings vs John Mel drum suit to establish partition line between parties. 4425. G. Ann Donaldson vs bhsha Killin to foreclose mortgage. TUB KEV. OKO. II. TIIAVKR, of llnurbon, Iml., uriyi: "lloth mvm-ll hii'I wile owe our lUf to SIIIUill'8 'i)NHI MFTION tlKK " Fir il ly K. U. CsiilloM k Co. ARK YOU MADK mlxeMhln hy Indlgeitlon, OmiMlpHtliin, l)l7.liifN, L-. of A-nle, Vl low Sklnr Hhlli.b'i VlnlUer In punitive cure, Vut mile by K. 0 Csulleld k Co. WHY WILL Y'll' rnuirh when Rhlloh's Curs will Ktve ImincilUUi rulleir Trine 111 en,. Well, nd !1. for tsle by K. (I. CsuAeld i Co. HHII.Otl S CATAKItH ItEMKDY poeltlre ru re lorcniHrrn, iiipiiiiii-rin.snq CAriktr Moiiui, For ale by K. U. Csiilteld 4 Co. "H ACKMF.TACK." Isntlni and frsrrnnt cer funifl. I'rlre 'lit and W nun, For tsle by K. (i. VSIIUUIU 8IIIIil Ct'RK will ImmrdlsMr relit Croup, WIiopiIii CoiikIi and UninrliltlK. For kale by K. u. Csuflold Si Co. FOK DY8FKPSI A sud Liver Comnliunt. vou hsve primed Kuiirafiten on every bottle of Million's VliHllxsr. It nover fslls to cur. For ale hy .. O. Cauflold Co. A NA8AL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Bhlloh't Catsrrh Hejnrdy. Price 60 c. t'vmnle hy K. i. Cauflf !! A (i. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, K. Franklin to Ed. Seal, 143 acres In Daniel Bell D. L. C. i t'iSOO. Meldrum & Pop to Q. W. Grace, 1S3 acre In Isaac Las wo II and J. S. Church D. L. C. ; 3100. E. J. Paddock toll. A. Dnvall, frac. lot in village of Clackamas ; 50. Wm. Kr.ight, sheriff, to C. Rlsley, 30 acres) $1500 W. 8. Ladd toC. W. Elsie v. 101 acres ; 1000, Jki 17 Harris to D. L. Taekaborry, 40 acres; f 400. Chas. Wilson to Geo. T. Kunw, 120 acres; fiXX). U S to heirs of J, and E Akin, cer tificate No. 8576 John Johnson to John Wilkin, R0 sorts in section 8.T.3 S..R. It.; r.'50. J. F. Andre tocitv of Portland, right-of-wav for Hull Run Water Co. ; 13 80 C . IJui ksdorf to same ; $5 C. Cole, same; 17 50. Jonas Cline, stone; (10 25. John Harris, same; (20 A. Kotzman, same; (40. T. IV Phelps, same; (27 25. W, Kehbein, Same; (35.74. M. V. Thomas, same ; (14. 60 G. Torelli, same; (5. N. P. K. K , same; (5 G. E. Chesborough and IV A Chos borough, same; (loo. John Gleason to Marion Hillory ; lease 100,scre. Gideon Krighuutn to F. O. McCown, quit claim to 80 acres ; (1 . F. OMeCown to Harriet Krigbaum, quitclaim 80 acres; (I Thomas lVmaldson and wife to R. A. Pierce, 160 acres ; (650 , O. C. R. R. to John Roberts, 40 acres; (100 V S to M. Russel, D L C. W.T. Wnitlock and wife to S Len omingson, 80 acres; (500. 0 A C R. R. to W. 8. Kellogi, 26 acres; (75 W. 8 Kollogg and wife to W. T. Linn, quit claim "J M NorristoMrs. L. L. Warner, 15 acres; (700 State of Oregon to A. Stein, 8d acres; (160. F T Barlow and wife to Sarah C. Blount, undivided interest in Carrio Blount D L.C.;(100. W E. Young and wile to G. D. White, 40 acres : (075 . CC Hogan and wife to I. S. Hurst, quitclaim: (1. ' 1 S. Hurst toE Morgan, 60 acres; (500. ' J . Poiibly and wife to E. D P.owdest and wife, 100 acres: (800. tt. A. Pierce to T B lnal.lson, E A. Donaldson and M A. Haskin, bond for d-ed G. A. Hardingand wife to II C, Nor ris. Mock 146, Oregon City ; N) Wm Barlow and wife to J . S . Mc Donald, quit claim to lot iu Oregon City . 1 R Larkins and wife to J. H. Rev enue, W acres; (250 E. Rcizzendine to H . Reizzendino, 160 acres; (1900. IlowlandA BhlettertoM. McMahon, private road ; (I G K Miller to E. M Miller SWi' of the SE section 27,' R 3S , R. 3 E , (200. Wm. Knight, sheriff, to Stayler. 160 acres; (341 T B Smith to A H Baty.15 acres; (3 A 8 BatytoE O Smith, 15 acres; (5 S. K Graham to J. K. Graham, in terest in tho Geo Graham D. L. C ; private terms. , Johnjiarless and wife to L. Schult- kl - IMA .am. l .... a ft a n r . W"l r "TV. 1, M, lt O, Vt . if O.tV i ilhs and wife to W. H How ells, block 108. tot 4 block 105, lots 7-8 bKx k 107, Oregon City ; (150. J. A. Brown and wife to A. ('. Fair- child, VIM of HI Elf of NEl sec. 28, T. IB , k it.; ino II. W. Ross and wife to W. McCliney, 140 acres; (. " D. Cnrrins to school district No. 7, lot for school purposei ; (1 F. W. Campbell and wife to M. You mas, one-fifteenth undivided interest in Matlock D L. C. ; $250. F O McCown and wife to W. 8 Mack, WW of 8WI4 aec.O.T 28 .R $E ,W acres ; (700 L. Slanterback et al. to M M Eaton. lot 7, block t7, Oregon City ; $175 . K Kohler to Jas. Sloan, lota 11-12 bWk 4, Cauhy ; (41 EE. May and wife to W. W. Ma v. CO; (200 U .8 to Thos MayandwifD L. C K W. Po-terand wifntoC. E. Porter. IU 2, 3, 4. 5, C, 7, 8, block 63, Cancmah ; (350. W W. Mav and w ife to J . W. Cham bers, (1 acres; (iK). H W Kamlall and wifo to P. P. Petty. part of E Fisher D L. C. ; $50. O AC. R R to (has Cutting, Wt of SE)f sec 19, T. 3 8, R 3E ;$240. Same to same NWli of NW.'i sec. 29 T. 3 8 , R. 3E.; (120 Ban e to same. N h' of Ml1,' sec 2J. R 3 8 , R. 3 E.; (100 Same to same, lot 3 of see ." 2tl. T. 3 8. R. 3 E. ; (100. J. Boone to A. B. Stroun, undivided 1-6 of west of D. L. C; (120. Johinuin, Met'own A Idltinsn, Attornrjri. Final Kelllemenf. K'tttc In herehrsivrn ibit the b)iiil"raon ol Altred lUvlcy. lecl, cienuUir t Ihe !( al Hcnrir kswler, decesuil. hve fllr.1 In the county mart of ('I'trksmai orMiiity, Oftvon, upi inr nnm t-iiitiniuni nn rny ui nuiri fur their diwh.r?i", nuil the rniiiiiy roiirt h IVf-lntd Tl'KSOAY, DKCKMIIKU 7, lso-t, for the h"irliif ol any uliJfiMlon. to nuch sreoiinl tud the Miilemeiit ol mil ntntc, 2il (IKHSIIK l i ssis, l. II. IIowki.u ' Dtled Ka.v. 1, 1M. h.iwtinru. T'tecaiors' .tollce. Kotke la hereby ilvnn that ln lan Hnl apBoluhfd. by the ixmniy eourt of I I n knn, cii iBir.iireon.aieirciiloraol Ihelant will and mtaiinanl ol L U. C. Lttuiiretle, derein-d. All pennna naving claim aalniit Ihe enlace ol the aalil L. !. C. Ulourrtta ar lieruhy notlRtd to pn-aent the tame for payinenl, wllh pror rourhem. at tht ollloe of C. I. k l. C. Lalouretie. In On-ton City, Orexon, within tlx month Irom the dale ol tills notice. I'aiM Tt, IW,, A. V.. LiTOrKKTTS, ll. CMSTON LaTOI'ltfTTS, fcleeuterl. W alt A I.lcwolyn, Attorneys for I'lnltillft". Summons. In tlie Circuit Court of Ihe Hute of Oregon, for IlinCnunty ol Clarkamaa. Alice O.lllake. PlaliillrT. ) Wm. P. It I nko. Hefeiidmt,) TnW m. I', hlake liefendant: In Hie name ol the state ol Oregon, yon are hereby required tnuppear snd answer tlie dun plaint filed hiihIii.I you In the above entitled suit within ten days from thu d ue of the ai r Tleeof Uiii iiimmona upon von, if served with lnthli county, or II lerved within any olher couuiy of thd state, then within W d iyi (nun tne mte ol the service nl thla siimmom upon you, or llaerved by publication ol summons or otherwise then by tho flrirt day of the next rcgn I ir term of the court next following ihe expira tion of l weekspuhllcatioit hereof, to wit; On the ath day ol Kovember, 1m. Aim II you till so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff above named will apply to Ihe court for Ihe re lief demanded 111 the complaint, to-wll: For a dlksoluUoti ol the nvirrlago contract now exist ing betwecu you and plaintiff, for Ihe care, ens lol v snd control dt the minor children, ol your ell and plslntilf for costs and dlsbursoiiiauts and for general relief, Theenrvlce of this summons upon you hy 'Ubllcatlon i made In pursuance of an order of ne above entitled court made on the Hah day of Sept., I Sail, directing that It be published lor sin consecutive weeks In the Oregon City F.n- terprls a n iwapnper nubliahed at Oregon City, Claefyimaa County, Oregon. VaitA LtiKWri.VN. pt. 1. Attornevs for I'lalntilf. ClKatUn. Iu the eoiiuiy court el ClackainM county, Htate ot Orvaon, la the mailer ot Ilia tat ot Mtrhset Cotcuran, Ueoeaivit. To Hie hi-ln and devlnea unknown and sit other peraona liuvreatett tn a:j tulo, greet. Ins: Ynuamleanh. of you art hereby nutlflvd thai N. VV. kamtall, ailmlnl.trnlor ol laid elale, haa Sled hla duly verified etltlon In aaltl court iklus for an order and Hetu.eto oU ihe real eatale Moujluj In aald ealal and deaertbed ai fiillowa, uvall: The Sl of the HKi and the SKVa ot Ihe 8WU ol tet-tfon H3, In T. I B , H S K ; nd the HKH otthe MM, ol eellon 4. Iu T. S H., K t K. ol the Wlllamvtie nu'rldlau, In claeka mat ootiuty, Stale ol urenoii. The court haa an- .i.v.un, I't.viHi'ri , , ... ni inmr ot ID o'clock A. M., mi a day for the hearing of aaiu petuuiu anu oojeuiiviui to lug aauie ll auy there are, WIUi.'M Die Honorable W. U While, Judue ot aald eourt, and the avl of aald vourl alllied tills 3d day ol November, li-wl. ki.) W illiam T. WuiTiorit. iltt Comity Clerk. NherlU" Mule. Noiloe la hervliy given thai Iiy virtue ot all execution tinted Si-ot. la. ISss, lued out ot and uu.U-r the aenl ol Ihevlroiill ohm ol the Stale ol orecoii. tor the county ot Muliuonvih, In me kIutIII dlieclcd. In ail at'lluu wlivrvln joiiih MiMir. plalnlltt', M-overel Judmiicnt agalnut Frank I1. Holt and A I in Ira W. Hull. dlendaula, (or Ittt :tu and Hie (iirlher itiin ol ;tj uu com, lor want ot nuraouat irowrty 1 have Ivvted iimii nd will ou Friday, the I Sth day of November, ISStl, at the hour ot one o clock !' M , al the court hoiiae door Iu Oroiion t'tly, Iu Claokamai conn ty, Oregon, ppicoeit ta aell al putilio auction to the hthel l.l.blcr !orcah, all ol the laid de Icndaiiti' right, title and lutcnM ol, In and lo the following decrllMd real properly,!) lug and being In Clackamaa eouiily, Oregon, to wll; The aoulhwenl quarter ol .ecllon mo ('!), town dip i aoulli, range i eail ol the Wlilatne'te meridian, containing Irti acrei, more or lc., to laid eiecolUm, Poala and accruing cokIi. Ifctlvd thla I.Hth day ol October, ISmi. W m. Kniuiit, 8licrln"ol Olar kanini couuiy, Oregon. Kswmosa, In the Circuit Court of the Suto ol Oregon for Ihe con ii It ol Clack nuai. Trusieci ol olive l.Hlge Independent Order ot Odd rVllom, No IS, I'laliitlira. va. F. II. Stroeiler and PhiH-be Slroeder and Krlck Auderaou, deroudenu. To the above named defendant!. In Ihe name ot the ol Oregon, you are hereby inuiuiotied and required lo appearand anwor Hie fomplalul filed tu the above eulllled tilt, In Ihe above eulllled court, at a term ol court to Ik heguu aud held neat alter Ihe expi ration ol ill wceki Irom the date ol Ihe tint Subllcailon ol title iimmoni, to wll; on the lnh ol Novemlicr, nMi. ou, K. II. Sirtclet and Ph.rbe Strirder. will tike notice that It you (all lo to answer thee.un plaint filed ati iluil you In the above enllllwl ull. for waul Hiereol the plaintiff will tike Judgment agaltKt you aud each ol you lor the relict demanded In the eonipUlnl, to wit: the (orecUiaiire of thit eevtalu mortg ige given by you to the defendant, Krlck Auderaon. lor the an iu ol 1.00. d tied May 1 NXorlSe billowing deacrltH-d tract of land situate of the county of Clm-kamaa, atate nl tircgon, to wll: imith half of the donation land claim of John Welch and wlfe.tlie whole of laid claim, being decrite. aa follows, to wll IU, ol Ihe K the K ot the SW.I. and Iota I, land J of aeclloii M. of 1 i H , 11. i h. of the W llUineiie meridian S lid inort guge is reoordiHl on pge .i b.a,k "l." ol record ol niortitaues of Clackamas county. Oreaon. 1 his summons la published by order of Hon E. H. Shattuck. judge of the circuit court ol the itste of Orcgoti fur Ihe county of Multnomah duly made and date.1 on Ihe 'AKh of Septeinlier, Ivai, and published the fu.l time oil the );h ol SvilemlHir, Joiismis, McCown A lm.iss. Allorneyi lor I'lalullfl. sheriff's Sale. STATK OF ORKiio.V, i Coi stv or t lai . jM By virtue of a decree and order ot aal. Issued ootid Hie Clreuit Court of the Slate of tireaon. for the County of Mtiluiomah. to me as atic.ut of Clackamas county dliectsai, in favor ot t. V Moody, governor. H. I. Karhart, leeretary ol tat, and Kdwar l llirscb. state treasurer, com prising the hoard ol comsiiasioiiers lor Ihe sile ol aenoot and university lands and lor the tn vestment of Ihe fuuda arising therefrom, and against H. K. Iiowell and N A. Ihiwell. his wll. L I. W, gulmby. Hugh . Ilarroa. guardian of the minor heirs of Minui Walker, deceased. Ja cob Wills, James McWItllams. Uwll Ash. Noah Allen. Mary J. brown. Constantln M sunnier. H II. Magruder. Cnthariua Magrudvr, James r (ilenn, J C. Tolman. Amanda llllger, admliila trator ol the estate of John Uilger. deceased. It. L lh, Ci. Kareaskl, Luclan Isaubulh. J. A. Cardwcll. J. B Wrlatley, M Cat.m, Kaaiurr Ku b!e. linvld Kmnenilllar. T. T. Mi-Klnil. Feter Rrtit. Isaac Coiistant and John W'atson. for the lutn ot l)74 uu aud lulerest thereon from Janu ary 4. laM. al li per cent per annum, a. so the further sun ol II7SD3A wllh Interest thereon Irotn January 4. las, at 10 per cent, per annum, and the further mm ol l4 40 rosta and accru ing coats, I did on Ihe eth day of ortoher A. H ino. in acciriiance wun tne cominamis oi said decree end order of sale, duly levy upon all of that portion of Ihe following described property, lying and being Iu Clackamas count to ll: The donation land eialm nl ll.urr Mil leraud Mary Ann Millar, his wife, lying and be ing situated Id Ihe countlea ol Multnomah and Clsckamaa, Hate ol Oregon, aud lieing more particularly described ai the eoulh east quarter of the north-wen quarter, the north east of the south-weal quarter, lb north half ol the south east quarter, the south east quarter ol the aouth eaat quarter, and tote numlered two ('21, three it. lour III. tve (5) and sli (61. ol serlloe unm tiered nineteen llv, and lot nuinbere-l oni-lill. of aectlon nmul-ered thirty CM), all in township one (1), south of range two (t) east ol the Wil lamette meridian: ala all id that portion Ivlng south ol the north line ol Clarkainai county, of the following drier I lied parcel of land, lo-wll: heglnafog at a stake, ll being the south east rvuer of the donation lae I .n, of Jacob Wills, thence runtime- sail alum Ihe north line o' the donalluu land claim ol tieerge W illi thirty Ave CM) roils, thence mulh ten (10) rials, thence west parallel with the north line of Ihe said Oeorge Willa donation land claim thirty Is ('') rials, Iheni e south to the creek, thence down Ihe creek to where the north line of Hie aid Oiairge Willi donation laud claim crosses Ihe creek, thence east along the aald sorth line ol aid lieorge W illi donation land claim to Ihe plau-e ol beginning, containing ten (10) acres more or lesi, In township one (1), south ol range two (J), east nl the Willamette meridian. Now. In pursuance of aaid decree aud order ol s ile, I will on Saturday, the eth day nl No- vemoer, iaan, at ine nour oi luociocg a. m., at Hie court house door InClackamaa countv. State of Oregon, sell all of Ihe laid above described real property, lying aud being In Clackamei county, state of Oregon, al public auction to Ihe highest bidder lot cash W'M Ksiuht, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Paled October 7, Hurt. to Johniou, Mt-I'own k ldletnau, Attorneys. Nnuimens. In the Circuit Court lor Ihe state of Oregon lor the Couuiy ol Clackamas. The Board ol Commissioner! for the sale ale of school lands and Hie management of Ihe common school loud, plaintiff, versus Jnmea W. Foster, K. W. Foster, Oeorge (I. Foster, laaao Foster, K.gbcrt N. Foster, M iry A. Young, J. K. Burnett end A. II, Burnett, delendanla. To Isaac Porter, one ol tlie above named defen dsnti: In Ihe name ol the Slate ol Oregon : You are hereby summoned and required to appearand newer the r implalnt Sled In the above enti tled suit In the above entitled court at a term thereof to lie begun and held ue.u after the as piration of ill weeki Irom Hiednleol Hi Aral ri ihllcatlon ol this iiminoiis. And you. nld saioi Foster, will take notice thai II vou fall an lo aiiiwer laid flomnlnlnl. lor want thereof the plaintiff will take a Judgment and decree agalnal you lor the rullvl prayed lor In Ihe complaint lo-wll: the lorecloaure ol that certain niortgage given by Phillip Foster and wife to the above named pbiliilllTon the 21 l day of Hoptetnher, 117a, on that certain tract ol land situate in the County of Clackamas, Stale ol Oregon and dee rrtlied as the -VKbert Olcott donation land claim," In T. ., H P.. ol the Wlllnmelle me ridian. Said mortgage la recorded III book "II" on pages nan, ill, a.,ol recordi ol mortgages lor Clackanvm county, Htnte of Oregon. This uminnna U published by order ol the Hon. E. I). Shattuck, circuit Judge and fudge nl the circuit court nl the State of Oregon lor tho County nl Multnomah, made oil ths filh day ol October, sen, and ll published lor the first lime on Ihe 7th day nl October, lang, JollNBOS, Mi'CoaN k Illt.RMAN, Altorneys lor Plaintiff. Falls City Hotel, Oregon i'Uy, Org-goa, W. N. EGGLESTON, Manager. KLItOl'IiAN PLAN. Meal 8 atall Reasonable Hours Photographic Gallery. C. M. KESTE It, MAIN HTKKKT, 0KK00N CITY, I I Tt! VrtW VUV It k U L' t tf v v inniB tt..,a.rMA graphic mtn Htrfonopl work fin th tbort- s't WW sn.sjpi, jiifU lUUFi, II J l1 r(t (.'(J Mllllj, AT GREAT EASTERN STORE Ladies, Misses and Children. PRICES WAY DOWN. OLOAKS. 0LAOKS. Frank Brothers Implement Co., l'orllitstd, OraaftoSj, Dealers ia Farm and Mill Machinery, Walter A. Wood'tt Mowt'tN, KcHiu'ru and Twlnts lUiuIvnt. Hodges) loulilt Draper Hcntlcrtt, (aar Scott V ( o.'h ITimWrti, Kuirlnt's anil Howe 1'owerH, llufbni'a Walklutc flows, Cultivator. Gang ami Sulky Flowa. Most complete Una nl Itugglea, Carrlaaei and Spring Wagoni Oil tne Faslfla Cnaat. Bavins celved our giaMi during Ihe low rules ol freight Irom Iheeasi, w are going lo give our eussutaer the benefit, aud sell them goods In our Una lower than ever be tore. Wru lot atajogu. Address, FKANK lUIOTIIKHM IMPUMRNT CO., Portlamt, Oregon, er K. W. POUTIK A HON Oregon City, Oregou, ( Bank of Oregon Vty ! 1'lllJ up ('upUuT :.o,ooo 00. P-estdent THOMAS CHARMAN. CHAS II, CAl r'lU.U. K L F la rilAM. Cashier . Manager tlepoalts received mbjecl loeb..k. Approveil bills and miles discounted. County and City warrants boughl. Loans madeou available sie-urlty. t'ollectlaiii made promptly. prima otii on roriiaiid. sin rrancisc. viii cage New York, and all principal cities el Kurotte. Telrgraphio eachangei sold on Portland, San r MticLico, Chicago aud fcw org. Intrrrst pal it on time tliHislt us fulluwsl For I months, i per cent, per annum, For a monihs, 5 per cent, per annum For I'J uionthi, tl per cent per aunuiu. Tim oertlftealea ol depoali piyahle oa d. hi, I I..I.....I f...f..l,M.l 1 .1..U... l...f...d end oi lerin ol depoali. SUMMER SCHEDULE OK TIIK StBMl'liil.' Th Steamer AToN A will maks two trips dally between Oregon City, Portland .-AMI WAY ZPOIHSTTS. ISlVg I l.gAVS. Oregon City .7 .10 A M. Portland . 10 A M " .. a r M. . 1 Jup.M. dt'MUYS Oregon City . I A M I Portland . ISAM " ... 9 P M. I ' A P at. Watchmaker, Jeweler, and Optican, Mala Mlrrrt, 0rrrm fit', Ortfsn. I have on hand and lor sale a lull stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Opera sad Field (ilaases, from the very best manufacturers o Also keep on hand a complete stea k ol SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, 01 the latest and most Improved itvle . Stepalr lug done on ilinri notice ami on lb most reasonable terms. FT IX STOCK OF Waltliam-i-Wiitclics. W. H. COOKK J. J. ('CX)KE. City Livery, r4 A "w vag ai wwsja lit IS All Hi nHfl H Ki Hj I 1 STABLE. Horses Bought and Sold. MAIN STNRKT, orkoon err Oriental Hotel. F. 0. GKIEP, Tropr. Flxrast - Class Accommodations. Hoard and Lodging por week Si 00 Hoard per week 4 00 Flrat -Class meali j, LaMlglng jfi No Chinese Employed. OlOKKlM ClTV, OHi(l(lN Oregon State University, ' CIUIF.NK ClTV, First term heitlm Hnntemlior 13. IHHfl. Hecuro Iron seholarahlpg Iiy applying to your C-HL-BnrasistBr .1, 0 . ... ' 9 JJ vi 17 an i-i iiiii'IIIIiii Hoard and lodging per vaek, f:i V to fl.OO. Tuition jut year: F.lemcntary Kugliali ile pnrliuorit, t.U); other rlepartuiviita, I HI. Write lor catalogue with lull partlmiliin to 1MIOF. JOHN Si KAl'll, Hccy. Kaeulty, l ugene City, On goo. THE roit The Barnum. M. J. Irimlerick, Prop. MAIN STRKKT OHROON CITT Full Hock ol Imported and domeill Ferelgn Lliiiori Wlnea and Cigars alsayg kepi uu haud IinMirled Mllwsnacr, St. I ula, A Ihr tlrbrstf J EOCA I332EI. far-Flneil "llllard Table la the Cliv. To Farmor8 and Others. The undersigned having leased lb EUREKA MILL At Oregon t'llv, hereiolora run be Willtaaa Singer, resiieetlutty eollell a etiar or ftmr pal Mnage Oraln left with us lor grinding will lag alieuded Iu promptly. W ( tiara n tee our Flour and IVrd. (Irlndlng lor larmera s ipeolalty. DAUUNU t'irEU. John Schram, MAIN srilKKT. OKIOON CITT, Oa. ' Wanuticiurer and Imperial of SADDLERY, HARNCttg AND NAIlI.t:it 1 HAIUWAM VhII II IIR OFFKM AS CHIAP At VAN t had In th Stale, at sUeale at He lall. warrant my Ocaale aa represeausd. JOHN SCHNAM. Saddle and Harneea Maker. IW F. HI011FIELD, JEWELER. . Ktlillahr4 Slsr IH4. Flat Jswslrv Madfl to Order. Seih Thoenei Sayi and thirty aouri weight locks and Watthara taaschea, key and susa winders with the larrwveueala. ekeaiaarr than any other house In town. Jiest giaar im rope's tin store. TJev Store! We bars o peat sat a NOTION STORE In Ihe room luraierly oeeupled by F. f w lea, aud will aallaa Cheap astiie Cheapest. (live ns s sail. Love joy & Eleffinan. New Fish Market. Nuw opened, on door of f netofflce. All kinds of Fish, Game and Poultry, IXCI.l'DINU Deep-Sea Fish, kept ronsiantly on hand. Highest market prlca paid tn cash Ivr Eggs and Poultry. R. PRIER, Prop. Overland to California VIA Ort ffon k t'ullfornla B. 11. 1 "J Oonsaetlona ; rare unm rortiatio ta. aau rraueiato, ,11; la j SaaramehM, flax I Time, 2 1-2 Days. . i 1 i Cloie Connection, made at Aihland with 1 ' ' Calllornla, Oregon and Idaka i Company. (DAILY K.XCF.FT ll'MriAVR.) Fait Side IHvlslon. iiF.rwr.r.x foktland amd asiii.and. Mall Train. LSATB. Portland ... Oregon City IMA M Oregon Clty . ..;l A Ashland ..S:IF Oregon City . 3:41 F. Ashland Oreeon City I'urtland ... 4:00 A M, J 41F M. l;4o F M. Albany Kipreii Train. LSAVS. Porlland IP. Oregon Clljr. A (17 F. laihanou ... 4 4S A. Oregon Clty.. uUA. saaivg. Oregon city , t KM P lf, Uhanon ... ttwr M. Oregon City SWA M. Forlland 10 W A.M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland and Aihland. The 0. k C. K. K. Ferry makes Connection with all the regular Iralua on tlie Kail Slda lilvliiou, Irom loot ul F ll reel. Hast Slda Division. DI'.TU'F.KN I'llUTI-ANII ANU C'OK'ALUI. Mall Train. Lriva Portland 7:80 A M. ICorvallli .. ,UTU. Corvallla 1MP.M. Portland S:ltP.M AtCorvallla run n act with (rains vl Oregon Taolflo lor Yaiiilna Hay. F.gpreia Train. ISaVS. I ASSITS. Portland ..AM P.M. McMlnuvtlla .S 00 P.M. MoMlnnrllle .MA A.M. Pnrtlnud . . A.M. Iinal tlckols lor title and buggags ehackd at aompany"! up town riflioe, corner Pine and Heeosxt strains. 11c hen lor principal poluli In California call only he priwurad at company't oillce, Corner F and Front Nts., rrotlund, Or. Freight will not ha received lor iliipment altar flv o'clock I'. M., on either Ilia Eait or Wtit Hide lllvlslnni. R, K0FH1.KK, r P. ItOOKRS, a. P. sod f in Agist aaaaass