Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, March 13, 1879, Image 2

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In another column we publish let
ter.written in snawer to onr wnmrks on
the Cliincwojiestion, in our issue of
tlis27th nit.
Tlie writer jinvsiiuies that the refer
ence made by Dr. Newman to the Cstli-
o.ici (i, e. Irish Catholics), was bl
upon their avowed opposition to Clii
ties immigration. We will stop right
liere, anil en passant, would wish it tc
le thoroughly understood tliat we hav
no svmpthy with any sset, crood or
peoplo in cUscnssing this subject, but
hall prosecute the ipestion at issue
wpon the grand principle of imleppml
ent journalism.
The Rhv. Mr. Day, the author of the
letter referred to, sent na for our edifl
cation tlt Christian Advocate contain
ing the lecture delivered by the Rer.
( Joseph Cook on the Chinese question,
from which we quote the following:
"We shall be proud of San Frauu'sco if
he manages an immigration lml f as
large, as well as Now York Ins done
her Irish, and German, and Italian, and
Polish, and Bohemiau influx."
Will tlie Rev. Mr. Day dare assert
from what experience he has had with
thtse people, that any rational, nnbigot-
d person can draw the faintest compar
ison wits, them and the loathesome Chi
naman, with whom hypocrisy is a re
ligion bo cunningly exorcised that it
baffles inch geniuses Cook and New
man? There is not among the list of
Bations, a number so complete in the
vanguard of civilisation as those illus
trated, and meant to be the dregs of
aitern immigrants. Ton will find in
the one the cradle of the reformation,
in the other the champions of liberty,
in the other the mother of the most
; treasured of arts, and s ill in the other
the rendesvonz of the mnses. When
pnblic men so far forget their duties to
their compeers, we can understand their
loss of self-esteem in the pretention of
A blind fanaticism.
Returning to Mr. Day's letter, we
will touch briefly npon the "avowed
opposition of Irishmen to Chinese im
migration." Is it Dot an indispnUble
fact that the legislatures of the Pacific
roast have spent thousands of dollars
advertising, and publishing pamphlets
elUng forth the immense dva::tagt-s
to wtrkiugmen and hborers of all de
eription, that are to bo gained by
immigrating here? Eastern cities have
"been deluged with them, everr village
and hamlet in the states lias been elec
trified by the grand descriptions of the
.Pacific -states. The Union Tacifio and
OntralPacifie Railway companies spend
thousands of do lars-evt- jvar to iu
.dnce jM-ople to come ontl.tre, nnd their
fares for three thousand miles are on
the face of it a baso swindling allure
ment. The Irish people, the pro'
majority of them, follow tl o !.rl
branches of mannal libor, from th"
wery reason that they have left a conn
4ry where the pnrsnit of the higher
branches of labor has been under too
servile a restriction to alloiv tiiem a;i
escape from their degraded oppression.
By d.nt of great industry these people
have managed to assist one another
Across the "herring poud," nntil to-day
they form a ereut part of onr republic.
Being a sharp-wiitcd people and full of
jinibition.tbey are not long in onr midst
before they pet imbued with tlie pre
vailing spirit of"pushingaiiead." Find
ing so bright a prospect on this coast,
they have come out here in thousands,
to find what! To find that the only
possible means of subsistence is out of
their reach. They came not as carpet
baggers, they came not as st.x-k gam
blers, but as honest, hard-working men.
The very channel that could afford them
the slightest relief is blocked np by ore
of the most degraded and disgnstine
systems of slavery ti.at has ever tarnish
ed the fair name of a nation. Is tlie
Avowed opposition to Chineso immigra
tion any longer a mystery ?
As to christianizing John, we have'
Already expressed our opinions on the
subject, and they are unchanged.
, We heartily join Mr. Day in denounc
ing the pernicious influonca attending
the sale of intoxicating drinks, but we
would at the same time remind him
that while one is defended by the law,
, the other is carried on in defiance of it.
With reference to tie amount of rev
enue derived from the Chinese, we con
sider it apparent to all that the same
number of white men would udd many
fold to the coffers of the government.
As to the statistics relative to San
Qneutin, we tLjnk that we have as
much liberty to claim that there were
so many Protestants as Dr. Newman
man had to claim so many Catholics,
for the very reason Hint we find that the
Doctor clasped all the Irish incarcerat
ed at that time under the head of "Cath
olics." The late outburst of indignation th&t
spontaneously rose in condemnation a;;d
disapprobation of the president's veto
is a sufficient answer for all time to any
remarks to the contrary. We have no
affiliation with any politics in the mat
ter, but fight this question on the plat
form of "B-ead and Butter."
Johnson and Brown, the O'Shea rob
bers, and the murderers of the boy Jo
seph, at Portland last summer, will to
morrow pay lbs full penalty of tlio law
for their crime.
The Hager mystery ron.sins unsolv
ed. Sheriff Pilstmry left to.vn yester
day morning, on a trail that -.v 1 decide
tliM matter so fir a a certai : individ
ual is concerned,
Oukgos Citt, March 4, 1879.
Editor ExtkuTmsk: In your last
issue I find your reply to Dr. Newman's
article on the Chinese, published by re
qnest in a former number of the Enter
rmsR. Please accept my thanks for yonr lib
erality in publishing that article, more
especially as it contains assertions and
opinions, s spported, as I think, by re
liable proof.and nil iu direct opposition
to vour own vims.
We will notice briefly your reply.
Yon say, "The article in question, while
pretending to I a defense for Chines
immigration, was nothing mora than a
lse attack upon Roman Catholicism."
While we admit that, religiously, there
can be little affinity Wtween Dr. New
man and R us in Catholicism, yet we
suppose lie referred to tiie Catholics, in
that connection, simply because of the
avowed opposition, especially of Irish
Ctholica, to Chinese immigration.
Again, yon have mors than iutimated
that tlie Chinese cannot lie christianized,
and have offered in proof the testimony
of "Charles T. Joues, district attorney
lor Nscranicnto, a gentleman of high
reputation," etc.
This is an important question. It
shonld not be treated disdainfnllv, but
with all candor and fairness. We should
not attempt even to close the gates of
salvation against any human being. And
however low in the scale yon may place
Jntin, we presume yon will admit he is
human that he is at least a factor of
the great family of man. This fact con
ceded, and the Chinaman immerges at
once into the great open sea of Gospel
privilege, where he may be sued on
equal terms with the rest of mankind,
to-wit: "repentance toward God, and
faith toward onr Lord Jusus Christ."
Acts 20, 21. "Iu every ntion heth.it
fe:ireth him, and sorketh rihteonsuess,
is accepted with him." Acts 10, 35.
Whether or not John will comply with
these terms, is a question which is hing
ed npon his on will, and not noon the
testimony of Mr. Jones, or the opinion
of any man, or set of meu.
Again, yon ask, "Ilovr much do the
Chinese contribute toward maint lining
tins free night school ?" I am credibly
informed that the Chinese on this coast,
who attend church and school, are also
doing a lilieral part in support of the
same. Perhaps at a future date, with
yonr consent, I may present, through
your columns some'statistical facts on
'.his point.
Again, yon re'er to the sale and nse
of opium 'throngh Chinese influence
is pern eions effect, etc Iam willing
to join with you in denouncing in the
strongest terms tlietrafliu in opium and
its nse as a beverage. And I ask jou,
as pnblic journalist, to join with me in
dcnoiinciug in term? equally strong tiie
traffic in intoxicating Inpiors and their
nse as a bevyrage. Ioth slionld tiespeed
ily snpprtsstrd. if necessary, by the rig
wns hand cf Jlic law. beil.etJVy ar4cil certificate of that footrund npon-l.ia
practiced in Oregoti Citv or elsewhere,
And this should be done without reganl
to the color, pres.ige or nationality of
the persons engaged in ths propagation
of these mnrderous evils.
Again, you my, "The figures showing
the amount of reven e derived from
these people are amusing " I think yon
misjlit proerly have added, that from
vour s.'ati'l-poiut they are also unanswer
Again, you say, "The statistics given
of &au (juentia for 1870," etc. Accord
ing to your showing there wre 559
Protestant against 4tX) Catholic prison
ers confined at that place. But you are
uot authorized bv the Doctor's article
to assert that the 559, or any number of
them were Protest -tirs. Hum you an,
reliible authority for your assertions on
this point? If so, please give it to us
through your columus. Otherwise we
sh II look upon it as an assertion bused
on mere opinion, ily opinion is that
tlie facts in that case were ubont as fol
lows: The 400 Catholics were avowed
adherents to the Catholic faith, while
the 559 which you call Protestuuis, were
non-religionists, or nn lie lie vers, having
utile or no regard for any religious
doctrine.. ,
Aod now permit me to express my
conviction that Pn-sideut Hayes Impact
ed conscientiously, wisely and WELL in
vetoing he Chinese bill. For tins he
deserves the gratitude of tho nation, and
even of the Pacific coast. I look upon
the tiassage of that bill by congress .a
premature, impolitic and unjust. Many
of the members, we fear, were influenc
ed by political considerations of a par
tisan character. And possibly some of
them supported the bill for the sole
purpose of seenring the votes of the
Pacilic States in the ensuing Presiden
tial election. G. W. Day.
"Inquirer:" You ann if it is right for
church members to dance.
In reply, we would say that it is not
often that we approach matters of such
serious consideration; if the member is
a slow, sour, acrid, morbid distillation
of Puritanic Phariseeism, if the moral
functions are warped in the "I am holi
er than thou" grooves, if the member
believes that pleasure is not ono of the
concomitant virtues in train with relig
ious belief, but that vinegar and gall
alone attest the glad results of the cru
cifixion, or if the member is gawky,
awkward, ante-deluvian nnd generally
out of date, they ought not to attempt
itsexhiliara'ing mysteries; another over
whelming consideration should prevail
to deter i frisky church member from
attempting tho merry rolades of the
dance should they have big feet they
will find it flat, stale and unprofitable,
and a tax on the pationoe of the others
of the set.
The Pacific Coast delegation were
unanimous in their condemnation of
y'lLP'6"''8 action on i the Chinese!
restriction bill. Senator Mitchell saij
he hardly dared trust himself to speak;
nr. it.. i i .... , 1
v. im. ixa?rn, uir irur fin IJJUIH employ:
langnaoe wlncli would not be decorous
ne consn'ereri tlie president's utter-J
ances hypocritical and inconsistent,!
uu me yeio an outrage,
To th tarjHiyti'S o Citchimiut CoHHty,
0vji)H ;
A summary of the assessment laws of
the state of Oregon, applicable to each
and every county:
Tho assessor shall qualify by taking
the oath of offiee.nnd giving a good and
sufficient bond of Si.lKK) for the per
formance of his duty, as prescribed by
law. And shall enter upon that duty
the first Monday in March. And the
following is how property is to be -sessed.aiid
the duty of the assessor, and
the requirement of the laws:
i 18. It shall be the duty of every as
sessor to swear every person subject to
taxation, to give a true account of their
property, according to the best of their
knowludue and belief, etc.
I 28. Every assessor shall require any
person liable to be taxed in his comity,
to furnish him a list of his real estate
in his county, liablo to taxation, and a
list of all of his personal proerty liable
to taxation, in this state, and shall re
quire such person to make oath that to
the best of his knowledge and ladief,
such list contains a true and full account
of all his property, liable to b taxed in
anch county. And if any person shall
refuse to furnish anch list, or swear to
the same, when required so to do by
the assessor, such person s'! foriYi't
and pay to the assessor, for tlie use of
the county, the sum of Si), which sum
may b) recovered by motion in any
court having jurisdiction of matters of
debt or contract, to the amount of S'Jil.
j 102. The assessor shall require ev
cry person to pay hit poll taxes of every
kind at the time of assessing the same,
and in default of such payment the as
sessor shall immediately give to tlie
sheriffs list of such noli t xcs. and the
sheriff shall immediately collect the
same, by sale of personal property, or
in the mode directed in the preceding
section. And when any personal prop
erty, or any other personal estate, shall
be assessed to any person who is not a
permanent resident of the couuty, or
who is about to remove his property, or
depart therefrom, the assessor shali de
mand immediate payment of the t.n
thereon, at the simt rate per centum as
the preceding year's taxes, and in de
fault of such payment he shall imme
diately coliect the same in the maimer
aforesaid; and the assessor shall note on
the assessment roll all the poll and ot'i
er taxes so given to the sheriff for col
lection, and the sheriff shall pay over
and accsunt for the same as tho other
101. Whenever any personal prop
erty npon v. bioli the current year's taxes
have not been paid is about to be re
moved out "f the state, it shall bo the
duty of either the sheriff or the assessor
forthwith to collect such tax, anil if the
same has not been assessed, then to as
sess and collect the same, ot the rate of
the preceding year's taxes.
All ral aud personal property shall
be assessed at its true cost value, except
what is exempt by siecial law. House
holders are exempt for personal projwr
tv, selected by them, to the amount of
2 10. It shall be tiie duty of tbe as
sessor to deduct the amount of indebt
edness, within this state, of any person
assessed, from the amount of his or her
taxable proerty, given under oath.
J 116. Any person assessed for any
year may demand of the assessor an effi
reuisai to give the same, lie shall l
fined in theura of S100, to lie collected
by the person demanding the same, in
an action in the name of the party injur
ed, before any justice of the peace in
said comity.
I 5 (approved Oct. 21. 1876). A poll
tax of (1 shall le assessed upon every
male inhabitant of this state, between
the ages of 21 and 50 years, except all
active or exempt firemn,who have been
members of any company for a period
ot one year preceding the "assessment of
taxes, which tax shall bo collected nnd
used for county purposes.
The abovo is published by request of
Jos. Barstow, county assessor.
There is considerable discussion, and
some foiling manifested among onr
citizens, ut the action of the Mayor, in
not giving the Chief Engineer, and the
Assistant their certificate of election,
at the last meeting of the Council. We
understand that it has always been cus
tomary, on similar t cc.isiors, to swear
in the elected chief and assistar t at the
first meeting of the Council, after the
(ho election. Whether a deviation
from this rule was done from want of
proper knowledge in the official capac
ity as mayor, or from personal motives
is a question that we are not clear npon.
If the former, it is full time that ths
people of this city shonld bo careful
who thev elect to responsible positions;
but if the latter, we consi.l -r it an in
sult to the intelligence of the Fire De
partment of Oregon City.
The Standard's G;!ost. When Sun
day's edition of the Standwil arrived
here on Monday morning, the gossips
and scarecrows were afforded unlimited
scope to ""draw," from a sensational ar
ticle that appeared in its columns.
The article in question gave a terrible
description of some ghostly antics, sup
posed to have heeti enact d, at the
farm house of Mr. Hager's, the scene of
the late murder.
On Monday, Samuel P.entzer. a farm
hand staying with M' Hager, called at
this office, and requested us to givoMhe
report an nnqnalilied denial.
To satisfy their spiritual curiosity,
four yoiina men left this city on Mon
day evening determined to solve the
mystery. They were met nt the door
of Hager's house, with: Yon come in
here, dat'g all, I shoot furst go man
show his head in here. Go home, yon
great goose yon.
In our report of the annual school
meeting we unwittingly omitted the
following, out of Mr. P', Paquefs re
marks: He said that he would -it all
times, and under all reasonable circum
stances, uphold nnd assist the teachers
in maintaining the discipline of the
school. And if any teacher, in the
performance of his, or her duty, pun
ished a scholar, and for that act
was brought before the courts of
the state, tried by n jury of his coun
trymen, nnd acquitted, he would tin,
heitatingly vote to pay his or her at
torneys fees, ami costs of suit as he had
dooe before.'
We also wish to correct the follow
ing, as reported that Mr. Paqnet said.
That an amendment to an amendment,
carries with it the full meaning. What
Mr. Paqnet said was That where an
am -ndment to an amendment was car
He 1. it carried with it the whole sub
ject matter.
Tho election of Mr. Frsd U. Ch.irman
for Chief Engineer, meets with our en
dorsement. Independent, of the un
doubted qualifications of Mr. Charniau
to perform ihvuierous duties attend
ing the office; it'is an tmoourgomc;it to
the juuior member of tint flro depart
ment, and a fitting compliment to their
past services.
It would ht impossible to select!
from the many well qualified junior
members of ths department, one more-
highly and univeraally respected than'
our young chief. We wish him every .
success dnritigliis term of office, and'
hope tht, at th expiration of thayoar, j
he can look back upon its record, and
find it resplendent and redounding with'
ltV. J. P. Settmitn. of some olae ia
the great Willam-itte valley, has been
"pnttmg ins roTTt in it, by declaring
the Chinese to he the iiunl in linneatv
and intelligence of any of the foreign
races represented in Oregon. Judging
hv the rvvereiiil cent leiuan himself, wa
should aay the heathen had decidedly
the lci of it. Tie Oregon City paper
docs gie him 'suk from the" tombs"
to ths tune of Had'cm.-fiiUef Empim.
Give us your fca- Prothr Merry.
Another fearless friend of the working-
Ths citizens of Oregon City seem
pretty eontidciiMliey will get a liumw
gauge from that place to MolalU; and
so they ought, because they have been
an ! ar working hard for "it. Wnn.'iiU
l.lver U Kill);.
Thi Liver la Hup imperial oran of Hie whole
human s st.-iti, n II controls Hie Hie, health
ami loinnitii'ss ui nun. When tils tlttirteil
In lis mp -r nenun, nil knuls ol nllini ius are
the mil ii nil r-milt. I he iliiv-siion m io.Ml.tli '
iiioveiiifiit of ilf hen rt ami M'shI. I hi- ntin'i
of tli- l-niln Hint nurtou so stem, lire nil lm
tn'!liil.'ly eoniitcli'il wit h 'lv wnrkic;s of th"
Llv T. 41 hush-en hil''0"vslully prmi'it Unit
lir u'ii's August Llmier Is un -iii.'ilii-il In our
Imt ill -rs .us nitlw't vl with liyspepsln or
l.ivt'r. iiinl Mil Hie iitiinenHts yitoiiis iiuil re
suit Imiii nn unhealthy coinutitm nf the
I.tver unit stottiiii'ti. .itnpl) limis tu try.
lu rents, nt liin A. ILriPiii;'s, l.slt Ively sohl
In nil tosnsnn the Western I'ontitient. Vhree
doses w ft! prove ttmt It Is Jtil wlutt you waul.
.Market Hoport.
Piirtlmul M.irkM.
ta;.il t"nil"rs limii". telllni-imr.
Flour Ktm. i u); iis rtlne, II iXKl '.'i.
Wh nt-f l is-iitni.
0:it Vk lutMe'l, leicketl.
li.irl-y-.Jl 'jii t cntal.
Hnisin Miles thiitv ; hams. l.'S ; houhl'Ts,
7'i s .
I.nrl-In kejs. 0S. : In IDIMIiis. l.'V.
Illltl T-ft'lll Mil. tv.
Pol tto 's -i.Jti.xiiiiit troni first hnnds ut 5 vi
$"ic pr lnihet, noise Jin to vart-ty.
fruits hrietl npuies tu siu'Ks, 4e. i for
sun dried, 5c: pluiiis, iMed, 4.e; pit less, 11,
12c. : ,s'te e-s, lie, ; prunes. l"c.
rhieken-Full i;m n, ii 00 V iloi.
Wool I-S4IH1-.
Keeil-ttnm, IIS SI in : horti. .M
llae-Hiile.l. u I ton : hs.se, 1,1.1.
Onions 'J V It.
lln--i.n Cltr Markrt.
Whal-!r.y ? buhl.
Oa' c ? Iieshi'l with Hacks.
Knr.ey I'tioUs! Iin-H im, T f bushel : feed,
NV'itons .'-i)c f) bshl.
t)nl ins "c V It.
Flour II fi ) ? t.tl.
1'rh'il Fruits Apples, JS pllltin. II
l'-e. 1
Apples 5 'r.AJ'tl. l'W)S4.
11111 1 1 T -
Kzs '2 "c 5 ilnieeti.
Ila nn-s.ilis, lUiliSn ft !b; hams, :2,il,
I aril ( '.' ft,
H iv lis V ton.
W.il-L vIKo V f
Hiil"s-inen, It-dry, I'c H lb ' 01T f.ir
cuik si.
Mill f.-eil limn, $'."1 v Ion : shorts. IJiilJi
V Ion : nil'I'l lugs (-T .'i 4 t U -V' y ton,
Feh niejtts lU'ff, itr-ssed, tS 4) TS: on
fool. 2Vc; dressed hns, ,i inutlou sheep,
U-Vj It
110 It .
M ir.'h S, l';7!i, In the wife of Mr.H. Nnrhand,
of I'ajier .itill Hiution, a dnuuht'-r 7 ismiolB.
1M UiltlKl).
Atlhn rlil'noeof ;! IHcksiin, nt Viola,
Mr. !.. J. Iheksmi ntid Miss .Mury inxon, both
of Viola, l.'lnrkniuas county.
In this city, March S, 1H711. J,!,. Harlow
seil 61 Vfhrs, 9 months ami Li tiny.
1 Fsfj.
(Oreomun nud r ulloti county, 111., piiH'rs
please copy.J j
In Wasco county, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1S79, John
'V. llin'A ; kicked by a hors'.
K'ept assorted cawlL, frsh nnd new,
Fine cut tobaceij, for those who chow,
Ihuiiohnccos tCI you can't rest.
An I smoking; of thn very best ;
And frnits, of I In far off rllniet,
lie will -ll to suit the timet.
All for prtres that are Just and fair.
You will fln I by callliiK there.
ust reoetyed a
Lir' Invoice o'r new
C'khIi, which will he
sold at tho lowest
cimli priors. tnl ttf
S303 Roward
I 'ourt of f'larkamas county, Oregon, fur
the apprehi-nsloti tin I conviction of the per
ron or persons who murdered Mrs. yaxeron
theliidtday of February, ls7.
I J. K. WAIT, County Judn.
i ' Land For Sale.
TWfi hundred seres nfgrxKl land for sale,
situated lour miles west 01 Oregon City, l or
lurttier Intonuutloii, apply nl the F.ntkk
othce. Jan-:fM.f
A Rare Opportunity.
For sale at a bargain, forty-six ncresof land
with Mrsl-flass water power suitable for mills
or manufaeturlnir purposes, t wo miles nbnvu
ori'ison Ily. For lull particulars udilress or
call nt this office. Jiin.lu if
A Raro Opportunity.
Fiom 0to hiflacp'sof Rood iarul, IX miles
from .New Kra, for sa'e chi'ap. 'J'ho wholo
tract part under cultivation, lor 41,1110, or will
oil f acres at fx pet acre. Fieiulre fil
HKHA NllinoN
1 parlies owlnu for subscrlpll'in to ths
oitiioos Liry Kntkrpkihk, must S'ttle with
F, H, Dement there or up to Nov. 1, IH78. ex
cept from I hose long In arrears from who 11
subscript Ion Is due to Hec. 1st.
liills will lw a'ldresscd to delinquents, nnd
a speedy settlement Is respectfully requested,
F, H. DEM KM',
flitnooN City. Or., Dec. is, l78. If
mx m, cacc-j,
Boiks, Stationary.
Picture Frames, Mouldings nnd Jllisccl
liini'oiis Good.
Onuoow Ornr, OiticnoN,
t-T At the PoHtofflnn, Main Htreet, west side
mm "aie ai i.nis oince, jusl.ces or ma jno
can get any th Inn In their line.
. AL. G. WHITE I'roiirirtor.
mnia wm.i. known am mrn.AH
I resort lias Ihmii ots'iieil ntratti hy Ihe mm
tleratuneil, ho l' keep a well auurleU tK'k
" Wim, Mill (IRS, BKi:S D I'ln tRS.
Kro lunch dally troiti I o'clock . m,
tavern nf till seleutlltc gains will tltid two
line luliU's lit tiu'lr nerv.iv,
)M wet! s new iilnna ar Invited to
Vsll Ritil ninile." ALU, Vi'liltn.
riiviion i'iiv. rVtiitH-r ss.
lrrllrl Morlinnli t.
Hittfksinithliti: nnil WiijioiihiuMiii?
IIOHSI Mlltll' INtl A BPUrl U.TY,
Ths llixl Nhllleil ami Prisedi-nl Wiirk
mea i:iiiily.il.
' k nn,n ui n-i- t rri i.i.v i.
M form lh rlllseiia of t'hii'kn'iuis (Sniuty
Ihnl, havlhil Uiuirht ths l'l. ksinith .hup nnd
business nl (l.sirue Willis, nil wnrk minuted
toiuir care will lu neeuled with dispatch ami
neuliii'ss. Terms rcasimnhle. LlixTuI dls
rounl iillowd mi ensh pu tnents.
In cotuii'i'Hoii wnti tiit 1 sitiblishnti'nt Isfhs
work simp ol Mr. i'. I', Winsei. wlmse refill n
It. ui sscoscli uml w iireei tuitl.terts'i ':iisriiuti
forRiKvl ork. u't UM;m c fn.i t.
Hilhnnn:h r 'UDMiii.ut miiN-liur to n r
tr t. ntitt cniHit' to imiM tt m ln'tf" n-'t.nO lo
nniio in t'n'jjtiii, ltn M.I. n( llU il
Ivvfrxthlnt; util U Hoitr lo AttMinr iltr 'i ..
fnrt nf I hi tiiif'-sM, Tim Himiko In l.it g nJ
INtttrtl mid I. t!ln; prr tvrik $ 0
liimril 4r trk.. .. , VO
I uUnittl Itril, rusti,,
! Vo h to uti tl fro tit itit MuttM.
Onmi nty. Ku, so. lirvif.
W. lISI I, 7
mais' sweet. - oni:i;o cin:
Keeps const ant ly nn hand a birs ass la
ment ot ur'K-ertes . also (
(iLASS, WODhl'.N AN1 ,
wn.i.ow wakk,
NAH.S, ,
ri.oru, kacon' (
AND LAI'.D, l ll'.I.H AND '
( i A n 1 1 1 : m i : i is, i , i m i:. ( 1 1 ,m k l,
Kol.l nt the Invest market rules or cschari;
id lor isnint ry pf'sluee.
AM sai lruni UT
CiKOUliK 1M' 'IIS,
IS TIIK I'.KM FVFH INTlif d ill Fi IN Til F
market, tmnln Hi- llfst prue l tlie Mlnle
Aurlculiiiral 1'iilr of l.srs.
lien iiv fur an le, the best brands of Clfiirs,
fmtn j.'.i.m and upward, tsr L,,",,. sesre
able to sell this In tUurc l'esuc we buy
out tobacco dinct frt.iu th.' first holts" In l ie
liad". tu Sun I- ranctsc i. t'oniti and se-, utul
I'Mimliic tor ) ourselves. im-.ini
hsdccs a Dir.ciYiAri,
A t.AUlil! AHS'tllTMKXT Of nM..H
nun i iiSKi-ts ulwis ntir-
hntld. Fine Insid 'nnd outsl.l.
tr iiiinyis. iii ms;,nuiei m
IIC.iTS' ..
(. 'arpentfrs' Work
of nil dcsertptions rx'cuted with ncutnesi
u tl 1 dis;ialch.
w i.rti h"p opposite I'hnrmiin's Ktore,
Or 'Kid l ily, fn jjoh, Fell. I it li t f.
K. H. Fi :r,T,( ws,
k-"'"I K nt'il'UIFTKft fF TIIK IJVt OLV
O IIAKKItV, is Mill at the old stund.
i:slatllshnil In l.V4.
It has always had ths largest run of custom
nf imv croc ry store In thn city, and he In
tends to keen it, II k'-ci iiii; nn assort nient of
it ocerles.ntnl seiiiti,. I hem nt bed-ruck pries
will accouuitish Iiinl en1',
testis deliv. ri'd to any part of Iho city free
of charte,
I also keep on hand Rood Hay, rials, Mtraw
and I'hli'kcN Feed, for sale. itov Jl, "s tl
"I'hc lilfhest mnrltet pahl In cash for all
kinds of produce .
Ttt u doors north (if Factory.
Ore -on City, Kept. 3, IH77-lf.
"wic jwaci"
Tolophono 2clii)C(l.
iV of sl;nnls, by which )M'rsons may con
vers with each other, even though miles
apart as far as the e.e can reach. Just what
everybody wants lo learn, nnd It takes only a
dav'sstuily, Ily this met hod many miles of
wntklnc may b saved when you have a iocs
iae,e lo deliver, Price onlv 10 cents. Forsale
ut J. .M. IIAI'O.N'H,
c 3i. itiuNrrisi,
Main Htreet. ()k;koii City,
Kraplilc ntid Hti'reoscnplc Work, on the
shortest, hotic.i. He tilts, also, a
Multiplying Camera,
Of thn lati st nnd inost npproved hirnl.-ll.l-tf.
Mil. 0. F. MaYHF.W'H NMIMKftoim
Irlcmls will hi' Klii'l to learn that he has
bought Mr. Fellows' Interest In llie sihsni,
ami II will be run In th Oiture :ts of old,
Thn very best of liquors kept ; also clears tit
the cholccfit brands.
l-odK.nn l.y the week, $1.00; by thf hlcht, 55
cents, febll-t,f
L L. Feurer's Brewery, at Portland, Is con
stant ly kept on draught at
It l the best, beer In the clly, and wo Invito
the public to call and (,'lve II trial.
Oregon (;it.y, March I, IN7M-LI'.
milK Af f OLTN
.IOIIV P. Plflle
jl lips, nun on nis irriK'ery
lips, dun on his irriKiery business In Ore-
Bon City, lalclv suspended, havo been duly
assigned to Kio'-terman Urns., unit I havo
them In my hands for collection. They will
be collected Immediately rrom all person's who
have any properly out of which thn amounts
dun can be mad". Costs inny bo saved by
prompt attention to (.lie. mutter.
Feb. 27, K. I.. KAfsl'IIAM.
124 First Street, Portland,
Fine Stlccllon of Pure Iliiviimi Clirnrs,
In Oregon f'lty on I h drat and third Hatur
days of each mnrith for tho transaction and
adjustment of assessments, unless notlco bo
Klven to I he contrary. Jos. IIAIIHTOW,
m nrfltf Con n I y Assessor..
An AkoiiI wtintnl !u IIiIh lonilllj, lo miiI.v tlm IC Domnnd.
Nothing Succeeds Llko Success!
The former llluh I'. Iced Machines LI I'll Fl In
rr w io n rr v :i) c) i, j a ii si
Thomniihly warrnnlcd and enl lu ymi for
Examination Boforo You Pay For It.
And no obi Illation to ki'cnine, If not Uktrra than nv machine )om rver had,
EVE It V FA Ml 1. 1 C'a A' AO W 0 If.V .-I UliST CLASS SEWtXtt MAClllSE,
Tim OM L-'avorlte ami Itoliutilo STAMIAltl)
Wo fminot Miisu u Hi'ltt'f Mdfliluo ut Aijy l'rii:o.
A Hirieilv First I'lnss Mini lie tvoiible Thn d I is k Nlllch Maehlne, nnih eom-
plete lu iiinl. meiits ll'iin any nthi r,
no tils, with the old and mi II Irii d 141111
A Full htul Fn 111 Ily Mew lug Machine In every sense ol Ihn word "Ihnl mm suimith and
dis-s evi rv dc.ciii (Ion ol lulu or lani v sen leu llh esse and is tininty. .0 .lorn and well
innib', and so thuinukhl li'sied while in use bir )i r In I limis.uiils ol Fninllles. thai each
Muclilhe Iiinl b uves 110 aotorv Is wnrriinlnl l"r ll ear,aiidk l In Old rlrrenl ehsrsa,
Money retuinled nl oinv 'f not p. rlccilj Naillaei-iry. Ilmi'i in I'Mli k ! a N I'ow n likl.uW
1 1. in 11 a M At 11 is s. ,Vn Kit ras in pay lor. Kneli Mmiiine is neeompniitid by amors
( Vmplrff ii( id numerous and urlul nttachiin nla for nil kinds of work (Irce of any etlrs
elmruel than Is flwu Willi eny mliir llarliiiie at any price. 1 lie hlamlard ala.liine has
more kihmI qualities than those nl double Hie I rice, I u.nr sn f A Ht ssts.i, a iblld
tun ute It. utronm Ann Ht'MA m a. never oul of order, K'id uml I Vrima la Kiaiii.M, A
siic'Mfl 1 Vp nf I ieifl In smrssf ur iNi4e m A vise. N i" fin' i" ruii. J rmifp la a mwmnit ttn4
and" .lesslm nsti'sr. Ma kra 1 he Isiul'le 1 h read I ink Will It alike on Nil h sides nl the iale.
Innii rauibrlc to lent tier, uses a tilinrt Mrnlttht nnd Nsui( ri die, Jlilrn 1 unit, l-arge ...!
Inn'aib d Mmtt le. Vt ith Ns At' 10M A 111 1 ssri.v. I mrr put Miia, rnpnl'le id linlillui tin
liiiiidnd yards of llirviid, A Ijire, Mrona
if thread, A I om', Mrona Mu-.'ne. aitli insl wiuih of aim. giving It
iililit, end r at cut neili lor 11 vftdi r... te ef muk, V 1. tti Ju.uMmt ms
tf ir Ciiti.O ndien' f tr II eeV" llnd v IU u Hire I Wsrr. .Seine Af'ellla
lllll V to reri'ivr ollb rs and lleliv.l line 1,1111 . I I r- llnlueeui' tits olfrred
lofoiv ttesiri-d Ipllllltli
i'V'tisi'i toe ' '
w Int. d in Ihts isniiii v t.i n ri'ivi' 011b rs and ib
Cltrj;! mi 11, 1. achers. Luslliess i II, Ac. Illll.lriit'.l lUsk, .nil.irf li.rk.allhl
.A , Irve. Sale i(ellvi-r id Kitt'ds tiunrntlte. d lii nn) I nil el I he muln, "ilrv.a Kt J
M 1 N " M M II I N I I 1 1. tl(ll.l' . A I I
AT. , .
1 1. BAGOI1
Tho Postcfflco Ropositoiy.
ViiH V"l
school Hooks, statioxei:i:
ricliuv rranii's, liiiirkcls
l.arks ..nil .Whits
Stinif l iii.- l.mli- WorK lum's,
I'riit, lril-ll,
( uilili kr(i,
Knltrt, I'ntnlH,
a 1,11 r M s.
l uni j N.ilc l'u er ol' all Kinds,
ri:an nml Tjlii fo of (he lt l!r,iiii!;
lte.ilcr. CarirUlra,
Tutli'l S"iap. I'r., I'.'.c,
Cell nmiind lie! tall" a lo. k f r nr rse f,
J. SI. li.Vi'OS
Wcol Cardiiirj.
FT.LT B "iTs"! F4 Ei G G !
M AM r Vt T t' It lis or
l'"llt." Hllllt.-S' MIlll -ilKISfS.
Wtl rpruof i!ii! nnd V i;!iilo TltiA
l.atlli's' I'mlirv. car, ! Ii., t.!i- ,
Xm Sj iiir
'Ioji .Mathr v s,
"Comfortcrr .Tnd Quilts,
AMI Al l. I'lM Itll'lll.N nr
AOKNTH yon utr
.mrrlran Slram 13 j t ins iiinl I'lrauin? Worl,
I'm Hand.
KM (.'loves nnil Fratlicrs
flenned nnd dyed by a new pnss'ss.
Illatikita and I'urs nlri ly ( leanrd.
en as. (joirrzi: tu.
Oppnvlti Clmrnirth' Ktup',
il lirt'iton City uml vicinity thai u is ru
pnn d to lurnlsh
Fir & Cedar Lumber,
Of (very description, at low rates,
Drj Flaorlnf, f'elllnjr. Hustle,
Npriirr, fur shelvlliKI, l.aMIre,
I'lrkela, and F.iir.. I'usts, Cedar,
Constantly on hand.
Mlrect and Sidewalk Ititnber furnished nn
the shortest mil Ice, at as low rales us 11 cuu b
purchased 111 the Millie,
l .Ive mv a call at I he
Orcsnn City, June n, lTO:tf
Mil! ii SI.,Oitoii ('!()'.
hamfacu he;; and niroitTEB of
r--jSk Hn.lilles, llurnesa,
ware, lr ale.
can be had In thn state, at
nr witrmnt my ood us represeiii.'iL
JDIIN Mt llllAM,
ftudd on nil Harness Maker
Orciton City, re! Nov. 1, Isfi if.
IlKAhKllH lit
KlIlN.'CI.KM, M'-.II Wl I'OSiTM, CiltlK FK-IF-.,
And everylhlntf iisiially keil In n man
fry si ore.
Wo 1'ivll" the public to cull anil examine
onr stock before irolnir to Oreiton Clly or I'orl-
Ilind, sawn urn selllnn ns cheap as any luiiisei
In the Wiilo. come ami Ret onr prim s,
Those Indebted to Ihn lino will please call
nml sett le Immediately, und safe costs.
Oreiton Clly, 1 trust by strict ntlentliin I"
btiKlness to iruln a liberal utlronuKu from tt
Inliiihltant.s of On ifon Lily. i
Hhnvinif 11 cent
Hair Ciilllnir ii!) cunt
H' en ahnvlng tickets for 4100. ,
Jan-2.1-tf. IlAiuty Cou.ism,
City Saloon.
C. Groap, Proprietor,!
of )irinira llnit run l)B irni:iired,'
hope to (nIiiIiIIhIi h fair himlnnHa nmni
mv frlftndH In thia city. Cull hikI ken I
ciura or inn nnnst iniuiu n spreiuii y
(too vt, win-u
uml ciiml.lnltiii all the lale liiiriS
hi n for which lj'
Hi I IH'1'VI.AU.
Mu'Mne, aitli lmh! wiuih of aim. lvln
ln l x, .,,1 i.,iriliunn1.-hi nhVred
1 prtis'iut
1 1 1 I I VI I , ' w 1 erk.
ir. a. .ii.ei.:s
T liil.ntiitii.iU i'r- k( t( niiU lirthi
II. thttt tit l t i mi lirtini. t't.tt i'4'iiisj tul
h tit thr iU -In t il en .iitin trl, thr
ilimi intft ti nl 'Hid I ft(rri, lit-r )nu H
Mini H lltr r ii ,,t m 1 ' l.tlr.l J. hTftt
111) r ItlslltlUi', W hit It 1 H III krll 4i 1 (trap ftif
tin' t,h nt )it ran duv In I ' ir in liU. tj
ali'-t, .-.( lit J'.,l! lnhnwk ;
Vvy iUnnU ami Tunrj (i'(hk1
i'lA )rHlN(..
IIM AX if (rst
I.iulliV aiul (iriitV ruruUMnp
I'ri f4Jinrr J, tlvwelty tf Mrtfis4M4vlltlk
t I r It 4i ) llir lir ),4krii,
W-t, I h t it at Unir, Wnltrf
I,..,!.. 4., IH t t.ll.l), J l.t
(w(li, l'l.ilf.,1 Wrnr, ni4
I lut kri ) m ls
IkialHurr, laruint lit mill,
Tnjir, l.r.titi Satlii, nj
I i n u'l tuts nl' till Kind.
! i KM.ftnr I'l-r ia Aitcrrrr ih
, 1 Hi' iiiurk' t, I'onhK Lair hi at ta
: iltai;,.lit.
j In nr-ei.ti I n mil l., me lii kmw lh re-
t,u!r Iti'-tils nl I he trail... t I tor and esaliilns
! en ,-iMi.ts, ntid put alii I'd lur ji'i.i.Ue
llrlll tllC lllll lltlll Ilf
I h. a. i(i:iiti:s
Cii'i t I ... l.iiin iii dunlin i,r i,ca, be'Sl.
pr.iii . and .en k mbiu i. ii,. hi. nf Uie
in .s, '.nd 1 ai.i it' t. rielie 4 If' rl rtirap, ai4
h"i nl oi ii. ;,.,! t t iiiiiirrM'td by aiF
i re ti 'ma ti. i lri in., im iheir i inn.. la
jibe p..t, aid Kitii.t n.snre tin in thai my
lie.. irm. i mv t.ts id .. nine tfu.tfly or
rii.1 i;l i n il ..' me lu gisr tli. m U'tlrf lna.
k- Iban v. r Ii, a. Itll.lira,
Jlulli Sli.,1, III, . ui. I Ilf,
iiii't.Kur. '
ri::i F.: tu m it the fWs!
New mr II nn. detrrmliied lo aus
duel my busiin si nn a
1'i.r II." fnlure, s ml by to d.dne wl u .
il I. .. p. . II uni.il. id alldeacrli'iiim ' pricea
I,.... i ti.iin evr. IT. red bemre lu Hrr,on (
in ni", f ,: ""'V" ''" '""ul "
It floods, and Clnlhlni;,
Hat. and Cups, Oil. klu I'slnls,
tl' iifs Furulsliiiiit io.,ds, of all
Varieties, l.tidlis, Tolht Artlclet,
riated Ware,
flouts and rihncs.
Crockery ami Uln.sware,
Jewelry of various qiiallllsa,
rarniin? I in jjltim n I of 'ht Most Imprtrctl
e I'ontfoii;ittln plme, nnt to ths
coiu.'T i iousi:,
Ort'Kon City.
All uinrketulde prnduc taken Inoichante.
Jan 1, ni-lr
Ilei! to Ihfnrin the clllrenanf Orecon CI '
and lliii hiii-i.,,i,i..ii i..i.......T . .. .
. ; - . h. iu 4 u iiiii iiniHi, mat
he has alw it son I d lino asiorlmenl ol
'I'eus, ( nireea, Mplcea,
Flour, Snuiii-, l .,.,h lliitlcr,
lleese, llli nl.r...l l.aiun,
hniuked Hum, Canned
I' l ull, Oysters, Saliuea, Bier
A l.AHfii: VAItll'.TY Olf ('ANt)ir.
of Ihn purest nnil best qtmlliy,
selve's" ' KIV0 '"illl"l lor them-
Atfent f.,.' Well., fnrg. A Co, Fipr...