Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, July 05, 1883, Image 3

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it Hi-
ll didn't
itv amu votary,
Wharo's the Cutartict'H
Marked the sumo hn lust wu:lt.
Mr. Henry Ifuldruiu 1m once njorrj am-
01) k UN.
Tim 'otilnii iiUI huvu shut iuwn (or
Mr. (loo. Marshall, ono of Oregon
Cllv'iolil residents puid us it vIhII lust
People hero Somt'lhnCS say Unit
wuy ruins the Fourth of July
ipi yrar,
820 spavin on horses, onmd by lu
(liill'i hpavln Cure. Head their adver
nhiiit. ,
"fWiportfo iHUghlnii In building
(!"' s 'Hi teun (if Porter' block-
fllllitll soup, ,
A. W. Howard (ti'il Frodley VYesrlck
llrtHniiiMi) Iimvu our ttivults fr a Uflo lot
pi iirook trout, I
Mr. Thomas itlminli'M liiix rinlcd I lie,
upper portion of thu old 'sh biiidlii
fur ItRlging rooms,
lr. Welch has partner, ft yomiK iiiiui
pained 'h:ulln from Albany. MofKi lie
will like on well enough (u stay,
Mr. John OllVcr, of Mobills, will ever
le rutncmls.'red for a iri'Hi'iit tout we
shall trcusure hn long UN flV ivt.
The Needy schisil oii'iilii will hike place
pit Saturday, Julv Hth, not mi the- llrsl
ft tho tyK' iiiuifu m niy limt vuck.
Tho weather continue dry snd dusty,
and tlio lower t'ltd of tlu' vitfley In full of
smoke. The dinners urn anxious for
- Oregon is now smoky, Whence tho
pnioke comes wo don't know, hut It loot
lniHjhfd itM.f ujhiu u iiiiicli uarlior than
Mm. II. J. Harding presented each
llmlllllT nf Meade post (hut went to
Portland with hrnlllihll hn,l loll hole
Tha alteration mi l Improvements of
Mr U A. 1 1 nr. 1 1 nj t rnstilciicu ii i 'i i'iiii'
plwcd and wtl mow hniim ah.iin
riu yii
Kmcst Kllliitt drove lint' fWk of
ohacp through l" n it few dm uv;o.
JlCSt IN KIU.lt II KM WHM'UUll! king Ul I lilt k-
smu county.
A large dclc.'iiliii ftotn Meade font,
!iu. 2, ti. A. It, h it hint Ttieiduy tunni
ng to ramp mill tale. 1'iirt iu t(i vvivi
ta on tlu 1 mirth.
Judge Whltlock who Iihn been ailing
for m'vcrul weeks him (one on tho Alaska
excursion for tho bemtllt of IiIh health.
Tim Judge In oiio of mir oldest, bent uii'l
iiioHt reaponsihlii cIHki-iin mill wu hoot
ho will rutnrn ri'Juvi'iiiiti'il mid tlioroiinli
ly ri'itori'il In hiuiltli. V CMiiuot iiU'ord
to I'inii liny mini of III f iiturprhw mnl
Hhillty. .
Mr. John M-lilriiin left iim day hut
W. t t'i Mil hi ruin.li hi KiutiTii ln"
yn, ftiid to utti'ii'l to other hiiHiiii'HN. A
jili'UHiint trip, John!
Tli CNrriiitii' uiiitir, lr. li mtnll. In
(loiiiK Nomt Kiih'iulid wrk. l.il. t'li iw
nu jiixt hud IiIh Imi k tlxcJ ii' ami It
(IOM look ht'lti'r 1 1,111 in .
Xf.'NBm. l'. !. (VlloWN Hill) Wifl, JllN.
VnlllT Hld Will', ,i. VIKltN to thl'ir did
Jioint'N IiinI M .i. I, iv. Thry nrv- nUiivh
wi lcoiiu' iui'1 wtdl riH rivvil.
On Sntunliiy hiNt wu n-citivi'il ii jili'iin
lint fit 1 1 from Mr. Iiroiiillnit of 1'ortliui'l.
Hn (n n billiard tuhlii tiniuufurturi'r Hiid
IiIn wih ii I o iri'Hldi'N over thn bimt ri'ti
tHiirnnt on thu I'ni.'lllc Count, Whi'i) Or
t'uon I'lty )'oil (jo to i'orthind tlmy
Nhould not iii'Kh'rt to nt tholr iim-hIn
Ihnrti, XiMMi'iii t M-r tho uddroNN 05 nnil (17
MorrUon HI,, up NtulrN.
On Hiinduy IiinI nu Indhin Kid or Idol,
wiin fiiimd ni'iir Uri'i'ii I'olut. It In iiii
invunliir (ili'i-u of Ntoiio about 14 IiicIh-n
Ioiik mid HI i.u'lit'N wldi'. Thu fiu o of
thuHtoim In Nlixhlly uiiKiilnr with iIin
tinrtly iiiiirki'd fi'iitun.'N nnd wtoII
work on tin UunhN mnl t'hci'kN. Mr.
1, A. HitrdliiK In thn hiiV lioNHiiMNor of
it mid no out) Nhould nt'Kli'i't to mt it.
On Fluidity hint thn down uxi'urHlou
truln from Aurora Inul ft inrrow twiiB.
On iiiiroiu liinn th tn'Ntlii work jiiNt
nun I h uf thn liupfriul mllU two Ciiiii'iiiiili
fowN ! found on thfl tnu k. Th on-
iinu wmn Htoi.iii'd bv Iti t'liiriliui'r jiiNt in
t line to iiri'vunt ft i'iiliiniroiliit, n.iu inry
lit'cn 1'iiuiiht iindi-r thn whi'i'lN t in irl-
alillitv in Hint thn truln would Imvu bni-n
thrown from thu trm k HinJ liiiiny killud
or wuundi'd.
Thi tiono ioiiiiiinli'of tbnOri'Koii f'ity
I'lro Di'iuirtiiii'iit. iii'iordiiii' to ordcrH
frotiithf rhid. V. Albriiht, Kn.i.. had tt
drill on hiilurdiiv vi'iiiii( bt"t. Kuril
i'onimiiy pluyi'd from Nix bydrunU, but
KoiiutN II J low t o.. .mi. , ul lo inn lion
onn llrNt, thn CutartirlN Iuiviiik lont niivit
id in nuti'N ow iliii to llil) tuiiMlliiK ol l
colli. linn on tho nowlt) i ild of tli hoN.
I III' t'lili'l IIUU riuirii' oi inu oiiiuuuin
nnd thn ftiui'itt chi I o( thu (lutmiictN.
To Mr. Wm. tiribbh', wo nrn lndi-1
ti'il (or h liMik nt oni' of thn iri'tlii't pic
ture" of tho uiottocN nud i i-'IiIciiik of
Oildfi'lluwnliip, it wiin nvor our fortune lo
Nti'. Uttiwi'll itxi'iutcil, liotn in i-oiori
uud ili'Hin. Mr. Crlhbli' in hIno iiKcnt
for ft dim Work mlli'd thn ltoyid Hoiid to
Wulili, tho I'.K-ki't Miiuiml mid ttUu nu
1!.iU'i I"Wn Miinmil, thn Unt we cvi-r
niiw. hi iiiftum in it work of rt nnd
tln boolm nrc vury kimmI. Mr. (iribhle
will vinit our city Hitiu nimui mid wv
hoi that thn viilu'nbln work ho h for
null) will mri't witii ft proper reception
hy our i iii.iiiK.
Yenterduy the iiooplo of UunaHcuN,
Kuulo Cni'k mid Viiliiniteer'N were t
liiive ii picnie on thn opening ol thu mud
(roiu tlioM Hei'lioim down the i'hv kiiinuN
l.iWurilN Oregon City. Thev lire tired of
triiilinu in I'orlliuid nnd want to jmtron
I mi their own count v, but Indieve tluit if
unv bridire in to 1 built tunmN the
( liii kiuiiiin it Nhould be built wherf it
would itiTouiliiodnU! the Kfeiitent. Hum
Iwrof jnople. They truly Niiy tht ftt
l'.ukeiN l errry no 'nnro tliuu twuity
fiimilieN will llvi it, whiifoiVl werw U
hridu'e built lieitr thti niouth of KuiIm
Cn'ek itohn the ChickuiiiuH, it would
In-nelit the whole populace of one of the
richiJit Mi-tionii of the county.
hiK condition. At Wiillu Wiillu.W, T.
1 found (iviirythlnifboomliiK, At iMyton,
V, T, J found ii Ann Uwn ftiid tni.-t
Mi'MwrN. w. ll. ll. rouiN, u. l. hox'tn.
nid J. O. Iloiini't ; they wro Imlii and
leiirly, hiivn thMir woolen iiiiIin riiniiiiiK
In K"od coii'lil ioii nnd hitvn a bright fu
turn beforo them. I wInIi them numum
in their uiiderlnklnx, I nlxo met C. C,
(inrret, tin I'X-iuwNMor "f (Mnekiiinnit Co.
)reon. Oritiii look well in thin nee-
To thn ufiftn and wnnhm of Cunhy
Lmtye, No. 4U, I. O, . T.
Your comnillluc nppolnted to tirepnre
rnNolntioiiH on the ilimlli of our Into niHter
Mm. CiiNHie I'lii toii. reNiiectfiilly nulimit
thn following;
W'iihiimh, l)nntli Iihn iuvitdod our
fh'o Mil tiiken from UNour beloved N!i-
ter. therefore.
J rti, h fd h . 1 lilt WO OXlellU U) Hie
berefived hunbimd, family, and friendN,
our deepent Hympnthy, mid would jMiint
tliein to thn lemier mereieN oi nun woo
Iihn prouiiw d to be nu over prcttent help
iu the lime of trouble. .
Urviletrf, 3d. That the charter of our
Indue ho draped In inouruliiit, and ft bow
of crape hit I'liK'ed on tl ! light Nido of
th'i reituliu for thirty dayN.
Jimilvni , .id. That u mso of our min-uti-N
he dediciited to tho memory of Hi
tcr I'HVlon, and thut tin) mmm b lll
NcriU'il with her iiiinm, that ft copy
lie ftcnt to the Norrowini; hunhund, nd
family of our diH'eiiNed NiMer, I hut thev
may nco how her nieinory in cheriHhed
not only by the meinbm '-f fltift iodtfo,
hut by ali ill tbU conintuiiily.
Kfiticd, farther, that a copy of thene,
reolutioiiN Ih- funi'iHlied the county pap
er for pulilication,
Hei-pei tfiillv Nllbinitted.
ii. I,. Mm,
Caiiiiih Aoamn, Committee.
Ki.vnu Avkiiy,
In puNNiiiK we callod t tho Aurora
!nilln, whieii at, prcNimt liro (dint down
jorrepiilrN. JSo mill In Oregon han bet
ter imwhlnrry of ittt kind and everything
almut it bore the evidence of thrift nnd
good care.
The ftppl and pear crop of the neigh
borhood in Nbort but eherriun Were plaii
tif nl.
Tli niiw mill baft been rented for a
term by Mr. Jacob Muller who Iihn al
ready quite, a largo number ol fine log
in the pond.
Three U'liuiN from wilhoit fxht
KpringN arrive regularly every day with
Noda water for 1'ortland, Largo ijuanti
tii N of it are whipped from here t) all
putlN of thu Ntatu.
Hut onn of the moat Nolomjland cchid
ed upotN in Oregon In tli pliu where
Dr. Win. Keil, tli futhorof tho Aurora
(ienmm colon v, and Id family ars hur
led. Under the nIhmIo of beautiful co
darN, yewa and other cvergreenn, urn the
gravea of the old doetor, bin wife, two
noun and four daughters, Lift on' wife
and three, urandeliiidrcn. On the iIik:-
tor'N grave ia ft largo hoftdntone of Ituliun
inarhle, all tho other Ix-lng fumiNhed
with wiNideu oneN. neatly l'arvel and in-
m ribed In (ieruian text with tho niimoN
and date of tlio birth and death of those
who rout beneath It '!" mr,e' Idea
of what a rcNtimi . ' ' A nhould bo,
mid it In a credit i i tin conimilnl
ty in and around ' 'W they have
mich ii lieaqtiful i . m 0.ir uiiditU
Mr. fii.ii. Kran ' ' Use lrtt ap
pointed l)t am! ' '! we have
wm-ii forumiiy ft d if ,i SJitWkdent that
the tm'oiiIo of Am '- t relieve In
hiiviiisf tho roady i .! imnufac
tured by our Mon . relhtu in :?an
l.eavinir Mr. Kraut' hi rre wo tailed on
Mr. Andrew tiiwuy, who lion of the
inoHt comploto liftriifNt tusking cNtahlioh
meiitN in Oregon. Urn work n peak n for
Itnelf and w ill compitn -witli that of any
Himiliir eHtariliHliment l.i Urcgon.
Mr. KeoKh. tho engineer who was ao
badly ftciibled a nhort time ago. is pro
ereHning finely under tho care of lr. W,
I W. (iienev. Ho IN nt the Atiront Hotel,
Aurora hn aljout H) UdmhiUutg and la
ntill growing,
Minn U. tiieHy left for Pacific Co., V.
T., to vinit friendN and old asNin-iaU'N.
She waa tti'coinpaniod by her brother an
fur aa l'ortluud.
lr. W. V, tiieney ban jimt received
flue colt from Wiinhington Territory. He
waa ottered much moro money than ho
paid for it out an it In ft iiuo rmultiter he
needs it liiinK. '
July 2, 1K8.1.
The Hoda.HpringN pie nic in ft thing of
thu pant. It waa a doeidud nuccchn,
Tourteen hundred mtnoiin drflilk mn
tniubled the watera, The Silverton
hronn band gave their MTvieox free for
th i oiTiihioii. I'rof. Mclulyro delivered
mi oration in re'iird to S'liiduy aehiKila,
Ac., He miid tlie originator of Sunday
Hchin.ls wiin an KiiKlinluimn, n citizen of
I'.rint'.l, (he pin city of Kngland. Mr. I'.
J. Uidinu-n, the piivtdcnt nnd muxter of
cereinonii'H, aeeiued rained fmm the
..... .1... .Hi.... Tl l.-,l.i .11.1
ITII'lie lor l I. li t'. nu- i.ir.i.-.,i4.n ..... ,r oft ,ooq
IIH'lr 11111 V H till II 1 Wl Ullinil . II- . .
ftworiU th. v Inul .Irawn canes, which M .. Li.m :-A evbryb.rfy in mtent
7. ... ! ...... I.' i. ..j .i..M',.u I on tulliinir about mad and hruigoa 1 ask
he o were ..,.o inaginnrv foe iH-m ath j "!"!' " yourcohm.i.N to give ft few m-at-i..
l t.....,.l tl,.,. one of them I " "baa that, have come into my head
Ktreti-hcd the earn of oonii' unruly boy!
thut acted a little doiikeyinh. It crved j
them right. l!r:iv iniimhid, give honor i
to whom honor in due. The ringing by!
the ni hooln wiin done in an excellent and '
creditable xtvlo. The U auty and talent j
of t'lucliainan county Were hlendc'l to-
'1'yjlh ll'y llrma.
Mm W. J.CuhUell hulliK U'Nt N. liT
tloil of llowern 'i, the IkwI Imikiiig gar
den, not only in thin town, hi,t Ii) any of
tair licighlririiii; citit'N Ni nay all vim
.r. Hi Honor Iho Mayor hill pn-Ni'iited
Caturuet Honi' Co. Nu. 2 with a nplemlid
ting alair which we ly'C to Nee r.iiwd
omrii and itn flag Hying on regular meet
ing iilghtN.
Tho Kntkiimusk lu'know IcdireN
(nun the Hon. Wni. Te,-h, comniinnni.ai
yr of chin it v for the nUte of W i-iooin
Ahwnee from town prevented tin f.viu
meeting him.
MennrN Koutn, llonnet, and K.titn, of
liivton. V. T. have their wm.N'ii mill in
full riinuhvt order. Cvervlrnug started
Up Ntiioothly and nicely 'aud plenty of
wool i on hand.
From McMinnville, we lenru Unit Mr.
A. J. Appeivon ii iiegotiiiling for the
Newhy wandioiiM' nt that plwy. Humid
he Ihtouio ila owner he will in all proba
bility remove to Yamhill Cu.
Rhoumiitinm In tho niont tcnil.le ilin
eaw that h.in ever nllheted huiiiiuiitv.
yet It liintiinllv yields to the powerful
dmgN that Kendiill'N Spavin Cure In com
poed of. Head ildvel tineinenl.
lU pnirn Nhould be linmrdiiitely Hindu
on thn apron at tho north end i tho
Clackiimiia wagon road hrU'.'. 1'tankN
are line and a railing in rmiltv nii.tWd.
In Itn preneiit condition it ia du:)c- roim.
At the nreiuen'N drill laM Siitwdayag'HMl
Ntreiitu of water waa thrown on iho top
of tho Imperial mill new warehoune.
It w aa fully demount rated that our w ater
workN are ample for tho extinguishment
of any tiro that might in cur.
Quito a number of the Ihivh nro going
lo .Mount HikxI next tvitimhiy. iry
nearly all the iiiciiiIhtn of tho Mmdy
airing bund will ) oij of town ami'
Home will tin howling Iu tho wihlcrncNN.
Mr. Johnny W nteMiin Kelly ,ow forviuai)
In one of the gang.
When your only beloved ami ooiiion
home scarred up aa the renult of ft juven
ile fight, apply Ken'tiill's Hpnvin Cure,
and tho pain w ill ceimn nml the Intellect
will bo greatly Ftrenglhened; and in all
probability he w ill noon, he in tlio V,l:)lg.
jloiiao. Head advertineiueiit.
There waa ft plennant wedding paiy uf
Mr. rruier'N near tho LiM'ka on Tuemlay.
evening. Another Mfnn I'ariner bticiime
another MrN. Kurd. There wkn ii K'K'd'y
number of young people preaent, 11 nice
supper and Nome line preKenta. May their
married life continue uh pleutijut im the
The road liint north, o( tho, yVbeiiiethy
bridge w hich waa recently oMnid neeilN
tt g'Hid deal of Horupjiig, Thotu are knolln
and hollow'N that Nhould1' 1k. done away
with. When people voluntarily give
their property for the public pood, wo nee
no la'tter way than putting tlio annul in
tlio beat poNaiblo condition.
Mr. Hubbard, of Violg, took, homo a
fine, mower lt Mondiiv. It whh uuiiiii
fftctured bv tho JuciNon.Mfg Oi., t Ouk-
luiid, Ciilitornlii, for whom Mr. John Mv
era In agent. Wo liko lo kuu Vueillc
CoiiHt iiuinufiict tired- article coming to
tho Hlirfiice. rat rpnl.o homo tiuluntr(l'N
tliat In tho bent UiinU)t.l,l'otct.tiijl''
Lnnt WIiioday thu liltle, iHiugliter nf,
Mr. H. Nachandi who renidea cloao to
tlie Clackutniift bridge, while j.l.vving at
Hchool, fcUiinvt brolte her nun jUHtnbtiv.c
thov.,ni.t. Jr. J. W: Notria. who, by
tjiy.wv 1" "" "IU '"'Ht I'liyHielaiiH In Or
Bgon.'wiia called on and reduced tho
ffacturo, Till) UUio (fin 18 progruHHing
Mr. 1', C. Martin E'c acnjn to visit
your county nhu.
Weather dry, but rrop are looking
Well, inHi'lillly full wheat.
Hav Wilt ti hint."-" ! thoonilgni'lnn ;
liiont of tho new comcra go far eanl of un.
AiU'rt Biivago, ami of llnrxele, ia niar
ried and in kn old funhioiied now lis any
of UN.
Mr. John Mayfu Id who formerly lived
in votir cmnty, now liu'i neat: llcpptu r
Hlld in doing well..
The widow Ktricklin and fauiilv, more
A c;ill al your olil ( lackaiuaa count v (eniacum
are all tloing wviis
liniHN V alley east of Tho Halle i set
tling up very iuM having incrcuned ten to
one in thn hiM year.
When niH'onnry we can irrigate nearly
all our laud, but we do not do it for grain
l'or garden truck we do and we can beat
the world for vcgetablca.
Memrn. Itnrxcllcftiul Alliert Savage. are
still living and doing well, although they
hu,vo '.ont a i;reiit many childrili by diph
Uieria aince they cuine here.
The Ciiwude Mountain mad (bv Har
low 'a (talc) in innpleiidid condition other
iemrtn to the coiiirurr notltU.itaiiilUig.
It In bet In-r than ever feforov
We nro ruiNiuif foie of tho fluent
horseN in Or-goti iiiKlouriM'ople are pay
ing more attcntU'U to lineNhn k than ever
In lore., Nnm we aliull bo the Kentucky
id, Auierica.
Mont of the largo bamln of caltlo have
lieen Kohl, l'or titty inilen from the
tiionntaiiiN mont of the range linn la'cn
I'ikten out, but beyond that there are still
largo herds.
Our range is becoming len every year,
although wo Ntill ruinv a great iiuuiIh'I'
of aheep, but tho decrcane of range,
means the ijiereani' of fanning land, con
neiuMillv mine nettlein and population..
Jtint what we and till Oregon neeil.
it wiail crop baa been very good, but
to the late legislation ol I onurena,
lUiK iiiliclegiHUilion too at thnt.we
do not begin to get un gmid ft price for
our wool un wo ought. lVimwrat that
we aro wo do not believe iu cutting dow n
prici'N otbe .American producer.
GranihopperN aremnking their npjvar
anco now In our midt. They nee not
doing iuikIi iliiuiiige hn yi;t, bij, Henven
only kiiown wmiv iney uuiy no in iow m
tnn. If thoy lncreani an they have for
thu IitHt two or three years,, we ahull be
t)enrly as bud olf an Ui peoplo of poor
from hearing ncverul r iuart men of thin
county at dillcivnl tunc, dim uns thin mut
ter. In the irt pJace the fact is there
nre some cople (judging from tlio sign
ers to a M-tition circulated by Mr. Nol
letl), who want a bridge across the Mol
ulla ut tho site of the old (ioode bridge,
and I am informed by other parties that
those w iintinir the liruigo pay no taxes.
Now I say thin is not riuht. A poor man
lian no riiiht U travel a road or cruaft a
bridge, such luxunea nro tur Uie lun-He-proud
pn.pi'rly owner who Is out ofdebt ;
he is the iiiHii who dovs alt tlu trawling ;
lie "pava taxes uVjon," "and don't you
forget tl-"' . T'.n rg urj ptl.era who say
tho riv..'. '
now." . '
word it-i '
j bri " . . t .
I coiiit V H.-at and tnen
gi-ther, making one hiirtnonions whole.
There was u pow wov or dance in the
hkntitig rink or hall, 1'ridny or Saturday
eveiiini's j tho ice did not break, ciJi'w."
ipieiitlv there was no one drowned.
Mr. McLaren with gener .un liltrality
gave all vinilorntotho pie nic tho freedom
of tin- ground (or thut day.
P. II. Iiiiiian has cnujht bin gopher in
my nit imp; ho found him one morning
an dead an a d.nir nail. We rejoice ex
cee.linly (or Hi" death of tlio common
lk'iiver ljiko htintem have roi- U) the
mountains on a grand hunting expedi
tion. An there are several i.naii biiiouk
them I expect to nave soiiiei.i,oS w. , ."..,, ... ,.
comuiuniciiU' wt.eii it icy reu in. j. '-;" .".r ,.,...:,, .,!
the highest
the way to build
Mr 1 I 'M, o Mr ' P '"- S"t down on internal
...n...l (,,rlt-. i.-,uul;.mnon I r .laV CV ""'J v.... -
pie conld for
i(t 'em do it
r and let the
: hat Clackanias
(t'ery" to Uuld
: . ' r get to their
t how tmungra-
Iftr I'rom PIounoM Hill.
Jcke 29th WX
En. KsTKHfiilNR: There was ft select
linnr party and picnic at thu reniijenco
if Mr. M. CulkitiM on the 2:!rd inatuut.
About eighty guentM as lernbled. At Urn
o 'clock the I IcuHBiit Hill hrHSN mud ren
dered Hiiveral pieces of line music for the
entertainment of the party, and then the
choir sang "The Picnic" In a very credit
able manner. After this thu baud boys
played tho air of the sume in a pleasing
style, then for awhile tho band and the
choir took it time about entertaining the
merry crowd with excellent vocal and in
strumental music. Then the choir nai.g
the "Croquet song" and the game waa
immediaU'ly introduced and from thence
on the click of the bulls arid an occiuiion-
al peal of hearty luu'fhter over tho game
could be heard until late in the evening.
The baud boys were unnniuilly generous
with their music, and if 1 do say it
played some real genuine good pieces,
ami, considering the time they have been
practicing And the unavoidable changes
that have taken place among its mem
bers did exceedingly well, with the as
sistance of Mr. Bcott Inglis, leader of the
New burg brass band who most gracious
ly came down and kindly took part in the
exercises. Ami one thing which the
band in noted for in its promptness in fur
nishing music. Also the iiuiiiIst of thn
pieces oud the willingness with which
they render them. Hurfng tho day game
of all kinds suitable for the occasion were
iritnsluced. At alxjut one o'clisk the
party, headed by the band, prrx-ceded to
the harmonious (.trains of a beautiful
march, to where a bountiful dinner was
spread on a table underneath the mass
ive firs near by, Tl.e, dinner, I must say.
was simply elegant, the table being spread
with all the delicacies imaginable, and I
believe the gmsl ladies present surely
must have prided themselves greatly in
the excellence of the different dishes set
before us, And I am confident that most
of them understand tho art of pantry to
perfection. After dinner was over and
all had partaken heartily of the ruaguitl
cent reliant, the dancing portion of the
merry-making party repaired to the spa
cious ball room w here dancing was kept
up until late in the evening. itlt danc
ing, croquet, instrumental and vocal mu
sic, and games of all kinds, there was no
tima for any one to fee I dull and sleepy.
Then the large quantity of cherries, that
looked so enticing! the thoughts ol wliii.ii
almost makes one wish there w as a pic
nic nine days out of every week ! Thanks
for the enjoyment of tlio occasion are due
every one i.resent as all were alike in
Uiukmir the most of every thing. Mill, of
course, the honor of the event principally
is'iongs lo me wonny committee oi ar
rangement.." Mrs. G. Olds of Middle
ton, Mrs. J. C. Buchnnun of fiutteville,
Mrs. S. Calkins of "Grove House," and
Mrs. J. W. Gmhum of Graham's ferry.
At six o'clock the party after congratu
lating themselves iioii the plennire. of
the day bid each and all pleasnaut adieu,
and departed satisfied that nil had prov
ed a success, notwithstanding tho fact
that a man (not a i4itlemaii)of thU com
munity had tried to hire several of the
band boys to pt.iv truant aud spoil the
music, but our Pleasant Hill bandlioys I
am proud to say, nro not to 13 purchased
for the hiiuill sum of lire doll art, let it be
understood. And it this man has any
uiore eiudi to lisn)se of let him donate it
to the Imnd for playing, instead of trying
to hire them not to play. Among those
who were jire-sont were Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Buchanan of Hutteville, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Jan. Old of I.iifnyetto, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Parrot t, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parrott,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrott of "Wild
Hirtve," Mr. nnd Mrs. Kohimton of New
l.nr Mr suit Mrs. Attli-hnrv and Mrs.
Smiock' of Mtddleton.'Mnr. J. V. ttralmm
of Graham's ferry, Mrs. John S week of
MtVNI.IilttiM OTM l"..
Mr. W, V,'. f-trleklin, of Trncey'n 1ms
pair of bulls thut he wirihes to sell.
They aro six years old, lurge size and
well broken to work. 4t
If you want aft organ pr a piano come
to me. I can furnish you with whatever
you need. J. Kciiham.
To Whom It May Concern.
Thl certifies that Jfr. A ndrew Kocher
is the only authorized agent for the sale
of the Ieering machine iu the county, for
the season of lHu. All orders given to
him will be promptly filled. Orders giv
en to any oilier parties w ill not bo filled
after this date. Wm Ijukrino,
I'.y O. 1.. Erving, General Agt.
Oregon City, June 14, lH&i.
. . '.J. U -'J1
AVe would like a fof more small im
proved terms for Io near Oregon City.
We are selling many more farms than
any other agents in the county. Judge
l'.andall gives his entire attention to the
business, Cuoss & Kanimu.
ahitl - Ileal Estate Agents.
Foh 8ai.e. A fine bodv of timber land
on trie O.AC. H. K. Most of it good
soil. Only nlsmt two hundred yards
from it illamette Itiver. Kit'lit of way
and wharf privilege oecnred. Wol sella
at f'2,2") and $L',"iO a cord, abundant sale.
Will at-1 1 for cash orxi-hunge for im
proved farmhiij lands.
Crohn & I'ANnALL.'
al2G Heal Kstate Agent.
Two splendid blocks and In the most
desirable location in City View l'ark ad'
dition to Kant Portland, about one ndle
from the eitv limits. Street cars will sen
run there, the inm being now on the w ay.
UM sell from 150 to t.iJO. Terms very
easy. This is a chance to put away a
nest egg for a rainy day. Sixty five lots
adjacent to these ' blocks were sold last
week. For further particulars apply to
Clemkxts & Hisvi:, Heal Estate Agents,
Enterprise OUice,
Oregon City, Oregon,
For Pale. From two to five acre
tracts of good unimproved laud adjoin
ing the city limits for sale at reasonable
figures. Cuoss 4 Hamiaix
alio Keid Estate Agents
Notice ofi'luiil Proof.
Tin4 onto at Oregon City, Or,
June , M.
Notlwi Is hereby (rlVMi that the following,
n mxlNolM r has filed notion of hlhiteii.
tlon to mnkn flnnl proof in support of lil
claim aiel that mid prof will bo muds tn
rorn Ilt'iclnlsr snil flewlvrr. Nt V. a. I.ri.i)
offlu. at I'rcgDn Cllr, Or., on BnturUsy, auk,
, mill, yls :
Ucorun Armstrong, homsntcad entry, Nn.
3I.'M, n.r th Heine snj ndditlotinl
horiK-MFNd entry, No. SOU, for lota 1 and J,
all In neo s, t in. rS.
Mb names th following wltneMti toprovs
his continuous rflnlrlence upon and e.illlvn
tl -n nf l(l Innd, vis :
J. C. Biit. W. M. Htonc. K. JH. Ttlehrdmi,
amlJ.H KlehnrilMin, a I of Oicxon l.lty pot
office, Clackit-nas county, Orrgon,
."tiollce of final Proof.
Land offlcs at Orf gon City Owgon,
June 4, limt.
Nntlwi Ii hrby riven thnt the followlnf
nimcd settler hut ft If d notice of h r lnln
tmn to mK Hunt proof In iipnrt, nf hi-
elslin snuthnt id pri.of will b mails Imfore
He glKtrr and Kdcclvor, V. H. I-nncI I'tllee, st
Onuon City, Oreicon, on Hiituniny, July 1.
lon.1, 7ls :
-tlnrtha June iJindli, widow of Jacob 8,
fjindls. dwned, who msda bomcttBud eni
try. No. iKtii, lor n Hofift k. and HildillonHl
hoineslcsi entry. No. 4076, fur S HofS k
all In sec A, t3. r5e,
Sh nmnes the fn lowing wltncws to prova
her e ni Unions retldence upon, and cultiva
tion of said land, H :
W. T. I. Inn. i;harls Mnn, Wniley I)ong
Inu mod Knhert Poftter, ml of Eaftls t'rK,
ClaukainM county, Oregon.
H5t ReglsUir.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Will take contracts in town or eoutry, in
all work in first-class style and agree to
pve sntiifiiction. Prices low to snit the
times. Cnlciuiiming, biil posting, etc.
don on short notice. sepM
.Notice of Final Proof.
Lnd Office at Oregu City, Oregon.
June). iaJ.
Nottos !s hereby elven thst tho followlnif
rumrd settler has filed nolle of hi Inten
tion to mk-e final proof In support ol hla
claim and thst uld proof will be mde bofora
Hi!lterand Keo lver V. Land offioe,
Orison City Oregon, o Krlday, July W, 18W,
v- . . . ..
John IJ. runer, nomewiira eniry nu.
for the n H of n k. of I, t i , r 4e,
He name t he following witnes-es Uiproy
hi continuous renldenoi upon, auj eulllva
tlon of nld land vis : ...., .
J H Wewer, V. '1 rube', Nets Nelson and
O. I'ederaon.Nll of Sandy, Clackamas eounty
Anio Ulrlck Trubl, homestead entry, No.
S.HI, for the e , of n e !, of t V, 1 2 s, r 4 ,
lie name the following witnee lo prer
hlseontliiu'iureiiidenc up"B, nd cultivae
tl n or, ld lai d. vis :
Hernianu Kihcr, J. H. Wewer, 8. B. Hatch
andJoha Ullrich, allot Sandy, Claekainaa
cou.iy.Oreton. UT.BABt.
!45t Ite6iler.
ho In .py U of . l.nVu,g!-nrfrty. They will ov
ne pHund girl ' Wife nnd ds-.,-b.er ar , Wd .11 jump rig it up to
migilsMiig favornblv. 1 for to men- , r ; hat . the
ening nnd all were sinking:
Some love to roam on the dark sea foam
Where the shrill winds whistle free
l'.ut a chosen I'lind in n uioiintaiii land
And a life in the woods for me.
The doer wo nuirk in the forest durk.cte.
Wu. Howkul.
ItOlt ,
lion anil cupitul, the. wherewith tnat Vr,'.: , "
Anna Kruse, Katie Wagm-r, Allie lwn
ing, Maggie Inglis, fay UiJiinson, Mar
tha Young, Lily tweck, and Messrs. Al
ex. week, Julm Clove, Scott Inglis,John
Her, Chas. ltiku-. ( has, Pristow, Uick
l'arrott, Frank and Fred Olds, Frank
Kruse. Willie Wagner, I'nve McConell,
Mat. Haker, Eli Calkins, Wm. and Geo.
Youngt aiI others too numerous to men
tion. Yours tnilv,
in the stone age. Hut our rmartC lacka
miis county financiers w ill say it w ill put
the connty'in debt, and unit until next
veur, then we will have a bridge. I say
if they can build a bridge) next year they
can thin. (Suppose- the fanner wnnta a
machine to cut his grain, diK'S he wait
until after harvest and then go and buy
one? Nol lie s.vs 1 w.iU buv a machine
now and when 1 thresh 1 w;jl (ay for it.
That is the sensible way bit. iiue tine ma
chine w ill be useful in the future. I not
On Thursday lust we paid tho alwvo thn snine reasoning applicable to the
town a visit and wen- surprised to find it j htidgo? I any most assureifry it is. If
a place of even more life and enterprise the county is not aide to pay for any ren
thiiu we anticipated. The Hint familiar, sonnble inprovcuient tkut will increase
face we found mi arrival w as thnt of An- j the value of property then it ought to sell
drew Kocher, one of Aurora's principal ; out, dog cheap, to "the highest bidder.
liieivliiuitN. Amly lis.k us in ins nouse i luit luutils up any cfuiniryr lupuai.
This favorita summer resort ia now
open for the reception of guests. TUe
house has been thoroughly renovated, and
new furniture, beds and bJdiu$ put in.
The Table will be snppKed with tine best
the market affords, and no palua w ill be
spared to secure tba eujpynieut and com
fort of cuests.
The Camp Grounds, as nsuah is in good
order, and uptlied with Swings, Dancing
Floor, etc.
A eood snwlv of Groceries. Provisions,
Cigars awl Tobacco, etc., kept constantly
on hand m the store at reasouabia prices.
A potitofllce will be established tie first
of July, with mail service three tijues a
week. M. L. McLEBAN, Lessee-
For further information, apply to
Wilhoit, ClackaoJA ftt..
Or McLERAN l!ECS..rertlni
Police of I'lastl Proof.
Wnd Office at Oregon City, Or.
Notice 1 fcerby cten that the following;
nmnl ttler bss flled i.olloe of hi Intentloa
to muke flusl ptoof In uppo t of his euj m.
nd tliat ald proof will be m'le before Ken-.
Utei and K.-celver, U.S. Ind ofilee t I're-.
gnn City, Oregon, on Friday, July law,
"'liihn II Wewer, homertead entry. No.JOTft
forthew H.ofe i. of see 14, t J . r 4 e.
He name the following wltneMo to prrve,
h eonlinou reldence upon, and cuitivalloa
of said lunn, mi:
H Hcher,T. Fischer, C. Tiubel, and NeU
Nelson, ail of bandy, Clackamas County,.
"AUaUHermnn Fischer, homestead entry.
Nn. for thi n H of w W. snd sdditloiinl
homestead entry, No. 8WJ, f.r the H of n W
k. of see ll, I li.rte.
lie name the followinr wltnee to provs
hi. eontlnuou reidenc m,ou, and cultlva-.
IWn of ld Isn't, vis : ..,, . .
John r. hubbe. U.Trubel.F. Beetle, and J..
H. Wewer, U of ttaudy. C aekama county,
u,e jn- 1m T. BAUIN,
tllH Itegirtcr.
.leasure of meeting
. a iinreins, .Mr uim
Xifflitf t
Tiiml Ih'i
Oitu llor!.
Thp.beHt ftirm In tho brush end of
Clackuiiuw county, for itnod yield nnd
heavv weiiiht to tho bushel is ownod by
J. P. tlasfo of Nestueeii. And the boss
two Voke of ivxen, inul best driver of the
siiuie nre loi ated at tiswego. On Satur
day the L'lld said oxen hauled al one load
ftviut.hu griuuiry of said .1. P. thigii to
(Hiwego a distance of live miles the enor
mous amount, or HO sucks, weighing 7,'J00
piiiinds, tor which the ueut little suiii of
142 40 wus cuqoived. Next.
I N'oztT..
Juno 28, 1883..
Editoh EKttfniHK : After Icay.ing
Oregon City ( caniu to Duinnseu and
then) found ft tine forming country.
Passing on to Sandy t found a Hunviali;
ing village mid tho gTaju UJ. tluit sectitui
IfHiked tlnu. Pussiug on to StumnvilUi I
finiiid Hon. 11. Medugin looking out; ft'V
tho toll. The road ia in good coiulititm,
I lie it came to TvLdi VulleV Utul fiMHld
ciups looking well ; punsliuf "nn ti (Jniss
ViilJi'V tho. uruiil. moked Pliy WiJ the
stock is in splendid eoiulit inu. At Keho
1 found ft llounshing village. Arrivnm
at Pmidleton, thu county sent of Umatilla,
county, I found everything iu a flotiriah-
- 1 1 1 - i ' 1 ' ' '
where we hud the
his fninilv. and wife
Mrs. J. C. Cnriithers, former residents of
Springwater.ChickainiiN t o.,Nit now res
i.leiils of Wasco Co., Oregon. Kegn'tting
the luck of lim to muke a longer stay we
visited the store that .Mr. Kocher has;
jiv t disposed of to Mr. J. Will, We saw I
a givsl stock, a commodious huildinpaud
an obliging proprietor, lie deserves to
du well. Our next visit wiin to the store i
of Mr. F. Oiesv, which will compare very
well with thntof any store in any town
in Oregon south of Portland. In this
store is the, post-ollice and hiring oirt
stnv the mail waa expeditiously disttib
tite'd and the wants of the public ndinirii
hly attended to- Our next point was the
Aurota liottd, persided over bv Mr. Ja
yol.i (iiesv. So many p'nt.le have par
Uiken of the excellent meals of this fioa
tch ie that no encomium concerning its
hill of fare is reiplired or necessary at our
bunds, tjuile a trade has sprung up in
tigricullunil implements at Aurora, it be
ing hs'iited midway between O. City and
Sulcin and well situated to supply either
tho farmers of Marion orClnckiim.'is coun
ties. Mr. A. KocherWill soon build V,
lino new building near tho depot.
One of the most complete w.agotl ahops
in Oregon is located at this place and
owned by Mr. Stephen, Smith,, lie has
an eight horse power steam engine,, lathes
ami circular suys uud all thu machinery
necessary to do." nnv kind of wood work.
His stock of custom and Oregon spikes
and felloes speaks well for tho enterprise
of thu section iu whiili he lives.
A lino church is near tho tow n, but we
learn tliat services Imvu.bevti held there
only a verv few times In several years.
Mr. Wm. Fry is tho hlucktiuith of the
burgh ami from it casual glance at his
building and largo collection of tools he
tnint I as doing a good' business, lie is
said to bo imo of tho Ixat mechanics in
his lino in tho statu.
Messrs. Smith Ruppa have an un
dertaker's establishment, but owing to
the healthy Ideation of tlio town and the
robustness of' those living any where in
or near thu town they uro not much
trouhlud with business.
Wo next willed on lr. M. Oiesy, oi'p
of Oregon's best nnd most successful
pnvsicians. IT. viiesy is wen riiwwjuii
thfs I'ouiily nnd has a very large practice
in.it. No mutter wind wo might, say, we
could not do justice to his skill' uud guild
heart. Ho is a man whom it is a pletis
uiH) and un honor to knowi. CMssitig.thc
Htwiun wo next saw Pr. W. . Oiesyone
of tho most pi oiuinent. young physicians
iu Oregon. Studious in his hiibits nnd
devoted to his profession ho bids fair to
make a imnie aecond to none on the Pa
cific Coast .
What brings capital? Enterprise.. W'hat
brings enterprise? Internal improrr
ment. What koepa our county back? I
w ill toll voii. A lot of bloat-headed fools
w ill slu'iit against invjtrovement and hold
tip their hands with horror at debt. Our
grandmothers didn't believe iu putting
the county in deU aix) neitlusr ih we. It
w ill ruin us fonver. The county w ill get
AVaxtbo, at OKwego, two-horvifl teaui
to haul brick and wissl and work on scra
per. Wajjos, $.") per day.
Orkuos Iaos & Steel Co.
Elegant line- of birthday and wedding
congratulation cards at A. W. Howard's.
If you need anv harness, saddles, etc.,
call and see J. K Orahaui.
gold frames at A. VT
Ai the residenco of M. O. Card, J. 1
Mr. Orlando Fellow s, to Miss Olive Kirk,
both of Highland, Oregon. May joy and
happiness be their lot for evermore.
At the (Tiff House, Oregon City, July
E. tierrv, .Mr. A. V. tin
7 WkejMusX
Notice of I'lal Proof.
Ind office at tr gon City. Orejon.
June . 1SS3,
Kotlea 1 hereby clveo thst the following
named r.tler ha flled not ceot hi Inlentiou
to make flual pnsf .n upportof hiilu)ink
snd 'low aid oof ill b mude before Keg
lsler snd tu-clver V. 8. . d orbce, t j.n-.
..... -. iirenoM. on Tu'dsy.July , lnw..
vii -TUoma i . I'cttitt, hi)iiuied entry. No..
.'. for the e ) of n 1 of sec IS, 1 2 . r 4 r.
IU uaui' tbe followmc witnee to ptove
his ooullnuou reldeuc upon and cultiva-.
turn of.sul laud vl:
M.tppenoo. V. Uurde. J, BtroulB and
IV. ker, uiuf Kafile Creek, llacksuis County
p' L.T.BABIN. Register
liianrdlaa'a Hale.
Johnson, McCown Tanner, ally's
In accordance to an order and ileeno I-,
lued to me out of the Ciaiuty Cuurt,ol Wuitnos.
nmn county. ou'Ron, auihorwniic ni M.
i.uurdluu ol the person and es alcoi tranc-(
fc. lainplieli.an Uiwne pertou. I.wltlou
K1DAY, tbelth day ol July, A.D. 1SS3,
at the Court Bouse door. In Oregon City
Clackjinis county, Oregon, sell at puuilo uo
tlou totlie hUbeai bluuer lor ch Iu baud
the lohuwL'i decribe i real pr iperty, situate
Iu Clin:ka,us County, Oregon, to-wll: Tn,
undivided luree iteeuth ol the north nlf
of me donation land claim of Feudal C. Casoa.
and, wiw ta li ttKIE. . .
i. a. n v. " . ..
Guardian of said ward,
June T. MM.
W't l. 1'
iu debt to the county and the devil w ill j j.'cr at'i ancy lA-abo, ull ol Cluck
, ...... .i... tl. - :ii Ixa .... '
ia) m juiy generally, i nu tuiuiiv in uv anias Co., viregoiu
hankrtiiil. .ow i w nnt io ssk hi uu can
dor, did anybody ever hear of. a. eoiintv
bankrupting itself bv improvement? If
so, how did they adjust th business?
Did tliev sell the county, and it who
bought It and for, w hat purpose.. I have
never la-ard of i.su.t; baiikswitiog al
thoiih souie othses jeiiy havu iLu- so.
Hut lot one of tln-se fellov hitvo a farm
worth lOOO frwk' an-.f tiie man any
if such an inipruvciiii lit was made I'd
give you tJiXH), h will figure it up ami
say to himself 1 ran rt3 thut kr 7lH); aee
how ipiick hn will IsTn w the money and
make tliis ontTp in h;i n.ir: I-nprove-nu'iit
worth $tboO; to ensh, tW ;
I'rotit. t:t(K): bullv tor met Hut don't
you give tho county tliis show in her im
provements ; It might increase inv taxes
six bits, and although it will increase tho
value of fund ny hind is not for sale and
what do I care? Tliomoro it ih worth
tho more taxes I will havo kv pay and
some of these twor ciiHses might get the
iH'.netlt of It and that is not right fur wo
want them to stav right, where tlmy are.
and then It will build up Oregon City and
wo don't believe In that. For some season
unknow n to mQ about four-fifths ol the
people in this county do not want t' sec
Oregon City build up. Thoy havo a spite
at it. Now for my part I should like to
see Oregon City its largo as Portland j
then Chicknmiis countv could havo good
roads and briirgea too. Tliey say,, idi,
let the court huiiso go. We have got Just
ns paid a court house as we, need., Well
If r.i.v county in Oiviron or anv other
place, iv.'.vds'a, court house Chickunias Co..
does. Tho lU'eSHlll ttl'lllllgeiuuuis uiw
diariuto U) tho county, tho town and.hV
neiuile-in L-enenil. Whv is Illinois tla
third stuto in the Union? It hv not Ue-
cnusa the soil is moro productive, or the
clliuoio Detu'r mini inner vim en. pim i
still eiuuituriitiviilv. a young stuto. It ia
because her nooiile tool, hold of ititeniHil
imiiroveinent and did all tlte.V cculd t
build .hnr up. liistetid of oinbracing fo
gvisin tliey went hiini in luinil Willi aii-
liifhlonnu'iit. Instead of saung, do as
von. did twentv vcuiN airu. thev Nuid W
erv venr brimrs Its imnniveuients .iuid.wp
aVf'keep up with tho times, "bust or.-u
bust." Hoping to hear from others on
tliis subject I am
, Ox Who pays no Tax.
At the lesidence of the bri'tVa father,
Mr. Jos. M. Fanner, Linn City, Oregou,
July :l, lS.s.1, bv Uev. K. Oerrv, Mr. A.
Ford und Miss L. iV.vFaJUifr,ult of Cluck
aiuas CoM (hegon,
I.etler I.U.
Follow ing is a list of Utters remaining
in the postotUYe at Oregon City, Clack
amas county, Or., July 5, 18S3.
If called for say when advertised
Hurrows, James
Finncii. J
tirace, Entitle Juss
Howell. M Mrs
James, 1 W Kev 2
Muthias. C II
Pereth. John
Sinifh, E.U-Miss
, Herrith, John
riemiug, n
Jlawley, IIC
llurrin'gton, B Mrs
Lowrey, U
Potter, A A Mrs
Kugg, K K
Wagner, C W
J. M. Bacon. V. M.
Tlwe mnl SneeeMfnl Remedy ever dis
enveced s it in re titln In Its rnVrts and does
not blister. KKAl) I -KuoK tEl-OVV.
Saved Him 1,800 DolUrs.
Adams. N. Y.. Jan. , 1W.
Pa. B. J. KF!ni.i. Co.. Ueni :-llAvin
d 'd Rood desl of your Kendnll fpvm
Cur llh grMt sueeew, 1 tlioii;lit I nu!d
lei voj know what ll has done for e. Two
year nco I hsil svdy a coit s wm ever
raised In Jetr-rson county. When i was
breBkliur him. h kicked over tue crni bnr
and Kil fust and tore one of ht hl'id ICR an
to 1.1. ','. I employed the best furrier, hut
ih.'v all Mill lie mi spoiled. Ho hd s very
Urielhomiiph-pln.siid I lined lw Isjttles of
vour KemlHir tfnavln Cure, nnd tt took Ihe
biinrn enliri'lv ctr. snd he n!d Blleriraril
forll.siM) (dollars). 1 nave iuwa ii hit wine
xpavlns snd wind gull,, nnd tt hn stwsy
cured coioplettfly and lelt'Ue Wg smooth.
It Is a ipli'iulid medMliw f I rlleumsilsm.
I have recommended It tt a good many, snd
thev all say It do" tbe work. 1 In
Wlthertnct .n 4 Kneelsad' droit tore. In
Adiuvthe olhe-divv and kw very flue
.,i turn von sent tin-in. Itrlullo buy It but
could not; lley Hid If 1 would write to
sou that you would send mo one. I wlh
Von wou'd. sn 1 1 will do ycu all th rood I
can. Very reipcclluUy, K. S. Lyk.
Spavin Cure.
P. lee ft ner bottle, or 6 Vottles for IU. All
drtitCKlsls hve It or can Bel It for you.or ll will
be aunt lo any NiidivM on reeelpt of price by
Ih n nprlvior. Ia. II. J. Kk"pai.i. o..
Kuo.biira- Falls, VI. B'nd for il.usinitod
Sold by all Druggists.
Uaardiaa'a Nule.
1 virtue of an order of the Comity I'omt,
irf Marl'. n County, oit-aon, msdo on the aeiu
dny of May, Ivl. in the uistter ot the nuar-.
dlsnship of Mary Field and 11 aud Field,,
minor, I will on
At 10 o'clock In Ihe fomnoon of sold day,"
otter for suit, at public suction, to the b'gheti.
bidder lor cash in hand, al the Court lioiiw.
d.Kir, In Clttiksinas Couuly, hlate ot Orenon,
all the rl(tu, title, and Interest of said minors
nd esch ot them In snd lo the following
described reul estate to-wll : tsn much as lies,
on tbe north side of the center line or turead
of th Tualslln liver of the donation land
claim of Joeph A. lie Ids, known on Ihe
map and p of the fulled Mates Surveys,
ns notillcatlon No. 9S7, eeilincai No. Hit,
claim No.l7, part of section SI and HA, T. 2,
u w i ml. und clsim No. 51. cart of ev.
i Ion two and three, luT. , 8., K. 1 esst of
tbe W lilnmette Meridian In Clackamas.
Uuordlaa of the above named uilnttrs.
Tho City tux list is nmv in mv possess
ion for toflii'tion and all taxes must bo
paid within the time proscrila'd by, tow
orthty will be considcnd delinquent and
collection inado and costs addcd,.aa the
law directs. II. J. Uakdinii.
July 3, 1883. Assessor & Uulkctor.
OnlfinMcc !o.i
Bo it ordained by the City Council, of
Oregon Citv. tluit thorw- bo und there
hereby is levied iit)on; all tho taxable
property of tin gon Cit si, a tax of four
and one-half mills, (4) on tho dollar,
for tho year 188,'J.
Passed tho counci'u Juno 25, 1SS3.
8. lkCAi.iKp, liecoidcr.
aniLOira rURKWlM. Immediately relieve
Croup, WhiMiploii CoHKh aud Uronuhllla,
Hold hy Ooo. A, Hurdli).
HI.EEI'I.KMH N Itlltm msdi) miserable by
thnt lerrlbls eougli. Btillol'. Coje is-the
remedy for yon.
For sale by U. A IUrdlng.
lw.n T...1 iiivii i-notli mvaelf ami wife ftWS
our live' to BHILOU'sJ , C,04JJMP1'I0N,I
PALE tut;
Oregon City Pottery,
All the Stock on. Hand
, At lime of the nsstguitKatv
Tho undersigned uro ufutfrhg for sale.
Flower Pots.of rll 6izes,
Jugs, J a rsy.C rocks. &c.
Of the capacities usually desired. There
is also it limitod amount of ,
TorraCotta piping of various
sizes on hand. '.'
which, wu will dispone of at reasonable
tiik nmn jwnnATiox
In which tho products of this pottery
hnvo luiit'oniilv been held bv those who
havu tvKnil ..tliciu sullicicntly uttests theif l
For th p'scnt our wares can, he
bought at retail of TOPE & CO.
Police of ApplicatloB to l"ir.,
cU Tlissbr Iaind.
U. 8. Land offloe at Oregon City Or.
May , ls3.
Notice I hereby nlven that Thnma H. For,
rester of Clackamas county, ureicon, has.
mad application tu purvluise tlies!,ofn
W, aud u w k of s e k of section nuino. r as,,
ol township nuinher 3 south ol eauae number.
4eof ihe Will.-uieiie meridian, under the
Jrovts ons of. the svei of Omiinuu, apiovad.
uuc X l-'S, eiillt.d"An act lor the sulo of
l imber tan in mo cua c oi . a..!... ....,
Dn-Kon. Nevada, and In W ashtiKtou ierrK
tory. All adverse claims to smd tram of laud,,
orimv portion thereof, must be Hied In the
I n lie J etules Ijind Oi. i, al Oregoii Ultv vr..
Con,, before the explraliuu of uty dujislrom.
UIvvd under my hand this Sdday of May.
mSlOt x Jtgster.
Notice of I'lisnl Proof.
Land Offloe at O: egon Clt y , Omnon
Junt IA, Is3.
Notice 1 hereby (riven thst the folli.wli.n-.
minted settler has filed notice of hi Inlentiou
to niiike llnal prool in supptrtof tils cIhIiii,,
and that s-ild proof will bo made b' lore Kea-.
Ister and llecelver V. 8. Uiudoillceat uregon,,
on July 17, 1SS.I, via!
O. W. Cased y, Homtsioad Entry No.8H87(
for Ihe I.ot (o. J. of He 4, T. 8, K. J K.
He namo the lollowlng wltne to prove,
his O 'lit numuresl leuoiiup-n and cultivation t
of. said laud, v
tleorue Urnhiini James Whltloctt, l-red,
Vum'.ei line, and Benjamin Jiipaar, all ol'
n-Kon Cluv nostSJlBv, Clsokama county,
Cuviron U 'i. UAll!N,
yil-U, Ileglaler.
.MH'1(.'K Tt IU U.1M.US.
Sealed, proposal for the erection of th.
itiuie bssi iuenti of the Clarkamas County -court
house and Jail, will be received al my
o!Rue, OreRiui city. Cl-'Okamn County, Ore-.,
kou, until th 5th day of July next to the.
hliur of oil, u'eloek, P.M. of sail day. All;
bid lp bu iwuuipaiied with a ocrtlfli d cheek
lo the muoiu.t of five hundred dollnr. Hint
tie sueei'uiliil blitder will quutlfy with bond,
lor oue-unii oi ine amouui ol tne ooniracl,
price, with two ko(1 nuvtl.'s.
lthins n pit sia-clilciitton may be seen at the,
o'tlji'o of Neeir and UroiniT, urchltea s cornels
First nn4 Alder Hi., I'ort land, Oreicon. 'Ihu.
rlht hvlug reserved tor ijeet any, or nil hid
W. I..WH1I K, '
Counter Judi;.
Orctft.CIt Jim 1 1833s. lj .