Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, January 12, 1882, Image 5

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Aitimait, Jams
luiiiflinmri, K Mr
Iliill'T, Hhulll J
Ura. Jno, W. Hollwooil, wlfa of the
, rctor of fX. David' church, Kutt Port
land, Wl passenger ou the tint trip
of tht "Columbia" fur Han Franolaao.
Al kocti she gut dispaou tli nt tlio re
main of br brother, Mr. George lly,
wbo.wa killed by the Apaobima, Au
goti at Now Motion, bJ arrived at
Ban Frenoieoo aud lliut the funeral
would be mutpuued n tilt i bur arrival,
if bt oould attend. At midnight that
km day ilio UrUid on bur mournful
journey. Mr. Hull wood bus many
warm friend in Oregon City, who
will deeply eympathi witlt her in
tblt Md bereeveweut.
The Mytlo Club mquerad ball
ll Thursday evening we vary no
eeuful. Home oiiatii'iie worn plondid
end other, oo tlio oomio order, exceed
ingly good. V did not get a 111 of
the uiao,ner, ouneiiintly cannot give
tbam. Tbe best character for tb
eaon were "Han and Grelolmu,"
talned aplemliilly by Miaaet Kinma
Poller and (JuiUina helling. About 20
oontilaa oama up from Portland oil tba ' !'
Qul'uoy. It waa a very Mjoy.bte eve- hiX:'&Jo,'(
Tha farmarj in tba neighborhood of Wr.i.i, Joun .
Randv. work maIoiisIv on tba roads J.
ini) Hatnrdar. They ara determined
to have eood rued a, aa they know Ida
want of tbam la tba groat impediment
ta progress and Improvement all over
tbla oonntry. Would that their exam
ple wara followed by every community
in tbla ooanly.
Tha Oresoo City mill baa bought
tha iirooortt mitioait Luarmeu
k Ron'. Wck!lo tba reilaoad track, ou
which to build. waraboiiM. ta whiou
to receive wbaat by rail, whence it
will ba takeo to tha mill by conveyor,
uu the eaae with the Imperial will
Tba Dally Hlaadard baa tha follow
tag heeding: "Two journalists wsr to
opposite Utemant. lorn, tbia la
tba moat monstrous assertion yen ever
male. We'.oeo inwirine no combina
tion of olroumstane, to tinka annh a
LI.. ...... ,I,U .van Vnl 'l!'
JonroaliaU? Naverl 1 1
At tba regular meling "f Cataract
Hum Co.. N'n. J. Isst Tuesday evening,
tba following committee wasanpoiuUd
la mak arranaamenta fo a ball to ba
given at Popa'a ball, on tlio emnnlnllnn
of tha ('alar.'!' now house; Mossrs.
llook. Uroderiok. Marina. Pratt and
Tatar Wis. or a ba calls bimaolf
aoaotimea. Dutoli l'to. hta plaoad on
oar tAbla anma applea of
tha Tulnvlmckin (nH it to
aolt Tonraolfl. tarioty ononr tabl-
Ona WKiirhaona noundand ninaonnoea
la parfnotly aound and of in nun ill cent
Wood ia dna thia olUca from aoraral
nartim' on anbaorioti.in. Wat haa
aiwl and nnanaiiioloiia naiitlibora and
thar hara baaltbr lookina wood-pilaa.
but for appearanaa'a aaka, we mut t
eord onoa ia a wbila. Uring ou your
An intanwtinff aommnnioation frou
J. E. J.JTtalU Oraak. waa too lata for
thlawaak. but will aopaar nut wak
A II a onmmnnloation from Citixin
a ill iUa annaar in our nmt iU8. v
U4RRIED t tha raaldenoa of J.
H. Vanonrao. Ewla Craok, on Tan. 1,
1HHJ. br dMrKU J. Cnrrin, J. P., Mr.
J, J, Walklay. of (llaokamaa ennnty,
and Miaa Jennie llillopa, of MultnouiaU
HOIW-To tha wire of Dr. 3, Canto,
la New Era, Jan fitli a an. 10 pound,
mother and child both datng well.
Wa aoknnwlodaa a ploant call from
Ui. I,afa Y. Wilaon. doi.nty eonnty
alark of IUinton eoitntv. Lnfa ia an old
friend and wa war lad to aae bini,
and alao to learn that fortune was faror
ing blra in every way.
Work ia the now pnmp factory at
tba dry honaa. ia faat )proaobins onm-
rIetlon. Tba new auaina ia m pimi-ion
tha lathe nn, and the aarlnff and ma
obinary will toon ba reedy Jor wora.
Thara wa a eao of tho rrarn1ar
KollowliiK It Hi" lid of road luiwrvlftora for
(ilaukatimtoiiuiily, fur IfMtJ.
Ml I'hm IlliiUuraiaa,
in Wiu ll.iy.
) j u wiiiKamot,
m W A l YImwhII,
17 Chrlii K.x li.ir.
m , V Mmit,
n It Oliticliltr,
41) M ldur.l,
11 U Wnll.u'n.
IMI WHllum.
ti Kli ( rl"ll.
U C It lUinwhy.
l Mlka until,. J,
m Win Itauuli,
il O llulr.
4i Jnu Katrnn.
1 'I'M Million.
t I' M Itliinamon.
1 J Ilk IIiidh,
4 lino wi.h.
D Jut Wllmiii,
t Ih'iiry Juwull,
1 W 1'itiilitiiii,
N Jl Wllbtirii.
I K A Muliilit.
10 K HilillMr,
II . leu I -iiirmun.
11 K It lliiikliunlt.
II Jin Muitiir.
14 J W I'Hliiuilrar.
in M II lli'lboir.
17 Jul Mniill.
IN liuvlil l.lvi'iav.
Ill (loo ArniMruiiK.
'4ii J J lllmlrriuuii.
II wn iiuii r.
U Win Km I, hi or
W It II I'ojU.
11 Tho llouipion.
Ill T or w Ario.iroiig
Hi AMrl VV'Hllliig,
HI A Kflilpiity,
DJU l.lbliV.
1 II K Uoyvt.
mi ju r.vaiia,
90 J M liuyi'i..
.11 Jno Uwnllln.
U W It r f low.
Ill Juo Hiinhr.
Ml J ; I, MHIr.
"i K II ItuMxHIn.
hi Thiia tinrmu
M J W r.llloit.
I.I lp AlbrlKlit,
.A Jhn MwHfToril.
14 llniiry lloiriimliilBr,
07 Aiiolnh llronknrt .
'H Jno MirowOriau.
M A t' l.vnrly.
il J uruiiiiio.
Hi Win Kuinl. lil,
HI (.'Inn. U,.uli'Tlr.
1.1MT Of l.Kl l lUCrt.
The following la a llitnr the lnttr n-
nmlnl"K In the pot mliin nl Oicuoii Clly,
t'liti kHin ooiinlv, Or.'iiiiii, Jkii. J'J, I'M.!.,
Ifcunnil Tor, pluaanuy wnmi Nilvirtlail,
low"ii, K.lla Mim i
HollKlllllHII, l j
llMU.T, wrwurL
Imiiiii. Iluinra Mr
KkiihIiIk, Uiuita .Mint
JoU", I II
I'urknr Mnrllix Vrt
WitlaiKilun, lleriiiaa
M. IIAl 'ON'. I'oatinavUir.
After having bmtu Mijitilcd tbrongli
tba kindnoaa of my frUrnda, to otm luct
to a aUPOonftll eud tin "Cliildrana'
Carnival" bald upou tlio iWlth of l)co.,
I oonaidnr it a plmnnire to acknowledge
hit gratituilti to tha public in nunoral
and iut eflloieut bolper in partioular.
lu giving an antxrUlnment, I have
tlirml, iu addition to conferring a
alight fuvor upon a worthy otijqol
to oontnnute to tha rational atnuaa
uiant of the puhlio and to make uae of
the beautr and talent of tha children of
Orwm City, for llmir own improve
ment aa well ita the gratilloatlon of
Ihoae who love tlmni. 1 have been
amply rawardad tor my attendant la
bor liy the hope that 1 have in eome
maaanre attuined my obieota, and by
iut tbornuifh enjormaiit of the senar-
umly, emuitiucy and entire barutouy of
thoM who have aliltul ma.
I am happy to acknowledge that to
Mnt. Nora Clark ia due credit for the
entire direction of the inntrnmeutal
muaio which waa anch a marked and
approciatod feature of the carnival.
lir nntiring patieuoe ami iminatry
would have inaured the auoooaa of any
Miomr Morraon Athey and Tom
Millnr added very grnatlv to the iu-
tercat of the occaninn by joining Mra,
Claik in furnmliini flmt-claat muaio
througbont tha antiirtaimuent.
MimiirJ (loo. and ilnnry i-iioha Ron-
eloualy diaplayeil thkir akill 'in violin
ducta iu tlioir acouatomed tinixhed
.Mra. I.aur I'opn wa iniloniligalil
in iiHing her rare UVnt In teaching tha
ohildreu aingiiiir. Himli an nndcrtaking
li alway an ardunuamia. Mr. Clintou
I.itonrHtte auo Kare very ellloieut help
in Una iliroction.
Mat. 1. C. llell rendered very great
aervicea aa ami mamer, lor Ilia
inarohing and a general pond actor of
etTaire. Several ladie iited very
matonally in the preparation of ona
tn nib", oluof mil miff tlieat were Mra.
lorn Millur, Sir. liraytoa aud Miaa
i.lTa tiooil.
J. M. llaoon, Eiii. onnforred a good
favor by lolling ticket! at tba Post
Mr. John It'ick, editor of tha Entkh
rtiiHB aKiniutl tiv vcrv complimentitry
nnticni and other (avnra. Mr. John
(;iienowth of the "Fall Cilv " Wal
a'n oour eon in Hiia rKpcct.
MeimrM. Pope Proa, wore eictrenjolT
attentive iu allowing the uae of their
hall for anveral daya before the enter
tammont and aamitting npon the atage.
Moaaia, . Carey Johneon, l.O
MoCown and O. Wataon deerve thtuka
for aotirg aa uahera, and Moaara. Drav
ton and Porter for Milling and receiv
ing ticket at tha hall.
I am nnder obligation to Mr. II. E
Cross, Mr. Jennie Harding, Miaae
('lara Johnaon, Eliza Col and Lottie
Itaird, Mr. Jap mover and many
Above all I return thaik to tha
children for tl.nir hearty co-operation
Friday evenlnii, lieo. 301b, IBal, wilt
Ixi loug rauiBiiilitired by the little folk of
Ureuoii City, aud avail by children of
largur growth. 11 wan, emphatically,
"Chlldreu' Day," The aveuliiK wa a
boautlful one, and tha expectation of
thoae whoattondud were fully gratified.
Uu auUirlng Ihu hull, an onuaiial and au
liiiHt4)d alwlit mot the eye. Tha aUge wa
iiiiIUj Uninformed by an xuiiive addi
tion, extra tiurtalna and veritable green
troea, which, by the aid of abundant lluht
and llowera. formed aa uhariniiiK a fairy
fin-cut a one could dimlro ; and tlia falriuit,
bluMllioir little hoarta I Tliere they were,
ctirruliid by tlioacore Indilnd dr)erlim at
tlm raur f tlni liall. WMtllliu liiiiwlientl V
until the fanhlon. beauty and elilvalry of
HreoB City, with wtnuh the ball wa
ii.nrilowlio ooo Id Le aealnd. With the
lliatlintK of tlie "(Irand March," out
HUipiied the "fiiKloiuaii," Haifa l Vore
Jnliiiwni, arrayed in cardinal, black and
apunuliw, at whoae nod the children
liiurlllliiil III! tha alula to the InanirllliiK
inii-ic of the !riitra- the "wee" onea
tit-nt. iiinler tlie eaiHH-lal oare of the "fugle-
mail," and then oilier am-a in order in
auctioiia. In all the alory of apanule and
UrlaUii. and vsriooa auraiiiva anorn-
iiieiilH. mininirtlim the pleanant fiction
I hat thoiu) were falriea. lorda, ladiin. iirin
ramn and nrlnctw. uimiii which the Ore-
run ;itvlUi uuKmi with ciilrauceiiient
and tirlde' Much liali, coinpiexlotm and
Inlaiilllo irrKiel tnr Uiwn auuluat the
world lur Iniiutv. We hail known our
trtlivea wer celebrated ahroail, but we
never before an riwilluud the limlliio of It.
ilmihelur tliut We are, we aim' al envied
tha r,.ihr who could claim ownernliln in
the little I'livulia, There c"iiiud to be no
end to their iiiiuilier a they marched
aud ixiiinlcriiiHrchml till the foreinoat onea
reached tlio fnutllwhta. The entorlaiu-
niniit proir oix iKid with the full cboru
of r-culi. voiiiil-viiicea, ttlUKliiK "Hail to
the New Year," counteriiiKrchliiK with
tlin refrain anil colmLalltl V nrekeiitillir
new front to the ilellKhled audleiicn. The
iiian-liiiiK ami nIiikiiik, ooimlderliiK tho
aueofllie iierforiueia, waa extremely
Bund, and the vohi no or voice aetoniah
InulV alrmiir. i'art am-ond of the pro
grauiniewa "Our Hoy' Hohool," in
wlncii aiitlie txiva partlciiMiled. M Ante. a
llruwn. Mct.'uwn.t 'haae. I roHaand John'
ann read the traditional oomio com pool
tliiiia. "The Owl." "The Couiuiel," "TUe
Hawae,"elc in downrilit aclinol-liuy
atvle. Thev alo aaiiK very creduulily
and in a aplrlled manner. "When the
liiitUtrliiK Itanner la Klylnir," auoceaa
fully oarrving two parU, ahowlnn that
iHivacau altitf. If they wlah. Charlie
Criwaduulaved In thla aonir and oltiera
a line, atroug voice, which he will do well
Lit eul LlvatA.
NnlwlthHUndlitir all expectallona, the
audience waa totally unprepared fur
atlratrlioun of "Pari Third." The
For all of the fnvora above mentioned ffVM a"
and nmny other. I have tha honor to iai followed by a acini
offer you my aiuoera thanka.
ay of enttlinu acoonntaoo Handy Hidue And I am greatly obliged to the par
t..i ak 'Ma t ami liattorv loian t enta who luni tunin tn ma lor me oonai
wina out a debt not moat alwaya, and aion. I am proud alao to acknorlodgo
in thia oaaa it waa inoroaaad about 850. the compliment of a full house aud ex
oollent order
There' a little crowd of yonngatera
in town, who will aoon into aoiion
tmnbU unleaa they mond their way
Thai taat nacanadn Wa broakillg into
u, J n. ltmninlt'a bare. Thero will
ba n fun :n jn.il, boy.
Credit hon1d bava lieen given Inat
..k in the 1ml lea of Ht. I'll 0.1' ITUild,
for tba axoollont way in which the
Chriatma tree at the Epiaoopal obnroh
wa gotten op.
1 nnni w lalilnaoood whis'tey bar
ta for nanklnir mirooaea. can obtain
tbam at tha ltornnm aaloon, Thoy are
of extra quality and for aalo at reason
abl rawa.
Th. a.iii be a ball at OnriW ball,
on Bandy, on tha evenintr of St. Valcn
ttna'a .lav. Feb. 14th. 1882. Admiaaton
linir a oood HllPDur.
' II. BiuiNH, Munagor.
Tha nn naaanmrer train wit dolnyoil
.!... .n knne aaatnrilav mominB. be
oanae of the ditohing of the up freight,
near tba ninoblno ahops.
Milton, Umatilla Co. Ogn.
Jan. 5, 1882.
En. ENTEnrntsa. I aaw in your br
sue of Pco. 2'.tli, a statement of loma
big hog being killed in different part
of the atate. Mr. finmncl llichia, our
town butcher can brat anything iu Ore
son and I think anvthintt on thia ooattt.
Ho hit juat killed thirty hoga. Una
netted 018 pound, ona 400. one 450,
and 27 that netted 8,410 pound, if
anyone can do better lot them ahow up
Fnricwln machine nnfdld and oil. go to
John Scbram, who iloCn furnlih you with
almniit any aewlng machine, at prloc within
the reach of all.
Mr. Ju. Jenkin aooldontally out
hi riirht thumb very everely laat
a halra ara honorable.lmt few like Tuesday. Ho will ba nnabla to work
aaT " . . .1 t .1
thnm. Cloth them with tn nuea oi tor aoma u
yontltbyneingAyer'a Hair Vigor
Hon. J. D. Dilos wa in town yoalor
Ti.a Cailiolin obnroh ba one of the
beat, if not tba boat, oboir in tba city
Tie. Atklnaon will Dronob at the Con
OMoatlonal oburob, Sabbath, next,
morning and ovoning, Janunry
fiipufor'a mill i fant approaching com
nlution. and will be in running order
era many woek.
T5ninea la tolerably lively in the
justice' court these day.
Mr. E. 0. Hnnkett, in aner to a
pressintr oull, baa gone to Prineville,
i . . . , - . .
wasoo ooumy
forinaiiceof the "Oram! Coaniopolilan
Coinbiiialion of Aaaooiated Ntara, waa
laivniid nralae for aainleura. Aa the cur
Uln ralavil. a iralaxv of HUra waadia-
plavwl. tlial won eiittiuill applause.
linn. F.t. McOiwn dixulayed hia eualo-
niarv irenlal wit a P. T. Itarnntn, No
The llrat to advamyj waa the (Tilneae
uiant. Ah Jv Wav : he waa almpiv
aliiiiiloua, hi cap ladnn up among the
'lliea. ' aud th autre wa liarmy laiua
enoiiuh for hia feet; lila helitht waa eiicht
rnot. really and truly, aa the cnuuren aav
Tha character waa aiiatalned by Ibat wel
known, Icnutbv knight of the iiruaii, Mr.
J. I). Nloyr. Hi liitriHtuced to the ail'
dieiicn "Petlle," otlicrwtae lino IlardliiK,
aued four, whoae aclf-contalned aKuinp-
ii.m or t ie nart or in n attire ihot. wiui
lovely trained dreaa. fan. lewelry and
l.iikknnt enllinlela. waa aolliolllina won'
clerful to liehold. Alt wre completely
charmed with the cunnln;. little lany
Aathe "loin and ahorl 'or'.he ahow pro.
ceeiled on their way, they wore loined by
the "Nnak l liarnier, cvren, suaa mime
lU rd. attired very prettily, aim carryinu,
apiwrently without fietr, a very omul linl-
lailun or a Doa-conairicvor. .-me inaue nrr
debut before an Orenon 'ity audience aa a
alnirer, and aaiiK delllitfully. The pnv
c.-.loii waa then Joined by ".ulolka.
Miaa (Juaalo.Helltiiir. Wonli tall ua lo no-
acrllie her atrlklng llkenea o the charac
ter aha Imitated. Miaa Hcllinii'a eyca,
at ylo of laitly,cloaely curled hair atand-
Iiik on end, and dreaa, maiie tne cnaratner
pel lix-llon. I no tiouoie-neaiieu niri.
I... rem Ai'kennan and Joaie tiood. Iwo
niii.. t il t lu girl and reinarkatiiy alike,
acted very well tou-clber and nicely eanc
the "S um of the U.mea." The "Wild
llov fioiu Hornw then txiunceii in, cov
ered wilh Ioiik hair from head lo foot,
anappliiK, narllnir, bltlnir, runiiin upon
all burnt anil 'RXIiiK me eireiiKiuoi
kecHr, Will ro Kail., who lielil uiin
witli a chain. Horry Inline m waa tlie
buy. iiint H waa one uf the best aiiMlalned
pailanflheevenlnir. I lie next waa me
verv ilniniv little Albino" lllaiic, white
fr,..ii hia lilnnde curia to h' toea. 1 Thia
waa NclloJohnaou. only a ahade whiter
in coinplcxlon tlmu iiaiial ; he aaiiK "M ra.
llonil niwt IV in a clear, uiuii voicb. iub
I.-. i H'niiiiin. niliorwiae our cnteeilied
r..l Inur eltiaell M ra. ('oiiutock. and aeveral
aora eiiNhlona. ahawla nuil umak. did not
travel with tho other, becauae alio wa
too much, but ahe laughed until tlie t.ii
ii.uik In aiirvevlnir her own diinenainna.
Theuumlc by Mra. ir l lara aim Meaar
Alhey and Miller, waa above crUh-Uni,
n,.t nnlv In their oar I a. but ill the tlllllctlll
oiierallnn of aoooinpaiiinn aoyounir aing
ern. did lliov ahow their excellence.
Itellirhttnl waa -rart rnurtli," lor oeauty
and anectacular I'fToct. The t anlata
lr nn l iiirin nit and tlie r airiea opeueu
with a duet. "Uo ou Think There are
an v Kah lua." aumr liefore the curium PV
Nona Alhey. ami iwipn eiuieri n. waa
their (1 rat ellorl and waa prettily render
ed. On the curtain rlainii a double rile of
lianilannin Imva III iiuaniH' uuiioriii, wun
atatura waa aeen aovancinir iioiu me
ili.lrtf fnreat. anil alien Willi rniwwM
apcara to honor the paaatie of ' Prince
(,liarniltitr."ltiilfo Johnaon.leadlnn prinoea
I'un.ir iii I .on hm I iM liran ami lollovveil ov
the Malda of Honor and J'bkc. aierie
JoIiiimoii, Theaweet and graolotia HUie
trout hiukiiik
way. whlcii
i'horua ami
cliorn bv the animated fflliterinn Mironu
who marched and clrcieu in oewii"orinii
The nrlnre. nrinceaa and suite,
ascended a beautiful knoll, where Prince
liiarinliu aangaaolo very pradttab'.y coo
aideriiiE Ilia auo, to wnicn tne nine um
rim. fui.l.. mihoed a resnoiiHlve ohorna
After the departure Of me princess aim
Imp I rain In one direction and I lie iiunrils
in another, the nrlnce and his pau fell
asleeptnthe alrAiiiaof tlie mimic, aomv
pluveil nv me nrciicMrn. inn iw i"ii
pair wore spied bv a couple of It'tle fiilr'es,
ltertha Hiirlii and Nollie Ilrouuliton, who
prelllly sana. a lullubv and crowned the
ime wun uowera, boo im ;""'-r
pearanco tlie "silver slicks" Ralph Miller
and Nello Johnson came In siiliiuitf in
silver from wands to slipper, between
whom isissed to the ironi tne rairy
Oneen," Aiinio (.'barman, also In silver
witli wliiirs and wand and lieautirnl
Hosting blonde hair, followed bv elirht
of the loveliest little lonii t-essed tieiiiillc
one ever saw, wlio softly aacomted hei
throne In the order mentioned, with the
"silver slicks" nil Riiard lu front. The
scene which followed is beyonnd descrip
tion. At a summon from the IJueon, the
fairies trooped upon tlioscenecii ciingana
acamperlnir In llutterlnB wings and
spank-lad tunics and alnalng "QimuI
Muriilnu Oood Morning ' while they polt
ted the prince with flower. The Queen
than with her wand awaked the loepor
who ant up and listned to one of the
most tlellnhlfiil onga from the Queen,
Annie t'liarnmn, that the audience ever
heard, which wa responded to by
rVnm tlm Prince ill s similar manner.
Tho gambols obcllng and llutlerlnir of tho
ItlalHirles, as mev men sanw .i"n v
the depth of ,the forest was a seen not I
soon fornotUin. i'art Fifth uincnd by
violin duel by ueorue and ilrnrv
I'llchs. whlith was spleudlldy execoUd
ud lieiirtlly appreciated. "Ijalu'a Nur
sery, waa a pretty home scene, l.ulu
beiiiK name Chase, one of the sweetest
five-year-old llule datliiiKN, that ever
blesaeii una uarenls. 1 lie recitations or
her trouble and her proludlct-e at the
new baby (a real live one) all vanished
when she saw It, and the bsbv made nu
complaint but behaved admirably.
loule lieil, as the "sister ' took the little
IhliiK and as she sanx a nursery eonif,
counted lis little pink too. Mrs. (Jlara
haslliam at "uiother. added the bright
est of the many laurels won by her voioa
uy me unsiiucuiu sillipllciiy anil sweet
ness with which alio aaiiK a lullaby song
to the baby while rocking il. A lot of
youngster here dropped In "to see the
baby and by request held an Impromptu
concert. Kit Puie, a cliarudiig little girl
ang nicely. Aniiie liolan, Minnie Wil
liam, bimna Itlancherd, and Ieua t.oio,
four of the lonu-liHired Utile lieaulles
sike a rloe little dlaloguo. Maud 1'ope
aaug a cote liltlo piece about spiders and
loans. n trie other leavlnx. Joute
llell recited lo her doll her new buby
sister, and mother Mr. T. (J. Bell, a
natural as lire. blv Apperson, here
made here debut upon the ataire, In
(irani. father's Npoctaulea," hinging with
aootilldenue and atrenuih ttt voiia, re
markable In one so young. The last
H-tacie was "A Japanese Ua'dcn Hccue"
and waa extremely funny. Eight boy
bouncing, tumbling and romping, ap-
proprisuiiy dressed were tuldunly con
fronted wilh "Jim Khlnoer"' otlierwlse
our esteemed friend of the Kali City. Mr.
Jno. Che uowelh, d'essed up regardless of
expense, with gorgeoua robes sod trained
trousers. Two or three small Japanese
damsels also were present and while the
childrens' play was at its bight, the lady
oi ins House appeared, "JoUavoo JO mat
ia tossy Mrs. J. )V Johnson, in a very
cosily Japanese drees. Under a splendid
six fool, irenuine. Jsoanese uinbrell
carried bv the Chinese attendant, ilin No
can. Mrs. ors Clark, who pre-enled
without doubt tho most perfect imitation
of a Chinese woman ever shown. The
colirure, dress.thoes and everything were
perfect, as were slso her Inimitable rend
ering of Chinese aonics. Mrs. Johnson
gave a tragic recitation, In her usual
highly cultivated style, concering the ill
filled love of Cho Che llanir and "Chi
L'hll liloo." The finale waa the reap
pearance of all the children inarching
aud countermarching while thev sang the
lai-ewen song ' uood Mght. lhlscl"seu
the enterlsiiiment that haa never been
equaled or excelled In the ntnnli of er
formers, the beauty of the spectacles snd
the excellence of execution. Al! includ
ing v. IUjis from abroad, were highly
pleased. Iong may the little onea wave
who delighted us, with their besu'y and
socotijiuiiuients. Ureal credit is due
Mrs. Nora Clarke and Mr Laura Pope,
for their untiring patience in training the
children In Music and to Prof. T. C Bell
for instructions In drilling arid inarching;
but above all to Mrs. J. leV. Johnson
for the Iplanning, execution. and
wurk attending the affair from Its In
ception, which was only brought to a suc
oeslul conclusion by her experience aud
Indefatigable energy.
the i,i: vi)i:it op low ritiCE.
Takes 1eanure in announcing that Fall Importation are novr
complete, being the mout extensive, and hy far the tinest aft'ortmant
ot Llothnig, i'ancy and Btaple Dry UorxJa, JJoota ana oboes, 1UU ana
Cap, Carpets, Oil-cloth, Wall Paper, and
Sara Bernhardt Collars of all Descriptions and Prices, having a larj
Assortment ot all Oraues and Colors.
A big Line of all Grades and Colors, and Trimmings to match.
The Largest jwd Choicest Assortment of Silks, Satins and Telieta
Clothing the Latest Styles.
Tho Largest Assortment and Lowest Priea
and cheaper than ever. We keep the
A.Mayer's Square Dealing Store,
Wo ItoepFOSTliR'S Gonuino Five
Hook liicl Gloves for sale.
Fall ami Winter Goods of the
latest styles and Patterns just
arrived and for sale at
I have tbia day traniforred mj book
of tue lata firm ol Tho. (Juarmaa, wbicu
were clnsel Jan. 31st, into the handa ot
Judge WUitlock, for SHttleraenl. All
parties iudebtej to said Tbos.Clisrmao,
will please make aottloment witU him I Fancy Dry Goods, Clothinj, Boots and Shoes of best quality and
.i.-f i : I . it . i -a ... . Tl -:t
(ortbwitb, tba forogoiog baving no coo
uectioo witb tbe acoounts oi tlie pres
ent firm of Cbarman 4 Hon. Mr.
Wbitlock will be found' at tbe
tora of Cbarman k Son.
Oregon City, Jan. 9, 1882.
No. 1 Hats and Cans. Groceries. Paints. Oils.
i Windows end Doors, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery and Hard
ware, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Matting etc.
OniKion Citt, Oun. Jan. 5, 1882.
!. . th Vor$ Johnson:
Dead Madam: Allow metoacknowl
eilce tbe receipt, at Tonr band, of
ixir-tbree and 35-100 dollar ($(3:) 35)
aa net proceed, of "Children1 Carni- THOMAS CIIAUMAN.l
vat (oauij ana auooesaiunj managou
by KH-
nease aeoepi my tuanas, inuiTia
nally expressed, for jonr nntirin? and
disiu'erutod effort in onr bebalf, witb
tbe hope advanoed that tbe cbnroli may
in the near future, aa a body, take mcb
action in tbe premise aa your georos
i't demaiii.
1 hare tbe honor to remain, dear
Your very obedient aervant.
II. E. Co.
Treasurer First Baptist Church, ot
Oregon City.
Call and examine lor yourielf the
nieusc stock or cciiuine . srood at srreat
F. H. cnARMAN.
Tlio Oldest Estiiblisliod Business lu
ni;siiH notices,
Chf Jackson's bst sweet navy tobaoeo.
Dr. White ' office at room Ko. 8, Cliff
Dont forsret the fresh oyster at the
s'gn or tne rea laiuern.
Raklnu done dally at the Lincoln
Bakery. Fancy oruamtr.tinK a specialty
Fraali ovaler In all si vies at Uenme
Furhs, on door north of tbe Lincoln Uak-
The finest assortment or candy In town
is new ou exblbilion at tbe Lincoln
Tha lanrest and finest assortment
fhiu'V camlies in town Is now on exbl
bltiun at HardtiiK A Barlow' grocery
rtiirln thaNsw Year with a sensible act.
Treat yourself to a now hat one ofl
Wiuulu IhimL.
Hn a Now Y Kir's hat. Woods has the
choicest assortment, aud al the lowest
price, too.
Mr. A. Frederick, nost office block, has
constantly on hand a full saoitinent of
Una cigars, tobaccos and candies. Call.
W. L. Bradford, whowi shop Is next
iliuir north of Mr. (,. 1. Wlliesct's black-
smith shop is prcrsred to reHtir all klii'i
of luruilure, ruscat oatia-bottomed chairs
AU persons who hsve borrowed books
beloiiKina to Dr. Parker, will confer a fa
yor iism Iiint by reluming tlioin by the
1st of January, or as aoon thereafter as
possible. dAUui
Fis.,1 niorilorf will aell his 40 acre place
adJolniiiK Klngsburry, at Damascus for
Ci.'Viii.aMli. All smooth level land and eas
ily cleared. Mo buililluK. Enquire of
H. K. Cross, real estate ageui, Oregon
WaNTF.n In formation of the where- gasl, DoOrS and UUndS,
aK)iits of a ojirUin red and white spotted "4,;M, "v
heifer about two years old. Htrayou away
about ten day o from Oreitou City.
Any one alvlim me tlie aestreu uuuruiu-
tlon will oe suiiauiy ruirnr-.iun.
dailf M.C. ATHKT,
jf VLK U.U. XaW W
Most Complete Slock in
Dry Goods and Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Hosiery, Groceries, Hated Ware,
Jewo'.ry, Clocks and Wattks
Gents Furnlshlug Goods
and Ladles Underwear,
Fancy Notlous of Erery
Description, UardwarcFaiflts ad4
to teach '.viiool thia
Merry Klyes Are We," was as one lmaI
natlon picture thorn. The disappearance
f ii. a iM.iiiiiT 'airlns. tha entrance of the
guard, the song of the princess, "Awake
the Tunorul Song," the crowning of the
n.iniu th nrinnns.the solo and song
iiint followed, a they all yanlsbed luto
Crockery, Glassware, Carpets,
Oil Cloth, Matting and
Agricultural lmploueoto
Col. J. T. Long of Kentucky, grand
leoturer of the 1. 0. G. T., will peak
in Oregon City, on the 12tb, 13th, and
20th of thia month. Lecture free. All
invited. Wo are not as yet advised a
to the plaee of speaking, bat trimt the
friend will soon agree npon some suit
able honae for a large oougregatioo, as
be ia a noted speaker, aud many will
want to bear him,
Don't Forget it or be Stopped on the Side
walk by Others.