3l)c Enterprise. OuEGO CITY. THURSDAY AIG.23,1878. A Blacksmith at the JIcllows. "We breathe easier, as we bad hazard ed the opinion several times repeated, that the N. P. It. R. survey would un doubtedly blazon a report of finding a practicable ronto over tho Cascade mountains by tbo Cowlitz, or some other never before beard of pass. We bad been anxiously scanning the col umns of its chief ojgau tho Oregonian, for its first announcement, as it is tho bonnden duty of this lusty wet nnrso to herald the birth of the discovery to a vaiting world, and a feeling of disap pointment becran to settle in somber clouds over us that we saw it not; but what was our joy and felicitation on happening to alight on philoeophor Picket's paper of Tacoma, of tho edi tion of Aug 22d, 4o find a two-column article, partly editorial, but mostly ro portorial, from the pen of Samuel Black, managing agent of tho N. P. R. R. Co., -with headquarters at Tacoma, who bulletins to the world the won Jer ful announcement wo had been antici pating, in which, eureka ! and astonish ing to relate, tbo lost is found. They have discovered that there is a feasible loxito over the Cascades, with an up ward grade of but 45 feet to the mile most ot the way, and but a very little to exceed GO feet, for a small fraction of the distanco,. and this,, taken in connec tion with tho circumstance that tho Pennsylvania Central climbs a grade of 10G feet to the mile oyer the Allegha- nies, is taken as flattering unction that it is an astonishingly easy grade They ostabliah the actual altitude by a course pf reasoning in which a poor unfortu nate civil engineer, who is absent or dead, is presumed to be a liar, and compel their instruments to certify to tho assertion in ordor to substantiate the claim. This is such a feat of legerdemain in spired by the selfish motives of the N. P. R. R. Co. that there should bo no Epecial wonderment at the claim that ongineer Tilton, who made the first several surveys, of tho passes of the Cascades, mado an error of at least one thousand feet in the actual altitude of the Cowlitz pass making it greater by that amount than it actually is. We thought toe Boston Milliner, Rob erts, could forget the furbelows of the Ilnb and do a little practical work, but he has gotten so fur-below Tilton that we pass him over to the tender mercies of the Duniway crew. However, jest ing aside, these sacrilegious liars and falsifiers of the dead Tilton discover their ghoul-liko qualities to the world, thus to rob an eminent engineer of the merit that should attach to faithful ser vice and ordinary accuracy. Enginoer Tilton was known and re garded on this coast a3 at tho head of his profession, but thus to stigmatize his work would make him out to bo a dolt and an ignoramus of the most ig noblo kind. The only surprising thing to our mind, however, is, that our fat friend, Scotty of the Oregonian, has failed to note this wonderful discovery. Wo hope our touching mention of the guess several times iterated, that he would bo the first to horald tho glad tidings to brother Atkinson and the balance of the Tacoma land ring will not deter him to do that which not only his position of leading journalist, but also leading panderer, should prompt -h im. Do not refrain from doing what a naturally sycophantic nature joins to the function of a paid toady in urging publication becauso wo have suggested that you would, and your roaders have own posed their nerves for its appoar anoa. The game of the N. P. R. R. Ring has thus far devclopod. In order to pull some string not now obvious, they have organized a surveying party for the express purpoeo to herald a possible poM, whether there is one or not. This they have found by bald falsification, which remember, and then wait for the next development which will come to the surface before long; but also re member that a dozen railroads across the Cascade mountains cannot affect tho bulk of tho freight carriage from the Columbia river, and so retain a reason bla composure when their thunder-bolt falls. Inasmuch as none bnt a paid lackoy of the N. P. R. R. Co., or a fool (wo speak this reverently having Scott and Bro. Atkinson in our mind's eye) can claim that tho terms exacted of that pompany in Senator Mitchell's exten sion bill is objectionable in any view to the interests of Orogon, or of tho mass es generally, we claim that it is not only tho right, but tho bonnden duty of the coming Legislature to memorialize their representatives in Washington at the next session of Congress to formu late present, and urge for passage, the forfeiture of tho Northern Pacific land gragt in the event of their further refusal to accede to the provisions of Mitchell's bill. Tho Legislature of Oregon owes this much to Senator Mitchell for his sturdy and indomitable fight for the people of Oregon, and the ayengement for tho broken faith of these land-sharks and adventurers should come from the delegation whose State they have betrayed and menaced. Although tho law allowing country postmasters a commission upon the salo of postage stamps has been repeal ed only six weeks, the effect is already noticeable on the sales at the city office. Tho sales have largely, increased, and the revenue to the Governmeet is, of course, larger. Under the old law. the greater tho sales at the small offices, the greater the loss to the Treasury. Legislation Needed. The Legislative session will soon be ovoluted upon us, and there is very much to do in the way of legislation to correct the present evils of the law, and to enforce the people's sovereignty in matters which requires their attention, not now asserted. The Assessment Law needs amendment for the purpose of exacting a more minute and systo&iatic statement from the taxpayer; the maxi mum of fares and freights should be established to the end that isolated communities shall not be pirated upon, where now in the clutches of monopo ly. Tho present evasion in taxes by toreign money -loaners should be at once attended to and made to. apply on this years assessment; the Corporation Laws are a botch, and should be amend ed to be made intelligible, and closer up to the spirit of the age; tho Salmon Fish ery bill introduced in tho last session should be enaoted, which being similar to that in Washington Territory, would give tio promise of lasting permanence to the fishery business; the pilotage law should be amended and ratef'cheap ened, bo that every possible impediment may bo removed which tends to restrict the shipping interests; it should bo our aim to so legislate as to make our own a cheaper and more desirable port'than San Francisco, which would do more to attract sliipnincr hither than all the other motors which ever moved a ship owner in the world; Foreign, as well as homo insuranco companies, should bo made to return a proportion of their gross receipts into tha Treasury in lieu of taxes. At loast a million dollars is paid annually for insurance in Oregon, which eroes into foreign coffers, and pays substantially nothing for tho priv ilege. The Locks company now pass their own boats through the locks without charge, thus cheating tho school fund, and making tho more onerous the bur den of their competitors, and while under their charter a minimum of rates cannot be fixed by legislation, they should be required to servo all alike, and if they choose to say one set of boats shall go free, that their rates should be uniform for all. It would be as well to abolish the separate commission and invest the same authority in the Gov ernor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer, without extra pay simply retaining a becretary at the locks to report the transactions of the company. Besides these important matters there are others quite as necessary, but those of greater- magnitude we have only room to mention. We should liko to see these matters pushed early in the session rather than that all should come to its close in a jumble, as is usually the case. Particular care should bo taken not to vote special privileges, insidious sharpers are always after lamblike con cessions to individual interests: but they generally cover a huge nigger in the fence, whose chief characteristic is self-aggrandizement. There never was a bettor opportunity for a legislator to distinguish himself and make a name for posterity than tho proscnt affords, and we hope to see all emulous of their good names, and careful to take high ground in tho interest of the general good. We have indicated legislation enough in tho eight measures we have cited to array fifty million dollars com bined capital against them, and. yet there is not one of the proposed sug gestions but what are in the interest, and' for the advancement of equal rights. A Scotch Tot-Pie. In "Practical cooking and dinner-giving" we have the following roceipt to cook a rcod-bird: "Cut a sweet potatoe lengthwise, scoop out a placq that will fit half the bird; now put in the bird afer season ing him with butter, pepper and salt, tying the two pieces of potatoes around each of them. Bake them and sorve them in the potatoes, or it can beroast od or fried in boiled lard like other birds." Wohopo Dundee William will not take tho first steamer for San Francisco nor tho wings of tho morning after reading tho above directions as to his best disposition. It does seem a pretty hard fate to be crammed inside of a sweet votatoe, but ho had no business to be small. Tho salt must bo used of course to catch him, but just why but ter and pepper am necessary we are un able to say. We should have preferred Scotch snuff instead. Wo would not recommend 1i is boiliug in lard either, as he is so very lean and dry that he would take an indescribable amount, just as a sponge absorbs water, and it would be lost in the transformation when he 'comes out done brown. Wa think William's "Take a tape and scoop out wo havo a milder recipe for Cookery. It is as follows: legislative Bill, cut red other formula lengthwise; the centre of each House that will fit the whole of the Bill; now put in the bill, after seasoning it with taxation and other condiments to bring tho other Bill to timo tying theso two propositions together, so he cannot kick over tho traces and get out- Enact this; or he can bo banished or trans ported,just as you please." Thus will the man who loans money at ten per cent, with collateral charges be made to stand his share of the tax paying racket. Ooos Bay Remands a loggers' lien law. The News savs: There is no reason why the men working in the timber should not be protected by a stringer t Jaw aguiusk worthless employers. A Husband's Reverie. After the first sigh of relief which pervades the soul as the old woman and seven children disappear behind the hill on their Summer tour, comes the balm of heavenly enjoyment to the ho half; the winged hours will noSv glide him through realms of ecstacy, and heavenly bliss, without the harrassing cares of family affairs on his overbur dened mind. Would he sleep? A sum mer afternoon siesta is his, and slum ber lulls the languor of every day ex perience. Would he smoke? Those eternal carpets and window cu. as, even if they do catch the effluvia, will not complain. Would he drink? Then drown caro and submerge grief in a drnnken bachanal with no broom stick or upbraiding in the back- ground; the house is yours, and you are noto monarch of all you survey. IIow exultant is the heart, and the blood seems to gurgitate in riotous chase through the veins as the thought of absoluto freedom electrifies its pul sations. No more will tho dauntless eye, which never shrank its duty on the battle-field, waver before the stern pierciug inflexible glance of the "old gal;" no more will legs, which like those of the Psalms, are "pillars cf beauty," quake with agued inconstancy when directed by the woman who has sworn to obey you only; you emerge from the bitterness of the gall of bond ago as tho caravan disappears from view, and the sunlight of freedom opens out to you as freely as the sun burst in a St. Patrick's proces sion.' Theso thoughts and more, revolvo through the mind as the first convulsivo gush of grief is as suaged, and the rising tear evaporated by the timo the better half dissolves in the distance; and then yon rise' "by stepping-stones of your dead self to other things:" Manhood once more asserts itself; tho vigor of earlier years return; the pulse becomes more regu lar, and your first duty seems to be to eat; tho cupboard is searched, and then a pang at woman's inconstancy shoots through the mind as tho destitute con dition of tho cooked eatables show forth. Why, by the great Jehosephatl has she not left some bread, some cake? neither is there "applo-sass" to appease the ordinary cravings of tho human anatomy. Is this leathery pie and sal- eratus-biscuit all that a fond wife leaves to a broken-hearted husband, while she junkets through the land and makes her relatives oiler up yellow-legged chick ens at tho shrine of her omnivorous ap petite, a.s if she were a Methodist min iater? IIow truly, and how often hath the poet said "Ingratitudo ! thy name is Mary Ann ?" Wo cannot, cannot being the bruised reed of a bitter ex perience -relato the toil3, trials, and few triumphs of our cookery practice How our hash which we choppod so nicely, and boiled to a minuto of time by tho watch, looked more liko biled owl than the traditional hash that gained us our present comeliness; how our bread that we i oiled with extiemo unction, and pounded with a sledge hammer to give it elasticity, became cavernous with huge openings, dry, sour and impalpable, though made with noylo's directions, under our eyo. Our coffee soemed the moro wo used of it the bitterer to become, until a dose of aloes were as sweet as dulcimer in comparison. No matter: all this is proletarian rubbish before the portals of bliss in absence. Some things, however, awaken a yearning ana a longing for the old hen and chickens that seems insupportable: in the silent watches of tho night, when nothing but the lonesome and monotonous ticking of tho clock breaks in on the ghostly silence that pervades, how sweet would it be did but the snoro of that' faithful consort by your side add its resonant allegro to the slow beat of the time sen tinel, both measured, fgnlar and sym- phonious. However, she being absent, moves us "to wrap the drapery of our couch about us, and lie dovn to ploaa ant drpams." We have heard a circumstance as to Scott's frugality which is worth record ing: Some timo during the campaign a gentleman in Oregon City, every way able to handle the subject, who is not a Mitchell man, but who, nevertheless, wa.s unable to discern wherein any of tho conditions of the N. P. R. R. time extension, as proposed by Senator Mitchell, in any way seemed unreason able or unjust, addressed o respectful letter to this high priest of the Orego nif. in which ho cited the fact that a great deal of clamor had been raised by himself and Bro. Atkinson against the Mitchell "terms," so called, without specifying which ones were especially objectionable, and calling upon him to show wherein any one of them were against tho interests of the people of Oregon or of tho public in general. This letter was sent to the editor of tho Oregonian for publication, and nine cents in postage stamps were enclosed for prepayment of the return of the letter if not published. The joke of the whole matter is that Scott basketed tho articlo and pocketed the nine cents. The smallness of tho contribution must have reminded hira of tho time when ho "passed the hat," announcing that small contributions were thankfully re ceived. Refreshing incidents of this kind send a tidal wave of earlier emo tions over impressible beings, and Scott must have wept at its remembrance as he cabbaged the postage stamps. Tho Southern Oregon Pioneer Soci ety will hold its, second annual - picnic and celebration at Jacksonville on the 12th of next month. The American of the Future. by jtjlics. Okegon Cixt, Or. , Aug. 21th , 1878. Editor Extebpbise: By permitting the following sentiments to appear in the columns of your much admired pa per you will confer a favor upon one whose sole object is the enlightenment of his fellow workmen: Tho continual agitation in one form or another which has shaken the politi cal, social and commercial fabrics of this country o late years must have a j sequel in the near future, whether the results attained will be beneficial or otherwise.it is premature to predict; but one fact is evident to all right- thinking men that there must De a change yea, a radical change in tho political and social elements of our people. To take a comprehensive view of the subject, let us discuss the three elements jn rotation, viz, Political, so cial and commercial: POIilTICAIi. What is our political standard as a nation to-day ? Will it bear a close in vestigation? Are we proud of our past record for the past quarter of a cen tury? I fear not. It ia not necessary to take in the whole country for an il lustration: one will far better under stand the question at issue to introduce a little of local politics. What are the class of people that generally form tho rings of the respective political parties in our towns, and cities? Are they men of irreproachable character, men of temperate habits, men of enterprise and business, men who havo the interest, welfare and prosperity of the communi nity at heart? I fail to find the slight est excuse for thinking so. Even local administrations have drifted into the same channel that runs through the en tire administrative system of the coun try, which is worked to tho benefit of polltail bummers. It is impossible to class this set of politicians under any other head, as they are the only means, and the willing, servile tools by which even a pretentions honest candidate can hope for office. You will find the po litical unmmer in every town and city in the Union; and to a stranger, it is for some time a mystery how these men eke out an existence for tho support of themselves and family. The political bummer 13 seldom poorly clad; has al ways a clean white shirt, ornamented more or less with tho adornments of the age; a plug hat, with the invincible staff dangling on his arm; his face cleanlv shaved, and waxed moustache, makes him a figure that always demands your attention, either from the ridicu lousness of his dress, or tho insolent affability of his manner. He must bo, from tho very nature of his role, a con spicuous character. During the dull times, when there is no electioneering on hand, you can always find him walking around tho saloons on tho look- ont for a stray drink, and is always tho walking bulletin of tho latest scandal, and invariably the originator. Ask any ono of his acquaintances what vo cation he follows, and they will answer you: "He is a politician a pohti cian, hear in mind: Hero is a mau who has never filled a local or Government position in his life; lives on tho fat of tho land; has no visiblo means of sub sistence other than ho is a politician. What a terrible parody on our boa-itod intelligence and suffragos. What a pic ture or political debauchery and cor ruption to be held up to tho supposed trampled and tyranized subjects of other Jands less free. It is from this source, this ynoilus operandi of conduct ing our elections, that life is given to the roots ot the great devouring Upas tree of political America. Purge tho local atmosphero of theso foul drones. and then you will accomplish a civil service reform that will cast in tho shade the famous edict of President Hayes, by its brightness and purity. Some timo ago I became acquainted with a candidate for a county-treasure ship. At the time of his nomination he owned a seemingly remunerative store of general merchandise. I was surprised when this man declared his intontions of selling out in the event of his being elected. " My dear fellow," said he to me one day, " if I only suc ceed in getting olocted, I will bo nicely fixed at the end of my term." I knew at the same timo that do was spending a largo amount of money among the political myrmidons that always cluster around a candidate for offico, and was aware that tho office was worth legiti mately only 1,500 a year for throe years. At the least calculation, this man spent pver a ' thousand dollars to procure his election, which ho nlti marely did accomplish. Now what conclusion can be drawn from the above? Can any other be drawn than that the whole political sys tem of our country is rotten to the core? This is nothing new: every reader of tho Enterprise is cognizant of similar cases. The money spent so freely daring election times, and the numerous gift3 and jircsents so lavishly bestowed on communities are simply baits of joliti cal speculators, to be wrung back a hundred fold in taxation and monopoly laws by these soft-soaping politicians. I cannot say that I endorse tho plat form of the Workingnien of California; but this much I will say: that tho Pa cific States are indebted to Kearney and his followers for unearthing some of the mpst villainous and daring schemes ever projected to rob and impoverish tho country that was ever conceived by the worst class of political speculators that ever tarnished, the reputation of any country. It is unnecessary to enumerate tho cases, as they are too fresh in the minds of the readers of your valuable paper. Already those exposures are bearing fruit, as was seen in tho last State convention election in California; but we have yet to learn what role the new party will play now, that they are to a certain measure in power. Let U3 hope that they will prove true to the thousands of honest voters who entrusted them with their suffrages, and that they will inaugurate a new era in the political arena, and that their main and sole object will bo the amelioration of the lower classes, and the reduction and equalization of taxation. May this, their first incep tion, prove the death-knell to political bummers and treasury pilferers. When this will be inaugurated then will com mence tho foundation for a free and un adulterated local and general adminis tration. (To be continued. J The -Washington Constitutional Convention. Happening at Oak Point last week we made the acquaintance of Alexander Abernethey, whom we found to be a gen tleman of extensive erudition and ge nialty, and who, as President of the Constitutional Convention of Washing ton Territory, did much to formulate a constitution abreast of the intelligence of the age, On account of this, and be cause in tho measure of equity between man and man, it gave no preference, it meots with the decided opposition of all tho corporations and money powers in the Territory. It prohibits the giving of special privileges, and thus incurs their enmity. It provides that the Legisla ture shall from time to time affirm a maximum of fares and freights over transportation routes in accord with the decision of the courts, and decrees that they shall be regarded in the law as common carriers, and tho railroad in terests are hostile. It provides for the taxation of sectarian properties, and the church becomes militant against it. It trenches on the muniments of mon opoly and monied autocracy, andjbrings all to a common level before the law, which is the very essence of Republi canism, and as such deserves the sup port of every honest citizen in tho Ter ritory. On account of its attack on the assumed rights of the few it meets with their powerful opposition, and there docs not teem to bo a newspaper in tho Territory but whose independence is powerfully shaken with the gift of a icomplimentary pass over a railroad or steamboat route, and thus unfortunately the people are left without an earnest exponent of the im partial symmetry of the new constitu tion. Unless some advocate rises up to acquaint the masses with its true adaptability to the wants of that Terri tory, it will unquestionably be voted down, as its opponents are earnest against it, owi&g to theexactitudo which levels them. They will array every vote which money and influence can command against it. Tho silence of the Washington Territory press as to the merit of tho proposed constitution does not mean apathy, but rather dur ess, nnder tho fear or favor of the mon eyed powers. If the people aro alive to their interests they will vote en masse for tho body of the Constitution, but we anticipate a contrary result, owing to the want of organs to acquaint them with its beneficial intendments. BORN. At Vancouver, Auj. 15, to the wife of Rev G. V. Day, a son. In this city, Aug. 21, to tho wife of Mr. X. O WaUlen, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY. WILHOIT'S SODA SPRINGS. rillUS POPULAR SUMMER RESORT HAS JL just leen refitted and remodeled, and is now opened to the public by NOBLE & MANN. At this hotel tho tables will b spread with ho best, tho market affords, and particular pains win be taken to advance the comfort of guests in every particular. Campers will find everything in the way of Edibles, Groceries, Canned Fruit, Provisions, Etc., Et-, In the Store. Tho BATH HOUSE Will ho in competent hands, and will be fur nishediin a comfortable manner. Board at the Hotel, per week f" (0 Meals and bed each 50 Compare for tho season I 00 Horse feed, etc., on tho ground. The various charges at the Springs will bo very reasonable. Friday, Sept. 6th, 1373. BASKET PICNIC AND GRAND BAIL! Music by Salem Brass P.and. NOBLE & MAXX. May 30.5-tf Imperial Mills, D. W. BURSiDE, Oregon City, Oregon, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON II AN D FOR sale FLOUR, BRAS, MIBDLISGS & CHICKEN FEED. Parties purchasing food must furnish tho sacks. K3-50.000 KusUds cf Wlieat Wanted ot the market ju ice. Oregon City, August 29, lST3-tf. Notice. rpiIOSE INDEBTED 7 0 THE UNDER JL sipned aro invited to como to the front and settle without delay. We mean business. KNIGHT BROS. Cakby. Aug. S9, 1878. DISSOLUTE OF PARTNERSHIP. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ii co-partnership heretofore existing le twecn T. A. Bacon and F. M. Hanson, In the Harlow House, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, T. A. Bacon retiring. All accounts are payable to F. M. Hanson, who will c-ontiuuo the business at the old stand F. K HANSON, Aug. 25.7S 2w. T. A. BACON. A Rare Opportunity. From 40 to loo acres of good land. 1M miles from New Era, for sale cheap. Tho whole tract part under cultivation, for $1,000, or; will sell ID acres at f S per acre. Enqu ire of SEBA NORTON, ag22-tf New Era, Clackamas Co., Oregon. Settle Up. All parties indebted to tlvo lato Arm of Ward & Harding are requested to make immediate payment to t ho undersigned. ag2-J-tf GEO. A. HARDING. LAST NOTICE. Any one owing me money must pay up within two weeks from date or stand all con sequences thereafter.' Oregon City.. August 1st. 187S. For Sale. IOUU HEAD OP WORKHORSES FOR sale by W. A. Staekwkather, living on east hank of Willamette fivpr, four miles north of Oregon City. Terms of sale, cash. OitEUON Cixy, Aug. 8. 1878-3t. PROBATE NOTICE. TK. WAIT. COUNTY JUDGE, WILL ho at his offico in this city every Monday from o'clock a. M. to 4 r. M. for the transac tion of probate business. Oregon City .July 18, 1878-tf. CHAS. K. CAUFIELO, BROKER, Oregon City, Ojru. W1M, BUY AND SEI.I COUNTY AND City Orders. Notes discounted on reasonable terms. Ioatis negotiated. Money on hand at all times to loan on first class security. Deposits received subject to order. six per cent, interest paia on time deposits (not less than three months). Office With K. It. EasMiam in Hirers' Brick.. my9.78-tf. HAVE OPENED TOE BARLOW HOUSE- I HAVE GIVEN THIS POPULAR HOUSE a thorough renovation from cellar to gar ret, and propose to make it a house second to none in Oregon, this side of Portland. Everything: will be done to advance the com fort of the guests. The House Is largo and commodious. Itort and LiClj?ln? per week $5 OO lioard per week 4 WO Uleals unu lit-fia, eo.cn ta Free Coach to a d from the II o tel. T. A. B4CO.Y, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 3t. lS78-tf. NOT FAIL to send for onr Catalogue. I contains price and description of most every article li ircn- valuable to AJTY PERSOJi eontempiai lnjr I lie parrliase of any article for cr oHnl, anlly or Agricultural one. We have done a large t rade tlie past season in tlie remote parts of the Territories, and have, with few exceptions, exceed ed the expectations of tlie purchaser, many claiming to have made a saying of 40 to OO per cent. We mall these ilH III II w-ma. tATALOUIKS TO Ante .ic, FBEkT" PUX APPUCATIOJi. We sell oar goods to all mankind at wholesale prices In quantities to suit. Iteferciice, First National Uanh, Chicago. M0NT60MERY WARD A. CO., Original Grange Supply House, 87 4t 2X9 Wabash Avew, Chicago, III. JOHfiS S C H R A ftfi , Main St Oregon City. 3IAMTFACTHiER AXD IMPUBTEB OF i- -2 S!iHei, Harness, &'t?i SutldU-ry-Ua.ru-t'&SiiSk ware, etc., etc. W HICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can he had in the !Sta,te, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. t7"l warrant my gixids as reprf-sonted. JOHN SCHUAM, Raddle and Harness Maker OroRon City, Oregon, ;ov. 1, is;5-tf. 3. T. CLOVER, PAINTING, KALSOJI1MXO AM) PLASTEltlC. "Vsrim coxtract r.Y the square T or- hy the job. The lest stock in the market used in every Instance. Orders left at the l'ogtolico will receive prompt attention. Oregon City, April 18, lSTS-t f. GAlVIBRIfiUS BEER. THIS CELEBRATED BEVERAGE FROM I j. Feurer's Brewery, at Portland, is con stantly kept on draught at JACK TRfeMSATii'S SALOON. It is the best !eer ia the city, and we invite the public to call and Rive it. trial. Oregon City, March 1, l.S78-tr. " CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OR EG ON. T. V. OHO DEB, I'opi'iotor. Tra rtsieitt iioan), 51 to -3 per Dwij. Single Men l.H SO cent. Krmi-i! -r Week S. OO Itoardaiid Lolrii:r. per Hffk. "fct; OO The Table will be supplied with the best tho market n (lords. Ball Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19. 1873 :tf M. C. ATI IKY, ATT'Y FOR AIMX. Final Settlement. In tho matter of the estate of C. C. M. Newton, deceased. mHE ADMINISTRATRIX OF SAID E3 JL tate has filed, in the County (bun of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, her ac counts and vouchers for final settlement ; and t he Court has appointed Monday, the 23d day oi September, 1S7S, for the examination of said account and final settlement of said es tate. All persons interested are notified to file their except ions, if any they have, before that date. By order of Hon. J. K. Wait, Judge of said Court. W. II. H. FOUTS, County Clerk. HERMAN KATLER, 78 Fix-st Stxeet, POUTIAND, OREGON. BILLIARDS A?ID SAMPLE RGOnlS. c. TV 'UNSET, JU. t UNDERTAKER, Carriage and Wagon Maker. 5 -! - rivin JL spe UNDERSIGN ED WOULD UE- pect fully announce to the public that he has a larire stock of coflins on hand and has Just completed one of tha finest Hearses in the State, and is now prepared to attend to any orders in that line. C. P, VTIXSET. Oregon City, May , 1878 2m. Choice Bargain. J Xi ACRES OF RICH LAND OX M-.999 the Clackamas river, 3H VJ!,.lrom Oroor City; 1 mile from Paper Mill Railroad Station ; 25 acres in cultivat ion ; 5 3fi acres of orchard ; 10 acres under fence; Jn running water on the place. Price, $ 1,5m) : fl.OQi) doa-n; balance on time, with terms e,ysy- " T. BAR'IXETT. Obegox Citv, Aug Sth, 1578-3iu. CHRIS. ZAUHER, DEPOT SALOON, Opposite the Railroa d Depot, KKEPS THE BEST HKER AXD CIGARS in t ho City. Oivo him a call. ii-5-tf. STTho National OoUt Medal was awarded to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Meda for the liept in the world. 429 Montgomery Street. San Francisco. B THANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR Sale at this office. Justices of the Apace can setanythinc intheir line. mm attention;! I. SELLING INDUCEMENTS, GOODS WAY DOWN IN PRICES ! CALL AND BE CONVINCED 07U Brick Store 2 doors north of drug store. 50,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED! Wo will pay the highest market price, PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Oregop City, May 16, 1878. ESTABLISHED I860. R. S. & A. P. LACEY, ATT0RNEYSAT-LAW. 529 Seventh Street, Washington, D, C. Patents and Inventor. Wefsecure Letterf Patent on Inven tions. No attorney fees in advance in appli cations for Patents in the United States. q charges unless the patent is granted. No. additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Special attention given to In terference Cases before tho Patent Office, Ex tensions before Congress, Ipfringement Suits in different States, and all litigAtion apper taining to Inventions or Patents. e als pro cure Patents tin Cunada and other roreign countiies. Send Stamp for Pamphlet giving lull instruction and terms. U, S. Courts anil Departments. Claims prosecuted in the Sorreme Court or the United States, Court of Claims, and all classes of war claims before the Executive Departments. Arrears of Bay and Bounty. Officers, Soldiers ana Sailors of the lats war, or their heirs, are in many cases ent titled to money from the Government, of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stump, and a full reply after examination, will be given you without charge. 'Pensions. disabled, however slightly, from wounds, ruptnre or ot her injuries, or diseases received or contracted in the lino of duty in the late war can obtain a pension. Many now draw ing pensions are entitled to increase. - " U. S. General Land Olllce. Contested T-and Cases, Private Iand Claims, Mining -Prerempuon, andHomesiead Cases presented before the General I-aud Oilica and Department of the Interior. Land Warrants. We pav cash for Rounty Land Warrants and Additional Homestead Scrip. We invite correspondence with all parties having any for sale, and give full and explicit instruc tions where assignments are imperfect. We conduct our buisness in seperate Hureaus, having therein the assistance of able and experienced lawyers and clerks, and give our closest ersonal supervision to' every important paper prepared in each cas. Promptest attention thus secured to all Liberal arrangements made with attorneys in all classes of business. Address R. S. & A. P. LACEV, AtlorncY, Washing ton, I). C. We prefere to Hon. M. CI. Emory, Presi dent. -a national i-janK, v asniufn-on, u. ; O. E. Prentiss,. Esq., Cashier German Am. National ll.uik, Wnshington. I. C. ; Hon. C. Eewev, Irest. liar. Natl. Rank, Cad iz.Ohio ; Hon. H. Wuldron, V. Pirst. 1st Natl. Rank. Jlillsidale, Mich. ; J. R. Hann5,E sq., Cashier City Natl. Cank, Denver, Col,:J. J). Knox, Esq., Ranker, Topeka, Kansas. CLACKAMAS COVXTY D1HIXTORT. TERMS OF COURT. Circuit Vmtri Fourth Monday in April and the Fourth Monday in September. Cwtnti Court First Mondays in January, April, July and Septemin-r. Uowittf Scot Oregon City. Crruiiti Ojiiecrx 'ourtty JuOge, J. K. Wait; County Clerk, W. II. ll. Fonts ; Slu-nlT, John J. Pilsbury; Treasurer, F. S. Dement; School Superintendent, N. W. Randall; Assessor, Jos. Darstow ; Coroner, W. (jri;ives; Sur veyor, N. O. Walden -. Commissioners, Jacob Iiauor and Albert Walling. JIVE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. MEN. Istivycrx Johiison fc McCown, and E. L. Eastham. Uoctorx W. N. Davis, Oregon City ; and C. Knight, Can by. 'Dentist J. Welch. DruffrrixtJt Ward Harding. Merchant Thos. Charman, dry griods anil groceries;. Ackerman Rros., dry goods and groceries: Fellows & Harding, groceries; I. Se 1 1 i ng, dry good s a n d groceri -s ; R. A. Hughes," dry goods and groceries. Hotels Clin House, Barlow House. Jieer Saloon Chris. Zauner, at the depot. J'-wcler W. H. Highlield. Hooks and Stationery J. M.Racon.postofflce. Flouring JffltJ. D. Miller. Hmcerjj Humbel & Madder. Jlamex d S'Mkltc John Schram. Saw JiM George Broughton and C.Cutting. Livery Stable E. B. Clements. WANTED. i fi TONS OF STRAW WANTED AT ""rfcwW the ClackamasPaper Mills, Prr ton, delivered. Parties having teahisunem ployed would do well to call on the under signed at the Mills. W. LEWTUWAiT. Oregon City, Aug. Sth. l7S-4w. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STAKJL.E. THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF the Livery Stable on Fifth street, Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Bujrijjea, Carriages . and Hacks. Saddle aud Hugrgy Horses. Irices Reaspnablo . 3. CLEJViENTS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1S75. Proprietor. . Johnson, McCowu &' Ulacram, Att'ys. Final Settlement. In the 'County Coutt of Clackamas county, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of A. J. Stubbs, de ceased. JULIA A. STUr.P.S, ADMINISTRATRIX of the above entitled estate with the will annexed, having filed her final report and account with necessary vouchers and prayed for final settlement, it was ordered and ad judged by the lion. County Gourt of the coun ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, that Mon day, the 2d day of Sept., 1878, be set apart for the final hearing of said report at which time any person interested can appear and filo objections to said final settlement if any they have. JULIA A. STUBBS, Adm'x, with the will annexed of said estate. August 1, lSTS.dw JOILVSOX, McCOirX & MACRtJJI. Citation. IN THE CQUNTY COURT OFTHECOUS; ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, in tho matter of the estate of Adam Weatherston, deceased. John T. Apperson, administrator of said es tate, having filed a petition praying for an order to sell the following described renl es tate belonging to said estate, to-wit : Block No. 11. situated in the County Addition to the town of Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore gon, to enable him to pay claims against said estate, charges and expenses of administra tion. The Court ordered that the 10th day of September, 187X, be set for hearing of all mat ters in said jetit ion contained, ami that cita tion he published in the Okfgon City Enter prise. Theretore, in the name of the Stato of Oregon, you, Ann Weatherston, William Went herton, Lillian Weatherston and Herb ert H 'eatherston, heirs nt law of said deceased; and all other heirs unknown, if any there be, are cited to be and appear in said Oorrt on tho Kith day of September, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. and show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale should notlie made as In the" petition prayed for. J. K. WAIT, County .Tihlge of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Attest : W. II. II. Fouts, Clerk. Oregon City, Aug. 8, ISTMd.