Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, January 12, 1882, Image 8

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KnowleJga pnffeth tip; lova buildeth
A little impatieuce subverts great un
Let ever; man so live aa to add a Rood
same to his other capital.
Oar acta moke or mar us; we are cb.il
droQ of our own deeds.
Sow good services; sweet remem
brances will grow lioia tuem.
We always find wit and merit in those
who look at us Willi ad miration.
Lose not thine own for wantof asking
for it; 'twill get tliee no thanks.
Great things are not accomplished by
idle dreams, bu: by years of patient
A weak mind is like a microscope,
which magnifies triiiiug things, but
cannot receive grtat ones. Chester
field. A friendship that makes the least
noise is very often the most useful; for
which reason I should prefer a prudent
friend to a zealous one.
More hetids pine away in secret an
guish from the want of kindness from
those who should be their comfort, than
from any other calan.ity in life, D.
Whatever yonr sex or position, life
is a but! le in which you an to show
vonr pluck and woe be to the coward,
despair and postponement are coward
ice and defeat. Men were born to suc
ceed and not to fail.
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard!" is
very food advice, but most of them go
to their uncle.
"What makes you look so deathly
sick, Tommy?" 'Well, the fao' 'f the
matter is, I've been taking my first
cbsw, and I am only an amachewer."
"Were there cats in tbe ark?" is a
question that is troubling the religion
editor of an exchange. Certainly there
were, and the first thing said after leav
ing that ancient craft was, 'if there.s
Ararat round here we want to gopher
Two children are playing together in
garden. The little sistersays to her
little brother, "Which would yon rather
be. a little bird or a little flower?" The
yonng man. after a moment's reflection,
'A littlo bird because it eats."
A clergyman in Scotland preached
few weeks ago from the text, "If ye do
not repent, ye shall likewise perish."
The wife of a farmer who was present,
went borne and told her husband that
the text was: If you do not pay rent,
you shall leave the parish."
"It is a disgraceful shame!" exclaimed
Mrs. Smith, as her lord and master
came in, in a demoralized condition'
"You've been drinking again, and it
was only last week that voa took the
pledge." Just my luck said Smith,
"breaking everything I take hold of."
When he returned to his seat in the
theatre, and said he had stepped out to
see some one, she gravely responded,
"It must havo been the evil one;" and
when the yonng man asked if she had
seen tbe cloven foot, she tnrned np her
pretty nose and said:" No, but I sme'.l
tbe clove in breath."
An old gentleman of the name of
Fage, finding a young lady's glove at
a watering-place, presented it to ber
with the following words:
"If from your glove yon take the lette r (J,
Your glove Is love, which I devote to thee."
To which the lady returned the fol
lowing answer:
"If fro-n your pace you take the letter P
Your Page is aue, and thai won't do for me.
An Augnsta man went to Boston on
business, and put np at one of the first
class hotels. The clerk gave his bag
gsge and the key to bis room to a por
ter, who conducted tbe Augusta gentle
man to the elevator. Closing she door
tbey began to ascend, un perceived by
the traveler. lie eyed the fonr walls of
tl e elevator a moment and exclaimed
"Take my baggage back to the office;
yon can't put me ofTiua room like this!"
Kennobeo Journal.
Knrservmen who cut lnj nnatitities
of grafts late in autumn keep them iu
cellars packed iu damp moss; but far
mers ami others who wish to preserve
a few for spring graftiug may not have
these appliances at hand, l or such a
simple and perfect mode is to bury
them iu a dry place out of doors iu au
inverted wooden box. Fill the box
partly full with them, Bail two or three
strips across to keep them in pluce, aud
then place the box in a hole dug for
the purpose, with the opeu side down,
aud bury them half a foot cr so in
depth. They do cot come in contact
with the earth aud remain perfectly
clean; and the moisture of the earth
keeps them plump aud fresh w it hout
any danger of their becoming water
soaked. Grafts which bave become
shriveled by exposure are thus restored
ana will grow. It is orteu advantag
eous to cut out eratts in autumn; as
there is then no danger of their vitality
being lessened by exposure to intense
cold, aud is often more convenient to
out them or procure them from a dis
tance at this time. In marking tho labels
with a lead pencil remember that if the
wood is wet before writing, the names
will last twice as long as if writieu
BKCKirr Tits lean cowd.
Although there was a good growth of
Crass on tbe pastures aud meadows tu
October and early ovember, the five
or six weeks of good feed was not sum
cient to recruit the stock and replace
tbe fiesh and vitality lost during the
previous months of short feed caused
by the drought, and mauy herds will
come into winter quarters in low con
dition. These should at once have ex
tra care ana attention, it is an erro
neous opinion, too general among far
mers, that because their cows have
nearly ceased giving milk it will not
pay to feed them generously. It will
not only cost more to keep tbem through
the winter, cut they will not le in con
airion 10 prounce tne vieia tnev are
capable of doing, if lacking in strength
and vigptin the spring. If brought
into condition now, they will stand the
severe cold of midwinter on much less
feed and thrive better than if in low
flesb. The same amount of roots, corn,
meal or nnllfeed fed now will be worth
twice as much now as it will be in Jan
nary or f eornary. iat laul on now is
a sto;k of fuel laid up for winter and
capital wnicQ il is easy to aaa to, so
that the amount of feed that will tnnrelv
sustain life in a lean creature will be
amply sufficient for improvement and
profitable growth when fed to an ani
mal already in a thriving condition.
Good feeding is good economy ; stiney
feeding no economy at all. Empire
state Agriculturist.
Every cherry grower mnst be fully
aware of the great necessity to observe
the utmost care in protecting cherry
trees from injury of any kind, especially
bruises. It is therefore not for tbem.
but for those who do not know, that we
give these hints. A blow of the hoe,
tbe scratching or barking ty the single
tree in plowing or harrowing, or even a
kick by the heei of a boot, will almost
invariably cause damage that the tree
will never outgrow. A kind of can
grene sets in, which with all the efforts
of tbe tree, however yonng and vigor
ons it may be, will never recover from.
e baa a uownton tree as thick as a
man s arm, wnicu having a lew ripe
cherries that we wivhed to jar off to
taste, it being the first fruiting, we
struck the trunk with tbe heel of the
boot, which broke through the bark.
It seemed to be so trifling as not to be
worth a tbonght; but the next year the
bark was dead two inches in diameter.
Tbe following vear it was three inches
and in four or live years after one 1ml f
of the wood was exposed and dead; and
in a year or two more the tree itself
died; clearly from the one slight blow
of a boot. Germantown Telegraph.
(Continued from Frst Page.)
"In three years." says a practical
Irtut grower, "1 improved the iirodno
tion of my fruit trees from fifteen to
two hundred bushels by treating tbem
in the following manner; X first re
duoed the top one-fourth; then in the
fall I plowed the soil as well as I could
it beingquito rocky, and turned a short
furrow toward the trees As I worked
from them I let the plough fall a little
lower, and when between the trees
allowed the plough to run deep, so that
the water would settle away from them
in the spring. I hauled a fair quality
of coarse manure, pulverized it well,
and marked out hills, manuring each
bill, I planted corn, beans and numo
kins. The following spring I repeated
the same cultivation. My trees began
to grow very last, and that fall I bar
vested seventy bushels of very good
apples, mo loiiowing spring I mi
riurod for the third time, planted it lo
potatoes which grew very larg, but
rotted badly. I tuado up the loss, how
ever, by harvesting 200 bushelsof large
iruit. i cnungeu tne production of
yellow belmower tree from three
fourths of a bushel to seven bushels
nnd sold them fur 1 25 cents per bushel
which I think is a very good return for
my labor, if'rom my experience I am
of the opinion that most trees bave too
much top for the amount of roots and
deiliiiouoy of nourishment for pro
duoing a developod fruit. I like full or
winter pruning. Always cover the cnt
with grafting wax or thick pal t. Af
tor removing the limbs by I inning
out tne centre ct the tree it La a ten
oency to grow orona. loo m jv var
ittioa are bad. ,
There are not many things to he done
at this season of the year. Manure
may be carted, or better, if there is
snow, drawn on a sled among the trees.
Lions can be cut, tied in bundles,
labeled and stored in sawdust or sand
The clusters of the tent caterpillars ran
now be cut away, tbns saving the tree
from worms that hatch from them in
If eggs are desired in winter and
tbey always are in demand the fowls
will require a warm place and plenty of
food and water. Lime in some form.
as powdered oyster shells, old plaster'
ing, etc, will be needed to furnish ma
terial for shells.
There have been many thorough ex
penments made to test the value of
winter shelter for swine, and they all
show that pigs to winter well mnst
bave a warm place with a clean bed,
and feed enough to be comfortable.
They are not to be fattened, but sim
ply kept in good condition.
There is no subject which is attract
ing more attention from the bee-keepers
of America at tbe present time than tlio
improving of the quality of their stock
by judicious care and selection in breed
ing. The fact that some colony or col
ouies each year far excel all others in
the amount of the stores which they
gather, suggests to tbe thoughtful
apiarist that were ho possessed of the
requisite knowledge and skill, the prob
able profits of his apiary would bo far
greater than they are at present. Apis
Americana is a superior strain, or race.
of bees that has appeared ns the result
of snperior tact displayed by somo bee
keeper in the breeding of bis bees.
With but little doubt there is in this
direction one of the most promising
pains wwara improved apiculture,
lhe "dollar qneen" business which
has grown to such dnoloruble dmion
sions in the lat few years, as it of ne
cessity precludes all painstaking, is
right in the way of this improved breed
ing. To make the dollar qneun busi
new nt all rrofitablo, haste and no
pains must bo the watch-words of the
the apiarist. To secure a better type
of bees, the utmost caution and the
severest selection must be the firm rule
of the bee-keeper.
Dry, well-seasoned wood is the only
kind that is pleasant or economical to
use, especially in the stove in early
morning. Tbe man who, with a large
wood lot on his ?rm, does not provide
t good supply of dry wood for the
household, is nvtdoiug his duty, Tim
slipshod method of chopping the daily
wood ou tbe day it is to be used, trough
it may give a freshness to the product,
is a fruitful source of bad breakfasts
aud bad tempers, and it may he, iu ex
treme cases, leads to harsh words and
disgraceful aetioua. All this can I e
avoided by cutting a year's supply of
wood during the wtutor, aud giving it
the whole of the follow ing summer to
become thoroughly dried. In this
way tbe cutting aud splitting of the
year's the wood becomes a part of the
regular winter work ou tbe farm.
The very early lambs are dropped
during this mouth, and if mild weather
favors them they may be made very
profitable for the early market. Should
the weather be severe, the lumija must
be kept from being chilled through;
this may be done by wrapping thutu iu
blunkets and administering a little but
ginger tea. lhe. ewes should have the
warmest pens iu the stable, and may
ueed to be nursed with warm gruul for
a few days.
Serious injury is done to many
horses, by being exposed to cold winds
after a burd drive, aud when they have
become much limited , All ilrulis tf
cold air should be avoided at such
times, and the body of the uorsa eov-
erect with a blauktt. bweuty horses
that are taken at cuoe to a warm stable,
seldom need the protection of blaukets
aud if they are use t it makes the ani
mal more susceptible to chills when
hitched out of doors.
The horses will generally have an eas
ier time during wiuter tbuu iu tbe busy
mouths of spring and summer, luey
should not therefore receive a light
food and less care, but so kept that they
will lie in excellent couduiou wheo tbe
spring opens. Horses that come to the
heavy work of spriug without ecoumu
latiou of tlesh, or stored tip lorce, are
unfit for tbe work, and have liot been
properly aud therefore profitably wiu
The cow stable should be kept neat
and cleun. Unless this is done tue milk
cannot be perfectly pure, 'lhe air of
a filthy stable will taint milk that is
drawu in it. and when the air is foul
thecows under such lack of care, will
be more or less dirty and some of this
filth will find its way into the pail. A
careful milker m ill remove by brushing
all such mutter that might, in part
otherwise reach the dairv room or tbe
consumer of the milk. Milk is a val
uable product, and the satisfaction of
producing it as ell as tbe pleasure ot
using iu the household economy ue
depend upon its purity. At no time in
the vear is it more valmtnie or more
difficult to have it pure than in the wiu
ter; therefore the one who docs, by
proper care, produce it uow, guius iu
more ways than one. 1 ue cows sliouia
not onlv be kept clean, bat well shel
tered, led aud watered. -
These are both good ingredients to
enter into the bill of fero to which we
trait our fowls, wheu either or both
cun be bad at economic cost. Upon
the faiiii. ordinarily, the first may be
bad convemeutlT: but the practice
usual where there is a surplus of milk
to give it to the pigs in preferer.ee
This is tha old stylo system. Those
whe have tried it have come to learn
that the waste milk ou the farm
doubly vuhiiiblo fed to poultry, as com
nared to giving it to swine, Mixed
with m-ul, milk is au adminicle thing
for fowls, young or old, und par'icu
lurly young chicks. Fresh fish waste,
that may be hud at city martlets for
taking it awuy, it ulo au excellent
thing for oei nsioiiiil poultry leediiijj.
There is but little solid nourishment
in this; but it is good by way of change
once or twice a week. This should be
also boiled or stearin d v. hen fed to
poultry; but it is put advisable to do
this jutt beloie killing. -1 'oulliy
. -. ... 11-11 -VI" ' ".' 1111 JJ. . A' '11 ". "H-...... . L il ..'
The eye is preserved in the conven
ient form of a sphere or ball by the
simple device of having its interior cav
ity tilled wuu liquid, wlnub prevents
the limp and otherwise flexible coals
from piiokeriug np iuto any irregular
lly ol shape. It la like a bladder dis
tended with water, which ia firm and
tense ou account ot the contained liquid
being so shut iu by the membraneous
wlt that it cannot possibly escape any
where from the tight grasp iu which it
is held. There are however in the in
terior of the eye two quite distinct
chambers in which this liquid ia dis
tributed, one in front of aud one be
hind the crystalline lens. The lelia
haugs, as it were, iu the midst ot the
liquid. The portion which is iu front
of the lens is a liitlu more than a very
weak aqueous solution of salt, and is
ou that account termed tbo aoueous
humor of the eye; the portion which is
behind more nearly resembles a solu
tion ot white of egg. On aeoouut of
this somewhat thicker ocnsistoiiey it is
termed the vitreous or glass like humor.
Hotli humors, however, exort very
nearly the same iutliieuce upon the vi-
bratmus of the light, aud the optical
part of the eye thus comes to be con
sidered as composed of two refracting
p-rts the denser lens and the tbiunur
humors. The ins is looesly suspended
in the aipieous humor iu front of the
lens, so that it has the same water-like
liquid bathing both surfaces, and thus
enjoys the same ready freedom of
movement that it would possess it it
wore simply immersed in water. The
humors of the eve are supplementary
aids to the image forming capacities ot
the lens. l.ut they are only subordi
nate aids, as their influence iu this par
tioular is comparatively small. For
simplicity's sake the crystal lens and
the associated humors may be locked
upou aa together constituting one single
eus, ana the visual power of the eve
in reality iK-peuds upou three curved
surfaces which are louud in li combi-
uutirn ot humors and leua the front
surface of the globe, or comer, upon
winch light in the first instance strikes
as it enters the transparent media ot
the eye, aud the front aud the back
protuiieraut surfaces of the crystalline
mass itself, lhe position of the iletl
ttite image within the eye is determined
ry tue lonn ot these aurlaces, taken iu
connection with the density ot theory
tullioo substance and its associated hu
mors. Ldiuburgh lioview.
4? I (fXt.. 11 V
MAIN ft., (Mil l. OM I I VY.
ritlllH NKWt.Y ANl TIKMtiU'Urll.Y Fur-
1 nimit'il hnioi in nun ii ins iHSim mm
luiHit eoiiiiiHHlluiis tu III slule.
., 4 (
1 DO
,...( slid
rttutnl and lo iulog, per week....
iiimrti, tor wtvu..
imrt, per day
Mlniilt' Swell
Un Mliih'i Walk tram ltrira
salient tiramlt of l.lmiura. Wines. Beef sad
All's shae mi Imnd.
VbiiimHi'.l i.nrti Hitvnna CliTsrs. nl-livmr
"lloiil. 'it lrr miewlli'd. sad county ardvrs
promptly Itlted.
ItM acres of hind II miles from llubbards.
and sliout tl lYom the Narrow ilimgn H. H.
hi this comity tor sale hi M ht scrv;
terms easy. 'Also HUl urns adjoining
nlHivit with ,l neres of Imttotn land in eul
Itvullm. Nemly all fenced for ,-iV per
acre, t.oplv lo K, O, McllivV N,
alltl Oregon city, Oregon.
voTinc i
on rmml
Itereliy ulven that t miwhste
IuikIk npplli-iinie nt llm pay
mi-lit ol I'miuty Orilincmliirwil tin or iM-tore
Jan. I, KM. Inli'iv.t nn nm-li orders will
etue Irtun ilateol thin hnlli't-.
1 1 A K V r. Y K. I ll"",
TrvsMin'r ol I'liioksiuu County.
Iveenilx-r a.M, IMI.
Owtron Vlty iHlllw
Keep on hand and
..... roH SAI M ,
Flour, MlMllnpt, Shoi tM,
Jl Idill Iiik, ( liftp Frcti,
Onts, ( lilrken !. Fl.
Parties purrkiwiliif reed aiust famUli tbe
Ma rket prlre paid at all times for wbsal,
J, MtCHAKSiM A t . Aita rrl4.
J. V. COCK It AN k CO.
Notice of Final Proof.
I.ANU times AT OltitiiiiwriTV, I
Jen. , issl
TOTU'KI lierttliy lvenlht lhe follow
il IliK-linniril wnller ll Uletl milloe of Ills
I nli-lit Ion In itiiihe Diinl proof In uiiort of
hlnvlnltn. stiil Hist "''l proof will tw mail"
imlnrtt l'iiiliir uiiil Ho-'lr, I), s. I.mt
onus, nt Oregon I uy, uregoit, un Friday,
Ki liriiarv, loth, IwJ, vl i
Ja I on, IIuiih'.H'ioI Api'llrntloii Nn. Svtl,
for I tie w t of e li til ' & t 4 , r e.
He names 'he following wilnews In pra
Ills etitillniiinia reeliletice upon, and colli,
val 'no nl. mi ul Iniiil. via :
VV. P. Metal ami Uoltert lltnrtiea nf Oregnn
Oily, and John rVntt, and Naiiiiiel Jaranon of
llighlaud, all of Uaekainaa roiuily, (irvvoti.
)!ilt l T. IIAIll.N, lleglaler.
Vtl'I.I rexs't hilly Inform the farmer
and ntuckiiifii ol I lurkniv a enmity, I lie!
I will fMnilxli all tin' l.tiinlier, Kalleni.iraiei,
Mluit'tm ami t olUr Ileum, ol llr, ninM'ioti
ofcrtlar lor alieili. 1'J feel lilnh and 'it let'l
lile. all cnt and trained, for mi cl per run
ning font Inr any lenulil of slitd. Mieil.ul
til Iter tllineioiltiii. at prnmrtlniiali' rales. Knr
lullier I'ttrticiilnra write to lue at tr 'gon t it y.
nr rail In person at l.lnu'i Mill. n iiiiIki
eaat o( lir. gnii I ID. II. 1 . I.I.N M.
Notice of Final Proof.
I.ANiH'rru a ATOnimo Citv, Oh,. I
isieeniie'r ;iih, isai. I
'ITIfK Is heit'liv (tlven lltal the follow
I Ing. naliied erttler lias rllt d nolle of Ills
Inletiii iii in tniike final pniol in tiiimrt of
lila elnlin, and llinl smIiI pnmf will bemad
la'fnrit tteul.ler and llerelver ol I'. H, I and
tirtK-enl Oregon rii v, Oregon, nn llinratUr
Jan 'Jti. I w., via: Jnnaa t line, rinniesteati
Appllratlnn Nn. l.'IH Inr lint w It ul ll ul
see 1. I li r .
lie nninet the fnilnwliig wllnesara in pro.
hla poiitintintia reildenpu upon, ami ruUlva-
lion of. Held land, vli :
II. K. I meant Oregon ri'r, r, w. naenn.
('. K. I roaa and Jelin llatiann of knndy, sit
AM peraona knnwlna themselves Indehtvil
to the ttiiileraigni'd on oien at-eottitl, will
pleaae Itlnke aellletlli'lll either hy cauli or
hole; aillirntd ear tlrawa Iu a cltwe, the
new vear InuiUI to I" tun wllh a mutual
unilertatiiliiik-. I.AItAMIK MA), tit
Mnlalla, I'ri'uan, Ik'e. is, Ivl.
V'OTICK la hrrvliy given that ('.
il nf tiremin t'lti, t laekaiiiaa etiiinty.
lias made un a.iKii!ttetit nl all his pme'rty
an. I eHiite, tnili rial ami irmial In the
uiolerMitneil inr Hi" iK in llt nl lila creditors,
and tlial I liuve ipiallll'-il and Died hit Immls
ea such a.-ilgnee. All p rnti having claims
against salil t . II. .Mters. ae' InT'ny llnlllled
In present i tiein In me liniierntllll. al Oregntl
I Itv, Onviin, wilhni I line innntlia alter the
dulo of t lie llrsl pulilli'iiil in nl this t ''.
VV . J. i Al.inv I I. u Auiguee,
Ilea. ' 3d. issi, 71
T r'
99 I If M
i r n iud ilvi c p. rn-o
tf. r. u nninfL. a uuvi.i
- al Ins otlli'i' In Mil. ell y aveiy Monday
Irtmi Sn'i'liK k a. M. to I f. M, (or in. Irausns
lion of pnil'ltte I'll.lness.
Oregon i 'lly, July Is, ls7i-t f.
.it vll TIIK next thirty tlayt I offer my
1 llnraes. Ilartii ss an I VVugoii for Ilia
mall sum of 11.
M.vituAitf r r. m'ii.mm K.
idlS Var.l field, I'laiksitinacotitily, or.
FARrA V-'NTi&.
'.Vll.I.i'ictiiini"' two Int. and three linutes
In oregnti I it v, Inr larttt north of
laekaiuaa pref'Trett.
UJJti w, i .vnr.i joii.'.i'.-..
Savs a writer in the Former's Home
Journal: "The past season hcing the
lrvest known for years caused the ap-
hies to wither anil tl' V up on the trees;
consequently the trees shed their fruit
and at gathering limn few, if any, had
apples to pot np. 1 am enjoying as
line apples lit this tinie as I ever hud in
tny life, and have plenty to earry me
through the winter until lute iu the
spring. I comrnoneej in June to give
my tree a heavy mulch of green grass,
hat was taken sick and mulched hut a
portion of my trees; anil just sc fur as
1 applied the muicii my iruit siuck,
while in the other part of the orchard
the trees shed all their fruit. Uro n
clover is the best for nmlcliinf?, hut
any green grass will answer. Wheu I
say mulch your trees I don't mean a
hundful of grass throws around the
trees, but I mean a heavy mulch for
ttii foot all around and well tramped
down so as to keep the ground moist
for the rest of the season."
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Opposite Popo'8 I lull.
NEW r-"""-
KLcIi and Colored Cashmere,
All of the above goods sols' at the
tj"7r) A WKHK. IU a day al hntne-nl
$ at made. IW ly onirlt fr'-a. Addrs
IJtl a ax 111., AUKuma, eiainn.
MfJ "Tfl 4Orl K' dav at noma
20 I U OaCU peawt.'rt 111. Ilea.
iI'Inson a t.u., I'oriiaiiti, .ifame.
ipe vr... m your own teon,
dUU .i inn lit lr.-e Addi ia r.
Portland, .ll.nii'.
1rint and
lUtsrl I o
tif t'lai-kaitiaa cotinly, lire
urn at
LARDlivrua av oaautm Citv. 'a.
IVretnln-rS, 11.
1 1, at tha follow-
v, tireuiin.
l.T. I1AKIN. lUxlalar.
of "Final Proofs
XtTIcr. la herehv rlvea
il liis iiniiie.l setlli r lias BkU nntlee of his
lutein inn in make II it ! pnxil III support af
hlselaliii, and Hint said proof will he mad
helim. lOKIsler and ltei Iver I'. S. land
ttmce al Urei-nn I lly, Ongon, nu Malaroay,
Jan. lit ll, I vi J. la :
Jainea A. Lindsay, ITr-emtillun It. Is.
.via, fur the it w nl s e i nf see IH. 1 1 a. r I a.
lie lis lues lhe Inllnoltta wlltlessea I ntnt.
hla eotultntnus h'slilenctt uimit and caUlva
lion of. said land, vli :
I. Muldertt. and It. I srsna ol Tualatin,
WasliitiKtun eniinlv. a nd John l arulliers of
l aiit'toall, I'laeltainaa enmitr. and Mall
At hey nt t'reiriiii t ll, I lackantna eottnir nr..
all of tirt'goit. U T. HAIIIN.
lIS Keglsler.
Notice of Final Proof.
V. a. I.AMttirriri at "artm frrv.ua. I
Imieiniier, li, lasi, I
voTIf 'F Is herrh given Dial lhe follow.
Iin(.iaitie.l seillet has fl led mil lea of his
itent Ion In make final pnad In support ol
hla claim, and thai aald pranf will tw mad
le-lnnt ItfKisier and Iteretver, V. M. land
urniii al i rnnrt t lly, Ureunn, oa Monday,
January 1 I vtf :
VA 11 1 1 x in It llurket, llnnteatead Applleatloa
No. 3117, lor lhe ii e a nf are H, t 3 a. r I a.
tie tiattins the fnllnwlnir wli nesaes to prnvw
hla eniitiniiniia r-sldeiie uob. and culllta
tl"n of, aald land, via :
Fiihraini Kertrtisnn, A Berry .Joshua Ther,
atttl I. r.etniin.aii or ureipiii in. insa-
ntaa etitinl.v, Hreson,
rtl ar
L. T.
II. M. ttl SS, E)cntil.
For Hie Inter' at uf the pn'ilie,
I have p snlv. d In do Srsl-t'llliS
work at I hi se prlefa :
fvt of teeth nn llnlilef . ...I PI V Hint in ward
"el ol teeth on I ellii olil.. in " ' an. I npaitri
fiolil Ullltnr 't 1,1 '"! "P'tartl
Silver and llort HllliiK .. I " ami upwnru.
Kslrni'tlon nf Teelli, with ita. tl it"
Hffleo : Cor. Klrsl and Alder Upp. Town t na-k.
II. M. Ul HS, Del.li. I.
Olllra boars, all tiuuis. InU: f
I Known asi'uttlnK'a Mill nnli s eal of
Oregon l.lty, I am now prepared u. furnlnh
All Ivindn of Lttmbor;
hlonrinij, Ceiling, Jiustic, Apple iWei;
Lumber Drltvereil in OrefM O'tf "nit Vicinity
fllve me n call and stive money. All orders
addressed to
(Irepaa City,
Will meet with twnmnt attention.
IT.H. l.aisDHrrit a, Dreirnn CHy. I
Jan. I. I ni I
C tOVPl.AINT having lieen entered al this
V oltlee by Jesse 1'OK, aifalnsl Tlnrfnlon v',
Nhnro, (or aliaiiilmiinir tils llotnesiead Kttlry
No, 'll. dateil l't'lnln-r, IS, I-7S, llan Ilia
it of w I, see ai. I 4 a. r I e. In I 'laekatnaa
enitnry, tiretfmi, with a view to lhe eanoel
lallnii of said entry; lhe aald parties ara
herehv suminoiieil in apiM-nr al this oftlee nn
the I'th day nf Fehrtiarv. InkJ, at I u'elia-k I',
M., lo rescind and Itirni.h leailtnony ann.
eerttltiK said alleged niiaiidoiimeni.
j.K I. I. IIAIll.N, lUglslor.
SherlfTa Sale.
V VlltTt'Ktif an eteenllnn antlnnleraf
I 9 sat" It. lied mil ot the t'ireiill I nun of Ilia
Mate nf ort-icmi fnr the County of f'laeka
niHS npnii a tlmree tif fortH-ltMiire rendered
therein in a an It In whielt th-u. W. I'rnasi r
ii plnlntilf, and Kllaalieth A. Hullnek and
I. J. Ititllnek were tie femtmits. I have levied
ntmn and alii sell at piitille ain-tlnn lo tha
hik-iiesi hi, ill r, Inr eash, nl the I imrt Iiiiiim
ilr, Intireitnii I Hi, rernn nn Krnlay, tha
."'Hi day nl .limitary, Ins.', al litn'eloek In Ilia
fnri-rinnii nl said da . I li (olltialtitf dnaerllHtd
n-al e tale In. a It : Hllintle and lylna III 1 1 a. '
r I east nf I lie Willamette Meridian in I lark
am -s ei-uiii v , t trejcnti, and (urther tteaeriliea
as hilli'Mi' i inn ineiieinij at a point tin lhe1
iiiTtlinf iiiiiiiillnn elaliii No, 4H, at the mirth
ail turner nl a lot enld he .lease Hullnek In U
( . InilliH'k tn Hie year IktiSi Ihenee aouth S
d'cn-es, east It lU-l'H el aim. thenen north
id th trees, east : in lisi elntins ;i henen nnrth
s ill KP'i a weal, a ib-iisi eliains ; Ihenee aoulh
SI tiur-es wehl, on Ho- nnrth Imutnlry of aald
elnlm In Hi" plaee nf twiflnnlng, enntalniiiaT
l i aerea rnnre i,r less, naiu sale is to aat bit
lhe sum line uimn said deeree aa nforeaaM
to wit : The siiin nf m, wllh Interest
thereon al the rate t,f nne pereenl per monlb
from N'lv tiilier '.tnh, lasl, and Inr lhe fnrthar
sum nf M, nltornie 'a f ea and snals taiad
nt l.i il7 Hi and aeeinliiK eiMla.
I'ult'd tills Hill day ol liteeinlier, hh.
J. ll. l'lljsnt:itY,
Hhertrf f Clarkainas etmnly, Hrt gnn.
Pfnprletor nf tho l ivery HtaWle
on Main street, ttrenon t;uy,
tiri'irnii. keeoa constuiilly ou
liutrleaf'arrlaffea .
anil Harks, Sladtlla
and Uuguy Horses.
IVicos Itousonablo.
a'l First Nlreet, cor, ofHalmoa,
Or-Bon.tily, Oregon,
Parties purohaslag inad must furolUi lhe
-5O,OI)0 llnshels of Wheat Wanted at
the market price,
OreRon City, Ancuft 2. 187S-tf.
Ktirlnir work donn, and J. It.
la ready lit h
In his lino.
nt his new shop lo attend to all vails
1381 J.R.SHEPPARD, 1881
lloust, Sign, Cnrringc, and Ornnmcnlal Paint
ing Graining, (,'aldmliilni und Tin! inj?-
GlaziriK Uorio to Oi-dor
All work nrninntly fill ended In. hv leaving
orders nt the eflop on Mnln Htrnnt, oppoall.H
the Hitrrium Hnlooti. Mined Paints any tint
or color desired, Iroin the hesl white leui and
oil, at Fair Prices. JVo trouble to iwtliniitu on
All work doni at the Lowmi Living Rutet.
Our luotlti li, "To Lit, nnd Let I,i..."
O. 1. Win;M?r,
mirnuifMiiouii bliickrtmlth itfid wiifjn nhop tnrriwly
(H'ciiKii'd liy Ihf) UtM iiaviil hmith. whem 1
hall iimiiufitrtnifl wniroiiei, Lukkh-n, milltt'fi
nliiWM, Hinl hurrowM. Hurlioclnff n tHTiulty. 1
iiav riM of tlm Uncut, uhoim jn tlio ttlittu, Johhina
of ull kinUn pnmijitly ul.tiiiiuVd to. All work wiii-
rilllU'fl Hi If 1 VII Hill inniri KMi, I Will itiwi iiiiniuri i nn
huMifiM of my "riKlt't liikintf" on l)fuuxtr Moor of
, tliln uliop, whifro I (ituill keep on htm a very Juiir'
from when licKircii, A tlnn Ikmii nu k;nt ready for
t)i Imnimm You will rcrnciniHT thitt my tcrirm
rio eHy. Mulii ullut't, iiuxl'lixir to IIon'm trm nm,
OroKon City, May, tf IH7H.
We eontlnnn to tie, ns Hnlleltnra forpntenli,
(,'iivi'itla, 'Irntln Murks, npyrltthls, eto., for
tint United Hlnlcs, i unnilii, l.iihn, Kmrlainl,
r ranee, iinniiiiny, tun. wo. nitvo lllul inirty
live yetira esiierltiiitte.
Pnteiitflfiblitlned throiiirh ns nrn netlwd In
the HdiKNTiPiu Amkiiiiiam. Thl Inrifn nnd
Bilendld llhi'lriiled weekly himt, it, 'Hi a
yeiir, ahnwa the l'M(?riiss or heliihen, Is very
iiiiereaiitiK nun iinsnn enormous tiireiiiaiioii,
Atldreas II)NN A CO., Patent Hnllnllnra,
I'tilillNhera of M(;IKNTIr(i AMUItliJAN, ,17 Park
How, New York. Itiind hiHtl- nlioiil 1'nleiils
sent free, do
Menu for our
splendid list
ol line iiml appropriate, Jul. elieai. Holiday
and other itinhis, vie are outdoing every,
leely for cheapness. "I.lfn of llarrleld," his
Portrait. Cine, warranted Jeweirv oheap lie
yond measure, llieiks, Novelties, Nnllnns,
h nil all kinds of plea.InK artlelea Hint ymi
all want. We offer a harvest fur all kimhI
e'tenis. Mend al otien, enelnslnif a slattip, lo
llASRhRinti, t'UAKLKM A Co., Ikix kl, Was In
Iniilon, I), i:.
Permanently ( n red- no hnk..i..
ana month's a.aue nf lilt, (.(ll I.aTiII'M
t eleliratetl In fa III hie 'H Peviders. Ta
eonvlnee sulferera that these taiwtler. will do
all we claim lorthein we will lend theas hv
niall, neat paid, a free Trial ll.... a. i.
(loulard Is the only physlelan that haa
rnnilti this dlseaae a aiaielal aludy. aud as la
our knowletlKa ihnusHtids have heen la-raaa.
lli'llt ly eitreil oyititi use uf Hieau I'uudara.
via will u-narantee a wrnisanai .... ii
every ease, ur relu nil ,iu all lhe imin.v
eipentled. sulferers should ictva the..
wiwners nn early trial, and he .unvluoed af
their eiiral Ive puwera.
Print lor litrne Imx, ,1 on, or 4 boiea III A
sent to any part, of Ihtt fulled HI ale. 'or laa
athi on receipt of price, or hy eiinss (' o D
Address ANII .ii lt,ilil''aj.
lino Fulton HU llrooklyn, m. V.
Positively Cured.
All .iilferers from this (llseasethnt are am.
lima to he cured should try lilt, H INNNKH'll
t elehraled I iia.uiii,.ly, AW, Th,, "
L".'n "".'ir l"-"P'-""l"" known Vha
wl I o irti (onsumptlon and all disci,.,,, of (hi
7,.in, "'"-'"d'led. .o slrotiK lor
full h In thiiiii, mid nlso to eoiivlnce yi,u that
L 're?.rri"0.h"!!',""t.w" WU 'rwara lo ..r"
iilferi r l.y ninll, hiM, pnlil, a free Trial .
He don't want your money tit II y,,a ara
perfi.tilly satisHeil f thHr c.'r.iTlv" p ".Vs.
If your life I. worth .iivIiik, don't tlilav In
Klvl.li, tl.e.n Powder, a trial, thw l"
iirely eurii you,
Prion fin Inntnhnz.lsmi, sent to any cart
nf th. United Mates or Canada, by "af on
rnuoipt of price. ' "'
n0 Pulton Nt., Hr.oklri,, H. T.