Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, July 05, 1883, Image 2

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Gartleld county W. T. eontaius 608,
160 orei of land, and of this number
?5,900 acres aro under cultivation,
prinoipally in grain.
Tub game law goes out of effect to
day and no those peopla ul: i live in
the backwoods, and Lave been doitis;
without game, will have the satisfac
tion of seeing the oity sports camping
around them and killing tho dour.
The Republicans of New York have
about succeeded in healing their differ
ences and everything indicates that
hereafter they will dwell together in un
ity. Both wings manifest a disposition
to retreat from foiiner positions aud to
mako confessions.
Coleridge, Ciff Justice of England,
lias been condemned to death, as well
as all the informers ia the late murder
Mid assassination trials, by the Irish
Revolutionary Brothorhood.so a corres
pondent of the N-T. Sunday Mercnrj
ays. The society has branches not on
ly in England and Ireland but also in
ilia United States. There will probably
be lots of fun yet and Mr. Coleridge
must look oat for himself whether at
Lome or abroad.
People like to s;ng about reading
their title clear to mansions in the skies
The Mongolians employed on ths , which it could be found, was the jhu
Oregon California railroad are strik-! dor most eagerly sought after. The city
ing for higher wages. Were it not for j was overrun with thieves. The troops
their presence on this coast hundreds were needed to operate with the police
to preserve anytrjing like oriter,
of emigrants would have remained here
instead of returning to grasshoppers.
The country would have gained a pop
ulation, all of whom would have been
not only consumers but producers.
The Chinese question will soon bo solv
ed, but in the meantime we must suffer.
Tho result of the strike will be that the
completion of the railroad connection
between Oregon and California may be
delayed another year. W'era everv
Chinaman to leave, this coast would
jail w as filled up. Ou Tuesday evening
! a meeting of the cttixeiH was called to or
ganize a vigilance committee ou aivount
of the depredations commit tiM and the
release of prisoners from the jail by out
side parties. F.leyen saloons were burn
ed out and their stock in trade had to be
rolled out qn tq the street and left to the
tender mercies of a thirsty crowd. The
steamers and tugs, along the river fivnt
used nil available appliances, and tried
hard to save the building siuiatiHl on
accounts given of the detaits of the eme
ute, but the following seems to be ukxit
as correct as anything we elm gather :-r
A large number of the prisoner had en
tered into a well-laid scheme to secure
their liberty and were, ready tq haiard
their lives iu the effort. Two men, John
McKcrti and Frank Chambers, appear to
have been the ringleaders. Me Kern is a
desperate character, and was iu for two
long terms for robbery. Chambers was
sent up from this comity for live years,
for liorse-stwi;. at the last iVcotuber
term of tho circuit court in this count v.
These men, Along with about forty con
victs, tvert1 nt work in the moulding room
oi me loumt'T ul tioiiismuii ,; i.ovncii
gain 50.000 iu the next year. Now tlie,,e rivtT, , god tire boat would have stein. When work was well under wav
Chambers and McKe.n hail a sham ilght,
and toother started for Warden Collins,
ostensibly to lay their grievances befoie
him. On re;whing him they suddenly
drew knives and ordered him to throw
up hia hands. this appears to have been
effect of their presence is nearly the H-en of girat service espvially in saving
same as that of pestilonee it drives the docks. The canneries of the Messrs.
aottlcr.i away. Let British Columbia lluine were carefully watched. Very
have the Chinese, but give ns white Httto is left of the ruins, as the burnt tun
poopls. bers and other debris all along Hie front
- - j full into tho bav. Of the contents of the
Recently wo have made it a point to j i,uitam, imru'od very little was saved,
examine and tan-fully read the daily j rho ,5ro im,h,,ily leaned out more whis-
nswspapcrs ot tne pim.-ipai cuies oi i kov ; a (ow luH1M ll(,,n ,lu, ,;r.llul r.0lij,(,
America. The papers of the IVilic '.-xi Temnlars could have done had
coast compare very favorably with, any
of them. It is true that they cost more,
but then wages and the price of prodteo
is higher hens so we can aiford it. Trai
tors wages an-higher; the cost of tele
grams is many times greater hero
what eastern papers have to pay.
they remained then- in perpetual session.
But it is not at all likely that anybody
will miss a drink. Much of the property
burned w m insured ; upon a few, howev
er, the loss will fall heavily, Astoria has
than ; 1U1 excellent lire department., and it was
I Or ovin. to tills lli:il inn- D:iH tif ll lm.i-
bnt tbey have no urgent desire to oecu-J" know of no better daily pa(H-r than the
a coinptB hum of house and fon-ign tec- j ,.S!, rlknx of the town was saved. All
graphic new s, news of the whole North- j t-u i,iUings drstniyed were built so as
west and editorial comments (always on : to fM ,m c.lsv j1IVy t0 ,u, Haines, and
the side of geod citienshipand morality) j w!u,n H fm Mwi tl0 insurance compa
on the leading questions of the day, we ..: ,s .lr., principal victims. Is it not
a proeoiudi'l
in that di p
and sewing'
rieteher hu i
and directed (
threatening 1.1
as ho was
that gale. Wo!
on a short 1.
man liumi d 1
The priMiu r
i -i
,ur atl the convicts
he I (nun the ahoj
lUliisiiliit Uverseor
a p. i he main gate
order it opened
. did not. He did
H pillar guard at
i-ain-tte, was away
i He. ami a young
is in ItU place.
n e know n this, for
ly tilled, and also the seats on tho plat
form. The audience w us very enthusias
tic, and every allusion to dvnainile was
lotnllv applauded. J J, hoi-Man and
Frank Uyrne were anionu the speakers
lb-solutions uppmvin the use of dyna
mite and the action ol the men executed
in Dublin were enthusiastically adopted.
Telegram nl sympathy went received
from several cities. A Sim Francisco
message read ; " We send drafts of
for families and IliK) to h'ossa for dyna
mite. Wo want revenge," licfereiicea
to land league and national league were
received vith hisses, although tne, name
of rarncll was applauded.
Male TcKcliri-'a iwoeliilion,
The State Tcaehci',(' ,ssm'lation
niel at Salem JiUh nil., mid reiiuiiiied in
session until the evening of the Sitith,
The atlcndance was good, 'Interest
thiiuighout marked, and the results iu
the main satisfactory, It is to be regret
ted, however, that 'unanimity of spirit
among the leaders was not preserved.
When, for instance a gentleman of talent
and nvogiiied ability, is invited to ac
cept a place on the program of exorcises,
accepts, linds afterward that Ids subject
is not one best suited to the purpose,
changes it to meet his preference, noti
tles the Supt. of Mich change and is per
mitted to pit-civd wiih Unlivery of his
lecture, meets a) the time no oppoitien
to thoughts expressed or positions taken
uiiassailcd, leaves for his place of Imsl
ncs, and is ai'terwaildenotinecil by Iho
chair, In foic the association seems to
us iu decidedly bad taste. Notwithstand
ing this violation of ethics it is gratifying
to know that such men as I'mf. Van
Scov, I'mf. Anderson and other eminent
. ,.i ... ... I .1. . . ' .. I t., t
would have been just as maay dead men ,v ,, , ,,illlllllj n,,,,,,.,,,;,,,. U
had l,a Tom, in Jm m ids place there
rv those mansions and move out of an
earthly home with a heavy mortgage on
it. In Dine cases out of ten they would
prefer to have a clet-r title to a corner
house on the avenue, and in the tenth
case the man would ruther live in a bir
d apartment here below than make any
each radical change in housekeeping as
Is indicated by the song which he sings
10 rapturously.
f ' ""
J?evr York is successfully dealing
illl its railroads in thn matter of trans
portation rates. Instead of passing
Ironclad statutes that so often are inop
erative, commission wat appo'nteJ.t'ae
tnembers4f which are not only unpur
chas&ble, but cannot be influenced in
anyway by the great corporations that
so long bavo owned that state. Is cot
tbe time drawing near for Oregon to
follow snit? It may be possible that
the corporations, even now, hold all
the trumps, bnt if the people will jci
dicionsly play their suits, all may jM
ho welt. Think!
Oregonian. and Oregomans who Have
long lived hen- and helped by their assis
tance to build it up. have good cause to
bepnmd of it. We liwievo in giviiii
credit and honor to w hom they aiv
ubout time to build solid.
cause for pride.
I'reakM t Juries.
Some recent dtvisious of jiirics are hav-
as then- werx 6U:ts m his Hcnrv ritli
seventeen in inimlvr. Slilhvell seeing
the nw turned his gun upon them. The
first attempt f.iileil. The seiimd shot
killed a prisoner named Charles llrown.
Tne ball cuten-d his head and he never
kicked alter he fell. Overseer l'l
is helicwd that lion. W, C. Johnson
knew exactly w hat he was about and is
fullv able to vindicate his course and
verify his st ilciiicnN to the letter. A.
The iiimiber for July abounds with most
i i inlcrosMni: ami instructive reaihng. " I he
,. , iii, I i,"":csi .- nun in uie norm, nv n. ,
t. ell II, it live 1111,1 elosi',1 he .:lli l.n.v.nl-I , ' .. !,i . . ... ...
Inc. i ing the elect to bring the jury system in- illlf th0 , m. , .., -,;',.., . ' i " V r 'J :,,:(" 7 K 1
The daily On-gonian is see-ond to no . to contempt. It has Wen diluted for UiU ell tired again and- bulged a ball iu uiven. ' Cornelius Mathews contributes
daily in America and Oregon one of the ! some time w hether it would not la- ipiite i tl0 K),iv .Mj.Keni, one of the riii 'lead-' "u' ' "' '. "' "lmw J'1'1 iloward
youngest states in the I uion has pist ; as woll to do awav with iiirns altogether, 1r , f,,;i...l .. i,r: i,;. ,i. i tl .'. nimu r inso ,-oniains an
.... . , . ,. ,i tin i in , iv. siorv aim pm-m iv ruvne.
or it society was not ready for so raihcal :(.. i. u.w ,,,.,iir i .,.,' , , t . .r.i .
. .i.uiiiew.is woi,n..,.,i teur times ln'toiCj 1 te-re is a skt'lch of Assjim, the great
a measure, 10 grcauy inooux mcir nine- lt .le-isted and tamo to terms. His re-! lei cuntrv of In.lia ; r.n article bv Mrs
tions. There was a time w hen thev sen-. ,.,,, ,... ij ,,, -.,i,.,i.t.. i V. T
- . .n..mr(, , m til, nit C.ll
ed the purpose of securing justice to the : ,illu. (.lllivi, t SlllUh illt,.mi,,,i to ,., lU.
accused as against the prejudice and it ,iri)llt Warden Collins, when turnkey
inav be the revenge i t commiiintics, hut , i :,,imt ,tr,.w r,.v..lv
Tin: i,i;ui:it ov i.ow firiciw,
Takes plensitii'o In niinouiielnu that his Nprlr.g Iininrtaliini are now omnpliilo lwng
the most extensive ttuil hv five lln HhcsI Sssoi linioil of ('lolliing, Kamiv and
Klapl Dry Howls, Hoots ami Hlioes, lliitaaud flips, Carpel, Oll-vlol'l
all paper ami evtrytliliig ritwlved In tills Cty, "
ii:ss uoons iii:rAiriMiiuTi
;A bin line of all umdes and colors, ami trimming 0 tuMt
Ths largest and clmlwt nsrtnmpl ofailks, laallim and Velvols. t'h.lhlugltlia UUt
My le. Th liiiiicKi iiNsoitiiiuut and lowest piU-en,
iiml t'lieiin'i thitn ever.
Orocorleial bottom llgnres. Wo keep KliNTKIFM tleuiilns Flvo Hook lijld QloytJ
r0,ooo .oi!!Hl uf WOOL Wtrntiul.
1)00 ItS and mXJ)0V&
A. MAYER'S Square Dcallnpf Store,
Ackerman's old Stand,
The newspaper fraternity has been con
siderably interested of late over the pre
paration for, and the actual lighting of, a j ll(nVi in t00 nla!lv ins.iuu.0a eommunities
An effort is being made in Brazil to
iluel K-tween two newspais-r editors of
nichinond. Va. The names cf these two '
men are Bierne and Khun. The general
public w ill. uf course, mind nothing a-;
Is .at the los of one or two editois, but
in this cji-:l the. interest grows out of the
perpetuation of the old code oi honor that
wise men had IiojhiI was going to decay.
It makes no difference what the original
. . , i .
i . ...,.. uivh , icoici iij'yn nun anil ai-
tempted to ti.e lut wai overpowered bv
, i wild riM.li of tin- convicts. Convict
i inith seized a tamping bar and made a
j ruh at Oobat to brain him. when Ward- i t'lairvillc" isr.mtiuuod
ir i . le in le 01 i nc
suller injustice freni the verdicts tln-y
render. Instead of iirotecting the im.o
cent tliey sUie'd guilty. The jury
system may nae i ecu, in uie iK-giumii Colliiis, by a dcsor.t!e e!'..rl, threw
a great safeguard of lils-rty, but in these i,ilwlf betwwn the two men, saving tlo
days.it is too fre-piently turned into a : m-A lif(, lmt r,.,;, a ,K.11VJ. i,lu"v
shield for the guilty to strengthen coiiii-1 llis arllK s.lu. o( le ,.,.;,., fnA 'ty
deuce iu its pn-servation. When juries . ,u, 0,Rl.e (,,r o;,lv seemed Sim!.
;ire m..iiilcsiiy warpeii uy prejudices, ami
I r-.t t . ,,i u nil,. i i'i:.. n i i i ...
.. . .. . ,i . I ... ........ ( . , .J M'l'l I II-
c:m,o ot tne umirrei was, u is plain ti.ui j as manitVstly oih-ii to outside in.U.ences. I sv wlth UU r.lle. 1Kl ,llllt ,, k;1!(:,, .u.
the.HMuenth.Med tor each other gore. u u Amx thlM, to ,,Hlk tt, vlUvr ,,uartl.r!) ka J;l,k ,r J;u.k Williams, scut in iu
Nothing would lease them so much as . to filul jllstilV. snw rc-ont verdicts give ' Mllllm lk t,,u.,,v f; li.,:Vt.,rv. IS- nou
tog,, out sviucwhere and s h.s.t at one ; riso t0 un,,K-asant relluetio.is regarding ; sU. rt,. Ulvi.w' ln the' back. The
dniffitT 1 Iiav ilitnhtK-K-4 t(mil"iit it a - k . i : a i. . :.. ' . . ...
introduce Chinese labor on a great i V, T - -- - Uie sysiem. itvimm-m "'S "" ! ounde.I man lived al-nit three hours.
vuun avv vu ni-irk of lie h coerrit-t- to Io tins. Hie .1 1:... :.. .1 ,.1 n.. .. .. n. ., .. ...
..... -c - - !iiiouT.iii'ii.iiiifiii.H-ui IT,..,. He was in for tour ver.rs from I'.aUcr ( o.
sh.xitmg bKik placu on the oOth of June, j a puk,.g .in,minent in politics and in ' f,,r .,..,,1, ;,i, :,", ,., 1:11 ; 1,., 1....
.Vntun'o 1111
Missions;" one bv Mure Vail
c.'.iiar intere-1, with illustrations of th.
'Strange I'uner.il Kites" in ditl'. reiit
count ies. There are stories and sketch
es bv t isi aiivmi, N. liol in-oii, etc. ; ev-
eral charming poems, mid a iniseellany 1
of a vaiied and p!ca.im: clmract"!'. The I
'.rre.it scri.d "Tlie beautiful t'ouiitens of 1
Winter lju.ir-1
lured frontis
piece. Ti iit-!ie cents a co;iy, perl
cr, postpaid. Address, Mrs. Frank
Leslie. I'ul lii.ln r, .Mi, .Viand o l'ark
I'luce, New York.
Editor Oregon City Enterprise.
He liave bill llltle lime Iu Vf i lle ailvvrllMiiurtus, our tluie Is well orru4 la
Giving uur iu'I-wiukI atteiillmi In uur lMiir, plraa fill up uur iar Iu aur
per Bin! oy Iu (lie guil iruile tit' the HT 4TI' suit IhU ('(iMMIl M 1 In iisrtlralir
llmt la aitililluii Iu uur Uitv smMV I .. M.l.l: n MX K u ;ula kfil roa.
Iiiiiuunly la tli ia iimrltrt lui nraii) 4o yrara, ruiiaUiliiK r
CL l.Tl'UAL I M 1 ' I. ti M FN I'H , UTO. ,
3CMtoia 3VItiiiirtiotiu-oi-i, Xtvti Of
AND I.ANTKKNa OF Al.l. lU'.st'lill' I lt AKD WFLL AlUl'TEU
TJ Thl,S MAlllvKT,
And we offer onr onliro STOCK at very rntiahli ralea, rxgardleaa of rorllaoil
I price, or e are not to l uiideiaoltt hy nnr one. In ad litmu nay that wa ara
, Nguuls forthe well eslublislii'd hoiiaa ol KNAIT, Bl'ltHI'il.L, It Co., and will
! 1111 all orders t'lilrtlaU'd If uh at I'ortUnd ralea, TPcurdleaa uf freight, Wa tra
ttUSliU for the celebrated MATUliU KID OI.OVF.H. II, n brat and moat lionolar
iu the nistket. o io also sk.hIs for ilia Bl' TIF HICK FAT I FUNS, and Lava
1. in. Wo Mill lorp tli., reli l.ral-,1 hi Alt SlllltT no
Will I uyo our prowl t aliculion. CU and a, o us un sii bualni-as.
le bv Mrs ! ' '" , , - , - , , -
nd it's (lid p's'e lor yon to select fn
tte, of pc 1 ''1"'' Fin lita wishing to a
Thos. Chorinan & Son.
acale. It is stated that about 20,000
coolies re to be sent to Brazil during
the year, nnder the direction of the
Brazilian consul at one of the Chinese
ports, who is said to be paid a salary
by the coolie company. Tho passage
ot these poor creatures is to b 9 made to
east not over $12 40 apiece, and the
Contracts for their indenture term of
five years labor are to'be sold for S 10
The wages it is proposei tojpay tlicin
re said to be less than it costs to feed
and clothe a negro slave.
Politics in Iowa seem to be greatly
mixed. Ideas bare been incorporated
into the platform of the republican par-
fy not connected with general politics- j ters, lillin
all due preparation lia ing been made, i society turns the daughter of a man nam;
The lssiu) was unlike that in so many ol v, yntt Mh then shoots the father. II
: longed in
The consequence will be moat likely,
that the cranks who Lavo succeeded in
getting their work in on it, will Le bad
ly left. All questions of reform any
be safely trusted to P.spnblions, as
they believe in advancement. When
fanatical opinions prevail in a partr
the fashionable French duels, where the t
shots w ander into space, and the contest
ants go home happy. The first shot w as :
for buncomls?. At tho second fire Flam :
was wounded. In the Moo 1 that flowed, j
the wounded honor of Bicnse was made
whole. The dispatches furnish us with .
all the details of the uil'air, the names of
the siconds, each step taken ia the pre-:
paration, the dispo-.,! ot the woun.kd
man, how the man who shot him felt a
b'jut it, what their wives, siters and oth
er relative?, male and female, thought
and did about it, and various other uuit-
ii larire space, and bringing
e , shot in t!
ought to have be,
term of his nat.al life, and then Ittir.g.
. . , . .... f..- ' .
i win 10 oiisoii ly, uit to tern;
But a jury sum'nor.ed to try linn magnan-; t.k to $
iiiioii.!y acquits him. As it proved this tiimlo li
:....! ..1 i il.. ..-.., ii. .., ' . '.. "
nc'litui.li nm ai'ui.i me nui iuii(i in.,, imi ital'Vl
could have haipeiied to Dukes, for a soil
of Xutt finding thc.t justice could ivt bo
secured under law t 'k the law into his
il!i u :is ;
, I
if l.
h lie and
W.H ca iglit .'in 1 returned
uninjured. Tlife ut large are lilcim,
one of the Turtif .y rohliers. in f r lit : n
years; Beiuhart. in for live years fur rob-
own hands arjl sl.ot t!.e murden-r of his l(,.ry fr,,m M.tnumah eoimfv. lie once
father. Another jury may hang young rij',it;,i n tl.U citv. Deslr.o'v . imexnert
into notoriety two men about wliom we
should never have heard ha I it not been
utt, for iu one j ;iht says, ttiere is no
knowing what a jury of Fayette county,
l'a., may be found capable of doing in
tlie way of verdicts. But tho exploits of .
this jury are nearly equalled by some on
this Coast. J. Glenn of California was
murdered not long ago bv a man whom !
for this crime which they have commit-! ho jiaJ ,iiM.iiar,i fr, employ. The
, 1111 expel
thief from Multnomah, county, w ith two
years t j serve; Darby, fnun Grant coun
ty, in for ten years fir killing; I'.ci -hump
from tut srfun- i 'utility and for a similar
crime; Mar.-iield from Mulinnmah; Fl
dtidgi: from the same county, and Brad
shaw one of the Turner rulds-rs. AVor.l
'u'm. Kartluiire More
Horses boarded by the day, week or
liiont!! ,
Furnished or. short notice.
t lHIlii: ItltOK.
(OTTAUi: Fl'KMTl'ltKaiiil HIPDIN
Picturo Frames and
Oregon City, March lllh, .
m. j.
.tlVAKI hi l(lii:t.
would, if it tt. re
ted, and w hieh thev
possible, eicvate to the lank of a virtue. ; una,i0 to make up their minds that the
The telegraph is a wonderful thing, but : lr W.H n,)t j..jriy "tuken off." A
more Wonderful rtiil is the existence of a ; t;eel.jselv resembling this has ju-t oe-
i r II .. i t I .. 'II ...11.:
there is a corresponding combative feel- j M1IIC 01 ,''"ll,'nl mai w ;ii ename (.rrii in ., unjoining county. Senator
. to pay to loan me wires wuu me oe-, Voor!;ees was not killed but the intention
tla v.. 1. 1 ..1 , l.c a.f ,.ta.. In I tin r.... ..I A ,l.Ptl.l .
was sent ut once to Salem iu:d iiiirties a i.-.liis' ne' tt noirk.-i.
man was tried, but four of tlie jury were ' Ptarted ut .an e in tmrsuit , f the prison-.. h ""!"") '. !"k""i !'Jr' wl"
ers, and in all probability seme-uf tin lul i. , ., I
t im -i-aaa r w y t.f.tsi lil(-'i" mm ,
ing aronsed, the result invariably being
(hat the enemy is victorious and mat
ters made much worse tbn before.
A scoundrel named Cannon sometime
since, wilbont provocation, shot slraofd
tcf death Senator Jacob Voorhes of Ma
rion county, merely because be bad
fceen discharged from employment by
Voorhes. Mr. Voorhes was one of the
leaders of the "18" in the lust senatori
al strnggle at Salem, and consequently
iron the hatred of every cur that barked
for a master in tint contest. And now
come certain of these lick spittles who
own newspapers and vent their con
temptible spite on Voorhes by casting
alars on l,is family. Mr. Mitchell would
da well to call off bu dogs it he can.
T.ba editors and proprietors cf some
papers in the metropolis attempt to
Jbake fun of, and ridicule provincial
newspapors because at their heads ap
pear the names of their owoeri. The
oanse of complaint is obvions to all.
The editor of a country nowspauer does
not shirk any responsibility. He is al
ways "in." If any one wants to pnll a
gun on Lim lie's thero to pall his as
Well. Tbe metropolitan editor general
ly speaking is never at home. Ho can't
be found to P.ght. He can't be caught
to be sued. Give tho provincials a
rest! We fill a b'olo and can make oth
ers if ooinpellud to do so.
i i
Tbe editor of the Louisville Courier
Journal a few days ago dulirorud un
odJress before the graduating class of a
bnlbern college ou tho singular sub
ject of houiicidu.' He denounced the
duello, the vnuduttas of the south, (he
argument cf the nix shooter and tho
reply of the shotgun, though oidy a
few weeks before, in speaking of the
Tuomson-Davi homicide bo eulogized
the shotgun as the poor nian's friend
greater than judgo. jury or law, the
protector of tbe honor of Kentucky
womeu and the fuithiul sentinel' ut ti e
fireside which brought justice within
tbe reach of the poorest and lowliest.
Mr. Watturson has eloquently present
e4 both sidsi of tho qnofdion.
lui..;. ..... ...
tails of events like this. We shall prob-; o( ijis Uss,iilaiit is ck-ar. But four mein
ablv now be re galed from day to day with ! vM. l, ;r,. ,.1, noerinie In the
slusjting. Hereafter, in Marion county,
whenever a discharged emiikve takes it 1 nnv on.. 1,, t.v.,,1 ;.. tl.lr u
similar nature crow.i the wires, i ne , -,, ,,- ,,,, . ,.,,, i.j, (.,i,,..P i,
an account of the progress of F.lam tow-!
ards recovery, unless other matters of a j
strangest thing idiuut the matter is that!
viiil soon be ca. lured. Tlie li!" priron,'kn
are reported to have had no hand in Uis
affair. AVarden Collins was not serious-,
ly injured, and he was the only ollii ijl
that was hurt. All of those who have
escaped tir- regnrded as hard characters,
who would not lit sita te to take tlie life of
only safe wav will be to hunt them don
t III im limit.
I!. 31. HISS, Drill isi
--"s For '.In; tut rl of 1 1 putil Ic,
'. ',X '"f"" ' I Ititve f'Blv il to ilu Itrst-claaa
w ork nt I In ao irlc" :
selves belter W.an t.) quarrel over per
sonal matters. The idea of u gemiiue ed
itor lneaiiir.g anything tha. Le says ultut
another editor is too thin to merit atten
tion. I'lrc at tMoriu.
will find some sanction fr the art. In win u ;i,l nnlm ila It is w ii,t u ,,l..t
two fd;t'.;s should not uinlerstand them-1 .
- -" s, -.. j-.. j K,j .ijnj iijin tl.JH.'l l1'' IIV III- jil iw-
to agree will probably result in the escape ,, officials but they could get no idea of
of the guilty, even th( ugh much money (he time when it might bappen. The in
has beta expended to secure his njipru- j suflieiency and the quntjty of the food
hension. No man is im safe now as he ; furnished is alleged f.s x reason fur the
would have been had th.'.t jury rendered : outbreak.
a proper verdict. We say this w ith con
lideuco, for the fact of the (.'rime w as not
the thing to be consi.lercd.but the nature !
of the crimu. H.o verdict in the case of
Jere Dunn was of a similar nature. It is
not surprising that men who tmfleT inju
ries at the hands of tho law lens dare not
A tiro broke out on Monday evening at
Astoria, iu the Clatsop mills on Water
street. Before the engines arrived the
fire had got uielor such headway that the
fnemeii saw that it would, bo impossible I trt t,e punishment of the Kiiilty to anv
to save the lower portion ot tho town and priJt.ef,s 0f n-f ),,. icrn Kre any quan
henee they directed their energies to the ti,y0f i;lWy,.rH ready to make tho worse
saving of tlie upj.er portion. By means a,)tJir letter reawm, for a consider
of most vigorous cflorts they siiocefded ti( Mvi jm,.H whu(4C verdicts nro as lia
in keeping the fire out of the business i,0 t l,eeorreet as would be the tossing
Tin; ii..wiTf:Ks.
licet I tiers t S.cur ,UX fur I lie
DCxeeiit.'d Irlslimt-ii .loo
' tintix h illairlyr.
portion. The Clatsop lumbering mills
and sliuds were destroyed. In udditiou
to this the fire swept out restaurants, sa
loons, sailor boarding houses, and vari
ous other establishments sin has gather
in the purlieus of a city. St. M.ary's hos
pital was badly damaged, and the furni
ture injured by removal, as it waa thought
at one time that the building must go.
Tlie O. 11. & X. Co.'s docks were brj nod,
the loss being estimated at $I1'.",0j0. It
is tho't the entire loss will reach as high
as half a million dollars. Tho cannery
companies lost largo quantities of salmon
packed ready for shipping. Nearly 12.-
0.T) cases were burned. Fortunately no
lives were lost und no one was seriously
injured, Tho origin of the fire cannot be
definitely known. It broke out sudden
ly in the mill, and so quick did it spread
that the engineer ran for his life, leaving
the maehtiiery running with full speed.
Soiiio have thought that there were boys
under the mill play ing with matches and
that they set it on fire. Captain Miles
of a cent. In civil suits, now-u-dnys, the
majority of sensible men prefer an arbi
tration to a trial by jury. They are more
ccttiun of a just settlement of all matters
in controversy. The jury system holds
a place in our legal proceedings more on
account of its antiquity and the ood it
may have done, than because of any in
trinsic worth it may possess iu times of
general enlightenment, nnd wo almost
say, of growing corruption.'' If tho de
fenders of the jury system are anxious to
preserve it from falling into utter con
tempt they must see to it that no inoro
such verdicts as have recently been ren
dered disgrace the records of our courts.
r.NCilc ol' I'rlsoners.
On Tuesday morning, July .1, tjitut
forty of the prisoners in the penitentiary
at Salem made a desperate attempt to re
gain their liberty. The result was that
fourteen succeeded in getting through
the galea, Cf these, three were killed,
H. t of I "ctri on l:itl.l r $ li Vi nml upwnriL
'I ot ti'.-ili on i i Ilu iii'l.. IU " n tnl iipwiinl.
lolilHIIInr 'JIMsml upwiinl.
sn vr him I'.on I'lllliiir .. I U mcl ii .u ur !.
Kxtni.lliiii of liM lh, Willi (ilia II
Ot)'. : Cor. Klrsl nnd AI'I'T iii. Town Clis'k.
II. M. Ul HH, Ili-nlUt.
IMIIra lioura. nil l-oim. InlJS'f
Jlniii St., Orison City.
Pest Office Bio(,;k0on City.
A I I 1.1. LINK ir
kl ITnsTlMI.V(H BUD.
Jnat received a line ituiod iV'k of
Jlf all Klira Ulrrrl 1'nnn the .Mainilrlt)r.;ra.
' O A-lIIiuillnc.
Haf iltfft, llMrnr,
t NttiiiUfry-liMrii-
mien ii r:
can Is) In"! In 1-t" t; s t u. nl
CmcAf;-!, Hi'y 2. A large meoling ;f
Iri.ib-Ai:r rii ati was held in Wo t
Twelfth i.f Turner hall to-night, to
take nu.-DWtjj S ' fo the assistaneu of the
fainilie vf Msli martyrs, Brady,
(lowly, Ji ;i"il Kelly, banged ln In
land k r ii r of Ivord Cavendish
uud ifr it : Iltckc. Hon. John F.
Finnerjj' u'r. i-'men j-leet, presided.
Ho said . a ;!jid to sen his couiitry-
men jHfrn'nl til exjiress Kyinpalliy
w ith tho; o w hom ilic British govurnment
houled to ;Jei.th. ' lie was not in favor
of apoloiiing for any net by Irishmen
towuids ti.e British. (I'Doiiovan Boi-sa
was iijtrodurcd ns the Irish di din Brown.
He 'jaid f':; felt timid at first about com
ing Into lite hull, because he did Hot
know lunv far Ibis audience, would up
rrove his sentiments: ho he wanted to
Si.o v. It.it others would nay. lie had been
called ii.itd. If so, those w ho preceded
him were mad also. In the mutter of
plirlia-ncntary representation Ireland
could never damage Kngland, so Uo ud
VL'jtatci.l open war. lie wan glad tbe
Irish people showed such spirit lis to
miiider ii govi rnor sent litem from Fng
land. 'The name of .Joe Brady wasasdear
to him as that of iiobort Finmct. The
duty oiaii Irbh-Ainericun was to sympa
thize with and support the martyrs' fain-lies.
tri wnrrniil my Kiioila n-uri'Sntad,
!lA(lil ami Iliirneai Makur.1
On-ircn City OrcKon Nov. 1. ls;5-tf.
of the U. H. nr;ny stationed ut the fort three retaken, two of whom were wound
sent up a squad of soldiers to assist tint'
firemen and to help keep order in tlie !
city. There w as un immense amount of
stealing going on. Tho whiskey, in hot-
ties and barrels, in fact, in uliv shape in I
Nfcvv Your. July 2 A lnatia menting
was held to-night, uiider the allspices of
J tiiy iadiei, Iri.di society, for the ptirtiose
cil, one dangerously, und eight ut hitit.uC" of ruising money to assist the families of
counts were at large. For tho return of
these the (iovernor has olfered a luvard
of $100 inch, dead or alive. Tho dis
patches urn somewhat coiillicting in the
men executed recently, in Dublin. I Im
(tlatfi rm und i p 'iikers ilysk wits draped
m mourning us was also, the bust of
Washington, standing in tho renter oi
the plati'ot-q, The largo hull was entire-1
u U
Ll t;
O s.
o -s?
.2 t
' ?
o .5
- 5j
n 0 5u tj
s g'?
12 I 3.
The T'liblio is must ri.r.liiilly invited to ipsp.-ct tljt! must coiniilcto Stock ef
SI'RINO and SUM MI; It 'ocils of II. newest slock ami lalsst FaaLion
Bttriiclivo noils ever ltrinoit to this City. The fallowing arn llif latest
nrriyuls nnd (ifleied to piirclniscrti' advantages ami ostoundini; reiluclioni of
Clothing for Men, lloys and Youths,
i'ry (i .s, iMiticy l.ooils Dress Trimaiinira the latest, of all the noyaliiui
Mixits, Shoes, Itiits, Caps, I.inlies nnd Mens' l.'ipjijrwim', I'uints, Oils,
Doors, Windows, Crockery, Cut pets, Muttiiqj, Vkjl Ij'urrrunkBjValieaaa,'
etc., eli!., at
JProduoo XloxisUt mid Mold.
Real Estate Agents, - Oregon City, Oregon..
Mnvo had more oxperlence and nro more reliable
than most REAL ESTATE dealers on this coast.
Wo hsra nlurtt nn linnil Invp.lini-nla In rlly prnr r'y snil dirmliiR Intnta at hatrals.
s-tl,(aetor- to sll olnaaca of puroliaiK-ra. l ull nml exmiilnn iniKrty, nrliws ami lamia ul '
For fletrnnt Hair CuttiiiT, psbv
Slmviiir,fI'iiiH l'erfiitnery, nml splnu
did llatlm, call on hir
will ini iimllml fhki uiall apiilirAnU. ami Ui imiii.
Vinra of latt yiair wltlii.iitor'liihnir it. ItiHiiitaln.
Stunt 1711 iiak'si. MSI llliiKtratluiiN, ir1ta, arrurnlD
imorlptfiitiH and valimMi. illi'iMitlotia fur rilanlliiir
i.bu vni i..i.i .p ..wyutifiu luMi riuwur hw.iih,
I'laiilM, I'Vult Tnmi.iiU), lnvaliiatil. tnalL abriio.
lally to Mnrkiit (lanWiii.ra. Hj ihI fur It I
Q.M.FERRy&CQ. DeTiioiT MiOri,
"H ACK.MKrAi IC," slnatuiii ami liiiKruul
iorliini. l'rKti. 'i'i Mini fi() ci'lila,
Holil by (1. A. llsnlliiif,
SIIILOirMOATATlltll HKMKDY a pnaltlvi"
euro for t'sturrh, l)l.thilu and Canker
toiaiiyO,A,tarPn(f. . . .. .
(Iri'it'in I lly anil vicinity thai M lias,
slwaya on linnil
Fir and Ceckir Lumber,
Of nvrry di-acr'pllnn, at low rat.s
Dry Flooring, Oiling, Ruatir,
"I""" (for heliit;, l.alllr.,
I'lrkitla rnui Oiliir Trntm lata
Hlrni-I. nml Klitmrnlk ImnlM.r fiirnlahi.il an
thnaliortcal not In., kl tl Uiw rultn hi II can ba
liuri'liiiHi'il In the HIhIii,
Ulvu mo a cull at tlm,'
orhuos enr ha w uui.it.
Forliiins linen, Mliln or ('lint ua Million's
I'nrniia riualcr. I'rlnn it oi-iila.
Km- bi l,y (I. A llHnlliiK.
AlllOllI'M i.Ouiifl iiinl t-'iTajumTl Un Ciir.
la anlil by ua on a Kiniriintiio, Jt (urns eou
1111111.1I4111. KiirB'w bv 0. A Hiinllnij
full DVHI'KI-HIA and l.lvor Complaint, Job
linvu it prlnloil (riiiininti'ii on nvcrv Iniltla u..'.
Hlilloln Vltiillmir. It nvsr (alls tocura, "
Hull! by (.ll'O. A, ihitUlnii. , V.v v