. i. I v - ' ! IS-lf 3. is 10 h ft ... m tiring le iv ,'ou. i i li nt. ,; V- up )R : "X.. ipolan. , 0D. jdy do la, but It Is rap : virus ictoti- I of li. safe In 1. arrert lprlve OF kethf AOCO lieu a ti Umt. I. Cell- ," !ut Ill's eon re UloTO lt l.y II bnf Ml. Y culof km II j red ft 1 1 I V 1 1 111 1 V 2 f- THE BTBVBi& THURSDAY. JULY 10. ISSl. For President. James G. Blaine, Of Maliio. For Vice President. pen. John A. Logan, i Of Illinois. r : - -1 - - fix years fig i Jam G. Plain.? etossi d the continent by way of the v nion nun cntral lieilic, tarrying e:i hi.s j urn, y at Salt Lake. To wli.e, dine aim hast itrangers of note who visa the city is one of Ihis strong points of the A rmo is. and they attempted '.heir blandishments n Mr. Ulaiue. Slopping tip to the imul counter to settle liis bill on the eve v.!" .departure, he was touched gently on the arm by a Sufut who informed him Unit Iiii bill whs already nettled. "1 permit Jio man to settle my bills, mneh less a Mormon law-breaker and polygiimi.t," said Mr. Blaine indi::an:!y, and push ing aside the sycophantic t td of a lech erous church, Mr. lilaine Kiid his own bill. This is the honest man w ho stands iquare on the lle u .n pla.fone. which Kays down with Mormuiiisui and iininorality ; down witli Chin,.-t am! heir beastly pro. Ice.-. , 1'Mi:i,j:.'ii: i: itiv. Continued from (irst pa.e. whole territory. having one judge. The know nt least where he ought to be mmal arrangement, and the one we now found. And I believe the Imlldinjr wdl j have, was exactly reversed. It is to I e be sullieieiit for at least one hundred , supposed that lawyers were scarce years to. -onie without much addition or I and enough conld not be found to fill thodistiiet Courts, so three citb'cns of I repairs. oi will enjoy ami approve when yon realise the ctill'erence between wh ii we now have and what wo shall build in the coming months. You know what Aollco of I Iiiii I I'l'itol". good judgment and common souse, hut j of limited knowledge of legal science,! wore placed in the district courts, which j The whole institution i j sanitated with tilth and the stench is j ovv.eoinitig It is a disgriuv to a Christ- ! community, an 1 inn t be abatiilj a nuisance, or s..hl te the: pan as a worn aooui jaus. i on muw ; ha.l lrencrjil juris.lietion, mid also trim wo have got. We have hud it a long j m,,,,,i ,,ount:y and 'rebate business, and time. Wo want it no longer. It has ,, i,,,,st ;nvvor available was made su llen condemned by many a grand jury mim, lt,ri U) oom(,( 10 ovriirs o( lu, and "condamned'' by luanv a l,,HH' ' lower eo.'.rts prisoner who has slept in those iwn cells J Tho of tlu, )!s(..u,t omlv, tth which have about ventilation enough for ,5, (V,nu,luva business at Mr. Match's a guinea pi-. The whole institution i .. lVt - Is,r ,,.. s.,.. art, 1'ivdeiick ri'i',:;; and 1' V. Petty ;;rove. Mr. Slew art was and is a watch maker and jeweler, or as he then called looivelr -i ' viK Oi-stuil !i " lt, h::,l heeli i itv as a fit place in which to sober 1 , , ,, .. . ,,,.. ,. . 1 1:1 men ,t r .a t r.e Vh ct1 eivernors. 01 hoiild remain sol er i ; ,, , . , ,. , ,. j .Alt uul vii I :ti i . .i e, .ill I n'.-iv , u,i ! neiit n.nt m oi v.v.v.. in- the ir ivisioii.il ever attide me thither. The colonists in; , ' - - , , . , U'l Ll.iLilll. lie II, l PHI, 111, vi III Oregon t'itv and. J.r;l,ii-.d. :in.l is now residin-' with his fatniiv at licrvais. Mar- a ;ain in IS U, tue executive eomtnitiec ' , , , , , ! ion nmntv, w here lie pursues his aiicea' r,v, meitded tt.e U-is!.,ture to provide a j lr;uo ; ;) nyM (,( ,,.,,, 0thu.a. Mloiiv- (n.suo. in uioi u:esai- j jj ( ccmivr lo, 1 tnul tne loiiownij! sae advice : " hh.i!i.h lint i,ii:iii),:nl!v eis Slit! -r now wuitessHi; u:svUiet and uiiasiiin;iu , I .demeanor would dreaci of the prominent part lie tool; in i:,e critical an, t stin ill:: : wii.cii it is nope t mice.- oc uie it:. I -. I i . I I .. I . . I i .1, ins uie mis not oeen tlie ...ii.vcsa u .iiiojje i.yiien. tins corner stoiie-layiuui should have been, w ith the advantages j and the erection of t lis cuduriiii! mid he started with. I would be .hid to do- j handsome structure emphasise the same scribe lo ou the men whoeamein as j neeessi.y and value, mid protest as elo judi,vs w ith the territorial government I oeently airaiust I'Verythiiii! oeiside of the 1'oyant and Nelson, w ho went back east : Pratt, who is in San Francisco; tieo. II. Williams, afterwards senatAi, and nt- appointed leg.il forms and tribunah lliiiuau naluro is xiieh mat in its imper fections mid weaknesses it milv I'm Is its BANK OFJtkGM CITY. $00,000 oo. htm luMttof jitutitiido w hu h cannot bo , s(unl iho nras?ity Ury ami valuo of, or-1 the Organic net was.passed and got the ; tue mid reliuiou Were to be tuoiuotcd. . Mm iM l t, .raulot public lands for schools doubled i lea, nin;I encouraged, and vice, immoral. ! b?tl & "t iTi'V 1 111 .... Olllllllll Me lives with his my,,.! ii.. a K-sniiinl : itv and ci imo seimi.so, i.,:.,., 1 " " ' "H" "ml I'f""' """ ""H'l"1 t "I li " ,, , i ll ..." i ' l" " "Oil "ll'l I'liiol ll lie III ill' In- ami acconiplislied woman, ill poverty' lacy wanted no uioh law or vigilance ' ,,"v 11 ii"" nml loieiver, nt I'. I .unit and almost distressful want, at Salem, j oiuini to carry out tl. behests of ,7"" 1 "4' ' ' '"' 9 o'l.ri I-. V rs n, liniientn .1 eiitiy.n. .'IT n, lor Sol ,v -t.iii il in lam an li,iiiievi,'iil en. i', ,ii l. ll, lor " ni , 4, in, in o j., i a .. r i "i lie uimi' I he ln!liivltiX . t in sue ttu (irnvp h.' I'lititliiiinim e i . He.' ti on nml .'inline 11 ii el mi l.l l. in, I. m ; Vt III ll III I 11 In, III 1 I', I' ll.iiili t in l-v, -.liinil 't'ro'.iii tl.lniiii' itiirhui;iiiiiii ml oi iutiii vl I"-, Ci etoiniiiN I'l'.u.i,', , i nut, nn .'J I I., T II .HI v , Iti'uUti'f, I'll ICS 1 DIM tMIIIIDH MVAl.i:l . Tliiiniiia ( lini n.iin ('liiii'lva II. I null.' Id, Id I.. KNallmm, up -heir druc.ks. I a loin: time if I thought fate Ore .'on at an eaily day began o realize ! iheir want of a prison. In 1SI;, and j toi nev general j.f the Pniicd Stales ;! ''est manifestations deliberately and un Pe.idv, lleise and others. rut too many der no iiiipiiUe of passion. Wha ever is of I'.icm are.still l.vi:i;.-,a. d ;i',il'!e ho.; e I the result of p.isd.m, prejii lice or n,.i- It I said s,.ft things ,, ,he, they niiglil deliberation is not generally t ixe.l suspect me "f llattery, and if I said ill-' with evil. The only tune when ni .b ualnrcd things 1 might suspect a eombi. ; law, w hieh is r. vnlihioii, is j;i,i iti.i'olo is nation on their part to break mv head, i when tioth the courts and Hie m ichiiiei v s.i t it, tl.'l'eiiill ei'.-h'i'it mil'Ji'i'l turtiock. Aiirv".l I.iIIk nn.l not cm i I I.oiiu ill u.t, ('oiiniy una I'liy loni'Miiti IiiiiikIiI, t.iiiiit in ..le mi Mvillmltlt' wi'iiiii'ity, r.illi-.Ml.ins iiiii.ti' iiniiiinlLr. I'M. I ni-I'fKici:, iiiv,i.on rii.'. m I mtu iiinl i..i,e.liie loo'lmiiiti. ..IJ un , , , ; ., I ni't litiiit, s.iii i I'lint'i.i'ii iiii.l ,Yi-w YorU, l eiiiplniiit inn hi In, ii nil. ,n lii,,ili ,,,,,, ., , , , lv M.niu I i 1 1 , m i i ' i' n, I . i si ,, in. III! It.'.ll .".lilt.' leilllK ll.'liMlllll"ll for II I.TIII l I'llui nr ii nu,l"n nil io. li iii. ti ,i, iitr ,; .vi':ir., o, in ii, a ,i ,i ,,i. ,!,- ,-i, i,Vi, 11,1.11, in - ,. ', , i. rest luilil mi 1 1 mo Ov,iill aa tnllowi oi li ,' . ihhI n K, hi. i i,, , 1 1 i,i,i :', i,,., ie .... ... tOi .....nil i.n, .1 en.i, in m i, it in . I'"''! niniilli., I i. i' i'.iiiI ier illllllllll, eoioi , u . L,ni, t mi ,1 v.t-,v liitlni .-niti-.i lit-; I -or ' tnniil I.. iiei' i'i.il i ni milium. I w ul tell ,ut a anecdote alsmt .liiilge lor cons. i luting them are in the hand ol I """ "' """' "" ;oi l' """ " r . I ... It in.iiii., h ,i,.f ,,,.,i per iiiniiiin. o-.il; . o ..... ... ..i , : .. ... .... i i i ., 1 i itiiauis. .-oou aner lie loimi.encc.r "i.M'.i nn.i enriun men, an. I win II Lie ; si . .li.. el -nit , isti n: I ii ni,.,, ,, t in! 'I line i"'rl!ii'iiiii ui i,li'iniiii 1 1 ii I il v nil ilim ooldi-.g court here. Mr. Holland, his i Voice of the , pleeaniiot lind cNpresMon I ;. ' '!;:".:,,..' " ! "'T''.. ' " . """" " . . I i'i,.:'..i i, I, ii.MtIN, ll.-i; r. : ' -.( llteH 11 I'll. I, it ml loc if U, and has plenty of good common sense. .No one wotiui ever suspect linn ! of being a l.'.w er or ju, l-e, and no one Kol'sun with a putty ba.Py. tiied a:.d com; t!;e penitentiary el tin' Iowa c.'.le el by tiie pe tiiei'e was no peiuici without a la i ding No one bad ,;iv nion tiary. The Munt bad now arrived, v to hire a guaid to be i li.ii:iid lo Wilts. and he went at large s'.iortiy. Tiie tii.niiiiiery f goverf.ment w.i iuciiiiih'te ami Wat- st'li 1 mi!. ware p.T.i' the elltclie iT- never 'ervetl Cidif r.VA. t. went, could 'e ci'.i.ierej id; tiary. And while sieiikir.g of 'unri'eti'iiess of tilings and the conte".ip which some men have fur law and ("iiii'ts, I will relate iinutlar st"ry t ' l of this man Wa;cv,. Me had boo:i sued r d:;r.u.i.' bv Moitn'iitn ltob-n ;;iien: li.ol l-e .I'M Jl e j".ry a . ar. 'l'r. ' ii. a tt -1, a)nre ap;-,.- .1 fpt .; le the j ! gt: t ial. W.itsici ear.i in w .o being; sai 1. and ' s.tv'.ui; "Never ::i:nd ORKOOX CITY. The anniversary of the Declaration oi Independence was i.encr;dly ob.-er.ea all over the county Nearly everv j.ivcinct had its celebration, la Oregon Cay it was really .a gala day, nea.ly ev-iry store being ckwwil alter 11 o'clock A. M. lho programme was fully carried out am! ; e arrangements Were as pei leet a la.u.a minds could make tticin. .Mca ielost !So. 2, (i. A. 1!., turned out ; the allegi ance of the firemen, in niiiionn. was a goodly i r.i', tiie Oregon City 1 ..i.d had itafti.l cMiuplement, an 1 the stive's w.re lintsl with not only our ow n citizens I u; hundreds frotn the adjacent country. The center of ail eyes was the liberti car (drawn bv Mr. Oree.nn.iu's f ,ur uplendid trays) which new comers t, in theKast say excelled am thiie' they ev. r m back in America. It was rvahj a beautiful ij;ht, ar.d to pariictiiaii. o out of the cjuestion. hut thiswe m.i.-t s.iv. that noliixldessof Liberty ever pu: i.i, r. dignitv nml jrace to the position that; diJ Mis Annie Warner. The pr .cess.. S; loilowed by county and city nili -e.-; J;J c.tiiensin carri.iges to Pails i . y l.;.s. where it is said that tin I'ecl. n;," o: IldepeiUlencj war,--J b Mr. H I. Hf- I ly.and adoration deliwr d by it in. X. H. Woouified, 1 ut the behavior i i ' , - ..(, tlte floor was o outrageous and il!-:...iy-aered tlutf neither ol the ..,.. ten.!': Wen were heard, except b a , - y le . Talking, laughing and gigg.'i.ig M.ein-l to be the rule, g sid U-i.avior a v. ry mall exception. a .y wlm t retciid to know better and lousider t;ie:nse!ve tha censors of juhlic uioru and society tiquette, gi t a very bad exam; !e to thc.r children on that occasion. We 1,. pe i,.r the sake i ! Ihe gixj.l ijaiue of our t .y.-:i t' at there w ill be i.o h. ui ten. e mi, h conduct. After lhe oration, d.iiielrig Wan indulged in, the inu.-.o being :ur- nished by the Ivnd. Tne sUece; s . i ,he whole r.u'eedings are entirely di.e lo tne U lies of S.. Pa tl's '.lii.l I an 1 t,j Uiem beiongs the j T .ise- PLKASAM KILI. At I'leasant lliil the citizens ij t at tioulding'g grove. Th 'Aurora ban I wa-i ill atteiiilam e and p!avd many n.itinna! ira. Mr. K. '. Snort read tic l). c larution of Indepvtideiice mi l Hon. V. 0. McCown, delivered a verv chic and pleasing address. Dr. J. C. Pjlaud was the president of the day. After intivc a bounteous dinner was spread hii-1 thor oughly enjoi 1 1 by all. lla.-o ball mid games were in lulged in until tlcdane: rs for a t repaired to O uilding's aew hall. Mcst,.. ' r-asoti j- rrm-n.-iitty T. H. M. Eakeruud P.. Parrot: furni.- h.-d fit! mid hon. ml h- e the music and Mr. Gr . Kvans aMy ae- formed if ! is d td as floor Manager. Pence mid bar- rhortly ilcstiow d iony prevailed pnd all are unxio is for p. -eied and said th.i another daneft at Mr. (ioiil.iing'ti. ed very little :'.s yet for want of such a building, and oerhaos another vear mig' t pess without its being ccupie.i, case, vet ! we are assured that ii is better p.mey to j have tne building standing without a ton- j an: thai, a tonaut vithou'. the building- And in order to p'omote industry and ! !:;e pi ace an i weltare of the citL'etis of; Oregon, this govermnent must be pre- ; partd to discountenance iudoictice and j ii ck vice in the bud." lr ..,.c ri . t .1., ,..,l.,,i-v f...-,-.,.l ! tV-,!V by the executive committee really betel the country, hov. ever, Ivl'ore that jai: was built. An old u.How name,! Wat son, i; is said, assaulted one Mountain knife and cut him up Watson was arrested, ted and sentenced to .iccrdii.g to the forms which had been adopt p'e here, lb.it, ahis. ganiicd to hold this vast empire for the l' luted States, a meeting ostensibly called to organiea club lo oiler a rewind for the scab s , f wolves and other var mints. The general government ought to gran! him a m'o.l pt iision to aid him ill his old age. Mr. Prigg, some times called l'r. Piigg, was an anoth er .Ir.ij '.''st. He is long since dead. Mr. Pcttygrovc was a mer chant, and is prominent in the early his t iry of Portland. lie is a gentleman of wealth, taw proprietor of the towns:!' of Port low iisend, in W.'.shiu t n ter.i tory. The riciid- c' thi.t teim show caS'.'S in tivsn.i-., a- e n ;t, e-piitv, ti a, peal, and suiu'.iy po'se. -uti. nis f. r i" Piling the protdbitory li.p.i-.r law . Sidney W. Moss w.is. le.k and Willi. mi llolui' s wa-. .heritV. 1 am not able t .h,ov. r any s p. rial detects in the proceedings t method cf reeor'iing tii. ui. Perhaps we w.nii 1 .hi well t i have s' liie tnore .-a h clerk, in writing up the procee lings, used i loitlc", lho lenioMilof bud judges and I die singnl.irf inn , fa veib n here it should ',,'''l'' ollicer-. Then a revolution in j nive been in the plural. Alter the read-: " 'V"1' u' ahcnly accoinohdicd inav , mg. the ju.lgv said. "Mr. Clerk, you will i "'I'eiil.v, bravely and successfully met -j'l,,, membei'i ot null iiomah l,oi!::e,' '' acres of l.iu.l Is'twecll IhilmiH-. change 'is' to 'are' in that line. Tins ' ''' a counter ievolii,iou oi the people, J X... I, A. p. ,x A. M,, i "ic gnu Cny, Willi 1 1 'lack am;; station on O. AC, emit wants posterity to imderstatid thai : wl,i''h ''""h i,s '" 1 ' ictructioii 't ' p,, t.ni iew.u.1 i.. auvou.. w.u. will i;ivo: 'll be "'ld and pay takeu III, il knows a little about grammar as well i "'' had men who have robbed them ol' I (i. mioriinnit.u In secure the cuivictioii i hb(.r. Coiur nml see me. is a ::nii! deal nl.oiit !-i"." The ciTcc- lho ends of j'lslice Ihroll.tll I tie io.'ms ( ' ot ie pet son of pel'.' .who m.iv ..ie ' O. McCjiWK, lion was made. avhui.iil.'re.l ui lis soir.l. a. id a ; Uie g.i.e or il,o lence ol their ln.ot.ic . ,lk,, ,- (,l (ol. kI, Pcit I mud pass from the judges lo I'd-unto lho lo.un of law die m en U ,. mot,.,-, , vviihoul eii. iss...ii. m w;,o. . .. Ul. lltlo one or two of lie' I.IAU'IS wiio ''"' I'-stol-.v', No leu.; ",.iy ,,v ,i,ar ! ns.i.n .lie It...,. mm Ms.?,, ., ' I h.iv e n lin'.liniii n.'e.t y oljt of I'llllle-s. I'd pod to siai't the n.a. i.ine in this t-i'hne of jiiue th.ou.di Hie i:uoiu o ; yuii.cr and well l.r.ike im.'l n i.hm nriler county. The lirst was was A. P. I.ove- "I judge-, cm cfVr jtistm niomi to toe win. h I will sell oi $l."'i). For jov. lie via. iV.ini Po-toii mi I 1 a I great Hcmcs which have tlisgiiaed oiu: ll.d illul l,i;i4i Mlial 1 !',' 1 '""'' . ""' '"'I"!!.' ot Jusup pride ill hi. blue bl i in lis e.,r.v ,l.o. e.i.iutiv in sonic Incahtie ,. P.." evils r... ' ' r!'l''.'u o'l .' 'ss p' He vvn active, ct.rteou:. ail poj.ul..!. suhing me alvv ,,v s gu t, i th..n the e, r-' J, a p.l,i;.. m,,,.,,. ,,f ,,, ,. , AU,' lie was in manv pr, iiiin, nt .e-i,, n.b it re, l. d. And vvln-u the ncci -s.iy is mi- man v di - , g. i n g i i-e ,o 1 1 e.id.o he, I 'nil- . f , lacking the l-rco t . a tain theii.ie.. I" "',1, we cm ail',. id, as some men and u . .J .c. v.. im.cs. l.,--i i,., .:-.. CI Final PrOO!t lost hi- grip I'l i i,, r yi ;. !e!t the do. to spc.k in I. Hid iiin.s " p.,..,,, ,.,.. . on, I oiHoinng ul 'O ,C , ll.ieseoiiit I oi l . itl -e, ui cri fi'ii ''li.. , or. .linn' I", isvl. to g . l.ito :e.,i;, beats ;,nd r.i. ! u,;ds. and !) mm impi..y.t., mr. s u I lui.i ,;,, p . 1 1 , i.i . 1 1 . ., . ' ., ii- 1. ., C -. e. O , .1, ...I 1... I. , - --' v u v. " I.ivci' me l.c.il.--, pii,'..s.ii-.nld..il!,'lit. V. !,.-.. r-i-v , Iv-i. I l.i.l II,.- I..ll..w.it uinlitlis Min e he .I,, d l'i P.e tl. in.l, poor, t soils Noah .lei . v ei their lai.i- u, ,.,v I to leU .e Hi., siill' "' an nll'n (. I in that m .n,i .,!,, ,, ii.ii ..ni. Jiiiu. w ,,v , l.n , tic iinoo t. nice oi n iiei 'dv 'I'' '"" , . ... la i.i.i, nn . 1 1 1 1 iiii ,i i ie iiii . nil rill r r. Sill.. 1 1 ' II , ,11 ll ' 't . ul ." .11. I H, .1 ('.lie .Well 1.1. It .1 1 1 on I In 1 i ' I i l 1 1 e ,i ii.'.,i , In turn I 11, ' ll. jt Mini . tillv- I .a 'Ut h wide! T:i b it with VV.IS I'tlti. isri. i.ntli um m, uti la v vv i s in Is!" t I ..tie j'.l tgc i ' '- ::' d tltes in bin' i n ver- id; 'his court 1 aii't make me fit Mr. Prigg, ii.!, an, I v ats-.n o"g ;,lt.r, bv : K-.v '; Yomg. s worth . i pro! er mi a:1. 1 vt d, Prigg, N t ,'.1... bad i .- '!. ..'her .,th" cini-t to a i l allow a m-w i an I heart hat ! .'.' ici.'st out.. V. . IV.gg. nev- i -:i't got :.i;v jail, pay a d cent I si: down!" And idn't p.iv. e .lentil i f i r.e viral t!'niiap. dol'.ers r'v e c'i. a e 1 to tli '.;-tev.!y changed m, vv i-i a er ;.t e. ;:i t Ib n. A. A. Skinrer t'.iat tlni'j n.ii.i! !!, i: i.ie i the terri'.e v in .Uidge Skinner was a 'good l..wycr il, !' nest and npsight. I if n. .'.li ve, slightly 1 aid, a lit tie ol ., t as a virgin, but linn as a ink In his jndgti.. nt ai .l i o'a let:, n of i ght clean shaven, r. sy eoinii'e etrd, w 1 .In -o! lie vv ;s a Ii.od. 1 judge, ainl .. II ideal Christian gentleman. He n-inov'-d in later ears to Pane coun'y.ai.il Iheri .I,..:: to Cn.s gi.entv, vvlnie he i.'s-l a loved I : t-r loo. Il' il li..l ' nl In. iiiIhii i-OJ.t.. ii.li.'illii. l.'il I ill ol.l pi. . ..'...." . .' .".'i - " .. .e I''iii.,' OUiV aggl .IV at,' l,:e ,!-.e.i-e .111. ,, ell Hie .' OH', ii. 'I I Id -el i r.,.. ,. ill In- in.i.li- l.ulnf iieer. lie was a 'gent email to the cel. 11111 e lac l.nl,' us s.gut ,i m hciuMi -.i.en.,, n, w Vl.,.t .,f . 1 i 1,,. "'''.""""" .."' u ' " aV , 1.11 , III.' iiii:.., I.i lice ol il ''hen theie w is W. C. T" Vault, lb' Ve le't i'e--i ", si tl, i! tic 1 1 u r. m- p,M -nt to 1 1." p. il.,t.., h i nde , n, u Was in ' A.l.i'.u-i.vy nd . ,.f toe 0 .y m ci. - .1 .,n.,.e r lei,,. I lo n . .,; ,.,-., . .,;) !.,-,-, m il . . I. on Al ix. 111-. IV. stc. lie l.n, u sienei.oilg " e a c. ,. i . : . s .1 .1 c I , e. , i n a . s , : ;o i ia v e I a I l,,e ,.; i I ., ; ; ... , . - ,, ,i. ... i i . . 1, .. ... i. ......... . ' a i e . i i . i . i , a i i . i 1 1 ; ; , I Jl l . I ' . 1 1 i . '..!.!. 1 1 I i. ,.' ".ui... i. i i .. i ' ' ' , a'.v i I .ml i.:i ". ,1 .iv d .inn.g il. IP- d'.t . U t t .1 !. ! ".ii, . , n -.',, t ,, . V , 1 1 . d.i:... w : i: ,:ig v. , s , f ,he i no-! ec. :.. e . i n law ;. . r w I .. I... , e pi , . . .: a', , ,..,; i', I , J ,. , j .H'liT. lie .'il.i w ai . n o el e. .la, k 1'. I! -' ' - - i' ''I ' .,i, le! eo ,,n. , Vl i.el'- he in,, i-h.ud p.e at- ,l'vlv g..." i e . i o.u il I'e - u i: . in : .if.. 1 1 , ;, . 1: wa. lelale I ihat C,i, Ami I p ,'.' t in I.. , , ,; m, .nc u h' . . : i v an in.':. In, e.t --.".i i.i.il in -I I.i. c- a:,- ': t vi 'v .... - , i m.t ii : i CI t !' a v In ,' ,, I ii, I v , m-.v I' - i e . I.... ... .. i., ,. I r lo , d .1 m : ti, i ii-. u i. . .i e I i'.t he oi i : III ... e. . ie.,, , a . , t.u y ..i .'kill : 1 1.,' a . I . n 1 in n he !l t'li'V live. 1 la again-; u ei'iiniii il I. r - iiie. 1 .lo n : u v. u e i o ',. .II li e i t'ier : i rea l it c lli I, .i.i.l tli, ll i.,; he .lie.oeel nn- 1'''' ' .-pill e.i ;;., .nvr I . . e d, t,eis. s..... ii.od a la.i'loi :.. ,, i.i.l: smriy -1 .e, ;., ,,, !v..i. n: . mi tl e gi .nil I t at . t eng v :i. in ' " : '"' oi i','.i'ii , r : : : In:" i .i ill tie in l.c '.n nt tiuit lee i.c.lid ;,,:':, s ec n. , n ! , e , , t , v I, ai e ,, . I'lpii.td. Wii ll the in Ct u . i:i.e t . i . liv.llg bi -,i,e ' i-tl.il.:.,,, lio.ie,!.- Ii '.::d T'Vauil ; i. ke.l up ti e I.i 1.. in,, 1 ! olti l.w, vv.,. ;,. ;., ,n ,, an t i e.a 1 j i . :!'. .....i i : in : it. at t.i- u . "' ,,: ' " a the .1 . 'oi .1... m-,t- e. -a 1 V -,i. ,'.;.. Wei" then , i: ,-,n : ei ,:, 1 p ; in g . h - i.n l, . I men ,:i : n I ie w I, I. e ' c '; c ft"-: ,. 1 il .iu ) 1 i r P .- I. v , 1 no. .V . h, I' I l! iiikI.iii, ' .1 1,, i!ii.,i.k, ,,. . ... I a 1 I 1 , .1 , I in- 1 .' - ..il f nl - .r I . 1 ' , li . ml .'tl l,,ll'i. t i,l. I till,. . I - I . 1 ' ' I " tl . '. , .l 1.1 ' . I I I .. I 1 1 -.I ' a 1. ."i" o .. ! 1 . i-, 1 1 tiri.Vit a : t la f 1 .en' i.t-l mil vn- 1 11 , , ... I, in I 1 1.,., W . ! ;,, I- 1. I! ,Tllli( 1 1 c ' .0. .ti. ui llighl ma. t 1 ,.i I .,' 11 I 1 I 11 ' I s. ll. .Ti-i.r. ,i. is;.' iciiim. tloi M. J l I , '..:;, V lo .i.ine i I t and 1 ird's . l.iw. mi I pel . , .1 ' I.i ; III,' l,i ell u ,is Mli'l l,l . K-vv Vear.'sitiee, lauiored atni b.-- i .. t i " i ii was nii'i ' ... . . ii . . rilleii. Ant to U' lii.l Oil ,V. . ll ti ' 11'- ' r ! '..' 1 11(1,.. .l., i , ..... ... I ... i If, lini . -. vA.i i.u...t. ,e ii,.- . ..!).. iv lie lived bachelor !;f' unii: in ve: r oln, one . sen! to I )r to I'll gene: p :; t nor. is ry, and th" icg M a iail. Dr. i. iK.-ly i,n tii if on. It st . Where th" t. fo.'inC' tl r- - cro-smg ture had money b:i McLaughlin o'lat. d a I ! on the rocky West side I't Wat"r .-tree , he ,i...-:ii halt ni block ... for : -.'. The j ill w ;.s ... ..ti l ullt. 1 1 n ear tie e 1e of th'.- roek. a fall Would p.lei ipitate one into it', rs of the Will. line!:,'. Il was 1 of dn'lb'e tl. IS i f hew n otie lati'iitig iiLright, .'111.1 tiie other Vein ui' . .Inn Skiti i,e w a. man led. Jived in i. an.'. Mi-s 1. lue. In at extreme in rth. It v.u nt the time that their conduct, d etitin lv I v Hill they never s::w r nn!. I he i nine ih m n to the The til. in i.ige pi ' v i d hap) y nor -tid iive. e ii. r if re t i e le-l beiov e'l goi.e and bob. the two 1" :ng firmly ! ingi-'her with iron -pil'.'-s nn l i.ol's. The only pel -on ovvr eoiitin' ii th. re was a uiaii naiued (i.md. Iiii", w ho beeaini' ; i i -n : i f , rud was con sidered i! ingeiriiis. Ilebr. k' the il'otl barre.l wind .vy in the unnatural strength of his in. ane rig", I'lopped from tin: ut'per story to the tiariow ledge of picks on the river side, and made his escape II c.f'erw nrd recovered his and bci'a'in1 a use tizcti, I inn not in a 1. The j ill was y lire. Many sti.-.- nau V. at.-on, we!! adva:i"..'.l Tad Mi-s 1.11. selio"! tea.'hers enior Made of tier, at 1 he time southern Op go A-torhi, on the eon. ui' lily said courtship Was cm respond, i each otii. Wed. lillg. and ! Iiei ous. Mr- ski., ne i Ilugi : e City, o hi i l.ieuioiy and iiaine ni b toie.' Ti,e sui reni" com t little to do. Tne l il-es hug" I.l.tilhel.. I)r. v h i-" tinnit- oit.-n !!. VC, " as c'i i n. lie I lieu'. pui't. 1 ne.ei ciiitii't sp.-ak purti.'ii!. ; dn d or 1. signed, niel ; 11 n. J. W. N , States senator I He in.-.v re-id. county, an aid. o-ts oi his stab ing l!ie ti aits ! and eeou, in'.'. v. t.eii e u th" 1 i iy i'l bv I iiie t l-.V s e I. e-i'lle. i !,, -.;l, I : :.' I: I,. I I ' eu'..'d to have .lid li .! go Up ill .1. !.. Jl.ibc. ik, I'l'.ls ill the ill.'lii- iiid :i Veiy pioini savc iiini, and :ly of him. lb- HIS Slice! ("led bv smith, aio rwaid i'nit.-d uid tin uiber of congress, s on his t'.iitn in pill, mini, nliv . to the in;. ; and country, and i i:;n' f pa-1 in tiy ity, iuilu.lrv I have beind th.t he k si 114. 1. t4r ba.wi-.' gietii.d tnat the .nii.r k: Again l"V.,ult emu' ;n ,!. cl th" . i, ,,, ;,.', I ,,it hlot-. iiei l.,d: I lie III'.' 1 ,1 Vol I - W e I.,,' ,'. pit i li e ile! ', in' - 1 ;,'. V Ill C a l..ll.i ai t" the C Cl! 1 "Vol-r I,..!.. I, I pr a : i :, n II -ti , a a' n v . t .r,iil it 1.1. Oik -'.ct it p. pel, .,'..,. ng ll I " tie ..! ii I, at It. . ;:. ..hen e. hie. ll nil Maia I,:,. t , and tea l.ng 1 1 , -t . , i i i itl-t v. hill !, ; I- a-' -." The ilal" !:. el t -t. la v, ill,, I..--. Aim ' . j.a bo S who ha 1 , v. ; I i ;i ni .,,'.:: s i ll .1 l.l V I i . .1. .' l- .- a. i ' lie - i'.:l,. : ! i act a - ... in- I. I ' tl. .! on, ,,! ; , : e. r it i, i, I a . i p. i. i.li. i', i I n. liua-n S r'.gl.t, 1.' - eei.il 111. I .'ill of t''.e C'.ii I, '.ele:. I- d V.'.l'- "I .Il ! I I.-, V, 'ere M ainl. :,i l;.i i- a -m d hr e,: n.. ; . .u to" ee:e I. of !,,-.-: ,; ,i i'll'iihe." 1 :i:g'.t w ... ii ,v er I I, c.ii !,i p l .l 1 the g' In '! ..! ,s - lie ea-l : o e. llio.lg 1 h.'.V" ll'.t t.lli t" 1 ;. y , l ah e.t .Viiiiia-i K. Ii,r.r-t"ll. nlli' t'.l-t illle.-.t'e t !- g'e- , l"el ,lll ! il.!!..!',!,' al.d f ' II'!, s ; 'Mill a'; I 1. n. .!! lie- v. ..: I I a. a.i ... s,er. a- !:.. -. o-.l I. . I . ...at IV-.. I Cl l W lo il I I.i ' V. ,d pi ' 1 ''I I to a. el W " , ! t ... n. " a a l b-1'..li, ;. .1,1 J'l! 'a W .11 ! ' ' ' M .,, I;..',!' I'.d !'i w ..: :' ':: i ' i I, ; He. : ,.: !! m . . (. I J ic r. '- i" -' .!. All i en. ti..-: I ' ":' ill in : i"i -I and in ii I '!.! th 1 1 i. h hole ! di ei, : t'n,,', I !' "I"'.: a . i "1 v ei a; e !..; -1 . r l'V i ' Wa p". t i.,' on ' , ! -- II I ce 111 am i ' 1 a .1 !,,,", a e !,,. ee t ,!!!.'!. I't ,1 11. I a. a v. I . ' inn! II..,. II ' I .1. i '.I lie m:i , : ' O. I ... I I. " ', ! d I. ..'a i !...'' i ...it ii,-,, ... " 1 I W U U ,.1-r. . , lie- a . . i. i t ti. 'I, .aid to :a n pi l cs-" i:a.i s-i. i ; i : ii i, v-usl le Iiii eniil ll Sulln. !'.,. ll 1 . . I Con, ,, ...i ,,', ;. I, . , t,i I . !. A i. 1 ' i.oi i I, , in ! o'clock M . '.; .' "' lo, I, P M. '.ii' per lo ui , .1,, , . b 'I . Ml ; ,.',!,., k P. M. M .,! .'..i'l '.. " I Inne-e . ln;.i ,V . d 1 , l.ie . ,.. , I . . .i d , ... Ilic.il. 'in ;o-. i 'j. Ii- 0 l-.!ivn ul Ore. , Z"ll v ''! ... . ; .I e id be I . . oil i d l'V ' i ' ill',, ' ' a: I '. . I li I-. I I: eg 111, II)., a 1 e 'l-l ,t.. ,. ,ie' .il coi . I III .he "hd ne I . - ' i li." U lll.'l lie. al it., i " oil.: to .l. iin . : .',,- I i be .-.ell lit Him I' I I I ' I e , . : M,.. .-i,.,i'l III I ol I ,ll, " i .' 1 , I i I 1 i.e , I'll e e! .'! 1 1 Ibn k nt' I.. let .1 ,.;, ,, t II I SI I'll 1 ell I " 1,1 is i.i pi ,v I . 't 1...W tl II It tl i .r -1 ,'ii v I: iig.i.n : :l. i rv w I'e I ge l, or 'I e ei.lll'i. I, 1 1 n.o . i w nmg I . 1 e . ,, W .. I I M . I ,lt. Ill ft d a v. i, :,, ; . ,., ,,.;.,, ;,., ! I ' V ' P W I' ne-. the . , , , .;' S'l '. '." .... CO I , p' ill. w , I I'm I'l; p, , ,p '.' in tii' t' i.i.: i f ,ii y ", !. And I., le tl v 'i'T till 11 sill ! ,' b ' I I ' . . Ill' , I , .n ! ui, ), ; a, i . i "i , r . I v. .1 .' . du e, vi ,!i '.-. I " lev I , : ' 1 1 'iii "It I i . ,:u .- and w a e I, - . I 1 I, e I , . I ..!. , .1 I Mil V i i.i I'-.t . al I' . i ! II i ii In , ,, , t , C ,. II, ... . l l.lil . 1,1. . I .' I I I i.i.l I. I1"' ' I V p.i . In!.. I I I , i i i we I', in I n I.. be niad. ' to iiii ll le I '. 'e at the head of ll. Il .i. e.-. I our ., p n life Co'i'ltll 't.l l.a .111 l Oliiplains a; inn. s tint ti.ere ate getting to be t. o inany pe. ,!.. in I hegon, as they lero.ioh llpoil ilia! lell.-e tip th" Mis! ex- p. use ol "mi g-d and hor-es ..nee ,, ,., W'HIioif , print; !. bd'.ii'il .. p; -ui;r. 'I i.u faT'li!" I'llii ei ii , ..it i. tin'.' ii a f, a I'ii. ii , . li,.,. ,.( en. i , 'I I .. Ill.il, w ill v ,'tl ! .-.'.'. j '-e ". , i a i'"'i ' 1 1 : 1 1 " 1 : ' - r, - , , , . , , ,. , i, , , , . , , , tl tile I n 1 gen a 11 1 ,1 ll V, 1 1 I VV II . i If leg a ..' ll '' " I o nee I , '.V , ii. Her, III .1' c .tig'e-s i mm W.'.n.i gem Tetiiioi' , ,.nd ""''. !' ' ' b i i i -fv an I i.-l i..n. , i,v ,.'.. . Il l .... I' I "11 k' 'I 01 ''. r to,- i .f, ..s, ea-r. ,. Hi',, -in I While I- t i ' oi - near Canbv ".!.. ... , .. . ... nine a n, court i "ii iv I'laii-ei , , r .', I ohoiner, or I. r. nu. upp.i...l atehib -i ! ,,!' I i.i- i Iv and II .-' I', it1 n ,1 11 ' "' - mi., t m ntiiinli'd . I ' I i t i l I. I III In i iilitl net . . ' i i ' -I , e 1 I 1. ' : II, ..lid to flillll.il 'I I." 'dn . nl. ,.. i-J. In lim.h tin", .a I ie li e : .".i .i n el 1 1. t. In r ss .'.... I' I b. I a d III lull W 1,1 II Holll . . i '''. i ... i di i g lo i nl i m l and . pi , i i V 0 - .' i . e , ,i o and til" 0 nil- Pu.;. - i. . to be up. ne I nt . ill " ol 1 e. .. t.o I 1 1 t lie, Viletn .tel. ... I - -1 al do i In. I, P. M. I i.' I . I ii i I .ne, ai, d all bid. II . v , ,i ,it , I', 1 1 on i . I ..in tm .... m.-r . I t v a I .i- I n i n .'nn. .,0, i s1- I. I ll ... I le iv f.el.iMle, i.,,1 . : l.. b.'.ldile; put 11,. 'lie I II. W ll be 1,111 p'n d With ;,'ji. Pi. , P I . ; . Chi l,,l lr. - fi 'in p. ..':. '' over which his i n'lle wandered at tln-ir o ,11 M'Jl'NT ZtOX. i,. ,ire reterred to. put torch but to pre vent hi ; incarceration on the sentence sweet will. ' been able La, cisild, he has nly about three before 1,:,. -e l. Ihat there Wk nn nroof. 1 S'lU.ire miles oi tin- bi'.-t hind 111 Poll; There was a large atten..:ine. Mrs. : I :i,ve lab-ly been told that when .,. ; coimty ! Alter Xe-iniih, Nnlhaniel Ford Noe reaJ the fceelafaiion of Indepen.',-' Wl n; 0 California to tin: uiines in is Cl as cliosen to tiie piace, but he .leclli.ed. In the be to retain s of tin- VI .lit , lid el u.lld , loel ,'l-t, e ui I le ,. How our holioi. i'i 11" iil ..r m, I i; ien i en gaged ill 1 ... i--l .-1 j'l-t lio'-v a! I ha ag lr,. in .' la l.eip l.i.d : 1 ieiiinfr.it, v. ho e m i .- :; ll. i.ue .,r ,, ir.-i'l-nev; .lo-e,,', s. v,,;,!,. exTf.,,- "' :'" ,,K' :l'''' g,e-MU.,ll. W.d.nl,. I', a),!.,,, I;, M.,m " " ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' i C 1 ! ',' beg',., .-l.-' ,. .,: l:e Idlioitandoin. , - Fcdoi. 1.1" 11 f .h. :"" ' """i:i, n .oei 1 1,-, .,:, t u 1 1. ui: o . . .in .0 1. . 1 l.'il Villi ot).' 1 l"l'V .111 .11 F.h.oU. II, A 1 M.bi.uil.ie .1 I. i -e light man eoP ' ie I c ov In i "I "I in mi lilt hip inn .C " 1' e, n'li en nt 1 ;e She eiime In I I 1 VI..,. I ., ,i,.l ,. ,1. ...I .. .1..., - ,!( "I'""" I 1- I-".. i' I-e , ,.,",., 1. ..wn.', ,..,'., I.,,,!,, her sp :l . d In M 1 ai r la , H.j .. .ii.-ni in,., ie.ll- I",' pa' lie l.l ,1 evoeiee- by ,l'pl lllg In f 1 t of ( Hi t- .I"U Wvlkl.lt, .MllWauklc. Th,. 1 a. pir.'iiiiii, 11, u ..mi. ai,. b, i ('..ti .I July ;;. i' it. Il.ll.llllg INlcni o(l'e. A e I ipi "f '1 1 " ' 1 n l'i n v e i i n, Ci e i and I i,l,:i , ,,. . n ., I,, . ,-.n, t.n.ilv 1: 1. n , .11 ,b .1 ie,, , Th. no i . a light L'i ev mare tlboiit A pot..:)., vi, i 1,.. 1 .1 ,l,;.de d tin I'll.! ,.!.!,, ve irs ohl nml wei'hile. . i'lit still living al As "li.i ; h it ie, don't sll!.l T -t l lletnre W ' l i fnce, Ufcv. jno. u. 11 u.lson delivered the m,.,lt the ship pa-sed the bar am: oraticn, Mr. Jno. F. Irvin, marshal mid he was really out of Oregon's jtirisdie. Mr- Jan- Fiirlingame president. Th" ii,, l. hiini.ed .:.. and ,l,iu ., il deck an I I'l ihir,' I t in: In; did burn tie , 1 oi'i w as a mini 01 gunu soii.e, but no lawyer, lb' was too eboleriefor 1: iii'lge, peet in sp-ud my vactmn ,1 ,w there j,,. ,; ,i..,i ,v ;;'.,:,. , v,',' this Minitiier, il may do In ti-ii il. Slim!- be: i.e v. It i. bit.-l, ,-t,.tie, ,. b. ly uiter Pr-r-, Khi.it en, rt.. ht'i'i' InwMi.-. eetn.'iii. d nod Minded, 1,1, ,( "titr,,i. for to'' ''' '. v '-'nl " iMeetlne. 1,1: .mi UiU., ,i,iieil pounds on n 1 v place I,, 1 I-,. 1,. ,. 1- v" ' ' VI. Id.lt , J.v sir, ili.it I ni' h the owner In lake awnv Mid keep itw ay ns slie Is I iieiii i 1 y . She IS briiided with tin Son near jaw, 11 ovj li"iir sin. ul. Ii f inn I II on nil hip. Joitx v m i, 1. ti, .viiiiatikM'. is-1, and pnoiile. tl,;;, ,. I.iniihi'ig ' "'' f'1'"1' ' npplvb. M I,. M. I.IIKAV, Wi 1 .,,1, ;, i,.,ii,M ,,, table f.r ('inner wus fu y f. 1 1 I i;g md as well patronized. Thanks are due to the 1 file rent Sunday n lelnh) for 'h' ir attendance aii'i.Hssifilaiiee. A s'r,ndwas onthe ground presided oyer by Mc.-sif. . Palif.aUer and 1. Kpi.er. on. J' BWnuEI'i.HT. In a jleasHiii grove on the banks of t ie Tjiialatip, 1.I5 mt VM of the 1 e .j.lf f that ricinity met and lir.nn.dit numberless haskfetn filipd with everything gnod. Mr. t. Si. Hurst if, is the orator of ih d y. Mrs. A. It. ishiplev read a verv ni. assay and Cant. 11. K. Hayes de!iv'e e.l a hort Uit able address. 'Tlm-e p efent peak exceedingly high it run oi ihe orat'nn and also of Mrs. Ship), y's csh iy. A ?iee club nan? 8oin tunes in a very traditable manner, after w hich the ym n' i"tt adjourned. to a dancing flnor that hd be(in constructed bv Mr. Milt n. S dlilpy. The (iccaslon was nn enim 11I.L. Ode to all. ' f t !i I llir.HLAND. ' i At niphland the uttendnnce was very large. Five Sunday schools wer" ) res- sni witli tneir teachers and siiriertu'eiii nts. M-. Hoi lowny read the Ileela h- He was afterwards a member of the leg islative n.-seinbly. Wla n I saw hiin he VMIs cllOtl, sloop shouldered, had plenty of iron-grey, wiry, bushy hair, nml scorn ed greatly occupied ill chewing tobacco and expeeioraiiiig the amber over the floor lie was in eii.ely prn-.-lnvery, 11 cniinly iiuliiori'.i' s gut iilotig with teinjio-; regular sotitheiii fin-eater. In his de niry atr ingeiiieuts i.,r ( oi,;initig oH'oiid- : liberate hours, however, ho was hind rr-until the jail now in n-rt was . reeled, ; and generous to a fault. lie broiighl a a ion! t in satin.' lime as the eniiit house few negro slaves to Oregon, and sought and wai; still the "tenant without a ! building." II" never returned to Oie go:i. 1 Tim number of criminals was fmail and tin; grade of crime petty, so ti.; t the appointed prosecuting n.piiney (, ,!. "v'''' ', V"' ;!"; '' ;-fl . "' ' "cm held. There w.m a it Z ii ' ...H, "u;" bowling alley in town kept hyo,,.. p. ut,,,, T,, ,.., u. . ,-,, ml,m - l.ie,ops.s,t..tt 'Miijiu'Cniituiaiinow ,, , ,,. ,, ,,, , ,. (,.,e;,,v is. M',i.toHhehi,vve,sai,.H.neofi;,e p. ..,v.,r(( o, I ie, v t,i - and I Ini- o ! nlie.is staked lour bit, on tne is tl . ,,-,,. T,,.. ,", , 1 1 1 v h ,, Ya mhill eon,,, v ' I ho statute agnm.t g.unohng was sliang- W.. ,eg,( p.li. M , Per, vtnni, .1, ti- an J'l ) g il I lot 1 ol inn ,ul,,, , nu. ,.,,.,, ma! ( r. iniiiciiiieii, s w 1 re fuiind aganisl Or M I, I'd: A N bill ih..i'mt, iinl 1 pal.sl .Inly ",, Issl. I I'm- Sllle, hedge: & oir:cMAr, 1: n i 1: u t ii v. u s . 1 ,1 hi ad of large Work liotses, well broko and ill good condition, will ptdl cheap for en ih, or trade for olhei' slin k. I also Jv.-y. tj a liave Iwn good wagons to tra, hi or sell ,'. .' , , Y U lieap. F. W, S110111'., Otegoii Cilv. our fair lie on tl e . ill. Our well known fellow cili- 1 to retain thein in bondage ui. 7.0 n, S. W. Moss, vm- the principal con- ttate was admitted to !hc I'nion ra.-ior hi placing the it. ui tanks tiiere ; was wi-e in declining the judge-hip. 11 I for cells. H has wrved its pur-1 Hon. Peter II. Ihiriiett. succeeded him posj long hut not well. We sha'l nli 1 111 1 ,). llurnett was nn eloipient nml pleasing speaker, u fair lawyer, mid 1111 Jil ti ll'. ; I" W,H lho 1. 1 lllillnl Tll iislllin- i.f ll.e : ;a miiid'cr, and l.liiot! druy i,,.m nj., uml C,,lij,,niia j 1 rl li. f i, 1.; Ihev were leturne I in! 1 eotirl . In the' 1 1 meantime, without tiie knowledg" of the' '''iiator Ihnir of New I .,.iiishite, who proMciiiing ,nii,,n"v, tl. erun, I j:n-v wis lor 1, tmim.iH beiore the mil mini ; loiiud Unit he hud also "put up" on tl,,, ' ""u ."""i, s ,ys lini! Illume w :l poll 5 same game, and Ihev ',,,,! an indict. . Tcenl mm.' o.tes in Maine, Verm. , t ; am! rkuViM, i,m..i!'' V'.'mmI.: i in U, nml "' mi nt, and got our friend and pioneer N'' w Hampshire ih'in any n:her '""' 'i"1""'" Innunii ,.. t .M u c 1 it I 1i III 1 ll"ltlHO, I Mr. ,v . .Y. I,., to dniv, Ihe no elm: nt "'uai nave nien iiou.ilialeil b MJMM oh'i:aoit virr. CLIFF HOUSE, Ciirii-iiler uie Ii nl ull i. ,.rlitliiiiH I'xi'i'iiti'.l h id the new' arraijgemenls for exhibit in the hutnane purpose of confinement a .d punishment, which is reform' nd not revenge, so far ns those who are not incorrigible me ciuci nod ; and S"i:iii itv "0il. elegant gentlemen. He went to Cali fornia ill Its 58, was governor of the state, judgn of the ftipreme court, mid in now mid has been many vein's ritoidonr, of hoin. st and uptight among t'nu I the lhnik of California, a lemiing liiinii ig iinst. , the d.i'pro'bdioiis of Ihe . cia1 in iimtion in Ihe b.iv citv. lion .1 h aeh'ssly lo-t. Hut J have sjeut (.,. Thm to 1 succeeded 'hm,. J'.. ;, enough time on court boil.es and j.cls. a' ''e unit , tine c .oliir-iiiiviii'geradniileil mid imi'-t proceed to notice a few of Ih. jiit the university of Virginia and a iriy lawy-is and judges, and ted 1111 an. ' xr, ,d lawver. Hut lie has ulwavs had 11 nof Independence and K"V. Mr. .lames ,c Oteor two ahoiil thein. iwhitiiin' wav to make men ilkhke hi,,, liyc"red the oration. The fieea-i.-n vns; The first arrangmue.it of 'li': Judicial ' Soon after reuel.intr Ihe lerriim-v l, l.,i iketpicn!e nnd wis held in Fnif.ier nvstem .,. (,,,-. n diu.,-: , ,, l ' :.., 1....1.. ., , . s. a beautiful shudv scot. Many mot " , ,. . "" MU" V1" new the acrp.ittinltinee of former " urinen, iiav,i.g uiro mg 11, mi and Inn nacn trouble ever since ami , iijoymeut was universal. ii1'!,;", a Hupreme curt fi r Hie , liut the common neimols of ouiKhileowe Sullleo it to aiv that thi' 1 rvveiK "Ot al'-. ""' liepiiblicmis, I e agrees Willi Co i- "HI111.1.1 1. ol 1 1 1 1 ..-1 1 . sump op,,,.ii,. ! minutes wall! from lho steiimhoiU lsiid- ter the indieinienls drawn by friend III-! r-s-man Pingh'.y that. Ihu chances lor , '" " "r K'.'s..M r.-. j i liott and Ihey were found defective ami 'ai'i'.ving e.-l, iiginia in Mclober are Oi. nip nT 'Ik. MgH- ''piiished. The oii'j drav, u by Moss, how- flr 1 ';'a:i. Ho favors tin nggreH'iye I i ever, held wnler, and p.diot't was tried, 1 ""'"I'aigii ''V the KepublientiH in Vir- N'atnrc'M own hivpyo. Pieasiint ' found ge.ihy and i.i.e.l' in the H...gr.iVi:!e.i ' ''"''' ",'"1 'ai'o!ii.:i, Florida mid I ""' 1'nlnte, iieceplabl'. to tiie Stmntieh, ! , V' R H 0 D 8 ! sum of ithois mnl c,,,p. ,e ibc-verdiet ! ,,ui j l.nrmles 1 in its nature, painless in its' . ot Ihe jury. Jul hov,' li.ey tiirlvel at! We have receive.) i., read v p, t ! II, "O'liteeli ee, .' u 1. ;.. I .11.1,. I.. ...11 ! .1 . I 1 1 , I i , . - . " " " on;' o.-soii" o. ten piea ni" i no i let lull. I I lull v .News, a we iiftion. Cures habitual Coinilipnlioii, I Ihliomriepi, Iteli.-eiii,,,, ,,,,,1 idndnul 1 ATTEWTIOW. 't HtiKpect ,!,:,.. .I.eV'marke.F'iedile.lmtd new y new -pup r. Wewel- , ' "," "V .!"'"' I"""1"H "'" i fl , . , 7". ., ., !H,1 di'ii'ed ! ..,,!, ' ! . ',; 'i ,, i , blond, regiilalen the l.,vcr nn, m Is on I One ot the most, iloNirnhhi resldeiuteii,. I,. , ' "rr"l,l"': l "'" l:"lkH' 11 thobovveh Iheiici,.', Colds Chile.,, : innpeoiiCily.undlhr locks of land,' ; mooeni cii.-toiiis. Pet htm- I; !' 'I : ,,i.o,- ' ll C h no u oi ! I h:oi ii l,...r 11,', 1 ii oovns. n i.,i I o,s, l HUH ,, , :. i ,." Lon, the Oakland millmnai.'e, win. was 1 bounded prosperily. " i p rn'!., ' 'r"?' "r-;l" having "much law nml small' : on that nrv. w l ("11 von. iO.ii .... .b,w i "M" 1,111 inom, lire n,r stun or rent., i-hhsi I . '- Ii...... .... I,ai le,. t,.,..ll..l .11 1, I u il bii ii in 1.,,,,.. IM IUU-1 there and ask h in 1 "'' mmir lias iiiuminlcd n cili- "" I""'' ,,m" '"'i , " " I" """ Neighbors and friend the people of thoi.. t,ini,,..r,b,vU ' ..''T! '!l . !H,W' C' .1"' -ud , Im'ge ImUlet. lor bale by Cleo. A, Hard- (l.H. ,,, . A.u,lv to M I . A I ru it ud. sessoi Thisf i " " ' ' j Prciddeut . Ai'lhur has nnpoinled n ci'i-1 ''""s l,iv''1' ""'"'icines, pills, tuilts nnd ; 'H he given March Is, IHS'l. Thisf i I.;,.,,,, . .,, u. ... . it"., of Washington Tetrdorv it. next I i.,v- ',nlllU' S'"PI'I I'"IHok fn e, and ' ," 1 I ''' t ' lo secitro g( i leti'l.-, e;i,w citi,en.s, ... " ', ', . . i , , . , ,. , , , ' , home, llenso lis or ne hug, o d tnu am, I ;. ... Lv) '';',;,; '-i ,j ' - V i. il li.im-'t In, 2-