Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, August 29, 1878, Image 3

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'f ) 3I)C (Snitcqjvjsc.
The last week of Summer.
Interesting letter from Soda Springs.
Board of Equalization still in session.
Preserved fruit the apple of tho eye.
Read ad. of Imperial mills in another
M. E. Conference commenced at Salem
Picnic and ball at Wilhoit's Soda Spl ines
on the wh of September.
Get vonr irrain to market before the
roads Cecome too mudtiy .
Farmers are still in tho midstof harvest
and are reaping average crops.
Mr. J. C. Morcland, City Attorney of
Portland, is quit ill with fever.
ntsbop Andrews preached at tho Melh
pdist church last Monday evening.
Mr. W. B. Partlow, of Mt. Pleasant,
- v.- thanks for a nue lot or "noecner
. M. Kester is doinf? rock! work In
cture line, and at prices that suit tho
tunes. Give hiin a call.
Burglars cSlled at Herman Keltlar's
saloon at Portland last Friday night and
gobbled $5,50 and 400 cigars.
The finest weather for harvesting known
to the oldest Oregonian, and the srain is
considerably above average in quality.
For the past week the juvenilo element
J.o..n niakincr the streots resound
' V ,1- P
with the
ft "faw-wa."
Mr. Rob
ith the ami-me;ouiuu.-i
ibert Caufield. of Astoria, was in
town Last week, lie reports everyining
fair at tho seaside, and his health greatly
improved .
E. D. Dement, traveling airon' for-tho
ENTEuruisK, will visit Soda .Springs and
vicinity this week, and will receive sul
scriptions. Mr. F. Ti. Allen, of French prairie, has
sold his farm to a new-comer for sl2,00t
and will soon start for California to settle
down again.
Mrs. Henry Meldrnm is in town visit
in' lier mother. Henry is carrying the
mail to Tillamook, and will not be""down
until Christinas.
Mr. Joseph Paquet has been awarded
ilio contract lor excavating rock in the
ui.ncr Willamette at Bisscl :
sei s ana
recks, ci.:"' pti 3
Mr. Richard Glasspool, one of tho mil
lers at the Imperial mills for some time
nnst, loft yesterday for Tu 111 water, to tako
char'gopf Crosby's mill.
The Citv of Salem and McMinnvillo
had a collision at Boon's Ferry last
Tuesday. The Salem lost hor jack-stall',
ami the McMiunvilie had her wheel dam
aged. Burglars gave J. K. Graham a call last
Monday night, but were scared oil' before
tliey ettected an entrance. Keep a dose of
I'.vtil handy and give it to them without
any warning.
Mr. J. J. McDonald, of the ( 'lifl".salo:i,
.started last week for California, to stay a
fw weeks for the benefit of his health.
Morris Krodrickc attends to business dur
ing his absence.
A Slate convention of nowspaper men
during fair week is lcinjr talked of, and
ive tertainlv intend to bo there if wo can
,., . ,. i
Jmrrnw a pa(or collar and a carpet bag
nlmut that time.
Rev. a. W Day, of Vancouver, was in
ovn Tuesday, en route for the Confcrenee
at Salem. We understand that he con
templates retiring from the ministry, and
settling in this city.
A uumbcr of Ninirods chartered the
Carrie Norton last Sunday, and went up
th2-ri''"r for a doer hunt. They mu have
f .6im aiic-TCssful, as wo found a choice piece
V- '1T1"U .") table.
1 - Major Pharman was stopped by tramps
V Vicar the Clackamas bridge last Friday
yl veiling, while returning from Portland,
ft, lie took thu drop on them with his shoot
ing iron and they skeedaddled.
Mr. Win. Harlow, of liarlow prairie,
has just finished threshing 1W acres of
Spring wheat, Chili club, which yielded
.lii'i bushels per acre. Ton acres of white
Norway oats yielded 70 bushels )er acre
by weight.
business men who send away from
Jiouie' for their job Printing, which they
jrtin obtain homo for a reasonable price
.would lo well to give us a rest on patron
izing homo industry. It would bo hotter
if they practiced what they preach.
D. W. Prcntico it Co., of Portland, have
favored us with a charming song and
chorus, entitled "Jteautiful Jessie, the
J.assio I Eove,'-' by Frank Dumont, dedi
icated to the Oregon delegation to the re-
cent i't;uvdi ill, riiii riaiii.-atu.
Tho Sheriff and County Clerk are hav
ing their offices renovated. Tho CJerJ
ill have his office in the rear of the
building so as to get the benefit of several
windows, while the Sheritf and County
Judge will have their oflices in the front
"irt of the building.
Three tramps undertook to steal a ride
from this citv on tho Albany express
rain to Portland last Friday by crawling
beneath ,the passenger coach ana hanging
to the running coar, but before the'y rode
mj Ui.ey came to gner tney wero niscov
ered by tho conductor, who. with the as
sintanee of bis posse, tickled them in the
ribs all tho wav down the trestle work
with some kind of an instrument which
It appears they carry for such occasions.
Ana then stopped tho train and pulled
them out and flung them by the roadside,
wnore they were last seen lying ciown
rubbing tlfeir 6ides and meditating upon
jtlie manner of tickle-Lone machinery
oy which they had just been interviewed.
Exckssivk Competition. There is
beautiful muddlo among steamboat men
on the Yamhilll, occasioned by U. B.
Scott A Co. contracting with Gaston for
the carriage of the Dayton. Sheridan and
Grand Hondo Railroad Co. tralTic, to the
exclusion of tlio other lines. As this is a
new element in tho raging Yamhill tlm
runners ana v . 1. tv. jj. uo. lines wnicn
have hitherto divided tho patronage, find
tUclr interests imperiled and it results in
a pretty lively fermentation. Some one is
bound to bo squeezed ; it is a good route
for one taat, but four boats making two
trips a day in and out from Dayton 1s
nither more than the business requires.
Taking everything into consideration, wo
think the man who got tho twenty thous
and dollar endorsement is on top of the
K11.LKDBY Inpians. The Eriuo Camf!
bell who was killed by tho Indians whilo
herding sheep in Eastern Oregon, was
Herbert Campbell, son of S. E. Campbell,
'iUeof Clackamas county, and nephew of
T. J. Matlock, of East Portland. There
were five men engaged in herding sheep
together when thev wero attacked, two of
hom were killed on tho spot. Young
.Camptall was shot through tho lungs, but
succeeded jn escaping with tho others,
vho were uninjured. Ho lived three
days, during which time he is said to have
JsaiTercd more .than well can bo imagined.
Cauriaok Upset. East Sunday Mr.
Theodore Clark was tossed out of a car
riage while taking a jaunt out in the coun-
iwith several friends from the factory,
received a severe cut in tho forehead
" a limb. The horses got into a hor
nest and mado a sudden tuin, and
,'d off for a plcasanter resort. Tho
riago was upset and tho other occu
nts ITirW! 011 terra lirma without any
ijuries. Thede is attending to his busi-
I ...ess. but will have to keep his wound
1 1 twndatreii for a few days.
Postponed. Tho Teachers' Institute
a.nnouned for next week in this city, has
been indefinitely postponed on account of
tho schools at Portland and in this citv,
evening next week, making it impossible
the teachers to attend.
" Tp in the Mountains.
Wiliioit's Soda Springs, Aug. 27, '7S.
Knixon EsTEiiPiusE : Thinkinc a few
lines from this popular Summer resort
will be acceptable, I drop you the same,
although necessarily short, owing to the
hack leaving soon, "and so much time be
ing taken up by the musical laughter of a
bevy of young , ladies, who "are making
the time fly by playing that noble (?)
game of croquet; nevertheless, if the
various amusements outside do put all of
the original ideas out of oue's head, this
will do something toward tilling up the
columns of that excellent sheet, tho Ore
gon City Enterprise. Since the last visit
of the "writer to this place, it has been
greatly improved, noticeably in the addi
tion of halt a dozen cabins for the use of
campers, which is a great convenience for
those who prefer to not sleop on the
ground, and at thesame time wish to camp
out'; a photograph gallery, occupied by
those first- lass artists. Crouse.iV. Liewis,
for the excellence of whoso work see.pic
tures of Messrs. Ealtocque and Smith, en
titled .a JMiumght scene; a rotary
swing, occupied throughout the live
Jong day by a crowd of youngsters,
who make life almost insupportable by
their pandemoniac yells, etc., in endeav
oring to get the tirst show at tho seats;
an excellent croquet plat, which is also
continuously occupied by the belles of
the valley towns, and their dominate
beaux ; a large and commodious dancing
hall, where the evenings are put, in by tho
aforesaid belles and beaux, and tho older
people, even uo to grand parents, on ex
tra occasions, the music leing furnished
by tho celebrated artist, Prof. Weinene
viski, assisted by Prof. Crouso ; the sta
bles have leen enlarged, ami now will
accommodate as many horses as are likely
to be around this way; tho store is well
stocked with everything in tho grocery
and provision lino that campers can wish
for, and at Portland prices too. The hotel
has been enlarged, and will accommodate
very comfortably about fifty guests. Tho
culinary department is presided over by
that excellent caterer, Charlio Howard,
and the faro consists of everything that
can be found on the Portland tables, with
the addition of an abundance of all kinds
of game that are found in the immediate
vicinity of the springs. The proprietors,
Mann fc Noble, keep the house as lieiUns a
f)in, as only old landlords - know
iow to. Ed. Dement, of " llein Holder "
fame, arrived last night, and puts in the
most of his time looking for something in
tho woods. On tho hack bound for Ore
gon City are the following Oregon Citv
folks: Mesdames Welch and S. V. Hum
phrey ; Messrs. Geo. LnKocque, Dan
Smith; Masters Eugene LaEoequo and
Jimmic Humphrey, most of whom pro
teose to shortly return to participate in tho
basket picnic to bo given on tho (ith prox
imo by our genial hosts . Mann it Noble.
Preparations on an extensive scale aro
being jade to have the occasion the affair
of the season. Tho Salem brass band has
lcen engaged to discourse mnsic through
out the day, and also at the grand ball to
bo given in tho evening. At 11 o'clock,
p. m., tho festive band will bo at the serv
ice of all those who wish to have their
si mn tars disturbed by all imaginable dis
torted visions. We will not attempt to
describe these visions, as only those i ho
have experienced a visit of the midnight
"boss" can grasp the idea, which 1113' pen
is unable to describe. Those who have
not had tho pleasure will oiily find out by
participating. Clements is 'yelling "ail
aboard," and the ribbons are drawn tight,
sol uiosti'lose. More anon. B. S.
Youthful Deception.
East Sunday afternoon, while (.aking a
stroll in the lower end of the city, toward
Abcrnethy bridge, wo espied adoubled-up
object describing geometrical excentrici
lies in a diagonal direction down the em
bankment of tho railroad track, until it
brought up abruptly against a mullen
stalk, when it was discovered to bo noth
ing more nor less than a small boy, both
by the linear delineations which impress
ed themselves on our vision in this tran
quil state of the muscular functions, and
the stcntorous effusions which every now
and then gulped forth from tho cavity
that led to a vigorous pair of lungs. We
stood and watched and waited a few mo
ments, for demonstrations being somo
distance awav, and in a short time tho
frisky piece of mechanism began to move
again, lint was not so iiiii 01 me lauuistic
gyrations as when hrst observed, lie drew
11 ill ISC 1 1 upillLUIUS ll.u,m:u jur-iLiMi ii'i nj
parenily endeavored to operate in his ac
customed mode, like all such locomotions
do when a peach orchard is not more than
a quarter ot a 111110 ahead, out one 01 me
pedestal extremities refused duty, and
alter making hall a dozen hops the voun-
ster loll limp and. all broken up bv
the roadside, still keeping up tho howlinjr
signal ot alarm : whereupon we proceeded
to i the scene of disaster. When we came
up and inquired the cause of all thi.5 ier-
tnrbation of body and mind in oneso frail
and innocent looking, he answered
"IJiuph, umpli, umph ! my big brother,
umph! hit me with this 'ere big rock,
umph I here I at tho same timo hold
ing up a water-worn gravel-stone about
twice as big as a goose egg for our mspec
tion, and showing a scratch on tho side of
his stun. What heart ot stone would not DC
moved to compassion in a case like this
unable to copo with the might of "his big
brother, so lull of the loye of filial duty ?
Yo stooped down and soothingly passed
our hand up and down the shin bono until
something less than a quarter of an incli
in thickness of indescribable particles
had become detached, when we discovered
the scratch had vanished. V c then stood
this victim of malfeasance once more on
tho machinery of go-ahead, and it worked
to a charm. Wo also examined the stone
and found tho place it exactly fitted, from
which it had been dislodged in tho rotary
flight before mentioned ; whereupon wo
looked again tor the cause of commotion.
and discovered him doscsibing semi-circles
on tho border of a frog pond two blocks
away, giving a squad of gecso instructions
how to swim.
Homiclclo at Celilo.
On Saturday evening last Captain Eph.
Haughman, of tho steamer Spokane, for
merly on tho Willamctto river, kill
ed ah emplovo on the Uoat named
Pat. Wheaton. The circumstances aro
given as follows: After the boat had
arrived at Celilo, Wheaton went to tho
cabin-bov and wanted some soap. Tho
boy tolddiim to go to the steward if ho
wanted anv soap. This enraged W hcaton
and lie assaulted the boy, beating him se
verely. Captain Haughman heard tho
noise nud went. lelow to see what the
imnMnwas nud learning tho cause, or
dered Wheaton to leave tho boat, lhis
Wheaton refused to do, making at the
same time a threat .against tho Captain.
Haughman went away, procuring a gun,
returned. Wheaton, when he saw Haugh
man coming with tho gun, seized a cap
stan bar and started for him. Having no
alternative but to retreat or shoot. Haugh
man discharged the weapon with fatal et
fect, the charge killing Wheaton almost
instantly. Haughman gave himself up to
tho authorities, and the body of Wheaton
was taken to tho Dalles, where an inquest
was held, and a verdict returned that ho
came to his death from a jnshot in tho
hands of Haughman. and that ho (Haugh
maii) was guilty of manslaughter. There
is much feeling over tho aflair in tho
Dalles, and friends of Wheaton claim that
the act was not justifiable, while others
think it was.
Other versions of the affair are given,
some placing tho entire blame 011 Haugh
man, and others, entirely exonerating
.Letter List.
Tho following is a list of tho letters re
maining in the postoiRcp at Oregon City,
Clackamas county, Oregon, Aug. 29, 1S7S:
Butcher. Wm . Rat v.' Alex.
Hrouse, MissMartda Fagalde, Miss C
Gibson. James.
Hawk. A.
Knotts, Jackson.
Jjockwood, J.
Prinillc, Is-aae.
Thompson, A. A.
Warner, Lafayette.
Eehmen, Ananicar.
McMurray, Mr.
Ilock, John. '
Thomas, Gc?o.
Wilbur, A. C
If called for say when advertised.
J. M. liACON, P. M.
City will
The pnblie school of Oregon
commence next Monday,
Classes for the year will be
Sjpt. 2d.
formed immediately upon the opeiling of
tho school, and it is verv uesirauie to nave
si full attendance from the first. Parents
t-hould btar this in mind.
tiY J.C. R.
Sadly I gaze on tho shining Willamette,
Flowing so peacefully down to tho sea.
Mournfully thinking of one who has van
ished One who can never more come hack to inc.
Oh! how I've wished, since this .burden of
Fell on my heart, his last words I could
Fearing to know that for father or mother
Vainly ho called, while they w?ro so near.
Oh ! how short
sighted is all our vain plan
Home and
ts riches, and length, too, of
All that is noble on earth, or worth having,
Planned for one boy ; but all ended in tears ;
Ended by one sudden plunge in the river;
Then a procession, on whose pathway
Flaming of torchlight, an unseen form bear
ing, That hartfly his own mother's eyes would
have known.
Sorely we grieve when tho young, in life's
Pass from our sight like tho blossoms of
June ; '
But, if we could, would wo back from Death
win them,
Knowing, at longest, he'd come again soon?
Would we forgi-t all the heartaches and sor
row They must endure all their anguish and
No; let us rather rejolco In our weeping.
That ours is tho loss, while theirs is the
Oregon Citt, Ogn., Aug., 29th, 1878.
Speaking at Portland.
Senator Mitchell will address tho public
at New Market theatre in Portland next
Saturday evening on matters relating to
the raiiroad situation, and of general
State interest. Mitchell has several shots
n his locker on the duplkitv of the N. P.
It. E. crew, as well as two of the Oreeron
delegation w hose treachery against the in
terests ot tho Slate was conspicuous.
There aro verv many here who would be
glad to hear him, and we hope sutticient
will club together to justify luring an ex
cursion train. Scott will probably be
shown up in a new light bv Senator
Mitchell, who knows the beast from tho
ground up.
A.WAKF., Nicodkmuh, Awake. One of
tho tallest men in town is Nick Walden.
Jap Slover may now die in anguish, as
tho upper current of air he breathes is ol
structed. Nick has had a wise and know
ing look for months past, "which no one
could interpret, but it seemed as if lie
was filled with a knowledge of something
that he would like to confide, but darsn't.
At any rate something happened at his
house which conies under the head of
"Marriages," "Dirths" and "Deaths,"
which makes it no longer necessary to
maintain silence, and the way thev snv
Nick nourishes around with paregoric.
soothing syr.up, catnip tea and other
tilings too numerous to mention, makes
the wise old coons that have gone through
seven or right experiences laugh immod
erately. Head our paper all through and
you will see what's w hat.
Hack from tub War. Jimmy Church
arrived in town yesterday, just returned
from his scont with Mart. JJrown's coir-
mand. lie came down to eat up tho fmht-
inpf editor for remarks on tho warlike' na
ture of the llriiradicr General, hut wo in
duced him to postpone until another sea
son oy treat 11 11; him. lie oriiifrs back a
scalp as one of tho trophies of tho cam
paign, which i.s pretty thoroughly stretch
ed over a tou;h rato, and looks as if it
might do service in the future. .Jimmy
has located in Albany for the Fall and
Accident. Ijast Friday evening Mr.
John Bradley, son of Hon. llichard Ihad-
ley, met with asevero accident at Marsh
field, lie was repairing a hay-rack for
Mr. Phillips, and struck liis hand against
a nail, indicting a painful wound. Tho
blood llowcu in torrents from the wound,
and it was not checked until the next day,
when John was so weak that he hardly
knew whether school kept or not. Hois
getting along all right at last accounts.
Going Kart.-Mi-. A. Tl. Shipley, of Os
wego, Master of the Oregon State Grange,
will start East next month for the pur
pose of attending tho National Grange. It
is Mr. ' Shipley's desire to secure a com
plete collection of Oregon products for ex
hibition in the East. To this end ho
would ho glad to receive specimens of
grain, fruit, vegetables, etc., from any
wiio may he disposed to furnish them.
IIai.I) r.uiiNKn. The Good Templar's
hall at Mount Tabor, near East Portland,
was destroyed by fire last Sunday morn
ing. A young man named O. H. Crabbe,
who was expelled from the lodge on Sat
urday evening, has been arrested and
bound over to tho Grand Jury in tho sum
ofirl,500. L.OSS. Sl.fJOO ; no insurance.
Mr. "Waldron averaged 39 bushels of
wheat to the acre. . lie had a crop of
4,000 bushels.
Frank Kimball, a brafceruan on the
Seattle road, who was jammed between
cars on the Dth inst, is dead.
Large bodies of rich bottom lands
have been discovered on the headwaters
of the Cowlitz, It is only two days
travel from Olympia.
Tho Washington Territorial Fair will
bo held at the association grounds, near
Olympia, commencing Oct. 3d and
continuing till the 12th of the same
A Seattlo paper says: Five bucks and
one squaw left Port Ludlow on Mon
day and to Port Discovery and ate some
mussels off tho piles alongside tho
wharf. Thrco of tho bucks died Mon
day evening, and two Tuesday morning.
Sevei'al cases of poisoning have occur
red in that vicinity of lato from eating
mussels, but this is the lirst instance
whero they have resulted fatally.
Thomas Ramsey, a settler on the
Nooksack, in Whatcom county, started
from homo to hunt deer last Sunday.
Before he had gone very far, the gun he
was carrying, in some manner nuknown
to us, went oft', discharging its contents
into its side. His little boy, -vho was
his only companion, wont for assistance
at once, but when ho returned his
father was dead. Mr. Iiamsey' left a
wife and six children.
The body of David W. Crooks was
found on Tuesday of last week,
snspended by a rope tied around
his neck extending from a beam iu one
of the old logging houses on his farm
6ix or seven miles north of Seattlo.
Pecuniary troubles are said to be the
cause. About three weeks ago he at
tempted suicide by taking poison. His
wife died about four years ago, and
two children arc with his brother in
Canada. He was 53 years old.
Id 1S77 there were in the German
Parliament, 12S National Liberals, 33
Progressionists, 73 Conservatives, 98
Ultramontaues, and G5 Social Demo
crats. The recent election resulted in
tho choice of 107 National Liberals, 23
Progressionists, 110 Conservatives, 93
Ultramontanes and 57 Social Demo
crats. The quostion is now, what two
sections Bismarck can unite in the sup
port of a Bismarck policy, or, in other
words, will tho Conservatives nnite
with the National Liberals or with the
Church avty on leading questions ?
State News.
Two attempts were mado last week to
burn Chinatown at Jacksonville.
The Tendleton paper says that nest
hiding is popular in that vicinity.
Wheat is rushing in at most of the j
, warehouses on railroads and river.
Diphtheria prevails to an alarming
extent around Alilton, Umatilla county.
Mrs. W. II. Water has been appointed
matron of the Deaf Mute school at
Gen. Brown's command have return
ed to Albany from the Eastern . Oregon
A grangers' fair is to be held at Bea
yerfcon,' Washington county, on the
20th of September.
Hon. Henry Warren, of McMinn
ville, has gone to Oakland, Cal., where
he has a brother Ijing dangerously ill.
James Chambors threshed on John
F. Miller's farm three miles south of
Salens, on Friday last, 1,445 bushels in
eight honrs.
Tho first term of tho college yoar at
Tacitic University, Forest Grove, will
begin on the first Wednesday of Sep
tember. The faculty will remain the
same as last year.
Harry Davis, known as "Ground
Hog Davis," was found dead at his
house near Hillsboro last Monday.
Evidently he had been dead a week,
and the body was in a shocking condi
tion. Ho lived for many years
Albany Democrat: While at tho City
Mills a few days since Mr. Moutieth
showed us a bunch of wheat raised
from one grain. It contained 100
ttalks, 90 of which had heads upon
them, and some of the heads measured
as much as G inches in length.
A Bntte creek letter savs that
John 1
l.rt lioo n l,,l t c iaa ,,..,. I
on the shares belonging to Cunning
ham, Disosway & Morse, in that vicin
- . . " -"J.'
ity, had taken them and left the coun
try. Mr. Morse, in company with Dep
uty Sheriff Taylor, started in pursuit.
A new mail and passenger route has
been established from Salem to Lafay
ette via Lincoln, Wheatland and Day
ton. The mail contractor will put on a
hack tho 1st of October, which is the
tinio that his mail contract goes into
operation. It will bo a semi-weekly
Some Eastern capitalists ai-e pur
chasing mining ground, both beach and
placer diggings, in the vicinity of El
lensburg, and they expect to. carry on
mining extensively. They have pur
chased Mr. Will Huntley's beach dig
gings for the sum of 315,000; also S.
li. Gardner's claim for $10,000, and
Chas. To dor's for 7,000.
An old man named Wilson, of Lower
Wallowa valley,-is lost. Ho was out in
tho mountains with a son-in-law gathr
ering berries. The latter took tho horse
around by a circuitous route, whilo tho
former started over tho mountain alone, 1
ana has not since been heard of. Ten
days had elapsed, and every offort to
find him was unavailing.
Some days ago James Kocney, of
Willow creek. Baker couuty, was found
dead near his dwelling house. It is
supposed lie was shot on Thursday, and
that the pistol dropped from the horn
of tho saddlo and was accidentally dis
charged, tvith tho above fatal result.
Mr. Iveenoy was about 70 years of nge,
and came to Oregon in 1S10. He lived
in Linn county.
Before tho Indian raid Messrs. Mur
phy had in John Day valley, a band of
3,000 sheep which wero said to have
been among the best in Oregon, and
were estimated to be worth in the neigh
borhood of 10,000. Of theso but 200
are left the rest having been killed by
tho Indians. In one pile there were
not less than six hundred, some with
heir throats cut, others with their legs
cut off at the knees, and others with
their ham-strings cut. P. B. Murphy,
one of the owners, was among the first
killed in Umatilla county. A herder by
tho namo of Gentry was killed at tho
same time. P. B. Murphy leaves a
wife and three children iu San Fran
cisco. Darrels of I Jeer.
The intornal revenue returns give
somo insight into the habits of a nation,
and from last j ear's figures it would
appear that wo are gradually becoming
more and moro of a beer-drinking peo
ple. Last year, notwithstanding tho
hard times and a marked; decrease in
the consumption of spirituous liquors
and tobacco, wo drank up ten million
and a quarter 'barrels of beer, an in
crease of nearly sixty thous and over
tho preceding year and moro than three
million of barrel s'overr,'.ha quantity
produced in 1S71. We have not. it is
true, approached tha Teutonic "rato of
consumption, nor is it desirable that wo
should do so, but the evident tendency
to chango ofTfrom spirits," which mad
den the brain, to the mildly stimulating
lager, which contains less than five pe r
cent of alcohol, is a move in the right
direction. An ingenious writer lately
produced an elaborate' disquisition to
show that victory alwifys accompanied
beer. English strength was attributed
to the consumption of malt liquor, and
German ascendancy to tho same cauee.
From the figures now presented it
might with equal plausibility be argued
that Empire in its western march went
hand in hand with John Barleycorn.
S. F. Chronicle.
Tho following named g' otlemen will receive
subscriptions and adwrtuements for the
Enterprise :
Astoria ,
New Era
Doono's Ferry.
Pleasant HJ!1..
Eagle Creek....
E. D. Dement.
W. E. Dement
J. Jr. Foster.
Capt. Z. C. Norton
Chas. Wilson
.Maxwell Kamsby.Jr
J. E, McConnell
(i. W. Prosser
J. T. Oh it wood
.... II. W. Like
B. C. Icwis
-...S. P.. Hatch
.... F. M. Bird
Chas. Matlock
The Crust of Tartar
Speedily leaves the surface of teeth upn
which the cleansing and perservative influ
ence of SOZODONT is daily exerted. Xo
form of decay can infest a seat of "ivories"
upon which it is used. It has morever, a
most refreshing efiect upon tho mouth, in
which It leaves a very agreeable tasto,, le
sides regdering tho broth fragrant. If tha
mouth be rinsed with it after smoking, tho
taste of the tobacco is entirely dissipated.
As an auxiliary to iorsonal comeliness it can
not too highly be extolled. Sold by all drug
gists. r
Market llejiort.
Portland Market.
I-ogal tenders buying. Wi soiling.
Flour Kxtra. $0 25; superflne, ti 26.
Wheat SI 5U&51 55? cental.
Oats 10c. bushel, sacked. '-Harloy--1
i H cental.
Bacon Sides He: hams. If 13 ; shoulders,
. I-ard In kps, lie. ; in 10tt tins, ll-V-c.
Butter Kresh roll, 2)(Vj,30c.
Potatoes new, &Kj,75c r bshl.
l-'ruits Dried apples in sacks, 4kc. : kofrs,
8; plums, witless, JllJc; peacies, lie;
prunes, IT.
Kzga 25c.
C hickens Fullgrown, S3 00tfv?l 00 dozen.
nines Dry, 12c ; salted. 5c; culls, H oil".
'laU w 5c V lb.
Wool I8ci(2Ic.
Feed P,r:m, $20(.j,22 50 4 ton ; shorts, ?30;
oil 0:1 ke, !0(J0.
Hay Billed, 5!) ton : loose, $9.
Onions 1V'1 24 H.
Mutton tsiietp $1 75.i.$2.
Oiv'ori City SlatUet.
Wheat Soe bushel.
Oat.3 3o Mc bushel.
Barley Choice brewing, 7.5c ?) bushel; feed,
Botatoes 7.5J
Onions 1 ouc H lh.
Flour $5 5tKW6 00 bbl.
lried Fruits Apples, 5c & ft ; plums, U312c
Apples 37. Sc box.
Butter 2u,'u.:.'o lb.
Chickens Orown, $1 00 dozen.
KKgs 2-"c dozen.
Bacon Sides, lOMfivllo V ft; hams, I VQtU.
Hay ? ID ton.
Wool 18,u e 11..
Hides -Dry, 10f12c ft ; preen, 4r,-c.
, ,r.!,u feed I'-ran, 1718 ft ton ; shorts, $27
o ton.
Fresh meats Beef, dressed, 4kc V ft: on
foot , le: dressed, hofjs, 0c; mutton sheep,
ti.rxicj) 517.).
News for the People.
Notice. I. Selinijr has a j;ooa assort ment
on hand, and is wllliuc to sell the same at a
smali advance above cost for Cash. No use
of wing to Port land when you can do as well
at home, i am determined not to be under
sold by anyone.
"Ho had so far recovered from Typhoid
Fever as to be about, ard on every fine day
for months crept snail-like to my olhce for
advice, medicine, strength. Out of patience,
I prescribed your (Fellow's, llypnphosphitcs
with a success scarcely to be credited. h;ince
then, 1 doubt if any M. 1). has prescribed and
praised it more than I."
Such was the statement made by a first-rate
pnysiciau in Jionolon, . j;., to Mr. Fellows,
and is another proot olthe unequalled inllu-
dice of Fellow's Hypophosphites over disease.
11, is pleasant to me palate; ma v betaken
. continuously for years, or discontinued at
any time without injury, and will do more
good for a given out lay of money than any
other article ever invented. Premature de
cline. Consumption, Uronchitis, Aft limn,
lileeding from the bungs, Palpitation, Feeble
and Interrupted Action of the Heart, Hull or
Klupgish Action of the Liver, Dyspepsia,
Flatulence, and all Wasting Diseases, W eak
ness and TrembPng of the Limbs, antl want
vit.alito in any orran, or Disease caused by
such want of itahty, are all succesfullv anil
rapidly treated by this remedy.
Hull's Vejetall Sicilian Hair Henewr
is a scientific combination of some of the
most powerful restorative agents in the vege
table kingdom. It restores gray hair to its
orignikl color. It makes the scalp white and
clean. It cures daudrulT and Irumors, and
falling-out of the hair. It furnishes the nu
tritive principle by which the hair is nourish
ed and supported. It makes the hair moist,
soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair
dressing. Jt is the most economical prepara
tion ever offered to t he public, as its effects re
main along time, making only an occasional
application nec-ssary. It is recommended
nn.l used by eminent medical men, and offi
cially endorsed by the State Assay of Massa
chusetts. For sale by all dealers.
Itow'n Vonr L.ivi-J
If t he skin be yellow and muddy, the bow
els const ipated ; if you have ringing in your
cars, dull pains in your side, piek headache,
sour stomach hi.t or dry skin, spots beforethe
eyes, bad taste in th... mouth, cold feet and
hands, sleepiness, giddiness, loss of appetite,
bad circulation of the blood, swelled limbs,
Ac, you may safely conclude your liver is out
of order. The liver is more apt to become
disordered than any other organ of the body,
as its duty is to filter the impurities from th?
blood. When it becomes weak, obstructed
and diseased, it must fail to do its duty, and
the whole body sutlers. Try White's 1'rairie
Flower, tho greatest known liver panacea in
tho known world. .Sample bottle, U-cts., largo
size, t-jcls. Tor sale by Ward Harding.
Uvor fs Klit.tr.
The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole
human system, as it controls the life, health
and happiness of man. When it is disturbed
in its proper action, al I kinds of ailments aro
the natural result. Tho digest ion of food, t he
movement s of I he heart and blood, tho notion
of the bruin and nervous system, are all im
meiiiately connc-etcd with the workiggs of the
Liver. It has been successfully proved that
( 1 recti's August r lower is unequalled id cur
ing ill persons atllicted with Dyspepsia or
Liver, and all the numerous syptoms that re
sult from an unhealthy condition of the
Livcrand Stomach. Sample bottles to try,
10 cents, at Ward fc Harding, Positively sold
in all towns on the Western Continent. Three
doses will prove that it is Just what you want
A llpitaliti4; Heart.
Very often persons have a palpitating hear
a Iter eating, or the loou sours cn I hestomach
The sides tremble, there is difficulty in breath
ing, headache, dizziness, nervousness, bad
breath, irritable temper, loss ofstrength.it"
any ol these sympp 111s exist you may cor
elude you aro dyspe, tic, or, that your liver is
out of order, lhe g,' Mnc 111 ice of the stomach
for the purpose of 1 issolving the food bus
become too weak, cot seotiently the food fer
ments giving rise to the distressing symp
toms above mentionet We must first ma ko
the gastric juice strong nong to take hold of
the food and dissolve it as soon as it reaches
the stomach. White Pkaikie Flower
taken before or soon after eating, before fer
mentation commences, cures all such cas-.'S.
Ask your druggists for it. Price. 25cts. and
75cts. For sale by Ward & Harding.
One of tho Brightest Charms
Of a fair face is a fine set of teeth. The ladies
being fully alive to this fact, patronize SOZO
DONT in preference to any other dentifrice.
since.they know Dy experience that it pre
serves like no oilier 1 no prisime whiteness
and cleanliness of the teeth, and makes a
naturally sweet breath additionally fragrant.
It is one of tho privileges of t ho beaux sex to
look IovpIv. and that proportion of it which
uses SOZODONT has learned that the article
contributes in no small degree to the end in
view. All druggists sell it.
G. r. : KESTER
lias just received a largo
Of the hatesf, Improved Style, and i.s now
ready totake Pictures o' all sizes and descrip
tions at as
Reasonable Rates
As can bo obtained in tho State.
Photographs, per dozen
. .3 00
Gems, oG for
Double Gems, IS for
NiDths, per doz
Card Size, per doz ,
(or 4 for 75c.)
Extra Card Size, each
. (or 4 50 per doz )
8x10, each
jfctXfPictures taken every day
days excepted) rain or shine.
. 1 5
Having put PUICES DOWN to a small fig
ure, I have determined upon a
Cash Business Only.
All vork Warranted to bo first class.' fleaso
call and examine for yourselves. One door
south of Charmsm's Store.
C. 51. KFTF,K,
Oregon City. Aug. 15, 167S. agl5-tf
W will olter Extra Inducements in both Quantity and tiuaiity.
Don't Crumble About M:rs-8 Times
After seeing how Chea p wo sell our Goods. Of course you want to do the host you can with
vour inonev, but ixjfore vou buy come and se us and we will jiive you Bargains. Good
Goods, and liow 1'rices. We have bought all the latest Stylos, and our stock .can't, lie beat
this side of San Francisco. - . ACKKUS1AN. ".
Produce sriicl Wool.
All kinds of Produce taken, and wo want all tho Wool wo can get, for which we will pay
the highest market price. Remember tho corner, at ;
Oregon City, March 8, lSTS-tf. "
Change of Climate wanted on account of Sickness
DKY - tiKOCraRIES, Etc.,
MEbrel sit zr Gvvzit- Ssicrilicc !
ParilfH indebted to mo vill please v-nll
ns ititciiil to ilose out my ontirf linsiiifss.
Oregon City, May 9, 1S78.
in workmanship is equal to
tho highest awards at tho Vienna ana uenienniai expositions-
machines, Ets capacity is
WILSON fACHlf3E5 sold
the combined sales of all
fvlEDIFJG ATTACHMENT fordoing all kindsof repairing.
agents imn ect&fB&Bfi &a ami i etc i?n.
827 & 829 Broadway. Mow
Cor. Stata & Madison Sts.. Chica&ro.
At The
Dealers i:
Pnonucrc taken fkom farmers in
exchange lor Groceries.
A splendid assortment of
Fresh Crackers and Cheese.
l;(iRiilG. Si DOMSIIU I'iiLllS.
And a full variety of goods usually kept In a
first-class Grocery Store.
We invite the citizens of Oregon City, Cane
mah and vicinity to give us a call, and if Ed.
don't give you as many and as good a quality
of poods for your money as you can obtain
elsewhere, he will leave town.
av"Ve deliver Goods to all parts of tho City
and Canemah free of chnrgc.
Oregon City. March 1. l.S77-tf. -
(Successor to T. A. Bacon)
Dealer in
art icles used for Culinary purposes. High
est market price Vaid for Country I'roduce.
Goods delivered free to all parts of .the city
or Canemah. Orders prompt iy tilled.
Oregon City, Feb. U, 18"S-tf
Dealer ix
grajn sacks and rmm
Ry"Tho highest mafrkct paid in cash for all
kinds of produce .
Two doors nortli of Factory.
Oregon City, Sept. 13, ISTT-if.
WM. KNIGHT. i'.KO. kxigiit.
Dealers in
And everj-tUin usually Kept in xv roan
I ry Hi ore.
We invite the public to call and examine
our stock before goififtto Oregon City or Port
land, as we arc selling as cheap as aiiy house
in i ne oiaic. i;omi; aim gel our prices.
lhose Indebted to the lirm will please call
and settle immediately, and safe costs.
nov8-tf KNIGHT KROS.
Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre-
pareu to iurnisu
Fir & Cedar Lumber,
Of every description, at low rates.
IJryFloorinjr, Oilinsr, Itoslic,
Surmv, (for shelving), Iiiltiei-,
Pickets, anil Fence-Posts, Ceuar,
Coiisitmtly on hand.
Street, and Sidewalk lumber furnished on
the shortest notice, at as low rales as it can bo
purchased in the State.
Oive me a call at the . , , , , , , ,,
onxvox ci r i sa ir mil ls.
Oregon City. June 10, 175 If
To all vbo are suffering from the errors and
indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness
earlvdeeav, loss of manhood, Ac. I will send
a recipe that will etm; you, fREfc. o-
:HAIiiE. This Croat remedy was discovered
by a missionary in Soul h America. Send a
pelf-addressed envoloiw to the ltKV. T. Joseph
IN man, Station D. JiiM" Iloii.sc, Xcw York.
antl pay
up immediately anil s:ve eota
lor fjjiio ai n
0 mUBUG !
a Chronometer Watch, and
unlimited. Trsere aro rnoro
in the United states man
tho others. The WILSON
FREE with each machine.
i-aW BSBf'iyfBSEea. wa
York; Kew Orleans, La.;
Ills.: and San Francisco cau
AsscB&i K-eoii City.
JL Oregon City and of the Willamette Val
ley, that he is still on hand and domg kun
ness on the old motto, that
A Nimble Six renceis Better tJtan a Slow ShiPtng
I have Just returned from San Fraji p Jifco,
where I purchased or e of tho
ever before offered in 1 his city ; and consists n
part," as follows :
Boots and Shoes,
Clothing, Dry Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Hosiery of Every Description,
Hardware, Groceries,
Oils, Paints and
Sash and Doors,?
Cblnaware, Queenswaro,
Stoneware, Crockery,
Platedware, Glassware,
Jewelry f Various Qualities
And Styles, Clrxks and
Watches, Ladies anl
Gents' Furnishing
Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy J o-
Ropc, Farming tions of Every
Implements of Description
All Kinds, Carpets,
Mattings, Oil
Cloth, Wall Taper, i ete.
Of the above list, I can say my stock is tho
ever offered in this market, and was seltetcd
Wil li especial care lor the Oregon City trade.Aii
of whicn 1 noy offer for sale at tho
Lowest Market Rates.
No use for the ladies, or any one else, to
think of going to Portland to buy goods for I
nm IMcrmintd to Sell Cheap and not to allow
myself to be
All I ask is a fair chance and quick7 pay
ments, believing as I do that
Twenty Years Experience
in Oregon City enables mc to know th re
quirements of the trade. Como one and
and see for yourselves that the old stand of
cannotbelKaleninfi:in:fyorprice. It would
be useless fr me to tell you all the advantages
I can o'fer you in the sale of goods, as every
store that advertises does that, and probably
you have ocen disappointed. All I wish to
say is
fouir, and Sep, ami Examine for Yourselves,
for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My
object is to toll all my old friends now that I
am still alive, anddesiroustosell goods cheap,
for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon.
Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto
low bestowed tuos CHARJVIAN',
Main Sfteot. Oregon City.
I,cgal Tenders and Couniy Scrip taken at
market rates. THOS. CHARMAN.
y"50,000 lbs wool wanted by
nov. 1. 75-11 THOS. CHARMAN.
Xo Advertising: Ajrent can insert an ad
vertisement in our list of twent y-six Stan.
dard Weeklies at ten dollars a line withou
losing money. Those Advertisers who wan
to obtain the host possible cireul-itioa with
out expending more than from $30 to' $ 100
should address GKO. P. ROW ELL A. CO w
Spruce St., New York.