Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 24, 1886, Image 4

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' Vat the name formerly given to Scrofu
' bccAUM Of a ii.'IvUlli'IJ lli;it it could bo
euro.! b, ' '' j touch. Th. world ia
CM only b enred bv tlioroush poi'InVa
thm of' tin blood. 'If thin it. net: lertt-d,
th Ues uprpeluatei lis taint tlirotijiU
generation itnex fjeiittrstion. Among iia
curlier unniitonwiuc i!ccl.i im tits ure
xCczemit,' Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu
mors, Holla, Carbuncles, K.rjRir'Clas,
Purulent C leers, Nervous unit Phy
sical Collapse, e.te. If allowed to tim
tinue, HhcMiiitttisni, (Scrofulitaa Ca
tarrh, lililutvy and IJver IMsonscs,
Tubercular Consumption, und art
ous other ibucoivut or fatal uiuladici, ara
produced by U. '
A yers Sarsaparilla
h the onty pnirerfi f rfl clrnvs rtliabta
blood-liurityirti medicine. It Ik no effect
ual au alterative tlrat ft eradicate; from
the svstcm lleretUtiiry Scrofula, and
the kindred porMini of voiitagiuus dieaw
and mercury. At Hie ram time it en
riclies and vitalizes the Muml, restoring
liealtliful act ton to tle Altai onrant and
rejuvenating Uio entire system. Tliisgrest
Rcgerierativs Medicine
In eompoicd of the tremtine ifntiiuwj
(iatvrijtarilla, wiih j.','ihp lhck. .Sdi-
fiiipu;. nit: I iu(iTr? i i 1'ni.viiHd io,
and other inirrcdii nts of jrrent po
tcney, carefully Kt.d seirnlitiealir com
pom'ultil. lis tonuuia fc. Generally known
to the ntidical irofhn, end the best
phrsiclms constantly jrvscrite AVER'S
bAits.ir.uiii.n as au
Absolute Cure
For c!l difsset csuied by tbe vi'iation of
the Wood. It Is eommtra'.fd to the high
est praeticrtbla dejrec, f:ir beyond any
other prc-iarattoa for wiiL-h liks effects
arc claimed, r.n i U therefore the cheapest,
as w-.l best llcod purifyui; medt-
eine, in the world.
Ayer's SarseparilSa
Cr. J. C. a." Co., Lowell, Mats.
(Analytical Chemists.
Sold by aa Dru -,is!s : price. 4)1; six
bou.c fur W.
Visitors to Portland
Do not fo.il to en'.', a the e rucr of E:r?t and Al-
di-r fireets.
The leading Clot Vet. !
r-hii;t Tailor and Itat
Bed-Bock Prices.
j LOOK T THE tir.l'RES.
Tlaaavjuie Suits for ?,Icn at $10.
tverytlih s km fwnrht tor rin
aud at the
i, ;et riisr.-iiii? ir.iot. aa uaicu 11
xkv c jstcinur
ii ihe IxiMjfit of.
Vo not fil u fill inl my npionJii assort
n:tt tu
Furnishing Goods Hats.
The Merchant Tailoring
TiepartTTiMit 1 rrf'.rtr lt eve'T nnv
t'.ly in i:if o- flirir H it will eni
Hioif to le "pir f 1ii" the leailer
ef fjahlon. lu fiT Viiiir. f.uin and
dirni-' Inc. it n iil la a.ie.td iJ ell coio
)li;ir in the Kor.h K.
The Leadin? Clothier, llerdiaut Tai
lor and Hatter.
Coiner First and Alder Sts.,
TUB r-tXtl'lTB OF TnE
Grape Curs in America
Curii ontratod hi one Untile without the
hxue ' Kurovieau Jourucy.
The ehrvatallred ilt exlricted from (ran,
ami frtii'l: a umai vinnilcrt il or. .duel Irom Na-
ture'a lalmralorv: the pre taaa-t overel iretis
ruilon ovor i.l-u'.'il bofnre the American nubile.
Hil-Mitaeitella la N inrc a own iirodurt: it
ni.nllea to the r-rv avuoiii the wmi of totind
ripe ar ipea anil fruit; it keepa Hie blood jtir
ami the bridii le ir; I. a n . t it r-i 1 lileln to ihe
Intired-onl and we irv.nn Itni er 'live compuiion
tu b'.t.liu-aa men. 1-niiea and children, li ira It
in your bullion, travel., uminar reaurtl aud Ma
alilv cnltiigea.
Sick Headacli3
Dyspepsia Cure.
B,l.Miiaiai11e la Ihe bel nroaervallve and
rure (or all (unction d iter .niteinaiil. ol tbe
liver, blllouMieaa. nil k lie-ol tree teuuiorary eun
lenii'ti arltii;i( Irmn alcoholle hever niea, ylddi
mom. oi.tirei.l'in, vi'tul'lmr "r (eellna ofniel m
INO; lor nil nccldniil d I ml I n c--1 1 ' tt arlalna (mm
Iiaaly nie ill, liervollHIloaa lliliiire innnii ueiiie
ra.li, licliliiK. or nny oilier over -eld H ile o( Ihe
hlixl; ho Ilk kln i notion, coiiiiiifniement ol
tlidilherU t lie erVeel tnerfiri d iolMina and at
the beirlnnliiK o( all luier.; tne'ilea. chicken
tiox, prickly lic it, rheum 'lie 'ind imiilv polaon
due tolmpurt) blooi,nnd aouruaaiol lUuuiob.
Prepared by the
London Siil-Musi'iifoHo Company,
Imdnn, KriRlatid.
Beware o( Imllittlont. Ilia aeniilu ll "blue
rijr-Send for elreulir. tfl 1. EVANOVITCII,
l.i neril AuiBrlc in Muiaier, J'. O. llox 10a,Nw
York City.
Kor into by
,f!Wlon this paper.
Four wives is the allowance to one man
in Turkey. -
The Now Jersey mosquito is larjwr and
thirstier than ever this year.
Every business, man but one in Man
celona, llieh., has a fire-proof safe.
A New Yo'k teacher has been tine-ii
livnofv d iva' iviv fnr tbrashinn A how '
-Aconnlinc to a New York
i.,.'.liil '
llll llll III ,
journal one-half of th adnlt men .in
America living in our cities urn bald
headed. The town council of Eil'iihnrc has just
paid an expert ton guinies to examine a
ilisorejut'ey of three shilling in a paving
Mr. roift, a Danish democrat, is in
jail in CoenhaK?n. Seethe ditloronoe.
In this country democrats aro put into
lTrA n nuhl-sbeil tlin full name of
-1.- U.K.. t.':... rtf ll.ln) it ld '
itir uaoy ivio vi t'tini ; . v .
The Philadelphia Press is authority for
.......... ....... ....... .. ;...
lue eiaieiiieui ui;ii- in i n i"'i 111
the boundary lines of several townsliips
were lent all out of shape."
In Rome, Ga., there is now waging a
beer war. A quarter keji of beer, con
Uininjj eight gallons, the regular priiv of
which is $2 o.l, is now being cold at 50
cents per keg.
A writer in the Philadelphia News says
that Keely, of motor fame, was in early
life a catViionball tossor in a circus. "You
see," he says, "he is not only a jtygler
by nature, but by education."
Competition is paid to be the life of
trade. Gait. Cat., is a bonansa for beer
drinkers. Rival saloons are selling loor
forS'a'ccnls per glass, and one house
throws in a eh'romo with drinks.
An enterprising judge who, when he
wasn't a-judging. foiged and passed
county scrip on the people of Monroe
county. Ark., has been himself ju.L-ed
and is now in the penitentiary for a term
of two years.
Children in the neighborhood of Prury
lane, Ixindon, now use a play-ground
the iormorly disused burial-ground of St .
Mary-le-Strar.d, that is said to have fur
nished the orig'nal of"Toia All Alone 'a"
in "Weak House.
The lareest match factory in theUnited
States, situated at Akron". O., turns out
o7,iKl,fKV) matches in one day when run
to its full capacity. The enormous pro
duction gives one match per day to every
man, woman and chiid in the country.
A man in Clinton, Pa., was about to
I go to bed, when lightening struck his
house and completely undressed turn
without injury to his person. If he had
been in the haoit ot using a nnstitsturt
the bolt Mould probably have put it on
A three-year-old girl fell from the bal
cony on the fourth floor ol a llarttord
house the other day, but she struck
squarely aoms a clothes line stretched
from the third floor, and the retvuimt
threw her into a balcony there, almost
Geroniuio is not pronounced Gee-roni-mo,
Hcroninio, says a morning editor.
Hood hracious, what is he hiving us'
What a hay and biddy etyle of talk this
hentleman would be hettirg us into. Py
hosts we won't have in. Hoto! lloto!
Washington critic.
It is stated thai V.6 object of tie Khan
of Khiva's journey to Europe is to make
himsli acquainted with all the processes
connected wi.h the production of silk,
and he will for this purpose visit Lyons,
Geneva and Milan, after staying in Ber
lin, Paris and Vienna.
A California farmer sent (o to a man
in the Kat in exchange for six gourd j
seels warranted to produce gourrls to a
capacity of forty gallons. Alter waiting
long for the seeds to sprout, he investi
gated and found that they were artisti
cally carved out of bass wood.
Italian bees are sold at to a colony in
parts of Georgia. They increase at the
rate of 100 per cent, per annum. One
bee keeper reports having taken I'JH)
pounds of honey from forty colonies this
spring. The honey, extracte 1 from the
comb, sells at ten cent a pound.
The employes about the Erie depot at
Klmira, N. V., are kept well supplied
with cigars by a young man, who comes
lortn each montn wmi a new sun oi j
clothes ana parades aooui in patent
leather toothpick shoes, and is, in (act,
what is properly styled a dude.
Pickerel hootin has become a favor
ite Krt at Lake Whitney, near New
Haven. The sportsman with his rifle
walks along thd hank, ami when a pick-
erai oans 0111 irom near ine anora anu
stops on instalit neat the surface he hres,
I .. , . , . . , ... . . c t.
HI1U 11 lie 19 a g'Uix Dliufc iiia iiiu lion.
The juvinile messengers in Paris are
on a strike for an advance of fees. Their
grievances and claims may be inferred
from the noticea which they display:
"No partiality in promotion and exami
nations," "Less red tare," "No desot
ism," "There are no sneaks among us,"
George Fullmer, of Suiibury, Ta., on
Sunday, after church, took a book, and
seating himself in a swing in his yard,
read ami idly swung, llie swing, maae
of an upright po -t ami a crossbeam rest
ing on a tree, was old, the upright gave
wav ami the crosspiece came down, and,
striking 1'iillmer on the head, killed
Gasoline was used bv a Detroit man
to kill moths. Ho sprinkled it from a
watering pot over the carpet ami furni
turtj in his parlor and retired to his din-iiig-room.
Not only the moths, but the
fiirnituro, the house and the man, with
his wife, received a terrible shaking up
half an hour later when the vaisirfiDin
the gaslino reached a fire in the kitchen
and exploded wall tremendous force.
t'nre For Piles.
Piles aro frec,tiontly preceded by a
sense of weight in the hack, loins and
lower part of the abdomen, causing the
patient to suppose he has some allectinn
of the kidneys or neighboring organs
At times, symptoms ol indigestion are
present, uneasiness of the sKunaeh, etc.
A moisture like procuration, producing
a very disagreeable itching after gcttinir
warm, is a common attendant, illnnl,
Weeding anil Itching Piles yield at once
to the application of Ir. I'osunko's Pile
Ht'itieilv. which acts directly iiih.ii the
parts alfi'cted, absorbing the Tumors,
allaying the, intense itching and ell'ectin
a ierinnnetit cure. Price fill cent. Ad
dress, the Ir. Iloaiinko Medicine Co ,
Pitjua, O. Sold by Charman liros. ltf
Belter tlian She Expected.
"Your letter received. In reply I am
hanpy to say that Parker's Hair l!iiluiii
ditl much more for me than you said it
would, or than I exts-ctnil. Mv hufrbits
not only stopped falling out, but the bald
spots are all covered , ami all my hair
has grown thicker, softer and more lively
than it was before my sickness a Ve.ir
ago. Thmik vou again and iiniiin." Ex
tract from letters of Mr. H. V.T.,Vest
t'iity-tuird etreet, New York.
""Sheriff's Sale
8TATtr.FORVi,I. 1
In the aanw ef lh tl of Ofw.ywi r " 4-
t lo liv hivui lb r.xta ilid fhallvU "t "V I KilLfli
MW namul i:it tM itlna UiiMriH tS
,; moruit a otvt mhi ii no iptHiii ik-
. f I I,u wv.t L f.u
til mhI aiu.Vu n tlx iflv ir w muv tl:re. M "J
sailor? U:- Us n., 0Imiv aivl u, vrltli m.m urn x
rvnm s, tuiit )- in fiuilmt i)ia- cm U ni.mwy:. m)
ciikvtw .m or lflii tti Srwl MmiJ.l itij ulj, IfiSlsfcii tl
cmuty Irwuuri'r.tf ikmI o.ui)Lf.
In iuiw wlirmif, I hr iKwmvki wt ny Kiit Mut
fx.d Hie atl nt OMmtY mi.m W th li' t Mt.
Us. Vii.UAT. WntTi.w .
lHuer Clwrk.
I hw'j vrilt)r lht thf ! k Uiw wr tt
nrWiitiftl vrnuit mid the wtivil Ui.lvof
IVUhI M,t 2d a .J of Jm, ISrd,
Wm KNioiir,
TI trt of Hw wwmnl. I hi" teMt uiii,
an 1 "Hi a 1 rMajr. ilw S t Julr. K'. ' '"
of .u'ocUwa A. M .. I.I it y, t ilw fi k.i w
In lie ciy . Vi-jimi tfr. Ww' am awiiir. Oivr a
ta!aiilii"iIKitt3.1')i:il'c.lrivJii.Ij Al uili n
I f.ir t. in ban , w am.uuit of tat hw utmoa tw "
i tti:' livvv a;io-n uiMU ih. .Ulina(itl II t IiW hw
jvf. t.thcr with oiwU S..U. tx.u ul
i,r ,,,, M. 4 ui.l S Modi J,
i a
1 90
mi'iMo. R.
N Kl tofSW liweJl, l'J s.ns
A if n.y R A. S 1 iof N W K f. T SS, tt
K. SO icim. I I
Am ii .l. i i l'u S 1 3 S K 1 4 an I N W 14 uf
., 1 4. wt SI.Iia.ttS ".
i.ii W 1". ' V I. O N ait S I 1 "I
K ii.i-l...cl4iu. m16uid It TS&, Rl H
ie act, tin . . 36 44
AtW H - j. l t C. w , T 1 B, K I K,
liWi acrv, t-t. , a. 78
,,!. 1. 1., CbrV j. N E M of S K I i wo B, T 1
. K V. tf a..T Wl 14
t,nN'ii. Ja.k. rrt . t H Siiuta DIRw ..
' T JS, Kit. I.'r, tat
Uix 5 as
AcirTn. r.tmu, 1-rtolWilwu D LU, TS8
RIE.S) a.rvaUt H -
Avrj A US Kl . N K MniUtwat T I
S. B 3 K. t4 aon a. ttl
f.ruth 11. Ole.iMl Cltf, lt of block 12S.
liiuut H I. RoWrt. mi. Vt 10 a4 ll.Mocy , U
linn I, M;h. , S K 14 . f S tU 4, ax i 1 1 S, U
B?4,'l!l! ul. Si: 14 if N E t-4 and X 1 1 4 of S
! 14. N W 14 U S W 14, wc 4, T i 8. R
IK, 13' aon, tt
im... i u n. ... 1 1 ai J 1 Ml 36. T S 8. R 1 S.
4 r
1 w
4 4)
1- .,'a. tut 14 9
Birlin, WM.SEI4wUtS.IIII. Itotm.
Bnrt.a. Trow u. rt i f D Ki D L C. T 4 S. R
UL J "i W 1 -.f y F t 4 and S U .4 S W
14 ,..; r t H. K t K. 1A) a. tit
Bn,n. J M. W13 S SK14.fcil3.1.S,Rl E.
Btr!V RR t"l K T S, R J E. 80 tat.
Butter. A B. W H cf S W 14, a T 4S, R J R.
fcn"?T "n r 8 1 1 . f S F 14 and E 1 J 8 W 14
ec 24 t i 8. It 1 K, 16.' Mi. Ut
Cri, J .i'h. iart of arc & T 3 S, R J F, ofa
1 90
1 87
I 90
r 4
i rs
.. .....i.-n ii .,, , 11 Cai.nlll D L ft
-I Tin K i V 1 .S c-r-: UI K
Cinii b ll tXni.l S K 14 ol X fcHar31,T S 8,
C." V f: fxVl4 of S W 14, 31. T S 8, R
CltUS S V 14. 6. T 4 8. R 9 E. K
CUrlWiarlm. 8 K 1 4 of S E 14, . T4 8, R
f)LA. S E 1 4. tl, T4 8, R 9 E, 1
i Caratlm. boniwtMd, T 1 8. R 1 E. 193
Ct.?.i'l.I krl. n.rt'4 F Hl.-ot PLC. Hit
1... ;u i an.l CI1. T 3 S K 4 K i) arrM, tat
thurrh. J. vtcof Tulti. DU'.kI I' 3 S. R 4
cLm 1 J of S E 1 4. c 11. T J 8. R 4
K, 80 ta
p.-1!. B F. part ' Miller DLC.w30.TI8.
R 9 K. 31 km tat
t 90
T 49
1 44
19 ro
I 61
3 90
I 41
) Ian. J.w.n. S W 1 4 14 N E 1-4. MC S. T I s. It .
piiJ Jttt Und, c 17. T I 8, R 9 E, 40
Ikvt. MrJU8WI4.9l),T3l,RIE,M
acrr. tAX '
1 97
ll a
Dnw.fl'. HLCSj40,rc.n.nui4I,TJ o,
1 w jrj m ii .....44,,
).!, mut a f.o.i.n. 8 F. 1 4 4 K EM. I ' "J
S K 1 4 and Ji it H'Jt 5 I IA -
Do'Ja.'s 1 J of S W 1 4, wo Ji T 8. R 4 E. 90
1 99
1 90
1 40
4 91
9 U
I 59
I 97
I 97
I 13
t a
19 79
I 49
F L-a ,i.".n l.Hl Aitkfna ,!,rtn 1 in. '.I
t;i., L' F. S E 1 4 ot S ' 14. M A T 3 8, R
4 K, 4 i r-, t . -
. J W. 8
J of F. 15 of S E 14. ate , T J B.
K 1 W 40 t?v Ift
Eniathrtvcr Jaaub, Mdwaukl.. Uockt 1 3, 9, f
and 11. Ul
For a W.SRUotSEl t.McU.Tt a. R3F,
rr!n"TAfc N V 1 4 of X E 14 d S F 14 f X C
I 1 1 .1 I.M of - J. T 1 8. R 4 F. 89 a.-P,taa
Forlia. T!uuim.S K 14 of b k. 14, aw . T 1 8. R
Fo rnl.Vn'tTb V of S W 14. M T.. T J S. R 4E.
Ft'trTTna"sW 1 4 of S E 14 ttd 8 E 1 4 of 8
ll'llatH , acrrt. UI
Fio Mr. ii r. pirt .4 8 W 14, T S B,
Fay Join, s 1 9 i tlMlna D tC, m. , 90, Jl
. and A. T 3 8. R 4 K t et. tat
Friuice.M II. mMm .4 I L C ol J' Jul Baker ate 17,
FrV. K,i.a. W 1 of X W 1:4 teTt. T 3 8, R 4 F.
6u aT a; tax
Grvr ry. Fannie, part of tK I.T 1 S.R 3 E. 9 aw,
G". I-. X U "' S W 14 and S 1 3 f S 1 3 4 H
W 14. a 3 .4 S tV 1-4. of 8 E 14, e 1, I 9 8,
R 1 F, Ko a r-; -at .
11 39
Ci . t H. W 1? ol S E 1 4, let 32. T 4 H. K I E.
firrt V.'K'and 8. J.irt of M .ck D L C, Kc. 38-:9, T
3 S h3 K. I I ere.; L.I
Qoo.liba.1, N.8 1-5 of t 3. T 5 8. R S E. SX acre.;
fimmbery. Fml. IHwurn. lot 9 block 1
ll.i .-l,MJii"n. E 1-3 of 5 E 1 4, mcSS, T 1 R
3 E, SO arr-. t I
HUl J v 8 W 14, hc IJ,T 4 8.R 3 E.10 aem;
Hairinc. R. Prt 4 tatW claim, Kc IS, T 1 8. R
llM'A j"Tt'ofWl J.4 aat 25, T 1 8, R I E,
I 74
I 91
9 SS
9 91
8 94
n',)t "Fli" W 14 Mr 3 T ! R. R 4 E.ltK Km: lax
H w'ktt. lo, F. 13 of 8 W 14 aM 97, T 9 8, R 9
F acTi-: Ul ...
Hclliday. IUn, Jun. .11 tlK Und lylnf a Wit lha
Wiluunetie rirr wwil of i lln. of watr arw4
.i.. noil r arr- In I lr .on t'itl I" Id tm
9 49
-. i . . 1 1 .. ,h- -H.1 tit L.,raa rlroad. uma
.x.iuv.l l.1 W 90
H-ntui, fbaa. part Vieker D L C, area 53, 34
a-l a. T 3 S. R 1 E. !' acrea; tt
j "Iti N WiZTt' Z
; k.
,ii. II. South tHwrj,,. M.k 13
1 M
9 87
Ilai.ulton M maoti " " i 1' "
V 14 of 8 W 1 4 u 4, T 4 S, R 3 E, 80 Mte., UI
( S3
f...n.k. II ri.1nlVWUwlTll.IIIL
(I arr-e; Ut . t li
tnu.i tt.. ahii T S H. Rl E 130 aerea
i , :,
pieman W J. S 1 1 of H 1-J 9, S 1-J S W 14 MM
in vwu.itWII am 15 and S 1 9 of M 1-4
tr'-a T4 s. R 1 K. Vittnn: tat 99 08
ln,T.m. ll'nry,trt of Forreater D LC, area IS
and 14, T 1 . R 3 E. .4 xr; tu
J.,hn. John. N I J of K W 14 e 9, T 3 , R 9 K, I
SO .c-r-.; U.1 1 97
J.a-iM, J A. Hreon fit,, hl-k l.TljUt . 74 ;
J..nea Tleai part of Finds, claim, 118,8 11,
liiO abrea; ut I 94
Jhn,n, R.lawl, aec 11, T 4 8), B I E, 90 aceee;
Kln-y, I. , 8 K. 1 4 ol N. W. 14 aw. J7, T I .,E.
4 F, . Vlmc ,a; tin . . . ' 80
Katym.n, Ailam, 1-9 of X W14 and 5 1 J of
W 1 1 a- T J S R 8 F, lM rrn: tax t 90
Lent .n I MHIr w, N 1-3 uf N F. 1-4 HC 31, T 1 R.R
4 K hii wre-; tit 3 74
ly.im J F. " W I 4 wi l W 11 of F. 14 IS, T J
H. R S V., 941 acre ; tat 8 1
lme, Win. Mlw.-al, bl'-k 90; tat 9
Umh II I'. K 13 I S V I 4ao-". .f W 1 4 E
1 4 and S W 1 4 of S W l lunlliSl, aue 1I. T
6 S. II 3 V, arrr.; ut 1 99
Lyndr, H. 'it. part .,( Wo.l(all D L C, lee 9, T 3,S,
R I W, 123 v-re; tat 14
Lindner, I h.u . I atari), Ir 19. Mnefc 4; tat 7 4
Long. Woatlf, Butlf, ft 'A T 5 S, R I E,1W
Ikirwa: Ux 9 99
M .mil, Tbomaa, One-on Hly Int 8, Work 71; tat 1 97
u -p..n oart ,.f A I, I 'liurch li L 4 !. H. 23. T
i H. It 3 K. m acrra; tat t 39
Mra 11 tbetloa. H K 14 Hat 9. T 9 S. R 9 R.
Jill erea; Ut 9 99
V.. I.-..II. I 1 tarl P Fnate. D L L. MM 31 -33.T
' 5S. R 119 am-; at IJ 98
u..i. ut .l,u.-tiM K 12 of S E 14 lee IS. T 3 a.
It 4 P.. I eiea; Ut . I
Maim, o.-orif, all of Ala, cutUniri bomaaUad
w30, T SS. R3K IVlacrea; t.I 7 4!
u.... I.. . r. I 1 of N K 14 nc . T 9 R It I E. 90
an .! I.I 'I 99
v.11 l,.r..l .h F ft 1 . f If F. I in 96. T I ft. R I
k.'mi acina: tat t 99
V... r,,,,, .1.1,, k 1 f S E I aua 7. T 1 H. U 4 F.. 90
arrea; .at I 99
Kil.ll,., ( I..- tt W 14 of S mjaalI.TlH.ltl
K, 40 aer a; ut I.
Navatl 1, John, N K coiner tl 31, T 4 B, R 4 E. iAI
aciea; tol ., I w
O'f ot'tier, W. ft F I 4 aeo 24 ann part of na 33 and
21. T 3 1. II 1 r, vn aerea tat a m
Or ;in k Waali'iitt.,0 lih I'r -iiavaont I o. fart
II link U I I.', VC W, T J S, K 3 K. 10 aeraa;
tat 171
On.. Daniel, 8 I ol aaa 11, T 3 S, tt I W, 30 acrM;
tat 33 88
OIu. He 11. Slot N K14u3,Tta, R I P., 80
..rea; ut I 74
rn ,,.., , M,.rimrot. Mr. W 90.aro.ofN W 1-4 mo
. T J S, It 3 K. SO ewee; Ut 1 90
Pe.ll.oi. J S nartof Cro D 1. 0. T 9 . R I E. 99
aer a; t x 0 18
l'a.oot, Jaaiier. f'aomnali, lot. 8 ana e, bloek A;
I'.-rv-n R. hVII,a. M 8, 1,1 k 43sut
P in. lie. lui.v, iar of W 1 9 ol H K 14 aM 30, lot
4 a. xi, I I n, n i r., ioi men: mi
Paitenv.n. helm tit. no 19. T 6 K. 11 I P. 330 aerea:
Quluo, W P, orogon City, to'. 1, 1,7 and I block M I to
Rjunai-y. Matwell. hli own D L 0. aso. 3 and 3. T 9
S, R l " 8H l .'", Ut 14 90
Rowley, Mra .1, K 1-2 of Rowley n L (1 anH part of
W 1-1 f llowlei I) I. (,'. mc. 29 .nil 30. T S S. R
3 a"fl 4 F, XW aero. ; tat 144
Rola-rta. A II nail of McMuboa ll dm. aM 39. T 1
s, R 3 f, 33 v re.; lax 7 07
RMi rrfaoii. J 41. JO em. Irr 74 W eorner of If "ah
I juolarrt claim, ac 3 K 3 S, R 3 K, 80 aor-a; UI
R iVIn. Win. H W I 4 Me 36, T 1 H, R 4 E, 1M
a. re.; tin
Rllm, Jl, W1J Wl. e,13, T3. ft IE,
0 atia, 'x
1WU IK U P.. T. J
a, H. 1 a., li fcjrtfc iu..
4 M
1 90
t W
Mil of Mmimti I) I. r.
Ik M S
anillk. KnuU Mn . mu 4 Mlr itiUt
a " . iv ,v ww mis . . ....... . ...... .
Smith. R.ilmt, airt .4 W in. I'lililit 1 L U T t S,
11 1 K 13 ' iii 1st ,
StuM, K, K nl a K i w U.T8S. KJR.i
tank. J..,- irt of aKw10,Tla,K4 K,
a) aoiw: tat....... . .. . ,
Stotw,A l,ft i ,f M VVnl,T.a,It4N,)
.TMi tAX.
Shiilu. '. B t of 8 K m IS, t i S.R J K, W aown
tat. ,.
tlnikia ..m.JNt'!.ll TtS n KM
,wi; lax..., , , I M
Stliil.-y. M. ,i.i,UI of. M.t ,if t tltt ami
1'niUIM. laml3l. TlTandS S,B it,
W ai't. a; ta. It 90
S lii, Auaurta Mm. tlcll.ond. k4 I lioik ii
tat , If
atonwa J.iiha S K 1 of N w an , 8 W I of N K
T8 8, R 4K SWiw; t S0
MuiH,, Ko rrt, 8 K w St, f 1 S. H, Itt) aoMai
t i t4
Sivii.vi. Voter, iwl of km JS, T 1 S, 8 9 K,
.i:t t 4 w
Shannon, 8 J Mr , hotta of, K 1 of t t 0, (it IW
Muumon, am-a H and aV T 9 8, R t K, ISO i w
ti 4 09
Sndh. Amtr.w..Hof 0 I) L C, T I S. R I R .
ariar Ui ,. , T 49
Scott. R II, oar! of Kowuiaa f I C. sm J9. 1 9 R,
HI 91. tat , 91 59
Sommtr 0iv Ul of, tort of S N J V T 4
S. R I t:, 1'JU U t
St,Mk, i! ii4 ,4 KW. U I C, w ,", T 9 8, tt .
SliSOacwaUi 149
Scwatd, Miov F. tvirt of nell D L 0. M St and
S3. T9M.KS : II avn; tM 9 41
8ch aik.v A t heir, of, N W I o. aiw H. T 9 . R .
9 K, lit -n; tat 199
aawyur. Mart, 0aUllou.'CaltvlttaU,lo4a9al, 9, Iill9i
" " lot. , Uk 19;
" " linn Cl'r U4 t hhwi 9 fa I 9T
Toraklnv t. T ,- n n. IWink'M, IV U 0 T t
s., R. 1 K , SSI aorwi tax , t 91
Til IV. J K, lain of W i4N.W Mj.lt, T t .
8.K3K ttMIMikl...., tM
TiT-ia. Svmtita. N. K .1 N. W ( and tf W. 1
o!N. K . 4,T.ta R.9K, 'arm; .... I.
T mt 0 K. and A R Ouiinmnniini K i ,0' awe
"uhIS K. ,4 N W l aud 8.1, 4 N K. I m 91
T.lvrlt! R and A. R iVmiiuliam, M K j f
K J M SI, T I S . t 9 R , 41 aw; M 4
T.aR Fatir Mn, N. W hi N uf ii. W. ) M.
90, T. 6S . K t K.. H40 i i ; tot - . 14
T,.,., O W X , K t "f .4 W ,Vid tot. I
of. l,T.4a,R.JK,tl..w.U..., 10
Ttn u. Jaluo . r IS. U IW .Wttw,
ut -
. uil.in, Mr. Fill nutk. lurt, ' R.4mt 3i..'
claim. 4T 18 K IK,h)a.Mitx
Th.ooia.tv. lUniot, Ml l'lv", M I and I
k;adtSuidlotland9hloek 9; tax
T 1
I 9f
f M
Vamhn. .1 8 . trt i4 Bucbaaaa cUlm. m. 9 T 9 S ,
R. 1 W ; tax
Wl -khaiu. K.'Nirt. Onwoa CUr. ItaJ aud 4, hi wa
IA). tot I 99
WuKarl f. 1' . Oi.-ua I'm. Iu 9 anal f. block 11:
u. 14 99
Wakbui. II f . naua Cil. lots 4 and i. block St:
Wn I. a tmith. mut : Cotsia D. Ll', ml T.
1 S , R 1 K . SO anaa; tax UH
William 11 . Svllwiu , 1,4 4, bl, 41; 1.1 10 . 9
W,l.u. 11, taut of in, tl I. 9 8., K. 4 It..
aiwo; tt 114
Waltonatrht. tata of a K. aM. 9&T.3 8 , R 4 E ,
lio-iwi: tax ......90 97
W.Ik, Ul.h l S. I of S E I Mid &. at 8 W.
aiw 36. T 1 S., K SR., Idlama; lax , 9
W jlairt, C M . S K c. A T. 1 tv B. 9 t, 160
Kin, Ui 94
W l .on. Tb.iaA Srllwa. 14 9, M.wk 49; tax..- 93
W IIUvmHta abi. worka, RouMuaai, nUatk. 3t aud
30; lax... 99 91
Wanw. Janira K. I of H K 1 mid S. R. I of X .
JJiT.4S R. J K . 19) teem: Ut J 74
Woirord, J.V. f f Martin. h. nta.1: lax .... 4 49
Wallinf. l, W , D U f of S W, Wallltt , T. t
., K 1 E ; t.I 89 49
Yorrtrt. J. E.K of N. E. M l.t.4 8, R. 4 R .
SOaorw 9 9 91
7it. . ml N K. of S R M 99. T. 1 8.. K 4
l.,tia,n.Ui 1 49
Zi & 'IS W lai lit H I is,w
aor, a. ut 9 99
Zcllrr r- S K ut N E. n9.T 19,9.1
.. S3 aJ ea; tax , - 8 94
IkiMNl Uu. 9 dj of Jun. A 11. .8 9.
Briitff of Click .ma. cmuitv. Onaon.
and Optica..,
Main Sl"et, ff jfon 'j, Ortgoii.
1 have on hand and (or a;Ue a lull stock of
Clocks. Jewelry knd Sllrer Ware, Opara and
Field Olaiiea. Irom the very Deal
Alio keep on hand a complete itork of
Ot the lateat and mn.1 Imp-oved style. Repair
inicdoue on .hurt nuire and oa the
moit reasonable teriui.
Established Since lstO. Flue Jewelry
Made to Order.
sethThnmaaS dayiasd Ihlrty honri welfht
clocka and Waltham Wauvhaa, key and Hem
winder! wilh the lateat tin, rovementa, cneafwr
than any otlwr bu.e In town, hexl door lo
rope a tin atora. .
4 r . .
Formerly of the f!.mf WILLIAMS tk
Co., ol Oregon t sty. 1-iteiy rrcscrip
tion Clerk at Corueliu'a Drug Store,
Has Opcnjcl the
-CS -3L S I O-
Casino Theatre,
Portland. Oregon.
T BtTTXHa' arms t
taiacaf aUrcla aavd ktetnU,
aaclt raauT. aVaT SUA laaaja.
I'illH .eKM,wtu arar
3, BOO IllsMatrmUoai - a
whale rastaura taaiiery.
UIVEt Who Ims la Prteae
fflrecf to WKiiwri all araaale far
pcraanaal at Hamllf eua. Telia k.w ta
order, and arlTee axatet awat of ayary.
thlna fmm tue, aat, alrtakt, waax, T
h.wa fr.lt with. Tkw lKVALliaBLK
HXJK.S contalat lAranatioa a;laaaa4
from tjaa aaaratata arf U warld. We
will smU a eepr rR9EB ta aaf ad
atreaa vpaa reeatpt at 14 eta. ta o4Va
axpraa af aulilia. 1H tt hear draae
Toa. xt.petITaJlri
W tfe Mt Wabaafc 9a, 4rJaya.JjJ.
9 36
I 99
II 11
New Store !
W hv opriu-d
111 lha Minn form.rly occupied hjf
K. L. tie, ami ill toll
Cheap as t ho Cheapest.
Lovejoy & Kleffman.
Orriroit City, Ore )tun,
Real Hotel hi llio City, and only out luluuto'a
wvk (row lh itiHunOonl UndltiKa,
E. RHOADES, Mang'r
John Scliram,
Mitliutarturvr aud luiortrr ol
-a. so
ft A lkiki.i.it v ii ii n i:
men he ofki us as cheap as i an
he had III Ihe 8tit), si hulea ilp or R
1 warr.uil uty OihhI" aa oroaruiod.
.lUHN M'llllAM.
Sml llo and Hnrui'a. MaVi'r.
l"a ouly the V tU'omlt Hind KorRl
and ll nid Knil.lml
With Cutler in Die eye.
Each needle gntrinifed. I'rloe SO eenta. Ak
y.ntr dealer (or litem, or ordor Imiu ihe maim
I irturvr..
Will & Fink, MS Market St., S.F.
Wanted in Oregon City,
An enersellp hnlne woman to
."llrll -n. like, order, fur Ibe
W l"i
iiini: ti.itiioi.i
nleul tlalrl ttipporfa
Ii l9t lt'9v. The.e inraeli
ii j 9, V ha I'i'i'ii extomlvely anl veril-.'.l
"i',Jfa?"'d "ld by lady cativiier. Ihi
I ft 5 f"1 ,,'n eim, xlllcll. IIU then
anl. . '-kf,X .niH-tlorily haa i'rMiii'd a laru
aniH-tlorily haa ortie.! a larue
il'iuii.il fur tliem UiroiiL'iiiitit tne
I 'tilled siaiea, and any 1 tdy aim
gtiea her lime and energy lo e uiv ai.-iu for
Ihoin C'lD aivitt build ill. a perm inenl and ornlil
able tiualtiea. Tney are not aold by inerehanta.
and ve ttve eteluaive territory, Ibereby slvtna
lha aaenl eattre rontr.. ol thexe anrlor ror
ei in the territory aaata I her. We hue a
lihre mini her of ai-ent u bo are niakina a grand
ttreeaa Mut na tbeie c.iMta, and we dealra aurh
luavvrylowii. Addreaa.
.Mill- 4.HIU4I.I A O
B'43 llroittikkatjr, .tw 1 orlt.
Homo for the Sick.
Portland General Hospital,
Corner Second and Ath treia,
Po8luatl, - OrrKon.
ThI. Imtitiilloti l coiutileie In all It. deturt
menta, ond every effort I, tu do lo iitta tl the
air, diet. niir.lri( and enmlortt of a home
SifWil attention lo trvitttuMit o( t nrouie and
Contlitiithm tt iiea.ea
Private room, (or pitleiita iraite.i by notable
pbyaiel-tia. and peraotia t'lklna eourae o( lurk
lk or Ue-'trlf Ratlia. .r Uxifeu On. The huh.
are elef '.ntiy fltte.l up.
phvaielana vutttng Portland are Inrl'ad lo
li ilila Inaill.iiliM, llliik Wliol.
94 ui ier Portl.ud Gfncr.it ttu,,w1 ,
Absolutely Pure.
Thla now dor never yari.a A marvel o( ntirllr
trencih and wholeioroenea.. More economlcd
than lha ordinary kluda, and cannot ha .old in
comnrtlilon with the multitude ol loir (eat.
hnrt welehl alum or nhomhala iKiwderi. hold
only In cana. Hoyal Haiisu Poania C 10
W all itrect, hew York.
Pal Out 30th, 1833.
lla4lnnlrolri fines and beaf Cfttal.
IIT of UlavM for Ithalanilintj beat.
Every good thlnir Is Counter.
Mted, and oonoumors rto CAU
thesa Chimnoys Tnade of VERx
POOR OLABB. Bno that the exaot
label la on each chimney an abova.
The Toarl Top Is always clear and
bright Glaus.
Haanfaelaretl OH LY tr
rttUbnrfrb Iad Olaaa work.
est I iS '
The RlMir LAWN A will tunkt two tllp
dully livtwt'vu
Oregon City, rorllaiul
mv I i.tAVK,
Otawucliy ,T:A.M. Portland in A.M.
" .. i f.al. " liWr.M.
l.atVK, 1 I i.aAta.
Orrgoin'Uy,. HAM. Portland 10 A M
" .. 4 e.M. I " 6 4,. I' M.
Overland to California
OiTjon & ( ulironila It. It.
And Coiiiivrllnna
Far. Irotrt Porllnttit In 8in Prniielaon, :rJi
8araiuiiiilix :kl.
Time, 2 1-2 Da s.
Cloie eoiiiieetintia nude al Aahland with
tia ol iba CnlliornlA, Uieioti and Idtho
Stnae Company.
(1UU.Y KXl l l'T 8I SPAYS.)
Ki Side Plvlaloii.
Milt inilu.
Orefiot t lly a :itl K M
Aahland 4 H A M
Hre.ott I lly 9 'M I' M
1'ottlniid 4 -V I' M
I'urllatid 7 110 AM
Orvitoii I lly Mi; A M
AMU lll'l .3 . " I S.
tirejoii City S '.'J I' M.
Albany Kxpreaa Train.
I.xii r.
Ori'B.itt f liy fi ft; P M.
Lebiiioti 0 .11 P M
tltenoli I'll, 1 Ok A M
1'orll'iud. Hi O' A M
Port I i nd 4 ixi ! M
Oregon city , n.1 1' M.
I el.auoll 4.1 A 11
Oreami Ctly 0 10 A M
Pnllnt'in I'tlaee Sleeping Cur. dJtly helwceti
I'orll'iud and .lablamt
The ii A f R. K Ferry tuakra eouueell.in w ith
all the regular Ir ilua on the t.il side Plvlaloii,
Irom (M'I ol f ilreel.
' Wet Side Mvlalon.
llKTWEES Pollll ANIi ANI CollVAI.l.IS.
Mull Tr.ilu.
I til a I taittia
Portland rat A M. I forvalli, .isiPH
Corvulll. SWAM I I'orll Hid 3 ,i I' M
Ftpre.a Train,
tttvt I ahhivi
Portland ..ot'PM MiMlnnilllo .am P M
SleMliinvine . 45 A M I I'orll ud . H .to A M
Local ticket, lor Ale and b-ntit u'e eberked nt
roiiipmy a uptown otbee, e.'rner st-rk and
Second airui'la. Ti. keia . .r prtneipal p. liiia to
f illlortil.t cut only Ik. proi'tiri-d and Im; e
ehi-i'krd at eompati) . I'tliee,
Corni r F itiitl front Ms., t'rothu,!, llr.
Frelirhl will not be reeelvrd (or ahlptneni after
five n el. k P M.oii eltlior the I. iai or Wi-t
SI'le Pll lali tl..
Manner O. K. and Pa.a Aeei.t.
Small Pox Marks!
can itr PKMDVt.n j
Iscon xc C7o.9
lh1tn. perfniniTi t-t I! M. Hi Qupfit ht
iitveitttil Mtil pnlcittnl (ue HurlO irii"uc
htch remove. Small P"X M irk. "( lu neier
b ut anii.lliii 'lit. appllC'itli n la alim le and
barude... c-iit.e, no liii"iiveuieui'e, mut ciu-
liim ii'ilhini liijiirlotit. I'nie, .
Superfluous . Hair.
LLOS a t u '.- '
Itemntea Sttperriuoiia Pair III a (ew nilnut. a
lib. Hit pilll or lllipleiailll aena ill.ili- fei er li'
trow attain, simp. a ami li'irui.t. rullolrer
tlom. Senthynoill I'll. el
(.LO. TV. SHAW, ( etirnil Agiat.
:i Tr.moul Nirrtt, 1'. .Mn Mmt
Kuril Mention lhl Paper
Oriental Hotel.
f. G.atii:i', lYuiir.
First - CloixsiTs
o.vr.l and l.ndclnf per week
1 1 on
4 '
IKwtrn per aeei.
oar.1 pe
Iral claaa raeaii
No Chinese
Ori.oon City.
I aIaII a9 J
wm WML
Thos. GrVa.in.co ix, IProp.
Corner Front and MoiTUnn Strertt.
r ,1 a II m
lk..l,urrl rrnll
li f
(Illtl iaaeireetlTl It.aelloa. Snfe for laullea.i l.l.irn,n.l tienk roiiKlllullona.
rariaeatkeallaHtl,toBea aullACBlntiiat li. A nlennant aub.tltulefor fauai.ua iillla.
old t all Drafflat. aad (oaalr, llealera. la rue tnlllri, 13 ceala.
tcatuc, luuiaeauon
Hold br all Pmsflataaiiil I uanlry Its-alert,
REWIRE OV iniTiTIUMi. 1 AHf St Vh. Ill VI.r.T'a,
W. S. JAMES . ...
Bend. Icr Ui 2Tcw EaJitlcn C.
Of" MuulW title ptper.!
Hedges A- IJiiigina..,
DEEmWltM t br
Vl.Altt.K Asstilt I MKNT t'F I'tiri'lNS,
ninl I niiet nlniii. uu hand. Klua Inalila
and tiulaldtt Itinnultiiiii. one iimiiiiUW'i'iit
I nrponler work o( all det'i Iptlntt. eternled
Willi tieiititeia atid tlKp'tteb, shop tippoailS
f tumult it 4 Son', dry ttootli ttiito.
31. W. HAMPTON, -
Dig, Coro or Cloan
rpiltisF WislilNil ANY td;K IN Tills
I line will net It dona on Komi teruta by
t'lUltm on hint, l hi. rculi'tii'V,
I'm per .hop,
W iitor si reel.
ii pr i'o.
Hlll'l'l'aaor lo (', V I'orilnllin.
Corner I'lf.t aud Slnrk itteela,
PiiltlT.ANP, OliLfiuN.
Irra4'i-It(4tnt ( tire fully Coin.
The Barnum.
31. !. .irodcrick, Prop.
Full .lock o( Imported and d' meatip Foreign
l.l'i'tor. w lio-a and CU:it. aluii). kept on
hand Imporled
.Milwaukee, SI. I ihiIk, a, (lie ( elt'lirntcd
l9Fliirat 1111,1 ird i,bta lii the Cur.
iifXi Viz?
111 t tkwrl t It I (N-fcil.m
I t III -i all aw. '' .-1 l..a,'.-,--,
"tt .... .u, II 11 Oh. aa,4l J
I 4M mn
tul' .tuna .l rt. .Ii.-h'i.ii ..,-1 ' ,. 1.1
limli'M a , ,u..ii. , all ..!" .1 t I til t t III K
,.i l l tin i a M t oe. I I I na, . in-., .ia
t .IL Ml '.". 1- .'! u.i a."t tl II,
D, M.f-kRRV Cil., Oairoit, Mlohiann.
J. & V. WhITE,
KI'.tl.NaV It! Illtl lt aTiMPK,
liver Stt be a l ai dy ao re. Pi rtl md. ut'n
rtt - M lV1 f'J,
I..A.UU . 'ilii.W aJa..
23 VEAKajM uat.
Hit Crateat"r-d.!'i 1 - :'sn of tkeagai
nYriTif''M3 a
1 (; iiiiyritp, i..iw-le tueii!, tmim la
Ik bruit, will, n ttull 9irnt.tiil In (h
b.tt U I'm 1 ii tier tun iiottijur
Limit. u (In rati fpr rmhtg, n ith m
In-ltn:iiltin f i 4Firiiiuti ol botlf tr wtntf.
Irrliulillil r ol I rui per, l.mw iriit.
4 fin 1 1 iii of It it v tit n ti t y I i't 4d aume iuir
frinri, Mrlnr--, I lutirrlnu at lha
Ilran, tui liulirlh ? Ilftiiiar(.
vvr lha rlgUc rre. Uf ellc ne. wtiti
fitful arm in-, Hi. filt colnrrd I rtu( ru4
TrTT 191.1.4 arna.paeiiilly arlapled
to aucti r.M't, one tt'.ao rrfeoia aurh a
ibantt.wif lee 1 1 n rr natoaatiint.lt tbn.urferer.
1 nr f Inereaaa Ilia ti.tlta,aml i-.i-m. In.
t ral, Vi T.k. on Plr.h.t'i i, tl. .v.tein la
finur tailed I 4 be 'h- -t Tnnle Aetlnn na
lha Illa..la4raana,lleaiilai aioul.'ra
rro.tn .. I I'll-. -.e, 4 4 illoriov "4..SI.V.
(kit AT lUtn or Witiastita cbanae.l Ui a
tluiaar Ul.ACK lV a allium arpPcmlliin of
tin. Urs. ll tiiiiai'tri n in.tui.il t ulnr. aota
ln.tanlaneon.lv. Mibl lir I'ruuiiUlN t
a.t'1 br ater." on roeel.iof (4.
OfTloo,44 rflktiraySt . Now York.
rOIITLAM), lillldON.
4 rm i )1 4 II II nil taJ.-l
relnnl t for 4'nnalllMllloa sail Ulllonaneaa.
H.m .'laifi. ri.iaatt,',"'a''Aaw U ej .J3j
inmaneil na a renieil r for lienernl Itvtil III r, sleep.
licuralula, lllieiiinullaiiiaiiil llrnkr ll-Uonu luUkUIUtlllllS,
Prprlelor and Principal
C C. Jewrr ml. .
Allill I'll
V. O. B-j tJii'V
W, H. Jft MM,
I 'luti'i. rin-i'iA