Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, March 13, 1879, Image 1

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iA' ilr iitA AA' AA A' v'rV0
i i
NO. 31.
H IT7 H iXiir'iHlH ft
1 f
Tu'ilUliprct Hllil I'rupl'li tore.
Tfriui of Wiibarriptliuii
Hingis Copy jn year, lit advene....... ii Ui
Mloi Cui,li niuulli.Jn silvann ... I 6u
Tcruii uf AJiritlMn',
TreaaUnt Jvrilcnithl. inoluJiriR nil
tagal umiiint, pur .'jiiirn ol twnlt
Hum, uu. mtk !l t"
Por.noti 'iiiwiiiunt Inv-rilun . I Ci
Vo miii, on. yar .. IM
fc tiiiii,nii . ..,,, ...... n w
v " -r i.,..luinh, nan year............ .... . 40 i
ij i, Mil, one ;ir, oi;n .f . .1 U '
iw.ip.iii.il inniiii.iin , ,. m-jmn . .I... I.. -
hooilVy not ruts!
.--;r3r."rr I' " ' Trvf'
OH COOK Lolitt, JU t, 1. 0. 0. K ,
every To 'y r'vcnina.al ,,
'A v )., Im III IM.I ir!luw' ', :,?.
I.', Miu MriMt Member, of V
' imi r In, Id attend, '."
I f ultlrr ul f..i.
Utai DSUSEE IODOE, No. S, I. 0. 0. F..
M..IS mi I hn in.l hii.I r'otirttl TiiMt,tv
.v.tl'iiK or e-aeli itioiitli. at 7S it'etneli, lit lliv
Odd t'ulluivi' ll.tll. Mtiili.rf Out
are Inula. 1 10 mi.
"mirENCAliipilENr, No4, 10 o r "
M.ol. ill (I.I.I ll:nV drill HI llii-
r lr.l mill rlilrl I ueil.i ( - 1 i 1 im.iitli
r.u1 "-In In ciuh I iiiiIIiik nr.- uiv tt
la llmiil.
MUlTNtMU l.'JixiE, No. !, A. V- tt A M.,
bol.li It fgnlur tuiiiiittittlrtillohii 011 .
Ill KIN una riilr.1 Hiint.Uii In nirli c
tauh Hi. l 1 uYlw.-li lium Hip .1li i.f 7vr
HKiiibf lu Hi" ;uli i.r Muri'li , niul' V
THu'oiuok Hniii llii' '.Ntli ill M.iroli imlm .-I' ll
ul HoiiiiIjit. Ilrnlliroii In t ti. iiiu.I ti
n luvllml luntl.iiiit. i:y ur.l.T .if V ,M.
UfSlNKSS rAl!lS.
"Mfc, AT H E Y,
Alloiury at Ian a no Nnlary I'utilli'.
Will motli-it In ull Hip Miirti uf Mi H11I.J J
HMH'f miviilli 11 tli .'il ttit MK In I . M. I 111,1
HfTlr hi il I'iiiiiiIv r-ttiii.
L ' L'EASlKAMr j
oitcuos' (1TV, 4)iu:.:i)i.
NiiooUI miKnlloii glpn In luliio tn Uu' I'.
Ijnitl crll.M.
.ym.T I'll. l',rll'li
tfTOBVCVS niul (01 NSELOHH- T-1 W,
oiii:mos i uv, or.i ns.
fl'ill iritli- In nil tlin C'iurl of Dm Hutu.
Mii.'iit nllMillnii i'K"li to r' til IIk
llnllril Mini", l.nn.l omon ut riiri I'll) .
tlluriirjf mid Codliwlwit Uw nd Nuintj
ori:;ov i l l V MHI.UOX.
Oiiliiri'yuniMtur mill lriici iotlii ;(
lullr. I nilnlliin if"in.llr nuilt.
'rtl i wn li 'ii ut) t i-..t.r..
"' m paul boIce, b7 "
HiysiciAX AxnsriMiKox,
kkw r.HA oni.oov,
1 on tit n or hiiivkk, k, u.i
.... W-UKQ
Ploncor Book Bindery,
I'p Btnlrt, Corner AU nuJ I'lnt Ulurts,
ny dxlrail iwtlorn. Muiloltooka, Mmtu-
lUM, Mwpiu, li., bouiid III cry VBtl
It ot lyl known to lb. trail.. Onli ii fruiii
III. country mmptly aniliM 10
Fine Wines, Liquors,
Choico Havana Ciyar.
No. 71 first Sirtfl, Portlantl.
Uavlm purcliai!! the ilv nr.w-. i t
if, tuli to Inlorni lbs pulillo Hint 1 I . I
tu.y r tjn prminrta t in km) f !io- '.r?'"'
luNkNoilqualll) of Aim-
Lagox' Ucor,
Ai x)J atoan ! nMmiird anyotiin' l:i Ilia
Hi ,in, oritur, .olli'lt.il nrnt prnniiny tllli'tl.
t. .1. HLO'l'i'li,
y or by tli Job. Tbo flock liitli
Mark.tu.nit lo evory InHunre.
urd.r at tin rostoHi ri'i-cive
1 rfiiuiil attKiitloii.
I'rfnon my, April H.ltT'i-lf
Mniitilaotiirvra. IU1111H llfiokH will)
tiMulod beaJliictriiloil to any ilfxiroil pattcrti,
an 1 ItuutiU il T ri'iii. man liny ullii-r
HluilInK In tli Hlnlo. Mnr.n.'!no. Mm.10, and
Wl.l Uookt rfbonint 011 iilinrt, iioil.'. t'lnnvr
Wanlilurlon ami Krout atrfvta, I'uitliiinl,
J. M. UACOW AUni. vrrKini vii)
liny. I, I878 UIII.
Established b i n c o
One dO'ir Nortli of I'oiio'b Unll,
An aao tmont of Wotobpn end Jew
elrv. and Mttb Tboinaa- wiilglit I'luekn, 1 ,7,'
allot Which are wurrnnted t be ns
tn be ns liUq
repreieitluu. I
W Itepalrlnit done on short nolleo
lUBOUIUI tor P"l pnirwimiiii.
Catli paid f"i' 'o"'y Onlem.
J ental.linlied buliieun In tlio town, and
t'tif propi lotor claims, tho best regulated.
Tho llcnt of Liquors!
AlwTt hamlrud an assort inont of
tbt nnosi cigars. .1 ,
Cliff Hatooll, OpnosltC C'llfl" IlpHU i
t'.deo IMf. ' ' . .1-4. i
l : 1
'.. I I A
'M I
0t4. A-IX-UK
a - ( "y A) ity
fi ti-- CMf - T V
i Ji "t(2, A
r.'1 K
t i
I'AshJ I HN hltTrS.
I'uili r uiuiiillli'-- Mlnnrliy lleioi(.
ltl'I'l.llitUII IMl'llllll'tH lit III!) i'ottfr ltj11ttlitltlj'
I ijinin luiiit,
'J In y r"nH!t thi'ir vivwit uiulrr I ho dimj
v u.'.ii .11 ij( uol !owmIiik r.uy InJirfttloii ol
li'H lliu v ie'x o' lli ninjoriiy will bf. TLn
0:i;;iii il iiulijml of tlifir ltivrsttf utloa Wo
U u I. jiiiiy or JihliOH'sljr 01 tlio lection In
J:.uJit, l.uuinlftuiit, tal Houlli Ciirf.lliin.
Kur two vrn iriortn Ortgbur, 178, ilr.
T.li 'urnJ tUnKPliU Imonuoli Bli'l cut dl
m ii.iiii IimJ lli rnlml mij rrltMiilcil ehr'"
llntt liiiM-aiiTitMluii tiorJ ot (lie Joiilndi!
hi i!f 1 b l iiflwl liu4iiliulljf mid torrit)tv
8 ilithniijiiri;""! tin iriliillin. II llii-f,i'Unrrn
i hi.! I 'o lurllrtiil hy n froof, llio idimnc
j 11- ( ! i;s5i who tuftd tiit clmrKMi ninl'l b
:. 1 o( 1 . ch:h'iii'ic lMlivir. No if.ftli )iil
t r.M.i-i I rn.iiiltii mi llwl nr rl M M-
rej'.ti .!, it tlmt ntiy uiciuIkt u( wy cniiTnitn
iiii; 1 ..rtl iiulirniml miy ili-nirn to Ix'lmy liin
tris-i. l'.ni v lnliuiiitliiti of Hint klinl hail
linn liA'i' ito niiino pi'inociHl'i utiil liiorca
piiili. I
(iiturul :,u.nv. vliOite Ci'UJili'l Lii l'
fulfil lliociiuil'liHii'iilinI llie nmjnrily, u(l'i
111. l lliilVTli.li'll ill 111ft U III K I II frll 111 1 IIUI'IIIM'..
Hi- ii, u luilln Iioih ly of iirKim iiil 1U11I ;
i! iiiIiitii, An t.) tint Koiiili l.'iiniliinf
u.l, t'u full fri'c mill mii'imlrnilii'lml tinll j.
in in iJ Mr. I.imi miliHflpil cvrrv limn ln '
lii;':r. il nf llif lllmflli'l' of fldllil ill Sulltllj
''ui.i!mi:i. 1
1"..' i' r',uiv,.'i! tliM) ul frnililniiil Ouiniiitioii!!
i! in,, I'lit liuiiiiiirlrj KHmrltoiiii ofjl
id iiKUUit wbrnii llio fourlii Iiuvq ilii-.j
i In! liilniii:iU in lliiiic htiit'D tlii itlril
.ill ii.iiiH, niMijjuiMiiy 1110 in iiiiuii
,ii, I uu ut-i-nU m'l up UiK BHiwrllon ol
wr ;; : li llie oiiiniiiiiti-o iinro ikiUmI.
Ii ' V: ; i l int to linUlcr tip Unit nnm llluli I
In i' .( il . r llie itili!irtiotl of iiiiir ilia!
I . i. 1 i liottp.1 ranrlttaUvly that the vryl
lii' it v U 1 Invf bi-rll lliu Intlili'at ill tlnUIIUi'la- j
I, r; ; (in IrilmunU liifine thi hu fnilcni',
h ..I 1... i-.ihi h, 9 1 lidt avmrcl to rorrnj't C tif ii-'
ti l--:ii..:-4 M ith liH'iicy. J;
i . . m iim itimia (licit appcnroil to t.;
II I il.'. . M.iplmiit uf IuiuvhI nun, lint tln-J
n'i 1 s-.1 . 1 . i f I ra'i n aubontrr of In tjury.'
1 liu la'. i
l..it !!" I
in.- lu I m
filll!'.'". I'.ll'l
rr.l tj 1 11I
Wi 1 .
c i'f nlliyril frand tliua fallen a
'ut of llio majority 1. riuli-avor
i l in nftnlii. ami upon the old:
. No worrnVr thru thiy ir-for-
1' .1 Hi iar:ttt rrporton tho cijiUim.j
. In tlifl atUiui)tiit brlwrtr wuru!
put i . '.1 lli i i.tniul, they wrro forcsJ load-j
inn ut.. lii 1 ana uminuuiiHion 01 rninmui
lisiC l. ;!i i:i, rnch ami all of thttu.
I'i'l, ' Itcii, hnK nppfaratico lK'foro tho
ci minMico aa lo;.lly jiitiuhli-, arum ti
hnti 1 .1 ii i I'-fii J to lxir the Inrspiit
khnrii ( Uo hiinli'li. Miintoii Mmblu
occ'i '.1 ii lUrtiTetit kitubitlou. Ho ha l
prior t.i tlio uiiuilU of OrtoWr, 1878 tikott
a Vrry u i, pii'ttouily hinh totit'il potilinn.
Ho l.'i l wiitltn tha'"Ark atnl Shekiunh"
loiter iitul lul l othrrwiae rotiiluctoil klmavlf
liiftily l..-fi( tiiiiukiuil. lie couhl not,
tin tiln'i' i.v. i.l mi Attempt lo preserve )iim
ml.', li uu nut for him t) take tho bohl
pi-..i; i i i .in. uli VVrr.l, tlint it, a rinhl.lo
at Ui. I...., u KDOtla llom roVibera'. Hucb pu
m i; uf 1 In,';" voiilil liaro wreokcil Uitu long
belYio toarliitiK Ararat. N'vitiIipIi'iih, tho
totnmi'.;. 0 Ini'l to proportion lo buy tho
Fli n.l.i iclitimn;; boanla, In bia own huuJ
nrttiiii;, to ti'plira of Pcllon snil bia own
ii'jiii;nlit, TliDMo bo a oblitjoil to kilmit,
mnl nl-u to atluiit tltt aul'ntulitial RiVuraey
of Ibf IninnhlUniii,
lillla Tlml Wrre l.tlUtl.
W v ..iisi ios, Man-It i. Among tho bilU
Of iliu'.iiu tlvo I'lioitlc Coaat iutcK'Kt whli'h
eiptiT.l with tho 1'orty-rifth Coiirwi to
ilny, vc tlio following: Ilooth'a bill author
tlio,; liiloiiliiiuge of aubiilJiary ailrrr coin
niul !-,. il tciiilrr tiotcBi bill nuthoriieiQK 'H"n'
n.ro tf ocvlpfor iortlon ot OroRon mil
ro.iil f.mnl incluilotl with Klamath Iudiau
rairrvatiou; billa for relief of C. N. Fulton,
Finnk Houlv, Doracy A' Hhrppard anil Ritil
& loin;ht riy; bill to r.iniburae tho Slato of
Oii'k'.'ii fir itipr-Ddituroa in tho Mi. loc war
mill roriuitiR for tucertalumout f tho
lj j of ciiitoui of Or.ou nuJ IJaho tlur
lug tli" Imliiin bontillUon of lfBt year; n!o
iiuuiti.ii'.i i bill relating to aottlora nuJ laud
ai'tUi-ra; iHitinl bill to aid the construction
i( tlio l'oitliui.i i bait Lake rallroinl, the
lViii .r.il, MuMiuuville rond, tho rnilrom)
moun t tho Dalltii, aud auihotixiug the IV
itU'r.i.lr.Ml tt oitonJiti liuolJtUi Kl V&tm.
our Es-MeuRlor.
WAtiittsaros, March 4. El-Sountor Mitch
til ijoi s lo rctiuHylvauiainnfow day to give
ntti'iitiuii to private buaiiiMs there for Borne
time, nr. I will return to Oregon in about n
An livlra Neaalon,
Tho 1'u'sul'Mit will laauc n prooliiumlioit
ronveuinu tho roi'ty-Biith Congre'ii in eMru
si imiou ou tho lHtli of March,
HcriTlnry Micrninit fipenka.
The fjocreliny of tho Trcaoury bus issued
th" following circular concerning tlin iiisuo
of four per cent, bointa, consols of ISO":
Trrtnnv rEruiTMESf, Wasihnotov,
Miirch i, lS7f.
KoliiO in i;ivcii that when onlstaudiiig
ij-'20 eut per cent, bomls of llio United Utntes
nro covered by nubncription to the four per
font, cnuiinls, tho hitter will bo withdrawn
from hiil'i upuu tho terms propoRcd by tbo
dejiinlUKiil ciiotiliir of January 1, 187t, ftul
ii)ioi teniii. Hinted in tho contract with
ltothachil.l nnd otboi-B of Jitnnary 21, 187'J.
Tho iiuiouut of K-20 Bix per ccut, bonds out
Hlaiiillni; nud ombiaoed in culls to this ditto
in S'S,U7'J,800. Wbeu this Bum is covered
by nubneiiptlouH undof tho cxiHtinu circular
niid conlrni't, till further sales of four per
cent, consul to provide for refunding the
10-10 II vo per cent. bondH will bo mmlo upou
ti inis which will probably be Ions favorable
to tho purehiver, mnl in necordaneo with
now pvopotwls nnd coulracts. This notice is
Ktven 1:0 Hint nil parties wishing to subacribe
tor eoiifiyls upon terms ntated in tho circular
and contract uiny hnvo nn opportunity to do
so until tlio fi-20 bomk tue called.
Jobn Sherman, Sco'y.
A l inilouuitlble I'lot.
Nir.v Vonit, March 8. Tho Tribune ban
discovered the plot of a coufldeuco gaiuo to
bo playcil it Washington nd hero tu obtain
suWiiptk-un to n pretouded Dieuicial to
Bayard Taylor. The pnrtici engaged In it
(ire nppnronily respeolable. The pluns wore
laid witli iiivich caro nud deliberation. Forged
leitera end Bubocriptlons wore successfully
ubkI, Goneial Pix' subacrintlon for $00
'1fM olti'iiud; . nlso Frederick Do rcyater's
for tlio name nruotint. Tetcr (Jooper s namo
won! forced for flOO. Ho had been tip
proaclicd, but doclinod. It is tho opinion
of jiai'tiea swinilled that operations are car
rleijon through nil the large eastern citlos.
Clrdulnvo, invitations nud notices were tasto-
ciroulnvo, lnvitatlouB
fttotn would seem to
u expensive paper, ami the
rations mado by the conepir-
Dm in l.l.llnnla ll.nl 11..-.. av.
.o Heat I'or the nonilieii.
.isinsciTON, March 9. Agitation of the
Cbljieso question will begin with tho asflom-
tho forty-sixth Congress, when
Jonci) ol Nevada, will nppenr as tho chnm-
plim of nliU-('hliife leijlshllou lu place of
Horgent. A there will Ih no dtlcgallon
from California In the IIoubO dnrinj the
called muHii.ii, Jones will introduce a bill in
tlii 'lenate an tmon ns it comtnences.
( hnalut Mieyenae.
iir, rtx, March H.Fort HufoH .lvloo
suy two detachmciits were aeut from Keogb
to'lha Yollowrdona country to InUircrpt the
rost of the renegade Cheyonues. ChaueeB of
BitcceBB ate good, as the IaJlanacaunot croas
the river on ccoimt of high water,
ludlnu It.ld la Hejtleo.
(lALVtrtov, March 7. A News LoreJo
cpeciiil aaya that pailies of Indians rsUle4
the Lopitu runchii, Mexico, taking til the
homes and toweling the bnrdent. It 1 re
potted that they killed two shepherds yeater
dny at Ax"riiTfr'l', Cltiien. and soldiers
frotn New I.uri'di) are purBiiing them, and
I'. H. Uoopn me guarding the ford.
IteuiHla. uf Il-i)a,d Tarlvr,'
N'l,w Yot.ii, March 0. The steamihipdak
lerl. In niiiiR tho remains of lUyard Taylor,
is expected Iter on Velneilay. Tho voasel
will cuter the lintbor with flaga at half Uiimt.
I'n .iiriivnm, ofUvets and the crew in full mil
f' t'tn will on iut In li'iidiuj; the remains.
Iteitiibllrna Ualue la Main.
'J'hu n ccnt Incut elections in Maine show
that the (.Irciiback party movement baa cul
minated. W liile I'orllaiiJ elected a Demo
eral t lroi'tiback fii'iion Mayor by 40 majority,
lln ('.epiililicaua carried both brsnchmi of
the eity government. In I.pwUton, Auburn,
Itrminu ick, H.u'i), Kenuebeek sua many other
t.nini the Iti publicans gaiued victories,
storm la Ihe l'al.
A liht t' under Morni, accoupanird by
hail, ihikkihI over tho city yesterday. At Hut
lulu lightiiiiig ahattered the niant of the
aehoouer (iurrn City. The storm is quite
severe. At Ontario cniitiiilereblp dumai'i" was
dune by liglttniug.
Sr. l.ot iti, March 7.-James Iteek, bag
i;.i; i iinihler on the Iron Mutiutain railroad,
hn was recently sent to tho penitentiary
fnrnibbiiif! tho mail, has confessed and im
plicated others, who to-dny have been ar
rented, and also confemied.
Ilnllraait Tranalar.
'1 bo I'. T. It. li. Co. have purchased tho
Ksna I'arillc road, and hereafter they will
be operated a one.
hull (uiunirured.
I'lM issati, Mitrch R. A uunibei of suits
were Bled against Archbishop Turcell to-day,
including time in the U. H. court by uatioit
ul b.inks for tho recovery of money loaned
ni'.biu the lunt two ruoulha.
lilengo lirnln Trananelloua- Home-
ililugr Ip.
Citii aiio, March 7. Mysterious doingn
m ut wlieut down 6 or C cent. Friday. Jas.
It. Keeiio's brother is said to have received
diiputi-hrs from him with order to sell, and
did sell 2,000,000 bnnhels, aud other dealers
more than as much. It is said tbo dispatch
from Now York was forged, that the brother
tub graphed buck to auk If it was genuine,
and received another forged dispatch saying
it was, S me persons think the wholo affair
was put up bv Ketnc.
fun-Ann, Slarch b.Eufus Hitch i Co.
tlii i.i-r-H sbt to MnUh 1 JLfgUtuer the
fullnning dispatch :" Keene will pay ten
tlion und dollars for the detection of the
pin ty who feint the order sigued ' Keene' to
sell wheat. Mil thinks it regular conspir
acy, and that several people are engaged to
break grain and proviaiou markets."
It is stated that Kcoue scut to the same
firm im order to buy one hundred thousand
bushels of wheat. It is a generally aoCcptod
opinion on 'change that Keene has neither
sufl'ered by tho whole transaction nor been
victimized, and that if the bogns dispatch
was actually sent, ho will more thau recover
the loss by the uatural reaction against the
heavy fall of yesterday.
CntCAUO, March 9. Archie Fisher made a
.talciiiiut to-day showing that tho whole
amount of wheat sol J upon the bogus order
signed by Keene has bveu ro-purcbassd aud
without any loss to his fir in or Kceue.
riia .Seal SihwIou of Cuuicres.
Wasmisoton, March 8. The Natioual
Capitol is excited over tho organization uf
the next Uonse, and the canvass for the
Speakership is the absorbiug topic. Ran
dall is again a candidate ud his friends
claim that he has 90 votes and is sure of the
cations nomination. That i3 considered a
over estimate, besides vhicb, it is possible
a Diuiocratia caucus nomination may sot
coutrol tho organisation, tho Democratic
majority over Republicans aud Greeubaokers
being only 5, so absence, illness or dofevtion
of a few may make combination of Urctn
backers and Republicans possible
Tho contest is likely to narrow down be
tween Itaudall nnd Blackburn of Kentucky.
Tho bitter bus many personal friends and
will have the support of all who think Ran
dall has mistreated them or fulled to give
them duo consideration. Also the friends of
the Tea. l'aciflo Bill, and such other
schemes, aid tootie who oppose Tilden's
nomination in 18S0, will probably oppose
Randall. Ilia strength is based ou his
ability nud bis clear record, without taint of
corruption. He has made an excellent
Speaker nnd is an accomplished parliamen
tarian; is temperate, obliging nud vety dis
creet. !
Blackburn is nu able parliamentarian and
his integrity is unquestioned. He is youug
aud poaaettses uiuny attractive traits of
claructer. At times he gives way to temper,
but generally ha wonderful control over a
a high strung and impetuous '.coipcr. Mor
rison of Illiuois, House of Tennessee, Mo
Muhon of Ohio, Goods of Yirgluia, and
Cox of Now York, ore in the back ground,
but only ns compromise candidates.
The content for clerks. up of the House
will bo between Adams, present clerk and
ex-Coiigi'cssuinn Caldwell, of Alabama, with
chaucus about oven. Kergcant-at-Arms
Thompson will probably be re-elected. L.
G. AYaHhiugtou, formerly of San Francisco,
Gen. Duncan S. Walker, of Washington,
aud Isaao Eaton, of Kaunas are candidates
for Sergeant-nt-arms of the Senate. Among
those who desire to succeed Mr, Gorhsiu as
Secretary nro ex-Seuator Dennis, of Mary
laud, Col. Watterson, of Kentucky, John 6.
Bird, of Nashvlllo American, A. 0. Buell, of
Washington, Prof. McMahou, of West Vir
ginia, ex-Representative Stengor, of Pennsyl
vania, ex member Wuddoll, of North Caro
lina, and others not yet Darned.
It is thought the Demojrats will promptly
paHs n repeal of the federal election laws and
other obuosions statutes, and the president
will veto tho first measure nnd it will be at
tached to nn appropriation bill, but it is
doubtful if so narrow a Democratic majority
cau proo BttccoBsful. It is probable the
session will last until hot weathor comes.
Thero is a strong determination on the part
of prominent Democrats iu different parts of
the country to defeat Randall. It is possi
ble tiiat some time may be occupied in af
fecting an organization of the House.
TelegrniiUIo Itoms.
Horatio 0. Surchard, of Illinois, is sworn
in rs director ot the mint,
Democrats, Republicans and Greonbackers
will each bold a cauous to consider the or
ganisation of the House.
Elihu Bnrrilt died March Clh nt Lis rosi-
donee in New Bttain, Coift.- Hn was well
known a the learned blacksmith.
The Cabinet dt Wah';itou hvt received
oflicial notice of Ihe order prohibiting Im-
fiorlation of merit cattle from United iitntes
nto Fngland.
A bill baa tms-ed the Virginia legislature
to aetUe the blate debt; bonds ts be tikcu
fnr outstanding are to bo full iiloavi of the
Htate from liability on aeeotrnt of West Vir
ginia'! third InteitU.
Bciiator Sargoot baa accepted tiie invita
tion of Secretary of the Navy to Uke an ex
tended royage f'die bro'Cl of Lis health,
on t cruise to Madeira an l Gibraltar, with
the graduating di m from Atiti&polU.
Hlnce resumption is a scecess the volume
of btutnew in tbl tutted htotes bai greatly
Increat'd lu bulk, notwithstanding an aver
age declined M per cert, in prices. The
)norsae U at pj i w'jere Liifct liolewle
Irut U i 'Ut.
Join If. 1'etid': -, Las ben convicted of
libel In Bouth fan boa, for ublishicg letter
in Washington, I!piiblicins charging that
election at King's; Tree was carried by ballot
box stuffing and double voting. His sen
tence was two yeira hard kdrfir ir ?1,000
fine. . '
l apre. Holibrr Airrale,!.
Outut, Neb., S.arehlO. The police have
arrested a man named A. C, Holland who is
charged with bolti- an eiprc.u robber, In
the i'all of 1875 be was engineer on the
North Missouri rtilroad, aid in company
with a confederate he cut his train in two
aud ran bis etigini and exprtu car from six
to eight mlks and then they robbed the ex
press safes obtaining about $3,000 in money
with which they disappeared. Holland atter
considerable wandering came to Omaha a
few months ago and aecurttl a position as
engineer at the White Lead Works. Suspect
ing that officers were on his track he recently
left the city stating that be was going to
Hau Francisco, bnt iustcad of doing so be
went to Fort Omaha, nortbW the city, and
enlisted as a private soldier.' Otlicers track
ed him there and took him.
Disaster la Malar.
NokTU Ikawica, March 10. The floor in
Mechanics' ball gave way this forenoon dur
ing a town meeting, precipitating nearly GO
petnons to the floor below. No one was kill
ed but many were fearfully anil probably
fatally wounded. '
Later The diaaaler at Mechanics' ball to
day, shows the numlier injured ,to be more
than at first supposed. At the lime of tin
accident there waa TiOO persons in the hall.
I&0 persona were precipitated to the floor
below. The recovery of John Nealy, Henry
Hkidder. Charles R:ker and Reuben Chad
bonrne is doubtful.
Bargljrs l.'attlrd.
New Yoas, Mar h 10. One burglar was
shot and killed ai d another captured to
night by John F. Richards, who surprised
them while they were ransacking a parlor in
his house.
A Holdli r'a Snlettlr.
The New Orlear i Picayune publishes a
coufcasion of Hoo. AbUou, who suicided
March 3d at Hay bt Louis, Hi atutea that
itrch 3d at liny at I.co.s, m stiitee that
1 was wounded in I, 4heJ at f.ttyibnrg,
a. UiU. '.'J'.'J75. n-iii?M aierr'.-
A Real Kouaaae'
The Sun to-day relates the circumstances
ot the elopement and marriage of J. C. Spen
cer, aged 13, with Martha McDonald, daugh
ter of Dr. R. II. McDonald, of San Francis
co. The bride eloped from Vawar College
with the assistance of two female compan
ions, and the marriage took place at Pongh
keepsie. The parents of both partiea were
afterwards reconciled. The girls who as
sisted the elopement lire to be dismissed
from college.
Trial of Talmas.
The Brooklyn rrosbytery to-day decided
to try Dr. Talmago on the following charges,
presented by a committee appoint-d at a
previous session: Deceit and falsehood in
statements regarding bis withdrawal from
the editorship of the Christian at Work; in
elating that sittings In the tabernacle were
free; In accusing J. W, llathaway of diabou
est practices, and then denying it; of false
hood in collecting subscriptions for the pay
ment of the church debt; of deceit In a ditii
culty concerning the orgauist of the tuber
nacle. Si 'Men Uronneil.
Eastpobt, Me., March 9. The Turkish
Empire, from St. Johns to Dublin, went
ashore at Big Pack Islaud on Friday night,
and is a total loss. Tho captain and oil men
were drowned,
fatal lire.
Sr. Lot w, March !. A fire lit r.ast St.
Louis destroyed half a dozen buildings. Mrs.
Catharine Borst, Henry Shoopperkcotter, (..
Guiehecbach, John Zepp aud Emma Zepp,
the two last named being children, were
burued to death, Sir. ltausch jumped from
a window, was injured severely and will
probably die. At the inquest this afternoon
tho testimony pointed strongly (0 incendiar
ism. The Speakership.
Wasuisoton, March 9. The political
news to-duy is that all the sick Democrats
are convalescing and all the distant members
elect have been heard from and will be on
hand to help elect a Democratic Speaker.
Whiteaker of Oregon has telegraphed that he
will be here by the morning of tbo 18th.
There is very little doyibt that tbo nominee
of tho Domooratie caucus will be 'he Speaker
ct the 4tith Congress, or that Randall will
receive tho uomiuation.
Too Far Off.
Spotted Tail's Indians, would go to a now
location they chose for themselves, and now
they want te go back to the Missouri river.
Too much dUtuu-.o to travel makes things
coat them too high, just as they were told
before they went thero.
JMalue Klcclloua,
Bangor, Mo., elects a Republican Mayor,
and Biddeford, Me., elects a Greenbacker
and Democrat.
'Olorctl Men' Convention,
A convention ot colored men from the 3d
Congressional District, Va., has met, and
discussed a.l matters relating to rights und
privileges of the race, and is to call a State
convention to meet in May and further con
aider the same.
Commission on Public Lnuils.
Tho late Congress, iu the sundry, civil, ap
propriation bill provided for the expense of
a commission for codifying laws relative to
survey and disposition of the publio domain;
a system of classification of publio lands,
surveys and recommendations as to the beat
methods of disposing of land to actual set
tlers. Commissioner cf the General Land
Office, Director of Geological Surveys and
3 civilians are to compose tho commission.
Obstructs Commerce.
Testimony is being taken to show that the
Uroo'Jyn bridge is au obstruction to ship
piug. Vessels in the California trado cannot
pass it without lowering masts.
Another Walking MateU.
A walking matoh has commenced at Gil-
more a garden, Now xork, between O'Learv.
the champion, Rowellof England, Harriuian
of isostjn, and f.uuis 01 Chicago.
Wade Hamptou.
VTado Hampton may not be well enough
1 1 attend the extra session as Henutor from
South Cnroliua, but he thinks the Uonse
ought to refuse to pass the appropriations
and Congress sit forever rather than yield
to Republicans.
Ea-Henator Faltereou.
Patterson of South Carolina, is liable to
Mrcst, as Indictments are still pending
against him. Atnaeity and oblivion has not
bii offered biai.
r.nalera Items by Telcg rapta.
President Hayes will appoint Piof. Hay
den as the head cf the pobllc lands commis
sion. Gen tjhei'Uitti Lai pneumonia and Lis wife
Tbt Chicago wLeat matket Las cooled off
anj prices receded.
It la feared fourteen veiel bare been lost
out of Gloucester, Mass.
Indiana legislature didn't pasa appr.-yriv
tion bills and extra session is called.
FORKlli.l 5F.VVS.
A fceerel Frees.
Sr. PtruBiBcaa, March t.-An oflicial
uiessager says that the police have discov
ered a secret printing press at Kieff. On
entering the apartmeut they were met by a
storm of bullets. One officer of the gen-de-armes
and two privates were killed. Eleven
men und five women were arrested, Fonr
of the former were dangerously wounded.
Itrvalnllaaary Ruaeiaaa.
It is certain that there is nnusnal activity
among revolutionary clueaes in Eussia.
They display almost incredible boldness, A
publication declaring that the Governor of
C'barkoff bad been condemned to death by
the Russian party foi inhuman treatment of
political prisoners, and that the act of asao
siuatiou was consequently executed by one
of that party, was openly posted in the balls
of the university ou tho diy after be was
Russia anil Bulgaria.
Loniiox, March 4. A dispatch from Tier
liovi, says that there seems to be little
donU that Russian occupation of Bulgaria
will be prolonged six months.
Laboring Trouble.
Hill Top mill at Burnley, running COO
looms and 300 spindles Las suspended oper
ations. Depression is severe. Other mills
continue to clon and one more is expected
to close this week. Masters in the Forest
of IUu iron trado have given notice of a fire
per cent redaction in wages. The cotton
trade at Todmerden and Walsden is gener
ally enforcing without resistance reductions
of from five to eight pt cent.
Reiiurtloaa Aceepleil.
Bolton cotton operatives have decided to
accept a redaction of 10 per cent, in wages
kHeamshlp Snail.
The steamer Austrian, which sunk in col
lision with the Spanish steamer Gailiermo
off Skerrin's Island, baa been towed to Liv
erpool much damaged. Five of the crew of
the Gnlllermo are missing and are believed
to be drowned.
River Overflow.
rrsm, March 4. The river TLeiss has
overflowed its banks and inundated, an im-nr.'.i-.;t
.cf Lxii fiTc-edin ts.' asn?-
other towns are great'; damaged. Troops
with poutoons have started to save life.
ElkLts, March 8. The parliamentary dis
cipline bill has been rejected by the Reich
stag, aud us action waa an Ignominious de
feat for the government. Only the extreme
and moderate conservative voted for tt. Bis
raark watched the division with indifference.
Heelin, March 9. The principal speech
in the debate on the parliamentary disci
pline bill in the Reichstag yesterday was
made by Herr Windhorst, leader of the
Prussian Catholio party, who declared that
the clericals were ready to support the
Chancellor in the struggle against Socialists,
but disapproved of the means he suggested.
Eastern Europe.
Tho Russians are expected to evacuats
Roumania in the time required by the Ber-
Uu treaty.
Large quantities of grain are stored in
Little Wallachia, Servia and Roumania,
awaiting the opening of navigation.
Austria is suffering from an overstock of
silver, and various remedies are suggested to
get rllver coin out of the bank vaults and
in general circulation.
rassaaante Must Die.
Natles, March 7. Fossanante, the would-
bi assassin of the King, hss been found
gnilty and condemned to doath.
Maprid, March 8. A dispatch aaya the
Cortes will be dissolved next week.
The Plague Mastered.
St. Petebsdcso, March 8. Gen. Melikoff
reports tho plague now mastered.
Foreign Minister.
Caibo, March 9. Tho Khedive has in
formed the governments of England and
France that be will appoint Nuba Pasha
Foreign Minister if they insist, but Le must
decline all responsibility for the conse
Ueleat of the Zulus.
CArs Town, Feb. 18 (via Madeira). Col.
Pearson was attacked at Ekowe by a large
force of Zulus. The latter were defeated
with enormous loss and pursued to Eutamo
dia, one of the Zulu military karats. The
attitude of the nativo tribes in Transvaal is
disquioting, and it is feared the chiefs have
formed a league against the British.
Blsmarh FHea OO the Handle.
Beeuv, March 10. Bismark and Hen
Lasker quarreled violently in the Reichstag
Saturday in consoqnenoo of the prince hav
ing attacked the Liberals for favoring ju
dicial leniency.
In the course of debate in the Reichstag
on tho cattle plague Bismark, referring to the
smuggling of cattle, took occasion to accuse
the Liberals of having made tho penal code
so mild that it protected criminals instead of
citizens. Herr Lasker said that Bismark s
aggression Rhowed where was the true ele
ment of disorder in debate. He intimated
tint the first aim of the gagging law should
be to control the longnage of the government.
Bismark replied, nud an angry controversy
ensued. Daring the same debate Bismark
ostentatiously quitted the house twice to
avoid tbo disagreeable necessity of listening
to the spsoohes of Herr Rlchter, progressist.
The sitting left the impression that Bismark
was deliberately trying to provoke the diet,
aud that dissolution is imminent.
Fonr Frout.,
At a parliamentary soiree on Saturday the
Chancellor snid that partial disarmament was
impossible. Ho said that Germany bad to
show a front in four different directions and
could trust none of her neighbors.
The Plague
Gou. Melikoff tolegraphs that foreign phy
sicians, at a meeting held at Artlianka, have
declared that the epidemio may be consid
ered tn have died ont, as there has been no
case since the 9th of February; but, aa it is
impossible to guarantee that it may not re
appear, especially as Wetlianka, they recom
mend the continuance of certain precautions.
The cordou ainnnd tho government of As
trakhan, which the foreign physicians con
sidered no longer necessary, has been withdrawn.
American faille.
Lrvt-iir-oor,, March 10. The first consign
ment of cattle subject to the new regulations
arrived to-dsy from Boston in good condi
tion. Dahomey lo be Blockaded.
Loxiion, March 10. It U rumored at Lis
bon that France sod Portugal (ire about to
blockade Dahomey.
Month Africa.
Lohdok, March 9. It is sail the Zalua
dusire peace on the baits of tribal indepen
dence. A large proportion of these are tem
porarily dubanded for bar-vest. Col. rear
son, after repulsing the Zulu attack which
occurred on February 13tb, burned Enta
media. A di-patch from Kiiaberly repovbi
that the Zulus have burned eight "kroata"
belonging to friendly Caffrea, nearDornberg.
and kilted the Inbabitsntt. It 1b reported
that Chief 8ecoconi is preparing to MltcV
Seydenburg, in Eisti-rn Transvaal.
British n-pfVat. In ATa uBl.lan
Nrw Yoss, March 10. A cablegram says
the British were defeated in the Akosta val
ley, Afghanistan, and also experienced s
severe defeat at Fort Khonak mountains.
Fort Langor wat taken, and the English
Goreruor taken to Cabul.
British Trouble In Baraiab.
Caicttta, Mirch 9. Affairs in Mandoley
cause grave anxiety. Garrisons in British
Bannah have been doubled. The Barmese
bave intercepted the telegraph lino between
Rangoon and Mundoley. The situation in
Upper liiiriauh is regarded vory serious tor
European residents. It is stated that recent
massacre at the instance, of the King only
amounted to forty, but the killing was at
tended by every possible atrocity, Tho vic
tims were beaton and kicked, and the women
shockingly and shamefully abnsed. Royal
princes were reserved to the last, and mda
to witness the tortures and death of their
Ieirncllve Fire.
Vibciima, March. 4. At fonr o'clock this
morning a fire broke out in Silver City in a
wash Louse at the junction cf Fifth with
Main street. It burned the wash house, two
of Mm. Disdale's lodging houses, the city
jail, another wash house and Greyer's brew
ery. Crossing over to the east sido of Main
street with a strong wind, it swept away
Strauss A Goetz' meat mark6t, a vacant
house and the residences of T. E. Farr, D.
E. Uirkiu, J. E. Martin, Mrs, Moloney,
Thoo. Bombrock, J. Hoffey, James Lyden,
James Dcnnigan and George King. ' The
total loss U about $30,000. Relief measures
have been taken at Virginia Citv fnr home
less families.
Delayed Telegrams.
A writ of mandamus is to issue requiring
the Hastings Law School to almit Mrs.
Foltz aa a student.
The failure of Godschaux Bros, is found
to be more disastrous than any dared to sup
pose; assets, $475,000; liabilities over
fl.000,000, and the aasets will probably
shrink one-half.
Genera) McDowell isconstructiii'a Crec-d-
more title nvn nt the Tr'aia, ' " : , , ,
""GSyen5iir E'.'bo.:-h'. lW.O-Jj" s.iBt'?4 of
silver at H tSy,. '
Kepubliean State committee ta nc-mluato
State ticket is called for June 17th.
No dividends from the Bonanza mine.
The Bulletin is ventilating the business of
giving straw bail in criminal suits, which
hat become a regular fraudulent business.
A fearful a'.orm raged through California
March Cth and the rainfall was very great.
Considerable damage u reported from storm
and flood. Many valuable ranches ou
Feather river, near Marysviile, are flooded
and much damage done" outside the city
The woolen mills reservoir at Los A ngelos
burst March 6th, and 100,000,000 gallons ot
water went to waste that was intended for
irrigation purposes next Summer. Some
damage waa done to the town.
Snow was sixteen feet at the Summer
tr&ci of the C. P. R. It., and still snowing
March 9, and the overlaud trnina ere
blockaded beyond ih'm.
There is no hope of compromise between
the Comstock Mining Companies and tho
Sutro tunnel, except the Julia, which has
satisfactory relations, and is pumping water
through the tunnel.
B. T. Burton, charged with murder of
Mrs. Bowman 17 years ao, during the Mor
risite trouble in Utah, has been acquitted by
an Ogden jury.
Murder Will Ont.
Sax Rafael, March 10. About two years
ago Peter Bush, of Novato, in this county
was murdered. Who murdered him has over
since been a mystery. The grand jury have
found a presentment against Rush's wife
and a hired man, and they are now both in
The Tuuuel Trouble.
San Fbascisco, March 10. Regarding tha
rumor of the reopening of negotiations be
tween the Sutro Tunnel Co. and the mining
companies, Adolph Sutro states that while
nothing haa yet been done in that direction,
it is not improbable that consideration of a
compromise may be renewed in a few days.
Arrests fur Arsou.
On the night of July 24th, 1877, during a
hoodlum riot in this city, a Chinese wash
house was attacked by wretches. All the
occupants with one exception escaped, though
several shots were fired at them by their as
sailants. One who failed to get away was
barricaded in the building, which was then
set on fire and consumed, und the bones of
the unfortunate Chinaman were found in
the ruins. . Since that time tho police have
been on the trail of tne perpetrators. They
now believe they bave Buflicient testimony to;
secure the conviction of the offenders, and
this evening George 0. Miller, John 0. Min-!
kel, Wm. K. Ccveshal, Patrick Cronan and '
Joseph Barry were lodged in the city jail
charged with arson.
Stricken from the Roll.
The Baptist ministers of San Francisco 3
unto otii.&u twu u uuiu v, tu. . aa. iiuim
from their roll for misrepresenting senti
ments of Baptist and Christian peoplo gen
erally on the Chinese quoation.
Municipal Elections.
Oakland had a heavy vote Monday, and
the Citizens' ticket elected five Councilmeu
and School Trustees, and the Workingmon
two Councilmen. Citizenn probably have
the Mayor. Iu Salinas Citizens elected
nearly the full ticket.
Bribed Legislator.
Virginia, Match 10. There is considor
able excitement here to-day over a report that
the District Attorney of Ormsby coauty will
cause the arrest of three of the Story county
legislative delegation for accepting bribes
from the V. & T. R. B. Co. for their votes.
Married men are apt to forget that if
it had not been for their mothers-in-law
they would not havo their wives.
A fashionable young woman at Vas
aav was asked by a classical professor to
give a definition of ambrosia. After
some hesitation she replied, "T think it
I is a kind of hair oil."
WAsntsaTos, SIarob.4.
Beforo taking tho chuir, Ferry returned
thanks for renewal of general confidence.
A number of billa on the calendar and the
pension billa were pasod, including a pen
sion of $C0 a month to the widow of U. C.
Harris called np tbt Hocse bill to prevent
the introduction i f infec'lont or contagions
diseases in the United States, and to estab
lish a nitiin.i board of trade.
About twenty private biU passed and then
after 11 o'clock, executive stoaton, toatiug
bslf an hour, was held.
When the doors were reopened Wimiom
submitted a resolution eontaiuing appropri
ation) for the army and for IcgisU.lvo
judicial, and executive rvpeitsof the '.fit
ernmeut for six mouths,' from July 1st, n-i .
to avoid an extra aession cf Congress. :
Saulsbnrv objected to its present consider
ation and il went over.
At noon. Ferry, president pro tent, said
that the time fixed for the final adjournment
of Cotigress bavinst arrived, the chair de
clares tlio forty-fifth Cougre.s adjourned
without delay.
The closing hours wero characterized by
more than usual confusion and disorder.
The Senate chamber was densely crowded,
billion the floor and in the galleries, and
eight or ten Senators addressing tho chair at
the Slain tim, it w.is with difficulty that
anylhin conl.l be nndcrntood.
TLfl space in front of the speakers desk
was filled with a crowd of gesticulating mem
bers who with billa in their hands demanded
recognition. Objections, however, were
made to nearly every bill, among them tho
one making appropriation for tb-i payment
of arrears of pensions and that providing for
treaty with Meiieo.
Alkiru moved that tho nooso insist on its
disagreement to Senato amendments lo the
legislative appropriations bill and tint a
new conference be appointed.
The bill known as the McGowan heulth
bill wasthen passed; yeas 165, nays C3.
Sparks moved to suspend the mice and
concur in Senate bill appropriating $i5,0OO.
000 for arrears of pensions fur tho next fis
cal year.
The aiucudunnts to the arrears of the pen
sion bill motion, which were sustained by an
overwhelming viva voce vote, bronght to
their feet, Miils, McKenzie and a few other
members on the Demof tatio side, who loudly
protested agiinst the measure as one that
would rob tho people. For a few momenta
there was a horrible uproar. Tha wildest
gesticulations were to be seen, bnt not a
word nttered Yeas and nays waa ordered
and a motion to euspend the rules and posa
the bills were agreed to; yeas 153, nayt 61.
Atkins at 11:10 report; d that the confer
ence committee on the legislative appro
priation bill had been usable to agree and be
moved that the Housa adhere a parliamen
tary finality agreed to.
Garfield, Carlisle being in chair, offered
a resolution of thanks to b peak or Randall,
Ftma befa-an an address to the Rom, bnt
was interrupted by suveral messages and by
a resolution to admit ladies of mojnbera'
families Ho the door. The privileo was ac
corded and generally availed of.
After a stormy and exciting sceu, and tbu
House was adjourncd'without dy.
The following is Speaker Randall's ad
dress: REriESE.'.'TATivEs: Iu a moment this Con
gress wjll expire. IU acts whether tor weal
or woe, are indelibly inscribed on the pages
of history. In this hall party has been ar
rayed against party, and interest against in
terest in fierco and bitter struggle; but it Id
dre to truth to say that on every aido there
has been honest ainbit'on to win popular es
teem by seeking, each iu bia own way, ac
cording to bis best judgment, tha general
welfare. Whether or not the desired end of
publio good has been successfully attained
is for time to prove; that such has been tho
desired end of both parties cannot justly be
disputed. Genuine concert between all the
States and citizens thereof is tbo corner
stono of our national prosperity. What
prostrates cr elevates one at the expense of
another must ultimately work the injury of
all. Although euch representative has cham
pioned the immediate wishes of lis imme
diate constituency with earnestness and en
orgy, yet during the period ot the existence
of this house there has not been a singio
breach of legislative decorum. Thtt noble
respect born of generous rivalry in common
good cause has softened all asperities. I
feel that more words are inadequate to thank
fully this Houso for its resolution of appro
val of tho manner in which I have discharged
the duties of Speaker, always responsible
and onerous, and often most delicate and
difficult. I have done my best. Long ser
vice here has taught me that hate or veu
geauce has never raised any cause to endur
ing honor, while on the contrary, justice nnd
mutual regard have often given tho weaker
side an easy victory. With recovering busi
ness nnd restored "confidence wo may look
hopefully to an early dawn of a new era ot
increased prosperity and happiness of tho
country. Such is toy fervent prayer. To
each and every member here I tender my
heartfelt acknowledgemrnt for kindly for
bearance extended to mo as presiding officer
of this House, and to say that I shall, ever
giatefnily cherish the honor t which I hive
been tho recipient. Who the wish that you
all may return aafoiy and in health to your
homes, it renins U r mo to deotaro iu ac
cordance with I'm coueiitutioi) of the United
States thut tpis Hvusu stands adjourned .
without day. 1
Nev&da'p Deserted Tow ns.
There ar-.-. deserted towna in Nevada,
but 1 bxy tiro not old ones. A few years
ago tho population of Hamilton is said
to have been nearly 8,000; of Treasure
Hill, 6,000; of Bherniantown, 7,000; of
Swansea, 3,000. All were incorporated,
with Mayor, Council, Fire Departments,
aud daily newspapers. Hamilton has
row about 100 inhabitants, most of
whom are merely waiting in dreary in
action for something to turn up. Treaa
ure Hill has about half as many. Sher
mantown one family. In one canyon of
the To'yabo range, near Austin, are five
dead towns, without a single inhabitant.
The streets and ulocks graded on the
hillsides are rapidly falling back into
the wilderness.
When does tho moon remind one of
a giddy giil When she is too youngs
to show much reflection.
"I don't believe in fathional)!i
churches," said a lady, recently; "but,
after all, considering that we are all to
go to the saino Heaven, perhaps it's bet
ter to keep up the social ili'itinction ns
long as we fan,"
'j I
1 s
ft' a- , Jr n