.-I . ', I.. .. I ." ' a- V Mb a. .. Mr,! ' .11 SI MJ i 1 rJ' J VOL. XVI. Oil EG ON CITY, OKEGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1881. NO. 40- mm (SI itii ' aw K. Jit, I r . N fj. r-i ri - ifj . n in u . i. vi ri fjj it y M'u ill k n . w TIIK KNTKiriMtlSIcSD a&..al. JOHN HOI H K.lllar I'ruprlelnr. Tamil af Nallarl'lptlua, Mn(l f iiy, n vnr, In m)vii,.., "Inula Copy, iiimitlm. In advaiiei T.nm ml tit raill.tiif, Trmnl.'iit 4dvertlaemiiU, Inelii.lliiK lltiel, till H Nriwlc furili itliiitniil liiwrlliiii una ciiuiimi, uii'i )"r . nun minimi, iiti yar Uimrtrr coluiutt, out )''ar lUiiilnnaa Mnl, iiim J-"r.,... 1 -'" .i flVa i : S Nil ! is c in '. mi ii A JL.'., - r ' 12 fr it ; n It 1 1 P If i 1 yTi2v If X I v .... , ; ij, Vi. w.i.. n.ni . t- kt tTtii r .. fAVfl ilglta i WM OREGON CITY DWECTOW J.iliimm IoI'iiiH, M. i!, tilipy. ," 11. K. i 1.1... ) u.llmin Mi'lHl'R h H Y IMHtllH MilH-ll A SIX ll.,.. 11. .it. nut. A H. A. M-r (ArDoriM i I. Ht.mi.it. UltorHtt V- i.V MUIIOIIA srn. HiiHiii.. iLir . W, 11. I ..Mil. filltV tilMHKS, O n. A. . tt,tt:it xiit.s. n. W. firnnl'K MUAtrif X MM'M.V MAS Mi. I u.iin.u 'K. I m, f, UnlKt.X i HtflfMio-. T n il'vk) . iTi.'fi.'i ir Hriuil .i.'l, K. i, Uri'i. .1 IX' .... 11, U HKino -r. r ir-.v 4.vi (.v.'V'f .w iv.YKi-j.vr.'.v. w. it.ilii'in -i.i.' I', , I.. Ililf ill'T. ..! HI.V.K. Orlcil'nl ll.ilol J.'k TruiiKMHi. .Iii.i T. J. Ilimkr. jiiHictu.Ti'inr. tufi.nunyr auhsi. Tiiim. C'lur.n til A S in. VSIMttrAKKIi. C. I'. WIiipwI. I'tWnWHAPHHit. C, X. iiur. itAanmtsii t a.i hathi, II, T. Ailtlii. HAKtnriitit unit a asp ri.su tf. J'.iiMl Uri. rtKN1H MA Kit II, ,lnl)H M ilil'.IMl. J. K. Uriiin. riwyirt'ita imit.KU. . a. r. tiow, i.ivh tr fir a n 1,111. W. . FIoiiiiim, P ilXTKHH. P. IUMr'li4 J. II. HhKpiwnl, j, li. til.tvi r. r.u.". lr. T. W. tat 80CIKTV 0RE00H 10 DOE, I. )ta nvi-rv TlinMV ovr.llili!. t V n'Al'Wll In Hi" I1 K' II"W(' Hall, Mum If'Kt, Mi'llllHTI ul 1I1U OrJ,.r nr Uivil.M lu hiiiiJ. Iiy urvlcr or S i7 -n sH w i, JLKUH IN li IT? ' 1 Jl f ". M fc.J . " ik..,'lt' all ' . . t-i r- n N M t v ki j i-'a t rr URKKS OF in, Copper and Shcot Jron Wan ICOKIMi AMI .JOHUINU OF EVEKY JJESCRII'TIUN DUNK TO OKDKI., AN!) AT WW IMtlCES. You will flu1 1 1 1 a i ; i ) v a u i ; . v o o 1 ) , w n k a x i t i x w a k i , r. a n t e u n s , lamps, on., i.i:;ini: and pacific ia:i:nEii paivt. I'ricvx to Ssrlt the TSkkhJ i'oim: v co n " ' Urwiii City, OrPKoa. ATVli ICS, CI.Ot'KS AX JHWISLKY. . C.H.L. BURMEISTER. Walrhmd'f and; .aanufiifinr.'ng Jeweler. 06 W1; fZLTZj; FARM. KAK3A8 MOIL. Id moot part of Kannai ! licooniCH very liirlit 11 f lor a tlio few unit, to the barrel of pickUi will .tj(Bc. ll.u salt tun-it t 1 U)onor trticla, or the cnonmbnr will bpeome soft tnd .Rlwcrtblen. Tie Halt aboold bo gpricklai ' MBODg the cacnmbeM as tber are put crop i';n 1. i,,.rr,.i ,,,u t.,- mat;, ana wuer tunl l iue raw oetl',sk,ft.ri.l 1.0 n.,i ..n,l .1.- v..Mi i. 1.. 1 ..li.nr , nr l.hi.lw t.i hft ItnnrlclH I, . ,, . . . .. . r f-t,f"o " - 8TSAW1IKHHIEH. Wo would not ailvino the Wilnon ftT 'A mlvay Curat c.-.l ntiTnj (".Jap llelioTr for iila mil Bct. Choaj, quick eiji rcllubla. pitch C ASTORIA Is not Jiarocllo. Childrcu grow fVit upon, Motlicr.i lic, aikI I'byslcians rt'conjincud CASTOIUA. It r:utiitistho 1 towels, i-urcit V lud Colic, allay iVvcrlxIineaH, uml dc Btr H WoniiB. r -777-7 r... rA-'-Ta WEI DS MEYEITS CA TARRH Curo, CoatitutioDt4 Aatldot tot thim torriblo mala dy, 1y Ak-nrptlon. Tl mot Xrajiortast rioovory ninne Vao claatlou. OU? rcatedisa ruiy roliov Cft'orh, thlu cnrp at uj atoga laaxa Contiuuptloa koU lu. - . ,'ull. an I no ult wbatevpr ahnnl1 ta .j itt-'i fct ib bottom of the barrel. Wbeq ne barret i lull pot on weigbta 00 a ..... i ;,.k 1.1 1 . 1 I. .1,.Vao,L IN..itedoDlyto ligb.,;-k -b .ot" HDililiiiiiiiri, iimui u.i.i.i. 11 i ,.. , . , . ,n,nmkP. Tl,- If... MM... M. Tl..;,.r K '"","" , ' " -iwator in the barrel lo intDerM the 5'' "uu !'" " " k cove, Tave no enenmbera ov nbht . 'l veigbtx tr.Dit be lievj enongh to bol4 j , .5 '( cnromlera down. Ajiplf enongb ' . .? ilw'r i" the barrel to immerse the HOFf MA OS Cf.AS' B 1 liavo cut (?rasK m prwn tlir.t I havt! wi'.boat being aultfcd. Forty gallon, wl.iskftr larrela are cenpralljr naed for 17 nalt picklea. When bcadios tip the Ijurn l K B tint it i f nil r,f iiirblea an1 in comwiiilenoe Wril ruukd B.i a ver.y-.'iea,l it .o .1.,.. w;tl not lpk. Rait itnproviilo .t farmer. I do oot lbink.,j,.kJM will not keep ont of tbe brine,' t tbere are many who venture to cut (rraaa; , lick!e aboul.1 be kent in nlana whrn KaagrieuasI have for jeara. Tlicii.j, a:ey can oltcn be eiamined. and if tbft B(?aia, tlie argumoDt is lu4 ou Hie brine baa lwuked ofl replace with freab UHnuiuption that the coi feed on late-f M)riue Wiib trouer atrenetb. ThaEarlT tf 1 i ... : I...,:,... f " " . . b i:ui (.Twi 11 iuo muu HI..IW..1I- " i ui.-. t ratfie variety or enenmbcra la as: irmpm 1vt".i-f -iip rrriTi-va it- V ni.im vtt and vtciuitv tiua'ha la vm-il ball if iotHr. alir well attain and t, .n-d m niniiuii f jlet it lie till nuxt day. Dotlle and cork is lFr and Cedar Lumber,s,ecurely-. wyu infonrorfivo .. editing and hl.ma Hluya, (ulil jiii. I hllvor I'lniluK, llulr Work of all kluia, llatr Jrtrat. mad la arrti-r, Hirrlaclvial Kr"-U" of mil kluda Wa!;!:rt n Dorh rirpsnl nn. Erjvjinv oa Short otic ranutlea. The fact i all Bt asoua-full. pre- 1D y ferred, and in purchasing pick'ea in COL'KDFJI. by being'Jfarm that paye better thus putting u pxhauBtinKj'i barrel or to of picklea. Farmer1- Ol eary tfX.Tp' lon.Hit low ralo 1X11 Al'l'I.K 15QXES. ALSO I Vry llooilnf. VIII..f, Baalir, ( tin-lTii.Kl, Latllrv, Kirwrt an t ' f I, Ulv Ilia V.itol I 11 icy cows have aliortud iu pasiuiB, in suujuiui auu ,ii i,y it0 barrel a lorly gallon- or. whisky barrel is the proper size; piclea rr.,1-1 tor. (,.. inr.Lo. ... .IM . n v . V .v.u. . n lull. .l Tbe first thing to do is (o place tlie;'average from four to five tbonsanil to horso'ft ft-et 111 a tub of nana water .tlie barr: 1. If they average smaller it then blanket heavily and get the ani is tiot objectionable, bat larger picklo inul thoroiiglily warm all over. The .are, and soft, broken pickles are naelese. 1 .. ; i i .: . ' I' 1 : 1 : . . i . jufiHiiinH in cdi!89:t uy a siauiiiu vi.-t i iiitc ' uaruiv iu viuvronn? uu ius i blood iu tho feet, culled cooled to'J rapiilly after exhaUB labor. The warm water Kittens the: 'Union. El blood TenstilH. and favors increnHH.l . MlLiClNa ASD MILK. Hoirciilation. 1 11 very bad cases, bleed-; The procens of drawini? milk from iniz lu tlio loot may be nece&wry.v. t.e ndder of the eowa ia a very aimola . tliongU orJiuarily it may be d.sp.u;edr.-ODe, and yet first class milkers are not 1 P as eommou as we ipight be led to anp, 0-vcrc ale f l'ot- "I" be a good milker one mnat . '' ' . li'le neat, even lejapereil and atrong i Ginger, three ouuces;crcam of tartars(arn, anJ liHnj. ,.eat, bcane milk mns three ouuees; brown angar.tbree pound; absolutely free from dirt in order to ;'rtud and add jmoe of four lemouf;itlSQre a fir8i cla8g dairy rr0(lni.t; OTeB ;:lK,i!ing water four quarts. Let all the. tempered because a fractions animal ia iiiigredn-nts mix well together, stir Jl -.'ofteu provoking and if the milker gives leu uiw uoiiiuk. ami covrr it i'it,;stI1T . tll, tornnpr mrh an animal ia cooled to blood brat. Add three table.n,,- .nnil..,t an.l slrnncr in arm and summer, fonr audi,,,,).! because in order to insure tba maximum of milk it must be drawn, from tbe cow in the abortest possible time. Tbere have been many cows !l'il uiiu uuiiuif.;, 1 jcooled to blood b-at. Lpoonfuls of yeast if 1 half if winter, all lilays, or six days in winter. "poiled by the person having the care 01 aim uuiiiii.2 Viiem wuippinK ann 1 ; irt H..n-'i y-! rlMieliawxS i,J 11 Ulv Ilia V li a ana Crdar lace Poat !tifnU-r fiiriilhiHl on if .1 it. ln't- B"i II cnu 1H J Break np some honeycombs and allow J,n Lig gf) if wuen nking. a cow the boncv lo dr it) tlirouuu a strainer. ti..,:,... t,. . .... i..i.:u ; ..n- Add hot fpring water to thee ear bonev?icllujlcjby pair) gm.h , fellow ,topS liu order to dissolve it, until it bear pmiikicg and commencea whipping, or n Minn nf vtlliAr nt..m atI tv ' r . .u KA ........... ;worse, nicking toe cow, una sne oe- Hiut it down to boil for one hour; whet.vWefI e0(.flg,.llit0ijs np bcr mi)k kicks Jjiiear boiling put to each gallon of,. back allJ ig filllly ruincj. XeWwbip 1 iojtif"'X f;;rr saw utr.is. Vtliqnid .1 niixeu nil lageiuer, iiJ5, ,aJ( , t i ilie yl. Next day put j!ei5ir n '.'III f.lP Ihrt MnlI.Ml...l 1. k . M. ii iiIki lhi c..jl,rniuu hx-th 'llioiiiui Barnum Saloon, HE3E0CA DEUREE LODUE, Do. 8,1.0.0 1 , II. a..A.,n.l a.1.1 l.uirlll Tllnailn V I In inh mniilli. l T :H el.B!k In III" U.lil l et 1 )' tlnll. SlnmUiTi ui urn i'ree nri iiivi let In allanil. "l-ALU ENCAMPMENT No. 4, I. 0. 0. F, W "U nl Htlil Ki'llnwa Hall, on tli-J) p Kirn anil third Tii'.a.lii n I" eai'liiiimitii, OrV.. palrlarrlia lu khhI mainlliiK InvUm! r- i a allcflil. I0LTN0MAH tODOR He. 1. A. T ri.iilur .Itlllllll 111 I.HH.II1. tli. nr.t an.l Uilr.l Hitliir.lu.vi III nu'ii llnUli IU r.-i A M iilar oniiiiiiniileiill'iii" "n A i, . ... .m-a. m.inlh.alT nVUi.-k lt.nn lli Mil " u... i.ub ... li.. '.ill 1. .. Marf.ll. nllfl' i ai 7 il fiMloi-k inini tli HH t Miimh ii Hi" Hh of H.tnii'r. lir..ilir.Mi In unnil inml uk am Invllml In altmitl. US' nMwr nf W.M. It V H I N ti H S OA H D X 4I.L W.tTf n ES W A C R .4 ME D. Olil Cnl.l or Nllv-r lakaa. In Kxeliannv. Ul!u' IlliH'k, Orci;.iii Clty.iOri'Kon.Jauirtr ,( mmi mmm vmm t'l . v .. . .V . L, (ASTHAH. EASTHAM & McBBIDE, ATTOHSil'IVS at LAW, Pllloo In rtank builliiil, Oreipin Clly, SI'.l.UflKl . a M.iHiiir..yS'-'l C-'t:--' . (is- il is- VC..!.- :. HARVEY E. CHDSS, ittorncy ami Connsrlor-atrLnw, and Notary FuQlif, oiiroon ciry, onnnoJt. C.nnw vancli)t nl nlmtriKil-iniiklni, a hv a olBllv. ilnllnetliiK promptly made. f.1 Ollluo Willi lioiiiily Trunmiror (. M. C. ATHEY, AUorn-y-t-Iiw nnit Nolury Pulillc. C ulll prnntlon In nil tlio eniirts In tlm Htiile.';, v,.,.il iiLi,..iil,liiii irlvon In niiKiia III tlio U. H. Land OilHw and C'miiily Oourt. ii'Tiff .liVr? ' : '"' HAVlSd I.OrATKIi IN OHKIUX 0411 Hi" iindi riigiiml Is .prepared tulurnlai mi ilmrt notice, PUMPS Of any dxierlptlun, far ordinary uu, la Ilia iiiiiinifaolurrr of tlm well known lalii'ornl!! Rrdnooil Pump, nnrl aninn at vn In Mnpls and Yellow Fir iiImi niamiraelnn r of 4 Mimk Fovea Pump, WITH HOSE attachment Meli l n ni'rlnr I'linip In thn rln.i ol hnri'i' t'tiiiipa, nnil la mnm.whut phenH'r lliaii inu mni rorw runip, umiti t liquilu as PIlttAllLR AND EFFIP1KNT, Alio n.ill.'lL ohli.ru for ium;UIitiii and Lniiurf HVifr Pipt mlhr h'tmd w Iron, I K.ir cotivi" Inir wilier frm Hprlnirt to minnlvf l(..iiH. , (inntena, nnl KiiK-k un the Kiirni' iVfc u.iiin,,.,,,,,, ,, niiriduga (II llllj 1 Ivth-aulio Ifjtm: And will furnish nm! set the imiiio on shotl iiwin w i.Kiuirr ; HiKiii.n I lie cri'l'l inn tll W1X1) MILLS f Willi Tower, In ii lid, ete i,i I, rendlnenst.i cnnimet 'or il.iln mieli work nureanoiinbl. rnl.es, Allwora l!ii::r.;ntml First 1'lns.s in Evrry Respect. Tlmnkliil fur a llliernl patninnttw lienHiifnre, in .1 inipi-iui mr vnn uereuiier, 1 niu, resiwcl SHADE'S SALOON',! Proiriotor. fully. SJan ISSO 1 f, r.1. L.C. VKEELEfJ. (1 flux HH). Orejnn City.) KNIGHT DR0SM ijanhy, C. p, LATOURITTE, OHKOON SJ DliA I.KItS IK M SIIINdMIN. fHllAlt PONTW, liUIX IClt-lj lUn, I l.l)'l IIIMI, IIOOTN, MlOI.S, (,! 11 AKIIW AUK, 1, tint evi'ryUilnjr ii.iiiill v kept in a conn- i j j try atom. r tt'A l....ll !,,. ...tl.lln ... .... 11 .... I ...... .... i..,i... ..... . ...... ii. in 1 1 mi. i rin 111 uu. .j mr al.nek liertire tfntlur to (lr..u''ili Cll.v iir Pnrt.. liind.uHwo lire Nellln im clietip an any luiuso PRESON CITY BREWERY. .TACOfifliLlDl.K. AVINd PIlIKtllAHRll THK AlidVI. Ilnw"i,r,wlslies toliifnrm the putillctliHl tlm a-htlH nnd chnll nf nun Piroc This briugrs all im ! : All kinds of llquora, bolt led alp, porter attl iireguii i lly ow-r. t iuo uiuiaru iiinica. rilOTOGKArilHJ GALLERY. a cow lor Kicsicg. u en 6 aoe kick tbe milk (mil oat of yoar bands' .. 1 .a: 1 1 V. ;.;:n ssniTit'i : rnin 11 nu'E htiii h ii i m1 m iiii iit iuto a rery 8ouua vmH aiut let Vt re v.-, . i A i.:S ;iir .Imain open for about a fortnight, tUij.Vr wit:. n. !it;U Mi, .,-.. a. oiing it close after adding to even ;,ibia URll jf the OTer hf kickj!j? 'gallon the peel of a emon and orauge ; pr0l)el!si,T it will be br rmld and not and to every ten gallon of liquid balfiarsh Utatmt.n,. XeveV Vhip cow - PKOI'IMI'.HIH J! 1 gaiiuu t'l aaeei wuiduvv. Ai iuiiei.-il)MWSA sbe kicks fof u W,U d() BQ Pl.d n. ,lu.l nit.,,. Itrn i.L-o f urm Mn If.l mr. t i ... ..... . Iiaat iken plac3. Lung close agay an( Meneral Uling wo are able to judge allow to hui.b. hn drawn off and . accnrateiy of tie treatment dairy atock bottled it has a beautiful color end nk;U riA h arahira tl, mill.. luite sparkling. (Very old, tried ref .hen in ,Le -j Bilkjr) M h 0.httDee. 'Pu-J I from cow ti cow. If the animal con- C. 31. KESTI2K, Main Street, Oregon tlly. Is niepnnd to exeeiitfl rii"t"l!K'lile and . HtrrHNmipte Work ou ibo shorten notice, lie lias, alio, a Multiplying Camera Oftlie latest and most approved kind. fl3tf CHOICE LIQUORS, MIXES amf CIGAliSmo early spring suns, in a qnur, onnKiav noi'SK. Krw Lunrh Kvery Uny. Bl'I'SWf j.r.i.c&coN, DKA1.KH IX. . i aBOOKS, STAT10NRY, 1'U'TUltE l'l!AME3, western o!.(hlds. Ktinnes to rnminate. retains tho mil4 A farmer in Nebraska says: "There .expression of. the eye as the milkman .as bteu so much said already aboutStapproaches ber and maintains ber tl, rare of amile tres that I can thiukF losition it is evident she Las been well of little that! have not read over ami jtreated ; if, on tbe other band, as the. over again, except that iu setting a trceVu'1,ier approaches ber, she peases ;U invariably set the heaviest, thickestt.'-.euewnifr tUe cud, looks wild n$ ipurt of tbe top to the south, ami nlsonaiarnieu ana mies an enor. 10 get opt ilt incline the bodv of the tree a little;of tbe way, it is quite certain that she -to tbo south, and" I Cud it is necessary remembers that she lias received ill i.l in.l ivii,ll, r..k nn ilia aoiitlif '..treatment at the bands of the milker. yof.au orohard as it is on the north. Weh Where the cows receive uniform, gentle, i I. ... tl. i.tlnn, t-riuotnifint tliAV will annn luafn t ta. UMVtJ OU UIULU IUUIU ItlUUQ tUOl lUtilUCj ,..v...iv. wa.vj .. 'vki mm v m mm tbe tonder limbs and shoots to theKgard the milker as it benefactor, for liiortli. In setting the trees as beforeljjwbere their udders are distended with Kmeutionod the body is ptotected fromRtuilk it is a great relief to them to bay itlie early spring suns. 1 nave seenp" ui u out, nous, jthe bodies of trees that were killed byMben in the yard or ithe spring suns. I pruue tho trees' Teoutented expression early spring stue spring -jiuost any time JUoep iU)Q. them iu iu good shape and low FAliMEHSGAllIiESi. We bavo bad oooasion to observe the .i i. - . . increase in tne ouuivation 01 iiowers throughout the country within a few We like to see the cowl barn have tbat en unmm'nn 1 1 andthein when not alarmed, and, when tba ?;v.milltAr rmnmnehuK thorn nf than flvn uriAnril mil lliomsnlviia in mnll fn.nr. . V- U' ... I IV.. u kUW ....... kiiuio ii.smou iu lo relieve oi (uoii; precious burden. Munlilinjit, JiWmucous CouJs, Etc., Etc' FRAMES IIADK TO ORDGU. Pontomop.Valu Bt.Oregnn Clt.v.Orenon. iiiAKS3srrniiG ....Ann . "Vn gonmalvin Gr iV IVIMIOIV tABL)EMG. Window gardening seems to be ...... ,..w . ..j .. . , . mdow gardening seems to be re-. years, and on riding tlirongh some of A . k , . . m our large villages the absence . ol .blot mh Tb(J iD(ji ,e thj 0 mg plauts in pots in the wiudows lmst, i... .... j.-.. jing plauts in pot hceu the exception aim not tne rule. Hltnt there has not beer, an equal im provement iu farmer's kitchen gardens. It is very rare to find one" entirely free, from weei's.aud some have positively as tained is a bos that will sift more dirt "idown on the beads of passers-by than, 'jou tbe carpet inside. Sometimes, but ;?rarely, things are planted in window; .Ktaidens. Much oftener thipgs, such as jirom i ,ira some nave I 'vc..v . s f . n t Smanv weeds as vegetables. Ihe trouble ;i.L ... ' x-.i.: Tt.i sr.. ..v ... . . .'Hrtt luti iu Lut'ui. iiutuiiiu ia biucvioh Mis these gartlena nro too large, more Ni... i i i n...i.i ii ii. n... io ,mi m.u. ... ...6. ' ' l,.Vtn (irnic in laud bus been allotted to them than the , . window garden. Tbe 1111 ..1..V..1.4 V.a v..inln,l 1AH Howner has found time to take proper,. Lf Ws cftQ jQ get tht tbey wiU A. AI., it win be !0are 01. une aquure roti, imuio nuu r , , t out i with manure and Uoleiinaudmenowh,;, .W ..I t IT ... Initial! county that w nr penniiniiiitly loea Kovergrowu WllU weeds, now. .u in niu iHiicKsiinin mm agou-iiiiiKerKbJiuriner who has a weeiiy garueu let every i rpilntv H"""""8"' aua W1" Rita size to oue-half and see if he can do KaI I K ISJnS fir STflflX Ff5 MFW wnnxWanv better. If not, reduce it again to t. v w ..... .. . : .:n .. I, I jllRII auil try ouct) uiuro, nuu it ami un'j succesMfullie can gradually, bring it' ki i,. ....ti,;., i,;,.!. ,i.i.i iw,' ie IS HOW iiunllty oi prepared to inaniifueturo u No I AfffirilPV 1111(1 COUllSClOl' 111 ljllW.".ln-li" le. ('onieiiml K'etoiirpricea. f j At ennd n cn n bo nhtninod Biiywherc in the w i uiisi. uiu.-i.i.M! i i. hi in win 1'ieimii cnu vftuuti, 'riersoiioi.eu apd mninptly nilod Liaer Beer, MAIN HTKMKT, OKHnoN CITY. IVm!,! if "",n"U",U"y' M"i 'If.Vvuna H ' t a. a I -I., .a. l. f rxwtftt nf t.llilttN. loiinH i.. .., hn.lllllM.. U HI fHVT lnn JJepaiv Work, unci win warrant, all our work, and nhall ex- h'cC our uliare. ol piitroimno. lud muilOwl 1 .. " .v. a .1.-1 iu. : T , I " Jin .wl. h0i nn.lvastly more irritaung w jue aog.io-s .'-"' " .'-. """ 'is omw under the window., and win oe vory bird m the nerves of the fam; ily. but it will be much safer for the, baby who plays in the yard during the ibtv. The averae-e wiudow trarden musk fp.bo very useful. Certaiuly it is ra,rely .;beautiful. A wiudow garden is not a evidence of good taste. Yon take the, ut- W. PORTKK, W. t'OJISTOCK" f.p5 TO $20! . .. ...rai ii TIM A KIKTll ii' ' ' ''V ' JOHNSON. rt.cuun.v iiiAtiitiu Attorneys mut Couiisi'liirs-iit-Liiw, OIlFIUiiH CITV, OltrJIION. iirniiLluii III all eniirlH In day nt nomo. rinni s worth fren. Addrns hvnt', .V.ilnn. mrl7 m maam on long times r. iim.it. iiiTililiililn inviistmtmtn a r uREGuH C TY TOWN LUTSmilko-Cou,ltryUoDUoman M I'iUliLilSS Anli i'tOKliU V L.ir1ininn aii mi tnnl lit AAS (own to nothing, wincu woaiti uca.3. ; AVa wmnn wwA ino nf. i,d ture. M e reeommend uou a coors i , J ' . d ,0 ftuJd he ,m v. ... , .. . . i3ou site wonldo t have one ol tne hpr- Jsijsed. well munured. well kept, weli,...,.. ... ... t rri,;'. Cultivated kitchen garden is one of tboJow fa ft gr(Jftt tW Eut AAAMM M . . . -MA -r,-T a ,.,..'ka r.AN K OK K I'MY PICIW' I IUi 1-HA Hdln nt. t his Mllioo. JusMroscH mo juoi ir.,t imvf i ntr In J1.HIV Lv' 100 iirin ui .nn iii h emir h in inn mine. (jpiiclal iill.iinl.lon iilyen to nitses In tho U. . n n wee It In vnnr own town. Terms nnd Jj U lAmililt. Ireii Aililresa 11. HALKTrt I'll ACKKS IN A OOODNEIOHIiOR-' liooil- A ironil farm, with hll acres in eiiltlviilion : ironil dwelling house, or- lim it nnd barn. ri leo$J.0(K). S."lilowti: iiiilauca n installment to suit piirehiiser N.O. WAl.DKN, or!', O. Wct'OWN. r, fay itte have a kiwuku of i.OTd aniks1 i i lllieks, belonaiua' to thu II ABVBY HEIRS, v Sale. The Lakeview. Or., papern Bay that The season will soon bo at band f orfi Goose Lake Vftllej is now sorely af; .i1.am1.. a.. mi .l.o t,ii-i.itiiAa nmlU'llinl.I Willi fYrnaulinmiAra ftnrl Oriolt ;;;'iu lie ring Mnt. wir cucumbers, tomatoes amlWtlicted with grasshoppers and crickets. products for pickling, and asfc Myriads of these pests are devouring miaticn iu reunion to Teverytinng green iu tneir nneoi iravei. onNspiy a mci'own. ;i . i ...... :.. '.'.ItlllllV HHHirH IlllillllllLILl.lt iu ioitiiiuii tiirib rtliis rratter we found that in puttingrA band of crickets will maroli two or iup salt pickles the eucumbors shouldithree milesa day. nnd leave the earth 8 bo Riithored from two to four inches XboUinil them dostituta of the last TSSc ilypg, packed ia a barrel of good uairygtige pf veeliitiop. i - ,. .au( yiiev m i'iA7i vcj. IVfl-U'lil, ..ifillfe, : 1 ..; - 'it ;-m ml r-v: T