Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, July 10, 1884, Image 1

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    TV- 1
! J -'".'". ... '.
VOL. 18.
NO. 3G.
.IOIIN llot'K, K,lll.ir nml lrtprl..tiir.
Teiinanf Mnliari"iilnn.
(Inula f'niy, mm ynr, In mlt-ftr... .,..? .Ml
IU(ll t'tlijr, am llltillllla III adt'.lltt ;u
T.ima of Ailvmllal.tK.
Trnl"iit A.lv"rlla lin'lii.llini
ml l"tinl iinili i. r .iiriM,i lively"
llll".. Illlt. Week J f,,
Fnr ,M, ail I n-i I" 1 1 1 lliat'rl lull,. ' In
Uim nilu ii ii.niiii y,iir I 'll on
Hull minimi, inn t.(ir , do mi
tjonirbT miliimii, i nr 411 mi
Duilni'aa . nl, . . . r u mi
I ' 1
iwW 1
:' l!lT?,
V.S .,'' l',
a-l)l.. UEBKi
I'liviilH IIUiM'tt.iivy,
CT IO'hj iir.i hi., Mini l'rinu-la"i
Q i imiiii cii i, ijimiin.'ii i'ii ! I
H" i-inna mil riniif 11 fY.'iiliir 1
CO I'iimui!!. a I
I t I U li-MI-II'Ml HMftilHfHllt 1
n 'Ii.' t . 1 1 .1 Mllt.' Willi, limi
'. .V' mi' 1 1 I mi. 1 pur" nr 'Ii' lii"
U. ' Hlf KI'K.KI'V llll'l I'l ItM SKT
Z )'' ci'KiHiii ml I'hyiiIi , 1 l.riiiili"
( 'AX 7"1"' MTVIIII" IH"ll". If I"
O 1 H"iiiii Hi" li-Miil.lhi. IU
J A '"J '" )! ". i.ill'ii.
v. I lo-ia. ll oi".. " Ytt-il iij
iV- 'h' "I till (IfllllU, Nlllf llllllttll, 1
sj'iC llirmil, l 1 I'lilti". .iTiiiii-
"""''. O 1 nin il ihI ' m Um'i-iI ;
fts'i'A1 zi ir.ini 11." .i. iii lur ill", ,
HA:!?' 2 wnvnn?, !::.b'.,.,'.,::;,,,".
III very Mlull'.
si'Ei;rii fn: vox. ir. cut
Oh' TliKJ I Vj, . STOXK.
HON , V. A!!:.' J.1IINW1N A!)l'l!i;ilM.
?ili( . Wor.iliijifiil (irmiil MaKtcr, Mum-
i 111 the oi'i worm 10 nun nay, im ki m u
! jiliici! of (tafi.'ty aii'l wcurily lr vmir
record fvi;li:ii!: of title t ica! f.tat,
worth now riiiiny millioiH of dollar, and
the Iohx of whirli would tw inii:iii'ally
lncjii:r:i!i!e; it J will have cinfort:i!ilif
il:it-" in which the H'oplu may transact
a tailor sliop in full Haul; there wort)
una or two nlioeniakrs at work, and on
kc.mii k luid a cooper Hhop near w hert)
Mr. l'llUlmry now lives), on Water street
in hlixH I!, w hero he niHnuliu'ttired bur.
ids mid half-hnrrtlH, in w hich salt sal
mon was pickled for winter use, and it
was also alleged & few ketf for Olitt I)it;k
OREUON LODUE, I. 0. 0. K. No. 3.
jr.li nviry Thratliiv ovi'iitm?. nt
7 -1 1 ii'i'liii'k In Hi" 11.1,1 I'.'ll.iw,'
IUII, Mil 1 11 nirimi. Mmiiiiiri 11I in..
liy ui'.li r of
ry. tint I l.K' tini
IMrn)', ftl.'iil-il hiiI l l).U
i hI U UttomM, iUi tur Mi
is-- ttvy, Uk I1.)". M.iir4l
! l'illlllH t tlMl'l tl.t'ti(-
to it ff in
t'cwttt w tiY y ttfi 4 l I'll I fntltt . tr
II ii v r i Mi imII'I, (trf(j
llll I l M Hi' iv i iir. il
npo(nuii in- vhi mi, 1 r.i'irrt I ni'i s i ,.(Hl n,,. , l I uri 1111 ii')nii i.l ,iv.-.
iHficli mmitH1rtlT 'H..V.lohiiliHM. l-VI- ! n, ,.! i. . . i... j ml hv ..v.
ud lu mt-Hi-l, "
To iMptivali) the iopulai' taute and hui- !
j mi nil jiievioiia e!!'o If lo pie ise the j
pjliiic, reijniren no hiiiiiI! Miionnt of!
ki'iiwlede ami no li'lle nl.ill, and whi n :
we reiiii-mher that the very Utfrei-ihh! !
Ilipiiil fniil ieiiii"ly, Syrup 01 i' i;f is u j hers of (he (inuid 1.,'nl,:" of Mui-owt, j l.usinestt v.ilh their wrvants, the puhlii
hi'iii'lirial lo Hi" i. hlein, an it ia accept- I,a!i"s mnl lientletiieii Fi llnw CUifm ; ! olIicc.ru ; it will have it courtroom, where j Mi'Cary, who ran a little illicit distillery
tilile to tiie Hlomach, we readily uii'lor-, H our (jiand old Mount Ilood, Hi loi-'. jmlcH, ollicers, lawyer', juroi'is, wit- j threw miles below town, near whera
Ktaiid why il in the uiiive.'nal favo iln an J peaceful, n-reim and friemllv, tihoiild ! nei-wc, litiyantx and tipeclutors will ii't j iloiis. lierryinaii JenninH and A.
it i-iire for Habitual l'oiiidip,d;oii and ' HieMeuly heconie an'ry lit u-t open the ! have their health endaiiifcied every day j .Starkweather now have their pleasant
nthc i!Ih nrisiny f'"Ui a we.iknenH, or ! bowels of its iinciei.t volcanic craters and ! it i occupied, by 'Xxiruru to fo'.:! and homes, much to the annoynnco of thu
ina' tive eoiiihtioii of the J'.owels, Kid-1 !H'iiv out tint cloud of iU lutij re.-"erved I vitiated air, and which will be avtiilable I friends of tho prohibitory liquor law
ticvs' i.lver and Stonirf. h. f-.t::i!i!i liol- : n .l,.,i muh'i'ii u!i.tu nn.l rmtil ! in r.'itJic truii'iin f-i 'niiviii!iiiM4 ti'iii-li- tlcii in furcn In nn..vikfi Ti.a uii.rp
M. k 1... ' , . ' I I - ' ' I o IIM
" ".'" it,.u f,..u ..n,! !..-,. 1., m, . (..,. ,1.1.. i,,,1 . . 1 ..11 . ... .. .i... ..,- 1 1 1. !:,... (..
- ' '" ' r.ji-. 'jj ( SO a:' .O O.il V I.H Ulil' '411 ICir r,ll WOiS,iin i.i-iiut-n. mii' iii.i.ii.un ,-n .w.,-
ico. A . tl:ti d!ii-'. !) 11 t. i ..... j i ..... ...if ; i. . . l., ..i.i ! j.i...: i... i..'.. .(J :.. ti i;..
Olll Ol M:i, IM; ;i ii . 1' j'lil . liiu nil.' Mi.'uni ; :ii iin lilt' " iijiir; n iutnir"Li? in in inn n
i come a thoii.-auil vea;i-hence and ill i:s; of thought iind emh avor. And lieyoud
! t:p, and let in aain the li'ht of the Mini ; this I urn lad, that w hile it is only plain
(ij the now famous Synipef !, aslh
'1 ..,7 .
t'o'n. till ri t lire NJorc.
llori" boarded by tho iluy, week or
' iind l:i:(.'i. b'ttl, f.- Huh.'
ico. A. I lai .i.lij!, I', u.';"' t.
'! lie B'oiiiijr lj vimhI.
FALL! KKSAMPMENr Ho. 4, I. 0. 0. K,
Ut. l H I I Ki lin ia' Hull, on in., .j i
f.i'.l .I'l 1 III if. I I' .- In i a III .-I.-1 1 in, ii 1 1 i, .y,
l'l rm "I. a In ii'""! ', siclinj m'" In'. "" I va
n l'.',1 I
JfULTM')Mlt LOO IB No. 1, F H I,
II. . -I lt r'V .1 ur . .en -nn 'i I. ".il l.iiia .in
III. ll rai m , : I h i i.l H.iinrUva in " i.'h Ci-
ii. m ii, in ! nvuick in, in Hi" .'"Hi nl ?vf
pliilnhal t'i 1 1. Hill ill Mur.-li . hii.I "
1 7 h n'tim h ir.im ill" ;iiiu nl Msn li . II,
tV.li iiY K".anili"r lr"l lif.'tl In il n. aluml-
III nr.. liiallnii Oi nil-inl, II) n'.lor ul M
Mi-Hil. I'ii.I u. 4. II t. K . I I-
Iiil nt Urruoll, lli"l rirl Ml,. I II, h, I
V .il'ii a.lnv 'a ill u'li lien,! Ii ii! 7 -1 1 I". M .1
ttlul..,n ,i ilml, i.r.''.i i itv.
ii' V I'l i r.iieii H'it
U .Ki lU.t C' I f LOU if. iL---t U U I
ni.ti- in th" nl.- .iiiii'
, .n n l " I', i ',,,i.
. .,f I
Ml xv-rv 1-VliUi' i '
rinn U ill. In c. Vl'ini 'r
rrC O'I'ihI i1 i-ir. li V ,
ld-r in i ,.l al t illli,'
it l
' , c in--
,r u.i' iv in
HI' N l'!"in I' K lis .
lu ur-itii' r iin.l aciiiii'.. w.i 'ii in' in.-n
. nl lo i.ii I i' i ' i I I'.r i r a iiu'iii, n,. .1 i' !
cull l,i- a. ill pvri l,' !' I, i' i r.- I f I i .iiii
nlt-rra Ml Hoi II la n.-IO. lil.l.l IS.il u i
al, Inn . lin lv a Ina i Inil. "I i.lniu In n
il ..(ill-,.. a .ill. ill. a tr... I I I, ill'il .i
nli lr r li..,..l.ill III" i I". ii.'.v.l.K
(i,ia ir.ijii-ii y r mi1 n.i ill! . n.l ' a.' t'
I In- i II. I . M K, ii. l a i.v m i,,,, 1 1 ' v-ri till il l II
.i.o iioi.inii I ii 1 ii. I'..ii.r Ifci'
.ill. I 1. 1 " ! m a ll.iiL.'. )i,a li;ll,,ill 1,1 Nil
III fill" 1 .1 ll I III 111 ".
l III. is" wim i'. I I a"" nn nil" ',, I' He ' i.'
t.i', i 'in, anil il i. in l ii " nn I am ii. lit innl)
i lli lillnl, I Mfc. a 1,1. Il l, .w I Hi' .1 III
,li i. 1. 1 I." " i an. i i.i a,.:i, i .i. I-
i ,.h Ir il in.i-11 v..a n.i '"iii; lr. Hii .I. In-l h
ii, i ai i it,:r". in , ill ii l.i.iin :,t c.i in..
il TliU.. , in I ",ir- I. nil nr l;li". i.l.r-.
'lull . Iri .l.lnll' '.I , il Li .1. v 'I'l'.C"
' I, In a in,, J i,n I -.- ! I'-r 1 1, : I
I v. m i.i i;,l. I ill.. si I II . 1. 1 n.r.
.S. ,r. a i.a ,.i.. i',
', : I'll I- a i. i , . ir I" i Mi I " . II .V'"l l-
,-,iii, 1,1.1 1.-., mi : i ,,,,i nt. i i u ,i '"ri '
i-.i i, i ' i ,. -1 i, n li t - nn i
...ai .,! '. II ,il,l i ii i hi, I ' , i n
i r "i ii 1 I "' u.i 1
i n. ill i, .i j ,, . hi . It. II i 1 1 i,i il " 1 '
II, I I I I I ' I :, I I r.i i,l Nn , ia ll I.
K. ..' ii r I' ' I l-.r I - . ..i. I" -I ... ..
i a... I a . r . .1 ,i ... I ! i I . ."' .'i '"
,,iri'..'l , al it - - I'-.H-II, ll" i (
HI a .... I I it I I.' in, I I f-.lt I.
im: :.!i::tn;
, I. !'..
irmtM:s at
O.'tlna III 11.1 1 k ii'iil.llli,., I, re,;, ill l ljr
a- I lli'l
T A III III. I I'll t U'.ll-l'Cll i.'SIIIU Jntt-.oi-j-. f,rt
! '
,. fi
I..11, i- Hi I.
'Ill .)" inil','
r ,' a I V- '.-
I'l 1 .1 1" ll ,
11'. ,1
(7 l'.
. W.
I., ,.. .
r ' i I,..
I. .,r. f i i i-i.i
a ii- it I
v,,i .,.t r( I . I
'I .
it r c
S .' li .'l I" l-H .
u:i n t si l.in lr '
J.i'. :i-
FHrAltl.lHMt h s l t ', hi i,
t'ltxm iiw iry im.i ! ..nir r.
A I lueiir ii ml t 'iu ii -1 ura, ul - 1"-
M til i iu;nr. i.i i: i.in c: i v.
Ktl'nla'i ti-airn'-la nl Ii'.'-'.. '...im ni.tn.-v.
ir.dl..a" i.i.iilitua, uinl l.'.iiua.-l -u ril
at I. i. ii '.. , . a.l
Altorrtrj . oa:u :r-:i:-.uv, u',1 1 Nu'.itri
ii.r.-i ihi, ui.!....N.
t n.m f 1 i, 'i.'i- i i ,.i) ; , ;..
e'" 'i i t f ii,.' viui',
Otflt-fl ilu i mini , If ',ni"f
i. -ii
li.'i i:l tl
,'i , ,i'cl
t ard I'l
allV. I'
11 ,'
llh 'I'liiium. H iima mnl j i t,.-tu ii,! j. 1H
riurui nun ti.ii'nii.i it., , ti't hi, a
Irni ttniilcia null tin- l.i ..i i:iu,-ii.
will, i lir.prr Itmii unt u lu r li,,n.,' In
Uivu. Sot il nir l,i I' ii. ',i I',. i s nr.'.
riciui! i
M.C. ATI IE Y, .
ff!T attih:.i:y m- nr.
W lit iMi'l iv 111 si! Hi.- i i.i, rt i,l I Ii,. .Hl,.
mul mil n.'I na viin'iinr In , i r nr I'i i-'
I i.r ,n Ailnilr.ill v. In i,n! l I hi- . u i ,i Km,
lOalm I anil lo iiil i ..nr. a,
II a I, a. I Inn,- " .r Ill crl in Insi cj an '
fl l II ,r 'lll"il InuH" lh.' I a , t -Ilia i.i.a-'
itil. In sll t'i l in I in i i..,.
la , .i I ...I in I' " riilli.l m,., ,,
Iwa Ainl Ii" it. c sli.iM hi in,, n. en inn i,f -
111. IliUrlnr 111 l'i, III, all , Inhil rnara in V, h
l.alnl uirli'i.
Will imv aiH'clil nil, mi ,V (i i;
' ml III" III nl nl i .t, a ul ii.
I paia.in .
All kin, la i.f wnlli'li lliali'iiii.,, n,
Itai'laul I. Riiiri'iil" inii.ii.
taki.; Mini n.
I will n' tiilll tilt nnva h,i, nil i nit In I hr a...
ILill'lil nl "Mnl. a nf il. ,-,. a. il ramia mill
ii.inl in mi km, n i,i iinniv r.n. I Ii an!
na, fur IrtM th.ut inn ulhrr ii(..im i In Hi,
.mi, on ;
Uin 0 Willi llr. Wi'l.'ll. .Sliiln .1 nr
, .. ...., ,. w .
i..i' i ' ,
;. r ii:: ;.. ' i ,
I- d hr .l'i'
I l'i. i. ,'iirc t
i. t. r a, a r- ,,
all. vi i-.: in-
,,,! -'.,r. a I
"I'l'lli "
I ' .'
lUrX.S and
K.MiDi.n iioi:-i:.s
I'll! II lulled ill, a'oit li"l:ci'.
(ilVi: I'M A CAI.T..
4 (Mlli If. FtlCOV.
I':, '"Hi Ci'.v. M.il. h l'.lh. IVl.
Hair Eenewer.
Kfliloin dun ijmlar rciol; win turli
trniit li-'l'l ukiii Ui ,iil,lic cn.il"''"!!,'. u l,M
Ha! 1. 1 IUiii lUNtwi a. Tbceaxa In which
ll hai arriiiupliatifil a cnii,"lt-l ri-auirattuu ut
cuior In nin hinr, anil tluiniu) hwillh lo Ihtt
ariil, am iiiiiiinii'i'Htilr.
1,1,1 -(,.!o like it tor Itiuoiiilcrfiil power Vi
ri'awr" lu lb. Ir u bll. nil, i; luck! llmir i riinal
euliir awl In amy. M.!itli-,iivl .iil I ku ll
taat anaii ll pii'Vi lila Iht'lll Irnlll gi'ttltig UllJ,
kiii jn ilmlt an ay, and u.aac Uin hair
(rnw thick mi l imiu. Ynun U.lin like ll
k itn ain Iki'suiw It givo the hair a bt-au-lllul
gl.way lualrr, ami einiMm lhm lo dr.a
il in wlmti'ver furm they wlah. 'Iliui It la tha
(,ir,,nli- n all, and ll leu Ix ci'iuo to tuiilil
bueaujiu It djaa.ilnl iiu hiiq.
tunud out tiien by i)iek MeC'ary wa
luiowu by thu Datne of "JlcCary'ii rot
as a r.luuiar article now cooked up
in Aiask.i in called "il IMIl'Ili'flllO ''
most elMi acinus uml a,;icealiie prcpara
I; "ter i !!'ii'd lo the wori.J M..aeiin-for
ll'llillil.il ('ol.,(:;i:i!i'.ll, iliii.'ii.-ui-s, In
d 'I'-lion and kindred ills, it.; I en won
bv the w i.-e plan pur.aiii
nia Syrup (,'oiiipaiiy. Km, win
; il:on the scene, ui.ilit find soin.ithiriK to : and hiihrtanlial in the eoncepri,.n -f the ' neliicr tnese ara convertible tcruia or
, amiKe; but would he it.-.t find ver;. lit- arch. t.-ct . n i 1 u.Id. r , y -t in outward at-! liut tv.nnot tell, but thin I know, that
i admire, and ui tch Iimh lo in.-trtlct? j pearance uml lut.;iujl arrauifiui'iit and
has not Ih-.'.i the place where skill-. finish it is to he neat and tasteful, a very
JkCury'n instnuiiou nun finally rua
iiu w n by the oihctrs of the law and ilea
troyed,' and .slac was indicted, plead
, II, i
fid iir.Milc Is, experienced x'.nn', rs, I coiisideralihj advance o.i anytiijii before
j pnm!e:K, urii-aii.a and cielcrs of bronze : attempted in our comity; a biiildlii, u"li " uu ran olt I tlitt
i have lie('iii'iit;i!.,vcd to niaketiiis ,iu :i.y. ; which wo need mil be ai-hanied to 'iV"''JU'ur' under in: earliest of piohi-
Iiiiii of 'he nit.-, to a d '.-lace and beau'vlout to s'r.iucrs coinin' lo viml iw for i "'actmuiiw. i bua we snail not
, to it any it iiicuy triny l u'dncal 's ; (( i;1,r !l,,.1.-i ,. pc.Mic biii!d'i,-s, our i the first time, and which may and will, I j ''"'i1'1 ,n luturo to e.i'a.uruj!e all ian-
leir cls on the rvsleinnn I ai the miic.. ; .. .,, ,.nls,ur lm';c ,,ur,.H -xeite in Home Miuil d.ree the ''"'ea wbich pr-nluce. article of beiieU,
i linn pieas.m: t i Hi" taV,.", will meet with , .....i '.,,......,., t., ,!,,. f ,-iv v,.:.ra ' amlnti.ni. and awaken in wune ineaMirei l" '"aiHiind wludi muy b attemnied in
llieCoiiipany.tiiMiihils.. nj.U I..,,,,,.,,,,., ,. i-,v. Jin I t'w" an ! ll.i. anii ta-t.. of ihose w i,o nmv Here-! Jl"' dt.v iuclUUllW 'rot-i'Ut" or
a ivt i ii.
.'V'loloi-Onv ,r City. .Mr. (ico. A. Hard
in,; k-'ises away ie,ni;.l'' b"!!le lice, of
cliai.'i. Try il and ju l,:e f..r y ni: ni-i l ,
l..:r h i'.tli s lli't emits nr ' lie d n!.H.
m: I. ii
o i.
-al !'v,
iiii ori..iaic, c:'v. i.ie pr. jjicss in.in iiic litmr bmlil in llos vicinity. MraiiL;er. i
!nu c.il'iii v, dh a i. m l fl .or, or a "punch-1 eoHiing into our country to Iind homes 1 1'aiilou tiiin diversion while I tell you
, e n" one for ari-'. ctai y, toward the cle-, are alwass iiruuesM-l wuh the character ', noiucliiuirf uoou; tnins more pertiueut
' -:i..t hon.es, the coluiiine I ari'l fluted Jot tiiu j ubltc ,aud private houses they ! i mis oceu-iiou and pie.aunee. '
I I - I l.. . u. ....I I' l ..:i I... . .. : . .. 1 .1 i
; rici I'l-tuy i n iciineiiiiii ini i ,.ic niiii-iin-, unit fcce. aiiim joniiv coiinucr inem us i .r,.
-, lii'iu::
l nil, I.
.. I!.!- k.li l
... 'ttr il.., a
( '..lunii.:.'
V.I.I '
It'll- I
1 1 is
t 'i r s i
. n
: ; ;,
i. v ,,
I ;. i .
,(,... i.'
i n
ii .
1-1 Mll-l
it III" I
ton the winsKtns
Una U....iuc one i f lh" iiunI ln,a,rtant p.,,u.
tar unl. t aitlele fnr s. iith'nn n'. uw. W heo
In. I anl la gray it ii.itnr.illy i-f an nu.l"
airniile ili.i.lo, liu kim.iiasi lis is U tha
i-ur.rAKKU D
11. 1. Hal! Co.,Nusliua,N.II.
gold by ail Dtutjuu.
.blllUKllll's N'.'.V I'iO'.!'
. the in.', .' and '.' ' i, I
il i :. nil II. e Li ver
:i(. s w .1 ii.a ;e.i-li or a
IJ'lit Viinilll
.... 1. -.... I
.ci en t-, ii'- el' -,.i rl Nipt r, In;;. n i
,'.' I'l p :,.-.'.-. .l.i t liter l."! Ii I l. HI
1 -c;,l.:..l' liilVc ITili''i:ii'l''l it
i, or !e niiuj i .iii-es in Ati.erii
a i n hoiity, liars:,, 'I, V.ne,
iini.it !i. Ac As Mr. I', il 1. !. iv
.".ii'i..i in.i;!.i 'C I "i ti vt e . t t e.i p:.iu'.,'
i i .lift W til l.i it be I. hie to ! l" ml o..i I'c.id-
il-aa.l in di rs fi'iit him ' : i.1, will !'
l-tivupli '.t'.i' l, same a s y , uli-ci ii!i. ,n .
Add.-iv li: i I.i n.l Orev .ti' A mii.i
h.itiiday ft litiliiiitv :ueeii!. '
There is a " nwinr' tl.'ir.in.l on
' I.I id U.-111.I... .1. C... . .
the Mii.d, ouiable tilel lilchil places of, an Index to the character and taste of : . . ,. ' " ' - "" "- -ri3 stera
' ' ' Ill'ltl III Il'ii.. I'litlllt,' at .... I.. .1 t
ll.eiennewhoiiihalntiuidu-etiie:... 1 " . - " ,ar'or or
Mill OiS ac
Hllilll'. I'lllll .11 Hi.. ,1.. .. .1 . - ll
l.ii.'s Hii.I coileer., th careiiillv prepar-: am aiiaid some of the linm! ri iioe I and ' ., ,. , , ' ' " "-"r
cl, ma,,", wiii, fmiuiain, and ,msvs cuLivaU-d people w,:o have vis.ted us : ''l- ' ihink ihe record shows 1.
a,,l miimii.icnls, s.i.icl, m.M o.- .lav I have U,en uulavnral.lv iniiuenced bv ! '' "" verniueuMsvo dollar
: .i uai n.ute in actual u.e. tiiel and liizht
VI ace.
, ,. .': I,
ndoin and uii.ke ex-it.lmt tiiev hate
en, a
it-1 have nut re-
it i-ile!y el'j, yahle the really b..'..i'.l!ii.i ' mained hiin en. n;'ii lo learn lmw inunv
l-eeli , leally pn and imcll!ge:;t, s ina-ius and
... :il:ln w
Vciv !l.w.
Us. Tlicic
taiur. All a nin
eie we li.'W' me, hum
N;.tute has il .lie ni'i'-l
is no. I. in;; cni:iiii"i.p!.n
thrown in. Tiiia uwciiiiijr. I think wa
M a..uau.u on Water taet, on lot 0, in
fnr '. cuili'.ati I ciii.u iis wi re already here and
"r ' aiixi.n::! f ir c impaniiiii.-hip ia a'.l ibe
-i !es lo.-
i the t-ti
ll i r a " I ','"",
Htlll I'l I V ll ,'.
H.lc'.ii CUM'it:ir ,
c.s w ,'11 as U-nelli nl' i J i'ii. ct, -nl ti.e
ica.hnv; pi: v-iu-i.tii.'i an d i;!ud.y
n is striiiinu, hold. ' iiili.-r walks oi lile. .May we not advan-
.:u!id and esen siihhuip, in well as pi.t,-; taemislv, as rapidly as we cm, run a
lied, liut human rkiil, direct;-! by tl.-1 ii;iJe lo liie i.riiaiiiei.f.il and beautiful ai
;,.-i't, the vainier, the M'llibti.rn the ' wen IIK tl,t. j.Uiin and piactical ?
workers in bi.,i,ze and m.ulil.'. the land-. J vt i-1 1 to .-ay that 1 hom.r the men
-! l-'i.'I'ier, I he Invert oi the true i tt have i:i..ui.rated this euterpiise ; 1
and liiailtilul, hila wan-el v touclied our;
t i.i tnu, Ii I.Ue barns ; our mmu-I b'.lllilu
is plain and ttiic.,ntl.,i't.il.ic ; our dwell-; j0.lg 111;,y wo ali live lo enjoy iu com-iu.-s
are feneraily t: me an i depilate i f (rlh al,a reap its advantages.
t'lackaui.is coi.utv or district was
llll, hila wan-el v touched our;,.,t, ,., 1Vl. to rej ilee with those w ho j t ,
i.-'. Onriliinel.ea have been ! iarrj y lt , ,.,,,!,.,;,,, and I U-iicve t.Te ! . ' , ,
b.ocn i ,ur.i i),-, J. Norrisnow
invcs. It was a Biuall one utory fraum,
I utipatntcd elotned and papered inside.
! l'iiis wan lor toe Uidtrict court. Afters
, w.ii'i tins court was held in the h.ius
ol r re.ienck rir.'g, one of the judges, at
the .-oiishe.i t coiner of block 4. whero
Hit-JUi.k nl Oree.:i City id now oii.tr-
j te.ed hi ii - eninioriahle sione nud brick.
oi'r.ain.'iilaii.'ii ' svitnln or without; ourl
Idar-i s i, I In .M.ii" (iiui.s nave bei-n con-
osi c.uui; w.usa Hale more pre-
: Iclniuus i..i,l n i l ,i,,,, ,i.,l,,i ..)
. ... I " v BUUUL 11.
people no ana will continue to approve. ......... :.,.,.. .
( ij,.l u tile CUUItlt
was iiieaittiii room of tlie City hotel,
liiiu.iicil o.i tne no-jttie.-t.tt corner ol block
iuis w.ys ijuue a pretentious two,
t iicaii.np.iysii'iausan.iueis ij.u.t.y ; I'-'.-s... ................. .....t .. ... i ;,i rnoil bv an act of w hat was called the ! htorv huihliiio ,.! . wn. h
ii,, ,. .. ..... .,....,. ,i.-j-.i t'i l.i,- ..'I'lrii.-tc,, f M-i.-ii ale, , imconifoi'table , . . .' .',,,, ,. . T- f "nJ J kPt . onu
' ' ! -X-X ;.-!'','-;' fttH1. ' ',f,nJ,,il,T,t ,'Vsny VV-:.V-..f r:Btk'8!?!"Vv? .'""' 'V'M-l-vijl!eUryM.-,-S!1tvn in the early day.
. p.-eoarat...:!.. pu-ivi: .. ,ea! iw :it a'-t '.' -'"I un..s.u.i.i s..y i...... u., .. .vt.r,..ue..;, pas.4-.l July o,.,, 'i;. .3- hi ;..; ,j l,; 1 -
rcp-ITt ft't stM, !:,v - t.i-l -. w ,,..i.-.i... ",.--.e....u,,u. it.iH.tidoita! eo. at. tictise, ; f - . o -i ' J;
;-r.Cv,V,i- plown.drllSs.hu. , ,.f , , is ih, t,,,t - "' Jears, and even ..nrpubhc bur-; . ,,,,,;,, lltlu , . ZV??' .T?
v lih'.n-sd I
,t . ,
I ' lie.-. i'l .,-
d .. t
,l ll.-1. 1 lie I.I.
, w M. i'i. iitd.n;
a-1 it il .. ii-. .'I I''.' ' i
,M . V ii-. I
i! :.,. V.:lli:
i, I, - t . ' i t i
Clip. "I I''!.!" I'
i r
,tv I I'u.te,
-. Ae.li.'i t.
t.'.-ili, itc
-t:i !i .'- ha
i -. , i ,
i7.i,t'..' ji'i ; .11. ii 1 i-ic-? ii ji i ,j
for? '.vi-" plow't, drills h r-
fDWt, S Ii o: th-3 f!1?t ir.T ,
nry)l .tn'tj nnrl latortp.nt , ..,
v.-i':j. Ct'II r.ut! cxntntr.o j,,,
r.;oc!: find prices i?--:(ovj ,,; j
in,1; w isevMi-TC.
Maid etiojr, Orc-.ron City.
bt'st oi a
iai ;:ri,r.ii'l i . a niiatne and. t.s,;:::ce to
ci hi.'.cd i tiuii.niity .
an 1 l.i.e. I...'.:
i i-i.thni;, U-ii,:
man river, ami a rue fxteiitmi I uuv meat iusi that tain !,.t.a 1-5.1
imiti is lii. uth; o:ithe.s iuihby i.liuei..tV0Jt.l..lt;ielUc(, .on.c,l(l
eMteiidiuii from tho mouth of what is now I t!u I' lrein.. l-'nrt i',, o .,1 1:1
I- 1 1 1 , ,i:,ii.,,.. 1.....1.,.' . ... . . . o...i., tiuuin ti men
1 .en.. 's a ii 1 j.ii'.aiiiven. .yni,.' 1 niu u.ei; i'im.uh m.ii n.i-e, m Known as t -iilil.nt; river, one east to the vuu 1
s.c.ii cl.n;, c 'i'ii..! biiit'cs i.v ui.ins iv.-pccts Iiai'l cntintry to mi- ( m,t ,,f the It.K-kv mountains; and on . ,
,, ,,co. .v..,.'.,e. ...eia.e. 1, ....... east by the summit I UjC lincky j apiaiiutcd pioneer. Thi8 ..-ontiiu.ed to
.- - iiiouiiuiiu iaiii;e.
to.' Ml!.'
1 may Itiim by iiiquirimr of Kx-Su-
; premo Jud,;e .Ne.Miiith, or any other well
What an empire was , i,c. Uu' seat of justice until 18.-.0 and ISiH
I' l-e ll-t ft Ull.l
-!'- )''"'.
ud, and oter ' ..' M c .:
.ill t-nla. 1 I Ihe 1 i.i.
,t .,( I:,!, lit i.'.d !.:ei 1 V
r I"- II c ;i .di d in lh'.
1 ;i,,i ,'. 1- 1 ill.'.'.' I a
:n I,,,",, in. nl Mr. Ii
.ill ..pp.. 1 !'"':: '. .;' csaiiiin
It. I t it i.i '. I. t In 'I t tune
i d l,i I e :l Ml'i-cl il"
r t r
..k I ti.e i.
ll i!i, ll. t'-. in I'l
Wl.e I. (.1 Si.'!.'
nb.l't. ha. in t.
1 not, I. v . r 1:1
111. 'I 11,'. 1. lal a
I il.' 1. !'.'.' 11- .
in.' ti.; c
.in.-.-. W.
er. : 11 1 co: .; ,.i I ,v 1 co in Im ud it t.
rcad.-t s a 1 .' ' in print. It is ni'n-
pli !' in 11 :l.l ;'. I hicd Vnluini s.
.'II I'Mimd, and li e lint ni.-e place
il Villon icsl. ll i'( l.l!".r li" lllell No III
telli.'. iit (ainilv shinild he t.illi.iiil it. A 1
M: I.,; by will let be able to tee nil ol
our ii .'.'h is. all fid, will l e luninpU
lilii d, M iit in by tn.iil In his addii'-s al
r-'iihind, iiiia;.'ii. A splendid biiihd.ty
present to any loeiuber nt the hum's.
It in rich. Snld by rf-',.: 'i'i',".'i'.iii . .'.,'.
' I r,
n: t.-r .hilled
11 w.emn a'ld 1
)., uMviits ;
p.-c ti'ci'.ir'iy
!i V 1 1 e 1 e!e! 1 a!
I ad a, 'i !c.l; 111 al
1 e 11 1. Avcii'.s
m: s t. tir i'i ti. I'ttooi
l.ac l Ot'.i. ca'. Oi .
N.il'cc i-' In le
in-liaiiied m-HIi
.:i.ei,:i..u to in::
..I I,',.- ci;. nn, a. i'
mci'.e b". re he:
,:i ' I -
!,i, l'i
' for s.i'e
t'.,.. , f i'm
i 1: sn-l W
"t t US'. I):-.
June J i. Is..
.V vit'e'l illi.l tin' I'tiii. '.'.'
r ha the i lii.t ice i I Jrt,-;
c r.iial i'l'....! ill Mit'j ni t
liial i. iid I'l.i. t will bl
ister and Kec. It 1 r I.'. S.
cv, tlle.i.il, on
, . . . , , . t .,11 1 ... j.i.iiivv ..nin 1010 aim
w hieh must be cut. s a-ln-d vubbed, , tlls;t ; an., ,, ha' kind of men we they ! j Tlra as crated on the hill cast of tln
haiilela-vayorhurned Iwf .re .iie sod a ;m, :;iU f ss h,n e-ayed lo or-! ,v;Mlt W b;lil b,ic 0
; ready lor the p ow. l...p.d i.,..ui.tam eiH,izo p,wruuwM U, al, hol, i, .1:1-1 ,,, ks and in the bntsh, a B0,i fmi.e
-,v.;i,.,..,rc.,.,'i,i,.,iis,!iul,,,p.,,vc,.,,v ttl it should Is- f,,n,iie,lby,the venv ,U1, u iueh cost the county IIO
rxi.ciine b.i L'es lor t.ie acc i'ilinnila-llf . 1,,. i-n:,,.,i s, T.. hnlieiiro ' ti ... . '
liou 1,!' the be.'iih1
our cnuii'.v
I'k III Tin. 1 1 :. i!
, I ; ,1.1 ' vt,v'- vAii.vi.niii 1111,1 llllllUllllOIk
A,i'1 '' 1 Mimethinv: i f their nieutal mid moral ' ,,,.;,, ,,. ,,f ,::,. .1: .......
al.pait ihe bimv.i.m i Hbre, let Lie nil te a lew sentences frmn i r,;,,, :, ,,, .
.,,... i - 1 v 4 . v 1 j "i.i. ih ucic mat
" "- " '""". 1 ttie articles i e. nipaci approv.;u ny ; W( Wl:w ,,0
n... it .. .. I,,.,... 1. ...... 1. 1.. 1. .-.1. . ... i-
. oiii on me in iiei i.i, 11.. e n..e i . - v , nn" net. pie, a 11 it ii 11 ii.s.i.
one of the 111 'st i)iai;!.itici'tit, extensive;
i' in'
i.., .w 1 n 1 v ,ii (lit, . nt
the W 1 1 ! .1 1 : i. : 1 . -. 7 yoU'i
tw id male., ail in
The :,.,! , a:-,, all soil!
I'nll a- V I.I'.
f.:l "il, t vf,i l-lih
,,d I, hui, 1 1.. :
i'I r.tlttol'li
k. Araii-
oin' to have a rjreat city hero,.
The siuco tltlderthehhitr u-ms t.. Im
No person .h-nieanin:,' himself in a1...,.,;,.. hv m,u .,, ( ,
casi'y controlled water j-wers in , neaceitble and orderly maimer shall ever; Ml. (h:,Ilin,s ,, 8h'0 wou,(, b(.
- - " 't a vi'i, atalM illVi V tlB IIO
worship ,; regions M-.ii:mcn..s. . fil. rt ,
1 1 1 v bi- Heated lo maikit,; "Keluioii, nioralitv mid knottledve I ,.,,.,. ..,.,, l.l ,.ir,i ... 1 '1 .
, , , 1 . I ', . . , "i'"i'. . ll l-ll.l-H'. LiOtlt
or bv wli.ch ii may oe 111:1:111. ..ctureil in- b.-in ' r.ecessarv to etKid ii .verr.meiit and 1 .... i iM i,..i 1 , , .
...... ' .i.,i,muiinu( f lu.uuu triau. in
hand tlili.-e at li.-o..n t
i'ues.l.ij . July J!', ls-t, v, :
.l:..-on J. In. nn -t. ad i-nlry, N.
' :'..ti.,s. 1. ; ti.e .i '.. i.i n e '1 mi l s '.. 1
; 11 w 1 1 1 1 ... c. lie), T 11 S, It '' 11. 1 oi the finest '.iniher adjaceiit to KTeains
I lie li.iln.'S toe l.'il.m lii u iliic -es to t
pl'.'Se :.. . II 1 n 11 H 0 1 - ll-..'.-ll-e it j 1.1 il . ill. I
I I I I . , . . I 1 1
to luiiil'ci'. the soil ulna 1 f.ea'.li is rich j tlie
to C:-e- for tin1
.icii :
happiness ol mankind, schools and
lie c:l-l b'l.l'l of cldtiV.ttli.ll ot
M.iri. Inn'.. n ill I .Pilllli'l t'ilf.
e.H. 1 c.'iditn.ii. thus 1 ho mas, Alex- ,1'lua.il i.n.1 ban- una pn ..;.. ite, .i.i.ipioi to m-e i.n nii'jtiie means ol educatum shall lon-ver be ; iM So the cimrt house was nent out
-. i'e:c, ( tea:- i . i'ii 1 e ,--i 1. , -. .... ' eron ui;; oi ai.iio.-t et ei t i.uin m 1 .ti.c, eneouraileu.
; many place.t. Kwrythiiiij Wuh crazy
old tin 1 form .' 1 'Ue "1 III.' Ill in- Is
I slt!i'-!i i::i'.'. and 's so ..nl'..' tlint
ttoin.iii 1 an - if. ' s ih'iv.' her. Will si
sin "It or in piiir.. at I', isoinil'le prices.
' -l.i!-. W. Mia in il tl .
unity, hi "joii
Murii'T If title U
Mniiey Hntfil.
to tin
ll. K-l II I..'
l l.11 kanias ciiiiuty, th-t-jmi.
I.. T, li tinx, Ueitste
I tvo'.t'd ret-iie-tiiiov alir.oiii'ci
p.iple nf 1 ire;.. ui I'ity and ticiiiilv. tha
I hate a iull and complete stock of gro
ceries, civats uml ti'h.'ici'ii end ve;ds fur
uishiinr ..'.'iids. stliich have been .elected
iWholSRllS nlld XlCt3.il LK mami.aeimeiH nn.l t...in:lit at !..w
I .: 1 .. ::l I... .,..1 I I.,,...h 11..,.. it.,.
ft mm - . . 11 HUM, l,il inn i"' r",', ,'"' i t ,'.in t ,i
11 ill ES 1 IM'ttli,t)j. tUOr S.OrC. .tses:. ri.U uml rMui.iiii' my Ht..fk nn.l
Korllii.lnlori.at I Hie nuliHc, j K ,.,.. band the best ncliM'tiim of-'''1 '".v ,""r,' I"hcliasin- elw-
t'l '"vt't iti 1 Imve rinilt il I.. ,1., fliM-.-Uoa w i,,s .,, liouins, Hle, beer. ie. . to he w lu re, and ll w ill be money s.ivi
'OJJuJ w"rk l'rl,'' ": 1 (oiiinl ill the stale. Next door to I 'm- toil, banner's produce nlw.iy
H.u.f lerih 011 Ihiiiiier $ )'i vi iintl iiitviinl coin Halvciy. I ii s e me 11 cull. ... 1 , ; . . 1 , . . . ..,..;:, mici'. No liniihl'
f.l ill ii'tlh on i.'llu nub. 10 nn anil iili.tnr.J ; .. .. ... .t-witv !, 1 .. , r v, .. , 1, ,. ,, nnl. ,,1 : '"' made bel'.ue Ki't'ister
,1 1,111,,,., '.! ml uii.l ii.iiiil M. II. 1 .St ISA. to show 1 ids. Mnl'C e.ie do, i- north nt ., , .. . , ...
ll.i.. .I... ............ ft . t ... ; 1 . . . . .
. 1 , ... .nn. 1. it.- ."limit. iii.n 11 r u'.ia
, t I.i 'Mini.... e nt, "i. -mil . in, its uad sve, .allies .,1111, :t the b ill-1 1 .:... ..,... 1 i .. .. .. . .. ..
., ; A!,.,. lViui, I l luisiic, I10inesie.nl entrv, " , ., ! toe miini v-h.h 141111 muih w , urccuii ny our Vetieratile t.ieml and fel-
;i;Xo. :UV.. f..r I tie1, ami 'id hlii'ii- JH-raie .'.oiie. me i.c-cs i.mir.Mi ; oms tWilr ,hl. intlUms." I low citizen, lb
al hoii.e-te.iil entry No. I, l"i-e .' ol Unit we may nave .tallies, , icaiuci ,cs , ..There shall be neither slavery tr.r in-
aiiilciiee.-ela l.n ies. 1n.11 1.1 ine.x-1 vlllM,lrv M.rvitude
h.t'.islii.le e. l.iiititlcs is linii'd ill several I .
local'iies, and the in.licaboiin of cmil
iraiatia, unit Usiiter ami oilier ininerais i..w1. .i,,i i...' "
aie p.oiuiiieiit and promising. And j
.as., .....na'. i...t .--a.., e ...i. e ; !)l)rli,ms ,. iUw ,y tl,c orv-aniza-' ,,1. lt was more riHimy and conveiiienli
e.isy.usiaiiceoioui-et.ums seal one 1 :,:,, WOveral territeries now outside of thai
se ' 1 1 all in Sec l b s, 1. . 1..
He names the t ..II. iw in- tt i;ue... s to
prove hia. conttliunus ii .id. 'lice 11p.m. Hid
cultivation nf, said I I id, t i.-.
Ja-oii Join's ati. I I i-.iek loius, i f l'u'.te
Creek, and Ar.iuti. 11. I'hoi.ias nud linn-
I Willi,,.;, ail ul,
"h. W. W. ttuek,- ho its
still Kpared to be with u.s at thu aje of 8t
in B.iid territory, lie had us his partners his son II. 8.
, iithci'tv!.-..' than the punishment et . Hack and Samiud I. Stevens. Imth aon,.
' crimes, whereof the Hurts shall have to Iheir r.. ir 1 It ....... U,,.U
. .. . - - .. 0.i.iniaiuiiti
""'r ,l;1,u'r;l lH biM-ii dulv convieted." i st-ucture, fottv b-lifts-het in nizii well
Our county has been reduced in pro-; finished in.-ide with svood ceilina. imiiit-
inn any baihlin u.-io l us a cour: lions
1 1 Ihics. Hprii, of heaUh-ivine niinr- K. jurN)ih li.. t,f t).vg.iii. ami of sever- h, this county before or' ninee. It wn
.. I ii- ., I . . In I ... L- .1 .in i ,, .., I ., ,1., I 111 1 . . . . . I .
,111 ...nil 1.1 lit., iwte.i.i ni'uii, .ttiitn in ,i I ,, ,a ,i tllft t.ortll llllil l:lst. Ill 114 . l.iat .-.,. 1 1 ... .1 ... !.. I l...l!.ii .
i "' - x.... t..t . - uiu in unniii oiiviirni, k
Land iill'tci
it Ori son ( its-
June l.'lh isst.
Notice is hereby "ivcii lli.l the fodotv-
l.iiii.ii ui a initi B-a'iii . . . r
i " " i"-'v " 1 i within the stale until we can now omv ; think in the fn .if is.:.- rri....,.i..i
nt-" ' "a r,v,vali"w liiv"1".1 Vory '1'''.hwi of the diminutive area of some-; the counts- clerk, who live?! down under
s sue ii lanii. nav.it- no extremes , mnj, , tlu,UKall)l Hnaw ,4,iK-, ,he hill, had most of the recs.M bcU la
of heat er cold, where the toruaoo nud . ..... ,... s.,fi .....i,..,.,...,..,! rM. ...... . i.; i,,,..;.,,, ... , ...
in''li:llMI'll M'l I t'l lliiS (1 It'll 11 ll 111 til t 1,1 i nlll llll Hat tll'l. IM-ICt 11 V IMlL IIU 11 1 a , .
taken.! l.i. i iiiiu io malic liinil iiriii.t' in .nil i . ' ,.'., . .m.'.lern map
, I i ll ii i mil, lie unniii.i.r .i.iin. ."nil tie ill i.i
HllviT mul llnti'' t'llllin .. 1 ii" innl npw.ir.l. ;
Eilmi-tliin ol 'li'i'lli, with "its l U.i ,
union i Cor., Klr.l mid Alder. i''i, Tmvn l lin k, j
1-lNM D.nllsl. I
(Illli. hour n l'JKf:
i Court Hon,'.'
O (,? KJt. I h.t V (
SI Vf 1 1 I j j
g h 'a fa g m
yr, (r. kj co ;. j
5 AlrMn! -f
m '"(StoiJli'j -'J
ciCAFilCD "I ATnWA " No ice of Final Pr of.
JIL.ni.lL.U aifnvn,
....... I
t -o
a. . ......
1 ,11 ml i fill'i'. III IT. it'll ' I V. IT.
June 11, Is' I
.., if" la leT'lif riven Ilml ll'." I.
j were saved. Sometime iifterwurd otl
nu t ol his claim, and ihat said ptoi.f w ill : . .. , , . . i The people who formed this) early ; s a.shiu'toti illiatns w ho w as iirrestej
ami Keeeiver.; "'-"'" . ' ' f1" ! conn.act had their meetinirs fii'st at the ! for horse ste.llin-Confessed that he firm!
r s 1 liiili,... , oi ir..,.,, ii Chv ih... nils, t.'iiiiiel'iite nn.l economical, there:.. ' .. . . - ., , .. .
V. T. l'..tm...w. I K,;n, Saturday. Julv -JlC ISSI, Cix: he prosperity, wealth, reiinement I M "'m' '"' '""- 1 1 "' "!n 11
I'l.in. ll.Tuuli',h,,nucc..ilen,ry.N. . t,Vl, luxurv. ' There will be grand ! !m' U",'1 " :'''ward nt ( hain,'. or, 'io., II ciifesMon. a curious tIuVu-
.i.iios, lor liie s .i oi h ,i n e '. ui i-.ee. , ... . v nainpoicK, as u svan ineii Known, ooin ....."".... ....nnij; mu enmity lecorii.
ii '.- ! a I,' i men and svomeil. poets, paintern and,. ' . , ... . .. ... . , '
.ti, t ..,-, it I'.. I 1 1 in st hat is now known as Marion county lie luully escaped from our delcctubltt
He names the follow in- svitnesses to phiioaophers, stalesnu'ii, scholars and I , tail, an.1 has n,.t 1,...,, h,..,,.l
l ' . ,i i tin , - , . i n .ui I 1 .'III'. II . I t 1 1 lit: lii.-l "in. l I.- in il na it I ,,i'.-i ,i, nun ., i. ... i. mi 1 1 ii-i-
l.itt-1 it- " - 1 " '
The tirst otiicers ssere tlwre cho.ten, ami
i the infant Kuvcrnmcnt fet on its feet, i tically since.
After that the building
Capt J. Hi Bonser,
The Ste inter I. ITfrA I will luake
l'iuiilar trips belttecii Oie-ol' City uml
I'orthiiul, touching! at nil way hindiiips.
benve nii'.'nn ('lit- dull v nt " A. M.
liinivti Purl .mul ml ni'i'itnn I'liyilnll) ilila I'. M
eoliiiU , I heuoii.
l. r. lintiN,
..... ... .1 . . i .... en i fn r i. in nl . .a i' a in . viz t i . t ...... .t i i i. :.. l
I ll" lien a"i i. r una ni'ti nn ii-.' "t ii i- in ' i ' - , ... , ... llll lliuior u. I in ui.fl t ti. , nn ' mini i i nil. , , . , , . . . , . . , ,
I mull" il-, nl I'Mei in h, .innl i ui in. fiiini. Chat les ..loker, l.i'.os ( alull an I ill- , . , , . . .. , , Let us not in our present pride and urro-1 " ' vtipieil by the (.iriontal hotel noii
..... ... . . . . . I .i i ii el .i. i 1 1 1 ,it Vi it 1 1- en o, 1 run ii in I in l in. ' .
linn iiiiu a Ul ,r,it.l "III ii" III nn-. " line ...-k- i ...... I ,, lli-e.-oll ( 11 V. Uhi ttl'OIVe . ' '"" -' ' .. .-.....l ilml .l,,i tli-.t t .if ' Sll .Hill, nt t ui sunt irail ....i-n. ..I xt..:..
I'ler mnl It. et'iv. r. V is n nil i 'III,' , I'Ti'-i,, , ., , ,, , i ,, ;.-., ,t,.,,. ,.,,. I,.,,,. il, '"""""' B....... -"""
cm t uy, i r.'pui, on I'mlii) b.l.v U ls-1,
t nr. :
Wiill'ini .lo.'f.T I'liiucalciiil inlry, ' n.
ir.UI, nn III" a tv ' ol a w ' il tl lots fi, II mnl
nl .-in. 11 I a, r a e. "
He iiiuii.-h lie nil 'Willi; 'vlui hs In irnvi
liUi'uni niiinis r. siil.'iu'i' piui, nud i'tiii. vi
no in , an nl liiiul, via :
.Slur llntlo , itiliu Kuw n. M. 'I lt"lii IT,
n li'irn... I'i'iliiwa, nil nl ' r i;,ni t Uy
l'ual ullUe, I'lneloiiniia I iilllil.t. liie;.'.'".
b. I'. U SUI S, ll ulster.
liaiid.ill, ol New I ra, all' of Ch.cknuias ' are horn where they may have tho
! creel innl towering pine and tir tree
us models for physical ynitvih, and the
pure white of our hihuv capped senti-
For fr Ight or pPS33go
Apply on honi'd ut foot, iifTavlor Ktrect,
'"Till" I.
The incnihers V. .iiiiltiauiuih l.oili.'e
No.l.AiK.A A. M., Oii'K'oii I'ity. will j
uive ifM) I'cwiii'il to iinyoiie who will (jive
u-HSI. .V
Stono Works.
.1. US. Eil'Iil.V, H'ropi telor.
inereasini: importance of the city at the
f..ll . ..f .1... tt'ill I.......
i i , i . ii . I . i Kills Ol lilt.' II Illiiiiliiit-uti nuiJii tiiett
moral character and intellectual stand-;, . , , , . , . . , ,
, hither the K'iftiMiitive cointnittee and the
I courts., mid our tow ti bccaine the capital
l ellow citizens, I, for one, had the of the territory. Let us not forget Unit
day and occasion svluch calls us together,
as a craiul step in thu innreh of progress
in ii:ht, thiuns. The Imildhi, the cor
ner stone of which is this tiny laid under
Ihe auspices of the nneie.it und honor-
the inl'orinnlioii to secure the conviction """""'in. i'"." si on c-, nine oruer oi :sia..ous, w nose lineal pro-1 Willmm Ulnser, wnce dceeiised in (. 'all-
.a ..-.I, ircniturs were the aiTiiitects nun urtuians r. . .,H .,,., ,,eHir nn eiist Nini-vnh
ineiil in was not Oregon Oily, but at tlie !1,u' ixth utree.'s was rented for inutiiy
town of t linnipoick, iti the populous ! Us, li:'d tin) recoida and courtH havi
region of French prairie. However, the i been moved uro .ml fro inthera to th
Ihenisiiig building where they now uro
then to the Odd Fellow's buildirnr, then
back to the Thessing quurterij. All thin
time tiio premises, have been rented, and
the ipiarters huvo been ho contracted
its importance dated from the erection of . '''tit some of tho county oiileeri have not
the earliest m ist and miw mills of liny '"id ihe room, ami the people havo been
note, und tho manufacturing interests i liliited to hunt them up nt random,
which chmtered around. I remember I wherever they mi'ht happen to "bout
when I nirned here in December, lSI-i, : r. -
If our present anlicinatioim in mnl.
Porihiiiil, or, in ()i'i'Von ('iiv. on board at ol the person or pe'sons ttiu. mat nn, . trxtllx nni 3iV.KW.X . ,,,, ,, ...i-, ue.l, in a a few months there llll brv
the dock, near Ihe Itrick Mill. the pile or the fence nl their Musniiu' MAI'.III,!. ,:l (,o vci-.v txt c-M ; ' " ' u, IOIU' ",nv l" " "n:l "l.'ul" t:l"' ample mom for tiLi iho rmntv n,.
IwillbeatOrconCilv. .he lirst day e,',ne.,,y, whhou. pevminsi,,,,. or who ruu.. . ,'--,1 crsth's capitals, teiiiplca mul nery near whe,,, M.t.ler's bre.very now , , b"
. . . . . . . ' i.. .i...... ii.ii .uiniit.i.iiiij nin t.'iiiin i u'n'.-u rX -ipi 'in ivi'mi .i ti in .i ' .til.- ui.- - ... j ta a niii.iiti?t. .1 hui i ti iiiii ui. iikt i.i: iii'i -i i . .
1 pniclice ilcntiatiy. B K. 1'iii:i:i.am. I etc.
i:asL i'lU'ihnid.
i, ti.sa, iiitei'itnt ini'i study to nil travcluin 0f our neighbor, lluu. Joliu MyuM, had
ihuvi) his place, and the peopl will
1 I
aA ii