Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 22, 1881, Image 4

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    the entebpris
RDElTll OK PKr.SlPKNT (JAU'IflK' nlim.l Ike room f.-iund Ihe president; U took, hold of hit wrist ft if foo!in-iv
" yY 1) fcnuh-statitially without puho, n.l the., for tho pulse and said, "Xo, ho .;f
1 ...L ij action of the heart wwt ulmojit iiulia-t tlyinjr!" I then said to Paiiio!, "liiinf, la a, 'J
1 r i ... . . io .vl-. 4 H f ii, .1.1. ii.. .: i ........ i..., t. .. -til ,, . . I ni'iix .i tin l,.ui i.i " Vf llnif. .ii.i.'e.- ..
Tbe news of tho death of President
Oarfleld was received in Oregou Cit
about 8 I M., ou Monday ovcuing
Although tho intelligence was iu a giw
measure expected, it east a gloom oyoif
tbe oity, that could ouly bo compare!
to that of the time when the tiding
eauia cf tho assassination of Abraham
laneoln. The stores closed irunied
tately and aoaiij of the saloons. Ever
tbe whistU of Young America wa.-
lashed and the gathering knots of foai I
r tin persona in each group lamented
in low tones the sad fate of ono of th
joblest men who ever filled tlio presi
dentin! chair. Tho church aud fin
y Iono T)11.mhi, Sept. 1', 7i2", A, M-eUiiiguishablj. . lie said at once that the
;l The president passea a wry cun-?;r.re.imot. was uynR ami itireeto
.1. 1. i it .A. 1 1 A
gain In Business with n Complete Gtockof HAHWESS
fortabloiiiKht, tar better tuna was e
looted. He is now sleepim; oiiictiy.
.-'liart'iold to lie called. The.
remained in a dying cuiil.tiou
5 A. M.Ttie president had a riKo;blt;;!i. when be was pro-neiitieoil doad.-f .Uiulle-Kl can
A. M. K'.llrt died of some trouble of the heart.'tht lue.inf
othHt jiu'Suud nr.iwa tho bom." At that im j;am, JADDLE3. Work of any kind msulo to order. Ro-uiUS'-ii
Promptly dono ot tho old ctand, MawiUe DuikHns
lion. tuitilVdul. In very low ;v.mo.tu Mtt-i' , , ,
when be was pro-neiitieoil do.id.,lhutUld 'o ' iwul Mid. "What dmwfe .
d of soma trouble of the heart.'tht lue.iny" and a moment afterward-'',-! I; W
sod to be nenrt,:ia, but that, of'wid, "Oh, why am 1 made to t.iiiTor'-j & -
is uncertain. 1 notiiksl Oris. : thin cruel rit(;'" At UUtf l". M..
r and seat a lbivdh t M- ;rVt!u raoritieo :t completed. lie; j
A, it, The cotui.tiou of tlK-j jsupoosc.
oroshlcM t;us luonum; eouuiiiios uu j. i-i'itree
!'avo:-!iMe. Sliortiv niter t!io l auo o!,"A't!;ui'
the evenimi; bulletin lie bad a eliiilf W vmo and Lmooln, w broatlitsl liw lx't, eiUiuly atd pcaeo "
Ustin;? 1 .ininnteg. Tl febrilo rises' Iisu I'luson, Sept. 'i)- li: A. M $ lully. :
lollowun: eoiitamoa until nHitiii;::tt.L;.vtiorney iteuerat AlftoNoa ;u liaa jn.st'i ine prcMvioni s woron wueu do ion i
ll'l to lt!t). The sweat iusr that followedslVrthur; "It lavomoa our
Oivjjfon City, C.)ivxou
mormnitrptatea witiumt ilulny. ..It it eonenrsiyurowii. wtio watoiuM wiui uio noviy,j
bells were rung and the evideuoo piij temporarily postpoiti-d. A bul
gnei was aepuvoj on tue conuteuaiu-.
of every man in tbe community. Tarty
lines were nukuowa and forgotten
The city is draped in mourning.
In tbe Words of tlio assassin acii
aoonndrel Onitenu, Chester A.
Arthur is president. Mr. Arthur now
was troublesome during the dull gavrSjuarrUtld, and to adviao of taUiesi tlu cl Sirs. liarlloUl is bearing up bravely W
:iim but little aunoyaueo during the re famih of otl'voe as president ef ttis Vnite.ls and doing well. l'rivnto Secretary 0
l io eaiii
W aiiliiuf'f
lUrtto la J
' V. . . . . , . V.I ' '
V.oe 1 ros, lem; ,lho .lo.,iU viin al.ok u-u wore l an,-, j. V(rk f U.'.V Ull Io WnVv at rilfttj) UU tO
dloi Pr.d.mti is ,n.au" " . 4"IS l Ul 1)1,1 Wtt,Hl
Jwitb vonr iiiibrment. willlio very tladc aavs Mrs. Gariiold rxbibitoil
if votiwui come hero on t ie raiuesiy:onimtios aiui roitundo.
J l,osti jus.N0ii, repl. J.iai io eaH,
mvs Urn iiorp.-a will toa lor
Ion on Wednesday and ho ii
uiainder of tho uijjht. This
it 8 A. M. tin teniperaturo was IKS.S.i
tlio ru'.se l'H! and foilio and tho;
Krospiration 22. At S."s) ano'.her chil'f.
K.viiue, ou account of which the dvox- inwi
;iwiHl)0t.ssiiAlatl2;:a l M. V
j tV4(, A. f. The ri,cor of tliin wornl
iiu lasuM nearly twenty .imiutos amifi
ias jntw a sovoro one. i .io reute:!:j.j
1 s reported us having slept soiuj siutvl
j;t subsided, but is now a.valio. lie haipide, bo'idinij It la poor, imvit'd bii!i.!y.lei,i's reo.ue.-t. 't'bc
taken a s'ua.l ntumtitv of nourishment.!' m ror own and watehuir wSu umitti'-ld'lheld this afternoon.
v.mU oi 1 Ino ; ropot.ed eoron
1 wife., ('.he lirendout'a remains
il iu MyorV Siuiltluli'.v;.
ir.iin to-morrow morninti
V'. U. Hi nt, rSi-e y of N tt.
"v, Vimo., i.v'y (4 Tf usury,
'i'ltoa. Ii. Jni:s, i'itn'r li'u'l.
W ine M.voYkao'', Ait'y U
J. J. lvi:;tvu'oot, S-v'v of .ut'r.
.Ni'w ions. Sept. V'. A lelri;rar.:j ".lay, an. I Ilie reteciius inlorro.
!ra savs that r.t tho loesiiont's bed ;'.'S umt eeuouerv in tlm eilv at
t ; '
Wi ail a
u. - u u
i mmo in . , , . . , . , , . p .. I
the rotunda oftheMpilal ou Thursday. r t.UIHnory anaruncy UOOUS Wfi r'iai.i uuwv,
: u will leave tor t'lov, land on Friday.; Jtotth of tho Sank, OrCj?on City, OiCitOtt.
win to the tuneral will ne lio.it on Mon- ,tn,, r v,.w, rt hit.. . Wlk k ,,,, , , .. ,, j-.,,!,.,,,. h,,utv ami t n t-r .-.t. '. i- t !
in loike.ai .... w nn.
lie pll'Sl-.t My A..Hin,iit (. WAllMlt l!K A l.'l II IIVM'l M
autopsy will In
!1 pivlt4if lift.- uf
j l'lio frctuoEcy of tho el.ilU occa.-'ion-tjijuiuitieralile the f.it vi-.ni ilit!;;
jrrave anxiety. lt IP.iss is of tli.vhfo, t bis fuithfui and di'viVod
ino.uoit ot'
I'rv. I lib. in
, ;'I'IU'I n,-t ln-liito.
i 7. iir VV.iv-ih'il, Mii'lhuiil .V.i.il.
mum Mit-i i MTiiiiin luivtl l urn. nr.
limit nii'H. t i.uUimi, t iiol Hi
anil imit w rt'uti'l-1"
'pinion that if tho rigors eoutinuo foi j jl'u
lias au opptirtanity to forget the rolefc;KS hours the presideut cuunot liva, aiukjdeufa ea.i
ot politician and assuuio that tf thes4-t l'"tJ possible tlm! bo may lo car ;veopin ; fn
sttosmn. Tin h. tlio is),.,, r.1 f ,l.V:!':ea o.. ill ouo oi uie elu
the olesin.' bmirs gf Um piesi loned by the local iia'.hoi sties.
oer around l.ii.i were olber'-t l',.i !:i:os, Sept. -TiiO nnloi 'iyt
friends ami pbu-i-is t-.ini.-ut 1 lms been in projjren for iu-um than
tbf ir I'owerlos-ness in uo otoeoin . ihonr. On" of l.rst di.'-covenos tita.e
Sitxmit- Vur'i,
I Am- if in I- t.itlin ;
mil. Mi.u a i., Ai-
in !.- $ n mi V. l-i.nuENOX.Sipt. 111. l'J:ir. A. M.-J i-f tho a-lol of u.xith. T-.ard tin) -,.. Iiuko dot ot blood in tho heart-
lowing intne steps of t.araeld. th.;1r- IU,vnUvtl sisys tUa aurin- tl. ft-.tho mind of tha MitVe.Mr wiu-1.,1. tb- jwbich corroborates tbe iru.i.'ii .! tiu
v.mv vi u iwi'ir, aim wuosb ovcryi.iorcvatcnco oi t:ui ruror t 10 vrosniont.Uwa usicii i.ioro tut k m :u -:v,.'r stuitit .u;totuiiuj: miiwohs i-it:-ar.iu:
act bas been sanctioned bv the wholrlJt'UlsA wont u; to Hit boais and a-t-i;l!os. khiios tthete t;.o 6.!r!'u--t boiir-4'we-lutiieauso of do.sth.
nation, or of following the
li,-...,. (.,.,1.1.. l ' il,:. , I
o It iwri-'.i '""to. t" n
- - 11 . . 1 . . Itll I . 1 .
. VV -1 -.1 i - .i 1 "' TLUMU IO Aiil oea s.
r vvu.""8 c' UU8 l,alrlol-F; extremelv weak and tber
ism eiista on tv fur tim , i
nir il has iut ! ! -i his hie ni re
'1'h') iu:ii:nt i.-.-i lour old h 'I'-. t
tilO lu
K.VIlS.i J R-lt tit t.Vi.1 1 O-'IIN,-"'-, .--'pi .1.--1110
tad t'sru witii lik 1 i-'"iij -'eel I ililo lie i.i. 1!' Mi l ho v,,i
is cause Io: if 'S arouua l.iai. his i'oe.1 nu :i -or, s i nine- n ii u i i r--,.m m tiiu.i
-riat alarm. ir. Uliss is of th .'.iprond of her bur bov. ii f-.itlu'i.I tt!f.-;J,. iri-dly lus property, which iir.i.iuntc
lernnisib l Mn olwl-i.,t; iilllitiiilli Hint tlin lir.-Ki.lenl mnv .!., t-i)iti.i Ii!.-vk.I oltil tiwi ' It ss A 1.ti fli'.l .to 2 UHH'. and Iticbli.cd JO'1 bei,.e
from the Bepnblran partv VLo IiisH'ui o ,uo r!i-ors should tuey - tontuia. i.iiv.im that rll-,l dmlh of its tuiror the city, wiueit is moi ,; i -,t -,t. ;
thu-i.i,.f.K t it- "HW Mfnsiuent. ind rendered tloi dv? in .u for a r.'.o M Tbe president had ?:..tiK bi ifrane. v
the power of cemontms th8l.epnbhesnv M.Pr. A-rnewiMvs tin ' n.ent uneon ,k the ca.d render 'h, tho i:,,u,t.,ble lnsuintic f.-i. i.auy.
party, into one glorious whole, or o:'.f,ittwtioa at tois tune is decided!-, .litix' of ins ono vt.wruis fmt.to tla.t wa.-pbnd had cocitderabl
tboroogslT dtsiotogratias it. Us Iiusitalooruv aa.i c.Mil.l n.H we.l !e worso.r tetui.staiiuv Riiinir m. J bo moiina o" r.es. n
..f; Lha liresident b;is not rallied n , in.i !,e r...ti.-a ee oi ,-:.,.. sl w.t i tin I Drvvrn. N-lt. "' I lie 1 ! iloi:i.i to
V front tho ciToet.j id rtiror. Much en Fsi-o'.-s of lnv.-l on.s lito' l.ium of hf. . iv .-.ills upon the i oeple of f-dor-t.!.
In t:ie( I tt'-i-e evi-rvOttitt: ("tiiiil In a til ,i-i-l-t, M 1 1 - r ; ,-i v jtiul Kit hi y tiiHi-Ui lien,
t lit l.tr ihc t I'llli'itit-I I liltl (.line. I a ii nlli I Iiu- tlif nlmi 0 (imiil UI vlio titrl
llvtnjj ( I Ii i .
2 i A .A 7l Y I !N ' E 'E '"AS,
V ipt'!'.liuf ti' Ku.-ihto.tut.lt JIlHou'ry l.'mnU UI l i-npoiniii'il
;nfi;:iitrr. t. s, ror i s.
p-in n rr.ni rjnirp .ih"i
therooiuiau :' Hi rn
tlie opportunity of uoia? either a mm
... v: i-y
oniy wia tea. nis present associr.To
and advisors are Grant and Cent
both of whom as leadera have teon re j
pndii.ted by the Amoriccn people, and
whether their councils will prevail over,
those of the rest of tho nation, vut re
mains to bo seen.
and tho wo lot
ire et'.ter'a.r.ed and in -tly so.
U:o' A. M. IV. ll!is bus 1
smi'iiMd ; tlu Kitiiation aa
f I iverv cm
u-ic.'-l I-.) I.eoe l
to tlio roc-i
t.ie:o w.is Utj
of et'.eudi
on:: liealle-s in tho ri "i.t la:-.Lr aie.
i ,i i,i - .ui i. . i, i . .... .i 1 1 .1
ireie. -nt
r.d and wenlolt f.!-ivr. Noarly :J y sub'ttptions to a hind t' I
i;t. a;-, mini tie i n- ,i-.le-it elni'e', 'for the defei.i c and MO'pei t f
the U.t li'.. I ri fitted to Is- v'Mi son, and heads the h-t v.i:!i .!!.
the approa h .1 d.-a.U u:.ti! tlu' -; v,niN.,r -.v. pt, .': w -ir.ic
mv l.vpet:t.d tl.d ft-) tles'voyer'i Vr-v.'ker V!-:led time .an i:i jul th
!KV cji.M be no ,i:;:;er.ifif- It. .o.orr.ir.g. iutt-o a-tK-d l.u-i e-nice.-i
s l'.vie at half B-i-t in every boe,. the J -r; -ideft's t ..e,'ii'.hoi, epr.
i ,'ii avenue, .cd tl e i'
Wo hvi ! io inCos't-s fifio p;tl!12o
' J L. V i ! L L C " i "
i- i k
v;:?cle: gtocj; at
i. -
4. at: !'.' !c r. '.'.'. y frjta ihc eiT.j'.j c! VJA )v'--v;-! Jo.ith i t vi '.or.
tiuorinjt's r:t" -. but tidmiU l'.i-o i -1 .1. - "':-, ')e-l. I -T,..w. -11, l!
-T-te wa.eri!.
l i':o n
J.ce is f-tlhoi'd
Tho situ;'
Ta Ili-ruai rn He Stulc Cutvmitt -o ni!i
Itl, K,'uut,ili-in i im.i.i i Idh I
(tm.ln ll.im l"urt;.iii ,V. Iiu ' Iu H I"
th.e ( aiiijiui-n. 1 or Luitci f- Tj,,,
K :ine s:t
r th.it tne pre i
i, Creel.er t!
1. -U ! i I-J
w ..'I
d i,l
':. .1"'. 'IV i. .-
d. l.l-l'i
sit pt 1:.
'-pin.'i chil
i V
! j.
th .' l o-i 0".
Uanu fo:!y
:t:it TCI f-'ii;:::
,' ! a
n r t',(
CoLntsrs, Sept. IS. Th-3 fo'Iowin'Shavo been n.ievilenjj of a e!-:u;: J' ind rcipirsrntjr t!.i.t all tut
published to-day: !,-for bettsr cr 0r3 M ee'M'eerniiiK' l:i cou.htion to fo
a rr.i-r
nrriff t-
'C- n.-.iL
' C-itfi
Hi ..me i
orturtie.l i;
t 'Id I
V.-.l :
i i t'
' -t r:'.ly i.inlt ilo a on (I
let- ret! flte'i oveiti,!.
'i . ' u I ! i-rd !'" !'. -r a-.l rpi
!l ,. :e '. When t 'Id ti e p
I ',f " ii i that l-.i " -: r'., i p..- ,.
!.' 'oil ilia's iver-' over, uv.l V
: --,,;r,'5 c.ii:.nii:t--tl the d-n-1 h .d
i ' -;ii. ':i-, tt si::T r so. ieitei.u
ia i,nl,;Cl,.,,l !
b iitiuiuiiivu m-uai, .-, i t r . i 1 .
; hours. ; -'-iin-linieiv to hdraorii'., . ' -ev, Vv-:ir... !.-,ri -V. i,o,.t ti.e '.v.ir .-i .
Ls;Lrsnius, Sept. li. D,-. Eijyaton thU csornlu? ssM t!.i V ' J,,d;;e-A v,-:-',,!e i'i.r"r.-.! tkiaiw. wbrVi-it-eipated. lb' bis a d-ndly f-r
Geo. K. Xash, Chairman of tho Ho-i-jprosi, lent" pa.-ed tho tuot .julte nii.'!iii;-!was the c-iy ono with the pn 'i -lev! -jm h-, a-id ur;;es ll-.o I'snled States toj
publican Ctate Execativo Cominitteolibo Lad es:erient-eJ since ho was shot HLeu ho waa Hiiibitnj -'. liijibfc'-pt'ttict him. i
nn .sr.vTinn'ntT n,o -.v . i. i ; J ,.'lTLo ro.as-ui f , ,r it cr-i bo readily ac .mak m tiie foll..wio,r stiit-n-ient: It wan t tixi issvri
3 04 1,'l'ilillilr.f' ( In- t',.i nvtrnin i n-...1l.-:,ji nli ,:,-I,t n ..'..!. ullli ill.. 1 irei,!,! .V 1 1 t'
of appointments for the ablo aud clis-;
, i.i i is !: ,
.i It
i liiCit
- 'i . ' t
4l i'J V.-
t T, uttl.irl 1T,1 w l.iirf:-.Po iiti1 if I .... l,..f,n iviili l-;rtt n tr-'-ilil il
ungaisnea epeasers w tna Kenab!ican'.'.de!iilit.t:ed. l'.iti,e since U o'clock. A f.w
party Lave beea anncanced for Obio.i,! 12:31 l M.-fOffieial.) -The chiliS !...f..re Hi I loft Col. Kx.-liw.ll,
't- . ... i :. i .. t . ,v -I, ,1 ii .1
ppea tho
but in
and critical illoer s.cf th presidert we
" -""tiave thongtt that pario,tism and ton-owl.
n the presence of that lawful calamity; Vu.
to our country, demmded that partisja'
feeling be siloot. The tidiag each dyf:
from the great sufTeror (jrowti glcicier
f tht
20 Tlio (eir.- 't.
mmin wishe,i an.li i
r 1
The vanitj of
t! nut II re "f the hopes of A Ini.'hli
.nation are exhibited in tlmir ext.-
ree when t.ueh a e..l n ,,ty
Oon't delay. E3cr;ci7ibcr Vwc ;:!acc
t . . . -t i t . t i... ; i , ,,i , i
ti njt & ni i.i rrt in ii miimi i'ih nriNiiMiii i'-'is. uii'i.-rrii m inmi n i ii!' ii niiin t;rj i iii.iii'.'tL iinniii iiv i, hi ii i t ti i'i i..
uw --oia msi. ue iemo." r..'.i .V. . V . '.,"... ....tl ti.'. n 'n.i i;.....i.i.. .. i .. i I :
committee bu been ready t-M ;:,,, Mm... -i.s .,..':....... I...I ., ;, .,W,l,.ef i,m. 'Vlnvei.tiirer. In view of tho woo of tfu-1 1
speaking cf the campaign,? 'was f dlowed by a febrilo ris-j of t m li.i.mteriiis I f-.nad .Mrs. .r'b !.l siilii.-.'' -!-lrichcn wife, children, ,11, 1 la.-th er b-. j f ot II t 't:)irM. p j I a S i J 1 0 I f f
consideration of the coouitioi: afrabfo and sweatitur. llo lias lcttby his in-dsid . wi'h U' fit'ier ?i"if ii.k j'tad worihify -ari:ed an. hn.l rui-eivi-.i; i j. y fc liranbio wi: Ami i rp. ;
Viinen ot tlio tun,-), tT.t tr.s f!em-ral eon--,tl:o r-vnn. 1 nam to i.er, "li nv is ;iue crown 01 a nun raronr. ij ., , ., , ,,; g s
. Ii:.: - ..11..-1.: 1 . 2'. .. n : -i" w, . - 1 I i 'in... I .. ., , .... I'I... ..,i.,,.l., .. 01 H'lOtT if t it! ori-f lie lit r eoveis. wl.nt illl 1 .
.Tomrerataro'J,-5 2.i)ulselOI. rt-s'iira!i.i.r'"iln is Kloci-iiie nicelv." 1 n.id "U' an alTectitm wlneli was l.'..utiftil in il-1 iho tho two things that vrlll be the in. et ,V :!. ... . ...k,rrt' . .
' - ' . . .' . . .11 .11- 1 . r , , . 1, it ,.-....-.1.111 iipiiin-u Ik Mil .iltuilIrM nl
I1:,!''S, i,ltiuk you h'vl better to Inl liiitifuniver uity, lotifrht ilm'ti lueli by men: v ,..,,;.. . : 1 ...,,1 .,., , -..'.p. , r.-.. ..,- . ...... i ,.i,
1 A'-.Ntv,-. Ijrest." I ashed what bad Neu pre-crin is did tho premdoiit. We pity tin taai-: ,' ' ", '
t ... . ... . .',.. .. . -! . 1 1 -ii 1 ... I10I11 vet .' IJiio l'l that lei recoii'loil. , . . r . - v . , .
t v AsntJftiTox, f.ept. ij. A private;' lor liim to tiua (tiiritii; 1110 ni.-tni. rior woman wu.n uiuy h win im com i, -.. U . . . r4 fl J) It.
;:. ....i. .1 i. ..........I ,'i . .i. . 1 ii. 1. ... 1 ..... .,... 1.... ,M...r,!,..,i. n,n ,.,,. 1: ! .l..nili i l,u .1,,,..;' bi.ieoimi Lis dtieters t'tvo linn no ami "
v i'ii(jat-ti na iiuaitli tiL tutj u .,.-1 it r 1 ; -) nil 1 lieu K' ill , tiii'ium i 1 11 i-i-w in. 1 ... ,u: ii 11 .1 niu n. 1 .1 - , 1 - -. n f j . r 1,
'';'.i,.t,,,rtment f,-n-n T-nT P.rrvneb -,tnti..''!s-:ii-1. Pi? i. I knows whera tl cot it.'flalid cetitlc moJir'r.tha VotieraMo Wtna' ' i!.-ft ne.tnre ai.d him t Ib'bt itoul'l 1'Vl.vi IVii, tA l'l U-ll Ai lu,
it-01 -.-i.i .. :. . - , ' t . . ., . i i f .. .. 1 .. I ., 11 I : 1 . !. 1. .. ,. 1 . 1 It .I'l'l In1 nt't H'-ln-. ,,) I!,. If i,',, ,l..ii,t will.
w ... v..,. j.,,. r.- ti. ri ' I .; -i "i-it'i till i i : iVl':.I 1 .11 Lie. te, ttiutil Mil , ;-l o:u-t.-li.l it v,, '- II'.-'H i-'i--' '- .'. 1 . , . . I .. , i I , ,,t In,
fi'ld i-tmdii ...i'i . . . v 1
v.nd indicate that death ti'oiio
tbe tragedy. In view cf the cad ci r il coo of tho -rsi.iunf
l It-nil of affaira wa wli'a Li e:ii-: w1 t.-.'.t New l.iHi, Sept I
. ,, , . . r'Eveuiii!? Post savs: Dr.lJyi;tonsta'e-l
jou ,u " " u' i- that the presi'leii! is very low, bis C.in.iJ.'liat i
cussion that will lead to b:ttj:u--s : ,ri wav..riD. ,,.i ;. s-.v;, p-i,. or n -i i,
h 2 1. M. Tie its to le tivnii
I 'leciereil, 1 tn:
ivet.t .'i I ) . .e Li.:ter a in n
Dr. Bli.-s there and a.'Vod Ion
durlni' the nii;l
I; 1 had bol'cr lis
i a
and out of rcsrioct to the preside'ivM
this being Lis native stcte, i! yoa viill:
eoosentto tho arrangement, we v.i!)
not tonoat.ee any meeting, provii,;dJ
yon will withdraw your appoiutaceati. ji jpor.ue.it y?; Tn
ITm-Av,vr. if von do not care to do i'.U'.ta b-'tler binrit--, i'
------, - - - -I,.,
onr sense of duty compels na to i.ay
lii Wtieti a
t'oet-'T said
i'ie) Trbnni's Lor,
scil it coitt'h.ii.T
ci'eet on tho lei
"No; ho has (.,ut
,t! wid i,i-:i!(r it toyon veiy s -.
i sroM i'.'f t!.'! i !li-;;eoir-, r
uv witn
kw altrib
Urvn-ii e, r
; i'-t I'.'i.t h.-.s i,
,':i'.!l:;'lv l.'l -. H
tn-i woniiicr. Mrs. (iar
tti.-d tue president :i low
, i.-i. .
mat wo au ii ieti .ii." oiwuiKg u." 'itiv.ii tor several u.is i..st in
camnaiEn wh.Io Presiileut GurUeldr ,'he n'l-ct of b:avv storius.
S.vl 1:11-1 sin. i
..Irs. t . rt,. 1
i.-nl's b in I
li":e' ii'-.il .-'Oti, "1
,-on :tvn." anil i
I iir.a.t- ieitei v t ill li s h vie
!li')ii;fi.t the i."i d felt a b
, -it a liannel el'-tii, licutcd
i and I lid it over Lis Hi. b.
i .
o ce-'.vor -ati.-u v.j-..
n feit of the p.'o-1-tT
ii oi l on li 1 4 I to
i seeris t- ba in ; c
r ed out -f the ro.-1-V
i:t n:,l
ttbOrt! t i l a o, v. 'ti;!i In
j-'ht-ered by the pr;utiie:.'
pf her du'ilul son, inn
Jher b'iy (for iu materi
;-. alwuvs a boo In r
'pl s:,0.) Las rios .1 b'- I
1 Sr. lee pt. .:--
'.itti; the
t be twld I. ll '.l IJ."" i'.,ert-.. ,t
id nlv-, Clint! I t ..'-hiuelt i.i tin' bind, in d by Itiany
oV'V, it v..io is b.i .lid not ( to ehnreli t..
.... ,.. .1 . . 1 1 I !
'. . '.. ' ii'i-ii bei-.rtl ai.il .'riieit.u--.iir : .
J lie J-.-'pir il
t-l ii r li-.il I te
ertlny in lier,
nu i.
nl ,.
- I i' 'l,-- lo-
ttt .U(II1K,
I " "I. Itlllf. Itlir. Illhll
I:.:, ict. 1
'.l till: in
iean fi.n :1 Tin rc la lei luiirt '.-,i :.r i
j io fert'tildj i.n'.eiid'-i;'. i' i hi k.,-I. t.
oilde the (.-ineti'iu e..' i',t 1 b" t'.eebu-' of;."
-.jthis n.diomd t;' i;;'-b-'. T'tf j !' i m .."
. hiot in a mot it I to eonsiiji-r coii-i-'iiik '. s.'f
, hot i'i the Wofh of tlio ile nl
' it.'l reiuf s.
vert) ber.nl ai d prii'-i'iu
, t i nd, if ho iihiuild die, wli.il v. ill
.id? 'l'l.ut the il.H'l ii.i'Oiu.h-r .'oi"
ii 1 ini'.llllin e, , lib, .-.:-i'i f-,,;.i t! e t'r..
r I that the io..i!t'.l i r '.yets .-! '','; i;oi
t people ha-l no l.-mre i.heet tip ei t'e
11 of (led, or u, .m t i
" ; I
I ' :
uf' niii.iuliUtl
:Vashi;iKt"U i.tiil 1 ivi ".. .Nut u loi'. i-, 'ii.ovibiblo laws of nature, than
part h i'iiilto Iriiti'd a olntii and laid it over ln; jivantin;.' in tbe midn.-si cbion w hicIh ' ji;tvo thu cllort of a by to urn
uu c T-r p-ioiit liaiiil and sat ilon in a cuuir i c-i .rinv-a mo in-vuiinery mat irn.iirea n.;4
. . . ,'oi it! p keirr In !,ti vn ln...ti In-i -1 . r..i- tnb'ki,i.-i I. la ).., i. f w:ii lirirllr Kf-0 'iP. 1 , i ,i tiro id bind 1 be I Any. t m t"l of l)t'.'r '
lingers ai iue uour o uuaiu. tours,--.. ",, ,. " i ..,.1 r.i, i ,i.:,-:,...i ,i in. i, ,,,, r,.,.,.r,i.,"nleiitv of food for lvtle. turn m
Clabk Ibvise, Chairmaa.
Qto B. Kzr, Secretary.
Columucs, O., Sept. 17.
At noon the following dispaloh wa."
received at tho war department fruu.'
MacVeaiih at lione
I' j when
i Attorney (icncral Ma
;l;raccli. "Another
yjo'ebjck and outsiders look for death ut?
Klt-aui cnf'iiio.
f tie
Kirn I
hen iioynton came in and felt of I rworder arnl Boenrity. It is hero record
iiriiaiiliint'n duImi. I askod liim how it iti universal respect that Arthur b
seeinti l. Hn rpidiod. "it Is not asdin tho trvinir mist two mouths, show
-itroiiif as it was this altoriioon, 1 utliimolf thonihtfiil, manly and wuu bo ti ()f Bovoulv-onn nrroHls in I'lirtlatidd.
ti, . ..... .1 i i- :ii. i . . i . , i .. i i .i i i i i . - . '
cum at rii-l".- very I'nO'l. I sam no nee men io oo-jriyonti wnai nas imh-ii uopeti mr ny i'itv ,,i,iii ..i-k lwfnr.1 list :i v v-oiiu wen
. L . i ii ..v.ii -. .......l ,..l-.-' ..: i l ...... 1 ...... a.,.. .. i h.. li .., 1...71 '
. il.
i 1 1
t .I- -
I ; l y I-
i.A Vi i;ov.
- !'t ' In II ubi -irtU,
' H-.v I -,. !t. It.
:,t f.i it in in ;
l in it ii. t.-iliintC
-Iti'tii i'fid in .Mil-
i t vr M...;, pi.r
'i. i itv N.
II I .1 V, i Ili-Ktin
V.JN0M). .11. 1?.,
'him iiibl Si!r2ifl,
J In I.
W. r.iriii-r Mur
no, ' Te, iiit,
In S,
Yob," un linuverod, .indlisurprised and anxious country. Itiafar
llo wis not in the r-e
k I. , i . . . .
. . . .i , - .in r i ihh
uni.t in., iiv in liii-iii und Truitt l , ion r l . t
'"- - -' --. i - - pj
Dear Sir Your favor of this day i3 rov;'. 0
puived. In reply I will l ay that liiii;
ii n nil t
rnel: thn lib
which rm j it him ti
loner well.
: tov moment. JJoct'irs try to di- u-b oi-iisc 1 out.
Mr. C.ark Irvine, Chairman of tbo.'-lthis fnoiitr,', bt.t without avail." .V,'im.ir-j ti; s.i two minutes. SI crtly afb r.V. Arthur than it would In'.vo
nnmnfl ratio. State Elocutivo Coniniil!on:' iew tdii'iles later tho rwtori;er i" :i-; ;i i'-V .!.;:. the president awoke. An he t-irm -b tthe fntnf n I morniliff when the
' . iiect li.o U iIow:ti: '..lull Mill con ) 'iii'i ieaid on a'-wii-n-loii
''tTines; pab-nj rimv 1 1; aad j;ro
..-IweilS'sr. t.vervOotlv ln.ro in VVn
committeo before it ainiouneed Ibiy.h.-u ttbaieloncd "all. hojie, nrel new:
opening of its campaign for ILo irth-'i'-uo pr::;ident'3 .'-nath i.i fipei-i-j-J
iost., (not the 20to, an statca iu yui
Ull-i J .1, 1 l'l ii:n:u 1.-
been on'-illio luri;ei.t cuti.n.uiiily in the womb.J
ii:-.-- v i,iii'.-, imdi r tlioi''inlu;'iinir iiroliibition laws.
I l.,t,.i.,.. 1 1 .1 v 1 li.,rn in Tint II rrpintl l.f I M t liii- ,t
",l p?wiue, alo or cnii In. id otdur i.tdd Iheie.
h rn-j,' Vny mieli iron would be uie.
t''l Jiifo ni'c a,:ain:it thu law, puniHliahlo by
.heavy pminltles,
viripjiiiH haiiil, I .vuso'itbe left-band, of I b'-'-'itlie pre iident'i (A
letter!, uetormiutil tLat a fan, honest.
aad candid presentation of tho pi
.HilV '.1.3' .
...ijial as no lay.
,a '(.uifi'i-tahh)
l"(i :-.i,.li!! l, in
ilii'i rii'i.l I no 1
I. loir ai-kM, ou bin''' New Voiu;. St.-pt Ud.,
id.'' Iu nee irilaneo with tbe
lie A
1 .
-Tiiou.'h the pr
of tie
lie r
i i - it : -o ' : ... 1 1 1 ti eo'i'hii'ei I'Hi.ii
o.ei- ;hus been no n";;r.iv:d ion of lyi. Dii-.n
pies of the llepublicau paity woii'.d be liuee, thu i.oou bnilutin w is i.nc-t
neither improtrtT nor nnpatriotic. Th.wiA 'u has s-lept. most of tbetim-i. w,.!m,,
...:.,:..,,. T..;,:.ir.t ri,,-.! ,l,l 1M1 nn,d,butllttl and with ca.,,3. J no sputa re
".u.i. "'"-v m-i:is utiohrufwl. A sijlliciout anion
' ,i-
In Jf
.'o'lk- M.ld
.v-iotiirr i.i
oiile::) i
mto u ;.'
ile tied:
'in-- im- v III l i Ci..-,,,i H, M, lunula r
Ui" llrai ot nnulair,
I 'tiwi
il :n il il l i,,. 1 1 , , im,i
, "r t- t. u. Pd, .4l
; ((;
Mil." lie till'l.
.n-ihle Mini!'1 um eiie'a-eivcil from tho cabinet in rep iid
' bis bi---.)i,,t over tukim: tho oath of oilino. niewM-iur-r"'
ii i, lii.'f.rt. I B.i"il.'-,fweri MOtit to diil'ernnt jud.'fH of the,
..li . J , , . 1 . i ... 1 l.'l.. 1 1 1 i
ii. mi I o" uuyiiuiip rr i-i'ii iiiaupreiiiu eouii. . u.a i-i I'm. ..i l.j jj. j. ostiui'ded
n'.i.'t! ',,'ici.i. i went to lie-" jpoar.inen was .Mine. ii.iu. ... im '.r,-,
ieo! tin room, p-mred o-.i!, m ' Jivho was ci-e-ely followo.l by ,i tisi fy'Uibt or Id mill a of doluirs
'id a u.if , 1'ilard wi.ier' !iahuo. 'ilio party, conabiti'i;; of tiie!'fi.ri:iitii (o.tl com and bullion now
nut pavo !uia to iii'i'di.oivicti pro.'iileut m.d tno jiid res ni.ii.'ju: i)it xv(lV from Enropo to New Vor
. i i . i: ..... , -1 , 1 h.. I . ... i . . i , . i ,
uu) t;i.e -i ia nu. i.ivn-i, . rail io.',, -iiii.iHiti'.-s niniicii '" "o. " 'M,i. i to l.u full, nod bv l'l
thai thorn ia aboiil
IS I ' iiv u.vi N TI'AT THR
-a -i 0 r. io. i,,1h hi, i u,.i.
J ifle at, i t i ... f,, l!, r. nor,,, , ,i, f ft
,1-iiililie-j. -li,,. io,-,, ,,riii nl in tifti-r-
I. , " " i ' ai . ,-,ii, .linn, a in Mm
!'; '" ' r. 1 i:i.-ll r,., rvliiKlhti
J 5 -.1 ! , t I'i r.-Ji i l iui v lie, I nil I.I,'.
Iv, Itec'iirtler.
biia to lii'i'ili.ojvico pro'dileut iii.il tho jiid-res leoi eil- ,(t wlly fr,))n jv ,-, ,j
l.ftii't. I rid-, im Sbnmd'.-s Didi-iet Atiorncv JloiliiH.V !,,..".. i , n
advocated with all Lis great po i:r.j',;f nourihiiriient has been taken nu.l 'bit ht.,.1 i.s u.-:u ...I, im I .Inink the v,.io'rt. ) iilihu Kent ami thn oldest hoi. of U.o'.r"; ' '
Froin bis lifelontj aad ciaguiaeet.t ieo lhaine-1. Temn-orat.ire Ul-I, pubie I'i2,f vt i-v n deralle. f then bunded lhe'-'.biew pr'-iiibnit, irs'imbe. in tun froui;; rUiipnienis,
orf we Uow their Uiumpb is luo-st at.frixihziou li. iU.v.i, ', -:;b.v. t. ueler-.' ni-.i, L),,.i. l, v-bo' -h.-vrb.r of N-i. 121 l,o.inrton .iviiiiiie.'j i 7 7
., . , , . , i ,vi ii . i . i IiAMii.T'iv, l.-ani'.. Jtl diirn;,; tho tm.o J. wa-l ;;ott iip'-yi-nersd Arthurs riisubuico, whom !.!) 'if the Jii.li
by ohii i'
el i'i W'M. W 1 1 "1 1 1
iAMa or oi;i:(.'ox city,
it.' Mi: -;t r ... 'I hiiiiiiia I In. inn it.
tNSHKIt ... loitl.m II, I m.iIIhI.1,
. 1 l-ln ilium..
'f.M.WAl.l !l .
ncauy wueu ioi u.ui. i. wuu uj nyi , i b ,,e r Aflerw-u
the wUl oi i'rovuienoe president uar-j 10:10 I'. M.--TI10 presit'ient has ihn-- pvipod bin lon.n-t -I,
field lives or dies, its sacred dntyf fnr pnssod a comfortable iii:;ht, and i--" ''p'-i'ipir'i'l on awi'i-ieniu:;
..1.1,'rfr... To.i 1,1 wm 1,11 lr nun 11!! nmn-r1 DOW nlti'-pill!.'. I'll! 120. No 1 eii, i-i f ) h'.Vaill' , t his Ifi'l'lbl
' .. IIm, f-, iti,
means to laaitibt.a lueo iiriuciiv.es.k-t ,. ,. ,.; , ,. -,, i
s i loon a lie;
i b; I
'I ,
unit uro diittTlinnrd
rt iluvmif tno army roi.Uir, tuey
111 r.; ill. .
MiUfiaUt tlio tiia.ii.aerii by ouniiet :
nth of olliet; wns iidi.'inis'oi'ed
i :,n vt-,i.;i);-ii Leei'.iie! jir'ii.iiien, o; nei 1..11
lnvii,! ' I'l-ossbiinl'iiitio'i to l.o'i-.U.i'vi.iw.i.l 'lo'i,:.' """" ru"",'ti1' i:i'""ri! u;ul U'"
11 1 v lintul on' ii'uf iil'0('.oiirne. 1 ,0 ii"i re. . . . .
lion of another chill. i'v-iir hiui'l on it!
,') ViAiimv :-,r.,,t 1 I 10:-r I. ',,.r I'.i.bi e.l-esh. I f 1 thee lii it) V both Hitch:''.! At 1 J Ocloe'C Um turoiltf in
Piesideut GarCcId whea a soldier forJ-'ri.,, r,.;,!0t died at 10;o.ji'. M. I'l-.m.lo tho ni-lo. an.l about on a lino vill.t- vicinity of Arthur's bouse bad ma-
e-. iiria v ineriiui.C'i. At io:.". iiov.i-
the TJuiou, never faltered btcuiiso eini
neat aud useful ooiamandors fell upon'rra shee
tho field of brittle. If Garfield's voic'J 11:2'! P
ut can bo ssiH-rtniiiod. bis death v,'
er exnanslion. p n m t von' slop this?
id. r.icvi r.i'h jtHt curr.e Vi'. Cv.viua.!
could be beard, be would bid bis oVtHfciberou hob;! fr"in I'ri.iici.lyn oott. !v.'itb a
l.ea'l, ami exeliiiuied "Oh, Bwuim,",lriul!y
I " I'tihll t i i ,- unl.j, el rlii.fk,
A..:iiM- I ','pti -n l i,.,,.. ill ,,.. me.,,.
I'lilllllV -I -Hi t I 1' WiO-rioC Iiiiv;,',;!,
I'" i" in '!' otj nviil.iilili' hi ii it y.
I -i'li itl'MS l.licl I'lell.i.tl.V.
I i '"'t iii'l i' l' i,,i,.,ii: i, . :, ; i
"O '" O' I I i um " 'i, III, I ,', ,t. , .
ll' lil ei.OUe Iiiiiiin lii-:.'i.li.il,,,i ,,, ...
id III!
comrades not to abandon those prieci-J' oid naio: "J sunt my Ui p uf e !. to
plea beoauso bo suffers. Iu coutesiify'Lowell at l'l P. AI. Shortly hi.
for bis own and their priuciplea, my-itUt tit. fjliss bad w-er pin presi
publicans will follow bis exauiido'hhdMai. loiii.'hb. pub.u HJfJ, and i.ll
rocoivo bis cornmendatiao. Wheliiei''-'titioiis ll.oti pruniis-iiti," r, .;(.. ni'
it is proper at this titno to- u'tvoi..iti.'Kj the d'x:o,- asked tb.i' t.ridt;t if'
,uo jrinv:iiiiu wu.u iuu piusHiuui, iii-.-'V-ie; iceiif,',' i nconii'i
-iiili-tit iim.v.'
ii(, HQ.
1 thou saw bun loitUni
Una;' expro-i on. I
'Ofi.Nomoil, accompli i! ioil by lwij.;bt in.w
iifptio, ijiipiijorntiii, ueeoiiipiiiiiiiii ut iwiKhi j "'(., (,r A.m . ica
biiiliiiig t r:i 'dronae,drovo to tbobousannd bad u !on;y '
I'orhnpH Um most e'Uiclnsivn fiviilencii' f .v't'iirit.
of reciiperaliim ami prop,rosn iu tlin'lr "-K r -Kt i.iii.i on litiiH l. i t.Hltu.
It) i lllllll
it. 7
"('.'is found ill the deveiopnunit ufjf n ,.vt
in.' i.i,:im,fa,.turie- indufotneH. . di.a.S.-.,An
t'b'etnil shf.rMv (.fUjr'.vip' l
Il!i-,a ;et-,i"d p..
vays bejiovfcd to bo injurious to llueitl'liC-
couatry, is a quutuoii lor your commit
tee to (lotoriuino lor itsoii. iu on
elusion let me assure yen that no
can f jel groator sorrow over tlio crii
nonunion o i iraiuom uiaiuuiu , , nee. roinaii.tiC ui
. . . ... i i . .i . -, i .
tuosH WiiO bl.'Ou oy itiia u.ti vi!.uiii.-::i' ,ni,ui Idle, u i'liriub
bis honor and food tmmo fiai all ut-;
taiiks leos than -no year
.'' rhairruau P.eptiblii
iblo i'
(017 V.
it at :
111. .. .1..,,;,,,. ,v ..p., . '.ilu, I ni Li,,! '-iletervinu
bpn if lei was suffer!'):! luiieh pun, ii'id'" j- com the World: leicoo C.oiki
,,. ,"i -,,-,,. , ,,,, uMiiivr--. 1 vere.atie the,''d(ift the i'l! til Avcnuti Hotel at lOocloen
.t,t'(.-.!,'l.-)i..4 w.tl. a ldoi I'e .ull. I thoii''.-1 1 Wl'.e iilid bo drove to Arthur's lioe.'.o.p, in Wl llls..r r WnlMno
, ..',,.1,-1 1, w. r.ill. ip.liin r l-i'.vMdii 1,:1 l-etnrnod id. VI. !.V' P"',"'' inn 1-t.s tor il, nl aii.-l.li.si-v.-l.ili
iii-, .I.I.I1III..IU-) ... r . ... ,' '- -iiAi , -1 1 1 . '1, .ii" . ue 'I '.'ii in 'I i' i it'i t- u i'i ,', Oil i - - ii ut AV-I--
i."..'h'i, a.'it-ve.'o apai.in.urtil e.-iMed to i.ViiiioM Tho I llowinp; wuh rccoKiid by At-j'-r, .,.,,-,. iv,:i,,,,,i, wni.-ii is ,,ii ,, ni .i,iv
0 wm at. I ho doir, to telt In. J'-lii'." lortio (.iiiu-ji-al Wac Ve:e;li last ne'iil. -.-wm, h.soi ' ',:
-i- Hi -',,.,.- t,.,.i I'i r-ii"..i-,iilini,: il ,ri,,,t ,,1 iv-n-lr. dil ( ue-' in iill I'll-
1 Mrs (bii'be-ld to (.(juki in immfcttl-,M l.'l 4 )...,, Sept. l b 1, - , h, , ,m,TOll,., ,,J1VM , , ,
II ''"!'i 'elv :i4i,l "IiLiiein'' at tho smill c!oi:l:'.'l Tion, vayno r.ii-.'JVii:;h, A tloi'i cy '-f'e 1 - . n', t-t 1 im-'-.y. ,v ami. 1,1 iimny
1 fell a:.le.j;i. all!
i.'ia room ..er',.".
yea lliut no '.--.-'..die h:-.!! I.om thai ouciiidcd bv i,'.el oVioel;. 'Dr. lllisa o-mo in wHbin m t-rofonnu
ivr over tho erU .!' pro.,i l..nt. Gol. Swaia and!.l. Kock-'cr tbre-i i..ii,n.-:i. 1 told Daniel to'Urs. C'irfitid m;
lat Garhcild t-.i-r.-n,:!-: roii-.ab-.cU will, the, j.rci.i.lent. '!bi',:- a :,!.t.)d coidle wbicb iia'.'itnioiy
iu H,il vu,i.i';i.':.'il Aiieut l'dle. u i-iirnile.- i.l'er Hi P. M.-'-'idood Vidu'id tbe ':e:e -a . r.t.:; i' t'ri h- .'.'';' TVe,'d-l'.'i'.t A:'l
itamo frfcai all ut-ijil.o preeidtuit titwikei.ed und rt ma.-'id'Vheii the I'.ljht s!i;:,e f'di ot. his W..;&'t:)l. Uibs, b. ft u
ear ao. e.-y rto Cub. Hnir that, bo-was KulVur;)" I naw ho wan i! yi n". "Vli-'n tr. UiH.:K-;;.-oti.J train.
Gko. Iv. Nasi', ! r.t pii;i mid j-.li.ci4 bin band over ti;HV--.ini in T si id '' ' lnf t .r, hVc y ri n: - ;'"
juts Slate lit Com 'Ucai'.. Itlii.. aaj..t.c.fil ar,d w: t-' U" .-"vai-.- f.- bo .'vi. i'." v .1- r f.--
bc.ti:'iii' on tho chanilohor nearly ovcr'-dl'ttiorul, .l;on;r Jd'ineli-I liavn your;.' ' ,"'' '. ' !""'"" . , .: ,;,. . ;,.,ui,
'the ffiat of his bet, "-aw it, v'.s lli lO,.:trilii,;ram and tlio intolb.-jiiiini fills niii."j,,t ,;,. ' ;i,iiiK m,,. 'ii, , ,1 .-.,1 ., ,1 iinein i.v h
. . 1 -i 1 1 '. t.rnrnnrul 'uirrnu- ' n f"i t s tn , fin lnm-lv . in Hi" tiimni tiw linn' n- i-rs i'i 7
iiil'irt-ii, niitiiis II ,e: i .i.iiiii,- riniii ii,- it-(' rt-;
il iViiyj, nn llltliil III V li"ilii-. N'l IU I '"Ii t'i'li .'ll"l -It,
( )1m: ;rNr city
iavnri!,o (.III lloto ban vc-
I'uuii n,,i,
' -;prei:s
,7'lpld li v.
-.vitli profonnu torrow
IM. ( il'lieb; mv deepen! s;,
(.'Hi'iitiiiii A. Ait'i'ifit
Al'lh'ni', i'.eeoiii.:Oiie.l
noon for .lllberoi")
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