THE ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, JULYS, 1883. The Rescued Mexican Women. THE BUFFERING AND ITERS SUBJECTED TO IvOtONTTIES TltKT BY TnCltt 8AVAOC CAPTOfiS. Tccsox, A. T., June 18. The five Mex ican women and one child recaptured from the Apaches and brought here last evening at now in charjw of Consul Tu leli, who has U;ktfniphei to his povern ruentforiiistriu'tionsas to what disposi tion to make of tlit'in. They are from the city of Chihuahua and are the w ives of goliliera in the Mexican army. The com mand to which their husbands were at tached had been stationed 300 miles north west of Chihuahua, at a plains on the Mexican frontier named LI Carmen. The troops had been ordered home and the women followed their husbands at a distance of about two day's journey be hind, traveling on foot. On the 10th of May they were surprised by a band of Apaches" under the personal command of lievonimo. The Indians suddenly arose from behind rocks and hushes. The wo tnen were frightened and leiran to scream A Mexican captive mimed Jose, who had long been witii the Indians, came for ward, and, addressing them in Spanish, assured them no harm would come il they would surrender and follow the Ap aches. There was nothing vise for them to do but to follow. The Indians then came forward and asked a great many Questions through Jose. They were anx ious to know the numlor of the Mexican soldiers, their vhorealxmts and inten tions, to all of which the women answer ed as best they could. There was anoth er woman with them at this time, whom the Indians sent to Chihuahua for peace, as thev said. The capture was on or a- pout the lot li of .Maw 1 lie Indians, with their captives, travelled in.vssantly the j remainder of that day and nil night. The place where they were raptured is known as Cerritos Cuartes, and is half way be tween El Carmen and Man de el Elarno. 1 111! M"ht The ' Thev calculated that the next morning . i . ..... ! ...-Mimis; cumuli r MUH lilt, I intuitu after their capture thev we. e at least 100 j u , rraotioal ivntaw in miles distant, though they cannot tell in w , .ailkins-at iJVcioi-k winch dirertum. low days ,hey , morlli j ewninjr through,, U.e were without water, but alter that it was t y B " f Hind in abuml.m.'o. The country thro' Which they passed was wild beyond de- The Sacramento (Cal.) Cultivators' cription. At times they were compeled ! Guide savs that orvhardists in that state to crawl upon all fours. Their thirst for ; who have used solutions of soap and sul the first throe days nearly divve them ; jdiur for spraving their trees in fighting crazy, and the Indians would whip and ; insects, have churned a divided diminu lash them up and compel them to travel. tion in pear scab and other fungus dia Towarvl the last of their captivity food j eases, commenced giving out and they were put ' upon rations, g small piece of" raw lieef j The liijuid from boiling in water bread being ail that was given to them. This ; toasted very hard is rerummended In had to be divided anions; the six, Mrs. ; The Witness as a pleasant as w ell us Antonia Hernandez all this time carried j wholesome drink i.irany weather, and her kibe in her arms. The Indian child-1 exceptionally effective ir quenching ren took great pleasure in tormenting ; thirst during the trying heat of harvest him, pinching him, jabbing sharpened ' time on the farm, sticks into his side and giving him great !.... , pain. When she remonstrated. Ceroid-! , The ''rmantown suggests mo or his men onlv lauu'hed at her mist- ) P11 iiipetitive horse-shomg should be ry The last twod'avs of caplivitv thev included m the premium list of agncul hadnof.H.M,latall. 'There was no snow ral fairs, inasmuch as all must know on the mountains. The cold of the moun- 1,.ow wanv animals are imutvU sonio tains was intense and the women sutler- ! !"m'Q Inianently rripphM by untaught ed almost to freezins. The Indians nev-' ignorant and tmskiUtul shocrs, ho treat er remained quirt in one spot a dav, hut 1 l"e "oot of a horse with as nim-h rough were continually moving. They traveled j n.ess and klesswess as they do a plough nearly UK) mile's a dav, pniiis' in everv 1'iaro' n,,!"n,!y ntarl; ! Th? following rule for estimating the ana maltrvate-. incwrv tnissible manner, t ....j.,. ,r . . i . . ft. .... . 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' They were made to o.k heavijy when-1 ever camp w as ma le and were general ; er ran p w as u.n..e ana were genera i J t ,. l , tilke up Mrs ernandez s little hoy and threaten tn k.l him, and would throw an" I ek.'iiun ft, iiiiii, t" ,ii )ii(ai iii'iii.ti an guish o' hid niother. One of the women was sent as a hotage of sme sort to Chihuahua to make peace. The rxpos- ure to cold, thirst, lamine, exhaustion from travel and fear of torture, was hav ing its elFert on the poor women. The first thing they knew they were hustled effone day further into the mountains. The next 'day a brothel of Chief Chatte delivered them up to General Crook. As one of them expressed herself, when she iwiw General Crook and the soldiers, "It seemed as though the sky hrA opened and heaven a:jicared." 'Their pitiable condition drew deeply on the sympathies of the "bovs in blue." and thev did eve rything in their iower to alleviate the sufferings of the women. A mule was j given earn woman to ride. 1 tus was one ' a ry state ot me noois wnirn makes reason of the slow return of General ! them weak and brittle; and the trouble Crock's command. The women cannot j may arise from fever or other causes of find words to express the gratitude they f degenerations. Among the more pmmi feel towardsthe American soldiers. When j nrnt influences w hich tend to produce the women started on the toilsome jour-1 cracked hoof are an uneven liearing of neyonfoot ."o0 miles from El Carmen j the sh', calking or other wounds, or to Chihuahua, to follow their husbands I injury to the coronet and the drying of home, they certainly had no idea there ! the wall of the hoof. Were Indians on the road, thinking thev were all in the mountains to the north. ! Charcoal has considerable m inurial They have not seen their husbands for val,,0 especially when applied on rich over six weeks. Agnosticism In China. The North China Herald saya : "Ev ery true Confucian is an agnostic. He believes only in the seen ; tho unseen he regards as unknown and unknowable. When asked how we should serve the spirits, Confucius replied, 'Unable to Serve men, how can we serve spirits!' Confine your thoughts to bumun duty. To serve men well is the best way to serve the gods. To the question which Immediately followed, regarding doath, his answer was, 'Not knowing life, how can we know death !' Attend to the pres ent; why trouble yourself with inso fuble riddles about the future ! Life and death are one. Live well and vou will die well. 'Kjnfuiius was a thorough-going agnostic, lie did not deny the existence of gods and spirits, nor thejiossihility of a future life. lie simply regarded such subjects as beyond human knowledge, and refus ed to diseusi them. lie was sure of his five senses, and declined r move a step farther.. As an agnostic the Confucianist U tolerant of other creeds. lie goes ev en farther, ami will admit that for the ig norant multitude, and especially for wo men,, an apparatus of gods and demons is noccsary. He does nut care, therefore, to proclaim his skepticism, still less to actively propagate it. His creed is only for the wise; the masses are better as they arc. lie will subscribe to the tern-j pies and take part in idolatrous ceremo nies. To the common people Confucian agnosticism has never been very satisfac tory. But the Bgmxtio philosophy has not been without its mllurwo. on the masses. There is but litile religious fer vor, and scarcely any deep faith. The people will ridicule their own gods.laugh at their own worship, imd freelv criticise fill the creeds. Speak to any Chinese, no matter what his rank, alxmt tho future life, and his reply is almost eorluin to be, '.Who, knows anything about ilt' and is likely add, 'Eating and drink ing are realities,' implying that all else is doubtful. Ilefer to the subject of fu ture punishments and rewards, and his Harcastic remark will probably be, 'I have seen the living huUt, but haw nev er seen the dead in cangiies.1 The pres ent it iitiin tlm futon ia nil tiiilr ,uiin He therefore keeps a sharp eye to tho 1 count. Ino Indian is a protound behev present chance. It must be now or nev- j cr in the power of spirits for good or evil, er j there may be no to-morrow. Intense I and takes caie never to offend them, worldlfness and general animalism are I - - -i yie natural results. The conclusion of I the whole matter shows how far superior morally the original and orthodox system of Budliisin and Taoism are to the agnos tic attitude." FACTSFOlFARhlERS. Linseed meal is excellent food for a colt. Two Conneticut cows were lately pois oned by a pail of paint carlessly left where they could eat it. It is a common mistake to plant beans too early. The bean is a hot weather plant, and it is worse than useless to plant till the ground is well warmed. Experiments in packing fruit for ex port in chaff or straw have signally fail ed. Specimens wraped in paper ship well ; lining barrels with paper is also satisfactory. Blocks of wood two inches square, painted red, are twisted into the upper strand of barbed w ire fence as danger signals to stock. Whether the device is patented or not we don't know. In all the States w here the clip lias yet been placed in the market, wool grower are holding their wool above the present view of buyers, and many of them will not sell on present basis of values. A. S. Pvkemnn, of South Haven, is said to fnHuently spend .Hi in thinning out his peach crop, often removing nine tciiths. His rule is. to leave one peach on a shoot six inches long. In reference to the necessity of free range for fowls the Western Kural nien a Chicago fancier who says his poultrv in routined city quarters, are "not much over half as large" as those of the same breed on his farm. Mr. P. W. Lewis calls tallow oil, lard oil and cottonseed oil, "veneered in fresh cream." "the three grease:" and he """ re pretty sun- u tne future, u 1 ,u l''e;iiw uiv LKUit ii uuuer hold over for higher prices. Mr. F. S. Teer, East Palmyra, X. Y. I author of the stiirsv.-tive treatise, on foiling summer and winter" thinks 'V'iVA.IWIlVI lUM'Al. All PI til IV, WII1U- tb ,ftw te-(1.lVH twowwk. ;rttli -.,,i.u f.., ,, .,. i..,. ....1 , m y fc , -, t ,( d i pnuru! liar aw k-ot. Alter tlmnxmh i JettJi ab;lut m enhw fm of u (( ,K,ler ,, m ()f (jric ,)av get the cubic dimensions of a stack", mul tiply the average length, breadth aud height together. The following method of preserving potatoes is said tole that used bv French hotel ami restaurant kec!rs: The tu bers are first washed and then, a few at a time, by means of small baskets, are plunged into boiling water and held there for four seconds; they are then dried and stored. This system destroys the vitality of the buds or "eyes'" arid there is no tendency to sprout, but the potatoes keep sound and in good flavor until the next crop comes in. The United States Veterinary Journal says cracked hoof is the general result of ! ground, the ammonia of which it absorbs and gives out as tha tdant roots require. It also improves the mechanical texture of the soil whether light or heavy, and ita dark color holds the bent fro-n the sun, making the land warm at d, ?ar!y. The remains f,f old charcoal nitsulwas make the best land in the field for many years thereafter. It is a fortunate circumstance that many of the agricultural papers urge from time to time belter tillage ot small er surface. Manure and labor concentra teI on one-fourth of on urea would give more crop than if thinly distributed over the whole field. A special advantage of the improved system, as pointed out by a New England correspondent of the American Cultivator, is that grass seed ing lasts much longer on land thorough ly fertilized and cultivate in the pre vious rotation. A Test of Indian Courage, An Indian inter-tribal fair was held, not long ago, in order to show some of the results of civilizing tho savages. A number of tribes attended and displayed articles of homo manufacture, such as needle work, embroiderv, laco work and blankets. Many of the Indians bad their fiictures taken.and showed a childish de ight in looking at their faces. Others, however, could not Vie persuaded to go near the camera. Yellow Bear, ol the Arapahr,es, was the first to pass through the ordeal of a sitting. He suffered him pelf to Vie properly seated, and then the cumera to bo brought to hear upon him; but when the prepared plate was placed in the box, and the cloth lilted, he leap ed to his feet at a bound, and attempted to leave the tent. All attempts to reason with him failed. At last a photograph of a Cheyenne, taken some years ago, was shown him. He looked at it a moment, then went quietly bark to his chair, and sat like a statute while the negative was taken. lie explained that no Cheyenne warrior was a greater brave than he. The gigantic Osages, on the other hand would not approach the tent. They say the ca mera robs them of their good spirits. The Kickapoos gave the very same reason, and the photographer was peremptorily ordered out ot the country on Unit ac Jon worn, done at this oitice. . ' ; - iOHX KOCK. CLEMENTS & ROCK, Real Estata Agents. Maix Srkkt, Orcjou City. OFFICE IN KXTKRPRISE BUILDING. FARMS FOR SALE. Kolenilld Ranrsln. Maori's In IVlfe c n ty, on fall l iwk, T mll,. irom ltit!la. 1 mllt't from Uiti stun, I mllw Irom mil IouIht Iii tl mounlHlii and I nolo irom m-IhhiI lioti; sees In oultlvn Ion ; oiw-lnill k loll invturo nj llu ivsl rolllnjr i nline mut tv. vfnlmii I ml ; Hue running WKter lo rn two .mall lakes i two orvluoMs. It ol m.'Milnw laiut, irooit wrath r-Uia ilrd house will) u room ami fine we 1 ot wsler nU gootl barn ; Suotl title ami no limiinhninw ; only $J.V r a le; ixrt eli anil rest to null uirrhaxr ; Imilnr liiml .n hts iu'is tsirlu otl exiting nm lo M r acre. U ksou lor uk otfiier too "1,1 1.) work. Tills Inrm fl in easily be itil.ltHl lino ln sxl on . nes'J all ( need In Polk enunly, quarter of a mile Iron) the nlaco ttilvftnseo i. xt ab-ive this one; i arivs In eul'lv lion ihkhI ntngtt. l'lieeHiUj, T.iis la also a Bn Iwruain SS acres: S e-es In rnlllvitlon. J aeres lmbr; nr and fruit lre.vnd tx'rrlesol all de vrlitlnn.i, all Ix'nr HK;tie of the ben ln-e-tliHis forfrii't in Oregon am) fine n')Htual sirlns;.1 miles Irvun i'twi ritv ; e k! house Imrn tMls Ac. l'tk-e t.-v'xl: down and rest on e' sv terms Ui cn-s ! see Ion 2. T 4 S. R S K S4 aere In cultivation. Smull nrehant ; mH heuio and barn -, It vine stream and miriui. l'rio ll". lW aerea. $7(1 t acre In tnttlvai inn i house '.Mxii. I'rwli inns through ihe lmv. Trtaer a level, ha nneo rolling. ll iiiIIimi m oh I t mile i st eftl.-e and cmveuie.1 lutmth enst and i:iw milis. Itvtaore. cod level lund I mler. five acres lashed, lie riy all leu ed, well watered. New crhnol house emss t'e r md, t miles ln,m itrift and saw m Us and ! mites In m two stores d church. 'J hls la a bartiiln. title perteet, V Ice fl.e'sl, Tii a.-res level Und, 10 acres order cutt'va. tlon, acres lenced. (yirtlon in cultiva tion, ilghl tlmh.'n.d nmleastly ,h1 story and half box house, cok1 barn shed,t.Ht on It ree .d.s at.d uuntenitii outhuttdluir all In f l order. A Ihrmy iiumr nrchnnl U'anujc of ehvte, triut. A khI woit of wnOr at the house and a llvin sr. m Itm pa sl ere mr ten mom ns in ih year. Sfl tulid hay farm aud fi"e outsid ru:e. Two miles weslef Ihe Volnlla store ltubhanl a'd Need." toad. Nearscho-d houso an-t wiihl:i flvfeinresof sjiw an I Hour ml is. Ttie !m emvemen s eti t morel sn the pie Itea on for selling imd th money la ollur business. I rice t LW. IS! aens, all elow land, aM prairie land, all under fence t old house ; old liarn : new cran ery Kxii, Ha f mi' .01:11, ofihe i hiv of liersais, H mile Irom O. i". II. h. I'riee VI p'r acre, hninpiv In one or two vonrs wih Inieresl. Will trad' for i town prop erty or anot he- sir. 11 nrm. Kstris F.irn fur iw acres, one ami one-iorter miles west of Viola, ami eleven uiiies , .1-1 of Oregon fit v ; llo .irres level Iviltoin, rich land, "J aerea rolling : h acres lemd : "1.1 seres in cultivation ; Id aerea liL'ht limln'r ; brook of water rnni.ini; through 'he f irm, also a creek ; extra tine cedar, lirand a .h timber; good house and barn, out I nlM iocs ; extra orchards, I niilo west of the town of Viola, riat-kHtit'tK coiintv; Il iMishels of wheat and (id bushels of eats raised Hr acre ; plenty of out range ; $3,?u0 ore half dow n. VjQaeres, ten miles east of Oregon t'it v, IVi miles southwest of Viola t n : all level and n Itini:, rich bind; plenty not ramse ; Ml acres fenced, 00 acri's 111 cultiva tion; orchard, young but lie.iri' g, fair hous d shed 1 am : water plenty; s? eral thniisand new mils ready to iie put up. This la an extra raii and stock ranch, Prii-e, one hlf down. I, W. Mayfleld' place near Viola. SIS acres, WO acres fenced. acres level, bsll rolilnc S) aeress in cuillvat on. wiser s 'Itlit timlwr, rernaind'T beav y c.slra 1 1 ml er, I'HJ cre rich bottom land I a miles est of town of Vloia, fair housa and irood barn, u'l orctird : , rop of irrain pel w.lh farm, Th 1 is a very de sir ble farm and very cheap. Trice i'u. T'.tle rerteet. M. Hollowa.Vs place near Mngn's Tolnl, Highland, Sn Kcr s rollinc hind, all f ne d snd ross-fenc-'d, aer-s in eiiitivatton. Utile se tt ini limber, livlim water nil lbs year, pear, plum and prune irees. Macros po tatoes, 4 acres limo- liv, .1 c rs clover and five acri-s paslure Kory ond a ha f bona-', 211 ii. 4 room lielow, 1, kitchen ' d bo sl well, liarn 4o s 4" Ineludln sne , root, wood and chicken houses, b-1 rMlslf, .closil iiouse, i In po-t office, church near bv, 14 miles irom - r egon lly. iiiMid title. Pnc- fiio Tertns S ca-h. reasnn for e!liirr, sickness of wif". Win, Harris1 place eloo to 1 nuliy, 11H acres rvel land, sanilv sol , all fe i, and In cultiva ion ; 6 acres potato, s n nil 2 0 hop vines and v roussnial fruirs. House 21 x -II. lour rooms, rarn 2-' x-S, wohi hi uss, etc., t- mile lo school, raitro il, irarket and post oftlce. tine of tbe finest chicken larches In )r ton. Trice f sin. Terms en. lteasun of (ellinz, 11' health, 6.1 acres near Pandy Post Offt-e, 12 acres In cu'tlvatlon ; W acre-n;M-n land : s ory and half house, shed and barn I'riee I W. 1 rim, half casti. '1 his Is a bargain. Vi seres, all level j g aces o "ced and 7 In cultivattoni jprfid serine: '1 1 Iiimi trees; small house, barn aro mher; 14 miles Irom Dei'gon C'ttv; near mill, school and stole. Trie'. IVO. Terms, halt down. 41 acres, I nilbs from 1 rem fit v, all In cultisatti'n ; house ICxil ; noou ste d burn and well ; all In hay and (,'raui. Trice J;wjii witu cr p. or 17l without. Trms, half down. 2J acres, 1 mile from tlncon lt ; sll lenc ed ml In cultivation ; ib siral le icsidence prf p-rly ; 12 acres buy; a acres outs; 4 acres wheal; Snores reus; I acre potatoes Trice f'iu0 Terms, half down; 40 seres uDlmpnived land; ) miles from Oregon 'I t.v. Tilce, l2 er acre. io acres unOnirovid aid; 1 mil from Oregon City, til p r ncre. 0 acres nearly all level and open land. Well watered by a flue snrlntt, near, rallr ad and school house. Price lii"ti. Terms ;-, o-sh. S) ocres rolling land, 1 mil from f reiinn Oy. 40 acres fenced and I ) aer-s in c iltiva lion. Hmnll orcherd, plum prunes and cher ry trees. House lixiii wdo nn I. s lichen, S rooms. Tarn Jt)x:iU, and oilier ou'. building. 1H m b'S to sehrKil house. Hinn;lcropof piita toe and clover. Trice is per ac e, 110 a'Tea. 40 acres level aer-c 'oiling ; M acres fenced Tacrss tin er cultivation 1 i miles from schiHil. Ill miles Iro n Uogon 1 ity. Price $l p r acre. Iieslrabie small farm of 23 son s, close lo New Kra. All level 8 acres f need, S acres In cultivation, llifht op n timber on balance, one acre potntos-s, 2 acres peas, one acre In Cr lea an J 4 are in 1 lover. Trie 4i"U0. H cash. It) acres dcslrab'e land In rtuste'vll e J'4 mllesfrom Iheeelebrsted We hull hoda sprlncs II" acres fenced, sens in cultivation nnu 'M) acres slssned. l-V plum, pew'r anrl apnle tiees all beerlng Ilouae 14 by V4 Willi kllehee, barn.Kran 'rles 40. , I'l acre of wheat, li acres In oa's, ( acrei In pes, hay Ac. Titca liii'il cash down. Oregon City Property fiRKOosf finr TRoenitTr f)n of (lis bes' bsKsms In residence 1 r 1 rty ever on -red In (re(!on l lty. Ilnusa itt x U end an addition 14x21, S rooms, hard finished, Hone cellar, eell pa'nted m arly newsnd in splen- Id con dition. 1 his properly consists ol tw and on half acres all newly fenced, all in cuhivallon and well sioclied wlm we-seecied cherry, niilnce, apide and trees and all vario us of small fruits fioou barn x 42, anil many other nowssary oul houses. Till per fect., I'riee I21IKI cash 4 lots on the bluff between Cp'fnn ('II T and Csunn.a 'i des rablo bulldini; rr'dicrlr; small house and pall fenced Trie If '-I'. Kn'endl i cipi orturilly to obtain a Rood building sips for cither twn or four bouses. One of the I es' located block lu tow n, all cleared and func.d with a lull tones for sale, t rlne 1-175. Obkoon CiTr PnopniiTT. A fine hloek In ')reKon I, lly, all fenced and In cul'.lvallon, 150 plum and prune trees and ' II set In clover. 1 bis Is a tri od bargain. Owner wishes to K' avvsiy. I rice f-HK). (iood ji sidonce on the- hill, one lot and a tblrd ; t) rooms In I he house ; nood barn, wood shed and out building. I'rlca 'j'ii, Terms It rash. House sod lot en rlv r bank ; house nearly new with five rooms, well finished; rltrli 4 of spring with pump toes allh tbe property, lo' nicely anclosed by painted p'ekot loiicv, Trice IKiyi. acres, 10 miles east of Oregon Pity. J miles from Vloln, W sores rich bottom land ; 2IXJ acres rolllag ; 7V acres f need ; 6i In cultivation. 11111 acres good tuubcr; Iwn orceki running through Ilia place, a no fit I. R. CLEMENTS. tfi I th house and oa a Ihe barni ud houe, barn, areuaiy and oilier out bu hllng ,nne orchard, eto. Price 8sw 1) sores, ll miles en t ot New Kra, t'l sets level, m acres Mllliur ' d eresk runnlnu through ne pines, o Improvement Trlov W '1 his can enslly lie divided aud will be old In smaller peroela. W scn-s uiitiuu ovvKl lsid S mil a from Nw fcm. Trl o $ot, K aerea unnipmel land on Putt Creek, J tulles from llubUird. Til.-eJTtiu. STItlCKLEH DUOS. Manufacturers and dealers in Stoves, Copper,Tin and sheet iron ware also ha ve in Stock a full, line ol Granite and Hollow ware. Roofing and Spouting done in the hest audi most work manlike manner. Es timates given on heating a p par at u s. Repairs, neatly and cheaply done. Bring on your pots, tins and kettles. Satis faction Guaranteed. Give us a call. First door south of Post Ottice, Oregon City, Oregon. BANK OF OKMsON ( 1 i a. Inil up OnpituI $50,000 OO. PHF.SIOEXT . C'.lMMCn . . -ItANACKIl . . Thomas ( hariunu i Cbarles II. Caonrld. ' IZ. L l:sth,.m. ; IVrosHs eeelved suhjeel to cheek. Approved bills and notes discounted. County and city warrants houirht. liOAns made on available security. Collections made promptly. I ruf!s and telerraphle exehsnje sold on Tort land, San fngaetaoa idvrw Vork. Real est. Umus tirpiUtuHl fur a term o year. ', - 1 Interret f! ! rn t'mdt.)Mlf s. follows Fori monh, : t- t . -r aniitm. For' moulds, .1 , r f r M-.1..U Fi It niiimli., S perc mtts-r snim TlmecTtinVMei of defosil psyia.l.lon tie. maud, but Inleri'st forfeited if drawn b-f ire end of Urm u( J.-i-ult. luneltl 4 Stono Works. J. It. lill.I.V, Prrpi lofor. SI o n ii mr n I , Tom !, 1 1 ii i t on ou, ele., ol'etrrT denlsn, iiikI of I Ik brat mi i nimil A-rll ltK A ft ICItl.i: at tho terj lonrst nil eh. f'KMKTKUV KNTLOSfRKS In aIl! etylen and of the he-t material uiul t worktimnehii. iH-Himm and jriee lit ftirniehed on uppiiratimi. ajd-Mf j i rilOTOUKAFUIC UALLKItY. ! C. M. lUSTKi:, j MalnSlreet.Orecon t'ltv. ' Is p-ei ar-d lo e-ecut PhotoR-ai hio and j Kterioseoplc Worlc on theshorlest notice. He ' has, also, a i Multiplying Camora Oft he latest snd oaost approved kind, mtf Orrsosi City Iveeporirliniid and ' ... ...Von Ha t k Flour, ilidtl lings, SIiorfM, Jmn, tliop Fcoil, Oafs, . Chicken Feed, "Tsrtles purelssinj feed mint furnish the sucks. . .. ilu rki t price a:d at all limes for whist. HIBhON, ( til KCn Af (). agents, r I'orlland, Ureifou. 0. C. F. M. Co. Imperial ill ills, D. W. BUR?dSIDE, Or "gon ( lly, Oregon, KF.rr CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOfl sale, . FIOL'R, Bm, MIDDLINGS 4 CHICKEN FEED. Pnrtlra surchaslBK feed must furnish the sacks. 7T.0.O00 liushelsof Wheal W "xtsd at Ihe marhel price. Orecon City, Aupist29. 7.1tf. A N AHA L I NJK(,"I'III free h each hoi lie of hhlloh's IjMtiirre Itcini'dy, I'i Ico 611 ceuts. Ho d hy (leo. A.iliirdlnir tVlTAUItil t;ifi.Kli: henltTi and sweet'lirimth secured hy eihiloh's (.'iilii'rh tlcinetiy. I'riee OU cents. NhsiiI Injector free, Fur mile hy ii, A Hi.rd nir. AUK YOl! MAI K ,r Isei aide hy Indhresl Ion, I'ousllpstlon, lilrrliiess, lis of Af'tllc, Yellow fckln T blilioli's is a positive cni". Isold byU A. Ilnrdlnn. CHOtM', WIIOOI'INU ilOIKjIl at)d I ron. chills Immediately relieved hy Hhlloi's Cuw, fyild by Oeo. A. Unrdlim. L!..i.t J ." FARM MACHINERY. ' wUh to ay to Urn fanncra that If you need aiiythlniJt in the line irf finiu machinery, atioh aa wiigona, rnp(rs, inowora, hurvoatvra, aulkey and revtdving hay rakes, plows, harrow, viittivittora, cradle, seytlio and nathn. Call oti u. Our motto: Quick tuilo.i and Htnal) pMllt. PymondA Sawvkk. Store tiiioait( C'hiii'iiisifi'i) old Kttind. THE BARNU1 OIERISCII & r.nODEKICK ritilTlilKIOIlS, MAIN MlirKT, ltltJO t ITY. r sil Mtnelt nf iHvoititit Hint n int.sTic r'ar.lii lihiunrs, sVluvs, nud t'luara ab xvuys kept on hand. , IMIOIlTI3r 'Hllwauklr.Kl. I.iiitla.and Ihe Olettia'vd lliM-w lleei', I'lnesl nilllarel Table In lite Cite Stop in and soo tho greatest living wontltr of ihoiMoseiit yo. CLIFF HOUSE. 0K KG ON CITT, QttKUOM ftest Hotel In tho City, and only out minutes wullt from the MemuUml ,ini. liiK. T. W R H 0 D b , THE FAFMER'S STORE. win, sku. niKAi run cash all Kin. Is of (jia ii:rii:s unti ruovisioNs, And v.111 v Hio hlichvat inarkil ilei for Potatoe., I. aril Tallo, loll, r, ttnron, llldra, I'tilis, lhle.rns, 4aie, And all other mmlt of nvlu'i-e, i..le me a v'll ul the Old t HiitVl.l Nuiol. fe.J I IU1UM fTKAMIIT. J. M, DACOfJ, I'K U Kit IN 3C00K3, 8TATI0HRY aA..j I'll 1 1 KU l'llAUtS, leuliliii"!t, J!isff!liit!ruii lilt, Llr 1'ihmks NiDK to oi;d:k PoslorKoe,'alt:St. Or' jon t'lly.nrecnd .olls'O. Notice is herehv 'iven that ihe tax lev- lied ill Si'luml di.-driet No.;!, CI. i. kuiiKts to. Ilreoii, is iimi due und iiiv:iM, and can U paid lit the rt'M'Yiiiv of'the Clerk, I Curtis f.aird ill t ',ilieiu;ih, utul the eunie ! lit lie difined i!elniiiieiit, uidci pm, ! uilhiii eixly day from the die tin, ! H'dii e. Ci uTii 1: ii:n, l'itrict Clerk, j P.ited thin 1st day of May, CaneU,ah, ( l.u l Co. Or." 4 oiin(T ourl. On thf first mniiihv and Tuesday ir, j sell tnontli the Coi nlv JiiiIuh ill ihv. earn tnontii tne I n hit dllilUH ill l sidf ftver all cics at lutr, atul proUttt IlllrOliesS. On tli VN'odneaday following Hit aliore, Hie County Judges and I'otr.iois sinners will hull, session lo iians4..: County busiiirss' ' 1'roLittfl hiiriiiess a ill he heard at all j tllneH. Mar. 1 j 1KS.1, ,f T. . .Ji:. i:i.I I'roprlrlor. lntd now nst d,ioi lo AM rlchl A In. 'us' irirt ninrlot. 'Ihe 'nosi ron, i,i-nt and h.-at lurnislind H.i.iMin In loan WINK-". I.IyfiillH A Ii Id'.INKS Of all kinds of the at und ur st n sys on han. i. Hi" lust lihllatu tube nnd tin- col.. st retreat lu town. a.nny Hf oiie of i!tnS of I InaV Z. 4'OUUI. In the e- unly court of the S ale i f Or-gun, for I 'lHcka'iiHs count v. lu th mutter of the ralnls of James ('. van ltcii,si..s r. d'eeu.iMi, .Nolle.- Is hen (,, g veil ihnt Ihe under l;nei ado H islr.lnr of sind esisi" hus n.. d min Hie rlers of .i d ro.irt his rtnul ae mini, and ! Hie nliove enliih , romi has III d and it i - ' M.lllll.,1 I I... , t 1. . U . M.f .k. l .. I ti urn k of ol Hons lo iud final aceouiil and tho seltleuienl lh"p of rilll.l.ll' C. rit'llt'YI K'f, Adlntntst hlor, June 19 ks. j-j 41 HO F03 HESTU'JCA. The favorite fteislde Itcsnrt of Hit Future. Herenfler. Mr. Fnuleoner will leave flrsn 'tonde for.N". aiucca, every Teead'n loorelnit. I'artln c II hnve lorlhitid for Meiniivi!le Moiutny n ornlnrf nnd reach (imnd Ponde Ihut eveiilna ly road, 'Ihe neji day ti er will he on llieeoiial. larefroinO audit, tide to .Vesliiicn iM,;e nrllss should vrr t. a sreca I,, uun hand so as to hu sum of e ,,,. mndiitlon on, Ihestnije, J.'ll'. Aolleo. II fsr les nre lu rchr notified II. at the? must not open ru Interfere l h Inilrunls of tile Or (toil ( ItV Water-work, ejeept h ilu y aiilhorlr.ed otr.ei rs of the l ire 1 1, purl ui"nt for fire purpose.. Wl h eve-y one tHinperlnir with l li in it la trouhiu nine and ill 111 u I to keep them III re pn ir lly order of UUf OlUAJO.N til V WAiEttCO. RALPH INGHAM Of Mllliclmlna, Yamhill County, Or.. he t' e best quarry In Oregon, for llrenlnees sinks, corner uiul headstones and all kinds of cemetery work which he will make to oKivrwoii ii.-,,, nr. nnii ins. aien. Hi-veral nr- piaces loranie in I ir. J. w. WMfs la- luyeue, tjreou. he,, d your orders. Jil-lm A Roller. All pnrties who tavn not henn already assessed are her l.y notified Hint I or m'v do u y, Mr..l. II linrlinr, will he t, iiit,.. da-ce at the Court llous in t'leuon i lly, tne U lrd nnd founli tsiiturdav'a In Jmy, I hn Vial aed Win days of July, for Mm uriiosc of re. celvliiK any a-siissinunt hut have not henn e'v r In. N. II. liAllNKI.!., Jil-Ot Amessoriif ( in, hniiiua counti. 'In-yoke work oxen, well broken to work, nine yciirs old. Inri;n nnd In itood nondl Ion, Apply I', uiiy tiim, n, i;. Wood. Oreiton I 'lly shw inlll.-iiUnr Horkliic hours at r si 'enc'n In Caneuiiih. fH-M HO( H A (MCMICXTM, Hen! Kslaln Aieuls. 16u acres fine timber land, three miles from he (olumliln, In rollout la county, luutsiO eel, of Nhler tlinlier, l.ttMi.iwti feet of fir end M , HUH fee ofceda' Ininher. 8, W. W Hec. I, T.7I4 ,4 W, hinnll house, gniat well, some fencing, ijooil Kardeu and well watered by ereefc. 1'rlco 7iu, y sVK iisNe oi.oi V . V. '" . v ; f .riJ li J'v v '1 ? s:. ? st .lolxisloii's ( asj ntlliij Vprvlaelss and Ire Ci'-..' I us the Johnson Tellse.ii lo Kve Tenter for I'-' tO' bI- 'I seh-ris Ihi. eoissol,s iM-e'ssnrv Hheiher ' o'lem.i or l onv-v, liuuhlenr l'erlsflila. II determines Hi fuenl tmmher needed. Il ill iv -i' d f t n it,-. sod iloT.r.nn.s Im twni I hvni. It ili l -i t li pr-'se oe of M,np i, I'r 'shj apm, II., pe'iuniroiltt aud Atl( mallsiu. I'nll and have ynur eyes exnililiu'd. o. ii. i.. it'U'ioi Kijirri: at Ji;i, AMI UI'l ll A V. JaoH Ittt i : -s. .vj-.: . . . ! i s--i. ' v ; ' l i r ' . -'V jiV.;:'.;-'-:'. i TIN ri.ATK. T.KAI) ITl'f ! ;ox tMI'K AM f .11 A jHS roi'ri.i:. siifi.t ji.'on mii i s, (ui'i'i u. i:k.s and IKON WIKK; ('.Al'.l-:; I II I J.NCS; Ul PiM-K !KK, V I'M 19, ZINC ETC.. EIoum' E t: i-ii EB; i ir;r N in aY:i'i aal. M WHFAt Ti;i!lih'S t F Tin, Copper nni Sheet Eron Ware. i:oo mn ; and ,io;:i;iN(i ov i:i:ny in m imi'TIon DoNK TO ni:j)Kl. AND AT l.oW I'UK l.S 1 1 a i : d w a i : !:. v o i ! : n v a i ; i . an 'i V V ' n w a i : r. i . a ntk I : n s , i.AMr.-.oii.. i. it mm: and vm ii ic kit. it: i: kalnt. Frii rs lo S.ali Un. Tlmi ! .poim-: v -co., '-'!: i Oregon lily, Ori'Kon. e' f RKID if in I Mna'l l uli r." i," I , t, V! ; ;',"" ' f H , a-, .t b, ,', , v -a f i i . , .... , '". '(, a .c i.,:, i .,. 0 KNu'S NUV iYiTIM, AW inr.I WITH COlltillNATION M-J.t'f ACI.I.r. IH'.Y WILL COHICCr N) I':ri:RVE ME S'dMf. PEDLEU3 CANNOT V. w , TUWC OOOUfl. rn st cirimf .1. M. l.AC).. b, e;ve:s:y j:s!i:c;t. 8T. GHABLE8 MOTEL, mOS. CMJIXIAX, m-opriotor, Coiuer front and Men lion N'.retU, FlUrr COAl'H TO AN'H Sr., Sc., ut the, Ci&f Brag CHAjJrJ.AfJ BROS., Wain Street. CO Y DUUU HTOIlK, Orem Cily, Ore(on. for Suit'. Ono comiilflo net of i!inl IikipI nun liin ory for a kuhIi kiiw mill, iiiniMt i nj.' imrlly of Ihi't'o wulor wliitflM; licuvy cliiiin Ititi ft'l't loll);; lii'ii'l lili.rkH, ciiitiiiKc, iIojh, nt Vilioi'l, hiihIi uiul fiiw, liruvy crinik, Iilliiiitn, Ac. foiiiili:lo fur HhkIi Kiiw Mill. Tlio moMt, of (Im iniifliiiH ry in fulr t'omll tioli. All for the low jiriri' of f I'.'S, Cull on, or ih!iIivk;i, (J. T. 1 low Alt l, Mtiliao, Clack. Co. Ojrri, Mm iiS ami eS i: r i:iitv C. 11. L, DURMEI 8T ER WiilolimiiltiT mill niiiniifiicliirliii Jfwclo, sVeihtliijr and Oluiie llhius, Ould niut tallver IMmiIuk, lialrdf weliy mud Itt artier, Walrhm niiilCkcki llniiinl iiml BqinlrvC mi Short hlUt. Hole atent for (he eeiehmli'd Wallham Vmelesi also I lie eel dilute,! Mvth 'Ihutua AIL WlTl'llt: WaRIHXTED, )lil Oulil ar fcllver lit.,t.ii In Ktrlinne. AtiliM' I'dU " s M M '(U H AVISO liM AIl li S OP.rtiOM CI1Y Iii" u nd. rsiueii la i rsimred Igluiat.e III! stloll tlotli'e, IMJMPsS 'if an ."Oitioii. lor ' Miliary use. Is Hie HI4UMI i, (ur-r of Ihe well keowtt l',l!i'urilil ll.'llv.CDil I'llll'P, imd .situ an h- In Mnpie nnd Velleis fli alo iiMiiurse' ii r -r ol .1 ''' ill 'Mfrll, Vil!l! Ilusi: ATTACH MKNT, V It'iU ii KiHirnr I' lmji In h eUi t( H, f t'li'd i.i.-l In .(irln,t rUT'Hr tu riti I i t -f 1 tiiM', H u (it, linUMit.K AMI rl kU IKNT, A! i u..n i.r-l rn (t-r i.i n, j .ffi'i.; Vu(r l ii '.t i II jf i.l ' uH, l.inv.iMt',. cv mil r,.'(ton u, L ft rut i M .!; mk t i'i th- nt.rl.iht'k !( l't Ai will turn ti ntiil I ' tmin' no lUort in, h i luri f ,.i i iiii cifM'idin ,( WiMt ,.,. s' Vii. T ' r. tn m : , ',. ilil U r, ri K, l t'iiirui't 'ir it, l U .1 Willi n t JUuUUI I ( I r , Mi w 1 i:a:r:iilvt! !iM n.m In Firry Rnprct.' 'r ft IK 4-rui ihtun: hr'fiiffr'l M.L. G. VJIJZELER. Il, O, IVit rn.l Or. K,., i ilv.Or. Km 'I'lIiS ! , . ,..,, ... I a ... V. , , ,. , r . m , " , (,., ..,, L., , , it ie iti.fc,,, i a.i a,, a.s I'liHTI.AMl, HHUf.OM. -o- FttDM THK HuTI.I,. SELL PIANOS I.Ahllt.r IM ,lt V.,1,1. j nlf!iil, fiiomuimi, 1 li,irl,. .,,llN.wa,ll',. i "',,1 !nl,.l I'mii,,.. .'III., lle J l,o.l ,ST r tuai, 1 ,,l I I, ..ft 7. 11, ANII'TLL ft . Mr.iVnl h I'cwfll, S. Col. Wll.f, YOU SI'I'TI'll vs It li Dyspepsia ami Mver f toin lull, 1 1 KhhoA's Vllnliaur Isguiir. Biilei'd in cum you. ! i 'ii, e h ,., ,, llni'illnK. M I 01, . II' ,,',. HI. Whul von nei ii for ooM'iiiniitlon. I.oisul A ppi tile, l)i',r.lncsa ami nil ympioms r,f l)yueysH J'riee 10, and 7crnis yer hul'li 1 ' Si?i