TILE EXTEUl'BISE. TIIl'KSDAY. J USE 24, BSC. The discovery of Jenner largely re moved the toar of smallpox by neutral! ting it effect, not entirely tubduing it. Efforts have eince been made in the rime direction to eubdne other disease Which hero proved the svourges of man kind. It was Ihoutfht not long ago that preventative of consumption had been discovered, but the experiment so far have been unsuccessful. A Spanish phy aician claimed to have discovered a method of warding off an attack of chol era by means of inoculation, but this, too, seems to have proved a failure. It in claimed, however, and figures are given in support of it, that a system of inocula tion has been discovered which will re move the terrors the yellow fever has al ways possessed for people residing in hot climates. Dr. Dominpo Fricrire of Rio ds Janeiro, gives the following summary of the results claimed for his inoculation for yellow fever: "I have performed over 7000 inoculations with full success. The immunity was almost absolute, not withstanding the immensity of the epi demic this year. More that 3000 persons, who were not inoculated, died of yellow fever, while among the 7lKX inoculated, inhabiting the Mine infected localities, Mibiect to the same morbid conditions, I ........! but seven or eight individuals died w hose disease was diagnosed as yellow fever." Accepting these statement as true, the discoveoy is an important one, and deserves to rank with that of Jenner, but ve are compelled to My that all the cir cumstances surrounding these tests were not such as to give us confidence in their being indisputable evidence that the medical profession has got control of the yellow fever. However, a step in advance has been made and the time will come , . . h 1 J : . ..-ill Ka aa I , " ' " under control a many u.uv. that vears ago scourged the world. President Clcvclai d has again proven himself to lie at ignoble ass in remov ing Jiulgtf McAllister, of Alaska, upon charges preferred and without giving the judge a chance to defend tho charges, although be asked the opportunity to do ! Ti,a unab iiirlii-iirv committee in- i ve.tigated the case, exonerated Jade H.aimuw McAUister and refused t) confirm Judge Dawson, a pet the president had uorui-1 nated in the place of McAllister. This v it t it- ....4iii i..A f ju,ko makes McAllister ftill pid.-e of Alaska The charge was that the judge had . granted a writ of habeas corpus taking a young 1 from the custody of some crankv ministers and placing her in w bat the ministers called an immoral institu tion . The proof wa that the girl was ' civerf to the cao of her aunt, who placed . her in the convent at Victoria for in-1 miction. .. . , . . ... u-if ' When the president and a lot of half-. fool Fresbjterian ministers have got to fell the natural and legal guardian of Children where tbev eball place them for " ... :. .. i . instruction, it is time that we bad change aud that right speedily. Henry Ward Beeclter tailed upon the T,IMent the other dav and of course j r - l was interviewed for so doing Among. other things he is reported to have said : "I bad hoped that the democratic partv would appreciate that they haJ an op portunity to take a new de aiture, stand by their president and come to ine nau tie in 1888 in good shape. Instead of hi tliA lfnt.'ni hava becm oii-K soueal - mat me lean.. na u ' A t ing over the .will of ottne. lhey n.ive Quarreled with their president over the manner in which he ha ladled it out, and tbe cate now look very lad for them. I only regret that the partv h s failed to see it opportunity." Now Mr. Beecber is old enough to know that any roan elected by a party, on a strict party platform and for party reason, cannot get above the instinct and feeling of that party. If he does he is left. Sioux city has followed the example of Keokuk, Dubirjue, Davenport, Burling ton and other Iowa cities by adopting an ordinance granting license to saloons at 25 per month. The town of Warren ha fixed the annual license at 1700. Other town throughout the state will follow suit. It is evident from thin that prohi bition doe not prohibit in Iowa, and that the citie have found a way to grant license in 'lie prohibition law nuw exist ing, which I not paying much for the efficiency of the law, and which is much more Mrlct than our law. t Mr. Beck has introduced a bill into congress making it a misdemeanor for any member of congress to accept em ployment as attorney at law or payment for services of any kind from anyrail road company, or any officer or agent thereof, which obtained its charter or any grant of land or ei uniary aid from the United State. The penalty is a fine not exceeding 5000 or imprisonment not longer than one year. How will the Oie gon senator fare under this regimen ? Qn our first page we give the hiHtorie paper read by Mr. Ealfe DeV. Johnson at tie graduation exercises of our public school, on Monday eve, June 14th. The paper contains many items of interest to pioneer and student of ethnology, mid ahows reuesrch rarely found in graduates from hiih acbool. or even collogos. We tope all will carefully read it. Prohibitionist have made their cus tomary blunder in endorsing a man for auditor in r.ast Portlund whoso temper ance principle, If he baa any, are not sufficiently strong to keep him -at all time upright. Thi I a farce that ha been 4 often enacted that it has palled upon the public tante.'Ex. It i proponed that congres Khali pro vide a managing editor, with a big blue pencil, for that dismal publication, the Congressional Rword, tothe end that he niay exercisu the diluted hogwash which sow ipoito It, even for watte rrr- W ALIAS ETTti FALLS. In 1342 the place where Oregon City now stands was a forest, except that a few houses stood in the vicinity ot where : .1 -.i i t . .. i .....j ... ' ilifi mills ana luciory nun bumim, mm, the Hudson Hav Co , ' store was one of the buildings, the embryo village was known as the trading post at the t ails of the Wallamotte. At that time the approach to the falls, by land from the north, was by a mean dering trail tht crossed the Abernathy creek w heio John Adams street now abntts against it, then to whete L. T. t Barin now lives, thorn along the bank of the river, crossing the little gulch by the "dry house," in front of the Catholic church, pasitf throuch the timler to where Cooke Brothers' livery stable now stands, thence diagonally to the south east corner of the lac to y, where then stood the residence of K. 0. Waller. At this time the buildings in the clearing around the falls were not numerous. Op-! positethe residence of Mr. Waller ami near where the ottice of the Imperial mill now stands stood the cooper shop and residence of Mr. V. C. Kemmick. vhich was a story and a half frame build ing. The Hudson Bav Co.'s store, a 12x14 log building, used as a trading post for Indians and presided over by Sir. Joseph lixon, stood about where the flood gate of the brick mills, at the I edge of the O. R. & N. Co.'s buin, now j stands A little ways from the cooper J shoo, towards the river, was a store i owned by dishing A Co. and in charge of Mr. J." H. Couch (after whom Couch's precinct in Portland was named). Where now stands the O. K. A S. Co 's basin (filled with water) in those days stood a tine grove of oak trees, whose w utesproail- inc branches gave it, in the distance, the i 4- . j .4. . : . appearance of an orchard. On the is land, afterward called Aherriat'.iy isiaint. now covered bv the V. K . s lo. s;sven. dry dock and the north end of the break- j Mr. James McL. Harvev has been water, stood a story and a half frame res- j elected one of th-s police commissioners idcnt-e of .Mr. helix Hathaway mid a smaller build i.g owned by T. J. Hub bard, while in the latter pait of the year the Island mills (saw mills) were erected on the north end of the island. This mill was afterward made into a flouring mill. Where the Imperial mills ware house now stands stood an eld dilapi- occupied bvThos. Brown, Esq , was built that vear for L.eo.Alwrnatl v. Late in the fall a man bv the name of David Carter , -., , bnildinj on the ground now occupied by the Baruum sa loon. The frame is still in existence and is now used by T. Charman A !nm as a warehouse, the room being lately occu pied by John Vegelius as a barbe shop A bunt the same time Lansing W. Has tings built a law office on the lot now oc cupied by J. Trembath as a saloon. The biulding'still stands on the lot and is . i used as a stable. I .J" n'r P' ofr. K itv was laid out and eurveved. Thecoro- j -used on , tK.til8ion waH brought here hy Mr. S.W. Moss and, as they had j no chain, the measuring was done with a rot?, the rope stretched, and that is why l south nart of town are ()n lltn th()(le 8Urveye.l later, when a surveyor's chain could be obtained. 1313. During this year the little villains had quite an addition to it in population and houses. Dr. John McLaughlin built a large wo.Htorv flouring mill on the bank ot '.lie river just south of w here the O. U. A, Co 's wharf now stands, and the north east corner of the finndstimi can still bo rasi comer oi inn rmnnaumi ran niu is. , , ... A. . . ... ,,. ,,.. j jim rHli wmc, was c ont 0 the rot ks. j is now used bv the O. K. A S. Co. when I ihey wish to wash out the basin, as their flood gate stands over t. The null wa wheit ia av in tlie ftoo i of '61 as was Uio tic gaWmiU that was built in the same year, w hich stood over the chasm between the wharf and Broughton's saw- mill. Mr.A.r.Naller.inthisyear.erected a small'huildinn inst back of where Mc I f. ,!.. I .. I. t. . ..J.. ll.. ironaiu B saloon now pianos, wwaruo inv j rii-.tr Bttiit l.nitituii in'4l ti:LVirti IliA hinnr I of being tbe oe in which the first paper ever punted in Oregon was printed the Uregon peclator. jouii , U r i. ,iri., ti.J ha.i ! rinted the Oregon Spectator. John Couch during tiie summer had built for him a storeroom about 40x60 ion the present site of the brick mill ; ; and continued to do business at that stand j until '4-i. Mr F. W. Pettygrie arrive. 1 this vearln)1 eret.,e,i ari,e ,,t0ne build-j j ing iiere t lie woolen room of the factory ; uow is, and a residence on the corner ; now occupied by the risti buil'ting 1 lie man in the county, and was no doubt M . L rhuicli wa erected in the spring the largeat number uf tails ever aeeumu aad stood on the ground now used bv Mated by one person . Wallowa Chief- Mr ueo. tirougnton lor a dame, jhcod ; Hawn and S. W . M' erected residence ou the half block now partly occupied by the "t hina house" ; the former where the residence of the late Jefferson Shaw now stands, the latter on the r.oitli end of the Mock, both houses being long since torn down. On the site now occupied by the warehouse of the hri;k mill Air. M. LaFramboise built a nice residence. In order that thi're might m houses to rent Mr. Lewis built two residences, cue where t'ooke Bros, livery stable now stands, tbe other has sim tveen turned around and is now ued by Logus & I)ieringj,r as aliutcber shop. It bewora ing necessary for a hotel Mr. Walter I'omrve built one on thr now vacart lot back of where I'ope A Co.' hardware store now siawls, und a residence on the lot now Decupled" by J. U. 1'ilsbury, fcsq. .Mr. W. ('. kemmick, thinking a change of location would be g'xnl for him, built a residence ami r(?rxliop on the lot hock of where the Ixigiis-Easlhain block n'W stands, the frame of the residence is still standing on the l"t. Mr. A.L Love i'y and A. Butler concluded to be neigh bor o the former put up a residence on the now vacant lot opposite Charman & on's store and the latter, on the land now occupied by them. The block on which the F.ntihi'KIrk office now stand was the t-cenc ol life and uctivity this year. Hon. J. W. Nesmitli put up a residence where tli t "Fuller house" now stands: liev. Elijah Whito erected the re-i'lence now occupied 'bv Mrs. Violet Harding, which has since been enlarged and altered; John E. Long erected tho house now known as tho Ir. Steel Iioiimo, and hud Mr. H. W. Moss help him build it: J. W. Ncfinith and J Smith each hud a little building where the Batik of Otegon City and John .Myers store now stands. I'.'J. Muiirl, built IIih little resi lience directly back of the bank, now occupied by Mr. HI even (iitten. On the block directly opposite t'-e Emem'ii'hk ollieo Mr. .). It. Itobb 'milt the residiMicn now used as the M. E. parsonage: J. M. Waro built the gun smith shop now uwd by F. Wilde; and a man by the name of Unburn erect!. I a little home on the lot now ow.ied by li. (,'. Hteven. The building now known ns the Orien tal hotel was erected in this year by John L. Morrison and N. K. h'itton built a small bouse in the rear, near where Mr. Eudey now live, while He v.. IB. Parish inadn a horns on the lot lately occupied by N. 0. Walden, Kj., and we under stand that the building is a part of tho large structure now on the lot. It will lx- seen that this outpost of civ ilization had a dee'ded boom tliU year, preparatory to the immigration that all felt mind soon follow. The next year there were more persons camo to spy out the land than during this year but the real improvements were not so numer ous however, in IMi. Dr. John McLaughlin moved from Vancouver and built the large house now known as the Phoenix hotel. Joseph flalo built the residence owned by Maj. Tho. Charman. opposite the post ollice, while James Welch had a home near where Harding' drug store now is and D. V. Rice opened a tony tailor shop in tho little building oposita, lately used as a lodging room by Mr. James Harding. During the summer Medorura Crawford built the house now standing in tho rear of r. Ross' otlloe and tt. W. Nice located bout where C. M. Kester'a pl.otvg.apli gallery now is and put up a humble home, while t has. Koe started his row hy put ting up a frame house near wher'C. N. Groenman's feed ston now is. The residents now lecame so numer ous that several improvementsof a public nature were attempted.the most success ful of which was the clearing main street of loss and trees as far south as the poet office. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. Portland proposes lo celebrate the 4th. Crop reports from the Eastern states are good. The house has passed the naval appro priation bill. Portland propose to celebrate the"4th in fine style this year. The president has vetoed another lot of private pension bills. The secretarv of the treasurv has called for 14,000,000, S per cent, bonds. The Nebraska editorial association i comes to Oregon this summer. Parsons, the missing Chicago anar chist, has surrendered himself for trial. The graduating class of the Portland hiiih school this year numbers tweutv- ot 1'ortianu. The inepressible Gertie ha again been elected councilmen from the first ward in Portland. The Sew England institute fair build ing, in Boston, w:is destroyed by lire Mondav and a doien lives lost. Th dwinpojed body of an unknown J8 ionnA in the field Wongtnv to Mr. rarrens, near .-aiem, last :auiriiay. Curry county furnishes the latest ac count of the old, old story mistaken for a bear and killed, frank Cox is the victim. Thorns' DeVine fell off of the Myrtle and was drowned in Coos Bay, one day last week. The body has not been re covered. The sea has started in well on it summer vocation of swallowing fisher men who venture too far out in pursuit of salmon. Jesse Applegate, nn old pioneer of Oreu'on, is rapidly losing his mind, ami has to lie continually watched at hi home in Klamath county. San Francisco had a SX),000 fire Snn dav morning. Tatum A Bowen and bchmiilt's Label and Lithograph com pany are the heaviest losers. The body of a human being was found back of town last week by some person wtuie digging a note to bury a horse. The body was badly cut up and tbe head was gone. An attempt wae made hy an incendi ary lest Saturday night to burn Baker City, or at beast a portion of it Fortu nately the fire wa discovered before gaining any headway. The five men who were tried at Olym pia, last week, for conspiracy against the government, by driving out China men, have been found guilty, and sen tenced to six years' imprisonment and l.iOOfine. At the city eleHion in East Portland t , 1. ' there waa a tie vote between Mffsers. Shaver and Bancroft for council man. The question wa decided by lot, :lt thr) tnr4tin(V nf thai pit Aiinil in , . .. ' favor of Mr. Bancroft. E.J. Fortythe, pecial deputy clerk at this place, went to Union last week to settle with the clerk the qnirrel tail business He took with h.m 123.000 tails, for which be retived 2 cents pie-e in county crip Thi wa the largest number o tails presented by anyone uin The Puyalfup, W. T., Indiana are making extensive preparation for a grand celebration of the glorioua Fsurth of July, which event will be celebrated on Mondav, the 6th. at the reservation. They have aelected the open field, just serosa the ferry, where they will hold forth. A speaker has been en faced from Seattle, and it ia their intention to have a big time. A r rand larbecue and ox roust will oecnr, besides namerons horse race in the afWnooo; singing and mnaie by tbe band. It is absurd to talk about the impose! bility of civilizing the Indian. There is a Hioux in Montana Sioux-inc a newaparer l for libel, putting the damairea at IVW.OOO. A civilised white man could nut do bet ter than that. A New York physician claim to have produced rabies in dog with common yellow soap. This is not surprising, for common yellow soap is filthy enough to d rive any one mad ho i retries enough to use it. Proper Treatment for Coighi. That the. reader may hillv nnderstand what constitute .a good cough and lung svrup, we will aay that Tar and Wild ( berry is the bai of the best remedie yet discovered. These Ingredient with several others equally a eflloarlou, enter largely into Dr. Knsanko's Cough and Lung syrup, thus making it on of the most reliable now in the market. I'rii s, 2-"V cent and 1.00. Hample free. Hold by Charman Brothers. J Farmers and Mechanics. Pave money and Dx'tor bills. Relieve vonr Mothers, Wives and Histers hya timely purchase of Dr Bosanko's Cough and Bung Hyrup, best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affection. Believes Children of Cionp in one nigl.', may save you hundreds of dollars. Pries, V) eta. and fl.OO Samples free. Hold by Charman Broe. 2 A NASAL 1NJPCIOH frst with bocdsnf Bhll'ih Cttarrh Kamadjr. For mis bjr Os-irjs A. iiarilillK. 3 FOB PYHPKPHTA sn1 Llvar Comnl.tnt. inn hvs nur srlnlst fiisrsnlss .m svsrjr tKittU of Hhlliih'i Vltnllnsr. It rnvsr falls te eure For aulsttyotorirsA. Hsrllng. 3 WHY WILL Vot74vifh trheo BMIoVt Car will ilvs you Immsdlats rsllsf. Frlse Wets, W !M, anil II. rot suit by liso. A. Hsrdloi. 2 AUK YOI! MAPE mturahl by IrKCtiaatfnn Cintlntlnn. Iilrtlnam. Iiat of Appttlu, Ysl. iiiw asitir iniinn vitititsr li positive Our Fur sal by U. A. Hsrdla. t 8I1II.011I Ct'KE will IramsdUtsly rtllsv Crimp. VA hooptnr Coush, sb4 broBealti. T"t ut djt (iso a. Burning. "HACKil KTACK," a Inttlng tad frapr! psrfum. Price X au4 W ttut. for gals by uca. a utraiDf i NEWS.' . Ex-Senator David Davit U reported dangerously 111. , Oeneml Howard wa given a reception at the Y. M. l A. rooms in Portland, i , .4 ..... . i. . .: ' I The English government does not nu.f tain the Canadian govern nront In its re cent attack on American nhety. Major Towell, of the T. 8. geological survey, says it is practicable to build a railroad from the N rthei n Pacific R. K. to Behring sea. and the secretary of the ' interior ha sent hi report to Stutator Sherman, chairman of sonate committee on foreign affair. WVa IWby ra tick, v hr C1STORIA, Wlioa ibtrat CkUJ, th rM tar C ASTON11, WVa h bmam UIm, h clou to CYSTOMA, Wlw tiM kaa ChUdria, tlw gtwvUua CASXOKU. .ollce r 4'atrst. V.9. tnt oitl, Oratna Ctly. Orfn. M 17, ISNi. c'ompl.tliit livlug Iwn nir41 l thUoitH hy N. Sohwl hkiiusI t. J. rttrrn (r nbsmtonlnit hi hamrtl vulrr N.k Ikm. dHlut Ai.rll I. IV.H, ui.-n ltNUo(SW4 rtn i hwmhlia r-ui SK. to ('Ivlimii cmnly. Orrin, wllhiw u Ui cuii'i-;Utl,m ol Mid vnlryi th ul.l nartlel hortby mm miit in uppotr m ihi ,nlir t iho jnih Jny.if Juries, isss. hi I" n 9l'W H-. V wpMid diriiUh iratlinuii) oolwirnliik iUl ttllMmi hU rtonmni. v , iT, Iumn, Klsiir. . Kherttra Kml. w. ot mhI uiulvr in rl ol Untlraill Cmrt ol th StaU ol tln-xMi. IhvVMiinir Ci4u baftflitc imu Iht 1U .tar o( HuA U.IMI ki aw Utvw4 shvrilt In UtxM oi hmit A llMjiiMn. plaint), andt Hnt C. Bnn, 4f4W4liilk (uatiiMiMlliiti M 1M 4I44 .4 UM SUU wt Oi44 W H4.U wi. l4 UV4 r4tl j poprl I Mid tlMtM UKrtlWa .u,.! awilttnt l."ll: Tb 4of'hiu quartar of ko n rih.( u,ikf ot rotkai Ko In tuattihjf . f -ut, ouulli ruifm I Uifm M4 ot U Wllltumu WMtMuta, la CIkUoui j 4WUUIJ. SUM Orrrni, I In lr t iuk4 iIm mm ot SI I taWml, t4 ; Oil furtiior tun 4 00 4u.nwy tM, 4Uld (JU U Otatft mat lalHtrwn.onta. 1 k& UmImI utxn mml tll on f SalanUi, lh lith d, ol Jurt A D , 1AM. u lw k4it oi .vn o ctivrk A. H , u( Oat al the ouurt boum 4oor m lh cllj 44 4 Trtu tSljr, I T-u4i. mU all tt "Ud il (.klrril i rWtil, lilla ami lllWM.4. nj aB4 t . thaab ancrlbail ral aauta at Bublu ai44ha u llK4ftUlii04l biiMer oaao fc aaiiaiy mad dam,, and onlat ot aala, I'M! aivl a.viainf au Doara Uu llln u ol Juaa, A D. 1M4. W. Kwt4tnT, RaattS ot C1aokaaM 4WtuiU. Orajna. Nherltr Kiale. By viitue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of t he sta t e O regon , f or t be coo n t y of M u 1 1 no mah, bearing date the SOtb day ot May, A. D. 1886, to me directed as ahenH'of Clack amas county, wherein W. W. Royal is plaintiff, and R. Walling is defendant, commanding me In the name of the slate of Oregon that out of the personal prop erty of said defendant, or if sufficient cannot le found, then out of the real property, belonging to said ilefendant, to make the sum of $30 3 with interest, and the further sum of $8 C5 coatsf with interest, and "the further sum of $3 10 accrued costs ; and also the costs of and upon said writ. Therefore, for want of personal property, I have levied upon the following described ' real property within the county of Clackamas and a'ate of Oregon, belunuifig to said defendant, to wit : All that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the county of Clackamas and state of Oregon, and particularly described a all that part of the George W.Wallingdonatioa land claim described as commencing at the southeast corner of the said donation land claim, and run ning thence northerly along down the bank ol the Willamette river twenty (20 rod, thence westerly anil narallel with the eouihnjt of the. said donation land claim eiglriy reds, ttm- eonth to the south line of the (aid donation land claim 20 rod, thence eat along the south line of the said donation land claim to the place of beginning, and containing twenty acre more or less, and will, on Saturday the 17th davof July, A. D.. 184, at the hour ot 11 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the court boose door in the citv of Oregon City, Oregon, ell all the ai'd defendant' right, title and in terest of, in and to tbe above descn jed real estate at public auction, to the high est bidder for rash, to aatisfy said execu tion, cost and accruing costs. Dated thi 17th day of June, A. D.,1834 Wk. Kumar, Sheriff of Clackamas, county, Oregon. Notice ef riaal Pro.. Land OtV at Oregon City, Oregon, May 26, 18S. Xotice in hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notii- ol his Intention to make Anal proof in wrpvtcg bis claim, and that am prooi win d maae oriore mgisisr and res-eiver U. S. Land Oflir-e at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, July 18. 1(W, vis: Elia M. Miller, homctead entrv No. 4219 for the S. W. tfofN E. i of S. E. W of X. W. 4 W. X of S. W. H Of See. 34. T. 4. S. R. I. . Hj name the following witness to prove hi con tinaou reeidenw npon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: John Stromitren, Joshua Gorbett, J. P. Garwood, and 8. Dix, all of Highland, Clackamas county, Oregon. L. T. Babix, Begitter. Falls City Hotel, OreT flty, Oregea, F. L. WISE,' Manager. EUROPEAN l'LAN. Meals at all Reasonable Hours. DHVINTEJt, ... " vijimlTl'kXK OF Boots and Shoes. .FIITE WORK. Ksxtioof toT. FtsUs, OREOOIT CITY, OR. M. W. HAMPTON. Dsnlsrln Tabs, Well Rnekets, ChHrn. Palis, aeir ann iiarreia. to f"' tvsrrthlni In th Coopara' ltns. Photographic Gallery. C. M. K E S T E R MAIXATEEET, OREGON CIVf, T KOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE PHOTO (raohle anil SiarS'issonle wsrk on th ihurt t notios. Ha has also s Multiplying Cstnsra of tn latest tod most apprnvse kind. W. U. COOKE. J. J. COOKE. City Livery, SALE and FEED Horses Bought and Soli slalX IIIE.T, OVtOOJf CITY . DYSPEPSIA.. Sedentary hshlta, montal worry, nerreui xdtetui'Ut, exceu or luiprudviiea In rl LI... .....I.. 1.... . . ludue ConathMttloii tolkiweil by gvueral .iMrdti tmliUll. tf lib. llvi.'l Llilltnvu- Mlwt noniach, ut which tbe dlonkir of tach arena liitiresxe the Inllrmlly ol the ol bsrs. The hniiKKlist remit are Leu of Ame tit, Nuiiva, Koul Rrrsth. Heartburn, F(U elenee, l)lciliif, Sick llmidsches, fnilura ot pliyalral nnd tnentnl vigor, dUtn'mlug Mni ot weight and fulliicin In tlio itoniscb, and Inorenvil Cootlvensas, all of which art known under one hrnd IHanepala, In every InManee where thi illapsMt dw Sot originate fruni scrofukm taint In the lood, A vkn's Pn.t. may te eoiifldcntly rl!i'd uhiii tu rfl'wt a cure. Those rtm not iiwiiiililo to the rut-stive Influence of Avitn's Plt.t.a nlons will eertnlnlv vtrkl If the Pu t. are sided hv lh Miwerfut hkuxl. purifying proprrtlen of Ay Kit's SabsaPa kit. I. a. lyHptlc should know that tin Kngr trestmeiit of their maladv U (HMtpenrd, tli uioro dllllcult of cur It become, Ayer's Pills Kevrr full to relieve tin bowels and pro sluot their healthful ami regtilnr action, aad thus cure lysepslit. 'lVniwrary 1liittv all do (HTiiiaiipnt harm. The Itful activity lnt which tho enfeebled ttomaoh It ipurrvd hy "blttert," atitl lei hollo atlmiifiinu, la linn Itnhly folluwsd by rvsetlon thai leaves the organ weaker than before, ' "VoallT'iaaa. Iti.lu.t by my antrnbtry kaNtt of Ufa, IVeaina rhronlo; Ans a Pais a(1Vnlovl nia ioy rvllrt, Tb.lr oo4Malonal uaa ,bai alnoa ka "" " rlslil." liaaaasN Uais Mr, .VfHNIlt, .V.J. f "I wa Itttliiratt to try Aran's 111.1 as a ramoity Ar Indlesallun, l'4ktallMttloB), an4 MtauUvhs, from wlilrh I had li'iis boon s auf. fcrar. 1 fouuit Ibrlr arllus oaay, and oblatncd rinunpt nluf. Thoy hava twoilhrd ma ronrs ban all lb miKlli-lmra rvar IWfbra triad." ki V. ' Watius, ISi Muu St., iir,io, Jtl. "Thfjr bava antlraly ciirr4,t4Hl lbs eoallvs bablt, aod vaatly Improwd my artwral haaiUl.M kav. t'SANcia U. HnLo, .l(iu(, fa's. Tha moat cUWllva and I ha raalrat nbyda I bava cvrr fonud. Ono doaa will quickly mart my bowala and froo my bead from pais." W. L I'Aill, ffivAmpad, I'tt. "A tuffcrvr from l.ar t'amplalnt, nys pvpala, and Nournlaln ft.r Oir laat twenty Jreara, Anil I'ltii l bmeAtcd sm mors tbas any modl. lua 1 hata ever taken." P. K. IWssss, .Vrnfinore, mini M. "Tot Hvapepala tbey an luvaluabtt." J, T. Daisi, Jlrxia, fmu. AYER'S PILLS, rnicrARKD by Ir. J. C Ayer A Co, Lowell, Ma. rJoKJ by til Druggiit. CRAND lth July Celebration -AT- EAGLE CREEK ON no.Mntv.JiiiT , t, E. L. Easthom, Orator of the Day. The Celebration to Wind up with a CRAND BALL AtWilberir'slIall ALL ARE INVITED. THE Great Eastern Store is now in its New Quarters And Ready for Uusiness. Look out for the new Which Wall aiTiVO S00n. Remember the GREAT EASTERN. Bank of Oregon City ! Paid np Capita! (50,000 00. PttsM.at THOMArt CHARMAK. CHA H. CAt T1ELD. 1.1. IA81HAM. Cublar faaatr . fstrxMlu rsesWed tubjaet toehtek. Apirov.d bill, and nniaa diacountM. ( tunty and City wamnt. baiisht. Lint road, on avallaM. eurllf . C.llrfll.na mads promptly. limits tola on Portland, had rrsnctsn., ini- vf. Mir York, and all principal ettiM .1 tCuroM. T.laf r.ifhio eirhaniu .old on Portland, so Freoelieo, Chlctfoind N.w York. laterest paid on time deposit at follewn Par t mnnthi, i psr rant, par annnra, For rnootht. t par osnt. pst annum. For H rn'inthi, 6 par otnt. xn snnum. Tim e.rttnoat.t of dspo1t .)! 4i da and, but Info-ant forfslt.d I rt o hfor el Mm of a.potll. , GEO. A. IIARDIMr, Fostofike Block, Drugs and Medicines, Toilet Soaps. Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Brushes, Sponges, AND ALL KiyUI 0? DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES filially kept In a First-lass Drug 8tore. Phyaldlnm' Ww.rlptlnni eorsfnllr eora pnun'ltKl, sui nr1ra nmwarsd with ear. an1 alapitch. 'I ha purilln will find mrtek of mM Iflri4j cm pl.t., wnrrsutwl g.uulu sn4 of th baa quality. Merchants Pkcliangc. Mula Street, Oi-ston Cltr Ongoa. KKt.Vi CONSTANTLY Sl br ind nf Ll'innrii. f)N HAND THE Win., and Cltnra In thaijlt V. H14n in ahfl trv tha n H4lllMn1 T"bl.. Also Imported Mtlwitukss, Chleoan aud doM V.HT. I II, triprl.t4ir. 1 1 BACON, DEALEB If BookH, Stationery. PmtoAct BulUloj, Ongoa City, Oregct Siri Stock, CHARMAN & SON, PIONEER STORE, Have a nice line of Summer Goods for Ladies and Children. Also a fine stock of General Merchandise and Farm Implements. We soli Just ns cheap as a-y house In Portland or Oregon City. Come and grot your goods for th 4th of July. E. G. OAUFIELD, BKAl.EU IX Staple and Fancy Groceries, Agricultural Implements and Machinery. ACENCY FOR MITCHELL WAGONS, liCilFiiClC THE CHAMPION Mowers, Reapers and Binders. Farmers thinking of buying anything In th above lines will consult their own Intoroat by calling and Inspecting my line and getting prices on same. At the COURT HOUSE CORNER. imrwz iwjbw: new: Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! IiOwPriocs! Low Prices! AT THE CITY DRUG STORE. Our Patrons will find that we still continue to give as good goods at as low prices as j Any Store in tho City, And we especially Invite the Public to call and examine our LARGE and WELL ASSORTED stock of Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC., The prices of which we Compete with Portland. Physicians' prescriptions and family recipes accurately compounded of the purest drugs. Ciiaman Bros., CITY DRUG STOBB. POPE DEALERS IN Stoves, Tin Plate, Lead and Iron Pipe, Braziers' Copper, Brass and Iron Wire, Ganze Fittings, RnbberJIo.se, Pumps, Zinc, Ac. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL MANWACTORIM OF mm Tilt, COPPER 8IIEKT IROIC WARE, Hoofing and Jobbing of ovory detcriptlon don to orcWr, and at Low Pric. Yoo will find Hardware, Wnodcnwara and Tinwa lanterns, Lamp, Oil, Lucine and 1'arlflc liiilitier 1'aint, at PHICE8 TO Orosoa City, Oregon. mmaaanM&JLl'J V " l . " '4,'"f' y'ti"'"- vm7r9.'',',")fmfmmtt rr.-: -Jj, uiss. ;.-..i.?..'.w..... n. m Undertalvcr, Wagon and Carriage Maker. Main Ptrpct, Orffron THy, Orftton. I k.p In bit .mplof (kl1l.il Mnskamlthi Is d wnra'fnr ths tri1. I fsdur.il my prlnsa rraitlr, n ynn will as. hy th. f..lnwlntt: im: rrMttlnf 4iM ahnsa, all round par apin St.lT. I am nnw sarrvina S Sanaa av4a4i.lv tly. I am now eirrint s Mnr. .si.nalv. and COrKTN than .v.r h.fuf. line In hmtnwa hsrs, and th. FINKiT ffs1. f TBIMlf and MOUNTTNoa for Mm. cuy, wBeariuii4 I an under Biiny obllgndou (01 past pstroasf 1. ma if & CO., IS SUIT THE l'Ol'Ii A CO. Hnra. ahnalnt. nil rnund. B.w iroi. p., apaa. (1 Ml. a.nab .an all nihar eliaasa nf word nronnrtts atoeh tn th. Iln. nf WALKlrT CAKKK r. C4F., Mv h.araL la alwara nadr fur snr sail la th Country 41 wall M tfc