v 1 t ... i 2 :1 tin 1 1 4 I . m . $: . ' vt - ! 1 ll ii I I H 5) : i ! h i H ... : ; . il r-kr v Y Wit antl Humor. When is Browning. pie like a poet? When it's Wedding belles those who have a wedding ring. , What kind of a ship has two mates and no captain? A Courtship. Why is a rose-bud like a promissory note? It matures by falling dew. What man must have his glass before he can do a day's work? A glazier. What kind of lights did they use in the ancient synagogues? Israelites. One of the greatest wonders in this world is what becomes of all the smart children. There is a difference in milk-maids; the milk made in the country is not the same as the milk made in the city. "Happy is the man," says the New Or leans Picayune, "who can lie all day un der a shade tree, looking for work." The girls of Tuscola, 111., place a blue ribbon and a mitten on the table when their lovers come to visit them, and say, "Choose." Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise; but early to ryes ana tardy to bed makes a man's nose turn cardinal red. A Syracuse clergyman wanted to com promise with his parishioners who volun teered to give him a donation visit, by giving them orders on a restaurant for one hundred oyster stews. An enthusiastic Indiana editor wrote, "The battle is now opened;" but alasl the intelligent compositor spelt battle with an "o," and his readers say they have suspected it all along. Ah I well, mv dear fellow, marriage is the best thing in the long run, and I can assure you that after a year or two a man gets used to it, and feels just as jolly as if he bad never married at all How funny I If you see a merchant studying up the sailiDg days ot foreigB steamers, you form a high opinion of his business; but if a cashier does it, you draw your deposit from his-bank instant er. Lowell Courier. "Hurrah I" cried a young lawyer who had succeeded in his father's practice, "I've settled that old lawsuit at last." "Settled it 1" exclaimed the astonished parent, "why, we've supported the lumily on that lawsuit for ten years past." A witty clergyman, accosted by an oid acquaintance by the name of Cobb, re plied: "I don't know you, sir." "My name is Cobb, sir," rejoined the man, who was about half seas over. '"Ah, sir; you have so much corn on that I did not see the cob." At dinner the host introduces to the favorable notice of the company a splen did truffled pheasant, amid murmurs of admiration. "Isn't it a beauty?" he says. "Dr. So-and-So gave it to me killed it himself." "Aw! what was he treating it for?" says one of the guests. Did the prophet Isaiah ever eat at a railroad station? It certainly looks so, for how could he have described it so literally if he had not? "And be shall snatch on the right hand and be hungry;' ana ne snau eat on tne ieit hand, and they shall not be satisfied." Congrega tionalist. "What's the matter sonny ?" said a man to a youngster who was tearfully rubbing tne seat or his pantaloons as he walked along; "What's the matter, got on the wrong tract f" "les" was the reply. -guess x aia, way tne old man switched me off jes now." Boston Commercial Bulletin. "3Ir. Bresident," said a Buffalo alder man, "I makes der motion as der new jail be build on der same spot as der old jail what s now standing; dat saves der money for der land, an I makes der mo tion as der old jail shall not be pull down till der new jail is built, so ve vill not be widout xler jail." Boston Commercial Bulletin. At a recitation in ancient history, an auburu-baired student, tempted thereto by the assertion that "the Egyptians were in the habit of sacrificing red-headed girls to the devil, puts the question : "What did they do with the retf-headed boys?" and the professor answers unto him: "They supposed they would go of their own accord." He had made a hearty meal at a res taurant, and getting up he said to the waiter, "I declare, if I haven't forgotten my purse." The waiter fired up and hurled big words at him for full three minutes before pausing for breath. When a chance came the stranger continued, "But I have a five dollar note here in my pocket." The waiter couldn't smile to save his life. A farmer being poorly provided with material of sustenance for his men, fed them with pork cooked with the rind upon it. A young man of the company, not liking the outer portion of the food, was observed by the host to be carefully removing the outside covering, where upon the latter said; "Young man, we eat the rind and all here." To which the youth replied: "All right, old man; I'm qutting it off for you." Things Not so Generally Known as They Ought to be. That tho even ing song of the nightingale is nice, but that the morning lay of the barndoor fowl is nicer. That the end of the longest wail is always blubber. That ships are frequently put into stays, but they only wear barnacles when they go tosea. That some lovers quarrels becin. and many end with a smack. That, al though one swallow may not make a summer, yet an inverted tack on a chair will make one spring. That the real apd only correct system of book-keeping is not to lend them. That it is very difficult to keep your own peace of mind if the wife of your bosom will in sist on frequently giving you a piece of hers. Judy. Herman Schuster, of St. Louis, awoke one morning to find himself dead. That is to say, the newspapers said he was dead and that his body was at the morgue. Mr. Schuster went to the place men tioned, aDd there, sure enough, found himself laid out on a slab, dead as any body couid wish to be. The forehead of the corpse was exactly like his own. The moustache likewise. The body wouldn't vary in weight five pounds from the weight of his own. The clothes of the inanimate person were as much his own as if he had worn them himself. "Vot ish de golor of his eyes?" asked Herman of Mr. Ainbaugh. The doctor turned up the corpse's eyelids and found that the eyes were blue. "Dot ish petter," said Herman, with a long sigh of relief. Dot is ot miue poddy. Dose ice is blue and mine ia plack. Goot in himmell vot a narrow eschape vot a glose gall dose vas I" It was the most remarkable case of mistaken identity that St. Louis baa had in years. Minnie Warren's Death. Minnie Warren, the joungest, bright-! est aud prittiest of Mr. Barnura's dwarfs, died in MiddleLoro, Jttass., on luesday eveniug in childbed. She was the young est of a family of eight children, all of whom except herself and her sister La vinia, now Mrs. Tom Thumb, were of or dinary size. When Minnie was 11 years of age she joined the Tom Thumb troupe, and for 15 years she traveled almost con tinually, visiting nearly all the civilized parts ot the globe, bhe was 40 inches in height, and never attained a weight to exceed 45 pounds, being considerably shorter and more slender than Mrs. Thumb. She was 27 years of aire at the time of her death. To a pretty face she added, pleasant disposition and winning ways, and she became the fast favorite of Mr. Barnum as well as of the public. When Tom Thumb was married to La- vinia Warren the general opinion was that Commodore Nutt would take Min nie for his bride; but the little Commo dore had set his affections on Lavinia, and his little heart was blighted when General Thumb won her from him. "Never mind, Commodore," the jovial Barnum said, "Minnie Warren is a better match for you. She is younger than you, while Lavinia is several years older." ''Thank you, sir," the Commodore said, stiffly; "I would not marry the best woman living. I don't believe in women, anyway." Time lessened Commodore Nutt't grief, and he partly renewed h attentions to Miss Minnie. But, after his first disappointment in love, it is said he became a fast young man, and Minnie, like a wise young lady, discouraged his addresses. A few years ago, Barnum found another lilliputian, Major Newell, who was rechristeued General Grant, Jr., and added to the Tom Thumb combina tion. The Major was bright and intelli gent, aai he and Minnie became great triends. Aoout a year ago thev were married, and they lived happily together with General ihuinb and wile in Mtudle- boro. Their last tour together was in tl Western States, from which they recently returned. When Mr. iiirnum was in this city re cently he let out the secret, which had been closely kept by Minnie's family, but the memory of the spurious Thumb baby led many to regard the story as a Barnum hoax. But the New Haven women soou discovered the purchase ot little bits of muslin, lace and flannel by memoers ot tne Warren household, and secrecy became impossible. A ladv friend who visited the Warrens described the little garments as "too comical for anything." DjIIs' patterns were used ana uie nuie sups ana wrappers were made one-sixth of the size of ordinary oaoies. jvirs. jxeweu is described as looking forward to maternity with sjreat anticipations of happiness and no mis givings. Her husband, however, had gloomy forebodings, and expressed the greatest solicitude. Her death was great shock to her family. The child died at birth. It weighed five pounds and tan ounces. Four hcu.-s later the mother died from exhaustion. Mis xseweii s aeatn caused aeep sorrow iu Middleboro, where she and her sister were much loved. Much sympathy is expressed for Major Newell, who is over whelmed with grief. Mrs. Newell is to be buried in Middleboro this aftrrnoon. The announcement of Mrs. Newell's death was received with many express sions of regret by members of the old Museum company iu this city. Mr. Barnum is now with his show in Indiana. His son-id-law, Mr. Hurd, who is full of reminiscences of the Lilliputian family, is in business in this city and is spending the summer at Barnum's home in Bridge port. A gentleman who was with Mr. Barnum for several years says that Mjor and Mrs. Newell were the smallest wed ded pair that ever lived. One smaller couple is mentioned by Marco Polo in his travels in Tartary. They were each 25 years of age, and 12 and II inches in tieight respectively. They married by order of the Khan, and their fourth son was six feet two inches in height. There are some doubts as to the correctness of Polo's figures. General Tom Thumb and wife have grown corpulent in the last few years, and neither appears so diminutive as in their younger days. The General has been weaLhy, but has lived extravagantly and spent a forrune in yachting and other sports, and pos sesses only a moderate competence. He is 41 years of age. Jv. Y. Sun. Home Sickness. So common-place a disorder as home-sickness has been made the subject of scientific investigation. Dr. II. lley gives it a high-sounding name, "Nostalgia," and regards it as a form of insanity from which grown men often suffer severely, and of which they sometimes die. He gives particulars t!' his observations among the French sol diery, where it is of very frequent oc currence, more particularly among the infantry. The calvary-man, he thinks, is less liable to suffer in this way, proba bly because he has leisure time on his hands. It is the young foot soldeir who is prone to pine for his native place. The young conscript becomes gloomy a d taciturn, loses his appetite, is fond of solitude, and often gives way to teais. He suffers from incessant headache, and is unable to sleep; and after awhile, un less he can be aroused and interested in his surroundings, and distracted from his dreams of home and friends, gradually become the victim of general prostration, followed by delirium and sometimes by death. Dr. Hey believes that children do not otten sutler in this way, nor do very old persons; and women are le33 liable to it than men. Just before the horses were called on for the race at Beacon Park, a nasty look ing tramp, with a pack on his back, came ambling along among the' stables in a dogged sort of way, and inquired the way to Lowell. Some joker oblig ingly pointed him down the track, along which he suspiciously began his journey. In due time he reappeared at the point from whence he set out, still slouching along and looking neither to the right nor left, and started rund the course again. After "swinging around the cir cle" in this way three times to the intense gratification of the spectators, a sudden thought seemed to strike him. He looked up, recognized the gate by which he had entered, and rushed out into the "wide, wide world"- again accompanied by the cheers of the crowd. The Springtield Republican has this good bit of "experience :" "A good old deacon in an up-river town was called on recently by the leader of a prayer meeting to tell him vhat the Lord Jesus had done for him during the week pre vious. ltisinc with extreme reluctance he replied: 'Nothin' to boast on, broth er, nothin' to boast on,' which expresses I the views of a good many cnurcu mem I bers, if they only dared express them." . Life in London ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS AGO. From Leckv's "History of England in the Eighteenth Century" we take the fol lowing interesting extract: Ed. Trans. "The impunity witii which outrages .. . , - .i- - :i i:. 1 ill were committed in tne iii-ut m un guarded streets of London during the first half of the eighteenth century can now hardly be realized. In 1712 a clu of younir men ot the higher classes, who assumed the name of Mohocks, were ac customed, nightly, to sally out, drunk, into the streets, to hunt tne passer-oy, and to subject them, in mere wantonness, to the most atrocious outrages. One of their favorite amusements, called 'tip ping the lion,' was to squeeze the nose of their victim flat upon his face, and to bore out his eyes with their fingers. Amontr them were the 'sweaters, who formed a circle rouna their prisoner, ana cricked him with their swords till he sank, exhausted, to the ground, the 'danc- ing-masters,' so canea irom ineir sum in making men caper by thrusting swords into their legs, the 'tumblers,' whose fa vorite amusement was to set women on their heads and commit various indecen- i i ii. . i: i a. i. . j. cies ana oaruanues on me umos uiai were exposed. Maid servants, as they opened their masters' doors, were way laid, beaten ana their laces cut. itairons inclosed in barrels were rolled down the steen and stony incline or enow imi. Watchmen were unmerciiully bcuen, and their noses slit. Country gentlemen went to the theater as if in time of war, accompanied by their armed retainers. sV bishop's sou was said to be one ot the fra isr. and a uarouet was umonjj mose who were arrested. This atrocious fashion passed away but other, though comparatively harm less, rioters were long accustomed to beat the watch, to break the citizens' win dows, and to insult the passers-by, while robberies multiplied to a tearful extent. Long after the Revolution, the policy of the Government, was to rely mainly upon informers for the repression of crime, but the large rewards that were offered were in a great degree neutralised by the popular feeling against the class The watchmeu, or constables, were, as a rule, utterly inefficient, were to be tound much more irequently in beer shops than in the streets, and were often themselves a serious daneer to the community Fielding, who knew them well, has left a crraDhic description of one class, 'lbey were chosen out of those poor decrepit people who are, from their want ot bodi lv strength, rendered incapable of getting a livelihood by work. These men, armed only with a pole, which some of them are scarcely able to lift, are to secure the persons and houses of his Majesty's sub jects from the attacks of gangs of young, bold, desperate, and well-armed villains. If the poor old fellows should run away, no one. I think, can wonder, unless it be that they are able to make their escape.' Of others an opinion may be formed from an incident related by Horace Walpole, in 1742. 'A parcel of drunkeu consta bles took it into their heads to put th laws in execution against disorderly per sons, ana so tootv up cvuijr '"iu met till they had collected five or six and twenty, all of whom they thrust mto St. Martin's roundhouse, where they kept them all night, with doors and windows closed. The poor creatures, who could Tint at l r or breathe, screamed as lornr as thev had any breadth left, begging at lpnst. for water . . but in vain. . . In the momin" four were found stifled to death two died soou after, and a dozen more are in a shocking way. . . . Several of them were be"-2ars, who, from having no lodg inr were necessarily found in the street and others honest, laboring women One of the dead was a poor washerwom an bi with child, who was retiring home latp from washing. One of the consta bles is taken, and others absconded; bu T niipstinn if an7 of them will suffer dpiith. though the greatest criminals in this town are the omcers or justice; mere 13 IOWU aiC trie umtii) juo.ivi -" ' no tyranny they do not exercise, no vil iny of which they do not partake.' is lainy The magistrates were, in many cases not onlv notoriously ignorant and ineffi but also what was termed 'trading justices,' men of whom Yielding said that 'they were never lnouiereut iu u cause hut TOhfin thev couia gei nownnji on either side-' The darinjr and the number of robbers increased till London hardly resembled a civilized town. 'Thieves and robbers,' said Smollett, speaking of 1730, 'were now become more desperate and savage than they had ever apoeared since man kind were civilized.' i he Mayor and al dermen in London, in 1744, drew up and address to the King, in which they stated that 'divers confederacies of great numbers of evil-disposed persons, armed wi'h bludsreons, pistols, cutlasses, and other daDcerous weapons, infest not only the private lanes and passages, but like wise the public streets ami piauea ui usu al concourse, and commit most daring outrages upon the persons of your Maj esty's "ood subjects whose affairs oblige them to pass tnrougn me sireeis, uy rub bing and wounding them,- and these acts are frequently perpetrateu ai sucn nines as we heretofore deemed hours of se- The same complaints were unereu m the same year in the 'i'roposais ot tne Justices of the Peace tor suppressing Street Robberies,' and the magistrates who drew them up specially noticed, and ascribed to the use of spirituous liquors 'the cruelties which are now exercised on the persons robbed, which, before the ex cessive use of these liquor?, were un known in this nation.' lhey recom mended an extension ot the system ot rewards, the suppression or restriction of gaming houses, public-gardens, fairs, and gin-shops, and abo measures for system atically drafting into the army and navy cnannntvA nn.l (lan'erous persons against . - L T I .. 1 til wiiom no nosmve twuic proved." A successful business man says there were two things which he learned when he was eighteen, which were atterwaras of great use to him, namely: ".Never to lose anything, and never to lorgec any thing." An old lawyer sent him with an important paper with certain instructions what to do with it. "But," inquired the young man, "suppose I lose it what shall 1 do then?" The answer was, with the utmost emphasis, "You must not lose it-" I don't mean to," said the young man, "but suppose I should happen to?" "But I eay you must not happen tol I shall make no provision for any such oc currence. Tou must not lose it?" This put a new train of thought into the young man's mind, and be fouud that if he was determined to do a thing, he could do it. He made such provision against every emergency that he never lost anything. He found this equally true about forgetting. If a certain matter of importance was to be remembered, he , uned it down in his mind, fastened it there, and made it stay. Servo an Injunction on Disease By invigorating a feeble constitution, reno vating a debilitated physique, and enriching a thin and innutritious circulation with llos tetter's Stomach Bitters, the finest, the most highly sanctioned, and the most popular tonic and preventive iu existence. It strengthens the stomach, remedies torpor of tue liver and bowels, and gives a neaiiniui mpulse to the secretive and discharging functions of the kidnevs and bladder. Not only does it arrest and prevent the recurrence of malarial fevers, but it furnishes the only adequate 6a!eguard against them to persons who have never beeu alllicted with those maladies, but would be liable to incur them if medicinally unprotected. It eliminates irom the hiood certain Impurities wnicu me most skillful pathologists assign as the excit ing causes of those agonizing complaints, rhenmatism and gout, and it is, moreover, an excellent remedy for an enfeebled or over wrought state of the nerves, ana lor meuiai despondency. Stiles' Hercules Engine, A Notice of which appeared in our columns a few weeks since will be on exhibition at the Mechanics' Institute Fair, to be held in S. F., in August. It will be over 100 horse power. The two cylinders of which will be 20 feet each in length with a base of 10 inches. Telepnones. The best and cheapest in the market. Within the means of all. A wonderful au d useful invention. Send stamp for illustrated circular and price list. J. M. Clark, Klectric- iau, oo vaniorina oi., a. r . Wanted. A good Agent in every city. town and village in the United Slates, to take subscriptions for the C'ommeucial Ad vocate, the only anti-Catnoiic auu con&erva. live labor paper published iu America. Sub scription fd.OU a vear. in advance, uooa in ducements will be ottered to agents. Write for terms and full particulars. Address Com mercial Advocate, bJb Montgomery street, Sau i rancisco, Cul. Thompson's reus Essence of JamicaGin- gek. The best in use. Itecommeuded by the leading physicians of San Francisco. Send for circular with tefttimouials and price list to J. U. TuoMrsoN,4U Front street up stairs, . t . Harris' Improved Fruit Dryer Is really a farmer's Machine, cheap, durable, bimplo in construction, is unenualled as a raisin Uryer Price from S75 to jSI.oOJ. Seud for circular to Har1S & Bradly, 3."J Second St., S. F. IIolman's Ague and Liver Fads cures without medicine simply by absorption Worn bv millious. Seud for litue book free by inuil. to Watson tfc Co., SUJ to ai'J llattery street, Sau Francisco. J. W. SilAEFFEIt fc CO.'S OKEEN SEAL CIGARS are made from finest Havana To bacco. 3i;i Sacramento street, San Francisco 25 Fashionable Visiting Cards no two alike, with uauie 10c. Nassau Card Co., as sau, N. 1 PiioTooaAfus of superior finish at Morse's Palace of Art, 417 Montgomery street, san t ruucisco. Buttikick & Co. "s Patterns, summer styles. Send stamp for catalogue. 121 Post St., Sau Krauelseo. The Sacramento WEEKLY VSIOS UlhtuUUxt. ahlett, cheapest and bent iceeklti published on the Pacific Coast- Term Jrom i to $1 in Clubt. J. F. HILL, manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies Express, Thorough brace and Quartz Wagons. Cor- uer J and 13th. Sta, I. O. box 'iS, Sacramento, Cal. Tkstu Savbd. Filling Teetli a specialty Set ol Teeth from f 10 upward. Teeth extracted .without pain. Dli. MOliFFEW, 10 Sutter street, S. F. All PUotoeranus made at the New York Gallery No. a5 Third st.,S. F are guaranteed to be llrst-class. Prices to suit the times. J, II. I'mmts, 1'roprietor. Fob the best Photographs and the lowest prices no to the old and reliable establishment of WM. S1IMV, No. 115 Kearny street, San Francisco, established in lsal, and formerly located on Montgomery street. HiMORKiioms OB I'ilks, a treatise on their scleu title and painless treatment and radical cure, by K. J FKASKIS, M. !., San Francisco. 1'rlee, 33 cents. For sale at tiie book stores and by the author, at 221 Powell street. Sent by mall t any address upon receipt of the price in coin, currency or postage stumps. Horse Boots, etc., J O'Kaue T7 Market St., Sau k rancisco. Send lor circular. Ladd k Smith, I'ealers In Guns, Pistols, etc. Agents Mallard, lienilugton and Winchester Utiles cheap. 8J1 Kearny St., S. F. Send for circulars. 3 I)K. Christopii r, l:t5 Kearny, Cor. Sutter L o. c ucu nail j u rsi -ciitfv ; I'liLrBiuw. SCARCE COOOS, I'.ookN. Photos. Ar. Sam ple A Catalogue, iW. Paris Book to. Chicago, 111. A DIES' J treated. PHYSIC I A N' 11 A lili E X N ESS, KTC 1)14. NOON, 40J Kearny St.,S. b. Cal OSTGOMEUY'S TEMPERANCE HOTK1 Ji- Second St., San Frauclscj. ileal Tleke lit 7 ts, 50 Mixed Cards, with name, in case, Vic. 2S no 2 a lite. inc. uumtioc. Atwater uros.t orestvuie.ct. lEOIIHK II. IIAUfll l.llhoirriinlirr vl 40 Clay St., S. F. Bonds, Certitlcates ol Stock i,iiecs, xraiLs, ioies, txrporauon acais, C, etc. CKOS.SKTT DEXTIT No. IU Third Nlrerk amis Franritra. P. N. P. Co. (New Scries), No. Mi QUARTZ BREASTP.N ; itt complete for at H. Mbv I k. JI . -J - it I.' ..- r- h: AND EAKIilMlS fa.lfortiiH. tit si it Oilier, aT, 3- and iUS Kearny St., Sau Francisco. 4 GENTS WANTED AT ONCE IN EVEIJY TOWN J. on the coas. Dime stationery package: every body buying; send 10 cuts fur sample. SADLEK fe Co., I lti Jt'ost street, s. . 10 $' or a day mire made by Agents selling bur Chromos, Crayons. Picture and Cliromo (.arils. 1 !. :im nliw u-nrlli M., urnr puBipiua, ior tjeuis. liiustrmeii (jataiugue I --. J. Jl. BUFFOKD'6 SONS, BOSTON. IKstab'd 1S30. GILHAM'S GREEN OINTMENT, IOK all external diseases of the Horse, has no equal For sale by Traders. Druggists anl Harness-mak ers. MAIN & WINCHES 1KB, San Francisco. REVOLVERS. RUNS. &C. G HEAT VAKIETY. Sand for illustrated Catalogue and prices. GEO. W. SHUKVK, lftY ItintffnmofD s: t. Won l.'...b.lu.ui Iu niakiiijr nn y purchase or SiJ"jr in writinsc in resMiiHe to hiij advertisement in tills paper, you will please mention tlie name of tlie paper MILLERS fii(ISf..10 1'or ICeHt PI.OIK i Stranl) Mill uo.t cineinn'ati, 0 FOR SALiE. Head of Thorough-ored Spanish Merino fcwes will sell at a very low price for .rlilrtv fluvH triiTii flnrt Hiit.li1ttw crin pr MUsiuu and 14th bts. Ii. t , Hatkiss, San Jose. Cal AGENTS WANTED. CTANLKV'S GREAT WORK, "TIIROCG .1... 1 i . I . ....... A 1 .......... . . IIIC irtin. viriuiiiruij. .miitr i:an v ttnivr! wauled rici v nunc biiiuuuuuii uic ciiiiic rnvuic oiair Territories for this truly wonderful book. Api once ami secure territory. A. HUMAN & Ci Montgomery St.,S. F., general agents for the f coaxt. verv where throughout the entire Pac.ltle states and PA..tna t. ... 1.111. air....! ... f..l A 1.. . AI'fMy HI .. 11 'aclne W-AltltJEIV fc CO., Commission Stock Brokers 54M California t., Nau I-'raneiHco. Stocks bought, sold and carried on margins. Money to loan on inininir stocks. IJfSpecial attention given to all orders from coun try customers. OPIUM, MORPHINE r LAUDANUM Habit Cured! Without pain, prostration or loss of business "all correspondence strictly confidential. frice from to 10 per month money refunded if patient Is notrelleved. Address Lock Box 1014, or call nnon E. F. Russell. Sot Mason Street. San Francisco A. LOZIEE, Importer and Tealer In Foreign and Do mestic IIIKUs. Good Talking Parrot always on hand. Good Singing CHiiary Birds a Specialty. SentC. O. I), to any ?H.ri,f-tUe country. Send for Price List. 413 Kearny Street. San Francisco. CAMPING TO YOSEMITE and BIG TREES. TlUI rTTTr-,., . ' and inexoetisiv trln pUrtt. , .t t route for l oultervllle thence by a good road (43 i IO lOSetllfffa niMul rir It,.... ...I l11... lr - : . . mnce ny a good ruaii (i:) nines) to iosemlte, passing Bower Cave and Pilot k, mrougn Merced Grove Big Trees and Merced KUer anyoii by and in near view of Caseade, Rib non. Bridal ell and Yosemite Falls, and the mighty Granite Cliffs and Domes of the Canyon aud Yosemite valley tlie grandest mountain, forest, rock and water scenery in the world. ! COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UXTVEPSTTY OF n&T.TrTiPNT . CALVERT'S CARBOLIC SHEEP WASH V-S per gallon. T. "W. JACKSOX, San Francis co, Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast. 1-2 in. 3 ply 8 l-2cprft. 3-4 3 " 10 l-2a " 1 ' 3 " 14e " 3-4 " nose cocks 90c IRON WATER PIPE AND FITTINGS, Brass Water Cocks, all sizes. Pumps, Lead Pipe, Sheet inc, isaiii j.uoa, etc. seuu lor jt-rjee usi. W. R. ALLEN 819 Mnrket Street, 8AM FBANC1BCO. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, itlandliiO lirarny Nt., Nun Franclsret IS I SO and SI OO PER DAY H. C. PATRIOGE, ----- Fbopbibtoe. Two Concord Coarhrs. with the name of the Hotel on. will always be in waiting at the landing to convey passengers to the Hotel free. tiT"Be sure you get Into the right Coach; If you do not, they will charge you. PORTABLE MILLS I?OI FEED AND VLOVll. FOR FARMERS' USE. lA r iirhr f.tifMut iiit-ut,i T,t iiMut in iimh. Send for illustrated circulars to JOS. WAGNER & CO., 113 Mission street. San Francisco. CO ISO KtTTGR NT11EET, SAX FRANCISCO. Personal Instruction In Rusiness Department by Pbof Hiitiimi Penmanship bv I'KOK CCS Kspina. French. SpaniKli, Tele, graphy. Two days free of charge- DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS WEIGHTS. COKD, PULLEY. &(!.. at lowest Y market rates. Send for Circulars. E. H. K.1TTKEJJGE & CO.. and California St., S. F CAN BE MADE Every Day! Using the Tiffin Well Uohino and Hok bKil.Li.vaMa- ohive. The labor Is all aoneoy liorse. ro Pateni Right swindle. You get your money's worth, lu machinery nixl tools. Cirrulani fre". Address, LOOM 14 NYHAN. Tiffin. Olilo. Soots mill &lioe. JOHN NriXIVAX, X. K. Cor. of llattery and Jackson sts.. San Francisco, oilers to make to order the best French Calf Leather HOOTS, at from tH tot: California Leather Boots, fft; Gaiters aud Alexis Ties, $. tofr,: French Calf Oxford Ties, 4: California. (3 50; Bo, s' and Children's limits and Shoes made to order. Persons In the ritiintry orderiug Hoots slid felloes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more will be allowed a reduetion of fnurjier cent., so a io make the express charges light. Isell ...ts and Shoes of MY OWN MANU FACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one price. THE UNIQUE BOONl I A DIRS' and gentlemen, save your money. Avoid J huiiibuggery and the chances of being crippled. Ail who are alllicted with hard or soft Corns, Bunions, Warts, Mules.&c..Acc SI'R(ifc.ON'S MASS will remove ihein completely slid at once, and without knife, pain, soreness or scurrlncatioii. One application only re quired. Recommended by leading families. Price, post-paid, tl.M. N. B. Fetid or oifeiiKlve Arm-pits, Feet, dr., which arisi-s from diseased perspiratory ducts. Try tlie HKR11-DISINFF.CTOR, au actual and tlie only remedy of the kind. Price, f i Orders sent to nil parrs of the country on receipt of price. Address P. It. LOPFZ, M. D.. care of M. KoCtlls Ferdenau derz's S. F. Laboratory, Agent, a 1 5 Kearny St., S. F PACIFIC WATER CURE AX'S Eclectic Health Institute, NORTHWEST CORNER 7tn. AND L STS. SACltAMHXTO, CAL. Being fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on tne la es' and most scientific principles, together with good rooms and board, we with confidence ask lor puMic patronage. For further particulars ad dress 31. V. CLAVTII.V. 31. It.. iroprllor. Oil For Family Use. ASTRAL OIL, 150 deg. Fire Test. In 1,2, aud S gallon cans. iiiiii.i.i.ix r oil Faucet and. Plain. DEVOFS PRATT'S KAIHAM' OIf. KTANbAltl) Oil, CO., Successors to GEORGE M. BLAKE, la Cali roR.vi a St.. Room 13. - San Fbakcisco AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, SAX FRANCISCO. 'PHIS old and popular hotel has for a quarter of a 1 century catered to the wants of the public 1 nos. BRVAX.aii old California!! and an ei perieuced gen tleman, conducts the house, which Is a sufficient guar antee that Comfort, flood Living, Clranllaess And the general welfare of guests will be accorded to ail. The ruble will be furnished with the best the market affords. Uentieniauly and obliging clerks and careful waiters In attendance. This house Is the most centrally located ot any lu tlie city. Street cars pass the door every two minutes. The hotel coach will carry passengers to and Irom the home free of charge. Prices from l.SO to IS. SO per day. 100,000 llos. CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO, . Packed In two, four and eight ounce sacks from Forty to Sixty-Five Cents per Pound. These Tobaccos will be found superior to any In the market or the price. We will send them to any one address in lots ol not less than live (5)pojnds, C. O. I) Address, E. BRIGGS & CO., Tobacconists, 54. and 57 Market St.. San Francisco. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY. ALL Styles and Colors for Tri rate Houses. Banks J. and Olltccs Made to Order, of the Oil Painted Opaiue fioods, or any Mxterlal desired. Agency for Spring Fixtures. Orders from the interior promptly ti. n'.i'LAHU, Importer, Wholesale and retail dealer Ui Paper Hangings, Window Shades, and all kinds of Shade Material, t 15 Market St., two doors west of Palace Hotel San franc sco. WATER HO USE & LESTER, SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. IMPORTERS "f W?iro ,. ( rrlKs 1 rial, carrisge Hardware, Trimmings, Bodies sarvou Patent and Wood Hub Wheels, Hard Wood Lumber, Half Patent. Concord it Common Ax?es Carriage Lamp-, Mountings. Cloths, l. -ather. etc " -jwj.r, -v v r. i tor 'I'lie ev listen latent AtfjiiMtnble 'ai-rlir 'l'p. I'rlccof lop, l$l I, .lacket, ... i$4. ..ffi";''"1, U,,L 'i""1" Twl.lonMl Axle, liicl secures HwlVt.. Comfort n l l.,no- VW f :,,,'rs Patent Leather Dashes, and Clark's Adjustable Carriage and C irriage Umbrella. We can make favorable terms on the stock recently purchased ol T. G. Taylor & Co., successors to T. IL King & Co. N. CURRY & BRO. 113 Sansome Street, San Francisco SOI.E AGENTS fob m ; Siiarps Rifle Co., of Brifeport, Conn FOR CALIFORNIA, ORKGOV. ARIZONA, NE VADA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, AND IDA1IO. Also, Agent for W. W.GRKKNER'S Celbra:.ed Wedgefast. Chokebore Breech I .Hillng DOUBLE GUNS; and all kinds of GUNS, RIFLKS and PIS TOLS nni.le by the Leading Maun far. lUrers of England and America. AM. MUNITION of-1" binds. iu u,jautiUea toiulc. Garflen Hose Ik Something' Hew! ALPHABET and NUMERAL BISCUIT. Manufactured only by the CALIFORXIA CRACKER COMl'AXV JLSU: GBOCER POS, THEM. DRAKE'S BAY COLONY, SMer's Ranclio, Marin County, Cal. " n.oOO Acros, B1 FTWKKS SOUTH PACIFIC f .! tl,rs hnnra travel ivntnaiiier and railroad, from Bl t ranolaco. Sclfotne?s "nake the trip to , Prate's Bay In i six hoursand I to Toinales Bay In nine hours. Produce 7. . .i,ini to market from the colony by schooner as w ell as by rail. Title u uneu Qiaicn m 11 u. V Imate-UiiBurpassed for mildness and equability. Soli Without exception the richest on the coact. Water Abundant. A failure of crop has never been known. Wood umci"ni ior nro mm icutum. Agriculture The soil, climate and situation ren der this property particularly adapted to those w ho wish desirable homes at a short distance from ban Francisco. With the exception of serai-tropical fruits, anything that grows in California can be pro duced upon this land. " This rancho. famous for Its dairies. Is now being sub-divided into "JO, 40 and BO-acra farms, under the auspices of the California Immigration Union, aud will be sold at low figures TERMS One-fourth cash; balance in 1, 2, and 3 years, with Interest at 8 per cent per annum on deter red payments. For full Information, ti anp- nation, maps, etc., apply to WM. II. MAR I IX. general Agui v-anioi mi iiiiuiisibuhiiiiuii, .. f nt.r.im twV Sit in V CO 1 1 1 1 l-f M 1 1 '.2't Purtiea'deKirmir to vinitthe tract will be provided wiin ML'tru ntum Mnnlii-Htion HHHboVl!. SOMETHING NEW, LIGHT, DURABLE, Comfortable, tig from d,rt or vermin, warranted for 10 vears; packed In bundles for shipment. Lar gest size welnhs only 50 Its. Prices from ft to ti, ac cording to width. Send for Circulars to L.ATTIN SPRING BED COMPANY 102t Market Ktreet, Nnn 1'raneiHco, BUSINESS COLLEGE. POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. TH K OiLr oldest aud most complete Commercial Col lege on the coast. Elegant halls; new furniture; trior ongti instruction; practical teachers; high standing with the public. Students can commence at auj time. Day and evening sessions. Circulars may bt bad fretton application. JOE POHEIM THE TAIXOIt, 203 Montgomery St. and 103 Third," S. F. Business Suits made to order, in 21 hours, from f'JO Pants made to order in 24 hours, from to Fine Diagonal, Casslmere and Scotch Cheviot Suits, to order til to f 15 Fine Dress Suits to order tlO to ti) Overcoats, from $20 to $35 ICalen of Nrlf-Jlfiiitnremriit Nrnt Free. NEWSPAPERS Bought and Sold. X7K FREQUENTLY HAVE INQUIRIES ABOUT f papers for sale by part'es who wish to buy, also In regard to new towns desiring to have a paper estnb llshed. All parties who wish to buy or sell, as well as those who wish for any Information in regard to the newspaper business on this coast, will do well to d m muuicare with us. Paiitic Newspaper Publishlne t o.. CARLOS WHITE. Proprietor, 55 and 57 Market St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 2271. lyoutsldes, InsideB, Supplements, &c, furnished at a small advance on the price of blank paper . P.& F. G. CONKLIN, 2S (Sitimome t ti Fraucit(co. Mann faftorfrs and lealeiH in all kinds of JBack skln, t'liMoUff, IkOKMktn. Mid, I'lotli and fom binallon Glovn Ol" rut a it d f.nracmt tfJIovei lloune on Paci fic CoHHt. 'an and avIU well a Itetirr 4lovr for ttr 51 one v tlian snyollirr Ilonne In Calif ornia. ABBOTT DOWNING CO'S Concord Wagons Bnggles I Carriages, The genuine ' ronrerd Harness," Mannfiuv tnred liy Jamea R. Hill & Co.. at Concord. New Hampshire. AlsoE. M. Miller Co's . Celeorated ItiiKglen and Carrlacrs of Quiticy, Illinois. A full stock of the above gooos. kept constantly on hand, by T. S. EASTMAN. Agent, 41 Battery St.. Sau Fianclsco, Cal. Got tlao Best! TURBINE WINDMILL Simple, rirallo AND Ornamental. This Mill 1 SKLF-RMCXATIxe. therefore cannoc be infured by . - ...... 1 ' v 7 i a 1 1 i t n 1.7 ill. iS3 best materials, and warranted to j give satisiaciion. Manufactory, Oakland, Cal.. Second St., bit. Broadway and Washington Sts. tr i he sndersigned has pn" chased the Patient Rioht for the Pacltlc Coast. Send for Circulars. A L. VAN BLARCOM. P.O. H.x Oakland, Cal. lfRell;ible Agents Wsnt'-d in Every County UNIVERSITY MOUND COLLEGE, SAS FRANXISCO. Boarding School for Young Hen and Boys KVFor Catalogue, apply to JOHN UABLE, B. A., Principal. pI11 rT-i ' i tLiTr l ?r ' ,-S8STC JIVrl JUST OUT! THE POULTRY YARD MID 1RKET. A New Book by PROF. A. CORBETT, Explaining the pro cess of Hatching Eggs RAISING PUDLTRYfe Horse Manure. I'rloo Bent by tflall, postage paid on receipt of price, in currency or postajre stamns Address FaolOc Newspaper iUbUshlng Co., P O Box W71 San Francisco, CONSIGNMENTS OF WHEAT And other Cereals solicited Liberal advances mada. CHRISTY & WISE, GOT FRONT ST., SAN FRANCISCO. ALBERT MAC A CO.'H Tim pcror Savon Ask yonr Grocer for it and take no other, as it U the best Soap for iiiinllv. use. Each bar weighs one full pound. We are also Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast for CCoDKLL TOILET SOAPS. These Toilet Soaps are better than any Imported. n.n..a l. Vf L. I." Ii Xt C A fAv Remember the Oil let Cream Dry Hop Teast, warranted to please, imiet'a Double Extracts, the purest and strongest (illet Lemon Sugar makes the beet lemonade. (Jillel'M Baking Powder, always sure to please. OlllrtM goods for sale bv ALBERT MAC & CO Wholesale Grocers, 21U and lilt California S:reet San Francisco. PATENT ADJUSTABLE BUGGY TOP. rpHIS BCGGT TOP IS LIGHT, STRONG AND X- du able. Adapted to seats of all classes of vt-hi-cles. Six different sizes. l'ric-e. (SI5. Ord-'rs tilled by express CO. O. Liberal discount to the trade. Agents Wanted in California. Oregon. Nevada. Colorado, t'tah, Wyoming, Washiugion, Idaho. A-i-Kina and New Mexico. Address J. F. PLUM BE, Manufacturer and Proprietor, corner Main and Fol som Streets. San Francisco Cal. - THE FOOTLIGHT An IIltiHtratetl Kixl-l"xe Weekly Dramatic Journal ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY. rSfA Portrait of some Professional Celebrity aWears on the First Page of each number, and the columns are devoted to recording the prinripal events occurring in the Dramatic and Musical World. Annual Subscription, prepaid, wit-hin the United States or Canada $3 00 Six Months 1 50 Single Copies IO IffFor sale by principal newsdealers at J. D. ROBERTSON, - - - - - Publisher 820 Sansome St.. Ilalleck Block, Sin Francisco. CZHZOIOIE Books Any of the following books will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of prjee, in currency, postage stamps tr coin. Money can be sent safely by check, P. O. Money order or registered letter. Books can be sent by express C, O. D., bat wc will not agree to pay express charges. If the cost Is more than by mail. Postage on books ia one cent for every two ounces, and purchasers ought to ascertain the charges by ex press on small packages before ordering books C. O. V. Books will not be xchanged when once ordered Xlie I.lfe or Eiwin Vorrr-nt. with reminis cences and persons! recollections. Hy James Rees (Collv Clbber), with portrait and autograph; liiiuo., doth tl.3e Antt!ograiliy r William II. Nwrd with a memoir of his life and selections from his letters. By Fre ieric II. Seward, with nine por traits on steel; Bvo., cloth, ti .00, sheep ti.UQ Xarrallt-s of Military Operation llur iiiR tlinlatv War heuvri-n thrHutm. By Joseph E Johustou, Oeueral C. S. A., illus trated by steel plates and maps ; Svo., clolh 4.'', Bheep t.l0 TLlf orsauinri V. It. Morn, Inventor ot the Klectro-ingnetic recording Telegraph. By Sam uel Ireneus Prima; svo., cloth t4.oo, siieep....fo.0 The 4oItlen Klate: A History of the Region West ot the Rocky Mountains, embrac.ng Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada, I tan, Arizona. Idaho. Washington Territory, British Columbia, aud Alaska. By Guy McCiellan, with numerous msps aud engravings; &vo sheep ..3.00 Xlie I'rinre of H Hi en" Tour in India, Urfws, Kujut, fuln anl I'orluicsl. By W. II. Rus-ell. lllust.atd by Sydney B. Hall. M. A. Crowu; bvo., cloth J.iW The ltrsonrrrs of C'nlil'ornla. comprising the societv. climate, salubrity, scenery, coinuirree and industry of the State. By John S, liitteli; Uulo,, cloth, tl.15, paper 1.23 Itlue a lift Kan-UKhls, their Influence upou Life, Uiaritsr, Ac B' Oeueral A. J. Pleasouuin; Bvo., cloth filw The UilJed Age, a tale ol to day. By Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens i, auttior of "Inno cence Abroad," " Roughing it," ami Charles Dud ley Warner, author of " My Summer iu a Garden.' 'Back Log tuuies." Fuliy Ulusi ritei from new desigus ty Hoppin, Stephens. Williams, White. &c, &c. bvo., sueep $3.50 The Advrnlnreaof Tom Sawyer. By Mark Twain; 8vo., sheep 3. ail Kkrlrlirs, ev antl OIU. By Mark Twain; Svo., sheep fo.au Calii'ornia rPictnrm. In Prone anil Verse. By Benjamin Park Avery: fevo, cloth, " morocco antique f 1'J.tW The Heritage of Lanedale. By Mrs. Alex ander, author of" The Wooing o't," " Her Dearest Foe," oueof tue popular "Leisure Hour Series : cloth Ths .National Odf, th3 Memorial Freedom I'oem. By Bajard Taylor. Illustrated; bvo., cloth 4.00, morocco antique -oU Going to Jerleo Sketches of travel in Spain and tlie Kant. By John Frauklin Swilt, author of Robert Greathouse"; liuio.. cloth 1.50 The Nun 4Vorhl pern of Asia. By Charura D. Poston; ltimo., cloth Tacts, The Nkrirlon in Armor. By H. W. Longfel low. Illustrated : bvo,, cloth $i.0J. morocco au tio,ue cHOO Tle JlintrrM ofti Manxe, By J. O. Hol lan i, with illustrations by Mary A. Hallock, Thomas Morau. Ahr.l Fredtricks. Kdwiu A. Abbey, and Helena ueivay; vo.. cioia o.--, mo rocco auuque flO.uO Silk and Ten Culture, and other Asiatic in dustries - da plea to the soil and cli.uaie of Cali fornia. By T. A. Kendo; lJuio., clot.i adcts Lanisra and other Poemn. By a native Cali loruiau: luuio.. c oin 1.0U Nome Kuikit. By the author of " Helen's Babies. '1 he hook is an octavo volume of over 500 pages, fully illustrated, printed, on extra calendared, paper aud bound in eiegaut binding with gold ami Ink stamp, miking as li.in.lnoiue a voiuiuo a evet issued by any publishing house. " The atones will meet with a cordial welcome." Uterttinrnta Jiecot d-Union. To Califoruians these Keichej are particutarly fascinating." Jitty City. " l'ney are dramatic, humorous aud eniei taiuiii;." Bul letin. " Tue incidents are lull of interest, and tho ketches artistic" limne. Xeu-spaper. !'tlH gold aud ,'uk stamp of novel design Any of the above books sent by mail, post-paid, on receipc of the prlca. as marked sgaiu9t each book. For particulars see directions above. Address Pacific Newspaper PulMiiiE Co., 525 & 5211 MARKET STREET. P. O. box 2271. SAN FRANCISCO For which Several Gold Medals 12 DIPLOMAS lave been awarded by rho Ontnmlsl Kshlbitiou, Tli Aiurrlrau lnti tut V ir. X. V.. . Mia a nil Coun ty Fain. OO Cents