Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, January 12, 1882, Image 4

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    "aA W ' J .t. rj .
laTfia' liirtflMii II . MiilM Mfcaj ..ll
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.'j . A .. ....
f t
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4 k-'- i
Jawaary Term. J. K, Wall. Juiltf, U.
A. Wlluret ! . Tr JlaKr
TUwrt of Siu. G. A. Wilpret on tho
rotutirina of t.aute CitHK bridge, ami
Hon. D. P. Thompson h gone to
Yfaahingtou to secure congressional aid
I for the improvement of the Willamette
and Columbia rivr' No oouor bad
Ti,nnlHreratW exercised OTer be deprta than the flood sates of
the wholesale abuse of the pardoning abuse were turned npon bim by ' building o! Clwr Creek bridge,' wad.
cower by Got. Thayer. Under the yelping cur imu couia coiam p " proved and ordered on tile.
oonstitution.be can do just as lie a newspaper, i iuui ,u.-UUv.w. ,HHc.i.m., ..v.m..... D-
. ' . ... , .!..!, . rv i..f ,t I (r.lrd stub ished as uraved.
pleases, the only tribunal Wore wuicn u.v. uo .u . v,vw" " 7"' Orouon City and Ilarl.e"rabbl road.
be can be brought, being pnblio opin- mey im.giue tueir courw wm uu.0u. MtMitM M rr4V,a.
ion. Thi state of affairs ought to be lowara securing uio ueaireu niuW(
.m.ii.l Amn.niiponstitntion so Trmte enmity should always
ibat it should be necessart to obtain the b restrained when the pub
,nUn(nf 5n.1r nrcaidad. the llO welfare IS in qneauou
nrontinr, attornev. and. aT a ma-1 A few weeks ago, an artiole appeared
Report on care of panpora reed and
ordered on Die,
In the natter of dnmaiies on the Vr
P. Unrnian road. Knoolt Skirvin, A
Maro'tam and Martin Kobblna,
annninted viewers to assess damtffe.
"... ... ..T " . . ...... t
ioriW of the iurt who convioted, before m Uils par over me signaiu , xo metu jsn. win iooa, on me Preiu.
the primer should be pardoned tm o.ue ; ,h VvSu oS ttfcm relocste Oregon City
only exouse lor panion suouui no iuu .-j com is road. Wm. Jillion. a
n- -Warner and W. J. Caldwell were ai
or the other being anppoaed to 6e me in,ea Tlewers na f. Cmplell
author of the article, became the obiects .. mMi j,0. 'JOtb. ISM. at
t linn n.l whr. forsooth? I itlnce of lxiiuninff.
I ... .. .1 ii . i.....HJinMiA. ili'
ueawse me amnio ru..u - - , , , .
. ... i inula hub, tv nuu vti vvivi -
a state of affairs that robs erery farmer yeJ for
that baa a bnshel of wheat to sell. The Clerk's report of collection of trial
carpers yelled '"ring," like the escaping fees oollected and paid treasurer, read,
thief, who Tells "stop thief" to Uis- approyea aim orurrou ou b...
tract attention from himself. The ar
A great improvement in the assess- tides have already borno fruit tue
ment law could be made by electing Portland Board of Trade has become
rrecinot or school district assessois, interested, publio sentiment awakened,
Ida nfinntT mnrl. or the board as at anil liffht already dawns. It is the
present constituted, the board of equa- worker, not the obstructionist, that
lition for the eonntv. and a state remedies evils and accomplishes goo J
wrongful oonviction of an innocent
man. No judge, attorney or juryman,
would object to undoing tho wrong be
lm.! innnoentlv committed. Let our
coming legislators ponder over this.
The grist of prisoners to be turned out
before July, is understood to be a large
one. Old man Lynch will bate to come
to the rescue of law-abiding citizens.
board of equalization, as an arbitrator
between the different counties of the
state. This would do much towards
making every county pay its full share
of state taxes. The assessment of Tort
land, where the riches of the state are
concentrated, is a farce. If any one
wisbea to aatisfy himself on this
poitt, let him respect the assessment
roll, and then the recent transfer
property there.
and gets "cussed" for it.
Notice of R. C. Livesav to throw up
pnnlmct of keemnir Paupers at the ex
piration of the year, read i.ud ordered
on file.
riianire in tha boundaries of roud dis'
triot No. 51 ordered made as prayed
for. therebv crestina a new dintriul
from the south sido of it. to be num
be ml C3,
Nana and forty Tiwlllo ApeliMi havo
boon oupumiu m niexiuo.
Two Ihmtaand Jewlnh Immigrant left
Now York ou the '.1Kb for Uio West.
flni'laml threiiten a more vigorous, ad
mlnUlrallon of allulr in Iroluiid bvie
nmrmm tlioiimind nonnda has been
ulM'rlbod for the Vluuna mi tin mis In
vl!..T..rl,l won the nix ilavn' walklnil
innli li In New York. mktn C! mile
and U yails, Ihiia tHuitliig the Uat reuord.
Tllotnl exoonaotof the (liillomi trial1
. ..IlKiutn.l uttimnmo to (.HKMHiO. 1 or-
lr kii.t Huvldge will proluttily et
ea"h, ItieatimograpiMir iu.w ui eia.w,
and there will UiImiiI '.''Kl wltiit and
ixiHrta. rt llnuM anu iiiutouo ni
estimated at .MU to a,iHM,
The aliened union of the Jersey and
Clayton Interest In Arkailsaa IN 111
known to lie aollientie, iwiiukiiih win
HiiKrt t.itrlitiul for the solium. Repute
limns are otuunltlint vxeellenlly, and
.m.iii D'ortM will be made i.v them to
Mshonlcu the aiaie, wiui moru cuauuvo
limn eyer of success.
Hie London Daily News. In a lumllnu
.ttele diwumslna the Panama eanal enter-
..ri... uv it nun tie lioiwd ( It it t the pro-
i...i..ri.i In wltli'h Kuro.le could not so-I
,, tt III ii no more ira m.
Illameisui Is iirohahlv desiined to Is-oonio
In iiiiirlint Ki III1UOINIII llt'io mi.. . i
AT- II 'TO-IUY! XE ) V TO-DA Y 1 1
License granted for peddling to II ig
cinson Co. for one vear.
The Guiteau trial is fast drawing Application tf Holmes and Wei
to a close. The court has adjourned for scholarships in me otaie . nuersuj
.:n 1 1. - .lIAn I.A Annninff BOAAAh I laid OVer
HU iuuihiu; w uv .mw vu...0 " r
r""K n no tn IliA Ka till 111.1 A4 nf TfMil
will be made to the jury by Judge .. . - . N . , inJ 3 tUereby
Davidcre. . creatine a new district No 45 ordered
Aa Jndire Porter last Tuesdsy re- made as prayed for.
i o. un,in.i nf ih. nriinnsr mil fhanffn in the boundaries of to
OHiou movuuuuvi i , - ( I ... .1 , 1
,.i,. r. th n.rt nf eoiinnai of bia distrctsNos 'JO and 41 oruerevl made
WUUUV. VU .WW " " - I
i Mnn.i lli nrima in all its us uraved tor.
" vw.., -I ' -, ..... ... i.,w..ino ..
im i . ... nn tn iim iIm. i K.uiii uisiricia ro a m sua uuioiu
uiuevuo hK..". r -. , .K
iutmn nf its hearers, the silence lore consour.aieti, uo
. . - ... ... . , . . A....
became ovVTemv ind the peenc6 or laitinj? tue ongiDai uonuuar: -uu
in I.a nair fntnr. was I number.
, . I IYCUU UK IU"HVV iu ail" v - w
in the uregonian oi ..,-, i,h . inTi.M of conviction A now road district
PKAi an m
iriUIHIKI 11)11 tlUlOIBI
Accurately Compounded.
I.OlH'M' Rt.tH'K, 8.toora from I'oalOme
.1.0. in tn Kmiuw. iht. nmiio of temporal V
alwrrallon from s.llli t reason.
Mnndv Mlehttls alUkorcotinlv pioneer,
lied in the poor house in tUtker I nr. on I
Christmaa eve.
iv..ili.ir luaevere on the Malheur, and
Mr Itobbins of Ui'hiHHt, y llisllf they
have another fall ol auow alt the calllu
will erlsh.
The thlh iKtne nf some antellluvlan
ntivtiulill filial lkftII loiind near Pendleton,
wliirh WenstvKnoot.tlin t'inntilla rblef,
v'niinsto bo the relic oi a "bin lnum ancestor.
For your Frch l)vsttrs, po to
tli Main Strct't C'oiTot Hoiisp.
Mr. C. P. Church, in an able and ex
banstive article in the Oregonian of ;,h . inn.. of eonvietion A now roal district No. 62
yesterday, completely refutes the state- tlut iwepi from the court room every created out of the northern part of num
menu that have gained almost world- vestige of that levity wnicn uss loog oer . ,
. . ..... ....... J.. .iioniianonnnorieverv utterance In the matter of the bridge on tn
wide credence, that tue expense, oiuie of ti e Prisoner, and liVe the veil ob- north fork of Deep Creek the auperv.sor
Columbia river are extortionately high. MDrej fronl the consciousness of iiecta- was totifledto build the bridge util-
The ouly exceptions are those referring torg the horrors of the crime and what izing as mmib old InmW as possible
rtni1m.. and towace.reffardine which should be the solemnity of its jiidioi-1 and the county lofuruuh the nucessury
v.T. Tf i, ih- .i.li.5 determina- atonement. The prisoner twisted in planking and sp.kes.
... .. . bi seat and for several minules was
tion of the mercantile commun.iy, to DTthinu that conld ao
gain from onr state legislature a re- proach to an interruption. Gradually
nxtinn in the rates which the law now tl,A nrisoner retrained bis assurance and
prescribes. 'When the legislature next resumel his habit of instructions and
. rinnm a. r or once However lue iuur .... t i
ccnvensMbatbodywiuoeapprizeao, , ;roble j lflnco of thM)rison.r was P " f
the trne state of affaire, and an or- overawed. Neither his noise nor his rnn f'itv irv list" ...
. . .....nu i. . -i i.i i.i....ni a. ...i.nK nf uregon uiiy jury i si
ganizea enon win w moo w itum, iuu mmu iu i fi ,. MarshHeld
A term of court appointed to be held
on Mondar. February 6, lfW'J, commis
sionnrs attending on the 8th lor the
transaction of general business.
pilot charges at least one half.
If we are not sufficiently advanced
in the march of civilization to work
under a common sense rosd law, in
stead of the present one, we would like
to see amendments made to it, that
would do much towards alleviating
eome of the existing difficulties. In
sist that no public road should have a
grade of more than one foot in ten.
Pine every supervisor that puts public
work on any road that does not coue
tip to the standard.. Give the county
court authority to appropriate money
-towards the building or repairing of
any public road.
condemnation that swept from the lips
of the eloquent counsel.
"The prisoner is mistaken, your
honor, said Jodae Porter, "if he be
lieves by bis unseemly brawling he csn
1 2:
2".) f0
8 00
7 00
15 00
10 00
prevent my story from being heard I v 7echt ei.njina.jrm board. . .
the jury. The puppet cannot be move,! S rj0,onJiDg !,,,!,,,
in such good time as when he sat wt.h Popa A Co. for jail etn
"The subject of fish hatchery for the
purpose of keeping up the salmon in
the Columbia was bronght op and dis
mssed at considerable length, and
Messrs. Cook, Prindle and Wygant
were appointed a committee to memor
ialize Congress in the matter." Proceed
ings of Portland bosrd of trade.
Would it not be a good idea to in
form congress at the same time, of the
immense success of the mnrderons fish
wheels on the Columbia, that scoop up
everything big and little, thai comes
sear them and also of the fact that a
company has been formed to construct
and out iu these wheel so
that the destruction of all
our fish will eo on at wholesale
rate? Wa are forcibly reminded in
tbi connection, of the New Zealand
Colonist, of a few years ago. who
wbilo imploring the mother country to
send them troops to protect tbem
against the Maoris, were at the same
time furnishing the latter with arms
and ammunition.
The board of trade lust night ap
pointed Messrs. II. W. Corbett, W. 8.
Ladd, Henry Failing, Charle Hodge,
C. H. Prescott, Geo. H. Flanders and
Philip Wasserutnn a committee to in
quire into the methods of pilot and tug
nrvioe on the Columbia river bar, and
to suggest changes in the law to pro
mote fret competition and reform abuses
which burden commerce and disgrace
Oregon. The state could not supply
anotl r--.". men with greater per
son J J eater enterprise or
bet ' If there can be no doubt
tbai 1 Alke the bull by the horns
and t I M situation. There was 1
some, vjtfHe enthusiasm when the
question' nnder disnuisioo and sev
eral members expressed willingness to
subscribe to the stock of a new com
pany to put efficient tug on the bar.
It now looks as if something was going
to be don. Oregonian.
B. A. Hughes hss taken the contract
fcr painting the new Cataract bonse,
and bia burly form on a scaffold, be
twee1) earth and sky. remind old set
tlers of days lang syne.
Col. J. T. Long, Grand Lsoturer of
the I. O. G. T., will lecture in the M.
E. church this (Thursday eyeningand
to-morrow (Friday) evening, at 7:30,
P. M. Lecture free.
bin eonnsel. nd when bv hi out
burst now be i fast tightening the
hangman' noose about his neck."
With a nervous twitching of the
month. Guiteau mattered, "we'll see
ahnnt that."
Hitherto audacious and unabashed.
the prisoner seemed ill at esso and at a
loss to understand why ' hia would-be
sallies of wit or Impudence wholly
failed with the audience, while the
more severe became the denunciation
nf the counsel the more freouent and
marked were demonstration of ap
proval. Finally, like a wild neast
bronght to bay, Guiteau yelled out. "I
stand my life on the issue, and I am
willing to go to the gallow to-morrow
if it i the Lord' will. I ra ick of
this bosh, Judge Porter. I wish yon
would get your Sv tboussnd dollars
and go home."
President Arthur' appointment in
the cabinet so far, are all of
the 'talwart' stripe; bnt they
are all acknowledged to be men of
ability and atrict integrity, and
personally meet with the approba
tion of everv fair minded man. No
Garfield man need evidently apply
What the result of this will be, the
next Republican national convention
alone will tell.
Treasurers office rent
Chain for road dist No. 35. . .
Treasurers receipts. . 3 00
Circuit Court jury pordiem snd
mileage "
v Ml
80 15
Market Hqiort.
Orovoa It MarkM.
Whent-ITo bushel.
Oitia 4'tc ! tiiolo'l without sacks
Nitalnr.-.'tv tlV. ibtil
unions IH
Himr-t tt lil'l.
lined Knots v ft, r!nma, no snl.
A'l'' t.rv.-ri, l- r I, .hi : ilrletl, isiTo.
V ft. riitmiiH'r dried, 7So.
Hotter ft.
fhlekens- .'tJi ft Uoien.
1 Ki: iie Y noser
rincon- Mhlea.ll ft; asms. Wi.
ljr.l-l'ile ft.
tiuv u Ibkton
lll.ii-s-tireeu, ; dry, Unfits V ft H off
fur culled. I
Mill tiMul-llnin. Si i "0 t Uia , thorn, til
V Ion; nilil.tliiiKs. r.i'
rriio i omm rriiiior.
PANT, rr.m Sfl w.,U. l I T. -H"- ' I:.7-V.I'l.
intlM iu i.riier. - w
kt.nlMil. Ii.Iuk. lal Hrl NUjr
fl..n. at twv.l I I irwt.
i.lh fur .l mil"
N.U lloor to I. l.t.U.IU. Ml ., tl. Or.. WUoWl
.f. ltT. Ci 11 -V II A. 31
la attain In Duslnooa with a Completo Stock of HAllNIi
and SADDLE 3. Work of any kind mado to order. Re
pairing promptly dono at tho old stand, Maeonlo Oulldln
LaKociine and Mrs. Wrijfley vs
Clackamas Co
Work and material road dist.
No. '.M
Coffins for Duff family
Oregon Cilv Water Co
Care of W. W. Harper
Pauper expense
Nursing Duff family
Grand jury witofssea
Sundries for prisoner
Pauper ejoonse
Sheriffs fees
Commission ou taxi s
Dutf family provisions
Clerks lees
50 00
84 00
25 00
18 00
1G3 00
3 W
28 (HI
0 50
41 o
10 00
515 40
i;o oo
12 no
1H1 II
a4 faw rM mw1 Vr MM tmm ) av4
m Wtw itma a m aw4 W ! 4 Ms ksat m awaawki,
HlM Wf aHafl law vwtl kvatf M ) hi 1'fnlTt
tf Vw Maawl fa4 Ull llwUfkMry Irf Wawf fM1gM t fe 9alf.
mi acr t ntiiiM aik r a 4 twaat ri
limml if taf Mtrwwat. II l
If thf aMtsi iIm wtataa. tknai. ta
Ik aml4 k4 MM, mm MU ta4 4luaL IM I Itii
rva au.f oii rr
.1. 31. UACOA'.
a I
Repairing of Eagle Crtvk bridge l'V l"J
7e copy tbe following from Emory'
Dailv Peorian (Ills). The venerable
subject of the sketch is a mother of
Hon. N. W. Randall, of this city.
Mrs. M. Randall living on Gay street
in this city, celebrated the anniversary
of her eighty-first birthday yesterday
with her daughter. Mr. C. 8. Clarke,
on Mos street. Mr. Randall was born
in New Hampshire in 1800. Her father
soon after removed to Montor, Ohio,
and among other land cleared np and
settled the form now owned by Presi
dent Garfield. Mr. Randall was mar
ried in 1811. and is the mother of seven
children, all born iu Ohio, and all are
still living. The eldest i sixty-three
vears of sge. The youngest. Willard
M. Randall, revenue ganger of thi city
in fortv ieven. Mr. C. S Clarke,
ilanchter of Mr. Randall, is the
mother of six children. theeldcst thirty
four, and tho youngest twenty-two, all
living. Sixty throe year wnnoui
death anions seven children and six
Grandchildren is a very nnusnal ocour
rence. Mr. Randall I till inexoellent
henlth and vipor, and look good for
twenty year more of life. Mrs. It. I
sister livinor at Mentor hold to Presi
dent Garfield the Mentor homestead,
which her father originally cleared np,
a-jd tbe two families hav long been
elojie neighbors, a well as intimate
Prof. W. LTNutting delivered a leo
ture on agriculture to a large and appre
ciative audience iu Wilbern's hall,'
Eagle Creek, last Friday evening.
. The railroad trestle-work between
the Congregational church and the
Abernethy will be torn down soon, nd
entirely rebuilt.
Conrt house ami jil expense
Relief fcr Jas. btiuson
State vs Pickett
" ' W. Morris
" Jos. Andrews
' " Clias. ISitZfr
" " Martha Audrews..,.
" " Jas Riohards
" ' J. Rtngo
" ' Jno. Hogan et !...
' " C. A. Pickett
" B. E. Patrick
" Daniels
" ' Jas. Richards
" F. Yost
Prisoners board
Record bonks
Clear Creek bridge.....
Toimbnr road dist. No. 37. . .
it 10 20 00
ii r7, 40 :i2
ii ;t: 15 00
8 13 !
Ii hi)
8 00
m .v.
45 00
20 05
3 40
12 70
7 30
20 10
19 50
30 00
10 75
1 10
17 00
65 25
6 52
15 02
24 00
400 00
12 00
"III n ri'M II" is csunnocu.T
Id by Leading Crtccrt, Oruniil tn Wis Mas
Chtntt tcrrhre; All al HoUil an Dimnjsrt.
Bensr cl CewrttrtsiU 4 WsrtklMi Imitations.
tV-Th. n.ni. tnt lllW'HOB PUMCH"-I
ti1',t,t.il . m Trd. M.rk. AH UD.utlioruwl aM M
UiK Itid. Uuk ill b pn.inpllj (ruMoat.L
.! kf aaor A Pr.rl.t.n, BhM, Mai,
Tiad nppllxl .1 MuilHUmi arwM bf
AttttU for Pull Ohm, 8a rraaotaeo. CaL
w. it coxa His,
Toy, rr3 .
HAH JtT HKi'KIVH) l"ll 1HK ll"t
lilnl. tl . flnei .liirk of ! ev. r
limiirlil lo On linn I 111, riihil.lltiu lit ;iiratl
Tin Toys, Mechanical Tcys,
Rubber Coils, Wax Dolls.
and Ch ra Dells.
Dlnnor ond Tea Sets, Vax
Candles, Masks, G?mcs,
Harmonicce, Accor
Mimic Uoxen, Maic Lutitcrns,
Uoll WiiJJfOllH, '( IV Wllollri,
Rocking Hones,
Drum, Roiul liiiRkut, Work
I'oxos, Mimical IiiHtruinonU
PHICnlUKMT . Thorn t horoaoa.
t Aallien ... t kvarUa . CaalaM.
MtVWTH ..... K, L Kulti a h.
Iirpnalla rrlvisl lulijort to chMh.
ArnviU bill, and ma dlaenuMOTi,
l iHiiity an I oMy warrmnta bmnhU
Uiii iii.iIk oo avallabla apeurlir.
INilleetlntis inado pmiuAI)r.
I rM. and lelnmplilo irhan aal4 M
1'i.rtlanil, Hun Kranrtarnand tfrm York.
Ileal .lain limn, mic dialed turatarmof
nterf on Urn dnn,iaUs. IDjtltr
THK IIKV. nr.". II. 1HAYFR. of rte7
Imn. Irtil., aajri i "lUiili mrarlf and wlfa owe
our Uvea Iu Mill Oil ii Uat'Ml'TM'H
ri 'ite."
AKHVOIt MAI'K lelaeial.l. by lnilfxlinn,
('mi. Itliin, ImtinrM ' la of Appallla.
Veilow hkin f blitlun 't vltaiiaar Ma puoitito
WHY Will. ViHrWHih li.n Million's Car
wilt five tinmrdial rollaf, frtoa It otalm,
Hi e1.. and II.
MllliOH-MCAtAKIlH RKMKliT-a'paaiiiV
euro fur t atarrh, Il(4lirla and Cask
II AI'KMKTAI K." a Inallii and frairant
Hue. I'rlr IS and W ounla.
.TiltAI.E IK..
I Havo
etc., etc., etc
also a fine
ment of
Mr. C. O.T. Williams and bia pintle
manly deputy, Mr. W. T. Wtiitlock
have our thanks (or luany favor ra-
Tbe plastering on the interior of the
Cataract' new building will soon be
Tbe city connoil liave appropriated
tbe snm of 8150, towards improving
tbo road between the town and the
We are sorry to tite that the little
son of Mr. J. O. Bonnet docs not im
prove very fast. It is found that the
bone of the jaw is diseaHtsd.
The citizen of Eaglo Crock are do
ing somo work on the road leading to
Deep Creek.
Bervie are being hold at the Da
mascus F,cboo! house by the Advontists.
hale at this nltlm. JuMifuiul the Vaoe
md net aavtlilu in 4nit.
Vartoua Iiihi-
AdvunMn Team, ear, ulrtiiii'M, Sinipotntrnent, and
herwliury i.TOlljjIMon all nin'iata 10 iiirn uu
hair Tr. and all bur of lho inclim it to ahd jn
wiulun. v. AVer', nn r lui'ff .111 nwi-.'-
iniiT, hiiht and iwl huir to a rih hniwn or dwp
nlo-'li. m may U drairrd. It anlten. ami clenuwa
i.u .lr. vivlni, it a lieiiUhv actum, and renmvei
and cnri: ifiimlnilt and limimm. Itjr ! urn fijlllntf
tmlr i rtiwkM, and a new innwth will V nr""""''!
in all cmn wliem the liillieli. are not ilentmyeu r
irlandadwared. It.elfccl. ai beaut ifully almwn oa
bmhy, weak or ulckly huir, to whii-li lew npiilifa-
tiona will pmdunt wt Hum aim in!i'
Il...u a..A . In 11. r.iu.rnlilin. It 1. tllHOtlllfUrU'
W an adreiwinir.and Uetiiw inlly valued for Mia lt
liintre and ridinia, of tonu tt Impaita. It OMitatns
neitlwr oil nordya, and will not il " iinlirioi
....1 it i... i..nn..n 11.. hoi. .nil been It fnwh and
yiimroui. For .ale by all driiiit"- Hudga, lttvi
Ii Co., rortland, wIioUkiIb aifentit.
Mccrrtcliaiun Pipe, Cijur HoMcrt
and Citjitr (jikck,
Suitable tor Clirintmtia TrfwiiU.
J utill keen on luiml a pol im
Forttiumt of I loinentic unl Im-
jiortcd Cij?itrn, CiL'iirtittcn, Tolmcco
and J'ipco of ull Hunk
(.1:0. i tcns,
Knvt donr to "Wells Fariro Si CVb
KxprcHs Ollico, Main Street,
Oregon City.
Which We will pay the Itlgheat
market prices. To be dellv
ed at our Packing Hiiiihc.
.llbrifflit V
Oregon CHy, October fllli, IHM.
C. CHI 11 N 1 0,
UUuTH and BIIOKM MAUK to "iu"t"
None but (lr.it-clnJ malnrlal used.
Mi...poip.i mifuiHwn a ;
n Pi r
t.AIUIBrt l ... WrtatD.
Moil polenll, prtmlu.m.
llnr.lil. 'Jii.MI' Nr. .ml H.
.Hirl li.liil I'lUUiI, Ui tl iw.
r.nT. I..... r S..-
n.l rrr. ,:! iirin,
"For beauty of tone, touch and action
I Lava never seen itieir eipiai.
The Knabe' is absoltituly the
best piano mado.
141 Murks trt, N, K.
r.IIM'r4(TUK WIU ImtDftllfttAlT rllt
Crouii. WhfMiplMK rrtuf h (.ltd hrnnrlilllt,
I-Hit 1 YMl'K.PHiA's.tiil I.Ior roiuulfclut, ym
Mtiiloh'i VliHllmT. It nvr fullu lopur.
A NAM Ad INJKtTiiH 'r. with rh W4lf
of Mhlloli'ii TnUrrh Hfinr.ty. Frio ! MbU
iINir Bold hy (iro. A. llnnllii.
Vvrm th )msIr ftf mnr nf th Amts nmMlMi ! Ik
nmi airH, Ntil an lira mt nmtri l hyirlin sad
Nttjili wlin know no hntir intHlirln tonnplny, tor
tlits ilUIrtumrtir wmtpUtnt. Tbn oflnrla of slthf s4
litmr iiriipt n (IfwnirttT lo ttu) sfsum, prtHlitcwf
icniiActti Iritrait innl hMirtlr, vtrtiapt. (iisinmia,riiiT-
itiir In th ni, ami r('prrtim nf On nmstlluttnttftt
.-Kiih. Avrn' Auvn i vnm ft a rnriahla flta-
ivry. nml aminic brlthrr utntn, Brwnia, Bnt f v
iliilTt(Hiii liwrlir-nt.ariii (a aitlnfalllblaand tD4
rum lnrnTi ry fnnn nf Virtrt and Ami. Ita sffixN
an pnunni'm awl nrrtaln, ami an lujiirf mm ixmlt
frttm ll u. lV1if rwiniia tMMMtva tmn fnt Vt
aixl Airut in all H forms, ft ia als astnrtnr rm
rvlr f.r M"r tHiipUlfiu, U ia an nlUt Wi
ami prvvimi ivn, an w.-ll an our, of all ontu plaints p
milmr to malarious, ntamhy and miaamalto distrlrta.
ny mtvci aninn on Mia nvtir ana miunr apparaiiia,
tt sttniulntra thi ayatrm to a vtirnrona, hwillhy ans.
.111 tf m. rormiiinyaHilraim. llul, Datls c.f
Cortland, holraal atrinta.
. ... r..iai T M ANTISrLL A
,BW Market ft rowtll, . F, CA
wlshlnff to rent a Rood
farm of 080 acre, with IWJ aoros in out
tivation, for ono or throe years, will do
well to call on or addres (1. J. Cnrrin,
Eaalo Croek, Claoksma uo., urogon
Pioneer Book Dlndery,
Up Nlalrs, Corner Ash and FlrstTtttrMta,
roHTi.AND, oar.woiv.;.,..
UI.ANK nrxiKSHui.KnitNDiKirmnTOi
any dealn'd imttern, Mune Honks, Afa
HKlnoa, Nnwanpaiiera, Kto., iMiund I ovnrjr
variety nf ttyla known to Ilia trade Order
fruui tliv country promptly attended to.
Of all descriptions, knpt oo hand. ' ,
Rr)iiiriaft done Bt Short Notice.
Clinnpeit noun In fnjr II ti In Pertlaad.
r. X. AVER,
Murk Ml., Bet. riral ant Vrwat, Ptlaa1