r ORIGINAL DEFECTIVF r 1 1- 1 V. n 4 5 I V 3l)c utcqjijsc. usecm cur, tiursmt, sen. 5, 157s. KUEA'ITIKS. Light Oregon mist last Monday. Legislature convenes next Monday. Ar-du-(o) us accounts on subscription. County Court has been in session since Monday'. Ilex. JJohnson returned last week from Eastern Oregon. T. H. Cransc, an Astoria .typo, favored us with a call last Tuesday. ' Julius" will continue " The American of the Futuro " ii'jxt week. Chas. X. Waite, of Canl-y, is .State Grange Deputy for Clackamas county . The County Clerk issued three marriage licenses during the month of August. W. S. Failiffg of Milwaukie. has opened a poultry and fish market at Portland. John Fagaldo, of Damascus,' lost 1(3 cl.- op lat Monday night by a panther. Geo. A. ilardinglgives notice in another eolunln. for these indebted to call and sot- ",r itn'ts are obliged to lino up over r .'.Miackauias rapids during tho present tug of wat4ia John Zuu. valt, of Pleasant'IIill.j raised 82 bushels of Fall wheat on ,tvo;acres of measured land. Pleasant Judd, of Damascus, gathered irfortv bushels of wheat to tho aero on hisentire crop of about :jl acres. J j. A. Seelev, of Pleasant Hill precinct, harvested 7,:iH) bushels of oats and barley from about one hundred acres of land. . Tho M. K. Conference at Salem last week granted the request of Kev.G.W. Day to retain a supernumerary relation. Albert II. I,ee, of Canbv. wis adjudged insane by the County Court last week, and .ent to.tho asylum at Fast Portland. From Ihe'city'Assessor's report we find the tax-roll for 17$ amounts to S2.1UV15, of which he returns as delinquent, S17.3). R. A. TIabershan:. Assistant U. T. Engi neer, is at Itock Island, superintending tho removal of rock from the river chan nel. Prof. Anderson, alias Prof. Stanley, is a fraud traveling around the country, ad vertising big things and bilking people out of their 'money. Georj rge LaPocque had his buggy knock into to smithereens last I-i nlay on the Mow the White 'House. Ue gut oil' 1 1.1...., Wliita lllnncii 1?- tho road into a gully The name of Mr. II. O. Inskeep, f.r- merly of this city, appears m the. olVi''is of a lodge,, of tlie American of United Workingtnen at Salem. t lie: list of Order Clackamas County Pomona Grange will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 10th, at 1 o'clock at Warner's hall. Mt. Pleasant. A full at tendance of fourth and lil'th degrco mem bers is desired. V Levy ispacking up and will start shortly ffr Eastern Oregon. Those in debted to him are called upon to settle at onop. Ho will givo genuino bargains for a few days. The Salem Statesman "of last Sunday savs: "I've J,ovoil. but Cannot Love Again," is the title of a new piece of niti-t-ic soon to be published ; words by C. M. Inskeep; music by Prof. I'.rotherloii. Tho Aslorian of last week says: Mr. Can field ot thiscitv has samples of prunes from Hugh Hums' place near Oregon City, which are the finest we ever saw. We should like to have the report of a pomo logi.t upon them. Mr. Gardiner Elliott, of Canemah, has placed us under obligations for a copy of the Wecklv Alta. containinga full account of the Tullis murder in Sacramento coun ty. Cab, with the murderer's confession and intt-resting "lotaila. -"lFts -.rm-ihat when yon ask a man to ndvertise 1; eneraily iVeiiru s with the statement th.it nobody will .-.ixs it; but if vnii advertise some little caior of his in news column gratis, tie gcU indinaiit rcr Hie ccrtaint y tiiat everybody will see it. Mr. T. Selling returned from San Fran cisco on Tuesday with an immense stock of Fall and Winter goods, consisting of the latest novelties in that market. Mr, Xelling 1 a No. 1 buyer, and lie knows jjust what is wanted for this market, and "the jteoplo of Clackamas county will find that he has secured the loststock of nooils 111 the city, which he sells at prices that will astonish thd Portland merchants. City Council. Vtegular meeting held last Monday evening with tho following members ' present: P. Paquet, Mayor; W. Whitlock, Keeorder; Councilinen Harding, Myers, Caldwell, CalilT and Clmse. Petition of A. Eudey. praying for a fj-s-waik 011 Eleventh street, referred to committee on streets. Deport of Assessor was read and placed ou tilo. On motion, the Street Commissioner was intrusted to expend $100, or as much as will be required to put tho road in good repair leading from the end of Seventh fitreot to tho residence of Win. McCue. The following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the City Treasurer bo in structed to pay all orders on pi csentation in their regular order of endorsement, road orders included. It was moved that a committee of three le appointed to contract with the Enter prise for citv printing, said contract not to exceed the price paid last year: Yeas, Harding; Nays, Caldwell, Chase and Ca litf. Motion lost. On motion, it was ordered that the o Treasurer le instructed to publish notice that there are funds in the Treasury to pay outstanding warrants in regular or der. Ordinances No. 144, regarding opium smoking, and Xo. 14-", allowing Collector one per cent, on nil money collected and paid into the Treasury prior to the date, were passed. The following bills were ordered paid J. M. Bacon, 54.K; C. C. P.abcock, S4i; Chas. Anderson, S3J; F. M. Albright, $43.34; Wm. Whitlock, S10. On motion, bill of City Attorney for $0.00 was ordered paid : Yeas, 3 ; nays, 1. On motion, the Ilecorder, was instruct ed to examine the warrants in his office and see that thev have leen cancelled, and that said warrants shall lie afterwards destroyed in the presence of the Mayor. Letter List. The following is a list of tho letters re maining in the postoffice at Oregon City, Clackamas county. Oregon. Sent. 5, 1S7S: Deenier, James M Davidson, Mary F. Ellis, Wm. M. Fisher, Christian. How land, Lavina. Mitchell, J. F. llamstiv, C. B. Scott, Mrs. Bell. Fletcher, Margerette rton, Jas. Fitzpatrick, Mr. rairchild, C. H. Doftiss, G. W. Geo. Oflictr, John E. Klioades, Eleazer. Thompson, W. N. "oriinngton, W. II. If called for say when advertised. .1. M. Bacon, P. M "oisoned, Within the past month some ' or six valuable dogs have been poi ""V some worthless scalawag. About -ks ago Mr. Chas. Anderson, -n, lost his faithful watch lued very highly. On ve found our canine r door, and Mrs. ' ss of her poor 5s long rest 011 o Heal Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of real estate which have taken place since our issue of August I5th, 1S78, compiled by Wm. T. Whitlock : John Cotlin, assignee of bankrupt .estate of Jos. Kellogg, to Calvin II. Thorpe, lots No. 7 and S, block 37, in Milwaukie. Con sideration, $1."0. H. J. Harding and wife to Daniel S. Se bastian, interest in s e 'i of o" sec t, 1 3 s, r 1 w. Consideration $li. Jos. .'. Felds to Daniel S. Sebastian. same as above. Consideration, SJu. Wm. Thompson to Daniel S. Sebastian, fractional s e '4 of sec 9. t 3 s, rl w, con taining K)0 acres. Consideration $1:11). K. V. Short and wife to Wm. Thomp son, s e ?4 of sec U. t 3 s, r 1 w, containing l'JU acres, consideration $2.0. D. S. Sebastian to Wm. Thompson, fk) acres in t 3 s, r 1 w. Consideration, Sl'-it). Henry Luhnian to Mathew Dooney, 1-S.23 acres of Mahlon 1 truck donation claim, in t 3 s, r 1 e. Consideration, $3A. Mathew lioonev to Henry Lohnian, 221.77 acres of Mathew I ;rnck donation claim, in t 3 s, r 1 e. Consideration, $-3. United States to Herman Jiruns, 100 acres in sec 14, t 2 s, r 1 e. Daniel Preffer and wife to J. W. Shat tuck, but) acres in sec 23, t 3 s, r 3 e. Con sideration, iri.fjOt). S. 15. Franklin to Win. acres, in sec 0, t 3 s, r 1 w. cor. 1 hoin son, 30 Consi eratiou, Phillip Linn and wifo to llobt. Dean, 103 acresoin sec 7 and S, t 3 8, r 4 e. Con sideration, ?,oo. E Slover and wifo to Geo. 15. Thomas, 100 acres in sec 1, t 2 s, r 4 e. Consideration, $01 H). 0. S. Price to C. S. Chatterton, 1G0 acres in sec 21, t 3 s, r 4 e. Consideration, 'joo. J.P.Miller and wife to Henrv Gans, 5 acres in sec 3(J, 1 1 s, r 1 e. Consideration, Sdoo. J j. F. Car tee to D. P. Thompson, 012.37 acres in sec l.", 10, 21 and 22, t 3 s, r2e. Consideration, $1. J. M. DeardorlVand wife, to W. A. Dear dor If, H) acres in sec :", t 1 s, r 2 e. Con sideration, SI. David Wilson to San ford E. Sprague, KiO acres in sec l,t3s, r 2 e. Considera tion, :?3,;O0. 1. F. Di-als and wife to Julia A. L. Casto, lots3andl in block 1, In Deals' addition to New Era. Consideration, 2"i. 1 'arson j!eason and wife to Win. Stick ler, NO acres in .sec 21, t 4 s. r 1 w. Consid eration, S22". United States to David Wilson and wife, 320 acres in sec 1, t 3 s. r 2 e. Archie lfrsr.vn Captured. From the Portland papers of yesterday we clip the following account of tho cap ture of Archie Drown : "About four days a.;o he went to the house ot John Cain, some 11 miles below this city, and asked for lodging, which was given him. Ho remained at Cain's tour nights, so he alleges. During the 111g.1t he slept at the house, but each day he went out to look for work. At first he was not suspected. Monday he chanced to pick up a paper which contained a de scription ot Johnson ami himself. He was fearful lest Cain or some of his fami ly would suspect him.so he cut out the de scription. Cain's daughter, who, it seems, had some suspicions from the lirst that Drown was one of the murderers, became convinced that such was the case after lie cut out out the description of himself. She told her father yesterday morningshe felt certain he was one of the guilty par ties. Her lather also became well satis eed that her suspicious were not without foundation, so he determined toarrest him When Drown returned to his house yes terday evening, after being absent most of wie iay, Lam ami a man named Joseph llilcy came in on him unawares while no was sitting in ono of the rooms, and de manded him to "throw up h s hands." Doing covered by a double-barreled shot gun, lb-own had no alternative but to sur render. 1 le said he was worn out and ex hausted from hunger and privation. On surrendering, Drown was tied securely, placed in a wagon and conveyed to this city. He was arrested about 7 o'clock just about dusk. Drown is inclined to lay the most of the blame of tho whole matter on Johnson, and states that the latter put up the job ami ici mm into it. ue savs they went up to Oregon City a few days before the robbery, intending to burglarize the post office there Johnson being acquainted there. They were, however, so closely watched by' the police that they gave that job up aiid returned to Portland. He says, moreover, that Johnson 'spotted' yj .-"Mica s place arm talked him intoMlie rcblHuy he at first refusing to participate in the robbery, lie moreover savs that their plans were made without consulting the hoy Swards, who, he says, did nothing in ttic commission of the crime, and Y.'iW led, at least partially unwillingly Into the matter Drown and Johnson separated the night Swards was captured, since which time lie has not seen or heard anything of John sou." Hi-Id to Answer. Tho preliminary examination of Capt. Eph Baughman lor the killing of Pat Whalon on the steamer Sjxikane took place at the Dalles on Wednesday and Thursday of last week before Judge D. L. McArthur. Judge Wm. Strong and W. Dair Hill ap peared for the defense, and J. C. Cart wright and J. A. At water for the state. During the progress of the examination a largo number ot witnesses testified. Baughman was arrested on a charge of murder in the first degree, but was held to answer the charge of manslaughter before the grand jury. Hiu bonds were fixed at $5,000, which were readily furnished and the defendant released from custody. Each of tho witnesses was held to appear in the sum oi s?250, in order to insure their attendance. The shooting took place 011 the Columbia river opposite Umatilla county, and the trial will be held at Pendleton, at the November term of the court. The examination took place before Judge McArthur for the reason that the warrant for the arrest was issued from Umatilla county, ami no magistrate had jurisdiction to commit the prisoner out side of that county. Judge McArthur be ing judge of the district h.id jurisdiction in the matter, and therefore i-af as com mitting magistrate. Criin. Con. The unusual moral quiet of our city was painfully di.-:turled 011 Friday of last week by the arrest of Dan Smith and Mrs. S. A. Humphreys on a charge of adultery preferred by the husband, and of which there was the most direct testimony educed on the examination. After hear ing the witnesses. Judge Wait bound the parties over for appearance at Court, and Smith, being unable to give bail was placed in prison. Thesjmpathiesofouren tire community go out to Mr. Humphrey, whose kindly demeanor and patience under the yoke, lias won for him the plaudit of A good, man" and "A kind husband." His only remaining child he has placed with the sisters at Vancouver, where he will receive, the care and train ing not to be had from a broken and desolate hearthstone. "Oh! there are crimes committed in this world whose in famy the angels cannot blot out; whose sting time cannot heal, nor the grave cover." .- Always Brsr. The Salem Statesman says: "We hayo several of the busiest men in this city we ever knew. From early morning to dewy eve they are stren uously and laboriously employed in hold ing down some chairs or dry goods boxes in front of the hotels or before t he saloons, or in whittling away pine sticks and time together. They are always tired. Our iity is often stirred as we notice their lerculanean efforts, and we do most ear nestly hoje they will be rich enough some to not be obliged to work so hard. U'e often wonder how thev have stood it so long. But then, after all, there must be a great deal of happiness in contemplating the noble results of such toil." Deputy SnEuiFF. Mr. W. W. II. Swanson. of Needy, has been appointed Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff Pillsbury, and has taken up his residence in this city, v.iil is well fitted for the position, and will always attend to calls in his line in good shaH. - Still, in BI'sinkss. Our item regarding Mr. Ii. A. Hughes' departure for England and sale of his stock of goods was rather premature, as he informs us that ho has concluded to remain a few months longer and disjxise of his goods at retail at prices that will surprise the oldest inhabitants. He made arrangements to dispose of his entire stock but failed to make suitable terms, and he now oilers the public a rare chance to secure bargains. Exrcn'sioN. About seventy-five per sons went to P01 Hand last Saturday night to hear Senator Mitchell on the railroad situation . and oilier matters. A special train was chartered for the occasion, leav ing this city at G:30 i m.. and returned about midnight. It was a pleasant trip, and everybody seemed pleased with the speech. Daily P.oatto Portland. The City of Salem on the route lxHween Portland and Dayton airords our people an opportunity to go to the metropolis and return the same day. She will stop here at .:30 a. m., daily (except Sundays), and (arrives at Portland at 11 ; returning, leaves Portland at 3 r. m., arriving here at 4 :30. Divtnis Seuvick. At tho Orient school house, in Multnomah county, near tho Pleasant Homo Postoflico, Elder David Ifrower will hold a three days' meeting of the Ifrethren or German Paptist, to commence Friday evening, September tith, to continue over the Sabbath. A Lady Clkkk, Tho Standard of last Tuesday says: Mrs. Hiram Cochran, of Oregon City, has been employed by Post master Cole to attend to the ladies' deli very window of the post office, and took her station at tho wheel yesterday morning. A better appointment could not have been made. "Soareo off iiy Cors." Drown and Johnson, the Portland robbers, according to Brown's confession, visited our city before tho O'Shea affair, with the intention of cracking" the postollice, but were watched too closely by our vigilant night watchman. State News. There is but little over half a yield of wheat in Union connty this season. Such an amount of building is now going on in Jacksonville that there is a demand for good carpenters. Ex-Sheriif Dale, of Yamhill, had two ribs broken by being thrown from a buggy by a runaway toarn, a few days since. Over six hundred buildings have been erected in Portland since tho 1st of January last, and more ere being built. , J. C Cooper will commence tho pub lication of a semi-monthly temperance paper at McMinnville about the lirst of October. Dr. T. F. Smith, of Dallas, last week. in a fit of despondency, took six grains of morphine, but they saved him with an emetic. r. M. Wait, tho well-known book and job printer of Salem, has been awarded the contract for executing the State printing. Hon. K. C. Geer, of Waldo Hills, who was severely injured a few weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be able to go to Salem. Hop-picking will commence this week at Luena V ista. Chinamen have been employed for the purpose. The yield will bo about equal to last year. The aunual session of Columbia Con ference af the M. 1:1. church, south, for this 3ear, will convene at lloscburg on on the d of October, Bishop W lght man presiding. j.ne JNonpareu quicksilver mine in Douglas county, near Oakland, has ex ceUent prospects. There is a tunnel in 330 feet, and a smcltieg furnace will socn be erected, Miss Pay ton, daughter of Dr. Tayton, who was severely injured near Drain's station, and was supposed that she could not recover, is able to be up aud walk about the house. Senator Burnett, of Benton county, says tho JJemocrat, is preparing a bill similar to the law lately passed in Brit ish Columbia, levying a poll tax on tho Chinamen of $?0. It is stated that Hon. G. W. Piper, of Albany, will be recommended as In dian Agent at the Siletz reservation by the M. Coufercuce committee having tho matter in charge. A sawmill, the property of K. S. Swartz and Goo. Woodworth, at the western edge of Howell prairie, was burned Thursday', with considerable lumber. Loss about 1,000. O. D. Stotlar, of Howell Prairie, was arrested last week, charged with com mitting rape on the daughter of Jas. Wanless, aged ten years. lie was bound over in the sum of So00. Ilenry Moore and a man named Thurston, had a fracas on the stroetsof Lafayette one day last week, in which Thurston got a severe cut in tho fore head by a blow from a pistol in the hands of Moore. Victor Bellinger, of East Portland, is recovering from the wound he received from tho accidental explosion of a cart ridge. He may lose the nseof one eye, but his physician has strong hopes of his recovery otherwise. E. Williams and Mrs. Ida Bates, tho parties who were arrested at Gervais several da3 S ago charged with adultery, were examined in the Police Court at Portland last week, and were bound over to the grand jury. Albany is to have water works. Priv ilege has been given to J. A. Crawford, J. II. Foster and Jason Wheeler to lay down pipe. They are buying some wooden pipe at Tumwater, and will get iron pipe from the East, The water will be taken from the Santiam canal. Linn Bifles arrived in Albany Friday last "and were mastered out and paid off in vouchers on Monday and Tuesday. Says the Albany Register, each private received a voucher for $101. at the rate of 82 per day for 52 days, the time they were in the service. The horses and accoutrements are in the hands of tho Quartermaster, and will be sold when ever the Governor orders the same. Sevier Lewis, who murdered his brother, was hanged at Empire City, Coos county, on Friday last. lie was not afraid of death, and declared to the last that he was convicted because of his poverty. What sympathy he had when he first appeared was entirely re moved before the conclusion of bis speech, wmcu was cievoieu mairtyio accusing his relatives of conspiring for 1 I the couvtclion. M. E. Church Conference. The following appointments were made for tbe coming' year: PORTLAND DISTRICT P. M. STARR, P. E. i Portland, Taylar street .To be supplied. Portland, City Mission. .W. C. Cliattin. Salem F. W. Tower.' East Portland H. C. Jenkins. Oregon City, J. W. Miller. Clear Creek R. W. Tatty. Hubbai-d J. H. Allen. Jefi'erson .... Albany Sliedds Dallas Sheridan McMinnville. . Pavton D. L. Spaulding. . . J. F. DeVore. . .Nelson Clark. . . . .T. Li. Sails. C. Alderson. F. Doatie. . . . .T. Li. Jones. Li. Li. Vandersol. . .II. Patterson. . W. D.- Nichols. W. Butt. Forest Grove. Cornelius. . . . Hillsboro. Nestachee. . . . EUGENE DISTRICT J. S 11 catn, r. E. Eugene A. At wood. I. D. Driver. G. W. Balls. J. Hoberg. S. M. Driver. . . . . J. McCormac. C. II. Hoxie. N. A. Starr. . . W. S. Chapman. . . .D. A. Crowell. . . .To bo supplied. T. F. lloyal. .S. M. Nicker son. G. W. lloork, . . .To be supplied. -A. FAIRCHILD, P. E. I. Dillon. W. Boberts. J. Parsons. W. Hulbert. Co. Derrick. ...... .A. S. Starr. .... W. I. Cosper. Thos. Magill. . . . .Jas. Mathews. M. Judy. J. T. Wolfe. J. T. Earle. John Flynn. . . J. N Donnison. T. M. lleeso. B. J. Sharp. . .To be supplied. Brownsville Corvallis Monroe Springfield Empire City , V llbnr Koseburg Ashland Jacksonville Drain Siletz Mission Klamath Yainax Linkville PUGET SOND DISTRICT- Seattle Olympia Taeoniu Whitby Island Whatcom Port Townserd Mound Prairie Cbebalis Ovsterville Vancouver Astoria Cowlitz Lewis liiver East Portland Powell Valley White Biver Skagit Visited hy Robbers. Tho McMinnvillo Reporter of last week gives the following account of tbe robbery of Father Gibney, formerly of this city: " Father Gibney received a visit from a gang of dastarely scoundrels last Thursday night, and was robbed of what little spare change ho had in the house, which, fortunately, at this time, amounted to only 87.50. At about 12 o'clock on the night mentioned, the priest was aroused by a knock at;the door of his dormitory adjoining tho church, and on asking what was wanted, was informed that a sick person at Bellevuo desired a visit from him imme diately. Father Gibuey got up, and all uususpecting of harm, opened the door. At this the trio rushed into tue house, and one of them covered the defenseless priest with a revolver, demanding his money or his life. Father Gibney showed them the bureau drawer, in which they could find what little money he had, and the robbers promptly se cured it, after which Ihey made tho prisoner hold tho light for them while they went through every possible receptacle in the house search ing for more money. That which they found in tho drawer ($7.50) was the only reward for their search. They left the house threatening Father Gib ney that if he dared to step outside the house before raornina: ho would ret a ball through him. The miscreants had their faces blacked, and could only bo described by their statures; hence they will go unpunished, and very likely will give somebody else a call at a favor able opportunity. Territorial. Immigrants are pouring into Walla Walla and Eastern Oregon from "across tho plains." St. Joseph's hospital at Vancouver was destroyed by fire last Sunday. Loss $2,500. A little son of Mr. S. McIIurIi, while fishing in tho Skagit river, fell into tho water and wai drowned. The Baptist Association of Puget Sound wiirjhold their annual session for 1878 in Seattle, . commencing Friday next. Mr. White committed an assault on the editor of the Tribune at Seattle the other day, and the said editor put a head on him. A ton railo contract for grading on tho Tlenton-Yakima extension, was let by the Seattle and Walla Walla Com pany last week. Frank Burns, third assistant engineer of the Dakotaat was bound over in the sum of $500 at Seattle on a charge of opium Fmuggling. Last year about GOO tons of hops were exported through New Tacoma from the Puyallup valley, and this sea son tho outlook is just as favorable. During August, fifteen vessels took coal from Seattle to San Francisco, their cargoes ranging from s33 tons to 2,310, averaging 1,050 each, and aggre gating over 10,000 tons. lhe coroner s jury in tho case ot the death of "A. G. Haven, near Dayton, brought in a verdict of murder against Cr. W. France, aided by V. Lav and B. Brooks. The trio are in jail. The Board of Education of Washing ton Territory meets at Olympia on the 1st of Octobi r for the purpose of select ing a uniform series of text books for the public schools to be used for five years. A Walla Walla paper says that on the 22d nit. a shocking affray took place at the head of Alpowai, in which Mr. Haven was killed by George France. The trouble apparently was about a piece of school land which France had leased and was putting in with wheat. Mr. Haven came upon sceno with a double barrel shotgun loaded with heavy buckshot. While Mr. V. Lay,' who was also present, was scuffling for the gun with deceased, it went off, kill ing Lay's horse, and France, during the scuffle, coolly put four balls into Haven, who, after twelve hours suffer ing, expired. France, Lay and Brooks are now in jail at Dayton. Tbe wife of deceased was also seriously injured in the bloody affray. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, P UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. A torn named A. E. Pomeroy, for merly a resident of Washington county, was accidentally killed on l)eer island down the Columbia on Monday. Pom eroy was cleaning out a well when the fatal accideut occurred. While down at the bottom a large portion of the earth became detached and caved in. Pomeroy was buried up to his neck. He was not killed onhighf, and cried out for assistance, and held up his hands imploringly for some time. Ev ery possible exertion was made to extri cate Poinery from his josition of peril, but before he could be freed from the earth he was dead Deceased has a son and several daughters who reside at Forest Grove, and to whom the sad in telligence was communicated. Market .Report. Porllniia ?Inrliet. Igal tenders POii buying, flit? selling. Klour Extra. o i."; sinerline, il 25. Whent 1 50 it fl 55 cent:il. Oats 10c. bushel, sacked. Varley--1 25 V cental. liacon Sides lie.: hams, 1L'13; shoulders, 9C?l0c. 1-ard In kegs. Be; In 101b tins, llJic. ltutter Kiesh roll, 2tH3.c. Potatoes new, 575c bshl. Fruits Dried apples in sacks, 4J$e. ; kegs, 8; plums, pitless, Jll2e. ; peacaes, lie; prunes, 17. J tr g "JyQ Chickens Fullgrown, $3 mail 00 t dozen. Hides Dry, 12c; salted. 5c ; culls, I, on". Tallow tk! "0 lt. Wool I.S(i21c. Feed 1 Iran, 22 50 ton ; shorts, 530; oil cake", J JO (Kt. Hay Haled, ?0 I on : loose, $'.). Onions IMottlli H IU. Mutton Sheep $ l 75(?2. Orejro" t'ity Jlarliot. Wheat (vie bushel. )at a ;io;i 10e "5 bi s h e 1. Barley Choice brewing, 75c V bushel; feed, 75c. Potatoes 75(.!lf) Onions l'.j u.o ; Ih. Flour f 5 5ua,.?ti 00 bbl. Dried Fruits Apples, 5c f lb: plums, ll'2c Apples tt7.'ic box. nutter 2'o--"c s lb. Chickens t irown, $1 00 dozen. Ktfgs 2"c dozen. Itacon Sides, nivalin lb; hams, 1 k(ll. I-ard UVvlle ? lb. Hay f 10 (,?12 ton. Wool l.S"V20c vi lb. Hides lry, 10tl2e t lb; green, lffl.jc. Mill feed Bran, SlTfeTW lb ton ; shorts, $27 f "10 ft ton. Fresh meats Beef, dressed, 1 Vc B lb : on loot, 4e ; dressed hoirs. tie: mutton sheen. . News lor the ieunic. CALX, at J. IC. Graham's and examine his new stock of Furniture, Matrasses, Pillows, etc., which he 1 as just received fiom San Francisco and will sell as cheap as can be had anywhere in the State. TVotice. f. Selim-r hrts a trooU assort ment on hand, and is willinir to sell the same at a small advance a hove cost for Cash. Xo use of troiiii; to Portland when you Ciin do as well Rt home. I am determined not to be under sold by anyone. LOST net ween Robt. Ofllccr's place, on Molalla Prairie, and Oregon City on the 121 h of August, a red pocket book, containing a note lor -!6:, payable to J. K. Graham, the tinder will receive a liberal reward by leaving it at t his olliee. Qniiiii:e an l Arsenic form tho basis of many of the Ague remedies in the market, and arc the last resort of physicians and peo ple who know no better medicine to employ for t his distressing complaint. The effects of cither ot these drugs nr.! destructive to the system, producing headache, intestinal dis orders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing of the par, and depression of the const iut ional health. AY Kit 's Aguk Ci'rk is a vegetable discovery, containing neit tier quinine, arsenic, nor any deliterions ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its elfects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Be sides i'int; a positive cure for Fever and Ague In all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an ex cellent tonic and prevent ive, as well as cure, of nil complaints peculiar to malarious, marshy ami miasmatic districts. It acts directly on the Liver and biliary apparatus, thus stimulating the system to a vigorous, healthy condit ion. For sale by all dealers. A Palpitating Heart. Very often persons have a palpituting hear after eating, or the food sours cn thestomaeh The sides tremble, there is difficulty in breath ing, headache, dizziness, nervousness, bad breath, irritable temper, loss of strength, if any of these synipt' ms exist you may coi clude you arc ilyspe tic, or, t hat your liver is out of order. The gi -trie Juice of'the stomach for the purpose ot . issolving the fotxl has become too weak, coi -equently the food fer ments giving rise to the distressing symp toms above hicntionei Wc must first make thejxastrie juice strong nong to take hold of the food and dissolve it as soon as it reaches the stomach. Wihtk 1'raikik Fi.owkr taken before or soon after -jating. before fer mentation commences, cures all such cas -s. Ask your druggists for it. Price, i"cts. and 75cts. For saU: by Ward & Harding. AiifUjirtosiiublc Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beauti ful world, it is entirely your own fault and t here is only one excuse for yon, your un reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which lias killed thousands. lVrs-mal knowledae and common souse reasoning will soon show you that (Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable oiTW-ts, such as sick headache, palpitation of t he heart, sour stomach, habi tual costiveness, dizziness of the head, ner vous prostration, low spirits, tS.c. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Conti nent, and not a druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample rottle for 10 cents. Throe doses will relievo you. One of the brightest Charms Of a fair face is a fine set of teeth. The ladies being fully alive to this fact, patronize SOZU DONT in preference to any ot her deatifrice, since they know by experience that it pre serves like no other the pristine whiteness and cleanliness of the teeth, and makes a naturally sweet breath additionally fragrant. It is one of the privileges of the hfnux sex to look lovely, ami that pi (portion of It which uses yi i)l MINT has learned that the article contributes in no small degree to theend in view. All druggists sell it. TT,ANKS OF KVEltYDKSCRlPTION FOR y Sale at this office. Just ices of the ace can getanything intheir line. Sf.dati VF.s ash Stimulants versus Toxics. Alcohol Cheers, inebriates, leaving de pression. VWV' JI,ijwj7ioi)?!icx gives vivacity, and buoyancy, leaving energy. Onitim Soothes, narcotizes, and depresses. Fellows' Ifypophosphites -Stimulates, ani mat s and invigorates. Opium Hendi-rs the nerves insensible to pain, but lowers nervous vitality. Fehows 11 vophosphitcs Causes man to bo regardl-ss of pain, by raising nervous de bility. Opium pullsdown. Fellows' Ilypophosphites builds up. Opium poisons. Fellows Ilypophositesis the antidote. Alcohol poisons. Fellows' Ilypophosphites is the antidote. Tobacco ioisons. Fellows' Ilypophosphites is t he antidote Debility and disease from any cause is poi son. Fellows' llyphphosphites iscverthe antidote. It hns already accomplished more good than all other remedies combined. It never fails when used as directed. It cures the sick ; sustains the drooping, and preserves the healt hy. Ever mending, never marring ! Ferftnc' JZjjoj7inyi tin is used successfully Tn Diseases of tho niood. Nerves, Muscles, Hones in thefunctionsof digestion, nutrition think ing, understanding, hearing, seei .g, feelin" tasting and smelliiic. nnd even sneaking wherever t here is no organic loss ' 'T. .pihrtic,'V.l7' sup Fellows' "Medical Monthly," at all Druggists. AGEXTS. The following named g Riflemen will receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Enterprise: Portland Era E. It. Dement. W. K. Dement T 11 Norton. .. Capt. Z.'c.' Norton Iloone's Ferry.. Chas. Wilson Molalla Pleasant Hill.. Oswego Damascus Eagh; Creek.... Viola...... .. Sandy Tualatin Clackamas Maxwell Ramsby,.Ir J. E, McConnell ...... G-. NV. Prosser i T ' : a II. VV. Lake B. C. Jwjs S. B. Hatch ..F. M. Bird Chas. Matlock g:.&.iaMwi EEADY FOE SPRING OPENING A WOJVDERFUL " ITE HAVE BOUGHT AX UXUSABT-Y LARGE STOCK AT GREAT BARGAINS, AX1) 11 will oiler Extra Inducements in bot h Quantity and Quality. " IoBi'l Canauiblc About llsird Times After seeing how Cheap we soil our Goods. Of course you want to do tho best you oa.; with your money, but before you buy come and see us and we will give you Bargains, Good Goods, and lxw Prices. We have bought all the latest Styles, and our stock can't be beat this side of San Francisco. S. At'KEUH.tX. Xiolnc?o unci Wool. All kinds of Produce taken, and we want all the Wool we can get, for which wo will pay the highest market price. Remember the corner, at S. Oregon City, March 8, 1878-tf. ry n 1 i 1 v LTIVfiLY REGARDLESS OF Change of Climate wanted on Family. A. Isirgrc and choice stoelc oi CXjOTHlXGr, llt V - GOODS, GROCERIES, JKIc, Oilercil sit si jSie;i! V A Y ParlifS hulrtitetl to m will plrase rail and pay up Immediately and save test as intend to close out my entire lmsine. ST Oil 13 FI XT CUES for Sale at a Bargain. Oregon City, May 9, 1878. in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS OWE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. Thero are rnoro WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The W2LSOT3 MENDING ATTACHMENT fordoing all kindsof repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. iWILSOM SEWIM0 WANTED 827 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. .IOI1IV Asrcsii Oregon City. NEW FIRM FELLOWS & HARDING, -At The xijsrcoiisr Y Dealers in FIRST CLASS GROCERIES I PROVISIONS. IKODUCK TAKEN FHOM FABMEUS IN exchange for Groceries. SELCCT TEAS, COFFEE AMD SPICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. 1 illlilu k DOMESTIC FUL11S. And a full variety of roods usually kept in a tirst-class- Grocery store. We invite the citizens of Oregon City, Cane mah and vicinity to give us a call, and if Ed. don't rive you as many and as good a quality of j;oods for your money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. 7"Ve deliver Goods to all parts of the City and Canemah free of charge. Oregon City. March 1. Ih77-tf. W. A. PHILLIPS, (Successor to T. A. Bacon) Dealer in GRCCERIES AND PROVISIONS. SELECTED TEAS, COFFEE AND AM. art icles used lor Culinary purposes. High est market price paKI for Country Produce. Goods delivered free to all part s of the city or Canemah. Orders promptly filled. Oregon City, Feb. I. lSTS-t f L. JACCARS, Dealer in FLO I P., HIV, STRAW, OATS, POTATOES, AY HDL, ETC., 2 RAIN SACKS AND TWINE 7"Thc highest market paid in cash for all kinds of produce . Two doors north of Factory. Oregon City, Sept. 13, 1877-if. WM, KXIGUT. 15 EO. KXIGIIT, KNIGHT BROS., CANBV, - - - OREGON. Dkalers in sjiixgles, cki1a1j posts, groceu. IK.-S fLOTHlXd, HOOTS. SHOES, IIAHUWAKI-; And everything' usually kept in a conn try store. Wc invite the public to call .and examine our stock before goinft to Oregon City or Port land, as we are selling as cheap as any house in t he Stat e. Come and get our prices. Those indebted to the firm will please call and settle immediatelv, and safe costs. novS-tf KNIGHT BROS. GEORGE BROUGHTOM, "rOITBD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF 11 Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre pared to furnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every descript ion, at low rates. APPLEANB0XES. ALSO, Dry ".Flooring, Ceiling, rtustic. Sprnre. (for shelving), Lattice, Pickets, and Fence-Pout, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at the ORHGON CI T I SA W MIT. AS. Oregon City, June 10. IS. 5 :tf A. CJA 1?D. To all vho are suffering from tho errors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, earlv decav, loss of manhood, 4c, I will send r recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered bv a mission rv in South America. Send a self-addressed envelooe tothe Rkv. T.Joseph In.van, Station IK JHhi Jlouxe, jiew Ytrk. novIT-I.v. J3XJSHNTESS 1 OF HEW GOODS ! s:r,ii m & 5 , W PRICES! ACKRFV3AErS, Pi M COST FOR CASH ! account of Sickness n :icrilice ! UP. V. LEVY 0 HUMBUG ! A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED re! THOMAS CHARM AH E TABLJSHED ESIllES TO INFORM TITE CITIZENS (.ih Jreiron City and of the lllnmette al ley, that he is still on hand and doiDg lufi- ness on the old motto, that A Ximllc Six Pcnccis Better Uian a Slow Sfiitlinv I have just, returned from San Francisco, where I purchased ot e of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK' OF GOODS ever before offered in 1 his city ; and consistK part, as lollows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doors, Cbiuaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, ITatedware, Glassware, " Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ijtdies aud Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo- Kope, Farming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is thft MOST t'OHPLETK ever offered in this market, and was seletrd wit h especial care for t he Oregon City t rade.AH of which I now otter for sale at the Lowest ftrlarket Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, tn think of going to Portland to buy goods tor I am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IX the STATE OF CSECC.V. All I ask is a fair chance and quick, pay ments, believing as I do that Tv.oiily Years Experience - in Oregon Citv enables me to know lhe re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and sec tor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CITAItMAN cannot be beaten in qualify or prtce. It wot. 1.1 be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can otr.-r vou in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is Camp, and Sec, end Examine for Yoarsclvrs, for Ido not wish to make any mistakrs. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to si 11 goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the literal patronage hereto fore bestowed " THOS. CHARM AN, Main street, Oregon City. Iegal Tenders and County Scrip tawen at market rates. THOS. CIIARMAN. y5n,0o lbs wcol wanted by nov. 1. T5-U THOS. CHARMAN. No Advertising Agent can insert six nd vertlsernent in our list V twenty-six Stan dnrd WeeWlicH at ten dollars a line withou losins: money. Those advertisers who wan to obtain the best possible circulation with out expending more than from ?:10 to $100 should address GEO. I'. ROWEvL A- C Spruce tst.. Nw Vorj.-. i Si ;. I $ i 1 i . ) .'.5 " h " r it. 'Uii: It v'"-r