Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 13, 1878, Image 4

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Wit and Huinor. i
. ''A want of the age" Ilair. !
IiiFLE club A gang of thieves. I
A brass band A pinchbeck ring.
Irredeemable bonds Vaga-bonds.
When ia a prisoner likeagunt When
he is discharged.
Wasted A "picture of happiness"
for a "frame of "mind."
No one but a' coward strikes in the
dark, . and then he only strikes a light.
If I were in the sun and you were out
of it, what would the sun become? Sin.
A motto for the man with tender feet :
"Cornucopia" A copious amount of
''Yes," said a man, as he bent his el
bow to raise the twentieth glass of beer,
"it is overwork that kills."
"Dying in poverty," says a modern
moralist, "is nothing; it is living in pov
erty that comes hard on a fellow."
It is said that the Vice-President goes
right ahead and never smiles. lie must
be a stern-Wheeler. New York Herald.
Lady on shopping excursion "Oh,
dear, that blanket is much too good ! I
want it for charitable purposes." Punch.
"and what is arithmetic f ' asked a
teacher in one of our city private schools
"A book with sums in," shouted a ten-
year-old boy.
"What is wisdom?"' asked a teacher of
a class of small girls. A bright-eyed
little creature arose and answered : "In
formation of the brain."
""fnE biscuit," says a newspaper writer
"is the national gastric clog, the huge
sporegerm of seif-propagating and self-
perpetuating dyspepsia."
An India.ru bber baby has been con
structed that looks and screams so like
the natural one that it requires an experi
enced mother to tell the difference.
Provident Minister. "I wish to
state that I have procured an alarm clock
that.will wake up the congregation as
soon as the service is over." Harper's
"Go out, young man, she's not here,
said a Tuskegee preacher last Sunday, in
the midst of his sermon, to a youth whom
he saw standin
hesitating in the door
The czar is self-sacrificing, lie is even
. willing to give Servia some more Turkish
territory, for the sake of peace. That
beats Artemus Ward's patriotism.
It is well enough to denounce tramps
and say they won't accept positions.
Just offer one of them the presidency of
a bank once. That would be a square
test. Puck.
Baltimore consumes more tea than
any other city in the Union, and they
don't plant it either. Free Press.
Hence the word "Bawl-tea-more."
Phila. Bulletin.
"I say, Jim," said one friend to anoth
er, on meeting, "I hear our friend A. has
been in speculation heavily. lias he
. made anything?" "Yes." said Jim, "he
made an assignment."
Canada's invitation :
Here is a rest for those who skip
A. home for flying cashiers found;
Far from the law's avenging; grip.
They live in peace and slumber sound.
Circcsses are a little backward this
season. Only five of them are the "big
gest show on earth." Each of the other
six is simply the "most complete aggre
gation on the road." Norristown Herald,
Good-natured Doctor : "Stay, those
eyes can be cured. I will undertake the
operation and restore the sight." Beggar:
"And deprive me of my livelihood? A
pretty ideal Do you want to ruin me?"
Funny Folks.
l he time nas come wnen tae coroner
will be called to hold inquests in the edi
tor's sanctum, and for the juries to begin
to sign verdicts reading, "Died from of
fering an editor poetry on spring. Justi
fiable homicide."
Bridget "Wot's the most genteel
thing for a lady as is a lady, to carry in the
street, Nora?" Cook "Sure, thin, some
preters a three-volume book; but I pre
fers a roll of music meself quite care
less and aisy like."
"A vacuum would be the best place for
a lellow to iall into, wouldn't it, liilli tor
then, you know, he wouldn't fall against
anything." "Yes, he would, though,"
stoutly answered Bill; "he would fall
against his inclination."
What if book agents should begin to
carry phonographs about with them. The
thought is dreadful and keeps us awake
nights.- Oh, Edison, we implore thee,
call in the phonograph and issue no
more. Neu York Mail.
Edison's phonograph can -whistle,
sing, howl and jaw, but it can't throw a
stone at a yowling cat on the back fence,
or kick achromo agent off the front stoop.
There is still lots of room for improve
ment. Norrisloxen Herald.
Kimball, the church-debt raiser, was
persuaded to attack the debt of a New
York daily newspaper a few days ago,
and he was thrown seven to . eight. lie
sustained a sprained back and a fracture
of the left clavicle. lie says he is not a
Two wealthy wood carvers in Massa
chusetts have founded a home for desti
tute members of the craft. Why don't
some of our wealthy poets fouud a home
for destitute poets? This could be done
by roohDg in one or two continents.
Banbury Ntws.
A green sportsman, after a fruitless
tramp, met a boy with tears in his eyes
and said : "I say, youngster, is there
anything to shoot "round here?" The
bo j answered, "Nothin' just 'bout here.
but there's the schoolmaster t'other side
the hill. I wish you'd shoot him."
The charms of country life: M. de
Calinaux has had two electric bells placed
at the head of his bed. "A good idea,"
said a friend ; "one is for your servant,
but the other?" "That communicates
with the dog-kennel." "What for?" "To
prevent him from barking when I hear
burglars." j
Student : - "Now, professor, do you
not believe that relations of honor should
exist between pupil and teacher?" Pro
fessor: "Certainly, sir." lWell, then, I
tell you, on my honor as a man, that my
examination paper, which I hold in my
hand, is first grade, and will not hand it
in. it is merely to save you trouble, sir.
William VidetU.
Oke of the Frankfort house of Roths
child called on the Emperor William at
toe oeginning of his illness, "ion see,
said the -Emperor. "I -have passed mv
eightieth year, and at that age one must
oegm to tnintt of the end." "Ohr re
plied M. de Rothschild, "vour Malestv
was born to live a hundred years, and we
wauners snail not let you go at less than
The American Kins: of Beasts.
The jaguar has been called the Ameri
can "king of beasts;" and his title to
that rank is less doubtful than that of
his Old World relation, the lion, whose
claim to superior strength, swiftness, and
sagacity, is not only disputed by the ele
phant, but -by the gorilla, the orang
outang, and the rhinoceros, and above
all by the Bengal tiger, who is his match
in strength, and more than his match in
swiftness and cunning. The grizzly bear
of the Rocky Mountains surpasses him
in weight, and, perhaps, in the bone
crunching power of his jaws, but these
advantages are more than offset by the
greater agility and general vigor of the
tropical giant-cat.
Governor Pacheco, of California, las
soed an old grizzly in the Contra Costa
Mountains, a lew years ago, and dragged
him home to his mother's ranch; and the
same feat has been repeatedly performed
by other sportsmen of his native State;
but, to use the words of an old Mexican
hunter of my acquaintance, you might
as well try to lariat Old Scratch himself
as an old jaguar.
In the summer of 1S6S a French gun
boat, La Belle Rhone, landed ammunition
and supplies for the Maximilian govern
ment, in the harbor of Sasal, and before
leaviDg the harbor took a fine jaguar on
board, that had been purchased by an
agent of the new zoological garden of
Slarseilles. The brute had been cap
tured in a pitfall in the neighborhood of
Merida, and, being a full-grown and
beautiful specimen, was preferred to dif
ferent tame ones which the citizens of
the town offered for sale, though his
ferocity made it necessary to confine him
in a cage of charca sticks, a species of
wood that does not easily break, but
splinters like bamboo, and resists the
attempt of any animal to gnaw it by
lacerating its gums.
When the cage was brought on board
the captive seemed to know that his re
maining chances of escape were num
bered by minutes, and braced himself for
a last effort. In the moment when his
movable prison was beinj; lowered
through the hatchway, he forced his paw
through the staves, reached out and tore
the shoulder of the nearest sailor, with a
succession of ripping blows. The man
jumped aside, yelling murder, his mates
slipped their grip, and the cage, jaguar
and all, tumbled down fifteen feet,
straight into the hold, and upou a pile of
pig-iron ballast, which fractured its bot
tom board.
The men stood aghast, and the shrieks,
and the rush of stampeding laborers be
low, confirmed their worst tears; the
jaguar was running at large in the hold
ot the ship.
Ignorant of the ladder and stairway
conveniences, the brute attempted to
regain the superas auras of the deck by
the same road he had come down, and,
after jumping from rafter to rafter,
reached the luminous gate of the upper
world by a desperate leap; and in the
nick of time, for the sailors on deck had
recovered their wits, and were dragging a
trapdoor towards the dangerous hole.
They were letting it down when its edge
on one side came in contact with some
obstacle; a paw was pushed through
from below, a frightful head quickly
after, and, heedless of the bellowed pro
testa of the first mate, two of the men
broke and ran. They returned, one with
a handspike, and the other with a heavy
bucket, but the delay had been fatal ; the
brute had got its second paw through,
and, in spite of a shower of blows, en
larged the opening sufficiently to free the
rest of its body.
A sauve qui petit followed, and the tiger
jumped on deck and stood there for a
second, clarinj; around with bloodshot
eyes. But only for a second; fully con
scious, it seemed, that there was not an
other moment to lose, he used the trap
door as a jumping-board, and cleared
the gunwales with a flying leap.
lhe boat had erot under way some
time ago, but had followed an along
shore course, so that the distance to terra
firma was not very considerable a mile,
or a mile and a half at the farthest. But
Don Ticron was by no means tut of
trouble yet; rifle-balls, carbine balls, and
pistol-balls made the water fly around
his head, and the marines were just com
ing up with their muskets, when the
French lieutenant interfered :
"Cessez-ca, me Cossaques 1 , A chap
that could beat us fair and square on our
own deck ought not to be shot in the
water, like a cowardly deserter; give him
a chance."
The chance was poor enough anyhow,
fcr the Bay of Sisal swarms with sharks
and spear-fish; but fortune favors the
brave, and, to his intense disgust, the
man with the torn shoulder saw the brute
and on the opposite shore, shake him
self, and disappear in the willow thick-
Before night be was probably back in hio
old haunts in the Lagotasso, a wiser if
not a better jaguar. Appletons1 Journal.
A French gentleman lately journeyed
to Marseilles, taking with him the body
of his mother-in-law, who had expressed
a wish to be buried in the lamiiy vault
in that city. When he reached Marseilles
and went with the Commissioner of Po
lice to receive the body from the railway
officials, he noticed that the coffin was
not that which he had delivered to them.
The officials had sent to Toulon the cof
fin containing his mother-in law's body,
L .1! ; . i , , .. .
ueueving mat it ueia tue remains ot a
deceased Admiral, which was to be em
barked for interment in Algeria, while
the coffin awaiting delivery was the one
which should have been sent on. The
gentleman having requested the officials
to communicate with Toulon by tele
graph, proceeded hither himself with the
coffin of the Admiral. He aspprtainp.1
when he got there that the first coffin had
been duly received, taken on board, amid
the thunder of fort and fleet, the State
vessel which was waiting for it, and dis
patched to Algeria. He at once called
upon the Maritime Prefect of Toulon
and explained the circumstances of the
case, but though a dispatch boat was sent
in pursuit, the other vessel was not over
taken.' He is now at Toulon awaiting
her return, and declines to give up the
coffin containing the deceased Admiral
until he regains possession of his mother-in-law's
A little boy who went to church was
told to remember the text, which was:
"Why stand ye here all the day idle?
Go into my vineyard and work, and what
soever is right, that I will pay thee!"
Johnny came home and was asked to re
peat the text. He thought it over for
awhile, and then cried out, "What do
vou stand round here doing nuffin for?
Go into my barnyard and go to work, and
I'll make it all right with you."
Joseph Cook says that the five great
powers that rule toe universe are the par
lor, pulpit, press, politics and police,
In short, he says, let ua have p's.
The Increased Suicide Rate.
mi. a. it i I
- .uv.vw or
the number of BUicides in this country is
evident on reading the records as
puu- ui
lished in the daily papers. Every day
the dispatches chronicle the suicide of
from three to five persons, whose promi
nence or the circumstances ot whose
death make the announcement of general
interest. During one month of the pres
ent year the weekly average of such sui
cides was over twenty, and possibly the
average has been nearly as great for all
the months. The reported cases take in
all grades of society, and include young
people as well as old; people prosperous
and in good health as well as people
disappointed and sick.
A correspondent of The Inter Ocean ex
presses his opinion that the increase in
the suicide rate is owing to the publica-
tion of the particulars of every case of I
suicide, and the throwing about the act,
in so many instances, the atmosphere of
martyrdom or heroism. Believing that
the publication of such cases exercises an
nnwholesome influence ou persons of
morbid imagination, leading them to
adopt, for the sake of notoriety, the meth-
ods of the suicide, this correspondent asks
that all suicide items be omitted, at least
., n .i:: t mi. t.
This approximates to a theory of sui-
cide that has many advocates. As a wav-
ward and disappointed boy takes a mel
ancholy satisfaction in doing "something
that will make him sick, and picture the
remorse and grief of his parents when
they see him sick unco d-;ath, so it is ar
gued that a person suffering from disease
or worried by-disappointment and trou
ble, turns to a resort that promises relief
from all, and to an act that, while it
stops all reproaches, arouses the sympa
thy of friends and appeals to the charity
of enemies.
Uas a man been wronged, he imagines
that self-de3truction in some way makes
the fact prominent, and that his self-im-
uiumuuu uiitb.es tue puuuc me insiru-
ment for reproaching and punishing those
who nave wronged him. A man who
thinks he has not been understood or ap
preciated, is apt to fancy that his sud
den taking-ott in a mysterious way will
open the eyes of the world to the talent
and ability that was allowed to perish
with, him and, animated by this thought,
he takes his revenge on the public by an
act Which he hopes will tear their hearts
Wltll remorse.
The letters left bv mauv suicides fchow I
that in some such spirit they contemplat-
eu fceu-uesirucuon. utneis write as
though they were siaply tired of life,
aud disgusted with their own infirmities.
Others, again, write not at all, but carry
ail clue as to motive with them into the
beyond. While the . public looks upon
suicide as cowardly, it is easy for the
person who has determined on suicide to
convince himself that his act is in some
seuse heroic. Certain it is that such
thinking on suicide makes men mad, aud
in seeking causes for the increased rate of
sell-destruction, we may find the princi
pal one in the tact that w ith the change
in public opinion tovv.ard the suicide has
come a disposition to dwell more on the
romantic aud peculiar features of suicide
in the old time the suicide was counted
in the list of outcasts. The act itself re
ceived the severest condemnation of the
church, and was looked upou with hor
ror by the people. There was iu pub
lic print aud common conversation no dis
position to excuse and no tendency to
justify the act of an array of causes, or
by enlarging upou the troubles and
trials of the deceased. There was no en
couragement to dwell on the subject in
secret or public, but popular sentiment,
custom, aud tradition all were so many
influences to direct men s minds away
Irom the subject. The sentiment in the
churches, the attitude of the church it
self, and the feeling among the people at
large, all have changed. There is now
more cuarity lor tue act, and more con
sideration lor the person who commits
Hi.i.. F.-v.. n .. 1 II.. . f
ouluuc' iuu luimwijf, uuu iuu mcaua ui
dlltCting public thought to such occur-
rence, having greatly increased, are used
without scruple. In this change of pub
lie sentiment we may find one reason for
the increase in the suicide rate.
(supplementary- to this is the fact that
suicides find -apologists and defenders in
many brilliant and erratic writers. An
article is published written years ago by
John M. Binckley (who is t-aid to have
committed suicide a few days since)
which is in effect a strong plea for chari
table judgment on the suicide. If Mr
Tii nf k I o 7 jiiit rr tvi m if cnifiiln o I toi
to the disappointments of his career the
ra-on imr common n li.p.H)fil minna nnrl
the htucie written in former years shows
tl:ui nis mind had been dwelling on the
subject, and that he had taken the firtt
step in the direction of danger.
Jiany seeK causes lor the numerous
suicides in the hard times and incident
privations. As a rule, however, the trials
of people struggling against poverty tend
to rouse the very qualities in human na
ture that contribute to wholesome and
practical thought, even though it be com
mon place and prosy. Chicago Inter
Applying the Sehmox. The Rev.
3Ir. , oi the Unitarian Unurcn in a
neifrhboriDK btate, preached a sermon a
few Sundays Eince on the importance of
savim; "ISO, ' ana iu tue course oi it
dwelt impressively on tne moral courage
required to use that monysyllable at the
right time. Alter the sermon a collec
tion was taken for a very deserving char-
itv. When the conirresration was dis
missed, a certain newspaper man way
laid the pastor in the vestibule, and
seizin": him by the hand thanked him ef
fusively for the sermon one of the most
effective he had heard. The pastor mod-
estlv rcDlied : "I'm elad vou think 60,
but cannot see why you should
"Why." replied he of the newspaper,
"when 1 went into church I was fully de
termined to give five dollars to that char
ity, but your sermon impressed me so
deeDlv that I found couraare to resist the
temptation, and let the plate-passer go
by with an emphatic "No r-iWifor'f
Drawer, in Harper's Magazine.
Thb Lewiston, Maine, Journal tells the
folio wins storv: tlA geutlemau trom
North Lexinston, JIasa., who formerly
resided in this -countv. tells a singular
circumstance which occurred recently in
that town, in which a man was actually
'kicked to death by adead horse.' It seems
that the man's horse had died, a grave
had been dug for the animal's body, and,
with the assistance of another man, the
owner was proceeding to lower the t ody
to its final resting place. As it reached
the edge of the cavity, it accidentally
lurched over, one of the animal's hoofs
caught in the frock which the man wore
and threw him over the beast, headfore
most, into the hole where be struck upon
his head, breaking his neck."
A Manifest Absurdity.
x.u is iuauiiesLi v aosuru iu ciuiui mi
T4- X. t r . j . 1 ,v ? a win Af A
m 11 I an r rr i r an a IrAPOrlvP IlmDcI UC3.
Yet this ia what is daily done by the vendors
cuuup local Diners, coioreu iu mane tuu
look attractive, and agreeably flavored, but
ine alcoholic basis of wmcli is oi ine vueti.
and most hurtful description. The transcend
ent success of Hcstatter's Stomach Bitters,
the leading alterative ionic of tbe United
States,haa induced many of these compound
ers of drams in disguise to attempt the coun
terfeiting of this standard medicine, but their
efforts have never proved successful on a
large scale, and they have themselves in
many instances notoriously "come to grief,"
through the instrumentality of the law.
The genuine Bitters have, indeed, a spiritu
ous basis, but they are emphatically a medi
cine, since their botanic ingredients are sig
nally efficacious in overcoming and prevent
ing chills and fever, dyspepsia, liver com-
plaint,constipation, and many other disorders.
Wanted. A good Agent in every city.
town and village in the United States, to
take subscriptions for the Commercial Ad-
live labor paper published in America. Sub-
. scription 13.00 a year, in advance. Good in-
aucements will be onerea to Agents. rrue
for terms and full particulars. Address com
mercial Advocate, 52t Montgomery Street,
San Francisco. Cal.
The season of vear is approaching when a
safe and pleasant cathartic is almost a ueces-
suy la ever lamiiy. aaca aa on ue
found in the Yerba Buena Bitters. This won-
ottnincH tn a Mr!H.Qr.rnfl Tinmilaritv in the
short space of four years. No family should
be without it.
Physicians of high standing unhesitating
ly give their indorsement to the ust of the
Uraefenberg-MarshalVs Catholicon for all fe
male complaints. The weak and debilitated
lind wonderful relief from a constant use ol
this valuable remedy. Sold by all druggists.
f 1.50 per bottle.
IIearino Restored. Great invention by
one who was deaf lor 20 years. Send stamp
for particulars. Jxo. Gabmore, Lock-box
yo5, Covington, Ky.
Etna Mowers, with double motion and
latest improvements and "extras," at greatly
reduced prices. Berry & Place, corner Mar
ket and Fremont streets, San Francisco.
Meadows Magic liniment is a sure cure
for Neuralgia, Headaches, Rheumatism, etc.,
r i -i T.l. 11 ... 11 .1 .
or money reiuuuea. it is soia uy an arug
gists, at 50 cts. a bottle. Abrams & Carroll,
Agents, San i rancisco.
CIGARS are made from finest Havana To
bacco. 323 Sacrameuto St.. San Francisco.
Photooeai'qs ol superior finish at Morse's Palace
of Art, in Montgomery street. San Francisco.
Bottkkick A Co.'a Patterns, spring styles. Send
stamp for catalogue. IPost St., San Frauclaco.
Tkktii Savhd. FlUlug Teelh a specialty. Sets of
Teeth from $10 upward. Teeth extracted without
pain. Dli. MOKKFEW, 10 Sutter street, S. F.
All Photographs made at the Xew York Gallery,
No. StS Third St., S. F., are guarauteed to be flr3t claaB
1'rieea to suit the times. J. II. I'irius, Proprietor.
Fob the best Photographs aud the lowest prices go
to the old aud reliable establishment of WM. blifcW,
No. 115 Kearny street, San Francisco, established in
1S51, and formerly located on Montgomery street.
Cuuuuinafura .
And others, not satisfied with the goods and prlcts In
the Interior, would litd It to their advantage to for
ward their orders to the old aud weil-kuowu Grocery
House of C. J. IIawlky & Co., established in ISM.
it has one of the largest and best selected stocK of
goods on the Pacific Coast. Please favor us with your
orders. We guarantee satisfaction or refund the
money. Goods shipped to any depot or boat free of
charge. Do not hesitate to scud your orders. C. J.
UAWLEV & CO., Wholesale and Uetail Grocers, MS
and it 17 Sutter street, San Francisco. P. O. lox 814.
ParcliaHlug Akpiicj.
Any parth-s desirous of having goods purchased for
them in San Fraucisco can do so by addressing Mrs.
W. II. Ashley, who will send samples of goods for
their Inspection. To the laUte-a I would say that I
have a Urst-class establishment lor Dress-making, and
am prepared to execute country orders with dispatch.
Being engaged iu business here I have the advantage
of buying goods direct from the Importers at whole
sale, and would give my patrons the uenent or same.
Goods purchased and sent C. O. D. Send for Circular.
Address Mus. W. U. ASULKV Sutter street.
ltoom 51 San Francisco.
Tickets. .
iL Second St., ban Francisco,
l Meal
cn Mixed Cards
with name.ln case. 13c. 25 no I alike,
Outtit ltii:. Atwater llros., Forestville, Ct.
1 Kitfjiint Varan, Oriental, it ornmg-irlorif, etc., no
J J 4 allXf,lctltt Htime.iuc'. naveiiB.ouumin, . l
$44 s $66
a week at home. Outfit, worth $5,
tree. CD.Pi&l & Ct..Augusia,.Me.
it UMAX HAIK! The Cheapest A No. 1 goods in the
AX city. A. 11. SAMl'bU.N, iu tuconu & t reel, . t
QCARCE COODS, Him.Uh, IMiotos. &c. Sam
J pie A Catalogue, dc. Paris Hook Co. Chicago, 111,
REVOLVERS. Price List Free. Address
Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa,
a f m UTO-il Page Catalogue free. wIESTEIi
AUCll I O & CO., 17 .New Montgomery at.,S. F.
FASCY I.KU VAKUli, Snow flake.
Marble, Ac, no two alike, with name, ID cm..
postpaid. jAbtAU UAitutu...Aatc,i x.
II. 1IAKEK. L.ltlios;ralir
JX 40 Clay St.,
S. r . liondH. Certihcutes ol block.
Checks, Dralts, Notes, Corporation beats, &c. &v.
nrtlAl urn rnrp Seven-shot revolver, with
nClULlCn r ilLC box cartridges. Address
.1. Bown te Son. 136 and i: Wood St.. PlttsHurnh. Pa.
est goods.
Hottom prices. Catalogues tree.
1 ltl Posi btreet, San t rancisco.
frfTTi Pian
ianoiortes. factory and Salesroom, x
lTjier street. Ban, k rancisco.
bend tor Price List.
No. IO TlilrU Mreri. attsii Frauflseu.
LHUI 1 HtlULIIU tuid salable articles.
Hue inducements. For particulars address A.
CuPLIN, 7i Uih street, Uak'and. Cal.
FOli all external diseases of the Horse, has no equal
For Hiile br Traders. Druueists and llarness-mak
eri. MAIN to W1NC11ESTEU. San Francisco.
a day ur made by Agents selling our
Chromos, Crayons, Picture andCuroiuo
Cards. 1Z. samples, worth ., sent.
postpaid, lor fA Centa. illustrated Catalogue n w.
J , H. nut luiiu a awa, dujiua. i r-auiu a ibju.
KAlt TO WItlTK, Send $1 and S-cent
I stamnto W. II. DAILY. 86 Thurlow Block, ban
Francisco, for his Home Teaclier of fruinsn-
Miiip. Teaches plain and ornamental writini; and
flourishing of biros, etc.
double eKtf production of hens, raise chickens
without loss from disease, etc. Sent free to any ad-
ureas. C. r. SlOiNfc., Mission Market, Sau rancisco.
npiin rnn ri ti r
otnu run uwt i
btem-windint; Watches lor
wornitiKmen. 1U. At U. MlLr.S dc SON'S Loan
Otflce, a7, 83 and -tOH Kearny St., ban Fraucisco
effected some wonuertu! cures iu the restoration
of Paralytics and also in Nervous Diseases, bhe has
been lnuuceu to oner tier services to the public. Ap
ply to 31 13th bt., bet. Howard aud Folsom, S. F.
KiilHricnd. in ludia Ink: and Water Colors. The
oldest Copying House ou the Pacific Coast. Send for
circulars to uirAiLt, i5i.ua., x'osi btreet, b. F.
? kinds send to Crosett & Co.. i3 Clay Street, bau
Francisco. They are prompt and reliable eentlemen.
and will supply hands for the farm, hotel or mill, at
short notice.
JV bet made of all sizes, iu bulk, in
ami in aipnaoets. frlce Ust Iree.m i r
SADLtii t CO.. Pacific Coast Agents. I B: l,J
11 Pott btrett, San Francisco. 1 ' '
00 ms. Brevier, ao lbs. Min-
part ot these lonta). all in good order and nearly new
lVtlv "iXirf
type, wuhnce. -n'V;nn-st. b. f. 8tekett.
ou, 31U ft. Nonnareil (or mn
y riiirATE parlors jxd draw-
J. lngt
rooms, or at rtuhl'.c entertainment hi-tvl-d
OOKS. Actur and Etocntioniur
a limited number of pupils. Forms reading ri
and mansges dramatic cubs.
mM nours irom 1(1 a.
m. to U m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Call
or address No. if-0
fost bireer, ban rancisco.
I ADIES and gentlemen, save yonr money. Avoid
A.ih??JSHy.an.d the chances of being crippled
All who are afflicted with hard or sort Corns. Bunions.
Moies. ac.,sc.,bLKti EON'S WAbS will remove
w,,, ,c, uu at once, ami without knife, pain,
soreness or scurntlcation. One application only re
quired. Recommended bv leatlimr rimiiipa frii-r.
Ct;paid 1-5!,I Fetid or offensive Arm-pits,
reel, which arises from riiauuwi n.n,iir,i,Lr
Try the HERB-DISIN FECTOR, an actual and
me oiny reineay or the kind, rrice. Orders svnt to
au part f the country on receipt of price. Address
i iwrtt, m. ij., care of M. Ductus Ferdenan
der IS.. Laboratory. Agent, X15 Kearny St.. S. F.
u- ;.
tut per rallon.
T. W. JACKSON, Sn Fran
Cisco, Sole Agent for the Pa
cific Coast.
Yerba Buena Bitters
Purines the Blood.
Yerla Buena Bitters
Regulates the Liver.
Yerba Buena Bitters
Regulates the BowoIj.
Yerba Buena Bitters
For Biliousness.
Yerba Buena Bitters
For Liver Complaint.
Yerba Buena Bitters
Cure Dyspepsia.
Yerba Buena Bitters
Cures Jaundice.
Yerba Buena Bitters
For Indigestion.
CRANE & BRIGHAM, Agents, S. F.
JULY 4, 1878.
Our own make, extra
and quality.
Fire Crate!
All Sizes, from Gold Chop
to Giants. We are closing out our Fire Works and
oCer Special Iiiluc-ui-iita to the trade.
CHURCH & CO., San Francisco.
Upwards of 58,000
Of these splendid and reliable instruments now In
use in various parts of the world, lhey have no
equal for HwrrtnKH of tout, durability.
and eleirant exterior, combined with a moderate
price. Agency at the Piano aud Organ V arerooms ol
7J53 Market St., S. IP.
t3fXso Agents for the new Musical Stringed In
strumunt known as liunkel't American
Combining the features of the Harp and Guitar.
Its Donularitv Is unnrecedented. over 1"0.000 havine
Dcen soia aunug me past six montiis. i lie cost u so
low as to place it wittiiu me reacli or ail.
ine.,imern is ia inciies long bv w lncnes wine,
weight IV lbs. and is strung with 17 steel aud brats
strings. It requires to be tuned but seldom, which
can be doue by any one, with a Key th.it goes with it
Price or Cillierii. Kilra hitIp. - - M-f.
- Kosrwosil 'iiiti,
Instruction Books, including a selection of Popular
AirB, accompany each Cithern. Any one can learn to
piay ou ine citucru in nail an hour.
SWA Large Stock of Pianos, Orsranit, Sheet
Jlnlo Hint Miixlrnl .11 ercliil !.. at the
Music Store of BANCROFT, KNIGHT & CO.
'IMIIS old and popular hotel has for ft quarter of a
cemury cau'reu 10 uie wanis oi tue pumic. inos,
liRY as, au old Californiau and an experienced gen
tleman, conducts the house, which is a sufficient guar
autee that
Comfort, Wood Llvins, i'lvaiilioea
And the general welfare of guests will be accorded to
ail. The table will be furnished with the tiest the
market affords. Gentlemanly and obllirinir clerks and
careful waiters in attendance. This house is t he most
centrally located of any In the citv. Street cars pass
the dour every two minutes. The hotel coach will
arry passengers to and irom the notice freeof charge,
'rices from !1.50 to S J.Jil per day.
Copying, Enlarging and Retouching.
HThe biet work and hlphpst commission srtven
on mis coast. AaarewcOPVISM," 7 u'Far
rel Nlrvrt. Sua I rHuriHCo.
COKD, PL LLKV, &c, at lowesj
rates. Send fur rlrrnlart v- II
i market
KITTKEUUE & CO., 20 and 2S California St.. S. F.
niiuri-r mm i eaier in t oreign ana uo-
AiSNp- lliestlC IEIICIM. tiood TillkiHir Purrxtu
"'""J "-lull. jrnm OillKlUK t UUHry
Birds a Specialty. Sent C. O. L. to any
v vi ine country, zsenn ior i'rice last.
.- rvearuy aireer, san t rancisco.
113 Sansome Street, San Francisco,
Importers and Dealers in every descrlp
I.IOU oi
Itreeeli and SXuzaEle-Iondlnft
Mi soil I en my 1t.. Man franrturo
St M Hod S on I'EIS tUV.
H. O. FATRIIUK. - - - FcoPitHToa.
Two Concord C.otieM. with U-o name of the
aoiei cn, win always i in waii-ins at t'!e Innaiwr to
convey passKncers to the Hotel tree, i 5yBe sure you
gel into the right Coach: II you do n-.t. Insy will
cunrKU yo:i .
100.000 llos.
r., ..1-1 ... f . .. .. .1 .. . - '
nvnu ill i,wv, 1VUI ttllll Cl);ill, uuuee bacKS Irom
Forty to Sixty-five Cents per Pound.
These Tobaccos ill be found snnerlor tn nnr In ih.
market for the price. We will send them tr, .nunno
address in loU of not less than five (5J pounds, C. O. I)
E. BRIGGS & CO., Tobacconist,
55 and 527 Market St.. San Francisco.
JX. Harness wirli
leather traces, all comiilcte. to
15 . per set. Single Bnuy llarnu'ss, 15 to 65 per set.
o j !r . Tl '"CJoeaeu, wiui sinciios. blue
baddies, on rawhldeor American trees, $1U tot 15 each
Orders by Mail or Express promptly and faithfully
filled aud satisfaction guaranteed, w. DAVIS 41
Market St.. San Frai,eiwo.Wlnlesale Saihllerv Dealer
519 Sacramento St..
San Franc
Aj. priftor of the Old Ports
Franciseo, has leased the above Ho
rtsmouth House, San
III til B unit liatinrnn
the Bame in (food order and repair, will be happy to see
tils old customers, and will endeavor to make them at
home, as at his former location.
202 Sansome Street, San Francisco.
and 4 California St., S. F.,
Solo Agents for the Celebrated
A brand of
Rubber Hose made ex-
rressly for use on the facinc coast,
osts no more and guaranteed to out
last any other made.
11 nriiTf
HUt ft Wof I'liromos
and rraum tn
Do you want the lowest prices and free
If so, a-.'.dress
J I Monroe street. Chlca go
outfits f
S1VKKPM n,K.S " The Patent Elastic, war
ranted never to get shaky on the handle in the hot
test and dryeot cli"'ate. Ask your grocer for it. Man
ufactured only by ROBINSON", FOWLER & CO., 15
and 17 Sacramento Street, San Francisco.
?49 .d-I,
g!' DODGE 6c PIERCE, 22 Kearny
otreet, sail JJTancisco.
.9 Jr
RESPECTFULLY heg leave to inform the public
and parties intending to purchase
Portable Straw-Burning: Engines,
For threshing purpura for 1 STB. 'Ml ' ?. "r !
this season STliAW-BUKNu t-ui.,
to any I have heretofore made, at reasonable pMcea,
and that I will (five a sstisfactory bond to any party
bnyinx an Ennine from me or iny agent ai atotl
will protect them In the use and right of using, and
against all Patent law suit.
JOSEPH ENEIUUT, &an jobc, ..
Boarding School for Young men and uoys.
prFor Catalogue, apply to
JOIIV CAMBI.E. It. A.. I'rlnoipal.
oldest and most complete Commercial col
lege on the coast. Elegant halls -. new lurnuure iiior
oupli lnstrncrion ; practical teachers; high atandlng
with the pnoiic. Students can commence at ey
time. Day and evening esslon. Circulars may be
hart free on application.
r lb Parine Coast,
Contains House Programme of principal Tiieatres
and places of Amusement of San Francho: Theat
rical eossip and general review of cm rent events in
the Dramatic noriu. oeuu tor mic wij.
Annnal Subscription..
...3 OO
Per Month...
In Advance.
320 Sanaoms St., Han Francisco.
1 durable. Adapted to seats of all classes of vehi
cles. Mx difl'ereut sizes. Prir )!!l.. Orders
filled by expres CO. D. Liberal discount to the
trade. Agents Wonted In California, Oregon. Nevada.
Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Washington. Idaho. Ari
zona and New Mexico. Address J. F. PLUM BE,
Manufacturer and Proprietor, corner Main audi ol-
som streets, San Francisco, Cal.
ALBERT 91 A V & tO. N
Ask vour Grocer for It and take noother.as.lt is the
iK-st Soap for family use. Each bar weighs one full
pound. We are afno sole agents for the Pacific Coast
for C17DDELL TOILET M1APS. TheseToiIetSOi.ps
are better than any imported. Remember the name,
(llleta Cream Dry Hop Yeast, warranted to please.
(illrt's Double Extracts, the purest and strongest.
Wlllet Lemon Sugar makes the best lemonade.
Ciillet's Baking Powder, always sure to please.
illlei- goods for sale by ALBERT .VAC & CO.
Wholesale Grocers. and !il California Street.
San Franciseo.
JFSiabit Cured!
Without pain, prostration or loan of business, '"all
correspondence strictly confldenttaL" Price from
to per montn money reiunnea 11 patient
is not relieved. Address Lock, Box IOI . or call up
on K. P. JlL'sKLL.5oa Alaaon ISt. ban Francisco.
Manufacturer of
Office and address, O Geary
street. San Franciseo.
Descriptive circular, blanks
for measurements, with Instruc
tions, and price list free on application.
The Compressed Coffee is in no sense an extract or preparation from coffee, but simply the bent rojrta
carefully selected, roasted, eronnd and compressed after a formula which at once fixes an t permanently re
tains all its exhilarating and refreshing qualities, among which are catfeone (the volatile oil), and the caffeic
acid (or astringent pronerty) which lose nearly if not quite all their virtues before they retch the table of
the consumer. In any of the old methods of preparing coffee for immediate ue. This fact is well understood
by experienced coffee men, and to supp'y the unavoidable deficiencies, cniccory. stale bread, rve. certain
barks and other foreign substances have neeu added, in the way of adulteration, until now the people scarce
ly know what pure coffee is. Ami with the belief tint dealers aud the best c;a.ss of consumers will welf jma
and sustain me in my efforts to supply a pure, wholesome and delicious article, I now offer it direct to the
puDllc. at the same price as the various kinds of prepared coffee.
1 ins c.onee is an equal mixture ot the very best Java
nntler the brand of "MOCHA QUALIT V and those
delicious and wholesome. It never fails to give satisfaction when properly prepared. It is healthful
saves money. It is put up In convenient packages for
For Sale by all Grocers and at the Manufactory,
A. P. ADAMS, Patentee and Manufacturer.
$6,000 in Specials Premiums
Fifty Lamest Cls for tie Western Rural and Yon "Folb" Monthly.
Agents have until July 1, 1878. in which ti complete their Clnbs. "VVe offer among these premiums first
class Farm Lands, Pianos, Organs, Farm Machinery, all kinds of live Stock of high pedigree, etc. "VVe
good pay to sgents in addition to these Special Premiums. The YOOO Foi.liS :ioTIIXV
counts the same In Clubs as Til K WKSTKHX RtUAI.. Til K u kstkkx iii rai.
Leading Agricultural and Family Paper, published by a practical farmer. The YOlXfi FOIKS'
MONTHLY is a large Magazine of 32 pages, containing a large amount of Reading Matter, Sketches
Dialogues for Schools, etc. Send 10 cents for Premium List and special terms to Agents. Address
131 and 153
203 Montgomery St. and 103 Third, S. F.
Business Suits made to order. In U hours, from $jo
Pants made to order In 24 hours, from $3
Fine Diagonal, Cassimere and Scotch Cheviot 8uits,
to order ti5 to ii
Fine Dress Suits to order B tio to
Overcoats, from $0 to &s
Roles of eir-Meanreiiieiit Ment Free.
Agents for Pittsbarg Steel Works.
117 aud HO California t.,
Oil for Family Use.
OII, 130 deg
Fire Test.
Oil., 150 deg. Fire Tent
Inl, 2, and 5 gallon cans!
Faucet and Plain.
uadiaxt on..
18 California St.. Koox 13, - Sas Fbancisoo
Simple, Xura.tlo
n o
therefore cannot be Injured bt
at nr 1 li m ThpT arA mad . t t- .,
'li-tl best materials, and warranted ta
giro satisfaction.
Manufactory, Oakland, Cal.,
Second St., bkt. Broadway
AJfD Wasbixgtox Sts.
1 r the undersigned has pti'
chased the Patbxt Kioht for tue
Paciuc Const. Send for Circulars.
A L. VAN BLAKCO.M, P. O. 15"x
X07. Oakland, Cal. .ITleliMh;
Aeonts Wnnt-d in Every Cmintv.
The Best and Cheapest. Send for Circular.
San Francisco and Saernmento, General Agents for
Pacillc Cuatt. "V
Eclectic Health Institute,
BelnR fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on
the latest aud most scientific principles, together
with pood rooms and board, we with confidence ask
for public patronage. For further particulars ad
dress 31. K. CLAVTO. M. !., lriritor.
NoTelly Beefstea. z::m
h It will positively make the tough.
f est steak tender. It is a perfect suo-
cess. Testimonials irom parties us
ing It would fill a volume. No. 1.
Family Size, 60c. No. 2, Hotel size,
11. Samples sent to box, with circu
lars, etc. postage paid. AGENTS
WANTED Beware of counterfeits
and spurious Imitations. The genu
ine Improver can easily be recog
nized by data of patent on handle
and concave steel cuttlne-oolnts.
TOOT WD-6OS, era W. lkM St.,Clucvs hmlw ul Sal iUnTlSV
P. N. P. Co., (New Series),
Mo. 13
Mineral Specimens
Well mounted on glass, for sale in boxes of one dozen. f
tena tor flescrintlve circular, or c!l it. SSI Cslifor
.nia St..S. F. CHARLES H. DEXISOX.P. O. Box 2.K0.
and Costa Rica, and is put un In handsome s
who once use it will eall for no other. It is purr,
San Francisco, August 10, 1S77.
A.P. Adam; Esq. :
Hving given your Compressed Coffee a thorocgh
trial, with the happiest resuts, I would say that, ia
richness ami de'icacy of flavor, it surpasses anythinc
we have ever used. It is cheapi-r than other cofiee
because of its greater strength and its extraordinary
keeping qualities, w hich woud make it very desira
ble to small consumers. While the Compressed Coffee
can be hart we shall uce no other.
Kespecifully, P. Bkamish,
U13U Howard Street.
San Fbaxcisco, December 8, 1S76.
Mr. A. P. Adams:
Having been a lover and user of coffee for the past
twenty years, and having tried ,nearly everything In
the line of coffee during that time, I can safely say
that I consider your coffee superior to any that I have
ever used: there is a delicacy of flavor and richnesa
to your coffee that I have never bee a able t obtain la
other brands of coffee. Yours, re'peetfu'ly,
Thomas J. Johnston.
San Francisco,
December 8, 1376.
Mr. A. P.
delicious article: and as soon as I cet mv lot of old
coffee used up (icAicA is in the bean) I will use your
Compressed, as it Is economical, and of a niot-t deli
cious flavor. Georgk F. Bcnker,
13 De Boom Street.
Mr. A. P. Adams:
Sir: I have tried yonr Compressed Coffee, and with
out qualification whatever, pronounce It tiellciuu. I.
consider it the bachelor' boon, for it is altcay read,
eatl; and quickly made, and will not deteriorate by
exposure. Yours, truly,
G. V. Pltmftox..
Fifth Avenue, Chicago, UK
1 . .