liOVK AND LW, In lit Iwlllglil't gloaming HUiwI ft maiden vming nuil fair, Watching anxiously fur anma i. no, Whu wa iMtrUjInly uul llmm, l,nii H elm iwri Into thn ilaiknoas, Wlill Jior in I ml u fisunlil Willi (nun, Ami lir heavy, hanging ny alula , Hlmweit Urn marks ul rtwonl Uara, (Hi, Ilia wue llml wtiiiiiin ulVnr I Un, Hie hmirtui lint ami tlis B( I Only lmrlUlly nuuiml lur lf lnr Unijlim m Imr lii. I'nltlitw man, mini in llm iintliluu, Wlm le waiting llmre nr joiij ('ii Imr Kmitly i your Imsum Tull lint liu In lilu In yuu, Tlmu 1 aiiw Ui gel your letters, (Oil lliie Hiint ilnni la Into,) Vol )n tmaii yon shako the nialuVu, Him limy i'Iuhmw In liti(lo, Never lei 11 liKBi tliww jury Ht tlwen hulclf U where, yiitt say Tlmt llm girl 'a vour "tixiUujr ,miliHy Vat ll KIM " il"il sway. the mtm; scab. "Tlio runt Hum dim rriinlit lifforn mn for sumo of Inn immorutiH ml ili'iiiiuiiKiiH 1 will Hi'uU'iicii him Imnvily." Ainl Juilito Johnson stirrnil hi ii vliirHl,y, wtiilo a ilt wriiikln irnw tilmn hi Aim Iron grity brow, uinliir wliU'li lownil hi kuii, uruimt uyn. IIU Uttlii cliuitfhii'r Janif lin'i'iijil tu jmiir lilu niii'otul pup of Urn. Wis w vry fniiil nf wmtiiiH uu mim, for Juriiii, lliotitfh unly twolvo ymtr old, wu tlio olil juiln'n liiiHi'lti'ir, hor imitliur hnviiiK iliml two your irrvionly. "Whtiimy hiii flnos -for yt'iii ofton ajioik (if dm nrri'xtn, im?" "Hi hrothnr Warri'li, win) is iih linn it yomiK man a thn town fnmUiti. I rnu not umlorntniiil Uim; ho in hnmlaomn, hriuht snl might Im limit anything hi) (bono, lla'll inl at thn gallows yet." "Oh papal" Hut rm'kli'iia, wild un lUliuUwu oua forgotUm whnn the pu'rlor w rii'h J, ami J an in (at ilown tu lnr piano. A snrvaut onUiri'd an hour later ami haiiiliitl thn jtitlgo a telegram. "I'unlii lliibo i living mul ha si'lit for nm." "Dyinffl I'nole Uuho!" "Vra; are you afrsltl to rotnain with tlio smaiils an.l Mr. Hmith? I fool utisiiay owui; to that nionny. 1 untit to bavti tmt it in thn hank, hut havo bwii ovnrerowilisl Willi work aiul buainomi. Tw ta 1!" muthiri'il thn JiuIko ft trillo aiilimmly, glatieing athia littlu JautjbU-r diiliiuimly. "Oh bo, mpa, I am not afraid. 1'oor Uni'In ltulii'! you had bttor ntart at onoo. l)un't worry about tun; Mr HmitU ulixip in Hi" ni'Jt room, you re- IIJiMlllK'r. Hut thn juilfro did worry and frvt, not nly over thn uuiii'r of hi ihiiiKhUir anil hi monry, hut hlamod hinmulf nnverrly for lim t'urrlt'RHiDiM, l'.vou amiiiiif hi Rravnr tear fur liia brother, Ih 11 llioiihtof theivn and burg liara liaunled him. "1 otlttht to le anhamed of niyHelf to h'uvn that amount of luouey in thn Iioumi rvnn for ft day, for the plaeo i m iaolated, thn nrrvunu" mi ll arrunt coward, mul eouxin H.ilhe anoh a weak help. On J an u' hravn littb hrart to be depended on. Heaven bleu thn child. Now wlmt can b thn matter with Kubn oannot imuKinei he u well iniouKh limt week." Mr. Hallio Smith, forty-iiecoud iHMinin of thn;"'. nud ft coutlrinnd in? ih. I, occupied tlio room on the riht of Jitmn'a, while that on thn left wa her fiilhnr', d ill it the iron Kftfo that cou- I lined tlio money referred to. "I am afraid" I am ft hit neryou, muaed Jaiiin, loxkiug around her chain ber with nhudder. "Ihn aervmit r unite a way off. and Coimiii Sullio takca an much Inudiinum ahn would nnver waLoii. I wonder if I would fonl miter w.tli the money under niv pillow. ' And fiHilirh little Juiiie. haviiiK thn rombiiialioii of tlio lufe, went to it iii.enril it and took out thn roll of bill "Oh, ho," mi id a aoft voico behind Imr. "That in exactly what I want; I had no idea yon would bo o aceouimo- dutmir. Ion't raiu on your lifo. And thn bold fellow actually laughed ft he aciKed her wriat. Jtmin did not cry nut. She Rave him 0110 auddeii. aturtled, mdiunuiit look, uni liending her head, buried her white ftrolnr teeth ill tho rxooKed writ of thu hand thnt held her captive. "You littln titter-vat," ho cried, ill a r.wn and iutoiiMo autrring. "Let k"i or lwill kill von." Hut wliilo tho aliari) pain had unruiui ned him, with tho other hand idio thnmt ' thn roll of money in tho wifo uud prung tho lock. "Now." nho Baid. triumphant, "(let i if you can, bnt-oh, Oua Itybolt, I know you." "Yonno you don't h, well, you will toll yonr preoioua father befor another day cloan. Como hand oye the cukIi: I want to have aoniu chance of eotlinir ftway." "No. yon cannot hato tho nionny. Oh On llvbnlt. remember your lainttut mother, your "0 brother; what will thev thiiik now t How can you bo o wicked ? ' "I have no time for nonneno. Han over tho chhIi, or I'll " and tho click of 11 revolver hammer aoutiilod. .Iiinie' i-TOH IliiMhod iu 100m. "Von harm ft helnluKH littlo uirl ! You wlm nlwava donated of bravery 1 For ahamo. Our llvbolt: you nro a coward! Hut iu a Rentier tone "If you will niako inn n pruniso 1 will amo iuiiko you 0110 anil keen ninn a loiior 11a you do yourn If you will h avo mo now nnd broomo bettor boy an honoHt, honorablo 0110- will never tell." Thn temptiition to peraiat in hi under Ukiiic wua crent. but down in wicktnl dnro dnvil Una Itybolt'ri liPaH ttmro waa a lender mint, which iMiatltiftil Jnnio JohiiHon had held over nince alio wan child, ami hn had tidicii part) of her at anhool. Ilium her? Ho wouldn't have lmrnioi hnir of hnr lioad to havo aavod hiB own life, and h!io knew it. "Yon cannot have tho nionny, bu won't you accept tho jirouiiBO won't you maka thn compact r "Yen," bo uid t last, in ft liUHky atruineil voice. "Iloiivun bleu you Jnnio Johnnon, nd may Heaven help me I" and lie wuh coin). Ami .Tnin. with pyoH full 0 tears w ftlippml into bod, and aftor a long time 1 W frttl fiint. aatnnn. But wasn't tho old juJgo furiotii when he eamo homo? "An abominable practical ioko," ho fumnd, "There waa ltuho well ft I am, ami very niunh iiirprimid to aeo mo. I only wiali I know who did it." "Why, papa," lniifhiid Janlo, "you niiKht to be an thankful that Undo tnhn 1 wnll aud not 1yit)(f, a yon thounht. How run you fool provoked or nngryV I urn o (jliid it wua not truo," Tlio no it morning UtiH Itybolt had iliwippnarnd. Ten year liitnr Juuio Julinaou wa a lovely, utatoly wiimim. Tho rudiunt irimiiHo c early girlhood wan inoni limit illlllled, while tho bliivn, tender heart wan unoliiniued. 1 ho wifo of tint Kwon""' waa rncniy. uu, and Imr room were filled with ill- liuKuiHliod kiiohIk. Tho hint comer waa a young man of thirty, of commanding iroHimon, wIioho cram nnd noblo fiwa mado him Neom aomowhat older. Aftor paying hi nmpeclH to tho IiohU'hh ho iiiudn hi way alowly forward and wn runt by many aniile und greeting, Ho wn iivideiilly a great favorite iu aoclely, "Oh! lliern in (inueral Uyboll, who ha refilMid tlio Atintriiin miaHioii, pupa nay, auae tin him another and better mi' niuii among thn poor of Now York, You know him by reputation, dear; but very few know the half of tho grout ami good thing hn la doing with hix wealth mul talent." The apcaker waa tho gov- rnor' daughter, Janin JohiiHon turned her lovely eye careleaaly toward tlie pnraou pointed out looked 0110 inntiint cooly upon him and her face uuderwentanudden Htrungo ohauga, 'ltia yea, it mut bo (iu llvbolt! How mar villous aro thy way, O Und," hIio breathed. Slowly vet ateadily he found Ida way toward her. IIr face wa no longer pale but fluahed and her upturned ye allowed plcoed reoognltiou. Hi Ural word were'. "I have kept ay proiniKo; have you keptyoura?" "Y, oh ye," alio Lreathnd, then ad ded "Thank lli aren!" to which he gavo ft low "Amen! To lay the old judge wa nHtouiKhod in putting it mildly. To Uud iu the eminent editor and reformer hi old -a ho nip- Iioumi - iucorrigiblti (la Itybolt, utterly noniiliiHaod him. To an old friend lie Hiil.l eolilldetitiallv: "Yea, tho boy bu turned out ft tiutnp, ftnd the wonder of it in Junio tluuk o too." and he laiiuhed. And Janie never told of her roblier.yet alio kiaae lomrtiiue a purple acar on liur llllabiltlii'l wriat. 'It waa the beginning of the new lifo, alio any, "tlio beautiful new life of an holieat wan." A Heroine of 11:! 1'aam AWiy. A heroine of thn war of 1312 panned aay at Kuituatu, Ma., on Weduosday luit at thn ripe ago of w- Miki l(ebcca Hate, who with her aiater Abigail, beat offftltritiah frigate. Her father. Cap tain Simeon llatea, waa light-keeper at Kcitnate, where ho had lit the lamp of thn new light ;houe for the tlmt time in April, lHll. In tho upring of tho fol lowing year Kugliah crniacra were fre oiientlv aeen off tho harbor and on one occasion a frigate ent iu ber launches to deatroy by lire aoliio veaaol at the wharve anil cut out two oilier, threat euing to burn the towg if any reaiaUuce were offered. After thi. event a homo guard win formed, detachmputa of which were Htationed on Cedar and Crow point, and in front of the place, with brims piece, the member being allowei to return to their farm when no vpHar waa in light. Nothing t) alarm them occurred again until tlio following Sep tcmlior, when ltebccca, then girl o eighteen, and her aiater, four years hi junior, wero aitting one afternoon with their mother, Hewing, the captain and all tho men-folk of tho village being ahaeut at their farm. Mr. Hiite told he liauuhtcr to pnt the kettle on for tea, am a the girl went into tho kitchen alio for thn 11 rut time perceived an Engl mil man ut war cloau ut hand und ubou to lower her bout. "1 knew the aliip at ft gluuce," said the bright uud genial oht lady of eighty-four, whuu telling her ntory some your ago "it wa the lift Uoguo. 'Oh, Lord! say 1 to iny aiater, 'the La Ilogue i oil here agiiiu! W nut liall we dot here are their bargca coming again and they'll burn un our vcaaolH iut as they ill afore.' You aeo, there wire two vcaacl at the wharf, loiutoJ with Hour, ami we couldn't afford to loan that in tboe time, when tho embargo mado it so hard to livo wo had to bilo pumpkins all day to get sweetening for sugur, Thoro were the ninakota of the guard. wua a uood mind to take those out be yoml the light-houso an 1 fire them at the Ilium': 1 mmht have killoa ono or iwo but it would havo douo no good, for they would have turned round aud fired .1 . . - n . ,111 i .it -n .1.. llie VIIIU'JO. 1 11 Mill JUU WI1UI WO 11 uu. said I to my water; 'look here, says J 'you take the drum, I'll take tho life, wa fond of military muaio aud coul iiluv four tnues on the fife. 'Yuu Leo loodlo' won my moaterpioce. learned on the lifo which tho soldiers had st the light-houao. They had a drum there, too; so I mini to her: ' 1 011 tuko tn drum and I'll dike tho tlfo.' 'What Rood will that do?' eavs she. 'Scare them savs I. 'AH vou yo got to do is to beat the roll. I'll scream tho tlfo, and w mtiat keen out of audit: if they Bee u they'll IiiiikIi us to soorn,' I showed hor how to handle tho stick, and wo ruu bo hind the cedor wood. So we put in, as the bov say. and pretty noon 1 looked and I could hob tho men iu tho barges reatini! on their oars and listening When I looko.1 again I saw a Hag flying from the maathead of th shi My siater bewiin to luuko a spocch, and auul: 'Don't niuko a uoisu; you maka mn lun ih mul 1 can t nucker my month Wlinn I looked again I saw that they had seen tho flag, and they turned about so quick a mnu fell overboard, and thoy nicked him nn by the back of his noc und hauled hnu iu. When thoy wont off I played 'Yunkeo Doodle. " Mis II .1 lt..l....u .iuLia 41. a il.nH linpninA IVeiHiCCU null's B iaii-'i iud uhwi mv....w of the day, mtrvives hor, as do four other brothers and 8itor, whose ages range from seventy-five to eighty-nine. The Itiitesesof Hoituato. it may bo said, wore a long-lived raoo, aa their mother died at n Lf itv-Hven ana thoir lutucr at noariy tho same ago, while his father livod to bo nearly 101. "Do vou think you'll bo ablo to pull through?" anxiously iuquirod tho noedlo of tho thread. " Eye guess bo," was the J curt response. I'erlque Tonami. The greater port of the perique now produced is raised on a comparatively littlo clearing, a small settlomnnt called Orande l' the parish of Bt. Jarnos. Tho whola tract hardly cquols in extent a modorato sizod Wostorn farm. The in habitants aro poor a a eU, and hardly muliw) that they live in a republio, for tho intumul rovonno ;om to them an instrument of oppression to extort money from thein, Tho averuge of acreage to each producer is about throe to tun acres ami ho is ulumtod nuder the proauut iutortiiil revenue la as a manuiuoiurer, required to give bond, pay a speclui tux, muko nioathly reports, furnitm an an- uul inventory ami I inu suojoci 10 an tho imins and ponalties of a regular mimu'faoturor.iind yot not one-twontioth, n 11. . if 1 lie tobacco tirodnced ver find its way on tho market m the condition in whieh it is prouuoou. Unlike other tobacco It 1 taken uown from .! no lun. on wlncli It Has von ung, Miforo it gnu dry, anil whilo the steuiH are yot green. 11 1 inuii bwiuihuu and twiated into plugi.enllud torquettes, locod into wooden boxes ououi himido inches sqtiRre and prcsseit in a moai primitive manner by means of lever ana weight. For the ilrt ten or twenty ilnys that it remains in ine proa iv i frequently cxuminod anil tho Jilngs uruod so a to allow uie wiioib 10 um miu aaturadid with tho juioo 01 lonaeco.uwtr- lly preserved in Its own juice. It is llowoil to remain in mis cirauumu ir about two months, or as long as it is deemed advisable. I'oriqiio ha the pe- uliur urotiertv. in nommon with violins, wino and Limnnrg choeae, of improving with age, and that is the reason why une- out tobacco and cigarette manufacturers always bny old crops in preference to new. Alter the lanv numou proennn, 1110 tobacco is pat up in what is called car rot which are mado by selecting the choioet loaves as nn envelope, iu which the tobacco is placed, and the whole rolled no in a cloth anil tightly eorueo: with a threo oighfhs inch rope, and left in that condition for abont six months, when It is ready to be placed on the market. The origin of the name I'erique is ac counted for in this way: l'iorre Chenet was tho first producer of tho tobacco, ami lived in St. James pariah. Ho ;bad been a sort of cantabout, ana at one lime lived w ith a lot of poor tlahermon. He, however, lefts numerous progeny, from whom some of our beat lam 111 aro ae- scendod. Ho was fumiliarly known as F riquo, which is tho diminutive or nickoamo for Pierre, or Peter, and thus sniiposod to have given tho nsmo to tho . .' r- 'I';..,.. 11..,,,,.. lODftOCO. I ISOW 1.7riUttII!l X uuvnf vuiu crut. 1 Botnautlc htory ibout MUs Thursby. Figaro toll a queer story about Mis Emma Thursby. At Stockholm one tight after a concert, as she was waiting fur a earriairo in tha rain, a footman iu elegant livery oame up and said that his master hail oruerea nun 10 iuoco nis carriage at her disposal. "Who is your uiiwtor? "I havo orurs not to reveal hi name, but to insist npon your mak ing nso of his carnage, in short, anas Thursbv. with one or the persona wuo accomoanied her. entered the carriage ami were ilriven to nor noiei. curing hor visit to Stockholm, and in every town in Sweden and Norway where she went, Mias Thursby found tho curriagc with tho white horses ami me iwo ser vants at tho door whenever she needed it, but the owner failed to make himself known. Finally, three days before Mias Thurbv left Scundinaviu for fans, Mr, X. w annouueod. It was be 1 After Mi Thurabv bad expressed her thanks, and Mr. X. had explained his conduct, he said, "Miss, will you do me honor of becoming my wife?, lo wuicli Miss Thursby replied, "Yon know who I am, but you Uo not know tno engage menu that I contracted towanl my fumilv when I left America. I will tell jou what they are, in order that yon mav see IU ill till uiiirriayo in iiuiiunriuio. "Imnossible!" "Listen. When I loft mv naronts they mado me promise two tbini's firatlv. that I would never sing on tho staco. aud secondly, that I would tnarrv no one but an American. 11 were to be an American?" said Mr. X "Then I should bo free to dipoe of my heart as I pleased."' Two days afterward Mr. X. roturued. "I shall leave for tho L'nnitod States to-morrow. I hopo, with the credit I have, to got promptly natu rali .ml an American citizen. Go to Paris, for it is thero I shall como to ask vou to roaluo vour promise: for you promise mo, do you not, to bo my wife?' "I promise vou. replied Miss Thursby Mr. X.. adds Figaro, is now in Amorica From the Parisian. A I.KTTKB. PoTi.n. Not.S, 1NHI Pa. Ilai.T-l)ear Blr : Having Buffered for year with rheumallaiu, aud nperlally durlug laal wlular aud uutll July endmlng great pain luoat cf tha inn. 1 wuh to certify that 1 met yoo al lie atata fair, and for a few daya look your illieuuiatlc Neu. trallier, which you were kind enough to glv iuin trial, and after Hire daya 1 quit taking It, aud hava had uo ailtlerlng from mat cauae ami. uuugu ,i,,l. Hik half of the botlla full four nionlha ago. have Iraa annoyance from that rauae than for any llm for year, aim nav trieu nereunor many reue eUu-a that war unavailing. . a ". Kit. ll'illuairfK 'aner. Th atxive teller la but on among the nunieroua lealliiionlala given to Pr. Uenlav uuaollcllen. liuu. ilreda are Iu lile poaaeaaluu from hia owu townsmen living right here among ua, testifying lo the won rf.ri,,i runilv imwera of hia ltheuiiiello Neutral Int. Pr. Henley refera only to tha leatlnionlala given by well known partlra In our midst and never elieaoii far olf and unknown individual aa aun. porting what be claims to be true of hia Uhi iiniatlo rieutrallser, i. a,. It win cure any 1 as 01 lurume Ham In ailalenc. The doctor loug since dlacovered th fully of applying external reiuedle for dlseaa that haa It Beat 111 tiitviiwpM riianueis oi in. unw, and Iherefor ai l to work In discover a remedy for rheumatism, and mankind may rejoice that lu hi lllieiimslle Neiitrallter wa hav an effective am iiever.falllng care. I'artlea who ara attllcled with rheniuntism would b benellled by converalng with H. V. Matlhrwa, of Ih Ksmouii noiei, wno naa useu th doctor'a remeily. lime and depot: 'JO Third atieel, between Taylor and Salmou. In the year 1858, tho young Constable 01 uustiie was seui oy ins sovoruigu iu fiilieiutrt Pone Sixtus V..on his exalU- Hon to tho Paoal throne. The pontiff, disploasod that so youug an ambassador had boon deputed to him, cauld not help Baying, "And well, sir, did your master want men, by aonding mo an ambassador without a board? ' "ll my sovereign had thonght," repliod the proud young Hnan ard. "that merit consiswu in beard, he would have sent you a gout nnd not a gontlomanj Health is the bed plate on which th whole mental machinery must resi an tvnrlr. If this ba craoked or displaced all the mechanism that stands on it will be jarred and disturbed, and mode in feotuul. Til K UOI.O M KSiL LLEK T. - A poraon wttklos burrMIr down Flrnt lri Willi SI whol mind lnloul on builnmn, woul'l liinllT notlo lli niaur brilliant (ttaulara uiada on allhnr lil, but with plenty of Iclaura nion mw'a uauua Bbw ST! variety, nnw ujurn tu aea ana almtrn. mnim-lally la tlila Ilia rani, at tba anlranra li; 107 and toy, Ona carioot tut atip and admlra Ilia bnaiitiriil aparlmffia or urtpMc art tlial nil tlia cwna 011 ItliT aide of Hi Imll, loualatliiK of Har'la, Cablnata, Vanla bm4lbra, Juiurlala, VIwa, Cruroni, etc, iiavliia turilaiir aaliafiod voir uilml. aurloalty will liapal you Ut gn fiirtli.r, and rnomit 1 u C Ilia atalra you atand bafura Ilia dour with tlia iii'.ilcul aiifn, Frank O. Alxll, fhoti ,ralirr, and two llttla worda whlrh tilnaaa uu uioa, Vit tlmr ara brim full nf bwnltalltr ainl good nalnra Walk Iu. 'I'aklnif a'lvauUua of Ilia Invitation, arnroualv i- titM to all. vou oiiau tlia door wbu a ovrfiK'tann. tmral of bnauiy br'iaka ution tlia vtaloii. Maaalva frftbii'a In iflti, "bony, iuarUralra, rarvi-d and silt, flll'd Willi bftutiftil noei'lnii'tit of tba "art bri-ar. vailm" lino th walla frmu Bwir to cHIIiik. LooS and ailiolrti Ui your heart a nmlrnl and if prrchauc you wlh to mk a allllim tha amlabla wlf of tlia tiroprlrti.r will hnw and aiplaliitoyouthadlrrr'Ut alfiaa. Maka your arla'tlon, thru atip Into th drmalnx mum la laillw' ludolr of Itaclf). From Ihrra bi tha oppratlii rmim and It la dona. Ko It la not doiin, you ranooi iint your nlt:tura for a wack or U-u ilnya to i-ouia. Your ni-Kntlv luuat ko tlirioi;b tba banda of the rubiurbi-r, tba printer and hiilahrr, and than alie-a tha cloa of tha atata lair tha parlora have Iwen ao crowd. Ml anil ytt many aiblltlona have ben mad to th workliiK fon-a of tha Mlabllahniant. Hull tha work ar.:uiuiilata, and yon will hava to wait a I'm daya on Ihia awount for the l)nlli"d work. Navir tulliii: Ulna fllra awlttly: It la now dona, and aa ynu vl w the rlni-ly Amali"! and artiatlo work, you win ba but on or thouaatiua iua.ta nappy by vlalllnu th nhotouralililii parlora of Frank li. l'll, l1 and iUI (Irat alratt. forHaaa Smiita) iJrtftmtan. tiRKu 'r AAnt ajK-rra. Soma lliu ao Mraara. liodv. Jlavla k Co., of thia rlly, read In Mwaachliarlta apr that lion (,'li.rUi 11. Ladd, audlb.r of tint atala, waa affll' t-d lib an lui urabla kidnry dlaaaa, and had bn o!!,x4 to Klva up work aud rlurn to hia bout. Tliry liiiiuwliatrlyaf'nt him a wii of their criabratcu Oraoti Kidnry IVa. and fromjliua to tlma aut him other bote. A few daya ago they received from ttlm tlia following letter: OOHM0KWKAI.TU or MiaaacHuaETTa, 1 Aiidibir a Uni t, lloin, tiov. 11, IhHl. I Meaara. Utdi(. Mavla k Ou.i liear Htra -I bava no lieaitatlon lu aaylna that I have been murh bcDeflled by tha nee of tha Oregon Kidney Tea aa a remedy for kidney dlllli iillr wlnrti baa troubled m lor an or lahtyeara. I can heartily reomfnud It to tboa bo are aiiuiiarly mi-i-,i, aa a aa' ana aKreeaoie I ahall teal ItaVlrtuea further, for I hare great faith u It aa a aneiiSa for many dlaeaaea of thakidueya. Ueapectfully your. imn. n.'1.. Tliaorlglnal of thlt letter can be aeen by calling on Meaara. Undue. Ilavla ft Co.. Portland. Uregun, and tha lireuon Kidney Tea can u bougbt of any druKgiat or dealer. In Oregon or Washington. Pile 11 per boi. Varriaon's B-wing Mainline Btore, 187 Third atmrt, i'ortlanil, tsti.a beat plan, in Oregon to get your auwinit maclilnc reriaired and lor buying all Simla of needle, threaiii and oil. Agent for the Singer, Home, Wilaon, Davie, ltoyal bt. John, Nw Home, Crown and general agont for tJB Jiuuarliulil. T!i"HouK-bold" took the first premium tvt h--nl raimly bewmg machine at tun Mechanic Imr, John 11. (iarriaou, lUf Jli.ra street, run- land.Ueneral AK'nt. H f I'n (.w "ee'e', No it Business Mil! r ul.r 1'n.Iita. MstfiUf iarttirini Of Pilot brt)Ul. CTmrK m, ff. frork mul iiiiuid Buaun brown br-W vrv MtiiKlHy mornlnit. '. H. rTT (WW ntrvH.1. rwl Kiurmvrr, uinu- fsw-iurfr of ttrl aid linuw HUsiii !'. dnu-rs. nofr kii'l kHif -tit. onifni nutxi pmniptiy. Ill E.A VlwTA. POTTI.Ry. IIOI.KHAI.R UKroT . ... itf. ta jm imnu ! A. M. hiniih rruii., nuiiuliw'tun unun lUt. Mnn wrf, dtiwir potK, VMrm ore brick, eic. uoumry ! HOTt.lA AM l UK A V EK llA.K llOTfTtY-tnt t.tT. LHiwfti MswltMiii anil j-n-n"n. jin v) nruii. (uriittTiv f Hum- li'Hiw. m. WaUlA.,- lur Charg uu U tl.M pr dy, sLxxrOltMi lo ATTOKt'. ft. K rY. Att(mv and (VuniH-lor at I kW UaMiH A UrhNM MMinf , IA-1 oiinui - i f , -ml mi. m lettv-ni l'i'iit ir u.vrnttuiift, bfur tff PhIiIII tlfflri', r In t III 4 i .UrtH. m I ..)! tMV EYE Si EAR LNFIUJIAUY tan SANITARIUM, OR HOME FOR THE SICK. Ir. nikliisTtnn. Uti rmft.iro(Ky ft Ear Inwtw In i hi Mt-duaJ Ufimrtmi'in oi w tiiumriie i iiivstmiiv hitaertH't. a rttif ImiMltiji. on a tK-mmful tltvatHn lu I he mmiUi Mtri uf riiy ami b ur-Miri'0 to acciiiu Jul kMlU-tiU mirTtmif fruni all iiaw-aMi (if the f.VK, Ki(nr 1IIKUA1. Alwiwiiiay sluhhw nii'mihiii iu IM'moitt iMtvmiiR un lt r I limine i'rvoua aiioMKnia, ainl to l!fuM iv4-tiiar (o wi.infn,nJ rwifv a Ituit IM iiiiin H-rif i'l-i- fkiMt'i inst roil iiu'Uiei u Mi liiirntUMi in to irnvttl a ir nurn rawfj with ail lSt iMtat bvHifiitr nrfticW-. ct.mbtfHHl Willi ui bt nllitj nklll Id Ih bv1 ill th mi'tnli4. iiHiniiiiiiiir nij ah bin ami Htirna-vm nr. I'liiiin iiiutt. rritf. uf tlisH ti-Mn Of Mtntifti ami chiUlrvn Ui tltv tuttl-iml dfiwnuifiit Wlllatni'ltf riilt-nti(y. Ait itn i ii it J. M. t Hniwtit. fr'I. oi rnywouirr mu dai t. WUiamfM l nivi ntiiy For any auiouut uf n( tvtnn anrl rlmilnr, 1tn ii k. j. it. rii.KiMi n. (gr. ! mn4 HwshlniHo't I'trltl, tr. SIBSON, CHURCH I CO., Portland, Oregon. EXPORTERS OF WHEAT AND FLOUR. In tb Market at nil time for the abT CoraiuiMlittre. Adilre ua for Infnruiatloa aa to valiaea. or Ternia of Conatfiuisient. rt.t I 1-T4 AM) AKLAD BAGS lot ale in lot to atilt. Stencil marVi turn I sited fee aiiiillr- tlnia lefl LEARN TO WRITE. Hftid T.cntti lo J. P. FtaMr r aiiilior o( the fV4iat?r luii nictn of iMiiiiiaiitiiii a ml nft dv rt-turii mall a full w't ciMtirifrffli from tlif h-ii ltb itnntiti and wrtilfii lutainictkiiiH hnu to tirm ttr. You will alo ftt with tbtK (, frffiio NVw and Kany rulfuln math fiuatU al calculalionii, tKHH'lan' aitHl;d to UruuT am! nuM-naiih-a. Aildittw, J. I . tt fliir.n rrtu of ivutnl Muhlhchool and Wrltiim Araalrmy. -priinu, ."r. Il.tMMt 11 1 iW A 1113 I.tOlt ANVONK WHO Wll.l, l.F.ARN I Kell..n eV Jlllssm'a HyMeas of Itrvaa I nnd tiiMik t nlllna, anil, Willi at-orret meu- I me ami MT(ei-l riiuins. lineliu a hail tlllliia I varment, m-vernl lliiimiveinenta have loal I Imo'II made, Aaellta lo eel! anil teach wanleil I In everv town. HihxI aiiellta can make from I tio to SJ ber ilav. K KI.IXIIIII A J ll.lUN. I Clieney, r-iioWalie I'i... W. T I rsi SEVENTY-FIVE WaSff TQ AKIIOl.Kal nVE HUNDRED r. PER CENT. PROFIT lUhfi a ivairmaiifitt lrad. Plant nle bv mal, 10 wnia . . - a . BJtllbia.aJlkl . ay. ff, u u a aj fO,i rortiaiid, Ortyoo. Climax Washinx Powder. The Imiisewlte'a Menil. haa enrneil tratlinonlala from all who have umul ll, anion wlili'h are Ih Mlalcr KniH rkirol Hi. VUicein'a lioiltl. IVnlaml. anU the tilslera of fharlly of llie llouae ol 1'nivt.l.nce al an n.nver. It vea all the lale.r of waahlns anil brtinra onl the clolhea 111 better iv.lnlllloil than hv any oilier niiweeaof waahlns. N. W. Wllsna til neli. ral went for th farlflc Ikutat with heailiinartera at 1'ort- lanil AN IHPOSTAKT t'HAMCK. TIAVINU THANHKKHRKll IV AUENCY Of 11 the NKW IIOMIC anil t'HOWN WKWINd u Aril I N KM to Mr. Jolui H (Inrrlaoil. 107 Tlilril street HtirilMiiil. llrivon. 1 lake thia method tti biforill iny liMlronaaiul the Kenenil publlf wrher Ihvae ekllcll macelnea may belfouml hereafter. II. T. llt'l'WON. Portland, Or. I lOI'in OnilllY.PIltrlCllll:"ATt08l'IIKRtt' I J lneiirnatora," prV Wo. 1'ry (lire aud luaiillla lure nialliHl on receliit of rirli-e, Willi full direction for uae.eui. e. "KlUaWKK at (X., uriiaaiai lei air street, rurtlanu, ua, eole Asauta lor uie is. racin (A at BiarsU I lit InMv b THE 6IANT .a ; runlFl'" mw usruiur nmsau n am Ttilm Wondtirful Zi SAW MACHINE amnmnn4 to sawaS IWt lo; In taire wtaa. taaa, and MB i cord wou4 or i.n of any alaa lo a dr Uiaji ass saia can chop or aaar the oM way. Srarr a anaier aae uaejnm irwi on. ACCMTS WANTtOlraaiaraaatl HtXD FOR CIKCULAR TO MNTOBTH, Bier. A c .. Oeneral Acenu for the raclAr Iw, 3i Market atreet, a tVaaet-er. iraMerliat. llsrutor la nr-aa, 4 bmlrnla riu4t Mrllilr. Cor. Mornaon aud h?vud Wrvet-i, Portt&n Or Axel! lor Forest x lower Colcjjne Mai. iU..t- GLOOM l .r ih i .-ss. ( al . MilAW n Pscltirll Sj-nsp f HAU Glycerine Lotion for the IV e. 'f coics ThtMti pn'rrth)nii ar oouai lo ajivthm it tb itiid tvtr ttf ri In ilit maritft. ami al. arc iitvliM to rail and lor UitfUilvt-H, t)nlt'r by nmll pruiKpily 'it-lid jettdedto. JOHN A. ri.lL.!. lriu.nwi. lur. Mornaon aud oad rata. I'ortiaiid.ur Xw-llc aad KerraM llelalis M U th Head. Mtairv aflhe SiimI PiiafUMrp, ete. Rrf Immtiliott. Curt Ptrmantnt. Had Catarrh In Its v-rv wont form. On box of 'Hurt IMra' urtd iu."- A a, Utarr han Hafatd. " llavi uael tt with th mmt rru(lftnsT rvtiulL" V. ft rrrM, Mlior"New Aiff , ' 8. , "I had b4sn aellk'tiKl with Catarrh for 7 voarM; two ho Iktbyim' 'Mirt Ciirr' curvd n.." Kev. T. M , H. AasVrsar., Sacnuui'iHo, Cai. 9l r lsmi lhrrc boara tmw Aak mar UUUUi; DA VIM ft tXi,. Whoifflrie ariit, I'oriUuid.Oniun. F. WaWAI.KFB, Nolo A at. ParlAr CaC. Cu tSaiiiHiuie Han FimovK o, .aL PHOS1 II.A.TT! SOAP, I'NKIVAIXEI) X)U Cartas aikla Dlseaara and far PrraerTlna. leaitay aaia. Beware of tnittaUona of both the above Jnetly eel, oratiil artk-lea. The (riinlne made onlv bv the fcTAlAKI HOAP IVSrAkl, lio n'm niamiuuliire the larKi'al aaxirlmelit of l.Al MHIY ami lUll.t 1' MOAf In llie tih'KlrK Sot darmmento street, Kan K.-nnc'in-o, California. SMTA I KANT TU E laKOT IN TH K ( IT V All al intern ImiroYmnta. Open all lay. al. H. BBKNNKK. lVssvtotor tt' ' .,. iWrsTtA rlyl-it.i'"a'' Haii - tot fc i"' . . owJ-- Is' . t I t: kkk l-s. I HI M It II mm awn piHj g?Trr' js1"10 lei Ete k On, SHOW CASE LIAKUFACTTJEEES, Cor. Front and Stark, Portland! qyyr. FOR TATALO'lCS'. PERUVIAN BITTERS (CHlHCaWNA HCBKA.) 1st Fl-tort BITTERS la too WOBLO. THEY EWXTCAL Y CURK MALARIAL DISEASES, VI tell fa ih ayaleiaaaa aeret th ravage (tba Urrattral Alrohol Ualalt, OlfMtMANl. Aak your Dtnggtt or Wlaa Merchant tor them. WlLlir.ttDlNU a ('., Afvataiiaai rraa- elsea. W.J. VAN MHIVVKK tr Portland The Grcait English Remedy. VUIL ' la a never -tailing Cure lot LJxSiy'X N..rv..iiIHI.iill-.r:xhaual- ed Vlutlllv.Neniiiial WeaJt. Pii..k.i.'rhiatorrniea.L MaahasMl. lni.teut'y I'ar-ivw. and ai' ttieierrl hie ehVcta of eJ-Abae- iilthfnl 1-olHea. and el mine, and many oLLei .lLe.aaea Ihal ld to U'aautly and dal h. 11K. MlXTHtwlllMreetoforfeltriTeHniiatree) Itollxe t. r a caee ol llite kind the VITAL. KaV K'lUH ATI VE .under hia aeclal advice and treat ment U1 not cure: or for anythlnr Injure or Injuri ous lum.d In It. B. MlftTIK treaia all pnvat diraeatiivc.sfiiliv wltlemt mercury, (soaollatlaa freav ThoniiiKb exanutiatK and ailvice, un-lielnu anaivalsot uinie, aoui. Price of ltni Keatorntlvo .i un a bottle, or four time the quantity, (10 no; aenl tu anv mldreaa iiwii receipt of pm-e, or r. o. !., aecur tnnu observation; and in private name. If dc!rtM, oy A. K. MIN I'lP, it. 11., 1 1 Kaaunay atrvet, Osua fnaaelavo, CaL nn. MIVTCRU KIUVEY KMKUT.laV Pll UKTIt 4. a, curea all kinds oi khlney and Rla.lil.rCVimi'iuila. donorrhcea. (Heel, Leiiinrrboeal For aale by ah Urmtguia; al a bottle, at bwtilea tor a. BR, MITiK,l l A ttr HON PILI.a) are the In st andclieaat It 1 "PH'MA and Bl UOK cure In the uuu-kct. Kor wale by all dntKKialA HOIHIK, MAV1H A IV.. Pun land. nr.. Whjleaae Aa-enia v All Orders for Medicine C. . 1. must he acrompar nleit wttli al sXVaMai,'iiMralite of kinkI falih.) a hkito will lie de.hited when the package ai wtilml Patent, Xov. 11,1879, 1.I. Vi. 0. 1SWV. mm .1 e..l-l.!l VV nOHNK'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIOBELT. I re ()! (emiiiaa. Hsreieeil 1 at iYeeilem Unite 'aie. r.leHefSsUsHrfl.waiTls,ll UeH-lUtl. H.I la, iUi.llsoe, IA t Kl.stra.kaxa. '". lie', J i.uaaANifcai) Tia v7 sasr in in ui,. Will poMtlrelr cure wllhoul amSrlaa Khsunasiasp, Psialyna Nriirslcia. K.lney Ouesie. Ine;leacy. RupluK. Lives Discs NrKouoeia, Dyspepsia, kplnal Uissasa. Atie, Puasaad sUssi dHeAse. Smd nwitlH.osled cstaloiruc. free. Also, ITIIIa or Cured. 8eu4 for llluatrat . llUl I Utile Cataloau. MiuidrecUoloum. W. J. KORNE, Prop. vd ManuTr lot Harkct SU, S.a Fraaclaco, Cal. Turkish rim I AM OFKKHINO Tl'HKIMI HUM PATTKKNK. lUxika and Clump, for holding Pram, at Krvmly My Pattenit art'TurklMh Uttoiiiana. Klowvni,K,rollaliu,.1 piintd anjutr cloth Htiriitp IrfHiK N.UaUtu tu vunmii cuiiirR, rtHuira to nitUtiB Ifu'ttt Pt.ih'U Tlwy art lilled with rajcii or wool yarn with a bwtk mad? rxprcNalv (or tb tniruoM. making ttii'in mi Hlniplt that a i-btld ran follow tha dlrtH'tunw In tti catnip ur and mak a very baodaome ruv at a ainall UOMta A c ntaloffu of drlrtu ftnd coat of mc may be liml by addraaauia jxo. n. eAKR-ifto a co., wit W7 Third ntrt, PoniAnd, Otvo I. . r r- ? - i.r Vf- m -. j MA 12 1 ? ' vionm-a In niaiurvr yeaia, IT-A y .1 .-,A !fi men aa l."ss .4 Meniury, i (j J'siirtiai Kmfc. . JiY Ix aain. Avrruon lo So. lety, L':4f';' Mnn.eie. of ViM,,n. .Volsea luUGiZJl.riMj ntuuilna Ui tis